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La ricerca si è svolta in quattro province lombarde (Milano, Monza e Brianza, Lecco, Varese) e in provincia di Verbania. A livello metodologico si è cercato di ricostruire per intero i riti, concentrandosi non solo sulle feste che... more
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      Popular MusicLiturgyGregorian ChantAmbrosian chant
No século IV, Santo Agostinho, um homem entre a antiguidade e o medievo, entre Roma e África, escreve o tratado De Musica. Nele retoma o imaginário greco-romano sobre a palavra, o canto e a dança, com nítidas influências de Platão e... more
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyPatristicsPhilosophy of Music
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      MusicPaleographyAmbrosian chant
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksPlainchantGregorian ChantMedieval musicology
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      Chant researchAmbrosian chant
This study explores the idea of music being used in interreligious engagements involving Muslims, both so non-Muslims can be aware of Muslim sensitivities and so Muslims can positively contribute to such types of engagement. After... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationPeace and Conflict StudiesLiturgical StudiesEthnomusicology
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      Chant researchAmbrosian chant
Abstract Il repertorio ambrosiano dimostra sovente un’attenzione particolare all’espressività. A tal fine vengono usati dei mezzi musicali quali ripetizioni melodiche oppure cambiamenti repentini di modalità con lo scopo di sottolineare... more
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      Medieval MusicAmbrosian chantRhethorics
In the Mass of the Epiphany, after the singing of the Gospel, the deacon still announces the date of Easter, according to an ancient practice of the Church. There are various textual and musical formulas in the different ritual... more
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      Gregorian ChantLiturgical HistoryAquileiaEpiphany
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      Medieval MusicGregorian ChantMedieval Music TheoryAquileia
In questo saggio si analizza il testo dell'inno "Iam Christe tolle mentium" contenuto nel "Breviarium Ambrosianum" mettendo in luce alcuni interessanti paralleli sia con la letteratura classica sia con quella cristiana.
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      Latin LiteratureHymnologyBenedictine MonasticismAncient Christian Literature
Наименуването на книгата ясно сочи към моста, който съединя-ва западното и източното християнство чрез общите им светци, а в музиката разкрива общите корени на християнската монодия. Това са най-почитаните имена, свързани с дълбоко... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCult of SaintsGregorian Chant
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The special chants found in liturgical books from Como (former suffragan diocese of Aquileia) and their connections with other liturgical areas.
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      LiturgyGregorian ChantStoria del Patriarcato di AquileiaAmbrosian chant
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      Ambrosian chantVercelli
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      Gregorian ChantAncient LiturgiesOld-Roman ChantAmbrosian chant
The special chants found in liturgical books from Como and its relationship with other traditions (Aquileia, Milano etc.)
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      Gregorian ChantAquileiaStoria del Patriarcato di AquileiaAmbrosian chant
SALTO NEL TEMPO - "Escursione a doppio anello sul basso versante orientale del capoluogo della Riviera, celebre per la cascata di Santa Petronilla. Alla scoperta di una delle chiese romaniche più imponenti e significative del Ticino e una... more
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      Medieval HistoryTridentine CatholicismAlpine historyHistory of Roman Catholicism
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      Medieval StudiesManuscript StudiesAmbrosian chantAmbrosian Liturgy
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine LiteratureByzantine Studies
One of the earliest forms of Christian psalmody, the alleluia psalmody, is difficult to explore since in most rites it is preserved only in part. Comparisons between direct and indirect traces of alleluia psalmody from Milan, Rome,... more
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      Gregorian ChantAmbrosian chantGallican Chant
The Lent antiphon "Convertimini omnes simul ad Deum", found in Aquitanian manuscripts, is also present in various North Italian Churches (Ivrea, Vercelli, Como, Monza, Bobbio, Piacenza, Nonantola, Ravenna...) as a processional antiphon;... more
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      Gregorian ChantMedieval LiturgyAmbrosian chantBeneventan Chant
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      Medieval MusicGregorian ChantAmbrosian chant
Intervista del Catholic World Report a dom Alcuin Reid, organizzatore dell'importante Convegno Internazionale "Sacra Liturgia" che quest'anno, giunto al suo IV appuntamento dopo Roma, New York e Londra, si terrà a Milano dal 6 al 9 Giugno... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgical TheologyVeneranda Biblioteca AmbrosianaCatholic Liturgy
A comparative study of the Benedictiones in Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Beneventan, Roman-Frankish, and Old-Roman Chant Table of Contents: (1) The Frankish reception - Form and liturgical function - Notation systems of the Cluniac... more
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      Church MusicLiturgical StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies