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Il volume, dedicato alla memoria degli studiosi Giulio Bresciani Alvarez e Andrea Calore, indaga le vicende del patrimonio storico artistico di Padova durante la seconda guerra mondiale e la ricostruzione compiuta dal soprintendenza... more
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      Cesare BrandiBartolomeo AmmannatiScrovegni ChapelAndriolo De Santi
The cult of the past is a very common topos not only in the humanistic Quattrocento but also in the Middle Ages, and it represents a strong propaganda tool in profane art associated with astronomical and moralistic allegories, frequent in... more
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      Visual propagandaPredicationChristine de PizanAngevins
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      Medieval Wall PaintingsPittura del Duecento e TrecentoVeronaFrescoes
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      Children and FamiliesMedieval WomenChildren's PlayFashion Studies
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    • Altichiero
Il periodo compreso tra la morte di Mastino II (1351) e la fine della signoria scaligera (1387) costituisce un momento cruciale non solo per le sorti politiche, economiche e sociali di Verona, ma anche per le arti e, in particolare, per... more
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      Medieval ArtItalian Gothic PaintingPittura del Duecento e TrecentoVerona
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      Pittura del Duecento e TrecentoVeronaPittura venetaBernabò Visconti in MIlan
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      Flavius JosephusPittura del Duecento e TrecentoVeronaFlavius Josephus, his sources, transmission and reception
This article examines the relationship between architecture in painting and rhetorical theory, proposing that fictive buildings are often a powerful form of visual rhetoric aiming to entice the viewer and showcase the artist's skill.... more
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      Medieval RhetoricRhetorical TheoryHistory of RhetoricHistory of Architectural Representation
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      Patronage (Medieval Studies)Italian late medieval and Renaissance devotional art, ritual, and patronageRenaissance PaduaPadua
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      Medieval HistoryThe Italian communes and signories (1300-1450)Giorgio VasariVerona
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      Medieval Architecture3D Modelling (Architecture)Mendicant OrdersMedieval Art History
Présentation dans le Colloque international dirigé par C. Trottmann, F. Mariani Zini: Metaphysica paupera. La speculation métaphysique humaniste (XIVe XVIe sieècles), 15-17 juin 2002. Lieu : Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance,... more
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      RenaissanceFranciscan StudiesGiottoAndrea Mantegna
Kurz nach 1300 wurde Giotto in die prosperierende norditalienische Kommune Padua gerufen, um dort für die bedeutendsten Auftraggeber der Stadt Wandbilder auszuführen: für die Regierung im Palazzo della Ragione, für die Franziskaner im... more
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      Patronage (Medieval Studies)14th century ItalyGiottoRenaissance Padua