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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingProspective studiesHumansFemale
To our knowledge, no published functional map of the human lower brainstem exists. Our purpose was to use 1.5-T functional MR imaging (fMRI) to visualize the location of cranial nerve (CN) nuclei and other pontine, bulbar, and cervical... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingMedicineBrain MappingCross Correlation
Lyme borreliosis is the most common tick-born infection in Europe. Global climate change expanding the range of tick vectors and an increase in the incidence suggest that this disease will remain an important health issue in the... more
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      Radiation TherapyNuclear medicineAdolescentHumans
Petroclival canal (PCC), which occurs as a result of petrosfenoidal ligament (PSL) calsification is a different passage for the abducens nerve path. During performing the anatomic dissection of petroclival region of a the cadaveric... more
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      TraumaSkullOssificationPetroclival Canal
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      GeneticsHumansFemaleClinical Genetics
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      OphthalmologyMagnetic Resonance ImagingAdolescentVisual acuity
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✓ The microsurgical anatomy of Dorello's canal has been studied in 20 specimens obtained from 10 cadaver heads fixed in formalin. The bow-shaped canal through which courses the abducens nerve before reaching the cavernous sinus is... more
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      NeurosurgeryHumansAbducens nerve palsyClinical Sciences
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      ZoologyAgingCell DifferentiationAnimals
Abducens interneurons project to the medial rectus subdivision of the contralateral oculomotor nucleus and have a role in the mediation of horizontal conjugate gaze. Two types of interneurons have been reported based on shape (fusiform... more
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      MitochondriaCatsAnimalsEndoplasmic Reticulum
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      Acute renal failureCerebrospinal FluidHumansMale
 Lateral rectus palsy with hypotropia constitutes a portion of sixth nerve palsy cases in which only the superior compartment of the lateral rectus is palsied. We present such a case in a 10-year-old girl who presented with a peculiar... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingProspective studiesHumansFemale
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      PerceptionElectrophysiologyNeural NetworksNeural Network
We report the case of a 32-year-old woman with bilateral blowout fractures. She presented with diplopia showing impaired abduction of the left eye soon after trauma. No other orbito-ocular signs, such as exophthalmos, ptosis, or chemosis,... more
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      DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryHumansFemale
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      ZoologyMacacaAnimalsAbducens nerve palsy
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceElectron MicroscopyImmunohistochemistry
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingTreatment OutcomeVisual acuityHumans
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      PerceptionElectrophysiologyNeural NetworksNeural Network
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      BiologyMedicineBiological SciencesCell line
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      NeurologyProspective studiesHumansChronic Disease
1. The aim of the present study is to describe the behaviour of identified second-order vestibular neurones in the alert cat during eye saccades. A selection of neurones which are involved in horizontal eye movements has been made. The... more
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A 17-year-old woman presented with a history of 1-week of headache and 3 days of horizontal diplopia. Examination revealed 20/20 vision in both eyes, no papilledema, and an abduction deficit in her left eye. Lumbar puncture revealed an... more
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      AdolescentMedicineVisual acuityHumans
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      EvolutionAdolescentHumansNeuro ophthalmology
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      ElectrophysiologyNeurophysiologyMammalsBrain Mapping
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      HumansFemaleClinical SciencesAged
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      AlgorithmsBinocular visionVisionHumans
Given reported interactions between vergence and version dynamics, ocular reflexes cannot be properly modelled as separate independent subsystems. Using a model structure compatible with known anatomy, we show that a single bilateral... more
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      AlgorithmsBinocular visionVisionHumans
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      AdolescentHumansPARALYSISAbducens nerve palsy
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      Cognitive ScienceHumansSpinal CordMale
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