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TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation Published: May 21, 2006 Updated: Jan 9, 2012 Author: Joseph Davies Editor: Anne Taussig Abstract This online book is a structured, introductory approach to the basic concepts and principles of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol suite, how the most important protocols function, and their basic configuration in the Microsoft® Windows Vista™, Windows Server® 2008, Windows® XP, and Windows Server 2003 families of operating systems. This book is primarily a discussion of concepts and principles to lay a conceptual foundation for the TCP/IP protocol suite and provides an integrated discussion of both Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This content is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. The terms of use of this document can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/info/cpyright.mspx. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred. © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Active Directory, Windows, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Vista, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Contents Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP ........................................................................................................ 1 Chapter Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 2 History of TCP/IP ................................................................................................................................... 3 The Internet Standards Process ............................................................................................................ 5 Requests for Comments (RFCs) ........................................................................................................ 5 TCP/IP Terminology ............................................................................................................................... 7 TCP/IP Components in Windows........................................................................................................... 9 Configuring the IPv4-based TCP/IP Component in Windows ............................................................ 9 Automatic Configuration ............................................................................................................... 10 Manual Configuration .................................................................................................................... 11 Installing and Configuring the IPv6-based TCP/IP Component in Windows ................................... 12 Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 ................................................................................... 12 Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 ...................................................................................... 13 Name Resolution Files in Windows .................................................................................................. 14 TCP/IP Tools in Windows ................................................................................................................. 14 The Ipconfig Tool .......................................................................................................................... 15 The Ping Tool ............................................................................................................................... 16 Network Monitor ............................................................................................................................... 17 Chapter Summary ................................................................................................................................ 19 Chapter Glossary ................................................................................................................................. 20 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite .................................................... 23 Chapter Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 24 The TCP/IP Protocol Suite ................................................................................................................... 25 Network Interface Layer ................................................................................................................... 25 Internet Layer ................................................................................................................................... 26 Transport Layer ................................................................................................................................ 26 Application Layer .............................................................................................................................. 27 IPv4 Internet Layer ............................................................................................................................... 28 ARP .................................................................................................................................................. 28 ARP Cache ................................................................................................................................... 28 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: i ARP Process ................................................................................................................................ 29 Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) ..................................................................................................... 30 Fragmentation and Reassembly ................................................................................................... 31 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ...................................................................................... 31 Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) ................................................................................. 32 IPv6 Internet Layer ............................................................................................................................... 34 IPv6 .................................................................................................................................................. 34 IPv6 Extension Headers ............................................................................................................... 35 Fragmentation in IPv6 ................................................................................................................... 35 Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6) ..................................................................... 36 Neighbor Discovery (ND) ................................................................................................................. 37 Address Resolution ....................................................................................................................... 38 Router Discovery .......................................................................................................................... 39 Address Autoconfiguration............................................................................................................ 39 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) ................................................................................................. 39 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) .................................................................................................. 41 TCP Ports ......................................................................................................................................... 41 TCP Three-Way Handshake ............................................................................................................ 42 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ........................................................................................................... 43 UDP Ports......................................................................................................................................... 43 Packet Multiplexing and Demultiplexing .............................................................................................. 44 Application Programming Interfaces .................................................................................................... 46 Windows Sockets ............................................................................................................................. 46 NetBIOS ........................................................................................................................................... 47 TCP/IP Naming Schemes in Windows ................................................................................................ 48 Host Names ...................................................................................................................................... 48 NetBIOS Names ............................................................................................................................... 48 Chapter Summary ................................................................................................................................ 50 Chapter Glossary ................................................................................................................................. 51 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing .................................................................................................................... 53 Chapter Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 54 IPv4 Addressing ................................................................................................................................... 55 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: ii IPv4 Address Syntax ........................................................................................................................ 55 Converting from Binary to Decimal ............................................................................................... 56 Converting from Decimal to Binary ............................................................................................... 57 IPv4 Address Prefixes ...................................................................................................................... 58 Prefix Length Notation .................................................................................................................. 58 Dotted Decimal Notation ............................................................................................................... 59 Types of IPv4 Addresses ................................................................................................................. 59 IPv4 Unicast Addresses ................................................................................................................... 60 Internet Address Classes.............................................................................................................. 60 Modern Internet Addresses .......................................................................................................... 62 Public Addresses .......................................................................................................................... 63 Illegal Addresses .......................................................................................................................... 63 Private Addresses ......................................................................................................................... 63 Automatic Private IP Addressing .................................................................................................. 64 Special IPv4 Addresses ................................................................................................................ 65 Unicast IPv4 Addressing Guidelines ............................................................................................ 65 IPv4 Multicast Addresses ................................................................................................................. 66 IPv4 Broadcast Addresses ............................................................................................................... 66 IPv6 Addressing ................................................................................................................................... 68 IPv6 Address Syntax ........................................................................................................................ 68 Converting Between Binary and Hexadecimal ............................................................................. 69 Compressing Zeros ...................................................................................................................... 70 IPv6 Address Prefixes ...................................................................................................................... 70 Types of IPv6 Addresses ................................................................................................................. 70 IPv6 Unicast Addresses ................................................................................................................... 71 Global Unicast Addresses ............................................................................................................ 71 Link-Local Addresses ................................................................................................................... 73 Site-Local Addresses .................................................................................................................... 73 Zone IDs for Local-Use Addresses ............................................................................................... 74 Unique Local Addresses ............................................................................................................... 74 Special IPv6 Addresses ................................................................................................................ 75 Transition Addresses .................................................................................................................... 75 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: iii IPv6 Interface Identifiers ................................................................................................................... 76 EUI-64 Address-based Interface Identifiers .................................................................................. 77 IEEE 802 Address Conversion Example ...................................................................................... 79 Temporary Address Interface Identifiers ...................................................................................... 79 IPv6 Multicast Addresses ................................................................................................................. 80 Solicited-Node Multicast Address ................................................................................................. 81 IPv6 Anycast Addresses .................................................................................................................. 82 IPv6 Addresses for a Host ................................................................................................................ 82 IPv6 Addresses for a Router ............................................................................................................ 83 Comparing IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing ................................................................................................. 84 Chapter Summary ................................................................................................................................ 85 Chapter Glossary ................................................................................................................................. 86 Chapter 4 – Subnetting ......................................................................................................................... 89 Chapter Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 90 Subnetting for IPv4 .............................................................................................................................. 91 Determining the Subnet Prefix of an IPv4 Address Configuration ................................................... 92 Prefix Length Notation .................................................................................................................. 93 Subnet Mask Notation .................................................................................................................. 94 Defining a Prefix Length ................................................................................................................... 95 Subnetting Within an Octet............................................................................................................... 97 Defining the Subnetted Address Prefixes ..................................................................................... 98 Defining the Range of IPv4 Addresses for Each Subnet .............................................................. 99 Subnetting Across an Octet Boundary ........................................................................................... 102 Defining the Subnetted address prefixes.................................................................................... 102 Defining the Range of IPv4 Addresses for Each Subnet ............................................................ 104 Variable Length Subnetting ............................................................................................................ 105 Variable Length Subnetting Example ......................................................................................... 106 Variable Length Subnetting and Routing .................................................................................... 108 Subnetting for IPv6 ............................................................................................................................ 109 Subnetting a Global or Unique Local Address Prefix ..................................................................... 109 Determining the Number of Subnetting Bits ............................................................................... 109 Enumerating Subnetted Address Prefixes .................................................................................. 110 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: iv Variable Length Subnetting ............................................................................................................ 113 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 114 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 115 Chapter 5 – IP Routing ........................................................................................................................ 117 Chapter Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 118 IP Routing Overview .......................................................................................................................... 119 Direct and Indirect Delivery ............................................................................................................ 119 IP Routing Table ............................................................................................................................. 120 Routing Table Entries ................................................................................................................. 120 Static and Dynamic Routing ........................................................................................................... 121 Dynamic Routing ........................................................................................................................ 122 Routing Protocol Technologies ................................................................................................... 122 IPv4 Routing....................................................................................................................................... 124 IPv4 Routing with Windows ............................................................................................................ 124 Contents of the IPv4 Routing Table ............................................................................................ 124 Route Determination Process ..................................................................................................... 125 Determining the Next-Hop Address and Interface ...................................................................... 126 Example Routing Table for an IPv4 Host Running Windows ..................................................... 127 Static IPv4 Routing ......................................................................................................................... 129 Configuring Static IPv4 Routers.................................................................................................. 130 Dynamic IPv4 Routing .................................................................................................................... 130 RIP .............................................................................................................................................. 131 OSPF .......................................................................................................................................... 131 BGP-4 ......................................................................................................................................... 131 Integrating Static and Dynamic Routing ......................................................................................... 132 IPv4 Route Aggregation and Summarization ................................................................................. 133 Route Summarization for Internet Address Classes: Supernetting ............................................ 134 IPv4 Routing Support in Windows .................................................................................................. 135 Static Routing ............................................................................................................................. 135 Dynamic Routing with RIP and OSPF ........................................................................................ 135 Configuring Hosts for IPv4 Routing ................................................................................................ 135 Default Gateway Setting ............................................................................................................. 136 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: v Default Route Metric ................................................................................................................... 137 ICMP Router Discovery .............................................................................................................. 137 Static Routes .............................................................................................................................. 138 Persistent Static Routes ............................................................................................................. 138 RIP Listener ................................................................................................................................ 138 Routing for Disjoint Networks ......................................................................................................... 138 Network Address Translation ......................................................................................................... 140 How Network Address Translation Works .................................................................................. 141 IPv6 Routing....................................................................................................................................... 144 IPv6 Routing Tables ....................................................................................................................... 144 IPv6 Routing Table Entry Types ................................................................................................. 144 Route Determination Process ..................................................................................................... 145 Example Windows IPv6 Routing Table ...................................................................................... 145 IPv6 Routing Protocols ................................................................................................................... 147 RIPng for IPv6 ............................................................................................................................ 147 OSPF for IPv6 ............................................................................................................................. 147 Integrated IS-IS for IPv6 ............................................................................................................. 147 BGP-4 ......................................................................................................................................... 148 IPv6 Route Aggregation and Summarization ................................................................................. 148 Windows Support for IPv6 Static Routing ...................................................................................... 149 Configuring Hosts for IPv6 Routing ................................................................................................ 153 Routing Tools ..................................................................................................................................... 154 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 155 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 156 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol .......................................................................... 159 Chapter Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 160 DHCP Overview ................................................................................................................................. 161 Benefits of Using DHCP ................................................................................................................. 162 Configuring TCP/IP Manually ..................................................................................................... 162 Configuring TCP/IP Using DHCP ............................................................................................... 162 How DHCP Works.............................................................................................................................. 163 DHCP Messages and Client States ............................................................................................... 163 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: vi The Initializing State ................................................................................................................... 165 The Selecting State .................................................................................................................... 166 The Requesting State ................................................................................................................. 168 The Bound State ......................................................................................................................... 169 The Renewing State ................................................................................................................... 170 The Rebinding State ................................................................................................................... 171 Restarting a Windows DHCP Client ........................................................................................... 172 The Windows DHCP Server Service ................................................................................................. 174 Installing the DHCP Server Service ............................................................................................... 174 DHCP and Active Directory Integration .......................................................................................... 175 BOOTP Support ............................................................................................................................. 175 DHCP Server Service Configuration .................................................................................................. 176 Properties of the DHCP Server ...................................................................................................... 176 DHCP Scopes ................................................................................................................................ 177 Configuring a DHCP Scope ........................................................................................................ 177 Deploying Multiple DHCP Servers .............................................................................................. 178 Superscopes................................................................................................................................... 179 Options ........................................................................................................................................... 179 Client Reservations ........................................................................................................................ 181 Fault Tolerance for Client Reservations ..................................................................................... 182 DHCP Options Classes .................................................................................................................. 182 Vendor Classes .......................................................................................................................... 183 User Classes .............................................................................................................................. 183 The DHCP Relay Agent ..................................................................................................................... 185 Installing the DHCP Relay Agent ................................................................................................... 185 Address Autoconfiguration for IPv6 ................................................................................................... 187 Autoconfigured Address States ...................................................................................................... 187 Types of Autoconfiguration ............................................................................................................. 188 Autoconfiguration Process ............................................................................................................. 188 DHCPv6.......................................................................................................................................... 189 DHCPv6 Messages and Message Exchanges ........................................................................... 190 DHCPv6 Support in Windows ........................................................................................................ 192 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: vii Configuring DHCPv6 Scopes and Options ................................................................................. 192 Installing and Configuring the DHCPv6 Relay Agent ................................................................. 193 Using the Ipconfig Tool ...................................................................................................................... 195 Verifying the IP Configuration......................................................................................................... 195 Renewing a Lease .......................................................................................................................... 195 Releasing a Lease .......................................................................................................................... 196 Setting and Displaying the Class ID ............................................................................................... 196 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 197 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 198 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution.................................................................................................... 201 Chapter Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 202 TCP/IP Naming Schemes .................................................................................................................. 203 Host Names Defined ...................................................................................................................... 203 Host Name Resolution Process ......................................................................................................... 204 Resolving Names with a Hosts File ................................................................................................ 205 Resolving Names with LLMNR....................................................................................................... 206 Resolving Names with a DNS Server ............................................................................................ 206 Windows Methods of Resolving Host Names ................................................................................ 207 The Hosts File .................................................................................................................................... 208 IPv4 Entries .................................................................................................................................... 208 IPv6 Entries .................................................................................................................................... 209 The DNS Client Resolver Cache ....................................................................................................... 210 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 212 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 213 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview ................................................................................... 215 Chapter Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 216 The Domain Name System ................................................................................................................ 217 DNS Components .......................................................................................................................... 217 DNS Names.................................................................................................................................... 218 Domains and Subdomains ............................................................................................................. 218 DNS Servers and the Internet ........................................................................................................ 219 Zones .............................................................................................................................................. 220 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: viii Name Resolution................................................................................................................................ 222 DNS Name Resolution Example .................................................................................................... 222 Reverse Queries ............................................................................................................................ 223 Reverse Queries for IPv4 Addresses ......................................................................................... 224 Reverse Queries for IPv6 Addresses ......................................................................................... 225 Caching and TTL ............................................................................................................................ 225 Negative Caching ........................................................................................................................... 225 Round Robin Load Balancing ........................................................................................................ 225 Name Server Roles ............................................................................................................................ 227 Forwarders ..................................................................................................................................... 228 Forwarders in Non-exclusive Mode ............................................................................................ 229 Forwarders in Exclusive Mode.................................................................................................... 229 Caching-Only Name Servers.......................................................................................................... 230 Resource Records and Zones ........................................................................................................... 231 Resource Record Format ............................................................................................................... 231 Resource Record Types ................................................................................................................. 232 Delegation and Glue Records..................................................................................................... 232 The Root Hints File ......................................................................................................................... 233 Zone Transfers ................................................................................................................................... 234 Full Zone Transfer .......................................................................................................................... 234 Incremental Zone Transfer ............................................................................................................. 235 DNS Notify ...................................................................................................................................... 235 DNS Dynamic Update ........................................................................................................................ 237 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 238 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 239 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS ............................................................................................. 241 Chapter Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 242 The DNS Client Service ..................................................................................................................... 243 DNS Client Configuration ............................................................................................................... 243 DHCP Configuration of the DNS Client Service ......................................................................... 243 Manual Configuration of the DNS Client Service Using Network Connections .......................... 243 Manual Configuration Using Netsh ............................................................................................. 246 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: ix Configuration for Remote Access Clients ................................................................................... 247 Configuration of DNS Settings Using Group Policy .................................................................... 247 Name Resolution Behavior............................................................................................................. 248 Name Resolution for FQDNs ...................................................................................................... 248 Name Resolution for Single-Label, Unqualified Domain Names ................................................ 248 Name Resolution for Multiple-Label, Unqualified Domain Names ............................................. 249 The DNS Server Service .................................................................................................................... 250 Installing the DNS Server Service .................................................................................................. 251 DNS and Active Directory............................................................................................................... 252 Active Directory Location Service ............................................................................................... 252 Storage of Zones Integrated with Active Directory ..................................................................... 253 DNS Server Service Configuration .................................................................................................... 255 Properties of the DNS Server ......................................................................................................... 255 Maintaining Zones .......................................................................................................................... 256 Forward Lookup Zones ............................................................................................................... 256 Reverse Lookup Zones ............................................................................................................... 257 Delegation ................................................................................................................................... 258 Zone Transfers ........................................................................................................................... 259 Resource Records .......................................................................................................................... 259 IPv4 Address Records ................................................................................................................ 259 IPv6 Address Records ................................................................................................................ 260 Pointer Records .......................................................................................................................... 260 DNS Traffic Over IPv6 .................................................................................................................... 260 Using Locally Configured Unicast Addresses............................................................................. 260 Using Well-Known Unicast Addresses ....................................................................................... 261 Dynamic Update and Secure Dynamic Update.............................................................................. 261 How Computers Running Windows Update their DNS Names .................................................. 262 DNS Dynamic Update Process .................................................................................................. 263 Configuring DNS Dynamic Update ............................................................................................. 263 Secure Dynamic Update ................................................................................................................ 265 DNS and WINS Integration ............................................................................................................ 265 How WINS Lookup Works .......................................................................................................... 265 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: x WINS Reverse Lookup ............................................................................................................... 266 Using the Nslookup Tool .................................................................................................................... 267 Nslookup Modes ............................................................................................................................. 267 Nslookup Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 267 Examples of Nslookup Usage ........................................................................................................ 267 Example 1: Nslookup in Interactive Mode .................................................................................. 267 Example 2: Nslookup and Forward Queries ............................................................................... 268 Example 3: Nslookup Forward Query Using Another DNS Server ............................................ 268 Example 4: Nslookup Debug Information ................................................................................... 268 Example 5: Nslookup Reverse Query ........................................................................................ 269 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 270 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 271 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery ......................................................................................... 273 Chapter Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 274 End-to-End IPv4 Delivery Process..................................................................................................... 275 IPv4 on the Source Host ................................................................................................................ 275 IPv4 on the Router ......................................................................................................................... 276 IPv4 on the Destination Host .......................................................................................................... 279 Step-by-Step IPv4 Traffic Example .................................................................................................... 281 Network Configuration .................................................................................................................... 281 Web Client .................................................................................................................................. 282 Router 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 283 Router 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 283 Router 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 283 DNS Server ................................................................................................................................. 283 Web Server ................................................................................................................................. 283 Web Traffic Example ...................................................................................................................... 284 DNS Name Query Request Message to the DNS Server .......................................................... 284 DNS Name Query Response Message to the Web Client ......................................................... 286 TCP SYN Segment to the Web Server ....................................................................................... 288 TCP SYN-ACK Segment to the Web Client ............................................................................... 290 TCP ACK Segment to the Web Server ....................................................................................... 291 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: xi HTTP Get Message to the Web Server ...................................................................................... 292 HTTP Get-Response Message to the Web Client ...................................................................... 293 End-to-End IPv6 Delivery Process..................................................................................................... 295 IPv6 on the Source Host ................................................................................................................ 295 IPv6 on the Router ......................................................................................................................... 296 IPv6 on the Destination Host .......................................................................................................... 299 Step-by-Step IPv6 Traffic Example .................................................................................................... 301 Network Configuration .................................................................................................................... 301 Web Client .................................................................................................................................. 302 Router 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 302 Router 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 302 Router 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 302 DNS Server ................................................................................................................................. 303 Web Server ................................................................................................................................. 303 Web Traffic Example ...................................................................................................................... 303 DNS Name Query Request Message to the DNS Server .......................................................... 303 DNS Name Query Response Message to the Web Client ......................................................... 306 TCP SYN-ACK Segment to the Web Client ............................................................................... 309 TCP ACK Segment to the Web Server ....................................................................................... 310 HTTP Get Segment to the Web Server ...................................................................................... 311 HTTP Get-Response Segment to the Web Client ...................................................................... 312 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 314 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 315 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP .................................................................................................... 317 Chapter Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 318 NetBIOS over TCP/IP Overview ........................................................................................................ 319 Enabling NetBIOS over TCP/IP...................................................................................................... 320 NetBIOS Names ............................................................................................................................. 321 Common NetBIOS Names.......................................................................................................... 322 NetBIOS Name Registration, Resolution, and Release ................................................................. 323 Name Registration ...................................................................................................................... 323 Name Resolution ........................................................................................................................ 323 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: xii Name Release ............................................................................................................................ 324 Segmenting NetBIOS Names with the NetBIOS Scope ID ............................................................ 324 NetBIOS Name Resolution ................................................................................................................ 326 Resolving Local NetBIOS Names Using a Broadcast .................................................................... 326 Limitations of Broadcasts ............................................................................................................ 327 Resolving Names with a NetBIOS Name Server ........................................................................... 327 Windows Methods of Resolving NetBIOS Names ......................................................................... 327 NetBIOS Node Types ........................................................................................................................ 329 Using the Lmhosts File ...................................................................................................................... 330 Predefined Keywords ..................................................................................................................... 330 Using a Centralized Lmhosts File .................................................................................................. 331 Creating Lmhosts Entries for Specific NetBIOS Names ................................................................ 332 Name Resolution Problems Using Lmhosts ................................................................................... 333 The Nbtstat Tool................................................................................................................................. 334 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 335 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 336 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview ................................................................ 339 Chapter Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 340 Introduction to WINS .......................................................................................................................... 341 How WINS Works .............................................................................................................................. 342 Name Registration .......................................................................................................................... 342 When a Duplicate Name Is Found .............................................................................................. 342 When WINS Servers are Unavailable ........................................................................................ 343 Name Renewal ............................................................................................................................... 343 Name Refresh Request .............................................................................................................. 343 Name Refresh Response ........................................................................................................... 343 Name Release ................................................................................................................................ 343 Name Resolution ............................................................................................................................ 344 The WINS Client ................................................................................................................................ 345 DHCP Configuration of a WINS Client ........................................................................................... 345 Manual Configuration of the WINS Client Using Network Connections ......................................... 345 Manual Configuration of the WINS Client Using Netsh .................................................................. 346 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: xiii Configuration of the WINS Client for Remote Access Clients ........................................................ 347 The WINS Server Service .................................................................................................................. 348 Installing the WINS Server Service ................................................................................................ 348 Properties of the WINS Server ....................................................................................................... 349 Static Entries for Non-WINS Clients ............................................................................................... 350 Database Replication Between WINS Servers .............................................................................. 351 Push and Pull Operations ........................................................................................................... 353 Configuring a WINS Server as a Push or Pull Partner ............................................................... 354 Configuring Database Replication .............................................................................................. 354 WINS Automatic Replication Partners ........................................................................................ 356 The WINS Proxy ................................................................................................................................ 357 How WINS Proxies Resolve Names .............................................................................................. 357 WINS Proxies and Name Registration ........................................................................................... 358 Configuration of a WINS Proxy ...................................................................................................... 359 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 360 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 361 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering ........................................................ 363 Chapter Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 364 IPsec and Packet Filtering Overview ................................................................................................. 365 IPsec .................................................................................................................................................. 366 Security Properties of IPsec-protected Communications ............................................................... 366 IPsec Protocols .............................................................................................................................. 367 IPsec Modes ................................................................................................................................... 367 Transport Mode .......................................................................................................................... 367 Tunnel Mode ............................................................................................................................... 369 Negotiation Phases ........................................................................................................................ 370 Phase I or Main Mode Negotiation ............................................................................................. 371 Phase II or Quick Mode Negotiation ........................................................................................... 372 Connection Security Rules ............................................................................................................. 372 IPsec Policy Settings ...................................................................................................................... 373 General IPsec Policy Settings .................................................................................................... 373 Rules ........................................................................................................................................... 375 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: xiv Default Response Rule ............................................................................................................... 376 Filter List ..................................................................................................................................... 376 Filter Settings .............................................................................................................................. 377 Filter Action ................................................................................................................................. 377 IPsec Security Methods .............................................................................................................. 379 Custom Security Methods ........................................................................................................... 380 Authentication ............................................................................................................................. 381 Tunnel Endpoint .......................................................................................................................... 382 Connection Type ......................................................................................................................... 382 IPsec for IPv6 Traffic ...................................................................................................................... 383 Packet Filtering .................................................................................................................................. 384 Windows Firewall ........................................................................................................................... 384 Configuring Rules with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Snap-in ........................ 385 Configuring Windows Firewall with Control Panel ...................................................................... 385 How Windows Firewall Works .................................................................................................... 386 Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) ................................................................................................. 387 TCP/IP Filtering .............................................................................................................................. 388 Packet Filtering with Routing and Remote Access ........................................................................ 389 Basic Firewall .............................................................................................................................. 390 IP Packet Filtering ....................................................................................................................... 391 IPv6 Packet Filtering ...................................................................................................................... 392 Windows Firewall ........................................................................................................................ 393 IPv6 Packet Filtering with Routing and Remote Access ............................................................ 393 Basic IPv6 Firewall ..................................................................................................................... 393 IPv6 ICF ...................................................................................................................................... 393 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 395 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 396 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking ........................................................................................... 399 Chapter Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 400 Virtual Private Networking Overview.................................................................................................. 401 Components of a VPN .................................................................................................................... 401 Attributes of a VPN Connection...................................................................................................... 402 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: xv User Authentication .................................................................................................................... 403 Encapsulation ............................................................................................................................. 403 Encryption ................................................................................................................................... 403 Types of VPN Connections ............................................................................................................ 403 Remote Access ........................................................................................................................... 403 Site-to-Site .................................................................................................................................. 405 VPN Protocols .................................................................................................................................... 407 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) ......................................................................................................... 407 Phase 1: PPP Link Establishment .............................................................................................. 407 Phase 2: User Authentication ..................................................................................................... 407 Phase 3: PPP Callback Control .................................................................................................. 409 Phase 4: Invoking Network Layer Protocol(s) ............................................................................ 409 Data-Transfer Phase .................................................................................................................. 409 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) ...................................................................................... 409 Layer Two Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPsec) ................................................................ 410 Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) .................................................................................... 410 Remote Access VPN Connections .................................................................................................... 412 VPN Client Support ........................................................................................................................ 412 Network Connections Folder ...................................................................................................... 412 Connection Manager .................................................................................................................. 412 VPN Server Support ....................................................................................................................... 413 VPN Server Support in Windows Vista ....................................................................................... 414 VPN Server Support in Windows XP .......................................................................................... 415 IP Address Assignment and Routing and Remote Access ............................................................ 415 Obtaining IPv4 Addresses via DHCP ......................................................................................... 415 Obtaining IPv4 Addresses from a Static Address Pool .............................................................. 416 The Process for Setting Up a Remote Access VPN Connection ................................................... 417 Step 1: Logical Link Setup .......................................................................................................... 417 Step 2: PPP Connection Setup .................................................................................................. 419 Step 3: Remote Access VPN Client Registration ....................................................................... 419 Site-to-Site VPN Connections ............................................................................................................ 420 Configuring a Site-to-Site VPN Connection ................................................................................... 421 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: xvi Configuring a Demand-dial Interface .......................................................................................... 421 Connection Example for a Site-to-Site VPN................................................................................... 422 The Connection Process for Site-to-Site VPNs.............................................................................. 424 Using RADIUS for Network Access Authentication ........................................................................... 425 RADIUS Components .................................................................................................................... 425 Access Clients ............................................................................................................................ 426 Access Servers ........................................................................................................................... 426 RADIUS Servers ......................................................................................................................... 426 User Account Databases ............................................................................................................ 426 RADIUS Proxies ......................................................................................................................... 427 NPS or IAS as a RADIUS Server ................................................................................................... 427 Network and Remote Access Policies ........................................................................................ 429 Network or Remote Access Policy Conditions and Restrictions ................................................ 429 NPS or IAS as a RADIUS Proxy .................................................................................................... 430 Connection Request Processing ................................................................................................ 431 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 432 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 433 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies ...................................................................................... 435 Chapter Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 436 Introduction to IPv6 Transition Technologies ..................................................................................... 437 IPv6 Transition Mechanisms .............................................................................................................. 438 Dual Stack or Dual IP Layer Architectures ..................................................................................... 438 DNS Infrastructure .......................................................................................................................... 439 Address Selection Rules ............................................................................................................. 439 IPv6 Over IPv4 Tunneling .............................................................................................................. 440 Tunneling Configurations ............................................................................................................ 440 Types of Tunnels ........................................................................................................................ 441 ISATAP .............................................................................................................................................. 442 Using an ISATAP Router ................................................................................................................ 443 Resolving the ISATAP Name...................................................................................................... 444 Using the netsh interface isatap set router Command ............................................................... 445 Setting up an ISATAP Router......................................................................................................... 445 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: xvii 6to4 .................................................................................................................................................... 446 6to4 Support in Windows ............................................................................................................... 448 Teredo ................................................................................................................................................ 452 Teredo Components ....................................................................................................................... 452 Teredo Addresses .......................................................................................................................... 454 How Teredo Works ......................................................................................................................... 455 Initial Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 455 Initial Communication Between Two Teredo Clients in Different Sites ...................................... 455 Migrating to IPv6 ................................................................................................................................ 458 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 459 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 460 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP ............................................................................................... 463 Chapter Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 464 Identifying the Problem Source .......................................................................................................... 465 Windows Troubleshooting Tools ........................................................................................................ 466 Troubleshooting IPv4 ......................................................................................................................... 468 Verifying IPv4 Connectivity............................................................................................................. 468 Repair the Connection ................................................................................................................ 468 Verify Configuration .................................................................................................................... 469 Manage Configuration ................................................................................................................ 469 Verify Reachability ...................................................................................................................... 470 Check Packet Filtering ................................................................................................................ 471 View and Manage the Local IPv4 Routing Table........................................................................ 472 Verify Router Reliability .............................................................................................................. 472 Verifying DNS Name Resolution for IPv4 Addresses .................................................................... 472 Verify DNS Configuration............................................................................................................ 472 Display and Flush the DNS Client Resolver Cache ................................................................... 473 Test DNS Name Resolution with Ping ........................................................................................ 473 Use the Nslookup Tool to View DNS Server Responses ........................................................... 473 Verifying NetBIOS Name Resolution ............................................................................................. 473 Verify NetBIOS over TCP/IP Configuration ................................................................................ 473 Display and Reload the NetBIOS Name Cache ......................................................................... 474 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: xviii Test NetBIOS Name Resolution with Nbtstat ............................................................................. 474 Verifying IPv4-based TCP Sessions .............................................................................................. 474 Check for Packet Filtering........................................................................................................... 474 Verify TCP Session Establishment ............................................................................................. 475 Verify NetBIOS Sessions ............................................................................................................ 475 Troubleshooting IPv6 ......................................................................................................................... 476 Verifying IPv6 Connectivity............................................................................................................. 476 Verify Configuration .................................................................................................................... 476 Manage Configuration ................................................................................................................ 477 Verify Reachability ...................................................................................................................... 477 Check Packet Filtering ................................................................................................................ 478 View and Manage the IPv6 Routing Table ................................................................................. 479 Verify Router Reliability .............................................................................................................. 479 Verifying DNS Name Resolution for IPv6 Addresses .................................................................... 479 Verify DNS Configuration............................................................................................................ 479 Display and Flush the DNS Client Resolver Cache ................................................................... 480 Test DNS Name Resolution with the Ping Tool .......................................................................... 480 Use the Nslookup Tool to View DNS Server Responses ........................................................... 480 Verifying IPv6-based TCP Connections ......................................................................................... 480 Check for Packet Filtering ........................................................................................................... 480 Verify TCP Connection Establishment ....................................................................................... 481 Chapter Summary .............................................................................................................................. 482 Chapter Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 483 Appendix A – IP Multicast ................................................................................................................... 485 Overview of IP Multicast .................................................................................................................... 486 IP Multicast-Enabled Intranet ......................................................................................................... 486 Host Support for IP Multicast ...................................................................................................... 487 Router Support for IP Multicast .................................................................................................. 487 Multicast Addresses ........................................................................................................................... 490 IPv4 Multicast Addresses ............................................................................................................... 490 Mapping IPv4 Multicast to MAC-Layer Multicast ........................................................................ 490 IPv6 Multicast Addresses ............................................................................................................... 491 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: xix Solicited-Node Address .............................................................................................................. 492 Mapping IPv6 Multicast to MAC-Layer Multicast ........................................................................ 493 Multicast Subnet Membership Management .................................................................................. 493 IGMP for IPv4 ............................................................................................................................. 494 MLD for IPv6 ............................................................................................................................... 494 IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Support in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 ................ 496 IPv4 Multicast Forwarding .............................................................................................................. 496 IGMP Routing Protocol Component ............................................................................................... 496 IGMP Router Mode ..................................................................................................................... 497 IGMP Proxy Mode ...................................................................................................................... 498 IPv4 Multicast Address Allocation with MADCAP .............................................................................. 500 Using Multicast Scopes .................................................................................................................. 500 Reliable Multicast with Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) ............................................................. 502 PGM Overview ............................................................................................................................... 502 Adding and Using the Reliable Multicast Protocol ......................................................................... 503 Adding the Reliable Multicast Protocol ....................................................................................... 503 Writing PGM-enabled Applications ............................................................................................. 503 How PGM and the Reliable Multicast Protocol Works ................................................................... 503 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol ..................................................................... 505 SNMP Overview ................................................................................................................................. 506 The Management Information Base ............................................................................................... 507 The Hierarchical Name Tree....................................................................................................... 507 SNMP Messages ............................................................................................................................ 508 SNMP Communities ....................................................................................................................... 509 How SNMP Works .......................................................................................................................... 510 Windows SNMP Service .................................................................................................................... 512 Installing and Configuring the SNMP Service ................................................................................ 513 Agent Tab ................................................................................................................................... 513 Traps Tab.................................................................................................................................... 514 Security Tab ................................................................................................................................ 514 Evntcmd Tool.................................................................................................................................. 515 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service ........................................................................................ 517 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: xx Computer Browsing Overview ........................................................................................................... 518 Browsing Collection and Distribution .............................................................................................. 519 The Collection Process ............................................................................................................... 519 The Distribution Process ............................................................................................................. 520 Servicing Browse Client Requests ................................................................................................. 521 Obtaining the List of Servers Within its LAN Group ................................................................... 521 Obtaining the List of Servers Within Another LAN Group .......................................................... 522 Obtaining the List of Shares on a Server .................................................................................... 523 The Computer Browser Service on Computers Running Windows Server 2008 .......................... 523 Computer Browser Service Operation on an IPv4 Network .............................................................. 525 Domain Spanning an IPv4 Router .................................................................................................. 525 Collection and Distribution Process ............................................................................................ 526 Servicing Browse Client Requests ............................................................................................. 527 Configuring the Lmhosts File for an Domain that Spans IPv4 Routers ...................................... 528 Multiple Domains Separated By IPv4 Routers ............................................................................... 528 Collection and Distribution Process ............................................................................................ 529 Servicing WINS-enabled Client Requests for Remote Domains ................................................ 530 Servicing non-WINS Client Requests for Remote Domains ....................................................... 532 Workgroup Spanning an IPv4 Router ............................................................................................ 533 Multiple Workgroups Separated By IPv4 Routers .......................................................................... 534 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: xxi TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: xxii Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP Abstract This chapter introduces Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), both as an industry standard protocol suite and as it is supported in the Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP families of operating systems. For the TCP/IP protocol suite, network administrators must understand its past, the current standards process, and the common terms used to describe network devices and portions of a network. For the TCP/IP components in Windows, network administrators must understand the installation and configuration differences of the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4)-based and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)-based components and the primary tools for troubleshooting. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 1 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:          Describe the purpose and history of the TCP/IP protocol suite. Describe the Internet standards process and the purpose of a Request for Comments (RFC) document. Define common terms used in TCP/IP. Describe the advantages of including TCP/IP components in Windows. Describe how to configure the IPv4-based TCP/IP component in Windows. Describe how to install and configure the IPv6-based TCP/IP component in Windows. List and define the set of name resolution files and diagnostic tools used by the TCP/IP components in Windows. Test the TCP/IP components of Windows with the Ipconfig and Ping tools. Install and use Network Monitor. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 2 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP History of TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is an industry standard suite of protocols that is designed for large networks consisting of network segments that are connected by routers. TCP/IP is the protocol that is used on the Internet, which is the collection of thousands of networks worldwide that connect research facilities, universities, libraries, government agencies, private companies, and individuals. The roots of TCP/IP can be traced back to research conducted by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The following list highlights some important TCP/IP milestones:            In 1970, ARPANET hosts started to use Network Control Protocol (NCP), a preliminary form of what would become the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). In 1972, the Telnet protocol was introduced. Telnet is used for terminal emulation to connect dissimilar systems. In the early 1970s, these systems were different types of mainframe computers. In 1973, the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) was introduced. FTP is used to exchange files between dissimilar systems. In 1974, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) was specified in detail. TCP replaced NCP and provided enhanced reliable communication services. In 1981, the Internet Protocol (IP) (also known as IP version 4 [IPv4]) was specified in detail. IP provides addressing and routing functions for end-to-end delivery. In 1982, the Defense Communications Agency (DCA) and ARPA established the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) as the TCP/IP protocol suite. In 1983, ARPANET switched from NCP to TCP/IP. In 1984, the Domain Name System (DNS) was introduced. DNS resolves domain names (such as www.example.com) to IP addresses (such as In 1995, Internet service providers (ISPs) began to offer Internet access to businesses and individuals. In 1996, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) was introduced. The World Wide Web uses HTTP. In 1996, the first set of IP version 6 (IPv6) standards were published. For more information about these protocols and the layers of the TCP/IP protocol architecture, see Chapter 2, "Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite." With the refinement of the IPv6 standards and their growing acceptance, the chapters of this online book make the following definitions:    TCP/IP is the entire suite of protocols defined for use on private networks and the Internet. TCP/IP includes both the IPv4 and IPv6 sets of protocols. IPv4 is the Internet layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite originally defined for use on the Internet. IPv4 is in widespread use today. IPv6 is the Internet layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite that has been recently developed. IPv6 is gaining acceptance today. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 3 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP  IP is the term used to describe features or attributes that apply to both IPv4 and IPv6. For example, an IP address is either an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address. Note Because the term IP indicates IPv4 in most of the TCP/IP implementations today, the term IP will be used for IPv4 in some instances. These references will be made clear in the context of the discussion. When possible, the chapters of this online book will use the term IP (IPv4). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 4 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP The Internet Standards Process Because TCP/IP is the protocol of the Internet, it has evolved based on fundamental standards that have been created and adopted over more than 30 years. The future of TCP/IP is closely associated with the advances and administration of the Internet as additional standards continue to be developed. Although no one organization owns the Internet or its technologies, several organizations oversee and manage these new standards, such as the Internet Society and the Internet Architecture Board. The Internet Society (ISOC) was created in 1992 and is a global organization responsible for the internetworking technologies and applications of the Internet. Although the society’s principal purpose is to encourage the development and availability of the Internet, it is also responsible for the further development of the standards and protocols that allow the Internet to function. The ISOC sponsors the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), a technical advisory group that sets Internet standards, publishes RFCs, and oversees the Internet standards process. The IAB governs the following bodies:    The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) oversees and coordinates the assignment of protocol identifiers used on the Internet. The Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) coordinates all TCP/IP-related research projects. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) solves technical problems and needs as they arise on the Internet and develops Internet standards and protocols. IETF working groups define standards known as RFCs. Requests for Comments (RFCs) The standards for TCP/IP are published in a series of documents called Requests for Comments (RFCs). RFCs describe the internal workings of the Internet. TCP/IP standards are always published as RFCs, although not all RFCs specify standards. Some RFCs provide informational, experimental, or historical information only. An RFC begins as an Internet draft, which is typically developed by one or more authors in an IETF working group. An IETF working group is a group of individuals that has a specific charter for an area of technology in the TCP/IP protocol suite. For example, the IPv6 working group devotes its efforts to furthering the standards of IPv6. After a period of review and a consensus of acceptance, the IETF publishes the final version of the Internet draft as an RFC and assigns it an RFC number. RFCs also receive one of five requirement levels, as listed in Table 1-1. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 5 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP Requirement level Description Required Must be implemented on all TCP/IP-based hosts and gateways. Recommended Encouraged that all TCP/IP-based hosts and gateways implement the RFC specifications. Recommended RFCs are usually implemented. Elective Implementation is optional. Its application has been agreed to but never widely used. Limited use Not intended for general use. Not recommended Not recommended for implementation. Table 1-1 Requirement Levels of RFCs If an RFC is being considered as a standard, it goes through stages of development, testing, and acceptance. Within the Internet standards process, these stages are formally known as maturity levels. Internet standards have one of three maturity levels, as listed in Table 1-2. Maturity levels are determined by the RFC's IETF working group and are independent of requirement levels. Maturity level Description Proposed Standard A Proposed Standard specification is generally stable, has resolved known design choices, is believed to be well understood, has received significant community review, and appears to enjoy enough community interest to be considered valuable. Draft Standard A Draft Standard specification must be well understood and known to be quite stable, both in its semantics and as a basis for developing an implementation. Internet Standard An Internet Standard specification (which may simply be referred to as a Standard) is characterized by a high degree of technical maturity and by a generally held belief that the specified protocol or service provides significant benefit to the Internet community. Table 1-2 Maturity Levels of Internet Standards If an RFC-based standard must change, the IETF publishes a new Internet draft and, after a period of review, a new RFC with a new number. The original RFC is never updated. Therefore, you should verify that you have the most recent RFC on a particular topic or standard. For example, we reference RFCs throughout the chapters of this online book. If you decide to look up the technical details of an Internet standard in its RFC, make sure that you have the latest RFC that describes the standard. You can obtain RFCs from http://www.ietf.org/rfc.html. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 6 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP TCP/IP Terminology The Internet standards use a specific set of terms when referring to network elements and concepts related to TCP/IP networking. These terms provide a foundation for subsequent chapters. Figure 1-1 illustrates the components of an IP network. Figure 1-1 Elements of an IP network Common terms and concepts in TCP/IP are defined as follows:     Node Any device, including routers and hosts, which runs an implementation of IP. Router A node that can forward IP packets not explicitly addressed to itself. On an IPv6 network, a router also typically advertises its presence and host configuration information. Host A node that cannot forward IP packets not explicitly addressed to itself (a non-router). A host is typically the source and the destination of IP traffic. A host silently discards traffic that it receives but that is not explicitly addressed to itself. Upper-layer protocol A protocol above IP that uses IP as its transport. Examples include Internet layer protocols such as the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Transport layer protocols such as the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). (However, Application layer protocols that use TCP and UDP as their transports are not considered upper-layer protocols. File Transfer Protocol [FTP] and Domain Name System [DNS] fall into this category). For TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 7 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP        details of the layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite, see Chapter 2, "Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite." LAN segment A portion of a subnet consisting of a single medium that is bounded by bridges or Layer 2 switches. Subnet One or more LAN segments that are bounded by routers and use the same IP address prefix. Other terms for subnet are network segment and link. Network Two or more subnets connected by routers. Another term for network is internetwork. Neighbor A node connected to the same subnet as another node. Interface The representation of a physical or logical attachment of a node to a subnet. An example of a physical interface is a network adapter. An example of a logical interface is a tunnel interface that is used to send IPv6 packets across an IPv4 network. Address An identifier that can be used as the source or destination of IP packets and that is assigned at the Internet layer to an interface or set of interfaces. Packet The protocol data unit (PDU) that exists at the Internet layer and comprises an IP header and payload. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 8 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP TCP/IP Components in Windows Table 1-3 lists the advantages of the TCP/IP protocol suite and the inclusion of TCP/IP components in Windows. Advantages of the TCP/IP protocol suite Advantages of TCP/IP components in Windows A standard, routable enterprise networking protocol that is the most complete and accepted protocol available. All modern operating systems support TCP/IP, and most large private networks rely on TCP/IP for much of their traffic. TCP/IP components in Windows enable enterprise networking and connectivity for Windows and nonWindows–based computers. A technology for connecting dissimilar systems. Many TCP/IP application protocols were designed to access and transfer data between dissimilar systems. These protocols include HTTP, FTP, and Telnet. TCP/IP components in Windows allow standardsbased connectivity to other operating system platforms. A robust, scaleable, cross-platform client/server framework. TCP/IP components in Windows support the Windows Sockets application programming interface, which developers use to create client/server applications. A method of gaining access to the Internet. Windows-based computers are Internet-ready. Table 1-3 Advantages of the TCP/IP protocol suite and TCP/IP components in Windows Windows includes both an IPv4-based and an IPv6-based TCP/IP component. Configuring the IPv4-based TCP/IP Component in Windows The IPv4-based TCP/IP component in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista is installed by default and appears as the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component in the Network Connections folder. Unlike Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, you can uninstall the IPv4-based TCP/IP component with the netsh interface ipv4 uninstall command. The IPv4-based TCP/IP component in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP is installed by default and appears as the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component in the Network Connections folder. You cannot uninstall the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component. However, you can restore its default configuration by using the netsh interface ip reset command. The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component can be configured to obtain its configuration automatically or from manually specified settings. By default, this component is configured to obtain an address configuration automatically. Figure 1-2 shows the General tab of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog box. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 9 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP Figure 1-2 The General tab of the properties dialog box for the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component Automatic Configuration If you specify automatic configuration, the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component attempts to locate a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server and obtain a configuration when Windows starts. Many TCP/IP networks use DHCP servers that are configured to allocate TCP/IP configuration information to clients on the network. For more information about DHCP, see Chapter 6, "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol." If the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component fails to locate a DHCP server, TCP/IP checks the setting on the Alternate Configuration tab. Figure 1-3 shows this tab. Figure 1-3 The Alternate Configuration tab of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component This tab contains two options: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 10 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP   Automatic Private IP Address If you choose this option, Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) is used. TCP/IP in Windows automatically chooses an IPv4 address from the range to, using the subnet mask of The DHCP client ensures that the IPv4 address that TCP/IP in Windows has chosen is not already in use. If the address is in use, TCP/IP in Windows chooses another IPv4 address and repeats this process for up to 10 addresses. When TCP/IP in Windows has chosen an address that the DHCP client has verified as not in use, TCP/IP in Windows configures the interface with this address. With APIPA, users on single-subnet Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) networks can use TCP/IP without having to perform manual configuration or set up a DHCP server. APIPA does not configure a default gateway. Therefore, only local subnet traffic is possible. User Configured If you choose this option, TCP/IP in Windows uses the configuration that you specify. This option is useful when a computer is used on more than one network, not all of the networks have a DHCP server, and an APIPA configuration is not wanted. For example, you might want to choose this option if you have a laptop computer that you use both at the office and at home. At the office, the laptop uses a TCP/IP configuration from a DHCP server. At home, where no DHCP server is present, the laptop automatically uses the alternate manual configuration. This option provides easy access to home network devices and the Internet and allows seamless operation on both networks, without requiring you to manually reconfigure TCP/IP in Windows. If you specify an APIPA configuration or an alternate manual configuration, TCP/IP in Windows continues to check for a DHCP server in the background every 5 minutes. If TCP/IP finds a DHCP server, it stops using the APIPA or alternate manual configuration and uses the IPv4 address configuration offered by the DHCP server. Manual Configuration To configure the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component manually, also known as creating a static configuration, you must at a minimum assign the following:   IP address An IP (IPv4) address is a logical 32-bit address that is used to identify the interface of an IPv4-based TCP/IP node. Each IPv4 address has two parts: the subnet prefix and the host ID. The subnet prefix identifies all hosts that are on the same physical network. The host ID identifies a host on the network. Each interface on an IPv4-based TCP/IP network requires a unique IPv4 address, such as Subnet mask A subnet mask allows the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component to distinguish the subnet prefix from the host ID. An example of a subnet mask is For more information about IPv4 addresses and subnet masks, see Chapter 3, "IP Addressing," and Chapter 4, "Subnetting." You must configure these parameters for each network adapter in the node that uses the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component. If you want to connect to nodes beyond the local subnet, you must also assign the IPv4 address of a default gateway, which is a router on the local subnet to which the node is attached. The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component sends packets that are destined for remote networks to the default gateway, if no other routes are configured on the local host. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 11 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP You can also manually configure the IPv4 addresses of primary and alternate DNS servers. The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component uses DNS servers to resolve names, such as www.example.com, to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. Figure 1-4 shows an example of a manual configuration for the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component. Figure 1-4 An example of a manual configuration for the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component You can also manually configure the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component using netsh interface ipv4 commands and the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component using netsh interface ip commands at a command prompt. Installing and Configuring the IPv6-based TCP/IP Component in Windows The procedure for installing and manually configuring the IPv6-based TCP/IP component in Windows depends on the version of Windows. All versions of IPv6 in Windows support IPv6 address autoconfiguration. All IPv6 nodes automatically create unique IPv6 addresses for use between neighboring nodes on a subnet. To reach remote locations, each IPv6 host upon startup sends a Router Solicitation message in an attempt to discover the local routers on the subnet. An IPv6 router on the subnet responds with a Router Advertisement message, which the IPv6 host uses to automatically configure IPv6 addresses, the default router, and other IPv6 settings. Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 In Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) component is installed by default and cannot be uninstalled. You do not need to configure the typical IPv6 host manually. However, you can manually configure the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) component through the Windows graphical user interface or with commands in the netsh interface ipv6 context. To manually configure IPv6 settings through the Windows graphical user interface, do the following: 1. From the Network Connections folder, right-click the connection or adapter on which you want to manually configure IPv6, and then click Properties. 2. On the Networking tab for the properties of the connection or adapter, double-click Internet TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 12 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) in the list under This connection uses the following items. Figure 1-5 shows an example of the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) Properties dialog box. Figure 1-5 An example of Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) Properties dialog box For a manually configured address, you must specify an IPv6 address and subnet prefix length (almost always 64). You can also specify the IPv6 addresses of a default gateway and primary and secondary DNS servers. Alternately, you can use the netsh interface ipv6 commands to add addresses or routes and configure other settings. For more information, see Configuring IPv6 with Windows Vista. Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Windows XP with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows Server 2003 were the first versions of Windows to support IPv6 for production use. You install IPv6 as a component in Network Connections; the component is named Microsoft TCP/IP Version 6 in Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft IPv6 Developer Edition in Windows XP with SP1. Unlike the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component, the IPv6 component is not installed by default, and you can uninstall it. You can install the IPv6 component in the following ways:   Using the Network Connections folder. Using the netsh interface ipv6 install command. To install the IPv6 component in Windows Server 2003 using the Network Connections folder, do the following: 1. From the Network Connections folder, right-click any local area connection, and then click Properties. 2. Click Install. 3. In the Select Network Component Type dialog box, click Protocol, and then click Add. 4. In the Select Network Protocol dialog box, click Microsoft TCP/IP Version 6, and then click OK. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 13 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP 5. Click Close to save changes. The IPv6 component in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 has no properties dialog box from which you can configure IPv6 addresses and settings. Configuration should be automatic for IPv6 hosts and manual for IPv6 routers. If a host does require manual configuration, use the netsh interface ipv6 commands to add addresses or routes and configure other settings. If you are configuring a computer running Windows XP with SP1 or later or Windows Server 2003 to be an IPv6 router, then you must use the netsh interface ipv6 commands to manually configure the IPv6 component with address prefixes. For more information about configuring an IPv6 router, see Chapter 5, "IP Routing." Name Resolution Files in Windows The IPv4 and IPv6 components in Windows support the use of name resolution files to resolve the names of destinations, networks, protocols, and services. Table 1-4 lists these name resolution files, which are stored in the Systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. File name Description Hosts Resolves host names to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. For more information, see Chapter 7, "Host Name Resolution." Lmhosts Resolves network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) names to IPv4 addresses. A sample Lmhosts file (Lmhosts.sam) is included by default. You can create a different file named Lmhosts or you can rename or copy Lmhosts.sam to Lmhosts in this folder. For more information, see Chapter 11, "NetBIOS over TCP/IP." Networks Resolves network names to IPv4 address prefixes. Protocol Resolves protocol names to RFC-defined protocol numbers. A protocol number is a field in the IPv4 header that identifies the upper-layer protocol (such as TCP or UDP) to which the IPv4 packet payload should be passed. Services Resolves service names to port numbers and protocol names. Port numbers correspond to fields in the TCP or UDP headers that identify the application using TCP or UDP. Table 1-4 Name Resolution Files in Windows TCP/IP Tools in Windows Table 1-5 lists the TCP/IP diagnostic tools that are included with Windows. You can use these tools to help identify or resolve TCP/IP networking problems. Tool Description Arp Allows you to view and edit the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. The ARP cache maps IPv4 addresses to media access control (MAC) addresses. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 14 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP Windows uses these mappings to send data on the local network. Hostname Displays the host name of the computer. Ipconfig Displays current TCP/IP configuration values for both IPv4 and IPv6. Also used to manage DHCP configuration and the DNS client resolver cache. Lpq Displays the status of print queues on print servers running Line Printer Daemon (LPD) software. Nbtstat Checks the state of current NetBIOS over TCP/IP connections, updates the Lmhosts cache, and determines the registered names and scope ID. Netsh Displays and allows you to administer settings for IPv4 or IPv6 on either the local computer or a remote computer. Netstat Displays statistics and other information about current IPv4 and IPv6 connections. Nslookup Queries a DNS server. Ping Tests IPv4 or IPv6 connectivity to other IP nodes. Route Allows you to view the local IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables and to modify the local IPv4 routing table. Tracert Traces the route that an IPv4 or IPv6 packet takes to a destination. Pathping Traces the route that an IPv4 or IPv6 packet takes to a destination and displays information on packet losses for each router and subnet in the path. Table 1-5 TCP/IP diagnostic tools in Windows After you have configured TCP/IP, you can use the Ipconfig and Ping tools to verify and test the configuration and connectivity to other TCP/IP hosts and networks. The Ipconfig Tool You can use the Ipconfig tool to verify the TCP/IP configuration parameters on a host, including the following:   For IPv4, the IPv4 address, subnet mask, and default gateway. For IPv6, the IPv6 addresses and the default router. Ipconfig is useful in determining whether the configuration is initialized and whether a duplicate IP address is configured. To view this information, type ipconfig at a command prompt. Here is an example of the display of the Ipconfig tool for a computer running Windows XP that is using both IPv4 and IPv6: C:\>ipconfig Windows IP Configuration TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 15 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : wcoast.example.com IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:db8:ffff:f282:204:76ff:fe36:7363 IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : fec0::f282:204:76ff:fe36:7363%2 IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : fe80::204:76ff:fe36:7363 Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : 2001:db8:1:21ad:210:ffff:fed6:58c0 Tunnel adapter Automatic Tunneling Pseudo-Interface: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : wcoast.example.com IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:db8:ffff:f70f:0:5efe: IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : fe80::5efe: Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : fe80::5efe: Type ipconfig /all at a command prompt to view the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of DNS servers, the IPv4 addresses of Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) servers (which resolve NetBIOS names to IP addresses), the IPv4 address of the DHCP server, and lease information for DHCP-configured IPv4 addresses. The Ping Tool After you verify the configuration with the Ipconfig tool, use the Ping tool to test connectivity. The Ping tool is a diagnostic tool that tests TCP/IP configurations and diagnoses connection failures. For IPv4, Ping uses ICMP Echo and Echo Reply messages to determine whether a particular IPv4-based host is available and functional. For IPv6, Ping uses ICMP for IPv6 (ICMPv6) Echo Request and Echo Reply messages. The basic command syntax is ping Destination, in which Destination is either an IPv4 or IPv6 address or a name that can be resolved to an IPv4 or IPv6 address. Here is an example of the display of the Ping tool for an IPv4 destination: C:\>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 16 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms Here is an example of the display of the Ping tool for an IPv6 destination: C:\>ping 2001:db8:1:21ad:210:ffff:fed6:58c0 Pinging 2001:db8:1:21ad:210:ffff:fed6:58c0 from 2001:DB8:1:21ad:204:76ff:fe36:7363 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 2001:db8:1:21ad:210:ffff:fed6:58c0: time<1ms Reply from 2001:db8:1:21ad:210:ffff:fed6:58c0: time<1ms Reply from 2001:db8:1:21ad:210:ffff:fed6:58c0: time<1ms Reply from 2001:db8:1:21ad:210:ffff:fed6:58c0: time<1ms Ping statistics for 2001:db8:1:21ad:210:ffff:fed6:58c0: Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 1ms, Average = 0ms To verify a computer’s configuration and to test for router connections, do the following: 1. Type ipconfig at a command prompt to verify whether the TCP/IP configuration has initialized. 2. Ping the IPv4 address of the default gateway or the IPv6 address of the default router to verify whether they are functioning and whether you can communicate with a node on the local network. 3. Ping the IPv4 or IPv6 address of a remote node to verify whether you can communicate through a router. If you start with step 3 and you are successful, then you can assume that you would be successful with steps 1 and 2. Note You cannot use the Ping tool to troubleshoot connections if packet filtering routers and host-based firewalls are dropping ICMP and ICMPv6 traffic. For more information, see Chapter 13, "Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) and Packet Filtering." Network Monitor You can use Microsoft Network Monitor to simplify troubleshooting complex network problems by monitoring and capturing network traffic for analysis. Network Monitor works by configuring a network adapter to capture all incoming and outgoing packets. You can define capture filters so that only specific frames are saved. Filters can save frames based on source and destination MAC addresses, source and destination protocol addresses, and pattern matches. After a packet is captured, you can use display filtering to further isolate a problem. When a packet has been captured and filtered, Network Monitor interprets and displays the packet data in readable terms. Network Monitor 3.1 is a free download from Microsoft. Windows Server 2003 includes a version of Network Monitor that can capture data for the local computer only. To install Network Monitor in Windows Server 2003, do the following: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 17 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP 1. Click Start, point to Control Panel, click Add or Remove Programs, and then click Add/Remove Windows Components. 2. In the Windows Components wizard, click Management and Monitoring Tools, and then click Details. 3. In Management And Monitoring Tools, select the Network Monitor Tools check box, and then click OK. 4. If you are prompted for additional files, insert the product CD, or type a path to the location of the files on the network. Note To perform this procedure, you must be logged on as a member of the Administrators group on the local computer, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority. If the computer is joined to a domain, members of the Domain Admins group might also be able to perform this procedure. To analyze network traffic with Network Monitor, you must start the capture, generate the network traffic you want to observe, stop the capture, and then view the data. The procedures for capturing and analyzing network traffic vary with the version of Network Monitor. For more information, see the Network Monitor help topics. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 18 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP Chapter Summary The chapter includes the following pieces of key information:         TCP/IP is an industry-standard suite of protocols that are designed for large-scale networks. The TCP/IP protocol suite includes both the IPv4 and IPv6 sets of protocols. The standards for TCP/IP are published in a series of documents called RFCs. On a TCP/IP-based network, a router can forward packets that are not addressed to the router, a host cannot, and a node is either a host or a router. On a TCP/IP-based network, a subnet is one or more LAN segments that are bounded by routers and that use the same IP address prefix, and a network is two or more subnets connected by routers. The IPv4-based TCP/IP component in Windows is the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component in Network Connections. This component is installed by default, and you cannot uninstall it. You configure it either automatically (by using DHCP or an alternate configuration) or manually (by using Network Connections or the Netsh tool). The IPv6-based TCP/IP component in Windows is the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6), Microsoft TCP/IP Version 6, or Microsoft IPv6 Developer Edition component in the Network Connections folder. For Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) component is installed by default. For Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, the IPv6-based TCP/IP component is not installed by default, and you can uninstall it. You configure it either automatically (with IPv6 address autoconfiguration) or manually (by using the Network Connections folder or the Netsh tool). Ipconfig and ping are the primary tools for troubleshooting basic IP configuration and connectivity. You can use Network Monitor to troubleshoot complex network problems by capturing and viewing network traffic for analysis. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 19 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP Chapter Glossary address – An identifier that specifies the source or destination of IP packets and that is assigned at the IP layer to an interface or set of interfaces. APIPA – See Automatic Private IP Addressing. Automatic Private IP Addressing – A feature in Windows that automatically configures a unique IPv4 address from the range through and a subnet mask of APIPA is used when TCP/IP in Windows is configured for automatic addressing, no DHCP server is available, and the Automatic Private IP Address alternate configuration option is chosen. host – A node that is typically the source and a destination of IP traffic. Hosts silently discard received packets that are not addressed to an IP address of the host. interface – The representation of a physical or logical attachment of a node to a subnet. An example of a physical interface is a network adapter. An example of a logical interface is a tunnel interface that is used to send IPv6 packets across an IPv4 network. IP – Features or attributes that apply to both IPv4 and IPv6. For example, an IP address is either an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address. IPv4 – The Internet layer protocols of the TCP/IP protocol suite as defined in RFC 791. IPv4 is in widespread use today. IPv6 – The Internet layer protocols of the TCP/IP protocol suite as defined in RFC 2460. IPv6 is gaining acceptance today. LAN segment – A portion of a subnet that consists of a single medium that is bounded by bridges or Layer 2 switches. neighbor – A node that is connected to the same subnet as another node. network – Two or more subnets that are connected by routers. Another term for network is internetwork. node – Any device, including routers and hosts, which runs an implementation of IP. packet – The protocol data unit (PDU) that exists at the Internet layer and comprises an IP header and payload. Request for Comments (RFC) - An official document that specifies the details for protocols included in the TCP/IP protocol suite. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) creates and maintains RFCs for TCP/IP. RFC – See Request for Comments (RFC). router – A node that can be a source and destination for IP traffic and can also forward IP packets that are not addressed to an IP address of the router. On an IPv6 network, a router also typically advertises its presence and host configuration information. subnet – One or more LAN segments that are bounded by routers and that use the same IP address prefix. Other terms for subnet are network segment and link. TCP/IP – See Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 20 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) – A suite of networking protocols, including both IPv4 and IPv6, that are widely used on the Internet and that provide communication across interconnected networks of computers with diverse hardware architectures and various operating systems. upper-layer protocol – A protocol above IP that uses IP as its transport. Examples of upper-layer protocols include Internet layer protocols such as the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Transport layer protocols such as the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 21 Chapter 1 – Introduction to TCP/IP TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 22 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Abstract This chapter examines the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol suite in greater detail, analyzing its four layers and the core protocols used within each layer. Network administrators must have an understanding of the core protocols in the various layers and their functions to understand how networking applications work, how data is sent from one application to another, and how to interpret network captures. This chapter also discusses the two main application programming interfaces (APIs) that networking applications for the Microsoft Windows operating systems use and the APIs’ naming schemes. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 23 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:         Describe how the TCP/IP protocol suite maps to the Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Open System Interconnection (OSI) models. List the main protocols in the Network Interface, Internet, Transport, and Application layers of the DARPA model. Describe the purpose of the core protocols of the IPv4 Internet layer. Describe the purpose of the core protocols of the IPv6 Internet layer. Describe the purpose and characteristics of the TCP and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) protocols. Explain how IP uses the information in IP packets to deliver data to the correct application on a destination node. Describe the purpose and characteristics of the Windows Sockets and Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) APIs. Describe the purpose and characteristics of the host name and NetBIOS naming schemes used by TCP/IP components in Windows. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 24 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite The TCP/IP Protocol Suite The TCP/IP protocol suite maps to a four-layer conceptual model known as the DARPA model, which was named after the U.S. government agency that initially developed TCP/IP. The four layers of the DARPA model are: Application, Transport, Internet, and Network Interface. Each layer in the DARPA model corresponds to one or more layers of the seven-layer OSI model. Figure 2-1 shows the architecture of the TCP/IP protocol suite. Figure 2-1 The architecture of the TCP/IP protocol suite The TCP/IP protocol suite has two sets of protocols at the Internet layer:   IPv4, also known as IP, is the Internet layer in common use today on private intranets and the Internet. IPv6 is the new Internet layer that will eventually replace the existing IPv4 Internet layer. Network Interface Layer The Network Interface layer (also called the Network Access layer) sends TCP/IP packets on the network medium and receives TCP/IP packets off the network medium. TCP/IP was designed to be independent of the network access method, frame format, and medium. Therefore, you can use TCP/IP to communicate across differing network types that use LAN technologies—such as Ethernet and 802.11 wireless LAN—and WAN technologies—such as Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). By being independent of any specific network technology, TCP/IP can be adapted to new technologies. The Network Interface layer of the DARPA model encompasses the Data Link and Physical layers of the OSI model. The Internet layer of the DARPA model does not take advantage of sequencing and TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 25 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite acknowledgment services that might be present in the Data Link layer of the OSI model. The Internet layer assumes an unreliable Network Interface layer and that reliable communications through session establishment and the sequencing and acknowledgment of packets is the responsibility of either the Transport layer or the Application layer. Internet Layer The Internet layer responsibilities include addressing, packaging, and routing functions. The Internet layer is analogous to the Network layer of the OSI model. The core protocols for the IPv4 Internet layer consist of the following:     The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) resolves the Internet layer address to a Network Interface layer address such as a hardware address. The Internet Protocol (IP) is a routable protocol that addresses, routes, fragments, and reassembles packets. The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) reports errors and other information to help you diagnose unsuccessful packet delivery. The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) manages IP multicast groups. For more information about the core protocols for the IPv4 Internet layer, see "IPv4 Internet Layer" later in this chapter. The core protocols for the IPv6 Internet layer consist of the following:     IPv6 is a routable protocol that addresses and routes packets. The Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6) reports errors and other information to help you diagnose unsuccessful packet delivery. The Neighbor Discovery (ND) protocol manages the interactions between neighboring IPv6 nodes. The Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) protocol manages IPv6 multicast groups. For more information about the core protocols for the IPv6 Internet layer, see "IPv6 Internet Layer" later in this chapter. Transport Layer The Transport layer (also known as the Host-to-Host Transport layer) provides the Application layer with session and datagram communication services. The Transport layer encompasses the responsibilities of the OSI Transport layer. The core protocols of the Transport layer are TCP and UDP. TCP provides a one-to-one, connection-oriented, reliable communications service. TCP establishes connections, sequences and acknowledges packets sent, and recovers packets lost during transmission. In contrast to TCP, UDP provides a one-to-one or one-to-many, connectionless, unreliable communications service. UDP is used when the amount of data to be transferred is small (such as the data that would fit into a single packet), when an application developer does not want the overhead associated with TCP connections, or when the applications or upper-layer protocols provide reliable delivery. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 26 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite TCP and UDP operate over both IPv4 and IPv6 Internet layers. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component of Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP contains separate versions of the TCP and UDP protocols than the Microsoft TCP/IP Version 6 component does. The versions in the Microsoft TCP/IP Version 6 component are functionally equivalent to those provided with the Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 operating systems and contain all the most recent security updates. The existence of separate protocol stacks with their own versions of TCP and UDP is known as a dual stack architecture. The Next Generation TCP/IP stack in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista is a single protocol stack that supports the dual IP layer architecture, in which both IPv4 and IPv6 share common Transport and Network Interface layers (as Figure 2-1 shows). Because there is a single implementation of TCP, TCP traffic over IPv6 can take advantage of all the performance features of the Next Generation TCP/IP stack. These features include all of the performance enhancements of the IPv4 protocol stack of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 and additional enhancements new to the Next Generation TCP/IP stack, such as Receive Window Auto Tuning and Compound TCP. Application Layer The Application layer allows applications to access the services of the other layers, and it defines the protocols that applications use to exchange data. The Application layer contains many protocols, and more are always being developed. The most widely known Application layer protocols help users exchange information:    The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) transfers files that make up pages on the World Wide Web. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) transfers individual files, typically for an interactive user session. The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) transfers mail messages and attachments. Additionally, the following Application layer protocols help you use and manage TCP/IP networks:    The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol resolves a host name, such as www.microsoft.com, to an IP address and copies name information between DNS servers. The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a protocol that routers use to exchange routing information on an IP network. The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) collects and exchanges network management information between a network management console and network devices such as routers, bridges, and servers. Windows Sockets and NetBIOS are examples of Application layer interfaces for TCP/IP applications. For more information, see “Application Programming Interfaces” later in this chapter. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 27 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite IPv4 Internet Layer The IPv4 Internet layer consists of the following protocols:     ARP IP (IPv4) ICMP IGMP The following sections describe each of these protocols in more detail. ARP When IP sends packets over a shared access, broadcast-based networking technology such as Ethernet or 802.11 wireless LAN, the protocol must resolve the media access control (MAC) addresses corresponding to the IPv4 addresses of the nodes to which the packets are being forwarded, also known as the next-hop IPv4 addresses. As RFC 826 defines, ARP uses MAC-level broadcasts to resolve next-hop IPv4 addresses to their corresponding MAC addresses. Based on the destination IPv4 address and the route determination process, IPv4 determines the nexthop IPv4 address and interface for forwarding the packet. IPv4 then hands the IPv4 packet, the nexthop IPv4 address, and the next-hop interface to ARP. If the IPv4 address of the packet’s next hop is the same as the IPv4 address of the packet’s destination, ARP performs a direct delivery to the destination. In a direct delivery, ARP must resolve the IPv4 address of the packet’s destination to its MAC address. If the IPv4 address of the packet’s next hop is not the same as the IPv4 address of the packet’s destination, ARP performs an indirect delivery to a router. In an indirect delivery, ARP must resolve the IPv4 address of the router to its MAC address To resolve the IPv4 address of a packet’s next hop to its MAC address, ARP uses the broadcasting facility on shared access networking technologies (such as Ethernet or 802.11) to send out a broadcast ARP Request frame. In response, the sender receives an ARP Reply frame, which contains the MAC address that corresponds to the IPv4 address of the packet’s next hop. ARP Cache To minimize the number of broadcast ARP Request frames, many TCP/IP protocol implementations incorporate an ARP cache, which is a table of recently resolved IPv4 addresses and their corresponding MAC addresses. ARP checks this cache before sending an ARP Request frame. Each interface has its own ARP cache. Depending on the vendor implementation, the ARP cache can have the following qualities:  ARP cache entries can be dynamic (based on ARP replies) or static. Static ARP cache entries are permanent, and you add them manually using a TCP/IP tool, such as the Arp tool provided with Windows. Static ARP cache entries prevent nodes from sending ARP requests for commonly used local IPv4 addresses, such as those for routers and servers. The problem with static ARP cache entries is that you must manually update them when network adapter equipment changes. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 28 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite  Dynamic ARP cache entries have time-out values associated with them so that they are removed from the cache after a specified period of time. For example, dynamic ARP cache entries for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP are removed after no more than 10 minutes. To view the ARP cache on a Windows–based computer, type arp -a at a command prompt. You can also use the Arp tool to add or delete static ARP cache entries. ARP Process When sending the initial packet as the sending host or forwarding the packet as a router, IPv4 sends the IPv4 packet, the next-hop IPv4 address, and the next-hop interface to ARP. Whether performing a direct or indirect delivery, ARP performs the following process: 1. Based on the next-hop IPv4 address and interface, ARP checks the appropriate ARP cache for an entry that matches the next-hop IPv4 address. If ARP finds an entry, ARP skips to step 6. 2. If ARP does not find an entry, ARP builds an ARP Request frame. This frame contains the MAC and IPv4 addresses of the interface from which the ARP request is being sent and the IPv4 packet's nexthop IPv4 address. ARP then broadcasts the ARP Request frame from the appropriate interface. 3. All nodes on the subnet receive the broadcasted frame and process the ARP request. If the next-hop address in the ARP request corresponds to the IPv4 address assigned to an interface on the subnet, the receiving node updates its ARP cache with the IPv4 and MAC addresses of the ARP requestor. All other nodes silently discard the ARP request. 4. The receiving node that is assigned the IPv4 packet’s next-hop address formulates an ARP reply that contains the requested MAC address and sends the reply directly to the ARP requestor. 5. When the ARP requestor receives the ARP reply, the requestor updates its ARP cache with the address mapping. With the exchange of the ARP request and the ARP reply, both the ARP requestor and ARP responder have each other's address mappings in their ARP caches. 6. The ARP requestor sends the IPv4 packet to the next-hop node by addressing it to the resolved MAC address. Figure 2-2 shows this process. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 29 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Figure 2-2 The ARP address resolution process Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) IPv4 is a datagram protocol primarily responsible for addressing and routing packets between hosts. IPv4 is connectionless, which means that it does not establish a connection before exchanging data, and unreliable, which means that it does not guarantee packet delivery. IPv4 always makes a “best effort” attempt to deliver a packet. An IPv4 packet might be lost, delivered out of sequence, duplicated, or delayed. IPv4 does not attempt to recover from these types of errors. A higher-layer protocol, such as TCP or an application protocol, must acknowledge delivered packets and recover lost packets if needed. IPv4 is defined in RFC 791. An IPv4 packet consists of an IPv4 header and an IPv4 payload. An IPv4 payload, in turn, consists of an upper layer protocol data unit, such as a TCP segment or a UDP message. Figure 2-3 shows the basic structure of an IPv4 packet. Figure 2-3 The basic structure of an IPv4 packet Table 2-1 lists and describes the key fields in the IPv4 header. IP Header Field Description Source IP Address The IPv4 address of the source of the IP packet. Destination IP Address The IPv4 address of the intermediate or final destination of the IPv4 packet. Identification An identifier for all fragments of a specific IPv4 packet, if fragmentation occurs. Protocol An identifier of the upper-layer protocol to which the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 30 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite IPv4 payload must be passed. Checksum A simple mathematical computation used to check for bit-level errors in the IPv4 header. Time-to-Live (TTL) The number of network segments on which the datagram is allowed to travel before a router should discard it. The sending host sets the TTL, and routers decrease the TTL by one when forwarding an IPv4 packet. This field prevents packets from endlessly circulating on an IPv4 network. Table 2-1 Key Fields in the IPv4 Header Fragmentation and Reassembly If a router receives an IPv4 packet that is too large for the network segment on which the packet is being forwarded, IPv4 on the router fragments the original packet into smaller packets that fit on the forwarding network segment. When the packets arrive at their final destination, IPv4 on the destination host reassembles the fragments into the original payload. This process is referred to as fragmentation and reassembly. Fragmentation can occur in environments that have a mix of networking technologies, such as Ethernet or Token Ring. Fragmentation and reassembly work as follows: 1. Before an IPv4 packet is sent, the source places a unique value in the Identification field. 2. A router in the path between the sending host and the destination receives the IPv4 packet and notes that it is larger than the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the network onto which the packet is to be forwarded. 3. IPv4 divides the original IPv4 payload into fragments that fit on the next network. Each fragment receives its own IPv4 header containing:    The original Identification field, which identifies all fragments that belong together. The More Fragments flag, which indicates that other fragments follow. The More Fragments flag is not set on the last fragment, because no other fragments follow it. The Fragment Offset field, which indicates the position of the fragment relative to the original IPv4 payload. When the remote host receives the fragments, it uses the Identification field to identify which fragments belong together and the Fragment Offset field to reassemble the fragments in their proper order to recreate the original IPv4 payload. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ICMP, defined in RFC 792, reports and helps troubleshoot errors for packets that are undeliverable. For example, if IPv4 cannot deliver a packet to the destination host, ICMP on the router or the destination host sends a Destination Unreachable message to the sending host. Table 2-2 lists and describes the most common ICMP messages. ICMP Message Description Echo The Ping tool sends ICMP Echo messages to TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 31 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite troubleshoot network problems by checking IPv4 connectivity to a particular node. Echo Reply Nodes send Echo Reply messages to respond to ICMP Echo messages. Redirect Routers send Redirect messages to inform sending hosts of better routes to destination IPv4 addresses. Source Quench Routers send Source Quench messages to inform sending hosts that their IPv4 packets are being dropped due to congestion at the router. The sending hosts then send packets less frequently. Destination Unreachable Routers and destination hosts send Destination Unreachable messages to inform sending hosts that their packets cannot be delivered. Table 2-3 Common ICMP Messages ICMP contains a series of defined Destination Unreachable messages. Table 2-3 lists and describes the most common messages. Destination Unreachable Message Description Host Unreachable Routers send Host Unreachable messages when they cannot find routes to destination IPv4 addresses. Protocol Unreachable Destination IPv4 nodes send Protocol Unreachable messages when they cannot match the Protocol field in the IPv4 header with an IPv4 client protocol that is currently in use. Port Unreachable IPv4 nodes send Port Unreachable messages when they cannot match the Destination Port field in the UDP header with an application using that UDP port. Fragmentation Needed and DF Set IPv4 routers send Fragmentation Needed and DF Set messages when fragmentation must occur but the sending node has set the Don’t Fragment (DF) flag in the IPv4 header. Table 2-3 Common ICMP Destination Unreachable Messages ICMP does not make IPv4 a reliable protocol. ICMP attempts to report errors and provide feedback on specific conditions. ICMP messages are carried as unacknowledged IPv4 packets and are themselves unreliable. Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Routers and hosts use IGMP to manage membership in IPv4 multicast groups on a subnet. An IPv4 multicast group, also known as a host group, is a set of hosts that listen for IPv4 traffic destined for a specific IPv4 multicast address. IPv4 multicast traffic on a given subnet is sent to a single MAC address but received and processed by multiple IPv4 hosts. A host group member listens on a specific IPv4 multicast address and receives all packets sent to that IPv4 address. For a host to receive IPv4 multicasts, an application must inform IPv4 that it will receive multicasts at a specified IPv4 multicast address. IPv4 then informs the routers on locally attached subnets that it TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 32 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite should receive multicasts sent to the specified IPv4 multicast address. IGMP is the protocol to register host group membership information. IGMP messages take the following forms:    Host group members use the IGMP Host Membership Report message to declare their membership in a specific host group. Routers use the IGMP Host Membership Query message to poll subnets for information about members of host groups. Host group members use the IGMP Leave Group message when they leave a group of which they might be the last member on the subnet. For IPv4 multicasting to span routers across an IPv4 network, routers use multicast routing protocols to communicate host group information. Each router that supports multicast forwarding can then determine how to forward IPv4 multicast traffic. For more information about IP multicasting for both IPv4 and IPv6 networks, see Appendix A, "IP Multicast." Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP support IGMP, IGMP version 2, and IGMP version 3, which RFC 1112, RFC 2236, and RFC 3376 define respectively. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 33 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite IPv6 Internet Layer IPv6 will eventually replace the IPv4 Internet layer protocols in the DARPA model. IPv6 replaces:     IPv4 with IPv6 IPv6 is a routable protocol that addresses, routes, fragments, and reassembles packets. ICMP with ICMPv6 ICMPv6 provides diagnostic functions and reports errors when IPv6 packets cannot be delivered. IGMP with MLD MLD manages IPv6 multicast group membership. ARP with ND ND manages interaction between neighboring nodes, including automatically configuring addresses and resolving next-hop IPv6 addresses to MAC addresses. Software developers do not need to change the protocols at the Transport and Application layers to support operation over an IPv6 Internet layer, except when addresses are part of the payload or part of the data structures maintained by the protocol. For example, software developers must update both TCP and UDP to perform a new checksum, and they must update RIP to send and receive IPv6-based routing information. The IPv6 Internet layer consists of the following protocols:     IPv6 ICMPv6 ND MLD The following sections describe these protocols in more detail. IPv6 Like IPv4, IPv6 is a connectionless, unreliable datagram protocol that is primarily responsible for addressing and routing packets between hosts. RFC 2460 defines IPv6 packet structure. An IPv6 packet consists of an IPv6 header and an IPv6 payload. The IPv6 payload consists of zero or more IPv6 extension headers and an upper layer protocol data unit, such as an ICMPv6 message, a TCP segment, or a UDP message. Figure 2-4 shows the basic structure of an IPv6 packet. Figure 2-4 Basic structure of an IPv6 packet Table 2-4 lists and describes the key fields in the IPv6 header. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 34 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite IPv6 Header Field Description Source Address A 128-bit IPv6 address to identify the original source of the IPv6 packet. Destination Address A 128-bit IPv6 address to identify the intermediate or final destination of the IPv6 packet. Next Header An identifier for either the IPv6 extension header immediately following the IPv6 header or an upper layer protocol, such as ICMPv6, TCP, or UDP. Hop Limit The number of links on which the packet is allowed to travel before being discarded by a router. The sending host sets the hop limit, and routers decrease the hop limit by one when forwarding an IPv6 packet. This field prevents packets from endlessly circulating on an IPv6 network. Table 2-4 Key Fields in the IPv6 Header IPv6 Extension Headers IPv6 payloads can contain zero or more extension headers, which can vary in length. A Next Header field in the IPv6 header indicates the next extension header. Each extension header contains another Next Header field that indicates the next extension header. The last extension header indicates the upper layer protocol (such as TCP, UDP, or ICMPv6), if any, that the upper layer protocol data unit contains. The IPv6 header and extension headers replace the existing IPv4 header and its capability to include options. The new format for extension headers allows IPv6 to be augmented to support future needs and capabilities. Unlike options in the IPv4 header, IPv6 extension headers have no maximum size and can expand to accommodate all the extension data needed for IPv6 communication. RFC 2460 defines the following IPv6 extension headers that all IPv6 nodes must support:       Hop-by-Hop Options header Destination Options header Routing header Fragment header Authentication header Encapsulating Security Payload header Typical IPv6 packets contain no extension headers. Sending hosts add one or more extension headers only if intermediate routers or the destination need to handle a packet in a particular way. Fragmentation in IPv6 In IPv4, if a router receives a packet that is too large for the network segment to which the packet is being forwarded and fragmentation of the packet is allowed, IPv4 on the router fragments the original packet into smaller packets that fit on the forwarding network segment. In IPv6, only the sending host TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 35 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite fragments a packet. If an IPv6 packet is too large, the IPv6 router sends an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message to the sending host and discards the packet. A sending host can fragment packets and destination hosts can reassemble packets through the use of the Fragment extension header. Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6) Like IPv4, IPv6 does not report errors. Instead, IPv6 uses an updated version of ICMP for IPv4. This new version is named ICMPv6, and it performs the common ICMP for IPv4 functions of reporting errors in delivery or forwarding and providing a simple echo service for troubleshooting. The ICMPv6 protocol also provides a message structure for ND and MLD messages. Table 2-5 lists and describes the ICMPv6 messages defined in RFC 4443. ICMPv6 Message Description Echo Request Sending hosts send Echo Request messages to check IPv6 connectivity to a particular node. Echo Reply Nodes send Echo Reply messages to reply to ICMPv6 Echo Request messages. Destination Unreachable Routers or destination hosts send Destination Unreachable messages to inform sending hosts that packets or payloads cannot be delivered. Packet Too Big Routers send Packet Too Big messages to inform sending hosts that packets are too large to forward. Time Exceeded Routers send Time Exceeded messages to inform sending hosts that the hop limit of an IPv6 packet has expired. Parameter Problem Routers send Parameter Problem messages to inform sending hosts when errors were encountered in processing the IPv6 header or an IPv6 extension header. Table 2-5 Common ICMPv6 Messages ICMPv6 contains a series of defined Destination Unreachable messages. Table 2-6 lists and describes the most common messages. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 36 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Destination Unreachable Message Description No Route Found Routers send this message when they cannot find routes to the destination IPv6 addresses in their local IPv6 routing tables. Communication Prohibited by Administrative Policy Routers send this message when a policy configured on the router prohibits communication with the destination. For example, this type of message is sent when a firewall discards a packet. Destination Address Unreachable IPv6 routers send this message when they cannot resolve a destination’s MAC address. Destination Port Unreachable Destination hosts send this message when an IPv6 packet containing a UDP message to a destination UDP port does not correspond to a listening application. Table 2-6 Common ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable Messages ICMPv6 does not make IPv6 a reliable protocol. ICMPv6 attempts to report errors and provide feedback on specific conditions. ICMPv6 messages are carried as unacknowledged IPv6 packets and are themselves unreliable. Neighbor Discovery (ND) ND is a set of ICMPv6 messages and processes that determine relationships between neighboring nodes. ND replaces ARP, ICMP Router Discovery, and ICMP Redirect used in IPv4 and provides additional functionality. Hosts use ND to:   Discover neighboring routers. Discover and automatically configure addresses and other configuration parameters. Routers use ND to:   Advertise their presence, host addresses, and other configuration parameters. Inform hosts of a better next-hop address to forward packets for a specific destination. Nodes (both hosts and routers) use ND to:    Resolve the link-layer address (also known as a MAC address) of a neighboring node to which an IPv6 packet is being forwarded Dynamically advertise changes in MAC addresses. Determine whether a neighbor is still reachable. Table 2-7 lists and describes the ND processes described in RFC 4861. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 37 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Neighbor Discovery Process Description Router discovery The process by which a host discovers its neighboring routers. For more information, see "Router Discovery" later in this chapter. Prefix discovery The process by which hosts discover the subnet prefixes for local subnet destinations. For more information about IPv6 subnet prefixes, see Chapter 3, "IP Addressing." Address autoconfiguration The process for configuring IPv6 addresses for interfaces in either the presence or absence of an address configuration server such as one running Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol version 6 (DHCPv6). For more information, see "Address Autoconfiguration" later in this chapter. Address resolution The process by which nodes resolve a neighbor’s IPv6 address to its MAC address. Address resolution in IPv6 is equivalent to ARP in IPv4. For more information, see "Address Resolution" in this chapter. Next-hop determination The process by which a node determines the next-hop IPv6 address to which a packet is being forwarded based on the destination address. The next-hop address is either the destination address or the address of a neighboring router. Neighbor unreachability detection The process by which a node determines that the IPv6 layer of a neighbor is not capable of sending or receiving packets. Duplicate address detection The process by which a node determines that an address considered for use is not already in use by a neighboring node. Redirect function The process of informing a host of a better first-hop IPv6 address to reach a destination. Table 2-7 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Processes Address Resolution IPv6 address resolution consists of exchanging Neighbor Solicitation and Neighbor Advertisement messages to resolve the next-hop IPv6 address to its corresponding MAC address. The sending host sends a multicast Neighbor Solicitation message on the appropriate interface. The Neighbor Solicitation message includes the MAC address of the sending node. When the target node receives the Neighbor Solicitation message, it updates its neighbor cache (equivalent to the ARP cache) with an entry for the source address and MAC address included in the Neighbor Solicitation message. Next, the target node sends a unicast Neighbor Advertisement message with its MAC address to the sender of the Neighbor Solicitation message. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 38 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite After receiving the Neighbor Advertisement from the target, the sending host updates its neighbor cache with an entry for the target node based upon the included MAC address. At this point, the sending host and the target of the neighbor solicitation can send unicast IPv6 traffic. Router Discovery Router discovery is the process through which hosts attempt to discover the set of routers on the local subnet. In addition to configuring a default router, IPv6 router discovery also configures the following:    The default setting for the Hop Limit field in the IPv6 header. A determination of whether the node should use an address configuration protocol, such as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6), for addresses and other configuration parameters. The list of subnet prefixes defined for the link. Each subnet prefix contains both the IPv6 subnet prefix and its valid and preferred lifetimes. If indicated, the host uses the subnet prefix to create an IPv6 address configuration without using an address configuration protocol. A subnet prefix also defines the range of addresses for nodes on the local link. The IPv6 router discovery processes are the following:    IPv6 routers periodically send multicast Router Advertisement messages on the subnet advertising their existence as routers and other configuration parameters such as address prefixes and the default hop limit. IPv6 hosts on the local subnet receive the Router Advertisement messages and use their contents to configure addresses, a default router, and other configuration parameters. A host that is starting up sends a multicast Router Solicitation message. Upon receipt of a Router Solicitation message, all routers on the local subnet send a unicast Router Advertisement message to the host that sent the router solicitation. The host receives the Router Advertisement messages and uses their contents to configure addresses, a default router, and other configuration parameters. Address Autoconfiguration A highly useful aspect of IPv6 is its ability to automatically configure itself without the use of an address configuration protocol, such as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6). By default, an IPv6 host can configure an address for use on the subnet for each interface. By using router discovery, a host can also determine the addresses of routers, additional addresses, and other configuration parameters. Router Advertisement messages indicate whether an address configuration protocol should be used. RFC 4862 defines IPv6 address autoconfiguration. For more information about IPv6 address autoconfiguration, see Chapter 6 “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.” Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) MLD is the IPv6 equivalent of IGMP version 2 for IPv4. MLD is a set of ICMPv6 messages exchanged by routers and nodes, enabling routers to discover the set of IPv6 multicast addresses for which there are listening nodes for each attached interface. Like IGMPv2, MLD discovers only those multicast addresses that include at least one listener, not the list of individual multicast listeners for each multicast address. RFC 2710 defines MLD. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 39 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Unlike IGMPv2, MLD uses ICMPv6 messages instead of defining its own message structure. The three types of MLD messages are:    Multicast Listener Query Routers use Multicast Listener Query messages to query a subnet for multicast listeners. Multicast Listener Report Multicast listeners use Multicast Listener Report messages to either report interest in receiving multicast traffic for a specific multicast address or to respond to a Multicast Listener Query message. Multicast Listener Done Multicast listeners use Multicast Listener Done messages to report that they might be the last multicast group member on the subnet. Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista also support MLD version 2 (MLDv2), specified in RFC 3810, which allows IPv6 hosts to register interest in source-specific multicast traffic with their local multicast routers. A host running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista can register interest in receiving IPv6 multicast traffic from only specific source addresses (an include list) or from any source except specific source addresses (an exclude list). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 40 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) TCP is a reliable, connection-oriented delivery service. Connection-oriented means that a connection must be established before hosts can exchange data. Reliability is achieved by assigning a sequence number to each segment transmitted. TCP peers, the two nodes using TCP to communicate, acknowledge when they receive data. A TCP segment is the protocol data unit (PDU) consisting of the TCP header and the TCP payload, also known as a segment. For each TCP segment sent containing data, the receiving host must return an acknowledgment (ACK). If an ACK is not received within a calculated time, the TCP segment is retransmitted. RFC 793 defines TCP. Table 2-8 lists and describes the key fields in the TCP header. Field Description Source Port TCP port of sending application. Destination Port TCP port of destination application. Sequence Number Sequence number of the first byte of data in the TCP segment. Acknowledgment Number Sequence number of the next byte the sender expects to receive from its TCP peer. Window Current size of a memory buffer on the host sending this TCP segment to store incoming segments. Checksum A simple mathematical calculation that is used to check for bit-level errors in the TCP segment. Table 2-8 Key fields in the TCP header TCP Ports To use TCP, an application must supply the IP address and TCP port number of the source and destination applications. A port provides a location for sending segments. A unique number identifies each port. TCP ports are distinct and separate from UDP ports even though some of them use the same number. Port numbers below 1024 are well-known ports that the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assigns. Table 2-9 lists a few well-known TCP ports. TCP Port Number Description 20 FTP (data channel) 21 FTP (control channel) 23 Telnet 80 HTTP used for the World Wide Web 139 NetBIOS session service Table 2-9 Well-known TCP Ports For a complete list of assigned TCP ports, see http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 41 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite TCP Three-Way Handshake A TCP connection is initialized through a three-way handshake. The purpose of the three-way handshake is to synchronize the sequence number and acknowledgment numbers of both sides of the connection and to exchange TCP window sizes. The following steps outline the process for the common situation when a client computer contacts a server computer: 1. The client sends a TCP segment to the server with an initial sequence number for the connection and a window size indicating the size of a buffer on the client to store incoming segments from the server. 2. The server sends back a TCP segment containing its chosen initial sequence number, an acknowledgment of the client’s sequence number, and a window size indicating the size of a buffer on the server to store incoming segments from the client. 3. The client sends a TCP segment to the server containing an acknowledgment of the server’s sequence number. TCP uses a similar handshake process to end a connection. This guarantees that both hosts have finished transmitting and that all data was received. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 42 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite User Datagram Protocol (UDP) UDP provides a connectionless datagram service that offers unreliable, best-effort delivery of data transmitted in messages. This means that neither the arrival of datagrams nor the correct sequencing of delivered packets is guaranteed. UDP does not retransmit lost data. UDP messages consist of a UDP header and a UDP payload, also known as a message. RFC 768 defines UDP. Applications use UDP if they do not require an acknowledgment of receipt of data, and they typically transmit small amounts of data at one time. NetBIOS name service, NetBIOS datagram service, and SNMP are examples of services and applications that use UDP. Table 2-10 lists and describes the key fields in the UDP header. Field Description Source Port UDP port of sending application. Destination Port UDP port of destination application. Checksum A simple mathematical calculation that is used to check for bit-level errors in the UDP message. Table 2-10 Key Fields in the UDP Header UDP Ports To use UDP, an application must supply the IP address and UDP port number of the source and destination applications. A port provides a location for sending messages. A unique number identifies each port. UDP ports are distinct and separate from TCP ports even though some of them use the same number. Just like TCP ports, UDP port numbers below 1024 are well-known ports that IANA assigns. Table 2-11 lists a few well-known UDP ports. UDP Port Number Description 53 Domain Name System (DNS) name queries 69 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) 137 NetBIOS name service 138 NetBIOS datagram service 161 SNMP Table 2-11 Well-known UDP ports For a complete list of assigned UDP ports, see http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 43 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Packet Multiplexing and Demultiplexing When a sending host sends an IPv4 or IPv6 packet, it includes information in the packet so that the data within the packet can be delivered to the correct application on the destination. The inclusion of identifiers so that data can be delivered to one of multiple entities in each layer of a layered architecture is known as multiplexing. Multiplexing information for IP packets consists of identifying the node on the network, the IP upper layer protocol, and for TCP and UDP, the port corresponding to the application to which the data is destined. The destination host uses these identifiers to demultiplex, or deliver the data layer by layer, to the correct destination application. The IP packet also includes information for the destination host to send a response. IP contains multiplexing information to do the following:      Identify the sending node (the Source IP Address field in the IPv4 header or the Source Address field in the IPv6 header). Identify the destination node (the Destination IP Address field in the IPv4 header or the Destination Address in the IPv6 header). Identify the upper layer protocol above the IPv4 or IPv6 Internet layer (the Protocol field in the IPv4 header or the Next Header field of the IPv6 header). For TCP segments and UDP messages, identify the application from which the message was sent (the Source Port in the TCP or UDP header). For TCP segments and UDP messages, identify the application to which the message is destined (the Destination Port in the TCP or UDP header). TCP and UDP ports can use any number between 0 and 65,535. Port numbers for client-side applications are typically dynamically assigned when there is a request for service, and IANA preassigns port numbers for well-known server-side applications. The complete list of pre-assigned port numbers is listed on http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers. All of this information is used to provide multiplexing information so that:    The packet can be forwarded to the correct destination. The destination can use the packet payload to deliver the data to the correct application. The receiving application can send a response. When a packet is sent, this information is used in the following ways:    The routers that forward IPv4 or IPv6 packets use the Destination IP Address field in the IPv4 header or the Destination Address in the IPv6 header to deliver the packet to the correct node on the network. The destination node uses the Protocol field in the IPv4 header or the Next Header field of the IPv6 header to deliver the packet payload to the correct upper-layer protocol. For TCP segments and UDP messages, the destination node uses the Destination Port field in the TCP or UDP header to demultiplex the data within the TCP segment or UDP message to the correct application. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 44 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Figure 2-5 shows an example of a DNS Name Query Request message in an IPv4 packet with a destination IP address of being demultiplexed to the DNS service. Figure 2-5 Example of IPv4 packet demultiplexing TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 45 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Application Programming Interfaces Windows networking applications use two main application programming interfaces (APIs) to access TCP/IP services in Windows: Windows Sockets and NetBIOS. Figure 2-6 shows these APIs and the possible data flows when using them. Figure 2-6 Architecture of the Windows Sockets and NetBIOS APIs Some architectural differences between the Windows Sockets and NetBIOS APIs are the following:   NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) is defined for operation over IPv4. Windows Sockets operates over both IPv4 and IPv6. Windows Sockets applications can operate directly over the IPv4 or IPv6 Internet layers, without the use of TCP or UDP. NetBIOS operates over TCP and UDP only. Windows Sockets Windows Sockets is a commonly used, modern API for networking applications in Windows. The TCP/IP services and tools supplied with Windows are examples of Windows Sockets applications. Windows Sockets provides services that allow applications to use a specific IP address and port, initiate and accept a connection to a specific destination IP address and port, send and receive data, and close a connection. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 46 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite There are three types of sockets:    A stream socket, which provides a two-way, reliable, sequenced, and unduplicated flow of data using TCP. A datagram socket, which provides bidirectional flow of data using UDP. A raw socket, which allows protocols to access IP directly, without using TCP or UDP. A socket functions as an endpoint for network communication. An application creates a stream or datagram socket by specifying three items: the IP address of the host, the type of service (TCP for connection-based service and UDP for connectionless), and the port the application is using. Two sockets, one for each end of the connection, form a bidirectional communications path. For raw sockets, the application must specify the entire IP payload. NetBIOS NetBIOS is an older API that provides name management, datagram, and session services to NetBIOS applications. An application program that uses the NetBIOS interface API for network communication can be run on any protocol implementation that supports the NetBIOS interface. Examples of Windows applications and services that use NetBIOS are file and printer sharing and the Computer Browser service. NetBIOS also defines a protocol that functions at the OSI Session layer. This layer is implemented by the underlying protocol implementation, such as NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT), which RFCs 1001 and 1002 define. The NetBIOS name service uses UDP port 137. The NetBIOS datagram service uses UDP port 138. The NetBIOS session service uses TCP port 139. For more information about NetBIOS and NetBT, see Chapter 11, "NetBIOS over TCP/IP." TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 47 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite TCP/IP Naming Schemes in Windows Although IP is designed to work with the 32-bit (IPv4) and 128-bit (IPv6) addresses of sending and destination hosts, computers users are much better at using and remembering names than IP addresses. If a name is used as an alias for an IP address, mechanisms must exist for assigning names to IP addresses, ensuring their uniqueness, and for resolving the name to its IP address. TCP/IP components of Windows use separate mechanisms for assigning and resolving host names (used by Windows Sockets applications) and NetBIOS names (used by NetBIOS applications). Host Names A host name is an alias assigned to an IP node to identify it as a TCP/IP host. The host name can be up to 255 characters long and can contain alphabetic and numeric characters and the “-” and “.” characters. Multiple host names can be assigned to the same host. Windows Sockets applications, such as Internet Explorer and the Ping tool, can use one of two values to refer to the destination: the IP address or a host name. When the user specifies an IP address, name resolution is not needed. When the user specifies a host name, the host name must be resolved to an IP address before IP-based communication with the target resource can begin. Host names can take various forms. The two most common forms are a nickname and a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). A nickname is an alias to an IP address that individual people can assign and use. An FQDN is a structured name, such as www.microsoft.com, that follows the Internet conventions used in DNS. For information about how TCP/IP components in Windows resolve host names, see Chapter 7, “Host Name Resolution.” For more information about DNS, see Chapter 8, “Domain Name System Overview.” NetBIOS Names A NetBIOS name is a 16-byte name that identifies a NetBIOS application on the network. A NetBIOS name is either a unique (exclusive) or group (nonexclusive) name. When a NetBIOS application communicates with a specific NetBIOS application on a specific computer, a unique name is used. When a NetBIOS process communicates with multiple NetBIOS applications on multiple computers, a group name is used. The NetBIOS name identifies applications at the Session layer of the OSI model. For example, the NetBIOS Session service operates over TCP port 139. Because all NetBT session requests are addressed to TCP destination port 139, a NetBIOS application must use the destination NetBIOS name when it establishes a NetBIOS session. An example of a process using a NetBIOS name is the file and print sharing server service on a Windows–based computer. When your computer starts up, the server service registers a unique NetBIOS name based on your computer’s name. The exact name used by the server service is the 15character computer name plus a 16th character of 0x20. If the computer name is not 15 characters long, it is padded with spaces up to 15 characters long. Other network services also use the computer name to build their NetBIOS names, and the 16th character is typically used to identify each service. When you attempt to make a file-sharing connection to a computer running Windows by specifying the computer’s name, the Server service on the file server that you specify corresponds to a specific TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 48 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite NetBIOS name. For example, when you attempt to connect to the computer called CORPSERVER, the NetBIOS name corresponding to the Server service is CORPSERVER <20>. (Note the padding using the space character.) Before a file and print sharing connection can be established, a TCP connection must be created. For a TCP connection to be created, the NetBIOS name CORPSERVER <20> must be resolved to an IPv4 address. NetBIOS name resolution is the process of mapping a NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address. For more information about NetBT and NetBIOS name resolution methods, see Chapter 11, “NetBIOS over TCP/IP.” TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 49 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Chapter Summary The key information in this chapter is the following:        The TCP/IP protocol suite maps to the four layers of the DARPA model: Application, Transport, Internet, and Network Interface. The protocols of the IPv4 Internet layer consist of ARP, IP (IPv4), ICMP, and IGMP. The protocols of the IPv6 Internet layer consist of IPv6, ICMPv6, ND, and MLD. The protocols of the Transport layer include TCP and UDP. TCP is a reliable, connection-oriented delivery service. UDP provides a connectionless datagram service that offers unreliable, best-effort delivery of data transmitted in messages. IP packets are multiplexed and demultiplexed between applications based on fields in the IPv4, IPv6, TCP, and UDP headers. TCP/IP components in Windows support two main APIs for networking applications: Windows Sockets and NetBIOS. Windows Sockets is a modern API that allows applications to manage stream sockets, datagram sockets, and raw sockets. NetBIOS is an older API that allows applications to manage NetBIOS names, datagrams, and sessions. TCP/IP components in Windows support two naming schemes for networking applications: host names (used by Windows Sockets applications) and NetBIOS names (used by NetBIOS applications). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 50 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Chapter Glossary address autoconfiguration – The IPv6 ND process of automatically configuring IPv6 addresses on an interface. address resolution – The IPv4 (using ARP) or IPv6 (using ND) process that resolves the MAC address for a next-hop IP address. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) – A protocol that uses broadcast traffic on the local network to resolve an IPv4 address to its MAC address. ARP – See Address Resolution Protocol. ARP cache – A table for each interface of static or dynamically resolved IPv4 addresses and their corresponding MAC addresses. ICMP – See Internet Control Message Protocol. ICMPv6 – Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6. IGMP – See Internet Group Management Protocol. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) – A protocol in the IPv4 Internet layer that reports errors and provides troubleshooting facilities. Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6) – A protocol in the IPv6 Internet layer that reports errors, provides troubleshooting facilities, and hosts ND and MLD messages. Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) – A protocol in the IPv4 Internet layer that manages multicast group membership on a subnet. Internet Protocol (IP) – For IPv4, a routable protocol in the IPv4 Internet layer that addresses, routes, fragments, and reassembles IPv4 packets. Also used to denote both IPv4 and IPv6 sets of protocols. IP – See Internet Protocol. IPv4 – The Internet layer in widespread use on the Internet and on private intranets. Another term for IP. IPv6 – The new Internet layer that will eventually replace the IPv4 Internet layer. MLD – See Multicast Listener Discovery. Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) – A set of three ICMPv6 messages that hosts and routers use to manage multicast group membership on a subnet. name resolution – The process of resolving a name to an address. ND – See Neighbor Discovery. neighbor cache – A cache maintained by every IPv6 node that stores the IPv6 address of a neighbor and its corresponding MAC address. The neighbor cache is equivalent to the ARP cache in IPv4. Neighbor Discovery (ND) – A set of ICMPv6 messages and processes that determine relationships between neighboring nodes. Neighbor Discovery replaces ARP, ICMP router discovery, and the ICMP Redirect message used in IPv4. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 51 Chapter 2 – Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) – A standard API for user applications to manage NetBIOS names and access NetBIOS datagram and session services. NetBIOS – See Network Basic Input/Output System. router discovery – A Neighbor Discovery process in which a host discovers the local routers on an attached subnet. TCP – See Transmission Control Protocol. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – A reliable, connection-oriented Transport layer protocol that runs on top of IP. UDP – See User Datagram Protocol User Datagram Protocol (UDP) – An unreliable, connectionless Transport layer protocol that runs on top of IP. Windows Sockets – A commonly used application programming interface (API) that Windows applications use to transfer data using TCP/IP. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 52 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Abstract This chapter describes the details of addressing for both IPv4 and IPv6. Network administrators need a thorough understanding of both types of addressing to administer Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) networks and troubleshoot TCP/IP-based communication. This chapter discusses in detail the types of Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addresses, how they are expressed, and the types of unicast addresses assigned to network node interfaces. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 53 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:         Describe the syntax for IPv4 addresses and address prefixes, and convert between binary and decimal numbers. List the three types of IPv4 addresses, and give examples of each type. Describe the differences between public, private, and illegal IPv4 addresses. Describe the syntax for IPv6 addresses and address prefixes, and convert between binary and hexadecimal numbers. List the three types of IPv6 addresses, and give examples of each type. Describe the differences between global, unique local, and link-local unicast IPv6 addresses. Convert an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802 address to an IPv6 interface identifier. Compare addresses and addressing concepts between IPv4 and IPv6. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 54 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing IPv4 Addressing An IP address is an identifier that is assigned at the Internet layer to an interface or a set of interfaces. Each IP address can identify the source or destination of IP packets. For IPv4, every node on a network has one or more interfaces, and you can enable TCP/IP on each of those interfaces. When you enable TCP/IP on an interface, you assign it one or more logical IPv4 addresses, either automatically or manually. The IPv4 address is a logical address because it is assigned at the Internet layer and has no relation to the addresses that are used at the Network Interface layer. IPv4 addresses are 32 bits long. IPv4 Address Syntax If network administrators expressed IPv4 addresses using binary notation, each address would appear as a 32-digit string of 1s and 0s. Because such strings are cumbersome to express and remember, administrators use dotted decimal notation, in which periods (or dots) separate four decimal numbers (from 0 to 255). Each decimal number, known as an octet, represents 8 bits (1 byte) of the 32-bit address. For example, the IPv4 address 11000000101010000000001100011000 is expressed as in dotted decimal notation. To convert an IPv4 address from binary notation to dotted decimal notation, you:    Segment it into 8-bit blocks: 11000000 10101000 00000011 00011000 Convert each block to decimal: 192 168 3 24 Separate the blocks with periods: When referring to an IPv4 address, use the notation w.x.y.z. Figure 3-1 shows the IPv4 address structure. Figure 3-1 The IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation To become adept at moving between binary and decimal formats, you can review the binary (Base 2) and decimal (Base10) numbering systems and how to convert between them. Although you can use the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 55 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing calculator in Windows to convert between decimal and binary, you will better understand the conversions if you can do them manually. Converting from Binary to Decimal The decimal numbering system uses the digits 0 through 9 and the exponential powers of 10 to express 2 1 0 a number. For example, the decimal number 207 is the sum of 210 + 010 + 710 . The binary numbering system uses the digits 1 and 0 and the exponential powers of 2 to express a number. The 4 3 2 1 0 binary number 11001 is the sum of 12 + 12 + 02 + 02 + 12 . Dotted decimal notation never includes numbers that are larger than 255 because each decimal number represents 8 bits of a 32-bit address. The largest number that 8 bits can express is 11111111 in binary, which is 255 in decimal. Figure 3-2 shows an 8-bit binary number, the bit positions, and their decimal values. Figure 3-2 An 8-bit binary number To manually convert an 8-bit number from binary to decimal (starting at the top of Figure 3-2), do the following: 1. If the eighth bit position equals 1, add 128 to the total. 2. If the seventh bit position equals 1, add 64 to the total. 3. If the sixth bit position equals 1, add 32 to the total. 4. If the fifth bit position equals 1, add 16 to the total. 5. If the fourth bit position equals 1, add 8 to the total. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 56 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing 6. If the third bit position equals to 1, add 4 to the total. 7. If the second bit position equals 1, add 2 to the total. 8. If the first bit position equals to 1, add 1 to the total. For example, for the 8-bit binary number 10111001: 1. The eighth bit position equals 1. Add 128 to the total. The total is now 128. 2. The seventh bit position equals 0. 3. The sixth bit position equals 1. Add 32 to the total. The total is now 160. 4. The fifth bit position equals 1. Add 16 to the total. The total is now 176. 5. The fourth bit position equals 1. Add 8 to the total. The total is now 184. 6. The third bit position equals 0. 7. The second bit position equals 0. 8. The first bit position equals 1. Add 1 to the total. The total is now 185. Therefore, 10111001 in binary is 185 in decimal. In summary, to convert a binary number to its decimal equivalent, total the decimal equivalents for the bit positions that are set to 1. If all 8 bits are set to 1, add 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 to get 255. Converting from Decimal to Binary To manually convert a number up to 255 from decimal notation to binary format (starting at the decimal column of Figure 3-2), do the following: 1. If the number is larger than 127, place a 1 in the eighth bit position, and subtract 128 from the number. Otherwise, place a 0 in the eighth bit position. 2. If the remaining number is larger than 63, place a 1 in the seventh bit position, and subtract 64 from the number. Otherwise, place a 0 in the seventh bit position. 3. If the remaining number is larger than 31, place a 1 in the sixth bit position, and subtract 32 from the number. Otherwise, place a 0 in the sixth bit position. 4. If the remaining number is larger than 15, place a 1 in the fifth bit position, and subtract 16 from the number. Otherwise, place a 0 in the fifth bit position. 5. If the remaining number is larger than 7, place a 1 in the fourth bit position, and subtract 8 from the number. Otherwise, place a 0 in the fourth bit position. 6. If the remaining number is larger than 3, place a 1 in the third bit position, and subtract 4 from the number. Otherwise, place a 0 in the third bit position. 7. If the remaining number is larger than 1, place a 1 in the second bit position, and subtract 2 from the number. Otherwise, place a 0 in the second bit position. 8. If the remaining number equals 1, place a 1 in the first bit position. Otherwise, place a 0 in the first bit position. Here is an example of converting the number 197 from decimal to binary: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 57 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing 1. Because 197 is larger than 127, place a 1 in the eighth bit position, and subtract 128 from 197, leaving 69. The binary number so far is 1xxxxxxx. 2. Because 69 is larger than 63, place a 1 in the seventh bit position, and subtract 64 from 69, leaving 5. The binary number so far is 11xxxxxx. 3. Because 5 is not larger than 31, place a 0 in the sixth bit position. The binary number so far is 110xxxxx. 4. Because 5 is not larger than 15, place a 0 in the fifth bit position. The binary number so far is 1100xxxx. 5. Because 5 is not larger than 7, place a 0 in the fourth bit position. The binary number so far is 11000xxx. 6. Because 5 is larger than 3, place a 1 in the third bit position, and subtract 4 from 5, leaving 1. The binary number so far is 110001xx. 7. Because 1 is not larger than 1, place a 0 in the second bit position. The binary number so far is 1100010x. 8. Because 1 equals 1, place a 1 in the first bit position. The final binary number is 11000101. The decimal number 197 is equal to the binary number 11000101. In summary, to convert from decimal to binary, verify whether the decimal number contains the quantities represented by the bit positions from the eighth bit to the first bit. Starting from the eighth bit quantity (128), if each quantity is present, set the bit in that bit position to 1. For example, the decimal number 211 contains 128, 64, 16, 2, and 1. Therefore, 211 is 11010011 in binary notation. IPv4 Address Prefixes Each bit of a unique IPv4 address has a defined value. However, IPv4 address prefixes express ranges of IPv4 addresses in which zero or more of the high-order bits are fixed at specific values and the rest of the low-order variable bits are set to zero. Address prefixes are routinely used to express a range of allowable addresses, subnet prefixes assigned to subnets, and routes. To express an IPv4 address prefix, you must identify the number of high-order bits that are fixed and their value. Then you can use prefix length notation or dotted decimal notation. Prefix Length Notation If you use prefix length notation, you express address prefixes as StartingAddress/PrefixLength, in which:   StartingAddress is the dotted decimal expression of the first mathematically possible address in the range. To form the starting address, set the fixed bits at their defined values, and set the remaining bits to 0. PrefixLength is the number of high-order bits in the address that are fixed. For example, the IPv4 address prefix specifies a range of 65,536 addresses. The prefix length, 16, specifies that all addresses in the range begin with the same 16 bits as the starting address. Because the first 16 bits of the starting address are fixed at 10000011 01101011 (131 107 in decimal), TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 58 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing all addresses in the range have 131 as the first octet and 107 as the second octet. With 16 variable bits 16 in the last two octets, there is a total of 2 or 65,536 possible addresses. To specify an address prefix using prefix length notation, you create the starting address by setting all variable bits to 0, you convert the address to dotted decimal notation, and then you add a slash and the number of fixed bits (the prefix length) after the starting address. The IPv4 address prefix has 16 fixed bits (10000011 01101011). The starting address is the first 16 bits that are fixed and then the last 16 bits that are set to 0, which is 10000011 01101011 00000000 00000000 or Next, you would add a slash and specify the number of fixed bits (/16) to express the address prefix as Prefix length notation is also known as Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. Dotted Decimal Notation You can also express an IPv4 address prefix length as a 32-bit number in dotted decimal notation. To use this method, set all fixed bits to 1, set all variable bits to 0, and convert the result to dotted decimal notation. Continuing our previous example, set the 16 fixed bits to 1 and the 16 variable bits to 0. The result is 11111111 11111111 00000000 00000000, or The address prefix is expressed as, Expressing the prefix length as a dotted decimal number in this way is also known as network mask or subnet mask notation. Table 3-1 lists the decimal value of an octet when you set the successive high-order bits of an 8-bit number to 1. Number of Bits Binary Decimal 0 00000000 0 1 10000000 128 2 11000000 192 3 11100000 224 4 11110000 240 5 11111000 248 6 11111100 252 7 11111110 254 8 11111111 255 Table 3-1 Decimal Values for Prefix Lengths When you configure IPv4 address prefixes in Windows, you will use subnet mask notation more commonly than prefix length notation. However, you must be familiar with both types of notation because some Windows configuration dialog boxes require you to use prefix length notation rather than subnet mask notation and because IPv6 supports prefix length notation only. Types of IPv4 Addresses Internet standards define the following types of IPv4 addresses:  Unicast TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 59 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing   Assigned to a single network interface located on a specific subnet; used for one-to-one communication. Multicast Assigned to one or more network interfaces located on various subnets; used for one-to-many communication. Broadcast Assigned to all network interfaces located on a subnet; used for one-to-everyone on a subnet communication. The following sections describe these types of addresses in detail. IPv4 Unicast Addresses The IPv4 unicast address identifies an interface’s location on the network in the same way that a street address identifies a house on a city block. Just as a street address must identify a unique residence, an IPv4 unicast address must be globally unique and have a uniform format. Each IPv4 unicast address includes a subnet prefix and a host ID portion.   The subnet prefix (also known as a network identifier or network address) portion of an IPv4 unicast address identifies the set of interfaces that are located on the same physical or logical network segment, whose boundaries are defined by IPv4 routers. A network segment on TCP/IP networks is also known as a subnet or a link. All nodes on the same physical or logical subnet must use the same subnet prefix, and the subnet prefix must be unique within the entire TCP/IP network. The host ID (also known as a host address) portion of an IPv4 unicast address identifies a network node's interface on a subnet. The host ID must be unique within the network segment. Figure 3-3 illustrates the structure of an example unicast IPv4 address. Figure 3-3 Structure of an example unicast IPv4 address If the subnet prefix is unique to the TCP/IP network and the host ID is unique on the network segment, the entire IPv4 unicast address is unique to the entire TCP/IP network. Internet Address Classes The Internet community originally defined address classes to systematically assign address prefixes to networks of varying sizes. The class of address defined how many bits were used for the subnet prefix and how many bits were used for the host ID. Address classes also defined the possible number of networks and the number of hosts per network. Of five address classes, class A, B, and C addresses were reserved for IPv4 unicast addresses. Class D addresses were reserved for IPv4 multicast addresses, and class E addresses were reserved for experimental uses. Class A address prefixes were assigned to networks with very large numbers of hosts. The prefix length of Class A address prefixes is only 8 bits, allowing the remaining 24 bits to identify up to 16,777,214 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 60 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing host IDs. However, the short prefix length limits the number of networks that can receive class A address prefixes to 126. First, the high-order bit in class A address prefixes is always set to 0. That convention decreases the number of class A address prefixes from 256 to 128. Second, addresses in which the first eight bits are set to 00000000 cannot be assigned because they constitute a reserved address prefix. Third, addresses in which the first eight bits are set to 01111111 (127 in decimal) cannot be assigned because they are reserved for loopback addresses. Those last two conventions decrease the number of class A address prefixes from 128 to 126. For any IPv4 address prefix, the two host IDs in which all the host bits are set to 0 (the all-zeros host ID) or to 1 (the all-ones host ID) are reserved and cannot be assigned to network node interfaces. This 24 convention reduces the number of host IDs in each class A network from 16,777,216 (2 ) to 16,777,214. Figure 3-4 illustrates the structure of class A addresses. Figure 3-4 Structure of class A addresses Class B address prefixes were assigned to medium to large-sized networks. In addresses for these networks, the first 16 bits specify a particular network, and the last 16 bits specify a particular host. However, the two high-order bits in a class B address are always set to 10, which makes the address prefix for all class B networks and addresses (or, With 14 bits to express class B address prefixes and 16 bits to express host IDs, class B addresses can be assigned to 16,384 networks with up to 65,534 hosts per network. Figure 3-5 illustrates the structure of class B addresses. Figure 3-5 Structure of class B addresses Class C address prefixes were assigned to small networks. In addresses for these networks, the first 24 bits specify a particular network, and the last 8 bits specify particular hosts. However, the three highorder bits in a class C address prefix are always set to 110, which makes the address prefix for all class C networks and addresses (or, With 21 bits to express class C address prefixes and 8 bits to express host IDs, class C addresses can be assigned to 2,097,152 networks with up to 254 hosts per network. Figure 3-6 illustrates the structure of class C addresses. Figure 3-6 Structure of class C addresses TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 61 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Class D addresses are reserved for IPv4 multicast addresses. The four high-order bits in a class D address are always set to 1110, which makes the address prefix for all class D addresses (or, For more information, see "IPv4 Multicast Addresses" in this chapter. Class E addresses are reserved for experimental use. The high-order bits in a class E address are set to 1111, which makes the address prefix for all class E addresses (or, Table 3-2 summarizes the Internet address classes A, B, and C that can be used for IPv4 unicast addresses. Class Value for w Address Prefix Portion Host ID Portion Address Prefixes Host IDs per Address Prefix A 1-126 w x.y.z 126 16,277,214 B 128-191 w.x y.z 16,384 65,534 C 192-223 w.x.y z 2,097,152 254 Table 3-2 Internet Address Class Summary Modern Internet Addresses The Internet address classes are an obsolete method of allocating unicast addresses because it proved inefficient. For example, a large organization with a class A address prefix can have up to 16,777,214 hosts. However, if the organization uses only 70,000 host IDs, 16,707,214 potential IPv4 unicast addresses for the Internet are wasted. Since 1993, IPv4 address prefixes are assigned to organizations based on the organization's actual need for Internet-accessible IPv4 unicast addresses. This method is known as Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR). For example, an organization determines that it needs 2,000 Internet-accessible IPv4 unicast addresses. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) or an Internet service provider (ISP) allocates an IPv4 address prefix in which 21 bits are fixed, leaving 11 bits for host IDs. From the 11 bits for host IDs, you can create 2,046 possible IPv4 unicast addresses. CIDR-based address allocations typically start at 24 bits for the address prefix and 8 bits for the host ID. Table 3-3 lists the required number of host IDs and the corresponding prefix length for CIDR-based address allocations. Number of Host IDs Prefix Length Dotted Decimal 2–254 /24 255–510 /23 511–1,022 /22 1,021–2,046 /21 2,047–4,094 /20 4,095–8,190 /19 8,191–16,382 /18 16,383–32,766 /17 32,767–65,534 /16 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 62 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Table 3-3 Host ID Requirements and CIDR-based Prefix Lengths Public Addresses If you want direct (routed) connectivity to the Internet, then you must use public addresses. If you want indirect (proxied or translated) connectivity to the Internet, you can use either public or private addresses. If your intranet is not connected to the Internet in any way, you can use any unicast IPv4 addresses that you want. However, you should use private addresses to avoid network renumbering if your intranet ever directly connects to the Internet. ICANN assigns public addresses, which consist of either historically allocated classful address prefixes or, more recently, CIDR-based address prefixes that are guaranteed to be unique on the Internet. For CIDR-based address prefixes, the value of w (the first octet) ranges from 1 to 126 and from 128 to 223, with the exception of the private address prefixes described in the "Private Addresses" section of this chapter. When ICANN assigns a public address prefix to an organization, routes are added to the routers of the Internet so that traffic matching the address prefix can reach the organization. For example, when an organization is assigned an address prefix, that address prefix also exists as a route in the routers of the Internet. IPv4 packets that are sent to an address within the assigned address prefix are routed to the proper destination. Illegal Addresses Private organization intranets that do not need an Internet connection can choose any address scheme they want, even using public address prefixes that ICANN has assigned to other networks. If the private organization later decides to directly connect to the Internet, these addresses could conflict with existing public addresses and become illegal addresses. Organizations with illegal addresses cannot receive traffic at those addresses because the routers of the Internet send traffic destined to ICANN-allocated address prefixes to the assigned organizations, not to the organizations using illegal addresses. For example, a private organization chooses to use the address prefix for its intranet. ICANN has assigned that prefix to the Microsoft Corporation, and routes exist on the Internet routers to send all packets for IPv4 addresses on to Microsoft. As long as the private organization does not connect to the Internet, it has no problem because the two address prefixes are on separate IPv4 networks; therefore, the addresses are unique to each network. If the private organization later connects directly to the Internet and continues to use the address prefix, any traffic sent through the Internet to those addresses will arrive at Microsoft, not the private organization. Private Addresses Each IPv4 interface requires an IPv4 address that is unique within the IPv4 network. In the case of the Internet, each IPv4 interface on a subnet connected to the Internet requires an IPv4 address that is unique within the Internet. As the Internet grew, organizations connecting to it required a public address for each interface on their intranets. This requirement placed a huge demand on the pool of available public addresses. When analyzing the addressing needs of organizations, the designers of the Internet noted that, for many organizations, most of the hosts did not require direct connectivity to the Internet. Those hosts TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 63 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing that did require a specific set of Internet services, such as Web access and e-mail, typically accessed the Internet services through Application layer gateways, such as proxy servers and e-mail servers. The result is that most organizations required only a few public addresses for those nodes (such as proxies, servers, routers, firewalls, and translators) that were directly connected to the Internet. Hosts within the organization that do not require direct access to the Internet required IPv4 addresses that do not duplicate already-assigned public addresses. To solve this addressing problem, the Internet designers reserved a portion of the IPv4 address space for private addresses. IPv4 addresses in the private address space are known as private addresses and never assigned as public addresses. Because the public and private address spaces do not overlap, private addresses never duplicate public addresses. RFC 1918 defines the following address prefixes for the private address space:    (, Allows the following range of valid IPv4 unicast addresses: to The address prefix has 24 host bits that you can use for any addressing scheme within a private organization. (, Allows the following range of valid IPv4 unicast addresses: to The address prefix has 20 host bits that you can use for any addressing scheme within a private organization. (, Allows the following range of valid IPv4 unicast addresses: to The address prefix has 16 host bits that you can use for any addressing scheme within a private organization. Because ICANN will never assign the IPv4 addresses in the private address space to an organization connected to the Internet, Internet routers will never contain routes to private addresses. You cannot connect to a private address over the Internet. Therefore, a host that has a private address must send its Internet traffic requests to an Application layer gateway (such as a proxy server) that has a valid public address or through a network address translation (NAT) device that translates the private address into a valid public address. Automatic Private IP Addressing As described in Chapter 1, "Introduction to TCP/IP," you can configure an interface on a computer running Windows so that the interface obtains an IPv4 address configuration automatically. If the computer does not contact a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, the computer uses its alternate configuration, as specified on the Alternate Configuration tab of the properties dialog box for the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component. If the Automatic Private IP Address option is selected on the Alternate Configuration tab and a DHCP server cannot be found, TCP/IP in Windows uses Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA). The TCP/IP component randomly selects an IPv4 address from the address prefix and assigns the subnet mask of ICANN has reserved this address prefix, and it is not reachable on the Internet. APIPA allows single-subnet Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) networks to TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 64 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing use TCP/IP without requiring an administrator to configure and update static addresses or administer a DHCP server. APIPA does not configure a default gateway. Therefore, you can exchange traffic only with other nodes on the subnet. Special IPv4 Addresses The following are special IPv4 addresses:   Known as the unspecified IPv4 address, it indicates the absence of an address. The unspecified address is used only as a source address when the IPv4 node is not configured with an IPv4 address configuration and is attempting to obtain an address through a configuration protocol such as DHCP. Known as the IPv4 loopback address, it is assigned to an internal loopback interface. This interface enables a node to send packets to itself. Unicast IPv4 Addressing Guidelines When you assign subnet prefixes to the subnets of an organization, use the following guidelines:   The subnet prefix must be unique within the IPv4 network. If hosts can directly access the Internet from the subnet, you must use a public IPv4 address prefix assigned by ICANN or an Internet service provider. If hosts cannot directly access the Internet from the subnet, use either a legal public address prefix or a private address prefix that is unique within your private intranet. The subnet prefix cannot begin with the numbers 0 or 127. Both of these values for the first octet are reserved, and you cannot use them for IPv4 unicast addresses. When you assign host IDs to the interfaces of nodes on an IPv4 subnet, use the following guidelines:   The host ID must be unique within the subnet. You cannot use the all-zeros or all-ones host IDs. When defining the range of valid IPv4 unicast addresses for a given address prefix, use the following standard practice:   For the first IPv4 unicast address in the range, set all the host bits in the address to 0, except for the low-order bit, which you set to 1. For the last IPv4 unicast address in the range, set all the host bits in the address to 1, except for the low-order bit, which you set to 0. For example, to express the range of addresses for the address prefix  The first IPv4 unicast address in the range is 11000000 10101000 00010000 00000001 (host bits are underlined), or TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 65 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing  The last IPv4 unicast address in the range is 11000000 10101000 00011111 11111110 (host bits are underlined), or Therefore, the range of addresses for the address prefix is to IPv4 Multicast Addresses IPv4 uses multicast addresses to deliver single packets from one source to many destinations. On an IPv4 intranet that is enabled for multicast, routers forward an IPv4 packet addressed to an IPv4 multicast address to the subnets on which hosts are listening to the traffic sent to the IPv4 multicast address. IPv4 multicast efficiently delivers many types of communication from one source to many destinations. IPv4 multicast addresses are defined by the class D Internet address class: IPv4 multicast addresses range from through IPv4 multicast addresses for the address prefix ( through are reserved for multicast traffic on a local subnet. For more information about IPv4 multicast addresses and processes, see Appendix B, "IP Multicast." IPv4 Broadcast Addresses IPv4 uses a set of broadcast addresses to deliver packets from one source to all interfaces on the subnet. All the interfaces on the subnet process packets sent to IPv4 broadcast addresses. The following are the types of IPv4 broadcast addresses:   Network broadcast Formed by setting all the host bits to 1 for a classful address prefix. For example, is a network broadcast address for the classful address prefix Network broadcasts send packets to all interfaces of a classful network. IPv4 routers do not forward network broadcast packets. Subnet broadcast Formed by setting all the host bits to 1 for a classless address prefix. For example, is a network broadcast address for the classless address prefix Subnet broadcasts are used to send packets to all hosts of a classless network. IPv4 routers do not forward subnet broadcast packets.  For a classful address prefix, there is no subnet broadcast address, only a network broadcast address. For a classless address prefix, there is no network broadcast address, only a subnet broadcast address. All-subnets-directed broadcast Formed by setting the classful address prefix host bits to 1 for a classless address prefix. The allsubnets-directed broadcast address is deprecated in RFC 1812. A packet addressed to the allsubnets-directed broadcast address was defined to reach all hosts on all of the subnets of a classful address prefix that has been subnetted. For example, is the all-subnetsdirected broadcast address for the subnetted address prefix The all-subnetsdirected broadcast address is the network broadcast address of the original classful address prefix. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 66 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing  Limited broadcast Formed by setting all 32 bits of the IPv4 address to 1 ( The limited broadcast address is used for one-to-everyone delivery on the local subnet when the local subnet prefix is unknown. IPv4 nodes typically use the limited broadcast address only during an automated configuration process such as Boot Protocol (BOOTP) or DHCP. For example, a DHCP client must use the limited broadcast address for all traffic sent before the DHCP server acknowledges the use of the offered IPv4 address configuration. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 67 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing IPv6 Addressing The most obvious difference between IPv6 and IPv4 is address size. An IPv6 address is 128 bits long, 32 which is four times larger than an IPv4 address. A 32-bit address space allows for 2 or 4,294,967,296 128 possible addresses. A 128-bit address space allows for 2 or 38 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 (or 3.410 or 340 undecillion) possible addresses. The IPv4 address space was designed in the late 1970s when few people, if any, imagined that the addresses could be exhausted. However, due to the original allocation of Internet address class-based address prefixes and the recent explosion of hosts on the Internet, the IPv4 address space was consumed to the point that by 1992 it was clear a replacement would be necessary. With IPv6, it is even harder to conceive that the IPv6 address space will be consumed. To help put this 23 in perspective, a 128-bit address space provides 655,570,793,348,866,943,898,599 (6.510 ) addresses for every square meter of the Earth’s surface. The decision to make the IPv6 address 128 23 bits long was not so that every square meter of the Earth could have 6.510 addresses. Rather, the relatively large size of the IPv6 address space is designed for efficient address allocation and routing that reflects the topology of the modern-day Internet and to accommodate 64-bit media access control (MAC) addresses that newer networking technologies are using. The use of 128 bits allows for multiple levels of hierarchy and flexibility in designing hierarchical addressing and routing, which the IPv4-based Internet lacks. RFC 4291 describes the IPv6 addressing architecture. IPv6 Address Syntax IPv4 addresses are represented in dotted decimal notation. For IPv6, the 128-bit address is divided along 16-bit boundaries, each 16-bit block is converted to a 4-digit hexadecimal number (the Base16 numbering system), and adjacent 16-bit blocks are separated by colons. The resulting representation is known as colon-hexadecimal. The following is an IPv6 address in binary form: 0011111111111110001010010000000011010000000001010000000000000000 0000001010101010000000001111111111111110001010001001110001011010 The 128-bit address is divided along 16-bit boundaries: 0011111111111110 0010100100000000 1101000000000101 0000000000000000 0000001010101010 0000000011111111 1111111000101000 1001110001011010 Each 16-bit block is converted to hexadecimal, and adjacent blocks are separated with colons. The result is: 3FFE:2900:D005:0000:02AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A IPv6 representation can be further simplified by removing the leading zeros within each 16-bit block. However, each block must have at least a single digit. With leading zero suppression, the address becomes: 3FFE:2900:D005:0:2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 68 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Converting Between Binary and Hexadecimal The hexadecimal numbering system uses the digits 0 through 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F and the exponential powers of 16 to express a number. Table 3-4 lists decimal, hexadecimal, and binary equivalents of the numbers 0-15. Decimal Hexadecimal Binary 0 0 0000 1 1 0001 2 2 0010 3 3 0011 4 4 0100 5 5 0101 6 6 0110 7 7 0111 8 8 1000 9 9 1001 10 A 1010 11 B 1011 12 C 1100 13 D 1101 14 E 1110 15 F 1111 Table 3-4 Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Binary Conversions To convert a hexadecimal number to a binary number, convert each hexadecimal digit to its 4-bit equivalent. For example, to convert the hexadecimal number 0x03D8 to binary, convert each hexadecimal digit (0, 3, D, and 8) to binary. Therefore, 0x03D8 is 0000 0011 1101 1000, or 0000001111011000. To convert a binary number to a hexadecimal number, segment the binary number into 4-bit blocks starting from the low-order bit. Then convert each 4-bit block to its hexadecimal equivalent. For example, to convert the binary number 0110000110101110 to hexadecimal, first divide the entire number into 4-bit blocks, which are 0110 0001 1010 1110. Then, convert each block to hexadecimal digits, which are 0x61AE. Although you can use the calculator in Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP to convert between hexadecimal and binary, it helps you to better understand the conversions if you can do them manually. To convert between decimal and hexadecimal, which you will not need often for IPv6 addresses, use the Windows calculator. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 69 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Compressing Zeros Some types of addresses contain long sequences of zeros. To further simplify the representation of IPv6 addresses, you can compress a single contiguous sequence of 16-bit blocks set to 0 in the colon hexadecimal format to “::”, known as double-colon. For example, you can compress the unicast IPv6 address of FE80:0:0:0:2AA:FF:FE9A:4CA2 to FE80::2AA:FF:FE9A:4CA2, and you can compress the multicast IPv6 address FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 to FF02::2. You can use zero compression to compress only a single contiguous series of 16-bit blocks expressed in colon hexadecimal notation. You cannot use zero compression to include part of a 16-bit block. For example, you cannot express FF02:30:0:0:0:0:0:5 as FF02:3::5. To determine how many 0 bits are represented by the “::”, you can count the number of blocks in the compressed address, subtract this number from 8, and then multiply the result by 16. For example, the address FF02::2 has two blocks (the “FF02” block and the “2” block), so the other six blocks of 16 bits (96 bits total) have been compressed. You can use zero compression only once in a given address. Otherwise, you could not determine the number of 0 bits represented by each instance of “::”. If an address contains two series of zero blocks of the same length and no series of zero blocks is longer, then by convention the left-most block is expressed as “::”. IPv6 Address Prefixes You express IPv6 address ranges as address prefixes in the same manner as you express IPv4 address ranges using prefix length notation. For example, FF00::/8 is an address range, 2001:DB8::/32 is a route prefix, and 2001:DB8:0:2F3B::/64 is a subnet prefix. You do not express an address prefix using a colon hexadecimal equivalent of an IPv4 subnet mask. Types of IPv6 Addresses IPv6 has three types of addresses:    Unicast A unicast address identifies a single interface within the scope of the type of unicast address. With the appropriate unicast routing topology, packets addressed to a unicast address are delivered to a single interface. A unicast address is used for communication from one source to a single destination. Multicast A multicast address identifies multiple interfaces. With the appropriate multicast routing topology, packets addressed to a multicast address are delivered to all interfaces that are identified by the address. A multicast address is used for communication from one source to many destinations, with delivery to multiple interfaces. Anycast An anycast address identifies multiple interfaces. With the appropriate routing topology, packets addressed to an anycast address are delivered to a single interface, the nearest interface that the address identifies. The “nearest” interface is defined as being closest in terms of routing distance. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 70 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing An anycast address is used for communication from one source to one of multiple destinations, with delivery to a single interface. IPv6 addresses always identify interfaces, not nodes. A node is identified by any unicast address assigned to one of its interfaces. RFC 4291 does not define any types of broadcast addresses. Instead, IPv6 multicast addresses are used. For example, the subnet and limited broadcast addresses from IPv4 are replaced with the reserved IPv6 multicast address of FF02::1. IPv6 Unicast Addresses The following types of addresses are unicast IPv6 addresses:       Global unicast addresses Link-local addresses Site-local addresses Unique local addresses Special IPv6 addresses Transition addresses Global Unicast Addresses Global unicast addresses are equivalent to public IPv4 addresses. They are globally routable and reachable on the IPv6 portion of the Internet, known as the IPv6 Internet. Global unicast addresses can be aggregated or summarized to produce an efficient routing infrastructure. The current IPv4-based Internet is a mixture of both flat and hierarchical routing, but the IPv6-based Internet has been designed from its foundation to support efficient, hierarchical addressing and routing. Global unicast addresses are unique across their scope, which is the entire IPv6 Internet. For more information about routing infrastructure including route aggregation and summarization, see Chapter 5, "IP Routing." Figure 3-7 shows the general structure of a global unicast address as defined in RFC 3587. Figure 3-7 Structure of a global unicast address as defined in RFC 3587 Figure 3-8 shows the structure of global unicast addresses being allocated by IANA at the time of this writing, as defined in RFC 3587. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 71 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Figure 3-8 Global unicast addresses being currently assigned by IANA The fields in the global unicast address are:     Fixed Portion (set to 001) The three high-order bits are set to 001. The address prefix for currently assigned global addresses is 2000::/3. Global Routing Prefix The global routing prefix identifies a specific organization's site. The combination of the three fixed bits and the 45-bit Global Routing Prefix is used to create a 48-bit site address prefix, which is assigned to the individual sites of an organization. Once assigned, routers on the IPv6 Internet forward IPv6 traffic matching the 48-bit address prefix to the routers of the organization's site. Subnet ID The Subnet ID identifies subnets within an organization's site. This field is 16 bits long. The organization's site can use these 16 bits within its site to create 65,536 subnets or multiple levels of addressing hierarchy and an efficient routing infrastructure. Interface ID The Interface ID indicates an interface on a subnet within the site. This field is 64 bits long. For example, 2001:DB8:2A3C:F282:2B0:D0FF:FEE9:4143 is a global unicast IPv6 address. Within this address:    2001:DB8:2A3C indicates an organization's site F282 indicates a subnet within that site 2B0:D0FF:FEE9:4143 indicates an interface on that subnet within that site The fields within the global unicast address as defined in RFC 3587 create a three-level structure, as Figure 3-9 shows. Figure 3-9 The three-level structure of a global unicast address as defined in RFC 3587 The public topology is the collection of larger and smaller ISPs that provide access to the IPv6 Internet and the organizations that connect to the IPv6 Internet. The site topology is the collection of subnets TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 72 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing within an organization’s site. The interface identifier identifies a specific interface on a subnet within an organization’s site. Local-use unicast addresses fall into two categories:   Link-local addresses are used between on-link neighbors and for Neighbor Discovery processes, which define how nodes on an IPv6 subnet interact with hosts and routers. Site-local addresses are used between nodes communicating with other nodes in the same site of an organization’s intranet. Link-Local Addresses Nodes use link-local addresses when communicating with neighboring nodes on the same link, also known as a subnet. For example, on a single-link IPv6 network with no router, link-local addresses are used to communicate between hosts on the link. Link-local addresses are equivalent to APIPA IPv4 addresses autoconfigured on computers that are running Windows. The scope of a link-local address (the region of the network across which the address is unique) is the local link. A link-local address is required for Neighbor Discovery processes and is always automatically configured, even in the absence of all other unicast addresses. For more information about IPv6 address autoconfiguration for link-local addresses, see Chapter 6, "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol." Figure 3-10 shows the structure of the link-local address. Figure 3-10 Structure of the link-local address Because the first 64 bits of the link-local address are fixed, the address prefix for all link-local addresses is FE80::/64. An IPv6 router never forwards link-local traffic beyond the link. Site-Local Addresses Site-local addresses are equivalent to the IPv4 private address space. Private intranets that do not have a direct, routed connection to the IPv6 Internet can use site-local addresses without conflicting with global addresses. Site-local addresses are not reachable from other sites, and routers must not forward site-local traffic outside the site. Site-local addresses can be used in addition to global addresses. The scope of a site-local address is a site (a portion of an organization network that has defined geographical, topological, or network bandwidth boundaries). Unlike link-local addresses, site-local addresses are not automatically configured and must be assigned either through stateless or stateful address configuration. Figure 3-11 shows the structure of the site-local address. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 73 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Figure 3-11 Structure of the site-local address The first 10 bits of site-local addresses are fixed at 1111 1110 11. Therefore, the address prefix for all site-local addresses is FEC0::/10. Beyond the 10 high-order fixed bits is a 54-bit Subnet ID field that 54 you can use to create subnets within your organization. With 54 bits, you can have up to 2 subnets in a flat subnet structure, or you can subdivide the high-order bits of the Subnet ID field to create a hierarchical and summarizable routing infrastructure. After the Subnet ID field is a 64-bit Interface ID field that identifies a specific interface on a subnet. Note RFC 3879 formally deprecates the use of site-local addresses for future IPv6 implementations. Existing implementations of IPv6 can continue to use site-local addresses. RFC 4291 and includes the deprecation of site-local addresses. Zone IDs for Local-Use Addresses Local-use addresses are not unique within an organization intranet. Link-local addresses can be duplicated per link (subnet). Site-local addresses can be duplicated per site. Therefore, when specifying a link-local destination address, you must specify the link on which the destination is located. For a sitelocal destination address when you are using multiple sites, you must specify the site in which the destination is located. You use a zone ID to specify the portion or zone of the network on which the destination can be reached. In the Ping, Tracert, and Pathping commands, the syntax for specifying a zone ID is IPv6Address%ZoneID. For link-local destinations, ZoneID is typically equal to the interface index of the interface attached to the link on which the destination is located. The interface index is an internal number assigned to an IPv6 interface that is visible from the display of the netsh interface ipv6 show interface command. For site-local addresses, ZoneID is equal to the site number that is visible from the display of the netsh interface ipv6 show address level=verbose command. If multiple sites are not being used, a zone ID for site-local addresses is not required. The ZoneID parameter is not needed when the destination is a global unicast address. Unique Local Addresses Site-local addresses provide a private addressing alternative to using global addresses for intranet traffic. However, because the site-local address prefix can be reused to address multiple sites within an organization, a site-local address prefix can be duplicated. The ambiguity of site-local addresses in an organization adds complexity and difficulty for applications, routers, and network managers. For more information, see section 2 of RFC 3879. To replace site-local addresses with a new type of address that is private to an organization, yet unique across all of the sites of the organization, RFC 4193 defines unique local IPv6 unicast addresses. Figure 3-12 shows the structure of unique local addresses. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 74 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Figure 3-12 The unique local address The first 7 bits have the fixed binary value of 1111110. All unique local addresses have the address prefix FC00::/7. The Local (L) flag is set 1 to indicate a local address. The L flag value set to 0 has not yet been defined. Therefore, unique local addresses with the L flag set to 1 have the address prefix of FD00::/8. The Global ID identifies a specific site within an organization and is set to a randomly derived 40-bit value. By deriving a random value for the Global ID, an organization can have statistically unique 48-bit prefixes assigned to the sites of their organizations. Additionally, two organizations that use unique local addresses that merge have a low probability of duplicating a 48-bit unique local address prefix, minimizing site renumbering. Unlike the Global Routing Prefix in global addresses, you should not assign Global IDs in unique local address prefixes so that they can be summarized. The global address and unique local address share the same structure beyond the first 48 bits of the address. In global addresses, the Subnet ID field identifies the subnet within an organization. For unique local addresses, the Subnet ID field can perform the same function. Therefore, you can create a subnet numbering scheme that can be used for both local and global unicast addresses. Special IPv6 Addresses The following are special IPv6 addresses:   Unspecified address The unspecified address (0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 or ::) indicates the absence of an address and is equivalent to the IPv4 unspecified address of The unspecified address is typically used as a source address for packets attempting to verify the uniqueness of a tentative address. The unspecified address is never assigned to an interface or used as a destination address. Loopback address The loopback address (0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 or ::1) identifies a loopback interface. This address enables a node to send packets to itself and is equivalent to the IPv4 loopback address of Packets addressed to the loopback address are never sent on a link or forwarded by an IPv6 router. Transition Addresses To aid in the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, the following addresses are defined:  IPv4-compatible address The IPv4-compatible address, 0:0:0:0:0:0:w.x.y.z or ::w.x.y.z (where w.x.y.z is the dotted decimal representation of a public IPv4 address), is used by IPv6/IPv4 nodes that are communicating using IPv6. IPv6/IPv4 nodes are nodes with both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. When the IPv4-compatible address is used as an IPv6 destination, the IPv6 traffic is automatically encapsulated with an IPv4 header and sent to the destination using the IPv4 infrastructure. IPv6 for Windows Server 2003 and TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 75 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing     Windows XP supports IPv4-compatible addresses, but they are disabled by default. IPv6 for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista does not support IPv4-compatible addresses. IPv4-mapped address The IPv4-mapped address, 0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:w.x.y.z or ::FFFF:w.x.y.z, represents an IPv4-only node to an IPv6 node. IPv4-mapped addresses are used for internal representation only. The IPv4mapped address is never used as a source or destination address of an IPv6 packet. IPv6 for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP does not support IPv4-mapped addresses. IPv6 for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista supports IPv4-mapped addresses. 6to4 address The 6to4 address is used for communicating between two nodes running both IPv4 and IPv6 over the Internet. You form the 6to4 address by combining the global prefix 2002::/16 with the 32 bits of a public IPv4 address of the node, forming a 48-bit prefix. 6to4 is an IPv6 transition technology described in RFC 3056. ISATAP address The Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP) defines ISATAP addresses used between two nodes running both IPv4 and IPv6 over a private intranet. ISATAP addresses use the locally administered interface ID ::0:5EFE:w.x.y.z in which w.x.y.z is a private IPv4 address and ::200:5EFE:w.x.y.z in which w.x.y.z is a public IPv4 address. You can combine the ISATAP interface ID with any 64-bit prefix that is valid for IPv6 unicast addresses, including the link-local address prefix (FE80::/64), unique local prefixes, and global prefixes. ISATAP is an IPv6 transition technology described in RFC 4214. Teredo address The Teredo address is used for communicating between two nodes running both IPv4 and IPv6 over the Internet when one or both of the endpoints are located behind an IPv4 network address translation (NAT) device. You form the Teredo address by combining the 2001::/32-bit Teredo prefix with the public IPv4 address of a Teredo server and other elements. Teredo is an IPv6 transition technology described in RFC 4380. For more information about IPv4-compatible, 6to4, ISATAP, and Teredo addresses, see Chapter 15, "IPv6 Transition Technologies." IPv6 Interface Identifiers The last 64 bits of a unicast IPv6 address are the interface identifier that is unique to the 64-bit prefix of the IPv6 address. IPv6 interface identifiers are determined as follows:     A permanent interface identifier that is randomly derived. This is the default for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. An interface identifier that is derived from the Extended Unique Identifier (EUI)-64 address. This is the default for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP. A randomly generated interface identifier that changes over time to provide a level of anonymity. An interface identifier that is assigned during stateful address autoconfiguration (for example, through Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IP version 6 [DHCPv6]). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 76 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing EUI-64 Address-based Interface Identifiers RFC 4291 states that all unicast addresses that use the prefixes 001 through 111 must also use a 64bit interface identifier derived from the EUI-64 address, a 64-bit address that is defined by the IEEE. EUI-64 addresses are either assigned to a network adapter or derived from IEEE 802 addresses. A traditional interface identifier for a network adapter uses a 48-bit address called an IEEE 802 address. It consists of a 24-bit company ID (also called the manufacturer ID) and a 24-bit extension ID (also called the board ID). The combination of the company ID, which is uniquely assigned to each manufacturer of network adapters, and the board ID, which is uniquely assigned to each network adapter at the time of assembly, produces a globally unique 48-bit address. This 48-bit address is also called the physical, hardware, or MAC address. Figure 3-13 shows the structure of the 48-bit IEEE 802 address. Figure 3-13 Structure of the 48-bit IEEE 802 address Defined bits within the IEEE 802 address are:   Universal/Local (U/L) The next-to-the-low-order bit in the first byte indicates whether the address is universally or locally administered. If the U/L bit is set to 0, the IEEE (through the designation of a unique company ID) has administered the address. If the U/L bit is set to 1, the address is locally administered. The network administrator has overridden the manufactured address and specified a different address. The U/L bit is designated by the u in Figure 3-13. Individual/Group (I/G) The low order bit of the first byte indicates whether the address is an individual address (unicast) or a group address (multicast). When set to 0, the address is a unicast address. When set to 1, the address is a multicast address. The I/G bit is designated by the g in Figure 3-13. For a typical 802 network adapter address, both the U/L and I/G bits are set to 0, corresponding to a universally administered, unicast MAC address. The IEEE EUI-64 address represents a new standard for network interface addressing. The company ID is still 24 bits long, but the extension ID is 40 bits, creating a much larger address space for a network adapter manufacturer. The EUI-64 address uses the U/L and I/G bits in the same way as the IEEE 802 address. Figure 3-14 shows the structure of the EUI-64 address. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 77 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Figure 3-14 Structure of the EUI-64 address Figure 3-15 shows how to create an EUI-64 address from an IEEE 802 address. You insert the 16 bits 11111111 11111110 (0xFFFE) into the IEEE 802 address between the company ID and the extension ID. Figure 3-15 Converting an IEEE 802 address to an EUI-64 address To obtain the 64-bit interface identifier for IPv6 unicast addresses, the U/L bit in the EUI-64 address is complemented. (If it is a 1, it is set to 0; and if it is a 0, it is set to 1.) Figure 3-16 shows the conversion for a universally administered, unicast EUI-64 address. Figure 3-16 Converting a universally administered, unicast EUI-64 address to an IPv6 interface identifier TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 78 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing To obtain an IPv6 interface identifier from an IEEE 802 address, you must first map the IEEE 802 address to an EUI-64 address, and then you complement the U/L bit. Figure 3-17 shows this conversion for a universally administered, unicast IEEE 802 address. Figure 3-17 Converting a universally administered, unicast IEEE 802 address to an IPv6 interface identifier IEEE 802 Address Conversion Example Host A has the Ethernet MAC address of 00-AA-00-3F-2A-1C. First, you convert it to EUI-64 format by inserting FF-FE between the third and fourth bytes, yielding 00-AA-00-FF-FE-3F-2A-1C. Then you complement the U/L bit, which is the seventh bit in the first byte. The first byte in binary form is 00000000. When you complement the seventh bit, it becomes 00000010 (0x02). When you convert the final result, 02-AA-00-FF-FE-3F-2A-1C, to colon hexadecimal notation, it becomes the interface identifier 2AA:FF:FE3F:2A1C. As a result, the link-local address that corresponds to the network adapter with the MAC address of 00-AA-00-3F-2A-1C is FE80::2AA:FF:FE3F:2A1C. When you complement the U/L bit, add 0x2 to the first byte if the address is universally administered, and subtract 0x2 from the first byte if the address is locally administered. Temporary Address Interface Identifiers In today’s IPv4-based Internet, a typical Internet user connects to an Internet service provider (ISP) and obtains an IPv4 address using the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) and the Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP). Each time the user connects, a different IPv4 address might be obtained, making it difficult to track a dial-up user’s traffic on the Internet on the basis of an IPv4 address. For IPv6-based dial-up connections, the user is assigned a 64-bit prefix after the connection is made through router discovery and stateless address autoconfiguration. If the interface identifier is always based on the EUI-64 address (as derived from the static IEEE 802 address), an attacker can identify the traffic of a specific node regardless of the prefix, making it easy to track specific users and how they TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 79 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing use the Internet. To address this concern and provide a level of anonymity, RFC 4941 describes an alternative IPv6 interface identifier that is randomly generated and changes over time. The initial interface identifier is generated by using random numbers. For IPv6 systems that cannot store any historical information for generating future interface identifier values, a new random interface identifier is generated each time the IPv6 protocol is initialized. For IPv6 systems that have storage capabilities, a history value is stored and, when the IPv6 protocol is initialized, a different interface identifier is created through the following process: 1. Retrieve the history value from storage, and append the interface identifier based on the EUI-64 address of the adapter. 2. Compute the Message Digest-5 (MD5) hash algorithm over the quantity in step 1. A hash produces a fixed size mathematical result from an input. Hashes are easy to compute, but it is computationally difficult to determine the input from the hash result. 3. Save the last 64 bits of the MD5 hash computed in step 2 as the history value for the next interface identifier computation. 4. Take the first 64 bits of the MD5 hash computed in Step 2, and set the seventh bit to 0. The seventh bit corresponds to the U/L bit, which, when set to 0, indicates a locally administered IPv6 interface identifier. The result is the IPv6 interface identifier. The resulting IPv6 address, based on this random interface identifier, is known as a temporary address. Temporary addresses are generated for public address prefixes that use stateless address autoconfiguration. IPv6 Multicast Addresses IPv6 multicast addresses have the first eight bits fixed at 1111 1111. Therefore the address prefix for all IPv6 multicast addresses is FF00::/8. Beyond the first eight bits, multicast addresses include additional structure to identify flags, their scope, and the multicast group. Figure 3-18 shows the structure of the IPv6 multicast address. Figure 3-18 The structure of the IPv6 multicast address The fields in the multicast address are:   Flags Indicates flags set on the multicast address. The size of this field is 4 bits. RFC 4291defines the Transient (T) flag, which uses the low-order bit of the Flags field. When set to 0, the T flag indicates that the multicast address is a permanently assigned (well-known) multicast address allocated by the IANA. When set to 1, the T flag indicates that the multicast address is a transient (nonpermanently-assigned) multicast address. Scope TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 80 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Indicates the scope of the IPv6 network for which the multicast traffic must be delivered. The size of this field is 4 bits. Routers use the multicast scope and information provided by multicast routing protocols to determine whether multicast traffic can be forwarded.  RFC 4291 defines the values for the Scope field. The most prevalent values for the Scope field are 1 (interface-local scope), 2 (link-local scope), and 5 (site-local scope). Group ID Identifies the multicast group and is unique within the scope. The size of this field is 112 bits. Permanently assigned group IDs are independent of the scope. Transient group IDs are relevant only to a specific scope. To identify all nodes for the interface-local and link-local scopes, the following addresses are defined:   FF01::1 (interface-local scope, all-nodes multicast address) FF02::1 (link-local scope, all-nodes multicast address) To identify all routers for the interface-local, link-local, and site-local scopes, the following addresses are defined:    FF01::2 (interface-local scope, all-routers multicast address) FF02::2 (link-local scope, all-routers multicast address) FF05::2 (site-local scope, all-routers multicast address) For the current list of permanently assigned IPv6 multicast addresses, see http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-multicast-addresses. IPv6 multicast addresses replace all forms of IPv4 broadcast addresses. The link-local scope, all-nodes multicast address (FF02::1) in IPv6 replaces the IPv4 network broadcast address (in which all host bits are set to 1 in a classful environment), the subnet broadcast address (in which all host bits are set to 1 in a classless environment), and the limited broadcast address ( For more information about IPv6 multicast addresses and processes, see Appendix A, "IP Multicast." Solicited-Node Multicast Address The solicited-node multicast address facilitates the efficient querying of network nodes to resolve a linklayer address from a known IPv6 address, known as link-layer address resolution. In IPv4, the ARP Request frame on Ethernet and 802.11 wireless network segments is sent to the broadcast address 0xFF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF. This frame disturbs all nodes on the network segment, including those that are not running IPv4. IPv6 uses the Neighbor Solicitation message to perform link-layer address resolution. However, using the local-link scope, all-nodes multicast address as the Neighbor Solicitation message destination would disturb all IPv6 nodes on the local link, so the solicited-node multicast address is used. The solicited-node multicast address is constructed from the prefix FF02::1:FF00:0/104 and the last 24 bits of a unicast IPv6 address. Figure 3-19 shows the mapping of a unicast IPv6 address to its corresponding solicited-node multicast address. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 81 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Figure 3-19 Creating the solicited-node multicast address For example, Node A is assigned the link-local address of FE80::2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A and is also listening on the corresponding solicited-node multicast address of FF02::1:FF28:9C5A. (The underlines highlight the correspondence of the last six hexadecimal digits.) Node B on the local link must resolve Node A’s link-local address FE80::2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A to its corresponding link-layer address. Node B sends a Neighbor Solicitation message to the solicited-node multicast address of FF02::1:FF28:9C5A. Because Node A is listening on this multicast address, it processes the Neighbor Solicitation message and replies with a unicast Neighbor Advertisement message, completing the address resolution process. By using the solicited-node multicast address, link-layer address resolution, a common occurrence on a link, does not disturb all network nodes. As a result, very few nodes are disturbed during address resolution. In practice, the relationship between the link-layer address, the IPv6 interface ID, and the solicited-node address allows the solicited-node address to act as a pseudo-unicast address for very efficient address resolution. IPv6 Anycast Addresses An anycast address is assigned to multiple interfaces. The routing structure forwards packets addressed to an anycast address so that they reach the nearest interface to which the anycast address is assigned. To facilitate delivery, the routing infrastructure must be aware of the interfaces assigned anycast addresses and their “distance” in terms of routing metrics. At present, anycast addresses are used as destination addresses only. Anycast addresses are assigned out of the unicast address space, and their scope matches that of the type of unicast address from which the anycast address is assigned. The Subnet-Router anycast address is created from the subnet prefix for a given interface. To construct the Subnet-Router anycast address, you fix the bits in the 64-bit subnet prefix at their appropriate values, and you set to 0 the bits in the Interface ID portion of the address. All router interfaces attached to a subnet are assigned the Subnet-Router anycast address for that subnet. The Subnet-Router anycast address can be used to communicate with one of multiple routers attached to a remote subnet, for example, to obtain network management statistics for traffic on the subnet. IPv6 Addresses for a Host An IPv4 host with a single network adapter typically has a single IPv4 address assigned to that adapter. An IPv6 host, however, usually has multiple IPv6 addresses—even with a single interface. An IPv6 host is assigned the following unicast addresses:  A link-local address for each interface. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 82 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing   Unicast addresses for each interface (which could be a site-local address and one or multiple global unicast addresses). The loopback address (::1) for the loopback interface. IPv6 hosts typically have at least two addresses with which they can receive packets—a link-local address for local link traffic and a routable site-local or global address. Additionally, each host listens for traffic on the following multicast addresses:     The interface-local scope, all-nodes multicast address (FF01::1). The link-local scope, all-nodes multicast address (FF02::1). The solicited-node address for each unicast address on each interface. The multicast addresses of joined groups on each interface. IPv6 Addresses for a Router An IPv6 router is assigned the following unicast and anycast addresses:      A link-local address for each interface. Unicast addresses for each interface (which could be a site-local address and one or multiple global unicast addresses). A Subnet-Router anycast address. Additional anycast addresses (optional). The loopback address (::1) for the loopback interface. Additionally, each router listens for traffic on the following multicast addresses:        The interface-local scope, all-nodes multicast address (FF01::1). The interface-local scope, all-routers multicast address (FF01::2). The link-local scope, all-nodes multicast address (FF02::1). The link-local scope, all-routers multicast address (FF02::2). The site-local scope, all-routers multicast address (FF05::2). The solicited-node address for each unicast address on each interface. The multicast addresses of joined groups on each interface. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 83 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Comparing IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing Table 3-5 lists IPv4 addresses and addressing concepts and their IPv6 equivalents. IPv4 Address IPv6 Address Internet address classes Not applicable in IPv6 IPv4 multicast addresses ( IPv6 multicast addresses (FF00::/8) Broadcast addresses: network broadcast, subnet broadcast, all-subnets directed broadcast, limited broadcast Not applicable in IPv6 Unspecified address is Unspecified address is :: Loopback address is Loopback address is ::1 Public IPv4 addresses Global unicast addresses Private IPv4 addresses (,, and Site-local addresses (FEC0::/10) APIPA addresses ( Link-local addresses (FE80::/64) Address syntax: dotted decimal notation Address syntax: colon hexadecimal format with suppression of leading zeros and zero compression. Embedded IPv4 addresses are expressed in dotted decimal notation. Address prefix syntax: prefix length or dotted decimal (subnet mask) notation Address prefix syntax: prefix length notation only Table 3-5 Comparing IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 84 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Chapter Summary The key information in this chapter is the following:         You express IPv4 addresses in dotted decimal format. You express IPv4 address prefixes as a dotted decimal form of the starting address with the prefix length indicated by either an integer number or a dotted decimal number, also known as a subnet mask. IPv4 uses unicast addresses to deliver a packet from one source to one destination, multicast addresses to deliver a packet from one source to many destinations, and broadcast addresses to deliver a packet from one source to every destination on the subnet. For IPv4, you can use public unicast addresses (if assigned by ICANN or an ISP) or private addresses (,, or The TCP/IP components of Windows use APIPA addresses to automatically configure hosts with addresses from the address prefix on a single subnet. You express IPv6 addresses in colon hexadecimal format, suppressing leading zeros and compressing a single set of contiguous blocks of zeros using double colon notation. You express IPv6 address prefixes as a colon hexadecimal form of the starting address with a prefix length. IPv6 uses unicast addresses, multicast addresses, and anycast addresses to deliver a packet from one source to one of many destinations. For unicast IPv6 addresses, you can use global addresses (if they are assigned by IANA or an ISP), site-local addresses (FEC0::/10), or link-local addresses (FE80::/64). Link-local addresses require you to specify a zone ID to identify the link for a destination. Site-local addresses require you to specify a zone ID to identify the site for a destination if you are using multiple sites. You typically derive IPv6 interface identifiers from IEEE 802 addresses or IEEE EUI-64 addresses. The solicited-node multicast address is a special multicast address used for efficient link-layer address resolution on a subnet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 85 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing Chapter Glossary address – An identifier that is assigned at the Internet layer to an interface or a set of interfaces and that identifies the source or destination of IP packets. address class – A predefined grouping of IPv4 addresses used on the Internet. Addresses classes defined networks of specific sizes and determined the range of numbers that can be assigned for the first octet in the IPv4 address. Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) has made classful IPv4 addressing obsolete. address prefix – An address range that is defined by setting high-order fixed bits to defined values and low-order variable bits to 0. Address prefixes are routinely used to express a range of allowable addresses, subnet prefixes assigned to subnets, and routes. In IPv4, you express address prefixes in prefix length or dotted decimal (subnet mask) notation. In IPv6, you express address prefixes in prefix length notation. anycast address – An address that is assigned from the unicast address space, identifies multiple interfaces, and is used to deliver packets from one source to one of many destinations. With the appropriate routing topology, packets addressed to an anycast address are delivered to the nearest interface that has the address assigned. APIPA – See Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA). Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) – A feature of the TCP/IP component in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP. APIPA enables a computer to autoconfigure an IPv4 address and subnet mask from the range when the TCP/IP component is configured for automatic configuration and no DHCP server is available. CIDR – See Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR). Class A IPv4 address – A unicast IPv4 address that ranges from through The first octet indicates the address prefix, and the last three octets indicate the host ID. Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR) made classful IPv4 addressing obsolete. Class B IPv4 address – A unicast IPv4 address that ranges from through The first two octets indicate the address prefix, and the last two octets indicate the host ID. Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) made classful IPv4 addressing obsolete. Class C IPv4 address – A unicast IPv4 address that ranges from to The first three octets indicate the address prefix, and the last octet indicates the host ID. Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR) made classful IPv4 addressing obsolete. Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) – A technique for aggregating routes and assigning IPv4 addresses on the modern-day Internet. CIDR expresses address prefixes in the form of an address prefix and a prefix length, rather than in terms of the address classes that CIDR replaces. colon hexadecimal notation – The notation used to express IPv6 addresses. The 128-bit IPv6 address is divided into eight 16-bit blocks. Each block is expressed as a hexadecimal number, and adjacent blocks are separated by colons. Within each block, leading zeros are suppressed. An example of an IPv6 unicast address in colon hexadecimal notation is 2001:DB8:2A1D:48C:2AA:3CFF:FE21:81F9. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 86 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing dotted decimal notation – The notation most commonly used to express IPv4 addresses. The 32-bit IPv4 address is divided into four 8-bit blocks. Each block is expressed as a decimal number, and adjacent blocks are separated by periods. An example of an IPv4 unicast address in dotted decimal notation is double colon – The practice of compressing a single contiguous series of zero blocks of an IPv6 address to “::”. For example, the multicast address FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 is expressed as FF02::2. EUI – See Extended Unique Identifier. EUI-64 address – A 64-bit link-layer address that is used as a basis for an IPv6 interface identifier. Extended Unique Identifier – A link-layer address defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). global unicast address – An IPv6 unicast address that is globally routable and reachable on the IPv6 portion of the Internet. IPv6 global addresses are equivalent to public IPv4 addresses. IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE 802 address – A 48-bit link-layer address defined by the IEEE. Ethernet and Token Ring network adapters use IEEE 802 addresses. IEEE EUI-64 address – See EUI-64 address. illegal address – A duplicate address that conflicts with a public IPv4 address that the ICANN has already assigned to another organization. link-local address – A local-use address with the prefix of FE80::/64 and whose scope is the local link. Nodes use link-local addresses to communicate with neighboring nodes on the same link. Link-local addresses are equivalent to Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) IPv4 addresses. loopback address – For IPv4, the address For IPv6, the address 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 (or ::1). Nodes use the loopback address to send packets to themselves. multicast address – An address that identifies zero or multiple interfaces and is used to deliver packets from one source to many destinations. With the appropriate multicast routing topology, packets addressed to a multicast address are delivered to all interfaces identified by the address. prefix length notation – The practice of expressing address prefixes as StartingAddress/PrefixLength, in which PrefixLength is the number of high-order bits in the address that are fixed. private addresses – IPv4 addresses that organizations use for private intranet addressing within one of the following address prefixes:,, public addresses – IPv4 addresses that are assigned by the ICANN and that are guaranteed to be globally unique and reachable on the IPv4 Internet. site-local address – A local-use IPv6 address identified by the prefix FEC0::/10. The scope of a sitelocal address is a site. Site-local addresses are equivalent to the IPv4 private address space. Site-local addresses are not reachable from other sites, and routers must not forward site-local traffic outside the site. solicited-node multicast address – An IPv6 multicast address that nodes use to resolve addresses. The solicited-node multicast address is constructed from the prefix FF02::1:FF00:0/104 and the last 24 bits TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 87 Chapter 3 – IP Addressing of a unicast IPv6 address. The solicited-node multicast address acts as a pseudo-unicast address to efficiently resolve addresses on IPv6 links. subnet mask – The expression of the length of an address prefix for IPv4 address ranges in dotted decimal notation. For example, the address prefix in subnet mask notation is, unicast address – An address that identifies a single interface and is used for delivering packets from one source to a single destination. With the appropriate unicast routing topology, packets addressed to a unicast address are delivered to a single interface. unspecified address – For IPv4, the address For IPv6, the address 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 (or ::). The unspecified address indicates the absence of an address. zone ID – An integer that specifies the zone of the destination for IPv6 traffic. In the Ping, Tracert, and Pathping commands, the syntax for specifying a zone ID is IPv6Address%ZoneID. Typically, the ZoneID value for link-local addresses is equal to the interface index. For site-local addresses, ZoneID is equal to the site number. The ZoneID parameter is not needed when the destination is a global address and when multiple sites are not being used. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 88 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Chapter 4 – Subnetting Abstract This chapter describes the details of subnetting for both IPv4 and IPv6 address prefixes. Network administrators need to thoroughly understand subnetting techniques for both types of address prefixes to efficiently allocate and administer the unicast address spaces assigned and used on private intranets. This chapter includes detailed discussions of different subnetting techniques for IPv4 and IPv6 address prefixes. By using these techniques, you can determine subnetted address prefixes and, for IPv4, the range of usable IPv4 addresses for each new subnetted address prefix. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 89 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:      Determine the subnet prefix of an IPv4 address when expressed in prefix length or subnet mask notation. Determine how many IPv4 host ID bits you need to create a particular number of subnets. Subnet an IPv4 address prefix within an octet and across octet boundaries, enumerating the list of subnetted address prefixes and the ranges of valid IPv4 addresses for each subnetted address prefix. Define variable length subnetting and how you can use it to create subnetted address prefixes that match the number of hosts on a particular subnet. Subnet a global IPv6 address prefix, enumerating the list of subnetted address prefixes. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 90 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Subnetting for IPv4 Subnetting is a set of techniques that you can use to efficiently divide the address space of a unicast address prefix for allocation among the subnets of an organization network. The fixed portion of a unicast address prefix includes the bits up to and including the prefix length that have a defined value. The variable portion of a unicast address prefix includes the bits beyond the prefix length that are set to 0. Subnetting is the use of the variable portion of a unicast address prefix to create address prefixes that are more efficient (that waste fewer possible addresses) for assignment to the subnets of an organization network. Subnetting for IPv4 was originally defined to make better use of the host bits for Class A and Class B IPv4 public address prefixes. Consider the example network in Figure 4-1. Figure 4-1 Network before subnetting The subnet using the class B address prefix of can support up to 65,534 nodes, which is far too many nodes to have on the same subnet. You want to better use the address space of through subnetting. However, subnetting should not require the reconfiguration of the routers of the Internet. In a simple example of subnetting, you can subnet by using the first 8 host bits (the third octet) for the new subnetted address prefix. If you subnetted as shown in Figure 4-2, you would create separate subnets with their own subnetted address prefixes (,,, with up to 254 host IDs on each subnet. The router would become aware of the separate subnetted address prefixes and route IPv4 packets to the appropriate subnet. Figure 4-2 Network after subnetting The routers of the Internet would still regard all the nodes on the three subnets as being located on the address prefix The Internet routers would be unaware of the subnetting being done to TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 91 Chapter 4 – Subnetting and therefore require no reconfiguration. The subnetting of an address prefix is not visible to the routers outside the network being subnetted. When you assign IPv4 address prefixes in the form of subnet prefixes to the subnets of your organization, you should begin with one or more public address prefixes assigned by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) or an Internet service provider (ISP), the private address space (,, and, or both. The set of starting address prefixes represent a fixed address space. You can divide the variable portion of an IPv4 address prefix to represent additional subnets and the host IDs on each subnet. For example, the IPv4 address prefix has 18 fixed bits (as the prefix length shows) and 14 variable bits (the bits in the host ID portion of the address prefix). You might determine that your organization needs up to 50 subnets. Therefore, you divide the 14 variable bits into 6 bits, which you will use to identify subnets (you can express up to 64 subnets with 6 bits) and 8 bits, which you will use to identify up to 254 host IDs on each subnet. The resulting address prefix for each subnetted address prefix has a 24-bit prefix length (the original 18 bits plus 6 bits used for subnetting). Subnetting for IPv4 produces a set of subnetted address prefixes and their corresponding ranges of valid IPv4 addresses, By assigning subnetted address prefixes that contain an appropriate number of host IDs to the physical and logical subnets of an organization’s IPv4 network, network administrators can use the available address space in the most efficient manner possible. Before you begin IPv4 subnetting, you must determine your organization’s current requirements and plan for future requirements. Follow these guidelines:   Determine how many subnets your network requires. Subnets include physical or logical subnets to which hosts connect and possibly private wide area network (WAN) links between sites. Determine how many host IDs each subnet requires. Each host and router interface running IPv4 requires at least one IPv4 address. Based on those requirements, you will define a set of subnetted address prefixes with a range of valid IPv4 addresses for each subnetted address prefix. Your subnets do not all need to have the same number of hosts; most IPv4 networks include subnets of various sizes. Although the concept of subnetting by using host ID bits is straightforward, the actual mechanics of subnetting are a bit more complicated. Subnetting requires a three-step procedure: 1. Determine how many host bits to use for the subnetting. 2. Enumerate the new subnetted address prefixes. 3. Enumerate the range of IPv4 addresses for each new subnetted address prefix. Determining the Subnet Prefix of an IPv4 Address Configuration Before you begin the mechanics of IPv4 subnetting, you should be able to determine the subnet prefix from an arbitrary IPv4 address configuration, which typically consists of an IPv4 address and a prefix length or an IPv4 address and a subnet mask. The following sections show you how to determine the subnet prefix for IPv4 address configurations when the prefix length is expressed in prefix length and dotted decimal (subnet mask) notation. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 92 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Prefix Length Notation To determine the subnet prefix from an arbitrary IPv4 address using prefix length notation (w.x.y.z/n), take the values of the high-order n bits of the address and combine them with 32-n zero bits. Then convert the resulting 32-bit number to dotted decimal notation. For example, for the IPv4 address configuration of, the high-order 22 bits are 11000000 10101000 110011. To obtain the subnet prefix, combine this result with the low-order 10 bits of 00 00000000. The result is 11000000 10101000 11001100 00000000, or To determine the subnet prefix of an IPv4 address configuration in prefix length notation without having to work entirely with binary numbers, use the following method: 1. Express the number n (the prefix length) as the sum of 4 numbers by successively subtracting 8 from n. For example, 20 is 8+8+4+0. 2. Create a table with four columns and three rows. In the first row, place the decimal octets of the IPv4 address. In the second row, place the four digits of the sum you determined in step 1. 3. For the columns that have 8 in the second row, copy the octet from the first row to the third row. For the columns that have 0 in the second row, place a 0 in the third row. 4. For the columns that have a number between 8 and 0 in the second row, convert the decimal number in the first row to binary, take the high-order bits for the number of bits indicated in the second row, fill the rest of the bits with zero, and then convert to a decimal number. For example, for the IPv4 address configuration of, 22 is 8+8+6+0. From this, construct the following table: 192 168 207 47 8 8 6 0 For the first and second octets, copy the octets from the first row. For the last octet, place a 0 in the third row. The table becomes: 192 168 207 47 8 8 6 0 192 168 0 For the third octet, convert the number 207 to binary for the first 6 binary digits using the decimal to binary conversion method described in Chapter 3, "IP Addressing." The decimal number 207 is 128+64+8+4+2+1, which is 11001111. Taking the first 6 digits 110011 and filling in the octet with 00 produces 11001100, or 204 in decimal. The table becomes: 192 168 207 47 8 8 6 0 192 168 204 0 Therefore, the subnet prefix for the IPv4 address configuration is TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 93 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Subnet Mask Notation To extract the subnet prefix from an arbitrary IPv4 address configuration using an arbitrary subnet mask, IPv4 uses a mathematical operation called a logical AND comparison. In an AND comparison, the result of two items being compared is true only when both items being compared are true; otherwise, the result is false. Table 4-1 shows the result of the AND operation for the four possible bit combinations. Bit Combination Result 1 AND 1 1 1 AND 0 0 0 AND 0 0 0 AND 1 0 Table 4-1 Result of AND Operation Therefore, the result of the AND operation is 1 only when both bits being ANDed are 1. Otherwise, the result is 0. IPv4 performs a logical AND comparison with the 32-bit IPv4 address and the 32-bit subnet mask. This operation is known as a bit-wise logical AND. The result of the bit-wise logical AND of the IPv4 address and the subnet mask is the subnet prefix. For example, to determine the subnet prefix of the IPv4 address configuration with a subnet mask of, turn both numbers into their binary equivalents, and line them up. Then perform the AND operation on each bit, and write down the result. IPv4 Address: 10000011 01101011 10111101 00101001 Subnet Mask: 11111111 11111111 11110000 00000000 Subnet Prefix: 10000011 01101011 10110000 00000000 The result of the bit-wise logical AND of the 32 bits of the IPv4 address and the subnet mask is the subnet prefix, The behavior of the bit-wise logical AND operation between the IPv4 address and the subnet mask is the following:   For the bits in the fixed portion of the address (in which the bits in the subnet mask are set to 1), the subnet prefix bits are copied from the IPv4 address, essentially extracting the subnet prefix of the IPv4 address. For the bits in the variable portion of the address (in which the bits in the subnet mask are set to 0), the subnet prefix bits are set to 0, essentially discarding the host ID portion of the IPv4 address. To summarize, the bit-wise logical AND extracts the subnet prefix portion and discards the host ID portion of an IPv4 address. The result is the subnet prefix. To determine the subnet prefix of an IPv4 address configuration in subnet mask notation without having to work entirely with binary numbers, use the following method: 1. Create a table with four columns and three rows. In the first row, place the decimal octets of the IPv4 address. In the second row, place the decimal octets of the subnet mask. 2. For the columns that have 255 in the second row, copy the octet from the first row to the third row. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 94 Chapter 4 – Subnetting For the columns that have 0 in the second row, place a 0 in the third row. 3. For the columns that have a number between 255 and 0 in the second row, AND the decimal numbers in the first two rows. You can do this by converting both numbers to binary, performing the AND comparison for all 8 bits in the octet, and then converting the result back to decimal. Alternately, you can use a calculator, such as the Windows Calculator, in scientific mode. For example, for the IPv4 address configuration of,, construct the following table: 131 107 189 41 255 255 240 0 For the first and second octets, copy the octets from the first row. For the last octet, place a 0 in the third row. The table becomes: 131 107 189 41 255 255 240 0 131 107 0 For the third octet, compute 189 AND 240. In binary, this operation becomes: 10111101 AND 11110000 10110000 Converting 10110000 to decimal is 176. Alternately, use the Windows Calculator to compute 189 AND 240, which yields 176. The table becomes: 131 107 189 41 255 255 240 0 131 107 176 0 Therefore, the subnet prefix for the IPv4 address configuration, is, Defining a Prefix Length The number of variable bits in the subnet prefix determines the maximum number of subnets and hosts on each subnet that you can have. Before you define a new prefix length based on your subnetting scheme, you should have a good idea of the number of subnets and hosts you will have in the future. If you use more variable bits for the new prefix length than required, you will save the time and administrative difficulty of renumbering your IPv4 network later. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 95 Chapter 4 – Subnetting The more variable bits that you use, the more subnets you can have—but with fewer hosts on each subnet. If you make the prefix too long, it will allow for growth in the number of subnets, but it will limit the growth in the number of hosts on each subnet. If you make the prefix too short, it will allow for growth in the number of hosts on each subnet, but it will limit the growth in the number of subnets. Figure 4-3 shows an example of subnetting the third octet. Figure 4-3 Tradeoff between number of subnets and number of hosts per subnet Follow these guidelines to determine the number of bits to use for a new prefix length when subnetting: 1. Determine how many subnets you need now and will need in the future. 2. Use additional bits for subnetting if:   You will never require as many hosts per subnet as allowed by the remaining bits. The number of subnets will increase, requiring additional bits from the host ID. Defining a new prefix length depends on how many subnets you need. Table 4-2 shows how many subnets you can create by using a particular number of variable bits (up to 16) to specify each subnet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 96 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Number of Subnets Number of Host Bits 1-2 1 3-4 2 5-8 3 9-16 4 17-32 5 33-64 6 65-128 7 129-256 8 257-512 9 513-1,024 10 1,025-2,048 11 2,049-4,096 12 4,097-8,192 13 8,193-16,384 14 16,385-32,768 15 32,769-65,536 16 Table 4-2 Number of Required Subnets and Host Bits The maximum prefix length for unicast IPv4 addresses is 30. With 30 bits for the subnet prefix, the two remaining bits can express up to 4 possible combinations. However, the all-zeros and all-ones host IDs are reserved. Therefore, with two host ID bits, you can express only two usable host IDs (the 01 and 10 combinations). To determine the maximum number of hosts per subnet for any subnetting scheme: 1. Determine m, the number of bits that remain for the host ID, by subtracting the subnetted prefix length from 32. 2. Calculate the maximum number of hosts per subnet from 2 - 2. m Based on the address prefix you are subnetting and the number of bits that you need for subnetting, you can determine whether you are subnetting within an octet or subnetting across an octet boundary. For example, if you start with an 18-bit address prefix and then use 4 bits for subnetting, then you are subnetting within the third octet. (The subnetted prefix length is 22, which is still within the third octet.) However, if you start with a 20-bit address prefix and then use 6 bits for subnetting, then you are subnetting across the third and fourth octets. (The original prefix length is 20, which is within the third octet, and the subnetted prefix length is 26, which is within the fourth octet.) As the following sections describe, the specific procedures for subnetting within an octet and subnetting across an octet boundary are very different. Subnetting Within an Octet When you subnet within an octet, the subnetting procedure has two main steps: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 97 Chapter 4 – Subnetting   Defining the subnetted address prefixes Defining the range of usable IPv4 addresses for each subnetted address prefix The following sections describe these steps. Defining the Subnetted Address Prefixes You can use two methods to define the set of subnetted address prefixes:   Binary Decimal To create an enumerated list of subnetted address prefixes by using binary, perform the following steps: 1. n Based on n, the number of bits chosen for subnetting, create a three-column table with 2 rows. The first column contains the subnet numbers (starting with 1), the second column contains binary representations of the subnetted address prefixes, and the third column contains dotted decimal representations of the subnetted address prefixes. For each binary representation, the bits corresponding to the address prefix being subnetted are fixed at their original values, and all host bits are always set to 0. Only the subnet bits vary as you set them to each possible binary value. 2. In the first row, set the subnet bits to all 0s, and convert the entire subnetted address prefix to dotted decimal notation. The result is the original address prefix with its new prefix length. 3. In the next row, increment the value within the subnet bits. 4. Convert the binary result to dotted decimal notation. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you complete the table. For example, you can perform a 3-bit subnetting of the private address prefix The subnet mask for the new subnetted address prefixes is or /19. Based on n = 3, construct 3 a table with 8 (= 2 ) rows, as Table 4-3 shows. In the row for subnet 1, set all subnet bits (those underlined in the table) to 0, and increment them in each subsequent row. Subnet Binary Representation Subnetted Address Prefix 1 11000000.10101000.00000000.00000000 2 11000000.10101000.00100000.00000000 3 11000000.10101000.01000000.00000000 4 11000000.10101000.01100000.00000000 5 11000000.10101000.10000000.00000000 6 11000000.10101000.10100000.00000000 7 11000000.10101000.11000000.00000000 8 11000000.10101000.11100000.00000000 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 98 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Table 4-3 Binary Subnetting Technique for the 3-bit Subnetting of Note RFCs 950 and 1122 prohibit setting the bits being used for subnetting to all 1s or all 0s (the all-ones and all-zeros subnets). However, RFC 1812 permits this practice. To create an enumerated list of subnetted address prefixes by working with decimal numbers, perform the following steps: 1. Based on f, the number of bits in the octet that are already fixed, and n, the number of bits you are (8-fusing for subnetting, compute the subnet increment value, i, based on the following formula: i = 2 n) . The result is the incrementing value for each subnet for the octet that you are subnetting. 2. Based on n, the number of bits you are using for subnetting, create a three-column table with 2 rows. The first column contains the subnet numbers (starting with 1), the second column contains the decimal representations of the octet being subnetted, and the third column contains the dotted decimal representations of the subnetted address prefixes. 3. In the first row, set the second column to the starting octet value in the address prefix being subnetted, and set the third column to the original address prefix with its new prefix length. 4. In the next row, set the second column to the result of incrementing the number from the previous row with i, and set the third column to the subnetted address prefix with the subnetted octet from the second row. 5. Repeat step 4 until you complete the table. n For example, to perform a 3-bit subnet of the private address prefix, compute the (8-f-n) (8-0-3) subnet increment from i = 2 . In this case, f=0 and n=3. Therefore, the subnet increment is 2 = (5) 2 = 32. The prefix length for the subnetted address prefixes is /19. Based on n = 3, construct a table 3 with 8 (= 2 ) rows as Table 4-4 shows. In the row for subnet 1, place the original address prefix with the new prefix length, and complete the remaining rows by incrementing the subnetted octet by 32. Subnet Decimal Value of the Subnetted Octet Subnetted Address Prefix 1 0 2 32 3 94 4 96 5 128 6 160 7 192 8 224 Table 4-4 Decimal Subnetting Technique for the 3-bit Subnetting of Defining the Range of IPv4 Addresses for Each Subnet You can use two methods to define the range of IPv4 addresses for each subnet:   Binary Decimal TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 99 Chapter 4 – Subnetting To define the possible host IDs within each subnet, you keep the bits in the subnetted address prefix fixed while setting the remaining bits (in the host portion of the IPv4 address) to all possible values except all 1s and all 0s. Recall from Chapter 3, “IP Addressing,” that you should use the following standard practice when defining the range of valid IPv4 unicast addresses for a given address prefix:   For the first IPv4 unicast address in the range, set all the host bits in the address to 0, except for the lowest-order bit, which you set to 1. For the last IPv4 unicast address in the range, set all the host bits in the address to 1, except for the lowest-order bit, which you set to 0. The result for each subnetted address prefix is a range of values that describe the possible unicast IPv4 addresses for that subnet. To define the range of valid IPv4 addresses for a set of subnetted address prefixes using the binary method, perform the following steps: n 1. Based on n, the number of host bits chosen for subnetting, create a three-column table with 2 rows. The first column contains the subnet numbers (starting with 1), the second column contains the binary representations of the first and last IPv4 addresses for the subnetted address prefixes, and the third column contains the dotted decimal representation of the first and last IPv4 addresses of the subnetted address prefixes. Alternately, add two columns to the previous table used for enumerating the subnetted address prefixes using the binary technique. 2. In the second column of the first row, the first IPv4 address is the address in which all the host bits are set to 0 except for the last host bit. The last IPv4 address is the address in which all the host bits are set to 1 except for the last host bit. 3. In the third column of the first row, convert the binary representation to dotted decimal notation. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each row until you complete the table. For example, Table 4-5 shows the range of IPv4 addresses for the 3-bit subnetting of with the host bits underlined. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 100 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Subnet Binary Representation Range of IPv4 Addresses 1 11000000.10101000.00000000.00000001 – 11000000.10101000.00011111.11111110 – 2 11000000.10101000.00100000.00000001 – 11000000.10101000.00111111.11111110 – 3 11000000.10101000.01000000.00000001 – 11000000.10101000.01011111.11111110 – 4 11000000.10101000.01100000.00000001 – 11000000.10101000.01111111.11111110 – 5 11000000.10101000.10000000.00000001 – 11000000.10101000.10011111.11111110 – 6 11000000.10101000.10100000.00000001 – 11000000.10101000.10111111.11111110 – 7 11000000.10101000.11000000.00000001 – 11000000.10101000.11011111.11111110 – 8 11000000.10101000.11100000.00000001 – 11000000.10101000.11111111.11111110 – Table 4-5 Binary Technique for Defining the Ranges of IPv4 Addresses for the 3-bit Subnetting of To define the range of valid IPv4 addresses for a set of subnetted address prefixes using the decimal method, perform the following steps: n 1. Based on n, the number of host bits chosen for subnetting, create a three-column table with 2 rows. The first column contains the subnet numbers (starting with 1), the second column contains the dotted decimal representations of the subnetted address prefixes, and the third column contains the dotted decimal representations of the first and last IPv4 addresses of the subnetted address prefix. Alternately, add a column to the previous table used for enumerating the subnetted address prefixes in decimal. 2. For each row, calculate the first IPv4 address in the range by adding 1 to the last octet of the subnetted address prefix. 3. For each row except the last, calculate the last IPv4 address in the range using the following formulas:     When you subnet within the first octet, the last value for a given subnet is [NextSubnetID 1].255.255.254 (in which NextSubnetID is the value of the octet that is being subnetted for the next subnetted address prefix). When you subnet within the second octet, the last value for a given subnet is w.[NextSubnetID 1].255.254. When you subnet within the third octet, the last value for a given subnet is w.x.[NextSubnetID 1].254. When you subnet within the fourth octet, the last value for a given subnet is w.x.y.[NextSubnetID 2]. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 101 Chapter 4 – Subnetting 4. For the last row, calculate the last IPv4 address in the range using the following formulas:     When you subnet within the first octet, the last value is [SubnetID + i - 1].255.255.254 (in which SubnetID is the value of the octet that is being subnetted for the current subnetted address prefix and i is the increment value derived when determining the subnetted address prefixes). When you subnet within the second octet, the last value is w.[SubnetID + i - 1].255.254. When you subnet within the third octet, the last value is w.x.[SubnetID + i - 1].254. When you subnet within the fourth octet, the last value is w.x.y.[SubnetID + i - 2]. For example, Table 4-6 shows the range of IPv4 addresses for the 3-bit subnetting of Subnet Subnetted address prefix Range of IPv4 Addresses 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – Table 4-6 Decimal Technique for Defining the Ranges of IPv4 Addresses for the 3-bit Subnetting of Subnetting Across an Octet Boundary Like the procedure for subnetting within an octet, the procedure for subnetting across an octet boundary has two steps:   Defining the subnetted address prefixes Defining the range of usable IPv4 addresses for each subnetted address prefix The following sections describe these steps. Defining the Subnetted address prefixes To subnet across an octet boundary, do the following: 1. Based on n, the number of host bits you are using for subnetting, create a three-column table with 2 rows. The first column contains the subnet numbers (starting with 1), the second column contains representations of the 32-bit subnetted address prefixes as single decimal numbers, and the third column contains the dotted decimal representations of the subnetted address prefixes. 2. Convert the address prefix (w.x.y.z) being subnetted from dotted decimal notation to N, a decimal representation of the 32-bit address prefix, using the following formula: N = w16777216 + x65536 + y256 + z 3. h Compute the increment value I using I = 2 where h is the number of host bits remaining. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 102 n Chapter 4 – Subnetting 4. 5. 6. In the first row, place N, the decimal representation of the subnetted address prefix, in the second column, and place the subnetted address prefix w.x.y.z with its new prefix length in the third column. In the next row, add I to the previous row’s decimal representation, and place the result in the second column. Convert the decimal representation of the subnetted address prefix to dotted decimal notation (W.X.Y.Z) using the following formula (where s is the decimal representation of the subnetted address prefix): W = int(s/16777216) X = int((s mod(16777216))/65536) Y = int((s mod(65536))/256) Z = s mod(256) int( ) denotes integer division, and mod( ) denotes the modulus (the remainder upon division). 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you complete the table. For example, to perform a 4-bit subnetting of the address prefix, construct a table 4 with 16 (2 ) rows, as Table 4-7 shows. N, the decimal representation of, is 3232281600, which is the result of 19216777216 + 16865536 + 180256. Because 6 host bits remain, the 6 increment I is 2 = 64. Additional rows in the table are successive increments of 64. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 103 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Subnet Decimal Representation Subnetted Address Prefix 1 3232281600 2 3232281664 3 3232281728 4 3232281792 5 3232281856 6 3232281920 7 3232281984 8 3232282048 9 3232282112 10 3232282176 11 3232282240 12 3232282304 13 3232282368 14 3232282432 15 3232282496 16 3232282560 Table 4-7 Decimal Subnetting Technique for the 4-bit Subnetting of This method is a completely general technique for subnetting, and you can also use it within an octet and across multiple octets. Defining the Range of IPv4 Addresses for Each Subnet To determine the range of usable host IDs for each subnetted address prefix, perform the following steps: n 1. Based on n, the number of host bits you are using for subnetting, create a three-column table with 2 rows. The first column contains the subnet numbers (starting with 1), the second column contains the decimal representation of the first and last IPv4 addresses for the subnetted address prefixes, and the third column contains the dotted decimal representation of the first and last IPv4 addresses of the subnetted address prefixes. Alternately, add two columns to the previous table used for enumerating the subnetted address prefixes using the decimal subnetting technique. 2. Compute the increment value J based on h, the number of host bits remaining: J=2 –2 h 3. The first IPv4 address is N + 1, in which N is the decimal representation of the subnetted address prefix. The last IPv4 address is N + J. 4. Convert the decimal representation of the first and last IPv4 addresses to dotted decimal notation (W.X.Y.Z) using the following formula (where s is the decimal representation of the first or last IPv4 address): TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 104 Chapter 4 – Subnetting W = int(s/16777216) X = int((s mod(16777216))/65536) Y = int((s mod(65536))/256) Z = s mod(256) int( ) denotes integer division, and mod( ) denotes the modulus (the remainder upon division). 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each row of the table. For example, Table 4-8 shows the range of IPv4 addresses for the 4-bit subnetting of 6 The increment J is 2 – 2 = 62. Subnet Decimal Representation Range of IPv4 Addresses 1 3232281601-3232281662 2 3232281665-3232281726 3 3232281729-3232281790 4 3232281793-3232281854 5 3232281857-3232281918 6 3232281921-3232281982 7 3232281985-3232282046 8 3232282049-3232282110 9 3232282113-3232282174 10 3232282177-3232282238 11 3232282241-3232282302 12 3232282305-3232282366 13 3232282369-3232282430 14 3232282433-3232282494 15 3232282497-3232282558 16 3232282561-3232282622 Table 4-8 Decimal Enumeration of the Ranges of IPv4 Addresses for the 4-bit Subnetting of Variable Length Subnetting One of the original uses for subnetting was to subdivide a class-based address prefix into a series of equal-sized subnets. For example, a 4-bit subnetting of a class B address prefix produces 16 equalsized subnets. However, subnetting is a general method of using host bits to express subnets and does not require equal-sized subnets. Subnets of different sizes can exist within a class-based or classless address prefix. This practice is well suited to real-world environments, where networks of an organization contain different numbers of hosts, and you need different-sized subnets to avoid wasting IPv4 addresses. The practice of creating and deploying various-sized subnets from an IPv4 address prefix is known as variable length TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 105 Chapter 4 – Subnetting subnetting, and this technique uses variable prefix lengths, also known as variable length subnet masks (VLSMs). Variable length subnetting is a technique of allocating subnetted address prefixes that use prefix lengths of different sizes. However, all subnetted address prefixes are unique, and you can distinguish them from each other by their corresponding prefix length. Variable length subnetting essentially performs subnetting on a previously subnetted address prefix. When you subnet, you keep the fixed address prefix and choose a certain number of host bits to express subnets. With variable length subnetting, the address prefix being subnetted has already been subnetted. Variable Length Subnetting Example For example, given the address prefix of, the required configuration is to reserve half the addresses for future use, have 15 address prefixes for sites of the organization with up to 2,000 hosts, and create eight subnets with up to 250 hosts. To achieve the requirement of reserving half the address space for future use, subnet 1 bit of the classbased address prefix of This subnetting produces 2 subnets, and, dividing the address space in half. You can fulfill the requirement by choosing as the address prefix for the reserved portion of the address space. Table 4-9 shows the reservation of half the address space. Subnet Number Address Prefix (Dotted Decimal) Address Prefix (Prefix Length) 1, Table 4-9 Reserving Half the Address Space To fulfill the requirement of 15 address prefixes with approximately 2,000 hosts per prefix, subnet 4 bits of the subnetted address prefix of This subnetting produces 16 address prefixes (,…,, allowing up to 2,046 hosts per address prefix. You can fulfill the requirement by choosing the first 15 subnetted address prefixes ( to as the address prefixes for other sites. Table 4-10 illustrates 15 address prefixes with up to 2,046 hosts per subnet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 106 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Subnet Number Address Prefix (Dotted Decimal) Address Prefix (Prefix Length) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Table 4-10 Fifteen Address Prefixes with up to 2,046 Hosts To achieve the requirement of eight subnets with up to 250 hosts, subnet 3 bits of the subnetted address prefix of This subnetting produces eight subnets (,…, and allows up to 254 hosts per subnet. You can fulfill the requirement by choosing all eight subnetted address prefixes ( through as the subnet prefixes to assign to individual subnets. Table 4-11 illustrates eight subnets with 254 hosts per subnet. Subnet Number Subnet Prefix (Dotted Decimal) Subnet Prefix (Prefix length) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Table 4-11 Eight Subnets with up to 254 Hosts Figure 4-4 shows the variable length subnetting of TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 107 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Figure 4-4 Variable length subnetting of Variable Length Subnetting and Routing In dynamic routing environments, you can deploy variable length subnetting only where the prefix length is advertised along with the address prefix. Routing Information Protocol (RIP) for IP version 1 does not support variable length subnetting, but RIP for IP version 2, Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), and Border Gateway Protocol version 4 (BGPv4) do. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 108 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Subnetting for IPv6 To subnet the IPv6 address space, you use subnetting techniques to divide the 16-bit Subnet ID field for a 48-bit global or unique local address prefix in a manner that allows for route summarization and delegation of the remaining address space to different portions of an IPv6 intranet. You need not subnet in any specific fashion. The subnetting technique described here assumes that you subnet by dividing the variable portions of the address space of the Subnet ID field using its highorder bits. Although this method promotes hierarchical addressing and routing, it is not required. For example, in a small organization with a small number of subnets, you can also easily create a flat addressing space for global addresses by numbering the subnets starting from 0. Subnetting a Global or Unique Local Address Prefix For global addresses, Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) or an ISP assigns an IPv6 address prefix in which the first 48 bits are fixed. For unique local addresses, the first 48 bits are fixed at FD00::/8 and the random 40-bit global ID assigned to a site of an organization. Subnetting the Subnet ID field for a 48-bit global or unique local address prefix requires a two-step procedure: 1. Determine the number of bits to be used for the subnetting. 2. Enumerate the new subnetted address prefixes. Determining the Number of Subnetting Bits The number of bits that you use for subnetting determines the possible number of new subnetted address prefixes that you can allocate to portions of your network based on geographical or departmental divisions. In a hierarchical routing infrastructure, you must determine how many address prefixes, and therefore how many bits, you need at each level in the hierarchy. The more bits you choose for the various levels of the hierarchy, the fewer bits you have to enumerate individual subnets in the last level of the hierarchy. Depending on the needs of your organization, your subnetting scheme might be along nibble (hexadecimal digit) or bit boundaries. If you can subnet along nibble boundaries, your subnetting scheme becomes simplified and each hexadecimal digit can represent a level in the subnetting hierarchy. For example, a network administrator decides to implement a three-level hierarchy that uses the first nibble for the site, the next nibble for a building within a site, and the last two nibbles for a subnet within a building. An example subnet ID for this scheme is 142A, which indicates site 1, building 4, and subnet 42 (0x2A). In some cases, bit-boundary subnetting is required. For example, a network administrator decides to implement a two-level hierarchy reflecting a geographical/departmental structure and uses 4 bits for the geographical level and 6 bits for the departmental level. This means that each department in each 6 geographical location has only 6 bits of subnetting space left (16 - 6 - 4), or only 64 (= 2 ) subnets per department. On any given level in the hierarchy, a number of bits are already fixed by the previous level in the hierarchy (f), a number of bits are used for subnetting at the current level in the hierarchy (s), and a number of bits remain for the next level down in the hierarchy (r). At all times, f+s+r = 16. Figure 4-5 shows this relationship. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 109 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Figure 4-5 Subnetting the Subnet ID field of a global or unique local IPv6 address prefix Enumerating Subnetted Address Prefixes Based on the number of bits used for subnetting, you must list the new subnetted address prefixes, and you can use the following approaches:    Enumerate new subnetted address prefixes by using binary representations of the subnet ID and converting to hexadecimal. Enumerate the new subnetted address prefixes by using hexadecimal representations of the subnet ID and increment. Enumerate the new subnetted address prefixes by using decimal representations of the subnet ID and increment. Any of these methods produce the same result: an enumerated list of subnetted address prefixes. In the binary method, the 16-bit subnet ID is expressed as a 16-digit binary number. The bits within the subnet ID that are being used for subnetting are incremented for all their possible values and for each value, the 16-digit binary number is converted to hexadecimal and combined with the 48-bit site prefix, producing the subnetted address prefixes. To create the enumerated list of subnetted address prefixes using the binary method, perform the following steps: 1. Based on s (the number of bits chosen for subnetting), m (the prefix length of the address prefix being subnetted), and f (the number of bits already subnetted), calculate the following: s n = 2 , n is the number of address prefixes that are obtained. l = 48 + f + s, l is the prefix length of the new subnetted address prefixes. 2. Create a three-column table with n entries. The first column is the address prefix number (starting with 1), the second column is the binary representation of the subnet ID portion of the new address prefix, and the third column is the subnetted address prefix (in hexadecimal), which includes the 48bit site prefix and the subnet ID. 3. In the first table entry, set all of the bits being used for subnetting to 0. Convert the resulting 16-digit binary number to hexadecimal, combine with the 48-bit site prefix, and write the subnetted address prefix. This first subnetted address prefix is just the original address prefix with the new prefix length. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 110 Chapter 4 – Subnetting 4. In the next table entry, increment the value within the subnet bits. Convert the 16-digit binary number to hexadecimal, combine with the 48-bit site prefix, and write the resulting subnetted address prefix. 5. Repeat step 4 until the table is complete. For example, to perform a 3-bit subnetting of the global address prefix 2001:DB8:0:C000::/51, we first calculate the values for the number of prefixes and the new prefix length. Our starting values are s = 3, 3 and f = 51 - 48 = 3. The number of prefixes is 8 (n = 2 ). The new prefix length is 54 (l = 48 + 3 + 3). The initial value for the subnet ID in binary is 1100 0000 0000 0000 (0xC000 converted to binary). Next, we construct a table with 8 entries. The entry for the address prefix 1 is 2001:DB8:0:C000::/54. Additional entries are increments of the subnet bits in the subnet ID portion of the address prefix, as shown in Table 4-12. Address Prefix Binary Representation of Subnet ID Subnetted Address Prefix 1 1100 0000 0000 0000 2001:DB8:0:C000::/54 2 1100 0100 0000 0000 2001:DB8:0:C400::/54 3 1100 1000 0000 0000 2001:DB8:0:C800::/54 4 1100 1100 0000 0000 2001:DB8:0:CC00::/54 5 1101 0000 0000 0000 2001:DB8:0:D000::/54 6 1101 0100 0000 0000 2001:DB8:0:D400::/54 7 1101 1000 0000 0000 2001:DB8:0:D800::/54 8 1101 1100 0000 0000 2001:DB8:0:DC00::/54 Table 4-12 The Binary Subnetting Technique for Address Prefix 2001:DB8:0:C000::/51 In Table 4-12, the underline in the second column shows the bits that are being used for subnetting. To create the enumerated list of subnetted address prefixes using the hexadecimal method, perform the following steps: 1. Based on s, the number of bits chosen for subnetting, and m, the prefix length of the address prefix being subnetted, calculate the following: f = m - 48 f is the number of bits within the subnet ID that are already fixed. s n=2 n is the number of address prefixes that you will obtain. 16-(f+s) i=2 i is the incremental value between each successive subnet ID expressed in hexadecimal. p = m+s p is the prefix length of the new subnetted address prefixes. 2. Create a two-column table with n rows. The first column contains the address prefix numbers (starting with 1), and the second column contains the new subnetted address prefixes. 3. In the first row, place the original address prefix with the new prefix length in the second column. For TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 111 Chapter 4 – Subnetting example, based on F, the hexadecimal value of the subnet ID being subnetted, the subnetted address prefix is [48-bit prefix]:F::/p. 4. In the next row, increment the value within the subnet ID portion of the global or unique local address prefix by i, and place the result in the second column. For example, in the second row, the subnetted prefix is [48-bit prefix]:F+i::/p. 5. Repeat step 4 until you complete the table. For example, to perform a 3-bit subnetting of the global address prefix 2001:DB8:0:C000::/51, first calculate the values of the number of prefixes, the increment, and the new prefix length. Your starting 3 values are F=0xC000, s=3, m=51, and therefore f=51-48=3. The number of prefixes is 8 (n=2 ). The 16-(3+3) increment is 0x400 (i=2 =1024=0x400). The new prefix length is 54 (p=51+3). Next, you construct a table with eight rows, as shown in Table 4-13. In the row for the address prefix 1, place 2001:DB8:0:C000::/54 in the second column, and complete the remaining rows by incrementing the Subnet ID portion of the address prefix by 0x400. Address Prefix Subnetted Address Prefix 1 2001:DB8:0:C000::/54 2 2001:DB8:0:C400::/54 3 2001:DB8:0:C800::/54 4 2001:DB8:0:CC00::/54 5 2001:DB8:0:D000::/54 6 2001:DB8:0:D400::/54 7 2001:DB8:0:D800::/54 8 2001:DB8:0:DC00::/54 Table 4-13 Hexadecimal Technique for the 3-bit Subnetting of 2001:DB8:0:C000::/51 To create the enumerated list of subnetted address prefixes using the decimal method, do the following: 1. Based on s, the number of bits you are using for subnetting, m, the prefix length of the address prefix being subnetted, and F, the hexadecimal value of the subnet ID being subnetted, calculate the following: f = m - 48 f is the number of bits within the Subnet ID that are already fixed. s n=2 n is the number of address prefixes that you will obtain. 16-(f+s) i=2 i is the incremental value between each successive subnet ID. p = m+s p is the prefix length of the new subnetted address prefixes. D = decimal representation of F TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 112 Chapter 4 – Subnetting 2. Create a three-column table with n rows. The first column contains the address prefix numbers (starting with 1), the second column contains the decimal representations of the Subnet ID portions of the new subnetted address prefixes, and the third column contains the new subnetted address prefixes. 3. In the first row, place the decimal representation of the subnet ID (D) in the first column, and place the subnetted prefix, [48-bit prefix]:F::/p, in the second column. 4. In the next row, increase the value of the decimal representation of the subnet ID by i, and place the result in the second column. For example, in the second row, the decimal representation of the subnet ID is D+i. 5. In the third column, convert the decimal representation of the subnet ID to hexadecimal, and construct the prefix from [48-bit prefix]:[SubnetID]::/p. For example, in the second row, the subnetted address prefix is [48-bit prefix]:[D+i (converted to hexadecimal)]::/p. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you complete the table. For example, to perform a 3-bit subnetting of the site-local address prefix 2001:DB8:0:C000::/51, first calculate the values of the number of prefixes, the increment, the new prefix length, and the decimal representation of the starting subnet ID. Our starting values are F=0xC000, s=3, m=51, and therefore 3 16-(3+3) f=51-48=3. The number of prefixes is 8 (n=2 ). The increment is 1024 (i=2 ). The new prefix length is 54 (p=51+3). The decimal representation of the starting subnet ID is 49152 (D=0xC000=49152). Next, construct a table with 8 rows as Table 4-14 shows. In the row for the address prefix 1, place 49192 in the first column and 2001:DB8:0:C000::/54 in the second column. In the remaining rows, increment the subnet ID portion of the address prefix (the fourth hexadecimal block) by 1024 and convert to hexadecimal. Address Prefix Decimal Representation of Subnet ID Subnetted Address Prefix 1 49192 2001:DB8:0:C000::/54 2 50176 2001:DB8:0:C400::/54 3 51200 2001:DB8:0:C800::/54 4 52224 2001:DB8:0:CC00::/54 5 53248 2001:DB8:0:D000::/54 6 54272 2001:DB8:0:D400::/54 7 55296 2001:DB8:0:D800::/54 8 56320 2001:DB8:0:DC00::/54 Table 4-14 Decimal Technique for the 3-bit Subnetting of 2001:DB8:0:C000::/51 Variable Length Subnetting Just as in IPv4, you can subnet IPv6 address prefixes recursively, up to the 64 bits that define the address prefix for an individual subnet, to provide route summarization at various levels of an organization intranet. Unlike IPv4, you cannot use variable-length subnetting to create different sized subnets because all IPv6 subnets use a 64-bit subnet prefix and a 64-bit interface ID. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 113 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Chapter Summary The key information in this chapter is the following:       Subnetting is a set of techniques that you can use to efficiently allocate the address space of one or more unicast address prefixes among the subnets of an organization network. To determine the subnet prefix of an IPv4 address configuration in prefix length notation (w.x.y.z/n), retain the n high-order bits, set all the remaining bits to 0, and then convert the result to dotted decimal notation. To determine the subnet prefix of an IPv4 address configuration in subnet mask notation, perform a bit-wise logical AND between the IPv4 address and its subnet mask. When determining the number of host ID bits in an IPv4 address prefix to use for subnetting, choose more subnets over more hosts per subnet if you have more possible host IDs than are practical to use on a given subnet. To subnet an IPv4 address prefix, use either binary or decimal methods as described in this chapter to enumerate the subnetted address prefixes and the ranges of usable IPv4 addresses for each subnet. Variable length subnetting is a technique of creating subnetted IPv4 address prefixes that use prefix lengths of different sizes. To subnet an IPv6 global or unique local address prefix, use either hexadecimal or decimal methods as described in this chapter to enumerate the subnetted address prefixes. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 114 Chapter 4 – Subnetting Chapter Glossary subnetting – The act of subdividing the address space of an IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix. subnetted address prefix – Either a new IPv4 address prefix that is the result of subnetting an IPv4 address prefix or a new IPv6 address prefix that is the result of subnetting an IPv6 address prefix. variable length subnet masks (VLSMs) – The use of different subnet masks to produce subnets of different sizes. variable length subnetting – The practice of using variable length subnet masks. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 115 Chapter 4 – Subnetting TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 116 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Chapter 5 – IP Routing Abstract This chapter describes how IPv4 and IPv6 forward packets from a source to a destination and the basic concepts of routing infrastructure. A network administrator must understand routing tables, route determination processes, and routing infrastructure when designing IP networks and troubleshooting connectivity problems. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 117 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:         Define the basic concepts of IP routing, including direct and indirect delivery, routing tables and their contents, and static and dynamic routing. Explain how IPv4 routing works in Windows, including routing table contents and the route determination process. Define IPv4 route aggregation and route summarization. Configure Windows hosts, static routers, and dynamic routers for routing. Define network address translation and how it is used on the Internet. Explain how IPv6 routing works in Windows, including routing table contents and the route determination process. Configure hosts and static routers for the IPv6 component of Windows. Define the use of the Route, Netsh, Ping, Tracert, and Pathping tools in IPv4 and IPv6 routing. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 118 Chapter 5 – IP Routing IP Routing Overview IP routing is the process of forwarding a packet based on the destination IP address. Routing occurs at a sending TCP/IP host and at an IP router. In each case, the IP layer at the sending host or router must decide where to forward the packet. For IPv4, routers are also commonly referred to as gateways. To make these decisions, the IP layer consults a routing table stored in memory. Routing table entries are created by default when TCP/IP initializes, and entries can be added either manually or automatically. Direct and Indirect Delivery Forwarded IP packets use at least one of two types of delivery based on whether the IP packet is forwarded to the final destination or whether it is forwarded to an IP router. These two types of delivery are known as direct and indirect delivery.   Direct delivery occurs when the IP node (either the sending host or an IP router) forwards a packet to the final destination on a directly attached subnet. The IP node encapsulates the IP datagram in a frame for the Network Interface layer. For a LAN technology such as Ethernet or Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 802.11, the IP node addresses the frame to the destination’s media access control (MAC) address. Indirect delivery occurs when the IP node (either the sending host or an IP router) forwards a packet to an intermediate node (an IP router) because the final destination is not on a directly attached subnet. For a LAN technology such as Ethernet or IEEE 802.11, the IP node addresses the frame to the IP router’s MAC address. End-to-end IP routing across an IP network combines direct and indirect deliveries. In Figure 5-1, when sending packets to Host B, Host A performs a direct delivery. When sending packets to Host C, Host A performs an indirect delivery to Router 1, Router 1 performs an indirect delivery to Router 2, and then Router 2 performs a direct delivery to Host C. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 119 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Figure 5-1 Direct and indirect delivery IP Routing Table A routing table is present on every IP node. The routing table stores information about IP destinations and how packets can reach them (either directly or indirectly). Because all IP nodes perform some form of IP routing, routing tables are not exclusive to IP routers. Any node using the TCP/IP protocol has a routing table. Each table contains a series of default entries according to the configuration of the node, and additional entries can be added manually, for example by administrators that use TCP/IP tools, or automatically, when nodes listen for routing information messages sent by routers. When IP forwards a packet, it uses the routing table to determine:   The next-hop IP address For a direct delivery, the next-hop IP address is the destination address in the IP packet. For an indirect delivery, the next-hop IP address is the IP address of a router. The next-hop interface The interface identifies the physical or logical interface that forwards the packet. Routing Table Entries A typical IP routing table entry includes the following fields:    Destination Either an IP address or an IP address prefix. Prefix Length The prefix length corresponding to the address or range of addresses in the destination. Next-Hop TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 120 Chapter 5 – IP Routing   The IP address to which the packet is forwarded. Interface The network interface that forwards the IP packet. Metric A number that indicates the cost of the route so that IP can select the best route, among potentially multiple routes to the same destination. The metric sometimes indicates the number of hops (the number of links to cross) in the path to the destination. Routing table entries can store the following types of routes:     Directly-attached subnet routes Routes for subnets to which the node is directly attached. For directly-attached subnet routes, the Next-Hop field can either be blank or contain the IP address of the interface on that subnet. Remote subnet routes Routes for subnets that are available across routers and are not directly attached to the node. For remote subnet routes, the Next-Hop field is the IP address of a neighboring router. Host routes A route to a specific IP address. Host routes allow routing to occur on a per-IP address basis. Default route Used when a more specific subnet or host route is not present. The next-hop address of the default route is typically the default gateway or default router of the node. Static and Dynamic Routing For IP packets to be efficiently routed between routers on the IP network, routers must either have explicit knowledge of remote subnet routes or be properly configured with a default route. On large IP networks, one of the challenges that you face as a network administrator is how to maintain the routing tables on your IP routers so that IP traffic travels along the best path and is fault tolerant. Routing table entries on IP routers are maintained in two ways:   Manually Static IP routers have routing tables that do not change unless a network administrator manually changes them. Static routing requires manual maintenance of routing tables by network administrators. Static routers do not discover remote routes and are not fault tolerant. If a static router fails, neighboring routers do not detect the fault and inform other routers. Automatically Dynamic IP routers have routing tables that change automatically when the routers exchange routing information. Dynamic routing uses routing protocols, such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), to dynamically update routing tables. Dynamic routers discover remote routes and are fault tolerant. If a dynamic router fails, neighboring routers detect the fault and propagate the changed routing information to the other routers on the network. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 121 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Dynamic Routing Dynamic routing is the automatic updating of routing table entries to reflect changes in network topology. A router with dynamically configured routing tables is known as a dynamic router. Dynamic routers build and maintain their routing tables automatically by using a routing protocol, a series of periodic or on-demand messages that contain routing information. Except for their initial configuration, typical dynamic routers require little ongoing maintenance and, therefore, can scale to larger networks. The ability to scale and recover from network faults makes dynamic routing the better choice for medium, large, and very large networks. Some widely used routing protocols for IPv4 are RIP, OSPF, and Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4). Routing protocols are used between routers and represent additional network traffic overhead on the network. You should consider this additional traffic if you must plan WAN link usage. When choosing a routing protocol, you should pay particular attention to its ability to sense and recover from network faults. How quickly a routing protocol can recover depends on the type of fault, how it is sensed, and how routers propagate information through the network. When all the routers on the network have the correct routing information in their routing tables, the network has converged. When convergence is achieved, the network is in a stable state, and all packets are routed along optimal paths. When a link or router fails, the network must reconfigure itself to reflect the new topology by updating routing tables, possibly across the entire network. Until the network reconverges, it is in an unstable state. The time it takes for the network to reconverge is known as the convergence time. The convergence time varies based on the routing protocol and the type of failure, such as a downed link or a downed router. The Routing and Remote Access service supports the RIP (Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003) and OSPF (Windows Server 2003 only) IPv4 routing protocols but no IPv6 routing protocols. Routing Protocol Technologies Typical IP routing protocols are based the following technologies:   Distance Vector Distance vector routing protocols propagate routing information in the form of an address prefix and its “distance” (hop count). Routers use these protocols to periodically advertise the routes in their routing tables. Typical distance vector-based routers do not synchronize or acknowledge the routing information they exchange. Distance vector-based routing protocols are easier to understand and configure, but they also consume more network bandwidth, take longer to converge, and do not scale to large or very large networks. Link State Routers using link state-based routing protocols exchange link state advertisements (LSAs) throughout the network to update routing tables. LSAs consist of address prefixes for the networks to which the router is attached and the assigned costs of those networks. LSAs are advertised upon startup and when a router detects changes in the network topology. Link state-based routers build a database of LSAs and use the database to calculate the optimal routes to add to the routing table. Link state-based routers synchronize and acknowledge the routing information they exchange. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 122 Chapter 5 – IP Routing  Link state-based routing protocols consume less network bandwidth, converge more quickly, and scale to large and very large networks. However, they can be more complex and difficult to configure. Path Vector Routers use path vector–based routing protocols to exchange sequences of autonomous system numbers that indicate the path for a route. An autonomous system is a portion of a network under the same administrative authority. Autonomous systems are assigned a unique autonomous system identifier. Path vector–based routers synchronize and acknowledge the routing information they exchange. Path vector–based routing protocols consume less network bandwidth, converge more quickly, and scale to networks the size of the Internet. However, they can also be complex and difficult to configure. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 123 Chapter 5 – IP Routing IPv4 Routing IPv4 routing is the process of forwarding an IPv4 packet based on its destination IPv4 address. IPv4 routing occurs at a sending IPv4 host and at IPv4 routers. The forwarding decision is based on the entries in the local IPv4 routing table. IPv4 Routing with Windows Computers running current versions of Windows and the supplied TCP/IP protocol use an IPv4 routing table. The IPv4 routing table stores information about destinations and how packets can reach them. The table contains a series of default entries based on the configuration of the node. You can add entries with TCP/IP tools (such as the Route.exe tool) or use a routing protocol to dynamically add routes. When an IPv4 packet is sent or forwarded, IPv4 uses the IPv4 routing table to determine:   The next-hop IPv4 address For a direct delivery (in which the destination is a neighboring node), the next-hop IPv4 address is the destination IPv4 address in the packet. For an indirect delivery (in which the destination is not a neighboring node), the next-hop address is the IPv4 address of a router. The next-hop interface The next-hop interface is either a physical interface (for example, a network adapter) or a logical interface (for example, a tunneling interface) that IPv4 uses to forward the packet. After the next-hop address and interface are determined, the packet is passed to the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) component of TCP/IP. For LAN technologies such as Ethernet and IEEE 802.11, ARP attempts to resolve the link-layer address (also known as the MAC address) for the nexthop address and forward the packet by using the next-hop interface. Contents of the IPv4 Routing Table The following are the fields of an IPv4 routing table entry for the TCP/IP component of Windows:    Destination Can be either an IPv4 address or an IPv4 address prefix. For the IPv4 routing table of the TCP/IP component of Windows, this column is named Network Destination in the display of the route print command. Network Mask The prefix length expressed in subnet mask (dotted decimal) notation. The subnet mask is used to match the destination IPv4 address of the outgoing packet to the value in the Destination field. For the IPv4 routing table of the TCP/IP component of Windows, this column is named Netmask in the display of the route print command. Next-Hop The IPv4 address to which the packet is forwarded. For the IPv4 routing table of the TCP/IP component of Windows, this column is named Gateway in the display of the route print command. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 124 Chapter 5 – IP Routing   For direct deliveries, the Gateway column lists the IPv4 address assigned to an interface on the computer. Interface The network interface that is used to forward the IPv4 packet. For the IPv4 routing table of the TCP/IP component of Windows, this column contains an IPv4 address assigned to the interface. Metric A number used to indicate the cost of the route so that the best route, among potentially multiple routes to the same destination, can be selected. The metric can indicate either the number of links in the path to the destination or the preferred route to use, regardless of number of links. IPv4 routing table entries can store the following types of routes:     Directly attached subnet routes For directly attached subnet routes, the Next-Hop field is the IPv4 address of the interface on that subnet. Remote subnet routes For remote subnet routes, the Next-Hop field is the IPv4 address of a neighboring router. Host routes For IPv4 host routes, the destination is a specific IPv4 address, and the network mask is Default route The default route is used when a more specific subnet or host route is not found. The default route destination is with the network mask of The next-hop address of the default route is typically the default gateway of the node. Route Determination Process IPv4 on a router uses the following process to determine which routing table entry to use for forwarding: 1. For each entry in the routing table, IPv4 performs a bit-wise logical AND operation between the destination IPv4 address and the Network Mask field. The result is compared with the Destination field of the entry for a match. As described in Chapter 4, "IP Addressing," the result of the bit-wise logical AND operation is:   2. For each bit in the subnet mask that is set to 1, copy the corresponding bit from the destination IPv4 address to the result. For each bit in the subnet mask that is set to 0, set the corresponding bit in the result to 0. IPv4 compiles the list of matching routes and selects the route that has the longest match (that is, the route with the highest number of bits set to 1 in the subnet mask). The longest matching route is the most specific route to the destination IPv4 address. If the router finds multiple routes with the longest matches (for example, multiple routes to the same address prefix), the router uses the lowest metric to select the best route. If multiple entries exist that are the longest match and the lowest metric, IPv4 does the following: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 125 Chapter 5 – IP Routing   For Windows Server 2008 and later and Windows Vista and later, IPv4 can choose which routing table entry to use. For Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, IPv4 chooses the interface that is first in the binding order. On an IPv4 sending host, the entries in the routing table that are used for route determination depend on whether the host supports strong host send behavior. With strong host send behavior, the host can only send packets on an interface if the interface is assigned the source IPv4 address of the packet. For more information, see Strong and Weak Host Models. You can view and modify the binding order from Network Connections by clicking Advanced and then Advanced Settings. The binding order appears under Connections on the Adapters and Bindings tab, as Figure 5-2 shows. Figure 5-2 The binding order on the Adapters and Bindings tab When the route determination process is complete, IPv4 has selected a single route in the routing table. If this process fails to select a route, IPv4 indicates a routing error. A sending host internally indicates an IPv4 routing error to an upper layer protocol, such as TCP or UDP. A router sends an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Destination Unreachable-Host Unreachable message to the sending host and discards the packet. Determining the Next-Hop Address and Interface After determining the single route in the routing table with which to forward the packet, IPv4 determines the next-hop address and interface from the following:  If the address in the Next-Hop field is an address that is assigned to an interface on the forwarding node (a direct delivery):   IPv4 sets the next-hop address to the destination IPv4 address of the IPv4 packet. IPv4 sets the next-hop interface to the interface that is assigned the address in the Interface field. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 126 Chapter 5 – IP Routing  If the address in the Next-Hop field is not an address that is assigned to an interface on the forwarding node (an indirect delivery):  IPv4 sets the next-hop address to the IPv4 address in the Next-Hop field.  IPv4 sets the next-hop interface to the interface that is assigned the address in the Interface field. Example Routing Table for an IPv4 Host Running Windows The following is the display of the route print or netstat –r command on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Microsoft Windows XP and that:    Has a single network adapter. Is configured with the IPv4 address, subnet mask (/22), and a default gateway of Does not have IPv6 installed. =========================================================================== Interface List 0x1 ........................... MS TCP Loopback interface 0x1000003 ...00 b0 d0 e9 41 43 ...... 3Com EtherLink PCI =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Active Routes: Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 20 1 20 20 20 1 1 Default Gateway: =========================================================================== Persistent Routes: None The display lists two interfaces. One interface corresponds to an installed network adapter (3Com EtherLink PCI), and the other is an internal loopback interface (MS TCP Loopback Interface). This routing table contains the following entries based on its configuration:  The first entry, network destination of and network mask (netmask) of (/0), is the default route. Any destination IPv4 address that is bit-wise logically ANDed with results in Therefore, the default route is a match for any destination IPv4 address. If the default route is the longest matching route, the next-hop address is, and the next-hop interface is the network adapter that is assigned the IPv4 address (the 3Com EtherLink PCI adapter). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 127 Chapter 5 – IP Routing       The second entry, network destination of and netmask of (/8), is the loopback network route. For all packets that are sent to an address of the form 127.x.y.z, the next-hop address is set to (the loopback address), and the next-hop interface is the interface that is assigned the address (the MS TCP Loopback interface). The third entry, network destination of and netmask of (/22), is a directly attached subnet route. If this route is the longest matching route, the next-hop address is set to the destination address in the packet, and the next-hop interface is set to the 3Com EtherLink PCI adapter. The fourth entry, network destination of and netmask of (/32), is a host route for the IPv4 address of the host. For all IPv4 packets sent to, the next-hop address is set to, and the next-hop interface is the MS TCP Loopback interface. The fifth entry, network destination of and netmask of (/32), is a host route that corresponds to the all-subnets directed broadcast address for the class B address prefix For all IPv4 packets sent to, the next-hop address is set to, and the next-hop interface is the 3Com EtherLink PCI adapter. The sixth entry, network destination of and netmask of (/4), is a route for multicast traffic that this host sends. For all multicast packets, the next-hop address is set to the destination address, and the next-hop interface is set to the 3Com EtherLink PCI adapter. The seventh entry, network destination of and netmask of (/32), is a host route that corresponds to the limited broadcast address. For all IPv4 packets sent to, the next-hop address is set to, and the next-hop interface is the 3Com EtherLink PCI adapter. The routes associated with the IPv4 address configuration are automatically assigned a metric of 20, based on the link speed of the 3Com EtherLink PCI adapter. For more information, see "Default Route Metric" in this chapter. The following are examples of how this routing table helps determine the next-hop IPv4 address and interface for several destinations:     Unicast destination The longest matching route is the route for the directly attached subnet ( The next-hop IPv4 address is the destination IPv4 address (, and the next-hop interface is the network adapter that is assigned the IPv4 address (the 3Com EtherLink PCI adapter). Unicast destination The longest matching route is the default route ( The next-hop IPv4 address is the default gateway address (, and the next-hop interface is the 3Com EtherLink PCI adapter. Multicast destination The longest matching route is the route. The next-hop IPv4 address is the destination IP address (, and the next-hop interface is the 3Com EtherLink PCI adapter. Subnet broadcast destination TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 128 Chapter 5 – IP Routing  The longest matching route is the route for the directly attached subnet ( The next-hop IPv4 address is the destination IPv4 address (, and the next-hop interface is the 3Com EtherLink PCI adapter. Unicast destination The longest matching route is the host route for the locally assigned IPv4 address ( The next-hop IPv4 address is the loopback address (, and the nexthop interface is the MS TCP Loopback interface. Static IPv4 Routing A static router uses manually configured routes to reach remote destinations. Figure 5-3 shows a simple static routing configuration. Figure 5-3 Simple static IPv4 routing configuration In Figure 5-3:   Router A has only local connections to subnets 1 and 2. As a result, hosts on subnet 1 can communicate with hosts on subnet 2 but not with hosts on subnet 3. Router B has only local connections to subnets 2 and 3. Hosts on subnet 3 can communicate with hosts on subnet 2 but not with hosts on subnet 1. To route IPv4 packets to other subnets, you must configure each static router with one of the following:   An entry in the routing table for each subnet prefix in the network. A default gateway address of a neighboring router. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 129 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Configuring Static IPv4 Routers Figure 5-4 shows an example of configuring entries in static routers for all subnet prefixes in the network. The routes in bold numbers were manually added to the routing tables of both routers. Figure 5-4 Example of static IPv4 routing entries In Figure 5-4:   A static entry is created in the routing table for Router A with subnet 3’s subnet prefix ( and the IP address ( of the interface that Router A uses to forward packets from subnet 1 to subnet 3. A static entry is created in the routing table for Router B with subnet 1’s subnet prefix ( and the IP address ( of the interface that Router B uses to forward packets from subnet 3 to subnet 1. Dynamic IPv4 Routing With dynamic routing, routers automatically exchange routes to known networks with each other. If a route changes, routing protocols automatically update a router's routing table and inform other routers on the network of the change. Network administrators typically implement dynamic routing on large IP networks because it requires minimal maintenance. Figure 5-5 shows an example in which each router has automatically added a route for a remote subnet (in bold) by using dynamic routing. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 130 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Figure 5-5 Example of dynamic IPv4 routing entries Dynamic routing for IPv4 requires an IPv4 routing protocol such as RIP, OSPF, or BGP-4. RIP RIP for IPv4 is a distance vector routing protocol that has its origins in the Xerox Network Services (XNS) version of RIP. This routing protocol became popular due to its inclusion in Berkeley UNIX (starting with BSD 4.2) as the RouteD server daemon. (A daemon is similar to a Windows service.) Two versions of RIP support IPv4. RFC 1058 defines RIP version 1 (v1), and RFC 1723 defines RIP version 2 (v2). OSPF Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a link state routing protocol that runs as an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) to a single autonomous system. In a link state routing protocol, each router maintains a database of router advertisements (LSAs). LSAs for routers within the AS consist of information about a router, its attached subnets, and their configured costs. An OSPF cost is a unitless metric that indicates the preference of using a link. Summarized routes and routes outside of the AS also have LSAs. RFC 2328 defines OSPF. The router distributes its LSAs to its neighboring routers, which gather them into a database called the link state database (LSDB). By synchronizing LSDBs between all neighboring routers, each router has each other router's LSA in its database. Therefore, every router has the same LSDB. From the LSDB, OSPF calculates the entries for the router's routing table by determining the least cost path, which is the path with the lowest accumulated cost, to each subnet in the network. BGP-4 Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) is a path vector routing protocol that RFC 4271 defines. Unlike RIP and OSPF, which perform within an autonomous system, BGP-4 is designed to exchange information TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 131 Chapter 5 – IP Routing between autonomous systems. BGP-4 routing information is used to create a logical path tree, which describes all the connections between autonomous systems. The path tree information is then used to create loop-free routes in the routing tables of BGP-4 routers. BGP-4 messages use TCP port 179. BGP-4 is the primary inter-domain protocol used to maintain routing tables on the IPv4 Internet. Integrating Static and Dynamic Routing A static router does not exchange routing information with dynamic routers. To route from a static router through a dynamic router (such as an IPv4 router that is enabled for RIP or OSPF), you will need to add a static route to the routing tables on both the static and dynamic routers. As Figure 5-6 shows:    To route packets from subnet 1 to the rest of the intranet, the routing table for Router A must include manually configured routes for subnet 3 (131.107.24/0/8) and for the rest of the intranet ( To route packets from subnet 2 and 3 to the rest of the intranet, the routing table for Router B must include manually configured routes for subnet 1 ( and for the rest of the intranet ( To route packets from subnet 3 and the rest of the intranet to subnets 1 and 2, the routing table for the RIP router must include manually configured routes for subnet 1 ( and subnet 2 ( Figure 5-6 Integrating static and dynamic routing The routing tables in Figure 5-6 do not show the routes for directly attached subnets or other routes learned by the RIP router. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 132 Chapter 5 – IP Routing IPv4 Route Aggregation and Summarization Routing protocols can propagate the individual routes for each subnet on an IPv4 network to each router. However, when a network grows very large with hundreds or thousands of subnets, you might need to configure your routers or routing protocols to advertise aggregate or summarized routes, rather than all of the routes within a region of your network. For example, a specific site of a large private network uses the subnets to (up to 256 subnets). Rather than having the routers at the edge of the site advertise up to 256 routes, you can configure them to instead advertise a single route: This single route summarizes the entire address space used by the site. Figure 5-7 shows an example of how routes can be summarized at various sites of an organization intranet. Figure 5-7 Example of summarizing routes The advantage of summarizing the address space of the site is that only a single route must be advertised outside the site, lowering the number of routes in the routing tables of routers outside the site. Another advantage is that the rest of the IPv4 network is protected from route flapping, which is the propagation of routing updates when networks become available or unavailable. The disadvantage to route summarization is that traffic destined to unreachable addresses within the summarized address space crosses more routers before being discarded. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 133 Chapter 5 – IP Routing For example, if the address prefix was not assigned to any subnet (it was an address prefix reserved for a future subnet) and the routers on the edge of the site advertised the address prefix, then traffic destined to would be forwarded all the way to the routers at the edge of the site before being discarded. If the address space of the site was not summarized and the individual routes for the subnets of the site were propagated to all the routers of the IPv4 network, the router on the sending host's subnet would discard the traffic. RIP, OSPF, and BGP-4 support route summarization. You can also summarize when configuring static routes. Route Summarization for Internet Address Classes: Supernetting With the recent growth of the Internet, it became clear to the Internet authorities that the class B address prefixes would soon be depleted. For most organizations, a class C address prefix does not contain enough host IDs, and a class B address prefix has enough bits to provide a flexible subnetting scheme within the organization. To prevent the depletion of class B address prefixes, the Internet authorities devised a new method of assigning address prefixes. Rather than assigning a class B address prefix, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) assigns a range of class C address prefixes that contain enough network and host IDs for the organization’s needs. This was known as supernetting, a route summarization technique for class C address prefixes on the Internet. For example, rather than allocating a class B address prefix to an organization that has up to 2,000 hosts, ICANN allocates a range of eight class C address prefixes. Each class C address prefix accommodates 254 hosts, for a total of 2,032 host IDs. Although this technique helps conserve class B address prefixes, it creates a different problem. Using class-based routing techniques, the routers on the Internet must have eight class C address prefix entries in their routing tables to route IP packets to the organization. To prevent Internet routers from becoming overwhelmed with routes, a technique called Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) is used to collapse multiple address prefix entries into a single entry corresponding to all of the class C address prefixes allocated to that organization. For example, to express the situation where eight class C address prefixes are allocated starting with address prefix   The starting address prefix is, or 11011100 01001110 10101000 00000000 The ending address prefix is, or 11011100 01001110 10101111 00000000 Note that the first 21 bits (bolded) of all the above Class C address prefixes are the same. The last three bits of the third octet vary from 000 to 111. The CIDR entry in the routing tables of the Internet routers becomes, or, in subnet mask notation. A block of addresses using CIDR is known as a CIDR block. Because prefix lengths are used to express the count, class-based address prefixes must be allocated in groups corresponding to powers of 2. To support CIDR, routers must be able to exchange routing information in the form of [Prefix, Prefix Length or Subnet Mask] pairs. RIP for IP version 2, OSPF, and BGP-4 support CIDR, but RIP for IP version 1 does not. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 134 Chapter 5 – IP Routing On today's Internet, the term "supernetting" is obsolete. Because the Internet no longer uses Internet address classes, distinguishing a block of Class C address prefixes as a supernetted address prefix is no longer necessary. Instead, organizations are assigned an address space without regard to the original Internet address class to which the address space originated. The address space is the summarized route for all the public addresses within the organization, whether the organization decides to subnet or not. IPv4 Routing Support in Windows Windows Server 2003 supports both static and dynamic IPv4 routing. Windows XP supports only static IPv4 routing. Static Routing You can enable static routing through the following:   The IPEnableRouter registry entry The Routing and Remote Access service For computers running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003, you can enable static IPv4 routing by setting the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\Tcpip\Parameters\IPEnableRouter registry entry to 1 (data type is REG_DWORD). Editing the registry is necessary only for computers running Windows Vista or Windows XP. For computers running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, you should use the Routing and Remote Access service to enable IPv4 routing rather than setting the IPEnableRouter registry entry. To run the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, right-click the server you want to enable, and then click Configure And Enable Routing and Remote Access. 2. Follow the instructions in the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard. To enable simple IPv4 routing, choose Custom Configuration on the Configuration page and LAN Routing on the Custom Configuration page of the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard. Dynamic Routing with RIP and OSPF You can enable dynamic routing through the Routing and Remote Access service. To do so, first configure and enable the Routing and Remote Access service as described in the previous section. Then configure RIP or OSPF routing by adding the RIP and OSPF routing protocol components and adding and configuring interfaces on which they are enabled. OSPF is not supported in Windows Server 2008 For more information about configuring RIP and OSPF routing, see the Help and Support in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003. Configuring Hosts for IPv4 Routing IPv4 hosts can use the following methods to reach remote destinations: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 135 Chapter 5 – IP Routing    Store a host-specific route to each remote destination. This method is obviously not practical or possible, because the routing table might have to contains thousands or, in the case of the Internet, millions of routes. The host routing table would have to change as addresses were added or removed. Store a route to each remote subnet. Although more possible, this method is also not practical, because the routing table would still have to contain possibly hundreds or, in the case of the Internet, tens of thousands of routes. The host routing table would have to change as subnets were added or removed. Store a single default route that effectively summarizes all of the locations that are not located on the local subnet. This method is possible and practical. Only a single route is needed and does not need to change for nodes or subnets that are added or removed from the network. By using a default route, the knowledge of the topology of the network and the set of reachable destinations is offloaded to the routers, rather than being a responsibility of the sending host. The advantage to this method is ease of configuration. The default gateway setting, which creates the default route in the IPv4 routing table, is a critical part of the configuration of a TCP/IP host. The role of the default gateway is to provide the host with that nexthop IPv4 address and interface for all destinations that are not located on its subnet. Without a default gateway, communication with remote destinations is not possible, unless additional routes are added to the IPv4 routing table. Default Gateway Setting You can configure a default gateway on a computer running Windows in the following ways:    When IPv4 obtains an address configuration using DHCP, the default gateway becomes the value of the first IPv4 address in the Router DHCP option. A network administrator configures this option on the DHCP server to specify an ordered list of one or more default gateways. When the user specifies an alternate IPv4 address configuration, the default gateway is the IPv4 address typed in Default Gateway on the Alternate Configuration tab for the properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component in Network Connections. You can specify only a single default gateway. When the IPv4 address configuration is manually specified, the default gateway is the IPv4 address typed in Default Gateway on the General tab for the properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component. To specify multiple default gateways, you must add them from the IP Settings tab in the advanced properties dialog box of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component. When the IPv4 address configuration is obtained using Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA), a default gateway is not configured. APIPA supports only a single subnet. The configuration of a default gateway creates a default route in the IPv4 routing table. The default route has a destination of with a subnet mask of In prefix length notation, the default route is, which is sometimes abbreviated to 0/0. The next-hop address, also known as the Gateway address in the display of the route print command, is set to the IPv4 address of the default gateway. The next-hop interface is the interface assigned the IPv4 address in the Interface column in the display of the route print command. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 136 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Based on the route determination process, the default route matches all destinations. If no other route matches the destination more closely, IPv4 uses the default route to determine the next-hop address and interface. Default route traffic is traffic destined to a remote network but that is forwarded to the default gateway (rather than traffic destined for the default gateway's IPv4 address). Default Route Metric TCP/IP for Windows by default automatically calculates a metric for the default route that is based on the speed of the adapter to which the default gateway is configured. For example, for a 100 megabit per second (Mbps) Ethernet adapter, the default route metric is set to 20. For a 10 Mbps Ethernet adapter, the default route metric is set to 30. To override this behavior for DHCP-assigned default gateways, use the Default Router Metric Base Microsoft-specific DHCP option, specifying Microsoft Windows 2000 Options as the vendor class. To override this behavior for manually configured default gateways, open the advanced properties dialog box for the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component, click the IP Settings tab, and then clear the Automatic metric check box on the TCP/IP Gateway Address dialog box for the configured default gateways. Figure 5-8 shows the TCP/IP Gateway Address dialog box. Figure 5-8 The TCP/IP Gateway Address dialog box ICMP Router Discovery ICMP Router Discovery provides an alternate method of configuring and detecting default gateways. Instead of obtaining a default gateway configuration manually or using DHCP, IPv4 can also dynamically discover the routers on a subnet. If the primary router fails, hosts can automatically switch to a backup router. When a host that supports router discovery initializes, it joins the all-systems IP multicast group ( and then listens for the Router Advertisement messages that routers send to that group. Hosts can also send Router Solicitation messages to the all-routers IP multicast address ( when an interface initializes to be configured immediately. TCP/IP for Windows supports sending ICMP router solicitations and receiving ICMP router advertisements, known as host-side router discovery. This capability is disabled by default and can be enabled if you are using DHCP and the Perform Router Discovery DHCP option. The Routing and Remote Access service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 supports sending ICMP router advertisements, known as router-side router discovery. To enable router-side ICMP router discovery, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, open Routing and Remote Access, IP Routing or IPv4, and then General. 2. In the details pane, right-click the interface that you want to enable, and then click Properties. 3. On the General tab, select the Enable router discovery advertisements check box, and configure TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 137 Chapter 5 – IP Routing additional settings as needed. Static Routes The Route tool adds entries to the IPv4 routing table. You can add entries for hosts or networks, and you can use IPv4 addresses or aliases. If you use aliases to specify hosts or gateways, the alias name is looked up in the Hosts file. If you use an alias to specify an address prefix, the alias name is looked up in the Networks file. Both of these files are in the %systemroot%\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. The following are examples of how to use the Route tool to add entries to the host IPv4 routing table.  Example of adding an entry corresponding to a host IPv4 address: route add mask or route add mask router1 in which the Hosts file has the entry:  router1 Example of adding an entry corresponding to an address prefix: route add mask or route add network3 mask in which the Networks file has the entry: network3 Persistent Static Routes Because the IPv4 routing table is maintained in memory, the table must be rebuilt every time the node is restarted. To maintain static routes that are not based on the node's configuration when Windows is restarted, the Route tool supports the -p option. The -p option makes the route persistent by storing it in the registry at the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPIP\PersistentRoutes RIP Listener RIP Listener is an optional networking component that you can install through the Programs and Features item of Control Panel on computers running Windows Vista or the Add or Remove Programs item of Control Panel on computers running Windows XP Professional. When installed, the RIP Listener service listens for RIP v1 and RIP v2 traffic and uses the received RIP messages to update its IPv4 routing table. A computer using the RIP Listener service is known as a silent RIP host. Routing for Disjoint Networks If you have multiple interfaces and you configure a default gateway for each interface, the default route metric, which is based on the speed of the interface, causes your fastest interface to be used for default route traffic. This behavior might be desirable in some configurations in which the computer has multiple adapters that are connected to the same network. For example, if you have a 100 Mbps TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 138 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Ethernet adapter and a 10 Mbps Ethernet adapter connected to the same organization intranet, you would want the default route traffic to be sent using the 100 Mbps adapter. However, this default behavior might be a problem when the computer is connected to two or more disjoint networks (networks that do not provide symmetric reachability at the Network layer). Symmetric reachability exists when packets can be sent to and received from an arbitrary destination. For example, the Ping tool tests for symmetric reachability. Examples of disjoint networks are the following:   Networks that have no Network layer connectivity, such as an organization intranet and a test lab that have no IPv4 router forwarding packets between them. A computer can be connected to both networks, but if no routes reach both networks and the computer connecting them is not forwarding packets, the two networks are disjoint. A privately addressed intranet that has a routed connection to the Internet. This configuration offers asymmetric or one-way reachability. Intranet hosts can send packets to Internet hosts from private IPv4 addresses, but the return traffic cannot be delivered because routes for the private address space do not exist in the routing infrastructure of the Internet. Connectivity to disjoint networks is important when organizations use the following:   Either a proxy server, such as Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server, or a network address translator (NAT) to connect their private intranets to the Internet. In either case, the address space of the intranet is not directly accessible to Internet hosts, regardless of whether the organization is using private or public addressing. Intranet hosts can access Internet locations indirectly through proxy or translation, but Internet hosts cannot access arbitrary intranet locations directly. Therefore, there is no symmetric reachability. This configuration is common for organizations that offer Internet connectivity to their employees. A virtual private networking (VPN) server to allow remote users or remote sites to connect to a private intranet over the Internet. Although the VPN server is connected to both the Internet and a private intranet and is acting as a router, the configuration of packet filters on the Internet interface prevents it from accepting anything but VPN-based traffic. Internet hosts cannot directly reach intranet locations without an authenticated VPN connection. Because the TCP/IP protocol uses only a single default route in the routing table at any one time for default route traffic, you can obtain undesirable results when default gateways are configured on multiple interfaces that are connected to disjoint networks. For the examples of the ISA or VPN server, the default route traffic is forwarded either to the Internet or the intranet but not both. From the ISA or VPN server, all the locations on either the Internet or the intranet are reachable, but you cannot reach both at the same time. However, ISA or VPN servers require simultaneous symmetric reachability for all the locations on both the Internet and the intranet to operate properly. When default gateways are configured on multiple interfaces, the default route that IPv4 chooses for current use is based on the following:  When the routing table contains multiple default routes with different metrics, the TCP/IP component of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 chooses the default route with the lowest metric. If the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 139 Chapter 5 – IP Routing  adapters are of different speeds, the adapter with the higher speed has the lower metric by default and is used to forward default route traffic. When the routing table contains multiple default routes with the lowest metric, the TCP/IP component of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 uses the default route that corresponds to the adapter that is the highest in the binding order. To prevent the problem of disjoint network unreachability, you must do the following on the ISA or VPN server:   Configure a default gateway on the interface that is connected to the network with the largest number of routes. In most configurations of disjoint networks, the Internet is the network with the largest number of routes. Do not configure a default gateway on any other interface. Instead use static routes or dynamic routing protocols to add the routes that summarize the addresses of the other disjoint networks to the local IPv4 routing table. For example, an ISA server is connected to the Internet and a private intranet. The private intranet uses the private IPv4 address space. To configure this server so that all locations on both disjoint networks are reachable from the ISA server, you would do the following on the ISA server:   Configure a default gateway on the network adapter connected to the Internet. This step creates a default route that points to the Internet, making all Internet locations reachable. Add the,, and routes using the intranet-connected adapter as persistent static routes with the Route tool. This step creates the routes that summarize all the addresses of the private intranet, making all intranet locations reachable. In this example, static routes are added. You can also configure the ISA server as a RIP or OSPF dynamic router so that, rather than summarizing the entire private IPv4 address space, subnet-specific routes are dynamically added and removed from the IPv4 routing table based on the current intranet routing topology. To use RIP or OSPF, enable and configure the Routing and Remote Access service. Network Address Translation A network address translator (NAT) is an IPv4 router defined in RFC 3022 that can translate the IPv4 addresses and TCP/UDP port numbers of packets as they are forwarded. For example, consider a small business network with multiple computers that connect to the Internet. This business would normally have to obtain a public IPv4 address for each computer on the network from an Internet service provider (ISP). With a NAT, however, the small business can use private addressing and have the NAT map its private addresses to a single or to multiple public IPv4 addresses. NATs are a common solution for the following combination of requirements:    You want to leverage the use of a single connection, rather than connecting multiple computers, to the Internet. You want to use private addressing. You want access to Internet resources without having to deploy a proxy server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 140 Chapter 5 – IP Routing How Network Address Translation Works When a private user on the small business intranet connects to an Internet resource, the TCP/IP protocol on the user’s computer creates an IPv4 packet with the following values set in the IPv4 and TCP or UDP headers (bold text indicates the fields that are affected by the NAT):     Destination IP Address: Internet resource IPv4 address Source IP Address: Private IPv4 address Destination Port: Internet resource TCP or UDP port Source Port: Source application TCP or UDP port The sending host or another router forwards this IPv4 packet to the NAT, which translates the addresses of the outgoing packet as follows:     Destination IP Address: Internet resource IPv4 address Source IP Address: ISP-allocated public IPv4 address Destination Port: Internet resource TCP or UDP port Source Port: Remapped source application TCP or UDP port The NAT sends the modified IPv4 packet over the Internet. The responding computer sends back a response to the NAT. When the NAT receives the packet, it contains the following addressing information:     Destination IP Address: ISP-allocated public IPv4 address Source IP Address: Internet resource IPv4 address Destination Port: Remapped source application TCP or UDP port Source Port: Internet resource TCP or UDP port When the NAT translates the addresses and forwards the packet to the intranet client, the packet contains the following addressing information:     Destination IP Address: Private IPv4 address Source IP Address: Internet resource IPv4 address Destination Port: Source application TCP or UDP port Source Port: Internet resource TCP or UDP port For outgoing packets, the source IPv4 address and TCP/UDP port numbers are mapped to a public source IPv4 address and a possibly changed TCP/UDP port number. For incoming packets, the destination IPv4 address and TCP/UDP port numbers are mapped to the private IPv4 address and original TCP/UDP port number. For example a small business is using the private address prefix for its intranet and its ISP has allocated it a single public IPv4 address of When a user with the private address on the small business intranet connects to a Web server at the IPv4 address, the user's TCP/IP protocol creates an IPv4 packet with the following values set in the IPv4 and TCP headers: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 141 Chapter 5 – IP Routing     Destination IPv4 Address: Source IPv4 Address: TCP Destination Port: 80 TCP Source Port: 1025 The source host forwards this IPv4 packet to the NAT, which translates the addresses of the outgoing packet as follows:     Destination IPv4 Address: Source IPv4 Address: TCP Destination Port: 80 TCP Source Port: 5000 The NAT sends the modified IPv4 packet over the Internet. The Web server sends back a response to the NAT. When the NAT receives the response, the packet contains the following addressing information:     Destination IPv4 Address: Source IPv4 Address: TCP Destination Port: 5000 TCP Source Port: 80 When the NAT translates the addresses and forwards the packet to the intranet client, the packet contains the following addressing information:     Destination IPv4 Address: Source IPv4 Address: TCP Destination Port: 1025 TCP Source Port: 80 Figure 5-9 shows how the NAT translates incoming traffic for the configuration in this example. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 142 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Figure 5-9 An example of how a NAT translates incoming traffic The mappings for private to public traffic are stored in a NAT translation table, which can contain two types of entries:   Dynamic mappings Created when private network clients initiate communications. Dynamic mappings are removed from the table after a specified amount of time, unless traffic that corresponds to an entry refreshes it. Static mappings Configured manually so that communications initiated by Internet clients can be mapped to a specific private network address and port. Static mappings are needed when there are servers (for example, Web servers) or applications (for example, games) on the private network that you want to make available to computers that are connected to the Internet. Static mappings are not automatically removed from the NAT translation table. The NAT forwards traffic from the Internet to the private network only if a mapping exists in the NAT translation table. In this way, the NAT provides some protection for computers that are connected to private network segments. However, you should not use a NAT in place of a fully featured firewall when Internet security is a concern. Windows Vista and Windows XP include network address translation capabilities with the Internet Connection Sharing feature in the Network Connections folder. Windows Server 2008 also includes network address translation capabilities with the NAT component of Routing and Remote Access. Windows Server 2003 also includes network address translation capabilities with the NAT/Basic Firewall component of Routing and Remote Access. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 143 Chapter 5 – IP Routing IPv6 Routing An IPv6 network consists of multiple IPv6 subnets interconnected by IPv6 routers. To provide reachability to any arbitrary location on the IPv6 network, routes must exist on sending hosts and routers to forward the traffic to the intended destination. These routes can either be general routes, such as a default route that summarizes all locations, or specific routes, such as subnet routes that summarize all locations on a specific subnet. Hosts typically use directly attached subnet routes to reach neighboring nodes and a default route to reach all other locations. Routers typically use specific routes to reach all locations within their sites and summary routes to reach other sites or the Internet. Although Router Advertisement messages automatically configure hosts with directly attached or remote subnet routes and a default route, configuring routers is more complex. You can configure a router with static routes or with routing protocols for dynamic routes. Similar to IPv4 nodes, typical IPv6 nodes use a local IPv6 routing table to determine how to forward packets. IPv6 routing table entries are created by default when IPv6 initializes, and entries are added either through manual configuration or by the receipt of Router Advertisement messages containing onlink prefixes and routes. IPv6 Routing Tables A routing table is present on all nodes running the IPv6 protocol component of Windows. The routing table stores information about IPv6 address prefixes and how they can be reached (either directly or indirectly). Before checking the IPv6 routing table, IPv6 checks the destination cache for an entry matching the destination address in the IPv6 packet being forwarded. If the destination cache does not contain an entry for the destination address, IPv6 uses the routing table to determine:   The interface used for the forwarding (the next-hop interface) The interface identifies the physical or logical interface that is used to forward the packet to either its destination or the next router. The next-hop IPv6 address For a direct delivery (in which the destination is on a local link), the next-hop address is the destination IPv6 address in the packet. For an indirect delivery (in which the destination is not on a local link), the next-hop IPv6 address is the address of a router. After the next-hop interface and address are determined, IPv6 updates the destination cache. IPv6 forwards subsequent packets addressed to the destination by using the destination cache entry, rather than checking the routing table. IPv6 Routing Table Entry Types IPv6 routing table entries can store the following types of routes:  Directly attached subnet routes These routes are subnet prefixes for subnets that are directly attached and typically have a 64-bit prefix length. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 144 Chapter 5 – IP Routing    Remote subnet routes Remote subnet routes can be subnet prefixes (typically with a 64-bit prefix length) or prefixes that summarize an address space (typically with a prefix length less than 64). Host routes For IPv6 host routes, the route prefix is a specific IPv6 address with a 128-bit prefix length. In contrast, both types of subnet routes have prefixes that have a prefix length of 64 bits or less. Default route The IPv6 default route prefix is ::/0. Route Determination Process To determine which routing table entry is used for the forwarding decision, IPv6 on an IPv6 router uses the following process: 1. For each entry in a routing table, compare the bits in the address prefix to the same bits in the destination address for the number of bits indicated in the prefix length of the route. If all the bits in the address prefix match all the bits in the destination IPv6 address, the route is a match for the destination. 2. Compile the list of matching routes and choose the route that has the largest prefix length (the route that matched the most high-order bits with the destination address). The longest matching route is the most specific route to the destination. If multiple entries with the longest match are found (multiple routes to the same address prefix, for example), the router uses the lowest metric to select the best route. If multiple entries exist that are the longest match and the lowest metric, IPv6 can choose which routing table entry to use. For any given destination, this procedure finds matching routes in the following order: 1. A host route that matches the entire destination address 2. A subnet or summarized route with the longest prefix length that matches the destination 3. The default route (the address prefix ::/0) When the route determination process is complete, IPv6 has selected a single route in the routing table. The selected route yields a next-hop interface and address. If the sending host fails to find a route, IPv6 assumes that the destination is locally reachable. If a router fails to find a route, IPv6 sends an Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6) Destination Unreachable-No Route to Destination message to the sending host and discards the packet. On an IPv6 sending host, the entries in the routing table that are used for route determination depend on whether the host supports strong host send behavior. Hosts running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003 support strong host sends. For more information, see Strong and Weak Host Models. Example Windows IPv6 Routing Table To view the IPv6 routing table on a computer running Windows, type route print or netsh interface ipv6 show routes at a command prompt. Here is the abbreviated display of the netsh interface ipv6 show routes command for a computer that has three network adapters, that is acting as a default TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 145 Chapter 5 – IP Routing router for two subnets configured with global address prefixes, and that has a default route pointing to a default router on a third subnet: Publish Type Met Prefix Idx --- Gateway/Interface Name ------- -------- ---- ------------------------ yes Autoconf 8 2001:db8:0:1::/64 4 Local Area Connection yes Autoconf 8 2001:db8:0:2::/64 5 Local Area Connection 2 yes Autoconf 8 2001:db8:0:3::/64 6 Local Area Connection 3 yes Manual 256 ::/0 6 ------------------------ fe80::210:ffff:fed6:58c0 Each entry in the IPv6 routing table has the following fields:       Whether the route is published (advertised in a Routing Advertisement message). The route type. Routes that user applications configure have the route type of Manual. Routes that the IPv6 protocol configures have the route type of Autoconf. A metric used to select between multiple routes with the same prefix. The lowest metric is the most desirable closest matching route. The prefix. The interface index, which indicates the interface over which packets matching the address prefix are reachable. You can view the interface indexes from the display of the netsh interface ipv6 show interface command. A next-hop IPv6 address or an interface name. For remote subnet routes, a next-hop IPv6 address is listed. For directly attached subnet routes, the name of the interface from which the address prefix is directly reachable is listed. The IPv6 routing table is built automatically, based on the current IPv6 configuration of your computer. A route for the link-local prefix (FE80::/64) is never present in the IPv6 routing table. The first, second, and third routes are for the 64-bit global address prefixes of locally attached subnets. An Ethernet network adapter named Local Area Connection (interface index 4) is connected to the subnet 2001:DB8:0:1::/64. A second Ethernet network adapter named Local Area Connection 2 (interface index 5) is connected to the subnet 2001:DB8:0:2::/64. A third Ethernet network adapter named Local Area Connection 3 (interface index 6) is connected to the subnet 2001:DB8:0:3::/64. The fourth route is the default route (prefix of ::/0). The default route matches all destinations. If the default route is the longest matching route for the destination, the packet is forwarded to the IPv6 address FE80::210:FFFF:FED6:58C0 by using the Ethernet network adapter named Local Area Connection 3 (interface index 6). When determining the next-hop IPv6 address from a route in the routing table, IPv6 does the following:  If the Gateway/Interface Name column of the routing table entry indicates an interface name, the destination is a neighbor, and IPv6 sets the next-hop address to the destination address of the IPv6 packet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 146 Chapter 5 – IP Routing  If the Gateway/Interface Name column of the routing table entry indicates an address (the address of a neighboring router), the destination is remote, and IPv6 sets the next-hop address to the address in the Gateway/Interface Name column. For example, when traffic is sent to 2001:DB8:0:2:2AA:FF:FE90:4D3C, the longest matching route is the route for the directly attached subnet 2001:DB8:0:2::/64. The forwarding IP address is set to the destination address of 2001:DB8:0:2:2AA:FF:FE90:4D3C, and the interface is the interface that corresponds to interface index 5 (the Ethernet network adapter named Local Area Connection 2). When traffic is sent to 2001:DB8:0:9:2AA:FF:FE03:21A6, the longest matching route is the default route (::/0). The forwarding IP address is set to the router address of FE80::210:FFFF:FED6:58C0, and the interface is the interface that corresponds to interface index 6 (the Ethernet network adapter named Local Area Connection 3). IPv6 Routing Protocols The following routing protocols are defined for IPv6:      RIPng for IPv6 OSPF for IPv6 Integrated Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) for IPv6 BGP-4 Inter-Domain Routing Protocol version 2 (IDRPv2) RIPng for IPv6 RIP Next Generation (RIPng) is a distance vector routing protocol for IPv6 that is defined in RFC 2080. RIPng for IPv6 is an adaptation of the RIP v2 protocol—defined in RFC 1723—to advertise IPv6 address prefixes. RIPng for IPv6 uses UDP port 521 to periodically advertise its routes, respond to requests for routes, and advertise route changes. RIPng for IPv6 has a maximum distance of 15, in which 15 is the accumulated cost (hop count). Locations that are a distance of 16 or further are considered unreachable. RIPng for IPv6 is a simple routing protocol with a periodic route-advertising mechanism designed for use in small- to mediumsized IPv6 networks. RIPng for IPv6 does not scale well to a large or very large IPv6 network. OSPF for IPv6 OSPF for IPv6 is a link state routing protocol defined in RFC 2740 and designed for routing table maintenance within a single autonomous system. OSPF for IPv6 is an adaptation of the OSPF routing protocol version 2 for IPv4 defined in RFC 2328. The OSPF cost of each router link is a unitless number that the network administrator assigns, and it can include delay, bandwidth, and monetary cost factors. The accumulated cost between network segments in an OSPF network must be less than 65,535. OSPF messages are sent as upper layer protocol data units (PDUs) using the next header value of 89. Integrated IS-IS for IPv6 Integrated IS-IS, also known as dual IS, is a link state routing protocol that is very similar to OSPF and that is defined in International Standards Organization (ISO) document 10589. IS-IS supports both IPv4 and Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP) (the Network layer of the Open Systems Interconnection TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 147 Chapter 5 – IP Routing [OSI] protocol suite). IS-IS allows two levels of hierarchical scaling, whereas OSPF allows only one (areas). A detailed explanation of Integrated IS-IS for IPv6 is beyond the scope of this chapter. For more information, see ISO 10589 and the Internet draft titled "Routing IPv6 with IS-IS." BGP-4 Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 (BGP-4) is a path vector routing protocol defined in RFC 4271. Unlike RIPng for IPv6 and OSPF for IPv6, which are used within an autonomous system, BGP-4 is designed to exchange routing information between autonomous systems. BGP-4 routing information is used to create a logical path tree, which describes all the connections between autonomous systems. The path tree information is then used to create loop-free routes in the routing tables of BGP-4 routers. BGP-4 messages are sent using TCP port 179. BGP-4 is the primary inter-domain protocol used to maintain routing tables on the IPv4 Internet. BGP-4 has been defined to be independent of the address family for which routing information is being propagated. For IPv6, BGP-4 has been extended to support IPv6 address prefixes as described in RFCs 2545 and 4760. A detailed explanation of BGP-4 for IPv6 is beyond the scope of this chapter. For more information, see RFCs 4271, 2545, and 4760. IPv6 Route Aggregation and Summarization Just like in IPv4, you can aggregate or summarize IPv6 routing information at boundaries of address spaces. The best examples are the 48-bit address prefixes that IANA or an ISP assigns to the individual sites of an organization. The 48-bit prefix summarizes all the addresses used within the site. The 64-bit prefixes that correspond to individual subnets within the site are not advertised outside the site. Within the site, organizations are free to use any route aggregation scheme they want within the 16-bit Subnet ID field of the IPv6 global address format. Figure 5-10 shows an example. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 148 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Figure 5-10 An example of route aggregation for an IPv6 unicast address prefix Windows Support for IPv6 Static Routing The IPv6 protocol component of Windows supports static routing. You can configure a computer running Windows as a static IPv6 router by enabling forwarding on the computer's interfaces and then configuring it to advertise subnet prefixes to local hosts. Figure 5-11 shows an example network using a simple static routing configuration. The configuration consists of three subnets, three host computers running Windows (Host A, Host B, and Host C), and two router computers running Windows (Router 1 and Router 2). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 149 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Figure 5-11 Static routing example with the IPv6 protocol component of Windows After the IPv6 protocol is installed on all computers on this example network, you must enable forwarding and advertising over the two network adapters of Router 1 and Router 2. Use the following command: netsh interface ipv6 set interface InterfaceNameOrIndex forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled in which InterfaceNameorIndex is the name of the network connection in the Network Connections folder or the interface index number from the display of the netsh interface ipv6 show interface command. You can use either the interface name or its index number. In Windows Server 2008, you can also use the Routing and Remote Access snap-in to enable IPv6 routing. For example, for Router 1, if the interface index of the network adapter connected to Subnet 1 is 4 and the interface index of the network adapter connected to Subnet 2 is 5, the commands would be: netsh int ipv6 set interface 4 forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled netsh int ipv6 set interface 5 forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled After you enable forwarding and advertising, you must configure the routers with the address prefixes for their attached subnets. For the IPv6 in Windows, you do this by adding routes to the router's routing table with instructions to advertise the route. Use the following command: netsh interface ipv6 set route Address/PrefixLength InterfaceNameOrIndex publish=yes in which Address is the address portion of the prefix and PrefixLength is the prefix length portion of the prefix. To publish a route (to include it in a router advertisement), you must specify publish=yes. For example, for Router 1 using the example interface indexes, the commands are: netsh int ipv6 set route 2001:DB8:0:1::/64 4 publish=yes netsh int ipv6 set route 2001:DB8:0:2::/64 5 publish=yes TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 150 Chapter 5 – IP Routing The result of this configuration is the following:   Router 1 sends Router Advertisement messages on Subnet 1. These messages contain a Prefix Information option to autoconfigure addresses for Subnet 1 (2001:DB8:0:1::/64), a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) option for the link MTU of Subnet 1, and a Route Information option for the subnet prefix of Subnet 2 (2001:DB8:0:2::/64). Router 1 sends Router Advertisement messages on Subnet 2. These messages contain a Prefix Information option to autoconfigure addresses for Subnet 2 (2001:DB8:0:2::/64), an MTU option for the link MTU of Subnet 2, and a Route Information option for the subnet prefix of Subnet 1 (2001:DB8:0:1::/64). When Host A receives the Router Advertisement message, the host automatically configures a global address on its network adapter interface with the prefix 2001:DB8:0:1::/64 and an Extended Unique Identifier (EUI)-64-derived interface identifier. The host also adds a route for the locally attached Subnet 1 (2001:DB8:0:1::/64) and a route for Subnet 2 (2001:DB8:0:2::/64) with the next-hop address of the link-local address of Router 1's interface on Subnet 1 to its routing table. When Host B receives the Router Advertisement message, the host automatically configures a global address on its network adapter interface with the prefix 2001:DB8:0:2::/64 and an EUI-64-derived interface identifier. The host also adds a route for the locally attached Subnet 2 (2001:DB8:0:2::/64) and a route for Subnet 1 (2001:DB8:0:1::/64) with the next-hop address of the link-local address of Router 1's interface on Subnet 2 to its routing table. In this configuration, Router 1 does not advertise itself as a default router (the Router Lifetime field in the Router Advertisement message is set to 0), and the routing tables of Host A and Host B do not contain default routes. A computer running the IPv6 protocol component for Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP will not advertise itself as a default router unless a default route is configured to be published. To continue this example configuration, the interface index of Router 2's network adapter connected to Subnet 2 is 4, and the interface index of Router 2's network adapter connected to Subnet 3 is 5. To provide connectivity between Subnet 2 and Subnet 3, you would issue the following commands on Router 2: netsh int ipv6 set interface 4 forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled netsh int ipv6 set interface 5 forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled netsh int ipv6 set route 2001:DB8:0:2::/64 4 publish=yes netsh int ipv6 set route 2001:DB8:0:3::/64 5 publish=yes The result of this configuration is the following:   Router 2 sends Router Advertisement messages on Subnet 2. These messages contain a Prefix Information option to autoconfigure addresses for Subnet 2 (2001:DB8:0:2::/64), an MTU option for the link MTU of Subnet 2, and a Route Information option for the subnet prefix of Subnet 3 (2001:DB8:0:3::/64). Router 2 sends Router Advertisement messages on Subnet 3. These messages contain a Prefix Information option to autoconfigure addresses for Subnet 3 (2001:DB8:0:3::/64), an MTU option for the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 151 Chapter 5 – IP Routing link MTU of Subnet 3, and a Route Information option for the subnet prefix of Subnet 2 (2001:DB8:0:2::/64). When Host B receives the Router Advertisement message from Router 2, the host does not automatically configure a global address using the 2001:DB8:0:2::/64 prefix, because a global address with that prefix already exists. Host B also adds a route for Subnet 3 (2001:DB8:0:3::/64) with the nexthop address of the link-local address of Router 2's interface on Subnet 2 to its routing table. When Host C receives the Router Advertisement message, the host automatically configures a global address on its network adapter interface with the prefix 2001:DB8:0:3::/64 and an EUI-64-derived interface identifier. It also adds a route for the locally attached subnet (Subnet 3) (2001:DB8:0:3::/64) and a route for Subnet 2 (2001:DB8:0:2::/64) with the next-hop address of the link-local address of Router 2's interface on Subnet 3 to its routing table. The result of this configuration is that, although Host B can communicate with both Host A and Host C, Host A and Host C cannot communicate because Host A has no routes to Subnet 3 and Host C has no routes to Subnet 1. You can solve this problem in either of two ways:   Configure Router 1 to publish a route to Subnet 3 with the next-hop address of Router 2's link-local address on Subnet 2, and configure Router 2 to publish a route to Subnet 1 with the next-hop address of Router 1's link-local address on Subnet 2. Configure Router 1 to publish a default route with the next-hop address of Router 2's link-local address on Subnet 2, and configure Router 2 to publish a default route with the next-hop address of Router 1's link-local address on Subnet 2. For the first solution, Router 1 will advertise two Route Information options on Subnet 1—one for Subnet 2 and one for Subnet 3. Therefore, Host A will add two routes to its routing table—one for 2001:DB8:0:2::/64 and 2001:DB8:0:3::/64. Router 1 will continue to advertise only one Route Information option (for Subnet 1) on Subnet 2. Similarly, Router 2 will advertise two Route Information options on Subnet 3—one for Subnet 1 and one for Subnet 2. Therefore, Host C will add two routes to its routing table—one for 2001:DB8:0:1::/64 and 2001:DB8:0:2::/64. Router 2 will continue to advertise only one Route Information option (for Subnet 3) on Subnet 2. The result of this configuration is that all the hosts and all the routers have specific routes to all the subnets. For the second solution, Router 1 will advertise itself as a default router with one Route Information option (for Subnet 2) on Subnet 1. Therefore, Host A will add two routes to its routing table—one for the default route ::/0 and one for 2001:DB8:0:2::/64. Similarly, Router 2 will advertise itself as a default router with one Route Information option (for Subnet 2) on Subnet 3. Therefore, Host C will add two routes to its routing table—one for the default route ::/0 and one for 2001:DB8:0:2::/64. The result of this configuration is that all the hosts and all the routers have a combination of specific and general routes to all the subnets, with the exception of Host B, which has only specific routes to all the subnets. The problem with solution 2 is that Router 1 and Router 2 have default routes pointing to each other. Any non-link-local traffic sent from Host A or Host C that does not match the prefix 2001:DB8:0:1::/64, 2001:DB8:0:2::/64, or 2001:DB8:0:3::/64 is sent in a routing loop between Router 1 and Router 2. You could extend this network of three subnets and two routers to include more subnets and more routers. However, the administrative overhead to manage the configuration of the static routers does not scale. At some point, you would want to use an IPv6 routing protocol. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 152 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Configuring Hosts for IPv6 Routing IPv6 hosts are configured for routing through the router discovery process, which requires no configuration. When an initializing IPv6 host receives a Router Advertisement message, IPv6 automatically configures the following:    On-link subnet prefixes that correspond to autoconfiguration address prefixes contained within the Router Advertisement message. Off-link subnet prefixes that correspond to specific routes contained within the Router Advertisement message. A default route, if the router sending the Router Advertisement message is advertising itself as a default router. Because the typical IPv6 host is automatically configuring all the routes that it typically needs to forward packets to an arbitrary destination, you do not need to configure routes on IPv6 hosts. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 153 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Routing Tools Windows includes the following command-line utilities that you can use to test reachability and routing and to maintain the routing tables:      Route Displays the local IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables. You can use the Route tool to add temporary and persistent routes, change existing routes, and remove routes from the IPv4 routing table. You can use the Route tool in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 to add routes, change existing routes, and remove routes from the IPv6 routing table. Netsh interface ipv6 Displays the IPv6 routing table (netsh interface ipv6 show routes), adds routes (netsh interface ipv6 add route), removes routes (netsh interface ipv6 delete route), and modifies existing routes (netsh interface ipv6 set route). Ping Verifies IP-level connectivity to another TCP/IP computer by sending either ICMP Echo or ICMPv6 Echo Request messages. The tool displays the receipt of corresponding Echo Reply messages, along with round-trip times. Ping is the primary TCP/IP tool used to troubleshoot connectivity, reachability, and name resolution. Tracert Determines the path taken to a destination by sending ICMP Echo or ICMPv6 Echo Request messages to the destination with incrementally increasing Time to Live (TTL) or Hop Count field values. The path displayed is the list of near-side router interfaces of the routers in the path between a source host and a destination. The near-side interface is the interface of the router that is closest to the sending host in the path. Pathping Provides information about network latency and network loss at intermediate hops between a source and a destination. Pathping sends multiple ICMP Echo or ICMPv6 Echo Request messages to each router between a source and destination over a period of time and then computes results based on the packets returned from each router. Because Pathping displays the degree of packet loss at any given router or link, you can determine which routers or links might be having network problems. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 154 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Chapter Summary The chapter includes the following pieces of key information:           IP routing is the process of forwarding a packet based on the destination IP address. IP uses a routing table to determine the next-hop IP address and interface for a packet being sent or forwarded. IP routing is a combination of direct and indirect deliveries. Direct delivery occurs when the IP node forwards a packet to the final destination on a directly attached subnet, and indirect delivery occurs when the IP node forwards a packet to an intermediate router. Static routing relies on the manual administration of the routing table. Dynamic routing relies on routing protocols, such as RIP and OSPF, to dynamically update the routing table through the exchange of routing information between routers. The TCP/IP component of Windows uses a local IPv4 routing table to determine the route used to forward the packet. From the chosen route, the next-hop IPv4 address and interface are determined. IPv4 hands the packet to ARP to resolve the next-hop address to a MAC address and send the packet. You can use the route print command to view the IPv4 routing table for the TCP/IP component of Windows. Rather than use routes for the address prefixes of every subnet in your network, you can use route summarization to advertise a summarized address prefix that includes all the subnets in a specific region of your network. An IPv4 host is configured with a default gateway. IPv4 static routers are configured with either subnet routes or summarized routes. IPv4 dynamic routers are configured with the settings that allow them to exchange routing information with neighboring routers. A network address translator (NAT) is an IPv4 router that can translate the IP addresses and TCP/UDP port numbers of packets as they are forwarded. A NAT allows a small network to share a single public IPv4 address. The IPv6 component of Windows uses a local IPv6 routing table to determine the route used to forward the packet. From the chosen route, IPv6 determines the next-hop IPv6 address and interface. IPv6 hands the packet to the Neighbor Discovery process to resolve the next-hop address to a MAC address and send the packet. You can use the route print or netsh interface ipv6 show routes command to view the routing table for the IPv6 component of Windows. IPv6 hosts automatically configure themselves with routing information based on the receipt of Router Advertisement messages. You must use netsh interface ipv6 commands to manually enable and configure routers running the IPv6 component of Windows to advertise address prefixes and routes. You use the Route and Netsh tools to manage IP routing tables. You use the Ping tool to test basic reachability. You use the Tracert tool to show the path that a packet takes from source to a destination. You use the Pathping tool to test for link and router reliability in a path from a source to a destination. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 155 Chapter 5 – IP Routing Chapter Glossary default gateway – A configuration parameter for TCP/IP in Windows that is the IPv4 address of a neighboring IPv4 router. Configuring a default gateway creates a default route in the IPv4 routing table. default route – A route that summarizes all possible destinations and is used for forwarding when the routing table does not contain any other more specific routes for the destination. For example, if a router or sending host cannot find a subnet route, a summarized route, or a host route for the destination, IP selects the default route. The default route is used to simplify the configuration of hosts and routers. For IPv4 routing tables, the default route is the route with the network destination of and netmask of For IPv6 routing tables, the default route has the address prefix ::/0. direct delivery – The delivery of an IP packet by an IP node to the final destination on a directly attached subnet. distance vector – A routing protocol technology that propagates routing information in the form of an address prefix and its “distance” (hop count). host route – A route to a specific IP address. Host routes allow packets to be routed on a per-IP address basis. For IPv4 host routes, the route prefix is a specific IPv4 address with a 32-bit prefix length. For IPv6 host routes, the route prefix is a specific IPv6 address with a 128-bit prefix length. indirect delivery – The delivery of an IP packet by an IP node to an intermediate router. link state – A routing protocol technology that exchanges routing information consisting of a router’s attached subnet prefixes and their assigned costs. Link state information is advertised upon startup and when changes in the network topology are detected. longest matching route – The algorithm used to select the routes in the routing table that most closely match the destination address of the packet being sent or forwarded. NAT – See network address translator (NAT). network address translator (NAT) – An IPv4 router that translates addresses and ports when forwarding packets between a privately addressed network and the Internet. next-hop determination – The process of determining the next-hop address and interface for sending or forwarding a packet, based on the contents of the routing table. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) – A link state-based routing protocol for use within a single autonomous system. An autonomous system is a portion of the network under the same administrative authority. OSPF – See Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). path vector – A routing protocol technology that exchanges sequences of hop information that indicate the path for a route. For example, BGP-4 exchanges sequences of autonomous system numbers. RIP – See Routing Information Protocol (RIP). route determination process – The process of determining which single route in the routing table to use for forwarding a packet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 156 Chapter 5 – IP Routing route summarization – The practice of using address prefixes to summarize the address spaces of regions of a network, rather than using the routes for individual subnets. router – An IPv4 or IPv6 node that can forward received packets that are not addressed to itself (also called a gateway for IPv4). Router Advertisement – For IPv4, a message sent by a router that supports ICMP router discovery. For IPv6, an IPv6 Neighbor Discovery message sent by a router that typically contains at least one Prefix Information option, from which hosts create stateless autoconfigured unicast IPv6 addresses and routes. router discovery – For IPv4, the ability of hosts to automatically configure and reconfigure a default gateway. For IPv6, a Neighbor Discovery process in which a host discovers the neighboring routers on an attached link. Routing Information Protocol (RIP) – A distance vector-based routing protocol used in small and medium sized networks. routing protocols – A series of periodic or on-demand messages that contain routing information that is exchanged between dynamic routers. routing table – The set of routes used to determine the next-hop address and interface for IP traffic sent by a host or forwarded by a router. static routing – The use of manually configured routes in the routing tables of routers. supernetting – The obsolete use of route summarization to assign blocks of Class C address prefixes on the Internet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 157 Chapter 5 – IP Routing TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 158 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Abstract This chapter describes the details of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and its use to automatically allocate unique IPv4 address configurations to DHCP client computers. Network administrators must understand how DHCP works so that they can correctly configure the components of a DHCP infrastructure to allocate IPv4 addresses and other configuration options for DHCP clients on one or more subnets. This chapter also describes how IPv6 hosts use address autoconfiguration and the DHCP for IPv6 (DHCPv6) protocol and how you can manage IP configuration with the Ipconfig tool. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 159 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:            Describe the function of DHCP. Explain how DHCP works. Install and configure the DHCP Server service. Configure a DHCP scope, a superscope, and scope options. Describe the function of DHCP user and vendor classes. Install and configure a DHCP relay agent. Describe how IPv6 address autoconfiguration works. Describe how DHCPv6 works. Configure a DHCPv6 scope. Install and configure a DHCPv6 relay agent. Use the Ipconfig tool to view IP configurations and to manage DHCP-allocated IPv4 address configurations. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 160 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP Overview DHCP is a TCP/IP standard that reduces the complexity and administrative overhead of managing network client IPv4 addresses and other configuration parameters. A properly configured DHCP infrastructure eliminates the configuration problems associated with manually configuring TCP/IP. A DHCP infrastructure consists of the following elements:    DHCP servers Computers that offer dynamic configuration of IPv4 addresses and related configuration parameters to DHCP clients. DHCP clients Network nodes that support the ability to communicate with a DHCP server to obtain a dynamically leased IPv4 address and related configuration parameters. DHCP relay agents Network nodes, typically routers, that listen for broadcast and unicast DHCP messages and relay them between DHCP servers and DHCP clients. Without DHCP relay agents, you would have to install a DHCP server on each subnet that contains DHCP clients. Each time a DHCP client starts, it requests IPv4 addressing information from a DHCP server, including:    IPv4 address Subnet mask Additional configuration parameters, such as a default gateway address, Domain Name System (DNS) server addresses, a DNS domain name, and Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server addresses. When a DHCP server receives a request, it selects an available IPv4 address from a pool of addresses defined in its database (along with other configuration parameters) and offers it to the DHCP client. If the client accepts the offer, the IPv4 addressing information is leased to the client for a specified period of time. The DHCP client will typically continue to attempt to contact a DHCP server if a response to its request for an IPv4 address configuration is not received, either because the DHCP server cannot be reached or because no more IPv4 addresses are available in the pool to lease to the client. For DHCP clients that are based on Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 operating systems, the DHCP Client service uses the alternate configuration when it cannot contact a DHCP server. The alternate configuration can be either an Automatic Private IP Addressing [APIPA] address or an alternate configuration that has been configured manually. Requests for Comments (RFCs) 2131 and 2132 define the operation of DHCP clients and servers. RFC 1542 defines the operation of DHCP relay agents. All DHCP messages are sent using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). DHCP clients listen on UDP port 67. DHCP servers listen on UDP port 68. DHCP relay agents listen on both UDP ports. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 161 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Benefits of Using DHCP To understand why DHCP is beneficial in configuring TCP/IP on client computers, it is useful to contrast the manual configuration method with the DHCP method. Configuring TCP/IP Manually Correct operation of TCP/IP on a host computer requires careful configuration of an IPv4 address, subnet mask, and default gateway before the client can communicate with other network nodes. If the configuration is incorrect, the following might happen:    A user who configures a random IPv4 address, instead of getting a valid IPv4 address from a network administrator, can create network problems that are difficult to troubleshoot. An error in typing one of the numbers for the IPv4 address, subnet mask, or default gateway can also lead to problems. These problems can range from trouble communicating using TCP/IP (if the default gateway or subnet mask is wrong) to problems with attempting to use a duplicate IPv4 address. If the network node moves to another subnet, the IPv4 address, subnet mask, and default gateway are no longer valid and cannot be used for TCP/IP-based connectivity. Correct manual configuration is especially important for wireless LANs. For example, a wireless user using a wireless-enabled laptop computer moves from one building to another in a corporate campus. When the user and their laptop change buildings, they might switch to another subnet. Without automated configuration, the user must manually type a different IPv4 address, subnet mask, and default gateway for the new subnet to restore TCP/IP connectivity. Configuring TCP/IP Using DHCP Using DHCP to automatically configure IPv4 address configurations means the following:   Users no longer need to acquire IPv4 address configurations from a network administrator to properly configure TCP/IP. When a DHCP client is started, it automatically receives an IPv4 address configuration that is correct for the attached subnet from a DHCP server. When the DHCP client moves to another subnet, it automatically obtains a new IPv4 address configuration for that subnet. The DHCP server supplies all of the necessary configuration information to all DHCP clients. As long as the DHCP server has been correctly configured, all DHCP clients of the DHCP server are configured correctly. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 162 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol How DHCP Works DHCP uses the following basic process to automatically configure a DHCP client: 1. When the TCP/IP protocol initializes and has DHCP enabled on any of its interfaces, the DHCP client sends a DHCPDiscover message to find the DHCP servers on the network and to obtain a valid IPv4 address configuration. 2. All DHCP servers that receive the DHCPDiscover message and that have a valid IPv4 address configuration for the client send a DHCPOffer message back to the DHCP client. 3. The DHCP client selects an IPv4 address configuration to use from the DHCPOffer messages that it receives and sends a DHCPRequest message to all the DHCP servers, requesting the use of the selected configuration. The DHCPRequest message identifies the server that sent the offer that the DHCP client selected. The other DHCP servers that receive the DHCPRequest message that sent offers place their offered IPv4 addresses back into the available pool of addresses. 4. The selected DHCP server assigns the IPv4 address configuration to the DHCP client and sends a DHCPAck (acknowledgment) message to the DHCP client. The DHCP client computer finishes initializing the TCP/IP protocol on the interface. Once complete, the client can use all TCP/IP services and applications for normal network communications and connectivity to other IPv4 hosts. Figure 6-1 shows the basic DHCP process. Figure 6-1 The basic DHCP process If a computer has multiple network adapters, the DHCP process occurs separately over each network adapter that is configured for automatic TCP/IP addressing until each network adapter in the computer has been allocated a unique IPv4 address configuration. DHCP Messages and Client States The DHCP client can go through six states in the DHCP process:  Initializing TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 163 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol      Selecting Requesting Bound Renewing Rebinding DHCP clients and servers use the following messages to communicate during the DHCP configuration process:        DHCPDiscover (sent from client to server) DHCPOffer (sent from server to client) DHCPRequest (sent from client to server) DHCPAck (sent from server to client) DHCPNak (sent from server to client) DHCPDecline (sent from client to server) DHCPRelease (sent from client to server) Figure 6-2 shows DHCP client states and messages, which are discussed in detail in the following sections. Figure 6-2 DHCP states and messages Computers running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 use an additional DHCP message, the DHCPInform message, to request and obtain information from a DHCP server for the following purposes:  To detect authorized DHCP servers in an environment that includes the Active Directory® directory service. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 164 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol   To obtain updated addresses for DNS servers and WINS servers and a DNS domain name when making a remote access connection. To obtain additional configuration parameters. The Initializing State In the Initializing state, the DHCP client is trying to initialize TCP/IP and it does not yet have an IPv4 address configuration. This state occurs the first time the TCP/IP protocol stack is initialized after being configured for automatic configuration and when the DHCP client cannot renew the lease on an IPv4 address configuration. When the DHCP client is in the Initializing state, its IPv4 address is, also known as the unspecified address. The DHCP client's first task is to obtain an IPv4 address configuration by broadcasting a DHCPDiscover message from UDP port 67 to UDP port 68. Because the DHCP client does not yet have an IPv4 address and has not determined the IPv4 addresses of any DHCP servers, the source IPv4 address for the DHCPDiscover broadcast is the unspecified address,, and the destination is the limited broadcast address, The DHCPDiscover message contains the DHCP client’s media access control (MAC) address and computer name. If a DHCP server is on the DHCP client's subnet, the server receives the broadcast DHCPDiscover message. If no DHCP server on the DHCP client’s subnet (a more typical configuration), a DHCP relay agent on the DHCP client’s subnet receives the broadcast DHCPDiscover message and relays it as a unicast DHCPDiscover message from the DHCP relay agent to one or more DHCP servers. Before forwarding the original DHCPDiscover message, the DHCP relay agent makes the following changes:     Increments the Hops field in the DHCP header of the DHCPDiscover message. The Hops field, which is separate from the Time to Live (TTL) field in the IPv4 header, indicates how many DHCP relay agents have handled this message. Typically, only one DHCP relay agent is located between any DHCP client and any DHCP server. If the value of the Giaddr (Gateway IP Address) field in the DHCP header of the DHCPDiscover message is (as set by the originating DHCP client), changes the value to the IPv4 address of the interface on which the DHCPDiscover message was received. The Giaddr field records the IPv4 address of an interface on the subnet of the originating DHCP client. The DHCP server uses the value of the Giaddr field to determine the address range, known as a scope, from which to allocate an IPv4 address to the DHCP client. Changes the source IPv4 address of the DHCPDiscover message to an IPv4 address assigned to the DHCP relay agent. Changes the destination IPv4 address of the DHCPDiscover message to the unicast IPv4 address of a DHCP server. The DHCP relay agent sends the DHCPDiscover message as a unicast IPv4 packet rather than as an IPv4 and MAC-level broadcast. If the DHCP relay agent is configured with multiple DHCP servers, it sends each DHCP server a copy of the DHCPDiscover message. Figure 6-3 shows the sending of the DHCPDiscover message by a DHCP relay agent that is configured with two DHCP servers. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 165 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Figure 6-3 Sending the DHCPDiscover message The Selecting State In the Initializing state, the DHCP client can select from the set of IPv4 address configurations that the DHCP servers offered. All DHCP servers that receive the DHCPDiscover message and that have a valid IPv4 address configuration for the DHCP client respond with a DHCPOffer message from UDP port 68 to UDP port 67. A DHCP server can receive the DHCPDiscover message either as a broadcast (because the DHCP server is on the same subnet as the DHCP client) or as a unicast from a DHCP relay agent. The DHCP server uses the following process to determine the scope on the DHCP server from which an IPv4 address for the DHCP client is to be selected and included in the DHCPOffer message: 1. If the Giaddr field is set to, set the value of the Giaddr field to the IPv4 address of the interface on which the DHCPDiscover message was received. 2. For each scope on the DHCP server, perform a bit-wise logical AND of the value in the Giaddr field with the subnet mask of the scope. If the result matches the subnet prefix of the scope, the DHCP server allocates an IPv4 address from that scope. To obtain the subnet prefix of the scope, the DHCP server performs a bit-wise logical AND of the subnet mask of the scope with any address in the scope. If the DHCPDiscover message was received as a broadcast, the DHCP server sends the DHCPOffer message to the DHCP client using the offered IPv4 address as the destination IPv4 address and the client's MAC address as the destination MAC address. If the DHCPDiscover message was received as a unicast, the DHCP server sends the DHCPOffer message to the DHCP relay agent. The DHCP relay agent uses the Giaddr value to determine the interface to use to forward the DHCPOffer message. The TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 166 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP relay agent then forwards the DHCPOffer message to the client using the offered IPv4 address as the destination IPv4 address and the client's MAC address as the destination MAC address. Figure 6-4 shows the sending of the DHCPOffer message. Figure 6-4 Sending of DHCPOffer message Note The discussion of how the DHCP server or DHCP relay agent sends DHCP messages to the DHCP client during the Selecting, Bound, and Rebinding states assumes that the Broadcast bit in the DHCP header of DHCP messages that the DHCP client sends is set to 0. The Broadcast bit indicates whether the DHCP client must receive responses to broadcast DHCPDiscover, DHCPRequest, and DHCPDecline messages as broadcasts, rather than as unicasts. The DHCP Client service in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP allows unicast responses and therefore always sets the Broadcast bit to 0. The DHCP Client service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista does not allow unicast responses and therefore always sets the Broadcast bit to 1. The DHCPOffer messages contain the DHCP client’s MAC address, an offered IPv4 address, appropriate subnet mask, a server identifier (the IPv4 address of the offering DHCP server), the length of the lease, and other configuration parameters. When a DHCP server sends a DHCPOffer message offering an IPv4 address, the DHCP server reserves the IPv4 address so that it will not be offered to another DHCP client. The DHCP client selects the IPv4 address configuration of the first DHCPOffer message it receives. If the DHCP client does not receive any DHCPOffer messages, it continues to retry sending DHCPDiscover messages for up to one minute. After one minute, a DHCP client based on Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP configures an alternate configuration, either through APIPA or an alternate configuration that has been configured manually. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 167 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol The Requesting State In the Requesting state, the DHCP client requests a specific IP address configuration by broadcasting a DHCPRequest message. The client must use a broadcast because it does not yet have a confirmed IPv4 address configuration. Just as in the DHCPDiscover message, the DHCP client sends the DHCPRequest message from UDP port 67 to UDP port 68 using the source IPv4 address of and the destination IPv4 address of If the DHCP client does not have a DHCP server on its subnet, a DHCP relay agent on its subnet receives the broadcast DHCPRequest message and relays it as a unicast DHCPRequest message from the DHCP relay agent to one or more DHCP servers. The data in the DHCPRequest message varies in the following way, depending on how the requested IPv4 address was obtained:   If the IPv4 address configuration of the DHCP client was just obtained with a DHCPDiscover/DHCPOffer message exchange, the DHCP client includes the IPv4 address of the server from which it received the offer in the DHCPRequest message. This server identifier causes the specified DHCP server to respond to the request and all other DHCP servers to retract their DHCP offers to the client. These retractions make the IPv4 addresses that the other DHCP servers offered immediately available to the next DHCP client. If the IPv4 address configuration of the client was previously known (for example, the computer was restarted and is trying to renew its lease on its previous address), the DHCP client does not include the IPv4 address of the server from which it received the IPv4 address configuration. This condition ensures that when restarting, the DHCP client can renew its IPv4 address configuration from any DHCP server. Figure 6-5 shows the sending of the DHCPRequest message. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 168 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Figure 6-5 Sending the DHCPRequest message The Bound State In the Bound state, the DHCP client receives confirmation that DHCP server has allocated and reserved the offered IPv4 address configuration to the DHCP client. The DHCP server that leased the requested IPv4 address responds with either a successful acknowledgment (DHCPAck) or a negative acknowledgment (DHCPNak). The DHCP server sends the DHCPAck message from UDP port 68 to UDP port 67, and the message contains a lease period for the requested IPv4 address configuration as well as any additional configuration parameters. If the DHCPRequest message was received as a broadcast, the DHCP server sends the DHCPAck message to the DHCP client using the offered IPv4 address as the destination IPv4 address and the client's MAC address as the destination MAC address. If the DHCPRequest was received as a unicast, the DHCP server sends the DHCPAck message to the DHCP relay agent. The DHCP relay agent uses the Giaddr value to determine the interface to use to forward the DHCPAck message. The DHCP relay agent then forwards the DHCPAck message to the DHCP client using the offered IPv4 address as the destination IPv4 address and the DHCP client's MAC address as the destination MAC address. Figure 6-6 shows the sending of the DHCPAck message. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 169 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Figure 6-6 Sending the DHCPAck message When the DHCP client receives the DHCPAck message, it enters the Bound state. The DHCP client completes the initialization of TCP/IP, which includes verifying that the IPv4 address is unique on the subnet. If the IPv4 address is unique, the DHCP client computer can use TCP/IP to communicate. If the IPv4 address is not unique, the DHCP client broadcasts a DHCPDecline message and returns to the Initializing state. The DHCP server receives the DHCPDecline message either as a broadcast or as a unicast through a DHCP relay agent. When the DHCP server receives the DHCPDecline message, it marks the offered IPv4 address as unusable. A DHCP server sends a DHCPNak (DHCP negative acknowledgement) message if:   The client is trying to lease its previous IPv4 address and the IPv4 address is no longer available. The IPv4 address is invalid because the client has been physically moved to a different subnet. The DHCPNak message is forwarded to the DHCP client's subnet using the same method as the DHCPAck message. When the DHCP client receives a DHCPNak, it returns to the Initializing state. The Renewing State In the Renewing state, a DHCP client is attempting to renew the lease on its IPv4 address configuration by communicating directly with its DHCP server. By default, DHCP clients first try to renew their lease when 50 percent of the lease time has expired. To renew its lease, a DHCP client sends a unicast DHCPRequest message to the DHCP server from which it obtained the lease. The DHCP server automatically renews the lease by responding with a DHCPAck message. This DHCPAck message contains the new lease and additional configuration parameters so that the DHCP client can update its settings. For example, the network administrator might have updated settings on TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 170 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol the DHCP server since the lease was acquired or last renewed. When the DHCP client has renewed its lease, it returns to the Bound state. Figure 6-7 shows the DHCP renewing process. Figure 6-7 The DHCP renewing process The Rebinding State In the Rebinding state, a DHCP client is attempting to renew the lease on its IPv4 address configuration by communicating directly with any DHCP server. When 87.5 percent of the lease time has expired and the DHCP client has been unsuccessful in contacting its DHCP server to renew its lease, the DHCP client attempts to contact any available DHCP server by broadcasting DHCPRequest messages. Any DHCP server can respond with a DHCPAck message renewing the lease or a DHCPNak message denying the continued use of the IPv4 address configuration. If the lease expires or the DHCP client receives a DHCPNak message, it must immediately discontinue using the IPv4 address configuration and return to the Initializing state. If the client loses its IPv4 address, communication over TCP/IP will stop until a different IPv4 address is assigned to the client. This condition will cause network errors for any applications that attempt to communicate using the invalid address. Figure 6-8 shows the DHCP rebinding process. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 171 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Figure 6-8 The DHCP rebinding process Restarting a Windows DHCP Client The DHCP Client service in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 uses these states when leasing an IPv4 address configuration from a DHCP server. However, when a Windows-based DHCP client is shut down, by default it does not release the IPv4 address configuration and return to the Initializing state. It does not send a DHCPRelease message and, from the perspective of the DHCP server, the client is still in the Bound state. When the Windows DHCP Client service is restarted, it enters the Requesting state and attempts to lease its previously allocated IPv4 address configuration through a broadcasted DHCPRequest message. The DHCPRequest is sent to the limited IPv4 broadcast address and to the MAC-level broadcast address and contains the MAC address and the previously allocated IPv4 address of the DHCP client. Note You can change the default behavior of a DHCP client running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 so that the client sends a DHCPRelease message when it shuts down. To make this change, you use the Microsoft vendor-specific DHCP option named Release DHCP Lease on Shutdown. Figure 6-9 shows the DHCP states for a Windows-based DHCP client. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 172 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Figure 6-9 DHCP states for a Windows-based DHCP client When a DHCP relay agent on the subnet receives the DHCPRequest message, it makes the following changes to the message before forwarding:     Increments the Hops field in the DHCP header. Records the IPv4 address of the interface on which the DHCPRequest message was received in the Giaddr field. Changes the source IPv4 address of the DHCPRequest message to an IPv4 address assigned to the DHCP relay agent. Changes the destination IPv4 address to the IPv4 address of a DHCP server. When the DHCP server receives the DHCPRequest message, it compares the subnet prefix of client's previously allocated IPv4 address to the subnet prefix of the IPv4 address stored in the Giaddr field and does the following:    If the two subnet prefixes are the same and the IPv4 address can be reallocated to the DHCP client, the DHCP server sends a DHCPAck to the DHCP relay agent. When the DHCP relay agent receives the DHCPAck, the agent re-addresses the message to the client's current IPv4 address and MAC address. If the two subnet prefixes are the same and the IPv4 address cannot be reallocated to the DHCP client, the DHCP server sends a DHCPNak to the DHCP relay agent. When the DHCP relay agent receives the DHCPNak, it sends the message to the client's current IPv4 address and MAC address. At this point, the DHCP client goes into the Initializing state. If the two subnet prefixes are not the same, the DHCP client has moved to a different subnet, and the DHCP server sends a DHCPNak to the DHCP relay agent. When the DHCP relay agent receives the DHCPNak, the agent sends the message to the client's current IPv4 address and MAC address. At this point, the DHCP client goes into the Initializing state. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 173 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol The Windows DHCP Server Service Before you install a Windows-based DHCP server, ask yourself these questions:     What IPv4 configuration options will DHCP clients obtain from a DHCP server (such as default gateway, DNS servers, a DNS domain name, or WINS servers)? The IPv4 configuration options determine how you should configure the DHCP server and whether the options should be created for all clients in the entire network, clients on a specific subnet, or individual clients. Will all computers become DHCP clients? If not, consider that non-DHCP clients have static IPv4 addresses, and you might have to exclude those addresses from the scopes that you create on DHCP servers. If a specific DHCP client requires a specific IPv4 address, you must reserve the address. Will a DHCP server supply IPv4 addresses to multiple subnets? If so, each subnet must contain a DHCP relay agent. If a subnet does not have a DHCP relay agent, you must install a separate DHCP server on the subnet. How many DHCP servers do you require? To ensure fault tolerance for DHCP configuration, you should use at least two DHCP servers. You might need additional DHCP servers for branch offices of a large organization. Installing the DHCP Server Service To install the DHCP Server service on Windows Server 2008, do the following: 1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager. 2. In the console tree, right-click Roles, click Add Roles, and then click Next. 3. On the Select Server Roles page, select the DHCP Server check box, and then click Next. 4. Follow the pages of the Add Roles wizard to perform an initial configuration of the DHCP Server service. To install the DHCP Server service on Windows Server 2003, do the following: 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Add or Remove Programs, and then click Add/Remove Windows Components. 2. Under Components, click Networking Services. 3. Click Details. 4. In Subcomponents of Networking Services, click Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and then click OK. 5. Click Next. If prompted, type the full path to the Windows Server 2003 installation files, and then click Next. The DHCP Server service starts automatically. The DHCP Server service must be running to communicate with DHCP clients. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 174 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol The DHCP server cannot be a DHCP client. It must have a manually configured IPv4 address, subnet mask, and default gateway address on all of its LAN interfaces. DHCP and Active Directory Integration The DHCP Server service is integrated with Active Directory to provide authorization for DHCP servers. An unauthorized DHCP server on a network can disrupt network operations by allocating incorrect addresses or configuration options. A DHCP server that is a domain controller or a member of an Active Directory domain queries Active Directory for the list of authorized servers (identified by IPv4 address). If its own IPv4 address is not in the list of authorized DHCP servers, the DHCP Server service does not complete its startup sequence and automatically shuts down. For a DHCP server that is not a member of the Active Directory domain, the DHCP Server service sends a broadcast DHCPInform message to request information about the root Active Directory domain in which other DHCP servers are installed and configured. Other DHCP servers on the network respond with a DHCPAck message, which contains information that the querying DHCP server uses to locate the Active Directory root domain. The starting DHCP server then queries Active Directory for a list of authorized DHCP servers and starts the DHCP Server service only if its own address is in the list. BOOTP Support The bootstrap protocol (BOOTP) is a host configuration protocol that was developed before DHCP to allow a diskless host computer to obtain an IPv4 address configuration, the name of a boot file, and the location of a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server from which the computer loads the boot file. The DHCP Server service supports BOOTP clients through the BOOTP Table folder in the console tree of the DHCP snap-in. The display of this folder is disabled by default, but you can enable it from the General tab in the properties of a DHCP server in the DHCP snap-in. After you enable the display of that folder, you can add BOOTP image entries specifying the location of boot files and TFTP servers for BOOTP clients from the BOOTP Table folder. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 175 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP Server Service Configuration The configuration of the DHCP Server service consists of a set of properties for the DHCP server, scopes, and DHCP options. This service is typically configured using the DHCP snap-in located in the Administrative Tools folder. You can also use netsh dhcp commands to configure local or remote DHCP servers. Properties of the DHCP Server To modify the properties of a DHCP server running Windows Server 2008, right-click either IPv4 or IPv6 in the console tree of the DHCP snap-in, and click Properties. To modify the properties of a DHCP server running Windows Server 2003, right-click the name of the server in the console tree of the DHCP snap-in, and click Properties. A properties dialog box should appear with the following tabs:     General On the General tab, you can enable the automatic update of statistics in the server statistics window of the DHCP snap-in and specify how often the statistics are updated. You can also enable DHCP audit logging to record DHCP server activity in a file and enable the display of the BOOTP Table folder in the DHCP console tree. DNS On the DNS tab, you can specify the settings for DNS dynamic update. Network Access Protection For IPv4 properties for DHCP servers running Windows Server 2008, on the Network Access Protection tab, you can specify the settings for DHCP Network Access Protection (NAP) enforcement. For more information about NAP, see the NAP Web page. Advanced On the Advanced tab, you can configure server conflict detection (the DHCP Server service attempts to ping each address it intends to offer before sending the DHCPOffer message); configure paths for the audit log, database, and backup database; and specify which connections (LAN interfaces) on which the DHCP Server service is listening for DHCP messages and credentials for DNS dynamic updates. Figure 6-10 shows the properties dialog box for a DHCP server running Windows Server 2008. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 176 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Figure 6-10 The properties dialog box for a DHCP server running Windows Server 2008 DHCP Scopes A DHCP scope is the consecutive range of possible IPv4 unicast addresses that DHCP clients on a subnet can use. Scopes typically define a single physical subnet on your network to which DHCP services are offered. Scopes are the primary way for the DHCP server to manage distribution and assignment of IPv4 addresses and any related configuration parameters to DHCP clients on the network. The DHCP Server service also supports multicast scopes. Configuring a DHCP Scope After you have installed and started the DHCP Server service, your next step is to configure a scope. Every DHCP server requires at least one scope with a pool of IPv4 addresses available for leasing to DHCP clients. Typically, you create multiple scopes—one for each subnet for which the DHCP is offering addresses. If a subnet contains manually configured TCP/IP nodes, you should exclude their IPv4 addresses from the scope. Otherwise, the DHCP server might allocate an address that is already in use on the subnet, causing problems with duplicate addresses. To create a DHCP scope, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the DHCP snap-in, right-click the IPv4 node or, for DHCP servers running Windows Server 2003, the DHCP server on which you want to configure a scope, and then click New scope. 2. Follow the instructions in the New Scope Wizard. The New Scope Wizard guides you through naming the scope; specifying the address range, exclusions, and lease duration; configuring DHCP options (default gateway, DNS settings, WINS settings); and activating the scope. If you do not activate the scope from the New Scope Wizard, you can manually activate it by right-clicking the scope name in the console tree, and then clicking Activate. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 177 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Deploying Multiple DHCP Servers To ensure that DHCP clients can lease IPv4 addresses even if a DHCP server becomes unavailable, you should create multiple scopes for each subnet and distribute them among the DHCP servers in the network. As a general rule, you should do the following for each subnet:   On a DHCP server that is designated the primary DHCP server for the subnet, create a scope containing approximately 80 percent of the IPv4 addresses available to DHCP clients. On a DHCP server that is designated as the secondary DHCP server for the subnet, create a scope containing approximately 20 percent of the IPv4 addresses available to DHCP clients. When the primary DHCP server for a subnet becomes unavailable, the secondary DHCP server can still service DHCP clients on the subnet. Figure 6-11 shows a simplified example DHCP configuration. Figure 6-11 An example of subnet address distribution on multiple DHCP servers Server1 has a scope for the local subnet with an IPv4 address range of through, and Server2 has a scope with an IPv4 address range of through Each server can lease IPv4 addresses to clients on its own subnet. Additionally, each server has a scope containing a small range of IPv4 addresses for the other subnet. For example, Server1 has a scope for Subnet B with the IPv4 address range of through Server2 has a scope for Subnet A with the IPv4 address range of through If a client on Subnet A is unable to lease an address from Server1, it can lease an address for its subnet from Server2, and vice versa. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 178 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol The primary DHCP server for a subnet does not have to be located on the subnet. In practice, most subnets do not contain a DHCP server, but they do contain a DHCP relay agent. For a large network in which the DHCP servers are located on network segments containing other servers, the primary DHCP server for a given subnet is the DHCP server that is topologically closest to the subnet and contains approximately 80 percent of the addresses for the subnet. The secondary DHCP server for a given subnet is the DHCP server that is topologically farther from the subnet than the primary DHCP server and contains approximately 20 percent of the addresses for the subnet. Because DHCP servers do not share scope information, it is important that each scope contain a unique range of IPv4 addresses. If the scopes of different DHCP servers contain the same IPv4 addresses (known as overlapping scopes), multiple servers can lease the same IPv4 addresses to different DHCP clients on a subnet, causing problems with duplicate IPv4 addresses. Superscopes A superscope is an administrative grouping of scopes that you can use to support multiple logical IPv4 subnets on the same physical subnet. Superscopes contain a list of member scopes that can be activated together. You cannot use superscopes to configure other details about scope usage. For configuring most properties used within a superscope, you must configure individual properties of member scopes. By using a superscope, you can support DHCP clients on locally attached or remote networks that have multiple logical subnets on one physical network segment (sometimes referred to as a multi-net). To create a superscope, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the DHCP snap-in, right-click the IPv4 node or, for DHCP servers running Windows Server 2003, the DHCP server on which you want to configure a superscope, and then click New superscope. 2. Follow the instructions in the New Superscope Wizard. The New Superscope Wizard guides you through naming the superscope and selecting the set of previously created scopes to add to the superscope. Options Options are other TCP/IP configuration parameters that a DHCP server can assign when offering leases to DHCP clients. For example, commonly used options include IPv4 addresses for default gateways (routers), DNS servers, DNS domain names, and WINS servers. Options can apply to all the scopes configured on the DHCP server or only to a specific scope. Most options are predefined in RFC 2132, but you can use the DHCP snap-in to define and add custom option types if needed. You can manage options at the following levels:  Server options These options apply to all scopes defined on a DHCP server. Server options are available to all DHCP clients of the DHCP server. Server options are used when all clients on all subnets require the same configuration information. For example, you might want to configure all DHCP clients to use the same DNS domain name. Server options are always used, unless overridden by scope, class, or reservation options. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 179 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol    Scope options These options apply to all DHCP clients that obtain a lease within a particular scope. For example, each subnet has a different IPv4 address as its default gateway address. Therefore, the option for assigning the default gateway must be a scope option. Scope options override global options for the same configuration parameter. Class options These options apply only to clients that are identified as members of a specified vendor or user class when obtaining a lease. For more information about vendor and user classes, see "DHCP Options Classes" in this chapter. Reservation options These options apply only to a single reserved client computer and require a reservation to be used in an active scope. Reservation options override server and scope options for the same configuration parameter. For more information about reservations, see "Client Reservations" in this chapter. To configure a scope option: 1. In the console tree of the DHCP snap-in, open the IPv4 node or, for DHCP servers running Windows Server 2003, the DHCP server on which you want to configure a scope option, and then open the applicable scope. 2. Right-click Scope Options, and then click Configure Options. 3. In Available Options, select the check box for the first option that you want to configure. 4. Under Data entry, type the information required for this option, and then click OK. 5. Repeat the steps 3-4 for any other options you want to specify. You can also click the Advanced tab, and specify additional scope options to apply only to members of selected user or vendor classes. Figure 6-12 shows an example of the configuration of the DNS Servers scope option. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 180 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Figure 6-12 An example of configuring the DNS Servers scope option Even though a DHCP server running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 can offer all the options in the options list, DHCP clients running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 request only the options listed in Table 6-1 during the DHCP configuration process. Option Description 001 Subnet Mask Specifies the subnet mask associated with the leased IPv4 address. The subnet mask is configured with a scope and does not need to be separately configured as an option. 003 Router Specifies the IPv4 address of a host's default gateway. 006 DNS Servers Specifies the IPv4 addresses of DNS servers. 015 DNS Domain Name Specifies the connection-specific DNS domain suffix to be used by the DHCP client. 031 Perform Router Discovery Specifies whether the DHCP client uses Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) router discovery as a host, as specified in RFC 1256. 033 Static Route Specifies a set of classful IPv4 network destinations and their corresponding router IPv4 addresses that DHCP clients add to their IPv4 routing tables. 043 Vendor-specific Information Specifies that vendor-specific options are requested. 044 WINS/NBNS Servers Specifies the IPv4 addresses of WINS servers. 046 WINS/NBT Node Type Specifies the type of network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) over TCP/IP name resolution to be used by the client. 047 NetBIOS Scope ID Specifies the NetBIOS scope ID. NetBIOS over TCP/IP will communicate only with other NetBIOS hosts using the same scope ID. 121 Classless Static Routes Specifies a set of classless routes that are added to the IPv4 routing table of the DHCP client. 249 Classless Static Routes Specifies a set of classless routes that are added to the IPv4 routing table of the DHCP client. Table 6-1 DHCP options requested by a Windows-based DHCP client Windows components can request additional DHCP options by using the DhcpRequestParams() function call. For more information, see How to Request Additional DHCP Options from a DHCP Server. DHCP clients that are not running Windows can request any DHCP option. Client Reservations You use a client reservation to ensure that a specified interface of a network node is always allocated the same IPv4 address. Some DHCP clients cannot change their IPv4 address configuration. For example, servers on a network that contains clients that are not WINS-enabled should always lease the same IPv4 address. Clients that are not WINS-enabled must use the Lmhosts file to resolve NetBIOS computer names of hosts on remote networks. If the IPv4 address of the server changes because it is TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 181 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol not reserved, name resolution using Lmhosts will fail. Reserving an IPv4 address for the server ensures that its IPv4 address will remain the same. To configure a client reservation: 1. In the console tree of the DHCP snap-in, open the IPv4 node or, for DHCP servers running Windows Server 2003, the DHCP server on which you want to configure a reservation, and then open the applicable scope or superscope. 2. Right-click Reservations, and then click New Reservation. 3. In New Reservation, type the information required to complete the client reservation. 4. To add the client reservation to the scope, click Add. 5. Repeat steps 2-5 for any other client reservations that you want to add, and then click Close. Figure 6-13 shows an example of configuring a reservation. Figure 6-13 An example of configuring a reservation The MAC address field is the most important entry in the reservation dialog box because DHCP clients send their MAC addresses in the DHCPDiscover and DHCPRequest messages. If this value is incorrectly typed, it will not match the value sent by the DHCP client. As a result, the DHCP server will assign the client any available IPv4 address in the scope instead of the IPv4 address reserved for the client. To obtain or verify a DHCP client’s MAC address, type ipconfig /all at the command prompt on the DHCP client. Fault Tolerance for Client Reservations To provide fault tolerance for client reservations, the reservation must exist on at least two DHCP servers. The client can receive its lease from any DHCP server and will be guaranteed the same IPv4 address. However, the only way to have the same client reservations on multiple DHCP servers is to have overlapping scopes. If any dynamic addresses are allocated from these overlapping scopes, addresses will conflict. Therefore, you should not use overlapping scopes unless all of the addresses in the overlap of the scopes are client reservations. DHCP Options Classes An options class is a way for you to further manage options provided to DHCP clients. When you add an options class to the DHCP server, it can provide DHCP clients of that class with class-specific option TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 182 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol types for their configuration. DHCP client computers running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003 can also specify a class ID when they communicate with the server. To support earlier DHCP clients that do not support class IDs, you can configure the DHCP server with default classes. Options classes can be of two types: vendor classes and user classes. Vendor Classes DHCP clients can use vendor-defined options classes to identify the client's vendor type and configuration to the DHCP server when the client obtains a lease. For a client to identify its vendor class during the lease process, the client needs to include the Vendor Class ID option (option code 60) in the DHCPDiscover and DHCPRequest messages. The vendor class identifier is a string of character data that DHCP servers interpret. Vendors can define specific vendor class identifiers to convey particular configuration or other identification information about a client. For example, the identifier might encode the client's hardware or software configuration. Most vendor types are derived from standard reserved hardware and operating system-type abbreviation codes listed in RFC 1700. When a client specifies vendor options, the DHCP server performs the following additional steps to provide a lease to the client: 1. The server verifies whether the vendor class identified by the client request is also defined on the server. 2. If the vendor class is defined, the server verifies whether any additional DHCP options are configured for this class in the matching scope. If the vendor class is not recognized, the server ignores the vendor class identified in the client request, and the server returns options allocated to the default vendor class, known as the DHCP Standard Options vendor class. If the scope contains options configured specifically for use with clients in this vendor-defined class, the server returns those options using the Vendor-specific option type (option code 43) in the DHCPAck message. DHCP clients running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP use the Microsoft Windows 2000 Options vendor class, which the DHCP Server service adds by default. In most cases, the default vendor class—DHCP Standard Options—provides a way to group any Windows-based DHCP clients or other DHCP clients that do not specify a vendor class ID. In some cases, you might define additional vendor classes for other DHCP clients, such as printers or some types of UNIX clients. When you add other vendor classes for these purposes, the vendor class identifier that you use when you configure the class at the server should match the identifier that the DHCP clients use. User Classes User classes allow DHCP clients to differentiate themselves by specifying what types of clients they are, such as a remote access client computer or desktop computer. For DHCP clients running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003, you can define specific user class identifiers to convey information about a client's software configuration, its physical location in a building, or its user preferences. For example, an identifier can specify that DHCP clients are members of a user-defined class called "2nd floor, West," which needs a special set of router, DNS, and WINS server settings. An administrator can then configure the DHCP server to assign different option types depending on the type of client receiving the lease. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 183 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol You can use user classes in the following ways:   DHCP client computers can identify themselves as part of a specific user class by including DHCP user class options when sending DHCP request messages to the DHCP server. DHCP servers running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 and the DHCP Server service can recognize and interpret the DHCP user class options from clients and provide additional options (or a modified set of DHCP options) based on the client's user class identity. For example, shorter leases should be assigned to remote access clients who connect to the network over phone lines or the Internet. Different desktop clients on the same subnet might require special settings, such as WINS and DNS server settings. If the client specifies no user-defined option classes, the server assigns that client default settings (such as server options or scope options). You add vendor or user classes by right-clicking either the IPv4 node or the DHCP server name in the DHCP snap-in and then clicking either Define Vendor Classes or Define User Classes. After you have added the classes, you configure user and vendor class options on the Advanced tab of the properties of a scope option. Figure 6-14 shows an example. Figure 6-14 Configuring vendor and user classes See "Setting and Displaying the Class ID" in this chapter for information about configuring the user class ID on computers running Windows. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 184 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol The DHCP Relay Agent The Routing and Remote Access service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 includes the DHCP Relay Agent, a routing protocol component that can act as an RFC 1542-compliant DHCP relay agent (also known as a BOOTP relay agent). Installing the DHCP Relay Agent Depending on your choices in the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard, you might have already installed the DHCP Relay Agent routing protocol component. If you must install and enable the DHCP Relay Agent, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, double-click the server name. 2. For Windows Server 2008, open IPv4, right-click General, and then click New Routing Protocol. 3. For Windows Server 2003, open IP Routing, right-click General, and then click New Routing Protocol. 4. In the New Routing Protocol dialog box, click DHCP Relay Agent, and then click OK. 5. In the console tree, right-click DHCP Relay Agent, and then click Properties. 6. In the DHCP Relay Agent Properties dialog box, add the list of IPv4 addresses that correspond to the DHCP servers on your network to which this computer will forward DHCPDiscover, DHCPRequest, DHCPDecline, and DHCPInform messages. Figure 6-15 shows an example of the DHCP Relay Agent Properties dialog box. Figure 6-15 An example of the DHCP Relay Agent Properties dialog box After you have installed the DHCP Relay Agent and configured the list of DHCP servers, you must enable the DHCP Relay Agent on the appropriate interfaces. To enable the DHCP Relay Agent on an additional interface, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, double-click the server name. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 185 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 2. For Windows Server 2008, open IPv4, right-click DHCP Relay Agent, and then click New Interface. 3. For Windows Server 2003, open IP Routing, right-click DHCP Relay Agent, and then click New Interface. 4. Click the interface that you want to add, and then click OK. 5. In the DHCP Relay Properties dialog box, on the General tab, verify that the Relay DHCP packets check box is selected. 6. If needed, in Hop-count threshold and Boot threshold (seconds), click the arrows to modify the thresholds as needed. 7. Click OK. Figure 6-16 shows an example of the DHCP Relay Properties dialog box for an interface. Figure 6-16 An example of the DHCP Relay Properties dialog box for an interface The Hop count threshold field is the maximum number of DHCP relay agents that can forward a DHCP message before this DHCP relay agent receives it. When a DHCP relay agent receives a DHCPDiscover, DHCPRequest, or DHCPDecline message, it checks the value of the Hops field in the DHCP header of the message. If the value in the Hops field exceeds the value in the hop count threshold, the DHCP relay agent silently discards the message. If not, the DHCP relay agent increments the value of the Hops field before forwarding the message. The Boot threshold (seconds) field is the amount of time that the DHCP relay agent waits before it forwards broadcast DHCP request messages. This option is useful when you want a DHCP server on the same subnet as the DHCP client to respond first. If the local DHCP server does not respond, you want the DHCP relay agent to forward the messages to a remote DHCP server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 186 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Address Autoconfiguration for IPv6 A highly useful feature of IPv6 is its ability to perform address autoconfiguration (specified in RFC 4862). Using address autoconfiguration, an IPv6 host can automatically configure itself without using an address configuration protocol, such as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6). By default, an IPv6 host can configure a link-local address for each interface. By using router discovery, a host can also determine the addresses of routers, additional addresses, and other configuration parameters. The addresses configured using router discovery are known as stateless addresses. For stateless addresses, the router does not record which IPv6 hosts are using which addresses. The Router Advertisement message indicates whether an address configuration protocol should be used. Autoconfigured Address States Autoconfigured addresses are in one or more of the following states:   Tentative The address is in the process of being verified as unique. Verification occurs through duplicate address detection. Valid An address from which unicast traffic can be sent and received. The valid state covers both the preferred and deprecated states. The Router Advertisement message includes the amount of time that an address remains in the valid state. The valid lifetime must be greater than or equal to the preferred lifetime.    Preferred An address for which uniqueness has been verified. A node can send and receive unicast traffic to and from a preferred address. The Router Advertisement message includes the period of time that an address can remain in the tentative and preferred states. Deprecated An address that is still valid but whose use is discouraged for new communication. Existing communication sessions can continue to use a deprecated address. A node can send and receive unicast traffic to and from a deprecated address. Invalid An address for which a node can no longer send or receive unicast traffic. An address enters the invalid state when the valid lifetime expires. Figure 6-17 shows the relationship between the states of an autoconfigured address and the preferred and valid lifetimes. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 187 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Figure 6-17 States of an autoconfigured IPv6 address With the exception of link-local addresses, address autoconfiguration is specified only for hosts. You must manually configure addresses and other parameters on routers. Types of Autoconfiguration There are three types of autoconfiguration:    Stateless Address configuration is based on the receipt of Router Advertisement messages. These messages include stateless address prefixes and require hosts not to use a stateful address configuration protocol. Stateful Configuration is based on the use of an address configuration protocol, such as DHCPv6, to obtain addresses and other configuration options. A host uses stateful address configuration when it receives Router Advertisement messages that do not include address prefixes and that require hosts to use an address configuration protocol. A host can also use an address configuration protocol when no routers are present on the local link. Both Configuration is based on receipt of Router Advertisement messages. These messages include stateless address prefixes and require hosts to use a address configuration protocol. For all autoconfiguration types, a link-local address is always configured. Autoconfiguration Process The address autoconfiguration process for an IPv6 node occurs as follows: 1. A tentative link-local address is derived from the link-local prefix of FE80::/64 and the 64-bit interface identifier. 2. Duplicate address detection is performed to verify the uniqueness of the tentative link-local address. If duplicate address detection fails, you must configure the node manually. If duplicate address detection succeeds, the tentative link-local address is assumed to be unique and valid. The link-local address is initialized for the interface. For an IPv6 host, address autoconfiguration continues as follows: 1. The host sends a Router Solicitation message. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 188 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 2. If the host receives no Router Advertisement messages, it can use an address configuration protocol to obtain addresses and other configuration parameters. 3. If the host receives a Router Advertisement message, the host is configured with the configuration information that the message includes. 4. For each stateless address prefix that is included: The address prefix and the appropriate 64-bit interface identifier are used to derive a tentative address.    5. Duplicate address detection verifies the uniqueness of the tentative address. If the tentative address is in use, the address is not initialized for the interface. If the tentative address is not in use, the address is initialized. This initialization includes setting the valid and preferred lifetimes based on information in the Router Advertisement message. If specified in the Router Advertisement message, the host uses a stateful address configuration protocol to obtain additional addresses or configuration parameters. DHCPv6 DHCPv6 can provide stateful address configuration or stateless configuration settings to IPv6 hosts. With stateful address autoconfiguration, hosts can use DHCPv6 to configure non-link-local addresses. An IPv6 host performs stateless address autoconfiguration automatically based on the following flags in the Router Advertisement message sent by a neighboring router:   Managed Address Configuration Flag, which is also known as the M flag. When set to 1, this flag instructs the host to use DHCPv6 to obtain stateful addresses. Other Stateful Configuration Flag , which is also known as the O flag. When set to 1, this flag instructs the host to use DHCPv6 to obtain other configuration settings. When both M and O Flags are set to 0, hosts use only router advertisements for non-link-local addresses and other methods (such as manual configuration) to configure other settings. When both M and O Flags are set to 1, the host uses DHCPv6 for both addresses and other configuration settings. This combination is known as DHCPv6 stateful: DHCPv6 is assigning stateful addresses to IPv6 hosts. When the M Flag is set to 0 and the O Flag is set to 1, the host uses DHCPv6 to obtain other configuration settings. Neighboring routers are configured to advertise non-link-local address prefixes from which IPv6 hosts derive stateless addresses. This combination is known as DHCPv6 stateless: DHCPv6 is not assigning stateful addresses to IPv6 hosts, but stateless configuration settings. When the M Flag is set to 1 and the O Flag is set to 0, hosts use DHCPv6 for address configuration but not for other settings. Because IPv6 hosts typically need to be configured with other settings, such as the IPv6 addresses of DNS servers, this is an unlikely combination. Like DHCP for IPv4, the components of a DHCPv6 infrastructure consist of DHCPv6 clients that request configuration, DHCPv6 servers that provide configuration, and DHCPv6 relay agents that convey messages between clients and servers when clients are located on subnets that do not have a DHCPv6 server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 189 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCPv6 Messages and Message Exchanges As with DHCP for IPv4, DHCPv6 uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP) messages. DHCPv6 clients listen for DHCP messages on UDP port 546. DHCPv6 servers and relay agents listen for DHCPv6 messages on UDP port 547. There are no broadcast addresses defined for IPv6. Therefore, the use of the limited broadcast address for some DHCPv4 messages has been replaced with the use of the All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers multicast address of FF02::1:2 for DHCPv6. For example, a DHCPv6 client attempting to discover the location of the DHCPv6 server on the network sends a Solicit message from its link-local address to FF02::1:2. If there is a DHCPv6 server on the host's subnet, it receives the Solicit message and sends an appropriate reply. More typically, a DHCPv6 relay agent on the host's subnet receives the Solicit message and forwards it to a DHCPv6 server. Table 6-2 lists the DHCPv6 messages. DHCPv6 message Description DHCP equivalent Solicit Sent by a client to locate servers. DHCPDiscover Advertise Sent by a server in response to a Solicit message to indicate availability. DHCPOffer Request Sent by a client to request addresses or configuration settings from a specific server. DHCPRequest Confirm Sent by a client to all servers to determine if a client's configuration is valid for the connected link. DHCPRequest Renew Sent by a client to a specific server to extend the lifetimes of assigned addresses and obtain updated configuration settings. DHCPRequest Rebind Sent by a client to any server when a response to the Renew message is not received. DHCPRequest Reply Sent by a server to a specific client in response to a Solicit, Request, Renew, Rebind, Information-Request, Confirm, Release, or Decline message. DHCPAck Release Sent by a client to indicate that the client is no longer using an assigned address. DHCPRelease TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 190 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Decline Sent by a client to a specific server to indicate that the assigned address is already in use. DHCPDecline Reconfigure Sent by a server to a client to indicate that the server has new or updated configuration settings. The client then sends either a Renew or InformationRequest message. N/A Information-Request Sent by a client to request configuration settings (but not addresses). DHCPInform Relay-Forward Sent by a relay agent to forward a message to a server. The Relay-Forward contains a client message encapsulated as the DHCPv6 Relay-Message option. N/A Relay-Reply Sent by a server to send a message to a client through a relay agent. The Relay-Reply contains a server message encapsulated as the DHCPv6 Relay-Message option. N/A Table 6-2 DHCPv6 messages A DHCPv6 stateful message exchange to obtain IPv6 addresses and configuration settings typically consists of the following messages: 1. A Solicit message sent by the client to locate the servers. 2. An Advertise message sent by a server to indicate that it can provide addresses and configuration settings. 3. A Request message sent by the client to request addresses and configuration settings from a specific server. 4. A Reply message sent by the requested server that contains addresses and configuration settings. If there is a relay agent between the client and the server, the relay agent sends the server RelayForward messages containing the encapsulated Solicit and Request messages from the client. The server sends the relay agent Relay-Reply messages containing the encapsulated Advertise and Reply messages for the client. A DHCPv6 stateless message exchange to obtain only configuration settings typically consists of the following messages: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 191 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 1. An Information-Request message sent by the DHCPv6 client to request configuration settings from a server. 2. A Reply message sent by a server containing the requested configuration settings. For an IPv6 network that has routers configured to assign stateless address prefixes to IPv6 hosts, the two-message DHCPv6 exchange can be used to assign DNS servers, DNS domain names, and other configuration settings that are not included in router advertisement message. DHCPv6 Support in Windows Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 include a DHCPv6 client. The DHCPv6 client attempts DHCPv6-based configuration depending on the values of the M and O flags in received router advertisement messages. Therefore, to use DHCPv6, you must configure DHCPv6 servers and relay agents to service each IPv6 subnet and then configure your IPv6 routers to set these two flags to their appropriate values. If there are multiple advertising routers for a given subnet, they should be configured to advertise the same stateless address prefixes and values of the M and O flags. IPv6 hosts running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 do not include a DHCPv6 client and ignore the values of the M and O flags in received router advertisements. You can configure an IPv6 router that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 to set the M flag to 1 in router advertisements with the netsh interface ipv6 set interface InterfaceNameOrIndex managedaddress=enabled command. Similarly, you can set the O flag to 1 in router advertisements with the netsh interface ipv6 set interface InterfaceNameOrIndex otherstateful=enabled command. Windows Server 2008 supports DHCPv6 stateful and stateless configuration with the DHCP Server service and a DHCPv6 relay agent with the Routing and Remote Access service. Configuring DHCPv6 Scopes and Options To create a DHCPv6 scope, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the DHCP snap-in, right-click the IPv6 node, and then click New scope. 2. Follow the instructions in the New Scope Wizard. To configure a DHCPv6 scope option, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the DHCP snap-in, open the IPv6 node, and then open the applicable scope. 2. Right-click Scope Options, and then click Configure Options. 3. In Available Options, select the check box for the first option that you want to configure. 4. Under Data entry, type the information required for this option, and then click OK. 5. Repeat the steps 3-4 for any other options you want to specify. Figure 6-18 shows an example of the configuration of the DNS Recursive Name Server IPv6 Address List scope option. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 192 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Figure 6-18 An example of configuring the DNS Recursive Name Server IPv6 Address List scope option Installing and Configuring the DHCPv6 Relay Agent To install and configure the DHCPv6 Relay Agent, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, double-click the server name, and then click IPv6. 2. Click IPv6 Routing, right-click General, and then click New Routing Protocol. 3. In the Select Routing Protocol dialog box, click DHCPv6 Relay Agent, and then click OK. 4. In the console tree, right-click DHCPv6 Relay Agent, and then click Properties. 5. In the DHCPv6 Relay Agent Properties dialog box, add the list of IPv6 addresses that correspond to the DHCPv6 servers on your network. Figure 6-19 shows an example of the DHCPv6 Relay Agent Properties dialog box. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 193 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Figure 6-19 An example of the DHCPv6 Relay Agent Properties dialog box After you have installed the DHCPv6 Relay Agent and configured the list of DHCPv6 servers, you must enable the DHCPv6 Relay Agent on the appropriate interfaces. To enable the DHCPv6 Relay Agent on an additional interface, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, double-click the server name, and then click IPv6. 2. Double-click IPv6 Routing, right-click DHCPv6 Relay Agent, and then click New Interface. 3. Click the interface that you want to add, and then click OK. 4. In the DHCPv6 Relay Properties dialog box, on the General tab, verify that the Relay DHCPv6 packets check box is selected. 5. If needed, in Hop-count threshold and Boot threshold (seconds), click the arrows to modify the thresholds as needed. 6. Click OK. Figure 6-20 shows an example of the DHCPv6 Relay Properties dialog box for an interface. Figure 6-20 An example of the DHCPv6 Relay Properties dialog box for an interface TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 194 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Using the Ipconfig Tool You use the Ipconfig tool to display a computer’s TCP/IP configuration and to manage an IPv4 address configuration that was allocated using DHCP. Verifying the IP Configuration To display basic information about the TCP/IP configuration of a computer that is running Windows, type ipconfig at the command prompt. The basic TCP/IP configuration information includes the following for each interface:     Connection-specific DNS suffix IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) Subnet mask (for IPv4 addresses) Default gateway To display detailed information about the TCP/IP configuration of a computer that is running Windows, type ipconfig /all at the command prompt. The detailed TCP/IP configuration information includes the following additional items for the computer:       The host name The primary DNS suffix The NetBIOS node type Whether IP routing is enabled Whether the WINS proxy is enabled The DNS suffix search list The detailed TCP/IP configuration information also includes the following additional items for each interface:        Description of the network adapter MAC address of the network adapter Whether DHCP is enabled Whether autoconfiguration (APIPA) is enabled The IPv4 address of the DHCP server that allocated the IPv4 address of this interface The IPv4 addresses of the primary and secondary WINS servers For an IPv4 address that was allocated using DHCP, when the lease was obtained and when the lease expires Renewing a Lease To renew a lease on an IPv4 address that was allocated using DHCP, type ipconfig /renew at the command prompt. The /renew parameter causes the DHCP Client service to send a DHCPRequest TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 195 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol message to the DHCP server to get updated options and a new lease time. If the DHCP server is unavailable, the client continues to use the current configuration. Releasing a Lease To release the current IPv4 address configuration, type ipconfig /release at the command prompt. The /release parameter causes the DHCP Client service to send a DHCPRelease message to the DHCP server. This can be useful when the client is moving to a different network and will not need the previous lease. After you issue this command, the interfaces that previously had IPv4 address configurations allocated using DHCP are configured with the IPv4 unspecified address of, and TCP/IP communications using that interface stops. By default, DHCP clients running Windows do not initiate DHCPRelease messages when they shut down. If a client remains shut down for the length of its lease (and the lease is not renewed), the DHCP server can assign that client’s IPv4 address to a different client after the lease expires. By not sending a DHCPRelease message, the client is more likely to receive the same IPv4 address during initialization. Setting and Displaying the Class ID To set the user class ID on a computer running Windows, type ipconfig /setclassid Adapter ClassID at the command prompt, in which Adapter is the name of the interface in Network Connections and ClassID is the class ID. To remove the class ID from an interface, omit the ClassID parameter. To display the user class ID, type ipconfig /showclassid Adapter at the command prompt. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 196 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Chapter Summary The chapter includes the following pieces of key information:          DHCP is a TCP/IP standard described in RFCs 2131 and 2132, and it allows TPC/IP hosts to automatically receive an IPv4 address and other configuration parameters (such as a subnet mask, default gateway, and others) from a centrally administered DHCP server. Using DHCP eliminates the administrative and technical support problems associated with users who manually configure their IPv4 address configurations. DHCP clients exchange a set of messages with a DHCP server to discover the set of DHCP servers, obtain a set of offered IPv4 address configurations, select a specific IPv4 address configuration, and receive an acknowledgement. DHCP relay agents facilitate DHCP message exchanges between DHCP clients and DHCP servers that are located on different subnets. You can install the DHCP Server service in Windows Server 2003 as an optional networking component, and you can configure server properties, scopes and superscopes, options, and client reservations. You can install and configure the DHCP Relay Agent in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 as a routing protocol component of the Routing and Remote Access service. Stateless address autoconfiguration for an IPv6 host is done through the router discovery process, in which IPv6 nodes on a subnet use Router Solicitation and Router Advertisement messages to automatically configure IPv6 addresses and other configuration options. Stateful address autoconfiguration for an IPv6 host is done through DHCPv6, based on the M and O flags in the received Router Advertisement messages. With DHCPv6 stateful operation, both IPv6 address and other settings are assigned by the DHCPv6 server. With DHCPv6 stateless operation, only IPv6 settings are assigned by the DHCPv6 server. The DHCP Server service in Windows Server 2008 supports stateful and stateless DHCPv6 operation. You can install and configure the DHCPv6 Relay Agent in Windows Server 2008 as a routing protocol component of the Routing and Remote Access service. You can use the Ipconfig tool to view a computer’s current IP configuration and to manage the IPv4 address configuration that was allocated using DHCP. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 197 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Chapter Glossary address autoconfiguration – The process of automatically configuring IPv6 addresses on an interface. See also stateless autoconfiguration and stateful autoconfiguration. BOOTP – See bootstrap protocol (BOOTP). bootstrap protocol (BOOTP) – A protocol that is defined in RFCs 951 and 1542 and that is used primarily on TCP/IP networks to configure diskless workstations. deprecated state – The state of an autoconfigured IPv6 address in which the address is valid but its use is discouraged for new communication. DHCP – See Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) DHCP client – Any network node that supports the ability to communicate with a DHCP server to obtain a leased IPv4 configuration and related optional parameters information. DHCP relay agent – An agent program or component that is responsible for relaying DHCP and BOOTP messages between a DHCP server and a DHCP client. A DHCP relay agent supports DHCP/BOOTP message relay as defined in RFC 1542. A DHCP relay agent can run on a router or a host computer. DHCP server – A computer that offers dynamic configuration of IPv4 addresses and related information to DHCP-enabled clients. DHCPv6 stateful – A DHCPv6 operating mode in which a DHCPv6 server assigns stateful addresses to IPv6 hosts. DHCPv6 stateless – A DHCPv6 operating mode in which a DHCPv6 server provides stateless configuration settings but does not assign stateful addresses to IPv6 hosts. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) – A TCP/IP standard that offers dynamic leased configuration of host IPv4 addresses and other configuration parameters to DHCP clients. DHCP provides safe, reliable, and simple TCP/IP network configuration, prevents address conflicts, and helps conserve the use of client IPv4 addresses on the network. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) – A stateful address configuration protocol that can provide IPv6 hosts with a stateful IPv6 address and other configuration parameters. exclusion range – A small range of one or more IPv4 addresses within a DHCP scope that are excluded for allocation to DHCP clients. Exclusion ranges ensure that DHCP servers do not offer specific addresses within a scope to DHCP clients. invalid state – The state of an autoconfigured IPv6 address in which it can no longer be used to send or receive unicast traffic. An IPv6 address enters the invalid state when its valid lifetime expires. lease – The length of time for which a DHCP client can use a dynamically assigned IPv4 address configuration. Before the lease time expires, the client must either renew or obtain a new lease with DHCP. option – An address configuration parameter that a DHCP server assigns to clients. Most DHCP options are predefined, based on optional parameters defined in RFC 2132, although vendors or users can add extended options. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 198 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol preferred lifetime – The amount of time in which a unicast IPv6 address configured through stateless address autoconfiguration remains in the preferred state. preferred state – The state of an autoconfigured IPv6 address for which the address is valid, its uniqueness has been verified, and it can be used for unlimited communications. reservation – A specific IPv4 address that is within a scope and that has been permanently reserved for use by a specific DHCP client. Client reservations are based on a unique client device identifier (typically its MAC address) router discovery – An IPv6 Neighbor Discovery process in which a host discovers the routers on an attached link. scope – A range of IPv4 addresses that are available to be leased or assigned to DHCP clients by the DHCP service. stateful address configuration – The use of a stateful IPv6 address configuration protocol, such as DHCPv6, to configure IPv6 addresses and configuration parameters. stateless address configuration – The use of Router Solicitation and Router Advertisement messages to automatically configure IPv6 addresses and configuration parameters. superscope – An administrative grouping feature that supports a DHCP server's ability to use more than scope for a physical network. Each superscope can contain one or more member scopes. tentative address – A unicast IPv6 address whose uniqueness has not yet been verified. tentative state – The state of an autoconfigured IPv6 address in which uniqueness has not yet been verified. user class – An administrative feature that allows DHCP clients to be grouped logically according to a shared or common need. For example, you can define a user class and use it to allow similar DHCP leased configuration for all client computers of a specific type or in a specific building or site location. valid state – The state of an autoconfigured IPv6 address for which the address can be used for sending and receiving unicast traffic. The valid state includes both the preferred and deprecated states. vendor class – An administrative feature that allows DHCP clients to be identified and allocated addresses and options according to their vendor and hardware configuration type. For example, assigning a vendor class to a set of printers allows them to be managed as a single unit so they could all obtain a custom set of DHCP options. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 199 Chapter 6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 200 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution Abstract This chapter describes the various mechanisms that Microsoft Windows-based computers use to resolve host names, such as www.example.com, to their corresponding IP addresses. Network administrators must understand host name resolution in Windows to troubleshoot issues with host name resolution and to prepare for the complexities of the Domain Name System (DNS). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 201 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:        Define a host name. Explain how a host name is resolved to an IP address using the Hosts file and the Windows DNS client resolver cache. Explain how a host name is resolved to an IP address using a DNS server. Explain how a host name is resolved to an IP address using the Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) protocol. Explain how a host name is resolved to an IP address using additional Windows-specific methods. Describe how to modify the Hosts file so that host names are resolved to both Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addresses. Describe the characteristics of the DNS client resolver cache and how to display and flush the cache with the Ipconfig tool. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 202 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution TCP/IP Naming Schemes Before communication can take place, each interface on each TCP/IP node must be assigned a unicast IP address. A TCP/IP host and its interfaces can also be assigned names. However, the naming scheme affects the way that a host or interface is referenced in applications. For example:   When using a Windows Sockets application, a user specifies either an IP address or a host name (also known as a domain name). If the user specifies a host name, TCP/IP for Windows attempts to resolve the name to an IP (IPv4 or IPv6) address. If the user specifies an IP address, name resolution is not necessary. When using a network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) application, a user specifies a computer name, which the application converts into a 16-character NetBIOS name. TCP/IP for Windows attempts to resolve the NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address. With NetBIOS applications, users must always specify the NetBIOS name and not the IPv4 address. Windows Sockets applications allow users to specify the destination host by its host name or IP address. Host Names Defined A host name is an alias assigned to identify a TCP/IP host or its interfaces. Host names are used in all TCP/IP environments. The following describes the attributes of a host name:       The host name does not have to match the NetBIOS computer name, and a host name can contain as many as 255 characters. Multiple host names can be assigned to the same host. Host names are easier to remember than IP addresses. A user can specify host name instead of an IP address when using Windows Sockets applications, such as the Ping tool or Internet Explorer. A host name should correspond to an IP address mapping that is stored either in the local Hosts file or in a database on a DNS server. TCP/IP for Windows also use NetBIOS name resolution methods for host names. The Hostname tool displays the computer name of your Windows–based computer, as configured from the Computer Name tab of the System item of Control Panel. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 203 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution Host Name Resolution Process Host name resolution is the process of resolving a host name to an IP address before the source host sends the initial IP packet. Table 7-1 lists the standard methods of host name resolution for TCP/IP for Windows. Resolution Method Description Local host name The configured host name for the computer as displayed in the output of the Hostname tool. This name is compared to the destination host name. Hosts file A local text file in the same format as the 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) UNIX \etc\hosts file. This file maps host names to IP addresses. For TCP/IP for Windows, the contents of the Hosts file are loaded into the DNS client resolver cache. For more information, see "The DNS Client Resolver Cache" in this chapter. DNS server A server that maintains a database of IP address-tohost name mappings and has the ability to query other DNS servers for mappings that it does not contain. Table 7-1 Standard Methods of Host Name Resolution Table 7-2 lists the additional methods used by TCP/IP for Windows to resolve host names. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 204 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution Resolution Method Description DNS client resolver cache A random access memory (RAM)-based table of the entries listed in the local Hosts file and the names that were attempted for resolution by using a DNS server. Link-local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) A simple request-reply protocol to resolve names of computers on the local subnet in the absence of a DNS server. Only computers running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 support LLMNR. NetBIOS name cache A RAM-based table of recently resolved NetBIOS names and their associated IPv4 addresses. NetBIOS name server (NBNS) A server that resolves NetBIOS names to IPv4 addresses, as specified by Requests for Comments (RFCs) 1001 and 1002. The Microsoft implementation of an NBNS is a Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server. Local broadcast Up to three NetBIOS Name Query Request messages are broadcast on the local subnet to resolve the IPv4 address of a specified NetBIOS name. Lmhosts file A local text file that maps NetBIOS names to IPv4 addresses for NetBIOS processes running on computers located on remote subnets. Table 7-2 Windows-Specific Methods of Host Name Resolution Resolving Names with a Hosts File TCP/IP for Windows does not search the Hosts file directly when performing name resolution. Rather, the entries in the Hosts file are automatically loaded into the DNS client resolver cache. Therefore, the process of resolving a host name with the Hosts file for a Windows-based computer is the following: 1. Host name resolution begins when a user uses a Windows Sockets application and specifies the host name assigned to the destination host. Windows checks whether the host name matches the local host name. If the host name is the same as the local host name, the host name is resolved to an IP address that is assigned to the local host, and the name resolution process stops. 2. If the host name is not the same as the local host name, Windows searches the DNS client resolver cache for an entry containing the host name. If Windows does not find the host name in the DNS client resolver cache and no other name resolution methods are configured or enabled (such as DNS or NetBIOS name resolution methods), the name resolution process stops, and an error condition is indicated to the Windows Sockets application, which then typically displays an error message to the user. If Windows finds the host name in the DNS client resolver cache, the host name is resolved to the IP address that corresponds to the entry in the cache. 3. After the host name is resolved to a destination IP address, Windows forwards the packet to the nexthop IP address for the destination (either the destination or a neighboring router). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 205 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution Unlike the Lmhosts file, which is used for remote NetBIOS-based hosts and IPv4 addresses only, the Hosts file maps host names of both neighboring and remote hosts to their IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. Resolving Names with LLMNR LLMNR is a new protocol defined in RFC 4795 that provides an additional method to resolve the names of neighboring computers. LLMNR uses a simple exchange of request and reply messages to resolve computer names to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. LLMNR allows name resolution on networks where a DNS server is not present or practical. A good example is the temporary subnet formed by a group of computers that form an ad hoc IEEE 802.11 wireless network. With LLMNR, hosts in the ad hoc wireless network can resolve each other’s computer names without having to configure one of the computers as a DNS server and the other computers with the IP address of the computer acting as the DNS server. For LLMNR messages sent over IPv4, a querying host sends a LLMNR Name Query Request message to the IPv4 multicast address of For LLMNR messages sent over IPv6, a querying host (a requestor) sends an LLMNR Name Query Request message to the IPv6 multicast address of FF02::1:3. The typical LLMNR message exchange for a name query consists of a multicast query and, if a host on the subnet is authoritative for the requested name, a unicast response to the requestor. Resolving Names with a DNS Server DNS is a distributed, hierarchical naming system that is used on the Internet and in most intranets to resolve fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) to IP addresses. An example of an FQDN is www.microsoft.com. A DNS server typically maintains information about a portion of the DNS namespace, such as all the names ending with wcoast.example.com, and resolves DNS name queries for DNS client computers, either itself or by querying other DNS servers. Computers running Windows can act as DNS clients, and a computer running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 can act as a DNS server to resolve names on behalf of a DNS client or other DNS servers. If TCP/IP for Windows is configured with the IP address of a DNS server, the name resolution process is as follows: 1. When a user uses a Windows Sockets application and specifies an FQDN for the destination host and the FQDN does not match the local host name or any entries in the DNS client resolver cache, the DNS client component of TCP/IP for Windows constructs and sends a DNS Name Query Request message to the DNS server. 2. The DNS server determines whether a mapping for the name to an IP address is stored either locally or on another DNS server. Whether or not a mapping is found, the DNS server sends back a DNS Name Query Response message to the DNS client. If the DNS server does not respond to the request, the DNS client sends additional DNS Name Query Request messages. If the DNS server does not respond to any of the attempts, no other DNS servers are configured, and NetBIOS over TCP/IP is not enabled, an error condition is indicated to the Windows Sockets application, which then typically displays an error message to the user. 3. After the FQDN is resolved to a destination IP address, Windows forwards the packet to the next-hop IP address for the destination (either the destination or a neighboring router). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 206 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution Windows Methods of Resolving Host Names If NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled, Windows by default attempts to resolve host names using NetBIOS methods when standard methods fail. NetBIOS name resolution methods include the NetBIOS name cache, configured WINS servers, NetBIOS broadcasts, and the Lmhosts file. When an application uses Windows Sockets and either the application or a user specifies a host name, TCP/IP for Windows attempts to resolve the name in the following order when NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled: 1. Windows checks whether the host name is the same as the local host name. 2. If the host name and local host name are not the same, Windows searches the DNS client resolver cache. 3. If the host name cannot be resolved using the DNS client resolver cache, Windows sends DNS Name Query Request messages to its configured DNS servers. 4. If the host name is a single-label name (such as server1) and cannot be resolved using the configured DNS servers, computers running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 send up to two sets of multicast LLMNR query messages over both IPv4 and IPv6. 5. If the host name is a single-label name and is still not resolved, Windows converts the host name to a NetBIOS name and checks its local NetBIOS name cache. Windows creates the 16-byte NetBIOS name by converting the host name, which must be less than 16 bytes long, to uppercase and padding it with space characters if needed to create the first 15 bytes of the NetBIOS name. Then, Windows adds 0x00 as the last byte. Every Windows-based computer running the Workstation service registers its computer name with a 0x00 as the last byte. Therefore, the NetBIOS form of the host name will typically resolve to the IPv4 address of the computer that has a NetBIOS computer name that matches the host name. If the host name is 16 characters or longer or an FQDN, Windows does not convert it to a NetBIOS name or try to resolve the host name using NetBIOS techniques. 6. If Windows cannot find the NetBIOS name in the NetBIOS name cache, Windows contacts its configured WINS servers. 7. If Windows cannot query the WINS servers to resolve the NetBIOS name that corresponds to the host name, Windows broadcasts as many as three NetBIOS Name Query Request messages on the directly attached subnet. 8. If Windows cannot use NetBIOS to resolve the NetBIOS name that corresponds to the host name, Windows searches the local Lmhosts file. The name resolution process stops when Windows finds the first IP address for the name. If Windows cannot resolve the host name using any of these methods, name resolution fails, and the only way to communicate with the destination host is to specify either its IP address or another name associated with the host that Windows can resolve to an IP address. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 207 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution The Hosts File The Hosts file is a common way to resolve a host name to an IP address through a locally stored text file that contains IP-address-to-host-name mappings. On most UNIX-based computers, this file is /etc/hosts. On Windows-based computers, this file is the Hosts file in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. The following describes the attributes of the Hosts file for Windows:        A single entry consists of an IP (IPv4 or IPv6) address and one or more host names. The Hosts file is dynamically loaded into the DNS client resolver cache, which Windows Sockets applications use to resolve a host name to an IP address on both local and remote subnets. When you create entries in the Hosts file and save it, its contents are automatically loaded into the DNS client resolver cache. The Hosts file contains a default entry for the host name localhost. The Hosts file can be edited with any text editor. Each host name is limited to 255 characters. Entries in the Hosts file for Windows–based computers are not case sensitive. The advantage of using a Hosts file is that users can customize it for themselves. Each user can create whatever entries they want, including easy-to-remember nicknames for frequently accessed resources. However, the individual maintenance required for the Hosts file does not scale well to storing large numbers of FQDN mappings or reflecting changes to IP addresses for servers and network resources. The solution for the large-scale storage and maintenance of FQDN mappings is DNS. The solution for the maintenance of FQDN mappings for changing IP addresses is DNS dynamic update. An entry in the Hosts file has the following format: Address Names The Address portion of the entry is either an IPv4 or IPv6 unicast address. The Names portion of the entry is one or more names (nicknames or FQDNs) separated by at least one space character. One or multiple space or tab characters must separate the address from the first name. IPv4 Entries For IPv4 entries, the address in the Hosts file entry is a unicast IPv4 address expressed in dotted decimal notation. For example, the following Hosts file contains IPv4 entries: # # Table of IP addresses and host names # localhost router server1.central.example.com s1 In this example, you can refer to the server at the IPv4 address by its FQDN (server1.central.example.com) or by its nickname (s1). This example assumes that the IP address for TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 208 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution the server named server1.central.example.com will not change over time. For example, either server1.central.example.com is manually configured with an IP address configuration or it uses a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client reservation. IPv6 Entries For IPv6 entries, the address in the Hosts file entry is a global or site-local IPv6 address expressed in colon hexadecimal notation. For example, the following Hosts file contains both IPv4 and IPv6 entries: # # Table of IP addresses and host names # localhost router server1.central.example.com s1 2001:DB8::10:2aa:ff:fe21:5a88 tsrvv6.wcoast.example.com ts1 You should not place entries for link-local addresses in the Hosts file because you cannot specify the zone ID for those addresses. This concept is similar to using the Ping tool to ping a link-local destination without specifying the zone ID. Therefore, entries in the Hosts file are useful only for global IPv6 addresses. For more information about IPv6 addresses and the use of the zone ID, see Chapter 3, “IP Addressing.” TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 209 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution The DNS Client Resolver Cache The DNS client resolver cache is a RAM-based table that contains both the entries in the Hosts file and the host names that Windows has tried to resolve through DNS. The DNS client resolver cache stores entries for both successful and unsuccessful DNS name resolutions. A name that was queried but was not successfully resolved is known as a negative cache entry. The following list describes the attributes of the DNS client resolver cache:      It is built dynamically from the Hosts file and from DNS queries. Entries obtained from DNS queries are kept only for a period of time known as the Time to Live (TTL), which is set by the DNS server that has the name-to-IP address mapping stored in a local database. Entries obtained from the Hosts file do not have a TTL and are kept until the entry is removed from the Hosts file. You can use the ipconfig /displaydns command to view the contents of the DNS client resolver cache. You can use the ipconfig /flushdns command to flush and refresh the DNS client resolver cache with just the entries in the Hosts file. The following is an example display of the ipconfig /displaydns command: C:\>ipconfig /displaydns Windows IP Configuration localhost. -----------------------------------------------------Record Name . . . . . : localhost Record Type . . . . . : 1 Time To Live . . . . : 31165698 Data Length . . . . . : 4 Section . . . . . . . : Answer A (Host) Record . . . : dc7.corp.example.com. -----------------------------------------------------Record Name . . . . . : dc7.corp.example.com Record Type . . . . . : 1 Time To Live . . . . : 852 Data Length . . . . . : 4 Section . . . . . . . : Answer A (Host) Record . . . : TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 210 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution -----------------------------------------------------Record Name . . . . . : Record Type . . . . . : 12 Time To Live . . . . : 31165698 Data Length . . . . . : 4 Section . . . . . . . : Answer PTR Record . . . . . : localhost mailsrv15.corp.example.com. -----------------------------------------------------Record Name . . . . . : mailsrv15.corp.example.com Record Type . . . . . : 1 Time To Live . . . . : 2344 Data Length . . . . . : 4 Section . . . . . . . : Answer A (Host) Record . . . : TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 211 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution Chapter Summary The chapter includes the following pieces of key information:       Window Sockets applications use host names or IP addresses when specifying a destination. Host names must be resolved to an IP address before communication with the destination can begin. The standard methods of host name resolution include checking the local host name, checking the local Hosts file, and querying DNS servers. Windows-based hosts also check the DNS client resolver cache, which contains the entries in the Hosts file. LLMNR uses multicast query and unicast reply messages to resolve single-label names on a subnet. Windows-based hosts on which NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled also use NetBIOS methods to attempt to resolve a host name to an IPv4 address. The Hosts file on a Windows-based computer is stored in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder and can include entries that map IPv4 or IPv6 addresses to host names. The Hosts file is dynamically loaded into the RAM-based DNS client resolver cache, which also contains the results of recent DNS name queries. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 212 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution Chapter Glossary DNS – See Domain Name System (DNS). DNS client resolver cache – A RAM-based table that contains both the entries in the Hosts file and the results of recent DNS name queries. DNS server – A server that maintains a database of mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. Domain Name System (DNS) – A hierarchical, distributed database that contains mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. DNS enables the specification of computers and services by user-friendly names, and it also enables the discovery of other information stored in the database. Host name – The name of a computer or device on a network. Users specify computers on the network by their host names. To find another computer, its host name must either appear in the Hosts file or be known by a DNS server. For most Windows-based computers, the host name and the computer name are the same. Host name resolution – The process of resolving a host name to a destination IP address. Hosts file – A local text file in the same format as the 4.3 BSD UNIX /etc/hosts file. This file maps host names to IP addresses, and it is stored in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. Link-local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) – A simple, multicast-based, request-reply protocol that can resolve single-label host names to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. LLMNR can be used in the absence of DNS servers and NetBIOS over TCP/IP. LLMNR – See Link-local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR). Lmhosts file – A local text file that maps NetBIOS names to IP addresses for hosts that are located on remote subnets. For Windows-based computers, this file is stored in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. negative cache entries – Host names added into the DNS client resolver cache that were queried but that could not be resolved. NBNS – See NetBIOS name server (NBNS). NetBIOS name - A 16-byte name of a process using NetBIOS. NetBIOS name cache – A dynamically maintained table that resides on a NetBIOS-enabled host and that stores recently resolved NetBIOS names and their associated IPv4 addresses. NetBIOS name resolution – The process of resolving a NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address. NetBIOS name server (NBNS) – A server that stores NetBIOS name to IPv4 address mappings and resolves NetBIOS names for NetBIOS-enabled hosts. WINS is the Microsoft implementation of a NetBIOS name server. Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) – The Microsoft implementation of a NetBIOS name server. WINS – See Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 213 Chapter 7 – Host Name Resolution TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 214 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Abstract This chapter describes the details of the Domain Name System (DNS) and its use for private intranets and the Internet. DNS is required to provide name resolution for domain names such as www.example.com for all types of network applications from Internet browsers to Active Directory. A network administrator's understanding of DNS names, domains, zones, name server roles, and replication is vital to the configuration and maintenance of a properly functioning private intranet and the Internet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 215 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter you will be able to:         Define the components of DNS. Describe the structure and architecture of DNS as it is used on the Internet. Define the difference between domains and zones. Define recursive and iterative queries and how DNS forward and reverse lookups work. Define the various roles of DNS servers. Describe the common types of DNS resource records. Describe the different types of zone transfers. Define DNS dynamic update. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 216 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview The Domain Name System The initial solution for name resolution on the Internet was a file named Hosts.txt that was used on the now obsolete Advanced Research Projects Agency network (ARPANET), the predecessor of the modern day Internet. When the number of hosts on the ARPANET was small, the Hosts.txt file was easy to manage because it consisted of unstructured names and their corresponding IPv4 addresses. Computers on the ARPANET periodically downloaded Hosts.txt from a central location and used it for local name resolution. As the ARPANET grew into the Internet, the number of hosts began to increase dramatically and the centralized administration and manual distribution of a text file containing the names for computers on the Internet became unwieldy. The replacement for the Hosts.txt file needed to be distributed, to allow for a hierarchical name space, and require minimal administrative overhead. The original design goal for DNS was to replace the existing cumbersome, centrally administered text file with a lightweight, distributed database that would allow for a hierarchical name space, delegation and distribution of administration, extensible data types, virtually unlimited database size, and reasonable performance. DNS defines a namespace and a protocol for name resolution and database replication:   The DNS namespace is based on a hierarchical and logical tree structure. The DNS protocol defines a set of messages sent over either User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port 53 or Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port 53. Hosts that originate DNS queries send name resolution queries to servers over UDP first because it’s faster. These hosts, known as DNS clients, resort to TCP only if the returned data is truncated. Hosts that store portions of the DNS database, known as DNS servers, use TCP when replicating database information. Historically, the most popular implementation of the DNS protocol is Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND), which was originally developed at the University of California at Berkeley for the 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution release of the UNIX operating system. DNS Components Requests for Comments (RFCs) 974, 1034, and 1035 define the primary specifications for DNS. From RFC 1034, DNS comprises the following three components: 1. The domain namespace and resource records DNS defines a specification for a structured namespace as an inverted tree in which each node and leaf of the tree names a set of information. Resource records are records in the DNS database that can be used to configure the DNS database server (such as the Start of Authority [SOA] record) or to contain information of different types to process client queries (such as Address [A] records or Mail Exchanger [MX] records). Typical resource records contain resources by name and their IP addresses. Name queries to DNS database servers are attempts to extract information of a certain type from the namespace. The name query requests a name of interest and a specific type of record. For example, a name query would provide a host name and ask for the corresponding IPv4 or IPv6 address. 2. Name servers TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 217 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Name servers store resource records and information about the domain tree structure and attempt to resolve received client queries. DNS database servers, hereafter referred to as name servers or DNS servers, either contain the requested information in their resource records or have pointer records to other name servers that can help resolve the client query. If the name server contains the resource records for a given part of the namespace, the server is said to be authoritative for that part of the namespace. Authoritative information is organized into units called zones. 3. Resolvers Resolvers are programs that run on DNS clients and DNS servers and that create queries to extract information from name servers. A DNS client uses a resolver to create a DNS name query. A DNS server uses a resolver to contact other DNS servers to resolve a name on a DNS client's behalf. Resolvers are usually built into utility programs or are accessible through library functions, such as the Windows Sockets getaddrinfo() or gethostbyname() functions. DNS Names DNS names have a very specific structure, which identifies the location of the name in the DNS namespace. A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is a DNS domain name that has been constructed from its location relative to the root of the namespace (known as the root domain). FQDNs have the following attributes:        FQDNs consist of the series of names from the name of the host or computer to the root domain. A period character separates each name. Each FQDN ends with the period character, which indicates the root domain. Each name within the FQDN can be no more than 63 characters long. The entire FQDN can be no more than 255 characters long. FQDNs are not case-sensitive. RFC 1034 requires the names that make up a FQDN to use only the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and the dash or minus sign (-). RFC 2181 allows additional characters and is supported by the DNS Server service in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating systems. Domains and Subdomains The DNS namespace is in the form of a logical inverted tree structure. Each branch point (or node) in the tree is given a name that is no more than 63 characters long. Each node of the tree is a portion of the namespace called a domain. A domain is a branch of the tree and can occur at any point in the tree structure. Domains can be further partitioned at node points within the domain into subdomains for the purposes of administration or load balancing. The domain name identifies the domain's position in the DNS hierarchy. The FQDN identifies the domain relative to the root. You create domain names and FQDNs by combining the names of the nodes from the designated domain node back to the root and separating each node with a period (.). The root of the tree has the special reserved name of "" (null), which you indicate by placing a final period at the end of the domain name (such as www.sales.example.com.). Domains and subdomains are grouped into zones to allow for distributed administration of the DNS namespace. Figure 8-1 shows the DNS namespace as it exists for the Internet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 218 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Figure 8-1 The DNS namespace Figure 8-1 shows a few of the top-level domains and example hosts in the "microsoft.com." domain. A trailing period designates a domain name of a host relative to the root domain. To connect to that host, a user would specify the name "www.microsoft.com." If the user does not specify the final period, the DNS resolver automatically adds it to the specified name. Individual organizations manage second-level domains (subdomains of the top level domains) and their name servers. For example, Microsoft manages the "microsoft.com." domain. DNS Servers and the Internet Domains define different levels of authority in a hierarchical structure. The top of the hierarchy is called the root domain. The DNS namespace on the Internet, as shown in Figure 8-1, has the following structure:    Root domain Top-level domains Second-level domains The root domain uses a null label, which you write as a single period (.). In the United States, the Internet Assigned Names Authority (IANA) manages several root domain name servers. The next level in the hierarchy is divided into a series of nodes called the top-level domains. The toplevel domains are assigned by organization type and by country/region. Some of the more common toplevel domains are the following:  com – Commercial organizations in the United States (for example, microsoft.com for the Microsoft Corporation). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 219 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview         edu – Educational organizations in the United States. gov – United States governmental organizations. int – International organizations. mil – United States military organizations. net - Networking organizations. org – Noncommercial organizations. xx – Two-letter country code names that follow the International Standard 3166. For example, “.fr” is the country code for France. arpa – Used to store information for DNS reverse queries. Each top-level domain has name servers that IANA administers. Top-level domains can contain second-level domains and hosts. Second-level domains contain the domains and names for organizations and countries/regions. The names in second-level domains are administered by the organization or country/region either directly (by placing its own DNS server on the Internet) or by using an Internet service provider (ISP) who manages the names for an organization or country/region on its customer's behalf. Zones A zone is a contiguous portion of a domain of the DNS namespace whose database records exist and are managed in a particular DNS database file stored on one or multiple DNS servers. You can configure a single DNS server to manage one or multiple zones. Each zone is anchored at a specific domain node, referred to as the zone's root domain. Zone files do not necessarily contain the complete branch (that is, all subdomains) under the zone's root domain. For example, you can partition a domain into several subdomains, which are controlled by separate DNS servers. You might break up domains across multiple zone files if you want to distribute management of the domain across different groups or make data replication more efficient. Figure 8-2 shows the difference between domains and zones. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 220 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Figure 8-2 Domains and zones In the example, "microsoft.com" is a domain (the entire branch of the DNS namespace that starts with the microsoft.com. node), but the entire domain is not controlled by one zone file. Part of the domain is in a zone for "microsoft.com." and part of the domain is in a zone for the "dev.microsoft.com." domain. These zones correspond to different DNS database files that can reside on the same or different DNS servers. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 221 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Name Resolution The two types of queries that a DNS resolver (either a DNS client or another DNS server) can make to a DNS server are the following:   Recursive queries In a recursive query, the queried name server is requested to respond with the requested data or with an error stating that data of the requested type or the specified domain name does not exist. The name server cannot just refer the DNS resolver to a different name server. A DNS client typically sends this type of query. Iterative queries In an iterative query, the queried name server can return the best answer it currently has back to the DNS resolver. The best answer might be the resolved name or a referral to another name server that is closer to fulfilling the DNS client's original request. DNS servers typically send iterative queries to query other DNS servers. DNS Name Resolution Example To show how recursive and iterative queries are used for common DNS name resolutions, consider a computer running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003 connected to the Internet. A user types http://www.example.com in the Address field of their Internet browser. When the user presses the ENTER key, the browser makes a Windows Sockets function call, either gethostbyname() or getaddrinfo(), to resolve the name http://www.example.com to an IP address. For the DNS portion of the Windows host name resolution process, the following occurs: 1. The DNS resolver on the DNS client sends a recursive query to its configured DNS server, requesting the IP address corresponding to the name "www.example.com". The DNS server for that client is responsible for resolving the name and cannot refer the DNS client to another DNS server. 2. The DNS server that received the initial recursive query checks its zones and finds no zones corresponding to the requested domain name; the DNS server is not authoritative for the example.com domain. Because the DNS server has no information about the IP addresses of DNS servers that are authoritative for example.com. or com., it sends an iterative query for www.example.com. to a root name server. 3. The root name server is authoritative for the root domain and has information about name servers that are authoritative for top-level domain names. It is not authoritative for the example.com. domain. Therefore, the root name server replies with the IP address of a name server for the com. top-level domain. 4. The DNS server of the DNS client sends an iterative query for www.example.com. to the name server that is authoritative for the com. top-level domain. 5. The com. name server is authoritative for the com. domain and has information about the IP addresses of name servers that are authoritative for second-level domain names of the com. domain. It is not authoritative for the example.com. domain. Therefore, the com. name server replies with the IP address of the name server that is authoritative for the example.com. domain. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 222 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview 6. The DNS server of the DNS client sends an iterative query for www.example.com. to the name server that is authoritative for the example.com. domain. 7. The example.com. name server replies with the IP address corresponding to the FQDN www.example.com. 8. The DNS server of the DNS client sends the IP address of www.example.com to the DNS client. Figure 8-3 shows this process. Figure 8-3 Example of recursive and iterative queries in DNS name resolution All DNS queries are DNS Name Query Request messages. All DNS replies are DNS Name Query Response messages. In practice, DNS servers cache the results of queries on an ongoing basis. If a DNS server finds an entry matching the current request in its cache, it does not send an iterative DNS query. This example assumes that no cache entries were in any of the DNS servers to prevent the sending of the iterative name queries. Forward lookups are queries in which a DNS client attempts to resolve an FQDN to its corresponding IP address. Zones that contain FQDN-to-IP address mappings are known as forward lookup zones. Reverse Queries In a reverse query, instead of supplying a name and asking for an IP address, the DNS client provides the IP address and requests the corresponding host name. Reverse queries are also known as reverse lookups, and zones that contain IP address-to-FQDN mappings are known as reverse lookup zones. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 223 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Because you cannot derive the IP address from a domain name in the DNS namespace, only a thorough search of all domains could guarantee a correct answer. To prevent an exhaustive search of all domains for a reverse query, reverse name domains and pointer (PTR) resource records were created. An example of an application that uses reverse queries is the Tracert tool, which by default uses reverse queries to display the names of the routers in a routing path. If you are going to use reverse queries, you must create reverse lookup zones and PTR records when you administer a DNS server so that reverse queries can be satisfied. Reverse Queries for IPv4 Addresses To support reverse lookups for IPv4 addresses, a special domain named in-addr.arpa. was created. Nodes in the in-addr.arpa domain are named after the numbers in the dotted decimal representation of IPv4 addresses. But because IPv4 addresses get more specific from left to right and domain names get more specific from right to left, the order of IPv4 address octets must be reversed when building the inaddr.arpa domain name corresponding to the IPv4 address. For example, for the generalized IPv4 address w.x.y.z, the corresponding reverse query name is z.y.x.w.in-addr.arpa. IANA delegates responsibility for administering the reverse query namespace below the in-addr.arpa domain to organizations as they are assigned IPv4 address prefixes. Figure 8-4 shows an example of the reverse lookup portion of the DNS namespace. Figure 8-4 An example of a reverse lookup portion of the DNS namespace Within the in-addr.arpa domain, special pointer (PTR) resource records are added to associate the IPv4 addresses to their corresponding host names. To find a host name for the IPv4 address, a DNS client sends a DNS query for a PTR record for the name Reverse queries use the same name resolution process previously described for forward lookups (a combination TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 224 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview of recursive and iterative queries). The DNS server finds the PTR record that contains the FQDN that corresponds to the IPv4 address and sends that FQDN back to the DNS client. Reverse Queries for IPv6 Addresses IPv6 reverse lookups use the ip6.arpa. domain. To create the domains for reverse queries, each hexadecimal digit in the fully expressed 32-digit IPv6 address becomes a separate level in the reverse domain hierarchy in inverse order. For example, the reverse lookup domain name for the address 2001:db8::1:2aa:ff:fe3f:2a1c (fully expressed as 2001:0db8:0000:0001:02aa:00ff:fe3f:2a1c) is c.1.a.2.f.3.e.f.f.f.0.0.a.a. Just as in IPv4 addresses, PTR records in the reverse IPv6 domain map IPv6 addresses to FQDNs. Caching and TTL For each resolved query (either recursive or iterative), the DNS resolver caches the returned information for a time that is specified in each resource record in the DNS response. This is known as positive caching. The amount of time in seconds to store the record data in the cache is referred to as the Time To Live (TTL). The network administrator of the zone that contains the record decides on the default TTL for the data in the zone. Smaller TTL values help ensure that data about the domain is more consistent across the network if the zone data changes often. However, this practice also increases the load on name servers because positive cache entries time out more quickly. After a DNS resolver caches data, it must start counting down from the received TTL so that it will know when to remove the data from its cache. For queries that can be satisfied by this cached data, the TTL that is returned is the current amount of time left before the data is flushed from the DNS cache. DNS client resolvers also have data caches and honor the TTL value so that they know when to remove the data. The DNS Client service in Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 and the DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 support positive caching. Negative Caching As originally defined in RFC 1034, negative caching is the caching of failed name resolutions. A failed name resolution occurs when a DNS server returns a DNS Name Query Response message with an indication that the name was not found. Negative caching can reduce response times for names that DNS cannot resolve for both the DNS client and DNS servers during an iterative query process. Like positive caching, negative cache entries eventually time out and are removed from the cache based on the TTL in the received DNS Name Query Response message. The DNS Client service in Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 and the DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 support negative caching. Round Robin Load Balancing DNS Name Query Response messages can contain multiple resource records. For example, for a simple forward lookup, the DNS Name Query Response message can contain multiple Address (A) TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 225 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview records that contain the IPv4 addresses associated with the desired host. When multiple resource records for the same resource record type exist, the following issues arise:   For the DNS server, how to order the resource records in the DNS Name Query Response message For the DNS client, how to choose a specific resource record in the DNS Name Query Response message To address these issues, RFC 1794 describes a mechanism named round robin or load sharing to share and distribute loads for network resources. The central assumption of RFC 1794 is that when multiple resource records for the same resource record type and the same name exist, multiple servers are offering the same type of service to multiple users. For example, the www.microsoft.com Web site is actually hosted by multiple Web servers with different IPv4 addresses. To attempt to distribute the load of servicing all the users who access www.microsoft.com, the DNS servers that are authoritative for microsoft.com modify the order of the resource records for the www.microsoft.com name in successive DNS Name Query Response messages. The DNS client uses the data in the first resource record in the response. For example, if there were three A records for www.microsoft.com with the IPv4 addresses of,, and, the round robin scheme works as follows:    For the first request, the order of the resource records in the DNS Name Query Response message is For the second request, the order of the resource records in the DNS Name Query Response message is For the third request, the order of the resource records in the DNS Name Query Response message is The pattern repeats for subsequent queries. For an arbitrary number of resource records, the rotation process cycles through the list of resource records. A DNS server running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 that is responding to a recursive query by default attempts to order the resource records according to the addresses that most closely match the IP address of the originating DNS client, and you can configure that server for round robin according to RFC 1794. To determine the addresses that are the closest match to the IPv4 address of the DNS client, the DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 orders the addresses by using a high-order bit-level comparison of the DNS client's IPv4 address and the IPv4 addresses associated with the queried host name. This comparison technique is similar to the route determination process, in which IPv4 or IPv6 examines the IPv4 or IPv6 routing table to determine the route that most closely matches the destination address of a packet being sent or forwarded. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 226 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Name Server Roles DNS servers store information about portions of the domain namespace. When name servers have one or more zones for which they are responsible, they are said to be authoritative servers for those zones. Using the example in Figure 8-2, the name server containing the dev.microsoft.com zone is an authoritative server for dev.microsoft.com. Configuration of a DNS server includes adding name server (NS) resource records for all the other name servers that are in the same domain. Using the example on the previous page, if the two zones were on different name servers, each would be configured with an NS record about the other. These NS records provide pointers to the other authoritative servers for the domain. DNS defines two types of name servers, each with different functions:   Primary A primary name server gets the data for its zones from locally stored and maintained files. To change a zone, such as adding subdomains or resource records, you change the zone file at the primary name server. Secondary A secondary name server gets the data for its zones across the network from another name server (either a primary name server or another secondary name server). The process of obtaining this zone information (that is, the database file) across the network is referred to as a zone transfer. Zone transfers occur over TCP port 53. The following are reasons to have secondary name servers within an enterprise network:    Redundancy: At least two DNS servers, a primary and at least one secondary, serving each zone are needed for fault tolerance. Remote locations: Secondary name servers (or other primary servers for subdomains) are needed in remote locations that have a large number of DNS clients. Clients should not have to communicate across slower wide area network (WAN) links for DNS queries. Load distribution: Secondary name servers reduce the load on the primary name server. Because information for each zone is stored in separate files, the primary or secondary name server designation is defined at a zone level. In other words, a specific name server may be a primary name server for certain zones and a secondary name server for other zones. When defining a zone on a secondary name server, you configure the zone with the name server from which the zone information is to be obtained. The source of the zone information for a secondary name server is referred to as a master name server. A master name server can be either a primary or secondary name server for the requested zone. Figure 8-5 shows the relationship between primary, secondary, and master name servers. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 227 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Figure 8-5 Primary, secondary, and master name servers When a secondary name server starts up, it contacts the master name server and initiates a zone transfer for each zone for which it is acting as a secondary name server. Zone transfers also can occur periodically (provided that data on the master name server has changed) as specified in the SOA record of the zone file. The "Resource Records and Zones" section of this chapter describes the SOA resource record. Forwarders When a DNS server receives a query, it attempts to locate the requested information within its own zone files. If this attempt fails because the server is not authoritative for the domain of the requested name and it does not have the record cached from a previous lookup, it must communicate with other name servers to resolve the request. On a globally connected network such as the Internet, DNS queries for names that do not use the second-level domain name of the organization might require interaction with DNS servers across WAN links outside of the organization. To prevent all the DNS servers in the organization from sending their queries over the Internet, you can configure forwarders. A forwarder sends queries across the Internet. Other DNS servers in the organization are configured to forward their queries to the forwarder. Figure 8-6 shows an example of intranet servers using a forwarder to resolve Internet names. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 228 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Figure 8-6 Using a forwarder to resolve Internet names A name server can use a forwarder in non-exclusive or exclusive mode. Forwarders in Non-exclusive Mode In non-exclusive mode, when a name server receives a DNS query that it cannot resolve through its own zone files, it sends a recursive query to its forwarder. The forwarder attempts to resolve the query and returns the results to the requesting name server. If the forwarder is unable to resolve the query, the name server that received the original query attempts to resolve the query using iterative queries. A name server using a forwarder in non-exclusive mode does the following when attempting to resolve a name: 1. Checks its local cache. 2. Checks its zone files. 3. Sends a recursive query to a forwarder. 4. Attempts to resolve the name through iterative queries to other DNS servers. Forwarders in Exclusive Mode In exclusive mode, name servers rely on the name-resolving ability of the forwarders. When a name server in exclusive mode receives a DNS query that it cannot resolve through its own zone files, it sends a recursive query to its designated forwarder. The forwarder then carries out whatever communication is necessary to resolve the query and returns the results to the originating name server. If the forwarder is unable to resolve the request, the originating name server returns a query failure to the original DNS client. Name servers in exclusive mode make no attempt to resolve the query on their own if the forwarder is unable to satisfy the request. A name server using a forwarder in exclusive mode does the following when attempting to resolve a name: 1. Checks its local cache. 2. Checks its zone files. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 229 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview 3. Sends a recursive query to a forwarder. Caching-Only Name Servers Although all DNS servers cache queries that they have resolved, caching-only servers are DNS servers that only perform queries, cache the answers, and return the results. Caching-only servers are not authoritative for any domains and contain only the information that they have cached while attempting to resolve queries. When caching-only servers are started, they do not perform any zone transfers because they have no zones and no entries exist in their caches. Initially, the caching-only server must forward queries until the cache has been built up to a point where it can service commonly used queries by just using its cache entries. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 230 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Resource Records and Zones If your organization is connected to the Internet, in many cases you do not need to maintain a DNS infrastructure. For small networks, DNS name resolution is simpler and more efficient by having the DNS client query a DNS server that is maintained by an ISP. Most ISPs will maintain domain information for a fee. If your organization wants to have control over its domain or not incur the costs of using an ISP, you can set up your organization's own DNS servers. In both cases, either going through an ISP or setting up separate DNS servers, the IANA must be informed of the domain name of the organization and the IP addresses of at least two DNS servers on the Internet that service the domain. An organization can also set up DNS servers within itself independent of the Internet. At least two computers as DNS servers are recommended for reliability and redundancy—a primary and a secondary name server. The primary name server maintains the database of information, which is then replicated from the primary name server to the secondary name server. This replication allows name queries to be serviced even if one of the name servers is unavailable. Replication is scheduled based on how often names change in the domain. Replication should be frequent enough so that changes are reflected on both servers. However, excessive replication can have a negative impact on the performance of the network and name servers. Resource Record Format Resource records have the following format: owner TTL      type class RDATA owner The domain name of the resource record. TTL (Time to Live) The length of time in seconds that a DNS resolver should wait before it removes from its cache an entry that corresponds to the resource record. type The type of resource record. class The protocol family in use, which is typically IN for the Internet class. RDATA The resource data for the resource record type. For example, for an address (A) resource record, RDATA is the 32-bit IPv4 address that corresponds to the FQDN in the owner field. Resource records are represented in binary form in DNS request and response messages. In textbased DNS database files, most resource records are represented as a single line of text. For readability, blank lines and comments are often inserted in the database files and are ignored by the DNS server. Comments always start with a semicolon (;) and end with a carriage return. The following is an example A resource record stored in a DNS database file: srv1.dev.microsoft.com. 3600 A IN Each resource record starts with the owner in the first column (srv1.dev.microsoft.com.). If the first column is blank, then it is assumed that the owner for this record is the owner of the previous record. The owner is followed by the TTL (3600 seconds = 1 hour), type (A = Address record), class (IN = Internet), and then the RDATA (Resource Data = If the TTL value is not present, the DNS server sets the value to the TTL specified in the SOA (Start of Authority) record of the zone. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 231 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Resource Record Types The DNS standards define many types of resource records. The most commonly used resource records are the following:         SOA Identifies the start of a zone of authority. Every zone contains an SOA resource record at the beginning of the zone file, which stores information about the zone, configures replication behavior, and sets the default TTL for names in the zone. A Maps an FQDN to an IPv4 address. AAAA Maps an FQDN to an IPv6 address. NS Indicates the servers that are authoritative for a zone. NS records indicate primary and secondary servers for the zone specified in the SOA resource record, and they indicate the servers for any delegated zones. Every zone must contain at least one NS record at the zone root. PTR Maps an IP address to an FQDN for reverse lookups. CNAME Specifies an alias (synonymous name). MX Specifies a mail exchange server for a DNS domain name. A mail exchange server is a host that receives mail for the DNS domain name. SRV Specifies the IP addresses of servers for a specific service, protocol, and DNS domain. RFCs 1035, 1034, 1183, and others define less frequently used resource records. The DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 is fully compliant with RFCs 1034, 1035, and 1183. The DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 also supports the following resource record types that are Microsoft-specific:   WINS Indicates the IPv4 address of a Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server for WINS forward lookup. The DNS Server service in Windows Server 2003 can use a WINS server for looking up the host portion of a DNS name. WINS-R Indicates the use of WINS reverse lookup, in which a DNS server uses a NetBIOS Adapter Status message to find the host portion of the DNS name given its IPv4 address. For detailed information about the structure and contents of various types of DNS resource records, see Help and Support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003. Delegation and Glue Records You add delegation and glue records to a zone file to indicate the delegation of a subdomain to a separate zone. For example, in Figure 8-2, the DNS server that is authoritative for the microsoft.com zone must be configured so that, when resolving names for the dev.microsoft.com, the DNS server can determine the following:   That a separate zone for that domain exists. A delegation is an NS record in the parent zone that lists the name server that is authoritative for the delegated zone. Where the zone for that domain resides. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 232 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview A glue record is an A record for the name server that is authoritative for the delegated zone. For example, in Figure 8-2, the name server for the microsoft.com. domain has delegated authority for the dev.microsoft.com zone to the name server devdns.dev.microsoft.com at the IPv4 address of In the zone file for the microsoft.com. zone, the following records must be added: dev.microsoft.com. IN NS devdns.dev.microsoft.com. devdns.dev.microsoft.com. IN A Without the delegation record for dev.microsoft.com, queries for all names ending in dev.microsoft.com would fail. Glue records are needed when the name of the name server that is authoritative for the delegated zone is in the domain of the name server attempting name resolution. In the example above, we need the A record for devdns.dev.microsoft.com. because that FQDN is within the microsoft.com. portion of the DNS namespace. Without this A record, the microsoft.com. DNS server would be unable to locate the name server for the dev.microsoft.com. zone, and all name resolutions for names in the dev.microsoft.com domain would fail. A glue record is not needed when the name of the authoritative name server for the delegated zone is in a domain that is different than the domain of the zone file. In this case, the DNS server would use normal iterative queries to resolve the name to an IP address. The DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 automatically adds delegation and glue records when you delegate a subdomain. The Root Hints File The root hints file, also known as the cache file, contains the names and addresses of root name servers. For resolving domain names on the Internet, the default file provided with the DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 has the records for the root servers of the Internet. For installations not connected to the Internet, the file should be replaced to contain the name servers authoritative for the root of the private network. This file is named Cache.dns and is stored in the systemroot/System32/Dns folder. For the current Internet cache file, see the FTP site for InterNIC. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 233 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Zone Transfers Secondary name servers obtain zone files from a master name server using a zone transfer. The zone transfer replicates the set of records in the zone file from the master server to the secondary server. Zone transfers occur for all zones for which a DNS server is a secondary name server upon startup and on an ongoing basis to ensure that the most current information about the zone is reflected in the local zone file. The two types of zone transfers are full and incremental. Full Zone Transfer The original DNS RFCs defined zone transfers as a transfer of the entire zone file, regardless of how the file has changed since the last time it was transferred. In a full zone transfer, the following process occurs: 1. The secondary server waits until the next refresh time (as specified in the SOA resource record) and then queries the master server for the SOA resource record for the zone. 2. The master server responds with the SOA resource record. 3. The secondary server checks the Serial Number field of the returned SOA resource record. If the serial number in the SOA resource record is higher than the serial number of the SOA resource record of the locally stored zone file, then there have been changes to the zone file on the master server and a zone transfer is needed. Whenever a resource record is changed on the master name server, the serial number in the SOA resource record is updated. The secondary server sends an AXFR request (a request for a full zone transfer) to the master server. 4. The secondary server initiates a TCP connection with the master server and requests all of the records in the zone database. After the zone transfer, the Serial Number field in the SOA record of the local zone file matches the Serial Number field in the SOA record of the master server. Figure 8-7 shows a full zone transfer. Figure 8-7 A full zone transfer If the secondary server does not receive a response to the SOA query, it retries SOA queries using a retry time interval specified in the SOA resource record in the local zone file. The secondary server continues to retry until the time elapsed since attempting to perform a zone transfer reaches an expiration time specified in the SOA resource record in the local zone file. After the expiration time, the secondary server closes the zone file and does not use it to answer subsequent queries. The TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 234 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview secondary server keeps attempting to perform the zone transfer. When the zone transfer succeeds, the local zone file is opened and used for subsequent queries. Incremental Zone Transfer In a full zone transfer, the entire zone file is transferred. This can consume a substantial portion of processing resources and network bandwidth when the zone files are large and when zone records are frequently changed. To minimize the amount of information that is sent in a zone transfer for changes to zone records, RFC 1995 specifies a standard method of performing incremental zone transfers. In an incremental zone transfer, only the resource records that have changed (been added, deleted, or modified) are sent during the zone transfer. In an incremental zone transfer, the secondary server performs the same query for the SOA record of the master server and comparison of the Serial Number field. If changes exist, the secondary server sends an IXFR request (a request for an incremental zone transfer) to the master server. The master server sends the records that have changed, and the secondary server builds a new zone file from the records that have not changed and the records in the incremental zone transfer. Figure 8-8 shows an incremental zone transfer. Figure 8-8 An incremental zone transfer For the master server to determine the records that have changed, it must maintain a history database of changes made to its zone files. The zone file changes are linked to a serial number so that the master server can determine which changes were made to the zone past the serial number indicated in the IXFR request from the secondary server. The DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 supports incremental zone transfer. DNS Notify For both full and incremental zone transfers, the secondary server always initiates the zone transfer based on periodically querying the master server for its SOA record. The original DNS RFCs do not define a notification mechanism if the master server wanted to immediately propagate a large number of changes to its secondary servers. To improve the consistency of data among secondary servers, RFC 1996 specifies DNS Notify, an extension of DNS that allows master servers to send notifications to secondary servers that a zone transfer might be needed. Upon receipt of a DNS notification, secondary servers request the SOA record of their master server and initiate a full or incremental zone transfer as needed. Figure 8-9 shows the DNS notify process. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 235 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Figure 8-9 The DNS notify process To determine the secondary servers to which notifications should be sent, the master server maintains a notify list (a list of IP addresses) for each zone. The master server sends notifications to only the servers in the notify list when the zone is updated. The DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 supports the configuration of a notify list (a list of IPv4 addresses) for each zone. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 236 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview DNS Dynamic Update DNS was originally defined as a name resolution scheme for relatively static names and addresses; DNS records contained information about servers, whose name and address configuration did not change often. Therefore, the manual administration of resource records in zone files was manageable. These original assumptions work well for an environment that is based on server and client computers that are statically configured, in which the client computers communicate only with the server computers and address configuration does not change. With the advent of peer-to-peer communications and applications and the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), both of the assumptions of static DNS are challenged. In a Windows-based environment, client computers often communicate directly with each other and are automatically configured using DHCP. To communicate with each other, client computers must be able to resolve each other's names; therefore they must have corresponding DNS resource records. With DHCP, the address configuration of client computers could change every time they start. Manually administering DNS records for this environment is obviously impractical. Therefore, RFC 2136 defines DNS dynamic update to provide an automated method to populate the DNS namespace with the current names and addresses for client and server computers by dynamically updating zone data on a zone's primary server. With DNS dynamic update, DNS records are automatically created, modified, and removed by either host computers or DHCP servers on their behalf. For example, a client computer that supports DNS dynamic update sends UPDATE messages to its DNS server to automatically add A, AAAA, and PTR records. The DNS server, which must also support DNS dynamic update, verifies that the sender is permitted to make the updates and then updates its local zone files. The DNS Client service in Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 and the DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 support DNS dynamic update. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 237 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Chapter Summary The chapter includes the following pieces of key information:          DNS is a namespace and a protocol for replicating databases and resolving FQDNs used on the Internet and intranets. DNS consists of the domain namespace, name servers that store resource records, and DNS resolvers. A domain is a branch of the DNS namespace beginning at its root node. All of the resource records in a domain are stored in zones on DNS servers. A zone is a contiguous portion of a DNS domain whose information is stored in a file on a DNS server. On the Internet, DNS consists of the root domain, top-level domains, and second-level domains. IANA manages the names and DNS servers of the root domain and the top-level domains. Individual organizations are responsible for managing the names in their second-level domains. DNS resolvers use either recursive or iterative queries. A recursive query is used to request definitive information about a name, and DNS clients typically use them for FQDN resolution. An iterative query is used to request best-effort information about a name, and DNS servers typically use them to query other DNS servers. Forward lookups provide an IP address based on an FQDN. Reverse lookups provide an FQDN based on an IP address. DNS servers can have the role of a primary server (in which the records are modified by the DNS administrator) or a secondary server (in which the records are obtained from another server) for each zone for which they are authoritative. A master server is a server from which a secondary server obtains a zone transfer. DNS defines many types of resource records, the most common of which are SOA, A, AAAA, NS, PTR, CNAME, MX, and SRV. Zone transfers can transfer either the entire zone file (known as a full zone transfer) or just the records that have changed (known as an incremental zone transfer). DNS Notify is a standard mechanism by which a master name server notifies secondary name servers to check for changes in zone files. DNS dynamic update is a standard method for hosts, or DHCP servers on behalf of hosts, to automatically update the zones of primary DNS servers with resource records that correspond to current names and address configurations. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 238 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview Chapter Glossary DNS – See Domain Name System (DNS). DNS dynamic update - An update to the DNS standard that permits DNS clients to dynamically register and update their resource records in the zones of the primary server. DNS server – A server that maintains a database of mappings of FQDNs to various types of data, such as IP addresses. domain – Any branch of the DNS namespace. Domain Name System (DNS) – A hierarchical, distributed database that contains mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. DNS enables the location of computers and services by user-friendly names and the discovery of other information stored in the database. forward lookup – A DNS query that maps an FQDN to an IP address. forwarder - A DNS server designated by other internal DNS servers to be used to forward queries for resolving external or offsite DNS domain names, such as those used on the Internet. FQDN – See fully qualified domain name. fully qualified domain name (FQDN) - A DNS name that has been stated to indicate its absolute location in the domain namespace tree. An FQDN has a trailing period (.) to qualify its position relative to the root of the namespace. An example is host.example.microsoft.com. host name – The DNS name of a host or interface on a network. For one computer to find another, the name of the computer to locate must either appear in the Hosts file on the computer that is looking, or the name must be known by a DNS server. For most Windows-based computers, the host name and the computer name are the same. Host name resolution – The process of resolving a host name to a destination IP address. Hosts file – A local text file in the same format as the 4.3 BSD release of UNIX /etc/hosts file. This file maps host names to IP addresses, and it is stored in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. iterative query - A query made to a DNS server for the best answer the server can provide. master server – A DNS server that is authoritative for a zone and that is also a source of zone information for other secondary servers. A master server can be either a primary or secondary master server, depending on how the server obtains its zone data. primary server – A DNS server that is authoritative for a zone and that can be used as a point of update for the zone. Only primary servers can be updated directly to process zone updates, which include adding, removing, or modifying resource records that are stored as zone data. recursive query – A query made to a DNS server in which the requester asks the server to assume the full workload and responsibility for providing a complete answer to the query. The DNS server will then use separate iterative queries to other DNS servers on behalf of the requester to assist in completing an answer for the recursive query. reverse lookup – A DNS query that maps an IP address to an FQDN. root domain - The beginning of the DNS namespace. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 239 Chapter 8 – Domain Name System Overview secondary server - A DNS server that is authoritative for a zone and that obtains its zone information from a master server. second-level domain – A DNS domain name that is rooted hierarchically at the second tier of the domain namespace, directly beneath the top-level domain names. Top-level domain names include .com and .org. When DNS is used on the Internet, second-level domains are names that are registered and delegated to individual organizations and businesses. subdomain - A DNS domain located directly beneath another domain (the parent domain) in the namespace tree. For example, example.microsoft.com would be a subdomain of the domain microsoft.com. top-level domains – Domain names that are rooted hierarchically at the first tier of the domain namespace directly beneath the root (.) of the DNS namespace. On the Internet, top-level domain names such as .com and .org are used to classify and assign second-level domain names (such as microsoft.com) to individual organizations and businesses according to their organizational purpose. zone – A manageable unit of the DNS database that is administered by a DNS server. A zone stores the domain names and data of the domain with a corresponding name, except for domain names stored in delegated subdomains. zone transfer - The synchronization of authoritative DNS data between DNS servers. A DNS server configured with a secondary zone periodically queries its master server to synchronize its zone data. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 240 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS Abstract This chapter describes the details of Domain Name System (DNS) support in Windows, which consists of the DNS Client and DNS Server services. Windows Vista and Windows XP include the DNS Client service, and Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 include both the DNS Client and the DNS Server services. A network administrator must understand the capabilities and configuration of both the DNS Client and DNS Server services to effectively manage and troubleshoot a DNS name infrastructure and DNS name resolution behavior on a Windows network. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 241 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:          Describe the capabilities and configuration of the DNS Client service. Describe the name resolution process of the DNS Client service. List and describe the features of the DNS Server service. Install the DNS Server service, and configure its properties. Configure DNS zones and zone transfers. Delegate authority for zones. Configure DNS dynamic update behavior for both the DNS Client service and the DNS Server service. Configure Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) lookup and WINS reverse lookup. Describe how to use the Nslookup tool. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 242 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS The DNS Client Service The DNS Client service in Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 is responsible for name resolution, caching of name resolution attempts (including negative caching), tracking connection-specific domain names, and prioritizing multiple resource records of the same type based on their IP addresses. The following sections describe how to configure the DNS Client service and how it resolves names. DNS Client Configuration You can configure the DNS Client service in the following ways:     Automatically, using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and DHCP options. Manually, using either the Netsh tool or the properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component in the Network Connections folder. Automatically, for Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections. Automatically, using Computer Configuration Group Policy. To determine the IP addresses of the DNS servers and the DNS domain name assigned to the connections of your computer running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003, do one of the following:    Use the ipconfig /all command. Use the netsh interface ipv4 show dns, netsh interface ipv6 show dns or netsh interface ip show dns commands. Open the Network Connections folder, right-click a connection, and click Status. Click the Support tab, and then click Details. The following sections describe how to configure the DNS Client service. DHCP Configuration of the DNS Client Service As described in Chapter 6, "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol," DHCP provides IP configuration information to DHCP clients. You can assign the IPv4 addresses of DNS servers to DHCP clients by configuring the DNS Servers DHCP option (option 6). You can assign a DNS domain name to DHCP clients by configuring the DNS Domain Name DHCP option (option 15). You can assign the IPv6 addresses of DNS servers to DHCPv6 clients by configuring the DNS Recursive Name Server IPv6 Address List option. If DNS servers or the connection-specific domain name are manually configured in the properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component, the DNS Client service ignores the DHCP-based DNS settings. Manual Configuration of the DNS Client Service Using Network Connections To manually configure the DNS Client service on a specific connection using the Network Connections folder, obtain the properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component for the network connection. You can configure the following DNS Client service settings TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 243 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS from the properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component:    Primary and alternate DNS server addresses for the connection. Primary and alternate DNS server addresses for the alternate configuration for the connection. Advanced DNS properties. Figure 9-1 shows the configuration of primary and alternate DNS server addresses on the General tab. Figure 9-1 Primary and alternate DNS servers on the General tab In this example, IPv4 addresses for primary and alternate DNS servers are configured for a connection with a static IPv4 address configuration. You can also configure addresses for primary and alternate DNS servers even when the connection is configured to obtain an IPv4 address automatically (using DHCP). As Figure 9-2 shows, you can also specify the IPv4 addresses of a primary and an alternate DNS server when you configure an alternate configuration (for example, so that you can seamlessly operate your laptop computer on a work network that uses DHCP and on a home network that uses static IPv4 configuration). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 244 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS Figure 9-2 Primary and alternate DNS servers on the Alternate Configuration tab The example in Figure 9-2 shows the configuration of a primary DNS server corresponding to an Internet gateway device (IGD) on a home network. The IGD is acting as a DNS server for all of the computers on the home network. To manually configure the IPv4 addresses of more than two DNS servers or to configure additional DNS Client service settings for a connection, open the Network Connections folder, right-click the connection, and click Properties. Then click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) without clearing its check box, click Properties, click Advanced, and click the DNS tab. Figure 9-3 shows an example of the DNS tab. Figure 9-3 The DNS tab from the advanced configuration of Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) From the DNS tab, you can configure the following: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 245 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS        DNS server addresses, in order of use Lists one or more DNS servers that the computer queries, in order. If you want to manually configure more than two DNS servers, you must add them to this list and configure their order. Append primary and connection-specific DNS suffixes Specifies whether you want to use the primary and connection-specific DNS suffixes to attempt to resolve unqualified names. An unqualified name has no trailing period, such as "dev.example". In contrast, a fully qualified name has a trailing period, such as "dev.example.com." The primary DNS suffix is assigned to the computer and configured from the Computer Name tab of the System item in Control Panel. Connection-specific DNS suffixes are assigned to each connection, either manually or through the DNS Domain Name DHCP option. For more information about the name resolution process, see the “Name Resolution Behavior” section of this chapter. Append parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix Specifies that during name resolution, the DNS Client service uses the parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix, up to the second-level domain, in an attempt to resolve unqualified host names. Append these DNS suffixes Specifies a list of DNS suffixes to try during name resolution, instead of the primary and connection-specific DNS suffixes. DNS suffix for this connection Specifies a DNS suffix for this specific connection. The DNS Client service uses the connection-specific suffix to identify this connection on the computer, whereas the DNS Client service uses the primary suffix to identify the computer regardless of the connection. If you specify a DNS suffix, the DNS Client service ignores the DNS suffix obtained through the DNS Domain Name DHCP option. Register this connection’s addresses in DNS Specifies that the DNS Client service uses DNS dynamic update to register the IP addresses of this connection with the primary name of the computer, which consists of the computer name combined with the primary suffix. Use this connection’s DNS suffix in DNS registration Specifies that the DNS Client service uses DNS dynamic update to register the IP addresses of this connection with the name of the connection— the computer name combined with the connection-specific suffix—in addition to the primary name of the computer. To manually configure the DNS Client service in Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 for the IPv6 addresses of DNS servers on a specific connection, obtain the properties of the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) component for the network connection. You can configure the following DNS Client service settings from the properties of the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) component:   Primary and alternate DNS server IPv6 addresses for the connection. Advanced DNS client properties. For the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) component, configuration of the IPv6 addresses of DNS servers and advanced DNS client properties is very similar to IPv4. Manual Configuration Using Netsh You can also configure DNS server settings for the DNS Client service from the command line using the netsh interface ipv4 set dnsserver or netsh interface ip set dns commands. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 246 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS By default, the DNS Client service uses IPv4 for all DNS messages. For computers running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, use the following command: netsh interface ipv6 set dnsserver [name=]String [source=]dhcp|static [addr=]IPv6Address|none [[register=]none|primary|both] Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 do not support DNS traffic over IPv6. Configuration for Remote Access Clients Dial-up or virtual private network-based remote access clients running Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003 obtain the initial configuration of a primary and alternate DNS server during the negotiation of the Point-to-Point (PPP) connection. The PPP negotiation includes the Primary DNS Server Address and Secondary DNS Server Address options in the Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) as specified in RFC 1877. Remote access clients running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003 also use a DHCPInform message to obtain an updated list of DNS servers and the DNS domain name. If the remote access server running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 is correctly configured with the DHCP Relay Agent routing protocol component, it forwards the DHCPInform message to a DHCP server and forwards the response (a DHCPAck message) back to the remote access client. If the remote access client receives a response to the DHCPInform message, the DNS servers contained in the DHCPAck message replace the DNS servers configured during the PPP connection negotiation. Configuration of DNS Settings Using Group Policy You can also configure DNS settings using Computer Configuration Group Policy and the Group Policy Object Editor snap-in. By using this snap-in, you can modify Group Policy objects for system containers (such as sites, domains, or organizational units) within Active Directory. To configure DNS settings, open the Group Policy Object Editor snap-in, and click the Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\DNS Client node in the tree, as Figure 9-4 shows. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 247 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS Figure 9-4 DNS settings in Computer Configuration Group Policy Group Policy-based DNS settings override the equivalent settings configured on the local computer or through DHCP. Name Resolution Behavior When an application uses the getaddrinfo() or gethostbyname() Windows Sockets functions, the resolver component of the DNS Client service performs name resolution as described in Chapter 7, “Host Name Resolution.” The DNS Client service checks the local host name and the local DNS client resolver cache, and then the service sends out DNS Name Query Request messages. If DNS name resolution fails and the name is longer than 15 bytes, name resolution fails and TCP/IP for Windows indicates the error condition to the application. If the name is 15 bytes or shorter in length, the resolver verifies whether NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled. If it is not enabled, name resolution fails. If NetBIOS is enabled, the resolver converts the name to a NetBIOS name and attempts NetBIOS name resolution. Before the resolver sends any DNS Name Query Request messages, it determines the type of name to resolve. An application can submit one of the following types of names:    Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) Names that are terminated with a period, indicating the name relative to the root domain of the DNS. For example, host7.example.com. is an FQDN. Single-label, unqualified domain names Names that consist of a single label and contain no periods. For example host7 is a single-label, unqualified domain name. Multiple-label, unqualified domain names Names that contain more than one label and one or more periods but are not terminated with a period. For example, host7.example or example.com are multiple-label, unqualified domain names. Name Resolution for FQDNs When the application specifies an FQDN, the resolver queries DNS using that name. No other combinations are tried. Name Resolution for Single-Label, Unqualified Domain Names When the application specifies a single-label, unqualified domain name, the resolver systematically appends different DNS suffixes to the single-label, unqualified domain name; adds periods to make them FQDNs; and submits them to DNS for name resolution. The resolver appends the DNS suffixes to the single-label, unqualified domain name based on the state of the Append primary and connection specific DNS suffixes or Append these suffixes check boxes on the DNS tab in the Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component. If the Append primary and connection specific DNS suffixes check box is selected, the resolver appends the following names and sends separate queries: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 248 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS   The primary DNS suffix, as specified on the Computer Name tab of the System item of Control Panel. Each connection-specific DNS suffix, assigned either through DHCP or specified in the DNS suffix for this connection box on the DNS tab in the Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box for each connection. If resolution is still not successful and the Append parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix check box is selected, the resolver creates new FQDNs by appending the single-label, unqualified domain name with the parent suffix of the primary DNS suffix name, and the parent of that suffix, and so on, stopping at the second-level domain name. This process is known as name devolution. For example, if the application specified the name emailsrv7 and the primary DNS suffix is central.example.com., the resolver tries to resolve the FQDNs of emailsrv7.central.example.com. and emailsrv7.example.com. If resolution is still not successful and the Append these suffixes check box is selected, the resolver appends each suffix from the search list in order and submits the FQDN to the DNS server until the resolver finds a match or reaches the end of the list. For example, if the application specified the name filesrv11 and the DNS suffix list consists of admin.wcoast.example.com., admin.ecoast.example.com., and admin.central.example.com., the resolver tries the FQDNs of filesrv11.admin.wcoast.example.com., filesrv11.admin.ecoast.example.com., and filesrv11.admin.central.example.com. Name Resolution for Multiple-Label, Unqualified Domain Names When an application specifies a multiple-label, unqualified domain name, the DNS resolver uses the same process as that for a single-label, unqualified domain name to resolve the name. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 249 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS The DNS Server Service The DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 supports the following features:         An Internet standards-compliant DNS server DNS is an open protocol and is standardized by a set of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) RFCs. The DNS Server service in Windows Server 2003 supports and complies with these standard specifications. Interoperability with other DNS server implementations Because the DNS Server service is RFC-compliant and uses standard DNS data file and resource record formats, it can successfully work with most other DNS server implementations, such as those that use the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) software. Support for Active Directory DNS is required to support Active Directory. If you make a server an Active Directory domain controller, you can automatically install and configure the DNS Server service on that server. Enhancements to DNS zone storage in Active Directory DNS zones can be stored in the domain or application directory partitions of Active Directory. A partition is a data structure stored in Active Directory that is used for different replication purposes. You can specify in which Active Directory partition to store the zone and, consequently, the set of domain controllers among which the zone's data is replicated. Conditional forwarding The DNS Server service extends standard forwarder support with additional capability as a conditional forwarder. A conditional forwarder is a DNS server that forwards DNS queries according to the DNS domain name in the query. For example, you can configure a DNS server to forward all the queries it receives for names ending with wcoast.example.com to one or multiple DNS servers. Stub zones DNS supports a new zone type called a stub zone, which is a copy of a zone that contains only the resource records required to identify the authoritative DNS servers for that zone. A DNS server that hosts a parent zone and a stub zone for one of the parent zone's delegated child zones can receive updates from the authoritative DNS servers for the child zone. Integration with other Microsoft networking services The DNS Server service offers integration with other services and contains features beyond those specified in the DNS RFCs. These include integration with Active Directory, WINS, and DHCP. Improved ease of administration The DNS snap-in offers a graphical user interface for managing the DNS Server service. Also, you can use several configuration wizards to perform common tasks for administering servers. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 250 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS      You can also use the Dnscmd command-line tool to perform most of the tasks that you can perform from the DNS snap-in. You can also use Dnscmd to write scripts and administer remote DNS servers. RFC-compliant support for the DNS dynamic update protocol The DNS Server service allows clients to dynamically update address and pointer resource records, based on the DNS dynamic update protocol that RFC 2136 defines. DNS dynamic update eliminates the administration associated with manually managing DNS address and pointer records. Computers running Windows can dynamically register their DNS names and IP addresses. Support for secure dynamic updates in zones that are integrated with Active Directory You can configure zones that are integrated with Active Directory for secure dynamic update. With secure dynamic update, only authorized computers can make changes to a resource record. Support for incremental zone transfer between servers DNS servers use zone transfers to replicate information about a portion of the DNS namespace. The DNS Server service uses incremental zone transfers to replicate only the changed portions of a zone, conserving network bandwidth. Support for new resource record types The DNS Server service includes support for several new resource record (RR) types, such as service location (SRV) and Asynchronous Transfer Mode address (ATMA) resource records. These types expand the use of DNS as a name database service. Support for aging and scavenging of records The DNS service is capable of aging and scavenging records. When enabled, this feature can remove stale records from DNS. The DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 supports the following additional features:     Background zone loading Enhancements to support IPv6 Support for read-only domain controllers (RODCs) The ability to host global single-label names For more information, see DNS Enhancements in Windows Server 2008. Installing the DNS Server Service You can install the DNS Server service in Windows Server 2003 in the following ways:     As a Windows component using the Add or Remove Programs item of Control Panel (Windows Server 2003). Using the Active Directory Installation Wizard (Dcpromo.exe). Using the Manage Your Server Wizard (Windows Server 2003). Using the Server Manager snap-in (Windows Server 2008) To install the DNS Server service with Server Manager in Windows Server 2008, do the following: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 251 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS 1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager. 2. In the console tree, right-click Roles, click Add Roles, and then click Next. 3. On the Select Server Roles page, select the DNS Server check box, and then click Next. 4. Follow the pages of the Add Roles wizard to perform an initial configuration of the DNS Server service. To install the DNS Server service with Add or Remove Programs in Windows Server 2003, do the following: 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Add or Remove Programs, and then click Add/Remove Windows Components. 2. In Components, select the Networking Services check box, and then click Details. 3. In Subcomponents of Networking Services, select the Domain Name System (DNS) check box, click OK, and then click Next. 4. If prompted, in Copy files from, type the full path to the distribution files for Windows Server 2003, and then click OK. To install the DNS Server service, you must be logged on as a member of the Administrators group on the local computer, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority. If the computer is joined to a domain, members of the Domain Admins group might be able to perform this procedure. After you install the DNS Server service, you can decide how to configure it and its zones. Local text files contain information about zones and the boot process for the DNS Server service, and you can use a text editor to update that information. However, this method is not described in this chapter. The DNS snap-in and the Dnscmd command-line tool simplify maintenance of the DNS Server service, and you should use them whenever possible. After you begin to use snap-in-based or command-line management of the DNS Server service, manually editing the text files is not recommended. DNS and Active Directory DNS and Active Directory are integrated to provide a location service for Active Directory operations and to store DNS zones in Active Directory, taking advantage of Active Directory security and replication. A directory is a hierarchical structure that stores information about objects on the network. A directory service, such as Active Directory, provides the methods for storing directory data and making this data available to network users and administrators. For example, Active Directory stores information about user accounts such as names, locations, phone numbers, and so on, and Active Directory enables authorized users on the same network to access this information. Active Directory Location Service Active Directory requires the use of DNS to store various types of DNS resource records so that Active Directory clients and domain controllers can locate one another and perform various types of domain operations. For example, an Active Directory client that starts up uses DNS queries to locate the nearest Active Directory domain controller in its site to perform logon and authentication functions. To facilitate this TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 252 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS location service for Active Directory clients, the following records must exist in the DNS servers that the Active Directory clients use:   the _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.DNSDomainName service (SRV) resource record the address (A) resource records for the DNS names of the domain controllers specified in the data field of the _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.DNSDomainName SRV resource records These records are automatically added when you install a DNS server using the Active Directory Installation Wizard. Storage of Zones Integrated with Active Directory After you have installed Active Directory, you have two options for storing and replicating your zones when the DNS Server service is running on a domain controller:   Standard zone storage, using a text-based file. Zones are located in .Dns files that are stored in the systemroot\System32\Dns folder. Zone file names correspond to the zone root name. For example, the wcoast.example.com. domain uses the wcoast.example.com.dns file. Directory-integrated zone storage, using the Active Directory database. Zones are located in the Active Directory tree under the domain or application directory partition. Each directory-integrated zone is stored in a dnsZone container object that corresponds to the zone root name. For networks deploying DNS to support Active Directory, directory-integrated primary zones are strongly recommended and provide the following benefits:  Zones have multimaster update and enhanced security based on the capabilities of Active Directory. In a standard zone storage model, DNS updates are conducted based on a single-master update model. In this model, a single authoritative DNS server for a zone is designated as the primary server for the zone, and that server maintains the master copy of the zone in a local file. With this model, the primary server for the zone represents a single fixed point of failure. If this server is not available, update requests from DNS clients are not processed for the zone.  With directory-integrated storage, updates to DNS are conducted based on a multimaster update model. In this model, any authoritative DNS server, such as a domain controller running a DNS server, is designated as a primary source for the zone. Because the master copy of the zone is maintained in the Active Directory database, which is fully replicated to all domain controllers, the DNS servers operating on any domain controller for the domain can update the zone. Zones are replicated and synchronized to new domain controllers automatically whenever a zone is added to an Active Directory domain. Although you can selectively remove the DNS Server service from a domain controller, directoryintegrated zones are already stored at each domain controller, so zone storage and management is not an additional resource. Also, the methods used to synchronize directory-stored information offer performance improvement over standard zone update methods, which can potentially require transfer of the entire zone. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 253 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS   By integrating storage of your DNS zone databases in Active Directory, you can streamline database replication planning for your network. When your DNS namespace and Active Directory domains are stored and replicated separately, you need to plan and potentially administer each separately. For example, when using standard DNS zone storage and Active Directory together, you would need to design, implement, test, and maintain two different database replication topologies. You need one replication topology for replicating directory data between domain controllers, and you need another topology for replicating zone databases between DNS servers. With integrated DNS zone storage in Active Directory, you must design and maintain only an Active Directory replication. Directory replication is faster and more efficient than standard DNS replication. Because Active Directory replication processing is performed on a per-property basis, only relevant changes are propagated. Therefore, directory-stored zones require less traffic to synchronize changes across the replication topology. Only primary zones can be stored in the directory. A DNS server cannot store secondary zones in Active Directory. It must store them in standard text files. The multimaster replication model of Active Directory removes the need for secondary zones when all the zones are stored in Active Directory. When all of the DNS servers in your organization are also domain controllers, all of your DNS servers are primary servers for all of your zones. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 254 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS DNS Server Service Configuration The configuration of the DNS Server service consists of a set of properties for the DNS server and forward and reverse lookup zone files. Properties of the DNS Server To modify the properties of a DNS server, open the DNS snap-in, right-click the name of the server in the tree, and then click Properties. Figure 9-5 shows an example of the resulting ServerName Properties dialog box. Figure 9-5 The properties dialog box for a DNS server From this dialog box, you can configure properties on the following tabs:     Interfaces You can specify the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses on which the DNS Server service is listening for incoming DNS messages. You can specify all the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses assigned to the DNS server, or you can specify individual addresses (and, therefore interfaces) on which you want to receive DNS traffic as a DNS server. Forwarders You can specify the forwarding behavior of this DNS server including the ability to forward based on a specific domain name (conditional forwarding), the list of IP addresses to which the server should forward DNS traffic, timeout behavior, and whether to use recursive queries for each domain. Advanced You can enable various options (such as round robin and subnet prioritization), the data format for checking names, the location of zone data (Active Directory or local files), and scavenging settings. Root Hints You can configure the set of root domain servers that this DNS server uses during iterative queries. Changes that you make on the Root Hints tab are updated in the Cache.dns file, which is stored in the systemroot\System32\Dns folder. Using the Root Hints tab is the recommended method of maintaining the list of root domain servers, rather than using a text editor to modify the Cache.dns file. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 255 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS     Debug Logging You can enable and configure various options for the DNS debug log file, which you can use when troubleshooting DNS issues. The DNS debug log file is stored in systemroot\System32\Dns\Dns.log. By default, debug logging is disabled. Event Logging You can specify the level of logging for information stored in the DNS event log, which you can view with the Event Viewer snap-in. By default, logging is enabled for all events. Monitoring You can perform simple diagnostic functions to ensure the correct configuration and operation of the DNS server, such as performing recursive and iterative queries and electing to run them as needed or at a specified interval. Security You can specify access control lists (ACLs) for DNS server administration. For more information about ACLs, see Help and Support for Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003. Maintaining Zones You can use the DNS snap-in to administer two main types of zones:   Forward lookup zones Reverse lookup zones Forward Lookup Zones To create a forward lookup zone by using the DNS snap-in, open the snap-in, right-click the Forward Lookup Zones node in the tree, and click New Zone. The New Zone Wizard launches and guides you through creating a forward lookup zone. In the New Zone Wizard, you must specify the following:       Whether to create a primary, secondary, or stub zone Whether to store the zone in Active Directory For Active Directory storage, whether to replicate the zone to all DNS servers in the forest, to all DNS servers in the domain, or to all domain controllers in the domain What the FQDN of the zone should be Whether to allow dynamic updates, to require secure dynamic updates, or both For secondary and stub zones, from which master name servers (as specified by IPv4 or IPv6 address) the DNS Server service obtains the zone data To modify the properties of a forward lookup zone, open the DNS snap-in, right-click the zone under the Forward Lookup Zones folder in the tree, and click Properties. Figure 9-6 shows an example of the resulting ForwardZoneName Properties dialog box. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 256 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS Figure 9-6 The properties dialog box for a forward lookup zone From this dialog box, you can configure properties on the following tabs:       General You can specify the zone's state (running or paused), the type of zone (primary, secondary, or stub), its replication scope, and behaviors for dynamic update and aging/scavenging. Start of Authority (SOA) You can view or specify all of the parameters of the SOA resource record for the zone. Name Servers You can view and change all of the Name Server (NS) resource records for the zone. WINS You can specify the WINS lookup behavior. For more information, see "DNS and WINS Integration" in this chapter. Zone Transfers You can specify the zone transfer behavior for the zone (whether to allow zone transfers, to which servers, and the notify list). Security You can specify ACLs for zone administration. Reverse Lookup Zones To create a reverse lookup zone in the DNS snap-in, open the snap-in, right-click the Reverse Lookup Zones node in the tree, and click New Zone. The New Zone Wizard launches and guides you through creating a reverse lookup zone. In the New Zone Wizard, you must specify the following:      Whether to create a primary, secondary, or stub zone Whether to store the zone in Active Directory For Active Directory storage, whether to replicate the zone to all DNS servers in the forest, to all DNS servers in the domain, or to all domain controllers in the domain Either the IPv4 address prefix (up to the third octet), the IPv6 address prefix, or the reverse lookup zone name Whether to allow dynamic updates, and whether to require secure dynamic updates TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 257 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS  For secondary and stub zones, from which master name servers (as specified by IPv4 or IPv6 address) the DNS Server service obtains the zone data To modify the properties of a reverse lookup zone, open the DNS snap-in, right-click the zone under the Reverse Lookup Zones folder in the tree, and click Properties. Figure 9-6 shows an example of the resulting ReverseZoneName Properties dialog box. Figure 9-7 The properties dialog box for a reverse lookup zone From this dialog box, you can configure properties on the following tabs:       General You can specify the zone's state (running or paused), the type of zone (primary, secondary, or stub), its replication scope, and behaviors for dynamic update and aging/scavenging. Start of Authority (SOA) You can view or specify all of the parameters of the SOA resource record for the zone. Name Servers You can view and change all of the Name Server (NS) resource records for the zone. WINS-R You can specify the WINS reverse lookup behavior. For more information, see "DNS and WINS Integration" in this chapter. Zone Transfers You can specify the zone transfer behavior for the zone (whether to allow zone transfers, to which servers, and the notify list). Security You can specify ACLs for zone administration. Delegation To perform a delegation, open the DNS snap-in, right-click the parent zone in the tree, and then click New Delegation. The New Delegation Wizard launches and guides you through creating delegation and glue records for a subdomain of an existing domain. In the New Delegation Wizard, you must specify:   The name of the domain to delegate. The FQDN and IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of the DNS servers to which the domain is being delegated. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 258 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS To complete the delegation, you create the delegated domain zones on the servers specified in the New Delegation Wizard. Zone Transfers You can configure zone transfers from the Zone Transfers tab in the properties dialog box for the zone. Figure 9-8 shows an example of the Zone Transfers tab for a forward lookup zone. Figure 9-8 The Zone Transfers tab for a forward lookup zone From the Zone Transfers tab, you can configure the following:    Whether zone transfers for the zone are allowed. The servers to which zone transfers are allowed. You can specify any server, only the servers listed on the Name Servers tab, or specific servers listed by IPv4 or IPv6 address. The notify list (click Notify), from which you can specify the servers on the Name Servers tab or specific servers listed by IPv4 address. Resource Records The DNS Server service stores resource records in their respective containers in a zone. You might manually configure the following typical resource records:    IPv4 address records IPv6 address records Pointer records IPv4 Address Records To manually add an IPv4 address record (also known as an Address [A] record), open the DNS snapin, right-click the appropriate forward lookup zone in the tree, and then click New Host (A or AAAA) or New Host (A). In the New Host dialog box, type the host portion of the domain name and its IPv4 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 259 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS address. You can also automatically create the associated PTR record, allow an unauthenticated update to the record, and specify the Time-to-Live (TTL) for the A and PTR records. Computers running Windows automatically add their IPv4 host address resource records using dynamic update. For more information, see "Dynamic Update and Secure Dynamic Update" in this chapter. IPv6 Address Records To manually add an IPv6 address record (also known as a AAAA record) in Windows Server 2008, open the DNS snap-in, right-click the appropriate forward lookup zone in the tree, and then click New Host (A or AAAA). For Windows Server 2003, click Other New Records. In the Resource Record Type dialog box, click IPv6 Host (AAAA), and then click Create Record. In the New Host dialog box, type the host portion of the domain name and its IPv6 address. You can also automatically delete the record if it becomes stale and specify its TTL. A computer running Windows with the IPv6 protocol automatically adds AAAA resource records for sitelocal and global IPv6 addresses using dynamic update. For more information, see "Dynamic Update and Secure Dynamic Update" in this chapter. The IPv6 protocol does not register link-local addresses or global addresses with temporary interface identifiers using dynamic update. Pointer Records To manually add a Pointer (PTR) resource record for an IP address, open the DNS snap-in, right-click the appropriate reverse lookup zone in the tree, and then click New Pointer (PTR). In the New Resource Record dialog box, type the host IP address (in reverse order, if needed) and the host's FQDN. You can also automatically delete the record if it becomes stale, allow an unauthenticated update to the record, and specify its TTL. Computers running Windows automatically add their PTR records using dynamic update. For more information, see "Dynamic Update and Secure Dynamic Update" in this chapter. DNS Traffic Over IPv6 By default, the DNS Server service in Windows Server 2008 listens for DNS traffic sent over IPv6. By default, the DNS Server service in Windows Server 2003 does not listen for DNS traffic sent over IPv6. You can configure DNS servers running Windows Server 2003 and DNS clients running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 to use DNS traffic over IPv6 through either locally configured or well-known unicast addresses of DNS servers. Using Locally Configured Unicast Addresses In this method, DNS clients and servers send DNS traffic over IPv6 to a unicast address locally assigned to the DNS server, such as a site-local or global address of the DNS server configured through IPv6 address autoconfiguration. This method requires the following steps: 1. On each DNS server running Windows Server 2003, enable the DNS Server service for DNS traffic by using the dnscmd /config /EnableIPv6 1 command and then restarting the DNS Server service. 2. Obtain the global or unique local addresses of each DNS server by using the ipconfig command. 3. Configure each Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 DNS client computer with the unicast IPv6 addresses of your DNS servers using the netsh interface ipv6 add dnsserver TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 260 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS interface=NameOrIndex address=IPv6Address index=PreferenceLevel command. Using Well-Known Unicast Addresses In this method, DNS clients and servers send DNS traffic over IPv6 to a set of well-known unicast addresses that have been manually configured on the DNS server. Computers running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 automatically attempt to use DNS servers at the well-known unicast addresses of FEC0:0:0:FFFF::1, FEC0:0:0:FFFF::2, and FEC0:0:0:FFFF::3. This method requires the following steps: 1. Determine which well-known unicast addresses to assign to which DNS servers. 2. On each DNS server, add one or more of the well-known unicast addresses using the netsh interface ipv6 add address interface=NameOrIndex address=IPv6Address command. 3. Add host routes for the well-known unicast addresses to your routing infrastructure so that the DNS servers are reachable from all of your IPv6-based DNS client computers. First, you must add host routes for the DNS server addresses to the neighboring routers of the DNS servers. If you are using an IPv6 routing protocol, configure it to propagate host routes to the non-neighboring IPv6 routers. If you are using static IPv6 routers, add host routes with the appropriate next-hop and metric information to all the non-neighboring routers. Dynamic Update and Secure Dynamic Update DHCP servers assign IPv4 addresses and other configuration settings to DHCP client computers. These addresses are valid for a specific lease time. If the DHCP client computer cannot renew the current lease or moves to another subnet, the DHCP server assigns a new IPv4 address configuration to the client computer. This variability of IPv4 address configuration for DHCP client computers complicates DNS administration because you must update A and PTR resource records. RFC 2136 describes the DNS dynamic update protocol, which keeps DNS current in a DHCP environment. DNS dynamic update allows DNS client computers to both register and dynamically update their resource records with a DNS server whenever the client computers’ IP addresses or names change. This process reduces the need for you to administer zone records manually, especially for computers that use DHCP. Windows supports DNS dynamic update for both the DNS clients and servers. For DNS servers, you can use the DNS Server service to enable dynamic updates on a per-zone basis for either standard primary zones or zones that are integrated with Active Directory. DNS clients running Windows register A and PTR resource records for IPv4 addresses and AAAA records for IPv6 addresses in DNS by default. Additionally, domain controllers and other serviceproviding computers register service (SRV) resource records in DNS. Because SRV resource records provide a way to resolve service names to IP addresses, registering them with DNS allows client computers running Windows to locate domain controllers and other types of servers. DNS clients that are running Windows send dynamic updates in the following circumstances:  For statically assigned IP addresses, when the computer is started or an IP address on any of the computer’s network connections is added, removed, or modified. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 261 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS      For dynamically assigned IP addresses, when an IP address lease on any of the computers’ network connections changes or is renewed with the DHCP server (for example, when the computer is started or the ipconfig /renew command is used). When the Net Logon service is started on domain controllers. When a member server is promoted to a domain controller. When the user runs the ipconfig /registerdns command to manually force a refresh of name registration in DNS. Periodically after the initial dynamic update (by default, every seven days). When one of these events triggers a dynamic update, the DHCP Client service on the computer running Windows sends the update. For IPv4-based addresses, the DHCP Client service sends the updates, rather than the DNS Client service, because the DHCP Client service provides IP address configuration, whether static or dynamic, to TCP/IP in Windows and monitors changes in IP address configuration. For IPv6-based addresses, the IPv6 protocol component sends the updates when the computer is started or an IPv6 address on any of the computer’s network connections is added, removed, or modified. How Computers Running Windows Update their DNS Names The specific mechanism and types of records registered by a computer running Windows depends on whether its IPv4 configuration is static (configured manually) or automatic (configured using DHCP):   By default, computers running Windows that are manually configured with static IPv4 addresses attempt to dynamically register A and PTR resource records for all configured DNS names. By default, computers running Windows that are automatically configured with IPv4 addresses allocated by a DHCP server attempt to dynamically register A resource records. The DHCP server attempts to dynamically register the PTR resource records on the DHCP client's behalf. This behavior is controlled by:   The inclusion of the Client FQDN DHCP option (option 81) in the DHCPRequest message sent by the DHCP client. In the DHCP snap-in, the settings on the DNS tab (see Figure 9-9) for the properties of a DHCP server or the properties of a DHCP scope. For DHCP clients that do not send the Client FQDN option, the DHCP server does not automatically register the A or PTR resource records on the DHCP client's behalf. To enable this support, you can select the Dynamically update DNS A and PTR records for DHCP clients that do not request updates check box on the DNS tab. Figure 9-9 shows the DNS tab in the properties dialog box of a DHCP server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 262 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS Figure 9-9 The DNS tab on the properties of a DHCP server DNS Dynamic Update Process A DNS client computer running Windows uses the following process to perform a DNS dynamic update: 1. The client queries its configured DNS server to find the Start of Authority (SOA) resource record for the DNS zone of the DNS name that is being updated. 2. The DNS client's configured DNS server performs the standard name resolution process and sends the SOA record, which contains the IP address of the primary name server for the queried DNS zone. 3. The client sends a dynamic update request to the primary name server for the zone of the DNS name that is being updated. This request might include a list of prerequisites that must be fulfilled before the update can be completed. Types of prerequisites include the following:     4. The resource record set exists. The resource record set does not exist. The name is in use. The name is not in use. The primary name server determines whether the prerequisites have been fulfilled. If they have, the primary DNS server performs the requested update. If they have not, the update fails. In either case, the primary DNS server replies to the client, indicating whether the update succeeded. If the DNS dynamic update is not successful, the DNS client records the event in the system event log. Configuring DNS Dynamic Update You configure DNS dynamic update behavior on DNS client computers running Windows, DNS servers running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, and DHCP servers running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003. To configure DNS dynamic update on a DNS client computer running Windows, do the following: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 263 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS 1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Network Connections. 2. Right-click the network connection that you want to configure, and then click Properties. 3. On the General tab (for a local area connection) or the Networking tab (for any other connection), click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties. 4. Click Advanced, and then click the DNS tab. 5. Do one or more of the following:    To use DNS dynamic update to register the IP addresses for this connection and the full computer name of the computer, select the Register this connection's addresses in DNS check box. This check box is selected by default. To configure a DNS suffix for the specific connection, type the DNS suffix in DNS suffix for this connection. To use DNS dynamic update to register the IP addresses and the domain name that is specific for this connection, select the Use this connection's DNS suffix in DNS registration check box. This check box is not selected by default. To enable DNS dynamic update on a DNS server that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the DNS snap-in, click the appropriate zone in the Forward Lookup Zones or Reverse Lookup Zones node. 2. On the Action menu, click Properties. 3. On the General tab, verify that the zone type is either Primary or Active Directory-integrated. 4. If the zone type is Primary, in the Dynamic Updates list, click either Nonsecure and secure or Secure only. To configure DNS dynamic update for a DHCP server that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the DHCP snap-in, click the appropriate DHCP server or a scope on the appropriate DHCP server. 2. Right click the IPv4 node, the server, or the scope, and then click Properties. 3. Click the DNS tab. 4. Do one of the following:   To enable DNS dynamic update for DHCP clients that support it, select the Enable DNS dynamic updates according to the settings below check box and either the Dynamically update DNS A and PTR only if requested by the DNS clients check box (selected by default) or the Always dynamically update DNS A and PTR records check box. To enable DNS dynamic update for DHCP clients that do not support it, select the Dynamically update DNS A And PTR records for DHCP clients that do not request updates check box. This check box is cleared by default. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 264 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS Secure Dynamic Update Secure DNS dynamic update is available only for zones that are integrated into Active Directory. After you integrate a zone, you can add or remove users or groups from the ACL for a specified zone or resource record using the DNS snap-in. After a zone becomes integrated with Active Directory, DNS servers running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 allow only secure dynamic updates by default. When configured for standard zone storage, the DNS Server service by default blocks dynamic updates on its zones. For zones that are either integrated with Active Directory or that use standard file-based storage, you can change the zone to allow both secure and unsecured dynamic updates. DNS clients attempt to use unsecured dynamic update first. If an unsecured update is refused, DNS clients try to use secure dynamic update. DNS and WINS Integration If DNS and Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) are integrated, the DNS Server service can look up DNS names in WINS if the service cannot be resolve the names by querying DNS servers. To perform WINS lookup, the DNS Server service uses two specific resource record types that can be enabled for any zone:   The WINS resource record, which you enable to integrate WINS lookup into forward lookup zones The WINS resource record is specific to DNS servers that are running Windows and that you can attach only to the root domain of a forward lookup zone by placing the record in the root zone file. The presence of a WINS record instructs the DNS Server service to use WINS to look up any requests for hosts in the zone root that do not have an A resource record. This functionality is particularly useful for DNS clients that are not running Windows and that need to resolve the names of NetBIOS and DHCP-enabled hosts that do not perform DNS dynamic update, such as computers running older versions of Windows. The WINS-R resource record, which you enable to perform IPv4 address-to-NetBIOS name lookups for reverse lookup zones The WINS-R resource record is also specific to DNS servers that are running Windows and that you can attach only to the root domain of a reverse lookup zone by placing the record in the root zone file. The presence of a WINS-R record instructs the DNS Server service to use WINS to look up any requests for hosts that are in the zone root but that do not have an A resource record. How WINS Lookup Works When a DNS client sends a recursive or iterative query to a DNS server that is authoritative for the domain portion of an FQDN, the DNS server first attempts to find a matching A record in its zone files. If the DNS server does not find a matching A record and is configured for WINS lookup, the server does the following: 1. The DNS server separates the host part of the FQDN contained in the DNS query and converts the host part to a 16-byte NetBIOS name. The NetBIOS name consists of the host name, padded with spaces up to 15 bytes, and 0x00 as the last byte. 2. The DNS server sends a NetBIOS Name Query Request message to the WINS server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 265 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS 3. If the WINS server can resolve the constructed NetBIOS name, it returns the IPv4 address to the DNS server using a NetBIOS Name Query Response message. 4. The DNS server constructs an A resource record using the IPv4 address resolved through the WINS server and sends a DNS Name Query Response message containing the A record to the requesting DNS resolver. The DNS Server service performs all of the steps for WINS lookup. The DNS resolver is not aware that WINS lookup is being used—it sent a DNS Name Query Request message and received a DNS Name Query Response message. The WINS server is not aware a DNS server is using WINS lookup—it received a NetBIOS Name Query Request message and replied with a NetBIOS Name Query Response message. When you enable WINS lookup on a DNS zone, it is performed for only those names in the zone root domain. For example, if a zone file contained names for the example.com domain and the dev.example.com subdomain and WINS lookup was configured for that zone, then WINS lookup could be performed on the name newssrv1.example.com but not for the name newssrv1.dev.example.com. You can configure WINS lookup from the WINS tab for the properties of a forward lookup zone. To enable WINS lookup, select the Use WINS forward lookup check box, and type the IPv4 addresses of your WINS servers. The TTL for a DNS name that is resolved through WINS lookup is not the default timeout value from the SOA record for the zone. You configure the TTL for a name resolved through WINS lookup on the WINS tab for the properties of a forward lookup zone. WINS Reverse Lookup Although WINS was not constructed to provide reverse lookup capabilities, this functionality can be accomplished using a special NetBIOS message. The presence of a WINS-R record at the zone root instructs the DNS Server service to send a NetBIOS Adapter Status message for any reverse lookup requests for IPv4 addresses in the zone root domain for which PTR records were not found. The response to the NetBIOS Adapter Status message contains the NetBIOS computer name of the queried host. You can configure WINS lookup on the WINS-R tab for the properties of a reverse lookup zone. Select the Use WINS-R lookup check box, and type the domain name to be appended to the computer name when the DNS Server service returns the response to the DNS resolver. If a reverse query for a host name based on an IPv4 address is sent to a DNS server running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 for a zone in which WINS reverse lookup is enabled, the server will first attempt to perform a reverse resolution using the local reverse lookup zone files. If the DNS server does not find a PTR record, it sends a NetBIOS Adapter Status message to the IPv4 address in the reverse query. The response to the NetBIOS Adapter Status message includes the NetBIOS name table of the responder, from which the DNS server determines the computer name. The DNS Server service appends the domain name configured on the WINS-R tab to the computer name and returns the result to the requesting client. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 266 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS Using the Nslookup Tool The Nslookup diagnostic tool allows you to interact with a DNS server using either individual commandline queries or interactively as a name resolver or as another DNS server. The Nslookup tool is the primary troubleshooting tool for DNS. You can use Nslookup to display any resource record on any DNS server, including DNS servers that are not running Windows. Nslookup Modes Nslookup has two modes: interactive and noninteractive. If you need a single resource record, use noninteractive or command-line mode. If you need more than one resource record, you can use interactive mode, in which you issue successive commands from an Nslookup prompt. For interactive mode:      To interrupt interactive commands at any time, press CTRL+C. To exit, use the exit command. The command line must be less than 256 characters long. To treat a built-in command as a computer name, precede it with the "\" character. An unrecognized command is interpreted as a computer name. Nslookup Syntax Nslookup has the following syntax: nslookup [-Options] [ComputerToFind | - [Server]] The Nslookup command line can include the following parameters:    -Options Specifies one or more Nslookup commands as a command-line option. For a list of commands, use the help option inside Nslookup. Each option consists of a hyphen (-) followed immediately by the command name; in some cases, an equal sign (=); and then a value. ComputerToFind Look up information for ComputerToFind using the current default server or using Server if specified. If ComputerToFind is an IP address and the query type is A or PTR, the name of the computer is returned. If ComputerToFind is a name and does not have a trailing period, the default DNS domain name is appended to the name. If you type a hyphen (-) instead of ComputerToFind, the command prompt changes to Nslookup interactive mode with the ">" character as the command prompt. Server Use this server as the DNS name server. If the server is omitted, Nslookup uses the currently configured default DNS server. Examples of Nslookup Usage The following are usage examples for the Nslookup tool. Example 1: Nslookup in Interactive Mode The following is a usage example for Nslookup in interactive mode with the default DNS server: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 267 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS C:\USERS\DEFAULT>nslookup Default Server: Address: dnssrv1 > Nslookup performs a reverse query on the IPv4 address of the default DNS server and displays its name (dnssrv1 above). If the query fails, Nslookup displays the error message "*** Default servers are not available" and shows the default server as "Unknown." From the ">" prompt, you can enter names to be queried, IP addresses to be reverse queried, or commands to modify the behavior of Nslookup. To exit the Nslookup command prompt, use the exit command. Example 2: Nslookup and Forward Queries The following is an example of how to use Nslookup to obtain the IP address of a host name using the default DNS server: C:\USERS\DEFAULT>nslookup filesrv17 server = Address: Name: dnssrv1 filesrv17.example.com Address: Example 3: Nslookup Forward Query Using Another DNS Server The following is an example of how to use Nslookup to obtain the IP address of a host name using another DNS server: C:\USERS\DEFAULT>nslookup msgsrv3 –dnssrv9 server = Address: Name: dnssrv9 msgsrv3.central.example.com Address: Example 4: Nslookup Debug Information The following is an example of how to use Nslookup to obtain the IP address of a host name using the default DNS server. The example also shows how to modify the display option to include detailed information about the contents of the DNS messages being exchanged between the DNS client and the DNS server: C:\USERS\DEFAULT>nslookup -debug=on emailsrv1 -----------Got answer: HEADER: opcode = QUERY, id = 1, rcode = NOERROR header flags: questions = 1, response, auth. answer, want recursion, recursion avail. answers = 1, TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows authority records = 0, additional = 0 Page: 268 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS QUESTIONS:, type = PTR, class = IN ANSWERS: -> name = dnssrv1 ttl = 3600 (1 hour) -----------server = Address: dnssrv1 -----------Got answer: HEADER: opcode = QUERY, id = 2, rcode = NOERROR header flags: questions = 1, response, auth. answer, want recursion, recursion avail. answers = 1, authority records = 0, additional = 0 QUESTIONS: emailsrv1.example.com, type = A, class = IN ANSWERS: -> emailsrv1.example.com internet address = ttl = 3600 (1 hour) -----------Name: Address: emailsrv1.example.com Example 5: Nslookup Reverse Query The following is an example of using Nslookup to perform a reverse query: C:\USERS\DEFAULT>nslookup server = Address: Name: Address: dnssrv1 emailsrv18.wcoast.example.com TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 269 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS Chapter Summary The chapter includes the following pieces of key information:           You can configure the DNS Client service manually using Network Connections or automatically using DHCP, PPP, or Computer Configuration Group Policy. To help resolve an unqualified name, the DNS Client service uses the primary or connection-specific DNS suffixes (with name devolution on the primary suffix) or a configured list of DNS suffixes. You can install the DNS Server service using the Server Manager snap-in, as a Windows component using the Add or Remove Programs item in Control Panel, the Active Directory Installation Wizard (Dcpromo.exe), or the Manage Your Server Wizard. Active Directory requires DNS to locate domain resources for domain operations. Storage of DNS zones in Active Directory can take advantage of multi-master administration, Active Directory security, and the existing Active Directory replication topology. To administer a DNS server that is running Windows Server 2003, you must configure server properties, forward lookup zones, reverse lookup zones, delegation, and zone transfers. Typical resource records to manually add to a DNS server running Windows are A, AAAA, and PTR. To enable DNS traffic over IPv6, you must configure a Windows Server 2003-based DNS server to listen for DNS traffic over IPv6. Then, you must either configure the Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 DNS clients with the unicast IPv6 addresses of the DNS servers or configure the DNS server and the routing infrastructure for the well-known unicast addresses assigned to IPv6 DNS servers. With DNS dynamic update, DNS client computers that are running Windows dynamically update their A, AAAA, and PTR records (for IPv4) addresses with the primary name server for the zone. For zones that are integrated with Active Directory, DNS clients can use secure dynamic update. WINS lookup allows a DNS server running Windows to use WINS for name resolution when no A record for the host is found. WINS reverse lookup uses NetBIOS Adapter Status messages to perform reverse lookups when no PTR record is found. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 270 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS Chapter Glossary DNS – See Domain Name System. DNS dynamic update - A DNS standard that permits DNS clients to dynamically register and update their resource records in the zones of the primary name server. DNS server – A server that maintains a database of mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. domain – Any tree or subtree within the DNS namespace. Domain Name System (DNS) – A hierarchical, distributed database that contains mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. DNS enables the location of computers and services by user-friendly names, and it also enables the discovery of other information stored in the database. forward lookup – A DNS query that maps an FQDN to an IP address. FQDN – See fully qualified domain name (FQDN). fully qualified domain name (FQDN) - A DNS name that has been stated to indicate its absolute location in the domain namespace tree. An FQDN has a trailing period (.) to qualify its position to the root of the namespace (for example, host.example.microsoft.com.). Host name – The DNS name of a device on a network. Host names are used to locate computers on the network. To find another computer, its host name must either appear in the Hosts file or be known by a DNS server. For most computers running Windows, the host name and the computer name are the same. Host name resolution – The process of resolving a host name to a destination IP address. iterative query - A query made to a DNS server for the best answer the server can provide without seeking further help from other DNS servers. master server – An authoritative DNS server for a zone. Master servers are either primary or secondary master servers, depending on how the server obtains its zone data. primary server - An authoritative DNS server for a zone that can be used as a point of update for the zone. Only primary servers can be updated directly to process zone updates, which include adding, removing, or modifying resource records that are stored as zone data. recursive query – A query made to a DNS server in which the requester asks the server to assume the full workload and responsibility for providing a complete answer to the query. The DNS server then uses separate iterative queries to other DNS servers on behalf of the requester to assist in finding a complete answer for the recursive query. reverse lookup – A DNS query that maps an IP address to an FQDN. root domain - The beginning of the DNS namespace. secondary server - An authoritative DNS server for a zone that obtains its zone information from a master server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 271 Chapter 9 – Windows Support for DNS second-level domain – A DNS domain name that is rooted hierarchically at the second tier of the domain namespace, directly beneath the top-level domain names. Top-level domain names include .com and .org. When DNS is used on the Internet, second-level domains are names that are registered and delegated to individual organizations and businesses. stub zone – A copy of a zone that contains only the resource records required to identify the authoritative DNS servers for that zone. A DNS server that hosts a parent zone and a stub zone for one of the parent zone's delegated child zones can receive updates from the authoritative DNS servers for the child zone. top-level domains – Domain names that are rooted hierarchically at the first tier of the domain namespace directly beneath the root (.) of the DNS namespace. On the Internet, top-level domain names such as .com and .org are used to classify and assign second-level domain names (such as microsoft.com) to individual organizations and businesses according to their organizational purpose. zone – A manageable unit of the DNS database that is stored on a DNS server. A zone contains the domain names and data of the domain with a corresponding name, except for domain names stored in delegated subdomains. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 272 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Abstract This chapter describes the end-to-end delivery processes for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. A network administrator must understand these processes to determine how traffic flows on a network and troubleshoot connectivity problems. This chapter also describes end-to-end delivery processes in further detail by analyzing the steps for typical IPv4 and IPv6 traffic on an example network. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 273 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:     Describe the details of the end-to-end IPv4 delivery process for the source host, the intermediate routers, and the destination host. List the steps involved when IPv4 traffic is sent across an example network. Describe the details of the end-to-end IPv6 delivery process for the source host, the intermediate routers, and the destination host. List the steps involved when IPv6 traffic is sent across an example network. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 274 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery End-to-End IPv4 Delivery Process The end-to-end delivery process for IPv4 traffic consists of the following:    The source host sends the packet either to a router or to the final destination (if the destination is a neighbor). The router forwards the packet either to another router or to the final destination (if the destination is a neighbor). The destination host receives the packet and passes the data to the appropriate application. Note The following processes assume that the IPv4 header contains no options. IPv4 on the Source Host When an IPv4 source host sends an IPv4 packet, the host uses a combination of local host tables and the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). An IPv4 source host uses the following algorithm when sending a packet to an arbitrary destination: 1. Specify either a default or application-specified value for the Time-to-Live (TTL) field. 2. Check the route cache for an entry that matches the destination address. The route cache is a table that stores the next-hop IPv4 address and interface for destinations to which traffic has been recently sent. This step prevents IPv4 from performing the route determination process for every IPv4 packet sent. 3. If the route cache contains an entry that matches the destination address, obtain the next-hop address and interface from the entry, and go to step 7. 4. If the route cache does not contain an entry that matches the destination address, check the local IPv4 routing table for the longest matching route with the lowest metric to the destination address. If multiple longest matching routes have the lowest metric, choose the matching route for the interface that is first in the binding order. 5. Based on the longest matching route with the lowest metric, determine the next-hop address and interface to use for forwarding the packet. If no route is found, indicate a routing error to the application that is sending the packet. 6. Update the route cache with an entry that contains the destination IPv4 address of the packet and its corresponding next-hop address and interface. 7. Check the ARP cache of the next-hop interface for an entry that matches the next-hop IPv4 address. You can view the ARP cache with the arp –a command. 8. If the ARP cache contains an entry that matches the next-hop address, obtain the corresponding media access control (MAC) address, and go to step 10. 9. If the ARP cache does not contain an entry that matches the next-hop address, use ARP to obtain the MAC address for the next-hop IPv4 address. If ARP is successful, update the ARP cache with an entry that contains the next-hop IP address and its corresponding MAC address. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 275 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery If ARP is not successful, indicate an error to IP. 10. Send the packet by using the MAC address of the ARP cache entry. This process is for host with a single interface, known as a single-homed host. For hosts with multiple interfaces, known as multi-homed hosts, the route determination process depends on the source address and whether the host supports strong or weak hosts sends. For strong host sends, the nexthop interface must be assigned the source address of the packet. For weak host sends, the next-hop interface does not have to be assigned the source address of the packet. For more information, see Strong and Weak Host Models. Figure 10-1 shows the IPv4 sending process for a source host. Figure 10-1 The IPv4 sending process for a source host IPv4 on the Router Just like an IPv4 source host, the process by which an IPv4 router forwards an IPv4 packet uses a combination of local router tables and ARP. An IPv4 router uses the following algorithm when receiving and forwarding a packet to an arbitrary unicast destination: 1. Calculate the IPv4 header checksum. Compare the calculated value to the value included in the IPv4 header of the packet. If the checksums have different values, discard the packet. 2. Verify whether the destination address in the IPv4 packet corresponds to an address assigned to an TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 276 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery interface of the router. If so, process the IPv4 packet as the destination host. (See step 3 in "IPv4 on the Destination Host" in this chapter.) 3. Decrement the value of the TTL field by 1. If the value of the TTL field is less than 1, send an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Time Exceeded-TTL Exceeded in Transit message to the sender, and discard the packet. If the value of the TTL field is greater than 0, recalculate the Checksum field, and then update the TTL and the Checksum fields in the IPv4 header of the packet. 4. Check the route cache for an entry that matches the destination address. 5. If the route cache contains an entry that matches the destination address, obtain the next-hop IPv4 address and interface from the entry, and go to step 10. 6. If the route cache does not contain an entry that matches the destination address, check the local IPv4 routing table for the longest matching route to the destination IPv4 address. 7. Based on the longest matching route, determine the next-hop IPv4 address and interface to use for forwarding the packet. If no route is found, send an ICMP Destination Unreachable-Host Unreachable message to the source host, and discard the packet. 8. Update the route cache with an entry that contains the destination IPv4 address of the packet and its corresponding next-hop address and interface. 9. Compare the IP maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the next-hop interface to the size of the IPv4 packet being forwarded. If the IP MTU of the next-hop interface is smaller than the packet size, check the Don’t Fragment (DF) flag in the IPv4 header. If DF flag is set to 1, send ICMP Destination Unreachable-Fragmentation Needed and DF Set messages to the source host, and discard the packet. If DF flag is set to 0, fragment the IPv4 packet payload. 10. Check the ARP cache of the next-hop interface for an entry that matches the next-hop IPv4 address. 11. If the ARP cache contains an entry that matches the next-hop IPv4 address, obtain the corresponding MAC address, and go to step 13. 12. If the ARP cache does not contain an entry that matches the next-hop IPv4 address, use ARP to obtain the MAC address for the next-hop IPv4 address. If ARP is successful, update the ARP cache with an entry that contains the next-hop IP address and its corresponding MAC address. If ARP is not successful, send an ICMP Destination Unreachable-Host Unreachable message to the source host, and discard the packet. 13. Send the packet by using the MAC address of the ARP cache entry. Figures 10-2 and 10-3 show the router forwarding process. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 277 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Figure 10-2 IPv4 router forwarding process (part 1) TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 278 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Figure 10-3 IPv4 router forwarding process (part 2) Each IPv4 router in the path between the source host and the destination host repeats this process. IPv4 on the Destination Host A destination IPv4 host uses the following algorithm when receiving an IPv4 packet: 1. Calculate the IPv4 header checksum. Compare the calculated value to the value included in the IPv4 header of the packet. If the checksums have different values, discard the packet. 2. Verify whether the destination address in the IPv4 packet corresponds to an IPv4 address assigned to a local host interface. If the destination address is not assigned to a local host interface, discard the packet. 3. Verify that the value of the Protocol field corresponds to an upper layer protocol in use on the host. If the protocol does not exist, send an ICMP Destination Unreachable-Protocol Unreachable message back to the sender, and discard the packet. 4. If the upper layer protocol data unit (PDU) is not a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) segment or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) message, pass the upper layer PDU to the appropriate protocol. 5. If the upper layer PDU is a TCP segment or UDP message, check the destination port. If no application is listening on the UDP port number, send an ICMP Destination Unreachable-Port Unreachable message back to the sender, and discard the packet. If no application is listening on the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 279 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery TCP port number, send a TCP Connection Reset segment back to the sender, and discard the packet. 6. For the application listening on the UDP or TCP destination port, process the contents of the TCP segment or UDP message. This process is for a single-homed host. For multi-homed hosts, the receive process depends on whether the host supports strong or weak hosts receives. For strong host receives, the receiving interface must be assigned the destination address of the packet. For weak host receives, the receiving interface does not have to be assigned the destination address of the packet. For more information, see Strong and Weak Host Models. Figure 10-4 shows the IPv4 receiving process on the destination host. Figure 10-4 IPv4 receiving process on the destination host TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 280 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Step-by-Step IPv4 Traffic Example To show the end-to-end delivery process, this section steps through an example of IPv4 traffic when a user types the URL of a Web page in the Address bar of a Web browser and views a Web page from a Web server. This example demonstrates the following aspects of IPv4 traffic:     Name resolution using the Domain Name System (DNS) End-to-end delivery using a source host, intermediate routers, and a destination host Creation of a TCP connection, including the three-way TCP handshake Use of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to download the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) text of a Web page Network Configuration Figure 10-5 shows a simple private IPv4 intranet consisting of four subnets connected with three routers. The example intranet contains a Web client, a DNS server, and a Web server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 281 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Figure 10-5 An example IPv4 intranet The following sections describe the IPv4 configuration of each of these components. Web Client The Web client is a single-homed computer connected to the subnet and uses the IPv4 address of, the default gateway at, and the DNS server at The Web client has the following routes:   (directly attached network route) with the next-hop address of (default route) Note To simplify the discussion for each component of the example IPv4 intranet, this example lists only the most relevant routes. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 282 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Router 1 Router 1 is connected to the subnet using the IPv4 address and the subnet using the IPv4 address Router 1 has the following routes:     (directly attached network route) (directly attached network route) with the next-hop address of with the next-hop address of Router 2 Router 2 is connected to the subnet using the IPv4 address and the subnet using the IPv4 address Router 2 has the following routes:     (directly attached network route) (directly attached network route) with the next-hop address of with the next-hop address of Router 3 Router 3 is connected to the subnet using the IPv4 address and the subnet using the IPv4 address Router 3 has the following routes:     (directly attached network route) (directly attached network route) with the next-hop address of with the next-hop address of DNS Server The DNS server is a single-homed computer connected to the subnet and uses the IPv4 address of and the default gateway of The DNS server has the following routes:   (directly attached network route) with the next-hop address of The DNS server has an Address (A) resource record that maps the name web1.example.com to the IPv4 address of Web Server The Web server is a single-homed computer connected to the subnet and uses the IPv4 address of, the default gateway of, and the DNS server of The Web server has the following routes: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 283 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery   (directly attached network route) with the next-hop address of Web Traffic Example This example assumes the following:    The ARP and route caches on all of the components of the network are empty. The DNS client resolver cache on the Web client is empty. The Web browser on the Web client has not cached the contents of the Web page on the Web server. In this example, a user on the Web client runs a Web browser, types the address http://web1.example.com/example.htm in the Web browser's Address bar, and presses ENTER. The computers on this example intranet send the following set of messages: 1. The Web client sends a DNS Name Query Request message to the DNS server. 2. The DNS server sends a DNS Name Query Response message to the Web client. 3. The Web client sends a TCP Synchronize (SYN) segment to the Web server. 4. The Web server sends a TCP SYN-Acknowledgement (ACK) segment to the Web client. 5. The Web client sends a TCP ACK segment to the Web server. 6. The Web client sends an HTTP Get message to the Web server. 7. The Web server sends an HTTP Get-Response message to the Web client. The following sections describe the end-to-end delivery of each of these messages. DNS Name Query Request Message to the DNS Server The following process occurs when the Web client sends the DNS Name Query Request message to the DNS server: 1. The Web browser parses the address in the Address bar and uses a Windows Sockets getaddrinfo()or gethostbyname()function to attempt to resolve the name web1.example.com to its IPv4 address. For this example, the DNS server is only storing a single A record for the name web1.example.com. 2. The Web client constructs a DNS Name Query Request message with the source IPv4 address of and the destination IPv4 address of 3. The Web client checks its route cache for an entry for the IPv4 address of and does not find a match. 4. The Web client performs the route determination process to find the closest matching route for the destination IPv4 address of The default route ( is the closest matching route. The Web client sets the next-hop IPv4 address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 5. The Web client updates its route cache with an entry for with the next-hop IPv4 address of and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 284 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery 6. The Web client checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and does not find a match. 7. The Web client broadcasts an ARP Request message, querying all nodes on the subnet for the MAC address of the interface that is assigned the IPv4 address of 8. Router 1 receives the ARP Request message. Because Router 1 is assigned the IPv4 address of, that router adds an entry to its ARP cache for the IPv4 address and the MAC address of the Web client's interface on the subnet. 9. Router 1 sends a unicast ARP Reply message to the Web client. 10. The Web client updates its ARP cache with an entry for the IPv4 address of and the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the subnet. 11. The Web client sends the unicast DNS Name Query Request message destined for to the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the subnet. 12. Router 1 receives the DNS Name Query Request message. 13. Router 1 checks its route cache for an entry for and does not find a match. 14. Router 1 performs the route determination process for the destination address The closest matching route is the route for Router 1 sets the next-hop address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 15. Router 1 updates its route cache with an entry for with the next-hop IPv4 address of and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 16. Router 1 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and does not find a match. 17. Router 1 broadcasts an ARP Request message, querying all nodes on the subnet for the MAC address of the interface that is assigned the IPv4 address of 18. Router 2 receives the ARP Request message. Because it is assigned the IPv4 address of, Router 2 adds an entry to its ARP cache for the IPv4 address and the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the subnet. 19. Router 2 sends a unicast ARP Reply message to Router 1. 20. Router 1 updates its ARP cache with an entry for the IPv4 address of and the MAC address of Router 2's interface on the subnet. 21. Router 1 forwards the unicast DNS Name Query Request message destined for to Router 2's MAC address on the subnet. 22. Router 2 receives the DNS Name Query Request message. 23. Router 2 checks its route cache for an entry for and does not find a match. 24. Router 2 performs the route determination process for the destination address The closest matching route is the route for (a directly attached network route). Router 2 sets the next-hop address to the packet's destination address of and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 285 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery 25. Router 2 updates its route cache with an entry for with the next-hop IPv4 address of and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 26. Router 2 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and does not find a match. 27. Router 2 broadcasts an ARP Request message, querying all nodes on the subnet for the MAC address of the interface that is assigned the IPv4 address of 28. The DNS server receives the ARP Request message. Because the DNS server is assigned the IPv4 address of, the server adds an entry to its ARP cache for the IPv4 address and the MAC address of Router 2's interface on the subnet. 29. The DNS server sends a unicast ARP Reply message to Router 2. 30. Router 2 updates its ARP cache with an entry for the IPv4 address of and the MAC address of the DNS server's interface on the subnet. 31. Router 2 forwards the unicast DNS Name Query Request message destined for to the MAC address of the DNS server's interface on the subnet. 32. The DNS server receives the packet and passes the DNS Name Query Request message to the DNS Server service. 33. The DNS Server service finds the A record for the name web1.example.com and resolves it to the IPv4 address of For the end-to-end delivery of the DNS Name Query Request message, the following has occurred:      The Web client sent the DNS Name Query Request message, and Router 1 and Router 2 forwarded it over the,, and subnets to the DNS server. The Web client's route cache has an entry for The Web client's ARP cache has an entry for Router 1's route cache has an entry for Router 1's ARP cache has entries for and Router 2's route cache has an entry for Router 2's ARP cache has entries for and The DNS server's ARP cache has an entry for DNS Name Query Response Message to the Web Client When the DNS server sends the DNS Name Query Response message to the Web client, the following process occurs: 1. The DNS Server service constructs a DNS Name Query Response message with the source IPv4 address of and the destination IPv4 address of 2. The DNS server checks its route cache for an entry for the IPv4 address of and does not find a match. 3. The DNS server performs the route determination process to find the closest matching route for the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 286 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery destination IPv4 address of The default route ( is the closest matching route. The DNS server set the next-hop IPv4 address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter attached to the subnet. 4. The DNS server updates its route cache with an entry for with the next-hop IPv4 address of and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 5. The DNS server checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 6. Using the ARP cache entry for, the DNS server sends the unicast DNS Name Query Response message destined for to the MAC address of Router 2's interface on the subnet. 7. Router 2 receives the DNS Name Query Response message. 8. Router 2 checks its route cache for an entry for and does not find a match. 9. Router 2 performs the route determination process for the destination address The closest matching route is the route for Router 2 sets the next-hop address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 10. Router 2 updates its route cache with an entry for with the next-hop IPv4 address of and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 11. Router 2 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 12. Using the ARP cache entry for, Router 2 forwards the unicast DNS Name Query Response message destined for to Router 1's MAC address on the subnet. 13. Router 1 receives the DNS Name Query Response message. 14. Router 1 checks its route cache for an entry for and does not find a match. 15. Router 1 performs the route determination process for the destination address The closest matching route is the route for (a directly attached network route). Router 1 sets the next-hop address to the packet's destination address of and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 16. Router 1 updates its route cache with an entry for with the next-hop IPv4 address of and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 17. Router 1 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 18. Using the ARP cache entry for, Router 1 forwards the unicast DNS Name Query Response message destined for to the MAC address of the Web client's interface on the subnet. 19. The Web client receives the packet and passes the DNS Name Query Response message to the DNS Client service. 20. The DNS Client service on the Web client passes the resolved IPv4 address of to Windows Sockets. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 287 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery 21. Windows Sockets passes the resolved IPv4 address of to the Web browser. For the end-to-end delivery of the DNS Name Query Response message, the following has occurred:     The DNS server sent the DNS Name Query Response message, and Router 2 and Router 1 forwarded it over the,, and subnets to the Web client. The DNS server's route cache has a new entry for Router 2's route cache has a new entry for Router 1's route cache has a new entry for TCP SYN Segment to the Web Server Now that the Web server's name has been resolved to an IPv4 address, the Web client must establish a TCP connection with the Web server. TCP connections are initiated through a three-way handshake consisting of the following:    A TCP SYN segment that the Web client sends A TCP SYN-ACK segment that the Web server sends A TCP ACK segment that the Web client sends When the Web client sends the TCP SYN segment to the Web server, the following process occurs: 1. The Web browser, upon obtaining the resolved address of from Windows Sockets, uses a Windows Sockets connect() function to create a TCP connection between the Web client and the Web server. 2. The Web client constructs a TCP SYN segment with the source IPv4 address of and the destination IPv4 address of 3. The Web client checks its route cache for an entry for the IPv4 address of and does not find a match. 4. The Web client performs the route determination process to find the closest matching route for the destination IPv4 address of The default route ( is the closest matching route. The Web client sets the next-hop IPv4 address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter attached to the subnet. 5. The Web client updates its route cache with an entry for with the next-hop IPv4 address of and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 6. The Web client checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 7. Using the ARP cache entry for, the Web client sends the unicast TCP SYN segment destined for to the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the subnet. 8. Router 1 receives the TCP SYN segment. 9. Router 1 checks its route cache for an entry for and does not find a match. 10. Router 1 performs the route determination process for the destination address The TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 288 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery closest matching route is the route for Router 1 sets the next-hop address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 11. Router 1 updates its route cache with an entry for with the next-hop IPv4 address of and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 12. Router 1 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and does not find a match. 13. Router 1 broadcasts an ARP Request message, querying all nodes on the subnet for the MAC address of the interface that is assigned the IPv4 address of 14. Router 3 receives the ARP Request message. Because it is assigned the IPv4 address of, Router 3 adds an entry to its ARP cache for the IPv4 address and the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the subnet. 15. Router 3 sends a unicast ARP Reply message to Router 1. 16. Router 1 updates its ARP cache with an entry for the IPv4 address of and the MAC address of Router 3's interface on the subnet. 17. Router 1 forwards the unicast TCP SYN segment destined for to Router 3's MAC address on the subnet. 18. Router 3 receives the TCP SYN segment. 19. Router 3 checks its route cache for an entry for and does not find a match. 20. Router 3 performs the route determination process for the destination address The closest matching route is the route for (a directly attached network route). Router 3 sets the next-hop address to the packet's destination address of and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 21. Router 3 updates its route cache with an entry for with the next-hop IPv4 address of and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 22. Router 3 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and does not find a match. 23. Router 3 broadcasts an ARP Request message, querying all nodes on the subnet for the MAC address of the interface that is assigned the IPv4 address of 24. The Web server receives the ARP Request message. Because it is assigned the IPv4 address of, the Web server adds an entry to its ARP cache for the IPv4 address and the MAC address of Router 3's interface on the subnet. 25. The Web server sends a unicast ARP Reply message to Router 3. 26. Router 3 updates its ARP cache with an entry for the IPv4 address of and the MAC address of the Web server's interface on the subnet. 27. Router 3 forwards the unicast TCP SYN segment destined for to the MAC address of the Web server's interface on the subnet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 289 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery 28. The Web server receives the TCP SYN segment. For the end-to-end delivery of the TCP SYN segment, the following has occurred:      The Web client sent the TCP SYN segment, and Router 1 and Router 3 forwarded it over the,, and subnets to the Web server. The Web client's route cache has a new entry for Router 1's route cache has a new entry for Router 1's ARP cache has a new entry for Router 3's route cache has an entry for Router 3's ARP cache has entries for and The Web server's ARP cache has an entry for TCP SYN-ACK Segment to the Web Client When the Web server sends the TCP SYN-ACK segment to the Web client, the following process occurs: 1. The Web server constructs a TCP SYN-ACK segment with the source IPv4 address of and the destination IPv4 address of 2. The Web server checks its route cache for an entry for the IPv4 address of and does not find a match. 3. The Web server performs the route determination process to find the closest matching route for the destination IPv4 address of The default route ( is the closest matching route. The Web server sets the next-hop IPv4 address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 4. The Web server updates its route cache with an entry for with the next-hop IPv4 address of and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 5. The Web server checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 6. Using the ARP cache entry for, the Web server sends the unicast TCP SYN-ACK segment destined for to the MAC address of Router 3's interface on the subnet. 7. Router 3 receives the TCP SYN-ACK segment. 8. Router 3 checks its route cache for an entry for and does not find a match. 9. Router 3 performs the route determination process for the destination address The closest matching route is the route for Router 3 sets the next-hop address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 10. Router 3 updates its route cache with an entry for with the next-hop IPv4 address of and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 11. Router 3 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 290 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery 12. Using the ARP cache entry for, Router 3 forwards the unicast TCP SYN-ACK segment destined for to Router 1's MAC address on the subnet. 13. Router 1 receives the TCP SYN-ACK segment. 14. Router 1 checks its route cache for an entry for and finds a match. 15. Using the route cache entry for, Router 1 sets the next-hop address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 16. Router 1 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 17. Using the ARP cache entry for, Router 1 forwards the unicast TCP SYN-ACK segment destined for to the MAC address of the Web client's interface on the subnet. 18. The Web client receives the TCP SYN-ACK segment. For the end-to-end delivery of the TCP SYN-ACK segment, the following has occurred:    The Web server sent the TCP SYN-ACK segment, and Router 3 and Router 1 forwarded it over the,, and subnets to the Web client. The Web server's route cache has a new entry for Router 3's route cache has a new entry for TCP ACK Segment to the Web Server When the Web client sends the TCP ACK segment to the Web server, the following process occurs: 1. The Web client constructs a TCP ACK segment message with the source IPv4 address of and the destination IPv4 address of 2. The Web client checks its route cache for an entry for the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 3. Using the route cache entry for, the Web client sets the next-hop address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 4. The Web client checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 5. Using the ARP cache entry for, the Web client sends the unicast TCP ACK segment destined for to the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the subnet. 6. Router 1 receives the TCP ACK segment, checks its route cache for an entry for, and finds a match. 7. Using the route cache entry for, Router 1 sets the next-hop address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 8. Router 1 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 9. Using the ARP cache entry for, Router 1 forwards the unicast TCP ACK segment destined for to Router 3's MAC address on the subnet. 10. Router 3 receives the TCP ACK segment, checks its route cache for an entry for, and TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 291 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery finds a match. 11. Using the route cache entry for, Router 3 sets the next-hop address to the packet's destination address of and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 12. Router 3 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 13. Using the ARP cache entry for, Router 3 forwards the unicast TCP ACK segment destined for to the MAC address of the Web server's interface on the subnet. 14. The Web server receives the TCP ACK segment. 15. Windows Sockets indicates to the Web browser that the requested TCP connection is complete. The Web client sent the TCP ACK segment, which Router 1 and Router 3 forwarded over the,, and subnets to the Web server. HTTP Get Message to the Web Server To download the contents of a Web page, a Web browser sends an HTTP Get message containing the name of the page. When the Web client sends the HTTP Get message to the Web server, the following process occurs: 1. When the Web browser receives the indication that the TCP connection is complete, the browser constructs an HTTP Get message that requests the contents of the Web page from the Web server. In the message, the source IPv4 address is, and the destination IPv4 address is 2. The Web client checks its route cache for an entry for the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 3. Using the route cache entry for, the Web client sets the next-hop address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 4. The Web client checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 5. Using the ARP cache entry for, the Web client sends the unicast HTTP Get message destined for to the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the subnet. 6. Router 1 receives the HTTP Get message, checks its route cache for an entry for, and finds a match. 7. Using the route cache entry for, Router 1 sets the next-hop address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 8. Router 1 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 9. Using the ARP cache entry for, Router 1 forwards the unicast HTTP Get message destined for to Router 3's MAC address on the subnet. 10. Router 3 receives the HTTP Get message, checks its route cache for an entry for, and finds a match. 11. Using the route cache entry for, Router 3 sets the next-hop address to the packet's TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 292 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery destination address of and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 12. Router 3 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 13. Using the ARP cache entry for, Router 3 forwards the unicast HTTP Get message destined for to the MAC address of the Web server's interface on the subnet. 14. The Web server receives the HTTP Get message. The Web client sent the HTTP Get message, which Router 1 and Router 3 forwarded over the,, and subnets to the Web server. HTTP Get-Response Message to the Web Client The response to an HTTP Get message is an HTTP Get-Response message containing the HTML text of the Web page. To simplify this example, assume that the entire Web page can fit within a single TCP segment. When the Web server sends the HTTP Get-Response message to the Web client, the following occurs: 1. The Web server constructs an HTTP Get-Response message with the source IPv4 address of and the destination IPv4 address of 2. The Web server checks its route cache for an entry for the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 3. Using the route cache entry for, the Web server sets the next-hop IPv4 address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter attached to the subnet. 4. The Web server checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 5. Using the ARP cache entry for, the Web server sends the unicast HTTP Get-Response message destined for to the MAC address of Router 3's interface on the subnet. 6. Router 3 receives the HTTP Get-Response message. 7. Router 3 checks its route cache for an entry for and finds a match. 8. Using the route cache entry for, Router 3 sets the next-hop address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 9. Router 3 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. 10. Using the ARP cache entry for, Router 3 forwards the unicast HTTP Get-Response message destined for to Router 1's MAC address on the subnet. 11. Router 1 receives the HTTP Get-Response message. 12. Router 1 checks its route cache for an entry for and finds a match. 13. Using the route cache entry for, Router 1 sets the next-hop address to and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the subnet. 14. Router 1 checks its ARP cache for an entry with the IPv4 address of and finds a match. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 293 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery 15. Using the ARP cache entry for, Router 1 forwards the unicast HTTP Get-Response message destined for to the MAC address of the Web client's interface on the subnet. 16. The Web client receives the HTTP Get-Response message. 17. The Web browser constructs the visual representation of the Web page at http://web1.example.com/example.htm. The Web server sent the HTTP Get-Response message, which Router 3 and Router 1 forwarded over the,, and subnets to the Web client. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 294 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery End-to-End IPv6 Delivery Process Similar to IPv4, the end-to-end delivery process for IPv6 traffic consists of the following:  The source host sends the packet either to a router or to the final destination (if the destination is a neighbor).  The router forwards the packet either to another router or to the final destination (if the destination is a neighbor).  The destination host receives the packet and passes the data to the appropriate application. Note The following processes assume that the IPv6 header contains no extension headers. IPv6 on the Source Host The process by which an IPv6 host sends an IPv6 packet depends on a combination of the local host data structures and the Neighbor Discovery protocol. An IPv6 host uses the following algorithm when sending a packet to an arbitrary destination: 1. Specify either a default or application-specified value for the Hop Limit field. 2. Check the destination cache for an entry that matches the destination address. The destination cache is a table that stores the next-hop IPv6 addresses and interfaces for destinations to which traffic has been recently sent. You can view the destination cache with the netsh interface ipv6 show destinationcache command. 3. If the destination cache contains an entry that matches the destination address, obtain the next-hop address and interface index from the destination cache entry, and go to step 7. 4. Check the local IPv6 routing table for the longest matching route with the lowest metric to the destination address. If multiple longest matching routes have the lowest metric, choose a route to use. 5. Based on chosen route, determine the next-hop interface and address used for forwarding the packet. 6. If no route is found, assume that the destination is directly reachable and sets the next-hop IPv6 address to the destination address and chooses an interface. 7. Update the destination cache. 8. Check the neighbor cache for an entry that matches the next-hop address. The neighbor cache stores neighboring IPv6 addresses and their corresponding MAC address. You can view the neighbor cache with the netsh interface ipv6 show neighbors command. 9. If the neighbor cache contains an entry that matches the next-hop address, obtain the link-layer address. 10. If the neighbor cache does not contain an entry that matches the next-hop address, use address resolution (an exchange of multicast Neighbor Solicitation and unicast Neighbor Advertisement messages) to obtain the link-layer address for the next-hop address. 11. If address resolution fails, indicate an error. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 295 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery 12. Send the packet by using the link-layer address of the neighbor cache entry. This process is for a single-homed host. For multi-homed hosts, the route determination process depends on the source address and whether the host supports strong or weak hosts sends. For strong host sends, the next-hop interface must be assigned the source address of the packet. For weak host sends, the next-hop interface does not have to be assigned the source address of the packet. Figure 10-6 shows the IPv6 sending process for a source host. Figure 10-6 The IPv6 sending process for a source host IPv6 on the Router An IPv6 router uses the following algorithm when it receives and forwards a packet to an arbitrary unicast or anycast destination: 1. Perform optional header error checks such as ensuring that the value of the Version field is 6 and that the source address is not the loopback address (::1) or a multicast address. 2. Verify whether the destination address in the IPv6 packet corresponds to an address that is assigned to a router interface. If so, process the IPv6 packet as the destination host. (See step 3 in "IPv6 on the Destination Host" in this chapter.) 3. Decrement the value of the Hop Limit field by 1. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 296 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery If the value of the Hop Limit field is less than 1, send an Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6) Time Exceeded-Hop Limit Exceeded in Transit message to the sender, and discard the packet. 4. If the value of the Hop Limit field is greater than 0, update the Hop Limit field in the IPv6 header of the packet. 5. Check the destination cache for an entry that matches the destination address. 6. If the destination cache contains an entry that matches the destination address, obtain the next-hop IPv6 address and interface from the destination cache entry, and go to step 10. 7. Check the local IPv6 routing table for the longest matching route to the destination IPv6 address. 8. Based on the longest matching route, determine the next hop IPv6 address and interface to use for forwarding the packet. If no route is found, send an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable-No Route to Destination message to the source host, and discard the packet. 9. Update the destination cache. 10. If the interface on which the packet was received is the same as the interface on which the packet is being forwarded, the interface is a point-to-point link, and the Destination Address field matches a prefix assigned to the interface, send an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable-Address Unreachable message to the source host, and discard the packet. This step prevents the needless circular forwarding of IPv6 packets between the two interfaces on a point-to-point link for a packet whose destination matches the prefix of the point-to-point link but does not match the address of either interface. 11. If the interface on which the packet was received is the same as the interface on which the packet is being forwarded and the Source Address field matches a prefix assigned to the interface, send a Redirect message to the source host. 12. Compare the IP MTU of the next-hop interface to the size of the IPv6 packet being forwarded. If the IP MTU of the next-hop interface is smaller than the packet size, send an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message to the source host, and discard the packet. 13. Check the neighbor cache for an entry that matches the next-hop IPv6 address. 14. If the neighbor cache contains an entry that matches the next-hop IPv6 address, obtain the link-layer address. 15. If the neighbor cache does not contain an entry that matches the next-hop address, use address resolution to obtain the link-layer address for the next-hop address. If address resolution fails, send an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable-Address Unreachable message to the source host, and discard the packet. 16. Send the packet by using the link-layer address of the neighbor cache entry. Figures 10-7 and 10-8 show the IPv6 router forwarding process. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 297 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Figure 10-7 IPv6 router forwarding process (part 1) TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 298 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Figure 10-8 IPv6 router forwarding process (part 2) Each IPv6 router in the path between the source host and the destination host repeats this process. IPv6 on the Destination Host A destination IPv6 host uses the following algorithm when it receives an IPv6 packet: 1. Perform optional header error checks such as ensuring that the value of the Version field is 6 and that the source address is not the loopback address (::1) or a multicast address. 2. Verify whether the destination address in the IPv6 packet corresponds to an IPv6 address that is assigned to a local host interface. If the destination address is not assigned to a local host interface, discard the IPv6 packet. 3. Verify that the value of the Next Header field corresponds to an upper layer protocol in use on the host. If the protocol does not exist, send an ICMPv6 Parameter Problem-Unrecognized Next Header Type Encountered message back to the sender, and discard the packet. 4. If the upper layer PDU is not a TCP segment or UDP message, pass the upper layer PDU to the appropriate protocol. 5. If the upper layer PDU is a TCP segment or UDP message, check the destination port. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 299 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery If no application exists for the UDP port number, send an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable-Port Unreachable message back to the sender, and discard the packet. If no application exists for the TCP port number, send a TCP Connection Reset segment back to the sender, and discard the packet. 6. If an application exists for the UDP or TCP destination port, process the contents of the TCP segment or UDP message. This process is for a single-homed host. For multi-homed hosts, the receive process depends on whether the host supports strong or weak hosts receives. For strong host receives, the receiving interface must be assigned the destination address of the packet. For weak host receives, the receiving interface does not have to be assigned the destination address of the packet. Figure 10-9 shows the IPv6 receiving process on the destination host. Figure 10-9 IPv6 receiving process on the destination host TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 300 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Step-by-Step IPv6 Traffic Example To show the IPv6 end-to-end delivery process, this section steps through an example of IPv6 traffic when a user types the URL of a Web page in the Address bar of a Web browser and views a Web page from a Web server. This example demonstrates the following aspects of IPv6 traffic:     Name resolution using DNS End-to-end delivery using a source host, intermediate routers, and a destination host Creation of a TCP connection Use of HTTP to download the HTML text of a Web page Network Configuration Figure 10-10 shows a simple private IPv6 intranet consisting of four subnets connected with three routers. The example intranet contains a Web client, a DNS server, and a Web server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 301 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Figure 10-10 An example IPv6 intranet The following sections describe the IPv6 configuration of each of these components. Web Client The Web client is connected to the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet and uses the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1, the default router of FE80::A (Router 1), and the DNS server of 2001:DB8:0:47::2. The Web client has the following routes:   2001:DB8:0:13::/64 (directly attached network route) ::/0 with the next-hop address of FE80::A (default route) Note To simplify the discussion for each component of the example IPv6 intranet, this example lists only the most relevant routes. Router 1 Router 1 is connected to the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet using the IPv6 address FE80::A and the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet using the IPv6 address FE80::B. Router 1 has the following routes:     2001:DB8:0:13::/64 (directly attached network route) 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 (directly attached network route) 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 with the next-hop address of FE80::C 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 with the next-hop address of FE80::E Router 2 Router 2 is connected to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet using the IPv6 address FE80::C and the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet using the IPv6 address FE80::D. Router 2 has the following routes:     2001:DB8:0:21::/64 (directly attached network route) 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 (directly attached network route) 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 with the next-hop address of FE80::B 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 with the next-hop address of FE80::E Router 3 Router 3 is connected to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet using the IPv6 address FE80::E and the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet using the IPv6 address FE80::F. Router 3 has the following routes:     2001:DB8:0:21::/64 (directly attached network route) 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 (directly attached network route) 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 with the next-hop address of FE80::B 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 with the next-hop address of FE80::C TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 302 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery DNS Server The DNS server is connected to the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet and uses the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:47::2/24 and the default router of FE80::D (Router 2). The DNS server has the following routes:   2001:DB8:0:47::/64 (directly attached network route) ::/0 with the next-hop address of FE80::D The DNS server has an IPv6 Address (AAAA) resource record that maps the name web1.example.com to the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3. Web Server The Web server is connected to the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet and uses the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3/24, the default router of FE80::F (Router 3), and the DNS server of 2001:DB8:0:47::2. The Web server has the following routes:   2001:DB8:0:48::/64 (directly attached network route) ::/0 with the next-hop address of FE80::F Web Traffic Example This example assumes the following:    The neighbor and destination caches on all of the components of the network are empty. The DNS client resolver cache on the Web client is empty. The Web browser on the Web client has not cached the contents of the Web page on the Web server. In this example, a user on the Web client opens a Web browser, types the address http://web1.example.com/example.htm in the Web browser's Address bar, and presses ENTER. The computers on this example intranet send the following set of messages: 1. The Web client sends a DNS Name Query Request message to the DNS server. 2. The DNS server sends a DNS Name Query Response message to the Web client. 3. The Web client sends a TCP Synchronize (SYN) segment to the Web server. 4. The Web server sends a TCP SYN-Acknowledgement (ACK) segment to the Web client. 5. The Web client sends a TCP ACK segment to the Web server. 6. The Web client sends an HTTP Get message to the Web server. 7. The Web server sends an HTTP Get-Response message to the Web client. The following sections describe the end-to-end delivery of each of these messages. DNS Name Query Request Message to the DNS Server When the Web client sends the DNS Name Query Request message to the DNS server, the following process occurs: 1. The Web browser parses the address in the Address bar and uses a Windows Sockets getaddrinfo() TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 303 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery function to attempt to resolve the name web1.example.com to its IPv6 address. For this example, the DNS server is storing only a single AAAA record for the name web1.example.com. 2. The Web client constructs a DNS Name Query Request message with the source IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and the destination IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:47::2. 3. The Web client checks its destination cache for an entry for the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:47::2 and does not find a match. 4. The Web client performs the route determination process to find the closest matching route for the destination IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:47::2. The default route (::/0) is the closest matching route. The Web client sets the next-hop IPv6 address to FE80::A and the next-hop interface to the network adapter attached to the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 5. The Web client updates its destination cache with an entry for 2001:DB8:0:47::2 with the next-hop IPv6 address of FE80::A and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 6. The Web client checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::A and does not find a match. 7. The Web client sends a Neighbor Solicitation message to the solicited node multicast IPv6 address FF02::1:FF00:A, querying the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet for the MAC address of the interface that is assigned the IPv6 address of FE80::A. 8. Because Router 1 is listening on the solicited node multicast address of FF02::1:FF00:A, the router receives the Neighbor Solicitation message. The router adds an entry to its neighbor cache for the IPv6 address 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and the MAC address of the Web client's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 9. Router 1 sends a unicast Neighbor Advertisement message to the Web client. 10. The Web client updates its neighbor cache with an entry for the IPv6 address of FE80::A and the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 11. The Web client sends the unicast DNS Name Query Request message destined for 2001:DB8:0:47::2 to the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 12. Router 1 receives the DNS Name Query Request message. 13. Router 1 checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:47::2 and does not find a match. 14. Router 1 performs the route determination process for the destination address 2001:DB8:0:47::2. The closest matching route is the route for 2001:DB8:0:47::/64. Router 1 sets the next-hop address to FE80::C and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 15. Router 1 updates its destination cache with an entry for 2001:DB8:0:47::2 with the next-hop IPv6 address of FE80::C and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 16. Router 1 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::C and does not find a match. 17. Router 1 sends a Neighbor Solicitation message to the solicited node multicast IPv6 address TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 304 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery FF02::1:FF00:C, querying the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet for the MAC address of the interface that is assigned the IPv6 address of FE80::C. 18. Because Router 2 is listening on the solicited node multicast address of FF02::1:FF00:C, it receives the Neighbor Solicitation message and adds an entry to its neighbor cache for the IPv6 address FE80::B and the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 19. Router 2 sends a unicast Neighbor Advertisement message to Router 1. 20. Router 1 updates its neighbor cache with an entry for the IPv6 address of FE80::C and the MAC address of Router 2's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 21. Router 1 forwards the unicast DNS Name Query Request message destined for 2001:DB8:0:47::2 to Router 2's MAC address on the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 22. Router 2 receives the DNS Name Query Request message, checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:47::2, and does not find a match. 23. Router 2 performs the route determination process for the destination address 2001:DB8:0:47::2. The closest matching route is the route for 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 (a directly attached network route). Router 2 sets the next-hop address to the packet's destination address of 2001:DB8:0:47::2 and the nexthop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet. 24. Router 2 updates its destination cache with an entry for 2001:DB8:0:47::2 with the next-hop IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:47::2 and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet. 25. Router 2 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:47::2 and does not find a match. 26. Router 2 sends a Neighbor Solicitation message to the solicited node multicast IPv6 address FF02::1:FF00:2, querying the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet for the MAC address of the interface that is assigned the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:47::2. 27. Because the DNS server is listening on the solicited node multicast address of FF02::1:FF00:2, it receives the Neighbor Solicitation message and adds an entry to its neighbor cache for the IPv6 address FE80::D and the MAC address of Router 2's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet. 28. The DNS server sends a unicast Neighbor Advertisement message to Router 2. 29. Router 2 updates its neighbor cache with an entry for the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:47::2 and the MAC address of the DNS server's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet. 30. Router 2 forwards the unicast DNS Name Query Request message destined for 2001:DB8:0:47::2 to the MAC address of the DNS server's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet. 31. The DNS server receives the packet and passes the DNS Name Query Request message to the DNS Server service. 32. The DNS Server service finds the AAAA record for the name web1.example.com and resolves it to the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3. For the end-to-end delivery of the DNS Name Query Request message, the following has occurred:  The Web client sent the DNS Name Query Request message, and Router 1 and Router 2 forwarded it over the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64, 2001:DB8:0:21::/64, and 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnets to the DNS server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 305 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery     The Web client's destination cache has an entry for 2001:DB8:0:47::2. The Web client's neighbor cache has an entry for FE80::A. Router 1's destination cache has an entry for 2001:DB8:0:47::2. Router 1's neighbor cache has entries for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and FE80::C. Router 2's destination cache has an entry for 2001:DB8:0:47::2. Router 2's neighbor cache has entries for FE80::B and 2001:DB8:0:47::2. The DNS server's neighbor cache has an entry for FE80::D. DNS Name Query Response Message to the Web Client When the DNS server sends the DNS Name Query Response message to the Web client, the following process occurs: 1. The DNS Server service constructs a DNS Name Query Response message with the source IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:47::2 and the destination IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1. 2. The DNS server checks its destination cache for an entry for the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and does not find a match. 3. The DNS server performs the route determination process to find the closest matching route for the destination IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1. The default route (::/0) is the closest matching route. The DNS server sets the next-hop IPv6 address to FE80::D and the next-hop interface to the network adapter attached to the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet. 4. The DNS server updates its destination cache with an entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 with the next-hop IPv6 address of FE80::D and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet. 5. The DNS server checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::D and finds a match. 6. Using the neighbor cache entry for FE80::D, the DNS server sends the unicast DNS Name Query Response message destined for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 to the MAC address of Router 2's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet. 7. Router 2 receives the DNS Name Query Response message, checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1, and does not find a match. 8. Router 2 performs the route determination process for the destination address 2001:DB8:0:13::1. The closest matching route is the route for 2001:DB8:0:13::/64. Router 2 sets the next-hop address to FE80::B and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 9. Router 2 updates its destination cache with an entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 with the next-hop IPv6 address of FE80::B and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 10. Router 2 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::B and finds a match. 11. Using the neighbor cache entry for FE80::B, Router 2 forwards the unicast DNS Name Query Response message destined for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 to Router 1's MAC address on the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 306 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery 12. Router 1 receives the DNS Name Query Response message, checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1, and does not find a match. 13. Router 1 performs the route determination process for the destination address 2001:DB8:0:13::1. The closest matching route is the route for 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 (a directly attached network route). Router 1 sets the next-hop address to the packet's destination address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and the nexthop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 14. Router 1 updates its destination cache with an entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 with the next-hop IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 15. Router 1 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and finds a match. 16. Using the neighbor cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1, Router 1 forwards the unicast DNS Name Query Response message destined for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 to the MAC address of the Web client's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 17. The Web client receives the packet and passes the DNS Name Query Response message to the DNS Client service. 18. The DNS Client service on the Web client passes the resolved IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 to Windows Sockets. 19. Windows Sockets passes the resolved IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 to the Web browser. For the end-to-end delivery of the DNS Name Query Response message, the following has occurred:     The DNS server sent the DNS Name Query Response message, and Router 2 and Router 1 forwarded it over the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64, 2001:DB8:0:21::/64, and 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnets to the Web client. The DNS server's destination cache has a new entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1. Router 2's destination cache has a new entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1. Router 1's destination cache has a new entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1. When the Web client sends the TCP SYN segment to the Web server, the following process occurs: 1. The Web browser, upon obtaining the resolved address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 from Windows Sockets, uses a Windows Sockets connect() function to create a TCP connection between the Web client and the Web server. 2. The Web client constructs a TCP SYN segment message with the source IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and the destination IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3. 3. The Web client checks its destination cache for an entry for the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 and does not find a match. 4. The Web client performs the route determination process to find the closest matching route for the destination IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3. The default route (::/0) is the closest matching route. The Web client sets the next-hop IPv6 address to FE80::A and the next-hop interface to the network adapter attached to the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 5. The Web client updates its destination cache with an entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3 with the next-hop TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 307 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery IPv6 address of FE80::A and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 6. The Web client checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::A and finds a match. 7. Using the neighbor cache entry for FE80::A, the Web client sends the unicast TCP SYN segment destined for 2001:DB8:0:48::3 to the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 8. Router 1 receives the TCP SYN segment, checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, and does not find a match. 9. Router 1 performs the route determination process for the destination address 2001:DB8:0:48::3. The closest matching route is the route for 2001:DB8:0:48::/64. Router 1 sets the next-hop address to FE80::E and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 10. Router 1 updates its destination cache with an entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3 with the next-hop IPv6 address of FE80::E and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 11. Router 1 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::E and does not find a match. 12. Router 1 sends a Neighbor Solicitation message to the solicited node multicast IPv6 address FF02::1:FF00:E, querying the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet for the MAC address of the interface that is assigned the IPv6 address of FE80::E. 13. Because Router 3 is listening on the solicited node multicast address of FF02::1:FF00:E, the router receives the Neighbor Solicitation message. The router adds an entry to its neighbor cache for the IPv6 address FE80::B and the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 14. Router 3 sends a unicast Neighbor Advertisement message to Router 1. 15. Router 1 updates its neighbor cache with an entry for the IPv6 address of FE80::E and the MAC address of Router 3's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 16. Router 1 forwards the unicast TCP SYN segment destined for 2001:DB8:0:48::3 to Router 3's MAC address on the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 17. Router 3 receives the TCP SYN segment, checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, and does not find a match. 18. Router 3 performs the route determination process for the destination address 2001:DB8:0:48::3. The closest matching route is the route for 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 (a directly attached network route). Router 3 sets the next-hop address to the packet's destination address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 and the nexthop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet. 19. Router 3 updates its destination cache with an entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3 with the next-hop IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 308 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery 20. Router 3 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 and does not find a match. 21. Router 3 sends a Neighbor Solicitation message to the solicited node multicast IPv6 address FF02::1:FF00:3, querying the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet for the MAC address of the interface that is assigned the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3. 22. Because the Web server is listening on the solicited node multicast address of FF02::1:FF00:3, the server receives the Neighbor Solicitation message. The server adds an entry to its neighbor cache for the IPv6 address FE80::F and the MAC address of Router 3's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet. 23. The Web server sends a unicast Neighbor Advertisement message to Router 3. 24. Router 3 updates its neighbor cache with an entry for the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 and the MAC address of the Web server's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet. 25. Router 3 forwards the unicast TCP SYN segment destined for 2001:DB8:0:48::3 to the MAC address of the Web server's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet. 26. The Web server receives the TCP SYN segment. For the end-to-end delivery of the TCP SYN segment, the following has occurred:      The Web client sent the TCP SYN segment, and Router 1 and Router 3 forwarded it over the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64, 2001:DB8:0:21::/64, and 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnets to the Web server. The Web client's destination cache has a new entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3. Router 1's destination cache has a new entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3. Router 1's neighbor cache has a new entry for FE80::E. Router 3's destination cache has an entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3. Router 3's neighbor cache has entries for FE80::B and 2001:DB8:0:48::3. The Web server's neighbor cache has an entry for FE80::F. TCP SYN-ACK Segment to the Web Client When the Web server sends the TCP SYN-ACK segment to the Web client, the following process occurs: 1. The Web server constructs a TCP SYN-ACK segment with the source IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 and the destination IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1. 2. The Web server checks its destination cache for an entry for the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and does not find a match. 3. The Web server performs the route determination process to find the closest matching route for the destination IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1. The default route (::/0) is the closest matching route. The Web server sets the next-hop IPv6 address to FE80::F and the next-hop interface to the network adapter attached to the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet. 4. The Web server updates its destination cache with an entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 with the next-hop IPv6 address of FE80::F and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 309 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery 5. The Web server checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::F and finds a match. 6. Using the neighbor cache entry for FE80::F, the Web server sends the unicast TCP SYN-ACK segment destined for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 to the MAC address of Router 3's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet. 7. Router 3 receives the TCP SYN-ACK segment, checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1, and does not find a match. 8. Router 3 performs the route determination process for the destination address 2001:DB8:0:13::1. The closest matching route is the route for 2001:DB8:0:13::/64. Router 3 sets the next-hop address to FE80::B and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 9. Router 3 updates its destination cache with an entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 with the next-hop IPv6 address of FE80::B and the next-hop interface of the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 10. Router 3 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::B and finds a match. 11. Using the neighbor cache entry for FE80::B, Router 3 forwards the unicast TCP SYN-ACK segment destined for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 to Router 1's MAC address on the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 12. Router 1 receives the TCP SYN-ACK segment, checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1, and finds a match. 13. Using the destination cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1, Router 1 sets the next-hop address to 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 14. Router 1 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and finds a match. 15. Using the neighbor cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1, Router 1 forwards the unicast TCP SYN-ACK segment destined for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 to the MAC address of the Web client's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 16. The Web client receives the TCP SYN-ACK segment. For the end-to-end delivery of the TCP SYN-ACK segment, the following has occurred:    The Web server sent the TCP SYN-ACK segment, and Router 3 and Router 1 forwarded it over the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64, 2001:DB8:0:21::/64, and 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnets to the Web client. The Web server's destination cache has a new entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1. Router 3's destination cache has a new entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1. TCP ACK Segment to the Web Server When the Web client sends the TCP ACK segment to the Web server, the following process occurs: 1. The Web client constructs a TCP ACK segment message with the source IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and the destination IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 310 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery 2. The Web client checks its destination cache for an entry for the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 and finds a match. 3. Using the destination cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, the Web client sets the next-hop address to FE80::A and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 4. The Web client checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::A and finds a match. 5. Using the neighbor cache entry for FE80::A, the Web client sends the unicast TCP ACK segment destined for 2001:DB8:0:48::3 to the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 6. Router 1 receives the TCP ACK segment, checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, and finds a match. 7. Using the destination cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, Router 1 sets the next-hop address to FE80::E and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 8. Router 1 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::E and finds a match. 9. Using the neighbor cache entry for FE80::E, Router 1 forwards the unicast TCP ACK segment destined for 2001:DB8:0:48::3 to Router 3's MAC address on the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 10. Router 3 receives the TCP ACK segment, checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, and finds a match. 11. Using the destination cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, Router 3 sets the next-hop address to the packet's destination address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet. 12. Router 3 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 and finds a match. 13. Using the neighbor cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, Router 3 forwards the unicast TCP ACK segment destined for 2001:DB8:0:48::3 to the MAC address of the Web server's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet. 14. The Web server receives the TCP ACK segment. 15. Windows Sockets indicates to the Web browser that the requested TCP connection is complete. The Web client sent the TCP ACK segment, and Router 1 and Router 3 forwarded it over the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64, 2001:DB8:0:21::/64, and 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnets to the Web server. HTTP Get Segment to the Web Server When the Web client sends the HTTP Get message to the Web server, the following process occurs: 1. When the Web browser receives the indication that the TCP connection is complete, it constructs an HTTP Get message with the source IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and the destination IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3, requesting the contents of the Web page from the Web server. 2. The Web client checks its destination cache for an entry for the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 311 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery and finds a match. 3. Using the destination cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, the Web client sets the next-hop address to FE80::A and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 4. The Web client checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::A and finds a match. 5. Using the neighbor cache entry for FE80::A, the Web client sends the unicast HTTP Get message destined for 2001:DB8:0:48::3 to the MAC address of Router 1's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 6. Router 1 receives the HTTP Get message, checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, and finds a match. 7. Using the destination cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, Router 1 sets the next-hop address to FE80::E and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 8. Router 1 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::E and finds a match. 9. Using the neighbor cache entry for FE80::E, Router 1 forwards the unicast HTTP Get message destined for 2001:DB8:0:48::3 to Router 3's MAC address on the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 10. Router 3 receives the HTTP Get message, checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, and finds a match. 11. Using the destination cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, Router 3 sets the next-hop address to the packet's destination address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet. 12. Router 3 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 and finds a match. 13. Using the neighbor cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:48::3, Router 3 forwards the unicast HTTP Get message destined for 2001:DB8:0:48::3 to the MAC address of the Web server's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:47::/64 subnet. 14. The Web server receives the HTTP Get message. The Web client sent the HTTP Get message, and Router 1 and Router 3 forwarded it over the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64, 2001:DB8:0:21::/64, and 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnets to the Web server. HTTP Get-Response Segment to the Web Client When the Web server sends the HTTP Get-Response message to the Web client, the following occurs: 1. The Web server constructs an HTTP Get-Response message with the source IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:48::3 and the destination IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1. 2. The Web server checks its destination cache for an entry for the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and finds a match. 3. Using the destination cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1, the Web server sets the next-hop IPv6 address to FE80::F and the next-hop interface to the network adapter attached to the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 312 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet. 4. The Web server checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::F and finds a match. 5. Using the neighbor cache entry for FE80::F, the Web server sends the unicast HTTP Get-Response message destined for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 to the MAC address of Router 3's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64 subnet. 6. Router 3 receives the HTTP Get-Response message, checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1, and finds a match. 7. Using the destination cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1, Router 3 sets the next-hop address to FE80::B and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 8. Router 3 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of FE80::B and finds a match. 9. Using the neighbor cache entry for FE80::B, Router 3 forwards the unicast HTTP Get-Response message destined for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 to Router 1's MAC address on the 2001:DB8:0:21::/64 subnet. 10. Router 1 receives the HTTP Get-Response message. 11. Router 1 checks its destination cache for an entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and finds a match. 12. Using the destination cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1, Router 1 sets the next-hop address to 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and the next-hop interface to the network adapter that is attached to the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 13. Router 1 checks its neighbor cache for an entry with the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:0:13::1 and finds a match. 14. Using the neighbor cache entry for 2001:DB8:0:13::1, Router 1 forwards the unicast HTTP GetResponse message destined for 2001:DB8:0:13::1 to the MAC address of the Web client's interface on the 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnet. 15. The Web client receives the HTTP Get-Response message. 16. The Web browser constructs the visual representation of the Web page at http://web1.example.com/example.htm. The Web server sent the HTTP Get-Response message, and Router 3 and Router 1 forwarded it over the 2001:DB8:0:48::/64, 2001:DB8:0:21::/64, and 2001:DB8:0:13::/64 subnets to the Web client. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 313 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Chapter Summary The key information in this chapter is the following:        The end-to-end delivery process consists of a source host process, a router forwarding process, and a destination host process. To send an IPv4 packet, an IPv4 source host checks its route cache (performing route determination if needed) and then checks its ARP cache (performing address resolution if needed). When the source host has determined the MAC address that corresponds to the next-hop address for the IPv4 packet, the host sends the packet to the destination or to an intermediate router. To forward an IPv4 packet, an IPv4 router decrements the TTL, updates the checksum, checks its route cache (performing route determination if needed) and then checks its ARP cache (performing address resolution if needed). When the router has determined the MAC address that corresponds to the nexthop address for the IPv4 packet, the router forwards the packet to the destination or to another router. To receive an IPv4 packet, an IPv4 destination host verifies that the packet is addressed to an IPv4 address that has been assigned to the host and then passes the IPv4 payload to the appropriate upper layer protocol. For TCP and UDP traffic, the host passes the data to the listening application. To send an IPv6 packet, an IPv6 source host checks its destination cache (performing route determination if needed) and then checks its neighbor cache (performing address resolution if needed). When the source host has determined the MAC address that corresponds to the next-hop address for the IPv6 packet, the host sends the packet to the destination or to an intermediate router. To forward an IPv6 packet, an IPv6 router decrements the hop limit, checks its destination cache (performing route determination if needed) and then checks its neighbor cache (performing address resolution if needed). When the router has determined the MAC address that corresponds to the nexthop address for the IPv6 packet, the router forwards the packet to the destination or to another router. To receive an IPv6 packet, an IPv6 destination host verifies that the packet is addressed to an IPv6 address assigned to the host and then passes the IPv6 payload to the appropriate upper layer protocol. For TCP and UDP traffic, the host passes the data to the listening application. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 314 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery Chapter Glossary ARP cache – A table for each interface of static or dynamically resolved IPv4 addresses and their corresponding MAC addresses. default gateway – The IPv4 address of a neighboring IPv4 router. Configuring a default gateway creates a default route in the IPv4 routing table. The default gateway is an important parameter for TCP/IP in Windows. default route – A route that is used when the routing table contains no other routes for the destination. For example, if a router or end system cannot find a network route or host route for the destination, the default route is used. The default route is used to simplify the configuration of end systems or routers. For IPv4 routing tables, the default route is the route with the network destination of and the netmask of For IPv6 routing tables, the default route has the prefix ::/0. destination cache – A table in which IPv6 stores the next-hop IPv6 address and interface for recently determined destination IPv6 addresses. longest matching route – The algorithm by which the route determination process selects the routes in the routing table that most closely match the destination address of the packet being sent or forwarded. neighbor cache – A cache that every IPv6 node maintains to store the on-subnet IPv6 addresses of neighbors and their corresponding MAC addresses. The neighbor cache is equivalent to the ARP cache in IPv4. next-hop determination – The process of determining the next-hop address and interface for sending or forwarding a packet based on the contents of the routing table. route determination process – The process of determining which single route in the routing table to use for forwarding a packet. route cache – A table in which IPv4 stores the next-hop IPv4 addresses and interfaces for recently determined destination IPv4 addresses. router – A TCP/IP node that can forward received packets that are not addressed to itself (also called a gateway for IPv4). routing table – The set of routes used to determine the next-hop address and interface for IPv6 traffic that a host sends or a router forwards. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 315 Chapter 10 – TCP/IP End-to-End Delivery TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 316 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Abstract This chapter describes the network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) over TCP/IP and its implementation in Microsoft Windows operating systems. Although not required for a networking environment consisting of servers and clients that are based on Active Directory, NetBIOS over TCP/IP is still used by NetBIOS applications that are included with Windows. A network administrator must understand NetBIOS names and how they are resolved to troubleshoot issues with NetBIOS name resolution. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 317 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:        Define NetBIOS. Define NetBIOS names. Explain how computers running Windows resolve NetBIOS names. List and describe the different NetBIOS over TCP/IP node types. Explain how nodes use the Lmhosts file to resolve NetBIOS names of hosts on remote subnets. Configure a local or a central Lmhosts file for resolving NetBIOS names of hosts on remote subnets. Use the Nbtstat tool to gather NetBIOS name information. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 318 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP NetBIOS over TCP/IP Overview NetBIOS was developed in the early 1980s to allow applications to communicate over a network. NetBIOS defines:   A Session layer programming interface NetBIOS is a standard application programming interface (API) at the Session layer of the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) reference model so that user applications can utilize the services of installed network protocol stacks. An application that uses the NetBIOS interface API for network communication can be run on any protocol stack that supports a NetBIOS interface. A session management and data transport protocol NetBIOS is also a protocol that functions at the Session and Transport layers and that provides commands and support for the following services:      Network name registration and verification. Session establishment and termination. Reliable connection-oriented session data transfer. Unreliable connectionless datagram data transfer. Protocol and adapter monitoring and management. NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) sends the NetBIOS protocol over the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). NetBT traffic includes the following:    NetBIOS session traffic over TCP port 139 NetBIOS name management traffic over UDP port 137 NetBIOS datagram traffic over UDP port 138 Figure 11-1 shows the architecture of NetBT components in the TCP/IP protocol suite. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 319 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Figure 11-1 NetBT in the TCP/IP protocol suite Requests for Comments (RFCs) 1001 and 1002 define NetBIOS operation over IPv4. NetBT is not defined for IPv6. NetBIOS over TCP/IP is sometimes referred to as NBT. Enabling NetBIOS over TCP/IP You can enable NetBT for computers running Windows by opening Network Connections, right-clicking a connection, clicking the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component, clicking Properties, clicking Advanced, clicking the WINS tab, and clicking the appropriate option in NetBIOS setting. Figure 11-2 shows the WINS tab. Figure 11-2 The WINS tab for the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 320 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP For the NetBIOS setting, you can choose any of the following options:    Default Enables NetBT if the network connection has a static IPv4 address configuration. If the network connection uses the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), it uses the DHCP options in the received DHCPOffer message to either disable NetBT or enable and configure NetBT. To disable NetBT using DHCP, configure the Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) Microsoft vendor-specific option for the value of 2. This is the default setting for LAN connections. Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP Enables NetBT, regardless of the DHCP options received. This is the default setting for remote connections (dial-up or virtual private network). Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP Disables NetBT, regardless of the DHCP options received. NetBT is not required for computers running Windows unless you use NetBIOS applications on your network, such as the Computer Browser service. The Computer Browser service maintains the list of computers in the Network window and the Microsoft Windows Network window of My Network Places. File and printer sharing with Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 can operate without the use of NetBT. NetBIOS Names A NetBIOS name is 16 bytes long and identifies a NetBIOS resource on the network. A NetBIOS name is either a unique (exclusive) or group (non-exclusive) name. When communicating with a specific process on a computer, NetBIOS applications typically use unique names. When communicating with multiple computers at a time, NetBIOS applications use group names. The File and Printer Sharing over Microsoft Networks component, also known as the Server service in the Services snap-in, is an example of a service that uses a NetBIOS name. When the Server service starts, it registers a unique NetBIOS name based on the computer name. The exact NetBIOS name used by the Server service is the 15-byte computer name plus a sixteenth byte of 0x20. You configure the computer name on the Computer Name tab of the System item in Control Panel. If the computer name is not 15 bytes long, Windows pads it with spaces up to 15 bytes long. Computer names longer than 15 bytes are truncated. Other network services also use the computer name to build their NetBIOS names, so the sixteenth byte typically identifies a specific service. Other services that use NetBIOS include the Client for Microsoft Networks component (also known as the Workstation service in the Services snap-in) and the Messenger service (not to be confused with Windows Messenger). The Workstation service, also known as the redirector, uses the 15-byte computer name plus a sixteenth byte of 0x00. The Messenger service uses the 15-byte computer name plus a sixteenth byte of 0x03. Figure 11-3 shows the use of the NetBIOS names of the Server, Workstation, and Messenger services in the NetBT architecture. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 321 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Figure 11-3 Examples of NetBIOS names in the NetBT architecture When you attempt to connect to a shared folder in Windows, NetBT attempts to resolve the NetBIOS name for the Server service of the specified computer. After the IPv4 address that corresponds to the NetBIOS name is resolved, the Workstation service on the client computer can initiate communication with the Server service on the file server. The Server, Workstation, and Messenger services and the services that rely on them—such as the Computer Browser, Distributed File System, and Net Logon services—register NetBIOS names. Windows network applications that access these services must use their corresponding NetBIOS names. For example, workgroup and domain names that are used by the Computer Browser service to collect and distribute the list of workgroups and domains are NetBIOS names. For more information about workgroups and domains, see “Appendix C – Computer Browser Service.” Common NetBIOS Names Table 11-1 lists and describes common NetBIOS names that Windows network services use. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 322 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Registered name Description ComputerName0x00 The name registered for the Workstation service. ComputerName0x03 The name registered for the Messenger service. ComputerName0x20 The name registered for the Server service. UserName0x03 The name of the user currently logged on to the computer. The user name is registered by the Messenger service so that the user can receive net send commands sent to their user name. If more than one user is logged on with the same user name (such as Administrator), only the first computer from which a user has logged on registers the name. DomainName0x1B The domain name registered by a domain controller that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003. Table 11-1 Common NetBIOS names NetBIOS Name Registration, Resolution, and Release All NetBT nodes use processes for name registration, name resolution, and name release to manage NetBIOS names on an IPv4 network. Name Registration When a NetBT host initializes itself, it registers its NetBIOS names using a NetBIOS Name Registration Request message. A NetBT host performs name registration by sending a broadcast message on the local subnet or a unicast message to a NetBIOS name server (NBNS). If the name being registered is a unique NetBIOS name and another host has registered that name, either the host that previously registered the name or the NBNS responds with a negative name registration response. After receiving the negative name registration response, the host typically displays an error message to the user. Name Resolution A NetBIOS name is a Session layer application identifier. TCP/IP uses an IPv4 address as a Network layer identifier of an interface. Therefore, when a NetBIOS application makes a NetBIOS communication request of NetBT, NetBT must associate the NetBIOS name of the destination application with the IPv4 address of the computer on which the application is running. The process of mapping a NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address is known as NetBIOS name resolution. When a NetBIOS application on a computer running Windows wants to communicate with another TCP/IP host, the application broadcasts a NetBIOS Name Query Request message on the local network or unicasts a NetBIOS Name Query Request message to an NBNS for resolution. In either case, the NetBIOS Name Query Request message contains the NetBIOS name of the destination host. Either the neighboring host that has registered the NetBIOS name or an NBNS responds by sending a positive NetBIOS Name Query Response message. If the NBNS does not have a mapping for the NetBIOS name, it sends a negative Name Query Response message. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 323 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Name Release Name release occurs whenever a NetBIOS application is stopped. For example, when the Workstation service on a host running Windows is stopped, the host requests that the NBNS no longer respond to queries for the Workstation service name. Additionally, the host no longer sends negative name registration responses when another host on the local subnet tries to register the corresponding unique NetBIOS name. The NetBIOS name is released and available for use by another host. Segmenting NetBIOS Names with the NetBIOS Scope ID The NetBIOS scope ID is a character string that is appended to the NetBIOS name and that isolates a set of NetBT nodes. Without scopes, a unique NetBIOS name must be unique across all the NetBIOS resources on the network. With the NetBIOS scope ID, a unique NetBIOS name must be unique only within a specific NetBIOS scope ID. NetBIOS resources within a scope are isolated from all NetBIOS resources outside the scope. The NetBIOS scope ID on two hosts must match, or the two hosts will not be able to communicate with each other using NetBT. Figure 11-4 shows an example organization that is using two NetBIOS scopes—APPS and MIS. Figure 11-4 Example of using NetBIOS scopes For this example, HOST1.APPS and HOST2.APPS are able to communicate with SERVER.APPS but not with HOST3.MIS, HOST4.MIS, or SERVER.MIS. The NetBIOS scope also allows computers to use the same 16-byte string as a unique NetBIOS name, provided they have different scope IDs. The NetBIOS scope becomes part of the full NetBIOS name, making the full NetBIOS name unique. In the example network in Figure 11-4, two servers have the same computer name (SERVER) but different scope IDs. Therefore, they have different full NetBIOS names. You can configure a NetBIOS scope ID through the following:  By configuring the DHCP NetBIOS Scope ID option (option 47) (for DHCP clients) TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 324 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP  By configuring the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netbt\ScopeID registry value on the local computer Unless you are using NetBIOS scopes to specifically isolate NetBT traffic for different sets of NetBTcapable computers, the use of NetBIOS scopes is discouraged. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 325 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP NetBIOS Name Resolution NetBIOS name resolution is the process of successfully mapping a NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address. TCP/IP for Windows can use any of the methods listed in Table 11-2 and 11-3 to resolve NetBIOS names. Method Description NetBIOS name cache A local table that is stored in random access memory (RAM) and that contains the NetBIOS names and their corresponding IPv4 addresses that the local computer has recently resolved. NBNS A server that complies with RFC 1001 and 1002and that provides name resolution of NetBIOS names. The Microsoft implementation of an NBNS is the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). Local broadcast NetBIOS Name Query Request messages broadcast on the local subnet. Table 11-2 Standard methods of resolving NetBIOS names Method Description Lmhosts file A local text file that maps NetBIOS names to IPv4 addresses for NetBIOS applications running on computers located on remote subnets. Local host name The configured host name for the computer. Domain Name System (DNS) resolver cache A local RAM-based table that contains domain name and IP address mappings from entries listed in the local HOSTS file and names attempted for resolution by DNS. DNS servers Servers that maintain databases of IP address-to-host name mappings. Table 11-3 Additional Microsoft-specific methods of resolving NetBIOS names Resolving Local NetBIOS Names Using a Broadcast NetBIOS names for NetBIOS applications running on hosts that are attached to a local subnet can be resolved using a broadcast NetBIOS Name Query Request message. The process for using broadcasts is the following: 1. When a NetBIOS application must resolve a NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address, NetBT checks the NetBIOS name cache for the IPv4 address that corresponds to the NetBIOS name of the destination application. If the name has been recently resolved, a mapping for the destination host is in the sending host’s NetBIOS name cache, and the broadcast is not sent. The NetBIOS name cache reduces extraneous broadcasts sent on the local subnet. 2. If the NetBIOS name cache does not contain the NetBIOS name, the sending host broadcasts up to TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 326 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP three NetBIOS Name Query Request messages on the local subnet. 3. Each neighboring host on the local subnet receives each broadcast and checks its local NetBIOS table, which is a list of NetBIOS names registered by NetBIOS applications running on the computer, to see whether the host has registered the requested name. 4. The computer that has registered the queried NetBIOS name sends a positive NetBIOS Name Query Response message to the node that sent the NetBIOS Name Query Request message. When the sending host receives the positive NetBIOS Name Query Response message, it can begin to communicate with the destination NetBIOS application using a NetBIOS datagram or a NetBIOS session. Limitations of Broadcasts Routers do not forward broadcasts. Broadcast frames remain confined to the local subnet. Therefore, NetBIOS name resolution using broadcasts can only resolve names of NetBIOS processes running on nodes attached to the local subnet. You can enable NetBT broadcast forwarding (UDP ports 137 and 138) on some routers. However, the practice of enabling NetBT broadcast forwarding to simplify NetBIOS name resolution is highly discouraged. Resolving Names with a NetBIOS Name Server To resolve the NetBIOS names of NetBIOS applications running on local or remote computers, NetBT nodes commonly use an NBNS. When using an NBNS, the name resolution process is the following: 1. NetBT checks the NetBIOS name cache for the NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mapping. 2. If the name cannot be resolved using the NetBIOS name cache, NetBT sends a unicast NetBIOS Name Query Request message containing the NetBIOS name of the destination application to the NBNS. 3. If the NBNS can resolve the NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address, the NBNS returns the IPv4 address to the sending host with a positive NetBIOS Name Query Response message. If the NBNS cannot resolve the NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address, the NBNS sends a negative NetBIOS Name Query Response message. By default, a computer running Windows attempts to locate its primary NBNS server (a WINS server) three times. If the computer receives no response or a negative NetBIOS Name Query Response message indicating that the name was not found, the computer running Windows attempts to contact additional WINS servers. When the sending host receives the positive NetBIOS Name Query Response message, the host can begin to communicate with the destination NetBIOS application using a NetBIOS datagram or a NetBIOS session. Windows Methods of Resolving NetBIOS Names Computers running Windows can also attempt to resolve NetBIOS names using the Lmhosts file, the local host name, the DNS client resolver cache, and DNS servers. NetBT in Windows uses the following process: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 327 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP 1. When a NetBIOS application needs to resolve a NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address, NetBT checks the NetBIOS name cache for the NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mapping of the destination host. If NetBT finds a mapping, the NetBIOS name is resolved without generating network activity. 2. If the name is not resolved from the entries in the NetBIOS name cache, NetBT attempts to resolve the name through three NetBIOS name queries to each configured NBNS. 3. If the configured NBNSs do not send a positive name response, NetBT sends up to three broadcast queries on the local network. 4. If there is no positive name response and the Use LMHOSTS lookup check box on the WINS tab is selected, NetBT scans the local Lmhosts file. For more information, see "Using the Lmhosts File" in this chapter. 5. If the NetBIOS name is not resolved from the Lmhosts file, Windows attempts to resolve the name through host name resolution techniques. NetBT converts the NetBIOS name to a single-label, unqualified domain name by taking the first 15 bytes of the NetBIOS name and removing spaces from the end of the name. For example, for the NetBIOS name FILESRV1 [20], the corresponding single-label, unqualified domain name is filesrv1. The first step in host name resolution techniques is to check for a match against the local host name. 6. If the converted NetBIOS name does not match the local host name, the DNS Client service checks the DNS client resolver cache. 7. If the name is not found in the DNS client resolver cache, the DNS Client service attempts to resolve the name by sending queries to a DNS server. The DNS Client service creates fully qualified names from the converted NetBIOS name—a single-label, unqualified domain name—using the techniques described in Chapter 9, “Windows Support for DNS.” 8. If the name is not resolved through DNS, computers running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 use the Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) protocol and send up to two sets of multicast LLMNR query messages. For more information about LLMNR, see Chapter 8, “Host Name Resolution.” If none of these methods resolve the NetBIOS name, NetBT indicates an error to the requesting NetBIOS application, which typically displays an error message to the user. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 328 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP NetBIOS Node Types Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 support all of the NetBIOS node types defined in RFCs 1001 and 1002. Each node type resolves NetBIOS names differently. Table 11-4 lists and describes the NetBIOS node types. Node type Description B-node (broadcast) Uses broadcasts for name registration and resolution. Because routers typically do not forward NetBT broadcasts, NetBIOS resources that are located on remote subnets cannot be resolved. P-node (peer-peer) Uses an NBNS such as WINS to resolve NetBIOS names. P-node does not use broadcasts but queries the NBNS directly. Because broadcasts are not used, NetBIOS resources located on remote subnets can be resolved. However, if the NBNS becomes unavailable, NetBIOS name resolution fails for all NetBIOS names, even for NetBIOS applications that are located on the local subnet. M-node (mixed) A combination of B-node and P-node. By default, an M-node functions as a B-node. If the broadcast name query is unsuccessful, NetBT uses an NBNS. H-node (hybrid) A combination of P-node and B-node. By default, an H-node functions as a P-node. If the unicast name query to the NBNS is unsuccessful, NetBT uses a broadcast. Microsoft enhanced B-node A combination of B-node and the use of the local Lmhosts file. If the broadcast name query is not successful, NetBT checks the local Lmhosts file. Table 11-4 NetBIOS node types By default, NetBT on computers running Windows use the Microsoft enhanced B-node NetBIOS node type if no WINS servers are configured. If at least one WINS server is configured, NetBT uses H-node. You can override this default behavior and explicitly configure the NetBIOS node type in the following ways:   By using the DHCP WINS/NBT Node Type option (option 46) and setting the value to 1 (Microsoftenhanced B-node), 2 (P-node), 4 (M-node), or 8 (H-node). By setting the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netbt\Parameters\NodeType registry value to 1 (Microsoft-enhanced B-node), 2 (P-node), 4 (M-node), or 8 (H-node). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 329 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Using the Lmhosts File The Lmhosts file is a static text file of NetBIOS names and IPv4 addresses. NetBT uses an Lmhosts file to resolve the NetBIOS names for NetBIOS applications that are running on remote computers on a network that does not contain NBNSs. The Lmhosts file has the following characteristics:    Entries consist of an IPv4 address and a NetBIOS computer name. For example: emailsrv1 Entries are not case-sensitive. Each computer has its own file in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. This folder includes a sample Lmhosts file (Lmhosts.sam). You can create another file named Lmhosts or you can rename or copy Lmhosts.sam to Lmhosts in this folder. By default, computers running Windows use the Lmhosts file, if it exists, in NetBIOS name resolution. You can disable the use of the Lmhosts file by clearing the Use LMHOSTS Lookup check box on the WINS tab of the Advanced TCP/IP Properties dialog box, as Figure 11-2 shows. Predefined Keywords The Lmhosts file can contain predefined keywords that are prefixed with the “#” character. Table 11-5 lists the possible Lmhosts keywords. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 330 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Keyword Description #PRE Defines which entries should be initially preloaded as permanent entries in the NetBIOS name cache. Preloaded entries reduce network broadcasts, because names are resolved from the cache rather than from broadcast queries. Entries with a #PRE tag are loaded automatically when TCP/IP is started or manually with the nbtstat –R command. #DOM:DomainName Identifies computers for Windows domain activities such as logon validation, account synchronization, and computer browsing. #NOFNR Avoids using NetBIOS unicast name queries for older computers running LAN Manager for UNIX. #INCLUDE Path\FileName Loads and searches entries in the Path\FileName file, a centrally located and shared Lmhosts file. The recommended way to specify file paths is using a universal naming convention (UNC) path such as \\fileserv1\public. You must have entries for the computer names of remote servers hosting the shares in the local Lmhosts file; otherwise, the shares will not be accessible. #BEGIN_ALTERNATE #END_ALTERNATE Defines a list of alternate locations for Lmhosts files. #MH Adds multiple entries for a multihomed computer. Table 11-5 Lmhosts keywords Because the Lmhosts file is read sequentially, you should add the most frequently accessed computers as the first entries of the file, and add the #PRE-tagged entries as the last entries of the file. Because the #PRE entries are loaded into the NetBIOS name cache, they are not needed when NetBT scans the Lmhosts file after startup. Placing them as the last entries of the file allows NetBT to scan the Lmhosts file for other NetBIOS names more quickly. Using a Centralized Lmhosts File NetBT can also scan Lmhosts files that are located on other computers, which allows you to maintain a centralized Lmhosts file that can be accessed through a user’s local Lmhosts file. Using a centralized Lmhosts file still requires each computer to have a local Lmhosts file. To access a centralized Lmhosts file, a computer’s local Lmhosts file must have an entry with the #INCLUDE tag and the location of the centralized file. For example: #INCLUDE \\Bootsrv3\Public\Lmhosts In this example, NetBT includes the Lmhosts file on the Public shared folder of the server named Bootsrv3 in its attempts to resolve a remote NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address. NetBT scans the centralized Lmhosts file before a user logs on to the computer. Because no user name is associated with the computer before a user logs on, NetBT uses a null user name for its credentials when accessing the shared folder where the central Lmhosts file is located. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 331 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP To allow null access to a shared folder that contains an Lmhosts file, you must type the name of the folder as the string value of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services\Lanmanserver \Parameters\NullSessionShares registry value on the Windows-based server that is hosting the shared folder, and then restart the Server service. If you do not set this registry value, the remote Lmhosts file is not accessible until after a valid user logs on to the computer. The #BEGIN_ALTERNATE and #END_ALTERNATE tags allow you to include a block of remote Lmhosts file locations in the search for a NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mapping. This technique is known as block inclusion. For example: #BEGIN_ALTERNATE #INCLUDE \\Bootsrv3\Public\Lmhosts #INCLUDE \\Bootsrv4\Public\Lmhosts #INCLUDE \\Bootsrv9\Public\Lmhosts #END_ALTERNATE When NetBT uses a block inclusion, it scans only the first accessible Lmhosts file in the block. NetBT does not access additional Lmhosts files, even if the first accessible Lmhosts file does not contain the desired name. Block inclusion provides fault tolerance for centralized Lmhosts files. Creating Lmhosts Entries for Specific NetBIOS Names A typical entry in the Lmhosts file for a NetBIOS computer name allows the resolution of the three NetBIOS names:    ComputerName[00] ComputerName[03] ComputerName[20] These names correspond to the Workstation, Server, and Messenger services, respectively. However, you might need to resolve a specific 16-character NetBIOS name to a NetBIOS application running on a remote computer. You can configure any arbitrary 16-byte NetBIOS name in the Lmhosts file by using the following syntax: IPv4Address "NameSpacePadding\0xN" In which:     IPv4Address is the IPv4 address to which this NetBIOS name is resolved. Name is the first part of the NetBIOS name (up to 15 bytes) SpacePadding is needed to ensure that the full NetBIOS name is 16 bytes. If the Name portion has fewer than 15 bytes, it must be padded with spaces up to 15 bytes. N indicates the two-digit hexadecimal representation of the 16th byte of the NetBIOS name. The syntax \0xN can represent any byte in the NetBIOS name but is most often used for the 16th character. For example, you might create an entry so that a computer browsing client can resolve the NetBIOS name Domain0x1B. Domain0x1B is a NetBIOS name that is registered by Domain Master Browse Servers, and certain types of computer browsing situations require the successful resolution of the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 332 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Domain0x1B NetBIOS name. For example, the Lmhosts file entry for the NetBIOS domain name of EXAMPLE and IPv4 address of is: "EXAMPLE \0x1B" For more information about the Lmhosts file and computer browsing, see Appendix C, “Computer Browser Service.” Name Resolution Problems Using Lmhosts The most common problems with NetBIOS name resolution when using the Lmhosts file are the following:     An entry for a remote NetBIOS name does not exist in the Lmhosts file. Verify that the IPv4 address-to-NetBIOS name mappings of all remote hosts that a computer needs to access are added to the Lmhosts file. The NetBIOS name in the Lmhosts file is misspelled. Verify the spelling of all names as you add them. The IPv4 address is invalid for the NetBIOS name. Verify that the IPv4 address is correct for the corresponding NetBIOS name. The Lmhosts file contains multiple entries for the same NetBIOS name. Verify that each entry in the Lmhosts file is unique. If the file contains duplicate names, NetBT uses the first name listed in the file. NetBT will not read the Lmhosts file for any additional entries. To test an entry in the Lmhosts file, use a NetBIOS application (such as the nbtstat -a command) to verify whether the entry was added correctly. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 333 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP The Nbtstat Tool The Nbtstat tool is your primary tool for collecting NetBT information when troubleshooting NetBIOS name issues. Table 11-6 lists the most commonly used Nbtstat options. Option Description -n Displays the NetBIOS name table of the local computer. You use this option to determine the NetBIOS applications that are running on the local computer and their corresponding unique and group NetBIOS names. -a RemoteComputerName -A IPv4Address Displays the NetBIOS name table of a remote computer by its name or IPv4 address. You use this option to determine the NetBIOS applications that are running on a remote computer and their corresponding unique and group NetBIOS names. -c Displays the NetBIOS name cache of the local computer. -R Manually flushes and reloads the NetBIOS name cache with the entries in the Lmhosts file that use the #PRE parameter. -RR Releases and reregisters all local NetBIOS names with the NBNS (a WINS server). You use this option when troubleshooting WINS registration issues. Table 11-6 Common Nbtstat options TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 334 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Chapter Summary The key information in this chapter is the following:         NetBIOS is a standard API at the Session layer for user applications to utilize the services of installed network protocol stacks and a session management and data transport protocol. A NetBIOS name is a 16-byte name that identifies a unique or group NetBIOS application on a network. NetBIOS name management includes processes for NetBIOS name registration, resolution, and release. NetBT provides NetBIOS session, name management, and datagram services for NetBIOS applications running on an IPv4 network. NetBT is required for computers running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003 only when running NetBIOS applications. NetBT in Windows can use the NetBIOS name cache, an NBNS, broadcasts, the Lmhosts file, the local host name, the DNS client resolver cache, and DNS servers to resolve NetBIOS names. NetBT uses the Microsoft enhanced B-node NetBIOS node type (if no WINS servers are configured) or the H-node NetBIOS node type (if at least one WINS server is configured). The Lmhosts file is a static text file of NetBIOS names and IPv4 addresses that NetBT uses to resolve the NetBIOS names for NetBIOS applications running on remote computers. The Nbtstat tool is the primary tool for collecting NetBT information when troubleshooting NetBIOS name issues. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 335 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Chapter Glossary DNS – See Domain Name System (DNS). DNS client resolver cache – A RAM-based table that contains both the entries in the Hosts file and the results of recent DNS name queries. DNS server – A server that maintains a database of mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. Domain Name System (DNS) – A hierarchical, distributed database that contains mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. With DNS, users can specify computers and services by friendly names. DNS also enables the discovery of other information stored in its database. Host name – The name of a computer or device on a network. Users specify computers on the network by their host names. For another computer to be found, its host name must either appear in the Hosts file or be known by a DNS server. For most computers running Windows, the host name and the computer name are the same. Host name resolution – The process of resolving a host name to a destination IP address. Hosts file – A local text file in the same format as the 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) UNIX /etc/hosts file. This file maps host names to IP addresses, and it is stored in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. Lmhosts file – A local text file that maps NetBIOS names to IP addresses for hosts that are located on remote subnets. For computers running Windows, this file is stored in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. NBNS – See NetBIOS name server (NBNS). NetBIOS – See network basic input/output system (NetBIOS). NetBIOS name - A 16-byte name for an application that uses the network basic input/output system (NetBIOS). NetBIOS name cache – A dynamically maintained table that stores recently resolved NetBIOS names and their associated IPv4 addresses. NetBIOS name resolution – The process of resolving a NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address. NetBIOS name server (NBNS) – A server that stores NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mappings and that resolves NetBIOS names for NetBIOS-enabled hosts. The WINS Server service is the Microsoft implementation of an NBNS. NetBIOS node type – A designation of the specific way that NetBIOS nodes resolve NetBIOS names. NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) – The implementation of the NetBIOS session protocol over TCP/IP (IPv4 only) that provides network name registration and verification, session establishment and termination, and data transfer services for reliable connection-oriented sessions and unreliable connectionless datagrams. NetBT – See NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 336 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP Network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) – A standard API for user applications to submit network I/O and control directives to underlying network protocol software and a protocol that functions at the Session layer. Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) – The Microsoft implementation of an NBNS. WINS – See Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 337 Chapter 11 – NetBIOS over TCP/IP TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 338 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview Abstract This chapter describes the use of Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) in Microsoft Windows operating systems to provide network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) name resolution on a TCP/IP network. A network administrator must understand the role and configuration of WINS clients, WINS servers, and WINS proxies to successfully deploy a NetBIOS name resolution infrastructure and to troubleshoot issues with NetBIOS name resolution. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 339 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:      Describe the function of Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). Explain how WINS clients perform name registration, name renewal, name refresh, and name resolution. Configure a WINS client to use primary and secondary WINS servers. Install a WINS server and configure it for static mappings and to replicate its database with other WINS servers. Describe the function and configuration of a WINS proxy. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 340 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview Introduction to WINS Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) is the Windows implementation of a NetBIOS name server (NBNS), which provides a distributed database for registering and querying dynamic mappings of NetBIOS names to IPv4 addresses used on your network. WINS is designed to provide NetBIOS name resolution in routed TCP/IP networks with multiple subnets. Without WINS, you must maintain Lmhosts files. Before two hosts that use NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) can communicate, the destination NetBIOS name must be resolved to an IPv4 address. TCP/IP cannot establish communication using a NetBIOS computer name. The basic procedure for WINS-based NetBIOS name resolution is the following: 1. Each time a WINS client starts, it registers its NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mappings with a configured WINS server. 2. When a NetBIOS application running on a WINS client initiates communication with another host, NetBT sends a NetBIOS Name Query Request message with the destination NetBIOS name directly to the WINS server, instead of broadcasting it on the local network. 3. If the WINS server finds a NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mapping for the queried name in its database, it returns the corresponding IPv4 address to the WINS client. Using WINS provides the following advantages:    Client requests for name resolution are sent directly to a WINS server. If the WINS server can resolve the name, it sends the IPv4 address directly to the client. As a result, a broadcast is not needed and broadcast traffic is reduced. However, if the WINS server is unavailable or does not have the appropriate mapping, the WINS client can still use a broadcast in an attempt to resolve the name. The WINS database is updated dynamically so that it is always current. This process allows NetBIOS name resolution on networks using DHCP and eliminates the need for local or centralized Lmhosts files. WINS provides computer browsing capabilities across subnets and domains. Computer browsing provides the list of computers in My Network Places. For more information, see Appendix C, "Computer Browser Service." TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 341 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview How WINS Works The WINS Server service in Windows Server 2003 is an implementation of an NBNS as described in Requests for Comments (RFCs) 1001 and 1002. WINS clients use a combination of the following processes:     Name registration Each WINS client is configured with the IPv4 address of a WINS server. When a WINS client starts, it registers its NetBIOS names and their corresponding IPv4 addresses with its WINS server. The WINS server stores the client’s NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mappings in its database. Name renewal All NetBIOS names are registered on a temporary basis so that if the original owner stops using a name, a different host can use it later. At defined intervals, the WINS client renews the registration for its NetBIOS names with the WINS server. Name resolution A WINS client can obtain the IPv4 addresses for NetBIOS names by querying the WINS server. Name release When a NetBIOS application no longer needs a NetBIOS name, such as when a NetBIOS-based service is shut down, the WINS client sends a message to the WINS server to release the name. These processes are described in greater detail in the following sections. All WINS communications between WINS clients and WINS servers use unicast NetBIOS name management messages over User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port 137, the reserved port for the NetBIOS Name Service. Name Registration When a WINS client initializes, it registers its NetBIOS names by sending a NetBIOS Name Registration Request message directly to its configured WINS server. NetBIOS names are registered when NetBIOS services or applications start, such as the Workstation, Server, and Messenger services. If the NetBIOS name is unique and another WINS client has not already registered the name, the WINS server sends a positive Name Registration Response message to the WINS client. This message contains the amount of time, known as the Time to Live (TTL), that the NetBIOS name is registered to the WINS client. The TTL is configured on the WINS server. When a Duplicate Name Is Found If a duplicate unique name is registered in the WINS database, the WINS server sends a challenge to the currently registered owner of the name as a unicast NetBIOS Name Query Request message. The WINS server sends the challenge three times at 500-millisecond intervals. If the current registered owner responds to the challenge successfully, the WINS server sends a negative Name Registration Response message to the WINS client that is attempting to register the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 342 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview duplicate name. If the current registered owner does not respond to the WINS server, the server sends a positive Name Registration Response message to the WINS client that is attempting to register the name and updates its database with the new owner. When WINS Servers are Unavailable A typical WINS client is configured with a primary and a secondary WINS server, although you can configure more than two WINS servers. A WINS client makes three attempts to register its names with its primary WINS server. If the third attempt gets no response, the WINS client sends name registration requests to its secondary WINS server (if configured) and any additional servers that have been configured. If none of the WINS servers are available, the WINS client uses local broadcasts to register its NetBIOS names. Name Renewal To continue using the same NetBIOS name, a client must renew its registration before the TTL it received in the last positive Name Registration Response message expires. If the client does not renew the registration, the WINS server removes the NetBIOS name from its database. After that point, other computers cannot resolve the NetBIOS name to the address of the former owner and another client can register the name for itself. Name Refresh Request Every WINS client attempts to renew its NetBIOS names with its primary WINS server by sending a NetBIOS Name Refresh message when half of the TTL has elapsed or when the computer or the service restarts. If the WINS client does not receive a NetBIOS Name Registration Response message, the client sends another refresh message to its primary WINS server every 10 minutes for one hour. If none of these attempts is successful, the client then tries the secondary WINS server every 10 minutes for one hour. The client continues to send refresh messages to the primary server for an hour and then to the secondary server for an hour until either the name expires or a WINS server responds and renews the name. If the WINS client succeeds in refreshing its name, the WINS server that responds to the NetBIOS Name Refresh message resets the renewal interval. If the WINS client fails to refresh the name on either the primary or secondary WINS server during the renewal interval, the name is released. Name Refresh Response When a WINS server receives the NetBIOS Name Refresh message, the server sends the client a positive Name Registration Response message with a new TTL. Name Release When a NetBIOS application running on a WINS client is closed, NetBT instructs the WINS server to release the unique NetBIOS name used by the application. The WINS server then removes the NetBIOS name mapping from its database. The name release process uses the following types of messages:  Name Release Request TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 343 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview  The Name Release Request message includes the client’s IPv4 address and the NetBIOS name to be removed from the WINS database. Name Release Response When the WINS server receives the Name Release Request message, the server checks its database for the specified name. If the WINS server encounters a database error or if a different IPv4 address maps to the registered name, the server sends a negative Name Release Response message to NetBT on the WINS client. Otherwise, the WINS server sends a positive Name Release Response message and then designates the specified name as inactive in its database. The positive Name Release Response message contains the released NetBIOS name and a TTL value of 0. Name Resolution Computers that are running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP and that are configured with the IPv4 addresses of WINS servers by default use the H-node NetBIOS node type. NetBT always checks the WINS server for a NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mapping before sending a broadcast. The NetBIOS name resolution process is the following: 1. NetBT checks the NetBIOS name cache for the NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mapping of the destination. 2. If the name is not resolved from the NetBIOS name cache, NetBT sends a unicast NetBIOS Name Query Request message to the configured primary WINS server. If the primary WINS server can resolve the name, the server responds with a positive NetBIOS Name Query Response message that contains the IPv4 address for the requested NetBIOS name. If the primary WINS server does not respond after three separate attempts or responds with a negative Name Query Response message, the client sends a NetBIOS Name Query Request message to its configured secondary WINS server. If additional WINS servers are configured and the secondary WINS server does not respond after three separate attempts or responds with a negative Name Query Response message, the client sends a NetBIOS Name Query Request message to the additional configured WINS server or servers in configuration order. 3. If none of the servers respond with a positive Name Query Response message, the WINS client broadcasts up to three Name Query Request messages on the local subnet. If the name is not resolved from these methods, the WINS client might still resolve the name by parsing the Lmhosts file; converting the NetBIOS name to a single-label, unqualified domain name; and checking it against the local host name, the Domain Name System (DNS) client resolver cache, and DNS. For more information, see Chapter 11, "NetBIOS Over TCP/IP." TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 344 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview The WINS Client You can configure the WINS client, known as the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper service in the Services snapin, in the following ways:    Automatically, using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and DHCP options Manually, using either the Netsh tool or the properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component in Network Connections. Automatically, for Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections. To determine the IPv4 addresses of the WINS servers that are assigned to the connections of your computer running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP, do one of the following:    Use the ipconfig /all command. Use the netsh interface ip show wins command. Open the Network Connections folder, right-click a connection, and click Status. Click the Support tab, and then click Details. DHCP Configuration of a WINS Client You can assign WINS servers to DHCP clients by configuring the WINS/NBNS Servers DHCP option (option 44) on your DHCP server. If WINS servers are manually configured in the properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component, the WINS client ignores the DHCP-based WINS server settings. WINS clients running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP automatically use the H-node NetBIOS node type when it is assigned IPv4 addresses of WINS servers. Because of this behavior, you do not also need to configure the 046 WINS/NBT Node Type DHCP option (option 46) with a value of 0x8 (Hnode) on your DHCP server. Manual Configuration of the WINS Client Using Network Connections To manually configure the WINS client using Network Connections, you must obtain properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component for your LAN connection. You can then manually configure the IPv4 addresses of WINS servers in two ways:   Primary and alternate WINS server addresses for the alternate configuration for the connection Advanced TCP/IP properties If you have specified an alternate configuration, you can also specify the IPv4 addresses of a primary and an alternate WINS server. Figure 12-1 shows an example of configuring a primary WINS server on the Alternate Configuration tab. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 345 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview Figure 12-1 Primary and alternate WINS servers on the Alternate Configuration tab To manually configure IPv4 addresses of WINS servers or to configure additional settings on a WINS client, open the properties dialog box for the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component, click Advanced on the General tab, and then click the WINS tab. Figure 12-2 shows an example. Figure 12-2 The WINS tab from the advanced configuration of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component On the WINS tab, you can configure an ordered list of WINS servers that the computer queries. The WINS servers configured in WINS addresses, in order of use override the WINS server addresses received through DHCP. Manual Configuration of the WINS Client Using Netsh You can also configure the IPv4 addresses of WINS servers from the command line using the Netsh tool and the following command: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 346 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview netsh interface ip set wins [name=]ConnectionName [source=]dhcp|static [addr=]IPv4Address|none The netsh interface ip set wins command parameters are as follows:    ConnectionName is the name of the connection as it appears in the Network Connections folder. source is either dhcp, which sets DHCP as the source for configuring WINS servers for the specific connection, or static, which sets the source for configuring WINS servers to the WINS tab in the advanced properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component. IPv4Address is either an IPv4 address for a WINS server or none, which clears the list of WINS servers. To configure a remote computer, use the –r RemoteComputer parameter as the last parameter in the command line. You can specify RemoteComputer with either a computer name or an IPv4 address. Configuration of the WINS Client for Remote Access Clients Remote access clients (using either dial-up access or a virtual private network connection) obtain the initial configuration of a primary and an alternate WINS server during the negotiation of the Point-toPoint Protocol (PPP) connection. RFC 1877 defines the Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) Primary NBNS Server Address and Secondary NBNS Server Address options. Computers running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 also use a DHCPInform message to obtain an updated list of WINS servers. If a remote access server running Windows Server 2003 is correctly configured with the DHCP Relay Agent routing protocol component, the remote access server forwards the DHCPInform message to a DHCP server and forwards the response (a DHCPAck message) back to the remote access client. If the remote access client receives a response to the DHCPInform message, the WINS servers in the DHCPAck message replace the WINS servers configured using IPCP. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 347 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview The WINS Server Service The WINS Server service in Windows Server 2003 supports the following features:    An RFC-compliant NBNS Static mapping maintenance You can manually add entries to the WINS server database for the NetBIOS names of non-WINS clients. WINS server replication To ensure that NetBT nodes can resolve any NetBIOS name on the network by querying any WINS server, the WINS Server service supports database replication between WINS servers. Installing the WINS Server Service To install the WINS Server service on Windows Server 2008, do the following: 1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager. 2. In the console tree, right-click Features, and then click Add Features. 3. Under Features, select the WINS Server check box, and then click Next. 4. Click Install. You can install the WINS Server service for Windows Server 2003 in the following ways:   As a Windows component using the Add or Remove Programs item in Control Panel. With the Manage Your Server Wizard. To install the WINS Server service with the Add or Remove Programs item in Control Panel, use the following steps: 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Add or Remove Programs, and then click Add/Remove Windows Components. 2. In Components, select the Networking Services check box, and then click Details. 3. In Subcomponents of Networking Services, select the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) check box, click OK, and then click Next. 4. If prompted, in Copy files from, type the full path to the installation files for Windows Server 2003, and then click OK. To install the WINS Server service, you must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority. If the computer is joined to a domain, members of the Domain Admins group might be able to perform this procedure. To configure the WINS Server service, you configure the properties for the WINS server, static mappings, and replication. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 348 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview Properties of the WINS Server To modify the properties of a WINS server, open the WINS snap-in, right-click the name of the server in the tree, and then click Properties. Figure 12-3 shows an example of the resulting properties dialog box. Figure 12-3 The properties dialog box for a WINS server From this dialog box, you can configure properties on the following tabs:     General You can specify how often to refresh the WINS statistics that appear in the Active Registrations node in the WINS snap-in, what the path to the WINS backup database is, and whether to backup the WINS database when the WINS Server service is shut down. Intervals You can specify various WINS server timers that Table 12-1 lists. Database Verification You can enable the periodic checking of database consistency to help maintain database integrity among WINS servers in a large network. Advanced You can enable the logging of detailed events to the system event log and enable and configure burst handling to distribute peak loads during WINS client registration or renewal. You can also specify the path for the WINS database, the starting version ID number (used to track changes in the local WINS database), and whether to allow NetBIOS names that are compatible with Microsoft LAN Manager. Configuration option Description Renewal Interval Specifies how often a client must reregister its name. This is the TTL for the NetBIOS name registration or renewal. The default value is six days. Extinction Interval Specifies the interval between when a database entry is marked as released and when it is marked as extinct. The default depends on the renewal interval and, if the WINS server has replication partners, on the maximum replication time interval. You cannot specify an interval that is longer than six days. Extinction Timeout Specifies the interval between when an entry is TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 349 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview marked extinct and when the entry is removed from the database. The default depends on the renewal interval and, if the WINS server has replication partners, on the maximum replication time interval. The default value is six days. Verification Interval Specifies the interval after which the WINS server must verify whether old names that it does not own are still active. The default depends on the extinction interval. You cannot specify an interval that is longer than 24 days. Table 12-1 WINS server timers Static Entries for Non-WINS Clients If a WINS client tries to connect to a non-WINS client on a remote subnet, the name of the non-WINS client cannot be resolved because it is not registered with the WINS server. On a network that has NetBT nodes that do not support WINS (non-WINS clients), you can configure static mappings of the NetBIOS names used by each non-WINS client to its IPv4 address. By configuring these mappings in a WINS server database, you ensure that a WINS client can resolve NetBIOS names of non-WINS clients without having to maintain a local or central Lmhosts file. To configure a static mapping, do the following: 1. Open the WINS snap-in, open a server name in the tree, right-click Active Registrations, and then click New Static Mapping. 2. In the New Static Mapping dialog box, type the computer name of the non-WINS client in Computer name. 3. In NetBIOS scope, type the NetBIOS scope ID for the computer name if needed. The use of a NetBIOS scope ID is not recommended. For more information about NetBIOS scope IDs, see Chapter 11, "NetBIOS over TCP/IP." 4. In Type, click the entry type to indicate whether the name is a unique name or a kind of group with a special name, as described in Table 12-2. 5. In IP address, type the IPv4 address of the non-WINS client. 6. Click OK. The mapping is immediately added as an entry in the WINS database. Type option Description Unique A unique name maps to a single IPv4 address. Group Also referred to as a normal group. When adding an entry to a group by using the WINS snap-in, you must type the computer name and IPv4 address. However, the WINS database does not store the IPv4 addresses of individual members of a group. Because the member addresses are not stored, you can add as many members as you want to a group. Clients send broadcast name packets to communicate with group TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 350 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview members. Domain Name A NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mapping that has 0x1C as the 16th byte of the NetBIOS name. A domain name is a NetBIOS Internet group that stores up to 25 addresses for group members. For registrations after the 25th address, WINS overwrites a replicated address or, if none exist, WINS overwrites the oldest registration. Internet Group Internet groups are user-defined groups that enable you to group resources, such as printers, for easy reference. An Internet group can store up to 25 addresses for members. A group member that was added by a WINS client, however, does not replace a group member added by using the WINS snap-in or by importing an Lmhosts file. Multihomed A unique name that can have more than one address. This type of entry is used for a computer with multiple network adapters or assigned IP addresses (multihomed computers). You can register up to 25 addresses as multihomed. For registrations after the 25th address, WINS overwrites a replicated address or, if none exist, WINS overwrites the oldest registration. Table 12-2 Static WINS mapping type options Figure 12-4 shows an example of a static WINS mapping. Figure 12-4 An example of a WINS static mapping Database Replication Between WINS Servers You can configure all WINS servers on a network to fully replicate their database entries with other WINS servers. This functionality ensures that a name registered with one WINS server is eventually replicated to all other WINS servers and allows any WINS client, regardless of which WINS server it is TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 351 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview configured with, to resolve any valid NetBIOS name on the network. Database replication can occur whenever the WINS database changes, including when a NetBIOS name is released. Replicating databases allows a WINS server to resolve NetBIOS names that have been registered with other WINS servers. For example, if Host A registered with WINS Server 1 and Host B registered with WINS Server 2, NetBIOS applications on Host A and Host B cannot communicate unless WINS Server 1 and WINS Server 2 replicate their databases to each other. To replicate database entries between a pair of WINS servers, you must configure each WINS server as a pull partner, a push partner, or both with the other WINS server.   A push partner is a WINS server that sends a message to its pull partners, notifying them that it has new WINS database entries. When a WINS server’s pull partner responds to the message with a replication request, the WINS server sends (pushes) copies of its new WINS database entries (also known as replicas) to the requesting pull partner. A pull partner is a WINS server that pulls WINS database entries from its push partners by requesting any new WINS database entries that the push partners have. The pull partner requests the new WINS database entries that have a higher version number than the last entry the pull partner received during the most recent replication. Figure 12-5 shows an example replication configuration between WINS servers in Sydney and Seattle and the resulting information flow. Figure 12-5 Example push-and-pull partner configuration and resulting information flow Although you configure push and pull partners separately, the typical configuration is to have two WINS servers exchange information in both directions. In this case, both WINS servers will be push and pull partners with each other. WINS servers replicate only any new entries in their databases. Servers do not replicate their entire WINS databases each time replication occurs. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 352 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview Push and Pull Operations The initiation of information being exchanged between two WINS servers can happen through either a push operation or a pull operation. In a push operation, a WINS server notifies its pull partners that it has new entries that it wants to send. The WINS server sends out a directed “Have new entries” notification to all pull partners. The pull partners respond with a “Send new entries” notification. The originating WINS server then sends the new entries. To initiate a push operation, the WINS Server service relies on a push trigger specified during the configuration of WINS replication. A push trigger is based on a threshold of a certain number of entries that have changed, regardless of the time it takes to reach the threshold. Figure 12-6 shows the push operation. Figure 12-6 The push operation Using the example in Figure 12-6, the Sydney WINS server has been configured with a push trigger of 1000 entries. When 1000 entries in the Sydney WINS database have changed, it initiates a push operation with the Seattle WINS server. In a pull operation, pull partners send a “Send new entries” notification to their push partners. The push partners then respond with all the new entries. To initiate a pull operation, the WINS Server service relies on a pull trigger specified during the configuration of WINS replication. A pull trigger is based on scheduled times, regardless of the number of entries to be sent. Figure 12-7 shows the pull operation. Figure 12-7 The pull operation In the example in Figure 12-7, the Seattle WINS server has been configured with a pull trigger of every day at 12:00 AM. At 12:00 AM each day, the Seattle WINS server initiates a pull operation with the Sydney WINS server. For both push and pull operations, the data flows from the push partner to the pull partner. The push partner always pushes the actual replicated entries to the pull partner. The main difference between TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 353 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview push and pull operations is the nature of the trigger (number of changed entries or a scheduled time) and which replication partner sends the first notification. Configuring a WINS Server as a Push or Pull Partner Determining whether to configure a WINS server as a pull partner or a push partner depends on the network environment. Keep these rules in mind when you configure WINS server replication:   Configure pull replication between sites, especially across slow links, because you can configure pull replication to occur at specific intervals. Configure push replication when servers are connected by fast links, because push replication occurs when the configured number of updated WINS database entries is reached. Figure 12-8 shows an example of WINS server replication. Figure 12-8 Example of a WINS server replication configuration In this example:   All WINS servers at each site use push replication to push their new database entries to a single server at their site. The servers that receive the push replication use pull replication between each other because the network link between Sydney and Seattle is relatively slow. Replication should occur when the link is the least busy, such as late at night. Configuring Database Replication To add a replication partner for a WINS server and to configure replication options, do the following: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 354 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview 1. Open the WINS snap-in, and then open the appropriate server in the tree. 2. Right-click Replication Partners, and then click New Replication Partner. 3. In New Replication Partner, type the name or IPv4 address of the WINS server to add as a replication partner. 4. In the details pane, double-click the newly added server. 5. In the ServerName Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab. 6. Configure the replication partner type and the pull and push replication settings as needed, and then click OK. Figure 12-9 shows the Advanced tab for the properties of a WINS replication partner. Figure 12-9 The Advanced tab for the properties of a WINS replication partner Replication can be configured to occur at the following times:     During WINS Server service start-up. When a replication partner is configured, the WINS Server service, by default, automatically performs pull replication each time it is started. You can also configure the service to perform push replication each time it is started. At a configured time or interval, such as every five hours (pull trigger). When a WINS server reaches a configured threshold for the number of registrations and changes to the WINS database (push trigger). When the server reaches the threshold, it notifies all of its pull partners, which request the new entries. When you manually initiate replication using the WINS snap-in. To initiate replication with all replication partners, right-click the Replication Partners node of the appropriate server in the WINS snap-in, and click Replicate now. To initiate replication with a TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 355 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview  specific replication partner, right-click the partner in the details pane and click either Start push replication or Start pull replication. When you manually initiate replication using the netsh wins server init replicate command. WINS Automatic Replication Partners If your IPv4 network supports multicast forwarding and routing, you can configure the WINS Server service to automatically find other WINS servers on the network by sending WINS autoconfiguration messages to the multicast IPv4 address When enabled, this multicasting occurs by default every 40 minutes. Any WINS servers found on the network are automatically configured as push and pull replication partners, with pull replication set to occur every two hours. If your IPv4 network does not support multicast forwarding and routing, the WINS server will find only other WINS servers on its local subnet. For more information about IP multicast forwarding and routing, see Appendix A, "IP Multicast." Automatic replication is disabled by default. To enable this feature, select the Enable Automatic Partner Configuration check box on the Advanced tab for the properties of the Replication Partners node in the WINS snap-in. On the Advanced tab, you can also configure the interval to check for new partners and the TTL for the multicast packets sent, which determines how far the multicast packets can travel before being discarded by routers. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 356 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview The WINS Proxy A WINS proxy is a WINS client computer that is configured to act on behalf of other NetBT computers that are not WINS clients. WINS proxies help resolve NetBIOS name queries from non-WINS clients. By default, most non-WINS clients send broadcasts to register their NetBIOS names on the network and to resolve NetBIOS name queries. A WINS proxy listens to broadcast NetBIOS name queries sent on the subnet, queries a WINS server, and replies to the NetBIOS name query. WINS proxies are useful or necessary only on subnets that contain NetBIOS broadcast-only (or Bnode) clients. For most Windows-based networks, WINS-capable clients are common and WINS proxies are typically not needed. You can use WINS proxies in the following ways:    When a non-WINS client registers a unique name, the WINS proxy checks the name against its configured WINS server. If the unique name exists in the WINS server database, the WINS proxy sends a negative Name Registration Response message back to the non-WINS client that is attempting to register the name. When a non-WINS client releases a NetBIOS name, the WINS proxy deletes the name from its NetBIOS name cache. When a non-WINS client sends a broadcast name query, the WINS proxy attempts to resolve the name either by using information contained in its NetBIOS name cache or by sending its own NetBIOS Name Query Request message to its WINS server. How WINS Proxies Resolve Names Figure 12-10 shows how a WINS proxy resolves a NetBIOS name requested by a non-WINS client. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 357 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview Figure 12-10 How a WINS proxy resolves a NetBIOS name for a non-WINS client The WINS proxy (Host A) uses the following steps to resolve a NetBIOS name for the non-WINS computer (Host B): 1. Host B broadcasts a NetBIOS Name Query Request message on the local subnet. 2. Host A receives the broadcast message and checks its NetBIOS name cache for an entry that matches the NetBIOS name specified in the NetBIOS Name Query Request message. 3. If Host A has a matching NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mapping in its NetBIOS name cache, Host A returns the IPv4 address to Host B using a positive NetBIOS Name Query Response message. If not, Host A sends a unicast NetBIOS Name Query Request message to its WINS server for the name that Host B requested. 4. If the WINS server can resolve the NetBIOS name, it sends a positive NetBIOS Name Query Response message back to Host A. 5. Host A receives the positive NetBIOS Name Query Response message, adds this mapping to its NetBIOS name cache, and then sends a unicast positive NetBIOS Name Query Response message to Host B. If the WINS server sends a negative NetBIOS Name Query Response message to Host A, Host A sends no messages to Host B. WINS Proxies and Name Registration When a non-WINS client broadcasts a NetBIOS Name Registration Request message for a unique name, the WINS proxy sends a NetBIOS Name Query Request message to its configured WINS server to verify that the name has not already been registered with WINS. If the WINS server sends a positive TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 358 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview NetBIOS Name Query Response message to the WINS proxy, the proxy sends a negative NetBIOS Name Registration Response message to the non-WINS client. If the WINS server sends a negative NetBIOS Name Query Response message to the WINS proxy, the proxy does not respond to the nonWINS client. Configuration of a WINS Proxy To enable a computer running Windows as a WINS proxy, set the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters\EnableProxy registry value to 1 (REG_DWORD), and then restart the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper service. Note Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer. To provide fault tolerance if a WINS proxy becomes unavailable, you should use two WINS proxies for each subnet that contains non-WINS clients. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 359 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview Chapter Summary The chapter includes the following pieces of key information:           WINS is the Windows implementation of a NetBIOS name server, which provides a database for registering and querying dynamic mappings of NetBIOS names to IPv4 addresses used on your network. When a WINS client starts, it registers its NetBIOS names with its configured WINS server. A WINS client renews the registration of its NetBIOS names on an ongoing basis. WINS clients send their NetBIOS name queries to their configured WINS servers for NetBIOS name resolution. When a NetBIOS application on a WINS client is shut down, the WINS client releases the names registered with its configured WINS server. You can configure the WINS client for Windows by DHCP, through Network Connections, using the Netsh tool, and during the establishment of a PPP connection. The WINS Server service for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 supports static mappings for non-WINS clients and WINS database replication with other WINS servers. A pull partner is a WINS server that pulls or requests replication of updated WINS database entries from other WINS servers (those configured to use it as a push partner) at a configured interval. Pull partners request entries with a higher version ID than that of the last entry received from its configured partner. A push partner is a WINS server that pushes or notifies other WINS servers (those configured to use it as a pull partner) of the need to replicate their database entries when a specified number of entries have changed. A WINS proxy is a WINS client computer configured to act on behalf of non-WINS clients. WINS proxies help detect duplicate names and resolve NetBIOS name queries for NetBT computers. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 360 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview Chapter Glossary DNS – See Domain Name System (DNS). DNS client resolver cache – A RAM-based table that contains both the entries in the Hosts file and the results of recent DNS name queries. Domain Name System (DNS) – A hierarchical, distributed database that contains mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. DNS enables users to locate computers and services by friendly names and to discover other information stored in the database. Host name – The DNS name of a host or interface on a network. For one computer to find another, the name of the computer to locate must either appear in the Hosts file on the computer that is looking or be known by a DNS server. For most computers running Windows, the host name and the computer name are the same. Lmhosts file – A local text file that maps NetBIOS names to IP addresses for hosts that are located on remote subnets. For computers running Windows, this file is stored in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. NBNS – See NetBIOS name server (NBNS). NetBIOS name - A 16-byte name of a process using NetBIOS. NetBIOS name cache – A dynamically maintained table on a NetBIOS-enabled host. The NetBIOS name cache stores recently resolved NetBIOS names and their associated IPv4 addresses. NetBIOS name resolution – The process of resolving a NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address. NetBIOS name server (NBNS) – A server that stores mappings of NetBIOS names to IPv4 addresses and that resolves NetBIOS names for NetBIOS-enabled hosts. The WINS Server service is the Microsoft implementation of a NetBIOS name server. NetBIOS node type – A designation of the specific way that NetBIOS nodes resolve NetBIOS names. Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) – A standard Session layer API for user applications and a protocol for session management and data transport. pull partner – A WINS component that requests replication of updated WINS database entries from its push partner. push partner – A WINS component that notifies its pull partner when updated WINS database entries are available for replication. static mapping – A manually created entry in the database of a WINS server so that WINS clients can resolve the NetBIOS names of non-WINS clients. Time-to-Live – The amount of time that a NetBIOS name is stored on a WINS server. The TTL is configured on the WINS server. TTL – See Time-to-Live. Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) – The Microsoft implementation of a NetBIOS name server. WINS – See Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 361 Chapter 12 – Windows Internet Name Service Overview WINS client – A component of the TCP/IP protocol for Windows that supports NetBIOS name operations using a WINS server. WINS proxy – A WINS client computer configured to act on behalf of non-WINS clients. WINS proxies help detect duplicate NetBIOS names and resolve NetBIOS name queries for NetBT computers. WINS server – A computer running the WINS Server service. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 362 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Abstract This chapter describes the support for Internet Protocol security (IPsec) and IP packet filtering in Microsoft Windows operating systems. IPsec can provide cryptographic protection for IP packet payloads. Packet filtering can specify which types of packets are received or dropped. A network administrator must understand IPsec and packet filtering and its effect on IP network traffic to configure network security and troubleshoot connectivity problems. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 363 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:               Describe the roles that IPsec and IP packet filtering play in helping to protect network nodes. Define IPsec and its uses to block, permit, or help protect IP traffic. Define packet filtering and its uses to block or permit IP traffic. List and describe the security properties of IPsec-protected traffic. Describe the functions of the Authentication Header, Encapsulating Security Payload, and Internet Key Exchange IPsec protocols. Distinguish between transport mode and tunnel mode. Describe the purposes of main mode and quick mode IPsec negotiations. Define an IPsec policy in terms of its general settings and rules. List and describe the configuration elements of an IPsec rule. Describe Windows Firewall and how you can use it to help protect against malicious users and programs. Describe Internet Connection Firewall. Describe TCP/IP filtering and its configuration. Describe what Basic Firewall does and how Routing and Remote Access can filter IPv4 packets. Describe how the basic IPv6 firewall, the IPv6 Internet Connection Firewall, and Windows Firewall filter IPv6 packets. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 364 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering IPsec and Packet Filtering Overview The Internet was originally designed for wide-open communications between connected computers. However, today's Internet is a hostile networking environment. Computers on the Internet must protect themselves from malicious users and programs that attempt to disable, control, or improperly access the resources of the computer. Private intranets can also contain malicious users and programs. On either the Internet or a private intranet, sensitive data should be cryptographically protected before being sent to its destination. In some cases, laws require you to cryptographically protect data sent over the network. To help protect traffic or prevent unwanted traffic, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 include the following technologies:   IPsec A framework of open standards for helping ensure private, protected communications over Internet Protocol (IP) networks through the use of cryptographic security services. The Windows implementations of IPsec are based on standards developed by the IPsec working group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Packet filtering The ability to configure interfaces to accept or discard incoming traffic based on a variety of criteria such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports, source and destination IP addresses, and whether the incoming traffic was sent because the receiving computer requested it. This chapter describes these two technologies and how Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 support them. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 365 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering IPsec The original standards for the TCP/IP protocol suite were not designed to protect IP packets. By default, IP packets are easy to interpret, modify, replay, and forge. Without protection for IP packet payloads, both public and private networks are susceptible to unauthorized monitoring and access. Although internal attacks might result from minimal or nonexistent intranet security, risks from outside a private network stem from connections to both the Internet and extranets. Requiring passwords to access network resources, such as permissions on a shared folder, does not protect data transmitted across a network. IPsec is the long-term direction for standards-based, protected, IP-based networking. It provides a key line of defense against private network and Internet attacks, balancing ease of deployment with strong security. IPsec has two goals: 1. To protect IP packets 2. To defend against network attacks Both of these goals are met through the use of cryptography-based protection services, security protocols, and dynamic key management. This foundation provides the strength and flexibility required to help protect communications between private network computers, domains, sites, remote sites, extranets, and dial-up clients. You can further use IPsec to block receipt or transmission of specific traffic types. IPsec is based on an end-to-end security model. The only computers that must be aware of IPsec are the sending and receiving computers. Each handles security at its respective end and assumes that the medium over which the communication takes place is not protected. Computers that only route data from source to destination are not required to support IPsec, but they are required to forward IPsec traffic. Security Properties of IPsec-protected Communications IPsec provides the following security properties to help protect communications:    Data integrity Helps protect data from unauthorized modification in transit. Data integrity helps ensure that the data received is exactly the same as the data sent. Hash functions authenticate each packet with a cryptographic checksum using a shared, secret key. Only the sender and receiver have the key that is used to calculate the checksum. If the packet contents have changed, the cryptographic checksum verification fails and the receiver discards the packet. Data origin authentication Helps verify that the data could have been sent only from a computer that has the shared, secret key. The sender includes a message authentication code with a calculation that includes the shared, secret key. The receiver performs the same calculation and discards the message if the receiver’s calculation does not match the message authentication code that is included in the message. The message authentication code is the same as the cryptographic checksum that is used for data integrity. Confidentiality (encryption) Helps ensure that the data is disclosed only to intended recipients. Confidentiality is achieved by encrypting the data before transmission. Encryption ensures that the data cannot be interpreted during its transit across the network, even if a malicious user intercepts and TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 366 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering  captures the packet. Only the communicating computers with the shared, secret key can easily decrypt the packet contents and determine the original data. Anti-replay Helps ensure the uniqueness of each IP packet by placing a sequence number on each packet. Anti-replay is also called replay prevention. Anti-replay helps ensure that a malicious user cannot capture data and reuse or replay it, possibly months later, to establish a session or to gain access to information or other resources. IPsec Protocols IPsec provides its security services by wrapping the payload of an IP packet with an additional header or trailer that contains the information to provide data origin authentication, data integrity, data confidentiality, and replay protection. IPsec headers consist of the following:   Authentication header (AH) Provides data authentication, data integrity, and replay protection for an IP packet. Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) header and trailer Provides data authentication, data integrity, replay protection, and data confidentiality for an IP packet payload. The result of applying the AH or the ESP header and trailer to an IP packet transforms the packet into a protected packet. To negotiate the set of security parameters to help protect the traffic, such as whether to use AH or ESP and what types of encryption and authentication algorithms to use, IPsec peers use the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol. IPsec Modes IPsec supports two modes—transport mode and tunnel mode—that describe how the original IP packet is transformed into a protected packet. Transport Mode Transport mode protects an IP payload through an AH or an ESP header. Typical IP payloads are TCP segments (which contain a TCP header and TCP segment data), UDP messages (which contain a UDP header and UDP message data), and Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) messages (which contain an ICMP header and ICMP message data). AH in transport mode provides data origin authentication, data integrity, and anti-replay for the entire packet (both the IP header and the data payload carried in the packet, except for fields in the IP header that must change in transit). This type of protection does not provide confidentiality, which means that it does not encrypt the data. The data can be read but not easily modified or impersonated. AH uses keyed hash algorithms for packet integrity. For example, Computer A sends data to Computer B. The IP header, the AH header, and the IP payload are protected with data integrity and data origin authentication. Computer B can determine that Computer A really sent the packet and that the packet was not modified in transit. AH is identified in the IP header with an IP protocol ID of 51. You can use AH alone or combine it with ESP. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 367 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering The AH header contains a Security Parameters Index (SPI) field that IPsec uses in combination with the destination address and the security protocol (AH or ESP) to identify the correct security association (SA) for the communication. IPsec at the receiver uses the SPI value to determine with which SA the packet is identified. To prevent replay attacks, the AH header also contains a Sequence Number field. An Authentication Data field in the AH header contains the integrity check value (ICV), also known as the message authentication code, which is used to verify both data integrity and data origin authentication. The receiver calculates the ICV value and checks it against this value (which is calculated by the sender) to verify integrity. The ICV is calculated over the IP header, the AH header, and the IP payload. AH authenticates the entire packet for data integrity and data origin authentication, with the exception of some fields in the IP header that might change in transit (for example, the Time to Live and Checksum fields). Figure 13-1 shows the original IP packet and how it is protected with AH in transport mode. Figure 13-1 A packet protected with AH in transport mode ESP in transport mode provides confidentiality (in addition to data origin authentication, data integrity, and anti-replay) for an IP packet payload. ESP in transport mode does not authenticate the entire packet. Only the IP payload (not the IP header) is protected. You can use ESP alone or combine it with AH. For example, Computer A sends data to Computer B. The IP payload is encrypted and authenticated. Upon receipt, IPsec verifies data integrity and data origin authentication and then decrypts the payload. ESP is identified in the IP header with the IP protocol ID of 50 and consists of an ESP header that is placed before the IP payload, and an ESP and authentication data trailer that is placed after the IP payload. Like the AH header, the ESP header contains SPI and Sequence Number fields. The Authentication Data field in the ESP trailer is used for message authentication and integrity for the ESP header, the payload data, and the ESP trailer. Figure 13-2 shows the original IP packet and how it is protected with ESP. The authenticated portion of the packet indicates where the packet has been protected for data integrity and data origin authentication. The encrypted portion of the packet indicates what information is confidential. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 368 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Figure 13-2 A packet protected with ESP in transport mode The IP header is not authenticated and is not protected from modification. To provide data integrity and data origin authentication for the IP header, use ESP and AH. Tunnel Mode Tunnel mode helps protect an entire IP packet by treating it as an AH or ESP payload. With tunnel mode, an IP packet is encapsulated with an AH or an ESP header and an additional IP header. The IP addresses of the outer IP header are the tunnel endpoints, and the IP addresses of the encapsulated IP header are the original source and final destination addresses. As Figure 13-3 shows, AH tunnel mode encapsulates an IP packet with an AH and an IP header and authenticates the entire packet for data integrity and data origin authentication. Figure 13-3 A packet protected with AH in tunnel mode As Figure 13-4 shows, ESP tunnel mode encapsulates an IP packet with both an ESP and IP header and an ESP authentication trailer. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 369 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Figure 13-4 A packet protected with ESP in tunnel mode Because a new header for tunneling is added to the packet, everything that comes after the ESP header is authenticated (except for the ESP Authentication Data field) because it is now encapsulated in the tunneled packet. The original header is placed after the ESP header. The entire packet is appended with an ESP trailer before encryption occurs. Everything that follows the ESP header is encrypted, including the original header that is now part of the data portion of the packet but not including the ESP authentication data field. The entire ESP payload is then encapsulated within a new IP header, which is not encrypted. The information in the new IP header is used only to route the packet to the tunnel endpoint. If the packet is being sent across a public network, the packet is routed to the IP address of the tunnel server for the receiving intranet. In most cases, the packet is destined for an intranet computer. The tunnel server decrypts the packet, discards the ESP header, and uses the original IP header to route the packet to the destination intranet computer. In tunnel mode, you can combine ESP with AH, providing both confidentiality for the tunneled IP packet and data integrity and data origin authentication for the entire packet. Negotiation Phases Before two computers can exchange protected data, they must establish a contract. In this contract, called a security association (SA), both computers agree on how to protect information. An SA is the combination of a negotiated encryption key, security protocol, and SPI, which together define the security used to protect the communication from sender to receiver. The SPI is a unique, identifying value in the SA that is used to distinguish among multiple SAs that exist at the receiving computer. For example, multiple SAs might exist if a computer using IPsec protection is communicating with multiple computers at the same time. This situation occurs frequently when the computer is a file server or a remote access server that serves multiple clients. In these situations, the receiving computer uses the SPI to determine which SA the computer should use to process the incoming packets. To build this contract between the two computers, the IETF has defined IKE as the standard method of SA and key determination. IKE does the following:  Centralizes SA management, reducing connection time. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 370 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering  Generates and manages shared, secret keys that help protect the information. This process not only helps protect communication between computers, it also helps protect remote computers that request protected access to a corporate network. In addition, this process works whenever a security gateway performs the negotiation for the final destination computer. Phase I or Main Mode Negotiation To help ensure successful and protected communication, IKE performs a two-phase operation. IKE helps ensure confidentiality and authentication during each phase by using encryption and authentication algorithms that the two computers agree on during security negotiations. With the duties split between two phases, keys can be created rapidly. During the first phase, the two computers establish a protected, authenticated channel. This phase is called the phase I SA or main mode SA. IKE automatically protects the identities of the two computers during this exchange. A main mode negotiation consists of the following steps: 1. Policy negotiation The following four mandatory parameters are negotiated as part of the main mode SA:     The encryption algorithm The hash algorithm The authentication method The Diffie-Hellman (DH) group to be used for the base keying material Different versions of Windows support different sets of encryption algorithms, hash algorithms, authentication methods, and DH groups. For more information, see Windows Help and Support. 2. DH exchange At no time do the two computers exchange actual keys. The computers exchange only the base information that the DH key determination algorithm requires to generate the shared, secret key. After this exchange, the IKE service on each computer generates the master key that the computers use for subsequent communications. 3. Authentication The computers attempt to authenticate the DH key exchange. A DH key exchange without authentication is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack. A man-in-the-middle attack occurs when a computer masquerades as the endpoint between two communicating peers. Without successful authentication, communication cannot proceed. The communicating peers use the master key, in conjunction with the negotiation algorithms and methods, to authenticate identities. The communicating peers hash and encrypt the entire identity payload (including the identity type, port, and protocol) using the keys generated from the DH exchange in the second step. The identity payload, regardless of which authentication method is used, is protected from both modification and interpretation. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 371 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering The initiator offers a potential SA to the receiver. The responder cannot modify the offer. Should the offer be modified, the initiator rejects the responder's message. The responder sends either a reply accepting the offer or a reply with alternatives. Phase II or Quick Mode Negotiation In this phase, the IPsec peers negotiate the SAs to protect the actual data sent between them. A quick mode negotiation consists of the following steps: 1. Policy negotiation occurs. The IPsec peers exchange the following requirements to protect the data transfer:    The IPsec protocol (AH or ESP) The hash algorithm The algorithm for encryption, if requested The computers reach a common agreement and establish two SAs. One SA is for inbound communication, and the other is for outbound communication. 2. Session key material is refreshed or exchanged. IKE refreshes the keying material, and new shared keys are generated for data integrity, data origin authentication, and encryption (if negotiated). If rekeying is required, either a second DH exchange (as described in main mode negotiation) occurs, or a refresh of the original DH key is used. The main mode SA helps protect the quick mode negotiation of security settings and keying material (for the purpose of securing data). The first phase helped protect the computers’ identities, and the second phase helps protect the keying material by refreshing it before sending data. IKE can accommodate a key exchange payload for an additional DH exchange if a rekey is necessary. Otherwise, IKE refreshes the keying material from the DH exchange completed in main mode. Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 also support extended mode negotiation with Authenticated IP (AuthIP), during which IPsec peers can perform a second round of authentication. For more information, see The Authenticated Internet Protocol. There are two ways to configure IPsec settings through the Windows graphical user interface:   Connection security rules through the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in (for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008) IPsec policy settings through the IPsec Policy Management snap-in Connection Security Rules Connection security rules in the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in specify what traffic to protect and how to protect it, and provide a highly simplified way to configure IPsec settings. To configure a connection security rule, do the following: 1. From the console tree of the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in, right-click Connection Security Rules, and then click New Rule. 2. Follow the pages of the New Connection Security Rule wizard to configure a rule for a common traffic protection scenario or a custom rule. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 372 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering IPsec Policy Settings An IPsec policy configured through the IPsec Policy Management snap-in consists of the following:   General IPsec policy settings Settings that apply regardless of which rules are configured. These settings determine the name of the policy, its description for administrative purposes, main mode key exchange settings, and main mode key exchange methods. Rules One or more IPsec rules that determine which types of traffic IPsec must examine, how traffic is treated (permitted, blocked, or protected), how to authenticate an IPsec peer, and other settings. IPsec policies can be applied to local computers, domains, sites, or organizational units on any Group Policy object in Active Directory. Your IPsec policies should be based on your organization's written guidelines for protected traffic. Policies can store multiple rules, so one policy can govern multiple types of traffic. IPsec policies can be stored in two locations:   Active Directory IPsec policies that are stored in Active Directory are part of Computer Configuration Group Policy settings and are downloaded to an Active Directory domain member when it joins the domain and on an ongoing basis. The Active Directory-based policy settings are locally cached. If the computer has downloaded such policy settings but is not connected to a network that contains a trusted Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 domain controller, IPsec uses the locally cached Active Directory IPsec policy settings. Local Local IPsec policies are defined in the local computer's Computer Configuration Group Policy for stand-alone computers and computers that are not always members of a trusted Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 domain. Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 include default policies that you can use as examples for your own custom policies. General IPsec Policy Settings You configure the general settings for an IPsec policy in the Group Policy snap-in (under Computer Configuration-Windows Settings-Security Settings-IP Security Policies) by right-clicking an IPsec policy, clicking Properties, clicking the General tab, and configuring the following:    Name The name for the policy. Description Optional text that describes the purpose of the IPsec policy. You should type a description to summarize the settings and rules for the policy. Policy change poll interval The number of minutes between consecutive polls for changes in IPsec policies that are based on Active Directory. This polling does not detect changes in domain or organizational unit membership or the assigning or unassigning of a new policy. These events are TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 373 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering detected when the Winlogon service polls for changes in Group Policy, which occurs by default every 90 minutes. Figure 13-5 shows the General tab for the default Server (Request Security) IPsec policy. Figure 13-5 The General tab of the properties of an IPsec policy By clicking Settings, you can configure the following:   Key exchange settings The way in which new keys are derived and how often they are renewed. Key exchange methods The ways in which identities are protected during the key exchange. The default key exchange settings and methods are configured to work for most IPsec deployments. Unless you have special security requirements, you should not need to change these default settings. Figure 13-6 shows the Key Exchange Settings dialog box for the default Server (Request Security) IPsec policy. Figure 13-6 The Key Exchange Settings dialog box TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 374 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Rules An IPsec policy consists of one or more rules that determine IPsec behavior. You configure IPsec rules on the Rules tab in the properties of an IPsec policy. For each IPsec rule, you can configure the following items:      Filter list You specify a single filter list that contains one or more predefined packet filters that describe the types of traffic to which the configured filter action for this rule is applied. Filter action You specify a single filter action that includes the type of action required (permit, block, or secure) for packets that match the filter list. For the secure filter action, the negotiation data contains one or more security methods that are used (in order of preference) during IKE negotiations and other IPsec settings. Each security method determines the security protocol (such as AH or ESP), the specific cryptographic algorithms, and the settings for regenerating session keys used. Authentication methods You configure one or more authentication methods (in order of preference) for authenticating IPsec peers during main mode negotiations. You can specify the Kerberos V5 protocol, use of a certificate issued from a specified certification authority, or a preshared key. Tunnel endpoint You can specify whether the traffic is using tunnel mode and, if so, the IP address of the tunnel endpoint. For outbound traffic, the tunnel endpoint is the IP address of the IPsec tunnel peer. For inbound traffic, the tunnel endpoint is a local IP address. Connection type You can specify whether the rule applies to local area network (LAN) connections, dial-up connections, or both. Figure 13-7 shows the properties of a rule for the default Server (Request Security) IPsec policy. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 375 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Figure 13-7 Properties of an IPsec rule The rules for a policy appear in reverse alphabetical order based on the name of the filter list selected for each rule. You cannot specify an order in which to apply the rules in a policy. The Windows implementation of IPsec automatically derives a set of IPsec filters that specify IP traffic and the action that IPsec has been configured to take for the traffic. IPsec filters are ordered based on the most specific to the least specific IP traffic. For example, an IPsec filter that specifies individual IP addresses and TCP ports is ordered before an IPsec filter that specifies all addresses on a subnet. Default Response Rule The default response rule, which can be used for all policies, has the IP filter list of <Dynamic> and the filter action of Default Response when the list of rules is viewed with IP Security Policies. You cannot delete the default response rule, but you can deactivate it. It is activated for all of the default policies, and you can enable it when you create IPsec policies. The default response rule ensures that the computer responds to requests for protected communication. If an active policy does not have a rule defined for a computer that is requesting protected communication, the default response rule is applied, and protection is negotiated. For example, the default response rule is used when Computer A communicates with protection with Computer B and Computer B does not have an inbound filter defined for Computer A. You can configure authentication methods and the connection type for the default response rule. The filter list of <Dynamic> indicates that the filter list is not configured, but filters are created automatically when IKE negotiation packets are received. The filter action of Default Response indicates that you cannot configure the action of the filter (permit, block, or negotiate security). However, you can configure:   The security methods and their preference order. To configure these settings, obtain properties on the IPsec policy, click the Rules tab, click the default response rule, click Edit, and then click the Security Methods tab. The authentication methods and their preference order. To configure these settings, click the default response rule, click Edit, and click the Authentication Methods tab. Filter List An IP filter list triggers a filter action based on a match with the source, destination, and type of IP traffic. This type of IP packet filtering enables a network administrator to precisely define what IP traffic to allow, block, or protect. Each IP filter list contains one or more filters, which define IP addresses and traffic types. You can use one IP filter list for multiple types of IP traffic. For protected packets, IPsec requires you to configure both an inbound and outbound filter between the computers specified in the filter list. Inbound filters apply to incoming traffic, enabling the receiving computer to respond to requests for protected communication or to match traffic against the IP filter list. Outbound filters apply to traffic leaving a computer toward a destination, triggering a security negotiation that takes place before traffic is sent. For example, if Computer A wants to exchange protected data with Computer B:  The active IPsec policy on Computer A must have a filter that specifies any outbound packets to Computer B. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 376 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering  The active IPsec policy on Computer A must have a filter that specifies any inbound packets from Computer B. Each peer must also have the reverse filter. For example:   The active IPsec policy on Computer B must have a filter that specifies any inbound packets from Computer A. The active IPsec policy on Computer B must have a filter that specifies any outbound packets to Computer A. Filter Settings Each filter defines a particular subset of inbound or outbound network traffic. You must have a filter to cover any traffic to which the associated rule applies. A filter can contain the following settings:    The source and destination address of the IP packet. You can configure any IP address assigned to the IPsec peer, a single IP address, IP addresses by DNS name, or address ranges to specify IP subnets. The protocol over which the packet is being transferred. This setting by default covers all protocols in the TCP/IP protocol suite. However, you can configure the filter for an individual protocol to meet special requirements, including custom protocols. For TCP and UDP, the source and destination port of the protocol. By default, all TCP and UDP ports are covered, but you can configure the filter to apply to only a specific TCP or UDP port. Figure 13-8 shows the All ICMP Traffic filter list for the default Server (Request Security) IPsec policy. Figure 13-8 An example IP filter list Filter Action A filter action defines how the Windows implementation of IPsec must treat IP traffic. Figure 13-9 shows the Require Security filter action for the default Server (Request Security) IPsec policy. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 377 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Figure 13-9 An IPsec filter action You can configure a filter action to:    Permit traffic (the Permit setting) The Windows implementation of IPsec forwards the traffic without modification or protection. This setting is appropriate for traffic from specific computers that cannot support IPsec. Block traffic (the Block setting) IPsec silently discards this traffic. Negotiate IPsec (the Negotiate Security setting) IPsec requires the sender and receiver to negotiate SAs and to send and receive IPsec-protected traffic. After you choose to negotiate IPsec, you can also do the following:   Specify security methods and their order Allow initial incoming unprotected traffic (the Accept unsecured communication, but always respond using IPsec setting) If you configure this setting, IPsec allows an incoming packet that matches the configured filter list to be unprotected by IPsec. However, the outgoing response to the incoming packet must be protected. This behavior is also known as inbound pass-through.  This setting is useful when you are using the default response rule for clients. For example, a group of servers are configured with a rule that protects communications with any IP address, accepts communication that is not protected, and responds with only protected communications. To ensure that the clients will respond to the server request to negotiate security, you must enable the default response rule on client computers. Enable communication with computers on which IPsec is not enabled (the Allow unsecured communication with non-IPsec-aware computer setting) If you configure this setting, IPsec falls back to unprotected communication, if necessary. This behavior is known as fallback to clear. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 378 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering  You can use this setting to allow communication with computers that cannot initiate IPsec, such as computers running Microsoft operating systems older than Windows 2000. Generate session keys from new keying material (the Session key perfect forward secrecy (PFS) setting) This setting determines whether a new session key can be derived from existing material for keying a master key determined from a main mode negotiation. By enabling session key PFS, you ensure that master key keying material cannot be used to derive more than one session key. When session key PFS is enabled, a new Diffie-Hellman key exchange is performed to generate new master key keying material before the new session key is created. Session key PFS does not require main mode reauthentication and uses fewer resources than master key PFS. IPsec Security Methods Each security method defines the security requirements of any communications to which the associated rule applies. By creating multiple security methods, you increase the chance that a common method can be found between two computers. The IKE component reads the list of security methods in descending order and sends a list of allowed security methods to the other peer. The first method in common is selected. Typically, the methods with the most cryptographic strength are at the top of the list and the methods with the least cryptographic strength are at the bottom of the list. The following security methods are predefined:   Encryption and integrity Uses ESP to provide data confidentiality (encryption), data integrity and data origin authentication, and default key lifetimes (100MB, 1 hour). If you require both data and addressing (IP header) protection, you can create a custom security method. If you do not require encryption, you can use Integrity only. Integrity only Uses ESP to provide data integrity and authentication and default key lifetimes (100MB, 1 hour). In this configuration, ESP does not provide data confidentiality (encryption). This method is appropriate when your security plan calls for standard levels of security. Figure 13-10 shows the New Security Method tab, which appears when you add a security method to a filter action. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 379 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Figure 13-10 The New Security Method tab Custom Security Methods If the predefined Encryption and integrity or Integrity only settings do not meet your security requirements, you can specify custom security methods. For example, you can use custom methods to specify encryption and address integrity, stronger algorithms, or key lifetimes. When you configure a custom security method, you can specify the following:     Security protocols You can enable both AH and ESP in a custom security method when you require IP header integrity and data encryption. If you chose to enable both, you do not need to specify an integrity algorithm for ESP. The algorithm that you select for AH provides integrity. Integrity algorithm Encryption algorithm Session key settings Session key settings determine when a new key is generated, rather than how it is generated. You can specify a lifetime in kilobytes, seconds, or both. For example, if the communication takes 10,000 seconds and you specify the key lifetime as 1000 seconds, 10 keys will be generated to complete the transfer. This approach ensures that, even if an attacker manages to determine one session key and decipher part of a communication, deciphering the entire communication is not possible. By default, new session keys are generated for every 100 MB of data transferred or every hour. Figure 13-11 shows the Custom Security Method Settings dialog box, which appears when you add a custom security method to a filter action. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 380 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Figure 13-11 The Custom Security Methods dialog box Authentication Each IPsec rule defines a list of authentication methods. Each authentication method defines the requirements for how identities are verified in protected communications to which the associated rule applies. The two peers must have at least one authentication method in common or communication will fail. By creating multiple authentication methods, you increase the chance that the two computers can find a common method. Only one authentication method can be used between a pair of computers, regardless of how many you configure. If you have multiple rules that apply to the same pair of computers, you must configure the authentication methods lists in those rules to enable the pair to use the same method. For example, authentication will fail if a rule between a pair of computers specifies only Kerberos for authentication and filters only TCP data and another rule specifies only certificates for authentication and filters only UDP data. IPsec supports the following authentication methods:    Kerberos V5 The Kerberos V5 security protocol is the default authentication method for clients that are running the Kerberos V5 protocol and that are members of the same or trusted Active Directory domains. Kerberos V5 authentication is not supported on computers running Windows XP Home Edition or computers running any other Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003 operating system that are not members of an Active Directory domain. Public key certificate You should use a public key certificate in situations that include Internet access, access to corporate resources from remote locations, communications with external business partners, or computers that do not run the Kerberos V5 security protocol. This method requires you to obtain certificates from at least one trusted certification authority (CA). Computers running Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 support X.509 Version 3 certificates, including certificates generated by commercial CAs. Preshared key This method involves a shared, secret key similar to a password. It is simple to use and does not require the client to run the Kerberos V5 protocol or have a public key certificate. Both parties must manually configure IPsec to use this preshared key. Preshared key is a simple method for TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 381 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering authenticating computers that are not running Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000; stand-alone computers; or any computers that are not using the Kerberos V5 protocol. This key is for peer authentication protection only and is not used to protect the data sent between IPsec peers. Tunnel Endpoint IPsec tunnels help protect entire IP packets. You configure the tunnel to help protect traffic between either two IP addresses or two IP subnets. If you configure the tunnel between two computers instead of two routers (also known as gateways), the IP address outside the AH or ESP payload is the same as the IP address inside the AH or ESP payload. IPsec can perform layer 3 tunneling for scenarios in which Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) cannot be used. You do not need to configure a tunnel if you are using L2TP for remote communications because the client and server virtual private networking (VPN) components of Windows automatically create the appropriate rules to protect L2TP traffic. To create a layer 3 tunnel using IPsec, use IP Security Policies or Group Policy to configure and enable the following two rules for the appropriate policy: 1. A rule for outbound traffic through the tunnel. You configure the rule for outbound traffic with both a filter list, which describes the traffic to be sent across the tunnel, and a tunnel endpoint, which is an IP address assigned to the IPsec tunnel peer (the computer or router on the other side of the tunnel). 2. A rule for inbound traffic through the tunnel. You configure the rule for inbound traffic with both a filter list, which describes the traffic to be received across the tunnel, and a tunnel endpoint, which is a local IP address (the computer or router on this side of the tunnel). For each rule, you must also specify filter actions, authentication methods, and other settings. Connection Type For each IPsec rule, you must define to which connection types on your computer the rule will apply. The connection types include all connections in Network Connections on the computer for which you are configuring IPsec policy. Each rule has one connection type setting:    All Network Connections The rule applies to communications sent through any network connection that you have configured on the computer. Local Area Network (LAN) The rule applies only to communications sent through LAN connections that you have configured on the computer. Remote Access The rule applies only to communications sent through any remote access or dial-up connections that you have configured on the computer. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 382 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering IPsec for IPv6 Traffic Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 include the same support for IPv6 traffic as IPv4 traffic. You can use either the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security or IP Security Policy Management snapins to configure IPsec settings to protect IPv6 traffic. However, the IPv6 protocol for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP has the following limitations:    Supports AH in transport or tunnel mode using MD5 or SHA1 and ESP in transport or tunnel mode using the NULL ESP header and MD5 or SHA1. IPv6 does not support ESP data encryption. Is separate from—and not interoperable with—IPsec for the IPv4 protocol. IPsec policies that are configured with IP Security Policies or Group Policy have no effect on IPv6 traffic. Does not support the use of IKE to negotiate SAs. You must use the Ipsec6.exe tool to manually configure IPsec policies, SAs, and encryption keys. For more information, see Help and Support in Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 383 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Packet Filtering In addition to using IPsec filter actions to perform packet filtering, computers running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003 support Windows Firewall. Computers running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP also support the Internet Connection Firewall and TCP/IP filtering. On computers running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 with Routing and Remote Access, you can also use IP packet filtering. On computers running Windows Server 2003 with no service packs installed and Routing and Remote Access, you can also use the Basic Firewall component. Windows Firewall A firewall is a protective boundary between a computer or network and the outside world. Windows Firewall is a stateful host firewall for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic in Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) and later, and Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and later. This feature allows incoming traffic only if it is either solicited (sent in response to a request of the computer) or excepted (unsolicited traffic that has been specified as allowable). Windows Firewall provides a level of protection from malicious users and programs that use unsolicited traffic to attack computers. Windows Firewall in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 can also block outgoing traffic. Windows Firewall in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 does not block outgoing traffic, with the exception of some Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) messages. Windows Firewall is designed for use on all network connections, including those that are accessible from the Internet, connected to small office/home office networks, or connected to private organization networks. An organization network's firewall, proxy, and other security systems provide some level of protection from the Internet to intranet network computers. However, the absence of host firewalls such as Windows Firewall on intranet connections leaves computers vulnerable to malicious programs brought onto the intranet by mobile computers. For example, an employee connects an organization laptop to a home network that does not have adequate protections. Because the organization laptop does not have a host firewall enabled on its network connection, the laptop gets infected with a malicious program (such as a virus or worm) that uses unsolicited traffic to spread to other computers. The employee then brings the infected laptop back to the office and connects it to the organization intranet, effectively bypassing the security systems that are at the edge of the intranet. While connected to the intranet, the malicious program begins to infect other computers. If Windows Firewall were enabled by default, the laptop computer might not get infected with the malicious program when connected to the home network. Even if the laptop computer did get infected, the local intranet computers might not become infected when the laptop computer connected to the intranet, because they also have Windows Firewall enabled. If the computers running Windows are running client-based programs, enabling Windows Firewall does not impair communications. Web access, e-mail, Group Policy, and management agents that request updates from a management server are examples of client-based programs. For client-based programs, the client computer always initiates the communication, and the firewall allows all response traffic from a server because it is solicited incoming traffic. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 384 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering In Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP2 and later, and Windows Server 2008, Windows Firewall is enabled by default on all network connections. For Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, you can configure exceptions (known as rules) from the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in or from commands in the netsh advfirewall context. Configuring Rules with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Snap-in Inbound and outbound traffic rules in the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in specify what traffic to allow or block, and provide a highly simplified way to configure exception settings. There is a default set of inbound and outbound rules that you can enable, disable, or customize. To enable an existing rule, right-click the rule in the list of rules, and then click Enable Rule. To disable an existing rule, right-click the rule, and then click Disable Rule. To modify an existing rule, double-click the rule and configure its settings. Predefined rules can only be enabled or disabled, not modified. To create a new rule, do the following: 1. From the console tree of the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in, right-click Inbound Rules or Outbound Rules, and then click New Rule. 2. Follow the pages of the New Inbound Rule or New Outbound Rule wizard to configure a rule for a common scenario or a custom rule. Configuring Windows Firewall with Control Panel For the Windows Firewall in Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) and later and Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and later, you can configure exceptions from the Windows Firewall item in Control Panel. Figure 13-12 shows the Windows Firewall dialog box that was introduced in Windows XP with SP2. Figure 13-12 The Windows Firewall dialog box in Windows XP with SP2 The Windows Firewall dialog box has the following tabs: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 385 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering    The General tab, from which you can enable, enable but do not allow any exceptions, or disable Windows Firewall. The Exceptions tab, from which you can specify exceptions for allowed incoming traffic. You can specify these exceptions by TCP or UDP port or by program name. The Advanced tab, from which you can enable and disable Windows Firewall on individual interfaces, configure advanced settings on individual interfaces, and configure logging and ICMP options. How Windows Firewall Works Windows Firewall is a stateful, host-based firewall for incoming traffic. Windows Firewall performs a different purpose from that of a router-based firewall, which is deployed at a boundary between a private network and the Internet. A router-based firewall protects traffic that is sent to the router as an intermediate stop between the traffic’s source and its destination. Windows Firewall, on the other hand, acts as a firewall for traffic that is destined for the same computer on which Windows Firewall is running. Windows Firewall operates according to the following process:  Windows Firewall inspects each incoming packet and compares it to a list of allowed traffic. If the packet matches an entry in the list, Windows Firewall passes the packet to the TCP/IP protocol for further processing. If the packet does not match an entry in the list, Windows Firewall silently discards the packet and, if logging is enabled, creates an entry in the Windows Firewall logging file. You specify traffic in the exceptions list using IP addresses, TCP ports, and UDP ports. For Windows Firewall in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, you cannot specify traffic based on the IP Protocol field in the IP header. The list of allowed traffic is populated in two ways:   When the connection on which Windows Firewall is enabled sends a packet, Windows Firewall creates an entry in the list so that any response to the traffic will be allowed. The response traffic is incoming solicited traffic. For example, if a host sends a Domain Name System (DNS) Name Query Request message to a DNS server, Windows Firewall adds an entry so that, when the DNS server sends a DNS Name Query Response message, it can be passed to the TCP/IP protocol for further processing. This behavior makes the Windows Firewall a stateful firewall because it maintains state information about the traffic initiated by the local computer so that the corresponding incoming response traffic will be allowed. When you configure Windows Firewall to allow exceptions, the excepted traffic is added to the list. This capability allows a computer using Windows Firewall to accept unsolicited incoming traffic when acting as a server, a listener, or a peer. For example, if your computer is acting as a Web server, you must configure Windows Firewall to allow Web traffic so that the local computer can respond to requests from Web clients. You can configure exceptions based on programs or on TCP or UDP ports. For program-based exceptions, Windows Firewall automatically adds ports to the exceptions list when requested by the program and when it is running and removes them when requested by the program or when the program TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 386 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering stops running. For port-based exceptions, the ports are opened whether the application or service using them is running or not. Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) ICF, a stateful host firewall for IPv4 traffic, is provided in Windows XP with no service packs installed, Windows XP with SP1, and Windows Server 2003 with no service packs installed. You should enable ICF on the Internet connection of any computer that is running one of these operating systems and connected directly to the Internet. When ICF has been enabled on a network connection, the network connection icon in Network Connections appears with a lock and a status of Enabled, Firewalled. Figure 13-13 shows an example in which ICF is enabled on a network connection named Internet. Figure 13-13 Example of a connection in Network Connections on which ICF has been enabled You can manually enable ICF from the Network Connections folder by doing the following: 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, click Network and Internet Connections, and then click Network Connections. 2. Right-click the network connection that is connected to the Internet, and then click Properties. 3. On the Advanced tab, select the Protect My Computer And Network By Limiting Or Preventing Access To This Computer From The Internet check box. 4. Click OK to save changes to your connection. You can perform advanced configuration of ICF by clicking Settings on the Advanced tab in the properties dialog box of a network connection. Figure 13-14 shows the Advanced Settings dialog box for ICF. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 387 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Figure 13-14 The Advanced Settings dialog box for configuring ICF The Advanced Settings dialog box has the following tabs:    The Services tab, from which you can configure service definitions to allow excepted traffic. The Security Logging tab, from which you can configure options for the firewall log file. By default, the firewall log file is named Pfirewall.log and stored in your main Windows folder. The ICMP tab, from which you can specify the types of incoming ICMP messages that ICF allows. ICMP messages are used for diagnostics, reporting error conditions, and configuration. By default, no ICMP messages are allowed. TCP/IP Filtering TCP/IP for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP supports TCP/IP filtering, which you can use to specify exactly which types of incoming IP traffic destined for a computer are processed for each IP interface. Incoming IP traffic destined for a computer, also known as local host or locally destined traffic, includes all packets sent to a unicast address assigned to the interface, any of the different kinds of IP broadcast addresses, and IP multicast addresses to which the host is listening. This feature isolates the traffic that Internet and intranet servers process in the absence of other TCP/IP filtering provided by Routing and Remote Access or other TCP/IP applications or services. TCP/IP filtering is disabled by default. You can use a single check box to enable or disable TCP/IP filtering for all adapters. This approach can help troubleshoot connectivity problems that might be related to filtering. Filters that are too restrictive might not allow expected kinds of connectivity. For example, if you specify a list of UDP ports and do not include UDP port 520, your computer will not receive Routing Information Protocol (RIP) announcements. This limitation can impair the computer's ability to be a RIP router or a silent RIP host when using the RIP Listener service. A packet is accepted for processing if it meets any of the following criteria:  The destination TCP port matches the list of TCP ports. By default, traffic to all TCP ports are permitted. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 388 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering    The destination UDP port matches the list of UDP ports. By default, traffic to all UDP ports are permitted. The IP protocol matches the list of IP protocols. By default, all IP protocols are permitted. The packet is an ICMP packet. You cannot filter ICMP traffic with TCP/IP filtering. If you need ICMP filtering, you must configure IP packet filters through Routing and Remote Access. To configure TCP/IP filtering on a network connection, do the following: 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Network Connections. 2. Right-click the network connection you want to configure, and then click Properties. 3. On the General tab (for a local area connection) or the Networking tab (for all other connections), click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties. 4. Click Advanced. 5. Click Options, click TCP/IP Filtering, and then click Properties. 6. Do one of the following:   7. To enable TCP/IP filtering for all adapters, select the Enable TCP/IP filtering (all adapters) check box. To disable TCP/IP filtering for all adapters, clear the Enable TCP/IP filtering (all adapters) check box. Based on your requirements for TCP/IP filtering, configure TCP ports, UDP ports, or IP protocols for the allowed traffic. Figure 13-15 shows the TCP/IP Filtering dialog box. Figure 13-15 The TCP/IP Filtering dialog box Packet Filtering with Routing and Remote Access Using Routing and Remote Access, you can filter IP-based traffic in two ways:  Basic Firewall TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 389 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering  Basic Firewall, which you enable through the NAT/Basic Firewall routing protocol component, is a stateful firewall that, like ICF, automatically discards unsolicited incoming IPv4 packets. Basic Firewall is only supported in Windows Server 2003 with no service packs installed. IP packet filters By using IP packet filters, you can specify the exact set of IPv4 packets that are either allowed or discarded. Packet filters affect both incoming and outgoing packets on a per-interface basis. Basic Firewall You can use Basic Firewall to help protect your network from unsolicited public network traffic, such as traffic sent from the Internet. You can enable Basic Firewall for any public interface, including one that also provides network address translation for your network. To enable Basic Firewall on a public interface, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, open the name of your server, then click IP Routing, and then click NAT/Basic Firewall. 2. In the details pane, right-click the interface you want to configure, and then click Properties. 3. On the NAT/Basic Firewall tab, do one of the following:   Click Public interface connected to the Internet, and select the Enable a basic firewall on this interface check box. Click Basic firewall only. Figure 13-16 shows the Network Address Translation Properties dialog box. Figure 13-16 The Network Address Translation Properties dialog box The Basic Firewall was replaced with Windows Firewall in Windows Server 2003 SP1 and later. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 390 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering IP Packet Filtering By using IP packet filtering in Routing and Remote Access, you can precisely define what IPv4 traffic is received and sent. To use IP packet filtering, you must create a series of definitions called filters, which define for the router what types of traffic to allow or discard on each interface. You can set filters for incoming and outgoing traffic.   Input filters define what incoming traffic on that interface the router is allowed to forward or process. Output filters define what traffic the router is allowed to forward or send from that interface. Because you can configure both input and output filters for each interface, you can also create contradictory filters. For example, the input filter on one interface might allow the incoming traffic, but the output filter on the other interface does not allow the same traffic to be sent. The end result is that the traffic is not passed across the router running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003. You can also implement packet filtering to filter incoming and outgoing traffic to a specific subset of traffic on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 but that is not configured as a router. You should implement packet filters carefully to prevent the filters from being too restrictive, which would impair the functionality of other protocols that might be operating on the computer. For example, if a computer running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 is also running Internet Information Services (IIS) as a Web server and packet filters are defined so that only Web-based traffic is allowed, you cannot use the ping command (which uses ICMP Echo and Echo Reply messages) to perform basic IP troubleshooting. If the Web server is a silent RIP host, the filters prevent the silent RIP process from receiving the RIP announcements. To configure IPv4 packet filters on an interface, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, open the name of your server, open IPv4 or IP Routing, and then click General. 2. In the details pane, right-click the interface on which you want to add a filter, and then click Properties. 3. On the General tab, click Inbound Filters to configure filters for incoming IPv4 traffic to the interface or Outbound Filters to configure filters for outgoing IPv4 traffic from the interface. Figure 13-17 shows an example of adding an IPv4 packet filter. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 391 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Figure 13-17 The Add IP Filter dialog box You can configure the following settings on an IPv4 packet filter:       You can specify the IP Protocol, which is the identifier for an upper layer protocol. For example, TCP uses a Protocol of 6, UDP uses a Protocol of 17, and ICMP uses a Protocol of 1. You can specify the Source IP Address, which is the IP address of the source host. You can configure this address with a subnet mask to specify an entire range of IP addresses (corresponding to an IP subnet or address prefix) with a single filter entry. You can specify the Destination IP Address, which is the IP address of the destination host. You can configure this address with a subnet mask to specify an entire range of IP addresses (corresponding to an IP subnet or address prefix) with a single filter entry. For TCP traffic, you can specify the values for two fields: the TCP Source Port field, which identifies the source process that is sending the TCP segment, and the TCP Destination Port, which identifies the destination process for the TCP segment. For UDP traffic, you can specify the values for two fields: the UDP Source Port field, which identifies the source process that is sending the UDP message and the UDP Destination Port, which identifies the destination process for the UDP message. For ICMP traffic, you can specify the values for two fields: the ICMP Type field, which identifies the type of ICMP packet (such as Echo or Echo Reply) and the ICMP Code field, which identifies one of the possible multiple functions within a specified type. If only one function exists within a type, the Code field is set to 0. IPv6 Packet Filtering You can perform packet filtering for IPv6 traffic with the following:     Windows Firewall IPv6 packet filtering with Routing and Remote Access Basic IPv6 firewall IPv6 ICF TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 392 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Windows Firewall Windows Firewall in Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP2 and later, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 with SP1 and later supports IPv6 traffic. You can configure exceptions for IPv6 traffic with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in and the Windows Firewall item in Control Panel. For exceptions in the Windows Firewall Control Panel item, IPv4 and IPv6 traffic can share settings for excepted traffic. For example, if you allow file and print sharing traffic, then both IPv4-based and IPv6based unsolicited incoming file and print sharing traffic is allowed. IPv6 Packet Filtering with Routing and Remote Access Just like IPv4 packet filtering, Routing and Remote Access in Windows Server 2008 allows you to specify what types of IPv6 traffic to allow or discard on each interface. You can set filters for incoming and outgoing traffic. To configure IPv6 packet filters on an interface, do the following: 1. In the console tree of the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, open the name of your Windows Server 2008 server, open IPv6, and then click General. 2. In the details pane, right-click the interface on which you want to add a filter, and then click Properties. 3. On the General tab, click Inbound Filters to configure filters for incoming IPv6 traffic to the interface or Outbound Filters to configure filters for outgoing IPv6 traffic from the interface. When specifying a source or destination IPv6 address, you must configure an address prefix and a prefix length. Basic IPv6 Firewall IPv6 for Windows Server 2003 with no service packs installed includes support for a basic firewall on IPv6 interfaces. When enabled, IPv6 drops incoming TCP Synchronize (SYN) segments and drops all incoming unsolicited UDP messages. This firewall is disabled by default on all interfaces and can be enabled with the netsh interface ipv6 set interface interface=NameOrIndex firewall=enabled command. The basic IPv6 firewall is not related to the Basic Firewall feature of Routing and Remote Access. The basic IPv6 firewall was replaced with Windows Firewall. IPv6 ICF The Advanced Networking Pack for Windows XP is a free download available from Microsoft for computers running Windows XP with SP1. This download includes IPv6 ICF, which is a stateful IPv6 firewall. You can use IPv6 ICF to dynamically restrict traffic allowed from the Internet. IPv6 ICF is different from the existing ICF in Windows XP, which filters IPv4 traffic. IPv6 ICF does the following:    Runs automatically and filters traffic through all network connections on which IPv6 is enabled. Monitors all outbound traffic and dynamically filters for incoming response traffic. This behavior is known as stateful filtering. IPv6 ICF silently discards all unsolicited incoming traffic. Logs IPv6 traffic events to a separate log file (from IPv4 ICF). By default, this log file is located at: Systemroot\Pfirewall-v6.log). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 393 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering You can configure IPv6 ICF by using commands in the netsh firewall context. You can use Netsh commands to configure IPv6 ICF to allow specific types of ICMPv6 traffic or traffic to specific TCP or UDP ports. IPv6 ICF was replaced with Windows Firewall. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 394 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Chapter Summary The chapter includes the following pieces of key information:                Internet Protocol security (IPsec) is a framework of open standards for helping ensure private, protected communications over IP networks. You can use IPsec in Windows to block, permit, or cryptographically protect IP traffic. IPsec provides data integrity, confidentiality (encryption), data origin authentication, and anti-replay security properties for IP-based communications. IPsec can help protect traffic through the use of AH (which provides data origin authentication, data integrity, and replay protection for an IP packet), ESP (which provides data origin authentication, data integrity, replay protection, and data confidentiality for the ESP-encapsulated portion of the packet), or AH with ESP. IPsec can use transport mode, in which the original IP header is used, or tunnel mode, in which the entire IP packet is encapsulated with a new IP header. IPsec uses main mode negotiation to determine encryption key material and to authenticate IPsec peers. IPsec uses quick mode negotiation to determine how to protect the traffic sent between peers. You can configure IPsec settings in Windows with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security or IPsec Policy Management snap-ins. In the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, you must configure connection security rules. An IPsec policy in the IPsec Policy Management snap-in consists of general IPsec policy settings and rules. For each rule of an IPsec policy, you must configure a single filter list, a single filter action, one or more authentication methods, a tunnel endpoint (if you are using IPsec tunnel mode), and the connection type. IPsec support for IPv6 traffic in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 is the same as that for IPv4. IPsec support for IPv6 traffic in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 does not support ESP data encryption and must be manually configured using the Ipsec6.exe tool. Windows Firewall is a stateful IPv4 and IPv6 firewall in Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP2 and later, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 with SP1 and later. Windows Firewall drops unsolicited incoming or outgoing traffic that has not been explicitly allowed. ICF is a stateful IPv4 firewall provided with Windows XP with no service packs installed, Windows XP with SP1, and Windows Server 2003 with no service packs installed. Basic Firewall is a feature of Routing and Remote Access for Windows Server 2003 with no service packs installed that functions as a stateful IPv4 firewall for public interfaces. By using IP packet filtering in Routing and Remote Access, you can specify the exact set of IPv4 traffic that is either allowed or discarded for both incoming and outgoing packets on a per-interface basis. By using TCP/IP filtering, you can specify exactly which types of incoming IPv4 traffic destined for a computer are processed for each interface You can perform IPv6 packet filtering with Windows Firewall, IPv6 packet filtering with Routing and Remote Access, the basic IPv6 firewall, and IPv6 ICF. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 395 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Chapter Glossary AH – See Authentication Header. Authentication Header – A header that is placed between the IP header and the payload and that provides data integrity, data origin authentication, and anti-replay security services. Basic Firewall – A feature of Routing and Remote Access in Windows Server 2003 with no service packs installed that functions as a stateful IPv4 firewall for public interfaces. Encapsulating Security Payload – A header and trailer that is placed around an IP packet payload and that provides confidentiality (encryption), data integrity, data origin authentication, and anti-replay security services. ESP – See Encapsulating Security Payload. ICF – See Internet Connection Firewall. IKE – See Internet Key Exchange. Internet Connection Firewall – A stateful firewall built into Windows XP with no service packs, Windows XP with SP1, and Windows Server 2003 with no service packs. Internet Key Exchange – A protocol for authentication and key exchange between IPsec peers. IP filter – A description of network traffic can include source address, source mask, destination address, destination mask, protocol, source port, and destination port. IP packet filtering – A capability of Routing and Remote Access that you can use to specify the exact set of IPv4 traffic that is either allowed or discarded for both incoming and outgoing packets on a perinterface basis. IPsec policy – A collection of rules and settings that you create to specify IPsec services. Rule – A list of IP filters and a collection of security actions that occur when a packet matches a filter. SA – See security association. security association (SA) – A combination of a mutually agreeable policy and keys that defines the security services, mechanisms, and keys used to help protect communication between peers. A main mode SA helps protect one or more quick mode negotiations. A quick mode SA helps protect the traffic that it carries in one direction between IPsec peers. Security Parameters Index (SPI) – A unique, identifying value in an SA that distinguishes among multiple security associations that exist at the receiving computer. For example, IPsec communication between two computers uses two SAs on each computer. One SA is for inbound traffic, and the other is for outbound traffic. Because the source and destination addresses for the two SAs are the same, the SPI distinguishes between the inbound and outbound SA. SPI – See Security Parameters Index. TCP/IP filtering – A capability of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component of Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP that you can use to specify exactly which types of incoming locally destined IPv4 traffic is processed for each interface. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 396 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering Windows Firewall – A stateful IPv4 and IPv6 firewall built into Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP2 and later, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 with SP1 and later. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 397 Chapter 13 – Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 398 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Abstract This chapter describes the virtual private network (VPN) technologies included with Microsoft Windows operating systems to connect remote users to an intranet or to connect remote offices to each other. As a network administrator, you must understand how to configure and use VPN connections so that you can leverage the global connectivity of the Internet to provide ubiquitous, yet relatively secure, connectivity. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 399 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:       Define a virtual private network (VPN) in terms of its benefits, components, and attributes. Describe the two types of VPN connections and how routing works for each. Explain the roles of the different VPN protocols, including Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Layer Two Tunneling Protocol with Internet Protocol security (L2TP/IPsec), and the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP). Describe the process for creating a PPP connection, a PPTP connection, an L2TP/IPsec connection, and an SSTP connection. Configure remote access and site-to-site VPN connections. Describe the use of Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) for VPN connections and use either Network Policy Server (NSP) or Internet Authentication Service (IAS) as a RADIUS server and proxy. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 400 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Virtual Private Networking Overview A VPN extends a private network to encompass links across shared or public networks like the Internet. By using a VPN, you can send data between two computers across a shared or public internetwork in a manner that emulates the properties of a point-to-point private link. The act of configuring, creating, and using a VPN is known as virtual private networking. To emulate a point-to-point link, data is encapsulated, or wrapped, with a header that provides routing information that allows packets to traverse a shared or public internetwork. To emulate a private link, the data being sent is encrypted for confidentiality. Anyone who intercepts packets on the shared or public network cannot decipher them without the encryption keys. The logical link over which private data is encrypted is known as a VPN connection. By using VPN connections, users working at home or on the road can connect to an organization server from a remote location using the infrastructure that a public internetwork, such as the Internet. From the user's perspective, the VPN is a logical point-to-point connection between a computer (the VPN client) and an organization server (the VPN server). Organizations that use VPN connections can create routed site-to-site connections with geographically separate offices or with other organizations over a public internetwork while maintaining relatively secure communication. A routed VPN connection across the Internet logically operates as a dedicated wide area network (WAN) link. For both remote access and routed connections, organizations that configure, create, and use VPN connections can replace long distance dial-up or leased lines with local dial-up or leased lines to an Internet service provider (ISP). Components of a VPN A Windows-based VPN includes the following components:     VPN server A computer that accepts remote access or site-to-site connections from VPN clients. VPN client A computer that initiates a connection to a VPN server. A VPN client can be an individual computer that initiates a VPN connection from a remote location (called a remote access VPN connection) or a router that initiates a site-to-site VPN connection. Computers running Windows can create remote access VPN connections to a server running Windows. A computer running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 can create site-to-site connections to a server running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003. Clients from companies other than Microsoft can also create remote access or site-to-site connections to VPN servers running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 as long as the clients support PPTP or L2TP/IPsec. Tunnel The portion of the connection in which data is encapsulated. VPN connection TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 401 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking The portion of the connection in which data is encrypted. You can send data through a tunnel without encryption, but this configuration is not a VPN connection because you would send private data across a shared or public network in an unencrypted and easily readable form.    In most cases, the tunnel and the VPN connection are defined between the same two endpoints: the VPN client and the VPN server. However, there are configurations known as compulsory tunnels in which the tunnel is defined between a dial-up service provider's tunnel server and the VPN server and the VPN connection is defined between the client and the server. Tunneling protocols Communication standards for managing tunnels and encapsulating private data. Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP include the PPTP and L2TP tunneling protocols. Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008 also include the SSTP tunneling protocol. For detailed information about these protocols, see "Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)," "Layer Two Tunneling Protocol with Internet Protocol Security (L2TP/IPsec)," and “Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)” later in this chapter. Tunneled data Data that is sent through a VPN tunnel. Transit internetwork A shared or public internetwork crossed by encapsulated data. For Windows, the transit internetwork is always an IPv4 internetwork, either the Internet or a private intranet. Figure 14-1 shows the components of a VPN connection based on Windows. Figure 14-1 Components of a Windows-based VPN Attributes of a VPN Connection Windows-based VPNs have the following attributes:  User authentication TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 402 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking   Encapsulation Encryption User Authentication Before the VPN connection is established, the VPN server authenticates the security credentials of the user that is using the VPN client computer. If mutual authentication is being used, the VPN client also either authenticates the security credentials of the VPN server or verifies that the VPN server has access to the user credentials of the VPN client. Mutual authentication provides protection against masquerading VPN servers. Encapsulation VPN technology encapsulates private data with additional headers that allow it to traverse the transit internetwork. Encryption To ensure confidentiality of the data as it traverses the shared or public transit internetwork, the sender encrypts the data, and the receiver decrypts it. Encryption and decryption depend on both the sender and the receiver determining a shared encryption key. Anyone who intercepts packets sent along the VPN connection in the transit internetwork must have the encryption key to decipher them. The length of the encryption key is an important security parameter. Computational techniques can be used to determine the encryption key. Such techniques require more computing power and computational time as the encryption key gets longer. Therefore, you should use the largest possible key size. In addition, the more information that you encrypt with the same key, the easier it is to decipher the encrypted data. With some encryption technologies, you can configure how often the encryption keys are changed during a connection. For VPN connections that are based on PPTP, Windows supports Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) with 40-bit, 56-bit, or 128-bit encryption keys. For VPN connections that are based on L2TP/IPsec, Windows supports Data Encryption Standard (DES) with a 56-bit key or Triple-DES with three 56-bit keys. For VPN connections that are based on SSTP, Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008 supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) with RC4 or Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and 128-bit keys. Types of VPN Connections Windows-based VPNs support both remote access and site-to-site VPN connections. Remote Access A remote access VPN connection is made by a remote access VPN client (a single computer) when connecting to a private network. The VPN server provides access not only to the resources of the server but also to the entire network to which the server is attached. The packets sent across the VPN connection originate at the remote access client. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 403 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking The remote access VPN client authenticates itself to the remote access VPN server, and, for mutual authentication, the server authenticates itself to the client or provides proof that it has access to the client's credentials. When a remote access VPN client connects to the Internet, the client is configured with a default route that points to the Internet. This default route makes all the destinations of the Internet reachable. For permanent connections to the Internet (such as those using a Digital Subscriber Line [DSL] or a cable modem), the default route is automatically added to the IPv4 routing table when the Internet connection is configured with a default gateway IPv4 address (either statically or dynamically). For dial-up connections to the Internet, a default route is automatically added to the IPv4 routing table when the connection is made. When the remote access VPN connection is made, a new default route is added to the routing table and the existing default route has its routing metric increased. Now all default route traffic is sent over the VPN connection to the private intranet, rather than to the Internet. When the VPN connection is terminated, the newly created default route is removed and the original default route's routing metric is returned to its previous value. This behavior produces the following results:   Before the VPN connection is made, all the locations on the Internet are reachable, but intranet locations are not. After the VPN connection is made, all the locations on the intranet are reachable, but Internet locations are not (with the exception of the VPN server on the Internet). You can control the automatic creation of the new default route by opening the properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component of a dial-up or VPN connection, clicking Advanced, and selecting or clearing the Use default gateway on remote network check box on the General tab, as Figure 14-2 shows. Figure 14-2 The Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box for a VPN connection TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 404 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking VPN client users typically engage in either intranet or Internet communication, not both simultaneously. These users do not have a problem with mutually exclusive access to either Internet locations or to intranet locations. However, in some cases, users need simultaneous access to intranet and Internet resources. If your VPN users need simultaneous access to intranet and Internet resources when the VPN connection is active, you can do one of the following:    Select the Use default gateway on remote network check box (the default setting), and allow Internet access through the organization intranet. Internet traffic between the VPN client and Internet hosts passes though firewalls or proxy servers as if the VPN client were physically connected to the organization intranet. Although performance may be decreased, this method allows you to filter and monitor Internet access according to your organization's network policies while the VPN client is connected to the organization network. When the VPN server assigns an IPv4 address to the VPN client, ensure that the subnet mask is set to the same class-based subnet mask of the Internet address class of the IPv4 address. If the addressing within your intranet is based on a single class-based address prefix, clear the Use default gateway on remote network check box. The best example is when your intranet is using the private IPv4 address prefix of If the addressing within your intranet is not based on a single class-based address prefix, you can use one of the following solutions:   The DHCPInform message sent by VPN clients running Windows includes a request for the Classless Static Routes DHCP option. On your DHCP server running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, configure the Classless Static Routes DHCP option for the appropriate scope to contain a set of routes that represent the address space of your intranet. These routes are automatically added to the routing table of the requesting VPN client. By using the Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK) for Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, you can configure specific routes as part of the Connection Manager profile that you distribute to VPN users. You can also specify a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that contains the current set of organization intranet routes or additional routes beyond those that you configure in the profile. Site-to-Site A site-to-site VPN connection (also known as a router-to-router VPN connection) is made by a router and connects two portions of a private network. The VPN server provides a routed connection to the network to which the server is attached. On a site-to-site VPN connection, the packets that either router sends across the VPN connection typically do not typically originate at the routers. The calling router (the VPN client) authenticates itself to the answering router (the VPN server), and, for mutual authentication, the answering router authenticates itself to the calling router or provides proof that it has access to the calling router's credentials. Site-to-site VPN connections can be initiated by only one router (a one-way initiated VPN connection) or by either router (a two-way initiated VPN connection). One-way initiated connections are well suited to a spoke-and-hub topology in which only the branch office router can initiate the connection. Site-to- TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 405 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking site VPN connections can be permanent (always connected) or on-demand (a router makes a connection when it has traffic to send and disconnects after a configured idle timeout). To support site-to-site connections, Routing and Remote Access in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 allows you to create demand-dial interfaces. A demand-dial interface is a logical interface that represents the point-to-point connection between the two routers. You can use a demanddial interface in the same way as a physical interface. For example, you can assign routes and configure packet filters on demand-dial interfaces. Routing for site-to-site connections consists of a set of routes in the routing table of both the calling router and the answering router. These routes summarize the addresses that are available across the site-to-site connection. Each separate route specifies:    An address prefix (the combination of the destination and a subnet mask) The routing metric A demand-dial interface If each router in a site-to-site connection has the set of routes that represent the addresses available across the site-to-site connection, all of the locations on the intranet consisting of multiple sites are reachable from each site. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 406 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking VPN Protocols Computers running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003 use the following protocols to create VPN connections:    Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) PPTP L2TP/IPsec Computers running Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 and later or Windows Server 2008 also use SSTP. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) PPTP and L2TP depend heavily on the features specified for PPP, which was designed to send data across dial-up or dedicated point-to-point connections. For IPv4, PPP encapsulates IPv4 packets within PPP frames and then transmits the packets across a point-to-point link. PPP was originally defined as the protocol to use between dial-up clients and remote access servers. The four phases of negotiation in a PPP connection are the following:     Phase 1: PPP Link Establishment Phase 2: User Authentication Phase 3: PPP Callback Control Phase 4: Invoking Network Layer Protocol(s) Each of these four phases must complete successfully before the PPP connection can transfer user data. Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 support IPv6 traffic over PPP links. Neither Windows Server 2003 nor Windows XP supports IPv6 traffic over PPP links, so you cannot send native IPv6 traffic across a dial-up or VPN connection from a computer running one of these operating systems. You can, however, send tunneled IPv6 traffic that is encapsulated with an IPv4 header. For more information about IPv6 tunneling, see Chapter 15 "IPv6 Transition Technologies." Phase 1: PPP Link Establishment PPP uses the Link Control Protocol (LCP) to establish, maintain, and terminate the logical point-to-point connection. During Phase 1, basic communication options are selected. For example, authentication protocols are selected, but they are not used for authentication until the connection authentication phase (Phase 2). Similarly, during Phase 1, the two peers negotiate the use of compression or encryption. The actual choice of compression and encryption algorithms and other details occurs during Phase 4. Phase 2: User Authentication In Phase 2, the client computer sends the user’s credentials to the remote access server. An authentication scheme should provide protection against replay attacks and remote client impersonation. A replay attack occurs when an attacker monitors a successful connection and uses TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 407 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking captured packets to play back the remote client’s response so that the attacker can gain an authenticated connection. Remote client impersonation occurs when an attacker takes over an authenticated connection. Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP support the following PPP authentication protocols:      Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) PAP is a plaintext password authentication mechanism that provides no protection from an attacker that captures a PAP authentication exchange. Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) CHAP is an encrypted password authentication mechanism that avoids transmitting the password on the connection. Microsoft Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP) MS-CHAP is an encrypted password authentication mechanism similar to CHAP, but MS-CHAP is more secure. MS-CHAP version 2 (MS-CHAP v2) MS-CHAP v2 is an enhanced version of MS-CHAP that provides stronger protection for the exchange of user name and password credentials, determination of encryption keys, and mutual authentication. Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) EAP is a PPP authentication infrastructure that allows authentication mechanisms to be installed on PPP clients and servers. During the authentication phase, EAP does not authenticate users. Phase 2 for EAP only negotiates the use of a common EAP authentication mechanism known as an EAP type. The actual authentication for the negotiated EAP type is performed during Phase 4. Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 no longer support the MS-CHAP authentication protocol. During Phase 2 of PPP link configuration, the VPN server running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 collects the authentication credentials and then validates them against one of the following:    The VPN server's own user accounts database (if the VPN server is not a member of a domain) A domain controller for Active Directory (if the VPN server is a member of a domain) A Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) server A VPN server running Windows Vista or Windows XP validates authentication credentials against the local user account database. VPN connections that are based on PPTP require the use of MS-CHAP, MS-CHAP v2, or the EAPTransport Layer Security (TLS) authentication protocol. These authentication methods generate encryption key material that is used to encrypt the data sent over the PPTP-based VPN connection. L2TP/IPsec connections can use any of the authentication protocols because the authentication protocol exchange is encrypted with IPsec. However, the use of MS-CHAP v2 or EAP-TLS is recommended because they are the most secure user authentication protocols and they provide mutual authentication. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 408 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Phase 3: PPP Callback Control The Windows implementation of PPP includes an optional callback control phase. This phase uses the Callback Control Protocol (CBCP) immediately after the authentication phase. If configured for callback, both the remote client and remote access server disconnect after authentication. The remote access server then calls the remote client back at a specified phone number. This behavior makes dial-up connections more secure because the remote access server allows connections only from remote clients that are using specific phone numbers. Callback is used only for dial-up connections, not for VPN connections. Phase 4: Invoking Network Layer Protocol(s) When the first three phases have been completed, PPP invokes the various network control protocols (NCPs) that were selected during the link establishment phase (Phase 1) to configure protocols used by the remote client. For example, during this phase, the Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) assigns an IPv4 address to the PPP client. In the Windows implementation of PPP, the Compression Control Protocol (CCP) is used to negotiate both data compression, known as Microsoft Point-to-Point Compression (MPPC), and data encryption with MPPE. Data-Transfer Phase When the four phases of PPP negotiation have been completed, PPP begins to forward packets containing data between the PPP client and the server. Each transmitted data packet is wrapped in a PPP header that is removed by the receiver. If data compression was selected in Phase 1 and negotiated in Phase 4, the sender compresses the data before transmitting it. If data encryption is negotiated, the sender encrypts the data before transmitting it. If both encryption and compression are negotiated, the sender compresses the data before encrypting and transmitting it. Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Request for Comments (RFC) 2637 defines PPTP, which encapsulates PPP frames in IPv4 packets for transmission over an IPv4 internetwork, such as the Internet. PPTP can be used for remote access and site-to-site VPN connections. PPTP uses a TCP connection for tunnel management and a modified version of Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) to encapsulate PPP frames for tunneled data. The payloads of the encapsulated PPP frames can be encrypted, compressed, or both. Figure 14-3 shows the structure of a PPTP packet that contains an IPv4 packet. Figure 14-3 Structure of a PPTP packet that contains an IPv4 packet TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 409 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Layer Two Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPsec) RFC 2661 defines L2TP, which encapsulates PPP frames to be sent over IPv4, X.25, Frame Relay, or Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks. If you configure L2TP for IPv4 networks, you can use it as a tunneling protocol over the Internet. L2TP over IPv4 internetworks uses a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) header and a series of L2TP messages for tunnel management. L2TP also uses UDP to send L2TP-encapsulated PPP frames as the tunneled data. The payloads of encapsulated PPP frames can be encrypted, compressed, or both, although the Windows implementation of L2TP does not use MPPE to encrypt the PPP payload. Figure 14-4 shows the structure of an L2TP packet that contains an IPv4 packet. Figure 14-4 Structure of an L2TP packet that contains an IPv4 packet The Windows implementation of L2TP uses IPsec with Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) to encrypt L2TP traffic. The combination of L2TP (the tunneling protocol) and IPsec (the method of encryption) is known as L2TP/IPsec, as RFC 3193 describes. For more information about ESP, see Chapter 13, "Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering." Figure 14-5 shows the result after ESP is applied to an IPv4 packet that contains an L2TP frame. Figure 14-5 Encryption of L2TP traffic using IPsec with ESP Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) PPTP and L2TP/IPsec traffic can have problems traversing firewalls, network address translators (NATs), and Web proxies. SSTP in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista Service Pack 1 solves these VPN connectivity problems by using HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) over secure sockets layer (SSL). SSL is also known as Transport Layer Security (TLS). HTTP over SSL on TCP port 443 is the protocol that is used on the Web for collecting credit card numbers and other private data. Whenever you connect to a Web address that begins with https:, you are using HTTP over SSL. Using HTTP over SSL solves many VPN protocol connectivity problems because typical firewalls, NATs, and Web proxies allow this type of traffic. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 410 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking SSTP uses an HTTP-over-SSL session between VPN clients and servers to exchange encapsulated IPv4 or IPv6 packets. Note that an HTTP-over-SSL-based remote access VPN connection is different from the connection made by an application that uses HTTP over SSL. For example, Outlook® Web Access (OWA) lets you access your Microsoft Exchange e-mail at your enterprise over the Internet. OWA uses an HTTP over SSL-encrypted session, but this is not the same as a remote access connection. Although you can view your e-mail with OWA, you can’t reach the location of an intranet URL that is embedded within an Exchange e-mail message. Unlike the PPTP and L2TP/IPsec protocols, SSTP does not support site-to-site VPN connections. Figure 14-6 shows the structure of IPv4 or IPv6 packets that are sent over an SSTP-based VPN connection. Figure 14-6 Structure of SSTP packets An IPv4 or IPv6 packet is first encapsulated with a PPP header and an SSTP header. The combination of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, the PPP header, and the SSTP header is encrypted by the SSL session. A TCP header and an IPv4 header (for SSTP connections across the IPv4 Internet) or an IPv6 header (for SSTP connections across the IPv6 Internet) are added to complete the packet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 411 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Remote Access VPN Connections Both Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP include a remote access VPN client and a remote access VPN server. VPN Client Support Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 include a built-in VPN client that supports PPTP and L2TP/IPsec. The VPN client in Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008 also supports SSTP. You can configure a remote access VPN connection by using either the Network Connections folder or Connection Manager. Network Connections Folder If you have a small number of VPN clients, you can manually configure a VPN connection for each client. For clients running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, click the Set up a connection or network task in the Network and Sharing Center. In the Set up a connection or network dialog box, double-click Connect to a workplace and follow the Connect to a workplace wizard to create a VPN connection. For clients running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, use the New Connection Wizard in the Network Connections folder to create the VPN connection. Within the New Connection Wizard, click Connect to the network at my workplace on the Network Connection Type page and click Virtual Private Network connection on the Network Connection page. Connection Manager If you try to manually configure remote access VPN connections for thousands of clients in an enterprise organization, you will probably experience one or more of the following problems:    The exact procedure to configure a VPN connection varies depending on the version of Windows running on the client computer, so training end users to configure these connections will require multiple sets of training materials. To prevent configuration errors, the information technology (IT) staff should manually configure the VPN connection rather than end users, placing a large administrative burden on the IT staff. A VPN connection may need a double-dial configuration, in which a user must connect to the Internet before connecting to the organization intranet. This requirement makes training end users even more complicated. To configure VPN connections for an enterprise organization, you can use the following components:    Connection Manager Connection Manager Administration Kit Connection Point Services Connection Manager is a client dialer with advanced features that offer a superset of basic dial-up and VPN networking. Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 includes a set of tools that you can TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 412 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking use deliver pre-configured connections to network users. These tools are the Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK) and Connection Point Services (CPS). You can use CMAK to tailor the appearance and behavior of a connection made with Connection Manager. With CMAK, you can develop client dialer and connection software that allows users to connect to the network by using only the connection features that you define for them. Connection Manager supports a variety of features that both simplify and enhance the deployment of connection support for you and your users, and you can incorporate most of those features using the Connection Manager Administration Kit Wizard. By using CMAK, you can create custom profiles that reflect the identity, online help, and support infrastructure of your organization. By using Connection Point Services (CPS), you can automatically create, distribute, and update custom phone books. These phone books contain one or more Point of Presence (POP) entries, with each POP entry storing a telephone number that provides dial-up access to a local ISP. Phone books give users complete POP information so that, when they travel, they can connect to different Internet access points rather than being restricted to a single POP. Without the ability to update phone books (a task CPS handles automatically), users would have to contact their organization's technical support staff for changes in POP information and to reconfigure their client dialer software. CPS has two components: 1. Phone Book Administrator A tool used to create and maintain the phone book database and to publish new phone book information to Phone Book Service. 2. Phone Book Service An Internet Information Services (IIS) extension that automatically checks subscribers' or corporate employees' current phone books and, if necessary, downloads a phone book update. VPN Server Support Using Routing and Remote Access in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003, you can configure a VPN server that supports PPTP, L2TP/IPsec, and, for Windows Server 2008, SSTP. To configure a computer running Windows Server 2008 to act as a VPN server, do the following: 1. Configure your server with a static IPv4 address on each of its intranet interfaces. 2. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager. 3. In the console tree, right-click Roles, click Add Roles, and then click Next. 4. On the Select Server Roles page, select the Network Policy and Access Services check box, and then click Next. 5. Follow the pages of the Add Roles wizard. 6. From the console tree of the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, right click the server name and click Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access. 7. Follow the pages of the Routing and Remote Access wizard to configure the server as a VPN server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 413 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking To configure a computer running Windows Server 2003 to act as a VPN server, do the following: 1. Configure your server with a static IPv4 address on each of its intranet interfaces. 2. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Routing And Remote Access. 3. Right-click your server name, and then click Configure and enable Routing And Remote Access. Click Next. 4. On the Configuration page, click Remote Access (dial-up or VPN), and then click Next. 5. On the Remote Access page, click VPN, and then click Next. 6. On the VPN Connection page, click the connection that corresponds to the interface connected to the Internet or your perimeter network, and then click Next. 7. On the IP Address Assignment page, click Automatically if the VPN server should use DHCP to obtain IPv4 addresses for remote access VPN clients. Or, click From a specified range of addresses to use one or more static ranges of addresses. When IP address assignment is complete, click Next. 8. On the Managing Multiple Remote Access Servers page, if you are using RADIUS for authentication and authorization, click Yes, set up this server to work with a RADIUS server, and then click Next.  9. On the RADIUS Server Selection page, configure the primary (mandatory) and alternate (optional) RADIUS servers and the shared secret, and then click Next. Click Finish. 10. When 11. In you are prompted to configure the DHCP Relay Agent, click OK. the tree of Routing and Remote Access, open IP Routing. 12. Right-click DHCP Relay Agent, and click Properties. 13. On the General tab of the DHCP Relay Agent Properties dialog box, add the IPv4 addresses that correspond to your intranet DHCP servers, and click OK. By default, Routing and Remote Access creates 128 PPTP and 128 L2TP/IPsec logical ports. If you need more ports, configure the WAN Miniport (PPTP) or WAN Miniport (L2TP) devices from the properties of the Ports object in the tree of Routing and Remote Access. By default, the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard enables the MS-CHAP (for Windows Server 2003 only), MS-CHAP v2, and EAP authentication protocols. VPN Server Support in Windows Vista To configure a computer running Windows XP as a remote access VPN server, press the ALT key to display the menu bar, click File, and then click New Incoming Connection. Use the pages of the Allow Connections to this Computer wizard to configure incoming connections. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 414 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking VPN Server Support in Windows XP You can configure a computer running Windows XP as a remote access VPN server by running the Create a New Connection Wizard in the Network Connections folder. On the Network Connection Type page of the wizard, click Set up an advanced connection. On the Advanced Connection Options page, click Accept incoming connections. These options will cause the computer running Windows XP to act as a VPN server. However, the server will support only a single remote access connection (dial-up, PPTP, or L2TP/IPsec-based). IP Address Assignment and Routing and Remote Access The VPN server obtains the IPv4 addresses that it assigns to VPN clients from either a DHCP server or a static pool of IPv4 addresses. The type of address that Routing and Remote Access can assign to a VPN client can be either an on-subnet address or an off-subnet address. The type of address that you use can affect reachability, unless you make additional changes to the routing infrastructure. The IPv4 addresses assigned to VPN clients can be from an:  On-subnet address range An address range of an intranet subnet to which the VPN server is attached. The VPN server is using an on-subnet address range when it obtains IPv4 addresses for VPN clients from a DHCP server or when the manually configured static pool contains IPv4 addresses that are within the range of addresses of an attached subnet.  The advantage to using on-subnet addresses is that they require no changes to routing infrastructure. Off-subnet address range An address range that represents a different subnet that is logically attached to the VPN server. The VPN server is using an off-subnet address range when the static pool contains IPv4 addresses that are located on a separate subnet. The advantage to using off-subnet addresses is that the IPv4 addresses of remote access clients are more easily identified when they are connecting and communicating with resources on the intranet. However, you must change the routing infrastructure so that the clients are reachable from the intranet. Obtaining IPv4 Addresses via DHCP When configured to obtain IPv4 addresses from a DHCP server, Routing and Remote Access obtains 10 IPv4 addresses at a time. Routing and Remote Access attempts to obtain the first set of addresses when the first remote access client connects, rather than when the Routing and Remote Access service starts. Routing and Remote Access uses the first IPv4 address and allocates subsequent addresses to clients as they connect. When clients disconnect, Routing and Remote Access can reassign their IPv4 addresses to other clients. When all 10 of the initial set of addresses are being concurrently used and another remote access client attempts a connection, Routing and Remote Access obtains 10 more addresses. If the DHCP Client service cannot contact a DHCP server, the service returns addresses from the Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) range of (from through APIPA addresses are off-subnet addresses that, by default, have no corresponding TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 415 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking route in the intranet routing infrastructure. Remote access clients that are assigned an APIPA address cannot communicate beyond the remote access server. Routing and Remote Access attempts to obtain DHCP-allocated addresses using the interface that you specify by opening the properties of the server running Routing and Remote Access, clicking the IPv4 or IP tab, and clicking the name of the interface in Adapter, as Figure 14-7 shows. Figure 14-7 The IPv4 tab for the properties of the server running Routing and Remote Access You can also specify this adapter on the Network Selection page of the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard (if you have more than one intranet interface). If you specify the wrong adapter, attempts to contact the DHCP server using that adapter could fail and return APIPA addresses. If you specify Allow RAS to select adapter in Adapter, Routing and Remote Access randomly picks a LAN interface to use at startup, which could also result in the use of the wrong adapter. When the Routing and Remote Access service is stopped, it sends DHCPRelease messages to release all of the IPv4 addresses obtained through DHCP. Obtaining IPv4 Addresses from a Static Address Pool A static address pool comprises one or more ranges of manually configured IPv4 addresses. When you configure a static IPv4 address pool, the VPN server uses the first address in the first range. The server allocates subsequent addresses to TCP/IP-based remote access clients as they connect. When the clients disconnect, the server can reassign those addresses to other clients. An address range in the static IPv4 address pool can be an on-subnet range, an off-subnet range, or a mixture of on-subnet and off-subnet addresses. If any of the addresses in any of the address ranges are off-subnet, you must add the route or routes that summarize those addresses to the intranet routing infrastructure. This step helps ensure that traffic destined to remote access clients is forwarded to the VPN server, which forwards the traffic to the appropriate client. To provide the best summarization of address ranges for routes, you should choose address ranges that you can express using a single address prefix. For example, the address range TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 416 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking through can be expressed as with the subnet mask ( The Process for Setting Up a Remote Access VPN Connection The creation of a remote access VPN connection occurs in the following three steps: 1. Logical link setup Creates the point-to-point link between the client and the server for the purposes of sending PPP frames. The logical link used for VPN connections is the VPN tunnel that represents a logical pointto-point link. If the client is running Windows, the message that appears during the logical link setup is "Connecting." 2. PPP connection setup Uses PPP protocols to negotiate the parameters of the PPP link, authenticate the credentials of the remote access user, and negotiate the use of and the parameters for the protocols that will operate over the PPP link. If the client is running Windows, the message that appears during the PPP connection setup is "Verifying user name and password." 3. Remote access VPN client registration The client obtains additional configuration parameters and registers itself in the Domain Name System (DNS) and the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) for name resolution. If the client is running Windows, the message that appears during the remote access client registration is "Registering your computer on the network." Step 1: Logical Link Setup The process for the logical link setup depends on whether the VPN connection is using PPTP or L2TP/IPsec. PPTP-based connections are established in the following two phases:   Phase 1 The client initiates a TCP connection from a dynamically allocated TCP port to TCP port 1723 on the remote access VPN server. Phase 2 The remote access VPN client and the server exchange a series of PPTP messages to negotiate the use of a PPTP tunnel and a specific call identifier (ID) for the connection, which is used in the PPTP GRE header. When the PPTP connection setup begins, the client must already be connected to the Internet. If the client is not connected, the user can create a dial-up connection to an ISP before initiating the PPTP connection. L2TP/IPsec-based connections are established in the following two phases:  Phase 1 The IPsec security associations (SAs) needed to protect IPsec-based communications and data are negotiated and created. IPsec uses the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol to negotiate the IKE TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 417 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking main mode and quick mode SAs. The main mode SA protects IPsec negotiations. The quick mode SAs—one for inbound packets and one for outbound packets—protect L2TP data using UDP port 1701. The main mode SA is authenticated using either certificates or a preshared key. For certificate authentication, the VPN server sends the VPN client a list of acceptable root certification authorities (CAs) from which the server will accept a certificate for authentication. The VPN client responds with a certificate chain (ending at a root CA certificate for a root CA from the list that the server sent) and its own list of acceptable root CAs. The server verifies the certificate chain of the client and then sends its own certificate chain (ending at a root CA certificate for a root CA from the list that the client sent) to the client. The client verifies the certificate chain that the server sent. For preshared key authentication, both the client and the server send a hash value that incorporates the value of the preshared key. The server verifies the hash value that the client sent, and the client verifies the hash value that the server sent.  For more information about main mode and quick mode negotiations, see Chapter 13, "Internet Protocol Security and Packet Filtering." Phase 2 The client and the server exchange a series of L2TP messages to negotiate the use of an L2TP tunnel and a specific call ID to identify a connection within the L2TP tunnel. When the L2TP/IPsec connection setup begins, the client must already be connected to the Internet. If the client is not already connected, the user can create a dial-up connection to an ISP before initiating the L2TP/IPsec connection. SSTP-based connections are established with the following process: 1. The SSTP client establishes a TCP connection with the SSTP server between a dynamicallyallocated TCP port on the client and TCP port 443 on the server. 2. The SSTP client sends an SSL Client-Hello message, indicating that the client wants to create an SSL session with the SSTP server. 3. The SSTP server sends its computer certificate to the SSTP client. 4. The SSTP client validates the computer certificate, determines the encryption method for the SSL session, generates an SSL session key and then encrypts it with the public key of the SSTP server’s certificate. 5. The SSTP client sends the encrypted form of the SSL session key to the SSTP server. 6. The SSTP server decrypts the encrypted SSL session key with the private key of its computer certificate. All future communication between the SSTP client and the SSTP server is encrypted with the negotiated encryption method and SSL session key. 7. The SSTP client sends an HTTP over SSL request message to the SSTP server. 8. The SSTP client negotiates an SSTP tunnel with the SSTP server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 418 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Step 2: PPP Connection Setup The PPP connection process follows the four phases described in the "Point-to-Point Protocol" section of this chapter. Step 3: Remote Access VPN Client Registration Each remote access VPN client sends a DHCPInform message to obtain additional TCP/IP configuration parameters and performs name registration. To obtain additional TCP/IP configuration parameters, the client performs the following process: 1. The client sends a DHCPInform message on the PPP link to the VPN server. 2. The VPN server, configured with the DHCP Relay Agent routing protocol component and at least one IPv4 address of a DHCP server, relays the DHCPInform message to the DHCP server. 3. The DHCP server sends back a DHCPAck message that contains the requested options. 4. The VPN server relays the DHCPAck message to the client. The principal use of the DHCPInform message is to obtain TCP/IP configuration parameters that are not obtained using IPCP, such as the DNS domain name assigned to the VPN connection. Only remote access VPN clients running Windows send the DHCPInform message. Before nodes on the intranet can resolve the names of remote access VPN clients while they are connected, the names and IPv4 addresses of the clients must be registered in the DNS and network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) namespaces of the private network. Because a remote access VPN client is typically assigned a different IPv4 address every time it connects, names in the namespaces should be dynamic, rather than static. Dynamic name registration for remote access clients consists of the following:   The remote access VPN client sends DNS dynamic update messages to its configured DNS server to register its DNS names. The client also sends NetBIOS name registration messages to its configured WINS server to register its NetBIOS names. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 419 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Site-to-Site VPN Connections Routing and Remote Access in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 supports demand-dial routing (also known as dial-on-demand routing) over both dial-up connections (such as analog phone lines or ISDN) and VPN connections. Demand-dial routing forwards packets across a PPP link, which is represented inside Routing and Remote Access as a demand-dial interface. You can use demand-dial interfaces to create on-demand connections across dial-up, non-permanent, or permanent media. Demand-dial routing is not the same as remote access. Remote access connects a single computer to a network, whereas demand-dial routing connects entire networks. However, both use PPP as the protocol through which they negotiate and authenticate the connection and encapsulate the data sent over it. With Routing and Remote Access in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003, you can enable remote access and demand-dial connections separately. However, they share the following attributes:      Dial-in properties of user accounts Security (authentication protocols and encryption) Windows or RADIUS authentication, authorization, and accounting IPv4 address assignment and configuration PPP features, such as MPPC and MPPE Although the concept of demand-dial routing is fairly simple, the actual configuration is relatively complex due to the following factors:    Connection endpoint addressing The connection must be made over public data networks, such as the analog phone system or the Internet. You specify the endpoint of the connection using a phone number for dial-up connections and either a host name or an IPv4 address for VPN connections. Authentication and authorization of the caller Anyone who calls the router must be authenticated and authorized. Authentication is based on the caller's set of credentials, which are passed to the router while the connection is being established. The credentials that are passed must correspond to a Windows user account. The router authorizes the connection based on the dial-in properties of the Windows user account and the remote access policies for the organization network. Differentiation between remote access VPN clients and calling routers Both routing and remote access capabilities coexist on the same computer running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003. Both remote access clients and demand-dial routers can initiate a connection. For demand-dial connections, the computer initiating the demand-dial connection is the calling router. The computer answering the connection attempt of a calling router is the answering router. The computer running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 must be able to distinguish between a connection attempt from a remote access client and one from a calling router. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 420 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking   The computer identifies the connection attempt as a remote access connection unless the authentication credentials include a user name that matches the name of a demand-dial interface on the answering router. Configuration of both ends of the connection You must configure both ends of the connection to enable two-way communication, even if only one end of the connection always initiates a demand-dial connection. If you configure only one end of the connection, packets will route in only one direction. Configuration of static routes You should not use dynamic routing protocols over on-demand demand-dial connections. Therefore, you must add routes for address prefixes that are available across the demand-dial interface as static routes to the routing tables of the demand-dial routers. Configuring a Site-to-Site VPN Connection To configure a site-to-site VPN connection, you must do the following:     Enable and configure Routing and Remote Access on the answering router. Use the same procedure as described in the "VPN Server Support" section of this chapter. Configure a demand-dial interface on the answering router. Enable and configure Routing and Remote Access on the calling router. Use the same procedure as described in the "VPN Server Support" section of this chapter. Configure a demand-dial interface on the calling router. Configuring a Demand-dial Interface From either the answering router or the calling router, perform the following steps: 1. In the console tree of the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, right-click Network Interfaces, and then click New Demand-dial Interface. 2. On the Welcome to the Demand-Dial Interface Wizard page, click Next. 3. On the Interface Name page, type a name for the demand-dial interface, and then click Next. 4. On the Connection Type page, click Connect using Virtual Private Networking (VPN), and then click Next. 5. On the VPN Type page, click Automatic selection, Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), or Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) (as needed), and then click Next. 6. On the Destination Address page, type the IPv4 address of the other router's Internet interface, and then click Next. 7. On the Protocols And Security page, select the Route IP packets on this interface and Add a user account so that a remote router can dial in check boxes, and then click Next. 8. On the Static Routes for Remote Networks page, click Add to add static routes that are assigned to the demand-dial interface and that represent the address prefixes of the site across the site-to-site VPN connection (as needed). Click Next. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 421 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking 9. On the Dial In Credentials page, type the password of the user account used by the calling router in Password and Confirm password, and then click Next. This step automatically creates a user account with the same name as the demand-dial interface that you are creating. You are also configuring the router to use this account name in its dial in credentials. When a calling router initiates a connection to an answering router, the calling router is using a user account name that matches the name of a demand-dial interface. Therefore, the answering router can determine that the incoming connection from the calling router is a demand-dial connection, rather than a remote access connection. 10. On the Dial Out Credentials page, type the user name in User name, the user account domain name in Domain, and the user account password in both Password and Confirm password. If this router might call the other router, for a two-way-initiated, router-to-router VPN connection, configure the name, domain, and password when this router is acting as the calling router. If this router never calls the other router, you can type any name in User name and skip the rest of the fields. 11. On the Completing the Demand-Dial Interface Wizard page, click Finish. Connection Example for a Site-to-Site VPN The complete configuration required for a site-to-site VPN connection is best illustrated by example. Figure 14-8 shows an example configuration of two offices that must connect to each other's networks across the Internet by using a site-to-site VPN connection. Figure 14-8 Example configuration for connecting two offices across the Internet The Seattle office has a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 and that acts as both a remote access VPN server and a demand-dial router. All computers in the Seattle office are connected to the network (subnet mask The Seattle router (Router 1) has an Internet interface that is assigned the public IPv4 address The New York office has a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 and that acts as both a remote access VPN server and a demand-dial router. All computers in the New York office are connected to the network (subnet mask The New York router (Router 2) TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 422 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking has an Internet interface that is assigned the public IPv4 address All computers in both offices are in the example.com domain. To configure demand-dial routing for the site-to-site VPN connection for this example, you must perform the following steps:   Configure and enable Routing and Remote Access on Router 1. Configure a demand-dial interface on Router 1 with the following settings:        Name: DD_NewYork Destination Address: Routes: with the subnet mask Dial In Credentials: User account name of DD_NewYork with the password of h8#dW@93z~[Fc6$Q (example password) Dial Out Credentials: User account name of DD_Seattle, domain name of example.com, and the password of 7%uQv45l?p!kWy9* (example password) Configure and enable Routing and Remote Access on Router 2. Configure a demand-dial interface on Router 2.      Name: DD_Seattle Destination Address: Routes: Dial In Credentials: User account name of DD_Seattle with the password 7%uQv45l?p!kWy9* Dial Out Credentials: User account name of DD_NewYork, domain name of example.com, and the password of h8#dW@93z~[Fc6$Q Because you have configured a two-way initiated site-to-site VPN connection, you can initiate the connection by performing the following steps on either Router 1 or Router 2: 1. In the tree of Routing and Remote Access, click Routing Interfaces. 2. In the details pane, right-click the demand-dial interface, and then click Connect. Figure 14-9 shows the resulting demand-dial routing configuration in terms of the demand-dial interfaces, static routes, and user accounts for the Seattle and New York offices. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 423 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Figure 14-9 Resulting example configuration for a site-to-site VPN connection This example shows a correct configuration for demand-dial routing. The user name from the user credentials of the demand-dial interface on the calling router must match the name of a demand-dial interface on the answering router in order for the incoming connection attempt to be considered a demand-dial connection. This relationship is summarized in Table 14-1. Router Demand-dial interface name User account name in dial out credentials Router 1 DD_NewYork DD_Seattle Router 2 DD_Seattle DD_NewYork Table 14-1 Connection example of a site-to-site VPN The Connection Process for Site-to-Site VPNs A site-to-site VPN connection uses the same connection process as a remote access connection, as described in "The Process for Setting Up a Remote Access VPN Connection" section of this chapter, with the following exceptions:   Both routers request an IPv4 address from the other router. The calling router does not register itself as a remote access client. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 424 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Using RADIUS for Network Access Authentication You can configure a VPN server running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 to perform its own authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) for VPN connections or to use Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS). RFCs 2865 and 2866 define RADIUS, a widely deployed protocol that enables centralized AAA for network access. Originally developed for dial-up remote access, RADIUS is now supported by VPN servers, wireless access points (APs), authenticating Ethernet switches, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) access servers, and other types of network access servers. RADIUS Components A RADIUS AAA infrastructure consists of the following components:      Access clients Access servers (RADIUS clients) RADIUS servers User account databases RADIUS proxies Figure 14-10 shows these components. Figure 14-10 The components of a RADIUS infrastructure The following sections describe these components in detail. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 425 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Access Clients An access client requires access to a network or to another part of the network. Examples of access clients are dial-up or VPN remote access clients, wireless clients, or LAN clients connected to an authenticating switch. Access clients do not use the RADIUS protocol. Access Servers An access server provides access to a network. An access server using a RADIUS infrastructure is also a RADIUS client, sending connection requests and accounting messages to a RADIUS server. Examples of access servers are the following:    Network access servers (remote access servers) that provide remote access to an organization network or to the Internet. An example is a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 and Routing and Remote Access and that provides either dial-up or VPN-based remote access to an organization's intranet. Wireless APs that provide physical access to an organization's network by using wireless-based transmission and reception technologies. Switches that provide physical access to an organization's network by using LAN technologies such as Ethernet. RADIUS Servers A RADIUS server receives and processes connection requests or accounting messages sent by RADIUS clients or RADIUS proxies. During a connection request, the RADIUS server processes the list of RADIUS attributes in the connection request. Based on a set of authorization rules and the information in the user account database, the RADIUS server either authenticates and authorizes the connection and sends back a RADIUS Access-Accept message or, if either authentication or authorization fails, sends back a RADIUS Access-Reject message. The RADIUS Access-Accept message can contain connection restrictions that the access server enforces for the duration of the connection. The Network Policy Server (NPS) component of Windows Server 2008 and the Internet Authentication Service (IAS) component of Windows Server 2003 are industry-standard RADIUS servers. User Account Databases A user account database is a list of user accounts and their properties that a RADIUS server can check to verify authentication credentials and to obtain user account properties that contain information about authorization and connection parameters. NPS and IAS can use the local Security Accounts Manager (SAM), a domain based on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 operating systems, or Active Directory as a user account database. For Active Directory, NPS and IAS can provide authentication and authorization for user or computer accounts in the domain of which the IAS server is a member, two-way trusted domains, and trusted forests with domain controllers running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003. If the user accounts for authentication reside in a different type of database, you can use a RADIUS proxy to forward the authentication request to a RADIUS server that does have access to the user account database. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 426 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking RADIUS Proxies A RADIUS proxy routes RADIUS connection requests and accounting messages between RADIUS clients (or other RADIUS proxies) and RADIUS servers (or other RADIUS proxies). A RADIUS proxy uses information within the RADIUS message to route it to the appropriate RADIUS client or server. You can use a RADIUS proxy as a forwarding point for RADIUS messages when AAA must occur at multiple RADIUS servers in different organizations. With the RADIUS proxy, the definition of RADIUS client and RADIUS server becomes blurred. A RADIUS client to a RADIUS proxy can be an access server (that originates connection request or accounting messages) or another RADIUS proxy. There can be multiple RADIUS proxies between the originating RADIUS client and the final RADIUS server using chained RADIUS proxies. In a similar way, a RADIUS server to a RADIUS proxy can be the final RADIUS server (which performs the authentication and authorization evaluation) or another RADIUS proxy. Therefore, from a RADIUS proxy perspective, a RADIUS client is the RADIUS entity from which the proxy receives RADIUS request messages, and a RADIUS server is the RADIUS entity to which the proxy forwards RADIUS request messages. The NPS component of Windows Server 2008 and the IAS component of Windows Server 2003 are industry-standard RADIUS proxies. NPS or IAS as a RADIUS Server You can use NPS or IAS as a RADIUS server to perform AAA for RADIUS clients. A RADIUS client can be either an access server or a RADIUS proxy. Figure 14-11 shows NPS or IAS as a RADIUS server. Figure 14-11 NPS or IAS as a RADIUS server TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 427 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking The access server and the RADIUS proxy exchange RADIUS messages with the NPS or IAS server. NPS or IAS uses a secure communications channel to communicate with an Active Directory domain controller. When NPS or IAS is used as a RADIUS server, it provides the following:   A central authentication and authorization service for all access requests that RADIUS clients and RADIUS proxies send. NPS or IAS uses an Active Directory–based domain or the local SAM to authenticate user credentials for a connection attempt. NPS uses the dial-in properties of the account and network policies to authorize a connection and enforce connection constraints. IAS uses the dial-in properties of the account and remote access policies to authorize a connection and enforce connection constraints. A central accounting recording service for all accounting requests that RADIUS clients send. For Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, accounting requests are stored in a local log file or sent to a structured query language (SQL) server database for analysis. You can use NPS or IAS as a RADIUS server in the following circumstances:     You use a Active Directory–based domain or the local SAM as your user account database for access clients. You use Routing and Remote Access in Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 on multiple dial-up servers, VPN servers, or site-to-site routers and you want to centralize both the configuration of remote access policies and the accounting of connection information. You outsource your dial-up, VPN, or wireless access to a service provider. The access servers use RADIUS to authenticate and authorize connections that members of your organization make. You want to centralize AAA for a heterogeneous set of access servers. To send RADIUS messages to an NPS or IAS-based RADIUS server, you must configure your access servers or RADIUS proxies to use the NPS or IAS server as their RADIUS server. To receive RADIUS messages from access servers or RADIUS proxies, you must configure the NPS or IAS server with RADIUS clients. For example, if your VPN server is using NPS or IAS servers for RADIUS authentication or accounting, you must do the following:   Configure the VPN server with RADIUS servers that correspond to the NPS or IAS servers. Configure the NPS or IAS servers with a RADIUS client that corresponds to the VPN server. To install NPS on a computer running Windows Server 2008, do the following: 1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager. 2. In the console tree, right-click Roles, click Add Roles, and then click Next. 3. On the Select Server Roles page, select the Network Policy and Access Services check box, and then click Next. 4. Follow the pages of the Add Roles wizard. To install IAS on a computer running Windows Server 2003, do the following: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 428 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Add or Remove Programs. 2. Click Add/Remove Windows Components. 3. In the Windows Components Wizard dialog box, click Networking Services, and then click Details. 4. In the Networking Services dialog box, select the Internet Authentication Service check box, click OK, and then click Next. 5. If prompted, insert the Windows Server 2003 product disk. 6. After IAS is installed, click Finish, and then click Close. To create a RADIUS client on an NPS server, do the following: 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Network Policy Server. 2. In the tree, open RADIUS Clients and Server, right-click RADIUS Clients, and then click New RADIUS Client. To create a RADIUS client on an IAS server, do the following: 3. Click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Internet Authentication Service. 4. In the tree, right-click RADIUS Clients, and then click New RADIUS Client. The New RADIUS Client Wizard will guide you through creating and configuring a RADIUS client. Network and Remote Access Policies For a connection attempt to be accepted, it must be both authenticated and authorized. Authentication verifies the credentials of the access client. Authorization verifies that the connection attempt is allowed and is granted on the basis of account dial-in properties and either network policies (for NPS) or remote access policies (for IAS). Network and remote access policies are an ordered set of rules that define how connections are either authorized or rejected. Each rule has one or more conditions, a set of profile settings, and a setting for network or remote access permission. When a connection is authorized, the settings of the network or remote access policy can specify a set of connection restrictions. The dial-in properties of the account also provide a set of restrictions. Where applicable, connection restrictions from the account properties override those from the network or remote access policy. Network or Remote Access Policy Conditions and Restrictions Before authorizing the connection, network or remote access policies can validate a number of connection settings, including the following:     Group membership Type of connection Time of day Authentication method TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 429 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking  Identity of the access server After authorizing the connection, network or remote access policies can specify connection restrictions, including the following:      Idle timeout time Maximum session time Encryption strength Authentication method IPv4 packet filters For example, you can have policies that specify different maximum session times for different types of connections or groups. Additionally, you can have policies that specify restricted access for business partners or vendors. You can configure network or remote access policies either from the VPN server computer, if it is not configured to use RADIUS, or from the NPS or IAS server computer. NPS or IAS as a RADIUS Proxy You can use NPS or IAS as a RADIUS proxy to route RADIUS messages between RADIUS clients (access servers) and RADIUS servers that perform AAA for the connection attempt. When you use NPA or IAS as a RADIUS proxy, NPS or IAS acts as a central switching or routing point through which RADIUS access and accounting messages flow. NPS or IAS records information in an accounting log about the messages that it forwards. Figure 14-12 shows NPS or IAS as a RADIUS proxy. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 430 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Figure 14-12 NPS or IAS as a RADIUS proxy Connection Request Processing To determine whether a RADIUS client message should be processed locally or forwarded to another RADIUS server, an NPS server running Windows Server 2008 or an IAS server running Windows Server 2003 uses the following:   Connection request policies For any incoming RADIUS request message, connection request policies determine whether the NPS or IAS server processes the message locally or forwards it to another RADIUS server. Connection request policies are rules that specify conditions and profile settings, which give you flexibility to configure how the NPS or IAS server handles incoming authentication and accounting request messages. With connection request policies, you can create a series of policies so that an NPS or IAS server processes some RADIUS request messages locally (acting as a RADIUS server) and forwards other types of messages to another RADIUS server (acting as a RADIUS proxy). Remote RADIUS server groups When an NPS or IAS server forwards RADIUS messages, remote RADIUS server groups specify the set of RADIUS servers to which the server forwards the messages. A remote RADIUS server group is a named group that contains one or more RADIUS servers. When you configure a connection request policy to forward RADIUS traffic, you must specify a remote RADIUS server group. This group facilitates the common configuration of both a primary and a secondary RADIUS server. You can specify various settings either to determine the order in which the servers are used or to distribute the RADIUS messages across all servers in the group. In Windows Server 2008, you can configure connection request policies from the Policies node and remote RADIUS server groups from the RADIUS Clients and Servers folder in the Network Policy Server snap-in. In Windows Server 2003, you can configure connection request policies and remote RADIUS server groups from the Connection Request Processing folder in the Internet Authentication Service snap-in. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 431 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Chapter Summary The chapter includes the following pieces of key information:        A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network to encompass links across shared or public networks like the Internet. With authentication, encapsulation, and encryption, you can use a VPN connection to send data between two computers across a shared or public internetwork in a manner that emulates the properties of a point-to-point private link. A remote access VPN connection connects a single client computer to a private network across a public or shared network. Either a default route or a set of routes that summarize the addresses of the private intranet facilitates routing for remote access VPN connections. A site-to-site VPN connection connects two portions of a private network across a public or shared network. A set of routes associated with the demand-dial interfaces that represent the point-to-point VPN connection facilitates routing for site-to-site VPN connections. Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 support both a VPN client and a VPN server for remote access VPN connections. A computer running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 can act as a calling or answering router in a site-to-site VPN connection. RADIUS is a standard protocol that you can use for authorization, authentication, and accounting of network access, including VPN connections. NPS in Windows Server 2008 and IAS in Windows Server 2003 are the Microsoft implementations of a RADIUS server and proxy. NPS uses network policies and IAS uses remote access policies to determine authorization of network access. Both NPS and IAS use connection request policies to determine whether the server should process an incoming RADIUS request message locally or forward it to another RADIUS server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 432 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking Chapter Glossary access client – A network device that requires access to a network or another part of the network. access server – A network device that provides access to a network. An access server that uses a RADIUS server for authentication, authorization, and accounting is also a RADIUS client. answering router – The router that answers the demand-dial connection attempt (the VPN server). calling router – The router that initiates the demand-dial connection (the VPN client). Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) – A VPN tunneling protocol that uses UDP and an L2TP header to encapsulate PPP frames sent across an IPv4 network. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) – An industry standard suite of protocols for the use of point-to-point links to transport multiprotocol packets. Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) – A VPN tunneling protocol that uses a TCP connection for tunnel maintenance and a Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) header to encapsulate PPP frames. RADIUS – See Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS). RADIUS proxy – A RADIUS-capable device that routes RADIUS connection requests and accounting messages between RADIUS clients (and RADIUS proxies) and RADIUS servers (and RADIUS proxies). RADIUS server – A server that receives and processes connection requests or accounting messages sent by RADIUS clients or RADIUS proxies. remote access VPN connection – A VPN connection that connects a single client computer to a private network across a public or shared network. Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) – An industry standard protocol that you can use to send messages between access servers, RADIUS servers, and RADIUS proxies to provide authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) of network access. Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) – A VPN tunneling protocol that uses a HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) session and an SSTP header to encapsulate PPP frames. site-to-site VPN connection – A VPN connection that connects two portions of a private network together across a public or shared network. user account database – A list of user accounts and their properties that a RADIUS server can check to verify authentication credentials and obtain user account properties that contain information about authorization and connection parameters. virtual private network (VPN) – The extension of a private network that encompasses encapsulated, encrypted, and authenticated links across shared or public networks. VPN connections can provide remote access and routed connections to private networks over a public or shared network, such as the Internet. VPN – See virtual private network (VPN). VPN client – A computer that initiates a connection to a VPN server. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 433 Chapter 14 – Virtual Private Networking VPN server – A computer that accepts virtual private network (VPN) connections from VPN clients. A VPN server can provide a remote access or a site-to-site VPN connection. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 434 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Abstract This chapter describes the mechanisms that aid in the transition of Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and the set of IPv6 transition technologies that are included with Microsoft Windows. Because the deployment of IPv6-only environments will not replace IPv4-only environments in the near future, network administrators must understand transition technologies that allow the concurrent use of IPv6 and IPv4 in a mixed environment. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 435 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:         List and describe the different types of IPv4 and IPv6 nodes. Describe the mechanisms for IPv4 to IPv6 transition. List and describe the types of tunneling configurations. Define the differences between configured and automatic tunneling. Describe ISATAP in terms of its purpose, requirements, and addresses. Describe 6to4 in terms of its purpose, requirements, and addresses. Describe Teredo in terms of its purpose, requirements, and addresses. List and describe the steps in migrating from IPv4 to IPv6. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 436 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Introduction to IPv6 Transition Technologies Protocol transitions are typically done by installing and configuring the new protocol on all nodes within the network and verifying that all node and router operations work successfully. Although this might be possible in a small or medium sized organization, the challenge of making a rapid protocol transition in a large organization is very difficult. Additionally, given the scope of the Internet, rapid protocol transition is an impossible task. The designers of IPv6 recognized that the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 would take years and that there might be organizations or hosts within organizations that will continue to use IPv4 indefinitely. Therefore, while migration is the long-term goal, equal consideration must be given to the interim coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6 nodes. RFC 2893 defines the following node types:      IPv4-only node A node that uses only IPv4 and has only IPv4 addresses assigned. This node type does not support IPv6. Most hosts and routers installed today are IPv4-only nodes. IPv6-only node A node that uses only IPv6 and has only IPv6 addresses assigned. This node type is only able to communicate with IPv6 nodes and applications. This type of node is not common today, but will become more prevalent as smaller devices such as cellular phones and handheld computing devices use only the IPv6 protocol. IPv6/IPv4 node A node that uses both IPv4 and IPv6. IPv4 node A node that uses IPv4. An IPv4 node can be an IPv4-only node or an IPv6/IPv4 node. IPv6 node A node that uses IPv6. An IPv6 node can be an IPv6-only node or an IPv6/IPv4 node. For coexistence to occur, all nodes (IPv4 or IPv6 nodes) can communicate using an IPv4 infrastructure, an IPv6 infrastructure, or an infrastructure that is a combination of IPv4 and IPv6. True migration is achieved when all IPv4 nodes are converted to IPv6-only nodes. However, for the foreseeable future, practical migration is achieved when as many IPv4-only nodes as possible are converted to IPv6-only nodes. IPv4-only nodes can communicate with IPv6-only nodes through an IPv4-to-IPv6 proxy or translation gateway. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 437 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies IPv6 Transition Mechanisms To coexist with an IPv4 infrastructure and to provide an eventual transition to an IPv6-only infrastructure, the following mechanisms are used:    Dual stack or dual IP layer architectures DNS infrastructure IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling Dual Stack or Dual IP Layer Architectures IPv6/IPv4 hosts can be based on a dual IP layer or dual stack architecture. In either architecture, the following types of traffic are possible:    IPv4 IPv6 IPv6 traffic sent with an IPv4 header (IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling) A dual IP layer contains a single implementation of Transport layer protocols such as TCP and UDP. Figure 15-1 shows a dual IP layer architecture. Figure 15-1 The dual IP layer architecture The IPv6 protocol for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 uses the dual IP layer architecture. The TCP/IP protocol driver in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, Tcpip.sys, contains both IPv4 and IPv6 Internet layers. Figure 15-2 shows the dual stack architecture. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 438 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Figure 15-2 The dual stack architecture The IPv6 protocol for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP uses the dual stack architecture. The IPv6 protocol driver in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, Tcpip6.sys, contains a separate implementation of TCP and UDP. Both dual stack and dual IP layer architectures provide the same functionality for IPv6 transition. DNS Infrastructure A Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure is needed for successful coexistence because of the prevalent use of names rather than addresses to refer to network resources. Upgrading the DNS infrastructure consists of populating the DNS servers with records to support IPv6 name-to-address and address-to-name resolutions. For name-to-address resolutions, the DNS infrastructure must be able to store AAAA records for IPv6 nodes that are populated either manually or dynamically. For address-to-name resolutions (reverse queries), the DNS infrastructure must be able to store PTR records in the IP6.ARPA domain for IPv6 nodes, populated either manually or dynamically. Address Selection Rules For name-to-address resolution, after the querying node obtains the set of addresses corresponding to the name, the node must determine the set of addresses to choose as source and destination for outgoing packets. This is not an issue in today’s prevalent IPv4-only environments. However, in an environment in which IPv4 and IPv6 coexist, the set of addresses returned in a DNS query may contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The typical querying IPv6/IPv4 host is configured with at least one IPv4 address and multiple IPv6 addresses. Deciding which type of address (IPv4 vs. IPv6) and, for IPv6 addresses, a source and the destination address that is matched in scope and purpose is not an easy task. For more information, see Source and Destination Address Selection for IPv6. Default address selection rules are defined in RFC 3484. The default address selection rules for the IPv6 protocol in Windows are stored in the prefix policy table, which you can view with the netsh interface ipv6 show prefixpolicy command. You can modify the entries in the prefix policy table using the netsh interface ipv6 add|set|delete prefixpolicy commands. By default, IPv6 addresses in DNS query responses are preferred over IPv4 addresses. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 439 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies IPv6 Over IPv4 Tunneling IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling is the encapsulation of IPv6 packets with an IPv4 header so that IPv6 packets can be sent over an IPv4 infrastructure. Within the IPv4 header:   The IPv4 Protocol field is set to 41 to indicate an encapsulated IPv6 packet. The Source and Destination fields are set to IPv4 addresses of the tunnel endpoints. The tunnel endpoints are either manually configured or are automatically derived from the sending tunnel interface and the next-hop address of the matching route for the destination IPv6 address in the tunneled packet. Figure 15-3 shows IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling. Figure 15-3 IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling Note IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling only describes an encapsulation of IPv6 packets with an IPv4 header so that IPv6 nodes are reachable across an IPv4 infrastructure. Unlike tunneling for the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) and Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), there is no exchange of messages for tunnel setup, maintenance, or termination. Additionally, IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling does not provide security for tunneled IPv6 packets. For more information about PPTP and L2TP, see Chapter 14, "Virtual Private Networking." Tunneling Configurations RFC 2893 defines the following tunneling configurations with which to tunnel IPv6 traffic between IPv6/IPv4 nodes over an IPv4 infrastructure:   Router-to-router In the router-to-router tunneling configuration, two IPv6/IPv4 routers connect two IPv6-capable infrastructures over an IPv4 infrastructure. The tunnel endpoints span a logical link in the path between the source and destination. The IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel between the two routers acts as a single hop. Routes within each IPv6-capable infrastructure point to the IPv6/IPv4 router on the edge. Host-to-router or router-to-host In the host-to-router tunneling configuration, an IPv6/IPv4 node that resides within an IPv4 infrastructure creates an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel to reach an IPv6/IPv4 router. The tunnel endpoints TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 440 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies span the first segment of the path between the source and destination nodes. The IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel between the IPv6/IPv4 node and the IPv6/IPv4 router acts as a single hop.  In the router-to-host tunneling configuration, an IPv6/IPv4 router creates an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel across an IPv4 infrastructure to reach an IPv6/IPv4 node. The tunnel endpoints span the last segment of the path between the source node and destination node. The IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel between the IPv6/IPv4 router and the IPv6/IPv4 node acts as a single hop. Host-to-host In the host-to-host tunneling configuration, an IPv6/IPv4 node that resides within an IPv4 infrastructure creates an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel to reach another IPv6/IPv4 node that resides within the same IPv4 infrastructure. The tunnel endpoints span the entire path between the source and destination nodes. The IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel between the IPv6/IPv4 nodes acts as a single hop. On each IPv6/IPv4 node, an interface representing the IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel is created. IPv6 routes are added that use the tunnel interface. Based on the sending tunnel interface, the route, and the destination address, the sending node tunnels the IPv6 traffic to the next hop or to the destination. The IPv4 address of the tunnel endpoint can be manually configured or automatically determined from the next-hop address for the destination and the tunnel interface. Types of Tunnels RFC 2893 defines the following types of tunnels:  Configured A configured tunnel requires manual configuration of tunnel endpoints. In a configured tunnel, the IPv4 addresses of tunnel endpoints are not derived from the next-hop address corresponding to the destination address. Typically, router-to-router tunneling configurations are manually configured. The tunnel interface configuration, consisting of the IPv4 addresses of the tunnel endpoints, must be manually specified along with routes that use the tunnel interface.  To manually create configured tunnels for the IPv6 protocol for Windows, use the netsh interface ipv6 add v6v4tunnel command. Automatic An automatic tunnel is a tunnel that does not require manual configuration. Tunnel endpoints are determined by the use of logical tunnel interfaces, routes, and destination IPv6 addresses. The IPv6 protocol for Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 supports the following automatic tunneling technologies:    Intra-site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP) 6to4 Teredo The IPv6 protocol for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP also supports automatic tunneling using IPv6-compatible addresses and 6over4. For more information, see IPv6 Transition Technologies. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 441 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies ISATAP ISATAP is an address assignment and host-to-host, host-to-router, and router-to-host automatic tunneling technology that provides unicast IPv6 connectivity between IPv6 hosts across an IPv4 intranet. ISATAP is described in RFC 4214. ISATAP hosts do not require any manual configuration and create ISATAP addresses using standard address autoconfiguration mechanisms. ISATAP can be used for communication between IPv6/IPv4 nodes on an IPv4 intranet. ISATAP addresses use the interface identifier ::200:5EFE:w.x.y.z (in which w.x.y.z is a unicast public IPv4 address) or ::0:5EFE:w.x.y.z (in which w.x.y.z is a unicast private IPv4 address). The ISATAP interface identifier can be combined with any 64-bit subnet prefix that is valid for IPv6 unicast addresses, including global, unique local, and link-local prefixes. An example of a link-local ISATAP address is FE80::5EFE: By default, the IPv6 protocol for Windows Vista with no service packs installed, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP automatically configures link-local ISATAP addresses (with the address prefix FE80::/64) on an ISATAP tunneling for each IPv4 address that is assigned to the node. Link-local ISATAP addresses allow two hosts to communicate over an IPv4 network by using each other's linklocal ISATAP address. Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008 do not automatically configure link-local ISATAP addresses. For example, Host A is configured with the IPv4 address of and Host B is configured with the IPv4 address of Host A automatically configures the ISATAP address of FE80::5EFE: and Host B automatically configures the ISATAP address of FE80::5EFE: Figure 15-4 shows this example configuration. Figure 15-4 An example ISATAP configuration When Host A sends IPv6 traffic to Host B by using Host B's link-local ISATAP address, the source and destination addresses for the IPv6 and IPv4 headers are as listed in Table 15-1. Table 15-1 Example of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for ISATAP Field Value IPv6 Source Address FE80::5EFE: IPv6 Destination Address FE80::5EFE: IPv4 Source Address TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 442 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies IPv4 Destination Address To test connectivity, a user on Host A can use the following command to ping Host B with its link-local ISATAP address: ping FE80::5EFE: Because the destination of the ping command is a link-local address, the %ZoneID portion of the command must be used to specify the interface index of the interface from which traffic is sent. In this case, %2 specifies interface 2, which is the interface index assigned to the ISATAP tunneling interface on Host A. The ISATAP tunneling interface uses the last 32-bits of the destination IPv6 address as the destination IPv4 address and the locally assigned IPv4 address as the source IPv4 address. Using an ISATAP Router The use of link-local ISATAP addresses allows IPv6/IPv4 hosts on the same logical ISATAP subnet to communicate with each other, but link-local addresses are not registered in DNS and cannot be used to communicate with other IPv6 hosts on other subnets. To obtain additional subnet prefixes, ISATAP hosts must perform router discovery and address autoconfiguration with an ISATAP router. To communicate outside the logical subnet using non-link-local ISATAP-based addresses, ISATAP hosts must tunnel their packets to an ISATAP router. Figure 15-5 shows an ISATAP router. Figure 15-5 An ISATAP router An ISATAP router is an IPv4/IPv6 router that performs the following:   Advertises subnet prefixes assigned to the logical ISATAP subnet on which ISATAP hosts are located. ISATAP hosts use the advertised subnet prefixes to configure global ISATAP addresses. Forwards packets between ISATAP hosts and hosts on other IPv6 subnets (optional). The other subnets can be subnets in an IPv6-capable portion of the organization's network or the IPv6 Internet. When an ISATAP host receives a router advertisement from an ISATAP router, it performs address autoconfiguration and configures additional IPv6 addresses on the ISATAP interface with the appropriate interface ID. If the ISATAP router advertises itself as a default router, the ISATAP host adds a default route (::/0) using the ISATAP interface with the next-hop address set to the link-local ISATAP address of the ISATAP router. When an ISATAP host sends packets destined to locations outside the logical ISATAP subnet, they are tunneled to the IPv4 address of the ISATAP router. The ISATAP router then forwards the IPv6 packet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 443 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies The IPv6 protocol for Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003 obtains the IPv4 address of the ISATAP router through one of the following:   The successful resolution of the name "ISATAP" to an IPv4 address. The netsh interface isatap set router or netsh interface ipv6 isatap set router commands. Resolving the ISATAP Name When the IPv6 protocol for Windows starts, it attempts to resolve the name "ISATAP" to an IPv4 address using the following TCP/IP name resolution techniques:         Check the local host name. Check the DNS client resolver cache, which includes the entries in the Hosts file in the SystemRoot\system32\drivers\etc folder. Form a fully qualified domain name and sending a DNS name query. For example, if the computer running Windows is a member of the example.com domain (and example.com is the only domain name in the search list), the computer sends a DNS query to resolve the name isatap.example.com. Use Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) to resolve the single-label name “ISATAP” (Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 only). Convert the ISATAP name into the NetBIOS name "ISATAP name cache. <00>" and check the NetBIOS Send a NetBIOS name query to the configured Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) servers. Send NetBIOS broadcasts. Check the Lmhosts file in the SystemRoot\system32\drivers\etc folder. If successful, the host sends an IPv4-encapsulated Router Solicitation message to the ISATAP router. The ISATAP router responds with an IPv4-encapsulated Router Advertisement message containing subnet prefixes to use for autoconfiguration of ISATAP-based addresses and, optionally, advertising itself as a default router. To ensure that at least one of these attempts is successful, you can do one or more of the following as needed:      If the ISATAP router is a computer running Windows, name the computer ISATAP and it will automatically register the appropriate records in DNS and WINS. Manually create an address (A) record for the name "ISATAP" in the appropriate domains in DNS. For example, for the example.com domain, create an A record for isatap.example.com with the IPv4 address of the ISATAP router. Manually create a static WINS record in WINS for the NetBIOS name "ISATAP <00>". Add the following entry to the Hosts file of the computers that need to resolve the name ISATAP: IPv4_Address ISATAP Add the following entry to the Lmhosts file of the computers that need to resolve the name ISATAP: IPv4_Address ISATAP TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 444 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Using the netsh interface isatap set router Command Although the automatic resolution of the ISATAP name is the recommended method for configuring the IPv4 address of the ISATAP router, you can manually configure the name or IPv4 address of the ISATAP router with the netsh interface isatap set router or netsh interface ipv6 isatap set router commands. The syntax of these commands are: netsh interface isatap set router AddressOrName netsh interface ipv6 isatap set router AddressOrName AddressOrName is the name or IPv4 address of the ISATAP router's intranet interface. For example, if the ISATAP router's IPv4 address is, the command is: netsh interface isatap set router Setting up an ISATAP Router A computer running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003 can be configured as an ISATAP router. Assuming that the router is already configured to forward IPv6 traffic on its LAN interfaces and has a default route that is configured to be published, the additional commands that need to be issued on the router are: netsh interface ipv6 isatap set router IPv4Address netsh interface ipv6 set interface ISATAPInterfaceNameOrIndex forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled netsh interface ipv6 add route SubnetPrefix/PrefixLength ISATAPInterfaceNameOrIndex publish=yes The first command sets the IPv4 address of the ISATAP router’s LAN interface on the IPv4 network. The second command enables forwarding and advertising on the ISATAP tunneling interface. The third command enables the advertisement of a specific subnet prefix (SubnetPrefix/PrefixLength) over the ISATAP tunneling interface. Use this command one or multiple times to advertise as many subnet prefixes as you need. All the subnet prefixes configured using this command are included in the Router Advertisement message sent back to the ISATAP host. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 445 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies 6to4 6to4 is an address assignment and router-to-router automatic tunneling technology that provides unicast IPv6 connectivity between IPv6 sites and hosts across the IPv4 Internet. 6to4 uses the global address prefix 2002:WWXX:YYZZ::/48. WWXX:YYZZ is the colon-hexadecimal representation of a public IPv4 address (w.x.y.z) assigned to a site or host. The full 6to4 address is: 2002:WWXX:YYZZ:SubnetID:InterfaceID 6to4 is described in RFC 3056, which defines the following terms:    6to4 host Any IPv6 host that is configured with at least one 6to4 address (a global address with the 2002::/16 prefix). 6to4 hosts do not require any manual configuration and create 6to4 addresses using standard address autoconfiguration mechanisms. 6to4 router An IPv6/IPv4 router that supports the use of a 6to4 tunnel interface and is typically used to forward 6to4-addressed traffic between the 6to4 hosts within a site and either other 6to4 routers or the IPv6 Internet through a 6to4 relay. 6to4 relay An IPv6/IPv4 router that forwards 6to4-addressed traffic between 6to4 routers on the IPv4 Internet and hosts on the IPv6 Internet. Figure 15-6 shows 6to4 components. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 446 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Figure 15-6 6to4 components Within a site, local IPv6 routers advertise 2002:WWXX:YYZZ:Subnet_ID::/64 subnet prefixes so that hosts autoconfigure 6to4 addresses. IPv6 routers within the site deliver traffic between 6to4 hosts. Hosts on individual subnets are automatically configured with a 64-bit subnet route for direct delivery to neighbors and a default route with the next-hop address of the advertising router. IPv6 traffic that does not match any of the subnet prefixes used within the site is forwarded to a 6to4 router on the site border. The 6to4 router on the site border has a 2002::/16 route that is used to forward traffic to other 6to4 sites and a default route (::/0) that is used to forward traffic to a 6to4 relay. In the example network shown in Figure 15-6, Host A and Host B can communicate with each other because of a default route using the next-hop address of the 6to4 router in Site 1. When Host A communicates with Host C in another site, Host A sends the traffic to the 6to4 router in Site 1 as IPv6 packets. The 6to4 router in Site 1, using the 2002::/16 route in its routing table and the 6to4 tunnel interface, encapsulates the traffic with an IPv4 header and tunnels it to the 6to4 router in Site 2. The 6to4 router in Site 2 receives the tunneled traffic, removes the IPv4 header and, using the subnet prefix route in its routing table, forwards the IPv6 packet to Host C. For example, Host A resides on subnet 1 within Site 1 that uses the public IPv4 address of Host C resides on subnet 2 within Site 2 that uses the public IPv4 address of Table 2 lists the addresses in the IPv4 and IPv6 headers when the 6to4 router in Site 1 sends the IPv4-encapsulated IPv6 packet to the 6to4 router in Site 2. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 447 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Table 15-2 Example 6to4 addresses Field Value IPv6 Source Address 2002:9D3C:5B7B:1::1 IPv6 Destination Address 2002:836B:D231:2::3 IPv4 Source Address IPv4 Destination Address When you use 6to4 hosts, an IPv6 routing infrastructure within a site, a 6to4 router at the site boundary, and a 6to4 relay, the following types of communication are possible:    A 6to4 host can communicate with other 6to4 hosts within the same site. This type of communication is available by using the IPv6 routing infrastructure within the site, which provides reachability to all hosts within the site. In Figure 15-6, this is the communication between Host A and Host B. A 6to4 host can communicate with 6to4 hosts in other sites across the IPv4 Internet. This type of communication occurs when a 6to4 host forwards IPv6 traffic that is destined to a 6to4 host in another site to its local site 6to4 router. The local site 6to4 router tunnels the IPv6 traffic to the 6to4 router at the destination site on the IPv4 Internet. The 6to4 router at the destination site removes the IPv4 header and forwards the IPv6 packet to the appropriate 6to4 host by using the IPv6 routing infrastructure of the destination site. In Figure 15-6, this is the communication between Host A and Host C. A 6to4 host can communicate with hosts on the IPv6 Internet. This type of communication occurs when a 6to4 host forwards IPv6 traffic that is destined for an IPv6 Internet host to its local site 6to4 router. The local site 6to4 router tunnels the IPv6 traffic to a 6to4 relay that is connected to both the IPv4 Internet and the IPv6 Internet. The 6to4 relay removes the IPv4 header and forwards the IPv6 packet to the appropriate IPv6 Internet host by using the IPv6 routing infrastructure of the IPv6 Internet. In Figure 15-6, this is the communication between Host A and Host D. All of these types of communication use IPv6 traffic without the requirement of obtaining either a direct connection to the IPv6 Internet or a global address prefix from an Internet service provider (ISP). 6to4 Support in Windows The 6to4 component of the IPv6 protocol for Windows provides 6to4 tunneling support. If there is a public IPv4 address assigned to an interface on the host and a global prefix is not received in a router advertisement, the 6to4 component:    Automatically configures 6to4 addresses on a 6to4 tunneling interface for all public IPv4 addresses that are assigned to interfaces on the computer. Automatically creates a 2002::/16 route that forwards all 6to4 traffic with a 6to4 tunneling interface. All traffic forwarded by this host to 6to4 destinations is encapsulated with an IPv4 header. Automatically performs a DNS query to obtain the IPv4 address of a 6to4 relay on the IPv4 Internet. By default, the 6to4 component queries for the name 6to4.ipv6.microsoft.com. You can use the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 448 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies netsh interface ipv6 6to4 set relay command to specify the DNS name to query. If the query is successful, a default route is added using a 6to4 tunneling interface and the next-hop address is set to the 6to4 address of the 6to4 relay. The results of the 6to4 component autoconfiguration vary depending on the configuration of the host. Figure 15-7 shows how 6to4 is configured for different types of hosts running Windows (except IPv6 host D). Figure 15-7 6to4 for Windows hosts For a host that is assigned a private IPv4 address or receives a router advertisement for a global prefix, there are no 6to4 addresses assigned to the 6to4 tunneling interface. Addresses and routes are autoconfigured based on the received router advertisement. This configuration corresponds to Host A, Host B, and Host C in Figure 15-7. A host that is assigned a public IPv4 address and does not receive a router advertisement for a global prefix automatically configures a 6to4 address of the form 2002:WWXX:YYZZ::WWXX:YYZZ is on the 6to4 tunneling interface. The host adds a 2002::/16 route using the 6to4 tunneling interface and, if the DNS query for the 6to4 relay is successful, adds a default route using the 6to4 address of the 6to4 relay as the next hop. This type of host is a 6to4 host and performs its own tunneling like a 6to4 router. This configuration corresponds to 6to4 host/router E in Figure 15-7, a host that is directly connected to the IPv4 Internet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 449 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies A computer running Windows can automatically configure itself as a 6to4 router by utilizing the configuration of the Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) feature. This configuration corresponds to 6to4 router 1 in Figure 15-7. If ICS is enabled on an interface that is assigned a public IPv4 address, the 6to4 component automatically:   Enables IPv6 forwarding on the 6to4 tunneling interface and the private interface. The private interface is connected to a single-subnet intranet and uses private IPv4 addresses from the prefix. Sends Router Advertisement messages on the private interface. The router advertisements advertise the ICS computer as a default router and contain a 6to4 subnet prefix that is based on the public IPv4 address assigned to the public interface. The Subnet ID in the 6to4 subnet prefix is set to the interface index of the interface on which the advertisements are sent. For example, for an ICS computer using the public IPv4 address of and interface 5 as the interface index of the private interface, the advertised prefix would be 2002:836B:1759:5::/64. Private hosts receiving this router advertisement would create global addresses through normal address autoconfiguration and add a 2002:836B:1759:5::/64 route for the local subnet and a default route with a next-hop address of the link-local address of the ICS computer's private interface. Private hosts can communicate with each other on the same subnet using the 2002:836B:1759:5::/64 route. For all other destinations to other 6to4 sites or the IPv6 Internet, the 6to4 hosts forward the IPv6 packets to the ICS computer using the default route. For traffic to other 6to4 sites, the ICS computer uses its 2002::/16 route and encapsulates the IPv6 traffic with an IPv4 header and sends it across the IPv4 Internet to another 6to4 router. For all other IPv6 traffic, the ICS computer uses its default route and encapsulates the IPv6 traffic with an IPv4 header and sends it across the IPv4 Internet to a 6to4 relay. To manually configure a computer running Windows as a 6to4 router, you must do the following:     Ensure that the 6to4 router computer has a public address assigned to its Internet interface and has not received a Router Advertisement message from either an IPv6 router on an attached subnet or an ISATAP router. If this is the case, the 6to4 component automatically adds a 2002::/16 route to the routing table that uses the 6to4 tunneling interface and adds a default route that points to a 6to4 relay on the IPv4 Internet. Enable forwarding and advertising on the interfaces attached to your intranet. You can do this with the following command: netsh interface ipv6 set interface InterfaceNameOrIndex forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled Enable forwarding on the 6to4 tunneling interface. You can do this with the following command: netsh interface ipv6 set interface 6to4InterfaceNameOrIndex forwarding=enabled Add routes for 6to4 prefixes to the interfaces attached to your intranet and configure them to be published. You can do this with the following command: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 450 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies netsh interface ipv6 add route 2002:WWXX:YYZZ:SubnetID::/64 InterfaceNameOrIndex publish=yes WWXX:YYZZ is the colon-hexadecimal notation for w.x.y.z, the public IPv4 address that is assigned to the interface that is attached to the Internet. SubnetID identifies an individual subnet within the 6to4 site. For example, a computer running Windows Server 2003 has three LAN interfaces with the following configuration:    Local Area Connection is attached to the IPv4 Internet and is assigned the public IPv4 address Local Area Connection 2 is an intranet interface that is using interface index 5. Local Area Connection 3 is an intranet interface that is using interface index 6. To configure this computer as a 6to4 router, run the following commands: netsh interface ipv6 set interface "Local Area Connection 2" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled netsh interface ipv6 set interface "Local Area Connection 3" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled netsh interface ipv6 set interface "6to4 Tunneling Pseudo-Interface" forwarding=enabled netsh interface ipv6 add route 2002:836b:1:5::/64 "Local Area Connection 2" publish=yes netsh interface ipv6 add route 2002:836b:1:6::/64 "Local Area Connection 3" publish=yes For this example, the subnet prefix 2002:836b:1:5::/64 is advertised over Local Area Connection 2 and the subnet prefix 2002:836b:1:6::/64 is advertised over Local Area Connection 3 (836b:1 is the hexadecimal colon notation for the public IPv4 address By convention, the subnet ID is set to the interface index of the interface over which the prefix is advertised. You can specify any subnet ID you want (from 0 to 0xffff). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 451 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Teredo Teredo, also known as IPv4 network address translator (NAT) traversal (NAT-T) for IPv6, provides address assignment and host-to-host automatic tunneling for unicast IPv6 connectivity across the IPv4 Internet, even when IPv6/IPv4 hosts are located behind one or multiple IPv4 NATs. Teredo is defined in RFC 4380. To traverse IPv4 NATs, IPv6 packets are sent as IPv4-based User Datagram Protocol (UDP) messages. 6to4 provides a similar function as Teredo. However, 6to4 router support is required in the edge device that is connected to the Internet. 6to4 router functionality is not widely supported by IPv4 NATs. Even if the edge NAT were 6to4-capable, 6to4 would still not work for configurations in which there are multiple NATs between a site and the Internet. Teredo resolves the issues of the lack of 6to4 functionality in modern-day NATs or multi-layered NAT configurations by tunneling IPv6 packets between the hosts within the sites. In contrast, 6to4 uses tunneling from the edge device. Tunneling from the hosts presents another issue for NATs: IPv4encapsulated IPv6 packets are sent with the Protocol field in the IPv4 header set to 41. Most NATs only translate TCP or UDP traffic and must either be manually configured to translate other protocols or have an installed NAT editor that handles the translation. Because Protocol 41 translation is not a common feature of NATs, IPv4-encapsulated IPv6 traffic will not flow through typical NATs. Therefore, the IPv6 packet is encapsulated as an IPv4 UDP message, containing both IPv4 and UDP headers. UDP messages can be translated by most NATs and can traverse multiple layers of NATs. Teredo is designed as a last resort transition technology for IPv6 connectivity. If native IPv6, 6to4, or ISATAP connectivity is present between communicating nodes, Teredo is not used. As more IPv4 NATs are upgraded to support 6to4 and IPv6 connectivity becomes ubiquitous, Teredo will be used less and less, until eventually it is not used at all. Teredo in Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, Windows XP SP2, and Windows XP SP1 with the Advanced Networking Pack for Windows XP works only over cone and restricted NATs.   A cone NAT stores a mapping between an internal (private) address and port number and an external (public) address and port number. After the NAT translation table entry is in place, incoming traffic from the Internet to the external address and port number is allowed from any source address and port number. A restricted NAT stores a mapping between an internal address and port number and an external address and port number, for either specific external addresses or specific external addresses and port numbers. An incoming packet from the Internet that does not match a NAT translation table entry for both the external destination address and port number and a specific source external address or port number is silently discarded. There is an additional type of NAT, known as a symmetric NAT, which maps the same internal address and port number to different external addresses and ports, depending on the external destination address (for outgoing traffic). Teredo in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP does not support symmetric NATs. Teredo Components Figure 15-8 shows the set of components for Teredo connectivity. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 452 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Figure 15-8 Teredo components The components of Teredo are the following:     Teredo client An IPv6/IPv4 node that supports a Teredo tunneling interface through which packets are tunneled to either other Teredo clients or nodes on the IPv6 Internet through a Teredo relay. Teredo server An IPv6/IPv4 node that is connected to both the IPv4 Internet and the IPv6 Internet. The role of the Teredo server is to assist in the initial configuration of Teredo clients and to facilitate the initial communication between either Teredo clients in different sites or between Teredo clients and IPv6only hosts on the IPv6 Internet. Teredo relay An IPv6/IPv4 router that can forward packets between Teredo clients on the IPv4 Internet and IPv6only hosts on the IPv6 Internet. Teredo host-specific relay An IPv6/IPv4 node that has an interface and connectivity to both the IPv4 Internet and the IPv6 Internet and can communicate directly with Teredo clients over the IPv4 Internet, without the need for an intermediate Teredo relay. The connectivity to the IPv4 Internet can be through a public IPv4 address or through a private IPv4 address and a neighboring NAT. The connectivity to the IPv6 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 453 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Internet can be through a direct connection to the IPv6 Internet or through an IPv6 transition technology such as 6to4. Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 and later, Windows XP with SP2 and later, and Windows XP with SP1 and the Advanced Networking Pack for Windows XP include Teredo client and Teredo host-specific relay functionality. The Teredo host-specific relay functionality is automatically enabled if a global IPv6 address has been assigned. A global address can be assigned from a Router Advertisement message that is received from a native IPv6 router, an ISATAP router, or a 6to4 router. If there is no global address configured, Teredo client functionality is enabled. Teredo Addresses Teredo addresses have the format shown in Figure 15-9. Figure 15-9 Teredo addresses A Teredo address consists of the following:     Teredo prefix The first 32 bits are for the Teredo prefix, which is the same for all Teredo addresses. The Microsoft implementations of Teredo use 2001::/32 or 3FFE:831F::/32 (obsolete). Teredo server IPv4 address The next 32 bits contain the IPv4 public address of the Teredo server that assisted in the configuration of this Teredo address. Flags The next 16 bits are reserved for Teredo flags. The only defined flag is the high-order bit known as the Cone flag. The Cone flag is set when the Teredo client detects that it is located behind a cone NAT. Obscured external port The next 16 bits store an obscured version of the external UDP port that corresponds to all Teredo traffic for this Teredo client. When the Teredo client sends its initial packet to a Teredo server, the source UDP port of the packet is mapped by the NAT to a different, external UDP port. All Teredo traffic for the host uses the same external, mapped UDP port.  The external port is obscured by exclusive ORing (XORing) the external port with 0xFFFF. For example, the obscured version of the external port 5000 in hexadecimal format is EC77 (5000 equals 0x1388, and 0x1388 XOR 0xFFFF = 0xEC77). Obscuring the external port prevents a NAT from translating the external port contained within the payload of the packets that are being forwarded. Obscured external address TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 454 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies The last 32 bits store an obscured version of the external IPv4 address that corresponds to all Teredo traffic for this Teredo client. Just like the external port, when the Teredo client sends its initial packet to a Teredo server, the source IP address of the packet is mapped by the NAT to a different, external address. The external address is obscured by XORing the external address with 0xFFFFFFFF. For example, the obscured version of the public IPv4 address in colon-hexadecimal format is 7C94:FFFE ( equals 0x836B0001, and 0x836B0001 XOR 0xFFFFFFFF = 0x7C94FFFE). Obscuring the external address prevents NATs from translating the external address contained within the payload of the packets that are being forwarded. How Teredo Works For two Windows-based Teredo clients, the most crucial Teredo processes are those used for initial configuration and communication with a peer in a different site. Initial Configuration Teredo clients perform initial configuration by sending a series of Router Solicitation messages to multiple Teredo servers. Windows-based Teredo clients obtain the IPv4 addresses of Teredo servers on the IPv4 Internet by performing a DNS query the name teredo.ipv6.microsoft.com. You can use the netsh interface ipv6 set teredo servername=Name_or_IPv4_Address command to specify the DNS name to query. The Teredo client uses the router advertisements to derive a Teredo address and determine whether the client is behind a cone, restricted, or symmetric NAT. You can see what type of NAT the Teredo client has discovered from the display of the netsh interface ipv6 show teredo command. Based on the received Router Advertisement messages, the Teredo client constructs its Teredo address from the following:     The first 64 bits are set to the value included in the Prefix Information option of the received router advertisement. The 64-bit prefix advertised by the Teredo server consists of the Teredo prefix (2001::/32) and the public IPv4 address of the Teredo server (32 bits). The next 16 bits are the Flags field with the high-order bit set to either 1 (cone NAT) or 0 (restricted NAT). The next 16 bits are set to the obscured external UDP port number for Teredo traffic. The last 32 bits are set to the obscured external IPv4 address for Teredo traffic. The external IPv4 address and UDP port number for Teredo traffic are included in an extra Teredo header in the router advertisements sent by the Teredo servers. Initial Communication Between Two Teredo Clients in Different Sites The set of packets sent during the initial communication between Teredo clients located in different sites depends on whether the Teredo clients are located behind cone NATs or restricted NATs. When a Teredo client is located behind a cone NAT, the NAT translation table entries for Teredo traffic for the Teredo client allows traffic from any source IP address or source UDP port. Therefore, a Teredo TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 455 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies client can send packets directly to another Teredo client behind a cone NAT without having to send additional packets. When a Teredo client is located behind a restricted NAT, the NAT translation table entries for Teredo traffic for the Teredo client is only allowed from specific IPv4 addresses and UDP port numbers. Therefore, when a Teredo client is located behind a restricted NAT, an initiating Teredo client must first send packets to create a source-specific NAT mapping that allows the initiating Teredo client's traffic to traverse the restricted NAT, prior to sending the initial communication packet. Figure 15-10 shows the initial communication process between Teredo clients that are located in different sites when both sites are using restricted NATs. Figure 15-10 Process for sending an initial packet when two Teredo clients are located behind restricted NATs To send an initial communication packet from Teredo Client A to Teredo Client B, the following process is used: 1. Teredo Client A sends a bubble packet directly to Teredo Client B. A bubble packet contains no data and is used to create or maintain NAT mappings. Because Teredo Client B is behind a restricted NAT, Teredo traffic from an arbitrary source IPv4 address and UDP port number is not allowed unless there is a source-specific NAT translation table entry. Assuming that there is none, the restricted NAT silently discards the bubble packet. However, when the restricted NAT for Teredo Client A forwarded the bubble packet, it created a source-specific NAT translation table entry that will allow future packets sent from Teredo Client B to be forwarded to Teredo Client A. 2. Teredo Client A sends a bubble packet to Teredo Client B through Teredo Server 2 (Teredo Client B's Teredo server). The IPv4 destination address in the bubble packet is set to the IPv4 address of TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 456 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Teredo Server 2, which Teredo Client A determines from the third and fourth blocks of Teredo Client B's Teredo address. 3. Teredo Server 2 forwards the bubble packet to Teredo Client B. The restricted NAT for Teredo Client B forwards the packet because there is an existing source-specific mapping for Teredo traffic from Teredo Server 2 (established by the initial configuration of Teredo Client B). 4. Teredo Client B responds to the bubble packet received from Teredo Client A with its own bubble packet, which is sent directly to Teredo Client A. Because Teredo Client A's restricted NAT has a source-specific mapping for Teredo traffic from Teredo Client B (as established by the initial bubble packet sent from Teredo Client A in step 1), it forwards the bubble packet to Teredo Client A. 5. Upon receipt of the bubble packet from Teredo Client B, Teredo Client A determines that sourcespecific NAT mappings exist for both NATs. Teredo Client A sends an initial communication packet directly to Teredo Client B. Subsequent packets are sent directly between Teredo Client A and Teredo Client B. This process occurs transparently to the users at Teredo Client A and Teredo Client B. There are additional initial communication processes for when the destination for the initial packet is on the same link, on the IPv6 Internet, or with a Teredo host-specific relay. For more information, see Teredo Overview. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 457 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Migrating to IPv6 The migration of IPv4 to IPv6 will be a long process. As a general guideline, to migrate from IPv4 to IPv6, you must perform the following steps: 1. Begin upgrading your applications to be independent of IPv4 or IPv6. For example, Windows Sockets applications might need be changed to use new Windows Sockets application programming interfaces (APIs) so that name resolution, socket creation, and other functions are independent of whether IPv4 or IPv6 is being used. 2. Update the DNS infrastructure to support IPv6 address and PTR records. The DNS infrastructure might need to be upgraded to support the new AAAA records and PTR records in the IP6.ARPA reverse domain. 3. Upgrade hosts to IPv6/IPv4 nodes. Hosts must be upgraded to use both IPv4 and IPv6 in a dual IP layer or dual stack architecture. DNS resolver support must also be updated to process DNS query results that contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. 4. Deploy ISATAP. This optional step provides tunneled IPv6 connectivity before native IPv6 connectivity is deployed across your network. 5. Upgrade routing infrastructure for native IPv6 routing. Routers must be upgraded and configured to support native IPv6 prefix advertisement and routing. 6. Convert IPv6/IPv4 nodes to IPv6-only nodes. IPv6/IPv4 nodes can be upgraded to be IPv6-only nodes. This should be a long-term goal because it will take years for current IPv4-only network devices to be upgraded to IPv6-only. For those IPv4-only nodes that cannot be upgraded to IPv6/IPv4 or IPv6-only, employ translation gateways or proxies as appropriate so that IPv4-only nodes can communicate with IPv6-only nodes. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 458 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Chapter Summary The chapter includes the following pieces of key information:         IPv6/IPv4 nodes with a dual stack or dual IP architecture, DNS infrastructure, and IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling are used to coexist with an IPv4 infrastructure and to provide eventual migration to an IPv6only infrastructure. A configured tunnel requires manual configuration of the tunnel endpoints. An automatic tunnel is a tunnel that does not require manual configuration. Tunnel endpoints are determined from routes and tunneling interfaces. ISATAP is an address assignment and host-to-host, host-to-router, and router-to-host automatic tunneling technology that provides unicast IPv6 connectivity between IPv6 hosts across an IPv4 intranet. ISATAP addresses are composed of a valid 64-bit unicast address prefix and the interface identifier of either ::200:5EFE:w.x.y.z (w.x.y.z is a unicast public IPv4 address) or ::0:5EFE:w.x.y.z (w.x.y.z is a unicast private IPv4 address). 6to4 is an address assignment and router-to-router automatic tunneling technology that provides unicast IPv6 connectivity between IPv6 sites and hosts across the IPv4 Internet. 6to4 addresses are based on the prefix 2002:WWXX:YYZZ::/48 (in which WWXX:YYZZ is the colon hexadecimal representation of w.x.y.z, a public IPv4 address). Teredo is an address assignment and host-to-host or host-to-router automatic tunneling technology that provides unicast IPv6 connectivity across the IPv4 Internet when IPv6/IPv4 hosts are located behind one or multiple IPv4 NATs. To migrate from IPv4 to IPv6 you must upgrade your applications to be independent of IPv4 or IPv6, update the DNS infrastructure to support IPv6 address records, upgrade hosts to IPv6/IPv4 nodes, deploy ISATAP, upgrade your routing infrastructure for native IPv6 routing, and then convert IPv6/IPv4 nodes to IPv6-only nodes. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 459 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies Chapter Glossary _ISATAP name – See ISATAP name. 6to4 – An IPv6 transition technology that is used to provide unicast IPv6 connectivity between IPv6 sites across the IPv4 Internet. 6to4 uses a public IPv4 address to construct a global IPv6 address prefix. 6to4 address – An address of the type 2002:WWXX:YYZZ:Subnet_ID:Interface_ID, where WWXX:YYZZ is the colon hexadecimal representation of w.x.y.z (a public IPv4 address). A 6to4 address is used to represent a node for the 6to4 transition technology. 6to4 host – An IPv6 host that is configured with at least one 6to4 address (a global address with the 2002::/16 prefix). 6to4 hosts do not require manual configuration and create 6to4 addresses by using standard address autoconfiguration mechanisms. 6to4 relay – An IPv6/IPv4 router that forwards 6to4-addressed traffic between 6to4 routers on the IPv4 Internet and hosts on the IPv6 Internet. 6to4 router – An IPv6/IPv4 router that supports the use of a 6to4 tunnel interface and is typically used to forward 6to4-addressed traffic between the 6to4 hosts within a site and other 6to4 routers or 6to4 relays on the IPv4 Internet. automatic tunnel – An IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel in which the tunnel endpoints are determined by the use of logical tunnel interfaces and routes. configured tunnel – An IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel in which the tunnel endpoints are determined by manual configuration. dual IP layer architecture – The architecture of an IPv6/IPv4 node in which a single implementation of Transport layer protocols such as TCP and UDP operate over separate implementations of IPv4 and IPv6. dual stack architecture – The architecture of an IPv6/IPv4 node that consists of two separate protocol stacks, one for IPv4 and one for IPv6, and each stack has its own implementation of the Transport layer protocols (TCP and UDP). host-to-host tunneling – IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling where the tunnel endpoints are two hosts. For example, an IPv6/IPv4 node that resides within an IPv4 infrastructure creates an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel to reach another host that resides within the same IPv4 infrastructure. host-to-router tunneling – IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling where the tunnel begins at a sending host and ends at an IPv6/IPv4 router. For example, an IPv6/IPv4 node that resides within an IPv4 infrastructure creates an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel to reach an IPv6/IPv4 router. Intra-site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP) – An IPv6 transition technology that provides unicast IPv6 connectivity between IPv6 hosts across an IPv4 intranet. ISATAP derives the interface ID from an IPv4 address (public or private) assigned to a host. IPv6 in IPv4 – See IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling. IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling – The encapsulation of IPv6 packets with an IPv4 header so that IPv6 traffic can be sent across an IPv4 infrastructure. In the IPv4 header, the Protocol field is set to 41. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 460 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies IPv6/IPv4 node – A node that uses both IPv4 and IPv6. IPv6-only node – A node that uses only IPv6 and is assigned only IPv6 addresses. ISATAP – See Intra-site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP). ISATAP address – An address of the type UnicastAddressPrefix:200:5EFE:w.x.y.z (in which w.x.y.z is a public IPv4 address) or UnicastAddressPrefix:0:5EFE:w.x.y.z (in which w.x.y.z is a private IPv4 address). ISATAP host – A host that is assigned an ISATAP address. ISATAP name – The name that by default is resolved by computers running Windows Vista, Windows XP with Service Pack 1 and later, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003 to automatically discover the IPv4 address of the ISATAP router. Computers running Windows XP with no service packs installed by default attempt to resolve the name "_ISATAP". ISATAP router – An IPv6/IPv4 router that responds to tunneled router solicitations from ISATAP hosts and forwards traffic between ISATAP hosts and nodes on other IPv6 subnets. router-to-host tunneling – IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling in which the tunnel begins at a forwarding router and ends at an IPv6/IPv4 host. For example, an IPv6/IPv4 router creates an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel to reach an IPv6/IPv4 host that resides within an IPv4 infrastructure. router-to-router tunneling – IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling in which the tunnel begins at a forwarding router and ends at an IPv6/IPv4 router. For example, an IPv6/IPv4 router on the edge of an IPv6 network creates an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel to reach another IPv6/IPv4 router. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 461 Chapter 15 – IPv6 Transition Technologies TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 462 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Abstract This chapter describes how to troubleshoot problems with connectivity, name resolution, and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) session creation using the set of tools and capabilities provided in Microsoft Windows operating systems. A network administrator must know how to methodically analyze a TCP/IP-related networking problem in terms of the various layers of the TCP/IP model and use the appropriate tools to be effective in isolating and resolving issues with successful communication on an TCP/IP network. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 463 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to:     List the common questions to ask when troubleshooting. List the set of TCP/IP troubleshooting tools provided with Windows and describe how each is used to obtain troubleshooting information. List and describe the guidelines, tools, and techniques for troubleshooting Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) communications including IPv4 connectivity, Domain Name System (DNS) name resolution for IPv4 addresses, Network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) name resolution, and IPv4-based TCP sessions. List and describe the guidelines, tools, and techniques for troubleshooting Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) communication including IPv6 connectivity, DNS name resolution for IPv6 addresses, and IPv6based TCP sessions. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 464 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Identifying the Problem Source A logical approach is helpful when troubleshooting any problem. Some common questions to ask during troubleshooting include the following:      What works? What does not work? How are the things that do and do not work related? Have the things that do not work ever worked? If so, what has changed since it last worked? The answers to these questions can indicate where to begin troubleshooting, possibly allowing you to isolate the component, layer, or configuration issue that is causing the problem. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 465 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Windows Troubleshooting Tools Windows provides a full set of configuration, administration, and diagnostic tools and services that can be used to troubleshoot TCP/IP problems, as listed in Table 16-1. Tool Description Arp Allows viewing and editing of the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. Hostname Displays the host name of the computer. Ipconfig Displays the current TCP/IP configuration for both IPv4 and IPv6. Also used to manage Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)-allocated IPv4 address configurations, display or flush the DNS client resolver cache, and register DNS names. Nbtstat Displays NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) configuration and allows management of the NetBIOS name cache. Netsh Configuration tool for many network services. For each network service, there is a context containing commands specific for that service. For the netsh interface ip, netsh interface ipv4, and netsh interface ipv6 contexts, displays and administers TCP/IP protocol settings on either the local computer or a remote computer. Netstat Displays protocol statistics and information on current TCP connections. Nslookup Performs DNS queries and displays the results. Ping Sends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo or Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6) Echo Request messages to test reachability. Route Allows viewing of the IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables and editing of the IPv4 routing table. Tracert Sends ICMP Echo or ICMPv6 Echo Request messages to trace the network route taken by IPv4 or IPv6 packets to a specific destination. Pathping Sends ICMP Echo or ICMPv6 Echo Request messages to trace the route an IPv4 or IPv6 packet takes to a destination and displays information on packet losses for each router and link in the path. SNMP service Provides status and statistical information to Simple Network Management System (SNMP) management systems. Event Viewer Records errors and events. Performance Logs and Alerts Logs TCP/IP core protocol performance and sends alerts (the SNMP service must be installed). Network Monitor Captures and displays the contents of TCP/IP packets sent to and from computers. Netdiag Runs a series of diagnostics test on networking components. Netdiag is installed as part of the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Support Tools in the Support\Tools folder of the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 466 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 product CD-ROM. Telnet Tests TCP connection establishment between two nodes. Ttcp Listens for and sends TCP segment data or UDP messages between two nodes. Ttcp.exe is provided with Windows Server 2003 in the Valueadd\Msft\Net\Tools folder of the Windows Server 2003 product CD-ROM. Table 16-1 Tools and Services for Troubleshooting TCP/IP TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 467 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Troubleshooting IPv4 The following sections describe the tools and techniques used to identify a problem at successive layers of the TCP/IP protocol stack that is using an IPv4 Internet layer. Depending on the type of problem, you might do one of the following:   Start at the bottom of the stack and move up. Start at the top of the stack and move down. The following sections are organized from the top of the stack and describe how to:     Verify IPv4 connectivity. Verify DNS name resolution for IPv4 addresses. Verify NetBIOS name resolution. Verify IPv4-based TCP sessions. Although not specified in the following sections, you can also use Network Monitor to capture IPv4 traffic to troubleshoot many problems with IPv4-based TCP/IP communications. However, to correctly interpret the display of IPv4 packets in Network Monitor, you must have an detailed knowledge of the protocols included in each packet. Verifying IPv4 Connectivity You can use the following tasks to troubleshoot problems with IPv4 connectivity:        Repair the connection Verify configuration Manage configuration Verify reachability Check packet filtering View and manage the IPv4 routing table Verify router reliability Repair the Connection The Network Connection Repair feature can be used to quickly renew IPv4 network connection settings in an attempt to correct common configuration problems. Network Connection Repair performs a series of tasks that attempt to renew the connection as if it were just initialized. To access Network Connection Repair, do the following: 1. Open the Network Connections folder. 2. Right-click the connection that you want to repair, and then click Repair. You can also click Repair on the Support tab for the status of a network connection. The tasks that are performed by Network Connection Repair are the following: TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 468 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP       Checks whether DHCP is enabled and, if enabled, sends a broadcast DHCPRequest message to refresh the IPv4 address configuration. Flushes the ARP cache. This is equivalent to the arp -d * command. Flushes and reloads the DNS client resolver cache with entries from the Hosts file. This is equivalent to the ipconfig /flushdns command. Re-registers DNS names using DNS dynamic update. This is equivalent to the ipconfig /registerdns command. Flushes and reloads the NetBIOS name cache with #PRE entries in the Lmhosts file. This is equivalent to the nbtstat -R command. Releases and then re-registers NetBIOS names with the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). This is equivalent to the nbtstat -RR command. Verify Configuration To check the current IPv4 settings for the correct address configuration (when manually configured) or an appropriate address configuration (when automatically configured), you can use the following:    ipconfig /all The display of the ipconfig /all command includes IPv4 addresses, default gateways, and DNS settings for all interfaces. The Ipconfig tool only works on the local computer. netsh interface ip show config The display of the netsh interface ip show config command includes DNS and WINS servers per interface. Netsh can also be used to show the configuration of a remote computer by using the –r RemoteComputerName command line option. For example, to display the configuration of the remote computer named FILESRV1, use the netsh –r filesrv1 interface ip show config command. Support tab on the Status dialog box on a network connection To get the status of a network connection, double-click the connection in the Network Connections folder, and then click the Support tab. The Support tab lists the address type (DHCP or manually configured), the IPv4 address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Click Details on the Support tab to display the media access control (MAC) address, DHCP lease information, DNS servers, and WINS servers. Manage Configuration To make changes to the IPv4 address configuration, you can use the following:   Network Connections folder From the Network Connections folder, you can make changes to the properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component for the appropriate network connection. netsh interface ip set commands TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 469 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP You can use the netsh interface ip set address command to configure the address type (DHCP or manually configured), the IPv4 address, subnet mask, and default gateway. You can use the netsh interface ip set dns command to configure the source of DNS server addresses (DHCP or manually configured), a DNS server address, and DNS registration behavior. You can use the netsh interface ip set wins command to configure the source of WINS server addresses (DHCP or manually configured) and a WINS server address.  You can also use the –r RemoteComputerName command line option of the Netsh tool to manage the IPv4 configuration of a remote computer. Ipconfig commands to manage DHCP addresses You can use the following commands to manage DHCP addresses:     ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew ipconfig /showclassid ipconfig /setclassid For more information about using Ipconfig commands to manage DHCP address configurations, see Chapter 6, "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol." Verify Reachability To verify reachability with a local or remote destination, try the following:     Check and flush the ARP cache To display the current contents of the ARP cache, use the arp –a command. To flush the ARP cache, use the arp –d * command. This command also removes static ARP cache entries. Ping the default gateway Use the Ping tool to ping your default gateway by its IPv4 address. You can obtain the IPv4 address of your default gateway from the display of the ipconfig, netsh interface ip show config, or route print commands. Pinging the default gateway tests whether you can reach local nodes and whether you can reach the default gateway, which is used to forward IPv4 packets to remote nodes. This step might not succeed if the default gateway is filtering all ICMP messages. Ping a remote destination by its IPv4 address If you are able to ping your default gateway, ping a remote destination by its IPv4 address. This step might not succeed if the destination is filtering all ICMP messages. Filtering of ICMP messages is prevalent on the Internet. Trace the route to the remote destination If you are unable to ping a remote destination by its IPv4 address, there might be a routing problem between your node and the destination node. Use the tracert –d IPv4Address command to trace the routing path to the remote destination. The –d command line option prevents the Tracert tool from performing a DNS reverse query on every near-side router interface in the routing path, which speeds up the display of the routing path. This step might not succeed if the intermediate routers or TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 470 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP the destination are filtering all ICMP messages. Filtering of ICMP messages is prevalent on the Internet. Check Packet Filtering The problem with reaching a destination node might be due to the configuration of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) or packet filtering on the source node, intermediate routers, or destination node that is preventing packets from being sent, forwarded, or received. On the source node, check for the following:    Active connection security rules with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in Active IPsec policies with the IP Security Monitor snap-in For computers running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, Routing and Remote Access IPv4 packet filters on routing interfaces with the Routing and Remote Access snap-in On intermediate IPv4 routers that are running Windows Vista or Windows XP, check for the following:   Active connection security rules with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in Active IPsec policies with the IP Security Monitor snap-in On intermediate IPv4 routers that are running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 and Routing and Remote Access, check for the following:     Active connection security rules with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in Active IPsec policies with the IP Security Monitor snap-in Routing and Remote Access IPv4 packet filters on routing interfaces with the Routing and Remote Access snap-in NAT/Basic Firewall routing protocol component of Routing and Remote Access On intermediate IPv4 routers or firewalls that are from third-party hardware vendors, check for the configuration of packet filters—also called access lists—and IPsec policies and filters. On the destination node that is running Windows, check for the following:     Active connection security rules with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in Active IPsec policies with the IP Security Monitor snap-in Whether Internet Connection Firewall or Windows Firewall is enabled TCP/IP filtering On the destination node that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 and Routing and Remote Access, check for the following:     Active connection security rules with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in Active IPsec policies with the IP Security Monitor snap-in Routing and Remote Access IPv4 packet filters on routing interfaces with the Routing and Remote Access snap-in NAT/Basic Firewall routing protocol component of Routing and Remote Access TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 471 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP   Whether Internet Connection Firewall or Windows Firewall is enabled TCP/IP filtering For more information about IPsec and packet filtering components, see Chapter 13, "Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) and Packet Filtering." View and Manage the Local IPv4 Routing Table The inability to reach a local or remote destination might be due to incorrect or missing routes in the IPv4 routing table. To view the IPv4 routing table, use the route print or netstat –r commands. Verify that you have a route corresponding to your local subnet and, if a default gateway is configured, a default route. If you have multiple default routes with the same lowest metric, then change your IPv4 configuration so that only one exists and is using the interface that connects to the network with the largest number of subnets, such as the Internet. To add a route to the IPv4 routing table, use the route add command. To modify an existing route, use the route change command. To remove an existing route, use the route delete command. Verify Router Reliability If you suspect a problem with router performance, use the pathping –d IPv4Address command to trace the route a packet takes to a destination and display information on packet losses for each router and link in the path. The –d command line option prevents the Pathping tool from performing a DNS reverse query on every near-side router interface in the routing path, which speeds up the display of the routing path. Verifying DNS Name Resolution for IPv4 Addresses If reachability using IPv4 addresses works but reachability using host names does not, then you might have a problem with host name resolution, which is typically an issue with configuration of the DNS client or problems with DNS registration. You can use the following tasks to troubleshoot problems with DNS name resolution:     Verify DNS configuration Display and flush the DNS client resolver cache Test DNS name resolution with the Ping tool Use the Nslookup tool to view DNS server responses Verify DNS Configuration On the node having DNS name resolution problems, verify the following:      Host name Primary DNS suffix DNS suffix search list Connection-specific DNS suffixes DNS servers TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 472 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP You can obtain this information from the display of the ipconfig /all command. To obtain information about which DNS names should be registered in DNS, use the netsh interface ip show dns command. To register the appropriate DNS names as IPv4 address resource records (also known as A resource records) with DNS dynamic update, use the ipconfig /registerdns command. Display and Flush the DNS Client Resolver Cache TCP/IP checks the DNS client resolver cache before sending DNS name queries. If a positive cache entry for name exists, the corresponding IPv4 address is used. If a negative cache entry for the name exists, DNS name queries are not sent. To display the contents of the DNS client resolver cache, use the ipconfig /displaydns command. To flush the contents of the DNS client resolver cache and reload it with the entries in the Hosts file, use the ipconfig /flushdns command. Test DNS Name Resolution with Ping To test DNS name resolution, use the Ping tool and ping a destination by its host name or fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The Ping tool display shows the FQDN and its resolved IPv4 address. If the host on which the Ping tool is being used is using both IPv4 and IPv6 and the DNS query returns both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, the Ping tool will use IPv6 addresses before IPv4 addresses. To force the Ping tool to use an IPv4 address, use the –4 Ping command option. Use the Nslookup Tool to View DNS Server Responses If the Ping tool is using the wrong IPv4 address, flush the DNS client resolver cache with the ipconfig /flushdns command and use the Nslookup tool to determine the set of addresses returned in the DNS Name Query Response message. At the Nslookup > prompt, use the set d2 command to display the maximum amount of information about the DNS response messages. Then, use Nslookup to look up the desired FQDN and display the details of the DNS response message. Look for A records in the detailed display of the DNS response messages. Verifying NetBIOS Name Resolution If reachability using IPv4 addresses works but reachability using NetBIOS names does not, then you might have a problem with NetBIOS name resolution, which is typically a problem with NetBIOS over TCP/IP configuration or WINS registration. The following tools and tasks can be used to troubleshoot problems with NetBIOS name resolution:    Verify NetBT configuration Display and reload the NetBIOS name cache Test NetBIOS name resolution with Nbtstat Verify NetBIOS over TCP/IP Configuration On the node having NetBIOS name resolution problems, verify the following:  NetBIOS computer name TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 473 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP     NetBIOS node type Primary WINS server Secondary WINS server Whether NetBIOS over TCP/IP is disabled You can obtain this information from the display of the ipconfig /all command. To obtain information about the NetBIOS scope ID assigned to each interface, use the nbtstat -c command. To verify whether Lmhosts lookup is enabled, check the WINS tab for the advanced properties of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component. To display the local NetBIOS name table, use the nbtstat –n command. To display the NetBIOS name table of a remote computer, use the nbtstat –a ComputerName or nbtstat –A IPv4Address commands. To release and re-register the NetBIOS names of the node in WINS, use the nbtstat -RR command. Display and Reload the NetBIOS Name Cache The NetBIOS name cache is checked before sending WINS or broadcast name queries. If an entry exists for a resolved name, TCP/IP uses the corresponding IPv4 address. To display the contents of the NetBIOS name cache, use the nbtstat -c command. To flush the contents of the NetBIOS name cache and reload it with the #PRE entries in the Lmhosts file, use the nbtstat -R command. Test NetBIOS Name Resolution with Nbtstat To test NetBIOS name resolution, use the nbtstat –a ComputerName command. This command displays the NetBIOS name table of a computer specified by its NetBIOS computer name. Verifying IPv4-based TCP Sessions If reachability and name resolution are working but you cannot establish a TCP session with a destination host, use the following tasks:    Check for packet filtering Verify TCP session establishment Verify NetBIOS sessions Check for Packet Filtering As previously discussed in the "Verifying IPv4 Communications" section of this chapter, packet filtering by the source node, intermediate routers, and the destination node can prevent TCP sessions from completing. Use the information in the "Verifying IPv4 Communications" section of this chapter to check for packet filtering or IPsec policies at the source node, intermediate routers and firewalls, and the destination node. In many cases, packet filtering is configured to allow specific types of traffic and discard all others, or to discard specific types of traffic and accept all others. As an example of the former case, a firewall or Web server might be configured to allow only HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) traffic and discard all other traffic destined for the Web server. This means that you will be able to view Web pages on the Web server, but not ping the Web server or access its shared folders and files. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 474 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Verify TCP Session Establishment To verify that a TCP connection can be established using the known destination TCP port number, you can use the telnet IPv4Address TCPPort command. For example, to verify whether the Web server service on the computer with the IPv4 address of is accepting TCP connections, use the telnet 80 command. If the Telnet tool is successful in creating a TCP connection, the command prompt window will clear and, depending on the protocol, display some text. This window allows you to type in commands to the service to which you have connected. Type Control-C to exit the Telnet tool. If the Telnet tool cannot successfully create a TCP connection, it displays the message "Connecting To IPv4Address...Could not open connection to the host, on port TCPPort: Connect failed". To test TCP connections, you can also use Port Query, a free tool from Microsoft to help troubleshoot TCP/IP connectivity issues for specific types of TCP and UDP traffic. Port Query has a command-line version (Portqry.exe) (available at PortQry Command Line Port Scanner Version 2.0) and a graphical user interface version (Portqueryui.exe) (available at PortQryUI - User Interface for the PortQry Command Line Port Scanner). Both versions run on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003-based computers. Another tool that you can use to test TCP connection establishment is Test TCP (Ttcp). With Ttcp, you can both initiate TCP connections and listen for TCP connections. You can also use the Ttcp tool for UDP traffic. With Ttcp, you can configure a computer to listen on a specific TCP or UDP port without having to install the application or service on the computer. This allows you to test network connectivity for specific traffic before the services are in place. For more information about Port Query and Ttcp, see Testing Network Paths for Common Types of Traffic. Verify NetBIOS Sessions To verify that you have established NetBIOS sessions, you can use the nbtstat –s command, which displays the NetBIOS session table. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 475 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Troubleshooting IPv6 The following sections describe the tools and techniques used to identify a problem at successive layers of the TCP/IP protocol stack using an IPv6 Internet layer. Depending on the type of problem, you might do one of the following:   Start at the bottom of the stack and move up. Start at the top of the stack and move down. The following sections are organized from the top of the stack and describe how to:    Verify IPv6 connectivity. Verify DNS name resolution for IPv6 addresses. Verify IPv6-based TCP connections. Although not specified in the following sections, you can also use Network Monitor to capture IPv6 traffic to troubleshoot many problems with IPv6-based communications. However, to correctly interpret the display of IPv6 packets in Network Monitor, you must have detailed knowledge of the protocols included in each packet. Verifying IPv6 Connectivity You can use the following tasks to troubleshoot problems with IPv6 connectivity:       Verify configuration Manage configuration Verify reachability Check packet filtering View and manage the IPv6 routing table Verify router reliability Verify Configuration To check the current IPv6 settings for the correct address configuration (when manually configured) or an appropriate address configuration (when automatically configured), you can use the following:   ipconfig /all The display of the ipconfig /all command includes IPv6 addresses, default routers, and DNS settings for all interfaces. The Ipconfig tool only works on the local computer. netsh interface ipv6 show address This command only displays the IPv6 addresses assigned to each interface. Netsh can also be used to show the configuration of a remote computer by using the –r RemoteComputerName command line option. For example, to display the configuration of the remote computer named FILESRV1, use the netsh –r filesrv1 interface ipv6 show address command. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 476 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Manage Configuration To manually configure IPv6 addresses, use the netsh interface ipv6 set address command. In most cases, you do not need to manually configure IPv6 addresses because they are automatically assigned for hosts through IPv6 address autoconfiguration. To make changes to the configuration of IPv6 interfaces, use the netsh interface ipv6 set interface command. To add the IPv6 addresses of DNS servers, use the netsh interface ipv6 add dns command. You can use the –r RemoteComputerName command line option of the Netsh tool to manage the IPv6 configuration of a remote computer. Verify Reachability To verify reachability with a local or remote destination, try the following:    Check and flush the neighbor cache Similar to the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache, the neighbor cache stores recently resolved link-layer addresses. To display the current contents of the neighbor cache, use the netsh interface ipv6 show neighbors command. To flush the neighbor cache, use the netsh interface ipv6 delete neighbors command. Check and flush the destination cache The destination cache stores next-hop IPv6 addresses for destinations. To display the current contents of the destination cache, use the netsh interface ipv6 show destinationcache command. To flush the destination cache, use the netsh interface ipv6 delete destinationcache command. Ping the default router Use the Ping tool to ping your default router by its IPv6 address. You can obtain the link-local IPv6 address of your default router from the display of the ipconfig, netsh interface ipv6 show routes, route print, or nbtstat -r commands. Pinging the default router tests whether you can reach local nodes and whether you can reach the default router, which forwards IPv6 packets to remote nodes. When you ping the default router, you must specify the zone identifier (ID) for the interface on which you want the ICMPv6 Echo Request messages to be sent. The zone ID is the interface index of the default route (::/0) with the lowest metric, from the display of the netsh interface ipv6 show routes or route print commands.   This step might not succeed if the default router is filtering all ICMPv6 messages. Ping a remote destination by its IPv6 address If you are able to ping your default router, ping a remote destination by its IPv6 address. This step might not succeed if the destination is filtering all ICMPv6 messages. Trace the route to the remote destination If you are unable to ping a remote destination by its IPv6 address, there might be a routing problem between your node and the destination node. Use the tracert –d IPv6Address command to trace the routing path to the remote destination. The –d command line option prevents the Tracert tool TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 477 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP from performing a DNS reverse query on every near-side router interface in the routing path, which speeds up the display of the routing path. This step might not succeed if the intermediate routers or the destination are filtering all ICMPv6 messages. Check Packet Filtering The problem with reaching a destination node might be due to the configuration of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) or packet filtering on the source node, intermediate routers, or destination node that is preventing packets from being sent, forwarded, or received. On the source node, check for the following:     Active connection security rules with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in Active IPsec policies with the IP Security Monitor snap-in For computers running Windows Server 2008, Routing and Remote Access IPv6 packet filters on routing interfaces with the Routing and Remote Access snap-in IPsec for IPv6 policies that have been configured with the Ipsec6 tool. On intermediate IPv6 routers that are running Windows, check for the following:     Active connection security rules with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in Active IPsec policies with the IP Security Monitor snap-in For computers running Windows Server 2008, Routing and Remote Access IPv6 packet filters on routing interfaces with the Routing and Remote Access snap-in IPsec for IPv6 policies that have been configured with the Ipsec6 tool. For third-party intermediate IPv6 routers or firewalls, check for the configuration of IPv6-based packet filters and IPsec policies. On the destination node, check for the following:        Windows Firewall For computers running Windows Server 2008, Routing and Remote Access IPv6 packet filters on routing interfaces with the Routing and Remote Access snap-in Active connection security rules with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in (Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008) Active IPsec policies with the IP Security Monitor snap-in (Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008) IPsec for IPv6 policies that have been configured with the Ipsec6 tool The simple IPv6 firewall IPv6 for Windows Server 2003 includes support for a simple firewall on an interface. When enabled, IPv6 drops incoming TCP Synchronize (SYN) segments and drops all unsolicited incoming UDP messages. You can configure the simple firewall with the netsh interface ipv6 set interface interface=NameOrIndex firewall=enabled|disabled command. Internet Connection Firewall for IPv6 TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 478 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP The Internet Connection Firewall for IPv6 is included with the Advanced Networking Pack for Windows XP, a free download for Windows XP with SP1. For more information about these packet filtering components, see Chapter 13, "Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) and Packet Filtering." View and Manage the IPv6 Routing Table The inability to reach a local or remote destination might be due to incorrect or missing routes in the IPv6 routing table. To view the IPv6 routing table, use the route print, netstat –r, or netsh interface ipv6 show routes commands. Verify that you have a route corresponding to your local subnet and, if automatically configured with a default router, a default route. If you have multiple default routes with the same lowest metric, you might need to modify your IPv6 router configurations so that the default route with the lowest metric uses the interface that connects to the network with the largest number of subnets. To add a route to the IPv6 routing table, use the netsh interface ipv6 add route command. To modify an existing route, use the netsh interface ipv6 set route command. To remove an existing route, use the netsh interface ipv6 delete route command. In Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, you can use the route add, route delete, and route change commands to manage IPv6 routes. Verify Router Reliability If you suspect a problem with router performance, use the pathping –d IPv6Address command to trace the path to a destination and display information on packet losses for each router and link in the path. The –d command line option prevents the Pathping tool from performing a DNS reverse query on every near-side router interface in the routing path, which speeds up the display of the routing path. Verifying DNS Name Resolution for IPv6 Addresses If reachability using IPv6 addresses works but reachability using host names does not, you might have a problem with host name resolution, which is typically a problem with the configuration of the DNS client or problems with DNS registration. You can use the following tasks to troubleshoot problems with DNS name resolution:     Verify DNS configuration Display and flush the DNS client resolver cache Test DNS name resolution with the Ping tool Use the Nslookup tool to view DNS server responses Verify DNS Configuration On the node having DNS name resolution problems, verify the following:    Host name The primary DNS suffix DNS suffix search list TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 479 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP   Connection-specific DNS suffixes DNS servers You can obtain this information from the display of the ipconfig /all command. To obtain information about which DNS names should be registered in DNS, use the netsh interface ip show dns command. By default, IPv6 configures the well-known site-local addresses of DNS servers at FEC0:0:0:FFFF::1, FEC0:0:0:FFFF::2, and FEC0:0:0:FFFF::3 on each interface that receives a router advertisement. To add the IPv6 addresses of additional DNS servers, use the netsh interface ipv6 add dns command. To register the appropriate DNS names as IPv6 address resource records (also known as AAAA resource records) with DNS dynamic update, use the ipconfig /registerdns command. Display and Flush the DNS Client Resolver Cache TCP/IP checks the DNS client resolver cache before sending DNS name queries. If a positive cache entry exists for a resolved name, the corresponding IPv6 address is used. If a negative cache entry for the name exists, DNS name queries are not sent. To display the contents of the DNS client resolver cache, use the ipconfig /displaydns command. To flush the contents of the DNS client resolver cache and reload it with the entries in the Hosts file, use the ipconfig /flushdns command. Test DNS Name Resolution with the Ping Tool To test DNS name resolution, use the Ping tool and ping a destination by its host name or FQDN. The Ping tool display shows the FQDN and its corresponding IPv6 address. Use the Nslookup Tool to View DNS Server Responses If the Ping tool is using the wrong IPv6 address, flush the DNS client resolver cache and use the Nslookup tool to determine the set of addresses returned in the DNS Name Query Response message. At the Nslookup > prompt, use the set d2 command to display the maximum amount of information about the DNS response messages. Then, use Nslookup to look up the desired FQDN. Look for AAAA records in the detailed display of the DNS response messages. Verifying IPv6-based TCP Connections If reachability and name resolution are working but you cannot establish a TCP connection with a destination host, use the following tasks:   Check for packet filtering Verify TCP connection establishment Check for Packet Filtering As previously discussed in the "Verifying IPv6 Communications" section of this chapter, packet filtering by the source node, intermediate routers, and the destination node can prevent TCP connections from being established. Use the information in the "Verifying IPv6 Communications" section of this chapter to check for packet filtering or IPsec policies at the source node, intermediate routers and firewalls, and the destination node. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 480 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP In many cases, packet filtering is configured to allow specific types of traffic and discard all others, or to discard specific types of traffic and accept all others. As an example of the former case, a firewall or Web server might be configured to allow only HTTP traffic and discard all other traffic destined for the Web server. This means that you will be able to view Web pages on the Web server, but not ping it or access its shared folders and files. Verify TCP Connection Establishment To verify that a TCP connection can be established using a known destination TCP port number, you can use the telnet IPv6Address TCPPort command. For example, to verify whether the Web server service on the computer with the IPv6 address of 2001:DB8::21AD:2AA:FF:FE31:AC89 is accepting TCP connections on TCP port 80, use the telnet 2001:db8::21ad:2aa:ff:fe31:ac89 80 command. If the Telnet tool can successfully create a TCP connection, the command prompt window will clear and, depending on the protocol, display some text. This window allows you to type in commands to the service to which you have connected. Type Control-C to exit the Telnet tool. If the Telnet tool cannot successfully create a TCP connection, it displays the message "Connecting To IPv6Address...Could not open connection to the host, on port TCPPort: Connect failed". Another tool that you can use to test TCP connection establishment is Test TCP (Ttcp). With Ttcp, you can both initiate TCP connections and listen for TCP connections. You can also use the Ttcp tool for UDP traffic. With Ttcp, you can configure a computer to listen on a specific TCP or UDP port without having to install the application or service on the computer. This allows you to test network connectivity for specific traffic before the services are in place. For more information about Ttcp, see Testing Network Paths for Common Types of Traffic. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 481 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Chapter Summary This chapter includes the following pieces of key information:     To try and isolate the components that might be at fault when approaching a troubleshooting issue, you should determine what works, what does not work, whether it has ever worked, and what has changed since it last worked. Windows provides the following tools for troubleshooting TCP/IP problems: Arp, Hostname, Ipconfig, Nbtstat, Netsh, Netstat, Nslookup, Ping, Route, Tracert, Pathping, SNMP service, Event Viewer, Performance Logs and Alerts, Network Monitor, and Netdiag. Troubleshoot IPv4 communications by verifying IPv4 connectivity, DNS name resolution for IPv4 addresses, NetBIOS name resolution, packet filtering, and IPv4-based TCP sessions. Troubleshoot IPv6 communications by verifying IPv6 connectivity, DNS name resolution for IPv6 addresses, packet filtering, and IPv6-based TCP sessions. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 482 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Chapter Glossary address resolution – The IPv4 (using ARP) or IPv6 (using neighbor discovery) process that resolves the MAC address for a next-hop IP address on a link. Address Resolution Protocol – A protocol that uses broadcast traffic on the local subnet to resolve an IPv4 address to its MAC address. ARP – See Address Resolution Protocol. ARP cache – A table for each interface of static or dynamically resolved IPv4 addresses and their corresponding MAC addresses. default gateway – A configuration parameter for IPv4 that is the IPv4 address of a neighboring IPv4 router. Configuring a default gateway creates a default route in the IPv4 routing table. default route – A route that summarizes all possible destinations and is used for forwarding when the routing table does not contain any other more specific routes for the destination. For example, if a router or sending host cannot find a subnet route, a summarized route, or a host route for the destination, IP selects the default route. The default route is used to simplify the configuration of hosts and routers. For IPv4 routing tables, the default route is the route with the network destination of and netmask of For IPv6 routing tables, the default route has the address prefix ::/0. default router – A configuration parameter for IPv6 that is the link-local address of a neighboring IPv6 router. Default routers are automatically configured by IPv6 router discovery. destination cache – A table for destination IPv6 addresses and their previously determined next-hop addresses. DNS – See Domain Name System (DNS). DNS client resolver cache – A RAM-based table that contains both the entries in the Hosts file and the results of recent DNS name queries. DNS server – A server that maintains a database of mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. Domain Name System (DNS) – A hierarchical, distributed database that contains mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. DNS enables the specification of computers and services by user-friendly names, and it also enables the discovery of other information stored in the database. Host name – The name of a computer or device on a network. Users specify computers on the network by their host names. To find another computer, its host name must either appear in the Hosts file or be known by a DNS server. For most Windows-based computers, the host name and the computer name are the same. Host name resolution – The process of resolving a host name to a destination IP address. Hosts file – A local text file in the same format as the 4.3 BSD UNIX /etc/hosts file. This file maps host names to IP addresses, and it is stored in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 483 Chapter 16 – Troubleshooting TCP/IP Lmhosts file – A local text file that maps NetBIOS names to IP addresses for hosts that are located on remote subnets. For Windows-based computers, this file is stored in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. negative cache entries – Host names added into the DNS client resolver cache that were queried but that could not be resolved. neighbor cache – A cache maintained by every IPv6 node that stores the on-subnet IPv6 address of a neighbor and its corresponding MAC address. The neighbor cache is equivalent to the ARP cache in IPv4. NBNS – See NetBIOS name server (NBNS). NetBIOS name - A 16-byte name of a process using NetBIOS. NetBIOS name cache – A dynamically maintained table that resides on a NetBIOS-enabled host and that stores recently resolved NetBIOS names and their associated IPv4 addresses. NetBIOS name resolution – The process of resolving a NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address. NetBIOS name server (NBNS) – A server that stores NetBIOS name to IPv4 address mappings and resolves NetBIOS names for NetBIOS-enabled hosts. WINS is the Microsoft implementation of a NetBIOS name server. routing table – The set of routes used to determine the next-hop address and interface for IP traffic sent by a host or forwarded by a router. Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) – The Microsoft implementation of a NetBIOS name server. WINS – See Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 484 Appendix A – IP Multicast Appendix A – IP Multicast Abstract This appendix describes Internet Protocol (IP) multicast for both Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and its support in Microsoft Windows operating systems. IP multicast is a one-to-many delivery mechanism that is useful for efficiently distributing data to interested listening hosts at arbitrary locations on a private network or on the Internet. Network administrators must understand multicast concepts, multicast addressing and forwarding, multicast address allocation, and reliable multicast to effectively use and troubleshoot IP multicast traffic. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 485 Appendix A – IP Multicast Overview of IP Multicast In addition to unicast and broadcast support, IP also provides a mechanism to send and receive IP multicast traffic. IP multicast traffic is sent to a single destination IP address but is received and processed by multiple IP hosts, regardless of their location on an IP network. A host listens for a specific IP multicast address and receives all packets to that IP address. IP multicast is more efficient than IP unicast or broadcast for one-to-many delivery of data. Unlike unicast, only one copy of the data is sent. Unlike broadcast, the traffic is only received and processed by computers that are listening for it. The set of hosts listening on a specific IP multicast address is called a host group. A host can send traffic to an IP multicast address without belonging to the corresponding host group. Host group membership is dynamic. Hosts can join or leave the group at any time and there are no limitations to the size of a host group. A host group can span IP routers across multiple network segments. This configuration requires IP multicast support on IP routers and the ability for hosts to register their interest in receiving multicast traffic from their neighboring routers. Hosts use the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) for IPv4 and Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) for IPv6 for host group membership registration. IP Multicast-Enabled Intranet In an IP multicast-enabled intranet, any host can send IP multicast traffic to any group address and any host can receive IP multicast traffic from any group address, regardless of their location. Figure A-1 shows an example of an IP multicast-enabled intranet. Figure A-1 An IP multicast-enabled intranet To facilitate this capability, the hosts and routers of the network must support IP multicast. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 486 Appendix A – IP Multicast Host Support for IP Multicast For a host to send IP multicast packets, it must do the following:   Determine the IP multicast address to use. The IP multicast address can be hard-coded by the application or obtained through a mechanism that allocates a unique multicast address. Place the IP multicast packet on the medium. The sending host must construct an IP packet containing the destination IP multicast address and place it on the medium. In the case of shared access technologies such as Ethernet and Token Ring, the destination media access control (MAC) address is derived from the IP multicast address. For a host to receive IP multicast packets, it must do the following:  Inform IP to receive multicast traffic. To determine the IP multicast address to use, the application must first determine whether to create a new host group or join an existing host group. To join an existing group, the application can use a hard-coded multicast address or an address derived from a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) string.   After the group address is determined, an application must inform IP to receive multicast traffic sent to the group address. For example, the application can use Windows Sockets functions to notify IP of the multicast groups joined. If multiple applications are using the same IP multicast address, IP must pass a copy of the multicast packet to each application. IP must track which applications are using which multicast addresses as applications join or leave a host group. For a multihomed host, IP must track the application membership of host groups for each subnet. Register the multicast MAC address with the network adapter. If the network technology supports hardware-based multicasting, then the network adapter is informed to pass up packets for a specific multicast address. The host uses the Windows NdisRequest() function to inform the network adapter to respond to a multicast MAC address corresponding to a IP multicast address. Inform local routers. The host must inform local subnet routers that it is listening for multicast traffic at a specific group address using IGMP or MLD. Router Support for IP Multicast To forward IP multicast packets to only those subnets for which there are group members, an IP multicast router must be able to:  Receive all IP multicast traffic. For shared access technologies, the normal listening mode for network adapters is unicast listening mode. The listening mode is the way that the network adapter analyzes the destination MAC address of incoming frames to decide to process them further. In unicast listening mode, the only frames that are considered for further processing are in a table of interesting destination MAC addresses stored on the network adapter. Typically, the only interesting addresses are the broadcast address (0xFF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF) and the unicast MAC address of the adapter. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 487 Appendix A – IP Multicast However, for an IP multicast router to receive all IP multicast traffic, it must place the network adapter in a special listening mode called multicast promiscuous mode. Multicast promiscuous mode analyzes the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)-defined Individual/Group (I/G) bit to determine whether the frame requires further processing. The I/G bit for Ethernet addresses is the low-order bit of the first byte of the destination MAC address. The values of the I/G bit are the following:   If set to 0, then the address is a unicast (or individual) address. If set to 1, then the address is a multicast (or group) address. The multicast bit is also set to 1 for the broadcast address. When the network adapter is placed in multicast promiscuous listening mode, any frames with the I/G bit set to 1 are passed up for further processing.  Multicast promiscuous mode is different than promiscuous mode. In promiscuous mode, all frames—regardless of the destination MAC address—are passed up for processing. Protocol analyzers, such as Network Monitor 3.1, use promiscuous mode. Network adapters of hosts are typically not placed in multicast promiscuous mode. Forward IP multicast traffic. IP multicast packet forwarding is a capability of IP. When IP multicast forwarding is enabled, IP analyzes IP multicast data packets to determine the interfaces over which the packet is to be forwarded. IP performs this analysis by comparing the IP source and destination group addresses to entries in the IP multicast forwarding table. Upon receipt of a non-local IP multicast packet, the Time to Live (TTL) in the IPv4 header or the Hop Limit field in the IPv6 header is decremented by 1. If the TTL or hop limit is greater than 0 after decrementing, the multicast forwarding table is checked. If an entry in the multicast forwarding table is found that matches the destination IP multicast address, the IP multicast packet is forwarded with its new TTL or hop limit over the appropriate interfaces. The multicast forwarding process does not distinguish between hosts on locally attached subnets that are receiving multicast traffic or hosts on a network segment that are downstream from the locally attached subnet across another router on the subnet. In other words, a multicast router might forward a multicast packet on a subnet for which there are no hosts listening. The multicast router forwards the packet because another router on that subnet indicated that a host in its direction is receiving the multicast traffic.  The multicast forwarding table does not record each host group member or the number of host group members, only that the multicast traffic needs to be forwarded over specific interfaces. Receive and process multicast group membership messages sent by hosts. Multicast routers receive IGMP or MLD messages from hosts on all locally attached subnets. This information is used to track host group membership by placing or removing entries in the multicast forwarding table. Because all multicast routers are listening in multicast promiscuous mode, they receive all IGMP and MLD messages sent to any group address. To improve the leave latency, which is the time between when the last host on a subnet has left the group and when no more multicast traffic for that group is forwarded to that subnet, a host that might be the last member of a group on a subnet sends an IGMP Leave Group or MLD Multicast TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 488 Appendix A – IP Multicast   Listener Done message. After sending multicast-address-specific IGMP or MLD queries to the group being left and receiving no response, the router determines that there are no more group members on that subnet. Query attached subnets for host membership status. Multicast routers periodically send general IGMP and MLD query messages to the local subnet to query for host membership information. A host that is still a member of a multicast group responds to the query. Communicate group membership to other IP multicast routers. To create multicast-enabled IP networks containing more than one router, multicast routers must communicate group membership information to each other so that group members can receive IP multicast traffic regardless of their location on the IP network. Multicast routers exchange host membership information using a multicast routing protocol such as Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP), Multicast Open Shortest Path First (MOSPF), or Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM). Group membership is either communicated explicitly, by exchanging group address and subnet information, or implicitly, by informing upstream routers whether or not group members exist downstream from the source of the multicast traffic. The goals of a multicast routing protocol include the following:      Forward traffic away from the source to prevent loops. Minimize or eliminate multicast traffic to subnets that do not need the traffic. Minimize processor and memory load on the router for scalability. Minimize the overhead of the routing protocol. Minimize the join latency, which is the time it takes for the first host member on a subnet to begin receiving group traffic. Multicast routing is more complex than unicast routing. With unicast routing, unicast traffic is forwarded to a globally unique destination. Unicast routes summarize ranges of globally unique destinations. Unicast routes in the network are comparatively consistent and only need to be updated when the topology of the IP network changes. With multicast routing, multicast traffic is forwarded to an ambiguous group destination. Group addresses represent individual groups, and in general, cannot be summarized in the multicast forwarding table. The location of group members is not consistent, and the multicast forwarding tables of multicast routers might need to be updated whenever a host group member joins or leaves a host group. Just as unicast routing protocols update the unicast IP routing table, multicast routing protocols update the IP multicast forwarding table. Routing and Remote Access in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 does not include any IPv4 or IPv6 multicast routing protocols, although it provides a platform on which third-party IPv4 multicast routing protocols can run. The only component provided with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 that can update entries in the IPv4 multicast forwarding table is the IGMP routing protocol component of Routing and Remote Access. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 489 Appendix A – IP Multicast Multicast Addresses Multicast addresses are defined for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. IPv4 Multicast Addresses IPv4 multicast addresses, also known as group addresses, are in the class D range of (from to as defined by setting the first four high order bits to 1110. Multicast addresses in the range (from to are reserved for the local subnet and are not forwarded by IPv4 routers regardless of the TTL value in the IPv4 header. The following are examples of reserved IPv4 multicast addresses:      - all hosts on this subnet - all routers on this subnet – all Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routers on a subnet – all OSPF designated routers on a subnet - Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Version 2 For the current list of reserved IPv4 multicast addresses, see http://www.iana.org/assignments/multicast-addresses. Mapping IPv4 Multicast to MAC-Layer Multicast To support IPv4 multicasting, the Internet authorities have reserved the multicast address range of 0100-5E-00-00-00 to 01-00-5E-7F-FF-FF for Ethernet MAC addresses. To map an IPv4 multicast address to a MAC-layer multicast address, the low order 23 bits of the IPv4 multicast address are mapped directly to the low order 23 bits in the MAC-layer multicast address. Figure A-2 shows the mapping of an IPv4 multicast address to an Ethernet multicast address. Figure A-2 Mapping IPv4 multicast addresses to Ethernet multicast addresses For example:  The IPv4 multicast address is mapped to 01-00-5E-00-00-01. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 490 Appendix A – IP Multicast  When mapping the 23 low order bits, the first octet is not used, and only the last 7 bits of the second octet is used. The third and fourth octets are converted directly to hexadecimal numbers. For the second and third octets, 0 in hexadecimal is 0x00. For the last octet, 1 in hexadecimal is 0x01. Therefore, the destination MAC address corresponding to becomes 01-00-5E-0000-01. The IPv4 multicast address is mapped to 01-00-5E-40-10-01. For the second octet, 192 in binary is 11000000. If you drop the high order bit, it becomes 1000000 or 64 (in decimal), or 0x40 (in hexadecimal). For the third octet, 16 in hexadecimal is 0x10. For the last octet, 1 in hexadecimal is 0x01. Therefore, the destination MAC address corresponding to becomes 01-00-5E-40-10-01. Because the first 4 bits of an IPv4 multicast address are fixed according to the class D convention, there are 5 bits in the IPv4 multicast address that do not map to the MAC-layer multicast address. Therefore, it is possible for a host to receive MAC-layer multicast packets for groups to which it does not belong. However, IPv4 drops these packets once the destination IPv4 address is determined. Token Ring uses this same method for MAC-layer multicast addressing. However, many Token Ring network adapters do not support it. Therefore, by default, the functional address 0xC0-00-00-04-00-00 is used for all IP multicast traffic sent over Token Ring networks. For more information about Token Ring support for IPv4 multicasting, see RFC 1469. IPv6 Multicast Addresses IPv6 multicast addresses have the first eight bits fixed at 1111 1111 (FF00::/8). Therefore, an IPv6 multicast address always begins with FF. Multicast addresses cannot be used as source addresses or as intermediate destinations in a Routing header. Beyond the first eight bits, IPv6 multicast addresses include additional structure to identify flags, their scope, and the multicast group. Figure A-3 shows the structure of the IPv6 multicast address. Figure A-3 The structure of the IPv6 multicast address The fields in the multicast address are:   Flags Indicates flags set on the multicast address. The size of this field is 4 bits. RFC 4291 defines the Transient (T) flag, which uses the low-order bit of the Flags field. When set to 0, the T flag indicates that the multicast address is a permanently assigned (well-known) multicast address allocated by the IANA. When set to 1, the T flag indicates that the multicast address is a transient (non-permanently-assigned) multicast address. Scope Indicates the scope of the IPv6 network for which the multicast traffic must be delivered. The size of this field is 4 bits. In addition to information provided by multicast routing protocols, routers use the multicast scope to determine whether multicast traffic can be forwarded. Commonly used values for the Scope field include 1 for interface-local scope, 2 for link-local scope, and 5 for site-local scope. Additional values for the Scope field are defined in RFC 4291. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 491 Appendix A – IP Multicast  Group ID Identifies the multicast group and is unique within the scope. The size of this field is 112 bits. Permanently assigned group IDs are independent of the scope. Transient group IDs are relevant only to a specific scope. Multicast addresses from FF01:: through FF0F:: are reserved, well-known addresses. To identify all nodes for the interface-local and link-local scopes, the following addresses are defined:   FF01::1 (interface-local scope all-nodes multicast address) FF02::1 (link-local scope all-nodes multicast address) To identify all routers for the interface-local, link-local, and site-local scopes, the following addresses are defined:    FF01::2 (interface-local scope all-routers multicast address) FF02::2 (link-local scope all-routers multicast address) FF05::2 (site-local scope all-routers multicast address) For the current list of permanently assigned IPv6 multicast addresses, see http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-multicast-addresses. IPv6 multicast addresses replace all forms of IPv4 broadcast addresses. The IPv4 network broadcast (all host bits are set to 1 in a classful environment), subnet broadcast (all host bits are set to 1 in a classless environment), and limited broadcast ( addresses are replaced by the linklocal scope all-nodes multicast address (FF02::1) in IPv6. Solicited-Node Address The solicited-node address facilitates the efficient querying of network nodes during link-layer address resolution, the resolving of a link-layer address of a known IPv6 address. In IPv4, the ARP Request frame is sent to the MAC-level broadcast, disturbing all nodes on the network segment, including those that are not running IPv4. IPv6 uses the Neighbor Solicitation message to perform link-layer address resolution. However, instead of using the local-link scope all-nodes multicast address as the Neighbor Solicitation message destination, which would disturb all IPv6 nodes on the local link, the solicited-node multicast address is used. The solicited-node multicast address is constructed from the prefix FF02::1:FF00:0/104 and the last 24 bits of the unicast IPv6 address being resolved. Figure A-4 shows the mapping of unicast IPv6 address to its corresponding solicited node multicast address. Figure A-4 Mapping an IPv6 unicast address to its corresponding solicited node multicast address For example, Node A is assigned the link-local address of FE80::2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A and is also listening on the corresponding solicited-node multicast address of FF02::1:FF28:9C5A (the underline is TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 492 Appendix A – IP Multicast used to highlight the correspondence of the last six hexadecimal digits). Node B on the local link must resolve Node A’s link-local address FE80::2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A to its corresponding link-layer address. Node B sends a Neighbor Solicitation message to the solicited node multicast address of FF02::1:FF28:9C5A. Because Node A is listening on this multicast address, it processes the Neighbor Solicitation message and sends back a unicast Neighbor Advertisement message in reply. The result of using the solicited-node multicast address is that link-layer address resolutions, a common occurrence on a link, are not using a mechanism that disturbs all network nodes. By using the solicitednode address, very few nodes are disturbed during address resolution. In practice, due to the relationship between the link-layer MAC address, the IPv6 interface ID, and the solicited-node address, the solicited-node address acts as a pseudo-unicast address for very efficient address resolution. Mapping IPv6 Multicast to MAC-Layer Multicast To support IPv6 multicasting, the Internet authorities have reserved the multicast address range of 3333-00-00-00-00 to 33-33-FF-FF-FF-FF for Ethernet MAC addresses. To map an IPv6 multicast address to a MAC-layer multicast address, the low order 32 bits of the IPv6 multicast address are mapped directly to the low order 32 bits in the MAC-layer multicast address. Figure A-5 shows the mapping of an IPv6 multicast address to an Ethernet multicast address. Figure A-5 Mapping IPv6 multicast addresses to Ethernet multicast addresses For example:   The link-local scope all-nodes multicast address of FF02::1 maps to the Ethernet multicast address of 33-33-00-00-00-01. The example solicited-node address of FF02::1:FF3F:2A1C maps to the Ethernet multicast address of 33-33-FF-3F-2A-1C. Multicast Subnet Membership Management For multicast subnet group membership, IPv4 nodes use IGMP and IPv6 nodes use MLD. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 493 Appendix A – IP Multicast IGMP for IPv4 Routers and hosts use IGMP to manage subnet host membership in IPv4 multicast groups. IGMP messages take the following forms:    When a host joins a host group, it sends an IGMP Host Membership Report message to the all-hosts IPv4 multicast address ( or to the specified IPv4 multicast address declaring its membership in a specific host group by referencing the IPv4 multicast address. When a router polls a network to ensure that there are members of a specific host group, it sends an IGMP Host Membership Query message to the all-hosts IPv4 multicast address. If no responses to the poll are received after several polls, the router assumes no membership in that group for that network and stops advertising that group-network information to other routers. When a host leaves an IPv4 multicast group and has determined that it is the last member of that group on the subnet, it sends an IGMP Leave Group message. TCP/IP in Windows supports IGMP, IGMP version 2 (IGMP v2), and IGMP version 3 (IGMP v3). There is no IGMP-related configuration required for a Windows-based computer to use all three versions of IGMP. IGMP is defined in RFC 1112. IGMP v2 is defined in RFC 2236. IGMP v3 is defined in RFC 3376. MLD for IPv6 MLD is the IPv6 equivalent of IGMP v2 for IPv4. MLD is a set of ICMPv6 messages exchanged by routers and nodes, enabling routers to discover the set of multicast addresses for which there are listening nodes for each attached interface. Like IGMPv2, MLD only discovers the list of multicast addresses for which there is at least one listener, not the list of individual multicast listeners for each multicast address. MLD is described in RFC 2710. The three types of MLD messages are:    When a host joins a host group, it sends an MLD Multicast Listener Report message to the specific IPv6 multicast address declaring its membership in a specific host group. When a router polls a network to ensure that there are members of a specific host group, it sends an MLD Multicast Listener Report message to the link-local scope all-hosts IPv6 multicast address (FF02::1). When a host leaves an IPv6 multicast group and has determined that it is the last member of that group on the subnet, the host sends an MLD Multicast Listener Done message. Table A-1 lists IGMPv2 messages and their corresponding MLD equivalents. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 494 Appendix A – IP Multicast IGMPv2 message MLD equivalent Host Membership Report Multicast Listener Report Host Membership Query Multicast Listener Query Leave Group Multicast Listener Done Table A-1 IGMPv2 messages and their MLD equivalents MLD version 2 (MLDv2) is the IPv6 equivalent of IGMP v3 for IPv4. MLDv2 is described in RFC 3810. Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista support MLDv2. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 495 Appendix A – IP Multicast IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Support in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 Multicast forwarding in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 consists of the following:   IPv4 multicast forwarding by the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component The IGMP routing protocol component of Routing and Remote Access IPv4 Multicast Forwarding In Windows, IPv4 multicast forwarding is supported by the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component. IPv4 multicast forwarding is enabled when you configure and enable Routing and Remote Access. The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component maintains an IPv4 multicast forwarding table, which can be viewed from the Routing and Remote Access snap-in or by using the netsh routing ip show mfe command. Note The Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) component in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista supports IPv6 multicast forwarding, which you can enable with the netsh interface ipv6 set global multicastforwarding=enable command. However, at the time of the publication of this book, there is no mechanism to update the IPv6 multicast forwarding table. IGMP Routing Protocol Component Because there are no multicast routing protocols provided with Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, the maintenance of entries in the IPv4 multicast forwarding table is a function of IGMP, a component that is added as an IPv4 routing protocol. To add the IGMP routing protocol component, do the following: 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Routing And Remote Access. 2. In the console tree, open Routing And Remote Access, the server name, and then either IPv4 or IP Routing. 3. In the console tree, right-click General, and then click New Routing Protocol. 4. In the Select Routing Protocol dialog box, click IGMP Router And Proxy, and then click OK. The IGMP routing protocol component might have already been added, depending on your choices in the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup wizard. Although the IGMP routing protocol component provides some limited ability to create or extend multicast-enabled IPv4 networks, it is not the equivalent of a multicast routing protocol, such as DVMRP or PIM. It is not recommended for use to create a multicast-enabled IPv4 network of an arbitrary size or topology. After the IGMP routing protocol is added, you must add router interfaces by doing the following: 1. In the console tree of the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, open Routing And Remote Access, the server name, and then either IPv4 or IP Routing. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 496 Appendix A – IP Multicast 2. In the console tree, right-click IGMP, and then click New Interface. 3. In Interfaces, click the interface you want to enable, and then click OK. 4. On the General tab of the IGMP Properties dialog box for the interface, verify that the Enable IGMP check box is selected. 5. Under Mode, click IGMP Router or IGMP Proxy. Under IGMP Protocol Version, select the version of IGMP being used in your network. 6. Click OK. Figure A-6 shows the General tab for the properties of an IGMP interface. Figure A-6 The General tab for the properties of an IGMP interface When you add an interface to the IGMP routing protocol component in the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, you must configure the interface with one of the following:   IGMP router mode IGMP proxy mode IGMP Router Mode When an IGMP routing protocol interface is configured in IGMP router mode, it performs the following functions:     Listens in multicast promiscuous mode. Listens for IGMP Host Membership Report messages and Leave Group messages. Sends IGMP Host Membership Queries. Maintains entries in the IPv4 multicast forwarding table. IGMP router mode can be enabled on multiple interfaces. For each interface, a specific version of IGMP can be configured. The default version is IGMP v3. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 497 Appendix A – IP Multicast IGMP Proxy Mode While the purpose of IGMP router mode is to act as a multicast router, the purpose of IGMP proxy mode is to act as a multicast proxy for hosts on interfaces on which IGMP router mode is enabled. When an IGMP routing protocol interface is configured in IGMP router mode, it performs the following functions:     Forwards IGMP Host Membership Reports All IGMP Host Membership Reports received on IGMP router mode interfaces are retransmitted on the IGMP proxy mode interface. Registers multicast MAC addresses For shared access technologies such as Ethernet, the network adapter is left in unicast listening mode. For each unique group registered by IGMP Host Membership Reports forwarded on the IGMP proxy mode interface, the network adapter is programmed to pass up frames with the corresponding multicast MAC address. Each additional multicast MAC address is an entry in the table of interesting destination MAC addresses on the network adapter. Each network adapter has a maximum number of entries it can store. If the maximum number of entries is used, then the IGMP routing protocol enables multicast promiscuous listening mode on the network adapter. Adds entries to the multicast forwarding table When non-local multicast traffic is received on an IGMP router mode interface, the IGMP routing protocol adds or updates an entry to the multicast forwarding table to forward the multicast traffic out the IGMP proxy mode interface. The end result of this process is that any non-local multicast traffic received on IGMP router mode interfaces is flooded, or copied, to the IGMP proxy mode interface. Receives multicast traffic received on IGMP proxy mode interfaces Multicast traffic received on the IGMP proxy mode interface corresponding to the groups registered by hosts on IGMP router mode interfaces are forwarded to the appropriate interfaces using the IP protocol and the multicast forwarding table. The purpose of IGMP proxy mode is to connect a Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 router to a multicast-enabled IPv4 network, such as the multicast backbone of the IPv4 Internet (MBone), or a private intranet that is using multicast routing protocols, such as DVMRP and PIM. Figure A-7 shows an example of using IGMP router mode and IGMP proxy mode to connect a small office network to the MBone. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 498 Appendix A – IP Multicast Figure A-7 Using IGMP proxy mode to connect a small office network to the MBone The IGMP proxy mode interface acts like a host and joins host groups on behalf of hosts on its IGMP router mode interfaces. Multicast traffic sent to host members on IGMP router mode interfaces are received on the IGMP proxy mode interface and forwarded by the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component. Multicast traffic sent by hosts on IGMP router mode interfaces are flooded on the IGMP proxy mode interface where a downstream IPv4 multicastenabled router can either forward the traffic or ignore it. IGMP proxy mode can only be enabled on a single IGMP routing protocol interface. The correct interface on which to enable IGMP proxy mode is the interface attached to a subnet containing a multicast router running multicast routing protocols. In other words, the IGMP proxy mode interface "points" to the multicast-enabled intranet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 499 Appendix A – IP Multicast IPv4 Multicast Address Allocation with MADCAP The Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol (MADCAP) is an Internet standard for multicast address allocation defined in RFC 2730. The primary benefit of MADCAP is that you can use it to leverage your existing Windows Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) infrastructure to assign multicast IPv4 addresses in the same way that you assign unicast IPv4 addresses. The multicast address allocation uses the following components:   MADCAP servers MADCAP servers allocate IPv4 multicast addresses. For Windows, a MADCAP server is a computer running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 and the DHCP Server service. Using the DHCP snap-in, you must configure and activate at least one multicast scope. MADCAP clients MADCAP clients use the MADCAP protocol to request IPv4 multicast addresses from a MADCAP server. Windows supports a MADCAP application programming interface (API) so that an application can use MADCAP to request, renew, or release a unique IPv4 multicast address from a MADCAP server. An example of a MADCAP client application is a video conferencing server service that uses MADCAP to receive a unique multicast address and then communicate that address to connecting video clients. After the initial connection negotiation, the video client computer listens on the IPv4 multicast address for the video stream. Using Multicast Scopes A multicast scope is a range of IPv4 multicast addresses that the MADCAP server is configured to assign to requesting MADCAP clients. When deciding the multicast address ranges to use for multicast scopes on your MADCAP server, there are two ranges of addresses that are recommended:   Administratively scoped multicast addresses are in the range (from to and are intended for use by an organization using multicast scopes privately for its own internal use. Administratively scoped multicast addresses are described in detail in RFC 2365. Globally scoped multicast addresses are in the range (from to and are intended for use by an organization using multicast scopes on the Internet. Within the range, the second and third octets are used for the autonomous system (AS) number, assigned to the organization by an Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) registry. The last octet identifies the multicast group. For more information on AS numbering, see RFC 1930. The Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 DHCP Server service supports both the DHCP and MADCAP protocols. These protocols function separately and are not dependent on each other. To configure a DHCP-only server, configure DHCP scopes but no multicast scopes. To configure a MADCAP-only server, configure multicast scopes but no DHCP scopes. To create a multicast scope on a computer running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 and the DHCP Server service, do the following: 1. Click Start, click Settings, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double- TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 500 Appendix A – IP Multicast click DHCP. 2. In the console tree, click the applicable DHCP server. 3. On the Action menu, click New Multicast Scope. 4. Follow the instructions in the New Multicast Scope wizard. The New Multicast Scope wizard guides you through the configuration of the multicast address range, exclusions, lease duration, and scope activation. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 501 Appendix A – IP Multicast Reliable Multicast with Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) Multicast data streams are typically sent using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is not used because it is designed for one-to-one unicast streams of data. Multicast data streams sent over UDP are inherently unreliable because UDP does not provide guaranteed delivery or retransmission of lost packets. Unless reliability is provided by the upper layer protocol, lost packets in UDP-based multicast data streams cannot be detected or recovered. The Reliable Multicast Transport working group of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has created a set of standards for the reliable transmission of multicast data streams from one or multiple senders to multiple receivers. There are many protocol standards that provide reliable multicast at the transport or application layers. Existing reliable multicast protocols fall into the following four categories: 1. Negative acknowledgement (NACK)-only Receivers send NACK packets to request, from the sender, the retransmission of missing packets in the multicast data stream. NACK-only protocols do not require any additional support from routers in the network. 2. Tree-based acknowledgement (ACK) Receivers send positive acknowledgments to indicate multicast data packets that are successfully received. 3. Asynchronous Layered Coding (ALC) Senders provide forward error correction (FEC) with no messages from receivers or the routers of the network. 4. Router assist Receivers send NACK packets. Routers in the network assist with retransmitting lost packets. PGM Overview PGM is a router assist type of reliable multicast protocol that is described in RFC 3208. PGM-enabled receivers use NACK packets to request the retransmission of missing packets. PGM-enabled routers in a network define a logical PGM topology and can facilitate the recovery of lost packets by sending them on behalf of the sender. The PGM topology is overlaid on top of the physical IPv4 network topology. PGM routers define a series of PGM hops between a sender and its receivers. Although defined in RFC 3208, PGM routers are not required. The PGM topology of a network can consist of the single logical hop between the sender and the receivers. PGM does not provide all of the capabilities of TCP for multicast data streams. For example, PGM does not provide sender or receiver-side flow control, byte stream windowing, or congestion control. PGM provides basic reliability for PGM-enabled applications. PGM is a transport layer multicast protocol that runs directly over IPv4 using protocol number 113. It does not use TCP or UDP for its own messages or for multicast data transmission. PGM is the only reliable multicast protocol supported by Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2003. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 502 Appendix A – IP Multicast Adding and Using the Reliable Multicast Protocol To use PGM on computers running Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2003, you must add the Reliable Multicast Protocol component and create PGM-enabled applications. Adding the Reliable Multicast Protocol To add the Reliable Multicast Protocol to a connection, complete the following steps: 1. From the Network Connections folder, right-click the connection, and then click Properties. 2. In the properties dialog box for the connection, click Install. 3. In Select Network Feature Type or Select Network Component Type, double-click Protocol. 4. In the Network Protocol list, click Reliable Multicast Protocol, and then click OK. 5. To save changes to the connection properties, click Close. The Reliable Multicast Protocol component appears in the list of items being used by the connection, but has no configurable properties. Writing PGM-enabled Applications To use PGM, an application must use Windows Sockets and the PGM socket options. A sender application uses Windows Sockets to create a PGM socket, bind the socket to any address, and then connect to the multicast group address. A receiver application uses Windows Sockets to create a PGM socket, bind the socket to the multicast group address, post a listen on the new socket, and then use the accept() function to obtain a socket handle for the PGM session. Microsoft products that use PGM include Message Queuing (also known as MSMQ) and Automated Deployment Services (ADS). How PGM and the Reliable Multicast Protocol Works A receiver uses the following process: 1. The multicast application opens a listen socket with the appropriate reliable multicast socket options. 2. The receiver sends an IGMP Host Membership Report message to inform the local routers of the receiver's membership in the multicast group. A sender uses the following process: 1. The multicast application opens a send socket with the appropriate reliable multicast socket options. 2. The multicast application begins to send data. PGM packets containing data are sent beginning with a sequence number of 0, and are incremented by 1 for subsequent packets. 3. The multicast-enabled routers forward the multicast data packets throughout the IPv4 network to the subnets that contain group members. When a receiver determines that there is a missing packet, it sends a PGM message to its nearest PGM router, requesting that the missing packet with a specific sequence number be resent. This request is forwarded to either the original source or a PGM router that stores copies of recent packets sent by the source. In either case, the missing packet is sent directly to the requesting receiver. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 503 Appendix A – IP Multicast TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 504 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol Abstract This appendix describes the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and its support in the Microsoft Windows operating systems. SNMP is used in enterprise network environments to manage many types of network devices. A network administrator must understand SNMP to integrate computers running Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003 into an SNMP-managed environment. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 505 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP Overview SNMP is a network management protocol and infrastructure widely used on IP networks. It was originally developed in the Internet community to monitor and troubleshoot routers and bridges. SNMP allows network administrators to manage network devices such as workstation or server computers, routers, switches, and wireless access points. SNMP can be used to:    Configure devices remotely You can use an SNMP to configure a device across the network from a central management computer. Monitor network performance You can use an SNMP to systematically and periodically query devices for current performance statistics to monitor network throughput. Detect network faults or inappropriate access A device can use SNMP to send a message when specific events occur. Common types of conditions to report to a management system include a device being shut down and restarted, a link failure being detected on a router, inappropriate access, and low disk space on a file server. SNMP uses a distributed architecture consisting of the following components:  SNMP management systems The SNMP management system, also known as a management station or a management console, is a computer running SNMP management software that sends information and update requests to devices running an SNMP agent.  The SNMP management system requests information from a device, such as the amount of hard disk space available or the number of active sessions. If the management system has been granted write access to a device, the management system can also change a device's configuration. SNMP agents An SNMP agent is a device running software that collects information and responds to management system requests for information. The SNMP agent software can be configured to determine which statistics are tracked and which management systems are authorized to request information. Typically, agents do not originate messages, but only respond to them. The exception is when the agent is configured to report a specific event, such as a system restart or an inappropriate access. Figure B-1 shows an example of SNMP being used on a network. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 506 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol Figure B-1 An example of SNMP being used on a network SNMP is defined in RFC 1157. The Management Information Base The information that an agent can collect and a management system can request from an agent is contained in a Management Information Base (MIB). A MIB is a set of manageable objects representing various types of information about a network device, such as the number of active sessions or the version of network operating system software that is running on a host. SNMP management systems and agents share a common understanding of MIB objects. For a given MIB, the agent maintains information about the objects in the MIB and the management system retrieves the information in the MIB from the agent. The Hierarchical Name Tree The name space for MIB objects is hierarchical. It is structured so that each manageable object can be assigned a globally unique name. When a management system requests a data object from an agent, it includes the globally unique name in the request. Authority for parts of the name space is assigned to individual organizations. This allows organizations to assign names to new objects without consulting an Internet authority for each assignment. For example, the name space assigned to the LAN Manager MIB II is LAN Manager is an obsolete Microsoft operating system. Microsoft has also been assigned, and all new MIBs for Microsoft-specific technologies are created under that branch. Microsoft has the authority to assign names to objects anywhere below that portion of the name space. Figure B-2 shows a portion of the SNMP hierarchical name tree. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 507 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol Figure B-2 The SNMP hierarchical name tree The object identifier in the hierarchy is written as a sequence of number labels beginning at the root and ending at the object. Labels are separated with periods. For example, the object identifier for MIB II is, corresponding to the object name iso.org.dod.internet.management.mibii. The object identifier for LAN Manager MIB II is, corresponding to the object name iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprise.lanmanager. The name space used to map object identifiers is separate from the hierarchical name space associated with Domain Name System (DNS) domain names. SNMP Messages SNMP uses the following messages:     Get-request Sent by an SNMP management system to request information about a single MIB object on an SNMP agent (for example, the number of packets forwarded). Get-next-request An extended type of request message sent by an SNMP management system that can be used to browse an entire tree of management objects. When processing a Get-next-request request for a particular object, the agent returns the identity and value of the next object in the MIB, based on the previous request. The Get-next-request request is useful for dynamic tables, such as an IPv4 or IPv6 route table. Getbulk-request Sent by an SNMP management system to request that the data transferred by the agent be as large as possible within the restraints of maximum message size. This message minimizes the number of message exchanges required to retrieve a large amount of management information. Set-request Sent by an SNMP management system to assign an updated value for a MIB object the agent (provided write access is enabled on the SNMP agent). Management systems use Set-request messages to remotely configure SNMP agents. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 508 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol   Get-response Sent by the SNMP agent in response to a Get-request, Get-next-request, Getbulkrequest, or Set-request message. Trap An unsolicited message sent by an SNMP agent to an SNMP management system when the agent detects that a certain type of event has occurred. The SNMP management system that receives a trap message is known as a trap destination. For example, a trap message might be sent when a device is restarted. The Get-request, Get-next-request, Getbulk-request, and Set-request messages are sent by a management system to an agent as a unicast UDP message sent to the IPv4 address of the agent and destination UDP port 161. An agent sends the Trap message to a management system as a unicast UDP message sent to the IPv4 address of the management system and destination UDP port 162. Figure B-3 shows the exchange of messages between an SNMP management system and an SNMP agent. Figure B-3 The exchange of messages between an SNMP management system and an SNMP agent All SNMP messages are sent without data protection. To protect SNMP messages, use Internet Protocol security (IPsec) to protect traffic between SNMP management systems and agents. Both the management system and the agent must support IPsec. For more information about IPsec, see Chapter 13, "Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) and Packet Filtering." SNMP Communities Management systems and agents belong to an SNMP community, which is a collection of hosts grouped together for administrative purposes. The use of a community name provides context checking for agents that receive requests and initiate traps, and for management systems that initiate requests and receive traps. An agent will not accept a request from a management system outside its configured communities. A management system will not accept a trap from an agent outside its configured communities. You use community names primarily as an element for organization, not security. SNMP messages are typically sent without IPsec protection. By capturing unprotected SNMP messages, a malicious user can determine the SNMP community name and send their own SNMP messages with the correct community name. There is no relationship between community names and domain or workgroup names. Community names represent a named context for groups of the components of SNMP infrastructure. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 509 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol Agents and management systems can be members of multiple communities at the same time, allowing for flexibility in configuring the administrative elements of your SNMP infrastructure. Figure B-4 shows an example of two defined communities—IT and Admin. Figure B-4 An example of SNMP communities Only the agents and management systems that are members of the same community can communicate with each other. For example:   Agent1 can receive and send messages to Manager2 because they are both members of the Admin community. Agent2, Agent3, and Agent4 can receive and send messages to Manager1 because they are all members of the IT community. The default name for many SNMP agents is Public. The SNMP service for Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2003 does not have a configured SNMP community name. The SNMP service for Windows XP uses the default name of Public. How SNMP Works The following steps describe how SNMP works in a typical get operation: 1. An SNMP management system sends a request to an SNMP agent. The request is a Get-request, Get-next-request, or Getbulk-request message with one or more data objects and a community name, and is sent to the SNMP agent's IPv4 address and destination UDP port 161. For example, the SNMP management system sends a Get-request message with the community name IT requesting the number of active sessions. 2. The SNMP agent receives the SNMP message. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 510 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol The community name is verified. If the community name is invalid or the packet is malformed, it is silently discarded. If the community name is valid, the request is passed to the appropriate MIB component. The MIB component returns the requested information to the agent. For this example, the SNMP agent retrieves the number of active sessions from the MIB. 3. The SNMP agent sends a Get-response message to the SNMP management system with the requested information. For this example, the SNMP agent sends a Get-response message with the community name IT that contains the number of active sessions. Figure B-5 shows this process. Figure B-5 An example of how SNMP works TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 511 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol Windows SNMP Service The SNMP service in Windows is SNMP agent software that provides information to management systems running SNMP management software. The SNMP service:    Responds to requests for status information from multiple hosts. Reports significant events (traps) to multiple hosts as they occur. Uses host names and IPv4 addresses to identify the hosts to which it reports information and from which it receives requests. The Windows SNMP service is a Windows Sockets application. It provides an internal infrastructure that allows third-party software and hardware developers to create their own MIBs for use with the Windows SNMP service and for the development of SNMP management system applications. The SNMP service in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 supports the following MIBs:       Internet MIB II Internet MIB II is a superset of the previous standard, Internet MIB I. Internet MIB II defines objects essential for either fault or configuration analysis. Internet MIB II is defined in RFC 1212. LAN Manager MIB II LAN Manager MIB II defines objects for share, session, user, and logon information. Most LAN Manager MIB II objects have read-only access because typically SNMP messages are not protected. DHCP MIB The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) MIB defines objects to monitor DHCP server activity. This MIB is automatically installed when the DHCP server service is installed. It contains objects for monitoring DHCP, such as the number of DHCPDiscover messages received and the number of addresses leased out to DHCP clients. WINS MIB The Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) MIB defines objects to monitor WINS server activity. This MIB is automatically installed when the WINS Server service is installed. It contains objects for monitoring WINS, such as the number of resolution requests successfully processed, the number of resolution requests that failed, and the date and time of the last database replication. IIS MIBs The Internet Information Services (IIS) MIBs define objects to monitor File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) activity. These MIBs are automatically installed when IIS is installed. They contain objects for monitoring the FTP and Web services of IIS and include counters for total bytes sent and total files sent. RADIUS Server MIBs The Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) Server MIBs define objects to monitor RADIUS server authentication and accounting activity. These MIBs are automatically installed when the Internet Authentication Service (IAS) is installed. They contain objects for monitoring the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 512 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol RADIUS server, such as the number of authentication requests successfully processed and the number of accounting requests. The RADIUS Authentication Server MIB is defined in RFC 2619. The RADIUS Accounting Server MIB is defined in RFC 2621. Installing and Configuring the SNMP Service To install the SNMP service in Windows Vista, do the following: 1. From Control Panel-Programs and Features, click Turn Windows features on or off. 2. In Windows Features, click SNMP feature, and then click OK. To install the SNMP service in Windows Server 2008, use the Server Manager snap-in to add the SNMP Service feature. To install the SNMP service in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, do the following: 3. Click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Add Or Remove Programs, and then click Add/Remove Windows Components. 4. In Components, click Management And Monitoring Tools (but do not select or clear its check box), and then click Details. 5. Select the Simple Network Management Protocol check box, and click OK. 6. Click Next. The SNMP service starts automatically after installation. Unlike many services in Windows, the SNMP service does not have a corresponding snap-in. Instead, you configure the SNMP service through additional tabs on the properties of the SNMP service in the Services snap-in. To configure the SNMP service, do the following: 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management. 2. In the console tree, open Services And Applications, and then click Services. 3. In the details pane, right-click SNMP Service, and then click Properties. You configure the SNMP service from the following tabs:    Agent Traps Security Agent Tab On the Agent tab, you can configure a contact person, the physical location of the computer, and enable and disable the types of information that you want the SNMP service to collect. By default the Applications, Internet, and End-to-end categories are enabled. Figure B-6 shows the Agent tab. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 513 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol Figure B-6 The Agent tab for the SNMP service Traps Tab On the Traps tab, you configure the community name that is included in Trap messages and the trap destinations—a list of IPv4 addresses to which Trap messages are sent. Figure B-7 shows the Traps tab. Figure B-7 The Traps tab for the SNMP service Security Tab On the Security tab, you configure the following:  Whether the SNMP service will send a trap to all trap destinations if it receives a request that does not contain a recognized community name. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 514 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol   The list of accepted community names. Whether to accept SNMP messages from any host, or from a list of hosts by IPv4 address or host name. Figure B-8 shows the Security tab. Figure B-8 The Security tab for the SNMP service Evntcmd Tool You can use the Evntcmd.exe tool at a command prompt to configure SNMP traps based on events recorded in system logs. You can also use Evntcmd.exe to specify where trap messages are sent within an SNMP community. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 515 Appendix B – Simple Network Management Protocol TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 516 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Abstract This appendix describes how the Computer Browser service on computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems works to display the list of workgroups and domains and the servers within them for the contents of the Network and Microsoft Windows Network windows and related windows in My Network Places. A network administrator must understand how the Computer Browser service works over an IPv4 network to determine why some domains, workgroups, or the server computers within them are not displayed. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 517 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Computer Browsing Overview The Computer Browser service in Windows maintains an updated list of domains, workgroups, and server computers on the network and supplies this list to client computers upon request. A domain is a grouping of computers that provide a centralized account database and security. The definition of domain for computer browsing is separate from its definition for Active Directory. In Active Directory, a domain is a collection of computer, user, and group objects defined by the administrator. These objects share a common directory database, security policies, and security relationships with other domains. A workgroup is a logical grouping of computers that helps users locate shared resources such folders and printers. Workgroups do not offer the centralized user accounts and security offered by domains. A LAN group is either a domain or a workgroup. The Computer Browser service maintains a distributed series of lists of available network resources as viewed from the following locations:   Using the new Windows XP-style Start menu, click Start, and then click My Network Places. In the My Network Places window, click Entire Network. In the Entire Network window, double-click Microsoft Windows Network. Using the classic Windows Start menu, double-click My Network Places on your desktop. In the My Network Places window, double-click Entire Network. In the Entire Network window, double-click Microsoft Windows Network. For either method, the Microsoft Windows Network window displays a list of LAN groups. The list of LAN groups and the servers within them are distributed to automatically elected browse server computers. Computers elected as browse servers eliminate the need for all computers to maintain a list of all the LAN groups and their servers on the network and lowers the amount of network traffic required to build and maintain a list of all the computers on the network. The browse list, the list of LAN groups and the servers within them that are accumulated and distributed by the Computer Browser service, is separate from the list of computers maintained in Active Directory. For example, when you click Search Active Directory in the Network Tasks pane of the My Network Places window, the Find Users, Contacts, And Groups dialog box is displayed. Queries using this dialog box are performed against Active Directory, not against the browse list maintained by computers running the Computer Browser service. The Computer Browser service operates by exchanging a set of NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) broadcast and unicast messages. There is no support for computer browsing over IPv6. If NetBT is disabled, the Computer Browser service can no longer operate. This means that for a network that has NetBT disabled and is just using the Domain Name System (DNS) and Active Directory, you cannot view any LAN groups or servers using the Entire Network window. You must use find computers using Active Directory. Computer browsing over remote access connections is aided by the NetBT proxy in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003, which is enabled by default for Routing and Remote Access on all interfaces that are not connected to the Internet. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 518 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service For more information about NetBT, see Chapter 11, "NetBIOS over TCP/IP" and Chapter 12 "Windows Internet Name Service Overview." The Computer Browser service in Windows performs three processes:    Collection of browsing information Distribution of browsing information Servicing of browse client requests Browsing Collection and Distribution The browsing collection and distribution processes occur between designated browse server computers. The following types of browse servers are defined:    Master Browse Server A computer that collects and maintains the browse list of available servers within its LAN group and a list of other LAN groups and their Master Browse Servers. It also distributes the browse list to the Backup Browse Servers. Backup Browse Server A computer that receives a copy of the browse list from the Master Browse Server, and distributes information in the browse list to browse clients upon request. Domain Master Browse Server The first domain controller to register the NetBIOS name of Domain[1B] becomes the Domain Master Browse Server. Besides being a Master Browse Server for its domain, the Domain Master Browse Server synchronizes the browse list for the Master Browse Servers in the domain that are located on remote subnets. Computers are designated the Master Browse Server or a Backup Browse Server through an automatic election process. For a given LAN group, there is only one Master Browse Server and zero or more Backup Browse Servers. The number of Backup Browse Servers depends on the number of servers in the LAN group. Computers running Windows XP can perform the Master Browse Server and Backup Browse Server roles. Only a computer running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 that is acting as a domain controller can perform the Domain Master Browse Server role. The Collection Process The Master Browse Server performs the collection process by accumulating the following information in its browse list:  A list of servers within its LAN group Periodically, every computer running the Server service within the LAN group broadcasts a Host Announcement packet to the NetBIOS name LANGroup[1D]. The Server service corresponds to the File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks component in Network Connections and provides file and print sharing using the Common Internet File System (CIFS), also known as the Server TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 519 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service  Message Block (SMB) protocol. The Master Browse Server processes the Host Announcement packet and adds or refreshes the sender’s computer name in the list of servers of the LAN group. A list of other LAN groups Periodically, every Master Browse Server of a LAN group broadcasts a Domain Announcement or Workgroup Announcement packet to the NetBIOS name [01][02]__MSBROWSE__[01][02]. Contained in the Domain Announcement or Workgroup Announcement packet is the LAN group name and the computer name of the Master Browse Server. Each Master Browse Server stores the announced LAN group name and its associated Master Browse Server in the browse list. The Distribution Process The Master Browse Server distributes the browse list to the Backup Browse server computers that will service the requests from browse clients. This occurs through the following:   Local Master Announcement packet Periodically, the Master Browse Server broadcasts a Local Master Announcement packet to the NetBIOS name LANGroup[1E]. This packet informs the Backup Browse Servers that a Master Browse Server for the LAN group still exists. If the Master Browse Server does not periodically sent a Local Master Announcement packet, a Backup Browse Server starts an election by broadcasting an Election packet to the NetBIOS name LANGroup[1E]. The election process selects a new Master Browse Server. Browse list pull operation from Master Browse Server to Backup Browse Server Periodically, each Backup Browse Server contacts the Master Browse Server in its LAN group to download the browse list. The downloaded browse list includes the list of servers within the LAN group and the list of other LAN groups and their associated Master Browse Servers. Figure C-1 shows the collection and distribution process. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 520 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Figure C-1 The Computer Browser service collection and distribution processes Servicing Browse Client Requests After the browse list has been built by the Master Browse Server and distributed to the Backup Browse Servers, it can be used to service browse client requests. Browse clients request the following:    The list of servers within its LAN group The list of servers within another LAN group The list of shares on a server Obtaining the List of Servers Within its LAN Group On a computer running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 that is a member of a workgroup, you can view the list of servers in its own workgroup by clicking on View Workgroup Computers in the Network Tasks pane of the My Network Places window. On a computer running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 that is a member of a domain, you can view the list of servers in its own domain by double-clicking your domain name in the Microsoft Windows Network window. To get the list of servers within its LAN group, the browse client does the following: 1. Upon startup, the browse client broadcasts a Get Backup List Request packet to the NetBIOS name LANGroup[1D]. 2. The Master Browse Server responds to the client request with a list of computer names for Backup Browse Servers in the LAN group. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 521 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service 3. The client randomly selects one of the Backup Browse Servers. When the user wants to view the list of servers in its LAN group, the computer sends the selected Backup Browse Server a request for the servers in its LAN group. 4. The Backup Browse Server responds with the list of servers in the LAN group. Figure C-2 shows this process. Figure C-2 Servicing browse client requests For subsequent requests for a list of servers within its LAN group, the client continues to use the list of Backup Browse Server names obtained during startup and does not broadcast a new Get Backup List Request packet. The success of the browse client request is dependent on the client getting a response from the Master Browse Server and the client’s ability to resolve the computer name of the randomly selected Backup Browse Server to its IPv4 address. Obtaining the List of Servers Within Another LAN Group On a computer running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 that is a member of a workgroup, you can view the list of servers in another LAN group by clicking on the LAN group name in the Browse For Folder dialog box. On a computer running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 that is a member of a domain, you can view the list of servers in another LAN group by double-clicking the LAN group name in the Microsoft Windows Network window. To get the list of servers within another LAN group, the client broadcasts a Get Backup List Request packet to the NetBIOS name LANGroup[1D]. The Master Browse Server for that LAN group responds TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 522 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service to the client request with a list of computer names for Backup Browse Servers within the LAN group. The client then randomly selects one of the Backup Browse Servers and sends it a request to download the list of servers in the LAN group. The response from the selected Backup Browse Server contains the list of servers in the LAN group. The success of this operation depends on the client getting a response from the Master Browse Server for the LAN group and the client’s ability to resolve the computer name of the randomly selected Backup Browse Server of the LAN group to an IPv4 address. Obtaining the List of Shares on a Server On a computer running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, you can view the list of shares on a selected server by double-clicking the computer in the LAN group window. Alternately, you can view the list of shares of a specific computer from the display of the net view \\servername command. To get the list of shares on a server, the client computer attempts to resolve the NetBIOS name for the Server service on the desired computer, which corresponds to ComputerName[20]. After the name is resolved, a TCP session, a NetBIOS session, and an SMB session are created between the browse client and the file sharing server. After the SMB session is created, the client requests a list of shares. Although the request for the list of servers does not involve the Computer Browser service or browse servers, it is part of the browsing operation done through My Network Places. The success of this client request is dependent on the client’s ability to resolve the computer name of the selected computer to its IPv4 address and to establish an authenticated SMB session with the server. The Computer Browser Service on Computers Running Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008 sets the startup state of the Computer Browser service to disabled by default for a new installation of Windows Server and when upgrading an existing server to Windows Server 2008. The default startup state of the Computer Browser service on computers running Windows Server 2008 can cause problems for a domain controller in the primary domain controller flexible single master operations (PDC FSMO) role. For computer browsing, the computer in the PDC FSMO role centrally collects and distributes information about domains, workgroups, and computers for multi-subnet networks. If the computer in the PDC FSMO role is not running the Computer Browser service, computer browse lists across the network will contain only domains, workgroups, and computers on the local subnet. To prevent this problem, configure the startup type for the Computer Browser service for Automatic on the computer in the PDC FSMO role and then start Computer Browser service. You can do this from the Services snap-in or at an elevated command prompt with the following commands: sc config browser start= auto sc start browser Because the Computer Browser service relies on the file and printer sharing, you will also need to turn on File and Printer Sharing in the Network and Sharing Center. Alternatively, move the PDC FSMO role to another domain controller that has the Computer Browser service started and configured for automatic startup and File and Printer Sharing turned on in the Network and Sharing Center. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 523 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Additionally, if the only server computer on a subnet is running Windows Server 2008, client computers will become the local browse server on the subnets. As client computers are started and are shut down, the role of the local browse server will pass from one client computer to another, possibly resulting in an inconsistent display of domains, workgroups, and computers. To prevent this problem, on the computer running Windows Server 2008, turn on file and printer sharing, configure the startup type for the Computer Browser service for Automatic, and then start the Computer Browser service. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 524 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Computer Browser Service Operation on an IPv4 Network Because the Computer Browser service relies on a series of broadcast NetBIOS over TCP/IP packets, the placement of IPv4 routers can create problems. IPv4 routers do not forward broadcast packets. To facilitate client browsing of all network resources in an IPv4 network, there must be mechanisms for the collection, distribution, and servicing of client requests for browse lists when servers, browse servers, and browse clients are located on different subnets. The browsing collection, distribution, and the servicing of client requests across IPv4 routers must now take place using a combination of unicast and broadcast IPv4 traffic, rather than just broadcast IPv4 traffic. To facilitate computer browsing across an IPv4 network, the Computer Browser services uses the following:   Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) WINS helps in the collection of browse lists and the servicing of client requests. Entries in the Lmhosts file Special entries in the Lmhosts file help facilitate the distribution of browsing information and the servicing of client requests. Note The Computer Browser service relies on media access control (MAC)-level broadcast packets sent using NetBT to and from UDP port 138 (the NetBIOS datagram port). In contrast, B-node NetBIOS name registration and name query requests are sent as MAC-level broadcasts over UDP port 137 (the NetBIOS name service port). Some routers can be configured to forward NetBIOS broadcasts from one IPv4 subnet to another. If the IPv4 router is configured to forward NetBIOS broadcasts, the Computer Browsing service works as if all the LAN groups were located on the same subnet. All Master Browse Servers are aware of all servers in their LAN group and all other LAN groups and all browse client requests can be satisfied. If NetBIOS broadcast forwarding is enabled on all IPv4 routers in the network, the following sections do not apply. However, this solution is highly discouraged because it increases the amount of broadcast traffic on each subnet, leading to decreased performance by all nodes on the network. Enabling broadcast forwarding can also cause browse server election conflicts. The following sections examine how the Computer Browser service works across an IPv4 network for these browsing situations:     Domain spanning an IPv4 router Multiple domains separated by IPv4 routers Workgroup spanning an IPv4 router Multiple workgroups separated by IPv4 routers Domain Spanning an IPv4 Router Figure C-3 shows a domain that spans an IPv4 router. There are domain members on at least two different subnets located across an IPv4 router. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 525 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Figure C-3 A domain that spans an IPv4 router For this configuration, the following sections examine:   The collection and distribution process The servicing of browse client requests Collection and Distribution Process When using domains that are split across routers, browse server elections occur within each subnet and each subnet functions as an independent browsing entity with its own Master Browse Server and Backup Browse Servers. Each Master Browse Server collects the following for its own subnet:   The list of servers within its domain, by listening for Host Announcement packets sent by computers in its domain. The list of other LAN groups and their corresponding Master Browse Servers, by listening for Domain Announcement or Workgroup Announcement packets sent by the Master Browse Servers of other LAN groups. If all the servers in the domain existed on one subnet, the Domain Master Browse Server would also be the Master Browse Server for the domain. In the configuration in Figure C-3, the Domain Master Browse Server is attached to only one subnet. To facilitate the flow of information for the browse list across the IPv4 router, the Master Browse Servers on the other subnets must communicate with the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 526 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Domain Master Browse Server. The communication between the Domain Master Browse Server and Master Browse Servers takes two forms:   Master Browse Servers update the Domain Master Browse Server with their collected list of servers in the domain and other LAN groups on its subnet. Master Browse Servers download the Domain Master Browse Server's browse list, which contains all of the server names within the domain and all other LAN group names collected by the Domain Master Browse Server and all other Master Browse Servers on other subnets. The result is that each Master Browse Server gets the Domain Master Browse Server's browse list. The Backup Browse Servers on each subnet download the browse list from their local Master Browse Server. The communication between the Master Browse Server and Domain Master Browse Server occurs periodically through unicast IPv4 traffic. The Master Browse Server for each subnet contacts the Domain Master Browse Server to exchange information. The Master Browse Server resolves the IPv4 address of the Domain Master Browse Server using either:   WINS If the Master Browse Server is a WINS client, it will query its WINS servers for the NetBIOS name Domain[1B]. Only the Domain Master Browse Server registers this NetBIOS name. Lmhosts file The Master Browse Server can use special entries in the Lmhosts file to locate the Domain Master Browse Server. The details of these entries are discussed in the “Configuring the Lmhosts File for an Domain that Spans IPv4 Routers” section of this chapter. Servicing Browse Client Requests When servicing browse client requests, the browse client can request the following:    List of servers within its domain or a LAN group on its subnet To get the list of servers within its domain or for a LAN group on its subnet, the browse client initially broadcasts a Get Backup List Request packet to the NetBIOS name LANGroup[1D]. The Master Browse Server for the LAN group on the browse client’s subnet responds to the browse client request with a list of computer names for Backup Browse Servers. The browse client then randomly selects one of the Backup Browse Servers and contacts it directly for a list of servers within the LAN group. List of servers within another LAN group on another subnet This process is described in the “Multiple Domains Across IPv4 Routers” section of this chapter. List of shares on a server To get the list of shares on a server, the browse client attempts to resolve the NetBIOS name for the Server service on the desired computer, which corresponds to ComputerName[20]. Once the name is resolved, a TCP session, a NetBIOS session, and an SMB session are created between the browse client and the desired server. The list of shares on the server computer is sent over the SMB session. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 527 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Configuring the Lmhosts File for an Domain that Spans IPv4 Routers To enable direct communication between Master Browse Servers on remote subnets and the Domain Master Browse Server for computers that are not enabled to use WINS, you must configure the Lmhosts file with the NetBIOS names and IPv4 addresses of the browse server computers. The Lmhosts file on each subnet’s Master Browse Server should contain a series of entries for all the domain controllers of the domain. Each entry must have the following information:   The IPv4 address and computer name of the domain controller The domain name preceded by the #PRE #DOM: tags The following is an example entry: DC100 #PRE #DOM:EXAMPLE For this Lmhosts entry, a domain controller for the EXAMPLE domain is a computer named DC100 at the IPv4 address of By adding entries for all the domain controllers, regardless of which domain controller becomes the Domain Master Browse Server, the Lmhosts files do not need to be changed on the other Master Browse Server computers. When multiple Lmhosts entries exist for the same domain name, a computer running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 acting as a Master Browse Server determines which of the entries corresponds to the Domain Master Browse Server by sending a query to each the IPv4 address. Only the Domain Master Browse Server responds to the query. The computer then contacts the Domain Master Browse Server to exchange browse list information. At each domain controller, the Lmhosts file must be configured with entries for each of the Master Browse Servers on remote subnets. By default, the Master Browse Server computer is elected using a set of election criteria. To ensure that a specific computer is elected the Master Browse Server, set the registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser\Parameters\IsDomainMaster to TRUE (REG_SZ). A computer with IsDomainMaster set to TRUE will typically only lose an election to the Domain Master Browse Server or other computers with IsDomainMaster set to TRUE. After you have configured the IsDomainMaster registry value on a designated server computer on each subnet, add entries to the Lmhosts file on each domain controller for each of the designated Master Browse Servers. These entries allow the Domain Master Browse Server to determine the set of computers to contact to distribute the Domain Master Browse Server's browse list. Multiple Domains Separated By IPv4 Routers Figure C-4 shows multiple domains that are separated by an IPv4 router. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 528 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Figure C-4 Multiple domains separated by an IPv4 router For this configuration, the following sections examine:   Collection and distribution process Servicing browse client requests Collection and Distribution Process Besides collecting the servers in its domain, a Master Browse Server collects the names of other LAN groups on its subnet. All of this information is sent to the Domain Master Browse Server and distributed to the other Master Browse Servers for that domain. Browse clients within that domain see the list of all of the LAN groups that have been collected. One enhancement WINS adds to the mechanism of collecting LAN group names is that a WINSenabled Domain Master Browse Server periodically queries the WINS server to obtain a list of all of the domains from the WINS database. The Domain Master Browse Server queries WINS for all the NetBIOS names that end with the 0x1B character. All NetBIOS names of this type are NetBIOS domain names that were registered by Domain Master Browse Servers. The list of domains obtained through the WINS query only contains the domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. The list does not include the names of the Domain Master Browse Servers that registered those names. To obtain the Domain Master Browse Server for the domain, the Domain Master Browse Server computer sends a NetBIOS Adapter Status message to each IPv4 address corresponding to the NetBIOS computer name Domain[1B] for each domain collected through the WINS query. The response to the NetBIOS Adapter Status message contains the computer name TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 529 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service of the computer that registered the domain name. In this way, the Domain Master Browse Server completes its list of domain names and their corresponding Domain Master Browse Servers. The advantage of this process is that the Domain Master Browse Server for any domain now has a list of all domains (for those Domain Master Browse Servers that are WINS clients or have static WINS entries), including those on remote subnets that are not spanned by its domain. Servicing WINS-enabled Client Requests for Remote Domains When a client requests a list of servers from a domain other than its own, the process for resolving the Master Browse Server for the domain depends on the client type. For WINS clients, the client broadcasts a Get Backup List Request packet to the NetBIOS name LANGroup[1D] to get a list of Backup Browse Servers from a local Master Browse Server. Because the browse client is requesting a set of Backup Browse Servers for a remote domain, it will not receive a response to the broadcasted Get Backup List Request packet. The client then requests the IPv4 address of the domain’s Domain Master Browse Server from WINS by querying for the NetBIOS name Domain[1B]. The WINS name query will only be successful for domains for which the Domain Master Browse Server is a WINS client or has a static WINS entry. If the client receives a positive name response from the WINS server, the following process occurs: 1. The client sends a unicast Get Backup List Request packet to the IPv4 address of the Domain Master Browse Server (corresponding to the NetBIOS name Domain[1B]). 2. The Domain Master Browse Server responds with a list of Backup Browse Servers. The client randomly selects one of the Backup Browse Servers and uses a WINS query (for the NetBIOS name BackupBrowseServerName[20]) to get the IPv4 address of the selected Backup Browse Server for the domain. 3. The browse client then connects to the Backup Browse Server and requests a list of servers in its domain. 4. The Backup Browse Server returns the list of servers to the browse client. Figure C-5 shows this process. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 530 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Figure C-5 Servicing a WINS-enabled client requests for a positive WINS server response The browse client may receive a negative name response for the NetBIOS name query LANGroup[1B] if the LAN group is a workgroup, the domain controller for the domain is not a WINS client or has a static WINS entry, or if the domain controller for the domain is a WINS client and the domain controller and the browse client are not sharing a common WINS database (via replication). If the browse client receives a negative name response from the WINS server, the following process occurs: 1. The browse client makes a connection with its local Master Browse Server and requests the name of the Master Browse Server of the desired LAN group. 2. The local Master Browse Server returns the name of the Master Browse Server that advertised the LAN group. 3. The client resolves the NetBIOS name of the Master Browse Server that advertised the LAN group (MasterBrowseServerName[20]) and makes a connection with that Master Browse Server to request a list of servers in the LAN group. 4. The Master Browse Server returns the list of servers in the LAN group to the browse client. Figure C-6 shows this process. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 531 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Figure C-6 Servicing WINS-enabled client requests with a negative WINS server response Servicing non-WINS Client Requests for Remote Domains For browse clients that are not using WINS, the process for obtaining a list of servers in a remote domain is the following: 1. The client broadcasts a Get Backup List Request packet to the NetBIOS name Domain[1D] to get a list of Backup Browse Servers from a local Master Browse Server. The client also broadcasts a NetBIOS name query for the NetBIOS name Domain[1B]. Since the client is attempting to obtain a list of servers in a remote domain, there is no response to this broadcasted query. 2. The client makes a connection with its local Master Browse Server and requests the name of the Master Browse Server of the desired domain. 3. The local Master Browse Server returns the name of the Master Browse Server that advertised the domain. 4. The client resolves the NetBIOS name of the Master Browse Server that advertised the LAN group (MasterBrowseServerName[20]) and makes a connection with that Master Browse Server to request a list of servers in the LAN group. 5. The Master Browse Server returns the list of servers in the LAN group to the browse client. Figure C-7 shows this process. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 532 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Figure C-7 Servicing a browse client request for a remote domain when WINS is not enabled This process works for both domains and workgroups. The success of this process depends on the following:   The local Master Browse Server has the name of the Master Browse Server that advertised its LAN group in its browse list. This information is available for those LAN groups that were collected through Domain Announcement or Workgroup Announcement packets and for those domain names collected through the WINS query for all names ending with 0x1B. The client is able to resolve the NetBIOS name of the Master Browse Server (MasterBrowseServerName[20]) of the remote LAN group. For a browse client that is not using WINS, entries must be added to the Lmhosts file for the Master Browse Servers of remote LAN groups. If the Domain Master Browse Servers for different domains are not WINS-enabled and the domains do not span a common subnet, the domains become stranded. They never appear in each other's browse lists. It is possible to browse a stranded domain by name by using the net view /d:domain command. However, this command is only successful if the browse client can resolve the NetBIOS name Domain[1B]. For browse clients on which WINS is not enabled, you can add an entry to the local Lmhosts file for the NetBIOS name Domain[1B] with the IPv4 address of the Domain Master Browse Server for that domain. Workgroup Spanning an IPv4 Router A workgroup that spans an IPv4 router creates two separate workgroups. With workgroups, there is no mechanism to propagate the list of servers collected by the Master Browse Server on one subnet to the TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 533 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Master Browse Server on another subnet. Master Browse Servers for workgroups do not register a special NetBIOS name with WINS that may be used by workgroup Master Browse Servers or by browse clients. There are no special Lmhosts entries that are used to forward unicast workgroup browse list information between Master Browse Servers. Figure C-8 shows an example of a workgroup spanning an IPv4 router. Figure C-8 A workgroup spanning an IPv4 router The only way to have the browse clients see all the servers in the workgroup on both sides of the router is to enable the forwarding of NetBIOS over TCP/IP broadcasts or to upgrade the workgroup to a domain. However, this solution is highly discouraged. Multiple Workgroups Separated By IPv4 Routers There is no support for a workgroup Master Browse Server to advertise itself beyond its own subnet. Domains can advertise themselves beyond their subnet with the special Domain[1B] NetBIOS name registered by the Domain Master Browse Server with WINS. There is no such mechanism for workgroups. The combination of the spanning and advertisement behavior of domains and the lack of these mechanisms in workgroups can produce some confusing results. Figure C-9 shows an example configuration. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 534 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service Figure C-9 Multiple workgroups separated by an IPv4 router CORP is a domain that spans Subnets 1 and 2. R&D_WG and MKTG_WG are both workgroups that exist on Subnets 1 and 2, respectively. Due to the collection and distribution processes between MB1 (the Master Browse Server for CORP on Subnet 1) and DC1 (the Domain Master Browse Server for CORP on Subnet 2), the browse list for browse clients in the CORP domain consists of:    The CORP domain and all the servers in the CORP domain (for simplification, only MB1 and DC1 are shown) The R&D_WG workgroup with its Master Browse Server (RD1) The MKTG_WG workgroup with its Master Browse Server (MK1) However, for browse clients in the R&D_WG workgroup, the only items seen in the browse list are:   The R&D_WG workgroup and all the servers in the R&D_WG Workgroup (only the Master Browse Server RD1 is shown for simplification) The CORP domain The MKTG_WG workgroup does not and will not appear in the browse list for R&D_WG. This is due to the following:   Workgroup Announcements packets for the MKTG_WG workgroup are not forwarded across the IPv4 router. There are no special NetBIOS names for the MKTG_WG workgroup that can be queried via WINS by the Master Browse Server for the R&D_WG workgroup. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 535 Appendix C – Computer Browser Service   There are no mechanisms for the Master Browse Server for the CORP domain (MB1) on Subnet 1 to forward its knowledge of the MKTG_WG workgroup to the Master Browse Server for R&D_WG. When a browse client in the R&D_WG or MKTG_WG workgroups opens the CORP domain in the Microsoft Windows Network window, it only receives a list of servers in the CORP domain from MB1. MB1 does not send the browse client a list of other LAN groups known to MB1. The result is known as the stranded workgroup problem. The existence of a workgroup is stranded to its subnet and to domains that span its subnet. Only workgroups on the subnet and domains that span the subnet will see the workgroup in its browse list. LAN groups on other subnets will never have the stranded workgroup in their browse lists. The only solution to the stranded workgroup problem is to enable the forwarding of NetBIOS over TCP/IP broadcasts on IP routers (highly discouraged) or to upgrade the workgroups to domains. The problems associated with stranded workgroups across IPv4 routers are typically not an issue for large organizations that use domains to provide both the logical grouping of computers and the security and accounts infrastructure for authentication and access control. TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows Page: 536