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The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 § IC ER 4 th International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research Editors: Mahmut Demir & Şirvan Şen Demir The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY 4th International Conference on Social Sciences & Education Research 4th International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Ankara - Turkey ISBN: 978-605-83063-3-2 Edited by: Mahmut Demir & Şirvan Şen Demir Organized by: ICSER-International Center of Social Sciences & Education Research Supported by: IJSSER-International Journal of Social Sciences & Education Research (ISSN:2149-5939) JTTR-Journal of Tourism Theory and Research (ISSN: 2458-7583) Hosted by: ICSER-International Center of Social Sciences & Education Research Authors themselves are responsible for the integrity of what is being published i International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY Preface ICSSER – 4th International Conference on Social Sciences & Education Research, and ICTTR - 4th International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research are an academic and scientific conference which was held at Raiddon Blu in Ankara, Turkey between September 08-10, 2017. ICSSER and ICTTR were organized by International Center of Social Science & Education Research, and supported IJSSER-International Journal of Social Sciences & Education Research (ISSN:2149-5939) and JTTR-Journal of Tourism Theory and Research (ISSN: 2458-7583). ICSSER and ICTTR have provided a scientific assembly for all participants all over the world to explore and discuss the different topics. The conference also provided an opportunity to learn about the current issues such as trends, latest statistical methodologies, best practices, statistical design, analysis and conclusion in social sciences and education research. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmut DEMİR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şirvan Şen DEMİR ii International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY ORGANIZING BOARD Conference Chair (ICSER) Dr. Mahmut DEMİR - S. Demirel University, TURKEY Secretariat Dr. Yusuf GÜNAYDIN, Final University, TRNC Onur ŞEN - Georgia State University, USA Emre YAŞAR - M. S. Koçman University, TURKEY İsmail ÖZTÜRK - S. Demirel University, TURKEY Erge TÜR - S. Demirel University, TURKEY Lilia GUEBS - University of Carthage, TUNUSIA SCIENTIFIC BOARD Dr. Alessandro DANOVI - University of Bergamo, ITALY Dr. Carlinda M.F.A.FAUSTINO LEITE - The University of Porto, PORTUGAL Dr. Catarina do Vale BRANDÃO - The University of Porto, PORTUGAL Dr. Celina MANITA - University of Porto, PORTUGAL Dr. Edi PUKA - Universiteti Europian i Tiranes, ALBANIA Dr. Ekant VEER -University of Canterbury, NEW ZELAND Dr. Ekaterina GALIMOVA - American University of Central Asia, KIRGHIZISTAN Dr. Eleni SELLA - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GREECE Dr. Elmira MƏMMƏDOVA-KEKEÇ - Khazar University, AZERBAIJAN Dr. Ermira QOSJA - Universiteti Europian i Tiranes, ALBANIA Dr. Erzsébet CSEREKLYE - Eötvös Loránd University, HUNGARY Dr. Ewa OZIEWICZ - University of Gdańsk, POLAND Dr. Fatima MAHMUTĆEHAJIĆ - University of Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Dr. Fred DERVIN - University of Helsinki, FINLAND Dr. Gadir BAYRAMLI - Azerbaijan State University of Economics, AZERBAIJAN Dr. Gueorgui PEEV - New Bulgarian University, BULGARIA Dr. Indra ODIŅA - University of Latvia, LATVIA Dr. Joanna BŁASZCZAK - University of Wrocław, POLAND Dr. Juan José Padial BENTICUAGA - University of Málaga, SPAIN Dr. Kevin NIELD - Sheffield Hallam University, UK Dr. Ksenofon KRISAFI - Universiteti Europian i Tiranes, ALBANIA Dr. Lejla SMAJLOVIĆ - University of Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Dr. Lilia HALIM - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, MALAYSIA Dr. Liljana SILJANOVSKA - South East European University, MACEDONIA Dr. Ljudmil GEORGIEV - New Bulgarian University, BULGARIA Dr. Mehmet Han ERGÜVEN - Kırklareli University, TURKEY iii International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY Dr. Mihaela S. DINU - Romanian American University, Bucharest, ROMANIA Dr. Muammer TUNA - Muğla S. Koçman University, TURKEY Dr. Muhidin MULALIC - International University of Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Dr. Olga DĘBICKA - University of Gdańsk, POLAND Dr. Ozan BAHAR - Muğla S. Koçman University, TURKEY Dr. Phatima MAMARDASHVILI - Tbilisi State University, GEORGIA Dr. Puiu NISTOREANU - Academia de Studii Economice din București, ROMANIA Dr. Qızılgül ABBASOVA - Baku State University, AZERBAIJAN Dr. Serbout Abdelmalik – University of Djelfa, ALGERIA Dr. Şirvan Şen DEMİR – Süleyman Demirel University, TURKEY Dr. Tamar DOLBAIA -Tbilisi State University, GEORGIA iv International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY TABLE OF CONTENTS LOW AND HIGH ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY OF THE LEARNERS IN PAKSITAN: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TWO DIFFERENT EDUCATION SYSTEMS Zohaib Zahid, Mamuna Ghani, Ghulam Mujtaba Yasir 2 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PHILOSOPHY COURSE CURRICULA IN TERMS OF PURPOSE AND CONTENT Ayla Arseven, Merve Bülbül, Nagihan Çubuk 3 THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF THE FUND IMPLEMENTATION Mehmet Sadık Aydın 5 THE APPROPRIATENESS OF TEXTS TO THEMES IN TURKISH TEXTBOOKS Özlem Kurtoğlu Zorlu 6 SOCIAL PROGRAMMING AS AN ALTERNATIVE IN FRONT OF SMALL BUSINESS OR SMALL BUSINESS A CHALLENGE TO SOCIAL PROGRAMMING Venelin Terziev, Veselin Madanski, Dimitar Kanev 7 A COMPARATIVE STUDY TO ANALYSE THE QUALITY OF LEADERSHIP PRACTICES BETWEEN NOT- FOR-PROFIT AND PROFIT BASED EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE (ECEC) SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA Sene Gide 8 COUNTERPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIORS: A CASE STUDY OF A PRIVATE SPORTS BUSINESS Sevim Güllü 9 A RESEARCH ON FACTORS EFFECT TURKEY AND ISRAEL RELATIONSHIP AFTER MAVI MARMARA CRISIS Wanyu Chen 10 PERSONALITY TRAIT’S EFFECTS ON EATING BEHAVIORS11 Merih Altıntaş, Utku Özgen 11 v International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ATTACHMENT STYLES AND LOVE ATTITUDE STYLES Elif Güneri Yöyen 12 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF COMPREHENSIBILITY NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS EXAM QUESTIONS Necla Turanlı, Ayşe Kıran, Ali Haydar Eş, Meltem Coşkun 13 CAREER CHOICE GOALS FOR THE SUCCESSIVE GENERATION OF FAMILY BUSINESSES (THE CASE OF EUT, AUT, AMUD STUDENTS WITH BUSINESS BACKGROUND) Ermira Qosja, Lefter Roko 15 OPINIONS OF PRE-SERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS ABOUT DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL GAME DESIGN SKILLS Munise Seçkin Kapucu, Serdar Çağlak 16 SCIENCE PRESERVICE TEACHERS’ ACTIVITY PRODUCTS BASED ON MODELING IN DIRECT CURRENT AND CIRCUITS: CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS Yusuf Zorlu, Fulya Zorlu, Gökhan Aksoy 18 IN THE CONTEXT OF CULTURE-AREA RELATIONSHIPS THE EFFECT OF THE CONCEPT OF AREA MANAGEMENT TO THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT Beratiye Meral Akduman Vural 20 THE REBELLIOUS SPIRIT OF ROMANTICISM AS REFLECTED WITHIN ROMANTIC AESTHETICISM IN SHELLEY’S POETRY Nilay Erdem Ayyıldız 22 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SIMULATIONS SUPPORTED ARGUMENTATION DRIVEN INQUIRY ON THE 7TH GRADE STUDENTS’ CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTAING ON ELECTRICAL CONCEPTS Yeşim Bayram, Ayla Çetin Dindar 23 vi International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY IMPACT OF SOCIAL IDENTITY ON SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING ANXIETY: THE PAKISTANI PERSPECTIVE Zohaib Zahid, Mamuna Ghani 24 THE MOVEMENT OF WORKING PROCEEDINGS ACCORDING TO THE ACTUAL NATIONAL LEGISLATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Rumen Vasilev, Vesela Mareva 25 A PSYCHOANALYTIC TOOL FORINVESTIGATION OF EMOTION REGULATION PROCESS: OBSERVATION ACCORDING TOTAVISTOCK MODEL Yunus Pınar, Fatma Ünal 26 EVALUATION OF ASSOCIATED STUDENT ADMINISTRATION OF LIVING EDUCATION IN LIFELONG LEARNING Gülsün Şahan, Havva Duygu Yasa 27 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARENTAL ATTIDUTES IN RAISING CHILDREN AND PERSONALITY TYPES Leman İnanç, Tülay Barış, Merih Altıntaş 28 EFFECT OF THE PARTICIPATION AND COMMAND METHOD ON THE EMPHATHIC TENDENCIES OF THE SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSES Hakkı Çoknaz, Ufuk Alpkaya 29 THE RELATION BETWEEN AMERICA AND TURKEY IN COLD WAR PERIOD Yiyun Chen 30 RELIGIOUS IMPORTANCE OF SHAPINUVA Merve Ertaş 31 THE PROBLEMS EMERGING IN THE ASSESSMENT OF THE OMB COURSES IN PRE-SERVICE TEACHER TRAINING Serap Nur Duman, Gürcü Erdamar 32 LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF STRESS, SOCIAL SUPPORT, AND DEPRESSION IN MARRIED ARAB IMMIGRANT WOMEN Hazhar Talaat Abubaker Blbas 33 vii International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY THE NEW AGENDA OF MIDDLE CLASS IN TURKEY: CONSUMPTION OF THE RITUALS Elif Ertem 34 ANALYTICAL REVIEW PROCEDURES Halise Nur Ertaş, Serap Sebahat Yanık 35 IMPACT OF TAX DIVERSITY ON TAXPAYERS Tuğçe Akdemir Altunbaşak 36 LEARNING FROM NATURE; SOCIAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT IN PRESCHOOL AGES AT SEKOLAH ALAM INDONESIA (INDONESIA NATURAL SCHOOL) Evi Marlina Sahlı, Müge Artar 37 ENHANCED COOPERATION IN EUROPEAN UNION LAW AND ITS EFFECT ON THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Mehlika Özlem Ultan 38 AN INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFECTS OF LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION ON THE REDUCTION OF ANXIETY AND AGGRESSION AMONG THE PERSONNEL EMPLOYED AT ZAFAR BONAB AND NOVIN GOSTAR BONAB STEEL PRODUCTION PLANT Ebrahim Teshnehdel 39 INVESTIGATION OF THE STRESS-COPING STYLES OF PROSPECTIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELORS ACCORDING TO THEIR MULTI-MEASURE AGENTIC PERSONALITY TRAITS, SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING AND RISK FACTORS Merve Gündüz, Fulya Yüksel Şahin 40 HITTITE LANGUAGE AND WRITING IN HATTI, THE LAND OF GODS AND TEMPLES Savaş Özkan Savaş 41 İDKAB TEACHING CANDIDATES’ PERCEPTION ON ENVIRONMENT Ömer Demir 43 viii International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY HELPING SOURCES IN TEACHING WAR AND PACT TOPICS IN HISTORY LESSON Aylin Yıldız 44 THE USE OF THE CITY SPACES IN TELEVISION DRAMAS: AN ANALYSIS ON TV DRAMA “BEHIND THE FENCES” AND THE CITY OF SİNOP Ebru Gülbuğ Erol, Gökhan Kuzucanlı 45 LINGUISTIC MEANING VERSUS PRAGMATIC MEANING Mohammad Awwad 46 ONE OF THE FIRST LITERARY SPORTS WRITER ISLAM CUPI AND A STUDY ON SPORTS AUTHORING Erol İlhan, Elçin Çelik 47 THE PROBLEMS OF PENSION AND PREMIUM SYSTEM? Merve Kayaduvar 48 INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATION BETWEEN METACOGNITIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES, SELF-EFFICACY AND PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS49 Kemal Can, Şafak Uluçınar Sağır 49 INTEGRATED DISASTER MANAGEMENT WITHIN THE SCOPE OF NEW SECURITY PERCEPTION Sinem Şahnagil 50 Samia Al-Suwaidi, Maha Al-Khori, Rawdah Al-Hajri, Nouf Al-Mohannadi, Fatma 51 DRIVING SAFETY IN QATAR Kayan Fadlelmula THE NUMBER SYSTEMS OF ANCIENT GREEKS Rukiye Arık 52 ix International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY THE STABILITY OF THE OF BETA AND THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PORTFOLIO INSURANCE STARTEGIES: EVIDENCE FROM TURKEY Hakan Er 53 UNITY IN DIVERSITY: THE CASE OF FCC Cusrow J. Dubash 54 THE ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CDS PREMIUMS AND CAPITAL MARKETS: A APPLICATION ON İSTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE Müge Sağlam 55 ADVERB FORMATION PROCESS IN ALBANIAN AND BODO LANGUAGES: A COMPARATIVE STUDY Ruhan Güçlü 56 SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS IDEAS ON THE CONCEPTS OF LIGHT AND SOUND UNIT Oktay Bektaş, Ebru Erdoğan 57 FORMATIVE FEEDBACK AND EVALUATION IN AN INTERACTIVE CLASSROOM: USING MOBILE TECHNOLOGY Özkan Yılmaz 58 THE CONCEPT OF FRIENDSHIP IN HOMER Ayşe Yakut 59 COMPARISON OF SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS WITH STEM CAREER INTERESTS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS Fulya Zorlu, Yusuf Zorlu 60 GLOBALISATION AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN Ammar Husnain Khan 61 ACTORS AND SPECTATORS: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SYMPATHY IN ADAM SMITH’S MORAL SYSTEM Işıl Çeşmeli 62 x International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY SCHMITT FOR AND AGAINST HOBBES: HOBBES’S SOVEREIGNTY AND SCHMITT’S REBUTTAL Özlem Ünlü 64 ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHT WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN RIGHTS: TO WHAT EXTENT ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHT SERVE TO ENVIRONMENT? Selma Aydın Bayram 66 THE INFLUENCE OF CASTE SYSTEM IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA Esra Büyükbahçeci 67 DOMESTIC WORKERS IN QATAR Nojoud Aldahri, Hessa Alsaqatri, Reem AlHadad, Ramah Almalouf, Fatma Kayan 68 Fadlelmula THE TURKISH AND PERSIAN MANUSCRIPTS SURVIVED THE “ESKI SARAY” FIRE Ayşe Gül Fidan 69 PSYCHOLOGICAL ANTECEDANTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA USE Tuğba Koçak Özel 70 SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN BULGARIA Venelin Terziev, Veselin Madanski, Dimitar Kanev 71 CRITICAL PEDAGOGY IN THE EYES OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNERS Abdullah Coşkun THE OPINIONS OF STUDENTS ABOUT 72 THE USE OF COMMON KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION MODEL IN SCIENCE COURSE Belkız Caymaz, Abdullah Aydın 73 xi International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY THE OPINIONS OF SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS REGARDING SCIENTIFIC PROCESS SKILLS Nagehan Demir, Oktay Bektaş 74 SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ OPINIONS ABOUT “SCIENCE LEARNING” STRATEGIES Melike Sarıkaya, Oktay Bektaş 75 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE OPINIONS OF STUDENTS WHO IS STUDYING IN DIFFERENT UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS ABOUT THE NATURE OF SCIENCE (THE SAMPLING OF BARTIN UNIVERSITY) Cemal Tosun, Sakine Öztürk 76 THE STYLISTIC PROPERTIES OF MAX LÜTHI IN ADAPTATIONS Derya Perk 77 DIELECTRIC THIN FILM FORM FUTURE ELECTRON DEVICES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Abul Kashem Sheikh, Nizam Gazi, Md.Rubel Hossain, Mohodul Islam 78 KUNSKAPSSKOLAN MODEL OF EDUCATION Veli Kutay 80 THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL STANDARTS Neşe Yıldız 81 ANALYSIS OF MEDIATION PRACTICES IN THE SOLUTION OF FINANCIAL DISPUTES IN TURKEY Barış Aksoy, Selahattin Koç, Derviş Boztosun 82 USING SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS FOR THESES AND DISSERTATIONS Murat Duman, Gulfidan Can 83 xii International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY TEACHERS’ OPINION ON USING THE SAME TEXTBOOK AT ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF SCHOOLS FOR LITERATURE EDUCATION Zerrin Sever, Ali Yakıcı 84 EXAMINING THE PROFICIENCY OF STUDENTS IN MATHEMATICS BY COGNITIVE DIAGNOSIS MODELS: TIMSS EXAMPLE Burcu Parlak, Necla Turanlı 85 THE ROLE OF CONSERVATIVE ISLAMIC GROUPS IN INDONESIAN POLITICS: A CASE STUDY OF JAKARTA ELECTION Nini Salwa Istiqamah, Rhys Paul Thomas 86 AN EXAMINATION OF THE GOVERNMENT SPORTS BUDGET IN OLYMPIC CYCLES ACCORDING TO OLYMPIC SUCCESS AND WIDESPREADING OF SPORTS Işık Bayraktar, Emre Bağcı 87 THE LANGUAGE, MEMORY AND VOCABULARY STUDIES Gülfidan Aytaş 88 WORK ETHIC IN THE SCOPE OF PUBLICITY Esra Doğan 89 THE MEANING OF WHATSAPP TEXT INTERACTIONS AND EMOJI USAGE FOR STUDENTS Nihal Kubilay Pınar, Yunus Pınar 90 CYBERBULLYING, CYBER VICTIMIZATION AND PARENTING STYLES IN ADOLESCENTS Betül Aydın 91 THE TRANSITION EFFECT OF FOREIGN CURRENCY RATE IN THE FRAGILE FIVE COUNTRIES Canan Sancar, Ahmet Uğur, Yusuf Ekrem Akbaş 92 xiii International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY AMBIGUOUS NATURE OF LANGUAGE Mohammad Awwad 93 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT TAX PERFORMANCE RELATIONSHIP Mehmet Sadık Aydın 94 FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL IN EDUCATION Dilek Sakar, Şafak Uluçınar Sağır 96 DISABLED FRIENDLY UNIVERSITY: A RESEARCH ON UNIVERSITIES IN ISTANBUL Erhan Akyazı 97 TAX ON CONSTITUTIONAL DOCUMENTS Ercan Sarıcaoğlu 99 SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND TEACHERS’ OPINIONS ABOUT THE STEM APPLICATIONS ON THE SUBJECT OF ENERGY Fatma Taştan Akdağ, Tohit Güneş 100 EMPLOYEE HAPPINESS IN SPORTS BUSINESSES Sevim Güllü 101 CAN THE EXISTENCE OF CAPITALISM BE VERIFIED IN THE ANCIENT GREEK? Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı 102 THE EXPERIENCES OF SOCIAL WORK STUDENTS ON SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH Eda Beydili Gürbüz, İlkay Başak Adıgüzel, Sinan Akçay 103 PRE-SERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS’ CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURES ABOUT NATURE OF ATOM Selda Bakır 104 xiv International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY FISCAL THEORY FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF GOVERNMENTALITY: A NEW LOOK AT PUBLIC CHOICE THEORY Ceyhun Gürkan 105 EXAMINATION OF THE METAPHOR PERCEPTIONS OF MATHEMATICS TEACHERS AND THE PROSPECTIVE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS ABOUT THE CONCEPT OF MATHEMATICS TEACHING Hasan Yasin Tol, Ayşe Yavuz, Selin (Inag) Çenberci, Şule Dağ 106 THE RELATION BETWEEN HAPPINESS AND VALUE ORIENTATION: A RESEARCH ON UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Yemliha Coşkun 107 READING PREFERENCES OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Veli Kutay 108 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENT'S BELIEFS ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING AND THEIR SPEAKING PERFORMANCE IN RURAL HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH CLASSES Mansooreh Jamali 109 Ramazan Kocakaya, Rıdvan Temiz 110 BEING HUMAN THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE MOTIVATIONS OF CALL CENTER PERSONNEL Hatice Baysal, Yeşim Çil 111 INVESTIGATION OF ELEMENTARY AND TURKISH PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS' CRITICAL READING SELF EFFICACY IN TERMS OF DIFFERENT VARIABLES Hacer Ulu, Ayşegül Avsar Tuncay 112 A PERIOD FROM ANCIENT INDIA MAURYA EMPIRE Yalçın Kayalı 113 xv International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY IMPACT OF MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS ON COMPANY PERFORMANCE IN GERMANY AFTER THE 2008 GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS Fatih Konak 114 PERSONNEL WORKING IN SPECIAL SPORT ENTERPRISES INVESTIGATION OF GENERAL CYNICISM LEVELS Serdar Ceyhun, Nedim Malkoç, Nesrin Arslan 115 MARKETING PROBLEMS OF TECHNOLOGY-BASED SPIN-OFF COMPANIES: A RESEARCH ON THE PRIORITIES OF MARKETING PROBLEMS BY USING ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS METHOD Erkan Özdemir, Gülsen Alkaç Özdemir 116 COLLABORATION BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION IN PROTECTION FOR CHILDREN VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE (A STUDY AT PPT-P2A SURABAYA INDONESIA) Hikmatus Sabilil Izzah, Choiriyah Basnawi 117 USING ALGODOO IN COMPUTER ASSISTED TEACHING OF FORCE AND MOVEMENT UNIT Fatma Taştan Akdağ, Tohit Güneş 118 METACOGNITIVE FUNCTIONS AND PERSONALITY TYPES IN CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS Merih Altıntaş, Eyüp Durmaz, Feyza Çiftçi 119 AN EVALUATION OF EDUCATIONAL GAME DESIGN SKILLS OF PRE-SERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS Munise Seçkin Kapucu, Serdar Çağlak 120 THE ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STOCK PRICE INDEX AND THE MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES: TURKEY EXAMPLE Canan Sancar, Ahmet Uğur, Yusuf Ekrem Akbaş 122 THE LEVEL OF METACOGNITION LEARNING STRATEGIES, ANXIETY TOWARD CHEMISTRY LABORATUARY AND CHEMISTRY MOTIVATION OF xvi International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY SCIENCE EDUCATION STUDENTS RELATED TO THE DIFFERENT VARIABLES Dilek Sakar, Şafak Uluçınar Sağır 123 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF USABILITY OF MOBILE HEALTH APPLICATIONS Erhan Akyazı 124 INTERPRETATION METHODS IN TURKISH TAX LAW Ercan Sarıcaoğlu 125 PARTICIPATION RIGHT AS A HUMAN RIGHT AND CASE OF EDİRNE CITY COUNCIL Pınar Akarçay, Gökhan Ak 126 THE DOOR KNOCKING ON THE DISCUSSION OF SCIENCE AND PSEUDOSCIENCE DEMARCATION Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı THE REFLECTIONS OF GENDER ON MENTAL 127 HEALTH ISSUES: WHY IS GENDER SENSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES REQUIRED? Sinan Akçay, Eda Beydili Gürbüz, İlkay Başak Adıgüzel 128 TEACHING PRACTICE WITH THE EYES OF PRE-SERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS Mustafa Yamaç, Selda Bakır 129 PARENTAL ACCEPTANCE/INVOLVEMENT, STRICT SUPERVISION/ CONTROL, IDENTITY STATUS AND GENDER ROLES ATTITUDE Betül Aydın 130 THE THEORY OF PUBLIC FINANCE FROM CLASSICAL POLITICAL ECONOMY TO NEOCLASSICAL ECONOMICS Ceyhun Gürkan 131 xvii International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY AN EXAMINATION OF VIEWS OF PROSPECTIVE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS ABOUT TO COURSE LECTURES BY USING MATHEMATICAL HISTORY Hasan Yasin Tol, Selin (Inag) Çenberci, Ayşe Yavuz, Şule Dağ 132 YOUNG ADULTS’ SOCIAL MEDIA USE PATTERNS AND THEIR NARCISSISTIC DISPOSITIONS Yemliha Coşkun 133 AN EVALUATION ON HUMAN NEEDS Ramazan Kocakaya, Rıdvan Temiz 134 THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATION IN THE APPLICATION OF SEVEN PRINCIPLES IN A TRAINING-TEACHING PROVIDED TO UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS (THE SAMPLE OF CELAL BAYAR UNIVERSITY) Buket Gülay Çifter 135 EVALUATION OF TOURISM BUSINESSES’ WEB SITES THROUGH CONTENT ANALYSIS Mahmut Demir, Şirvan Şen Demir 136 PERSONNEL WORKING IN SPECIAL SPORT ENTERPRISES INVESTIGATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL CINISM LEVELS137 Serdar Ceyhun, Nedim Malkoç, Nesrin Arslan 137 INVESTIGATION OF MULTIMODAL LITERACY LEVELS OF PRESERVICE TEACHERS IN TERMS OF DIFFERENT VARIABLES138 Hacer Ulu, Ayşegül Avşar Tuncay 138 UPON RITUSAMHARA OF KALIDASA, INDIAN POET AND WRITER Yalçın Kayalı 139 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS BY MOORA METHOD: AN APPLICATION ON BIST TECHNOLOGY INDEX Fatih Konak 140 xviii International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY NEW MARKETING COMMUNICATION MEDIA FOR ENTERPRISES: MOBILE AUGMENTED REALITY APPLICATIONS Erkan Özdemir 141 WHY MANAGERS IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN LEISURE TIME ACTIVITIES Mahmut Demir 142 SOCIAL MEDIA PERFORMANCES OF HOSPITALS AS THE KEY ACTOR OF HEALTH TOURISM: A RESEARCH ON JCI ACCREDITED HOSPITALS Erhan Akyazı 144 A STUDY ON EXAMINING THE TOURISM RELATED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Selay Ilgaz Sümer 145 A SOCIAL, CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC APPROACH TO DEFINE THE TOURISM EXPENDITURES M. Murat Kızanlıklı 146 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE WAGE AND EMPLOYEES’ BEHAVIOR AT HOTELS Şirvan Şen Demir, Mahmut Demir 147 A RESEARCH ON DETERMINING TOURISM POTENTIAL AND COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF THE MOST VISITED ISLAMIC COUNTRIES Kemal Kantarcı, Murat Alper Başaran, Paşa Mustafa Özyurt 148 EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS OF STATE UNIVERSITY IN MEDITERRANEAN REGION Gamze Alp, Selami Gültekin 149 ACHIEVING THE MOST IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE OF GEOMARKETING WITH SUITABLE SITE SELECTION OF TOURISM SERVICES IN GIS Qadir Ashournejad, Javad Hamidi, Seyed Javad Hosseini 150 xix International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com The Book of ICSSER & ICTTR Abstracts, Ankara, Turkey-2017 September 8-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara, TURKEY IMPORTANCE GIVEN TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN TOURISM EDUCATION: AN EVALUATION ON HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS Erhan Akyazı 151 A STUDY ON THE VIEWS OF THE PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS IN ANTALYA RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTING Merih Tetik, Gülçin Karataş, G. Nilüfer Tetik 152 A STUDY ON THE INVESTIGATION OF THE POSSIBILITIES OF HOTEL LOGOS: THE CASE OF BODRUM Şirvan Şen Demir, Erge Tür 154 OPPORTUNITIES HALAL TOURISM IN SHARIA HOTEL ON THE DEVELOPMENT INDONESIAN DOMESTIC MARKET, WITH THE CASE OF STUDY: MADANI SHARIA HOTEL YOGYAKARTA Khozin Zaki, Khairul Umam 155 EVALUATION OF TOURISM DATA IN TURKEY IN THE LAST YEAR WITH DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS Gamze Alp, Selami Gültekin 156 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND COMMUNICATION: A RESEARCH IN GROUND HANDLING BUSINESSES157 Mahmut Demir, Şirvan Şen Demir 157 TOURISM SAFETY MANAGEMENT IN SAMUI ISLAND, SUTATTHANI PROVINCE Suyaporn Sortrakul, Kanokwan Srikwan 158 E MARKETING IN HOTEL BUSINESS: A SURVEY ON FOUR AND FIVE-STAR HOTELS IN KONYA Ferdi Bişkin, Meltem Tuncel 159 THE ANALYSE OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TOURISM GOODS AND SERVICES PROVIDERS’ SALES STRATEGIES AND TOURISTS’ PURCHASING BEHAVIOUR Şirvan Şen Demir, Mahmut Demir 160 xx International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey The abstracts of th 4 § IC ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 1 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey LOW AND HIGH ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY OF THE LEARNERS IN PAKSITAN: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TWO DIFFERENT EDUCATION SYSTEMS Zohaib Zahid The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, PAKISTAN Mamuna Ghani Prof. Dr. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, PAKISTAN Ghulam Mujtaba Yasir The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, PAKISTAN Abstract Two types of imparting education are in vogue in Pakistan. First, the system that imparts education to more than 90% of the students (Studying through the syllabus and method of Pakistani system) and second is the one that is imparting education to only 10% of the students (Studying through the syllabus and method of Cambridge education system) in Pakistan. The methodologies of teaching English and its syllabus are quite different from each other. The researcher (Teacher of English for Pakistani as well Cambridge system) observed a marginal difference in the level of English language proficiency of the learners studying under these two systems of education. The learners of Cambridge system are found highly equipped with the knowledge of English language but the learners of Pakistani system are lagging behind in the knowledge of English language although students of both the systems are being taught by the Pakistani teachers. Observing this fact, the researcher has focused to conduct research to point out the salient features of these two systems describing the reasons of high proficiency of English language by the learners of Cambridge system and low proficiency by the learners of Pakistani system. This study has been conducted by taking interview of the two students selected one from each system of education. The interview is analyzed critically and lot of attention, reaching at the conclusion that the syllabus, knowledge of teacher and methodologies adopted by the instructors play a vital role in gaining high proficiency of English language by the learners studying through Cambridge system of education. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 2 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PHILOSOPHY COURSE CURRICULA IN TERMS OF PURPOSE AND CONTENT Ayla Arseven Asst. Prof. Dr., Cumhuriyet University- Faculty of Education, Sivas, TURKEY, aylaarseven2004@yahoo.com Merve Bülbül Sivas, TURKEY, merve.blbl.06@gmail.com Nagihan Çubuk MEB, Sivas, TURKEY nghn.91.ckr@gmail.com Abstract Philosophy is a difficult road to take leading to wisdom and knowledge and requiring perseverance. Philosophy education has an important place for each society. Though there are studies conducted in Turkey dwelling on philosophy courses curricula, there is no study focusing on how these curricula change. This study seeks to analyze philosophy curricula dating 1985, 1993, and 2009 within the scope of purpose and content. Research Method Document analysis, one of the qualitative research designs, was employed in the study. Within the scope of document analysis, content analysis was conducted. Document analysis refers to analysis of written documents that contain information regarding the subjects and events under scrutiny to collect data. Results and Interpretation There have been many changes in the philosophy courses curricula dating 1985, 1993, and 2009 in terms of purpose. The purpose of the curriculum dating 1985 involves the Turkish and Islamic world culture and civilization, Kemalist mentality, and the principles of educating the citizens whereas only epistemology is included in the curriculum as a direct relation to philosophy. It was seen that philosophy courses curricula dating 1993 and 2009 are totally different to that of 1985 in terms of content. These curricula are more developed. All the components of educational curricula are included in philosophy course curricula dating 1993 and 2009; however, there are contradictions between purpose and content. Furthermore, there are lacks in acquisitions to educate individuals. Though there are similarities between philosophy courses curricula dating 1993 and 2009 in terms of subjects that they deal with, it is possible to say that the curriculum dating 2009 is more prominent in terms of practice and relation to real life. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 3 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey The curriculum dating 1985 with a rather classical positivist structure was invalidated as of the validation of the curriculum dating 1993. It was seen that the scope of the curricula was started to be extended and the curriculum development components were considered more in terms of form with the arrival of the curriculum dating 1993. The curriculum dating 2009 adopts progressive education philosophy and constructivist approach. The subject of education philosophy was not dealt with in the curricula except for the curricula dating 2009. However, the researchers revealed the status of education philosophy from the content and interpreted the relevant results. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 4 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF THE FUND IMPLEMENTATION Mehmet Sadık Aydın Marmara University, Istanbul, TURKEY, sadik.aydin@marmara.edu.tr Abstract The reason for the state's presence in the economy is to meet the needs of its citizens. These needs are often collective. It is usually through taxation that the state meets these needs. When taxes are insufficient, they are resorted to borrowing. Tax collection is done according to certain principles. These principles are a requirement of budget right. In order to collect taxes in line with the budget right, the legislative body, the approval of the parliament, is needed. Taking the approval of the parliament also requires the implementation of certain bureaucratic processes. In addition, all expenditures made are subject to the Court of Accounts audit. These situations resulted in non-tax incomes entering the agenda of the states. There are many non-tax income. Non-tax revenues, which do not require parliamentary approval and are not subject to Court of Accounts audit except certain exceptions, first come to mind are fund implementations. Fund applications have been implemented in Turkey in the aftermath of the 1980s in serious manners, sometimes to compete with the budget. Sometimes these funds have been included in the budget and have been brought to a tax look. Finally, with the establishment of the Asset Fund in 2016, the fund applications were again able to find itself in the Turkish economy in serious manners. The size of this application is large enough to compete with the budget. This could lead to positive results in terms of economy as well as negative consequences. It is also criticized by some economists and defended by some because their funding is bureaucratically subject to an easier process and managers are more comfortable in terms of control. In this study, the development of funding in Turkey, the dimensions of funds nowadays and future funding applications will be analyzed from the period of application. As a result of the study, the advantages and disadvantages of funding in Turkey will be explained and policy maker application proposals about the future will be developed. Keywords: Funds, Fund Implementation, Turkey Wealth Fund International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 5 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE APPROPRIATENESS OF TEXTS TO THEMES IN TURKISH TEXTBOOKS Özlem Kurtoğlu Zorlu Mersin University, Mersin, TURKEY, ozlemkurtoglu77@hotmail.com Abstract Turkish textbooks are the most frequently used basic tools of Turkish education. Therefore, they should be prepared precisely. However, the related literature on textbooks used for teaching Turkish includes many studies which criticize them in terms of pedagogic criteria. In these studies, texts are analyzed in terms of textuality and readability criteria, child-appropriateness principle, appropriateness to learning outcomes in the curriculum, etc. The appropriateness of texts to themes is mentioned in only a few studies. Üründü (2011) investigated the appropriateness of texts to themes in Turkish textbooks for 6-8. grades and found out that there were some inappropriate texts. Another finding of that study was that the same texts were categorized under different themes in different textbooks. Özbay & Çeçen (2012) analyzed the frequency of different themes in Turkish textbooks. Ercan (2014) focused on the dispersion of poems into themes and their appropriateness. The aim of this study is to analyze the appropriateness of texts to themes in primary and secondary school Turkish textbooks printed in 2016 and used during 2016-2017 school year. This study is significant because its scope is the widest among other studies on text and theme appropriateness. The method of this study is document analysis, which is one of the qualitative research techniques. In this study, the texts that are inappropriate to themes are determined, and the reasons of inappropriateness are explained. The findings indicate that most of the texts are appropriate but there are also some texts that are partially appropriate or completely inappropriate. Keywords: Turkish textbooks, text, theme References Ercan, A.N. (2014). 8. sınıf Türkçe ders kitaplarındaki şiirlerin şekil, tema ve tür açılarından incelenmesi. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 2(2), 15-27. Özbay, M. ve Çeçen, M. A. (2012). Türkçe ders kitaplarında (6-8. sınıflar) yer alan metinlerin tür ve tema açısından incelenmesi. Journal of Language and Literature Education, 1(1), 67-76. Üründü, V. (2011). 6-8. sınıf Türkçe ders kitaplarının tema ve metin türü yönünden incelenmesi. İnönü University. Institute of Education Sciences. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 6 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey SOCIAL PROGRAMMING AS AN ALTERNATIVE IN FRONT OF SMALL BUSINESS OR SMALL BUSINESS A CHALLENGE TO SOCIAL PROGRAMMING Venelin Terziev University of Rousse, Rousse, Bulgaria, National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria University of Telecommunications and Post, Sofia, Bulgaria Russian Academy of Natural History, Moscow, Russia Corresponding author: Bulgaria, Rousse 7000, 6, Otetz Paisii Str., E-mail: terziev@skmat.com Veselin Madanski National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria Dimitar Kanev Naval Academy, Varna, Bulgaria Abstract The exhibition is related to the review and analysis for the last years of the development of two vital ideas for the Bulgarian society - small business and social programming. The increasing capacity of social programming and the proven viability of small businesses create conditions, even in crisis situations, for successful ideas to generate many tangible and intangible goods that society needs for its existence and perfection. The symbiosis of these two socio-economic phenomena forms the conditions in which a number of initiatives find way for realization. Indeed, in the established economic situation, a number of sectors continue to exist precisely through the presence of small business entities who successfully and actively participate in the implementation of social programs and declare their expectations for the structuring of program frameworks. Keywords: small business; social program; social adaptation. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 7 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey A COMPARATIVE STUDY TO ANALYSE THE QUALITY OF LEADERSHIP PRACTICES BETWEEN NOT- FOR-PROFIT AND PROFIT BASED EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE (ECEC) SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA Sene Gide University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA Abstract Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services play a significant role in young children’s development in all areas. Therefore, ECEC services need to be of sufficient quality for children to achieve expected beneficial outcomes. A small but growing body of research has found that leadership and leadership practices contribute to quality ECEC. The aim of this paper is to explore the differences/similarities (if any) of understanding and practices of leadership in privately owned profit based ECEC and not for profit ECEC. The data used for this paper have been drawn from a big research project. The data were collected from participant services to explore directors’ and educators’ insideout perspectives on the practice of leadership. This study adopted qualitative research methodology with the theoretical framework based on a constructivist paradigm which emphasises inductive and interpretive methods. Semi structured interviews were used as a data collection tool and the collected data analysed thematically. An important revelation of this empirical study, consistent with the literature reviewed, was that distributive leadership was the most commonly practiced leadership approach in the participating ECEC services. Furthermore, it was found that there was a variation in some of the leadership practices, and this appeared to be dependent on contextual features such as the director’s experience and qualifications, and the ECEC centre's management structure. Keywords: Comparative Study, Leadership practices, Early childhood education, Qualitative research, Thematic analysis International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 8 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey COUNTERPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIORS: A CASE STUDY OF A PRIVATE SPORTS BUSINESS Sevim Güllü İstanbul University, İstanbul, TURKEY Abstract Counterproductive behavior (CB) is defined as intentional behavior against an organization or the partners in an organization. In the literature, it is commonly referred to as organizational aberration, which is a relatively new concept in Turkey. There is yet no study on sports businesses in the literature, which makes the current study very unique. The aim of this study is to examine the relationships between demographics and counterproductive behaviors in sports businesses. The study’s sample includes 150 employees working at a private sports business in the Anatolian Side of İstanbul. The study was designed with a screening model. In the first part of the study, the participants provided demographic information. Next they completed the Counterproductive Behaviors Scale, which was developed by Spector and Fox, and adapted into Turkish by Öztürk (2015). This instrument consisted of 2 sub dimensions. The reliability studies of the instrument were conducted for the current study. Percentage and frequency tests were used so as to determine the range of the participants’ personal information. Kolmogorov-Smirnov’s normality test was applied to examine whether the data had a normal distribution. Afterwards, the test results revealed that non-parametric tests were suitable for analysis (p<0.05). The Mann Whitney U Test was conducted to determine the significant differences for two-factor variables, and Kruskal Wallis was applied for three or more factor variables. A data analysis revealed no statistically significant differences between gender, marital status, employment type (payroll employment, contract labor, part-time employment), seniority, educational status, and counterproductive behaviors and the sub dimensions of counterproductive behaviors (p>0.05). However, a statistically significant difference was found between counterproductive behavior dimensions and age (X2(2) =10.135; p<0.05). This indicates that participants between the ages of 26-30, especially participants in the younger part of that range, scored higher in the counterproductive behaviors dimension. In addition, a similar statistically significant difference was observed between employment positions and counterproductive behaviors (X2(4)=3.579; p<0.05), so the general services staff was found to score higher than others. Keywords: Counterproductive behaviors, organizational aberration, organizational behavior, private sports businesses International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 9 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey A RESEARCH ON FACTORS EFFECT TURKEY AND ISRAEL RELATIONSHIP AFTER MAVI MARMARA CRISIS Wanyu Chen Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY Abstract In Middle East area, the conflicts betwwen Israel and Arab are important issue. Turkey’s attitude toward these conflicts effet its relationship between Israel and other west countries and international orginizations. Since 2002, Zero Problem Policy has been the most important strategy of Turkey’s foreign policy. Although Turkey made every effort to maintain its relationship with neighbor countries, the most serious crisis still happened in 2010, which was known as Mavi Marmara crisis. During Mavi Marmara crisis, the relations between Turkey and Israel had deteriorated because neither Turkey nor Israel was willing to compromise. After Mavi Marmara crisis, Turkey tended to solve the problems through international law and stared to negotiate with Israel. The USA and other west countries are also willing to help Turkey and Israel search for peace. But it did not succeed. In the meantime, Arab Spring happened. Arab Spring brought changes and unstable factors to Middle East area. The stability in Middle East is important for both Turkey and Israel. Therefore, Arab Spring becomes the important factor that makes Turkey and Israel reconcile again. Keywords: Turkey’s foreign policy, Israel, Mavi Marmara crisis, Arab spring, Zero Problem Policy International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 10 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey PERSONALITY TRAIT’S EFFECTS ON EATING BEHAVIORS Merih Altıntaş Dr., Erenköy Ruh ve Sinir Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi, İstanbul, TURKEY, merihaltintas@yahoo.com Utku Özgen İstanbul Gelişim University, İstanbul, TURKEY, utku.ozgen@hotmail.com Abstract Aim of this research is to examine the effects of personality trait on eating behaviors. This research conducted with 420 students from various majors and classes in İstanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Administrative Economics and Social Sciences. The research data were collected using the "International Personality Inventory Short Version" and the "Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire" and the data were analyzed by Descriptive Statistical Methods (Frequency, Percent, Average, Standard deviation) and Linear Regression analysis with SPSS 23.0 package program. The results were evaluated at 95% confidence interval, p <0.05 significance level. As the result of the research following were found; “introversion”, “emotional imbalance”, and “being closed to new ideas” personality traits predicted emotional eating behavior by 18.7%, “conscientiousness” personality trait predicted restrained eating behavior by 5.5%, and “extraversion”, “emotional imbalance”, “openness to experience”, and “being closed to new ideas” personality traits predicted external eating behavior by 6.3%. The results show that multidisciplinary approaches should be carefully considered in order to reveal the psychological and subjective aspects of the influence of personality on eating behavior which is both biological and social behavior. Keywords: Personality, Emotional Eating, Restrained Eating, External Eating International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 11 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ATTACHMENT STYLES AND LOVE ATTITUDE STYLES Elif Güneri Yöyen İstanbul Gelişim University, İstanbul, TURKEY Abstract Aim of this research is to examine the relationship betweeen attachment styles and love attitude styles. This research conducted in 2016-2017 spring semester, in İstanbul Gelişim University Fine Arts Faculty with 200 being male and 200 being female total of 400 students betweeen the ages of 18 and 26. . The research data were collected using the “Adult Attachment Style Scale” and the “Love Attitudes Scale”. In the analysis of the data; Frequency and percentage values for demographic analysis, Independent Sample T test for two group comparisons, One-way ANOVA for multiple group comparisons and Pearson Correlation Analysis methods for analyzing the relationship between variables were used and the results were evaluated at 95% confidence interval and p <0.05 significance level. As results of the research following were found; “secure attachment” was possitvely correlated with “passionate love” and “practical love”; “anxious/ambivalent attachment” was possitively correlated with “game-playing love”, “practical love”, and “possessive/dependent love” and negatively correlated with “passionate love; “avoidant attachment” was possitively correlated with “game-playing love”, “practical love”, “possessive/dependent love”, and “selfless love” and negatively correlated with “passionate love”. Attachment styles showed difference in gender when it comes to the love attitude styles: Secure attached males possitively correlated with “passionate love, practical love, and possessive/dependent love”; Avoidant attached males possitively correlated with “practical love, and possessive/dependent love”, anxious attached males possitively correlated with “game-playing love, practical love, and possessive/dependent love”; Secure attached females possitively correlated with “passionate love”; Avoidant attached females possitively correlated “game-playing love”; Anxious attached females possitvely correlated with “game-playing love”; Anxious attached females possitively correlated with “game-playing love, possessive/dependent love, and selfless love”. Results show that attachment style with parents that develops in childhood effects the love attitude styles in adulthood. Keywords: Attachment Styles, Love Attitude Styles, Gender International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 12 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF COMPREHENSIBILITY NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS EXAM QUESTIONS* Necla Turanlı Prof. Dr., Hacettepe University, Ankara, TURKEY, turanlinecla@gmail.com Ayşe Kıran Prof. Dr., Hacettepe University, Ankara, TURKEY, aysek@hacettepe.edu.tr Ali Haydar Eş Prof. Dr., Başkent University, Ankara, TURKEY, haydares@baskent.edu.tr Meltem Coşkun Hacettepe University, Ankara, TURKEY, meltem.coskun10@hacettepe.edu.tr Abstract The scope of the research is the mathematic questions that are asked to solve in examinations that are PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) and TEOG (from basic education to secondary education transition system). This research is assessed the intelligibility of the questions in each of the examinations from mathematical point of view. This is an accomplished by comparing these examinations: ones in foreign languages their Turkish translations and Turkish examination. For this purpose, PISA and TIMSS examinations in English and Turkish languages are described in terms of comprehensibility by matching questions. Descriptive scan is made as first method then, the data that is obtained in the second stage has been resolved as a linguistic approach and a deductive comparative study has been performed. Translated and/or adapted from English to Turkish of PISA questions has been determined as correct and clear. Even if there are faulty expression in some questions, this does not prevent understanding of the problem but it is considered that this faulty question may be distractive. In TIMSS questions that are translated and/or adapted from English to Turkish, incomprehensibility which prevents the understanding of the problem was not found. Keywords: PISA TIMSS TEOG, Mathematics *This work was supported by the Scientific Research Department of Hacettepe University International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 13 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey YOUTH, IDENTITY FORMATION AND EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT Abdelmonaim Ouyidir Ph.D Candidate, University Med V Rabat Morocco, MOROCCO Abstract Identity growth and formation for Youth reveals a big need of integration and assessment. Young people represent a subculture with special characteristics that differs from the main stream culture and that requires an ample scrutiny of its components and identifications. In this era of globalization, the educational system should be a strong apparatus that assists young people to attain the maturity of their identities and affords a deep integration within a culture of multiplicity and pluralism. A cultural analysis of the educational programs designed for the youth will inevitably open a wide range of findings. Educational system is seen as vigorously responding to modernized and internationalized western culture. Educators have the power offered by the new cultural vistas of globalization to question passive and subverting cultural and social attitudes within their societies and adapt the system accordingly. Therefore, while global youth culture is mistakenly characterized as being homogenous and imperialistic, it also cannot be set apart from a scrupulous critique of its social, economic and educational environment. Keywords: Youth subculture, Education, identity formation, Globalization International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 14 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey CAREER CHOICE GOALS FOR THE SUCCESSIVE GENERATION OF FAMILY BUSINESSES (THE CASE OF EUT, AUT, AMUD STUDENTS WITH BUSINESS BACKGROUND) Ermira Qosja Assoc. Prof. Dr., European University of Tirana, Department of Management and Marketing, ermira.qosja@uet.edu.al Lefter Roko Msc, European University of Tirana, lroko@lincoln.org.al Abstract Importance of family business in the global economy is clearly evident, since they make up more than two-thirds of all companies in the world and represent from 50 percent to 80 percent of employment sources in most countries. Succession in family businesses is a complex process. The succession is maybe the most crucial issue that a family business has to face, and maybe the most difficult one to solve also. The complex family dynamics and emotional connections that managers and family members have with their business could make addressing succession to be a real mine field. This paper aims to research on the entrepreneurship goals of students coming from families that own and manage businesses, by elaborating on the data collected through a wider survey on the entrepreneurship goals and inspirations of the economic studies students at the European University of Tirana, Agriculture University of Tirana and “Aleksander Moisiu” University of Durres. The research will add to and fulfill the bigger picture on the goals of the economic students of three universities continuing on the businesses of their parents, thus offering completely new results on evaluating their entrepreneurship inspirations. Using a questionnaire based on the GUESSS Project and Theory of Planned Behavior by Ajzen, on what motivates students to follow a career on their parents’ businesses, we have been able to get results, which are valuable to the students themselves and their families, to the academic and leadership staff of each university, as well as to the policymakers, for which the continuing success of those businesses is important to the national economy. Keywords: Entrepreneurship goals, family business, career, succession, students International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 15 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey OPINIONS OF PRE-SERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS ABOUT DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL GAME DESIGN SKILLS* Munise Seçkin Kapucu Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, TURKEY, muniseseckin@hotmail.com Serdar Çağlak Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, TURKEY, serdarcaglak@gmail.com Abstract Teachers may prefer different teaching methods and techniques according to the learning needs of the students or according to the structure of the topic to be instructed. This also depends on the education that teachers have received prior to service. Since educational games establish an important connection between theoretical learning and practice, it is required to teach the process of preparing educational games, which is considered among these different methods and techniques, to teacher candidates during their teacher training. At the same time, educational games help students for meaningful learning and the internalization of concepts, and for the provision of learning by doing and experiencing. On the other hand, it is believed that the use of educational games is important for experiencing an effective teaching process in science course, which is abstract in nature. This study aims to analyze the opinions of pre-service science teachers about development of educational game design skills. The study is designed using phenomenology method. The study was conducted during spring semester of 2016-2017 academic years. Sample of the study consists of 57 pre-service teachers from 3rd grade of science teaching, who are taking Specific Teaching Methods I course. Regarding the selection of the sample, purposive and easily accessible sampling was used. The main criterion for the selection of pre-service teachers, who participated in the research, was set as attending Specific Teaching Methods course. At the beginning of the study, a 4-hour training (1 week) about educational games and preparation process was provided. Afterwards, the topics covered in the science curriculums of 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades were distributed among students. A period of 8-hour (2 weeks) was allowed for the design and reporting process. A pre-prepared educational game report format was presented to preservice teachers and they were asked to adjust the educational games that they have created according to this format. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 16 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey Educational game design of pre-service science teachers was realized within a period of approximately 2 months. For data collection, a semi-structured interview form was developed by the researchers. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 18 pre-service science teachers. Content analysis will be used for the analysis of the data obtained from the study. It is thought that this study will improve educational game design skills of pre-service science teachers. Keywords: Educational games, activity design, pre-service science teachers. *This study is produced from BAP 201721010 Research Project funded by the Scientific Research Council of Eskişehir Osmangazi University. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 17 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey SCIENCE PRESERVICE TEACHERS’ ACTIVITY PRODUCTS BASED ON MODELING IN DIRECT CURRENT AND CIRCUITS: CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS Yusuf Zorlu Corresponding Author, Department of Primary Science Education, Faculty of Kazım Karabekir Education, Atatürk University, Erzurum, TURKEY, yusuf.zorlu@atauni.edu.tr Fulya Zorlu Department of Primary Science Education, Faculty of Ereğli Education, Bülent Ecevit University, Zonguldak, TURKEY. Gökhan Aksoy Department of Primary Science Education, Faculty of Education, İnönü University, Malatya, TURKEY. Abstract The purpose of this research; to prepare science preservice teachers’ activities related to modeling-based learning methods and to conduct conceptual analysis of these activities. This field specialist (a physics education and three science education specialists) has been seen to be among the subjects that represent the subject of physics in the science curriculum of direct current and circuits in interviews with people, and the study was carried out within this scope. In the study, case study method was used from qualitative research methods. 48 science preservice teachers participated in the application. In the direction of their own desires, groups of four people were created from science preservice teachers. In the first two weeks of the practice (two hours a week), trainings were given to prospective science teachers on modeling-based learning and modeling-based activities. In the next four weeks, the activities that students have created were checked and feedback was given. Content analysis of the 12 activities prepared was done by creating concept similarity maps. At the beginning of the prepared activities, it has been determined that the teacher candidates mostly ask the concepts of direct current, serial connection, parallel connection and current. In a few cases it has been found that electricity and the right concepts are asked in the introduction. But; It is not suitable for entry into the curriculum, where teacher candidates should be able to identify the concepts of the subject when entering the field of direct current and circuits. In the reasoning section of science teacher candidate candidates; they used the concepts of direct current, series connection, parallel connection, current intensity, with the most resistance. In three events, they only explained the direct current concept with analogical reasoning. In the International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 18 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey real experimental part, most of them used the concepts of circuit formation, generator and current intensity, most notably the concept of potential difference. In the reasoning section, they did not use concepts other than a few basic concepts in order to explain direct current in the process of mental formation. They have explained the concept of direct current using many different concepts in the real experimental part. Keywords: Science Education, Modeling-based learning activities, Direct current and circuits International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 19 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey IN THE CONTEXT OF CULTURE-AREA RELATIONSHIPS THE EFFECT OF THE CONCEPT OF AREA MANAGEMENT TO THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT Beratiye Meral Akduman Vural Abant İzzet Baysal University, Mudurnu Süreyya Astarcı Vocational School, Architectural Restoration Program, Bolu beratiyemeral.akduman@ibu.edu.tr Abstract The historical and cultural environment within the development process of the urbans is considered to be one of the most fundamental problems that the social and economic role of the urban and architectural values are not adequately defined. Planning of the reliable and visible actions with an integrated approach, realization of short-term, action-based small-scale projects, are found useful for the necessity and persuasiveness of protection. The fact that protection policies cannot be integrated with other regional and urban planning decisions and policies occurs as an important problem. As a solution to this problem, it is considered that the existence of the proper legal infrastructure is necessary. The lack of coordination between the central and local government units for the sustainable protection of cultural heritage and the spread of protection is also considered as a common problem. In order to solve this problem with the establishment of a healthy governance system, bringing of the driving force of the public into the forefront with special policies and initiatives, strengthening the role of local governments and adopting strategies to support capacity development are necessary. As a point of intersection of all these problems, the lack of strategic approaches are seen in urban planning processes. In the examples, it was seen that approaching the issues with the understanding of "Strategic Planning and Management Plan" facilitated the solution of the problems of establishing the autonomous management and control systems to direct the process. Cultural Heritage Management, which we can evaluate within the framework of culture - area relations; It needs to respond to the needs of the inhabitants of the region, the requests of the heritage user and its owner and the expectations of visitors.,while the problems of heritage protection are being delivered solution. In this sense, area management in protection areas; it is defined as a combination of planning measures that will reduce pressures on resources and improve overall environmental quality and quality of life, which will allow better perception of the entire area. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 20 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey This study aims to contribute to the accumulation of knowledge necessary to define, understand and apply the area management approach which is important in the scope of protection and planning in accordance with contemporary protection concept. For this purpose, basic concepts related to the subject; basic guidelines; examples of the management plan selected from the world and Turkey, the legal situation and process related to the area management in Turkey has been examined. Basic studies on management plans defined as a guide for managers of protection area in the protection, development and management of historical sites, the examination of the main works, guidelines and related laws and regulations on management plans, which are defined as a guide for conservation area managers in the conservation, development and management of historic areas, has set forth the management planning process. Keywords: Culture, Place, Area, Management International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 21 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE REBELLIOUS SPIRIT OF ROMANTICISM AS REFLECTED WITHIN ROMANTIC AESTHETICISM IN SHELLEY’S POETRY Nilay Erdem Ayyıldız Fırat University, Elazıg, TURKEY,, nerdem@firat.edu.tr Abstract The French Revolution (1789), which fostered the thought of freedom and individuality had an undeniable effect on the Romanticists. And poetry enabled most of them to express their sense of rebellion in an aesthetic manner. Among the enthusiastic supporters of the French Revolution in its early stages were the writers who played a central role in English Romanticism, and Percy Byssche Shelley (1792-1822) was one of them. He was a radical nonconformist in every aspect of his life. And during his life, he was in a war against oppression and injustice for a better future. His hope for a good world also fostered his imagination and creativity in his poetry. The aim of the study is to explore the rebellious nature of Romanticism which is very well reflected within Romantic aestheticism in Shelley’s “Ozymandias” (1817), “Ode to the West Wind” (1819), and “To a Skylark” (1820). For this, the study will refer primarily to Shelley’s own essay “A Defence of Poetry.” The study indicates that in “Ozymandias,” not only does Shelley achieve reflecting his rebellious nature by giving his message about all totalitarian regimes, but also he manages this by making a king’s statute speak out metaphorically and depicting his ironic situation paradoxically in an aesthetic manner in his poem. Secondly, in “Ode to the West Wind”, Shelley uses powerful natural metaphors and symbols for the ultimate effect of aestheticism while expressing his hope for his art to enliven human consciousness, imagination, liberty, and morality. Furthermore, in his other poem “To a Skylark,” Shelley ascends to a high level of aestheticism by using the bird ‘skylark’ as a source of imagination and subjectivity and an embodiment of the rebellious spirit. Keywords: The French Revolution, Romanticism, Percy Byssche Shelley, rebellion, aestheticism. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 22 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SIMULATIONS SUPPORTED ARGUMENTATION DRIVEN INQUIRY ON THE 7TH GRADE STUDENTS’ CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTAING ON ELECTRICAL CONCEPTS Yeşim Bayram Bartın University, Bartın, TURKEY Ayla Çetin Dindar Assoc. Prof. Dr., Bartın University, Bartın, TURKEY Abstract The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of simulations supported argumentation driven inquiry on 7th grade students’ conceptual understanding of electrical concepts. Thisstudy consisted of totally 28 students in a public elementary school during the academic year of 2016-2017. The students in the experimental and control groups were randomly selected. In this current research, a quasi-experimental research method was used from the quantitative methods.During the research, the students in the experimental group (N = 14) were applied argumentation driven inquiry approached activities on the subject of electrical energy in the unit of ‘Electricity in our life’ from the seventh grade science curriculum. These activitieson electricity were also supported with simulations considering the positive effect of technology on conceptual understanding aforementioned in the literature. The Simple Electrical Circuits Diagnostic Test was conducted to both groups as pre- and post-tests. As a result, a significant meaningful difference was foundon the students’ conceptual understanding of electrical concepts favoring the experimental group. Based on these results it can be concluded that the students in the experimental group were active with the inquiry based activities and their conceptual understanding increased; on the other hand, the students’ conceptual understanding in the control group was not much differ. Keywords: Argumentation, Simulation, Science Education International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 23 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey IMPACT OF SOCIAL IDENTITY ON SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING ANXIETY: THE PAKISTANI PERSPECTIVE Zohaib Zahid The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, PAKISTAN Mamuna Ghani Prof. Dr., The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, PAKISTAN Abstract The language learners in Pakistan are required to get adequate knowledge of English language in order to strive for a better future. It has been investigated that in few parts of the world the learners are inclined towards their social identity, culture, tradition and values which sometimes hinder them to speak foreign language. It has been observed by the linguists that social identity is a cause of anxiety in second language learners in different parts of the world. Due to inclination towards their own language, the students become reluctant to use another language which ultimately makes them anxious and less proficient learners. This study has been conducted to investigate whether social identity is also a cause of anxiety in second language learning in Pakistan. The researchers have focused the main and core issues of identity which are stuck in the minds of the language learners when they learn English language. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 24 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE MOVEMENT OF WORKING PROCEEDINGS ACCORDING TO THE ACTUAL NATIONAL LEGISLATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Rumen Vasilev Trakia University, BULGARIA Vesela Mareva Trakia University, BULGARIA Abstract The analysis of the topic aims at presenting the viewpoint of the authors, assisting the students' learning process as well as all those interested in the topic of the possibilities of deviating from criminal proceedings the children offenders and the temporal aspect of action. The authors present only a brief view of this extremely broad and important topic of law enforcement. The idea of the authors is to familiarize students with the thesis of the social and legal significance of the movement (the time horizon of preparation and realization) of educational cases as an element of particular importance for the children of offenders, in which our society is particularly sensitive International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 25 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey A PSYCHOANALYTIC TOOL FORINVESTIGATION OF EMOTION REGULATION PROCESS: OBSERVATION ACCORDING TOTAVISTOCK MODEL Yunus Pınar Asst. Prof. Dr., Akdeniz University, Antalya, TURKEY Fatma Ünal Assoc. Prof. Dr., Akdeniz University, Antalya, TURKEY Abstract Emotions are a normal part of our everyday lives. It is important to emphasize that all the emotions originate feelings and universal emotions like sadness, happiness, anger, disgust and fear, in action with the human body, originate feelings when people feel sadness, happy, angry or afraid. Moreover, the so-called "emotional turn" in anthropology and social sciences has mostly been interested in the cognitive aspects of emotions. Indeed, it is widely agreed that the emotions are conceptualised as an emergent, dynamic process based on an individual's subjective appraisal of significant events. The term emotion regulation can be thought of as an ability to effectively manage and respond to an emotional experience. People unconsciously use emotion regulation strategies to cope with difficult situations many times throughout each day. Interest in emotion-regulation has burgeoned in recent years and researches on the role of emotion and regulation especially in early childhood and in adulthood have received considerable attention in the last decade. The present paper is an attempt to describe the possible reasons for the restrained position and disinterest of socialsciences – especially: linguistics, psycholinguistics and educational sciences – towards the impact of emotions and emotional factors on the learning abilities of people (How do emotions affect learning). On the other hand, this paper can be thought of as critical review and we conducted a short review of the literature on the place of emotions in social science research. We finally describe briefly a methodological tool for emotion research: “Observation according to the Tavistock model”. Keywords: Emotion, Emotion Regulation, Observation International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 26 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey EVALUATION OF ASSOCIATED STUDENT ADMINISTRATION OF LIVING EDUCATION IN LIFELONG LEARNING Gülsün Şahan Asst. Prof. Dr., Bartın University, Bartın, TURKEY Havva Duygu Yasa Milli Eğitim Müdürülüğü, Bartın, TURKEY Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the contribution of the Life-Long Learning graduate education to the aspects of the students' perspectives. In the study, students were asked to answer their questions about the educational and business life of their students, the effects of education on their job life and their job opportunities, the expectations of starting education and the level of realization, the contributions of education, knowledge and skills, and their effects on family life. In this study which was prepared in accordance with qualitative research methods, the opinions of 18 people who are willing to participate in the study were analyzed by content and descriptive analysis by semi-structured interview forms. It is understood that the students who graduated from the graduate education have a positive effect on their work life, that they are aware of business opportunities, they develop a multidirectional perspective, and have acquired a scientific working habit. It is understood that graduates of postgraduate education can look after their profession with a different point of view and think that education should last for life. It is observed that as a result of the education of the students, personal development, exemplary for their children, professional progress, curiosity towards learning increases. This training has been achieved as a result of learning new concepts and methods that students have developed in their views, are better at academically developed, communication and presentation. It can be said that students are more sensitive to ethical behaviors when they learn new things about life. It has been understood that female students share their education with more families than male students and this education has contributed positively to social relationships and started to read more books. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 27 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARENTAL ATTIDUTES IN RAISING CHILDREN AND PERSONALITY TYPES Leman İnanç Asst. Prof. Dr., Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Muğla, TURKEY Tülay Barış Sakarya University, Sakarya, TURKEY Merih Altıntaş Dr., Erenköy Ruh ve Sinir Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi, İstanbul, TURKEY, merihaltintas@yahoo.com Abstract Aim of this research is to examine the relationship between parental attidutes in raising children and personality types. This research contucted with 500 volunteer parents whom have kids in randomly selected private preschools in İstanbul. The research data were collected using the "International Personality Inventory Short Version" and the "Parent Attitude Scale" and the data were analyzed by Descriptive Statistical Methods (Frequency, Percent, Average, Standard deviation) and Pearson Regression analysis with SPSS 23.0 package program. As the result of the research following were found; parents with democratic parental attitute were possitively correlated with extraversion, docility, conscientiousness, openness to experience personality traits; and negativly correlated with hostility, disorganization, emotinal instability and being closed to new ideas personality traits. Parents with authoritarian parental attitute were possitively correlated with introversion, hostility, disorganization, emotinal instability, being closed to new ideas personality traits; and negativly correlated with extraversion, docility, conscientiousness, openness to experience personality traits. Parents with overprotective parental attitute possitively correlated with conscientiousness, emotional instability, and openness to experience personality traits; and negatively correlated with disorganization and being closed to new ideas personality traits. Lastly parents with permissive parental attitude possitively correlated with hostility, disorganization and emotional instability personality traits. Keywords: Parental Attitudes, Personality Types, Five Factor Personality Analysis International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 28 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey EFFECT OF THE PARTICIPATION AND COMMAND METHOD ON THE EMPHATHIC TENDENCIES OF THE SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSES Hakkı Çoknaz Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu, TURKEY Ufuk Alpkaya Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marmara University, İstanbul, TURKEY Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of physical education courses, using participation and command method, on the empathic tendencies of the secondary school students. In the study, pre-test and post-test model with experimental control group was used from among the experimental models. A total of 52 sixth graders (26 in the experimental group and 26 in the control group) from a middle school in Bolu participated in the research. For the experimental group the classical method was applied to the control group, while the participation method was applied in the physical education classes. The Empathic Tendency Scale, developed by Üstün Dökmen (1996), was used to measure the empathic tendencies of students in the experimental and control groups at the beginning and the end of the study. The SPSS 18.0 package program was used in the analysis of the obtained data, and the level of significance in statistical procedures was set at p <0.05. When the pretest scores of the experimental and control groups were compared, there was no statistical difference (p> 0.05), and a statistically significant difference was found between the post test scores (p <0.01). Statistical analysis revealed that there was no statistical difference in the comparison of pre-test and post-test empathic tendency scores of the control group (p> 0.05), while there was a statistical difference (p <0.05) in the comparison of pre-test and post-test empathic tendency scores in the experimental group. As a result of these findings, it can be said that the physical education courses conducted by the participation method develop positive empathic tendencies of the students, while the physical education courses taught by using the classical method do not affect the empathic tendencies of the students. Keywords: Participation Method, Teaching Method, Empathy International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 29 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE RELATION BETWEEN AMERICA AND TURKEY IN COLD WAR PERIOD Yiyun Chen Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY Abstract After World War II, the US and the Soviet Union became two superpowers with profound economic and political differences. In the beginning of the Cold War, Turkey's opposition to the Soviet Union positively influenced the relationship between the US and Turkey. Nevertheless, the relations between the US and Turkey began to deteriorate after 1960. Due to the “Cuban Missile Crisis” which happened in 1962, Turkey began to distrust the US. In 1964, US President Lyndon B. Johnson sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Turkey. The US has mentioned in the letter that Turkey should not interfere with Cyprus. Johnson's letter affects the relationship between the United States and Turkey as it is a stern warning. In 1974 the operation of Turkey happened in Cyprus deteriorated relations between the United States and Turkey. US imposed arms embargo on Turkey from 1975 to 1978. The US- Turkey relations did not improve until 1985. After 1985, relations between Turkey and Israel improved. Turkey has tried to repair the relationship with the United States, because Turkey wants to get economic support from US. Relations between the United States and Turkey have changed in every period. Turkey 's position is very important and has played an important role in the Middle East. Therefore, Turkey has taken an important place in US foreign policy. At the same time, according to Turkey, the United States is in a very important strategic position. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 30 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey RELIGIOUS IMPORTANCE OF SHAPINUVA Merve Ertaş Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY Abstract Hittite religion has been formed by affecting from the geography and other civilizations around Hittite Civilization. Hittites who adopted several gods from the moment they have been founded were accepted Hatti-European gods in early periods, and then added on Mesopotamian gods. God of Water, Sun God and God of Moon have been taken part in Hittite religion. Shapinuva which is a very important capital of Hittite civilization is not only a capital for Hittite State but also a significant religious center of Hittite world. The religious importance is the foremost matter that introducing Shapinuva to Hittite world. According to archaeological diggings at Shapinuva, it has been understood that the community have done a number of rituals and sacrifice to purify their sins. In this study, the significance of sacrificial pits which are important in the Hittite religion will be examined for Shapinuva. Keywords: Hittite, Shapinuva, Sacrificial pits International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 31 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE PROBLEMS EMERGING IN THE ASSESSMENT OF THE OMB COURSES IN PRE-SERVICE TEACHER TRAINING Serap Nur Duman Kırıkkale University, Kırıkkale, TURKEY, serapnurcanoglu@gmail.com Gürcü Erdamar Assoc. Prof. Dr., Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY, gurkoc@gazi.edu.tr Abstract Teacher training has become one of the most important areas of our educational history. Thus, the institutions that have developed the day-to-day teacher from the past have been tried the different applications for preparing the prospective teachers in the teacher training process. As a result of these experiences, teaching with the law number 1739 accepted on 14 June 1973; is defined as a specialist profession that takes on the state's education, training and related administrative duties and it is stated that preparation for the teaching profession by the same law will be provided by general culture, special field education and professional knowledge (pedagogical formation). In this context, with the grant of teacher training to higher education institutions, teacher candidates started to be educated in educational faculties with curriculums based on general culture, special field education and professional knowledge contents. Accordingly, the aim of the study is to reveal and the problems arising in the articles in the graduate thesis studies and doctoral level which are aimed to evaluate the teaching profession knowledge (OMB) courses which have an important place in pre-service teacher education. For this purpose, the studies dealing with the evaluation of the OMB courses were evaluated by the case study on the qualitative research design framework. In the scope of the study, four graduate theses and eight doctorate theses took place. In the studies have been analysed the problems related to the OMB courses. In the studies based on the findings obtained, in the evaluations of the OMB courses are as follows; The incompatibility between the faculty and the school negatively affects the students, the similar methods and techniques are generally used in the OMB lessons and the materials used do not differ even though the contents of the lessons are different and the opinions of the students about the contribution of OMB courses to the teacher candidates. In general, the research was studied on a limited sample group. Each research was not structured using the program evaluation model. For this reason, although each of the studies mutually supportive results, each study was completed in a different structure. Keywords: Pre-service teacher training, Professional knowledge, Assessment. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 32 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF STRESS, SOCIAL SUPPORT, AND DEPRESSION IN MARRIED ARAB IMMIGRANT WOMEN* Hazhar Talaat Abubaker Blbas Salahaddin University, IRAQ Abstract Using a stress and social support framework, this study explored the trajectory of depression in 388 married Arab immigrant women. The women provided three panels of data approximately 18 months apart. Depression at Time 3 was regressed on Time 1 depression, socio-demographic variables, and rate of change over time in stress and social support. The regression model was significant and accounted for 41.16% of the variation in Time 3 depression scores. Time 1 depression, English reading ability, husband’s employment status, changes over time in immigration demands, daily hassles, and social support from friends were associated with Time 3 depression. * This paper was not presented by author(s) International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 33 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE NEW AGENDA OF MIDDLE CLASS IN TURKEY: CONSUMPTION OF THE RITUALS Elif Ertem Res. Asst., Middle East Technical University- Sociology Department, Ankara, TURKEY, elifer@metu.edu.tr Abstract The study investigates consumption side of the rituals; marriage, birthday, and funerals organizations in urban context of Turkey related with the Turkish middle class through symbolic consumption concept that is used from Bourdieu’ s social, cultural and symbolic capital. In urban life settings of Turkey, consumption is one of most central and meaningful practice of everyday life of middle class. Consumption symbolically does not only refer to sustain and create self but also locate him/herself in society (Wattanasuwan, 2005). Through this point, the study takes rituals in Turkish context i.e.; marriage, engaging and henna-night ceremonies, birthdays of children, and recently funerals and common rituals through Turkey that is a crucial tool to understand the symbolic dimensions of consumption. These all ceremonies and rituals together target the certain ‘class’ of society with together their social, economic and symbolic capitals. To analyse this argument, unstructured in-depth interview is conducted firstly with individuals living in Ankara who buy certain services and organizations for ceremonies in certain time of their life. Then, the study has conducted interview with organization and service provider firms mainly active in Ankara which work on rituals and ceremonies services like marriage, birthday and funeral organizations. Through the analyses of interviews with both service buyers; consumers and service provider; seller of the service for ceremonies, the arguments show importance of symbolic dynamics of consumption especially for middle class in Turkish context as Bourdieu (1984) shows in Distinction that the aesthetic taste of individuals with certain social, cultural and economic capital is seen as tools to secure positions of status in the social hierarchy through exercising a mark of distinction. Keywords: Consumption, Middle Class, Rituals, Symbolic Capital International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 34 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey ANALYTICAL REVIEW PROCEDURES Halise Nur Ertaş Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY, nurertas06@gmail.com Serap Sebahat Yanık Assoc. Prof. Dr., Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY, sserapyanik@gmail.com Abstract Analytical review procedures are the examination of whether the information obtained by the examining meaningful relationships between financial and non-financial data and business records are in accordance with the expectation developed by the auditor. It is assumed that analytical review procedures are increasing the effectiveness of audit, used as risk assessment tool, playing active role on reveal contradictions and is being tried to be proved by developed questionnaires. In this study, survey application for audit firms is included. When questionnaires are being prepared, it is investigated that how independent audit firms use analytical review procedures during audit and what they experience during the audit and thus contribute to independent audit activity. This study consists of three sections. Firstly, the concept of independent audit and independent auditing standards; secondly, the concept of analytical review procedures, implementation stages and analytical review techniques are explained. In the third part, the results of the questionnaires applied to senior managers working in 235 audit firms authorized in Turkey are evaluated and the effectiveness of the analytical review procedures is concluded. Keywords: Independent Audit, Risk Based Audit, Analytical Procedures International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 35 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey IMPACT OF TAX DIVERSITY ON TAXPAYERS Tuğçe Akdemir Altunbaşak Ankara University Faculty of Law-Fiscal Law, Ankara, TURKEY, takdemir@ankara.edu.tr Abstract The government, which is directly or indirectly intertwined with the economy, is an indispensable force as a regulatory and protective mechanism. While the main source of funding for the services that the government has shaped through social, cultural and political factors is budget revenues, the main source of budget revenues is taxpayers as well. The government with specific duties has the possibility to finance its expenditures with the taxes it collects, depending on the power of sovereignty to carry out these duties. Financial sovereignty is a part of the sovereignty that the government uses when it exercises its taxation authority. In Turkey and in the world, governments use their taxation authorities as much as possible in different fields. Therefore, they try to expand their tax base. Since taxable resources in a country show the tax capacity of that country, the governments should strictly avoid from taxing almost all of the gross national income so that negatively affecting the taxpayer's compliance with tax regulations. Due to the fact that there is not a direct relationship between gross national product and tax capacity at all times, expansion of the tax base is not dependent on tax diversity or increasing tax complexity in practice, contrarily it depends on formation of the government, which has the authority of taxation, in such a way that the tax system can be strengthened by legal regulations and practices covering only the subjects possible to be taxed. The basic approach determined through the 2017 Annual Performance Program prepared by the Revenue Administration in line with the "2014-2018 Strategic Plan" is to simplify the tax complexity in practice and expand the tax base. In addition, the "Action Plan for Increasing Tax Awareness and Voluntary Compliance" was prepared with academicians and representatives of the public institutions and professional chambers/trade associations, and then put into effect as of 01.01.2016. By means of taking eight measures that were identified in this context, the activities to be carried out in the 2016-2018 period to prevent confusion caused by the tax diversification and to increase the tax awareness and voluntary compliance were classified in various forms. Keywords: Tax Diversity, Tax Compliance, Tax Complexity, Tax Capacity, Tax Base. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 36 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey LEARNING FROM NATURE; SOCIAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT IN PRESCHOOL AGES AT SEKOLAH ALAM INDONESIA (INDONESIA NATURAL SCHOOL) Evi Marlina Sahlı Ankara University, Ankara, TURKEY Müge Artar Prof. Dr., Ankara University, Ankara, TURKEY Abstract Early childhood has been well established as an important period for the development of social and emotional skills (Denham et al., 2003). One of a good alternative to develop children positive social skill is outdoor learning. Research has shown that outdoor learning encourages children to communicate, to express feelings, to discover and investigate the world around them (Jambor, et al, 1999). The outdoor area is a complete learning environment, which caters for all children’s needs – cognitive, linguistic, emotional, social and physical (Bilton, H, 2010) This research study was conducted at Sekolah Alam Indonesia (SAI). SAI is an Indonesia Natural School as the first natural school that emerged in Indonesia. It was established in 1998, which is located at Ciganjur South Jakarta, Indonesia. At SAI children are given free expression, experimenting, and explorations without rules that curb children’s curiosity. The purpose of study to examine how social skill development of preschool ages at SAI. Research method is descriptive qualitative method. Data needed is in the form of words (Howitt, 2010). Participants taken based on purposive sampling (high, middle and low academic). Sampling consists of three students at B Kindergarden class (6-7 ages). Data collection tool is Naturalistic Behavioral Observation, as primary choices for social skill assessment (Merrel, 2001). The process of data collection used videotape during observation process. Social skills form also used as supporting data to determine social skills behavior in children (Calderalla and Merrel, 1997). Technique of data analysis refers to Matthew B. Miles and Huberman models (1994). The study was conducted from August 14, 2016 - August 26, 2016. Research consisted of two general observations and six times of observation cycles. Based on natural observation data and social skill form that filled by teacher and main observer showed that all of student is at “very good” interval level. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 37 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey ENHANCED COOPERATION IN EUROPEAN UNION LAW AND ITS EFFECT ON THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Mehlika Özlem Ultan Asst. Prof. Dr., Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, TURKEY, ozlemultan@gmail.com Abstract In the European Union, a more cooperative cooperation can be made between some member states in order to solve the problems arising from the unanimous rule in the decision-making mechanism. Enhanced cooperation organized for the first time under a separate title with the Amsterdam Treaty. Via this mechanism, the Union, which has increased rapidly in the number of member states since its establishment, can act more quickly and effectively on some issues. Thus, it is aimed to facilitate the decision-making process. Enhanced cooperation is anticipated as a possibility provided by the member states which want to go further in cases where progress cannot be achieved with the participation of all the member states. In the scope of this study, firstly the characteristics of the concept of enhanced cooperation will be explained and later the development of the concept will be examined within the framework of the treaties. Thus, it will be attempted to discuss how this mechanism in European Union law affects the process of European integration by analysing the decisions which were taken by enhanced cooperation. Keywords: Enhanced Cooperation, European Integration, European Union Law International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 38 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey AN INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFECTS OF LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION ON THE REDUCTION OF ANXIETY AND AGGRESSION AMONG THE PERSONNEL EMPLOYED AT ZAFAR BONAB AND NOVIN GOSTAR BONAB STEEL PRODUCTION PLANT Ebrahim Teshnehdel Islamic Azad University, IRAN Abstract The current study attempts to investigate the effects of life skills education on the reduction of anxiety and aggression among the personnel of Zafar Bonab and Novin Gostar steel production plant. The population of the study includes all personnel employed at the plant. By the use of random sampling techniques, 30 employees were chosen as the sample under investigation and were placed into two experimental and control groups. In order to collect data, the questionnaire of anxiety (Buss & Perry, 1992) and Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, 1970) were applied. Pretest-posttest design have been selected to conduct the study having a control group. After assigning the participants to two experimental and control groups in a random way, the experiment (teaching participants the life skills) was performed on the experimental group during 8 sessions, each one 120 minutes. After the completion of the experimental program, a test was performed on both groups. The findings reveal that in comparison to the participants of the control group, the teaching of life skills lead to the reduction of anxiety and aggression and an increase in the rate of productivity in activities of the employees in Zafar Bonab and Novin Gostar steel company. Keywords: Life Skills, Anxiety, Aggression, Productivity, Zafar Bonab and Novin Gostar Steel Production Plant International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 39 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey INVESTIGATION OF THE STRESS-COPING STYLES OF PROSPECTIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELORS ACCORDING TO THEIR MULTIMEASURE AGENTIC PERSONALITY TRAITS, SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING AND RISK FACTORS Merve Gündüz Istanbul Aydin University, İstanbul, TURKEY, gunduz.mervemos@gmail.com Fulya Yüksel Şahin Prof. Dr., Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, TURKEY, fusahin@yildiz.edu.tr Abstract This is a descriptive and causal study designed to investigate whether the stress-coping styles of prospective psychological counselors significantly differ according to their multi-measure agentic personality traits, subjective well-being and risk factors. The study sample consists of the university students registered in the Guidance and Psychological Counseling programs of the Departments of Educational Sciences in the Education Faculties of Yıldız Technical University and Istanbul Aydın University in 2016-2017 spring semester. A total of 476 prospective psychological counselors (356 female and 120 male) participated in the study. Scales whose validity and reliability has been confirmed including “The Stress-Coping Styles Scale”, “The Multi-Measure Agentic Personality Scale”, and “Subjective Well-Being Scale” as well as a “Personal Information Form” were used to obtain the study data. MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance), a parametric statistical procedure, was used to determine whether the stress-coping styles of the prospective psychological counselors significantly differ in terms of their multimeasure agentic personality traits, subjective well-being, having risk factors and personal variables. The Wilks’ Lambda (λ) test was used to compare group mean scores. The Welch Test was also used. The t-test and the Mann-Whitney U test were employed to determine the origin of the difference. The study results reveal that the stress-coping styles scores of the prospective psychological counselors significantly differ according to their multi-measure agentic personality traits, subjective well-being, risk factors, gender, and studying at public or private universities. Keywords: Prospective Psychological Counselors, Stress-Coping Styles, Multi-Measure Agentic Personality, Subjective Well- Being, Risk Factors International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 40 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey HITTITE LANGUAGE AND WRITING IN HATTI, THE LAND OF GODS AND TEMPLES Savaş Özkan Savaş Asst. Prof. Dr., Ankara University, Ankara, TURKEY savasosavas@hotmail.com Abstract The oldest name in Anatolia in the 2nd millennium BC, which encompassed the area within the curve of (the Halys River), within the boundaries of modern Çorum, was Boğazköy “Hattuša”, the capital city of the Hittites. The lands of Anatolia as a whole were referred to as “the Land of Hatti”. These lands were referred to as “Hatti” in written sources for approximately 1000 years, until the period of the Neo-Hittite city states (including North Syria), which disappeared around 700 BC. Why did they use “Old Babylonian cuneiform”, which is from far away, instead of “Old Assyrian cuneiform”, which was previously used in Anatolia? Old Assyrian cuneiform writing adapted to the Old Assyrian dialect of Akkadian entered Anatolia at the beginning of the 19th century BC through the intense trade activities of the Assyrian Trade Colonies in Anatolia. Hittite cuneiform is a form of Assyrian-Babylonian or Akkadian cuneiform and it was applied in the Old Babylonian writing style with the ductus of the Ur-III period (21002003 BC). The First Decipherment Study with the “Two Arzawan Letters: The Oldest Indo-European Documents”: Babylonian cuneiform writing was deciphered in the middle of the 19th century AD. The majority of the group of 400 tablets found in 1887 at Tell el-Amarna in Middle Egypt mentioned the diplomatic relationship of the Egyptian pharaohs Amunhotep III and Amunhotep IV with their Palestinian and Syrian vassals and their international counterparts. The cuneiform tablets were generally written in Akkadian, which was the diplomatic language of period. This was not a problem for the Norwegian scholar J.A.Knudtzon. However, three of these tablets contained different names which were incomprehensible to Knudtzon and his team, although they were able to read them. The longest of these mysterious letters, which was written by the king of the Mitanni Empire in Syria to the pharaoh (this later became clear), was in Hurrian. The longest to the other letters was sent by Amunhotep III to the Arzawan king Tarhunta-radu and the International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 41 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey last tablet was the Arzawan king’s reply to this (Letter from the Pharaoh Nimmuriya (Amunhotep III) to the Arzawan king Tarhunta-radu Middle Hittite Period - Cairo Museum No: 4741 - VBoT 1=EA 31). B.Hrozný’s decipherment was centered around one sentence taken from the part related to the duties of the temple officials (KUB 13.4 Vs.II 70): nu NINDA-an ēzzatteni wātarma ekutteni “Then you will eat bread and you will drink water…” new hopes for a solution with: The decipherment and understanding of Hittite as an Indo-European language was demonstrated with documents and data at a conference given by Czech B.Hrozný with the title “The Solution to the Hittite Problem”, on 24 November 1915, to the Asia Minor Society in Berlin. Keywords: Hatti, Hittite, Hittite Cuneiform, Hittite Language, Arzawa Letter, Egypt, Tell el-Amarna. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 42 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey İDKAB TEACHING CANDIDATES’ PERCEPTION ON ENVIRONMENT Ömer Demir Asst. Prof. Dr., Bayburt University, Bayburt, TURKEY Abstract Metaphor is used in order to explain the meaning except from the meaning that a word, view, fact, case or concept is accepted or to get different meanings. Metaphor is directly related to generate a philosophical view and to the logic as it is an art of language. In this sense, metaphor is an explanation method that it is applied in most of scientific fields. The field of religion and morals that the abstract subjects are mostly included is a field that the simile and symbols are densely used. Thus, Koran and tradition have a rich content in terms of metaphors. Metaphors are used to explain the faith, view and emotions in the education and to express the mutual communication and oneself. It is compulsory that the teachers and students use the metaphoric expressions in the field of religious education. Because the metaphors can help to associate the knowledge from the field of education with the other fields and to transfer the mutual knowledge. In the research, the necessity and importance of metaphors’ usage in the field of religious education have been focused and the subject has been considered in sampling the teaching candidates’ perception on environment. The research is an output of lesson on Environment and Religious Education that the senior students in The Department of Religious Culture and Morals Knowledge İDKAB Teaching from Bayburt University had it in 2016-2017 education year’s spring term. The study was done with 105 students who received the aforementioned lesson. 50 valid metaphors were generated after the question on “ what is the meaning of environment for The Religious Education?” was answered in the common activities which were done in the lesson in the term. In the second phase, the students were asked to answer the same question individually. The research data was obtained from the answers that the students gave to the statements “ Environment is…in terms of religious education. It is like…….Because….”. The phenomenology design was used in the research and the data was analyzed with the content analysis technique. The findings which were obtained were categorized by the conceptual relations and they were assessed under the similar titles. It was observed that the metaphors which were generated on environment by the teaching candidates have an useful content to be used in the religious education in the sense of Allah, humankind and universe. Keywords: Religion, Religious Education, Metaphor, Environment, Perception on Environment International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 43 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey HELPING SOURCES IN TEACHING WAR AND PACT TOPICS IN HISTORY LESSON Aylin Yıldız Trakya University, Edirne, TURKEY, amazon_59@hotmail.com Abstract One of the important missions of education programmes is to impose historical consciousness to the youngsters who are the future of countries. In determining the future targets of startes and nations and in carrying out these targets, history lesson bears an important duty. In transmitting old experiences to the new generations while war frequently takes place between states, nations and smaller groups, pacts are needed to prepare peace and to keep this place continuous. Wars and pacts are hard topics in history lesson, beacuse it is necessary to revise every time to learn and it affects negatively the perspectives of students towards the lesson. In order to overcome this fact, it is necessary for teachers to know about the suitable ways and techniques pretty well. While teaching the names of wars and pacts, dates, between when the wars took place, the sides of pacts, reasons and results effectively instead of making students memorise helps students break the bias towards history lesson, it also helps students to be more successful academically. The images and documents showing the places of wars and pacts; no matter how fictionary it is, the films and series of wars and pacts; especially in Çanakkale War, the propoganda posters which England used to get in the Australia and New Zealand peoples to the war; the narration on map, which is an important means of history lesson; the museum visits to the places where the wars and pacts took place; boks, as a firsthand source; literary works as Çanakkale Geçilmez by Fazıl Hüsnü Dağlarca; threatres which is one of the most ideal ways to harmonize students with art and history; wars are not ridiculous, but using cartoons positively influences learning. In this study, the sources helping teaching wars and pacts are put forward and exemplified, the benefits to the learners and the key points for teachers are explained. Keywords: Education, History Lesson, Helping Sources, War, Pact International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 44 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE USE OF THE CITY SPACES IN TELEVISION DRAMAS: AN ANALYSIS ON TV DRAMA “BEHIND THE FENCES” AND THE CITY OF SİNOP Ebru Gülbuğ Erol Assoc. Prof. Dr., İnönü University, Malatya, TURKEY, egerol@hotmail.com Gökhan Kuzucanlı Harran University, Şanlıurfa, TURKEY gokhankuzucanli@harran.edu.tr Abstract Cinema as an urban discovery, is a production space that contains different images as a narrative form. Sometimes, the city is antagonized as one of the characters, and sometimes the cities are used for various purposes as movie rooms. The productions that do not use the cities as scenes are too few. Television dramas are also narrative forms and use urban spaces; inner cities, architectural values, as well as places to be visited, are used both as a venue, as a stage, and even as one of the leading actors. In particular, television dramas use cities to change viewpoints of viewers, draw attention to the city, draw tourists and show unknown urban images, and strengthen the image of the city. The television industry also puts the space into the series as an area of experience in terms of spreading the season. It is an important research area for researching the urban values used in the arrays where a city is at the back and how these series provide the benefits to the city. The aim of this study is to analyze the contributions of using places of Sinop city. Therefore, firstly the places are analyzed then the place of the index in social media exchanges, the news of the newspaper, the increase in the number of domestic and foreign tourists will be discussed in the study. Interest will be investigated. In the scope of the study, the places of Sinop located in the row behind the bars were identified, the tables were created and their attractiveness was noted. The series also determined how frequently the locations were used and analyzed. Keywords: Urban Spaces, The Use of Urban Values on Television, Television Dramas, The Contribution of Television Series to Tourism International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 45 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey LINGUISTIC MEANING VERSUS PRAGMATIC MEANING Mohammad Awwad Asst. Prof. Dr., Lebanese University, LEBANON Abstract A critical gap between linguistic specifications and context-relevant interpretations - or linguistic competence and pragmatic competence- has existed ever since linguists sought to investigate meaning. Larsen-Freeman (2003) asserts that the most important feature of language is not presenting information but displaying meaning as use. Meaning as use refers to the desired communicative effect of an utterance. As a matter of fact, what gives a conversation consistency and makes it sound sensible is not the grammatical and lexical cohesion of words but the linkage of complete utterances to other complete utterances through the function they play in a sentence. Therefore, EFL learners are expected to develop awareness on pragmatic meaning of utterances beside linguistic adeptness of used words, phrases and structures. Since English language has gained an unprecedented momentum over the last decades, much emphasis was dedicated to foster learners’ communication proficiency; however, those efforts were watered down on the progression of linguistic competence on the expense of pragmatic competence. In an attempt to bridge this gap, this study investigated the pragmatic competence of sixty students preparing for their Master’s degree in English language, and enrolled in Semantics and Pragmatics Course, at the Lebanese University, the deanship. Through observation conducted over a period of twelve weeks and a questionnaire, the study revealed that despite the subjects’ adequate linguistic proficiency in English, EFL learners still fall behind attaining pragmatic competence. The study endorses recommendations for EFL learners, teachers, and curriculum designers. Keywords: Pragmatic Meaning, Linguistic Meaning, Semantics, Competence. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 46 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey ONE OF THE FIRST LITERARY SPORTS WRITER ISLAM CUPI AND A STUDY ON SPORTS AUTHORING Erol İlhan Asst. Prof. Dr., Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY Elçin Çelik Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY Abstract Football is one of the greatest phenomena in the world that has mass audiences in the 20th and 21st centuries in Turkey and world. Sports field under hegemony field each and every day is becoming a global industry with its developing structures. Sports (soccer), media is the dominant factor of reaching the audiences. On the other hand Sports journalism is a field that connected football and media together. Which is followed by the people who shows a great interest to this field (area). Recently sports journalism and sport reporters are increasingly gaining importance. Despite this, in our country, it is impossible to come across a sports reporter who has his unique writing skills. The fact that the sports journalism language in Turkey is rough, sports writers only they behave like the amigos of the team that they support, because of our environment has many socalled sport writers who are Former referee, football player and artist etc. For this reason, the purpose of this paper is to reveal the development and change of sports writings in our country in the context of the writings of the professional writer Mr. İslam Çubi, who draws attention to his literary style with courtesy and grace. At the same time, it is important to remember the writer’s writing style and to present a unique work in the study area. Keywords: Media, Sports, Football, Sports Authorship, Sports Journalism International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 47 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE PROBLEMS OF PENSION AND PREMIUM SYSTEM? Merve Kayaduvar Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, TURKEY, mervekayaduvar@gmail.com Abstract United Nation reported “Social Insurance” as a basic human right in 1948 and from that time forward, countries have tried to improve their social insurance systems according to their traditions/customs, their socioeconomic level and social and political philosophies. A social insurance system should mainly function to provide reasonable benefits to their clients when they are old. People generally get benefits during their retirement according to pay-as-you-go system (PAYG) in which current contribution revenues are used directly to finance current pension endowments. However undesired outcomes can easily occur if the principles of the system are not effectively contributed and Turkey unfortunately is not outside of this system. Social security system of Turkey has undergone a burdensome financial bottleneck since the beginning of the 1990s primarily because of the fact that minimum age of the retirement is low, while contribution rates are not high, social security benefits are generous relative to the contributions and political interventions to social security system are so frequent. Therefore, Turkish Social Security System has entered into the search for restructuring of the system with the influence of neoliberal trend in the world. This quest has gained momentum in 1999 with the Social Security Reform Law (no. 4447) (Unemployment Insurance Act) and continued with other laws and regulations in 2000s. Social Security Reform has been presented as a solution to the Turkish social security system’s chronic financial instability problem. In this paper, my objective is, however, to argue that this reform has not provided crucial solutions to the financial instability problem of the system. While arguing this, I will focus on one of the reasons of financial instability of Turkish social security system which is the problems in pension and premium system. Relatedly, I will discuss that Social Security Reform is not sufficient to solve the structural problems of the pension and premium system. Keywords: Social Security System Reform, Pension System, Premium System International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 48 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATION BETWEEN METACOGNITIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES, SELF-EFFICACY AND PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS Kemal Can Amasya University, Amasya, TURKEY Şafak Uluçınar Sağır Assoc. Prof. Dr., Amasya University, Amasya, TURKEY Abstract Metacognitive, which is a high level awareness system in which cognition is controlled and assessed, is influential on individual problem-solving abilities and self-efficacy perception. This research was conducted to investigate the metacognitive learning strategies, self-efficacy perceptions and problem solving skills of classroom teachers in terms of different variables and to determine the relation between them. Correlational survey method was used in this research. The research universe consists of class teachers in Aksaray and the sample consists of 109 female and 108 male teachers working in primary schools in Aksaray province in 2016-2017 academic year. The data were collected by teacher self-efficacy scale, problem solving scale, metacognitive learning strategies scale and personal information form. According to the results of the research, it was determined that the level of metacognitive learning strategies, problem solving skills and self - efficacy perception level of the class teachers were high. There was no significant difference between metacognitive learning strategies and problem solving skills according to age, gender and professional experience characteristics. In addition, while the selfefficacy perception does not show any significant difference according to sex, it shows a significant difference according to age and professional experience groups. It has been determined that there is a positive and moderately significant relation between classroom teachers' metacognitive learning strategies, self-efficacy perception and problem solving skills. It has been suggested that classroom teachers' self-efficacy perceptions, metacognitive learning strategies and the studies' they will do to improve problem-solving skills may increase the quality of instruction. Keywords: Education, Learning, Metacognitive Learning Strategies, Self Efficacy, Problem Solving Skills International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 49 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey INTEGRATED DISASTER MANAGEMENT WITHIN THE SCOPE OF NEW SECURITY PERCEPTION Sinem Şahnagil Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, TURKEY, s.sahnagil@gmail.com Abstract The concept of security is one of the important outputs of the change and transformation sequence that is experienced with globalization process. The concept of security has changed in the post-Cold War era to include a broad perspective. Along with the diversity of threat perceptions, the process of deepening the security concept has accelerated, and the post-Cold War concept of collective security has become more functional. The concept of security has moved away from being merely military oriented and has moved to a level where factors such as energy, economy, environment, population, cultural and ethnic issues are included in evaluations. Therefore, it is clear that the risks and threats encountered in high population density settlement areas, especially in cities, are not an absolute military quality and that the security that should be provided in the settlements cannot be provided only with military possibilities and capabilities. The expansion and deepening process of the security perception requires the diversification of methods to combat risks and threats. In this context, it is important that measures to be taken against risks and threats are developed within an integrated approach within the framework of strategic management rationale.Collective security understanding has been gathered under the headings of political-military security, economic security, human security, social security and environmental security by the United Nations. In this context disaster is a major threat that requires a collective approach. The security of social life, which is under multiple threats in the face of the chaotic environment created by disasters, can be managed in a healthy way, adopting an interdisciplinary approach and within the framework of governance. Therefore Integrated disaster management plays a vital role in predicting the hazards and risks to prevent damages caused by disasters and emergencies, ensuring that measures are taken, effective intervention and coordination, and ensuring that the post-disaster recovery efforts are carried out in an integrated manner. Within the scope of the study, the importance of integrated disaster management approach in ensuring security is supported. As the method of the study; thanks to literature search the main concepts have been explained and lastly, after the determination of the current situation, new proposals in addition to completed projects have been asserted. Keywords: Security, Disaster, Integrated Disaster Management International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 50 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey DRIVING SAFETY IN QATAR* Samia Al-Suwaidi Maha Al-Khori Rawdah Al-Hajri Nouf Al-Mohannadi Fatma Kayan Fadlelmula Qatar University, QATAR Abstract This study was performed for developing knowledge in driving safety issue in Qatar, examining causes and effects of accidents, and proposing solutions for increasing the quality of life in the community. Data were collected during the spring semester of 20162017 academic year, from 210 respondents mostly female (78.6%), Qatari (58%), and aged between 18 to 28 (72.9%). Participants completed an online survey, responding on a fivepoint Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used for data analysis. In particular, participants thought that the Qatari government is raising awareness on driving safety (85%) and the awareness that government raises on driving safety does have an effect on decreasing traffic accidents (71%). Yet, still traffic injuries are one of the leading cause of death in Qatar, especially for the young people aged between 15 to 29. In this aspect, most of the participants stated not wearing seat belt, driving with high speed, and using mobile phones as the main causes of traffic accidents in Qatar (84%). As a solution, most of the participants agreed that more attention should be given to driving training courses before receiving driving license (90%), and suggested higher fines to be issued to those who break driving safety rules (73%). * This paper was not presented by author(s) International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 51 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE NUMBER SYSTEMS OF ANCIENT GREEKS Rukiye Arık Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography, Ancient Languages and Cultures Department, Ankara, TURKEY, ozturkr@ankara.edu.tr, Abstract The primitive ideas about number, magnitude and form, nearly date back to the beginning of humankind. Number concept has a long and gradual process. In the prehistoric ages, people count only to two, for more than two, they said “very”. After they had comprehended enough numbers, they most likely put into practice them via to counting something and sign language. With fingers of one hand, the objects till five were shown, with two hands till ten and at last with toes it was possible to count till twenty. And so pentad, decimal and vigesimal number systems came into existence. In situations, which fingers were inadequate, some stones were matched with things and were used to say some numbers. When this method was inadequate about storing information, counting was possible to notch to bones or small woods. In this study, we will examine the beginning and process of number systems of Ancient Greeks. In addition, the effect of it to today’s number systems will be emphasized. Keywords: history of numbers, number systems, ancient Greek, International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 52 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE STABILITY OF THE OF BETA AND THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PORTFOLIO INSURANCE STARTEGIES: EVIDENCE FROM TURKEY Hakan Er Prof. Dr., Akdeniz University, Antalya, TURKEY Abstract With the portfolio insurance (PI) strategies, downside protection is achieved by creating a European put option synthetically. This strategy involves the frequent shifting of risky asset to Treasury bills, and vice versa as the market value of the risky asset fluctuates. However, this frequent shifting results in high transaction costs. It is possible to create a synthetic put by substituting the futures for cash securities. As the trading costs of the futures market are significantly lower than its spot counterparts, the use of stock index futures for portfolio insurance has become popular since their introduction in the 1980s. When the portfolio to be insured does not mirror the index underlying the stock index futures that will be used for PI, it is necessary to calculate the portfolio’s beta to create the options synthetically. The return interval and estimation period chosen for the calculation of returns have important effects on the betas. Moreover, beta estimates are not invariant to length of the estimation period. This study analyses the effect of the return interval and the estimation period used for the calculation of betas on the performance of the futures-based portfolio insurance methods. The data span the period from January 2, 2007 to June 30, 2016. An equally weighted spot portfolio is constructed from 15 Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) stocks (all of which were continuously traded on the market during the sample period). Betas for this portfolio are estimated using daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly returns and five estimation periods ranging from one year to five years. The results of the study indicate that that employing daily returns for the estimation of beta results in the highest PI performance. However, the results on estimation period are not quite conclusive. Keywords: Portfolio Insurance (CPPI), Emerging Markets, Beta Stability International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 53 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey UNITY IN DIVERSITY: THE CASE OF FCC Cusrow J. Dubash Prof. Dr., Forman Christian College, PAKISTAN Abstract It’s very rare that higher educational institutions in the Third World or regions plagued with ethnic, social, cultural and religious violence and disharmony, work on the motto ‘By love serve one another’ by bringing together communities of diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds while dispersing effective and quality education. The case study in this paper deals with Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), in Lahore, Pakistan, which is one of the few remaining missionary institutes in the country that has not only survived the decades of ideological polarization but has also become a symbol of religious and cultural diversity. FC College is a ‘melting pot’ of diverse cultural, communal and ideological identities, for students from central and far off regions of the country join the institution every year. With majority of the country’s colleges and universities working on different, class, cultural, ethnic and religious maxims, FC College has symbolized national unity by dissolving distinct ethnic and ideological identities and tensions into a single civic mass. The paper aims to shed light on the question of “how FC college’s status of being a missionary college, brought unique challenge for the institution during the period between 1973 to 2002 and how the institute was able to regain its enduring legacy of national unity?” Moreover, the study aims to give a broad general view of how FC College has sought to achieve all this by using examples of two or more racial or ethnic student groups which are known for their bitter campus disputes. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 54 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CDS PREMIUMS AND CAPITAL MARKETS: A APPLICATION ON İSTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE Müge Sağlam Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Karaman, TURKEY Abstract After 2008 Global Crisis, the opinion that credit notes given by rating agencies did not reflect to true rule over markets. Nowadays, the notes given by rating agencies are still controversial. For this reason, most market participants take into account CDS premiums. Generally, it can be said that increasing CDS premiums of a country rise risk and cost of borrowing. Shortly CDSs have turned into tool to monitor the risk in the markets. In this study, it is aimed to determine the short and long-term relationship of CDS premiums of Turkey with BIST 100 index. In the study, 01/2012-12/2016 period daily data included in the analysis. The short-term relationship was measured by the Granger causality test and the long-term relationship was measured by the Johansen Cointegration test. As a result of the study, no brief cyclical causality relationship was found between the CDS premiums and the BIS 100 index. In the long term, it is determined that there is a relation between CDS premiums and BİST 100 index. Keywords: Credit Default Swaps, BIST100, Granger Causality International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 55 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey ADVERB FORMATION PROCESS IN ALBANIAN AND BODO LANGUAGES: A COMPARATIVE STUDY Ruhan Güçlü Hacettepe University, Ankara, TURKEY, gucluruhan@gmail.com Abstract This study examines the Albanian and Bodo languages in regard to the morphological processes in adverb formation and the aim is to reveal the similarities and differences between these languages in regard to the type of the word before formation such as a) noun, b) adjective, c)pronoun, d)number, e)verb, f)adverb and the type of morphological processes in the formation such as a)prefixation, b)suffixation, c)compounding, d)reduplication. To achieve this, the contrastive analysis (CA) is applied which is composed of three steps as (1) description; (2) juxtaposition; (3) comparison (Krzeszowski 1990: 35). This contrastive study shows that these languages share lesser degree of similarities and more of differences in regard to both the type of the word in the pre-formation form and the type of the morphological process in the adverb formation process. In regard to the type of the word in the pre-formation as an adverb, it is found that Albanian and Bodo languages have both common points and differences in terms of the noun and adjective category, however they totally differ from each other in terms of numeral, pronoun and verb categories. As for the morphological processes realized in the adverb formation in Albanian and Bodo languages, both languages have prefixation, suffixation and compounding processes. However, Albanian language has also reduplication in the adverb formation while Bodo has not. As CA provides better understanding of linguistic difference between two languages, this study may be applied to the field of translation and might help the learners of Albanian and Bodo languages. Keywords: contrastive study, morphological process, Albanian language, Bodo language, adverb formation International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 56 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS IDEAS ON THE CONCEPTS OF LIGHT AND SOUND UNIT Oktay Bektaş Assoc. Prof. Dr., Erciyes University, Kayseri, TURKEY, obektas@erciyes.edu.tr Ebru Erdoğan MEB, Melikgazi, Kayseri, TURKEY Abstract Concepts enable us to understand science effectively. Since the concepts are meaningful connections between knowledge and perception, truthful concepts enable students to achieve meaningful learning efficiently. On the other hand, students can have some misconceptions on science concepts if they do not transfer of knowledge to new situations. Misconception is defined as significant deficiencies between someone’s understanding of a concept and perception of that concept. Therefore, misconceptions can affect learning of students negatively. There are several methods to determine the students’ misconceptions. One of these methods is the interviews. Therefore, phenomenology research design was used in this study as a qualitative research method. Participants were six sixth grade students. These students were selected using purposive sampling. Data was collected via semi-structured interviews. For this aim, interview forms were formed to use during the interview. Data analysis was executed using the content analysis. There theme and some codes were created during the data analysis. Based on the results, students had some misconceptions on the unit. For instance, in the light theme, four participants (Emine, Enes, Zeynep, and Ahmet) were thought that we can see white objects in the darkness. In the light and sound theme, one participant (Zeynep) emphasized that sound and light spread at the same speed. Se explained her idea as “When we see the flash of lightning, the sound and the image of event occurs at the same time”. Finally, in the sound theme, one participant (Kerim) said that sound is best spread in liquid. As a conclusion, many researchers in the literature found that students have some misconceptions in this topic. Thus, science teachers should pay attention to their teaching in this topic in order to misconceptions. Keywords: Science Education, Phenomenology, Qualitative Research International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 57 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey FORMATIVE FEEDBACK AND EVALUATION IN AN INTERACTIVE CLASSROOM: USING MOBILE TECHNOLOGY Özkan Yılmaz Asst. Prof. Dr., Erzincan University, Erzincan, TURKEY, ozkanyilmaz@erzincan.edu.tr Abstract According to the constructivist learning approach, a person is actively involved in learning and constructs his/her own knowledge. It is necessary for the student, who will construct his/her own knowledge, to communicate effectively with peers and teacher in the classroom environment and to receive guidance from the teacher. This guidance has a positive effect on the learner's structuring his / her knowledge when the teacher is done in time for student needs. Teachers often ask various questions to the class to provide this guidance. The teacher provides feedback to the students depending on the answers to these questions. The most important factor for asking questions is to check the learning level of the students. In this way teacher makes an assessment of the course during or at the end of the lesson. For a teacher, it is a time-consuming process giving feedbacks to all of students in classroom, especially wide-classroom. In this context, it is very important to provide versatile communication within the classroom and timely feedback for each of student. The purpose of this study is to investigate the usability of mobile technology for making an in-class formative feedback and evaluation system. For this purpose, the designed system was used by students at the university level. The system was used by freshmen students who have enrolled Physics I course in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The students' opinions about the system were gathered with focus group interview form. It includes open-ended questions to determine the extent to which the system is effective, its weakness, its impact on success and motivation, feelings and suggestions. In this study using qualitative research approach, students' opinions were transcribed to text, and content analysis was used to describe the themes. As a result of the findings, it was found that the system was effective on students' active in participation, repetition, comparison, and contributing to the success. But, it’s not effective on student motivation. In addition, feedback based on in-class discussions and evaluations are important for the more effective use of the system; the course teacher has a special place in the designing of this environment. Keywords: Interactive class, science instruction, formative assessment, feedback, mobile technology International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 58 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE CONCEPT OF FRIENDSHIP IN HOMER Ayşe Yakut Ankara University, Ankara, TURKEY, asonmez@ankara.edu.tr Abstract Human, as a social being, need other people and interact with others in order to sustain life from ancient times to today. This situation has created some social concepts in literature. One of the most basic of these concepts is friendship. The earliest examples of the friendship in the ancient Greek world, are presented by Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey. The concept of friendship has altered in the centuries after Homer, but in Homer’s world, it appears as a relationship in which the feelings such as personal affection and love between individuals are not necessary. Homeric friendship, is based on the need for other individuals to survive and protect the household. Therefore the primary factor that creates friendship in this society is the need, but the factor that sustains the relationship is the loyalty. Philos is the term means “friend” in Ancient Greek. And besides, the terms hetairos in the sense of “friend, comrade” and ksenos in the sense of “guest, guestfriend” are used by Homer. In this paper, following the terms above mentioned, the notion of friendship in Homeric society will be described. Keywords: Homer, friendship, philos, hetairos, ksenos International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 59 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey COMPARISON OF SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS WITH STEM CAREER INTERESTS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS Fulya Zorlu Department of Primary Science Education, Faculty of Ereğli Education, Bülent Ecevit University, Zonguldak, TURKEY Yusuf Zorlu Corresponding Author, Department of Primary Science Education, Faculty of Kazım Karabekir Education, Atatürk University, Erzurum, TURKEY, yusuf.zorlu@atauni.edu.tr Abstract This study was aimed to examining the relation between the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineer and Mathematics) career interests and science process skills of middle school seventh grade students. The relational survey design among the quantitative research methods was used in this study. The study was conducted on the basis of voluntariness and participants were 133 seventh grade students (69 females and 64 males) who study in middle schools under the Ministry of Education. This study was used to data instruments STEM-CIS and SPST. SPSS package program was used to analyses the data obtained from research. When we consider STEM career interests, it was determined that career interest of students in the fields of Science and Mathematics were higher than their career interests in Technology and Engineer. When averages were considered, career interest in Engineer was lower than career interests in other fields. In accordance with findings obtained via STEM-CIS and SPST scales, it is determined that there are low or medium-level relations between STEM career interest and science process skills. It is observed that there are medium-level relations between career interest of Science, Technology and Mathematics and science process skills. The relation between career interest of Engineer and science process skills is rather low. Keywords: STEM, science process skill, middle school International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 60 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey GLOBALISATION AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN Ammar Husnain Khan Forman Christian College, PAKISTAN Abstract Higher education in Pakistan is in process of restructuring as an influence of neoliberal process which is at the present time in practice. The changes are also shaping notions regarding the role of universities and policy structure fundamental in the higher education. The paper will review policy reforms which lay emphasis on self-financing and privatisation by increasing fee structures in universities along with the issues of quality and quantity in university education. This method of high fee structures has serious political and social concerns and harms the concept of higher education as a public good. The educational policies linking to Pakistani higher education system will be outlined that are in result of the changes in the knowledge economy and the globalisation of higher education. The rationale of this paper is to analyze and evaluate more or less the changes that have occurred during last five decades in the higher education system in Pakistan. For competing in the global knowledge economy, the existing fiscal, curricular and institutional reforms are intended at modifying the functions and structure of universities in the national economy. These policies will be analyzed to emphasize for a stance on public financing that is clear in the reformation of higher education in Pakistan. Keywords: Globalisation, Internationalisation, higher education, education policy, privatisation, knowledge economy International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 61 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey ACTORS AND SPECTATORS: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SYMPATHY IN ADAM SMITH’S MORAL SYSTEM Işıl Çeşmeli Ankara, TURKEY, aksoyisil@gmail.com Abstract Francis Hutcheson who is one of the major moral philosophers of the Scottish Enlightenment gives the general framework of his moral theory in his earlier treatise, An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue. He objects rationalist and egoistic theories of morals by offering a theory of moral sense. Moral sense is defined by him as a separate faculty in mind that renders possible for us to perceive virtue and vice. It also comprises a basis for our moral judgements. He also considers benevolence as the main characteristic of our moral judgments. Morally good actions, says Hutcheson, originate from motivations of benevolence and our moral sense leads to moral approbation. After Hutcheson, in A Treatise of Human Nature, David Hume offers a moral theory based on sentiments. However, he does not accept a separate faculty like moral sense; rather, he forms his theory on sympathy. He defines sympathy as a fellow-feeling but it is more than a feeling or sentiment for him. It is a mechanism that enables us to receive sentiments of others which are then transformed into corresponding sentiments in us. For Hume, relations of resemblance, contiguity, cause and effect facilitate sympathetic reflection. Adam Smith associates his moral theory with feelings or sentiments like Hutcheson and Hume in The Theory of Moral Sentiments and says that our moral decisions and judgments do not arise from rational calculation. He devotes his entire opus to form a detailed and systematic account of sympathy. From the very beginning of The Theory of Moral Sentiments he rejects the theory of self-love and portrays our moral experience by using sympathy as a base for our moral judgments. Even if Smith’s moral theory basically originates from sentiments, when examined in detail, it differs from both Hutcheson’s and Hume’s doctrines of morals with some certain respects. Smith offers more systematic and comprehensive theory than Hutcheson and Hume. He comes up with situation-oriented sympathy which clearly distinguishes his theory of sympathy from that of Hume. Smith’s theory is not restricted to give an account concerning our moral judgments for others. He shows that we do not only have natural disposition to judge others International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 62 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey but we also judge ourselves. It means that we split ourselves into two: We at times become actors who are in need of moral approval and sometimes we become spectators who judge moral acts of others and ourselves. Smith also propounds an impartial spectator process by which we can assess our behaviours from an objective perspective. In this paper, I will first give a general overview of Smith’s theory of morals and an outline of sympathy by focusing on main components of sympathetic procedure like mutual sympathy, actor-spectator relationship, imagination, the impartial spectator and the role of society in forming our moral judgments. Then, I will discuss in what aspects Smith’s theory of sympathetic identification can be assumed as more systematic and comprehensive than those of Hutcheson and Hume. Keywords: Adam Smith, Sympathy, Actor, Spectator, The impartial spectator. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 63 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey SCHMITT FOR AND AGAINST HOBBES: HOBBES’S SOVEREIGNTY AND SCHMITT’S REBUTTAL Özlem Ünlü Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY, ozlmunlu@gmail.com Abstract Carl Schmitt has never taken any liberal intellectual figures seriously except for Thomas Hobbes whom he first viewed as a distinctive natural law theorist in his 1921 Dictatorship, then in his 1922 Political Theology as a political decisionist, then in his 1932 The Concept of The Political as a political realist, and later on in his 1938 The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes as the embodiment figure of joint theory of liberalism and legal positivism. The main motive which drives Schmitt to engage in Hobbes’s legal philosophy is that the Hobbesian sovereignty is absolute. It is absolute in two interrelated senses; firstly, the Hobbesian sovereign is absolute in the sense that it is by no means hold legally accountable to its subjects as it is no party to the covenant, and secondly, in the sense that any sort of division of power poses both immediate and long-term danger to the unity of political order and eventually, as well as inevitably, brings distinct locus of powers into a bitter conflict with each other. For Schmitt, however, Hobbes undermines his conception of the absolute sovereign power by allowing a fundamental distinction between inner and outer to inhabit in the Leviathan. Hobbes is doing that, for Schmitt, either by making a distinction between the private belief and the public confession, or by building the sovereignty on the individual concern of self-preservation in the state of nature, while, at the same time, granting the right to self-preservation (in the form of the right to resistance) to the subjects in the state. For Schmitt, both are Hobbes’s logical inconsistencies, as typical of liberal mind, which allows the state of nature to inhabit within the sovereignty in the form of the private world of individual and the discretion of the subjects. Indeed, in accepting the dangerous gulf between the private and the public and introducing individual’s decision on his/her own existence into the political order, Hobbes cripples, for Schmitt, the very pillar upon which the Leviathan rests; the give-and-take relation between protection and obedience which would restore the Leviathan to peace and prosperity. The Hobbesian idea of the bilateral relation between protection and obedience bears so special meaning for Schmitt that he presents himself to revive his own International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 64 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey theory of the political in accordance with it. To advance his brief against the liberal wing, Schmitt keeps the Hobbesian reciprocity of protection-obedience, but recasts it into a new formulation in which all liberal individualistic elements are to be eliminated in favour of a sovereign decision on the exception. I argue that in Hobbes’s legal philosophy, we can find both the conceptual roots of Schmitt’s theory of sovereignty and the source of his antagonism towards liberal legalism. Keywords: Hobbes, Schmitt, Sovereignty, Liberalism. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 65 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHT WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN RIGHTS: TO WHAT EXTENT ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHT SERVE TO ENVIRONMENT? Selma Aydın Bayram Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy, Ankara, TURKEY, aselma@metu.edu.tr Abstract In this study, I will discuss the term ‘environmental right’, which is essentially a legal concept, within the philosophical context. Can ‘environmental right’, traditionally considered within the context of human rights, be a solution to the environmental problems, and if it can, to what extent it can be a genuine solution? The consideration of environmental right within the context of human rights is important to reveal the universality of the environmental issues as well as the humanitarian issues. Human rights are based on the basic argument that every human being on earth deserves a decent, respectable and good life with dignity. It cannot be denied that living in a healthy and decent environment will have an effect on healthy and decent life, as well. On the other hand, the concept of ‘environmental right’ that is considered in the scope of human rights, will indirectly serve to the environment, most probably. That is, the healthy, decent environment in terms of just the interests and the needs of the human beings may not match with the healthy, decent environment where the interests of each member of the environment are considered. In other words, what a healthy and decent environment should be will differ in terms of anthropocentric (human-centered) and ecocentric approaches. For example, while rearrangement of a lake area for recreational purposes may be a healthy and good environment for people, who will stroll around there, it may not be healthy and good for other living beings already living there. In this study, I will try to present why the environmental right cannot be a genuine and long lasting solution to the environmental issues as long as it is evaluated/considered within the scope of human rights. Keywords: Environment, environmental right, human rights, anthropocentrism International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 66 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE INFLUENCE OF CASTE SYSTEM IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA Esra Büyükbahçeci Ankara University, Ankara, TURKEY Abstract The caste was one of the most important factors influencing the society in social and religious terms, which is not known exactly when it originated under the Indian subcontinent. This system, which is classified as Brahmans (priestly people), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (merchants) and Shudras (laboring classes), is divided into four main groups. Apart from these four castes, there are Paryas (untouchables). This system of racial and religious distinction emerges as the skeleton of Indian society. It has been forbidden to marry another caste as forbidden to cross between castes. Still, this stratification plays an important role in education and training. However, with the legislation enacted in 1950, a remedy against these rigid rules was developed. The fees that students pay for the university vary according to the intentions they belong to. They must also show that their caste identities. Because the lower caste person - considering the financial situation - takes into account the lesser fees of the caste of the upper class Brahman class pay more fees. This is a system of remediation intended to raise the level of education of those who intentionally down. However, in today's conditions, the reservation-positive discrimination-name system continues to cause various debates. In this study, we will examine how socialization effects how to make a reservation, and we will try to show how well the system is being processed. Keywords: Caste System, Reservation, Indian Society, Social Structure International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 67 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey DOMESTIC WORKERS IN QATAR* Nojoud Aldahri Hessa Alsaqatri Reem AlHadad Ramah Almalouf Fatma Kayan Fadlelmula Qatar University, QATAR Abstract This study examines domestic worker issue in Qatar, and aims to increase awareness on the negative aspects of non-parental childcare on children’s growth. Data were collected during the spring semester of 2016-2017 academic year, from 100 respondents mostly female (80%), Qatari (74%), and aged between 17 to 20 (59%). Participants completed an online survey, responding on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Quantitative techniques were used for data analysis. Briefly, the results revealed that most of the participants (67%) had between 1 to 3 house cleaners, 6% had between 4 to 6 house cleaners, and 2% had more than 6 house cleaners in their house. In particular, almost half of the participants (43%) reported that housemaids are important to have in their lives, though 31% did not find them trustworthy. Only 18% of the participants agreed that domestic workers are being treated decently in Qatar, and simply 24% agreed that people give housemaids all their basic rights in Qatar. On the other hand, majority reported that housemaids can have a cell phone (85%) and should have at least one day off each month. Furthermore, 67% of the participants believed that people are giving full responsibility of their house and chores to their housemaids, especially the responsibility of taking care of children (53%). Finally, participants agreed that housemaids are spending more time with children than their parents do (70%), and children are losing touch with their mother language due to the heavy exposure to the housemaids (59%). * This paper was not presented by author(s) International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 68 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE TURKISH AND PERSIAN MANUSCRIPTS SURVIVED THE “ESKI SARAY” FIRE Ayşe Gül Fidan Ankara University, Ankara, TURKEY Abstract A document from the Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives includes the information on the surviving Turkish and Persian manuscripts from the fire of the “Eski Saray,” the palace originally constructed under the order of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmet the Second, the Conqueror. The document possesses the first hand surviving bibliographical data on the imperial library of the palace. At the same time, it also sheds light to the information about the books read in the palace. The manuscripts which could not survive the fire will also be examined by researching the document. This paper aims to examine the archival document regarding the Turkish and Persian manuscripts of “Eski Saray” collection. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 69 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey PSYCHOLOGICAL ANTECEDANTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA USE Tuğba Koçak Özel Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Ankara, TURKEY, tkocak@ybu.edu.tr Abstract One of the widely used technology in the contemporary world is known as internet. Recent studies have focus on the effects of using internet owing to the fact that using internet, especially for social networking sites, affects substantial part of human life. Thus, identifying psychological antecedants of social media use becomes important. In this context, it is underlined that there are some psychological variables which can be thought as the predictors of social media use. In other words, personality characteristics, shyness, narcissism, self-esteem, and loneliness are most frequently used psychological variables in the literature. In this paper, the studies which have covered the relationship between these psychological factors and social media use will be reviewed. It can be concluded from the studies that there is a complex relationship between these psychological variables and social media use which cause researchers to construct advance theoretical model for understanding the nature of using social media. In this study, the findings of the researches are discussed in the light of the related literature and suggestions for future research were offered. Keywords: Personality Characteristics, Narcissism, Self-esteem, Loneliness, Social Media Use International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 70 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN BULGARIA Venelin Terziev University of Rousse, Rousse, Bulgaria, National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria University of Telecommunications and Post, Sofia, Bulgaria Russian Academy of Natural History, Moscow, Russia Corresponding author: Bulgaria, Rousse 7000, 6, Otetz Paisii Str., E-mail: terziev@skmat.com Veselin Madanski National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria Dimitar Kanev Naval Academy, Varna, Bulgaria Abstract The promotion of innovative ideas in public policy is crucial to support the values of an active-oriented problem solving social system. These views underlie the ongoing social reforms in various countries and focus on the development of social entrepreneurship and the role of social entrepreneurs. An understanding is underlined that namely social entrepreneurs have the capability through localization of usable resources - human capital, buildings and equipment, to find flexible approaches to satisfy unmet social needs. The study presented in the article provides important implications on the state of the social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria and ways of its encouragement putting a special accent on the needed support and building capacity. Keywords: Social Economy, Social Enterprise, Social Entrepreneurship International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 71 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey CRITICAL PEDAGOGY IN THE EYES OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNERS Abdullah Coşkun Asst. Prof. Dr., Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, TURKEY, coskun_a@ibu.edu.tr Abstract Although English teachers' opinions about critical pedagogy have been largely studied, students' attitudes towards critical pedagogy have been neglected in the literature. Moreover, even though critical pedagogy has been a topic of investigation in many English as a foreign language (EFL) contexts, such studies pertaining to students' perceptions about critical pedagogy have not been encountered in the EFL context of Turkey. Therefore, this paper has the main objective to reveal Turkish EFL students' attitudes towards critical pedagogy. The study also deals with the question as to whether their attitudes differ depending on variables such as gender and grade. To this end, a 5-point Likert-type scale was developed for students in line with the relevant literature. The scale including 16 items covers three sub-dimensions of critical pedagogy which challenge the mainstream pedagogy in English language teaching. These sub-dimensions and some of the related items are as follows: utilizing students' own culture in the EFL classroom (e.g., Cultural content in English course materials should be relevant to our own culture), using students' mother tongue as a resource in the classroom (e.g., Turkish can be used by the teacher in English classes to maintain discipline) and incorporating content related to real-life concerns into the lessons (e.g., In English course materials, there should be content about disadvantaged groups in society, such as the amputees, disabled and refugees). The scale was completed by 426 adolescent EFL learners enrolled in different grades at four different high schools in Bolu, Turkey. The data were analyzed using SPSS 23, and it was found that there is no significant difference in terms of student attitudes depending on the variables of gender and grade. It was also uncovered that students do not have highly favourable attitudes towards critical pedagogy. Therefore, it can be recommended that awareness-raising activities aiming to promote positive attitudes towards critical pedagogy should be integrated into the EFL curriculum in the context of this study. The results and the implications of the study are discussed in the light of the relevant literature. Keywords: Critical Pedagogy, English as a Foreign Language, Learners' Attitudes International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 72 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE OPINIONS OF STUDENTS ABOUT THE USE OF COMMON KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION MODEL IN SCIENCE COURSE Belkız Caymaz Kastamonu Üniversity, Institute of Science and Technology, PhD Student, Kastamonu, TURKEY, caymazbelkiz@gmail.com Abdullah Aydın Prof. Dr., Kastamonu Üniversity, Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Kastamonu, TURKEY aaydin@kastamonu.edu.tr Abstract Common Knowledge Construction Model (CKCM) is a model used for students to construct the knowledge and actualize the conceptual change. This model which is both based on constructivist approach and a learning and teaching model consists of four steps. These are “Exploring and Categorizing”, “Constructing and Negotiating”, “Translating and Extending”, “Reflecting and Assessing”. CKCM is thought to be an appropriate model for science courses in terms of covering different methods and techniques and bringing phenomenography, cenceptual change, socio-scientific subjects and the nature of science to the foreground. The aim of this study, is to determine the students’ opinions about using CKCM in science courses. With this aim in mind, 7th Grade Science Course the Electricity Unit has been covered in accurdance with CKCM at a secondary school in the center of Kastamonu. At the end of this process, 12 students chosen on a voluntary basis have been interviewed to identify their opinions about the model. Semi-structured interview form has been used and the analysis of collected data has been made using descriptive analysis. At the end of the research, students have stated that they are already interested in science courses and during the process, their interests have increased substantially. They have also stated that using different methods and techniques instead of classical methods have facilitated their learning and they have easily realized their insufficient and incomplete learning, and also they have really enjoyed the experiments. All of the interviewed students have said that they have found group works really helpful in terms of exchanging ideas, but they have had difficulty when everyone in the group haven’t actively participated. Students have also added that they have found the prepared activities which are intended for the nature of science really enjoyable. Keywords: Common Knowledge Construction Model, Science Course, Electricity Unit International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 73 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE OPINIONS OF SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS REGARDING SCIENTIFIC PROCESS SKILLS Nagehan Demir MEB, Kayseri, TURKEY Oktay Bektaş Assoc. Prof. Dr., Erciyes University, Kayseri, TURKEY, obektas@erciyes.edu.tr Abstract One of the stages of being able to raise science literate individuals is that individuals' scientific process skills are at the top level. In this study, the thoughts of 7th grade students in middle school on what level scientific process skills were researched. In the research, phenomenology was used as a qualitative research method. Participants in the study were selected through typical case sampling and the study was conducted with 50 7th grade students who attended a secondary school in Kayseri province. A document analysis consisting of open ended questions was used as a data collection tool. This data collection tool was prepared by researchers using literature review and consisted of seven open-ended questions. The document was applied to the participants for an hour to write their thoughts about the scientific process skills. Content analysis was used in the analysis of the data. Thus, code, category and theme are reached and the data was presented. As a result of the analysis of the data, it was seen that participants in the themes of “defining scientific process skill”, “interpreting experiments”, “hypothesis building” and “scientific process skill steps” had very low skill. The findings are discussed in terms of similarities and differences with the literature. In addition, suggestions were performed in the light of the obtained findings. Keywords: Science Education, Phenomenology, Qualitative Research International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 74 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ OPINIONS ABOUT “SCIENCE LEARNING” STRATEGIES Melike Sarıkaya MEB, Kayseri, TURKEY Oktay Bektaş Assoc. Prof. Dr., Erciyes University, Kayseri, TURKEY, obektas@erciyes.edu.tr Abstract Learning science concepts for students has always been a challenging process. For this reason, learning what strategies they have in this process will make their science learning more effective. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the views of secondary school students about learning strategies related to science subjects. The study was carried out using the phenomenology design, which is a pattern of qualitative research method. Participants were selected according to the maximum diversity sampling from the purposeful sampling. Thus, students were selected from different class levels, at different ages, and as four female and four male participants. In other words, the study group of the study consisted of eight middle school students studying in the fall semester of the 2016-2017 academic years. Semi-structured interview was used as data collection tool in the research. After the literature review, a semi-structured interview form consisting of 12 questions was prepared by taking expert opinion. Descriptive analysis was used in the analysis of the data. Findings were presented using a theme (learning strategy) and eight categories (for example, the learning method of the student and physical conditions of the school). Validity and reliability studies were carried out. According to the findings of the research; all participants stated that there were specific learning strategies when learning science concepts. For example, all participants indicated that they are trying to learn the science by choosing the way to “repeat”. As a result, participants’ learning strategies were found to be inadequate in learning the science. The results of the study were discussed in terms of similarities and differences in the literature. Suggestions were performed in the light of findings obtained. Keywords: Learning Strategy, Science Education, Phenomenology, Qualitative Research International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 75 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE OPINIONS OF STUDENTS WHO IS STUDYING IN DIFFERENT UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS ABOUT THE NATURE OF SCIENCE (THE SAMPLING OF BARTIN UNIVERSITY) Cemal Tosun Assoc. Prof. Dr., Bartın University, Bartın, TURKEY, ctosun@bartin.edu.tr Sakine Öztürk Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Secondary School, Bartın, TURKEY, sakineberrak74@gmail.com Abstract The purpose of the research is to determine whether there is a difference between the opinions of the students studying in different undergraduate programs about the nature of science. This study was conducted according to comparative research design which is a non-empirical research design among quantitative research methods. The research sample consisted a total of 268 undergraduate students who studied department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and department of Science Teacher Education in a state university in northwest Turkey. Data were collected through a Nature of Science Scale developed by Tatar et al. (in the publication phase). The scale consists of seven dimensions and a total of 38 items. Independents sample t-test was used for the data analysis. As a result, there is a statistically significant difference between the theory/law, creativity/imagination and cultural and social factors on a departmental basis. While this distinction is favoured by the students of the department of molecular biology and genetics in the theory/law sub-dimension, science teacher candidates are favoured in creativity/imagination and cultural and social factors subscale. Keywords: Molecular biology and genetics, nature of science, science teacher candidates. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 76 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE STYLISTIC PROPERTIES OF MAX LÜTHI IN ADAPTATIONS Derya Perk Ankara University, Ankara, TURKEY Abstract It is known that showing regional differences in fairy tales, product of oral tradition and inscribed at a later time, include supernatural powers and end generally with a reward for the good and punishment for the bad. According to the literary scholar and fairy tale interpreter Max Lüthi, although fairy tales were influenced by national, temporal and individual characteristics of the societies they emerged, they have also common points. This similarity gives the opportunity to distinguish the European Fairy Tale classification. For Lüthi, in this classification, style is particularly important and he identifies it under headings. These are “One-Dimensionality” which represents that there is no distinction in a fairy tale between this world and the other world; "Depthlessness" which emphasizes that fairy tale characters are bodiless and there is no environmental depth; "Abstract Style" which emphasizes features like rapid progression of the event pattern and the chosen language and numbers; "Isolation and Universal Interconnection" which describes the secret connections of events that don't look like bounded and "Sublimation and All-Inclusiveness" which are real motifs, are reflected in the fairytales. These findings, which are of great importance in studies in Europe, will be examined in this work on Turkish-made films inspired by the "Aschenputtel", a tale compiled by the Grimm Brothers. The films "Külkedisi Sinderella" and "Sinderella Saraylar Meleği " will be shown as examples. These productions will be examined in the context of the characteristics of Lüthi without much reference to the scenario and technical details, considering the partial change under the influence of cultural differences. The relevance of the adaptations in literary art will be demonstrated by determining how well the adaptations are maintained in the original text; as a criteria and method of examination in adaptations that are also literary products. Keywords: Max Lüthi, European Fairy Tales, Grimm Brothers, Cinderella, Adaptation, International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 77 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey DIELECTRIC THIN FILM FORM FUTURE ELECTRON DEVICES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Abul Kashem Sheikh Nizam Gazi Md.Rubel Hossain Mohodul Islam Kathak Academy, UNCSOs, BANGLADESH Abstract Dielectric Thin film is a kind of film which is especially for future electron devices, Under the base of Science and Technology a dielectric thin film makes a great change amongst the electron devices. For instance, any kind of micro change will be appropriate as well as suitable for sustainable in micro-electron devices. Today micro electron stands for the modern change also. All the Electron are related to the planet earth conphasizes on super kind of changes. Therefore, the people of Bangladesh also trying to reach the goal. This will work as a guiding manual for them and the basis of more advance research in the filed of electron devices. So it has to face the Challenges and find ways in the field of electron field to make all the oppose and thus go ahead the way to the sustainable dielectric thin film development. Introduction : Dielectric thin film takes place at the eve of modern age. It makes the world fit for the lovely existence. In Course of time human beings dominate other creatures by virtue of their intelligence. They were fit to subjugate other creatures and powers. To tackle all opposes and use lively the electron devices we have to think to minimize risks related to (Dielectric Thin Film) Electric devices. If we don’t take necessary steps right now another’s will go out of our hands and will be unable to reach the garget of reaching goal in the midst of micro electron devices. We have to adopt echo friendly policies as well as micro electron devices and apply technologies like that too. Objectives : The main objective of the review of the electron devices in to shad light on the important aspect of the dielectric thin film and way to deal properly with them. We have to find out the detrimental effects the electron devices. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 78 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey We have to find out what kind of adaptive measures Bangladesh could take in the future. In the initial stage we have found that due to electron devices we are becoming reorder day by day keeping pace with the rear by courtiers. Secondly this workshop aims at proposing the measures and policies to be taken by various authorities to overcome the all problems of micro electron devices. Description : The 2013 International workshop on “Dielectric Thin Films for Future Electron Devices: Science and Technology” is arranged by the authority of University of Tsukuba will be held at Tokyo campus in Japan. In Bangladesh we, the people get a little bit opportunities to know to develop the share about micro or semi-micro electron devices. For this reason most of the experts in science field are not much knowledgeable especially in the filed of electron devices. In Bangladesh we get a few opportunities to drill or practice take of proper indemnification and paths. Hoping this workshop will help us to reach at our goal. Conclusion: Reforming initiatives attempted to improve legal aspects corporate government exchanging ideas our efficiency of the field of electron devices will be fruitful and effective not only that ultimate responsibilities for the overall in the sector of electronic department will bring a good command over electronic devices. On the other hand this workshop will help the sector of all electronic deportment to be more conscious as well as gift as a completive people in the filed of electronic devices department. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 79 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey KUNSKAPSSKOLAN MODEL OF EDUCATION Veli Kutay Asst. Prof. Dr., Giresun University, Giresun, TURKEY Abstract First Kunskapsskolan school was opened in Stockholm, Sweden in 2000 by Peje Emilsson. Today, there are more than 80 schools and 20.000 students using Kunskapsskolan Education Program (the KED Program) across Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands, India, the USA and the Middle East (Saudi Arabia). What is special and different about these schools is the education model which is used in these schools. Personalised education which is briefly means that every student is different in terms of his/her abilities and learning capacities so they need to be educated according to their individual needs and abilities is the education model of Kunskapsskolan schools. Personalisation is a popular term in education as much as in other areas of life. In the near future, it is thought that personalisation will increase its importance in education field. Therefore, in this study, the issues on how the notion of personalised learning should be understood, what its main components are and how it will be implemented in education will be explained. The study will also introduce Kunskapsskolan Education Program which has been successfully implemented firstly in Sweden and later in other countries under the light of the information on school websites, the research studies about it and the news in the press. Thus, a good example of personalised education in action will be showed. Keywords: Kunskapsskolan Education Program, personalised education International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 80 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL STANDARTS Neşe Yıldız Asst. Prof. Dr., Karabük University, Karabük, TURKEY Abstract This study aims to evaluate connections between international social standards and international organisations. International organisations have an important role in developing, implementing and guaranting of international social standarts such as human rights, minimum wage, working hours and conditions, occupational health and safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining, elimination of forced labour and child labour. International social standards determine minimum rules and framework of international working life. Worldwide studies on social standards were launched by establishment of ILO (International Labour Organisation) in 1919. The social standards have been multiplied after Cold War. From that time on, the ILO coupled the UN (United Nations) in 1945, Council of Europe in 1949, the EU (European Union) in 1950s, the OECD (The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) in 1961, the G20 (Group 20) in 1999. These organisations have been raising their activities on social standards remarkable. For example, UN initiated several attemps to promote social standarts globally such as Millenium Developments Goals, Global Compacts, 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Very recently G20 appeared to have a role in this process particularly through one of the Engagement Group called L20 (Labour 20). Social standards are important at national and international level for all people. Many leading international organisations in the field of social standards such as the UN, ILO, EU, Council of Europa, OECD, G20 should be studied in terms of their roles and responsibilities in formulating, developing, implementng, guaranting ad following up the standards. Therefore, this organisations will be analysed in this regard. Keywords: International organisations, social standards, international social standarts. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 81 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey ANALYSIS OF MEDIATION PRACTICES IN THE SOLUTION OF FINANCIAL DISPUTES IN TURKEY Barış Aksoy Corresponding Author, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, TURKEY baksoy@cumhuriyet.edu.tr Selahattin Koç Assoc. Prof. Dr., Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, TURKEY, skoc@cumhuriyet.edu.tr Derviş Boztosun Assoc. Prof. Dr., Erciyes University, Kayseri, TURKEY, dboztosun@erciyes.edu.tr Abstract Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a much faster and cheaper way to resolve disputes than courts. In this study, the function of the Law on Mediation of Legal Disputes No. 6325 was investigated in terms of financial law to compare the judicial judicial process statistics for the years 2006-2015 in Turkey and the mediation statistics in the data of the year 2017. In the light of the studies on the settlement of disputes between the European Union countries and Japan, an explanation is given about the high rate of conduct and low number of conflicts in the disputes arising from the transactions of the financial institutions in Turkey. It is seen that there is a significant decrease in the average duration of cases in the Asliye Commercial Court except for the year 2015, while the duration of the cases in the Legal and Consumer Courts between 2006 and 2015 showed small changes around the average. In the case of financial law, it is seen that medi-psychiatric indemnity is the most preferred choice of mediation. According to the results obtained from this study, 53% of the disagreements reached with mediation in Turkey were less than one day, 40% were in one day, 3% in one day and one week, 4% in 1 week are resolved in a long time. In 2017, mediation applications resulted in a proportion of 93% of 13093 from the final 14,139 files. The non-negotiated file name is 1046 and proportionally 7% shows how successful mediation practices are in resolving conflicts. Keywords: Finance Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation Practice Jel Classification: G28, K22, J52 International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 82 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey USING SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS FOR THESES AND DISSERTATIONS Murat Duman Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY, mduman@metu.edu.tr Gulfidan Can Asst. Prof. Dr., Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY, gcan@metu.edu.tr Abstract There is an increasing variety of social media tools that can be used by graduate students for their research. However, their use is still limited in academia. Moreover, the available literature largely focused on graduate students’ use of these tools for general purposes instead of academic purposes. Therefore, this study explored why and how graduate students use social media tools for their thesis and dissertation research and the reasons for not using them. Interviews were conducted with 17 participants (9 women, 8 men) purposefully selected from 14 different programs within three institutes. An interview protocol with fifteen open-ended questions was used after being examined for content validity and pilot testing. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. The results showed that graduate students use social media tools mostly for communication, collaboration, multimedia, and information retrieval and management for their research. They reported that these tools enable them to easily communicate and collaborate with other academicians, share and receive up-to-date information, and increase their efficiency. They were reluctant to use these tools because they may cause distractions and information overload. Moreover, they prefer not to use these tools because of privacy and safety concerns, the restrictions of the tools by the government, and the tools’ complexity of use. The participants desired to have a guideline or a seminar to be introduced to these tools that may help them with their thesis and dissertation research. Keywords: Social Media, Graduate Students, Thesis, Dissertation International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 83 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey TEACHERS’ OPINION ON USING THE SAME TEXTBOOK AT ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF SCHOOLS FOR LITERATURE EDUCATION* Zerrin Sever Gazi University, Education Sciences Institute, Ankara, TURKEY Ali Yakıcı Prof. Dr., Gazi University, Education Sciences Institute, Ankara, TURKEY Abstract In this study, we aim to both assess suitability of the official textbooks for students and obtain teachers’ opinion on using the same textbooks for Turkish Literature course. We emphasize on importance of textbooks and additionally highlight some points on preperation of textbooks so that literature education can be enhanced. To gather information for our study a questionnaire has been prepared with the help of experts. Then the questionnaire has been applied to 86 selected literature teachers working at 11 different state high-schools in Ankara. We made Crosstab analysis of usage frequency of textbooks, frequency of need for additional material and the most frequently used materials in Turkish literature courseswith the help of SPSS software tool. According to our study results, we reached to conclusion that, textbooks are not well prepared to cover all students’ needs and readiness attending different types of state schools present and they contain some verbal or visual content above students’ perception and capacity, contradicting policy of equality of oppurtunuties. Therefore, a review of textbooks is needed in order to meet school’s goals and student’s level of understanding. Our research also points that using the same textbooks for all kinds of schools present may not be a good idea so this decision might be reconsidered. According to opinions of the participants, verbal and visual content of the textbooks should be reviewed to suit for the students at specific type of school. Finally, after all discussions we present some ideas for better literature education based on the results obtained. Keywords: Literature teaching, official textbooks, school type, literature teacher, student *This study is part of Zerrin Sever’s master’s thesis under Turkish Language and Literature Education department, Gazi University. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 84 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey EXAMINING THE PROFICIENCY OF STUDENTS IN MATHEMATICS BY COGNITIVE DIAGNOSIS MODELS: TIMSS EXAMPLE Burcu Parlak MEB,, Ankara, TURKEY, enbaparlak@gmail.com Necla Turanlı Prof. Dr., Hacettepe University, Ankara, TURKEY turanlinecla@gmail.com Abstract İnternational exams provide extensive data in researchers to track student achievement trends. In this context, the studies enable the determination of the weak and strong aspects of the students as well as the access of the countries to their findings about their education systems. International Mathematics and Science TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) is a screening survey for assessing students' achievement levels on curriculum in science and mathematics at the 4th and 8th grade levels. The exam, which is held every four years, provides information on changes in student achievement levels, and in this context countries can follow their own development. Cognitive diagnostic models (CDM) provide a different and consistent way to identify weak and strong subjects and to provide functional feedback on curricula. In these models, each question has characteristics that the student has or does not have. In this study, analyzes were made by using cognitive diagnostic models according to the DINA (Deteministic Input Noisy and Gate) model. In this study, it has been tried to determine the weak and strong in mathematics of Turkish students who applied to the eighth-grade level research in 2015 by using cognitive diagnostic models. Tests applied at the eighth-grade level include four subfields: numbers, algebra, geometry, data and probability. The characteristics required for a student at the eighth-grade level to solve the items given in these areas were prepared by examining the eighth-grade mathematics curriculum and the Timss Assessment Frameworks by five field specialists. In conclusion, in the field of numbers; natural numbers, whole numbers, fractional and decimal numbers, ratio - proportions and percentages, also in the field of geometry; it has been found that there are more deficiencies in terms of line and angle, transformation geometry. It has been determined that the results in algebra and data and probability fields are relatively better. Keywords: Mathematical Success, Cognitive Diagnosis Models, DINA Model International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 85 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE ROLE OF CONSERVATIVE ISLAMIC GROUPS IN INDONESIAN POLITICS: A CASE STUDY OF JAKARTA ELECTION Nini Salwa Istiqamah Rhys Paul Thomas The University of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA Abstract The 2017 Jakarta gubernatorial election has been attracting public attention because one of the candidates – Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok – has a double minority background (Chinese Indonesian and non-Muslim). Ahok has become controversial within conservative Islam circles in Indonesia and has been compounded by an allegation of blasphemy against him in the lead-up to local elections which has resulted in mass rallies in defending Qur’an. There were other agendas of the demonstration such as to express their interests in preventing non-Islamic leaders in Indonesia and extending the application Sharia law. The origins and direction of conservative Islam will be traced back to Indonesia before its independence when there was a debate whether Indonesia should be an Islamic state. Subsequently, Pancasila (five principles) as the basis of the state presents to cover both in which Indonesia is neither an Islamic nor a secular country but encompasses various religions. Following the Indonesian Independence, there were still endeavours to make Indonesia an Islamic state.This study aims to analyse how conservative Islam is rising in Indonesia and what influence does it have in politics. Using the ahok case study and discursive analysis, this paper argues that conservative Islam is regaining influence in Indonesian politics. The structure of this paper as follows. Firstly, it will explore the role of conservative Islam groups during the preparation and after Indonesia’s independence. Secondly, it will analyse how conservative Islamic groups still have a significant role in Indonesian politics in this contemporary era. Based on current trend, conservative Islam is likely to be a significant factor in 2019 president election. However, it is likely to be counterbalanced by moderate Islamic organisations. Keywords: Indonesia, Islam, Politics, Conservative Groups, Election International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 86 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey AN EXAMINATION OF THE GOVERNMENT SPORTS BUDGET IN OLYMPIC CYCLES ACCORDING TO OLYMPIC SUCCESS AND WIDESPREADING OF SPORTS Işık Bayraktar Department of Sport Education, General Directorate of Sport, Ankara, TURKEY Emre Bağcı Sport Science Faculty, Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY Abstract This study was carried out to determine whether there is a relationship between the number of active athletes, participation in the Olympic Games (number of athletes receiving quota), Olympic medals and the budget of the General Directorate of Sports (SGM) for the years 2004 – 2016. The budget data for these years was obtained from the budget statistics of the General Directorate of Budget and Financial Control over the years. The number of active athletes is based on the database of SGM, the number of Olympic participation and the medal information is based on the data of Turkish National Olympic Committee (TMOK). When the relation between the number of athletes with active licensed athletes, medals and quota numbers was examined according to years, there was no statistically significant relationship between the budget and the medal count (rho = 0,12, p> 0.05). However, there were statistically significant positive and moderate relationships between the number of active licensed athletes and the budget (rho = 0.65, p <0.05), also between the average number of Olympic quota and the budget (rho = 0.65, p <0.05). As a result, when the last three Olympic cycles are evaluated, it can be said that the budget expenditures are related to the increase in the number of active licensed athletes and the number of Olympic quotas. In other words, the policies that SGM follows have reached its goal. This achievement has not been observed in terms of winning Olympic medals. The most important stakeholders in SGM's Olympic achievement goal are autonomous sports federations. It is obvious that SGM and sports federations must work in coordination in order to establish the budget-medal relationship in Olympic achievement. It is clear that we have to wait a little longer to see the outcome of current projects, which are conducted by SGM and sport federations, like TOHM (Olympic Preparatory Centers of Turkey) and Olympic Athletes Pools (considering the rule of 10 years or 10.000 hours of training). Keywords: sport budget, Olympic achievement, medal, participation of sport, athlete, sport federations International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 87 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE LANGUAGE, MEMORY AND VOCABULARY STUDIES Gülfidan Aytaş Sakarya University, Sakarya, TURKEY, gayvaz@sakarya.edu.tr Abstract Whether the studies about language and memory are beobachted, the parallel processing system will be came across. That two interconnected systems have components which affect each other. This situation consists of activities required focusing on the process of learning phase. Particularly, this area is examined by nöroscience-biology, cognitive psychology and psychology of learning deals with the answers to find out in order to solve problems about what the learning is, which elements are influential within learning process, how our memory in this process works and the words are learned. In this study will be studied on the examinations that are interested in learning and memory. Within this context, while the techniques related with foreign language are found out, the new methods and approaches will be tried to show up. Keywords: Learning, Cognition, Foreign Language, Vocabulary. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 88 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey WORK ETHIC IN THE SCOPE OF PUBLICITY Esra Doğan Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, TURKEY Abstract Definition of work ethic is directly related to justification of work different from the definitions of job ethic and occupation ethic. This justification is directly for the presence of working beyond the quantitative and qualitative nature of the present existence of the work. Accordingly, while the case of existence of work is based on a moral point of view, the case of absence of work is an undesirable general situation as a case of opposition to the moral one. However, if the existence of the work has naturalness beyond the necessity in terms of the labor subject, the necessity of morality or the necessity of justification in the form of morality will come to naught. On the other hand, regardless of necessity or naturalness, the work is related to the private one by the use of Hanna Arendt, which differs from that of public decision making. This categorization by Arendt, as well as the management style of the ancient Greek city states, when the literature on idea of working is examined, it appears that private has been regarded as related to the particular and special one contrary to public. Due to the working is related to private one differences may arise for the contact level with publicity. This leads to a lack of consciousness about the publicity in the sense that the collective reason underlying the public thing is not only to be able to handle conflictual situations of social quality at the point of common interest independently of the individual entities but also to prevent such contested situations from being exposed. In this context, it is aimed to emphasize that, moral dimension of working, especially in the capitalist production process, transforms the subject into an essence of labourer, and accordingly the evaluations made within the scope of ethics of work are "logical fallacies". In order to have a general idea about the effect of working on public consciousness, an analysis has been carried out by using te indicators related to working and publicity. Firstly, a formula has been preapared for 18 countries using the OECD and EUROSTAT data for 1998-2015, taking into account the working period and working intensity level. Secondly, the statistics published by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance and the Charities Aid Foundation have been used to determine the level of public consciousness of these countries. It is expected that public consciousness level will be low in countries with high level of work. Keywords: Work Ethics, Publicity, Logical Fallacies, Public Mind. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 89 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE MEANING OF WHATSAPP TEXT INTERACTIONS AND EMOJI USAGE FOR STUDENTS Nihal Kubilay Pınar Asst. Prof. Dr., Akdeniz University, Antalya, TURKEY Yunus Pınar Asst. Prof. Dr., Akdeniz University, Antalya, TURKEY Abstract This study takes an empirical perspective and aims to investigate the use of emojis in WhatsApp text interactions and examine the role of gender, impulsive reactions and preferences of students towards the use of emojis with particular focus on situational contexts and affect situations. The final sample consisted of 87 undergraduate students from Akdeniz University in Turkey, including 52 women and 35 men of Akdeniz University. In order to investigate emotional impulsive reactions of students in WhatsApp text interactions we have developed an innovative empirical research tool called "Investigation of spontaneous Messaging Activity" (AMFI). The results revealed a significant interaction between emoji usage and gender variable. The study indicates that the use rates of emojis in WhatsApp are generally higher for female students than for male students under the same stimulus conditions. Keywords: Emoji, WhatsApp, Turkish students, Taboo words International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 90 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey CYBERBULLYING, CYBER VICTIMIZATION AND PARENTING STYLES IN ADOLESCENTS Betül Aydın Asst. Prof. Dr,. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Faculty of Education, Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance, Rize, TURKEY. betul.aydin@erdogan.edu.tr Abstract Adolescents use the Internet and technology extensively for playing video games, viewing fun media content, meeting their social needs and learning. Despite most of the adolescents use technology in a healthy way, certain amount of them exert aggression, violence, maltreatment and harassment on their peers and certain amount of them are exposed to these situations while using it. Cyberbullying, defined as “An aggressive, intentional act carried out by a group or individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself” negatively affects the victims physically, emotionally, academically, developmentally and threats their well-being. Theoretical views and research findings focusing on adolescents’ unhealthy technology use give the idea that intrafamily relationships and problems may be one of the risk factors. In this study, the relation of parental acceptance/involvement and strict supervision/control to cyberbullying and cyber victimization in adolescents was examined. The difference in cyberbullying and cyber victimization in terms of gender was also investigated. A total of 349 adolescents (222 females and 127 males) between the age of 14 and 19 (SD=.82) and attending different school types participated in this study by filling out Sociodemographic Data Form, Parenting Styles Scale and The Revised Cyberbullying Inventory. Collected data were analyzed via SPSS 15.0 version. According to the results of Pearson correlation, cyberbullying was significantly and positively related to perceived paternal strict supervision/control (r=.15, p<.01). Cyber victimization was found as significantly and positively related to perceived maternal strict supervision/control (r=.15, p<.01), paternal strict supervision/control (r=.16, p<.01) and negatively related to paternal acceptance/involvement (r=-.11, p<.05). The results of independent samples t test showed that cyberbullying and cyber victimization differ by gender, in favor of adolescent boys. Keywords: Cyberbullying, cyber victimization, Internet, parenting. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 91 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE TRANSITION EFFECT OF FOREIGN CURRENCY RATE IN THE FRAGILE FIVE COUNTRIES Canan Sancar Asst. Prof. Dr., Gümüşhane University, Gümüşhane, TURKEY canansancar@gumushane.edu.tr Ahmet Uğur Assoc. Prof. Dr., Inönü University, Malatya, TURKEY, ahmet.ugur@inönü.edu.tr Yusuf Ekrem Akbaş Assoc. Prof. Dr., Adıyaman University, Adıyaman, TURKEY, yeakbas@gmail.com Abstract In this study, it was analysed whether there is transition effect of interest rate and foregin currency rate on price levels in the Five Fragile Countries (Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa and Turkey) during the period between1996Q4-2015Q4. For the analysis, the stationarity of the series was tested. After that, a panel co-integration test was carried out in order to test the existence of a long-term relationship among the variables. Finally, the model that was created in order to determine the effect of interest rate and foreign currency rate on inflation rate was estimated. The methods used in the study take crosssectional dependency and heterogeneity into consideration. As a result of the analysis, the fact that the series include unit root and that there is a long-term relationship were determined. As a result of the estimator, it was concluded that there is a transition effect of foreign currency rate in the Fragile Five Countries. In addition to this, it was identified that the interest rate has an influence on inflation although it is not as powerful as the foreign currency rate. Keywords: Transition Effect, foreign currency rate, interest rate, inflation rate, Panel data. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 92 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey AMBIGUOUS NATURE OF LANGUAGE Mohammad Awwad Asst. Prof. Dr., Lebanese University, LEBANON Abstract Linguistic ambiguity is rendered as a problematic issue since it hinders precise language processing. Ambiguity leads to a confusion of ideas in the reader’s mind when he struggles to decide on the precise meaning intended behind an utterance. In the literature relevant to the topic, no clear classification of linguistic ambiguity can be traced, for what is considered syntactic ambiguity, for some linguists, falls under pragmatic ambiguity for others; what is rendered as lexical ambiguity for some linguists is perceived as semantic ambiguity for others and still as unambiguous to few. The problematic issue, hence, can be recapitulated in the abstruseness hovering around what is linguistic ambiguity, what is not, and what comprises each type of ambiguity in language. The present study aimed at propounding lucid classification of ambiguity types according to their function in context by delving into ambiguity types which are displayed in English words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. converges in an attempt to disambiguate English language structures, and thus provide learners with a better language processing outcome and enhance teachers with a more facile and lucid teaching task. Keywords: Linguistic Ambiguity, Language Processing International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 93 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT TAX PERFORMANCE RELATIONSHIP Mehmet Sadık Aydın Marmara University, Istanbul, TURKEY, sadik.aydin@marmara.edu.tr Abstract The concept of the region is subjected to different definitions in terms of different disciplines. Geographically, territorial boundaries are expressed as a specific location, while the economic literature's view of the concept of the region is expressed from the perspective of regional development. In particular, the development economy was built on regional development. No location of the world has equal conditions both globally, nationally and regionally. This can occur from many reasons. Sometimes it can be disadvantageous because of its own impossibility, but sometimes it can be caused by the advantageous position of the other regions. Capitalism as the economic system has led to the fact that regions in the world have different characteristics in many respects. Especially with the increase of industrialization, the capital market has developed in favour of the industrial class and the global competition environment created by the phenomenon of globalization is the most important reason of regional development differences. Economists have come from different angles to regional development differences. Contrary to what is expressed by the advocates of the capitalist system, the difference of regional development according to economists, who criticize the capitalist system, is necessary for the survival of the capitalist system. The fact that some regions are in a disadvantageous position may lead to the further enrichment of the other regions, thus allowing for the development of other regions as well. Migration is the most serious problem created by the difference in regional development. The migration of those in the disadvantaged area to the zones in the advantageous area also caused the residents of both regions to suffer. The socioeconomic problem of adaptation to other regions and the inability of other regions to adapt to newcomers allow for more serious problems in the future. Regional development can be influenced by many factors as well as by many factors. Sometimes they can interact. Conditions such as population, population density, physical conditions, inadequacy of infrastructure, transportation conditions, proximity to resources, educational facilities and healthy living are among the most important factors affecting regional development. Regional development can also affect immigration, education, health, and so on. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 94 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey Tax performance is one of the most important factors that interact with regional development. Tax is the most important source of income for the government to perform its actions. Tax performance is also the most important indicator of how much of the calculated tax is collected. The high tax performance allows the government to realize a significant portion of its planned actions, while the low level can cause a significant portion of the actions to fail. Tax performance can be influenced not only by regional development but also can influence regional development. The tax performance of the zone, which is in an advantageous position in terms of regional development, is high while the tax performance of the zone in the opposite position is low. In this study, this twoway relationship will be explained theoretically and analysis will be made from the point of view of Turkey. As a result of the study, suggestions will be made to policy makers to increase tax performance in Turkey and to reduce regional development differences. Keywords: Region, Region Development, Tax Performance International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 95 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL IN EDUCATION Dilek Sakar Amasya University, Amasya, TURKEY Şafak Uluçınar Sağır Assoc. Prof. Dr., Amasya University, Amasya, TURKEY Abstract Flipped classroom is a model that classroom activities are done outside the classroom and outside activities are done inside the classroom. So that, in Flipped Classroom Model, homework and lesson which are processed by traditional model is switched. It is assumed that this model is going to be better when it is compared with traditional model. And this model needs more planning and monitoring students. Because, this model unlike traditional model says that activities and lesson can be done everywhere. The aim of this work is to explain the Flipped Classroom Model. And in this work document analyze method has been used. It has been benefit from TÜBİTAK, EBSCOhost, ScienceDirect, IEEE, Internet Archive and Google Academt. It has been examined 50 essays, 8 master thesis, 2 books and 1 doctoral thesis. Finally, it is anticipated by analyzing the effects of the flipped class applications on success, attitudes and alike variables that these Flipped class applications implemented in the science courses would contribute to the science education. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 96 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey DISABLED FRIENDLY UNIVERSITY: A RESEARCH ON UNIVERSITIES IN ISTANBUL Erhan Akyazı Prof. Dr., Marmara University, Istanbul, TURKEY, eakyazi@marmara.edu.tr Abstract The third part of the current Constitution of the Republic of Turkey titled Social and Economic Rights and Assignments says "No one can be deprived of the right to education and learning" in article 42 titled "The Right and Duty of Education and learning". This statement covers all levels of education. Therefore, with the support and orientation of the state, educational institutions are obliged to show all the effort to provide educational services to every part of the society. Especially, it is important that disabled citizens can reach educational services with no trouble. In this context, the Higher Education Council, which has been assigned to organize the operations of the universities in our country, has issued a regulation called the Higher Education Institutions Disabled Consultation and Coordination Regulation for higher education institutions in order to establish the relevant units in the universities. In this regulation, the 11th article titled "Higher Education Institutions Disabled Students' Units" states that “disabled student’s units directly connected to the rector will be formed, in order to determine the needs of disabled students in administrative, physical, housing, social and academic areas, to determine what needs to be done to meet these needs, to plan, implement and develop these studies and to evaluate the results of these studies”. In accordance with this regulation, universities are trying to establish relevant units in their institutions and to make them operate regularly. When considered at the undergraduate level, students have to deal with dozens of lessons during their university education, covering at least four years of study. Even in institutions where classroom facilities are sufficient, each student can not succeed in getting grades by catching appropriate class conditions. When it is considered that there is not always a printed lecture note or a book which can be utilized, this problem is enlarged especially for students with disabilities. Although in some universities, where the concept of disabled friendly university has been fully established, there are some units that support disabled students by providing visual and auditory education material, it is difficult to say that this has become prevalent. In addition to establishing student units with disabled friendly facilities in accordance with the International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 97 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey regulations, the universities also provide blind description which can be defined as “itinerary descriptions based on signs such as turns, inclination, stairs, floor difference, sounds, city furniture that a blind person can use during his/her journey until he/she reaches the target”. In this context, the aim of this study is to investigate and analyze whether the students with disabilities are provided with the audiovisual training material and the blind description service in the universities of Istanbul. Keywords: Disabled Friendly, University, Higher Education International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 98 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey TAX ON CONSTITUTIONAL DOCUMENTS Ercan Sarıcaoğlu Asst. Prof. Dr., Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Law, Trabzon / TURKEY, esaricaoglu@ktu.edu.tr Abstract Tax is expressed as the public debt relationship established between the individuality and the state in order to fulfill public services. In this direction, each state uses a legal and “de facto” force to levy taxes on its country based on its sovereign right. This power embodied as a taxation authority means interfering with the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals. This is because the direction of authority of state power for financial purposes has a meaning that limits the field of freedom and "the hand of the individual". The limitation of state power and the desire to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals against the state is a product of a problematic process in Europe. The idea that fundamental rights and freedoms are regarded as a constitutional document and thus prevents the arbitrary intervention of state power towards these rights and freedoms is the basic assumption of constitutional movements. The tax, which is in close contact with the most important rights of individuals, constitutes a concrete point of movement for Constitutionalism movements. Magna Charta Libertatum, which was announced in 1215 and shaping democracies around the world, is a documentary that emerges to limit the king's taxation authority and is regarded as a beginning in this direction. It should also be noted that the independence struggle in the United States has developed in response to the severe taxation conditions and tax laws (StampAct), the 1789 French Revolution is a response to the public's reaction to the king's powers and privileges in the field of taxation. In this context, our work focuses on the role of taxation on the formation of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the constitutional document and on how these documents are included. Keywords: Constitutionalism movements, tax, fundamental rights and freedoms. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 99 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND TEACHERS’ OPINIONS ABOUT THE STEM APPLICATIONS ON THE SUBJECT OF ENERGY Fatma Taştan Akdağ Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Education, Samsun, TURKEY, fatmaakdag81@gmail.com Tohit Güneş Prof. Dr., Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Education, Samsun, TURKEY, tohitg@omu.edu.tr Abstract This study was conducted to find out the assessments of teachers and students about STEM applications in the teaching of the energy unit. The study was conducted with a total of 30 students studying in 9th grade of a Science High School in the city center of Samsun. Two different forms with open ended questions were used which were prepared for the assessment of 6-week-long STEM applications within the context of physics lesson by teachers and students. The data obtained were used through content analysis method. When the data obtained were assessed, it was found that STEM applications within the context of Energy unit contributed to students’ learning. It was found that students used their knowledge more actively within the process of STEM applications. Students were found to be more successful about designing and making productions with cooperative group works. Students’ motivations, using knowledge and participation in lessons were found to change positively within the process. It was found that STEM applications did not cause any changes in students’ thoughts about engineering. In addition, the greatest negative aspect was found as the application process being limited to class hours. It was concluded that conducting the application on different units and in a larger period of time can be more useful. Keywords: STEM, Science education, Physics Education, Students and Teachers opinions International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 100 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey EMPLOYEE HAPPINESS IN SPORTS BUSINESSES Sevim Güllü Istanbul University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Istanbul-TURKEY, sevim.gullu@istanbul.edu.tr Abstract Employee happiness is one of the current issues in the organizational behavior field. It is quite a new concept in Turkish literature, and there is no study examining the employee happiness at sports business in literature, which makes the study an original one. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between demographic variables and employees’ happiness levels at sports businesses. This study’s sample consisted of 115 employees who have worked at four different sports businesses in İstanbul. This study uses a screening model. In the first part of the study, the participants provided information for the demographical variables. In the second part, participants completed the Employee Happiness Scale (Hills and Argyle), which had been developed and used in a master thesis (Akdeniz, 2016). The reliability of this instrument was assessed for the current study. Percentage and frequency tests were held so as to determine the range of the participants’ personal information. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test was used to examine whether the data had a normal distribution. The test results showed that the data obtained from the scale did have a normal distribution (p<0.05). Therefore, an independent t-test for 2-variable data and a one-way variance test (ANOVA) for more than two variables were conducted. According to the data analysis, there were statistically no significant differences between participants’ happiness and specific variables such as gender, marital status, employment type (payroll employment, contract labor, part-time employment) and salary (p>0.05). In a review of employee happiness in terms of age, the participants at the age of 26 and older were observed to express more opinions (t=-2.486; p=0.014<0.050). In terms of education, the participants with high school degree were found to express fewer opinions when they were compared to the participants with associate, bachelor or master degree (t=-2.352; p=0.020<0.050). In this sense, the study shows parallels with the issues surrounding counterproductive behaviors, organizational aberration and organizational revenge, all of which refer to negative organizational behaviors. This is because some studies in the literature demonstrate that as age, educational status and employment position rise, the negative behaviors decrease, similar to the finding of the current study demonstrating that the greater age and educational status were, the higher the level of happiness employees had. Keywords: Employee happiness, private sports businesses, organization behaviour International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 101 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey CAN THE EXISTENCE OF CAPITALISM BE VERIFIED IN THE ANCIENT GREEK? Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, TURKEY Abstract The main interest of this study is given to the discussion of the existence of capitalism in the ancient Greek. The discussion is important in order to understand the ancient Greek economic system. For this reason, the concept of capitalism is examined for the purpose of comparing the difference between the old economic system and capitalism. This issue involves two opposite wings; the first one is the primitivist idea, which supports that ancient Greek economic system was not related to current dominating economic system – Capitalizm. The second one is modernist idea that finds a strong link between Ancient Greek economic system and current capitalism. After that Mosses I. Finley’s primitivist point of view is given to prove that capitalism did not exist at this time in terms of accounting systems, commercial activities, social status, labour usages, land treatments and so on. Heilbroner's definition of capitalism and Aristotle’s sources is utilized in my advocation of primitivist idea to explain how ancient economic system worked and its relation with the current capitalist system. Later, the study critically analyzes Michael I. Rostovtzeff’s objection to primitivist ideas, and it reveals his thoughts by supporting modernist idea about capitalism. The general assessment of this matter is that the ancient Greece’s economic system are not able to meet adequate necessities of the existence of capitalism. Thus, the desired result is that it is not reasonable to talk about the existence of capitalism in the ancient Greek. Keywords: Economy, Capitalism, Primitivist Idea, Modernist Idea, Aristotle. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 102 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE EXPERIENCES OF SOCIAL WORK STUDENTS ON SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH Eda Beydili Gürbüz Phd, Hacettepe University FEAS Department of Social Work, Ankara, TURKEY, edabeydili@gmail.com İlkay Başak Adıgüzel Res. Asst., Hacettepe University FEAS Department of Social Work, Ankara, TURKEY, basakadiguzel@gmail.com Sinan Akçay Phd, Selcuk University FoHS Department of Social Work, Konya, TURKEY, sinanna- kcay@gmail.com Abstract Social science is a sweeping area, from psychology to sociology, from social work to social anthropology, which is very important for the development of societies. Developing services to overcome problems which people face in daily life shows the importance of the social sciences. Social sciences benefit from scientific research to improve the well-being of individuals to a great extent. The necessity of doing research in social work which is a social science, is clearly understood correspondingly the development of evidence based practice. Basically evidence-based practice stated that professional practice should be done according to evidence. Within this purpose almost all social work departments of universities provide social work research education both practically and theoretically. Research education in Hacettepe University FEAS Social Work Department is provided theorical and practical for a year. In practical education students work in a quinted/sestet under supervision. The main purpose of this research is exploring the process which is experienced by the students during the research. According to this main purpose qualitative method was used. The data was gathered through a structured interview form with 15 students who are students of Hacettepe University FEAS Social Work Department and succeeded the course called Social Work Research. The data was analysed with MAXQDA 12. The research results were discussed within the themes of opinions of social work students about social work research, experiences of students about social work research processes and suggestions about social work research. Within this framework suggestions have been developed regarding research education in terms of social work education. Keywords: Social work, social work research, social work students, qualitative research International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 103 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research PRE-SERVICE September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey SCIENCE TEACHERS’ CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURES ABOUT NATURE OF ATOM Selda Bakır Corresponding author: Assist. Prof. Dr., Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, TURKEY, sbakir@mehmetakif.edu.tr Abstract This study was conducted to determine the pre-service science teachers’ conceptual structures about nature of atom. Study group was formed from 37 senior class pre-service science teachers. In this study, on which it was used case study from qualitative research methods, document analysis was used as data collection technique. It was asked three implicit questions to participants. At the end of content analysis of data obtained in black and white , it was found that most of senior class pre-service science teachers had got non- scientific conceptual structures about nature of atom. Keywords: pre-service science teacher, atom, conceptual structure International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 104 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey FISCAL THEORY FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF GOVERNMENTALITY: A NEW LOOK AT PUBLIC CHOICE THEORY Ceyhun Gürkan Assoc. Prof. Dr., Ankara University, Ankara, TURKEY, cgurkan@politics.ankara.edu.tr Abstract French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault presents an unusual historical analysis and a point of view. Focusing on history of government he also opens a different window to fiscal theory and policy. In his lectures at the late 1970s Foucault stated that the focus should be placed on the crisis of liberalism rather than on the crisis of capitalism. With this idea, Foucault aspires to explain the crises of the modern world around a different pole of power. Accordingly, envisaging the modern society primarily as a (neo)liberal society instead of a capitalist society he went towards explaining the crises as crises of government. Exploring the history of government from the mid-18th century onwards he brings to the fore the theories of classical political economy and neoliberal economics. This is due to the fact that the (neo)liberal knowledge of power and government has been produced essentially by these theories. Although Foucault, who reads the economic thought as the governmental idea, touches on fiscal matters very limitedly and indirectly, he provides an opportunity to understand fiscal theory sociologically from the perspective of government. The discipline of public finance has mostly been seen as a science of economic coordination and organization between the state and the market economy and has been developed in this direction. However, governmental perspective to public finance should be promoted along side the economic and fiscal approaches. The analytics of governmentality which Foucault developed is rather different from the theories of governance which are now widely accepted in the scientific and policy domain of public finance. This study identifies the historical and sociological contributions of Foucault to fiscal theory. In line with these identifications, a re-evaluation of public choice theory, which has been developed within neoliberal governmentality and become the dominant interdisciplinary field in fiscal theory, will be presented in the context of the analytics of government. Keywords: Governmentality, Fiscal Theory, Public Choice Theory International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 105 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey EXAMINATION OF THE METAPHOR PERCEPTIONS OF MATHEMATICS TEACHERS AND THE PROSPECTIVE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS ABOUT THE CONCEPT OF MATHEMATICS TEACHING Hasan Yasin Tol Ereğli BelKaya Multi-Program Anatolian High School, Ereğli, Konya, TURKEY, hasanyasintol@gmail.com Ayşe Yavuz Department of Mathematics Education, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY, ayasar@konya.edu.tr Selin (Inag) Çenberci Department of Mathematics Education, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY, scenberci@konya.edu.tr Şule Dağ Department of Mathematics Education, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY, suledagg@gmail.com Abstract A metaphor is expressed in terms of words or concepts that are used in a different sense from the point of view of an interest or a result of analogy. In other words Metaphors enable to reveal the idea related to a concept in minds. The aim of this study is to reveal the metaphor perceptions of prospective mathematics teachers and mathematics teachers about the concept of mathematics teaching. The research was carried out on prospective mathematics teachers and mathematics teachers in the second term of 2016-2017 academic year. Participants were asked to complete the phrase of, "The teaching mathematics is like ............................. because .............................." and the answers were determined. In the study, opinions of the participants were described by means of a qualitative approach. Among the qualitative analysis methods, phenomenolohy analysis technique was employed. At the end of the study, the metaphors created by the metafor perceptions of teacher candidates and teachers were compared in detail. Keywords: Metaphor, Mathematics Teaching, Mathematics Teacher, Prospective Mathematics Teacher International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 106 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE RELATION BETWEEN HAPPINESS AND VALUE ORIENTATION: A RESEARCH ON UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Yemliha Coşkun Asst. Prof. Dr., Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Kahramanmaraş, TURKEY ycoskun@ksu.edu.tr Abstract The aim of the study is to explore the relation between values and happiness of the university students. The research is a descriptive study in the screening model. The study was carried out with 388 students from the faculties of Physical Education and Sports, Education, Science and Letters, Fine Arts, Business, Theology, Engineering, Forestry and Agriculture at Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University during the spring semester of 2016-2017 academic year. They were selected by random sampling method. 'Personal Information Form' and "Values Scale", the original of which was created by Calp developed by the researcher and the "Oxford Happiness Scale" developed by Dogan and Sapmaz were used as data collection tools. The research data were analyzed through use of SPSS 17.0. Arithmetic mean, frequency, standard deviation and percentage distributions were calculated to determine participants' socio-demographic characteristics, value and happiness levels. Pearson Moments Correlation Analysis was used to identify the relationship between participants’ values and happiness levels, while Independent group ttest to determine the difference in values and happiness levels depending upon gender and class. Besides, the difference in values and happiness levels in terms of faculties was concluded through Kruskal-Wallis H-test. The university students' values were found to be very high while their happiness levels were above the average; a positive and medium level relationship was identified between participants’ values and happiness levels. Female students were found to have higher levels of values and happiness than male students and the levels of 4th grade students are higher than the 3rd. Students studying in the faculty of theology were determined to have the highest level of value and happiness. Keywords: Values, Happiness, University Students International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 107 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey READING PREFERENCES OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Veli Kutay Asst. Prof. Dr., Giresun University, Giresun, TURKEY Abstract This study is part of PhD thesis named ‘A Survey of the Reading Habits of Turkish High School Students An Examination of the Efforts to Encourage Them to Read’. The research study was conducted in 16 settlement areas of Turkey (8 province centres and 8 district centres). The data was gathered through questionnaires with 2425 students from 86 high schools of different type. The study investigated the students’ awareness of ‘100 Basic Literary Works’ reading campaign, whether they had read any of the books on the ‘100 Basic Literary Works’ reading list, if they did the number of books read on the ‘100 Basic Literary Works’ reading list. The study also explored the title of the last book students bought, the title of the last book students borrowed from a library, the title of the last book the students read and the students’ 5 favourite book titles and 5 favourite authors and poets. The study found that the majority of the students were aware of the campaign (females %73.2, males %69.8), the majority of the students read at least a book from the reading list (females %80.4, males %73.2), over half of the students from both genders read only 1-10 books from the list and only 2.5% of the students read 76 and over book titles from the list. The study also showed that Crime and Punishment, Aşk (The Forty Rules of Love), Les Misereables, Çalıkuşu (The Wren), The Twilight Series, Aşkın Gözyaşları Series (Tears of Love Series) and Improbable were the most stated book titles on the students’ last bought, last borrowed from a library, last read and the 5 favourite book titles lists. One of the most interesting findings of the study is that when the students were asked to state their 5 favourite authors and poets, the most stated names were poets although there was no a poetry book on the most stated book titles lists in previous questions. Keywords: reading, high school students, students’ book and author preferences International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 108 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENT'S BELIEFS ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING AND THEIR SPEAKING PERFORMANCE IN RURAL HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH CLASSES* Mansooreh Jamali IRAN Abstract Today, it is vital to learn a foreign language, learner's belief and perception of need to foreign language learning. Among the main skills, the speaking plays a crucial role in language learning. Considering students' low performance in English speaking in rural high schools, the need was felt to study the relationship between rural learners' belief in EFL learning and their speaking performance. However, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between rural female high school student's belief in learning English as foreign language and speaking performance in English. The population consisted of all rural female high school students in grades 1, 2, and 3 in Sultanabad village in Zanjan-Iran (N= 45). Due to few numbers of population, all of the population were selected as sample. Using standard BALLI (belief about language learning inventory) questionnaire which was designed by Horwitz (1987), the belief of students in English learning was measured at the beginning of semester. The participants' speaking performance was measured by international IELTS test at the end of semester. The data were analyzed and the results showed that there was correlation between two main variables (= +0.831); the hypothesis was confirmed. So, it was confirmed that there was significant relationship between rural female high school students' beliefs and their English speaking performance. Keywords: Belief; Foreign Language Learning; Speaking Performance * This paper was not presented by author(s) International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 109 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey BEING HUMAN Ramazan Kocakaya Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Ankara, TURKEY, rmzn_kcky@hotmail.com Rıdvan Temiz The Ministry Of Family And Social Policy, Ankara, TURKEY, temizridvan@gmail.com Abstract “The main problem for today's people is the human himself, the question of “What is human? " As long as we do not reach a conscious, correct and logical definition about human, there is no way to solve any problem, "says Ali Shariati. According to Nasr, all of the problems that the modern human faces have the same source, that is, the human being is living under his own potential and he forgets that who he is. The aim of this study is to examine and discuss different views on the nature of being human. Much has been said about what human is. According to Ali Shariati, being human refers to extraordinary and mysterious superior truth: Human has his own definition, and other manifestations of nature do not enter into the limits of this definition. Here comes the following conclusion. Two different people can be mentioned: one is the subject of biology, the other is the one who has been talked abuot by poets, philosophers, and religion. Tolstoy explains the human by a seed metaphor. According to this metaphor just as the life is being hidden into the seed, so that the real meaning of the human is hidden into the human nature. After a certain period of time, the life in the seed emerges, in the same way, real life comes up after a certain time which has been setted up previously. The beginning of the development of the real life is when a struggle between animal personality and conscience emerges. According to Nurettin Topçu, human is in need of knowing if he has got a salute. Being a salute, knowing that he is a salute and believing in it for eternity is the only thing that human finds himself in the quest for self and finds himself in existence, and his whole life is the effort of consolidating and securing the knowledge he posses. As a result, as also Maslow said; there seems to be a single ultimate goal for human beings that all people are trying to reach. It has been given different names by various people: self-realization, self-completion, integrality, psychological health, individualization, autonomy, creativity, productivity, and so on. This shows that all these goals unite on the realization of the existing latent potentialities on the human, that is to say that one is fully human. Keywords: Human, Being, Latent Potentialities. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 110 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE MOTIVATIONS OF CALL CENTER PERSONNEL Hatice Baysal Yeşim Çil Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta/TURKEY Abstract With the technological change brought about by the age of information and communication, similar changes are encountered in customer expectations and demands. Today, organizations which follow a customer oriented policy need the support of call centers in order to have customer satisfaction and loyalty. To have a professional call center service has become a necessity in the fierce competitive environments of today in order to make a difference. Organizations which have a customer oriented viewpoint and which cater to customer demands by offering a 24/7 service through a call center can raise their competitive skills to higher levels. Call centers are in great demand in many countries. Call centers have different dynamics on account of their working systems and structures. For example, the structuring of the departments, meticulously selected human resource from employees at the bottom to senior executives and policies concerning those human resources are the distinctive properties of call centers. The most important factor which determines the efficiency and sustainability of call centers is customer satisfaction and in order to ensure a sustainable customer satisfaction, the staff must be higly motivated because call centers have a working atmosphere requiring a stressful and busy pace work. Thus, this study seeks to determine the factors which postively or negatively affect the motivations of call center staff. Within the context of the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 subjects from call centers A and B, which have different structuring and working principles. The obtained data were evaluated through a SPSS 18 package within the frame of quantitative content analysis. The results obtained at the end of the study show that both material and non-material motivational factors had an impact on the motivations of the staff; the study attempts to describe this impact within the context of gender, work position, age, education level and length of service. Some of these means of motivation can be mentioned as social participation, being appreciated in public (colleagues should know about it), interorganizational communication, teamwork, bonus, vacation, prizes, organizational career plans and interorganizational events. It is pointed out that managers at a call center should have a good communication with their employees, which is an important motivation. Keywords: Call Center, Call Center Personnel, Motivation, Quantitative Content Analysis International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 111 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey INVESTIGATION OF ELEMENTARY AND TURKISH PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS' CRITICAL READING SELF EFFICACY IN TERMS OF DIFFERENT VARIABLES Hacer Ulu Ministry of Education, Afyonkarahisar, TURKEY, hacerulu03@gmail.com Ayşegül Avsar Tuncay Hacettepe University, Ankara, TURKEY, aysegulavsartuncay@gmail.com Abstract In this research, critical reading self efficacy of preservice teachers in terms of variables of gender, grade level, the department studied, mother education, father education and daily internet usage time were examined. The sample of the research is composed of 345 prospective teachers who are studying at the 1st, 2nd, 3th and 4th classes of elementary and Turkish teacher department studies teaching state university faculty of education. During data collection process, Critical Reading Self-Efficacy Perception Scale developed by Karadeniz (2014) was used. To analyze data, Mann-Whitney U and KruskalWallis test was used. As a result of Mann Whitney U test, a significant difference was defined in critical reading self efficacy according to the department studied. As a result of Kruskal Wallis test a significant difference was defined in critical reading self efficacy and questioning, inference, analysis and evaluation sub-dimensions according to mother education, in critical reading self efficacy and find similarities and awareness sub-dimension according to daily internet usage time. Keywords: Critical reading self efficacy, preservice teachers, teacher training. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 112 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey A PERIOD FROM ANCIENT INDIA MAURYA EMPIRE Yalçın Kayalı Ankara University, Faculty of Languages History and Geography, Ankara, TURKEY, ykayali@ankara.edu.tr Abstract The Mauryan Empire was the first and one of the greatest empires to be established in Indian History. Chandragupta Maurya who is the founder of Maurya, not only overthrew the Nandas from Magadha, but also the Greek Straps from the North-West frontier and unified a large part of India, including the Deccan, under his centralised government. This vast Mauryan Empire stretching from the valley of Oxus to Kaveri delta in the South was given a well-knit common administration. Chandragupta (371-297 BC) was the first Indian ruler who followed up the political unification of Northern India by extending his conquests beyond the barriers of Vindhyas so as to bring both North and South under the umbrella of one paramount power. Chandragupta Maurya was succeeded by his son Bindusara (297-272 BC). He, known to the Greeks as Amitrochates (derived from the Sanskrit word Amitraghata or Slayer of Foes) is said to have carried his arms to the Deccan, extending Mauryan control in the peninsular region of India as far south as Mysore. Bindusara was succeeded by his son Asoka who is one of the greatest figures in history. He is described as “the greatest of kings” and that not because of the physical extent of his empire, because of his character as a man, and the principles by which he governed. As a king, he ruled over the greatest empire known in Indian History. He himself made an addition to it by his conquest of Kalinga. The most important event of Asoka’s reign seems to have been his victorious war with Kalinga (~260 BC), the horrors of which were described by Asoka himself “A hundred and fifty thousand were killed and many times that number perished…” It was previously held that he was dramatically converted to Buddhism immediately after the Kalinga war. And the third Buddhist Council was held in ~250 BC at Pataliputra. The Vibhajjavada (doctrine of Theravadin School) was proclaimed as the true faith. But strangely Asoka makes no mention of this event in any of his inscription. While the history of Asoka is illuminated by so many other facts and details, that of his successors is shrouded in obscurity. The decline of the Maurya empire, almost immediately after the death of Asoka and the decline was completed within half a century after the death of Asoka. Keywords: Maurya Empire, Chandragupta Maurya, Asoka, 3rd Buddhist Council, Kalinga. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 113 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey IMPACT OF MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS ON COMPANY PERFORMANCE IN GERMANY AFTER THE 2008 GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS Fatih Konak Asst. Prof. Dr., Hitit University, Çorum, TURKEY, fatihkonak@hitit.edu.tr Abstract In the age when competition is beginning to feel more clearly at the global level, companies need to make additional decisions in some cases to be able to sustain their assets. In this perspective, corporate mergers and acquisitions stand out. Along with the existence of different causes, the main aim of mergers and acquisitions is to achieve more effective managerial, financial or operation structure. In addition to the anticipated impacts within the company, the direction of the reaction to merger or acquisition activities undertaken by market participants should be taken into account. In the context of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, whether the market response to mergers and acquisitions is made is statistically significant, indicating both the effectiveness of the market under consideration and the fact that investors can earn extra profit with such a set of information. The main objective of this study is to uncover the impact of the merger and acquisition announcement on the market values of 119 firms operating in Germany by considering mergers and acquisitions following the 2008 global financial crisis. For this purpose, 'event study' method, which is widely used in semi-strong form market efficiency analyzes in the literature, is used. The Average Abnormal Returns (AAR) in the range [-20, + 20] and the Cumulative Average Abnormal Returns (CAAR) for the different intervals are calculated and examined respectively. According to the findings obtained, in the direction of the findings obtained from the companies that have realized the merger and takeover, the market has reached the result that the market is not efficient in semi-strong form. Keywords: M&A, Efficient Market Hypothesis, DAX30 International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 114 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey PERSONNEL WORKING IN SPECIAL SPORT ENTERPRISES INVESTIGATION OF GENERAL CYNICISM LEVELS Serdar Ceyhun Karabük University, Karabük, TURKEY sceyhun@karabuk.edu.tr Nedim Malkoç Karabük University, Karabük, TURKEY, nedim.malkoc @sbu.edu.tr Nesrin Arslan Karabük University, Karabük, TURKEY nesrinarslan@karabuk.edu.tr Abstract Cynicism is a concept that stands out in the globalizing world. General cynicism defines the negative attitudes and behaviors of people towards events and individuals . The aim of this research is to determine general cynicism levels of the personnel working in the private sports enterprises. The sample of the research is composed of 279 personnel working in private sports enterprises in Istanbul. General cynicism scale developed by Wrigthsman (1992) was used to determine general cynicism levels of the personnel. Cronbach Alpha reliability analysis was used to evaluate the reliability of the subscales and overall scale of the scale. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, minimum value, maximum value, skewness and kurtosis) were calculated for the sub-factors of general Cynicism scale and the distributions of the scores from the the overall scale. The levels of general cynicism related to marital status and the presence of administrative tasks from the demographic characteristics of the employees were analyzed by the Independent-Sample t test analysis. One-Way ANOVA (One-way ANOVA) analysis was used to examine the association between organizational cynicism levels and the age, occupational years of work, and monthly income levels of employees. In the study it was seen that the scale of the perceptual cynicism subscale was at a higher level. Moreover, cynicism was found to be influenced by age, marital status, status of being in administrative duty, duration of study, financial resources. Suggestions were developed within the findings of the study. Keywords: Cynicism, General Cynicism, Sport Enterprises, Sport International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 115 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey MARKETING PROBLEMS OF TECHNOLOGY-BASED SPIN-OFF COMPANIES: A RESEARCH ON THE PRIORITIES OF MARKETING PROBLEMS BY USING ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS METHOD Erkan Özdemir Assoc. Prof. Dr., Uludağ University, Bursa, TURKEY Gülsen Alkaç Özdemir Lecturer, Uludağ University, Bursa, TURKEY Abstract Some concepts stand out in the development of contemporary economics. These concepts are R & D, innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship. It is important that these concepts can be realized together in the economic development of the countries. Another type of entrepreneurship that is not well known is spin-off entrepreneurship, especially when it is encouraged to establish start-ups in recent years. Spin-off company can be expressed as a new company established by existing companies, academicians or university students. Spin-off companies are generally established in Technology Development Regions (TGB). Spin-off companies are also experiencing problems in the marketing as there are many new established companies. The aim of this study is to determine the marketing problems and priorities of the spin-off companies. The marketing problems of spin-offs have been determined as a result of semi-structured interviews with academicians who are spin-off entrepreneurs. As a result of this research, the priorities of identified problems were analyzed by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process method. As a result of the analysis, the marketing problems of the spin-off companies are determined as product, price, promotion, and distribution respectively. On the basis of subcriteria, the marketing problems of the spin-off companies were found as branding, price setting, managing relations with intermediaries, and sales respectively. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 116 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey COLLABORATION BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION IN PROTECTION FOR CHILDREN VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE (A STUDY AT PPT-P2A SURABAYA INDONESIA) Hikmatus Sabilil Izzah Department of Social and Potical Science, Airlangga University, Indonesia Choiriyah Basnawi Department of Social and Potical Science, Airlangga University, Indonesia Abstract The major aim of this study is to investigate about collaboration between Nongovernmental Organization (NGOs) and government in protecting against child abuse cases and how do NGOs engage with government structures, and how can they best go about it in different ways. This study uses qualitative research methods non-interactive inquiry. As the name implies this study did not gather data interactively through human interaction with the data source. This research is concentrating issues on collaboration between PPT-P2A Surabaya with nongovernmental Organization (NGOs) in Surabaya. In this paper explains that in Surabaya the relationship between government and NGOs has been good enough. Government formulate some regulations that strengthen the relationship between the government and NGOs in terms protection for child victims of violence as contained in the Decree the Mayor of Surabaya No. 188.45/262/436.1.2/2014 About Integrated Team Services Center Women and Children Protection Surabaya that is called PPT-P2A. Keywords: NGOs, Government, Collaborations International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 117 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey USING ALGODOO IN COMPUTER ASSISTED TEACHING OF FORCE AND MOVEMENT UNIT Fatma Taştan Akdağ Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Education, Samsun, TURKEY, fatmaakdag81@gmail.com Tohit Güneş Prof. Dr., Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Education, Samsun, TURKEY, tohitg@omu.edu.tr Abstract The purpose of this study is the assessment of Algodoo software used within the frame of computer assisted teaching by students. The study was conducted with a total of 20 students studying in 9th grade of a Science High School in the city center of Samsun. During the 4-week-long application process conducted within the context of 9th grade physics lesson force and movement unit, student diaries, open-ended interview forms and researcher field notes were used. The data obtained were analyzed and assessed with content analysis method. According to the results, Algodoo use was found to be useful in increasing the motivation and creativity of students and students’ meaningful learning. Students who were exposed to oral lectures and problem solving within the classroom reported that they had fun during the process. They found the chance to concretize the abstract concepts through the graphs they could easily created with the program by using the materials they liked. Algodoo use was found to influence students’ using scientific process skills such as making observations, measurement, guesses; finding variables; making hypotheses, experiments, models and conclusions. In addition, the applications were found to have a positive role on making sense of the concepts. The language of Algodoo and application time were found to be the negative aspects of our study. Keywords: Science education, Computer Assisted Teaching, Algodoo, Physics Education International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 118 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey METACOGNITIVE FUNCTIONS AND PERSONALITY TYPES IN CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS Merih Altıntaş Dr., Erenköy Ruh ve Sinir Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi, İstanbul, TURKEY, merihaltintas@yahoo.com Eyüp Durmaz İstanbul Gelişim University, İstanbul, TURKEY, Psikolog.e.y.p@gmail.com Feyza Çiftçi İstanbul Gelişim University, İstanbul, TURKEY, feyzaciftci24@gmail.com Abstract The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between metacognitive functions and the personality structure, and the study was conducted with 199 female and 201 male in total 400 students from İstanbul Gelişim University Faculty of Fine Arts from different majors and classes. Research data were collected using “Internationel Personality Inventory Short Version”, “Experiences in Close Relationships” and “Metacognition Questionnaire”, and the data were analyzed by SPSS 23.0 packet program using Descriptive Statistical Methods (Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation) and Linear Regression analysis and the results were evaluated at 95% confidence interval and p <0.05 significance level. As result of the research following were found; “anxious close relationship” was possitively correlated with “positive beliefs about worry” and “negative beliefs about the controllability of thoughts and corresponding danger“ metacognitive subdimesions and possiively correlated with “extraversion”, “emotional instability” and “introversion” peronality traits and negatively correlated with “open to experience” personlity trait. “Avoidant close relationship” was possitively correlated with “negative beliefs about the controllability of thoughts and corresponding danger “ metacognition subdimension and; “interversion” and “emotinal imbalance” personality traits. “Secure close relationship” was possitively correlated with “negative beliefs about the controllability of thoughts and corresponding danger” metacognition subdimension and negatively correlated with “cognitive self-consciousness” metacognition subdimension and “agreeableness” and “extraversion” personality traits. Keywords: Close Relationship Types, Personality Structure, Metacognition Functions International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 119 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey AN EVALUATION OF EDUCATIONAL GAME DESIGN SKILLS OF PRESERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS* Munise Seçkin Kapucu Asst. Prof. Dr., Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, TURKEY, muniseseckin@hotmail.com Serdar Çağlak Dr., Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, TURKEY, serdarcaglak@gmail.com Abstract Teachers are constantly dealing with different groups of students, which makes necessary for them to use different approaches, methods and techniques. Teachers may prefer different teaching methods and techniques according to the learning needs of the students or according to the structure of the topic to be instructed. This also depends on the education that teachers have received prior to service. Since educational games establish an important connection between theoretical learning and practice, it is required to teach the process of preparing educational games, which is considered among these different methods and techniques, to teacher candidates during their teacher training. At the same time, educational games help students for meaningful learning and the internalization of concepts, and for the provision of learning by doing and experiencing. This study aims to evaluate educational game design skills of pre-service science teachers. Scanning model was used in the study. The study was conducted during spring semester of 2016-2017 academic years. Sample of the study consists of 57 pre-service teachers from 3rd grade of science teaching, who are taking Specific Teaching Methods I course. Regarding the selection of the sample, purposive and easily accessible sampling was used. The main criterion for the selection of pre-service teachers, who participated in the research, was set as attending Specific Teaching Methods course. At the beginning of the study, a 4-hour training (1 week) about educational games and preparation process was provided. Afterwards, the topics covered in the science curriculums of 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades were distributed among students. A period of 8-hour (2 weeks) was allowed for the design and reporting process. A preprepared educational game report format was presented to pre-service teachers and they were asked to adjust the educational games that they have created according to this format. After the completion of educational game design process, an 8-hour training (2 International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 120 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey weeks) was given to pre-service science teachers by a measurement and evaluation specialist, for teaching alternative measurement and evaluation process and assisting them to develop the assessment criteria for the evaluation of educational game design process. Educational game design of pre-service science teachers was realized within a period of approximately 2 months. For data collection, researchers developed a rubric evaluating educational game design skills of pre-service science teachers. Educational games created by pre-service teachers were evaluated by the researchers using the rubric. Keywords: Educational games, activity design and evaluation, pre-service science teachers. *This study is produced from BAP 201721010 Research Project funded by the Scientific Research Council of Eskişehir Osmangazi University. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 121 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STOCK PRICE INDEX AND THE MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES: TURKEY EXAMPLE Canan Sancar Asst. Prof. Dr., Gümüşhane University, Gümüşhane, TURKEY, canansancar@gumushane.edu.tr Ahmet Uğur Assoc. Prof. Dr., Inönü University, Malatya, TURKEY, ahmet.ugur@inönü.edu.tr Yusuf Ekrem Akbaş Assoc. Prof. Dr., Adıyaman University, Adıyaman, TURKEY, yeakbas@gmail.com Abstract In this study, whether there is a relationship between the stock prices in Turkey and the macroeconomic variables for the period between 2000M1-2016M12 was analysed. For the analysis, unit root and co-integration tests that take structural breaks into account were used. As a result of the unit root test, all series were found to be I(1). As a result of the co-integration test, it was determined that there is a long-term relationship among the series. Finally, as a result of the FMOLS an DOLS tests, a positive and significant relationship from M1, CPI, industrial production index towards stock prices was found while the relationship from foreign currency towards stock prices was found to be negative but still significant. Keywords: Stock Price Index, Macroeconomic variables, Structural break International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 122 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE LEVEL OF METACOGNITION LEARNING STRATEGIES, ANXIETY TOWARD CHEMISTRY LABORATUARY AND CHEMISTRY MOTIVATION OF SCIENCE EDUCATION STUDENTS RELATED TO THE DIFFERENT VARIABLES Dilek Sakar Amasya University, Amasya, TURKEY Şafak Uluçınar Sağır Assoc. Prof. Dr., Amasya University, Amasya, TURKEY Abstract The aim of the study is to the determine the level of science prospective teachers metacognition learning strategies, anxiety toward chemistry laboratuary and chemistry motivation. The universe of the research is the student sattending to the Education Faculty in a Middle Blacksea Region university in 2016-2017 academic year and the sample consists of 263 students at first, second, third and final grades of Science Teacher Training Department. Correlated survey model was used in research. The data tools are metacognition learning strategy scale, chemistry laboratuary anxiety scale and chemistry motivation questionare. Metacognition learning strategies (MLS), chemistry laboratuary anxieties (CLA) and chemistry motivations (CM) of the students were investigated related to the gender, grade, age, chemistry laboratuary notes and general academic success perceptions. Statistical programme was used for analysing the data. At the and of the study, it was found out that there was a meaningful differences in MLS an CM (t(261)=2,25; t(261)=2,37; p<0,05) related to the gender; MLS, CM and CLA (F(3,259)=12,5; F(3,259)=3,7; F(3,259)=23,1; p<0,05); related to chemistry laboratuary notes and MLS and CM (F(3,259)=10,7; F(3,259)=10,0; p<0,05) related to general succes perceptions. Between the grade levels and age at three varibles, there found no meaningful differences. There found negative low level meaningful relation between MLS and CLA; positive mid level meaningful relation between MLS and CM. There was a negative low level meaningful relation between CLA and CM. It can be suggested that using metacognitive strategies in teaching can decrease the anxiety level of science education students in chemistry education. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 123 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF USABILITY OF MOBILE HEALTH APPLICATIONS Erhan Akyazı Prof. Dr., Marmara University, Istanbul, TURKEY, eakyazi@marmara.edu.tr Abstract Especially, since the end of the 20th century, information technologies and the internet, which have begun to populate all areas of our lives, have raised the appetite of entrepreneurs and investors for the future of this area, have led them to innovations with more earnings and succeeded in becoming a part of the human body as in the case of mobile devices. Since hardware is only meaningful through software, applications have been rapidly developed for mobile devices and presented to users. The fact that users have come to the point where they leave the control of their most precious asset, their health, to these applications is the indication that they are successful. In this context, the aim of the study is to analyze mobile applications for monitoring the health status of users which play such a crucial role in our lives. The main part of the research consists of free and Turkish applications for monitoring the health status in the Health / Fitness and Medical categories in the AppStore, which provides applications for iPhone users. Keywords: Mobile Health, Usability, Phone International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 124 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey INTERPRETATION METHODS IN TURKISH TAX LAW Ercan Sarıcaoğlu Asst. Prof. Dr., Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Law, Trabzon / TURKEY, esaricaoglu@ktu.edu.tr Abstract Legal norms are also abstract, and they must be able to determine the true meaning and scope of these norms and apply them to concrete legal situations, processes and events. Legal action applied in all branches of law to interpret and apply legal norms is interpretive. In this respect, the determination of the meaning and scope of the legal norm that belongs to the legal norm requires the interpretation of the law to be related to the legal norm and the legal consequence when a material event occurs. The interpretation of the legal norms that are acquired by the legal text and the application of the law in a consistent manner depends on the definition of interpretation methods. Interpretation methods add value to the implementation of the law and make the interpretation scientifically verifiable. In this way, the interpretation emerges as the product of a systematic work and can be controlled objectively and openly to the public. Moreover, since the interpretation is made within certain methods, the law can provide security in the implementation of the law. Interpretation in tax law is important. One of the rare laws that contain provisions on interpretation in positive law is the no 213 Tax Procedural Code. On the other hand, it can be argued that there is no other statutory regulation in which interpretation methods are included in the law. In this respect, the interpretation methods in the Tax Procedure Law, which have a direct effect on the development of the tax law, will be dealt with in conjunction with the judicial decisions. Keywords: Interpretation, Tax, Methods, Legal Security. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 125 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey PARTICIPATION RIGHT AS A HUMAN RIGHT AND CASE OF EDİRNE CITY COUNCIL Pınar Akarçay Dr., Trakya University, Edirne, TURKEY Gökhan Ak Nisaştaşı University, Istanbul, TURKEY Abstract Three generations of human rights are likely to be asserted when historical evolution of human rights is considered (Mourgeon, 1990). Those of the 1776 American and 1789 French Human Rights Manifestations which root in individualism based on the natural law are the oldest examples of first generation. In these examples, freedom of the person is considered in an abstract and judicial context. Second generation of human rights implemented in the second part of 19th century are those social and economic rights from which only a fraction of the society is benefited. The last generation is those rights of solidarity. Participation right is consisted in the solidarity rights. As could be envisaged in the other human rights, the participation rights are also wrapped into an institutional character by being engaged in international treaties. Thus urban and participation rights are still in the formation process. Today participation right as being one of the solidarity rights is the most significant one under consideration and development (Mourgeon, 1990; Tekeli, 2011). Development of the participation right in Turkey is mostly handled via ‘city councils’ formed mainly in line with the Local Agenda 21 concept. Thus the main aim of this study is analyse how much suitable the city councils are for the development of participation right. In this context, the study will focus on role of the city councils they assume on discussion, dialogue, negotiation and informing processes for the society on the issues related to the city and how effective they are on this performance. Thus in this study, the case of Edirne City Council will be examined regarding these issues. For the data collection, interview method will be used in the study. In this context, interviews will be carried out with the Municipality of Edirne, NGOs in Edirne, professional organizations and the city council. In terms of epistemological approach, the research process is interpretive and explanatory over legal and administrative regulations within the scope of field study. At the same time, the research approaches the subject with a deductive approach, which reaches the data by starting from the theory. In addition, the research is partly inductive, because of the fact that it aims to contribute to the theory by using the findings of the field study. It also carries a qualitative research characteristic in the context of the interviews to be carried out with the participants and the interviews carried out with relevant institutions and individuals. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 126 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE DOOR KNOCKING ON THE DISCUSSION OF SCIENCE AND PSEUDOSCIENCE DEMARCATION Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, TURKEY Abstract The main interest of this study is the distinction between science and pseudoscience. The discussion focuses on the problems concerning demarcation criteria in science. The demarcation criteria are evaluated explicitly by Karl Popper, and his theory is criticized and developed by Imre Lakatos and Tomas Kuhn with their different approaches. Popper rejects the logical positivist idea that science only can be demarcated from nonscience owing to the verification of observation. Namely, he refused verifiability as a criterion for a scientific theory or hypothesis to be scientific. That is why; he suggests that the demarcation criteria must be falsifiable rather than verifiable: A theory can be scientific if it is discordant with probable empirical observations, and conversely, if it is concordant with all possible observations. Lakatos rejects some parts of Popper’s idea, since he thinks that no one abandons the whole theory because the part of theory is falsified. He thinks that so long as scientists do not need another theory, that theory is accepted even if it is wrong. Besides, Kuhn, like many other philosophers, composed their own views based on Popper's statements on the demarcation issue. Although Popper and Kuhn reached an agreement on what can be classified as science or not, they presented opposite philosophical stands in the argument of demarcation hallmark. According to Kuhn, there are three periods of science and science advances with revolutions not with accumulation. In the area of normal science, scientists’ responsibility is to solve puzzles provided by 'paradigm', other than to question basic theories. It is the capability of puzzle-solving that plays as the demarcation criterion and the core feature in normal science according to Kuhn. The overall evaluation of this topic is that many ideas have appeared in order to find the proper distinction of science. Keywords: Demarcation Problem, Science, Pseudo-science, Popper, Kuhn. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 127 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE REFLECTIONS OF GENDER ON MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES: WHY IS GENDER SENSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES REQUIRED? Sinan Akçay Phd, Selcuk University FoHS Department of Social Work, Konya, TURKEY, sinannakcay@gmail.com Eda Beydili Gürbüz Phd, Hacettepe University FEAS Department of Social Work, Ankara, TURKEY, edabeydili@gmail.com İlkay Başak Adıgüzel Res. Asst., Hacettepe University FEAS Department of Social Work, Ankara, TURKEY, basakadiguzel@gmail.com Abstract Gender is a concept that brings social expectations from women and men to forefront by emphasizing the power relations between men and women. Gender affects individuals’ behaviour patterns, interactions, access to the services and resources and their social status. This situation, which is directly related to cognitive, emotional and behavioural wellbeing, shows that gender is an important determinant for mental health issues. Gender may affect the entire process of diagnosis and treatment from the onset of mental health problems. In other words, gender may cause women and men to experience mental health problems in different ways. For instance, women are not able to access mental health services because of lack of financial means to benefit from mental health services, to avoid expressing life events that cause mental health problems, to be unaware of existing services while men refrain from seeking professional help for reasons such as perceiving the need for help as a weakness and the fact that the help-seeking behaviour is not endorsed by the community adopting patriarchal values.Individuals are subjected to stigmatize due to having mental illness, as well as to discrimination on the grounds of sexist practices for the second time. For this reason, it is thought that a gender-sensitive approach is needed in the planning and delivering of mental health services.In this study, the reflections of gender on the life of individuals who have mental health problems will be approached with various examples and the necessity of gender-sensitive mental health services will be discussed. Keywords: Gender, mental health, gender sensitive, mental health services International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 128 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey TEACHING PRACTICE WITH THE EYES OF PRE-SERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS Mustafa Yamaç Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, TURKEY Selda Bakır Corresponding author: Assist. Prof. Dr., Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, TURKEY, sbakir@mehmetakif.edu.tr Abstract This study, which was made to determine the preservice science teachers’ ideas about teaching practice process, was a case study. Study group of the research was formed from six preservice science teachers. Document analysis and interviews were used as data tecniques. In consequences of content analysis of data which were obtained from 42 reflective diaries written by preservice science teachers during 7 weeks in teaching practice process and interviews after teaching practice process, it was determined that preservice science teachers’ ideas about teaching practice process were cleared up some themes such as introduction to the course, methods and techniques of teaching strategy, planning, classroom management, efficiency, ethical values and evaluation. Keywords: pre-service science teachers, teaching practice, reflective diary *This study was taken from master thesis made by Mustafa Yamaç, under the supervision of Assist. Prof. Dr. Selda Bakır in Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Institute of Educational Sciences, and also supported by Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Scientific Research Projects Komission with the number of 0-219-YL. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 129 4th PARENTAL IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey ACCEPTANCE/INVOLVEMENT, STRICT SUPERVISION/ CONTROL, IDENTITY STATUS AND GENDER ROLES ATTITUDE Betül Aydın Asst. Prof. Dr., Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Faculty of Education, Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance, Rize, TURKEY, betul.aydin@erdogan.edu.tr Abstract The term “gender” differs from the term of “sex”, as it corresponds to the roles, responsibilities, personality traits, behaviours and expectations attributed to the woman and man which are changeable by culture and society. Gender roles attitude is an inclination towards the roles of woman and man in family life, career, education and social life. Examining whether or not these attitudes are related to the intra-family relations and upbringing is thought to be worthy. In addition to this, identity development process in which the individual explores and commits to the lifestyle, career, ideology, faith, relationship and sex role alternatives may be effective on the gender roles attitude. In this research, the relationship between perceived parental acceptance/involvement, strict supervison/control, identity statuses and gender roles attitude was examined. The predictive roles of perceived parental acceptance/involvement, strict suprevision/control and identity statuses on gender roles attitude were also investigated. The sample of the study consisted 341 university students (70.1 % female and 29.9 % male) attending the Faculty of Education of a state university in Turkey. Socidemographic Data Form, Parenting Styles Scale, Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status and Gender Roles Attitude Scale were used as data collection instruments. The data were analyzed through SPSS 15.0 version. Descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression analysis were utilized in the analyses. Egalitarian gender roles attitude was found as negatively related to maternal strict control/supervision (r=.12, p<.05) , paternal strict control/supervision (r=-.16, p<.01), diffuse identity status (r=.15, p<.01) and foreclosed identity status (r=-.34, p<.01). Also, foreclosed identity status significantly predicted gender roles attitude (β =-.37, p<.01). These findings suggest that the psychosocial developmental processes are important in shaping the society’s point of view to the gender. Directions were given for possible similar studies. Keywords: Gender roles attitude, identity status, parenting. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 130 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE THEORY OF PUBLIC FINANCE FROM CLASSICAL POLITICAL ECONOMY TO NEOCLASSICAL ECONOMICS Ceyhun Gürkan Assoc. Prof. Dr., Ankara University, Ankara, TURKEY, cgurkan@politics.ankara.edu.tr Abstract John M. Keynes is noted for being an economist who has started off the modern period in the theory of public finance. Keynes’ theory, placing fiscal theory essentially in the terrain of fiscal policy, has created a turning point in the discipline of public finance concerning the issue of the functions and volume of public sector in the market economy. Keynes’ fiscal theory is a critique, from within and liberal perspective, of classical political economy and neoclassical economics and it involves the policy and methodological aspects of both. However, Keynes described all theories before his theory as ‘classical’. This has caused an impediment to distinguish between fiscal theories in classical political economy and neoclassical economics and to identify the continuities and discontinuities between them. By explaining the common and opposite points between fiscal theories in classical political economy and neoclassical economics, this study identifies how these theories differ in regards to the degree of their influence on contemporary fiscal theories. Such a general look at classical and neoclassical fiscal theories is possible through their meaningful classifications in themselves. It is observed that there are limited attempts towards making such classifications for both theoretical traditions in the realm of history of fiscal thoughts. By taking off from the classifications at hand and identifying the continued and discontinued points between the fiscal theories in classical political economy and early neoclassical economics, this study aims at a contribution to the field of history of fiscal thought, which has gained rather limited peculiarity and scope compared to the field of history of economic ideas. Secondly, it is identified that neoclassical economics has always been the essential point of support for the post-1930 new-liberal or neo-liberal fiscal theories vis-à-vis the Keynesian fiscal theory to this day. By considering the fact that, despite the apparent references of Keynes’ thought to neoclassical economics, it was Keynes’ commitment to classical political economy that he enabled him to make such a great turn in fiscal theory, the alternatives that the fiscal theories of classical political economy would offer for the crisis situations in the contemporary realm of fiscal theory and policy will be identified. Keywords: Fiscal Theory, Classical Political Economy, Neoclassical Economics International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 131 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey AN EXAMINATION OF VIEWS OF PROSPECTIVE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS ABOUT TO COURSE LECTURES BY USING MATHEMATICAL HISTORY Hasan Yasin Tol Ereğli BelKaya Multi-Program Anatolian High School, Ereğli, Konya, TURKEY, hasanyasintol@gmail.com Selin (Inag) Çenberci Department of Mathematics Education, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY, scenberci@konya.edu.tr Ayşe Yavuz Department of Mathematics Education, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY, Education, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY, ayasar@konya.edu.tr Şule Dağ Department of Mathematics suledagg@gmail.com Abstract History of mathematics plays a significant role in making mathematics lessons attractive and student-centered education (Swetz, 1987). Since the mathematics is focused on people, on this basis the mathematics education has to be accomplished also by involving the history of mathematics. Determine prospective mathematics teachers’ opinion what kind of effect will be on the students and also how teaching of mathematics will be affected when mentioned history of mathematics in the mathematics lessons is the purpose of this study. The sample of the research is comprised of prospective mathematics teachers who study in Konya Necmettin Erbakan University Mathematics Teaching Department. The data were collected during the spring term of the 2016-2017 academic years. For this purpose, an opinion form consisting of open-ended questions was applied to the teaching of prospective mathematics teachers. This study was carried out using special case study which belongs to qualitative resarch method. The data obtained at the end of the application are analyzed descriptively. As a result of the research it has been revealed that by using history of mathematics in the mathematics lessons is quite effective. Keywords: mathematics education, mathematics history, candidate mathematics teacher. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 132 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey YOUNG ADULTS’ SOCIAL MEDIA USE PATTERNS AND THEIR NARCISSISTIC DISPOSITIONS Yemliha Coşkun Asst. Prof. Dr., Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Kahramanmaraş, TURKEY ycoskun@ksu.edu.tr Abstract In today's digital age, the use of social media for different purposes is rapidly increasing due to the possibilities provided by the internet infrastructure, and the efforts of today's people to analyze the main causes of social media-related intensive communication practices suggest the influence of personality traits. Thus, this research aims to determine the relationship between the narcissistic personality structure of young adults and their social media use considering that narcissistic personality characteristic may be influenced by individuals’ social media use. The research is a descriptive study in the screening model. The research sample consisted of 390 students receiving pedagogical formation education at Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Faculty of Education during the spring term of 2016-2017 academic year. They were selected by random sampling method. This research deployed three data collection tools. “Personal Information Form” and ‘Social Media Use Questionnaire’ developed by the researcher; ‘Narcissism Questionnaire' developed by Güngör and Selçuk. The research data were analyzed through SPSS 17.0. Arithmetic mean, frequency, standard deviation and percentage distributions were calculated to determine socio-demographic features of the participants; their social media use frequency and narcissistic personality traits. Pearson Moment Product Correlation Analysis was used to determine the relationship between participants’ social media use frequency and their narcissistic personality traits, between narcissistic personality trait and social media categories use frequency with age; independent group t-test to reveal narcissistic personality traits and social media categories use frequency in terms of gender. Research results have revealed that the narcissistic personality traits of young adults who receive pedagogical formation education are low, and there is a low level of relationship between narcissism and some categories of social media use. The most frequent use of social media by participants was to check their daily emails and to follow people via internet and collect information (google stalking). Keywords: Social media; Narcissism; Social networking sites; Narcissistic personality International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 133 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey AN EVALUATION ON HUMAN NEEDS Ramazan Kocakaya Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Ankara, TURKEY, rmzn_kcky@hotmail.com Rıdvan Temiz The Ministry of Family and Social Policy, Ankara, TURKEY, temizridvan@gmail.com Abstract Disciplines in the humanities field in our country refer to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory while trying to understand human needs. The purpose of this work is to discuss human needs in the context of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. In accordance with this purpose, we will be sought answers to following questions: “What is the need?”, “Are the needs hierarchical?", "Can the needs generalize?", "The needs are determined according to what?", "Is the need feel or make feel?”, “Is there a limit to needs?", "Do we need something that we have?", "What is the role of pain in hierarchy of needs?", " Can we need to absence?", "Does a person in need of prestige afraid of reproach?", "What will happen after self-actualization?" or "If a person don’t self-actualization, will feel incomplete?", "What is the difference between the self-actualized person and perfect human?” According to Maslow, needs that are called basic needs are valid for all people, and for this reason they are shared values. Specific needs of the person give birth personal values. The different basic needs are in a hierarchical relationship with each other. The elimination of a need, and ultimately the loss of central importance, should not create a static situation or a Stoic numbness, should provide a higher need to rise to the level of consciousness. Self-actualization can be defined in context of indipendent of people from the problems of sense of incompleteness in youth and the neurotic problems of life, and in this way confronting real problems of life, put up with and struggle with these problems. In other words, self-actualization does not mean that it is not a problem, but rather it refers to real problems. If human are considered to be a bio-psycho-social-spiritual entity, human needs must be shaped around these four components. Needs can hierarchical but can’t be hierarchical completely. Self-actualization is considered as self-existent or a transcendence can be said that the ways of transcendence or self-existent can vary. In conclusion, in our opinion, as Plato said, "what important in life, not having the most thing, need to least thing." Keywords: Human, Need, Maslow International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 134 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATION IN THE APPLICATION OF SEVEN PRINCIPLES IN A TRAINING-TEACHING PROVIDED TO UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS (THE SAMPLE OF CELAL BAYAR UNIVERSITY) Buket Gülay Çifter Education Expert, Manisa, TURKEY Abstract Education is an utter that its each level and element must be compatible. Many factors such as teacher competencies, teacher-manager, student-teacher, student-school relationship and classroom design are important elements of this integrity. However, to increase communication among students, raise academic achievement and develop sociopsychological skills, the teaching methods and techniques that the teacher will apply are also important. For this reason, the multidimensionality of the criteria that Gamson calls "seven principles" to increase efficiency in education will lead to a better education. These principles contibutes to Encouraging learners to learn at all stages of education, especially in secondary education and college, providing communication between students, encouraging active learning methods, communication, caring for students faceto-face, learning about ways of respecting and learning various skills. The purpose of this study is; to determine the importance of the role of communication in education and training for undergraduate students in Turkey and to offer suggestions to the trainers in the light of the results of the study. Within the scope of this general objective, answers were sought to the question of how effective communication should be in the implementation of seven globally accepted principles in education and training for undergraduate students in Turkey. Qualitative research method was used as a basis in the study and partly quantitative method was used in the analysis part. The required data were obtained as a result of a semi-structured interview carried out with the 10 expert instructors and 10 undergraduate students at Celal Bayar University, Demirci Faculty of Education. Besides this, document analysis method also was used. In addition to preparing questions that can be easily understood through interviews, multidimensional questions have been avoided. The interviews were recorded with voice recorder, the data obtained from the recorded interviews were transcribed and analyzed in the framework of the questions asked by the study. The results of the study are in the evaluation stage and will be concluded soon with relevant proposals. Keywords: Education, Teaching, Communication, Seven Principles International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 135 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey EVALUATION OF TOURISM BUSINESSES’ WEB SITES THROUGH CONTENT ANALYSIS Mahmut Demir Assoc. Prof. Dr., Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, TURKEY, mdemir1@gmail.com Şirvan Şen Demir Corresponding Author, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, TURKEY, sirvansendemir@gmail.com Abstract This study addresses usability issues in hotel and travel agencies’ official web site design and contents. The paper, through content analysis, examines the content, image, colour and functions of twenty-six hotel web sites and twenty-two travel agencies web sites in different cities of Turkey. Seven issues were determined in this research about web sites which analyzes the characteristics of tourism businesses and target users. The findings indicated that the seven issues were; 1) institutional information about business, 2) information and pictures of goods and services, 3) ease access to web site, 4) contact and address information, 5) colour and letter characteristics in text, 6) multilingual capabilities, 7) ease access to main page and functional menu. As a result, hotel and travel agencies’ web sites design and contents are important for people who search the information about tourism, destination, goods and services of tourism businesses. And also, this web sites can affect consumers’ purchasing behaviour, holiday decision and holiday package choice. Keywords: Web sites, Tourism, Hotel, Travel agency International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 136 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey PERSONNEL WORKING IN SPECIAL SPORT ENTERPRISES INVESTIGATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL CINISM LEVELS Serdar Ceyhun Karabük University, Karabük, TURKEY sceyhun@karabuk.edu.tr Nedim Malkoç Karabük University, Karabük, TURKEY, nedim.malkoc @sbu.edu.tr Nesrin Arslan Karabük University, Karabük, TURKEY nesrinarslan@karabuk.edu.tr Abstract Organizational cynicism, at the forefront of the concepts addressed in recent years, contains negative feelings and behaviors towards employees' organizations. The aim of this research is to determine organizational cynicism levels of the personnel working in the private sports enterprises. The sample of the research is composed of 279 personnel working in private sports enterprises in Istanbul. Research data were collected with a form that included demographic characteristics and organizational cynicism scale developed by Brandes (1997). Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, minimum value, maximum value, skewness and kurtosis) were calculated for the sub-factors of Organizational Cynicism scale and the distributions of the scores from the the overall scale. The levels of organizational cynicism related to marital status and the presence of administrative tasks from the demographic characteristics of the employees were analyzed by the Independent-Sample t test analysis. One-Way ANOVA (One-way ANOVA) analysis was used to examine the association between organizational cynicism levels and the age, occupational years of work, and monthly income levels of employees. In the study it was seen that the scale of the perceptual cynicism subscale was at a higher level. Moreover, organizational cynicism was found to be influenced by age, marital status, status of being in administrative duty, duration of study, financial resources. Results and suggestions were developed within the findings of the study. Keywords: Cynicism, Organizational Cynicism, Sport Enterprıses, Sport International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 137 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey INVESTIGATION OF MULTIMODAL LITERACY LEVELS OF PRESERVICE TEACHERS IN TERMS OF DIFFERENT VARIABLES Hacer Ulu Hacettepe University, Ankara, TURKEY Ayşegül Avşar Tuncay Hacettepe University, Ankara, TURKEY Abstract In this research, multimodal literacy of preservice teachers in terms of variables of gender, grade level, mother education, father education and daily internet usage time were examined. The sample of the research is composed of 345 prospective teachers who are studying at the 1st, 2nd, 3th and 4th classes of elementary and Turkish teacher department studies teaching state üniversity faculty of education. The multimodal literacy of prospective teachers are assessed through the Multimodal Literacy Scale developed by Bulut, Ulu and Kan (2015). To analyze data, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis test was used. As a result of Mann Whitney U test, a significant difference was defined in multimodal literay level pressing oneself using multimodal structure according to gender. As a result of Kruskal Wallis test a significant difference was defined in multimodal literacy level and interpretation of the contents presented in multimodal structure and preferring multimodal structures sub-dimensions according to grade level, in multimodal literacy level and interpretation of the contents presented in multimodal structure and preferring multimodal structures sub-dimensions according to mother education, in multimodal literacy level and interpretation of the contents presented in multimodal structure and preferring multimodal structures sub-dimensions according to father education, in multimodal literay level pressing oneself using multimodal structure according to daily internet usage time. Keywords: Multimodal literacy, preservice teachers, teacher training. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 138 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey UPON RITUSAMHARA OF KALIDASA, INDIAN POET AND WRITER Yalçın Kayalı Ankara University, Faculty of Languages History and Geography, Ankara, TURKEY, ykayali@ankara.edu.tr Abstract Nothing much is known about the life and time celebrated Sanskrit poet and dramatist Kalidasa. Several legends, myths, stories are woven around his name but hard facts a few and far between. But many modern scholars find themselves generally accepted that Kalidasa must have flourished under one or more of Gupta kings. The Gupta Period (about 300-650 AD) was famous in the ancient history of India for its revival of Sanskrit learning and art. Among the works which are now definitely believed to have been Kalidasa’s are the three dramas, Malavikagnimitra, Vikramorvasi and Sakuntala and the four poems, Meghaduta, Kumarasambhava, Raghuvamsa, Ritusamhara. The Ritusamhara is a description of the six Hindu seasons, in 144 stanzas of various metres. Scholars are at variance as to the justification of its claim to be regarded as the work of the same Kalidasa who wrote the Raghuvamsa. It is written in a style which falls far below the level of this other works. There is not the same ease of expression or the same wealth of observation. It is ill put together, rude and full of tame repetitions. The Ritusamhara is alone of its kind in Sanskrit poetical literature. Descriptions of seasons abound in Kavyas, but this is the only poem devoted solely to them. It suffers both in matter and manner from the finished works of other poets and from other works of Kalidasa. Only two old commentaries on the Ritusamhara have been discovered in Samvat 1817; it has been printed at Calcutta and Bombay. This is a very meagre commentary, without any attempt at a critical understanding of many places. The other commentary is in a fragmentary condition. By the way, Ritusamhara has the distinction of being the first Sanskrit text of which an edition was printed in Calcutta 1792. Keywords: Sanskrit Poetry, Kalidasa, Ritusamhara, Gupta Period, Kavya. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 139 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS BY MOORA METHOD: AN APPLICATION ON BIST TECHNOLOGY INDEX* Fatih Konak Asst. Prof. Dr., Hitit University, Çorum, TURKEY, fatihkonak@hitit.edu.tr Abstract Within the market mechanism, it is of great importance that companies protect their existing positions and further increase their competitiveness. It is observed that not only do companies understand their potential for financial performance, but also investors' expectation on performance following a positive or negative trend in the decision-making process. In this framework, companies need to make the most effective decisions in order to reach the desired point. In addition, the consideration of objective approaches in the performance appraisal allows comparison for all stakeholders. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the financial performances of 15 companies in the Borsa Istanbul Technology Index over the last five years. In this context, the MOORA-Ratio Method, which is one of the methods that enables objective evaluation by simultaneously optimizing two or more systems under certain constraints, is preferred. Gross Margin, Net Margin, ROA, ROE, Loan Turnover Rate, Inventory Turnover Rate, Cash Conversion Rate, Current Ratio, Acid-Test Ratio, and Equity / Asset (Active) Ratios were selected and the evaluations were made by including the analysts in equal weight. The findings of the research show the potential financial incompleteness of the companies and help to identify the specific areas that need improvement for the companies. At the same time, in the investor's perspective, benchmarked company performance gives a different viewpoint than investing in the index. Keywords: MOORA, Financial Performance, BIST Technology Index *This paper has been derived from Fatih Konak's unpublished Phd thesis. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 140 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey NEW MARKETING COMMUNICATION MEDIA FOR ENTERPRISES: MOBILE AUGMENTED REALITY APPLICATIONS Erkan Özdemir Assoc. Prof. Dr., Uludağ University, Bursa, TURKEY Abstract The intensive competition among existing businesses is increasing even more with the establishment of new enterprises. In this kind of environment, it is inevitable to benefit from the developing technology. One of the new technologies developed in recent years is Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) applications. AR technology is a new technology that can offer many possibilities that are difficult to make by other technologies. Augmented Reality (AR) can be defined as the development of the real environment with computer generated content. This technology, which is used in many areas today, is especially used as a new marketing communication media for enterprises. When the relevant literature is examined, it can be stated that the subject is being studied in recent years. However, it is seen that some leading technology companies are beginning to use this technology. In this study, AR concept and technology will be introduced and examples of how entrepreneurs can use this technology as marketing communication media will be presented. In this regard, it is aimed to create awareness on marketing managers about mobile augmented reality applications with this study. As a result of the study, suggestions are given to marketing managers about the use of this technology. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 141 4th IC§ER International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey WHY MANAGERS IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN LEISURE TIME ACTIVITIES Mahmut Demir Assoc. Prof. Dr., Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, TURKEY, mdemir1@gmail.com Abstract Leisure time activities have been shown to have many benefits for work life. However, many managers in public institutions are physically inactive and they do not intend to participate in social activities in their spare time. The main purpose of this study is to investigate why managers are reluctant to participate in leisure time and social activities. Research design includes cross-sectional survey. To gather the data 208 randomly selected managers in different level of public institutions who work in Isparta, Antalya and Muğla were interviewed at their institutions. To achieve above goal, four research hypotheses were proposed Data were analyzed with SPSS statistical programs using factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The findings indicated that the levels of knowledge about the motivation to work and other benefits of leisure time activities were high. Almost all managers (90%) believed and agreed that leisure time activities were beneficial and 66% agreed that they did enough to improve productivity, provide effective communication, motivate in work and keep healthy. As a result, three of four hypotheses are supported according to analysis report. The implications for managers in public institutions and researchers are discussed. Keywords: Managers, Public institutions, Leisure time activities International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 142 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey The abstracts of th 4 IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 143 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey SOCIAL MEDIA PERFORMANCES OF HOSPITALS AS THE KEY ACTOR OF HEALTH TOURISM: A RESEARCH ON JCI ACCREDITED HOSPITALS Erhan Akyazı Prof. Dr., Marmara University, Istanbul, TURKEY, eakyazi@marmara.edu.tr Abstract In addition to the traditional nature and culture tourism, many alternative tourism forms such as luggage tourism, congress tourism and fair tourism have been on the agenda in recent years. One of the alternative and popular forms of tourism is health tourism. Health tourism, which has many examples in the world and has been practiced for many years, has been newly discovered by our country's entrepreneurs, but has earned a good place with well-equipped hospitals, experienced doctors and cost advantages. It is important for our country, which is in the top rankings of the world tourism league, to increase its incomes in this area with success in the health sector. Undoubtedly, the fact that the hospitals, that have come to life with the efforts of the entrepreneurs, announce themselves in this area play an important role in the development of health tourism. The social media tools that provide services on the internet, which is the popular communication medium of the information age, also offer a wide range of possibilities. While there are many successful hospitals in our country, we have very few which can enter the list by matching the Joint Commission International (JCI) standards, which is a notfor-profit international organization that undertakes the responsibility of rating health institutions. In this context, the study aims to analyze the social media performance of hospitals with JCI standards in the sense of promoting themselves. Keywords: Health, Tourism, Hospital, JCI International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 144 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey A STUDY ON EXAMINING THE TOURISM RELATED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Selay Ilgaz Sümer Asst. Prof. Dr., Baskent University, Ankara, TURKEY, silgaz@baskent.edu.tr Abstract Tourism has an important role in the economies of countries. By the help of the revenues earned from tourism, countries can develop easily and close their budget deficits. Moreover, the importance of tourism is increasing every passing day. Along with the increasing value of tourism, academic researches and studies have also started to gain importance. Academicians have conducted several studies related with the subtopics of tourism. Most of these studies have presented in the various platforms such as conferences, congresses and workshops. In this study, tourism related conference publications are examined in different aspects. For this purpose, conferences organized by International Center of Social Sciences & Education Research (ICSER) since 2015 were taken into consideration. In this context, proceedings published in two conferences such as International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research (ICSSER) and International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research (ICTTR) held by ICSER were examined. Conference proceedings were analyzed according to some criteria. These can be listed as the year of publishing, number of the authors, subject of the proceedings, method and result of the studies. As a conclusion, according to the proceedings being examined, it is found that interesting aspects of tourism are revealed. Keywords: Tourism, conference proceedings, ICSSER, ICTTR International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 145 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey A SOCIAL, CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC APPROACH TO DEFINE THE TOURISM EXPENDITURES M. Murat Kızanlıklı Dr., Gazi UniversityFaculty of Tourism, Ankara, TURKEY, muratkizanlikli@gazi.edu.tr Abstract Tourism is a significant industry for countries with its social, cultural and economic contribution. International tourist arrivals reached 1,235 million in 2016 and 300 million more people travelled internationally for tourism between 2008 and 2016. Also, international tourism receipts were US$ 1.220 billion worldwide in 2016 and international tourism represents 7% of the world’s export in goods and services. With the increasing number of people participating in the tourism movement in the world, tourists travel to various parts of the world and are engaged in cultural and social interaction. In this respect, tourism has also an important role in reducing economic imbalances among countries and in the development of emerging regions. The aim of the study is to determine whether there is a relationship between international tourism expenditure and the economic, social and cultural figures of the World’s top tourism spenders and TURKEY. Secondary data analysis was carried out by using the statistics of official and global organizations such as Rep. of TURKEY Ministry of Culture and Tourism, The World Bank, The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), World Economic Forum and International Monetary Fund (IMF). The research was conducted between July and August in 2017. According to the findings, there are significant differences between TURKEY and top tourism spenders regarding some travel & tourism competitiveness pillars and social and economic indicators such as educational attainment, household disposable income. Keywords: Tourism expenditure, top tourism spenders, TURKEY, social, cultural and economic indicators. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 146 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE WAGE AND EMPLOYEES’ BEHAVIOR AT HOTELS Şirvan Şen Demir Assoc. Prof. Dr., Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, TURKEY Mahmut Demir Corresponding Author, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, TURKEY, mdemir1@gmail.com Abstract The wage which perceived by employee is the amount of money (income) needed to provide a decent standard of living for their life. On the other hand, wage perception of employee is a crucial issue for hotel management. So, this research has focused both the perceived wage of employees and their behavioral intentions. The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between the employees’ wage perception and their behavioral intentions in hotel businesses. The first, a literature review related to wage and salary in tourism industry was conducted. The literature research was focused on competence, justice, payment and scope of wages and behavioral intentions. In the second stage, questionnaire was developed from the study of Demir and Altuntepe (2015). Data were collected at five stars hotels in Antalya Region by researchers in face-to-face interviews with 377 employees who were employed full time. Data were analyzed with SPSS 22 statistical programs. After reliability and validity analysis, the data have revealed with the factor analysis. Then, correlation analysis and regression analysis were done. Correlation analysis was used to investigate the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. And last stage, regression analysis was used to determine the effects of independent variables on dependent variable. As a result, research findings showed that the correlation between independent variables and dependent variable and the effects of independent variables on dependent variable. Keywords: Wages, Wages Perception, Employees, Hotel International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 147 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey A RESEARCH ON DETERMINING TOURISM POTENTIAL AND COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF THE MOST VISITED ISLAMIC COUNTRIES Kemal Kantarcı Prof. Dr. Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Faculty of Business, Alanya-TURKEY, kemal.kantarci@alanya.edu.tr Murat Alper Başaran Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Faculty of Engineering, Alanya-TURKEY, muratalper@yahoo.com Paşa Mustafa Özyurt Res. Asst., Akdeniz University, Faculty of Tourism, Antalya-TURKEY, ozyurt@akdeniz.edu.tr Abstract Due to power of religion to form and influence government structure, culture and consuming style, a group of countries or communities involved into a certain religion can be studied in order to find out decisive factors. Nevertheless there is limited study that researches the link between religion and tourism supply conditions. There are different views on the issues that affect the size and success of tourism development, such as promotion, marketing, image development, geographical problems or conflicts. It is a crucial issue to understand which conditions affect the route of tourism development in Islamic countries. In this study, tourism and travel competitiveness factors of the ten most visited Islamic countries are examined comparatively. It was aimed to determine the power and the direction of the sub-competitiveness factors that affect the overall competitiveness, as well as revealing differences among the countries. To this end, Multidimensional Scaling Analysis was used in the study. According to findings, travel and tourism human, cultural and natural resources and travel and tourism regulatory framework were found to be the items that shape the overall competitiveness the most. Another finding reveals that all the countries showed a positive progress during the last five years by means of increasing competitiveness level. Yet, TURKEY is found to be the most competitive country among the all. Keywords: Religion, Islamic Countries, Tourism, Competitiveness, Multidimensional Scaling Analysis, International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 148 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS OF STATE UNIVERSITY IN MEDITERRANEAN REGION Gamze Alp Akdeniz University, Antalya, TURKEY Selami Gültekin Akdeniz University, Antalya, TURKEY Abstract Data envelopment analysis is a nonparametric approach that measures activity. Data envelopment analysis, a decision-making tool based on linear programming, is described as a data-centric approach that evaluates the performance of equivalent units called decision-making units and transforms multiple inputs into multiple outputs. Otherwise, The DEA methodology enables to get global technical efficiency scores, local pure technical efficiency scores and finally scale scores of units. And by using DEA it is possible to obtain an overall performance measure through the comparison of a group of decision units. In other words, for the analysis of an organization performance, it is necessary to determine the extent to which the effectiveness and resources whether or not used efficiently. The interest in the measurement of the performance and efficiency in non-profit public organisations such as universities has increasing day by day. Recently, in many studies DEA methods has been using to evaluate performance of universities. In this study, the VZA technique is used to evaluate the relative activities of state universities in the Mediterranean region. The relative activities of the 11 universities in the region were measured taking into account the data collected from the 2016 administration activity reports. First, input and output variables belonging to universities have been determined. In this context, while the number of faculty members, the number of other academic staff, the number of administrative staff and personnel expenses are considered as input variables, the number of students and number of publications are determined as output variables. The collected information is then expressed as a linear programming model to calculate the efficiency score of each university. Then linear programming models were solved separately as BCC and CCR, and efficiency scores were measured according to these models. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 149 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey ACHIEVING THE MOST IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE OF GEOMARKETING WITH SUITABLE SITE SELECTION OF TOURISM SERVICES IN GIS Qadir Ashournejad Ph.D. Candidate in remote Sensing & GIS from University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran Javad Hamidi Graduate M.S. of Business Management from Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Iran Seyed Javad Hosseini Graduate M.S. of Geomorphology from University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran Abstract Suitable site selection of tourism services is one of the most important issues in Geomarketing that has a great impact on their productivity and satisfaction of customers. Hotels are important tourist services. Investment and construction of them requires attention to the location. GIS as a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) can be very efficient in preparing the data and modeling priorities and the experts' opinions and also helps the investors in choosing the appropriate location for constructing hotels. In this research, a comprehensive study was conducted to determine the optimum location for the construction of a hotel in Ramsar city, Iran. In this regard while recognizing the important parameters in determining the appropriate location for the construction of the hotel, such as the proximity to other utilities, traffic, competition, spatial characteristics, the role and the influence of each of them on determining the hotel's location was specified. Then according to the specific characteristics of the study area, the tourist nature of the town and the layers of information, locating took place in two stages of preliminary and detailed. Each of these steps involves determining the factors according to the particular circumstances of the area, collecting and preparing the data, mapping of factors, integrating maps of factors, and ultimately choosing the appropriate location. In this study on the impact of different factors in determining a suitable location for the construction of a hotel, two types of maps were prepared including factor maps and restriction maps. Due to the importance of integrating information, the model of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was chosen and using Expert Choice software it was implemented. ArcGIS software was used for modeling, spatial analysis, integrating information and also zoning the study area in terms of functionality of constructing hotels. The results indicate that there are 5 optimal zones for the construction of a hotel in Ramsar city. Prioritization of investments in these 5 zones is possible with field observations and their ranking. Keywords: Geomarketing, Hotel, Site selection, GIS. * This paper was not presented by author(s) International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 150 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey IMPORTANCE GIVEN TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN TOURISM EDUCATION: AN EVALUATION ON HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS Erhan Akyazı Prof. Dr., Marmara University, Istanbul, TURKEY, eakyazi@marmara.edu.tr Abstract According to a definition, tourism is defined as a trip made for purposes such as rest, entertainment, sight, and recognition, while according to another definition, tourism is defined as economic, cultural and technical measures taken to attract tourists to a country or region. In other words, tourism is essentially an area of economic activity that increases the national income of the country. Tourism is an important revenue gateway for countries that are especially rich in cultural and natural assets, such as our country. As in every economic activity area, tourism sector will benefit from the branches of science such as economy, management and education, and it will help to produce rational solutions and productivity will increase. There are many examples of innovations and successful entrepreneurship in the field of tourism, in the national and international context, which carry the sector to the upper levels. The ability to innovate and turn it into an entrepreneurship depends on whether the people who are operating in this field are educated. It has been observed that important steps have been taken in tourism education in our country in recent years. This study will try to show how much importance is given to the concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation in the departments operating in the field of tourism in the higher education institutions of our country. In this sense, the curriculums of the departments related to tourism in higher education will be investigated and the results will be analyzed. Keywords: Tourism, Entrepreneurship, Higher Education International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 151 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey A STUDY ON THE VIEWS OF THE PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS IN ANTALYA RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTING Merih Tetik Anadolu University, Institute of Social Science, Eskişehir, TURKEY, merihtetik@gmail.com Gülçin Karataş Akdeniz University, Institute of Social Science, Antalya, TURKEY, gulcinkaratas@akdeniz.edu.tr G. Nilüfer Tetik Akdeniz University, Faculty of Tourism, Antalya, TURKEY, niltetik@akdeniz.edu.tr Abstract In recent years, the environmental problems have become one of the most important issues in the world. Wars, rapidly increasing population, technological progresses, urban sprawl, and using the natural resources unconsciously, give rise to the various environmental problems. The environmental problems like water, air, and land pollution, and natural disasters create anxiety for people about their future. As a result, humans have become more sensitive to the environment. With the rising environmental awareness, the studies on the environment have been conducted in many scientific fields such as economy, law, medicine, accounting, etc. In accounting, the efforts made in order to avoid the environmental problems bring to light the concept of environmental accounting. The reason is why we are facing some difficulties in the measurement and documentation of the environmental activities in the traditional accounting. The environmental accounting, unlike the traditional one, involves the expression with monetary units of the costs for and the revenues from the environmental activities, and the expression with physical units of the physical flows of the natural resources used in the production and the wastes that occur at the end of the process, as well. The environmental accounting is closely related to the firms since they deplete the natural resources using them in producing the goods and services and lead to the various environmental problems. Thus, the firms should incur social responsibility regarding the protection of environment. The activities that firms perform in order to protect the environment and minimize the environmental problems that they have caused give birth to the environmental costs. It is quite essential that the professional accountants in charge of accounting the environmental costs are equipped with the knowledge about the environmental accounting. The professional accountants that have sufficient information may help mitigate the environmental problems. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 152 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey In order to avoid or diminish the environmental problems encountered in Antalya, the authorities put into practice the environmental projects such as refining, recycling and disposal facilities by making physical investments in accordance with the legal regulations. Yet, the stakeholders such as firms and professional accountants as well as the officials, and as a whole, the community have critical role in this issue. Accordingly, in this paper we aim to observe the views of professional accountants upon the environmental problems and the environmental accounting. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among the professional accountants in Antalya. We analyzed the data obtained by means of the survey, evaluated this analysis using tables, and consequently made recommendations to the professional accountants. Keywords: accounting, environmental accounting, professional accountants International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 153 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey A STUDY ON THE INVESTIGATION OF THE POSSIBILITIES OF HOTEL LOGOS: THE CASE OF BODRUM Şirvan Şen Demir Assoc. Prof. Dr., Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, TURKEY Erge Tür Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, TURKEY Abstract Logo is important for both businessmen and consumers because it is a part of visual identity. This situation has a great proposition that businesses should create logos that can appeal to consumers aesthetically. In the design of business logos, the log is aesthetically pleasing, allowing the consumer to have positive results. Logos are not only aesthetically successful but also have a storyline that inspires the design of the logo. Whether the symbol used on the logo has a meaning or the mythological meaning is the story, the logo will bring an important dimension to the perception of the consumer, so that the logon will make people aware of and attract attention in the mind. From this point of view, it can be stated that the effect on the logon's consumer perception is related to the aesthetics and the history of the logon being successful. The logos generated by businesses have an important role in relation to the business objective-consumer perception that perceived by consumers. For this reason, the purpose of the study is to evaluate the logistics of the hotel enterprises and the message they perceive from the hotel logos by comparing them with the opinions of the hotel managers and local people. In this direction, the interviews with the hotel manager were made by comparing the answers given by the managers and the answers given by the consumers during the interview. As a result, it has been seen that hotel logos are important to consumers in terms of color adaptability, font, retention and compatibility with the sector. Keywords: Logo, Logo design, Awareness, Hotel logos International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 154 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey OPPORTUNITIES HALAL TOURISM IN SHARIA HOTEL ON THE DEVELOPMENT INDONESIAN DOMESTIC MARKET, WITH THE CASE OF STUDY: MADANI SHARIA HOTEL YOGYAKARTA Khozin Zaki Khairul Umam Islamic University of Indonesia Abstract With the high of the level of prostitution and other acts that do not right with the concepts of Islam in society. High level of prostitution in public places, particularly the hotel makes the Muslim and non-Muslims become uncomfortable. And this is one of the things that make people's awareness of the potential of the halal and sharia increased tourism. With the sharia hotel which is now likely to reduce the level of prostitution, the existence of sharia growing tour and also made Muslim and non-Muslim societies become more comfortable. Then this article will try to explain how the halal tourism of opportunities sharia in Indonesia's domestic market, with the case of study on sharia madani hotel Yogyakarta. Where the hotel has its own advantages in the ethics of the employees is friendly, the food and drinks is halal, and the place is clean. And ultimately this research will find an opportunity how sharia hotel is able to contribute to the domestic market on the basis of Islamic concepts. Keywords: Opportunity, Halal Tourism, Sharia Hotel International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 155 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey EVALUATION OF TOURISM DATA IN TURKEY IN THE LAST YEAR WITH DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS Gamze Alp Akdeniz University, Antalya, TURKEY Selami Gültekin Akdeniz University, Antalya, TURKEY Abstract In tourism, there are millions of tourists and millions of dollars in tourism income. When the sector is so large, it is expected that the mistakes in the past years will be determined and become a guide for future years. One of the methods to be used in determining these mistakes is DEA. Because DEA is a linear programming based analytical technique that aims to measure the relative performance of decision units with the help of input and output variables and determines how effectively the resources are used. Todays, DEA are used in many areas such as industry and service enterprises. In this study, the relative activities of 2007-2015 in terms of tourism data were measured with the help of DEA. The input and output variables are determined with tourism data obtained through TÜRSAB and TUİK. In this context, while the number of accommodation facilities in Turkey, the number of bed capacity in Turkey, the number of Turkish tourists (thousand dollars) and the number of citizens from Turkey are considered as input variables, the number of accommodation facilities in Turkey, the number of bed capacity in Turkey, the number of citizens from Turkey has been determined as output variable. According to VZA results, it has been determined that 5 years effective and 4 years effective are not effective. Reasons for inactive years are supported by various events and it is aimed to be a guide for the future by presenting various proposals that can be avoided with DEA. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 156 4 IC th TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND COMMUNICATION: A RESEARCH IN GROUND HANDLING BUSINESSES Mahmut Demir Assoc. Prof. Dr., Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, TURKEY, mdemir1@gmail.com Şirvan Şen Demir Corresponding Author, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, TURKEY, sirvansendemir@gmail.com Abstract Communication and emotional intelligence are two important issues related to each other. In literature, there are only a few researches on the relationship communication and emotional intelligence. As Demir and Demir mentioned (2009), communication as a fundamental need of human life constitutes one of the main factors in establishment of relationships in work and social life. This research shows that a major aim of the emotional intelligence should be to provide the communication techniques in human relation. In this context, the purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and communication in the ground handling businesses. To achieve this goal, three research hypotheses are proposed. 277 questionnaires from faceto-face interviews-survey of randomly selected employees from the Antalya, Dalaman, Bodrum-Milas airports were analysed with LISREL statistical program. It was found to be a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and communication. In the resulting structural equation model, three hypotheses are supported according to analysis report. The implications for ground handling businesses practitioners, employees and academicians are discussed. Keywords: Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Employee, Ground Handling Business International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 157 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey TOURISM SAFETY MANAGEMENT IN SAMUI ISLAND, SUTATTHANI PROVINCE Suyaporn Sortrakul Kanokwan Srikwan Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Thailand Abstract This paper focuses on the situation of tourism safety management in Samui Island, Thailand with emphasis on risk perception of tourists who are staying in Samui Island. As the risk perception is an important issue within this context, it often has a negative effect on tourists' decision making process. The results showed that the tourists are aware of main hazards on the island, and, the safety turns out to be a major concern regarding tourists' travel decision. However, it does not have a negative effect on willingness to travel to the island. Furthermore, the results pointed out the importance of good traffic system, public utility center, marine activities center, and certain communication channels which benefit tourists' risk perception. It is also recommended to train staffs to use marine equipments, treat Box Jellyfish properly and approach to risk and safety management is proactive strategically designed to coordinate and manage a diverse range of tourism stakeholders. Keywords: Tourism Safety, Safety Management, Samui Island, * This paper was not presented by author(s) International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 158 4 th IC TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey E MARKETING IN HOTEL BUSINESS: A SURVEY ON FOUR AND FIVESTAR HOTELS IN KONYA Ferdi Bişkin Asst. Prof. Dr., Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya, TURKEY, fbiskin@yahoo.com Meltem Tuncel Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya, TURKEY, meltemtuncel06@gmail.com Abstract Electronic marketing means introducing produced goods and servicing on web environment and carrying out marketing activities on this setting. Accommodation business organizations operating in tourism have to use internet effectively in order to be successful on marketing activities. Thanks to internet it is possible for accommodation organizations communicating directly with customers. Konya was chosen as application area in the survey. Four and five-star hotels operating in Konya are population and sample of the study. Interviews composed of 28 questions were done with sales managers and sales representatives of four and five-star hotels in Konya. As a result of the survey which was done to determine the rating of internet usage as means of modern marketing, it is appeared that hotels use social networking sites other than websites for their advertisement. Keywords: E-marketing, Four and Five-Star Hotels, Konya. International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 159 4 IC th TTR International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research September 08-10, 2017 Radisson Blu Hotel Ankara, Turkey THE ANALYSE OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TOURISM GOODS AND SERVICES PROVIDERS’ SALES STRATEGIES AND TOURISTS PURCHASING BEHAVIOUR Şirvan Şen Demir Assoc. Prof. Dr., Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, TURKEY Mahmut Demir Corresponding Author, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, TURKEY, mdemir1@gmail.com Abstract Recent trends in tourism markets indicate that buyers and sellers are increasingly following the new trends, destinations and products. The competition among tourism goods and services providers, destinations and countries have changed dramatically the purchasing behavior of consumers. Besides, the increasing competition in the tourism sector requires managers of tourism destinations to develop effective marketing plans and strategies to reach potential tourists. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the sellers’ sales techniques and buyers’ purchasing behavior. To achieve this goal, six research hypotheses are proposed. 428 questionnaires from email survey of randomly selected visitors who bought a holiday package at travel agency was analysed with SPSS statistical program. For this questionnaire, e-mails were sent by 13 travel agencies to their domestic consumers. It was found that tourism goods and services providers’ effective marketing plans and strategies have a positive effect on potential tourists purchasing behavior. As a result, six hypotheses are supported. The implications for goods and services providers’, other practitioners in tourism sector and academicians are discussed. Keywords: Tourism goods and services providers, Sales strategies, Tourists purchasing behaviour International Center of Social http://www.icser.org/?_l=0 Sciences and Education Research E-Mail: icserconference@gmail.com 160 http://www.icser.org/?_l=1 https://www.facebook.com/ICSER1 icserconference@gmail.com