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Politeness in Sardinian Xavier Frías-Conde Sardinian Sardinian is spoken in most of Sardinia (the areas marked in orange/pink and blue) Catalan is also spoken in Alghero (l’Alguer in Catalan, s’Alighera in Sardinian) Some linguistic features 1. Sardinia is a mosaic of Romance varieties 2. Families: 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 3. 4. Corsican in the North > Tuscan North varieties of Sardinian: Nuorese and Logudorese South variety of Sardinian: Campidanese Ligurian enclave (Sant’Antiogu) in the South-West Catalan enclave (Alguer) in the North-West Sardinian is more typologically related to Iberian-Romance than to any other family Sardinia belonged to the Aragonese Crown for four centuries (1320-1720) 4.1. 4.2. First: Catalan influence Then: Spanish influence Crown of Aragon (1441) Crown of Aragon (1441) ● ● ● Sardinia belonged to the Aragonese Crown for four centuries (1320-1720) Up to the 16th century, Catalan was the power language, which left a deep trace upon Sardinian (in both lexicon and morphology). With the arrival of the Habsburg dynasty, Spanish became the power language and also left its trace upon Sardinian, including the Address forms. Official standard pronoun systems soggetto SING PL 1 deo 2 tue 3 issu/issa, vostè 1 nois 2 bois 3 issos/issas, vostès According to the so-called Limba Sarda Comuna (LSC) Pronoun system in the LSC ● The Limba Sarda Comuna (LSC) turns out to be a kind of Sardinian Standard used by the Regional Government and more and more spread among Sardinian writers, which is mostly based on Lodudorian Sardinian. ● Vostè is included as a 3rd person form, when actually it belongs to the 2nd person paradigm. ● However, this paradigm does not include all the actual possibilities of Address in Sardinian. Politeness according the Sardinian Standard ● ● ● ● SG PL [-FORMAL] tue bois [+FORMAL] vostè vostès This scheme does not respond to the reality of Sardinian It does not pick up all the ways to express politeness in Sardinian It reflects a system identical to European Spanish Politeness according to the current LSC standard Framework: Tagging System The approach to the study of Address is based on the Tagging System developed by Frias (2018) Based on: 1. 2. 3. Degree (G) > [± FORMAL] [± KNOWN] [± INTIMACY] Reference (R) > Real person to which the pronoun refers Paradigm (Π) > Verbal paradigm Framework: Tagging System A French example: ● ● Vous êtes une personne intelligente ○ G [+formal] R [2PS] Π [2PP] Vous êtes des personnes intelligentes ○ G [±formal] R [2PP] Π [2PP] A German example: ● ● Sie sind ein kluger Mensch ○ G [+formal] R [2PS] Π [3PP] Sie sind klugen Menschen ○ G [-formal] R [3PP] Π [3PP] ○ G [±formal] R [3PP] Π [2PP] Framework: Tagging System A Sardinian example: ● Bois seis una pessona intelligente ○ G [+formal] R [2PS] Π [2PP] ● Bois seis pessonas intelligentes ○ G [-formal] R [2PP] Π [2PP] Tagging System applied to Sardinian ● The Address form in Sardinian is interpreted as follows G R Tue Bois [2PS] [- FORMAL] Vostè Vostès Π [+FORMAL] [2PP] [2PS] [3PS] [2PP] [3PP] Old Sardinian samples of bois Tando aet mancare a bois, figiu meu, moneda, over dinaris in sos regnos (Condaghe di San Gabino) Custos fiios de Gavini Formiga, ki posuit iuighe Gonstantine, patre vostru, a clesia, progitteu non mi servint? (Condaghe di Santa Maria di Bonacardo). A vos, donnu meu, venghio a merkede pro una ankilla cun kinbe fiios suos (Condaghe di Santa Maria di Bonacardo). Eo mi confesso a Deu e assa Madonna [...] a bois segnore Deu,su quale appo multu offessu (Il libro sardo della confraternita dei disciplinati di Santa Croce di Nuoro) In all these cases, bois is the only politeness form used in the medieval language More modern testimonies ● In modern Sardinian, bois is still a polite form, while boisàteros is merely 2ndPP ➢ Itte sezis fachende, babbu meu? No mi bazezas! Non soe istau dechille chin bois. Sos peccaos meos sun troppu mannos. Non so’ prus dinnu de bos esser fizu. App’a esser unu de sos teraccos brostos.“ Ma su mere aiat muttiu sos teraccos e lis aiat nau: „Battie·mi·nde sa beste prus bella chi appo e bestie·li·a. Apustis ponie·li un’aneddu a su pòddighe e cartae·lu. E bois in cue a josso, umprie abba, alluchie su focu e occhidie su mezus bitellu. Cherjo chi tottu facan festa.(Excerpt from the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Luke’s Gospel, Nuorese version) ➢ Assoras comintzeit a faeddare e si pongeit a lis nàrrere: “Oe custa iscritura s’est cumprida in boisàteros chi seis aiscultende”. (Lc 04,21) Old Sardinian 2P paradigm ● The original Address paradigm in Old Sardinian is the same as in the rest of Romance Languages up to the 16th century. SG PL [-FORMAL] tue bois [+FORMAL] bois bois Bois in Puddu’s (2000) bóis , prn: bos, boso, bosu, vois prn. de sa de duas personas plurale: si narat fintzas a una persona manna pro respetu bisàtere / fustei, vosséntzia bois in cantos sezis? ◊ sa paghe siat cun bois! 2. a bois, ca sezs ómine mannu, no bos faedho gai! ltn. vobis, vos Vossèntzia in Puddu’s (2000) vosséntzia , nf títulu chi si giaet, tzerriende, a persona manna pro respetu bois, fustei spn. Vuecencia Vostè in Puddu’s (2000) vostè , prn: bostè fueddu de respetu, mescamente pro unu chi no si connoschet o no si li tenet cunfidàntzia o est prus mannu bois, fostea, samartzei comente cheret: est vostè su mere! ◊ comente istant sos de vostè? ◊ mugere mia at bogadu unu pè e no podet pasare de su dolore: si no mi faghet fiànscia vostè, no mi la curat mancu su dutore ◊ vostè gia lu connoschet a Bachis: est un'ómine puliu! (G.Chironi) ctl. Vosté Samertzè in Puddu’s (2000) samartzéi, prn: samertzei, semertzei, semmertzei sa mertzei*, fueddu de respetu pro personas chi no si connoschent o chi no si li tenet cunfidàntzia bois, bostè, fosteti lu pago comente samertzè disígiat ◊ samertzè iscioberit su chi li cumbenit! The origin of vostè vuestra merced > vusted > usted (ES) vostede (GL) vosté (AN) vostè (CT) vostè (SR) The origin of samertzè SUA MERCEDE Sua mercê (PT) Sumerced (ES) Sucê (PT_BR) Samertzè (SR) The Spanish origin of this form is based on the first syllable (sa-), which is interpreted as the definite article, but in Spanish is in fact a possessive (su-). The origin of vossèntzia vuestra excelencia > vuecencia (ES) vossèntzia (SR) vossenza (SC) The pragmatic shift of bois 1. bois: R [2PP] Π [2PP] G [± formal] > boisàteros|as 2. bois: R [2PS] Π [2PP] G [+ formal] More examples of modern boisàteros (1) Luigi: Giai ca m'as mentovadu sas bìngias de babbu tuo... Marta m'at naradu ca ti depes firmare una chidighedda pro firmare documentos... Gianni: Eja, est beru!Si faghet, cun mugere mia amus a bòlere unu cantu de terra de babbu... Luigi: E ite nde depes fàghere? Non benides mai a inoghe... Gianni: Pregonto a su geòmetra de bìdere si su terrinu andat bene pro nde pesare una domitedda! Luigi: S'idea est bona, ma a ti cumbenit? Domo nostra est manna! Pro boisàteros b'at a èssere semper logu! Gianni: Liliana diat bòlere.. pro sos pipios...est ca tocat a partzire bene sa terra! Luigi: La' ca mi paret ca l'ant giai partzida... est totu iscritu! Gianni: Non so seguru... cando l'ant fatu deo non bi fia! Luigi: Ti lu naro deo! Nois nd'amus pigadu sa domo e boisàteros bos seis partzidos sa terra! http://www.sardegnacultura.it/cds/cd16/unidades/unidade_5.3.7.php More examples of modern boisàteros (2) Gianni: Tando ais torradu a fàghere sa domo... Luigi: Eja, ma est giai una pariga de annos chi amus agabbadu totus sos traballos! Ite ti nde paret? Gianni: Sa domo giai est bella e sighit puru cussa antiga... Luigi: Pro nàrrere sa veridade l'amus crèschida! Gianni: Crèschida? Non mi paret! A su chi bido su fràigu est cussu etotu! Luigi: No no, non ti nde ses avèrtidu ca acanta de gabinete b'est s'iscala pro calare a bassu? Gianni: As a bòlere nàrrere ca nd'as bogadu su fundagru!? Luigi: Intzertada l'as! Lu depes bìdere! Ant fatu de a beru unu bellu traballu! Gianni: Cras mancari calo a lu bìdere... mannu est? Luigi: A una parte b'est su logu pro sa màchina! L'amus postu a cumone cun fradiles de boisàteros... Issos puru bivent inoghe e lis ispetat! http://www.sardegnacultura.it/cds/cd16/unidades/unidade_5.3.6.php A questionnaire 1. Sa forma "bois" cando la ses impreghende cun respetu mannu, a la usas cun chie? The form “bois” when used in a very respectful way, who do you use it with? 2. Sa forma "bois", a est prus formale che sa forma "vostè"? Is the form “bois” more formal than “vostè”? 3. Sa forma "bois", a l'usas cun pessones...? What kind of people do you use the form “bois” with? 4. A cheres commentare carchi cosa subra de custa forma de respetu chi a pàrere tuo siat interessante de mentovare? Do you want to make any comment regarding this polite form, which you consider significant to be mentioned? Use of polite bois 1. it is used with people over 60 and mostly known people (teachers, bosses, family members). 2. It is rather meaningful that the generation born before the 60’s addressed their parents with bois, but later on it was with tue, something that is not uncommon in other Romance varieties. Expression of politeness Current pronoun system in Sardinian SARDINIAN [-DISTANT] CATALAN [+DISTANT] [-DISTANT] [+DISTANT] vos vostè bois vostè PL tu [-FORMAL] [+FORMAL] SG PL tue [-FORMAL] [+FORMAL] SG bois(àteros) vostès ARAGONESE [-FORMAL] vosaltres vostès [-DISTANT] [+FORMAL] [+DISTANT] SG PL tu vosatros vos vos vosté vostés Current pronoun system in Sardinian ● As a conclusion, the current Sardinian Address System is virtually the same as the Catalan one and almost as the Aragonese one. ● It is also to be mentioned that the form bois in today’s Sardinian is disappearing in all varieties, as well as in Catalan. Thanks for your attention xfrias@flog.uned.es