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CURICULUM VITAE (Not updated) Irina Deretic Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Cika Ljubina 18-20 11000 Belgrade Serbia Languages: Serbian (native), English, German, Russian, Ancient Greek, Latin Current position: Associate Professor of History of Philosophy (Ancient Greek Philosophy, Early Mediaeval Philosophy, and German Hermeneutics) A short description of CV: Irina Deretic was born in Belgrade, where she graduated in 1993/94 at the top of her class, with an average grade of 9,82, and a 10 on her final paper entitled Aristotle’s Rhetoric between Logic and Practical Philosophy. She attended graduate studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, as well as the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich with Professor W. Beierwaltes (1996). She holds a M.Phil (Language and Ontology in Plato’s Dialogs: Cratylus and Sophist) and a PhD (Plato’s and Aristotle’s Conceptions of Logos) from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, where she works as Associate Professor of History of Philosophy, teaching Ancient Greek Philosophy, Philosophy and Literature, and German Hermeneutics etc. At the Institute of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, she participated in the following scientific projects: “History of Philosophy” and “The Problem of Explanatory Gap”, funded by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia. Irina Deretic is a leader of the project: History of Serbian Philosophy, which is financially supported by the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science. She writes and speaks Serbian, English, German, and Russian, and she has knowledge of Ancient Greek and Latin. She was a recipient of many scholarships, including the Young Researchers’ Scholarship by the Republic of Serbia (1995-1998), the Sasakawa (Japanese) Scholarship (1995), and the Onassis Scholarship (2001) etc. In 2011 she became a recipient of Swedish STINT grant for the international cooperation with Prof. Paullina Remes (University of Uppsala). The fields of her specialisation are: Ancient Greek Philosophy, German Hermeneutics, Serbian philosophical heritage, Philosophy in Literature, Serbian Philosophical Heritage, Virtue Ethics, Bioethics, etc. She authored 4 books (How to Name Being, Logos, Plato, Aristotle, From Plato’s Philosophy) more than 100 scientific papers in Serbian, English, German, Greek, Slovenian and Macedonian, and she edited the three volumes on Serbian philosophy. (The selection of her publications is to be seen at the end of her CV). Her book How to Name Being, revised and supplement, was published in 2016. She has participated: as an invited guest in the numerous national and international conferences, seminars, and workshops. She has held many public lectures and series of lectures in the prestigious institutions: national Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Hellenistic Fond for Culture in Belgrade and Kolarac Foundation etc., as well as abroad in Greece, Germany (Nietzsche Forum in München), Russia, Turkey and Argentina. In 20 In 2009, with Stefan Sorgner (University of Erfurt) she organized the conference: “Humanism and Posthumanism” (funded 8000 eu) at the University of Belgrade. Together with Dr. Stefan Sorgner she is the editor of the book From Humanism to Meta- Post and Transhumanism. She participated in the organization of the Conference „Audiovisual Posthumanism: Contemporary Aesthetics and Art Theory“, held on Lesbos, September 2010, together with Dr. Stefan Sorgner (University of Erfurt), Prof. Dr. Evi Sampanikou, Art History, University of the Aegeans, Prof. Dr. Domna Pastourmatzi, English Literature, University of Thessaloniki. As a visiting professor, invited by the Ethics Centre of Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany, she held a course in 2007 entitled Eine Einführung in die Tugendethik: Sokrates, Platon und Aristoteles. In 2008, invited by the same university, she held a course Die Ethik des Aristoteles. Her courses were evaluated by Prof. Nikolaus Knoeppfler, Head of the Department of Applied Ethics at the University of Jena, as “being excellent” and as ones which “enriched the Program” of the Ethics Centre of Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. As a visiting professor, invited by the University of Uppsala (Sweden), she held with Professor Paullina Remes the course for the doctoral students. In 2012, 2014, 2017 she gave a series of lectures on Plato's Philosophy at the State University of Vladimir (Russian Federation), as well as at University ff Ryazan. In 2018, she participated Socratica IV 2018 in Buenos Aires (Argentina) were she gave the lecture on Aristotle account of tragedy at UCES in English, while her lecture was translated bz Professor Rodrigo Illiaraga. She is a member of the executive board of the Serbian Philosophical Society, and a member of the International Society for Studies in Ancient Philosophy, the German Society for Studies in Ancient Philosophy, and Plato’s Society. She has participated in the founding of the South-East European Society for Ancient Philosophy, at the conference in Delphi in 2002. She is the member of the editorial board of a two-volume American reference work 21stCentury Anthropology, from SAGE Publications (2010), as well as a member of the Editorial Board of the book series „Beyond Humanism: Post- and Transhumanism/Jenseits des Humanismus: Post- und Transhumanismus“ by Peter Lang Verlag. Books: How to Name Being, publisher: Filip Višnjić, Belgrade, 2001, 186 pages (5 reviews, one of which is published in English in the international philosophical journal Diotima 2003).[ in Serbian] Logos, Plato, Aristotle, publisher: Plato Books, Belgrade, 2009, 469 pages (the book was in the final selection for the Award for the best theoretical book in Serbia, already quoted many times, 4 reviews, one of which is in print in English in the international, philosophical journal: Skepsis). [in Serbian] From Plato’s Philosophy, publisher: Plato Books, Belgrade, October 2010, 163 pages. [in Serbian] Plato's Philosophical Mythology, publisher: Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika, Belgrade, 2014. [in Serbian] How to Name Being, publisher: Pešić i sinovi, Belgrade, 2016, 206 pages (second, supplemented and revised edition) [in Serbian] Books (edited): History of Serbian Philosophy I (essays and contributions), publisher: Evro-Giunti, Belgrade, 2011, 614 pages [in Serbian] History of Serbian Philosophy II (essays and contributions), publisher: Evro-Giunti, Belgrade, 2012, 718 pages. [in Serbian] History of Serbian Philosophy III (essays and contributions), publisher: Evro-Giunti, Belgrade, 2015, 708 pages [in Serbian] Irina Deretić/Milo Lompar (Hg.): The Spirit of Hellenism, Službeni Glasnik, Belgrade, 2015, 952 pages [in Serbian] Irina Deretić/Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, From Humanism to Meta- Post and Transhumanism, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2016, 379 pages. History of Serbian Philosophy IV (essays and contributions), punblisher: Službeni Glasnik, Filozofski Fakultet, Beograd, forthcoming [in Serbian] Selected Academic Papers: “Historicality of Philosophy: Hegel and Gadamer”, TheoriaNo.3/1995, Belgrade, pp. 31-45 [in Serbian]; „Aristotle's Philosophic Foundation of the Rhetoric“, in: Filozofija i društvoVII, Belgrade, 1995, UDK 19 : 82.085. YU ISSN 0353-5738, pp. 47-68. [in Serbian] “Rhetoric and Democracy”, TheoriaNo.4/1995, pp. 101-118 [in Serbian]. "Rhetoric and Phronesis in Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy", Srpska politička misao1-4 1996, Beolgrade, pp. 193-206 [in Serbian] „The Language and Being in Plato’s Dialogues: CratylusandSophist“, in: Filozofski godišnjak10, Institut za filozofiju Filozofskog fakulteta, Belgrade, 1997, UDK – 1(091): Platon, YU ISSN 0353-3891, pp. 28-50. [in Serbian] "Is Gadamer a Platonist?”/, in: Theoria 4-1997, Belgrade, pp. 55-70 [in Serbian] “Names and Forms in the Cratylus: What Does Plato's Socrates Really Claim?”, in: Filozofski godišnjak12-1999, Belgrade, pp. 5-27 [in Serbian]. „Semantics of Shadow in the Mountain Wreath“, in: Luča 1999 br. 1-2, Nikšić, 1999, UDK-1+316 YU ISSN 0352-4973, pp. 119-127. [in Serbian] "Philosophical Assumptions of Sava Mrkalj's Philology", in: Gledišta 1-2/1999, /Viewpoints 1-2/1999/, Belgrade, pp. 83-100 [in Serbian]. "The Etymologies and Heraclitus' Ontology", in: Književna reč 508, Belgrade 1999, pp. 21-34 [in Serbian]. “The Enigmatic Sophist", in: Književna reč 510, Belgrade, 2000, pp. 11-34 [in Serbian]. „.Hermeneutics and Rhetoric: Plato's Example“, in:IskustvaIII, br. 9/10, NIGP Kalekom, Belgrade, 2001, UDK1/3, ISBN 86-7482-003, pp. 115-123. [in Serbian] “On Aristotle’s Notion of Science”, in: Filozofski godišnjak14-2001, pp. 23-38 [in Serbian]. "Metaphysical Foundation of Plotinus’ Concept of Human Freedom"/, in: Proceedings from the Annual Conference of the Serbian Philosophical Society, Belgrade 2001, pp. 105-119 [in Serbian]. “Logos v Aristotelovi Metafiziki”, /Logos in Aristotle’s Metaphysics/, in: Anthropos, 34 (2002), No. 4-6, Ljubljana, Slovenia pp. 127-134 [in Slovenian]. „Towards Aristotle's Understanding of Language“, in: Iskustva, year. 4, No. 11/12, NIGP Kalekom, Belgrade, 2002, ISSN 1450-7293, UDK 1/3, pp. 43-51. [in Serbian] “Power and Weakness of the Logos ", in: NUR, Časopis za kulturu i islamske teme,vol. 10, No. 33, Belgrade, 2002, UDK 008+297, ISSN 1450-555X, pp. 102-110. [in Serbian] „Pokajnik kao izabranik“, in:Proceedings of the Seventh Philosophical and Theological Symposium on the Days of St. Cyril and Methodius:Guilty and repentance, ed. by: Episkop Budimljanski Joanikije, Savo Laušević, publisher: Odeljenje za filozofiju Filozofskog fakulteta in Nikšić and Theology of St. Petar Cetinjski on Cetinje, Nikšić, Cetinje 2002, pp. 141-148. [in Serbian] “Logos and Pharmakon in Plato's Pheadrus«, in: Skepsis. A Journal for Philosophy and Inter-Disciplinary Research.Volume XIII-XIV 2002-2003, International Center of Philosophy, Greece and Akademia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, Deutschland, pp. 101-106.This paper has been included in the international Plato Bibliography 2004-2005 by Luc Brisson. “Platonovoto tatkoubistvo vo Sofist”, Filozofija 1. No. 3(2002), Skopje, [Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia], pp. 35-57. “Dispute about Plato’s Unwritten Doctrines”, Philosophical Inquiry, International Quarterly, Vol. XXV, Summer-Fall, 2003, No 3-4, pp. 88-99; „Logos and Ousia in Aristotle's Metaphysics", in: Filozofski godišnjak, Year I, No. 1, Banja Luka, 2003, УДК 11 Aristotle (049.4), ISSN 1451-50-40, pp. 89-103. [in Serbian] „The Meaning of Aristotle`s Virtue Ethics. An Example of the Virtue: Epieikeia“,a full-featured publication in: Actes, from XIV International Congress of Society Cosmos et Philosophie, called Commercialisation et dynamique de l’universe des valeurs, held in Clermont-Ferrand, from 28. july-1 august 2003, France, pp. 81-85. “Gadamer's Revolutionary Conservatism ”, in:Tradicija i integracija, ed. by: Mile Savić, Publisher: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, IP „Filip Višnjić“, Belgrade, 2003, ISBN 86-82417-07-3, pp. 45-53 [in Serbian] “Logos in Plato’s Symposium”, in: Diotima 2003 (31), Athens, Hellenic Society for the Philosophical Studies, pp. 27-35. “The Ancient Motive of Self-Knowledge in Dositej’s Writings”, in: On Serbian Philosophy/, ed. by Ilija Maric, Belgrade, 2003, pp. 75-87 [in Serbian]. “On Democracy: from Plato to Aristotle”, Polis and Cosmopolis. The Problems of a Global Era, Athens 2003. This paper has been included in the international Plato Bibliography 2004-2005 by Luc Brisson. “Feminine rendering of Kosovo Myth”, in: Elelev. Diepistimoniko Periodiko technis, 3 (2003), ed. by Pepi Rigopoulou, Athens, Greece, pp. 29-33. “Sprache und Metaphysik: Hegels` Lehre vom spekulativen Satz in der “Vorrede zur Phänomenologie des Geistes””, Unser Zeitalter ein postmetaphisisches?, ed. K. Gloy, H.-D. Klein, W. Schild, Königshausen & Neuman, Deutschland, 2004, pp. 323-333. “Logos, Written Logoi, and Pharmacon in Plato’s Phaedrus”, in: Yeditepe’de Felsefe, A Refereed Year-Book, ed. by: Yeditepe University, Philosophy Department, Istanbul, 2004, ISSN: 1304-0197, pp. 149-161. „Шта је ненаписано учење? ",in: Luča XX/2 (2003), thematic number: Agrapha Dogmata. Aspects of Plato's unwritten doctrine, ed. by: BogoljubSijakovic, Odeljenje za filozofiju Filozofskog fakulteta in Montenegro, Niksic, 2004, УДК 1+136, YU ISSN 0352-4973, pp. 289-299.[inSerbian] „The Notion of Logos in Aristotle's Understanding of Man“, in: Arche, year 1, No. 2, Filozofski fakultet in Novi Sad, Odsek za filozofiju, Novi Sad, 2004, ISSN: 1820-0958, UDK: 10/14 (05), pp. 25-36. [in Serbian] „Language and Мetaphysics.Hegel’s Account of the Speculative Sentence in the "Foreword to the Phenomenology of Spirit",in: Filozofski godišnjak, year II, No. 2, Javna ustanova Književna zadruga, Banja Luka, 2004, ISSN 1451-5040, pp. 153-169. [in Serbian] “Doppelte Paradoxa. Platon über die Idee des Guten”, Platon über das Gute und die Gerechtigkeit, ed. D. Barbarić, Königshausen & Neuman, Deutschland, 2005, pp. 137-148, (quoted 3 times). „Двоструки парадокс: Платон о идеји Добра“, in: Filozofski godišnjak, Year III, No. 3,Javna ustanova Književna zadruga, Banja Luka, 2005, UDK 14. Platon, 17.023.1 (049.32), ISSN 1451-5040, pp. 201-219. [in Serbian] „Greeks and Historical Consciousness“, in: ΦιλοσοφιατηςΙστοριαςκαιτουΠολιτισμου (Philosophia tes Istorias kai tou Politismou), ed.by: Dimitrios Koutras, publisher: Society for Aristotelian Studies, „Lyceum“, Athens, Greece, 2005, ISBN 960-85915-3-8, pp. 26-30. „The Beast and man in Man“, in:Filozofski godišnjak, YearIV, No.4, Javna ustanova Književna zadruga, Banja Luka, 2006, УДК 321.01:14, ISSN 1451-5040, pp. 269-290. [in Serbian] „Logos and Plato's Question on the Method of Philosophy“, in: Theoria 3(2007), Srpsko filozofsko društvo, Belgrade, year XLIX No. 3, 2007, UDK 111:141, YU ISSN 0351-2274, pp. 7-28. [in Serbian] „Logos and Rhetoricor on the Limits of Plato's Philosophical Rhetoric“, in: ArcheIV, Novi Sad, 8/2007, ISSN: 1820-0958, UDK 162:808 162.6, pp. 177-192. [in Serbian] „Aristotle's Metaphysical Notion of Logos“, in: Filozofski godišnjak 20 (2007), Institut za filozofiju Filozofski fakultet in Beograde, Beograd, UDK 111:141, YU ISSN 0353-3891, pp. 5-28. [in Serbian] „Logos and (or) Grame: Merits of Plato's Criticism of Writings",in: Sveske, 86 (2007), Pančevo, UDK 101.8 Platon, 14 Platon, YU ISSN 0353-5525, pp. 120-127. [in Serbian] „Platonova filozofija u školskom ključu“, in: Književni list, year VI, No. 63, Belgrade, 1. november 2007, pp. 6. [in Serbian] „The Role of the Logos in Plato's Definition of Knowledge ", in: Arche V, 9/2008, Filozofski fakultet in Novi Sad, Odsek za filozofiju, Novi Sad, ISSN: 1820-0958, UDK: 10/14 (05), pp. 87-108. [in Serbian] „Орестова кривица?“, in: Sveske, 90 (2008), Pančevo, YU ISSN 0353-5525, pp. 47-52. [in Serbian] “Bioethics in Plato’s Philosophy”, Filozofski godišnjak,No. 21(2008), Glasnik instituta za filozofiju, University of Belgrade, pp. 5-21, [in Serbian] „Discontinuity with the Golden Age as the Beginning of Political Society and History: Plato's Myth in the Statesman,in: Treći program,2009, No. 143-144, ISSN 0564-7010, UDK14 Platon, 141.7 Platon,pp. 365-372. [in Serbian] “Psyche as Biblion: Cognitive Dispositions and Pleasures at Philebus 38E12-40C”, Theoria, No. 2 (2009), pp. 69-80. „Zašto Diotima saopštava istinu o Erosu [„Why Does Diotima Tell What Eros Is“]“,in: Arche13/2010, Filozofski fakultet in Novi Sad, Odsek za filozofiju, Novi Sad,ISSN: 1820-0958, UDK 176, pp. 149-162. [in Serbian] „Anaximander“, in: Encyclopedia of Time: Science, Philosophy, Theology & Culture, editor: H. James Birx, A SAGE Reference Publication, 2009, ISBN 978-1-4129-4164-8, pp. 14-15. „Aristotle and Plato“,in: Encyclopedia of Time: Science, Philosophy, Theology & Culture, editor: H. James Birx, A SAGE Reference Publication, 2009, ISBN 978-1-4129-4164-8, pp. 56-57. "Женско тумачење Косовског мита",in:Etno-kulturološki zbornik, Book XIV, Svrljig, 2010, ISSN 0354–7485, pp. 75-83. [in Serbian] “Orestes’ Political Liberation and Internal Punishment: Aeschylus’ Eumenides and Euripides Electra and Orestes”, HOMMAGE À L’ADADÉMICIEN Evanghélos MOUTSOPOULOS POUR SON 80 ANNIVERSAIRE, premiere partie, (Essays in Honor of Prof. Evanghelos Moutsopoulos), Athens, 2010, pp. 45-53. “Human Excellences: past and present”, ch. 54: 21st Century Anthropology, Vol. 1, ed. by H. James Birx, SAGE Publication Inc, California, USA, 2010, pp. 526-535. “Platon und Bioethik”, in: Geschichte der Bioetik, hrsg. Stefan L. Sorgner und Tina-Louise Fischer, mentis Verlag, 2011., pp 29-51 “Ideas and Paradigms of the Enlightenment in the Writings of Dositej Obradovic”,Skepsis. A Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research, Academie Verlag,XXI (2011), ISSN: 1105-1582, pp.61-83 „Mit o poreklu čoveka i rodova smrtnika u dijalogu”,in: Theoria, No. 4, Belgrade, 2012, ISSN 0351-2274, pp. 77-90. [in Serbian] „Between Philosophy and Literature: Mystical Eroticism of Anica Savic Rebac“, in:History of Serbian PhilosophyII,ed. by: Irina Deretic, Evro-Đunti, Belgrade, 2012, ISBN 978-86-505-228-6, pp. 281-312. [in Serbian] „What is Еconomy?“, Introduction: Ksenofont, Ekonomija, Akademska knjiga, Novi Sad, 2011, ISBN 978-86-86611-68-0, pp. 5-17. [in Serbian] „Đurićev povratak Grcima: Primer Aristotelove praktične filozofije“, in: Čuver dostojanstva filozofije. Spomenica povodom jednogodišnjosti smrti akademika Mihajla Đurića (1925-2011), ed. by: Danilo N. Basta, Dosije studio, Belgrade, 2012, pp. 96-121. [in Serbian] "Plato's Patricide' in Sophist ”, in: Zbornik Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Pristini, No. LII (2), year. 2012, pp. 431–445. [in Serbian] „Plato on Hermeneutike Techne”, in: Plato, Platonists and the Moderns. Proceedings of the XXI International Symposium of Philosophy, 25-29.07.2010, eds. Despoina Potari, Charampos Magoulas, Olympic Center for Philosophy and Culture, Athens, Greece, 2012, pp. 5-11. „Почему национальная педагогика необходима?“, у: Национальное и транснациональное в развитии высшей школы. Материалы Всероссийской научно-методической конференции с международным участием. Новосибирск, Изд-во СГУПС, Новосибирск, 2012, ISBN 5-93461-578-0, pp. 13-27. „Биоэтика в платоновской философии“, in: Материалы IV Международной научной конференции, посвященной памяти православных просветителей святых равноапостольных Кирилла и Мефодия. Церковь,Государство и общество в истории Российи и православных стран: религия и образованиеhrsg. Н. М. Маркова, С. Н. Минин, Е. И. Аринин, В. А. Хренова, Vladimir, VladimirStateUniversity, 2012, S. pp.83-98. “Самореферентная структура понятия Бога у Аристотеля», у: Наука, религия и толерантность: вызовы и проблемы современности.Материалы международной научной конференции, 24–26 октобра 2012 у Владимиру, редакциони одбор: Н. М. Маркова, Е. И. Аринин, А.С. Тимощук, И.Е. Викулов, Владимир, Руска федерациja, ISBN 978-5-9984-0232-6, pp.79-84. „Зашто Европа тако много дугује Грцима? ",in: T. A. Slezak, What Europe owes to the Greeks, ISBN 978-86-519-1322-1, Albatros Plus/Službeni Glasnik, Belgrade 2012, ISBN 978-86-6081-084-9 (AP), pp. 269-278. [in Serbian] „Moral Enhancementin Xenophon’s Symposium“, introduction: Ksenofont, Gozba, Akademska knjiga, Novi Sad, 2010, ISBN 978-86-86611-67-3, pp. 5-13 [in Serbian] „Miloš N. Đurić on Aristotle's Ethics“, ed. by. К. M. Gadjanski, in: Antiquity and the Contemporary World: Scientists, Researchers and Interpreters, Belgrade, Društvo za antičke studije, 2013, 17:929 Đurić M. N. 1 Aristoteles, ISBN 978-86-89367-01-0, pp. 18-29. [in Serbian] “Is it Possible to Interpret the Author's Intentions? ", in: Interpreta2012, Srpsko filozofsko društvo, Sremski Karlovci, 2013, ISBN 978-86-81349-29-8, pp. 71-77. [in Serbian] „Достоевский: размышляя о парадоксах гуманизма“, in: Художественная литература и философия: контексты и взаимодействия материалыx международной научной конференции «художественный текст и культура», Владимир, 17–19 октября 2013 года, ВлГУ, ISBN 978-5-8311-0719-7, pp. 26-31. „Plato on the Social Role of Women: Critical Reflections”, International JournalSkepsis XXIII (2013), ISSN: 1105-1582, pp. 152-168. „What do Affections in the Soul Resemble? Aristotle’s Model of the Linguistic Sign”, in: Arhe 20/2013, S. pp.143-150. „Двойной Парадокс: Платон об Идее Блага“, у: Вестник Влaдимирсокого Государственного Университета (ВлГУ), 1 (1) 2014, ISSN 2013-061X, УДК 2-12, pp. 69-81. “Dostoyevsky: ReflectingonParadoxesinHumanism” у СВЕЧА – 2014, Vol. 26: Религия, religio и религиозность в региональном и глобальном измерении; Vladimir: VladimirStateUniversity, 2014, ISBN 978-5-9984-0534-1, pp. 259-266. "Платон о подобии человека Богу" у Церковь, государство и общество в истории России и православных стран: религия, наука и образование, Vol. 9, Vladimir: VladimirStateUniversity, 2014, ISBN 978-5-9984-0537-2, pp. 100-108. „Да ли знање искључује веровање или Платон о знању и веровању“, in: Smisaofilozofijeismisaoufilozofiji, SremskiKarlovci, 11–13. IX 2009. [in] Intrepretacija i vrednovanje, Sremski Karlovci, 10–12. IX 2010. [in] Znanje i vera, Sremski Karlovci, 16–18. IX 2011, Srpsko filozofsko društvo, Belgrade, Sremski Karlovci, 2014, ISBN 978-86-81349-31-1, pp. 202-206. [in Serbian] „Προς τιο μοιάζουνταεν τη ψυχή παθήματα“, у: Αναγνώσεις του Αριστοτέλη/ Readingsof Aristotle, zbornikradovasamedjunarodnogskupa, UniversityofNicosiaPress, Nicosia, 2014, ISBN 978-9963-711-26-0, pp. 99-108. „Зашто је косовско предање истинито чак и ако се сматра митом?“, History of Serbian PhilosophyIII,ed. by: Irina Deretic, Evro-Đunti, Belgrade, 2014, ISBN 978-86-505-2577–7, pp. 246-272 [in Serbian] „Plato on Man's "likeness to God“, in:Arche, No. 22/2014, year XI, Filozofski fakultet in Novi Sad, Odsek za filozofiju, Novi Sad, ISSN 1820-0958, UDK 1 Plato : 2-1-14, 1 Protagoras, pp. 129-139. [in Serbian] Why Does a Woman's Deliberative Faculty Have No Authority? Aristotle on the Political Role of Women”, in: Filozofija i društvo, No. 4/2015, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Belgrade, S. 902-916. „Превосходят ли варвары греков?“, у: Межкультурная коммуникация в условиях глобализации: проблема культурных границ в современном мире (Материалы VIII Конвента РАМИ, апрель 2014 г.) : Научное издание / Под ред. А.В. Шестопала, М.В. Силантьевой; отв. ред. А.В. Мальгин. - Издательство "МГИМО-Университет", 2015, ISBN 978-5-392-19300, УДК 327, pp. 20-25. “In Defense of Socrates: Socrates’ Arguments against Trasymachus’ Account of Justice”, Theoria, br. 3/2015, Beograd, ISSN: 0351-2274, ISSN: 2406-081X, DOI: 10.2298/THEO1503043D, pp. 43-70. „On the Origin and Genesis of Humans and Other Mortals in Plato’s Protagoras“, in: From Humanism to Meta Post and Transhumanism, ed. by Irina Deretić and Stefan L. Sorgner, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2016, pp. 21-36. “Introduction” (with S. 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