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© 2014. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd | The Journal of Experimental Biology (2014) 217, 1745-1751 doi:10.1242/jeb.098509 RESEARCH ARTICLE A new potassium ion current induced by stimulation of M2 cholinoreceptors in fish atrial myocytes Denis V. Abramochkin1,2,*, Svetlana V. Tapilina1 and Matti Vornanen3 KEY WORDS: Acetylcholine, Muscarinic receptors, Fish heart, Atrial myocytes, Ionic currents, IKACh. INTRODUCTION Cardiac contractility is adjusted to circulatory demands on a beatto-beat basis by the interaction of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems via β-adrenergic receptors and muscarinic (M2) cholinergic receptors, respectively (Hartzell, 1988). Effects of sympathetic activation are rapidly reversed by parasympathetic stimulation, despite the continued sympathetic tone via the ‘accentuated antagonism’ of the autonomic nerves (Levy, 1971). It is widely recognized that the main parasympathetic neurotransmitter, acetylcholine (ACh), induces negative chronotropic and inotropic effects mainly via the activation of the second subtype (M2) of muscarinic cholinoreceptors, which prevails in the mammalian 1 Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Moscow State University, Leninskiye Gory, 1, 12, Moscow 119991, Russia. 2Department of Fundamental and Applied Physiology, Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow 117997, Russia. 3Department of Biology, University of Eastern Finland, FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland. *Author for correspondence (abram340@mail.ru) Received 16 October 2013; Accepted 4 February 2014 myocardium (Dhein et al., 2001), even though the involvement of M3 cholinoreceptors in mediation of ACh effects has been recently confirmed (Abramochkin et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2007). The crucial cardiotropic effects of M2 cholinoreceptors are mediated by activation of the ACh-gated inwardly rectifying K+ current (IKACh) via Gi proteins. Binding of ACh to M2 receptors leads to dissociation of Gi proteins and subsequent direct activation of KACh channels by their βγ-subunits (Hibino et al., 2010). IKACh belongs to the family of cardiac inward rectifiers (IKir), which includes two other K+ current systems: the background inward rectifier current (IK1) and the ATP-sensitive current. Consistent with its physiological function in maintaining a stable negative resting membrane potential, the IK1 is significant in ventricular myocytes, less prominent in atrial cardiomyocytes and practically absent in the pacemaker cells of the sinoatrial node. Opposite to the IK1, the density of IKACh is much higher in supraventricular cardiac tissues than in ventricular myocardium, which appears in electric activity as high sensitivity of atrial and pacemaker action potentials (APs) to muscarinic modulation. Induction of the IKACh by stimulation of M2 receptors leads to hyperpolarisation, which is particularly distinct in the pacemaker cells, and AP shortening, which is more pronounced in the atrial myocardium than in the pacemakers (Boyett et al., 1995). In the present study, we demonstrate the presence of another K+ current associated with muscarinic stimulation in atrial cardiomyocytes of fish. It can be clearly distinguished from the conventional IKACh by its low sensitivity to Ba2+. The outward component of the novel current (IKACh2) has a current–voltage dependence very similar to that of the IKACh, but in contrast to the IKACh the inward component of IKACh2 is very small. Activation of this novel carbamylcholine chloride (CCh)-sensitive current seems to be mediated by a pertussis toxin (PTX)-dependent pathway involving M2 receptors. RESULTS Current induced by CCh in fish atrial myocytes and its ionic nature When studying the Na–Ca exchange current (INCX) in fish cardiac myocytes, we noticed that the recorded current was strongly and quickly increased by CCh, a muscarinic agonist. Conditions for INCX recording require Cs+-based pipette and external solutions (for composition, see Materials and methods) and various ion channel blockers (tetrodotoxin, nifedipine, E-4032 and BaCl2 for sodium, calcium, delayed rectifier and inward rectifier currents, respectively) applied into the external saline solution. Because of the experimental setting for INCX recording, it was initially thought that activation of the current represented parasympathetic modulation of the INCX. Indeed, both atrial and ventricular myocytes of crucian carp and rainbow trout hearts demonstrate a definite background INCX before CCh addition (Fig. 1). During the experimental protocol, both inward and outward components of the INCX always increased during the first 2–3 min after gaining access to the whole-cell 1745 The Journal of Experimental Biology ABSTRACT A novel potassium ion current induced by muscarinic stimulation (IKACh2) is characterized in atrial cardiomyocytes of teleost fishes (crucian carp, Carassius carassius; rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss) by means of the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. The current is elicited in atrial, but not ventricular, cells by application of carbamylcholine (CCh) in moderate to high concentrations (10−7–10−4 mol l−1). It can be distinguished from the classic IKACh, activated by the βγ-subunit of the Gi-protein, because of its low sensitivity to Ba2+ ions and distinct current–voltage relationship with a very small inward current component. Ni2+ ions (5 mmol l−1) and KBR7943 (10−5 mol l−1), non-selective blockers of the sodium–calcium exchange current (INCX), strongly reduced and completely abolished, respectively, the IKACh2. Therefore, IKACh2 was initially regarded as a CCh-induced outward component of the INCX. However, the current is not affected by either exclusion of intracellular Na+ or extracellular Ca2+, but is completely abolished by intracellular perfusion with K+free solution. Atropine (10−6 mol l−1), a non-selective muscarinic blocker, completely eliminated the IKACh2. A selective antagonist of M2 cholinoreceptors, AF-DX 116 (2×10−7 mol l−1) and an M3 antagonist, 4-DAMP (10−9 mol l−1), decreased IKACh2 by 84.4% and 16.6%, respectively. Pertussis toxin, which irreversibly inhibits Gi-protein coupled to M2 receptors, reduced the current by 95%, when applied into the pipette solution. It is concluded that IKACh2, induced by stimulation of M2 cholinoceptors and subsequent Gi-protein activation, represents a new molecular target for the cardiac parasympathetic innervation. RESEARCH ARTICLE The Journal of Experimental Biology (2014) doi:10.1242/jeb.098509 List of symbols and abbreviations acetylcholine action potential carbamylcholine chloride background inward rectifier K+ current acetylcholine-activated inward rectifier current NCX current muscarinic receptor sodium–calcium exchanger pertussis toxin small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel recording, and then remained relatively stable for up to 30 min or more. This background current could be completely blocked by an organic blocker KB-R7943 (10−5 mol l−1) or suppressed by 60–80% with 5 mmol l−1 Ni2+ (data not shown). CCh at concentrations of 10−6–10−4 mol l−1 induced a marked increase in the recorded current in atrial myocytes of both crucian carp and rainbow trout (Fig. 1). We define the CCh-induced current as the difference between the current in the presence of CCh and the current recorded just before CCh application (see current–voltage curves in Fig. 1C,D). In contrast to the basal KB-R7943-sensitive current, which had both inward and outward current components, the CCh-induced current was exclusively in the outward direction. CCh-induced current had the same shape in atrial myocytes of both fish species (Fig. 1C,D). However, the density of the current produced by 10−4 mol l−1 CCh was ~42% larger in crucian carp (10.48±1.89 pA pF−1) than in rainbow trout (7.39±1.62 pA pF−1) myocytes (P<0.05, Mann–Whitney test). In ventricular myocytes of both species, CCh up to the concentration of 10−4 mol l−1 failed to produce any distinguishable effects. This is not surprising in light of the well-known insensitivity of fish ventricular myocardium to muscarinic agonists (Vornanen and Tuomennoro, 1999). A 200 Control 150 CCh 10–5 mol l–1 0 –50 –90 mV –100 200 Time (ms) 400 0 –5 –100 mol l–1+ –5 CCh 10 KB-R7943 10 mol l–1 100 200 300 Time (ms) 0 –200 C 100 –46 mV –46 mV 100 Background current (INCX) CCh 10–6 mol l–1 CCh 10–5 mol l–1 CCh 10–4 mol l–1 CCh 10–5 mol l–1+ Ni2+ 5 mmol l–1 50 0 0 100 200 300 Time (ms) –50 Control 400 400 500 500 –100 14 I (pA pF–1) Current (pA) 300 B 60 mV 50 D 12 Background current (INCX) CCh 10–6 mol l–1 10 CCh 10–5 mol l–1 CCh 10–4 mol l–1 8 10 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 –90 –70 –50 –30 0 –10 10 30 50 –2 Membrane potential (mV) –90 –70 –50 –30 0 –10 –2 10 30 50 Membrane potential (mV) Fig. 1. Basal current and carbamylcholine (CCh)-induced current in fish atrial myocytes. (A,B) Original current–voltage recordings from two representative experiments. Black line shows the background sodium–calcium exchanger current (INCX or Control) after 5 min access to the whole-cell configuration in the absence of CCh; red and green lines indicate the current in the presence of 10−5 mol l−1 CCh and 10−5 mol l−1 CCh + 10−5 mol l−1 KB-R7943 (A) or 10−5 mol l−1 CCh + 5 mmol l−1 Ni2+ (B), respectively. The inset shows the voltage ramp used to elicit the current. Experiments were conducted using the external Cs+-based Tyrode solution and pipette solution 1 (for composition, see Materials and methods). (C,D) Mean current–voltage curves of the background sodium–calcium exchange current (INCX) (C, n=25; D, n=10) and CCh-induced current recorded in the presence of 10−6 mol l−1 (C, n=25; D, n=14), 10−5 mol l−1 (C, n=40; D, n=16) and 10−4 mol l−1 (C, n=9; D, n=16) CCh in atrial cardiomyocytes from crucian carp (C) and rainbow trout (D). Current–voltage curves of the CCh-induced current were obtained after subtraction of the basal INCX current. Cells were obtained from five crucian carp and four rainbow trout. 1746 The Journal of Experimental Biology mol l –1 I (pA pF–1) CCh 10 –5 Membrane potential (mV) 400 Current (pA) ACh AP CCh IK1 IKACh INCX M-receptor NCX PTX SKCa KB-R7943 (10−5 mol l−1), a non-selective blocker of NCX, abolished both the CCh-sensitive and the background current (INCX), leaving only a tiny leakage current (Fig. 1A). A concentration of 5 mmol l−1 Ni2+, a non-specific inorganic blocker of the NCX, strongly reduced or abolished (70–100%) the overall CCh-sensitive and background current (Fig. 1B). However, Ni2+ turned out to be toxic to fish cardiac myocytes (most of the studied cells died 20–30 s after the start of Ni2+ application), which prevented its routine use as an NCX blocker. The noticed sensitivity of the CCh-induced current to standard blockers of INCX suggested that the recorded current represented parasympathetic stimulation of the outward INCX. Ion substitution experiments involving exclusion of Na+ from the pipette solution or omission of Ca2+ from the extracellular saline solution did not, however, support this assumption. In the first series of experiments, 5 mmol l−1 Na2ATP in the pipette solution was substituted by 5 mmol l−1 MgATP. The CCh-induced current was still present and not less than in the controls (Fig. 2A,B). In the second series of experiments, we used a Ca2+-free external solution supplemented with 5 mmol l−1 EGTA to ensure practical absence of intracellular free Ca2+. The application of this solution led to an expected decrease in the outward component of the background INCX, but subsequent addition of 10−5 mol l−1 CCh produced a large outward current (Fig. 2A,C). Substitution of Na+ with Li+ in the composition of the Ca2+-free Tyrode, a well-known way to suppress INCX (Sanders et al., 2006), also failed to affect the CCh-induced current, although the basal INCX was reduced in a manner similar to the experiments with normal Ca2+-free Tyrode (Fig. 2A,D). Therefore, the CChinduced current is evidently not a component of the INCX. In all experiments described above we used Cs+-based pipette solution 1 (for composition, see Materials and methods). However, this solution contained 20 mmol l−1 BAPTA K+ salt for intracellular Ca2+ buffering. Therefore, in the next series of experiments we used a modified pipette solution 1, where K4BAPTA was substituted with The Journal of Experimental Biology (2014) doi:10.1242/jeb.098509 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 B K+-free pipette solution C 60 40 Control 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 –40 Current (pA) n=5 140 120 Control 100 80 2+ 60 Ca -free Tyrode 40 20 0 500 100 –20 0 –40 –60 –80 Time (ms) Ca2+-free Tyrode +CCh 10–5 mol l–1 CCh 10–5 mol l–1 80 –60 D 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 E 300 CCh 10–5 mol l–1 250 Ca2+-free Tyrode + Li+ +CCh 10–5 mol l–1 Ca2+-free Tyrode + Li+ 200 150 80 60 40 20 CCh 10–5 mol l–1 0 Control 100 –20 50 0 100 –40 0 0 –50 * n=7 Ca2+-free Tyrode, Na+ changed to Li+ n=5 n=6 Ca2+-free Tyrode n=40 Na+-free pipette solution 0 100 –20 Fig. 2. Dependence of the CCh-induced current on intracellular Na+ and K+ and extracellular Ca2+ in crucian carp atrial myocytes. (A) Comparison of the CCh-induced current density at +20 mV in different experimental conditions. The results are means ± s.e.m. of five to 40 myocytes as indicated above the bars. An asterisk indicates a statistically significant difference (P<0.05, Mann–Whitney test) between the K+-free conditions and all other experimental conditions. (B–E) Original traces of the basal INCX and the total current after CCh application recorded in different experimental conditions. (B) Na+-free pipette solution 1 was used (Na2ATP was substituted with MgATP). (C,D) Normal pipette solution 1 was used, but modified external Cs+-based Tyrode solutions were applied during the recordings. (E) Pipette solution 1 with K4BAPTA replaced with EGTA. In all experiments, the same voltage ramp pulse as shown in the inset in Fig. 1 was applied to elicit the current. 8 Control conditions A CCh-induced current (pA pF–1) RESEARCH ARTICLE 100 200 300 400 500 –60 Control –80 EGTA (free acid). Under these conditions, 10−5 mol l−1 CCh failed to induce any outward or inward current (Fig. 2A,E), clearly indicating that the studied current was carried by K+ ions. Thus, although the CCh-induced current can be elicited using an NCX protocol (voltage ramp) and is blocked by Ni2+ and KB-R7943, it is independent of the NCX and is carried by K+. Effect of CCh is mainly mediated via M2 muscarinic receptors Using pharmacological blockers, we tried to find out which subtype(s) of cholinoreceptors might mediate the activation of the CCh-induced current. In atrial myocytes from both species, atropine (10−6 mol l−1), which blocks muscarinic cholinoreceptors without subtype discrimination, completely abolished the outward current induced by 10−5 mol l−1 CCh (Fig. 3A,B). Atropine blocked only the CCh-induced current, without effect on the basal INCX. These findings strongly suggest that the induction of the outward current by CCh is mediated by muscarinic cholinoreceptors. The major role of M2 muscarinic receptors in the mediation of cardiac cholinergic response is widely recognized. However, the presence of physiologically relevant M3 cholinoreceptors was confirmed during the last decade for mammalian myocardium (Hellgren et al., 2000; Kitazawa et al., 2009), and therefore cannot be neglected as a possible signaling pathway in fish cardiac myocytes. To this end, we have investigated effects of the selective M3 blocker 4-DAMP (10−9 mol l−1) and selective M2 antagonist AFDX 116 (2×10−7 mol l−1) on the CCh (10−5 mol l−1)-induced current. The selected agonist concentrations have been shown in a previous patch-clamp study (Wang et al., 1999) to exert subtype-specific effects on muscarinic signaling, while higher concentrations may lead to non-selective binding of the blockers. Application of AF-DX 116 suppressed the CCh-induced current by 84.3% (Fig. 3A,C). In contrast to the marked blocking effect of AF-DX 116, 4-DAMP produced only a slight reduction of the current by 16.6%, although this decrease was significant (P<0.05; Fig. 3A,D). These results suggest a predominant role of M2 receptors in the mediation of the CCh effect. To confirm this assumption, we conducted a series of experiments with PTX. Inhibition of the CCh-induced current by PTX PTX is widely used as a selective inhibitor of Gi-protein-mediated signaling pathways. It irreversibly blocks the activity of αi-subunit by ADP-ribosylation, which prevents the αi-subunit from interacting with the receptor molecule. The routine way of PTX application is 1747 The Journal of Experimental Biology Time (ms) RESEARCH ARTICLE The Journal of Experimental Biology (2014) doi:10.1242/jeb.098509 A 8 CCh 10–5 mol l–1 300 7 * 6 CCh–5 mol l–1+ Atr 10–6 mol l–1 200 100 0 5 –100 4 0 200 400 C 400 3 CCh 10–5 mol l–1 300 Current (pA) 2 * 0 * 0 +4-DAMP 10–9 mol l–1 +AF-DX116 2×10–7 mol l–1 +Atr 10–6 mol l–1 CCh 10–5 mol l–1 n=40 n=13 n=15 n=12 –1 100 –100 0 400 200 D CCh 10–5 mol l–1 400 CCh 10–5 mol l–1+ 4-DAMP 10–6 mol l–1 300 200 100 0 –100 0 200 400 Time (ms) incubation of isolated myocytes in a medium containing the toxin. Several pilot experiments using the protocols of PTX application to mammalian and frog cardiac myocytes (2–4 h of incubation at room temperature in a medium containing up to 6 μg ml−1 PTX) failed to induce any decrease of the CCh-induced current in fish atrial myocytes. This negative result could be due to the absence of a membrane receptor for PTX or any other downstream step responsible for endocytosis of the toxin and its intracellular activation in fish cardiomyocytes. Therefore, we decided to add PTX directly to pipette solution 1 (1 μg ml−1) before patching and wait for diffusion of PTX inside the cell. A similar method of PTX administration was previously successfully used in outer cells of guinea pig cochlea (Kakehata et al., 1993), although to our knowledge we have applied it in cardiomyocytes for the first time. To examine PTX action, we recorded the effect of 10−5 mol l−1 CCh on membrane current every 10 min during the 30 min internal perfusion of the cell with pipette solution containing PTX. Similar long-term control recordings were performed using a normal PTX-free pipette solution. After the first minute of recording with pipette solution containing PTX, the cells demonstrated a normal strong increase of the outward current (6.03±1.95 pA pF−1) in response to 10−5 mol l−1 CCh (Fig. 4). However, later on, the CCh-induced current started to gradually fade, so that after 30 min of internal perfusion it was only 0.3±0.33 pA pF−1 (P<0.05), i.e. 5% of the initial value. In control experiments without PTX in the pipette solution, the amplitude of CCh-induced current was not significantly changed during the 30 min internal perfusion (5.54±0.81 versus 6.2±1.83 pA pF−1, respectively; P>0.05). Thus, PTX applied to the pipette solution effectively inhibits the response to CCh. Taken together with the data obtained using subtype-selective muscarinic blockers, these findings strongly suggest a crucial role of M2 cholinoreceptors in mediation of the outward current induction by CCh. Thus, the CCh-induced current is carried by K+ ions and can be activated by stimulation of the cardiac muscarinic receptors. Because of the similarity of the CCh-induced current to the IKACh, 1748 we decided to refer to it as IKACh2 and tested its possible identity with the classic IKACh. Distinguishing IKACh2 from other K+ currents We attempted to determine whether IKACh2 is a novel and separate current entity or just a CCh-sensitive component of the IKACh or other known cardiac K+ currents. The presence of Cs+ in both external and intracellular solution and the addition of E-4031 to Cs+based Tyrode allowed to exclude the involvement of the delayed rectifier K+ currents, which also have almost linear current–voltage dependence and are not coupled to muscarinic receptors. PS with 1 µg ml–1 PTX PS without PTX * 10 * 8 6 4 2 0 –2 1 10 20 30 Time (min) Fig. 4. Effect of intracellular perfusion with PTX on the density of CChinduced current in atrial myocytes of the crucian carp. PTX was included in pipette solution (PS) 1 and the myocytes were perfused for 30 min with continuous recording of the current. An asterisk indicates a statistically significant difference (P<0.05, Mann–Whitney test) between two columns. The same voltage ramp pulse as shown at the inset in Fig. 1 was used to elicit the current. Experiments were conducted using the external Cs+-based Tyrode solution. The number of experiments (n) was 8 and 6 cells for control and PTX experiments, respectively. The Journal of Experimental Biology 1 CCh 10–5 mol l–1+ AFDX-116 10–6 mol l–1 200 CCh-induced current (pA pF–1) CCh-induced current (pA pF–1) Fig. 3. Effect of cholinoreceptor antagonists on the CChinduced current in crucian carp atrial myocytes. The current was first elicited with 10−5 mol l−1 CCh and then different blockers were applied in the continuous presence of CCh. (A) Mean (±s.e.m.) effects of atropine, AF-DX116 and 4-DAMP at +20 mV. An asterisk indicates a statistically significant difference (P<0.05, Mann–Whitney test) from the control (CCh alone). Original traces from representative experiments are shown in B–D. The same voltage ramp pulse as shown at the inset in Fig. 1 was used to elicit the current. Experiments were conducted using the external Cs+based Tyrode solution and pipette solution 1. B 400 RESEARCH ARTICLE The Journal of Experimental Biology (2014) doi:10.1242/jeb.098509 Normal pipette solution A 7 6 CCh 10–5 mol l–1+ KB-R7943 10–5 mol l–1 6 4 –5 –1 2+ –4 –1 2 CCh 10 mol l +Ba 10 mol l 5 CCh-induced current (pA pF–1) 4 Ca2+-free pipette solution 3 –120 –100 Control –80 –60 –40 CCh 10–5 mol l–1 –20 I (pA pF–1) –6 –8 Membrane potential (mV) 2 1 0 –90 –70 –50 –30 –10 0 20 40 –2 0 Membrane potential (mV) –4 10 30 50 –1 60 mV 50 –12 0 0 –50 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Time (ms) –80 mV –80 mV –100 Membrane potential (mV) –10 –120 mV –16 –18 –20 –22 –150 Fig. 5. Representative current–voltage curves of IKACh2 recorded in crucian carp atrial myocytes with the use of the standard pipette solution 1 and the same solution without CaCl2. The intracellular calcium concentration was 105 nmol l−1 in control conditions and less than 1 nmol l−1 when using Ca2+-free pipette solution. The same voltage ramp pulse as shown at the inset in Fig. 1 was used to elicit the current. Experiments were conducted using the external Cs+-based Tyrode solution. –14 B 5 IKACh IKACh2 –120 –100 –80 –60 –40 –20 0 0 20 40 Membrane potential (mV) –5 I (pA pF–1) –10 –15 –20 Fig. 6. Comparison of IKACh2 with the inward rectifiers in crucian carp atrial myocytes. (A) Original current–voltage curves of basal IKir (IK1), total current after CCh application (IK1 + IKACh + IKACh2), the current recorded in the presence of CCh and Ba2+ (IKACh2) and the leakage current obtained after addition of KB-R7943. The inset shows the voltage ramp pulse, which was used to elicit the current. Experiments were conducted using the external K+based Tyrode solution and pipette solution 2 (for composition, see Materials and methods). (B) Averaged current–voltage curves (n=11, 3 fish) of IKACh and IKACh2. The first curve was obtained by subtraction of basal IK1 + IKACh2 from the total current recorded under CCh. typical inward rectifier, very large at potentials below the EK, while the latter has a tiny inward but a significant outward component. Thus, two currents not only differ in sensitivity to BaCl2, but demonstrate principally different current–voltage relationships. DISCUSSION Muscarinic receptor stimulation plays a central role in the parasympathetic control of cardiac function by modulating heart rate (chronotropic effect), contractility (inotropic effect) and conduction velocity (dromotropic effect) (Brodde and Michel, 1999). These effects are particularly strong in pacemaker and atrial tissues. The M2 muscarinic receptors prevail in the mammalian myocardium, although some M3 receptors are also present and physiologically active (Pönicke et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2007). The even-numbered muscarinic receptors, including M2, are coupled to Gi proteins and act via inhibition of adenylate cyclase and a subsequent decrease in cellular cAMP content (Dhein et al., 2001). However, M2 and M3 receptors can activate different effectors without the second messenger systems. The channels responsible for the inward rectifier IKACh are directly stimulated by βγ-subunits of the Gi protein, while joint 1749 The Journal of Experimental Biology In our experiments, we did not specifically block the putative Ca2+-dependent K+ current, which is carried by the small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels (SKCa) in mammalian atrial and ventricular myocytes (Xu et al., 2003). However, in murine and human cells, this current has a prominent inward component at the potentials below potassium equilibrium potential, while the outward current is substantial only at potentials more positive than −40 mV. Although Ca2+-dependent K+ current has never been registered in fish cardiomyocytes, in mammalian cells the current density strongly depends on intracellular Ca2+ content and is negligible at 10−8 mol l−1 intracellular Ca2+ (Xu et al., 2003). Experiments with Ca2+-free pipette solution (BAPTA substituted with EGTA, no CaCl2, free [Ca2+]in <10−9 mol l−1) were conducted in crucian carp atrial cells to prevent SKCa from contributing to the CCh-induced current. The IKACh2 at +20 mV was significantly less than in the control conditions (5.22±1.11 versus 6.16±0.83 pA pF−1, respectively; P>0.05; Fig. 5), but still far from inhibited. Obviously, IKACh2 is different from SKCa, which would be completely blocked in the practical absence of intracellular free Ca2+. Finally, there was a possibility of incomplete inhibition of inward rectifiers (IKir) by 10−4 mol l−1 BaCl2. Then IKACh2 could be just a part of the classic IKACh. To test this assumption, we recorded IKir in the K+-based Tyrode solution without BaCl2. The density of the basal IK1 was very low, like it usually is in fish atrial cardiomyocytes (Fig. 6A). Application of 10−5 mol l−1 CCh produced a large increase in the inwardly rectifying current and, especially, the outward IKir. The density of recorded current was 4.87±0.42 pA pF−1 at +20 mV and −19.23±0.51 pA pF−1 at −120 mV. Subsequent addition of 10−4 mol l−1 BaCl2 blocked the inward current by 97% (−0.58±0.06 pA pF−1 at −120 mV), while the outward current persisted (1.45±0.69 pA pF−1 at +20 mV). Increase in Ba2+ concentration up to 3×10−4 mol l−1 did not lead to further decrease of the outward current (1.45±0.69 pA pF−1 at +20 mV). On the contrary, addition of 10−5 mol l−1 KB-R7943 practically abolished the outward current (0.27±0.07 pA pF−1 at +20 mV). It seems that 10−4 mol l−1 Ba2+ completely blocks the inward rectifiers (both IK1 and IKACh), while IKACh2 resists Ba2+, but not KB-R7943. The current–voltage curves for IKACh and IKACh2 were obtained from these data (Fig. 6B). It is clear that the former current is a RESEARCH ARTICLE 1750 of the IKAch, i.e. shortening of atrial action potential duration with consequent reduction of atrial contraction. However, activation of the IKACh2 requires relatively high (micromolar) agonist concentrations and therefore it is likely to appear only at a strong parasympathetic tone. In contrast to mammals, in fish and amphibians, strong cholinergic stimulation not only reduces AP duration, but gradually decreases AP amplitude in atrial myocardium until the full cessation of electrical activity (Abramochkin et al., 2010). This effect is putatively attributed to induction of a strong outward K+ current, which overwhelms all inward currents and makes the depolarization impossible. The described IKACh2 may be involved in mediation of this cholinergic effect. Further research, including distribution of Kir3 channels in supraventricular tissues of the fish heart, could reveal possible physiological implications of this novel K+ current. Conclusions In fish atrial cardiomyocytes, stimulation of the M2-mediated second messenger pathway leads to induction of a novel type of K+ current, the IKACh2. Different from the IKACh, this current has a very small inward component and is relatively insensitive to Ba2+ blocking. Together with IKACh, IKACh2 may provide shortening of APs in fish atrial myocardium and particularly under a strong cholinergic influence. The similarity of results obtained from crucian carp (family Cyprinidae) and rainbow trout (family Salmonidae) atrial myocytes suggests that the described CCh-dependent activation of IKACh2 might be a common mechanism for different fish groups, and raises the question of whether this mechanism is also relevant for other vertebrates. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals Experiments were conducted on atrial myocytes of two fish species, crucian carp (Carassius carassius L., n=31) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W., n=7). Fish were held separately in 500 l stainless steel aquaria with continuous flow of aerated (11 mg O2 l−1) groundwater at constant temperature of either 18°C (crucian carp) or 14°C (rainbow trout) and under a 12 h:12 h light:dark photoperiod. During the laboratory maintenance (>4 weeks), the fish were fed aquarium fish food five times a week. The investigation conforms with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals published by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH Publication no. 85–23, revised 1996) and the experimental protocols were approved by the Animal Experiment Board in Finland (permission no. STH252A). Isolated myocyte preparation Fish were stunned with a blow to the head, the spine was cut immediately behind the head and the heart was rapidly excised. Atrial myocytes were isolated by retrograde perfusion of the heart with proteolytic enzymes (collagenase type 1A, 0.75 mg ml−1; trypsin type IX, 0.5 mg ml−1; fatty-acidfree BSA, 0.75 mg ml−1) as described previously in detail (Vornanen, 1997). Isolated cells were stored for up to 8 h at 5°C in low-Na+ solution containing (in mmol l−1): NaCl 100, KCl 10, KH2PO4·2H2O 1.2, MgSO4·7H2O 4, taurine 50, glucose 10 and Hepes 10 at a pH of 6.9. Measurement of sarcolemmal ionic currents using the wholecell patch-clamp method Atrial myocytes were placed in the experimental chamber (RCP-10T, Dagan, Maryland, MI, USA, volume 150 μl) and superfused with an external saline solution. In most of the experiments, we used Cs+-based Tyrode solution containing (in mmol l−1): NaCl 150, CsCl 5.4, NaH2PO4 0.4, MgSO4 1.5, CaCl2 1.8, glucose 10 and Hepes 10 at pH 7.6 (adjusted with CsOH). In other experiments, we used a K+-based Tyrode solution of the same content with the exception of CsCl and CsOH substitution for KCl and KOH, respectively. Tetrodotoxin (5×10−7 mol l−1), nifedipine (10−5 mol l−1), The Journal of Experimental Biology activity of βγ- and αq-subunits is believed to be involved in the stimulation of the delayed rectifier type K+ current, IKM3 (Wang et al., 1999). The molecular basis of the IKM3 current is still unresolved, but it was recently proposed to be carried by the same channels as the IKACh (Navarro-Polanco et al., 2013). The delayed rectifier-like properties of the IKM3 could be explained by the increasing affinity of muscarinic receptors to their agonists at positive membrane potentials. In the present study, we describe a novel K+ current, induced by muscarinic stimulation, with a distinct current–voltage relationship and pharmacological properties from the known ACh-activated currents, IKACh and IKM3. Clear dependence of the current on intracellular and extracellular K+ concentration and reversal of the current close to the Nernst potential of K+ ions indicate that the current is carried by K+ ions. Furthermore, the current is independent from intracellular Na+ and external Ca2+. Unlike the cardiac inward rectifiers, the new current cannot be blocked by 10−4 mol l−1 Ba2+, which, unlike mammalian cells, is sufficient to abolish both IK1 and IKACh in crucian carp myocytes (Hassinen et al., 2008). Different from IKACh and IK1, it is mainly an outward current with only a tiny inward component. Because of its inwardly rectifying properties at positive voltages and its activation by the intracellular signaling pathway of the M2 receptors (similar to the IKACh), we refer to it as IKACh2. Experiments using the subtype-selective muscarinic antagonists and PTX strongly suggest a dominant role of M2 cholinoreceptors in CСh activation of IKACh2, a property shared with the IKACh. AFDX 116, which at the concentration of 2×10−7 mol l−1 is considered to be relatively specific against M2 cholinoreceptors (Doods et al., 1987; Giachetti et al., 1986), almost completely abolished the IKACh2. In contrast, an M3 cholinoreceptor blocker 4-DAMP (Doods et al., 1987), had only a weak inhibitory effect on the CСh-induced current. M2 cholinoreceptors are coupled to the Gi proteins and convey their physiological effects via the αi-subunit by decreasing cellular cAMP content or via direct coupling of the βγ-subunit to their target (channels of inward rectifier IKACh) (Brodde and Michel, 1999). Our experiments on CCh were conducted in the absence of β-adrenergic stimulation, i.e. without activation of the cAMPdependent pathway. Therefore, it could be argued that the αi-subunit of the G protein and cAMP might not be involved in IKACh2 induction. It is, however, possible that there is a basal activation of adenylate cyclase in the absence of β-adrenergic stimulation, which is antagonized by a CCh-dependent mechanism. Then the increase in cAMP intracellular content caused by noradrenaline or other adenylate cyclase-stimulating compounds should suppress the IKACh2. So, further research should shed light on the mechanism of IKACh2 activation. The present study did not try to clarify the molecular basis of the IKACh2. However, the M2-dependent activation pathway and the inwardly rectifying properties of the current strongly suggest that it is closely related to the IKACh, which in the mammalian heart is carried by Kir3.1 and Kir3.4 channels (Hibino et al., 2010). The molecular basis of ACh-activated inward rectifiers of the fish heart is not yet known, but because of the whole genome duplication in the teleost fishes (Jaillon et al., 2004), the diversity of this current system may be greater in fishes than mammals. For example, the rapid component of the cardiac delayed rectifier current is represented by at least two different ERG channels in the zebrafish heart (Langheinrich et al., 2003; Milan et al., 2003). Molecular cloning of the fish Kir3 channels and their expression in heterologous system is needed to resolve this issue. Considering the biophysical similarities of IKAch2 and IKAch, the physiological role of the IKAch2 is assumed to be comparable to that The Journal of Experimental Biology (2014) doi:10.1242/jeb.098509 RESEARCH ARTICLE Drugs Tetrodotoxin, E-4031, KB-R7943, AF-DX 116 {11-([2-[(diethylamino)methyl]l-piperdinyl]acetyl)-5,11-dihydro-6H-pyrido[2,3-b][1,4]benzodiazepine-6on, a selective M2 cholinoreceptor blocker}, 4-DAMP (4-diphenylacetoxyN-methylpiperidine methiodide, a selective M3 receptor antagonist) and PTX, which irreversibly inhibits Gi signaling protein, were all purchased from Tocris (Bristol, UK). Collagenase, trypsin, nifedipine (a blocker of Ltype Ca2+ channels) and carbamylcholine chloride (a muscarinic agonist) were purchased from Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA). Statistics All data in the text and figures except the original recordings are presented as means ± s.e.m. for n experiments. Effects of CCh on sarcolemmal ionic current relative to the respective basal value of the current were compared using the Wilcoxon test. The density of CCh-induced current in normal conditions and in the presence of muscarinic blockers, PTX, KB-R7943 and other agents was compared using the Mann–Whitney test. P<0.05 was adopted as the level of statistical significance. Acknowledgements The authors thank Anita Kervinen for skillful technical assistance. Competing interests The authors declare no competing financial interests. Author contributions M.V. and D.A. designed the research and experimental design. All authors performed experiments and participated in writing and editing of the paper. Funding This work was supported by the Academy of Finland [project No. 14795] to M.V. and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research [grant numbers 12-04-31737 and 14-04-01564] to D.A. References Abramochkin, D. V., Kuzmin, V. S., Sukhova, G. S. and Rosenshtraukh, L. V. (2010). 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Pipette solution 1, which was used in the majority of experiments, contained (in mmol l−1): CsCl 140, MgCl2 1, CaCl2 9, BAPTA 20, Na2ATP 5, Na2GTP 0.03 and Hepes 10, adjusted to pH 7.2 with CsOH at 20°C. Under these conditions, free intracellular Ca2+ concentration is buffered close to the diastolic level (105 nmol l−1; calculated using MaxChelator). Pipette solution 2 was used for recording of the inward rectifiers (IKir) and contained (in mmol l−1): KCl 140, MgCl2 1, EGTA 5, MgATP 4, Na2GTP 0.03 and Hepes 10 with pH adjusted to 7.2 with KOH. The whole-cell voltage clamp recording of ionic currents was performed using an Axopatch 1-D amplifier (Axon Instruments, Foster City, CA, USA) and the pClamp 8.2 software package. Resistance of patch electrodes was 2–4 MΩ when filled with the pipette solution. Pipette capacitance, wholecell capacitance and access resistance were routinely compensated. In most experiments, the current was elicited at 15 s intervals from the holding potential of −46.5 mV (the calculated reversal potential of NCX) by 1 s voltage ramp pulses (see Fig. 1A, inset). The current was measured during the hyperpolarizing phase of the ramp. For recording of the IKir, the common hyperpolarizing ramp (from +60 to −120 mV) protocol with 10 s intervals was used. The holding potential was −80 mV. The Journal of Experimental Biology (2014) doi:10.1242/jeb.098509