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Sample syllabus - Essentials of global marketing - 2013

The course is based on the following literature: Svend Hollensen: Essential of Global marketing, 2 nd Edition, Financial Times / Prentice Hall, 2012, ISBN 978-0-273-75654-5.

International Marketing – course The course is based on the following literature: Svend Hollensen: Essential of Global marketing, 2nd Edition, Financial Times / Prentice Hall, 2012, ISBN 978-0-273-75654-5. http://www.amazon.com/Essentials-Global-Marketing-Svend-Hollensen/dp/0273756540/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1361534527&sr=1-5&keywords=hollensen Lecturer: Svend Hollensen (svend@sam.sdu.dk) Aim of the course The aim of the course is to: To introduce future company managers to the main tools regarding how to increase sales in international markets To give these future company managers a “market screening” tool, so they can find the most attractive international markets for their products and services To provide the future company managers with a systematic tool regarding how to find the right agents and distributors in the foreign markets, and how to keep track of, that the selected agents abroad are selling what has been agreed on To offer the companies an analytic framework for the development, implementation and control of international marketing programmes that respond simultaneously to both global integration and national responsiveness. Consequently, the company should be able to analyze, select and evaluate the appropriate frameworks for approaching international markets. Having followed this course, the company and its employees should be better equipped to understand how to create international competitiveness through the design and implementation of successful marketing programmes. Ultimately, the purpose of the course is to increase the export sales of companies in the country, with the use of the following 5-stage internationalization model: Lecture plan Date / lecturer (each lecture is 2 hours) Session topics Required readings Text: S. Hollensen, Essentials of Global Marketing, 2e Class case: Video cases or chapter cases in ‘Essentials of Global Marketing’, 2e to be discussed in class. The tutor leads the discussion. Introduction Structure of the book The different meanings of ‘global marketing’ The meaning of the value chain in international marketing Text: Chapter 1 Class case: Part I Video Case Study: Acme Whistles Ltd. Initiation of internationalization Motives for firms going international Triggers of export initiation Export barriers Text: Chapter 2 Class case: Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. (Case 1.1) and Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. (Case 2.1) Internationalization theories Three theories explaining firms' internationalisation process Uppsala model Transaction cost theory The network model ‘Born globals’ Text: Chapter 3 Class case: Classic Media: Postman Pat (Case 3.1) International competitiveness National competitiveness (the Porter diamond) Competition in an industry (Porter's five forces) Value chain analysis (the competitive triangle, competitive bench-marking) CSR The Value Net Blue Ocean Strategy Text: Chapter 4 Class case: Nintendo Wii (Case 4.1) Political, economic and sociocultural environment Political risk analysis Trade barriers Major trading blocks High and low-context cultures National cultures (Hofstede) Text: Chapter 5 and 6 Class case: Part II Video Case Study: Land Rover Sauer–Danfoss (Case 5.1) IKEA catalogue (Case 6.1) International market selection (IMS) Screening of potential markets Market expansion strategies The global product/market portfolio Text: Chapter 7 Class case: Skagen Designs (Case 7.1) Classification of market entry modes Different approaches to the choice of entry mode Transaction Cost Approach Text: Chapter 8 Class case: Ansell condoms (Case 8.1), Export modes Indirect exporting Direct exporting Intermediate entry modes Contract manufacturing Licencing Franchising Joint ventures/strategic alliances Joint venture formation Hierarchical modes Domestic-based sales representatives Foreign sales subsidiary Sales and production subsidiary Region centres Transnational organisation Acquisition or green field Foreign divestment Text: Chapter 9 Class case: Lysholm Linie Aquavit (Case 9.1) International Buyer-Seller Relationships International outsourcing Sub-contractor internationalisation Turnkey contracts Text: Chapter 10 Class case: Barnes & Nobles (Case 10.1) Product decisions Standardisation or adaptation of products International service strategies Product communication alternatives Pricing decisions and terms of doing business Factors influencing international pricing Price escalation Experience-curve pricing Transfer pricing Price quotations Text: Chapter 11 Class case: Zippo Manufacturing Company (Case 11.1) Distribution decision Structure of the channel (intensive, selective and exclusive) Managing and controlling distribution channels Managing logistics Communication decisions The communication process Communication tools Advertising Public relations Sales promotion Direct marketing Personal selling Standardisation versus adaptation strategies (examples) Text: Chapter 12 Class case: De Beers (Case 12.1) Cross-cultural sales negotiations Cross-cultural negotiations (implications of Hofstede's work) Intercultural preparation International business ethics Transnational bribery Sales negotiations in China Text: Chapter 13 Class case: Zam Zam Cola (Case 13.1) Organisation and control of the global marketing programmes Different organisation structures for different international activities Controlling the global marketing programme; design of a control system; annual plan Text: Chapter 14 Class case: Amazon.com Inc. (Case 14.1) Group Case presentations (Exam) End-of-Part cases (from the book) Group case exam at the end of the course – on the xx.xx 2013 The case studies below refer to the End-of-Part cases in ‘Essential of Global Marketing’. A group makes an app. 20-minute PP-presentation in class with subsequent discussion in class 3-4 persons in each group. Each group should try and update information in case and solve the main tasks – the students can choose among the following cases Group no./ Case Group members (Please sign in your name below) Notes / grading (individual) 1. Manchester United (Case I.1, p. 104-107) 2. Cereal Partners Worldwide (Case I.2, p. 108-114) 3. Red Bull (Case II.1, p. 197-205) 4. Green Toys Inc. (Case II.2, p. 206-210) 5. IKEA (Case III.1, p. 298-303) 6. Autoliv Airbags (Case III.2, p. 304-308) 7. Guinness (Beer) (Case IV.1, p. 423-430) 8. Dyson Vacuum Cleaner (Case IV.2, p. 431-437) 9. Polaroid Sunglasses (Case V.1, p. 500-507) 10. Sony Music Entertainment (Case V.2, p. 508-513) 1 © Pearson Education Limited 2013