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ArabCitizenMedia.org Empowering citizens through digital media training Project context Checkdesk: Developing Citizen Journalism in the Arab Region is a project run by researchers at Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research, BCU, in partnership with Meedan, an US/Cairo based technology company with specialism in creating digital tools for online journalists, namely their Checkdesk veriication platform. The current, third stage of the project marks three years with the project funder, Swedish International Development Cooperation and is focused speciically on addressing the training needs of citizen journalists in the Arab region in order to aford public voice and alternative news sources where state-sanctioned media is otherwise dominant. Our resources are packaged online thematically, and training delivered over a four week timetable. Online training resources In October 2015 we launched arabcitizenmedia.org, a resource that is key to the objectives in this phase of work, namely in improving beneiciaries’ online journalism skills with the support of digital tools, via training delivered through a number of grassroots journalism organisations, journalism schools and transparency advocates in the Arab region. The irst two set of resources on Fact Checking for the Web and Writing for the Web have already gone live and been used in training across the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region. The third set of resources is due for launch late November 2015, with an ongoing programme of resources running through 2017. Whilst the primary beneiciaries are those training organisations and trainees based in the Arab region, we also anticipate the free-to-use resources will be picked up by other journalism schools, citizen journalists, organisations and individuals as they see it. Whilst we are at early stages in the use of these resources, impact assessment is key to the wider project and will be reported in later stages. ‫لماذا يكتسب التحقق من المعلومات أهمية كبيرة؟‬ ‫ظهور الصحافة المواطنة وتعدد مصادر الخبر والمعلومات‬ ‫بااضافة الى أن العديد من المواطنين الصحافيين ا‬ ‫يملكون الخبرة أو أخاقيات وقواعد مهنة الصحافة مما‬ ‫أن غالباً ما‬ ّ ‫ ودعونا ا ننسى‬.‫يجعلهم يقعون في الخطأ‬ ‫يكون المواطن الصحافي اعباً أساسياً في الوقائع التي‬ ‫ موضوعيته‬،‫ في معظم اأحيان‬،‫ينقلها مما يفقده‬ ‫ اسيما في النزاعات اأخيرة كما في‬، ً‫ وغالبا‬.‫وحيادته‬ ‫ كانت مهمة التحقق من المعلومات المنقولة أو‬،‫سوريا‬ ‫الصور أو مقاطع الفيديو التي يرسلها المواطنون‬ .‫الصحافيون مهمة شبه مستحيلة‬ ‫ نعود الى نقطة اأساس أا‬.‫كم هائل من المعلومات‬ ّ ،‫ فمن جهة‬.‫حدين‬ ‫وهي أن اانترنت‬ ّ ‫تحول الى سيف ذي‬ ّ ‫كان سبب «دمقرطة» المعرفة والنفاذ الى المعلومات اا‬ ‫ كان الوسيط لنشر كمية هائلة من‬،‫ من جهة أخرى‬،‫أنّ ه‬ ‫المعلومات من كل حدب وصوب‬ ‫ للتشكيك باانتخابات الرئاسية‬2009 ‫مظاهرات في ايران عام‬ 11/24 ‫التحقق من المعلومات‬ | ‫اأسبوع الثاني‬ Our resources include interviews with experts and practitioners such as Eliot Higgins, who regularly uses the Checkdesk platform. Resources such as these slides on ‘Introduction To Fact Checking’ are translated by our multidisciplinary team and laid out in Arabic for ease of use by trainers and trainees. Contact Partners Resources such as this infographic of media tools and trends oten situate our target beneiciaries in the Arab region within wider global contexts. We are keen to build new relevant partnerships, and hear feedback regarding the resources. To get in touch, email contact@arabcitizenmedia.org or tweet us @ArabCitizenME