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John G. Fleagle Department of Anatomical Sciences, Health Sciences Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794-8081, U.S.A. E-mail: jfleagle@mail.som.sunysb.edu W. Scott McGraw Department of Anthropology, The Ohio State University, 1680 University Dr., Mansfield, Ohio 44907, U.S.A. E-mail: mcgraw.43@osu.edu Received 3 July 2000 Revision received 1 October 2001 and accepted 10 October 2001 Skeletal and dental morphology of African papionins: unmasking a cryptic clade One of the more perplexing problems in primate systematics concerns the phyletic relationships of the large African monkeys—Mandrillus (including drills), Papio, Lophocebus and Cercocebus. For over twenty years, there has been molecular evidence that mangabeys are an unnatural group and that the terrestrial forms—Cercocebus—are the sister taxon of Mandrillus, while the arboreal forms—Lophocebus—are more closely allied with Papio. Nevertheless, most systematists have been reluctant to accept this scheme due to the lack of morphological evidence. In this paper, we undertake a detailed analysis of the scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, pelvis, femur and dentition of papionin primates. We identify a host of features shared by Cercocebus and Mandrillus to the exclusion of Lophocebus and Papio. The polarity of characters is established by examining an outgroup comprised of several species of Macaca. The features shared by Cercocebus and Mandrillus are functionally related to specific feeding and locomotor behaviors that include aggressive manual foraging, the processing of hard-object foods and the climbing of vertical trunks. We hypothesize that the ability to subsist on hard seeds and nuts gleaned from the forest floor is a key adaptation for the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade.  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. Keywords: Cercocebus, Lophocebus, Papio, Mandrillus, phylogeny, anatomy. Journal of Human Evolution (2002) 42, 267–292 doi:10.1006/jhev.2001.0526 Available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on Introduction Since their initial discovery by western scientists 200 years ago, the larger African cercopithecine monkeys have been placed in two seemingly natural groups—mangabeys and baboons (including mandrills and geladas). Indeed many authors have only recognized two genera—Cercocebus for the mangabeys and Papio for the baboons, geladas and mandrills (Thorington & Groves, 1970; Szalay & Delson, 1979). However, most recent authors tend to recognize more taxonomic diversity within the two groups. While all mangabeys are longlimbed monkeys with hollow cheeks and long tails, mangabeys are clearly divided into two species groups that show consistent differences in cranial anatomy (Groves, 1978) and ecology (e.g., Chalmers, 1968; Jones & Sabater Pi, 1968; Quiris, 1975; Waser, 0047–2484/02/030267+26$35.00/0 1977, 1984; Homewood, 1978; Horn, 1987; Mitani, 1989; Olupot et al., 1994, 1997; Kingdon, 1997). One group, the galeritus–torquatus–atys–agilis group retained in the genus Cercocebus, contains predominantly terrestrial monkeys that are reported to live in large groups with large home ranges (Jones & Sabater Pi, 1968; Quiris, 1975; Homewood, 1978; Mitani, 1989). The other species group, the albigena– aterrimus group, contains more slender, strictly arboreal monkeys with smaller home ranges (Chalmers, 1968; Waser, 1977, 1984; Horn, 1987; Olupot et al., 1994, 1997). These mangabeys are frequently placed in a separate genus, Lophocebus (e.g., Groves, 1978; Rowe, 1996; Fleagle, 1999). Likewise, the baboons are generally divided into three different genera: Papio for the savannah baboons found throughout  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. 268 Cercocebus . .   .   Mandrillus Lophocebus Theropithecus Papio Figure 1. Phylogeny of African papionin monkeys as evinced by molecular data (Disotell, 1994; Harris & Disotell, 1998; Harris, 2000). sub-Saharan Africa (Jolly, 1967; Groves, 1993); Theropithecus for the geladas of the Ethiopian plateau (Jolly, 1972; Jablonski, 1993), and Mandrillus for the forestdwelling mandrill and drill of western and western Central Africa (Grubb, 1973). In 1976, Cronin & Sarich presented immunological data showing that Cercocebus (=Lophocebus) albigena was more closely related to baboons and geladas than to C. galeritus and Mandrillus. Dutrilleaux et al. (1982) and Stanyon et al. (1988) demonstrated that Mandrillus and Cercocebus spp. uniquely shared a rearrangement of chromosome 10 to the exclusion of Lophocebus. More recently, Disotell and colleagues have demonstrated from both mitochondrial genes (Disotell, 1994) and nuclear genes (Harris & Disotell, 1998; Harris, 2000) that C. galeritus and Mandrillus form one clade, while L. albigena forms a separate clade with baboons (Papio and Theropithecus), although the detailed relationships within this later clade are unresolved (Figure 1). Despite the consistent molecular evidence for over 20 years supporting a diphyletic origin of mandrills and baboons from separate groups of mangabeys, morphological evidence in support of such a phylogeny has, until recently, been very limited. Thus, while several workers (e.g., Groves, 1978; Nakatsukasa, 1994a,b, 1996) have documented cranial and postcranial differences within mangabeys and others have documented differences among mandrills, baboons and geladas (e.g., Jolly, 1970; Szalay & Delson, 1979; Jablonski, 1993; Ciochon, 1994), there has been remarkably little morphological evidence put forth linking Cercocebus uniquely with Mandrillus (but see Hill, 1970; Disotell, 1994; Groves, 2000) and Lophocebus uniquely with Papio and/or Theropithecus.     In the course of a comparative study of locomotor behavior and skeletal anatomy within mangabeys, we uncovered numerous osteological similarities that link Cercocebus and Mandrillus, and contrast with the conditions found in Lophocebus and Papio, thus supporting the molecular phylogeny (Fleagle & McGraw, 1998). Moreover, a review of the ecological literature demonstrates that Cercocebus (the drill mangabeys of Kingdon, 1997) and mandrills share many characteristics of their feeding ecology and locomotor behavior that accord with the dental and skeletal features uniting these genera. In an earlier paper (Fleagle & McGraw, 1999), we identified features of the postcranial anatomy and dentition that unite Cercocebus and Mandrillus and distinguish them from Lophocebus and Papio. In the present paper, we expand our comparative sample in several ways: we include drills and geladas as well as mangabeys, mandrills and baboons; we compare females of the two clades as well as males; and we include data on macaques, the outgroup to the African papionins, in order to distinguish primitive and derived states. In addition, we offer functional hypotheses for these morphological differences based on what is known about the behavior and ecology of mangabeys and mandrills. Finally, we present an adaptive scenario to explain the evolution of this clade of large African cercopithecines in terms of a unique set of ecological adaptations for exploiting resources on the forest floor of African tropical forests. Materials and methods This study is based on examination of approximately 150 individual skeletons of the genera Cercocebus, Lophocebus, Papio, Mandrillus, Theropithecus and Macaca from collections in the American Museum of Natural History, The Natural History 269 Museum of London, Powell–Cotton Museum (Birchington, U.K.), Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard), Royal Museum of Central Africa (Tervuren, Belgium), The Randall L. Susman Collection at SUNY—Stony Brook, and specimens collected from the Ivory Coast’s Tai Forest. We have compared the bones and teeth of these monkeys using descriptive comparisons, quantitative, continuous measurements, and nonmetric assessments of crest development. The quantitative measurements on individual bones and teeth are illustrated in Figure 2. Measurements were taken with digital calipers. These monkeys are very sexually dimorphic, and comparing mixed samples of sexually dimorphic species can often obscure species-specific differences (see Nakatsukasa, 1994a,b, 1996). Therefore, we report several different quantitative comparisons of the dental and postcranial skeleton. Initial comparisons are between the larger mixed species samples of males from the two clades (i.e., Cercocebus and Mandrillus vs. Lophocebus, Papio, and Theropithecus). Subsequently, we compare all individuals of the two clades by adding the measurements from the smaller (and more variable) samples of females of each clade. Finally, in order to estimate which of the character states is likely to be primitive for papionins as a group, we compare the same measurements from a small sample of mixed species and sexes of Macaca to the mixed species and mixed sex samples of Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade and the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade. Univariate dimensions were converted into ratios to permit comparisons of different sized individuals and species. In all cases, means of the individual specimens from each of the two clades were compared using Student’s t-test for differences between the means of the pooled samples. 270 . .   .   (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 2. Measurements of (a) scapula, (b) humerus, (c) ulna, (d) pelvis, (e) tibial shaft and (f) premolars. Comparative skeletal and dental anatomy Osteological differences between species of mangabeys and between baboons, mangabeys, and geladas have been documented by other studies (e.g., Jolly, 1970, 1972; Ciochon, 1994; Nakatsukasa, 1994a,b, 1996; see also Gebo & Sargis, 1994). In most cases, these studies have identified features that distinguish terrestrial and arboreal taxa. In many of these features, the arboreal Lophocebus differs from the more terrestrial Cercocebus, as well as from Mandrillus, Papio and Theropithecus (Nakatsukasa, 1994a,b, 1996; Fleagle & McGraw, 1999). In this study we do not discuss those arboreal–terrestrial features; rather our goal is to document features that seem diagnostic of the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade and distinguish them from the     271 Figure 3. Scapulae of (top, left to right) Mandrillus and Papio and (bottom, left to right) Cercocebus and Lophocebus. Note the taller suprascapular fossa and deeper inferior scapular angle in Mandrillus and Cercocebus. morphological features of Lophocebus, Papio and Theropithecus. In addition, we attempt to identify synapomorphies and symplesiomorphies by comparisons with an outgroup composed of specimens of several species of Macaca. Upper extremity The scapulae of Cercocebus and Mandrillus differ strikingly from those of Lophocebus and Papio in being relatively deep in a superior–inferior dimension relative to their dorso-ventral length (Figures 3 and 4; Tables 1 and 2). This overall shape difference is also associated with a more pronounced development of the origin of teres major from the inferior scapular angle and a relatively taller suprascapular fossa. Using our relatively gross measurement of the ratio of maximum scapula depth divided by maximum scapula length, Mandrillus and Cercocebus are statistically indistinguishable. However, Lophocebus is very different from Papio and more similar to Cercocebus and Mandrillus. In the overall metric comparisons between clades, the Cercocebus– Mandrillus clade has a significantly higher index in comparisons of males and comparisons of mixed sex samples. The Macaca outgroup is significantly different from both the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade and the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade. However, there are considerable differences among the values for individual specimens and for the different genera, precluding any clear determination of the primitive condition for this index. This is a gross index that combines many aspects of scapula morphology. We suspect that a more detailed 272 Cercocebus torquatus C. torquatus C. agilis C. atys Mandrillus sphinx M. sphinx M. leucophaeus M. leucophaeus Macaca fascicularis M. fascicularis M. nemestrina M. nemestrina Lophocebus albigena L. albigena Papio hamadryas P. hamadryas Theropithecus gelada T. gelada . .   .   (13) (7) (4) (3) (7) (3) (6) (1) (7) (8) (1) (5) (18) (13) (14) (3) (2) (2) 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Figure 4. Plot of scapula height index. In this and all subsequent plots, sample sizes for each sex are given in parentheses. For each taxon and sex the index mean1 S.D. is depicted. For samples consisting of three individuals or less, we have plotted each individual value. analysis of scapular shape in these taxa would reveal more functional differences among these taxa. Similar differences in scapular shape have been reported in several other primate groups, notably between Presbytis melalophos and Presbytis (Trachypithecus) obscura (Fleagle, 1977), and also between Pithecia pithecia and Chiropotes satanas (Fleagle & Meldrum, 1988). In these primates, the short and deep scapula is associated with clinging and climbing behavior and the longer scapula with more quadrupedal behavior. The deep scapular shape increases the lever arm of teres major which is a major extensor of the humerus. Both Mandrillus and Cercocebus have been reported to regularly engage in vertical climbing up tree trunks as they ascend from the forest floor in search of arboreal foods (as noted by a reviewer, this is evident in the Nature television program ‘‘Mask of the Mandrill’’). Similarly, the much lower value of this index for Papio and Theropithecus almost certainly reflects the less frequent use of vertical climbing habits in these open-country terrestrial genera. The most striking feature of the proximal part of the humeri of Cercocebus and Mandrillus is the exceptional development of the deltoid plane which is relatively broad with prominent, projecting crests medially (deltopectoral crest) and laterally (deltotriceps crest) (Figures 5 and 6; Table 1). Lateral to the deltotriceps crest, both Cercocebus and Mandrillus show a relatively broad excavation for the upper fibers of brachialis that is not seen in Lophocebus and Papio. An index of the width of the deltoid plane relative to the width of the head of the humerus shows significantly higher values for the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade in comparisons of either males or the mixed sex samples (Table 2, Figure 7). The Macaca sample is not significantly different from the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade in this index, suggesting that the broad deltoid plane is primitive for papionins. Table 1 Skeletodental indices of papionin taxa Deltoid plane wdth100/ humeral head wdth Sup crest hgt100/ humerus length Ant artic wdth100/ biepicondylar wdth Coronoid wdth100/ Art notch wdth Ilium min wdth100/ Max acetabular diam Tibia mid AP diam100/ Mid ML diam 100 (P4 m-db-l/ M1 m-db-l) 100 (p4 m-db-l/ m1 m-db-l) 92·5, 6·3 (13) 98·1, 2·9 (7) 97·5, 5·6 (4) 87·5, 7·2(13) 78·4, 7·7 (7) 92·1, 6·7 (4) 37·5, 2·6 (12) 36·2, 1·6 (7) 37·3, 1·9 (4) 68·3, 2·6 (13) 76·1, 2·6 (7) 76·4, 3·2 (4) 55·3, 6·5 (12) 54·2, 4·3 (7) 51·3, 1·3 (4) 112·3, 7·1 (13) 106, 5·2 (7) 119·9, 4 (4) 129·6, 7·2(13) 131·3, 4·7 (7) 137·7, 10 (4) 86·6 81·7 34·8 (3) 67·8, 1·02 (4) 59·6, 0·77 (4) 115·7, 5·6 (5) 125·8, 14·4 (4) 35·01, 2·7 (7) 31·5 (3) 35·7, 4·1 (6) 20·9 (1) 36·3, 2·2 (7) 32·9, 2·6 (8) 35·4 (1) 32·9, 2·9 (5) 31·7, 2·4 (19) 30·6, 2 (13) 30·7, 2 (11) 32·9 (3) 23·2 (2) 26·8 (2) 71·2, 9·5 (7) 67·9 (3) 70·8, 7·1 (6) 72·8 (1) 74·9, 5·9 (7) 74, 3·2 (8) 80·2 (1) 74·5, 2·8 (5) 80·7, 10·7 (19) 79·2, 6·2 (13) 75·3, 4·3 (6) 59·8 (3) 77·3 (2) 74·2 (2) 51·6, 8·6 (8) 71·6 (3) 53·8, 5·7 (6) 60·3 (1) 46·7, 6·1 (7) 44·9, 4·6 (8) 54·7 (1) 54·8, 4·7 (5) 67·7, 6·7 (14) 63·4, 5·5 (12) 68·1, 4·2 (10) 72·4 (3) 65·3 (2) 67·8 (2) 124·1, 12·9 (7) 106·9 (3) 113·5, 5·5 (6) 100·9 (1) 114·3, 7·7 (7) 110·8, 7·1 (8) 103·7 (1) 104·9, 7·2 (5) 98·8, 6·7 (18) 95·3, 10·2 (12) 103·2, 5·3 (12) 118·4 (3) 100·4 (2) 104·1 (2) 124, 8·7 (8) 134·8 (3) 131·8, 9·1 (6) 154·7 (1) 129·7, 6·9 (7) 142·4, 19·7 (8) 128·6 (1) 126·9, 4·7 (5) 145·9, 8·1(15) 139·2, 9·9(11) 142·7, 5·9(11) 139·8 (3) 141·3 (2) 142·2 (2) 77·9, 128 (5) 77·4 (2) 86·7, 5·9 (8) 82·7, 7·8 (5) 78·7, 12 (8) 75, 4·6 (7) 84·2, 16·6 (10) 84·8, 3·3 (5) 81·5 (3) 83 (1) 81·2, 11·7 (4) 82·3 (2) 88·9, 12·8 (8) 86·04, 7·4 (5) 84·3, 7·9 (10) 79·1, 10 (4) 94·1, 15·1 (11) 88·4, 7·2 (5) 80·6 (3) 80·7 (1) 78·6 80·7 58·6, 57·2, 56, 56·7, 59, 54 82·4 (3) 86·6 (3) 58·9, 5·5 (15) 55·6, 7·9 (7) 60·1, 5·5 (14) 61·9, 11·5 (7) 57, 7·1 (5) 58·3 (2) (3) 95·2, 4·7 (7) 86·1 (3) 87·9, 7·7 (6) 111·2 (1) 88·4, 4·9 (7) 89·4, 4·9 (8) 81·9 (1) 88·5, 2·4 (5) 88·4, 5·1 (18) 88·6, 5 (13) 74·2, 4·4 (14) 69 (3) 65·8 (2) 74·7 (2) (3) 84·8, 10·1 (7) 70·3 (3) 82·8, 7·9 (6) 88·5 (1) 86·3, 3·6 (7) 77·9, 8·5 (8) 75·6 (1) 80·7, 4·3 (5) 74·8, 6·5(19) 73·9, 6·6(14) 69·4, 7·4(11) 75·8 (3) 63·4 (2) 70·5 (2) 5·4 4·8 5·5 5·8 7·6 (3) (3) (15) (7) (14) (7) (5) (2)     Cercocebus torquatus (males) Cercocebus torquatus (females) Cercocebus agilis (males) Cercocebus agilis (females) Cercocebus atys (males) Cercocebus atys (females) Mandrillus sphinx (males) Mandrillus sphinx (females) Mandrillus leucophaeus (males) Mandrillus leucophaeus (females) Macaca fascicularis (males) Macaca fascicularis (females) Macaca nemestrina (males) Macaca nemestrina (females) Lophocebus albigena (males) Lophocebus albigena (females) Papio hamadryas (males) Papio hamadryas (females) Theropithecus gelada (males) Theropithecus gelada (females) Scap max hgt100/ Max length N.B. For each taxon we supply means, standard deviations and sample sizes. For samples less than three we provide only means and sample sizes. Abbreviations: ant=anterior, artic=articular, diam=diameter, hgt=height, max=maximum, mid=midpoint, min=minimum, scap=scapula, sup=supinator, wdth=width. 273 274 Table 2 Significance values for comparisons of papionin taxa Cercocebus–Mandrillus vs. Lophocebus–Papio–Theropithecus (males only) <<0·001 <<0·001 0·009 <<0·001 <<0·001 0·384 <<0·001 <<0·001 <<0·001 0·078 <<0·001 <0·001 <0·001 0·005 <<0·001 <<0·001 <0·001 <<0·001 <<0·001 0·107 <<0·001 <<0·001 <<0·001 <<0·001 <<0·001 <<0·001 0·295 0·41 0·61 Macaca vs. Cercocebus–Mandrillus Macaca vs. Lophocebus– Papio–Theropithecus 0·01 0·23 <<0·001 0·0004 0·002 <<0·001 0·001 . .   .   Scapula max. height100/max. length Deltoid plane width100/humeral head width Sup. crest height100/humerus length Ant. articular width100/biepiconylar width Coronoid width100/articular notch width Ilium min. width100/max. acetabular diameter Tibia mid AP diameter100/mid ML diameter 100(p4 m-db-l/m1 m-db-l) 100(P4 m-db-l/M1 m-db-l) Cercocebus–Mandrillus vs. Lophocebus–Papio–Theropithecus (both sexes)     275 Figure 5. Humerii of (left to right) Mandrillus, Cercocebus, Lophocebus and Papio. Note the expanded deltoid plane and more proximally extending supinator crest in Mandrillus and Cercocebus. The distal part of the humeral shaft of Cercocebus and Mandrillus differs from that of Lophocebus and Papio in having a broader brachialis flange and a more proximally extending supinator crest (Figures 5 and 6, 8; Tables 1 and 2). The differences between the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade and the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade are significant in both the all male and the mixed sex comparisons. The Macaca sample is not significantly different from the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade in this index suggesting that a proximally extending supinator crest is primitive for papionins. Compared with Lophocebus and Papio, Cercocebus and Mandrillus have a relatively narrow distal articulation of the humerus (Figures 5 and 6). Indices of anterior 276 . .   .   Figure 6. Posterior view of (left to right) Mandrillus, Cercocebus, Lophocebus and Papio humerii. Note the lateral projection of the delto-triceps crest and the narrower olecranon in Mandrillus and Cercocebus. articular width divided by either the biepicondyler width or humerus length show significant differences between the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade and the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade for both the male only sample and the mixed sex sample (Figure 9; Tables 1 and 2). However, there is considerable variation among individuals and species within each clade. The Macaca sample is not significantly different from the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade in these indices, suggesting that the Cercocebus–Mandrillus condition is derived. On the humerus of Cercocebus and Mandrillus there is a relatively more 277     Cercocebus torquatus C. torquatus C. agilis C. atys Mandrillus sphinx M. sphinx M. leucophaeus M. leucophaeus Macaca fascicularis M. fascicularis M. nemestrina M. nemestrina Lophocebus albigena L. albigena Papio hamadryas P. hamadryas Theropithecus gelada T. gelada (13) (7) (4) (3) (7) (3) (6) (1) (7) (8) (1) (5) (19) (14) (11) (3) (2) (2) 55 65 75 85 95 105 35 40 45 Figure 7. Plot of deltoid plane index. Cercocebus torquatus C. torquatus C. agilis C. atys Mandrillus sphinx M. sphinx M. leucophaeus Macaca fascicularis M. fascicularis M. nemestrina M. nemestrina Lophocebus albigena L. albigena Papio hamadryas P. hamadryas Theropithecus gelada T. gelada (12) (7) (4) (3) (7) (3) (6) (7) (8) (1) (5) (19) (13) (11) (3) (2) (2) 20 25 30 Figure 8. Plot of relative height of supinator crest. prominent medial lip to the trochlea, and a relatively narrower olecranon fossa with a sharp, and deep lateral margin (Figures 5 and 6; Table 1). In an index of depth of the medial trochlear lip divided by the width of the olecranon fossa, the Cercocebus– Mandrillus clade is significantly different from the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade in both the male only comparisons and mixed sex comparisons (Table 2). The Macaca sample is significantly different from the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade, but not from the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade, suggesting that the Cercocebus– Mandrillus condition for this index is derived for papionins. 278 Cercocebus torquatus C. torquatus C. agilis C. atys Mandrillus sphinx M. sphinx M. leucophaeus M. leucophaeus Macaca fascicularis M. fascicularis M. assamensis M. nemestrina M. nemestrina Lophocebus albigena L. albigena Papio hamadryas P. hamadryas Theropithecus gelada T. gelada . .   .   (13) (7) (4) (4) (7) (3) (6) (1) (7) (8) (2) (1) (5) (19) (13) (6) (3) (2) (2) 50 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 9. Plot of relative anterior articular width of humerus. The distinctive features of the proximal part of the ulna of Cercocebus and Mandrillus reflect those of the distal humerus. There is a narrower coronoid process with a prominent medially facing surface for articulation with the prominent trochlear lip compared to the relatively broader coronoid process in Lophocebus and Papio (Figure 10; Table 1). In an index of coronoid width divided by width of the radial notch, the values for the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade are significantly lower than those for the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade in both the males only comparisons and the mixed sex comparisons (Table 2; Figure 11). The Macaca sample is significantly different from either African clade, but overlaps extensively with the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade suggesting a narrow coronoid is primitive for papionins. In Cercocebus and Mandrillus the interosseus line is prominent and flares ventrally as far as the ventral surface of the ulnar shaft, whereas in Lophocebus and Papio the interosseus line is less distinct and confined to the lateral margin of the shaft (Figure 12; Table 3). Although not as distinctive as the ulnar features, in Cercocebus and Mandrillus, the interosseus (medial) border and the posterior border of the radius are more prominently developed than in Lophocebus and Papio, and these sharp borders give the radius a triangular rather than a rounded cross-sectional shape (Figure 12; Table 3). The forelimb bones of Cercocebus and Mandrillus show a scapula with features found in other anthropoid species that cling and climb on vertical supports, a humerus with a large brachialis muscle suggesting adaptations for powerful elbow flexion, and a narrow, stable elbow region. The forearm shows pronounced crest development that suggests prominent wrist or digital flexor musculature. This osteological evidence accords well with suggestions by Jolly (1970) that mandrills seem to have much larger forelimb flexors than other papionins. Jolly (1967:437) further noted that mandrills and drills ‘‘are usually said to be forestfloor animals, but both show anatomical signs of considerable greater adaptation to tree climbing than in typical baboons (Papio).’’     279 Figure 10. Proximal ulnae of (left to right) Mandrillus, Cercocebus, Lophocebus and Papio. Note the narower coronoid in Mandrillus and Cercocebus. In the absence of more detailed information about the musculature of these monkeys, we can nevertheless make some hypotheses about the adaptive significance of the unusual features of the forelimb of Cercocebus and Mandrillus, based on their naturalistic behavior that would seem to require powerful forelimb flexion. Both are terrestrial foragers that spend much of their daily activity rummaging through leaf litter on the forest floor in search of fallen fruits, nuts and seeds, as well as animal material. They are described as aggressive manual foragers that rip apart rotten logs, open large fruits, and harvest terrestrial herbaceous vegetation (Hoshino, 1985; Harrison, 1988; Schaaf et al., 1990; Bergmueller, 1998). While this manual foraging may account for the digital, carpal, and elbow flexion they seem insufficient to account for the scapula features. Both of these monkeys also climb vertical tree trunks in search of food. It seems likely that this activity would require powerful humeral retraction as well as elbow, carpal, and digital flexion. Lower extremity The pelvis of Cercocebus and Mandrillus differs from that of Lophocebus and Papio in having an ilium that is relatively much broader at its base (Figures 13 and 14; Tables 1 and 2). The mean values of basal ilium breadth relative to acetabulum breadth are significantly higher for the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade than for the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade for both the male only comparisons and the mixed sex comparisons. However, there is considerable spread in the values for 280 . .   .   Cercocebus torquatus C. torquatus C. agilis C. atys Mandrillus sphinx M. sphinx M. leucophaeus M. leucophaeus Macaca fascicularis M. fascicularis M. nemestrina M. nemestrina Lophocebus albigena L. albigena Papio hamadryas P. hamadryas Theropithecus gelada T. gelada (12) (7) (4) (4) (8) (3) (6) (1) (7) (8) (1) (5) (14) (12) (10) (3) (2) (2) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Figure 11. Plot of index of coronoid width divided by radial notch width. individuals and genera. The values for Macaca are not significantly different from those of the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade, suggesting that a relatively broad basal ilium is primitive for papionins. The femur of Cercocebus and Mandrillus is generally characterized by a more prominent gluteal tuberosity than in Lophocebus or Papio (Table 3). Distally, the femur of Cercocebus and Mandrillus has a patellar groove in which the medial lip is prominent and more similar in form and size to the lateral tip, whereas in Lophocebus and Papio the lateral lip is more prominent (Figure 15; Table 2). Among other primates, climbing species such as Pan troglodytes are characterized by a patellar groove with equal medial and lateral margins or prominent medial margins (Ward et al., 1995). The tibial shaft of Cercocebus and Mandrillus is relatively rounder than that of Lophocebus and Papio in which the tibial shaft is more elongate antero-posteriorly (Tables 1 and 2; Figure 16). The mean values of relative tibial compression are significantly lower for the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade than for the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade in comparisons for both males only and mixed sex samples. The values for Macaca are not significantly different from those of the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade, suggesting that a more rounded tibia shaft is primitive for papionins. The features of the hindlimb that distinguish Cercocebus and Mandrillus are less extensive than those of the forelimb and less amenable to interpretation by comparison with other primates. Of the behaviors that seem characteristic of the monkeys, it seems most likely that vertical climbing up tree trunks could select for a robust ilium, a relatively more prominent medial patellar margin and a more rounded tibial shaft. Premolar morphology Compared with virtually all other Old World monkeys, Cercocebus and Mandrillus are unusual in having relatively large upper and lower posterior premolars that approach the first molar in size (Figures 17–19; Table 1). The ratio of posterior premolar area to first     281 Figure 12. Top: ulnae of (top to bottom) Mandrillus, Cercocebus, Lophocebus and Papio. Bottom: radii of (top to bottom) Mandrillus, Cercocebus, Lophocebus and Papio. Note the more prominent interosseous crests in the Mandrillus and Cercocebus ulnae and radii. 282 . .   .   Table 3 Distribution of nonmetric characters among papionins Interosseus crest (ulna) Radial shaft shape Gluteal tuberosity Patellar groove: medial lip Patellar groove: lateral lip Cercocebus Mandrillus Papio Lophocebus Strong Triangular Prominent Weak/round Strong/sharp Strong Triangular Prominent Weak/round Moderate Weak Rounded Weak Moderate Weak Weak Rounded Weak Moderate Moderate Figure 13. Bony pelvis of (left to right) Mandrillus, Cercocebus, Lophocebus and Papio. The ilium of Mandrillus and Cercocebus is much broader at its base (arrows) than those of Lophocebus and Papio. molar area (both uppers and lowers) is significantly higher for the Cercocebus– Mandrillus clade than for the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade in comparisons of either male only or mixed sex samples (Table 2). Our relatively small sample of Macaca (mostly M. nemestrina) is not significantly different from the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade in this index, suggesting that large premolars are primitive for papionins. Both Cercocebus and Mandrillus rely extensively on hard nuts and seeds that they collect on the forest floor. Hoshino (1985; see also Rogers et al., 1996) found that these were the main food items of mandrills during the period of fruit scarcity, and Cercocebus in West Africa rely extensively on 283     Cercocebus torquatus C. torquatus C. agilis C. atys C. atys Mandrillus sphinx M. sphinx M. leucophaeus M. leucophaeus Macaca fascicularis M. fascicularis M. nemestrina M. nemestrina Lophocebus albigena L. albigena Papio hamadryas P. hamadryas Theropithecus gelada T. gelada (13) (7) (4) (5) (1) (7) (3) (6) (1) (7) (8) (1) (5) (18) (12) (12) (3) (2) (2) 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Figure 14. Plot of relative basal ilium width. hard nuts that other primates cannot open (Bergmueller, 1998; Range, 1998; Rutte, 1998). It seems most likely that the large premolars in these species are adaptations for cracking open hard nuts and seeds. In addition, both Cercocebus and Mandrillus have been reported to eat the pith and bark of various grasses and they may also use their premolars for stripping these foods (Harrison, 1988). Lophocebus are also reported to eat hard nuts such as palm nuts, but they clearly lack the enlarged premolars of Cercocebus. Unfortunately, there are too few behavioral observations of the details of food processing in these species. The adaptive niche of Cercocebus and Mandrillus In the sections above we have documented morphological features that distinguish Cercocebus and Mandrillus from Lophocebus and Papio and support the molecular studies that link these genera as sister taxa. The former two genera are among the most poorly known of all African primates because they move rapidly on the ground through dense vegetation and have large ranges. Nevertheless, on the basis of studies over many years, it is clear that these monkeys share many unique behavioral and ecological features that unite them and distinguish them from Lophocebus, Papio, and Theropithecus. Cercocebus has a broad distribution over much of central Africa, while Mandrillus is restricted to areas of Western and western central Africa (Gartlan, 1970; Grubb, 1973; Kingdon, 1997). Both Cercocebus and Mandrillus are large, predominantly terrestrial forest-dwelling cercopithecines that spend much of their daily activity foraging through leaf litter on the forest floor. In describing the foraging behavior of a horde of mandrills in Gabon, Rogers et al. (1996:304–305) noted, ‘‘When following mandrill trails through the forest, it was obvious that the leaf litter had been extensively disturbed, termite nests broken open and rotten wood explored.’’ Likewise, in describing Cercocebus agilis in Gabon, Quiris 284 . .   .   Figure 15. Femora of (left to right) Mandrillus, Cercocebus, Lophocebus and Papio. Note the more equal medial and lateral lips of the patellar groove in Mandrillus and Cercocebus. (1975:366) observed, ‘‘Pour terminer, notons que si C. galeritus (agilis) a ete observe frequemment au sol, fouillant la vase ou la litiere, il n’a jamais ete possible de couvrir ce qu’il cherchait . . .’’. Similarly, Cercocebus atys in the Tai forest, Ivory Coast spends most of its foraging time sorting through leaf litter and fallen trees on the forest floor (McGraw, 1996; personal observation). Although Cercocebus and Mandrillus are primarily terrestrial foragers, they also climb trees to forage on ripe fruits. When they ascend trees Cercocebus often do so by vertical climbing up large trunks (McGraw, 1996; see also Quiris, 1975). Similar 285     Cercocebus torquatus C. torquatus C. agilis C. atys Mandrillus sphinx M. sphinx M. leucophaeus M. leucophaeus Macaca fascicularis M. fascicularis M. nemestrina M. nemestrina Lophocebus albigena L. albigena Papio hamadryas P. hamadryas Theropithecus gelada T. gelada (13) (7) (4) (4) (8) (3) (6) (1) (7) (8) (1) (5) (15) (11) (11) (3) (2) (2) 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 Figure 16. Plot of relative compression of the tibial shaft. Figure 17. Maxillary dentition of (top, left to right) Cercocebus and Mandrillus and (bottom, left to right) Lophocebus and Papio. Note the enlarged posterior premolars of Cercocebus and Mandrillus. climbing behavior has been described for mandrills (e.g., Hoshino, 1985; Harrison, 1988; Rogers et al., 1996). Both Cercocebus and Mandrillus are most commonly described as frugivores that feed on fallen fruit and various types of animal material on the forest floor. However, few studies have made an effort to distinguish nuts and seeds from fruits. Those that make a distinction emphasize the importance of seeds and nuts retrieved from the forest floor in the diet of both these genera, whether diet was determined by direct observation or by analysis of feces. Hoshino (1985:265) explicitly noted, ‘‘mandrills tended to consume fallen seeds after their fruiting period. Thus mandrills can be called ‘seed eaters’, while arboreal Cercopithecus monkeys and chimpanzees can be called ‘pulp eaters’.’’ Likewise, Cercocebus is well-known for its 286 Cercocebus torquatus C. torquatus C. agilis C. agilis C. atys C. atys Mandrillus sphinx M. sphinx M. leucophaeus M. leucophaeus M. nemestrina M. nemestrina Lophocebus albigena L. albigena Papio hamadryas P. hamadryas Theropithecus gelada T. gelada . .   .   (5) (2) (8) (5) (8) (7) (12) (5) (3) (1) (3) (3) (8) (7) (14) (7) (5) (2) 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 105 115 Figure 18. Plot of relative upper premolar size. Cercocebus torquatus C. torquatus C. agilis C. agilis C. atys C. atys Mandrillus sphinx M. sphinx M. leucophaeus M. leucophaeus M. nemestrina M. nemestrina Lophocebus albigena L. albigena Papio hamadryas P. hamadryas Theropithecus gelada T. gelada (4) (2) (8) (5) (10) (4) (11) (5) (3) (1) (3) (3) (8) (7) (14) (7) (5) (2) 45 55 65 75 85 95 Figure 19. Plot of relative lower premolar size. diet of seeds and hard nuts (e.g., Kingdon, 1997). Indeed, field workers have noted that Cercocebus is most readily located in the forest by listening for the sound of them cracking nuts with their teeth (McGraw, 1996). These hard nuts and seeds seem particularly important for these monkeys in the dry season, when fruits are less common. As Hoshino (1985:257) observed, ‘‘the period of eating specific seeds was longer than their fruiting period, because seeds are more resistant to decomposition than pulp     and, thus, edible for a longer period. In other words, mandrills could feed on fruit in the form of fallen seeds, even when the availability of fresh fruit (pulp) is poor.’’ Thus, it is the ability to eat hard seeds and fruits that seems to permit these large monkeys to survive in times of low abundance of ripe fruits. In addition, both Cercocebus and Mandrillus have been reported to eat terrestrial herbaceous vegetation and various grasses, especially during periods of low fruit abundance. Indeed, there is considerable dietary overlap between Cercocebus and Mandrillus in Cameroon (Caldecott et al., 1996). Although fallen seeds and nuts are a critical and relatively long lasting resource that Cercocebus and Mandrillus can exploit better than other species because of their dental and locomotor abilities, they nevertheless seem to be sparsely distributed. Thus, Cercocebus and Mandrillus are unusual in that both regularly form supertroops or hordes of large numbers of individuals from several troops that join together and range very widely during periods of low fruit availability (Gartlan, 1970; Hoshino, 1985). Further studies of the ecology of these species will undoubtedly reveal additional behavioral similarities (Shah, 1996). Overall, there is abundant evidence that Cercocebus and Mandrillus are a limited and specialized clade of large cercopithecines characterized by shared, unique adaptations for terrestrial foraging on the forest floor for fallen fruits, animal material and especially hard seeds and nuts. It is this latter specialty combined with their flexible social organization that is critical to their survival during periods of low fruit availability. The phylogeny of the Cercocebus–Mandrillus adaptation For each of the morphological features that distinguishes the Cercocebus–Mandrillus 287 clade from the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade, we evaluated the condition in a mixed species, mixed sex sample of macaques (M. fascicularis and M. nemestrina) in order to determine which morphologies are likely to be primitive and which are derived among papionins. It turns out that for most of the skeletal features (broad deltoid plane, high supinator crest, broad ilium base, and less mediolaterally compressed tibial shaft), the Macaca mean is not significantly different from that of the Cercocebus–Mandrillus clade. For another feature (coronoid width divided by radial notch width) the means are statistically different, but there is considerable overlap and the macaques are clearly more similar to the Cercocebus–Mandrillus sample. Likewise, the sample of Macaca nemestrina is most similar to the Cercocebus–Mandrillus sample in having relatively large premolars. In only one feature (relative articular width of the humerus) is the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade more similar to the macaque morphology. In scapular shape, each of the three groups is distinctive. This suggests that, overall, the morphological features that distinguish the Cercocebus– Mandrillus clade are mostly primitive for papionins, and it is the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade that is derived. This simple phylogenetic analysis accords well with observations of Caldecott et al. (1996), who have noted extensive similarities in the ranging behavior and foraging adaptations of pigtail macaques (M. nemestrina) with those of mandrills and drills, and with Fooden’s (1980) biogeographic arguments that the pigtail macaques are part of the initial macaque radiation into Asia. This would suggest that the wide-ranging, forest floor gleaning adaptation of Cercocebus, mandrills, and pigtail macaques is the basal adaptation of papionins, and that the more arboreal (Lophocebus) and open-country taxa (Papio and Theropithecus) show derived adaptations. 288 . .   .   Discussion In an earlier paper we described morphological features of the dentition and skeleton of males that characterize Cercocebus and Mandrillus as a clade and distinguish them from the other clade of African papionins composed of Lophocebus, Papio and Theropithecus (Fleagle & McGraw, 1999). In this paper we have provided more extensive illustrations and broader analyses of these morphological features by including females and additional species in both clades. In addition, we have compared the African papionins with a small sample of macaques in order to determine whether the Cercocebus–Mandrillus features were primitive or derived for papionins. There are numerous aspects of our analysis and results that merit further discussion. These include the analysis of female skeletons, the diverse morphology within the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade, and the value of primitive characters in identifying adaptations. In our morphological analyses described above, the results from comparisons of the larger, mixed sex samples always accorded with the results of the all male comparisons (see also Fleagle & McGraw, 1999), and with the phylogeny of African papionins based on biomolecular and genetic studies (Cronin & Sarich, 1976; Hewett-Emett & Cook, 1978; Disotell, 1994, 1996; Harris & Disotell, 1998). However, it is evident from the plots of the samples by sex and species that the significant differences were largely driven by the male sample. The cladespecific, and even species-specific patterns were far less obvious among the female specimens than among the males. Similar results have been reported by others, including Nakatsukasa (1994a,b, 1996). We cannot explain why females do not show as strong a pattern of skeletal differences as males; however, there are several possible reasons. One possibility is that the differences are the result of methodological problems in either sampling or measuring. For the taxa we measured, complete adult female skeletons are much less common than adult male skeletons in the museum collections we visited. As a result, female samples are more likely to be a random sample from a variety of populations rather than a large sample from one population. Thus, the apparent diversity in some of the female samples and the differences from the males may reflect geographic diversity. In addition, a single misidentified specimen would have a much greater effect on the characteristics of a small sample. It is also quite possible that the measurements of female specimens are less accurate than those of males. Compared with male skeletons, female skeletons generally have less distinctive muscle markings. As a result measurements that depend on identifying a ridge caused by a muscle attachment may well be more difficult to identify in female skeletons. However, there is no evidence from our results that this is the case. The measurements based on muscle attachments (e.g., supinator crest height) are not obviously more variable in the female skeletons, except in Theropithecus. More generally, however, it is well established that the metabolic and functional demands on the skeleton are often different for males and females of dimorphic species so that many biomechanical features show different scaling relationships. Even though we have been able to demonstrate significant differences between the two clades of African papionins in several skeletal and dental features, there is also considerable variation within each of the clades. This is particularly evident for the Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus clade, which includes taxa with very different patterns of substrate use. Lophocebus is a totally arboreal rainforest monkey; Theropithecus is an almost totally terrestrial monkey from the 289     high plateau of Ethiopia; and the widespread Papio is probably best characterized as predominantly terrestrial, but individuals of many populations regularly forage in trees. In view of the considerable differences in the ecology and locomotion of extant members of this clade, reconstruction of the evolutionary history of adaptations in this clade is a debated and, in our view, largely unresolved issue with many alternative scenarios and difficult questions that need to be addressed in the future. For example, if the predominantly terrestrial locomotor habits of M. nemestrina, Cercocebus, and Mandrillus are primitive for African papionins, under what conditions did the characteristic postcranial features of Lophocebus and Papio evolve? Is Lophocebus secondarily arboreal? This is a scenario favored by Nakatsukasa (1996) in his study of skeletal differences among mangabeys. How does Theropithecus fit into the picture? Delson & Dean (1993) have argued from cranial evidence for similarities between Theropithecus and Mandrillus, implying that these taxa share features that are primitive for African papionins. As with our comparisons of African papionins and macaques, it seems almost certain that any scenario will involve some type of mosaic of primitive and derived features in all lineages. Moreover, as the study by Delson & Dean (1993) emphasizes, attempts to answer these questions will require a broader consideration of the fossil record of this group, including Parapapio, fossil baboons, and fossil Theropithecus as well as more detailed functional studies of the biomechanical significance of the morphological features. In this study we have attempted to identify the functional significance of the features shared by Cercocebus and Mandrillus without distinguishing between those features that are primitive retentions from a common papionin ancestry and those that are derived for that clade. Our comparisons with a small sample of Macaca, the outgroup to African papionins, suggest that many of the features shared by Cercocebus and Mandrillus are probably primitive for all papionins. These results need to be corroborated by additional outgroup comparisons with a larger sample of macaques, with fossil macaques such as Procynocephalus, and with a broader sample of other extant and fossil cercopithecines. While an appreciation of the phylogeny of individual morphological and behavioral features is valuable for enabling us to reconstruct the evolutionary history of papionins, the phylogenetic status of individual morphological features as either primitive or derived is not critical for our ability to interpret their functional significance or their status as adaptations. There is ample evidence that both primitive and derived features have mechanical and physiological functions that are amenable to interpretation through comparative methods (e.g., Anthony & Kay, 1993; Ross et al., 2001). Thus, as discussed above, it seems most likely that the features shared by Cercocebus, Mandrillus and Macaca nemestrina are part of a longstanding, primitive papionin foraging adaptation related to forest floor locomotion and gleaning. Summary Although biomolecular studies of primate systematics over the past 20 years have consistently demonstrated that mandrills are the sister group of Cercocebus mangabeys rather than being closely related to baboons and geladas, there has been little morphological or behavior evidence to support this phylogeny. Detailed comparisons of the skeletal anatomy of Cercocebus, Mandrillus, Lophocebus and Papio reveal osteological features of the scapula, humerus, ulna, radius, pelvis, femur and tibia that unite Cercocebus and Mandrillus, and distinguish them from Lophocebus and Papio. In addition, 290 . .   .   Cercocebus and Mandrillus have greatly enlarged posterior premolars. The enlarged premolars are an adaptation for cracking open hard nuts that both of these monkeys retrieve from the forest floor litter. The forelimb features are best interpreted as adaptations for extensive and forceful manual foraging in forest floor litter as well as vertical climbing of tree trunks. The hindlimb features are hypothesized as adaptations for vertical climbing. Comparisons with an outgroup comprised of Macaca species reveals that many features shared by Cercocebus and Mandrillus including a broad deltoid plane, proximally extending supinator crest, narrow coronoid, broad basal ilium, less mediolaterally compressed tibial shaft and expanded premolars, are primitive for papionins. Identification of these shared morphological features and a review of the literature show that mandrills and Cercocebus mangabeys are similar in many aspects of their behavior and ecology. Both are primarily wide-ranging terrestrial gleaners on the forest floor where they manually search through leaf litter and rotten logs in search of arthropods, fallen fruit, nuts, and seeds. They also ascend the trunk of trees in search of arboreal food items. Acknowledgements We thank the following institutions and individuals for allowing access to specimens in their care: American Museum of Natural History (Ross MacPhee), The Natural History Museum of London (Paula Jenkins), Field Museum of Natural History (Bill Stanley), UC-Berkeley Laboratory of Human Evolution (Clark Howell), Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (Maria Rutzmoser), PowellCotton Museum (John Harrison), Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren (Wim Van Neer), SUNY-Stony Brook (Randall Susman). We thank Ronald Noe, the assistants and students of the Tai Forest Monkey project for enabling a better understanding of mangabey biology. Bill Jungers provided valuable statistical advice and Luci Betti-Nash skillfully produced the figures. 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