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Archives of Medical Research 50 (2019) 91e97 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Kruppel-Like Transcription Factor-4 Gene Expression and DNA Methylation Status in Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetic Nephropathy Patients* Zeynep Mine Coskun,a,1 Melike Ersoz,a,1 Mine Adas,b Veysel Sabri Hancer,c Serife Nur Boysan,d Mustafa Sait Gonen,e and Aynur Acara a Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Demiroglu Bilim University, Istanbul, Turkey Department of Endocrinology, Ministry of Health Okmeydani Research and Training Hospital, Health Sciences University, Istanbul, Turkey c Department Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Istinye University, Istanbul, Turkey d Department of Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, Demiroglu Bilim University, Istanbul, Turkey e Department of Endocrinology, Faculty of Cerrahpasa Medicine, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey b Received for publication January 21, 2019; accepted May 24, 2019 (ARCMED_2019_68). Background/Aim. Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is one of the most serious microvascular complications in diabetic patients. The kruppel-like transcription factor-4 (KLF-4) affects the expression of genes involved in the pathogenesis of DN. The present study aims to identify the KLF-4 expression and DNA methylation (DNAMe) status in patients with type-2 diabetes (T2D) and DN and to reveal the contribution of the KLF-4 to the development of DN. Material and Methods. The cohort study was performed with blood samples from 120 individuals; T2D group (n 5 40), DN group (n 5 40) and control group (n 5 40). The expression level of the KLF-4 gene was analyzed using the real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and the methylation profile detected using the methylationspecific PCR (MS-PCR) technique. Results. According to our findings, KLF-4 mRNA expression in the T2D group was 1.60 fold lower than in the control group ( p 5 0.001). In the DN group, the expression of KLF-4 mRNA was 2.92-fold less than that of the T2D group ( p 5 0.001). There was no significant alteration in the DNAMe status among the groups. Conclusion. Our findings showed that regardless of the DNAMe status, KLF-4 gene expression may play a role in the development of T2D and DN. This suggests that the KLF-4 gene may be the target gene in understanding the mechanism of nephropathy, which is the most important complication of diabetes, and planning nephropathyrelated treatments, but the data should be supported with more studies. Ó 2019 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc. Key Words: Diabetic nephropathy, DNA methylation, Epigenetics, Kruppel-like transcription factor-4, Type 2 diabetes. Introduction Type-2 diabetes (T2D) is the most common type of diabetes mellitus (DM) and has been suggested to occur with multifactorial causes such as heredity, environment, and diet (1). Conflict of interest: The authors declare there is no conflict of interest Both authors contributed equally to this study Address reprint requests to: Zeynep Mine Coskun, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Demiroglu Bilim University, 34394-Sisli, Istanbul, Turkey; Phone: (þ90) (212) 213 64 83, FAX: (þ90) (212) 272 34 61; E-mail: zeynepminecoskun@gmail.com 1 The DM disease is primarily characterized by b cell dysfunction and insulin resistance. Hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis and nonketotic hyperosmolar coma are serious metabolic disorders that occur in diabetic individuals (2). Uncontrolled hyperglycemia induces macrovascular complications (stroke, peripheral arterial and coronary artery diseases) and microvascular complications (diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy, and neuropathy) (3). Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is serious microvascular complications of T2D, which is defined as persistent microalbuminuria with or without a fall in glomerular filtration 0188-4409/$ - see front matter. Copyright Ó 2019 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arcmed.2019.05.012 92 Coskun et al./ Archives of Medical Research 50 (2019) 91e97 rate and induce end-stage renal disease (4). DN is associated with an elevated risk of diabetic complications progression and, increases the mortality rate in patients (5). The Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) are a subclass of Cys2/ His2 zinc-finger DNA-binding proteins. Members of KLFs have important regulatory functions during embryonic development and play a role in various diseases. The KLFs, transcription factors, are important regulators of glucose and lipid metabolisms (6). KLF-4 is a transcription factor expressed in a variety of tissues, including the epithelium of intestine, skin, lung, and testis (7,8). Depending on the target gene, KLF-4 can either activate or repress transcription (9). KLF-4 has a role in the process of nephron differentiation in embryonic kidneys (10). DNA methylation (DNAMe) regulates gene expression by upregulating, downregulating, or silencing of genes. However, it is known that DNAMe commonly silences gene expression and reduces transcription by affecting chromatin structure (11,12). Dysfunction of DNAMe can lead a variety diseases including metabolic, cardiovascular and neurological disorders, and diabetes (13). The current treatment strategies have provided benefit to improving DN but unfortunately could not stop exactly its progress. So, it is thought that the gene regulation mechanisms in the pathogenesis of DN are not fully understood. Clinical observation and epidemiology data also show that genetic predisposition is an important factor in the pathogenesis of DN. For this reason, we aimed to compare the results of KLF-4 mRNA expression levels in the blood among healthy, type-2 diabetic, and DN patients, to reveal whether DNAMe is associated with KLF-4 mRNA expression. suffering from other causes of renal impairment or having ESRD, cancer, new onset diabetes after organ transplantation, ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular events, acute illness at the time of the study were excluded from the beginning of the study. The 120 patients were divided into three groups. Control Group: Individuals were presented fasting glucose levels !100 mg/dL and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) ! 5.7% (with normal glucose metabolism), upon informed written consent. The control group without risk factors for the development of Type-2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. They were considered as nondiabetics (14). Type-2 diabetes (T2D) Group: Patients that were diagnosed by an endocrinologist and who monitored their glycemic control by evaluation of HbA1c. The patients with the fasting glucose levels O100 mg/dL and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) O 5.7% were included in this group. DN Group: Diabetic patients evaluated depending on urine albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) (mg/g creatinine). ACR $30 mg/g was considered as patient with DN (15). Diabetes and DN groups received therapy for diabetes, but not control group (Figure 1). Demographic and Clinical Characteristics in Study Groups The subjects answered a structured questionnaire about personal and family medical history, demographic characteristics (age, sex) and the use of medications. The clinical examination consisted of blood pressure (mm of Hg), weight (Kg), body mass index (BMI). Laboratory Measurements and Lipid Profile of All groups Materials and Methods Ethics The study protocol was approved by the Ethics in Human Research Committee of the Istanbul Bilim University (The number of ethical approval and date: 31e278, 26.05.2015), and was conducted according to the ethical principles of the Helsinki Declaration. All volunteers were informed about the aims and methods of the present study and written informed consent was obtained from each participates. The blood samples were collected after a 12 h overnight fast for the evaluation of fasting plasma glucose (mg/dL). HbA1c, serum urea, creatinine, Na and K was measured by Beckman Coulter AU2700 auto-analyzer (Beckman Coulter Inc., USA). Moreover, albumin and protein were determined in urine. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was calculated as follows: GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2):175 x Scr1.154x Age0.203 x 0.742 (If female). Serum lipid profile (TC, TG, LDL, VLDL, and HDL) was measured photometrically by Beckman Coulter AU2700 auto-analyzer (Beckman Coulter Inc., USA). Patients RNA and DNA Extractions in Blood Samples We evaluated 120 patients who hospitalized in the Department of Endocrinology, Ministry of Health Okmeydani Research and Training Hospital and Medical Faculty of Istanbul Bilim University, between January 2016 and January 2017. The 120 patients aged from 25e75 years were classified according to American Diabetes Association (ADA) criteria. Smokers, pregnant women, the patients with Total RNA and DNA were isolated using RNA Extraction Kit and DNA Isolation Kit (Hybrigen, R1051 and N1122 Turkey, respectively) from blood following the manufacturer’s instructions. The RNA and DNA purities were determined by the ratio of A260/A280 using the spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies). RNA and DNA samples were stored at ‒80 C. 93 KLF-4 Expression in Diabetes and Diabetic Nephropathy Figure 1. Study flow chart for case selection and recruitment. American Diabetes Association (ADA). Gene Expression Analysis RNA (0.5 mg) was converted into cDNA using reverse transcriptase according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Hibrigen, Turkey). The cDNA was used as a template for quantitating gene expression using SYBR Green real-time PCR kit (Hybrigen, Turkey) in CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection Systems (Bio-rad, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. GAPDH was used as normalization control and the KLF-4 mRNA expression level was calculated using the formula 2DDCt values. The primers are shown in Table 1. DNA Methylation Analyses The methylation status of the KLF4 promoter CpG islands was performed using methylation-specific PCR (MS-PCR). MSPCR was carried out on bisulfate-treated DNA. The isolated DNAwas bisulfite-converted according to conventional protocol. Bisulfite-modified DNA was amplified by PCR using 0.2 mM of each primer (Table 1), 2 units of Hot Start Taq DNA polymerase, and 0.2 mM of each dNTP per reaction. Cycling programs were 95 C for 5 min, and then 40 cycles of 95 C for 30 sec, 56 C for 30 sec, and 72 C for 30 sec, followed by a 5 min incubation at 72 C. The PCR products were examined by gel electrophoresis in 1.5% agarose. expressed as the mean  standard deviation (SD). ShapiroeWilk (SW) normality test was applied to determine the normality of the distribution. The normal data analyzed for statistical significance using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey’s post-hoc test. The Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U nonparametric test for nonparametric parameters were used to compare the groups. p ! 0.05 was considered statistically significant. A post-hoc power analysis was achieved using G*Power program (version for windows, http://www.gpower. hhu.de/en.html). It was performed using the following parameters: F test for ANOVA, sample size 5 120, alfa error 5 0.05 and medium effective size 5 0.3. The power (1-b) of analysis was 0.835. Table 1. Primer sequences used for the mRNA expression and DNA methylation studies Genes Primer sequence (50 /30 ) KLF-4 F GAACCCACACAGGTGAGAAACC R ATGCCTCTTCATGTGTAAG F ACCCACTCCTCCACCTTTGAC R TGTTGCTGTAGCCAAATTCGTT F GGTTGATTATTTGAGGTTAGGTGTT R CCCAAATAACAAAAATTACAAACA F GTTGATTATTTGAGGTTAGGTGTTC R CGAATAACGAAAATTACAAACGTA GAPDH Statistical Analysis Un-methylated KLF-4 Statistical analysis was made using SPSS software (IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 21.0.). All data were Methylated KLF-4 94 Coskun et al./ Archives of Medical Research 50 (2019) 91e97 Table 2. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the control and patient groups Agea Sex Systolic blood pressurea Diastolic blood pressurea Weight (kg)a BMIa Control group T2D group DN group p 45.65  12.0 20% male 80% female 116.55  13.07 77.70  11.24 70.79  14.67 25.65  4.74 56.92  9.69b 40% male 60% female 125.74  12.45 74.44  9.43 86.63  18.21c 31.32  5.45d 57.94  8.81b 50% male 50% female 133.52  9.43b 79.36  7.97 88.83  18.01b 33.65  8.32b 0.000 0.000 0.174 0.000 0.000 a Means  SD; Type-2 diabetes: T2D; diabetic nephropathy: DN. p 5 0.000 vs. Control group; cp 5 0.003 vs. Control group; dp 5 0.006 vs. Control group. b Results Patient Characteristics in Study Groups Demographic and clinical characteristics of the groups are seen in Table 2. Patient in T2D and DN groups were older compared with control group ( p 5 0.000 for each), and BMI (kg/m2) values in the T2D and DN groups were significantly higher than in control group ( p 5 0.006 and p 5 0.000, respectively). Furthermore, control and patient groups were similar in terms of diastolic blood pressure, while systolic blood pressure was high in the DN group compared to the control group ( p 5 0.000). Blood and Urine Biochemistry Biochemical measurement in blood and urine are presented in Table 3. A significant increase in blood glucose and HbA1c values were observed in T2D and DN groups as compared to control group ( p 5 0.000 for each). In patients with DN, serum urea and creatinine were significantly high compared to control ( p 5 0.001 and p 5 0.004, respectively) and T2D ( p 5 0.01 and p 5 0.003, respectively) groups. Patient and control groups were similar in terms of Na, K, TC and LDL values. TG and VLDL levels significantly increased in T2D group when compared to control group ( p 5 0.01 for each). Furthermore, TG and VLDL levels were lower in the DN group than in the T2D group ( p 5 0.013). HDL levels in T2D and DN groups decreased significantly compared to the control group ( p 5 0.000 for each). In DN group, urine albumin-protein/creatinine ratio was higher than the control and T2D groups ( p 5 0.000 for each). Similarly, urine albumin and protein levels in DN group were higher than the control ( p 5 0.000 and p 5 0.001, respectively) and T2D ( p 5 0.000 for each) groups. Unlikely, GFR in DN group was lower than the other groups ( p 5 0.001 vs. control group and p 5 0.009 vs. T2D group). KLF-4 Gene Expression Analysis KLF-4 gene expression in the circulation showed a 1.60 fold decrease in the T2D group as compared with the control group ( p 5 0.001). In the DN group, the decrease was higher than T2D. KLF-4 gene expression reduced a 2.92 Table 3. Biochemical measurement in blood and urine Control Plasma glucose (mg/dL)a HbA1ca Serum ureaa Serum creatininea Naa Ka TC (mg/dL)a TG (mg/dL)a LDL (mg/dL)a HDL (mg/dL)a VLDL (mg/dL)a Urine albumin-protein/creatinine ratioa Urine albumina Urine proteina GFRa a 88.02 5.46 31.32 0.83 141.12 4.53 200.21 122.46 120.38 57.71 24.49 36.23 10.22 9.95 98.48                10.40 0.31 21.40 0.53 2.04 0.33 46.86 61.24 43.19 17.01 12.24 14.68 8.81 3.22 3.46 T2D group 179.47 8.28 32.11 0.80 140.51 4.73 189.25 177.63 110.21 44.13 35.52 13.93 8.40 12.05 93.09                86.59b 2.02b 10.83 0.27 3.32 0.39 46.67 114.0g 35.18 13.69b 22.8g 3.91 6.85 1.64 3.38 DN group 165.67 8.29 50.62 1.29 148.54 4.75 185.68 163.08 118.83 42.68 32.61 971.30 59.11 78.70 74.93                62.72b 1.66b 32.71c,d 0.85e,f 46.27 0.50 48.51 66.97h 45.57 11.45b 13.39h 270.69b,i 30.05b,i 18.72c,i 6.22c,j p 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.004 0.932 0.064 0.426 0.026 0.487 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Means  SD; Type-2 diabetes: T2D; diabetic nephropathy: DN. p 5 0.000 vs. Control group; cp 5 0.001 vs. Control group; dp 5 0.01 vs. Diabetes group; ep 5 0.004 vs. Control group; fp 5 0.003 vs. Diabetes group; g p 5 0.01 vs. Control group; hp 5 0.013 vs. Control group; ip 5 0.000 vs. Diabetes group; jp 5 0.009 vs. Diabetes group. b KLF-4 Expression in Diabetes and Diabetic Nephropathy Figure 2. The differences of kruppel-like transcription factor-4 (KLF-4) mRNA expression level were shown in control, Type-2 diabetes (T2D) and diabetic nephropathy (DN). Data are shown as the mean  SD. a p 5 0.001 vs. control group, bp 5 0.001 vs. T2D group. fold in the DN group when compared to T2D group ( p 5 0.001, Figure 2). KLF-4 Methylation Status The samples of 120 patients were used for methylation analysis. In all samples, the amount of the unmethylated PCR product was greater than the methylated ones as shown in Figure 3. There were no significant changes in methylation status of KLF-4 among control, T2D and DN groups. Discussion More than 40% of patients with diabetes can develop DN that is a serious microvascular complication and a major cause of end-stage renal disease. Diabetes induces the abnormal expression of genes involved in the pathogenesis of DN via activating transcription programs in target cells (16). 95 Individuals with fasting plasma glucose levels of 99 mg/ dL or less and HbA1c ! 5.7 are considered as a healthy group and that individuals with plasma glucose levels of 126 mg/dL and higher, and HbA1c O 5.7 are considered T2D group (17). According to Al-Rubean K, et al. (15), the patients with DN were assessed by urine albumin/creatinine ratio $30 mg/g (ACR, mg/creatinine). In this study, control, T2D and DN groups were formed based on these values. Proteinuria is a component of chronic kidney disease as well as an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (18). It is suggested that KLF-4 may provide a common mechanism linking cardiovascular and renal diseases because of reduction of KLF-4 expression in multiple tissues related to vascular and cardiac diseases (19,20). Thus, the present study was planned to reveal the possible effects of KLF-4 in the etiology of T2D and DN. The exposed to high glucose significantly decreased KLF-4 mRNA levels in human kidney proximal tubular cells. Likely in renal tissues of diabetic mice, KLF-4 mRNA levels were reduced. Therefore, the researchers suggested that KLF-4 may be a therapeutic target for DN (21). Similarly, it was reported that KLF-4 expression, highly expressed in kidney glomerular podocytes, decreased in the diabetic animal models and humans with proteinuria. The regulation of KLF-4 expression in impaired glomeruli through in vivo gene transfer improved the nephrin expression and decreased proteinuria (22). According to our findings, the level of KLF-4 mRNA expression in the T2D group decreased compared to the control group. The decreased level of KLF-4 mRNA expression in the DN group was higher than in the control and T2D groups. These findings suggest that KLF-4 may be an effective gene in the pathogenesis of T2D and diabetic kidney diseases. Dysregulation in gene expression depending on DNA promoter methylation status have been reported to be associated with many diseases (23). Dysregulated DNAMe is an important factor in the reduction of gene expressions involved in diabetes and metabolic syndrome, pancreatic islet and skeletal insulin production, signaling, and energy metabolism (24,25). Epigenetic changes may be altered Figure 3. KLF-4 methylation status. First lane: 100 bp marker, other lanes: sample number with U (unmethylated) and M (Methylated), Type-2 diabetes: T2D; diabetic nephropathy: DN. 96 Coskun et al./ Archives of Medical Research 50 (2019) 91e97 by diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors. It has been shown that hyperglycemia and free fatty acids can alter the expression of genes associated with obesity-induced diabetes by regulating DNAMe that is one of the epigenetic mechanisms (26). Hyperglycemia induces DNA promoter methylation that is often associated with decreased gene expression and hyperglycemia altered the DNAMe status and also caused abnormal DNAMe in the proximal tubules of the diabetic kidney (26e28). Similarly, the exposure of vascular endothelial and neuronal cells to hyperglycemia caused to alteration in the DNAMe status of several genes that have a role in the dysfunction of cells (29). In a study on pancreatic islets of T2D patients, it was reported that DNAMe in the insulin gene promoter is associated with low levels of insulin and high levels of HbA1c (24). There is the relationship between T2D and DNAMe, as well as the relationship between the development of DN and methylation status of different genes expressed in different tissues. DNAMe profiles of microdissected tubules of patients with DN showed differences in the methylation status of various genes involved in fibrogenesis. The expression of claudin-1 in podocytes and the expression of sirtuin-1 in tubules decreased with DNAMe in DN (30). The DNAMe status in kidney tubular epithelial cells obtained from microdissection of chronic kidney disease (CKD) compared to in the control group, significant methylation alterations in 1.061 genes were observed in DN patients (31). Brennan EP, et al. (32) identified specific DNAMe patterns in human mesangial cells and proximal tubular epithelial cells. In another study, various DNAMe profiles were determined in saliva samples of patients with end-stage renal failure (33). It is known that DNAMe is tissue-specific. However, Rakyan VK, et al. (34) emphasized that the DNAMe patterns slightly varied between different tissues. Teschendorff AE, et al. (35) suggested that whole blood may be a reasonable option for determining whether genomic methylation changes can be detected. Using DNAs isolated from peripheral blood cells of 192 diabetic patients with or without renal disease, 19 CpG islands associated with DN risk were identified in promoter regions of 14.495 genes (36). Pezzolesi MG, et al. (37) investigated about half a million methylation sites in the blood cells of individuals with and without CKD. Accordingly, between the patient and control groups, in the DNAMe status of 23 genes were found to be a significant difference, and six candidate genes were reported to be related with renal disease. Genomic DNA is hypomethylated in the liver of the diabetic rats but not in the kidney, and also hypomethylation of DNA occurs in a tissue-specific manner (38). It is suggested that DNA hypermethylation is effective in the pathogenesis of type-2 diabetic rats, and this is specific to the genomic DNA in the liver but not global DNAMe status and methylated CpG islands of the kidneys and heart (39). Xiao X, et al. (2015) suggested that the hypermethylation of KLF- 4 promoter region contributes to the progression of renal fibrosis (40). According to the other studies, KLF-4 expression was partly related with the hypermethylation of KLF-4 promoter region in renal cell carcinoma. The promoter hypermethylation of KLF-4 may cause to its expression suppression (41,42). In the present study, there were no significant differences in methylation levels of KLF-4 gene in both T2D and DN patients compared to the control group. DNAMe is not an effective mechanism for the reduction of KLF-4 mRNA expression in patients with T2D and DN. It is suggested that unlike DNAMe, the other epigenetic mechanisms including histone acetylation/ methylation, microRNAs and metabolic memory may be effective in the changes of KLF-4 expression. In addition, it may be more useful to identify tissue-specific methylation patterns associated with T2D and DN pathogenesis. In conclusion, the data showed that the reduction of KLF-4 expression level may be related with T2D and especially DN. However, it was found no evidence that DNAMe-induced silencing is responsible for the reduction of KLF-4 mRNA expression in genomic DNA samples from T2D and DN patients. Due to the tissue-specific nature of the epigenetics, further researches should be performed on specific DNA methylation patterns for T2D and DN in kidney tissue and different renal cells. Acknowledgment This study was supported by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Istanbul Bilim University. Project no: 2015017. References 1. Hale PJ, Lopez-Yunez AM, Chen JY. Genome-wide meta-analysis of genetic susceptible genes for type 2 diabetes. BMC Syst Biol 2012;6: 3e16. 2. Abbas S, Raza ST, Ahmed F, et al. Association of genetic polymorphism of PPARg-2, ACE, MTHFR, FABP-2 and FTO genes in risk prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Biomed Sci 2013;20:80. 3. Chawla A, Chawla R, Jaggi S. 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