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THE URBAN SPRAWL: AN OVERVIEW OF USA, MEXICO AND SPAIN Arq. Blanca Esmaragda Arellano Ramos.1 Goverment of Baja California State Jefa del Depto. de Vivienda y Reserva Territorial. Calz. Independencia 994, 4º. Piso Centro Cívico C.P. 21000 Mexicali, B.C. México. esmaragda.arellano@gmail.com +52 686 558 1000 ext. 1479 +52 686 558 1965 Secretaria de Infraestructura y Desarrollo Urbano del Estado. Calz. Independencia 994, 4º. Piso Centro Cívico C.P. 21000 Mexicali, B.C. México. barellano@baja.gob.mx +52 686 558 1000 ext. 1405 +52 686 558 1965 Dr. Josep Roca Cladera. Director del Centro de investigación de Política de Suelo y Valoraciones. josep.roca@upc.edu Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas I. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Avda. Diagonal 649, 4ª planta 08028, Barcelona, España. cpsv.info@upc.edu. +34 93 401 63 96 +34 93 333 09 60 Pau Queraltó i Ros Investigador del Centro de Política de Suelo y Valoraciones. pau.queralto@upc.edu Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas I. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Avda. Diagonal 649, 4ª planta 08028, Barcelona, España. cpsv.info@upc.edu. +34 93 401 63 96 +34 93 333 09 60 Key words: urban sprawl, diffuse city, sustainable city, land consumption. 1 The presentation, developed in contribution by investigators of the Government of Baja California and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Centre of Land Policy and Valuations), is refered in some of the works carried out within the Urban and Architectonic Management and Valuations doctorate program of the above mentioned UPC. We thank specially Malcolm C. Burns, Yraida Romano, Bahaadinne Alhaddad and Nicola Colannino for their collaboration from the Centre of Land Policy and Valuationss (CPSV) of the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC). Abstract: It is a fact that the urban sprawl, known as the process of gradual spread out of urbanization has become a worldwide phenomenon. The growing consumption of land, as a result of the extension of highway networks, open up vast space of territory, which seems to have become an unstoppable cancer, and affects virtually all the contemporary metropolis. The expansion of the cities had its origin in the model of suburban life, which began with the generalized use of the automobile. A lifestyle based on the "american dream”, one single family-home, one (or more) car (s)." But it has been since late 70’s of the last century, when it has had a more dramatic development, as a consequence of the crisis of metropolitan areas linked to what, it is called PostFordism economy and some authors have characterized as counter-urbanization (Berry) desurbanization (Berg), edge-cities (Garreau) metapolis (Asher) or diffuse city (Indovina). Despite the diversity of urban development, the increasing consumption of land, the excessive use of land as a scarce resource, it is a constant in the urbanization process in the early twenty-first century. The object of our contribution is to make an overwiew about urban sprawl in USA, Mexico and Spain. The use of technologies related to satellite imagery (remote sensing) allow the characterization of the phenomenon of consumption, pathological or not, of land. And this analysis suggests some hypothesis about the plurality of the contemporary urbanization processes. Roughly two models stand out: On one hand, urban development based on low densities, where the unsustainable consumption of land is presented as a paradigm of economic development and, on the other hand, an urban development with a compact city model, where recycling land, and not just increasing the consumption of land, is one of the key objectives of urban policies. The work presented here, suggests that in the second model seems to appear a change in the paradigm towards a more efficient and sustainable use of the territory. 1. - Introduction The second half of the twentieth century was undoubtedly the time with a faster urban growth worldwide. The urban population has grown from 750 million in 1950 to 2860 million in 2000, and now represents over 50% of the world population. Spain and Mexico have been no exception. The urban transformation generated in both countries is a phenomenon of great magnitude. In the mid-twentieth century, both Spain and Mexico were basically countries with an agricultural profile. Over 50% of the two countries population worked in agriculture. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, however, less than 20% (10% in Spain) of the employed population is engaged in agricultural activities. Industry but above all, services represent the majority of jobs. Following the great ecologist Ramón Margalef, there has been a real inversion in the topology of the landscape. Highway networks, which only a few decades before were isolated elements throughout the countryside, are now present throughout the territory, setting a new "landscape", in which the rural become "islands" throughout the highly urbanized land, and this change has occurred in the course of one generation. Women and men born in 1950 have been witness of the extent of the changes, that from the 70’s have been characterized not only by the progressive development, but by the continue increase in the per capita consumption of land: this process has been called urban sprawl4. It is true that the urban sprawl, the process of gradual spread out of urbanization has become a worldwide phenomenon, especially in the developed world and its environs. The growing consumption of land, as a result of the extension of highway networks in urban areas, seems to have become an unstoppable cancer and affects virtually all the contemporary metropolis worldwide. The expansion of the cities was originated in the model of suburban life, which began with the generalized use of the car. A lifestyle based on the “American Dream: one single family-home, and one (or more) car (s)”, that means mobility and homeownership. However, it is not until the late 70’s when it has a more dramatic development, as a consequence of the crisis of metropolitan areas linked to what is called Post-Fordism economy. Some authors have characterized it as counter-urbanization (Berry) desurbanization (Berg), edge-cities (Garreau) metapolis (Asher) or diffuse city (Indovina). Despite the diversity of urban development, the increasing consumption of land, the excessive use of land as a scarce resource, it is a constant in the urbanization process in the early twenty-first century. Our contribution is to make some reflections about the urban sprawl process in Mexico and Spain. The use of technologies related to satellite imagery (remote sensing) allows the characterization of the phenomenon of consumption, pathological or not, of land. And this analysis suggests some hypothesis about the plurality of contemporary of urbanization processes. Roughly, two models stand out: one based urban development at low densities, where the unsustainable consumption of land is presented as a paradigm of economic development and, in another hand, an urban development with a compact city model, where recycling land, and not just increasing the consumption of land, is one of the key objectives of urban policy. The work presented here suggests that, in recent years, a change in the paradigm towards a more efficient and sustainable use of the territory appears. 2. - The origins of urban sprawl. The low density and diffuse forms of urbanization have their origin in the improvement of urban transport systems that emerged throughout the nineteenth century. The appearance of subways was especially a key element that led to the gradual separation of residential and work, causing the incipient process of suburbanization that took place during the last third of the nineteenth century. As it is well known, the generalized use of the car as a way of private transportation in the early decades of the twentieth century reinforced the trend towards the dispersion of the population, generating new forms of suburban development and the construction of the ideal of “mobility and homeownership", which soon spread from the United States to the world. According with Dematteis (1997), the urban development between the XIX and XX centuries, brought to the western world, the coexistence of two models of expansion: - In the traditional Mediterranean until the nineteenth century, the city is not beyond the medieval walls. It is not until the industrial age when the countryside is colonized by high-density suburbs. - In northern Europe, the city expands with the “Civita”, the urban landscape replaces the previous rural and recreates them in some of its elements, the garden city emerged as one of the paradigms of urban development of late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It was up to the last decades of the last century, when the process of urban sprawl had reached high levels, getting practically the entire planet. The crisis of the so-called "Fordist-Economy", based on the predominance of the industry and its concentration, to an economic system characterized by the dominance of the services and the gradual dispersion of the industrial production processes, has generated new patterns of urbanization characterized not only by the dispersion of residential activities, but also by the progressive suburbanization in the outskirts of the city of economic activity and employment. The "counter urbanization", reported by Berry (1976), has made presence not only in countries with a longer history of suburban growth, but also in cities characterized by a compact model, as the Latin Mediterranean. In this sense, the majority of authors have recognized the worldwide generalization of the urban sprawl process. The territorial model has a significant evolution in the recent decades, becoming from an urban continuum model with medium and high densities, to a diffuse and dispersed city, driven by technological innovation processes, separation of functions and finding proximity to nature. This redefinition of the territorial model was based on the new highways and communication networks, and has as a result a dispersed and unsustainable city, thus, a city with high consumption of land. Table num. 1: Population Density of urban areas over 500,000 inhabitants (2007). Average population per Square kilometer of urban areas Density Compared to United States Urban Density Cases Population (Millions) Average population per Square Mile of Urban areas HIGH INCOME WORLD Western Europe Western Europe: Outside UK Western Europe: UK United States Canada Western Hemisphere Except Canada $ US Australia New Zealand Japan China (Hong Kong & Macao) China: Taiwan Asia: Outside China & Japan Total/average 61 51 10 65 8 1 5 1 23 1 6 21 192 101.5 82.4 19.1 142.1 14.0 2.2 10.4 1.1 79.1 6.5 14.9 53.2 424.9 7,700 7,200 10,600 2,800 3,900 2,500 3,700 5,500 10,700 76,200 17,900 17,200 7,800 3,000 2,750 4,100 1,100 1,500 950 1,450 2,100 4,100 29,400 6,900 6,650 3,000 2.75 2.57 3.79 1.00 1.39 0.89 1.32 1.96 3.82 27.21 6.39 6.14 2.79 MIDDLE AND LOW INCOME WORLD Europe Except Russia China India Russia Asia except China, India & Russia Africa South & Central America Total/Average 29 100 69 38 97 81 101 515 41.6 153.4 134.5 46.6 191.7 134.3 195.3 897.3 10,900 17,400 40,600 12,900 20,900 21,300 16,500 20,900 4,200 6,750 15,700 5,000 8,050 8,200 6,350 8,050 3.89 6.21 14.50 4.61 7.46 7.61 5.89 7.46 Urban Areas Total: Threshold Population 707 1,322.3 17,400 6,700 6.21 8,000 2,050 2.86 1,454.2 8,700 48,7% Source: Demographia World Urban Areas (2007) 3,350 3.11 Area WORLD URBAN POPULATION ( 2002) Share of World Urban Population in Threshold Urban Areas Urban Areas Below Threshold TOTAL: ALL LISTED URBAN AREAS Share of world Urban Population 595 1,302 2,985.0 44.3% 131.9 Table Nº 1 suggests a clear differentiation of the consumption of land patterns, depending on socioeconomic status of the population. Countries with high and middle income tend to sprawl more than lowincome countries. For example, if we limit ourselves to urban areas over 500,000 inhabitants, the urban density in the USA (1,100 inhabitants per km2), Australia (950 inhabitants/km2), Canada (1,500 inhabitants/km2) or Western Europe density (3,000 inhabitants/km2) is lower than the density of cities in Russia (5,000 inhabitants/km2), rest of the Americas (6,350 inhabitants/km2), Africa (8,200 inhabitants/km2), China (6,750 inhabitants / km2), India (15,700 inhabitants/km2) or the rest of Asia (8,050 inhabitants/km2). Growing consumption of land, therefore, while being a worldwide phenomenon is concentrated in the developed world and its environs. The graphic 1 displays how the countries with high income, with few exceptions, are the geographic areas characterized by higher consumption of land. Graphic num. 1: Density & Prosperity Source: Demographia World Urban Areas (2007) The new metropolises of the developed world, of which Atlanta is only the most noticeable example, show the infinite development of the built-up spaces, the vouch for the car as almost the only form of transportation, as well as the exponential growth of the energy consumption that the dispersed urbanization entails. The environmental unsustainability is an inseparable consequence of the model of sprawl. As a result, the agencies and institutions responsible for the regulation of the urban and territorial planning, intend to generate alternatives that imply to return to the order of the sustainable compactness. The debate on the limits of the urban sprawl has carried to alternative approaches like the proposal of the compact as new paradigm, the "smart growth" or the "new urbanism" in which the control of the indiscriminate process of consumption of ground appears as one of the fundamental objectives of the new urban politics. 3.- The Sprawl in the USA In the USA land consumption has gone from 161 square miles per 1,000 inhabitants in 1950 to 243 in 1970, and 293 in 1990 in the metropolitan areas (SMA) of more than one million inhabitants. It has represented an increment of 384 square miles per each new 1,000 inhabitants between 1950 and 1970; figure that has increased to 527 in the period 1970-1990.The land consumption has been accentuated, therefore with the post-fordism, arriving at its paroxysm between 1970 and 1990. Graphic number 2 shows us the metropolitan areas with greater growth between 1970 and 1990. Graphic num. 2: Top ten metropolitan areas SMA in consumption of land (1970-1990) Source: Bureau of Census USA Figure number 1 shows us the urbanized areas in the continental U.S.A., where one can see a bigger concentration in the West side, especially in the northwest coast. Figure num. 1: Map of the U.S.A. with Sprawl in 2000 Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:Sfan00_IMG using CommonsHelper. The study has been focused on the sprawl analysis of the 12 urbanized areas which in 2000 had populations in excess of 3 million inhabitants. Table num. 1: Urbanized areas with more than 3 million population in 2000 Urbanized Areas New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, CA Chicago, IL-IN Philadelphia, PA-NJ-DE-MD Miami, FL Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Boston, MA-NH-RI Washington, DC-VA-MD Detroit, MI Houston, TX San Francisco-Oakland, CA Atlanta, GA Pop. 2000 17,799,861 12,492,983 8,307,904 5,149,079 4,919,036 4,145,659 4,032,484 3,933,920 3,903,377 3,822,509 3,782,562 3,499,840 Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau The aforementioned urbanized areas (UA) are analyzed by comparing the land consumption in 1990 and 2000. The yellow tone of Figures 2-13 indicates the urbanized areas in 1990 with the red tone indicating the urbanized land in 2000. For each of the areas land consumption is expressed as a measure of area per 1,000 inhabitants. Figure num. 2: Urban growth of the UA of New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Cartographic Products Management Branch, 2001. According to the information from the U.S. Census Bureau these are the values for New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT urbanized area: Year 1990 2000 Population 16,044,493 17,799,861 Km2 Dens km2 Ha/1,000hab m2/hab 7,302.98 2,196.98 45.52 455.17 8,683.20 2,049.92 48.78 487.82 The urbanized area of New York--Newark, NY-NJ-CT has a land consumption of 487.82 m2 per 1,000 inhabitants in 2000. Figure num. 3: Urban growth of the UA of Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, CA Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Cartographic Products Management Branch, 2001. According to the information from the U.S. Census Bureau these are the values for Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, CA urbanized area: Year 1990 2000 Population 11,402,955 12,492,983* Km2 4708,79 5.204,05 Dens km2 Ha/1,000hab m2/hab 2.421,63 41,29 412,94 2.400,63 41,66 416,56 The urbanized area of Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, CA has a land consumption of 416.56 m2 per 1,000 inhabitants in 2000. UA Los Angeles--Long Beach--Santa Ana, CA Mission Viejo, CA Santa Clarita, CA TOTAL Los Angeles in 2,000 Pop. 2000 11,789,487 533,015 170,481 12,492,983 Km2 4,708.79 354.53 140.72 5,204.05 Figure num. 4: Urban growth of the UA of Chicago, IL-IN Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Cartographic Products Management Branch, 2001. According to the information from the U.S. Census Bureau these are the values for Chicago, IL-IN urbanized area: Year 1990 2000 Population 6,792,211 8,307,904 Km2 4,180.08 5,498.10 Dens km2 Ha/1,000hab 1,624.90 61.54 1,511.05 66.18 m2/hab 615.42 661.79 The urbanized area of Chicago, IL-IN has a land consumption of 661.79 m2 per 1,000 inhabitants in 2000. Figure num. 5: Urban growth of the UA of Philadelphia, PA-NJ-DE-MD Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Cartographic Products Management Branch, 2001 According to the information from the U.S. Census Bureau these are the values for Philadelphia, PA-NJDE-MD urbanized area: Year 1990 2000 Population 4.222.000 5.149.079 Km2 2.890,57 4.660,70 Dens km2 Ha/1,000hab 1.460,61 68,46 1.104,79 90,52 m2/hab 684,64 905,15 The urbanized area of Philadelphia, PA-NJ-DE-MD has a land consumption of 416.56 m2 per 1,000 inhabitants in 2000. Figure num. 6: Urban growth of the UA of Miami, FL Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Cartographic Products Management Branch, 2001 According to the information from the U.S. Census Bureau these are the values for Miami, FL urbanized area: Year 1990 2000 Population 3,152,798* 4,919,036 Km2 1,748.46 2,890.67 Dens km2 Ha/1,000hab 1,803.19 55.46 1,701.67 58.76 m2/hab 554.57 587.65 The urbanized area of Miami, FL has a land consumption of 587.65 m2 per 1,000 inhabitants in 2000. UA Miami--Hialeah Fort Lauderdale--Pompano Beach--Hollywood, FL TOTAL Miami, FL Pop. 1990 Km2 1,914,689 887.87 1,238,109 860.59 3,152,798 1,748.46 Figure num. 7: Urban growth of the UA of Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Cartographic Products Management Branch, 2001 According to the information from the U.S. Census Bureau these are the values for Dallas, TX urbanized area: Year 1990 2000 Population 3,198,199 4,145,659 Km2 3,156.11 3,644.50 Dens km2 Ha/1,000hab 1,013.34 98.68 1,137.51 87.91 m2/hab 986.84 879.11 The urbanized area of Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX has a land consumption of 879.11 m2 per 1,000 inhabitants in 2000. Figure num. 8: Urban growth of the UA of Boston, MA-NH-RI Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Cartographic Products Management Branch, 2001 According to the information from the U.S. Census Bureau these are the values for Boston, MA--NH—RI urbanized area: Year 1990 2000 Population 2,774,717 4,032,484 Km2 2,378.78 4,496.67 Dens km2 Ha/1,000hab 1,166.45 85.73 896.77 111.51 m2/hab 857.31 1,115.11 The urbanized area of Boston, MA-NH-RI has a land consumption of 1,115.12 m2 per 1,000 inhabitants in 2000. Figure num. 9: Urban growth of the UA of Washington, DC-VA-MD Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau,Geography Division, Cartographic Products Management Branch, 2001 According to the information from the U.S. Census Bureau these are the values for Washington, DC--VA-MD urbanized area: Year 1990 2000 Population 3,363,047 3,933,920 Km2 2,293.84 2,996.01 Dens km2 Ha/1,000hab 1,466.12 68.21 1,313.05 76.16 m2/hab 682.07 761.58 The urbanized area of Washington, DC-VA-MD has a land consumption of 761.58 m2 per 1,000 inhabitants in 2000. Figure num. 10: Urban growth of the UA of Detroit. MI Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Cartographic Products Management Branch, 2001 According to the information from the U.S. Census Bureau these are the values for Detroit, MI urbanized area: Year 1990 2000 Population 3,697,424 3,903,377 Km2 2,897.50 3,267.14 Dens km2 Ha/1,000hab 1,276.07 78.37 1,194.74 83.70 m2/hab 783.74 837.00 The urbanized area of Detroit, MI has a land consumption of 837.00 m2 per 1,000 inhabitants in 2000. Figure num. 11: Urban growth of the UA of Houston. TX Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Cartographic Products Management Branch, 2001 According to the information from the U.S. Census Bureau these are the values for Houston, TX urbanized area: Year 1990 2000 Population 2,902,449 3,822,509 Km2 2,948.55 3,354.72 Dens km2 Ha/1,000hab 984.36 101.59 1,139.44 87.76 m2/hab 1,015.88 877.62 The urbanized area of Houston, TX has a land consumption of 877.62 m2 per 1,000 inhabitants in 2000. Figure num. 12: Urban growth of the UA of San Francisco-Oakland. CA Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Cartographic Products Management Branch, 2001 According to the information from the U.S. Census Bureau these are the values for San Francisco-Oakland, CA urbanized area: Year 1990 2000 Population 3,629,864 3,782,652* Km2 1,896.97 1,735.45 Dens km2 Ha/1,000hab 1,913.51 52.26 2,179.59 45.88 m2/hab 522.60 458.80 The urbanized area of San Francisco--Oakland, CA has a land consumption of 458.80 m2 per 1,000 inhabitants in 2000. UA San Francisco--Oakland, CA Concord, CA Livermore, CA Half Moon Bay, CA Vallejo, CA Total San Francisco--Oakland en el 2000 Pop.2000 Km2 2.995.769 1107,75 552.624 75.202 No data 158.967 457,02 54,06 28,68 87,94 3.782.562 1.735,45 Figure num. 13: Urban growth of the UA of Atlanta. GA Source: Elaborated from information of the U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Cartographic Products Management Branch, 2001 According to the information from the U.S. Census Bureau these are the values for Atlanta, GA urbanized area: Year 1990 2000 Population 2,157,344 3,499,840 Km2 2,925.55 5,083.06 Dens km2 Ha/1,000hab 737.41 135.61 688.53 145.24 m2/hab 1,356.09 1,452.37 The urbanized area of Atlanta, GA has a land consumption of 1,452.38 m2 per 1,000 inhabitants in 2000. 4. - The Urban Sprawl in Spain In Spain there has been an intense increase in the land occupation in the recent decades, due to the highly dynamic process produced by the artificial land uses. Based on data provided by the CORINE Land Cover project we can say that the artificial land use has increased in Spain between the years 1990 and 2000, 168,460 ha. This represents a 25.14% of the artificial land at the beginning of this decade. Comparing with other European countries (see table numer 2), Spain is the most dynamic country in urban expansion, ahead of Germany (158,843 ha), France (122,880 ha) and Italy (82,633 ha). In relative terms, is the third country with the most pronounced urban growth in the studied decade, after Portugal (38.64%) and Ireland (30.67%). Table num. 2: Artificial land use process in Europe (1991-2000) Urbanized land 1990 Urbanized land 2.000 Variation 1990-2000 Increment Urbanized land Population Density 1990 Population Density 2000 AUSTRIA 340.169 350.581 10.412 3,06% 22,90 23,21 0,31 33,39 BELGIUM 607.568 542.247 624.433 545.315 16.865 3.068 2,78% 0,57% 16,40 16,12 16,38 14,57 -0,02 -1,55 15,73 -259,85 BULGARIA Variation Density 90-00 Inc. Pob. / Inc SU 475.904 480.882 4.978 1,05% 21,66 21,23 -0,43 -19,46 GERMANY 2.738.368 2.897.211 158.843 5,80% 29,18 28,44 -0,74 15,63 DENMARK 298.682 311.548 12.866 4,31% 17,25 17,19 -0,07 15,64 ESTONIA 89.562 91.537 1.975 2,21% 17,32 14,88 -2,43 -95,37 SPAIN FRANCE 669.993 2.538.988 838.453 2.661.868 168.460 122.880 25,14% 4,84% 58,13 22,47 48,59 22,35 -9,53 -0,12 10,67 19,93 CZECH Rep. 294 313 19 6,46% 91,63 88,33 -3,30 37,32 GREECE 254.733 289.934 35.201 13,82% 40,22 37,98 -2,24 21,78 CROATIA 162.433 166.841 4.408 2,71% 28,00 26,96 -1,04 -11,38 HUNGARY 521.543 529.419 7.876 1,51% 19,84 19,25 -0,59 -19,96 104.435 1.348.146 136.468 1.430.779 32.033 82.633 30,67% 6,13% 33,72 42,14 28,30 40,44 -5,42 -1,70 10,62 12,65 -331,38 GIBRALTAR IRELAND ITALY LITHUANIA 213.320 213.978 658 0,31% 17,35 16,28 -1,07 LUXEMBOURG 20.840 22.610 1.770 8,49% 18,54 19,51 0,97 30,94 LATVIA NETHERLANDS 85.208 370.704 85.325 453.827 117 83.123 0,14% 22,42% 31,04 40,60 27,68 35,29 -3,36 -5,32 -2422,93 11,57 1.026.665 1.041.477 14.812 1,44% 37,25 36,86 -0,40 9,42 172.916 239.739 66.823 38,64% 57,72 42,90 -14,82 4,55 ROMANIA 1.488.613 1.495.941 7.328 0,49% 15,57 14,73 -0,84 -155,40 SLOVENIA 54.184 54.446 262 0,48% 35,71 36,50 0,79 199,75 SLOVAKIA 276.169 276.522 353 0,13% 19,12 19,48 0,37 306,21 POLAND PORTUGAL SAN MARINO 625 698 73 11,68% 39,14 39,41 0,27 41,73 Un. KINGDOM 1.783.646 1.817.051 33.405 1,87% 32,17 32,53 0,36 51,92 By provinces and autonomous regions, the land consumption has been different. In absolute terms, first of all is the growth in Madrid (29,789 Ha) and Valencia (29,308 ha), well ahead of Andalucia (19,652 Ha), Castilla-Leon (16,635 Ha), Catalonia (13,250 Ha), Castilla-La Mancha (12,834 Ha), Murcia (10,143 ha) and other regions. Meanwhile, by provinces, besides Madrid, Alicante has grown (15,697 Ha), Murcia, Valencia (9,699 ha) and the Balearic Islands (8,140 ha). In relative terms, the geography of urban growth has affected mainly the region of Murcia (52.63%), Navarre (50.96%), Madrid (49.09%), Valencia (47, 65%) and Balearic Islands (42.75%), compared to Canary Islands (8.43), Catalonia (10.84%) and Galicia (12.66%), which have experienced a content smart growth. The expansion of urbanization has occurred, if we leave aside the exceptions of Navarre and Madrid, on the Mediterranean coast (with the exception of Catalonia and Andalucia). So out as the provinces with the highest relative growth Alicante (59.90%), Castellon (59.83%), and two districts near Murcia which have grown higher. In the rest of Spain with the cases of Navarre and Madrid already mentioned, there is to highlight the relative growth in some provinces of the two Castillas, like Soria (60.17%), Leon (44.56%), Salamanca (42.22%), Guadalajara (41.60%) and Valladolid (40.68%). It is also noteworthy Ourense, with a relative growth of 42.51%, well above the other provinces of Galicia. The Provinces with less dynamic urban growth in the decade 1990-2000 have been Teruel (5.35%), Palmas (6.29%), Girona (6.84%), Almeria (7.41%), Pontevedra (7.90%), Coruña (8.88%), Guipuzcoa (9.71%) and Barcelona (10.38%). In particular, Centre of Land Policy and Valuations of the UPC has studied urban growth produced by a group of Spanish urban areas between 1956 and 2006, specifically the urban areas of Barcelona, Madrid, Cordoba, Murcia and the coast of Alicante. In these five areas the population has doubled in the period studied, but more important is that the land consumed by urbanization has grown much more pronounced: a 258%. A total of 673 km2 urbanized, of which 320 have been developed in the Madrid area, 126 in the coast of Alicante, 98 in the coast of Murcia, 72 at the Barcelona metropolitan area and 57 km2 in the municipality of Cordoba. The consumption of land per 1,000 inhabitants has increased in these five urban "landscapes" from 6.31 ha in 1956 to 9.19 in 1990 and 11.04 in 2006. This has represented a consumption of 12.48 Ha. per 1,000 new residents of land, if we consider only the increase of land use in relation to the balance of population, between 1956 and 1990, and just 6.31ha. up until 1956. This ratio of land consumption increased between 1990 and 2006, reaching 35.37 Ha. per 1,000 new inhabitants. Figure num. 14: Barcelona urban growth evolution (1956-2006) Source:CPSV I.e. in the last 15 years there has been a relative increase in land consumption (per person per year), three times higher than in the first 35 years studied. The sprawl is, therefore, a pathological condition in contemporary Spain. For urban areas, the greater exponent of the model which might be called compact city, is the metropolitan area of Barcelona, whose per capita consumption of land has been maintained throughout the past 50 years into moderate level. This has gone from a consumption of 4.84 ha. per 1,000 inhabitants to 6.11 in 2006. More moderate than the increases experienced by the agglomeration of Madrid (10.15 in 2006 versus 7.27 in 1956). Figure num. 15: Madrid urban growth evolution (1956-1990-2000-2006) Source: CPSV Figure num. 16: Coast of Alicante urban growth evolution (1956-1990-2000-2006) Source: CPSV Figure num. 17: Coast of Murcia urban growth evolution (1956-1990-2000-2006) Source: CPSV Figure num. 18: Cordoba urban growth evolution (1956-1990-2000-2006) Source: CPSV In the opposite direction to Barcelona, there is the large sprawl of Cordoba (20.31 versus 4.92), Costa de Alicante (21.61 versus 9.30) and, above all, Murcia (34.16 vs. 9, 16). The urban sprawl spreads primarily by the Mediterranean coast, but is not exclusive monopoly of it, as evidenced by the high sprawl in an intermediate city as Cordoba. The analysis of the urbanization process occurred in Spain between 1956 and 2006 suggests, therefore, the coexistence of two opposing models of urbanization. n one hand, the maintenance of the compact city, as shown in the example of Barcelona, where the emphasis is on the revitalization of the built up area rather than mass consumption of new land for urbanization. On the other hand, the model of the city dispersed the paradigmatic examples of the Mediterranean coast, where low density and extensive land use are linked to a speculative real estate development. Consider two models more precisely: • In the metropolitan area of Barcelona (RMB), an example of compact city, the urbanized land increased between 1990 and 2000, 5875 ha., (9.9%). As the population increased by just 2.9%, a first approximation would suggest that sprawl has also polluted the most compact in this decade. But if you look at the growth of households, who are the truly applicants for urbanized land, the above conclusion is not so obvious: the main housing units increased by 246,847 between 90 and 00, 18.1% more than the increase in urbanized land. In turn, the workplaces, also applicants of urban space, grew by 16.8%, also more than the artificial land. Therefore, in the period 1990-2000, land-use per household fell from 201.5 m2 to 188.6 m2. The sprawl was lower in the decade studied in Barcelona. • Choosing the Alicante province as an example of a dispersed city, the urbanized land grew by 18,198 ha. in this decade, a 64.7% of the existing in 1990. The population increased by 13.1%, household 30.9% and 52.8% of jobs. And the consumption of land per applicant household- employment rose from 360.2 m2 in 1990 to 418.7 m2 in 2000. As shown, the growth of jobs and homes did not offset the increase in urbanized land, so we can say there was a real process of sprawl in the studied decade. Alicante consumes more than double urban land per household in Barcelona. Both models, therefore, have distinct behaviors. While in the first model the processes are occurring in order to maintain the compactness as one of the guiding elements of urban policy, in the second, the established goal of maximum development towards an unsustainable urbanization, in which consumption of natural resources as land and energy appears as distinctive features. This dual trend towards maintaining the compactness and to the dispersion of urbanization, characterizes the urbanization process in Spain now. 5. - The Urban Sprawl in Mexico. In the case of Mexico, as in Spain, is in the second half of last century that cities experienced higher growth, so from 12 metropolitan areas in 1960 (Unikel, 1978) to a total of 56 in 2005, which account for 56% of the national population, 78.6% of the national urban population and 75% of gross domestic product (SEDESOL, CONAPO and INEGI, 2008). Table num. 3: Metropolitan Areas Indicators in Mexico (1960-2005) Indicator 1960 1980 1990 2000 2005 Metropolitan areas Delegations and metropolitan Municipalities Federative entities Total population (million) Percentage of national population Percentage of urban population 12 64 14 9.0 25.6 66.3 26 131 20 26.1 39.1 71.1 37 155 26 31.5 38.8 67.5 55 309 29 51.5 52.8 77.3 345 29 57.9 56.0 78.6 Source: Delimitation of the metropolitan areas in Mexico 2005. SEDESOL, CONAPO and INEGI, 2008. Our analysis is focused in the urban sprawl in the nine metropolitan areas over one million inhabitants in 2000: Valle de Mexico, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Puebla-Tlaxcala, Toluca, Tijuana, Leon, Juarez and La Laguna. These nine metropolitan areas concentrated a 35.4% of the total national population. Table num. 4: Population Growth in MA (1990-2005) Source: Delimitation of the metropolitan areas in Mexico 2005. SEDESOL, CONAPO and INEGI, 2008. In absolute growth in the five years from 2000 to 2005, the greatest increase in consumption of urban land has been the metropolitan area of Puebla-Tlaxcala (17,448.61 ha.), followed by the metropolitan area Valle de Mexico (10,997 ha.). It is relevant, that especially in the case of Puebla-Tlaxcala, and the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City, in addition to the sprawl, these areas have had a "metropolitanización”. That means, metropolitan area Puebla-Tlaxcala has joined 15 municipalities in the studied time and ZM Valle de Mexico has added to its surface 24 municipalities of Estado de Mexico. Monterrey has filed a consumption of land of 7,611.62 ha in the same time and Guadalajara 4,830.89 ha. It also highlighted the growth in the Tijuana area (3,887.66 ha). The cities with less consumption of land of the nine MA’s were Toluca (2633.25), La Laguna (2988.37 has.), Leon (3075.78) and Juarez (3134.55). Figures num. 19&20: Leon and De la Laguna urban growth (2000-2005) Table num. 5: Population & Land Consumption in MA (2000-2005) Metropolitan Area POB_00 POB_05 DIF. POB SUE_URB_00 SUE_URB_05 DIF. SU Increase ZM De la Laguna 1,007,291 1,110,890 103,599 21,226.99 24,215.36 2,988.37 14.08% ZM Guadalajara 3,699,136 4,095,853 396,717 50,067.80 54,898.69 4,830.89 9.65% ZM Juarez 1,218,817 1,313,338 94,521 27,334.53 30,469.08 3,134.55 11.47% ZM Leon 1,269,179 1,425,210 156,031 16,113.27 19,189.05 3,075.78 19.09% ZM Monterrey 3,299,302 3,738,077 438,775 63,654.65 71,266.27 7,611.62 11.96% ZM Puebla-Tlaxcala 1,885,321 2,470,206 584,885 49,834.05 67,282.66 17,448.61 35.01% ZM Tijuana 1,274,240 1,575,026 300,786 26,879.79 30,767.44 3,887.66 14.46% ZM Toluca 1,451,801 1,633,052 181,251 33,989.83 36,623.07 2,633.25 7.75% ZM Valle de Mexico 18,396,677 19,239,910 843,233 211,616.51 222,613.51 10,997.00 5.20% In relative terms, the results vary. The metropolitan area with higher urban growth is again, PueblaTlaxcala (35.01%), followed by Leon (19.09%), Tijuana (14.46%) and La Laguna (14.08%). In a second group of high growth were the metropolitan areas of Monterrey (11.96%), Juarez (11.47%) and Guadalajara (9.65%). Finally the regions that have lower urbanization are Toluca (7.75%) and the metropolitan area Valle de Mexico (5.20%). Figure num. 21: Juarez Metropolitan Area urban growth (2000-2005) This is explained by the different stages of transformation during the “life” of the cities and their municipalities. On one side we have cities with high global population growth, resulting in high demands for land for housing and new urban centers for trade and services. Such is the case of metropolitan areas of Juarez. On the other side Puebla-Tlaxcala, where the highest growth occurred in the periphery, like in Juarez (14.6%) and San Andres Cholula (6.5%), but the urban growth of this metropolitan area is due too and over all, to the incorporation of 15 municipalities that were not part of the metropolis in 2000. That does explain the high consumption of land in this short period of time. Figure num. 22: Puebla-Tlaxcala Metropolitan Area urban growth (2000-2005) Figure num. 23: Guadalajara Metropolitan Area urban growth (2000-2005) Figure num. 24: Monterrey Metropolitan Area urban growth (2000-2005) Also, the three largest metropolis of the country are in Absolute Relative Phase of Decentralization. In the case of Guadalajara, with high growth rates in Tlajomulco de Zuñiga (10.8%) and El Salto (5.2%) and negative growth rates in the central city of Guadalajara, losing in absolute numbers, 45 thousand inhabitants. The case of the ZM Monterrey with high population growth in Garcia (10.7%), Apodaca (7.1%) and Salinas Victoria (6.9%) and loss of population in the San Nicolas de Garza (20 thousand inhabitants). Finally, the case of the Metropolitan Zone Valle de Mexico, won population in Chicoloapan (14.8%), Tecamac (8.2%), Huehuetoca (8.1%), Cuautitlán (6.8%), Ixtapaluca (6.7%) and Tezoyuca (5.4 %). The central municipalities and delegations, in absolute terms, have the greatest losses, in which Nezahualcóyotl highlights (with a loss of 85 thousand inhabitants), Gustavo A. Madero (42 mil), Tlalnepantla (38 mil), Naucalpan (37 thousand), Iztacalco (16 thousand), Azcapotzalco (16 thousand) Venustiano Carranza (15 thousand) and Coyoacán (12 thousand). This phenomenon of urbanization has resulted in at least three metropolitan areas which concentrated over one quarter of the total inhabitants of Mexico. As already mentioned, the urban sprawl has increase in the last decades of the last century, and Mexico was no exception. It is also important to mention, the momentum of the housing finance sector in the beginning of this century. In this sense, the INFONAVIT (main source for financing housing) granted in the period 2000 to 2007 136% more than in the previous 27 years of existence of the Institute. This resulted in 2’593,321 housing credits. However, the growth of this sector has been directed to developments of single-family homes, and low and medium density of vertical and horizontal buildings, and always auto-oriented developments. Figure num. 25: Toluca and Valle de Mexico (DF) Metropolitans Areas (2000-2005) The metropolitan area who sprawls more in the period 2000-2005 is Juarez, with a consumption of 33.16 hectares for every thousand inhabitants. And the opposite, the MA who sprawls less is Guadalajara with 12.17 hectares per thousand inhabitants and Tijuana with 12.92. If we analyze the average of urban densities of the nine metropolitan areas, the tendency to sprawl can , again, be observed. All the MA’s have declined in density in this five years, with the exception of Tijuana, whose density has increased slightly from 83.9 inhabitants/ha in 2000 to 85.8 inhabitants/ha in 2005. Table num. 6: Urban Density in MA (2000-2005) Metropolitan Area ZM De la Laguna ZM Guadalajara ZM Juarez ZM Leon ZM Monterrey ZM Puebla-Tlaxcala ZM Tijuana ZM Toluca ZM Valle de Mexico DMU_00 87.8 137.6 91.1 142.2 120.1 93.9 83.9 67.1 170.7 DMU_05 83.3 133.2 76.9 128.9 116.6 82.5 85.8 66.8 166 Figure num. 26: Tijuana Urban Growth (2000-2005) The sprawl in Mexico is present in all metropolitan areas studied, as a result not only of the high mobility obtained with the generalized use of the car, but also by socio-economic issues. Among them, there is the preference of developers to locate new housing of low and medium density in the suburbs of the city. This is due mainly to the costs of land. It seems more profitable to buy land at low cost, which is classified as land for future grow or land even outside the city limits, and develop this land bringing high demands of roads, transportation and services, that will be difficult to absorb by governments, thus, delaying the consolidation of the city and the development of urban services such as recreation, education, sports or health. This city model, also generated by the influence of the "American way of life" in Mexico, leads to an unsustainable city, as the dispersion generates environmental, social and economic impacts. Example of this, the high energy and land consumption, the decrease in leisure-time, that redounds in a lower quality of life, and a high demand for urban services and infrastructure. Another big problem generated by the diffuse city is the public transport, as it requires a large investment to reach all areas of the city, so people must solve their problem of mobility with the use of private cars. Also, the dispersed city leads in many cases to lack of identity and insecurity, which results in the fragmentation of the city. Such is the case of the “gated communities” in all Mexican metropolitan areas, which are built for people with middle and high income and promotes the privatization of public space, in search of safety and quality of public space (neighborhood park and playground basically), excluding the rest of the citizens and without “looking out” and building a city that makes no city. However, the urban policy in Mexico in the last years is about making cities with sustainable development and to increment the urban densities. 5. Spain and Mexico, two opposite models? Spain and Mexico (New Spain in the colonial language) took the 8th and 9th place in the ranking of world economies. There are traits, therefore, that make them similar, but also elements that differentiate them. The per capita income, as the geography and history of both countries make them different. But talking about the urban sprawl is not very different. Contrary to the hypothesis of income level, Mexico seems to sprawl more. However the trend seems to be to increase greatly in Spain rather than in Mexico. Spain, until now characterized by a compact urbanization, has denoted worrisome trends toward sprawl in recent decades. Between the 90’s and 2000 was the European country with the highest consumption of land. At detail, we can find that there are two contradictory phenomena: the Barcelona and Bilbao “model”, in which we find the regeneration of the existing urban land and a non-extensive growth, compared to the Mediterranean coast “model”, characterized by the high dispersion of urbanization. Diagnosis of Mexico in the years 2000 to 2005 suggests a process of fewer sprawls than in Spain. On the density of population (or per capita consumption of land), the Mexican AM seem denser than Spanish Metropolitan Provinces. Especially in the metropolitan areas of Valle de Mexico, Leon and Guadalajara (see graphic number 3). Table num. 7: Population and Urban Land in Mexico and Spain (2000) Metropolitan Area Pob_00 Sue_Urb_00 1007291 21226.99 ZM Guadalajara 3699136 50067.80 ZM Juárez 1218817 27334.53 ZM León 1269179 16113.27 ZM Monterrey 3299302 63654.65 ZM Puebla‐laxcala 1885321 49834.05 TZM Tijuana 1274240 26879.79 ZM Toluca 1451801 33989.83 ZM Valle de Mexico 18396677 211616.51 Barcelona (province) 4804606 76952.13 Madrid (province) 5372433 86860.43 Valencia (province) 2227170 43574.87 Sevilla (province) 1747441 31022.83 Málaga (province) 1302240 24633.04 Vizcaya (Bilbao) 857565 19313.34 México ZM De La Laguna Spain Graphic num. 4: Land Consumption (square meters per inhabitant) in Spain and Mexico (2000) On another hand, if we look to the "real plaintiffs": the consumption of land for housing and employment (lesser extent) suggests that there is more sprawl in Mexico. As we can see in graphic number 5, in Mexico there is a greater sprawl of housing and jobs than in Spain. Graphic num. 5: Urban Land per home and employment in Spain and Mexico (2000) Finally, we can say that it is necessary to assess the convenience of designing a compact, denser and sustainable city in order to create cities that make city and, thus, improve the quality of life. Even though there is too much to study and analyze about the urban sprawl process in both countries, we can say that the regeneration, land recycling, compact and integrated developments, may be the way forward. Bibliography DEMATTEIS, Giuseppe. Suburbanización y periurbanización. Ciudades anglosajonas y ciudades latinas. Dentro de La ciudad dispersa. Suburbanización y nuevas periferias. Barcelona: Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona, 1998. EWING, R., PENDALL, R. & CHEN, D. Measuring Sprawl and Its Impact, Smart Growth America, 2002. MONCLÚS, Javier. Estrategias urbanísticas y crecimiento suburbano en las ciudades españolas: el caso de Barcelona. Dentro de La ciudad dispersa. 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