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Libraries: Towards Digital Paradigm Conference Papers Second SPL Annual Convention (NCLTDP-2014) April 19-20, 2014 University Auditorium, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh-208024 Edited by Dr. M.P. Singh Associate Professor Department of Library and Information Science Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Lucknow (UP) Dr. Pankaj Kumar Singh Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science CSJM University, Kanpur Mr. Adesh Kumar Guest Lecturer Department of Library and Information Science CSJM, University, Kanpur Organized by Department of Library and Information Science, CSJM University, Kanpur In collaboration with Central Library & University Placement Cell, CSJM University, Kanpur Society for Library Professionals (SLP), New Delhi Bharati Publishers & Distributers Faizabad (UP) Libraries: Towards Digital Paradigm Pre- Conference volume of The Second National Conference on “Libraries: Towards Digital Paradigm” (NCLTDP-2014) Copyright © editors ISBN: 978-93-81797-65-5 First Published: 2014 All Rights Reserved All the rights reserved. No part of this volume may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. While extensive effort has gone into ensuring the reliability of information appearing in this volume, the publisher makes no warranty, express or implied on the accuracy or reliability of the information, and does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in this publication. In case of any violation of copyright/IPR, etc., the Publisher and Editors will not be responsible. This will be the sole responsibility of the Author(s). Published by: Bharati Publishers & Distributors Faizabad (UP) Printed & bound in India at Bharati Publishers Editor’s Note We feel great pleasure to welcome the Library Professionals, Dignitaries, Fellows, Delegates and the Participants of the 2nd National Conference of Society for Promotion of Libraries (SPL) on “Libraries: Towards Digital Paradigm” (NCLTDP-2014) by Department of Library and Information Science, CSJM University, Kanpur (UP), In collaboration with Central Library and University Placement Cell of CSJM University, Kanpur and Society for Library Professionals (SLP), New Delhi on April 19-20, 2014. Interaction among professionals of different sections is must for the emergence of new coherent ideas leading to new frontiers in every field. Enormous growth in knowledge base in different fields and developments in storage and access technique had necessitated sophisticated infrastructure along with trained men power. The focus of the conference encompasses various aspects of Library & Information Science which are baffling the community both at application and academia level. The tidal wave of ICT has already started compelling Libraries and Information Centres to analyze new trends and work out strategies so as to play a vital role in the emerging global knowledge society. Some of the challenges that the information professionals are required to strategically address include: Emerging Technologies in Libraries and Information Services, Leadership, Ethics and Accountability in Library and Information Science (LIS), LIS profession: growth, Development and Achievement, User Expectation etc. This conference will provide an opportunity to the library professionals for presenting their work and to exchange ideas with a view to formulate future priorities for research and build the road map for global knowledge society. The deadline for receiving of full text papers was 10th April, 2014. However, many of the papers have been received till 12th April, 2014. So, we were having few days to edit these papers. Despite our best efforts some errors may have crept in, so due apologies to editors for any such errors. The papers in this volume are presented with a view of triggering further discussions during the conference so that the ideas can be groomed as relevant in increasingly fluid and dynamic knowledge society by incorporating strategic foresight and ultimately meet emerging users need. The volume will also help the participants as a reference tool for implementing some of the ideas discussed during the conference. From The Desk of the Chairman The tidal wave of ICT has already started compelling Libraries and Information Centres to analyze new trends and work out strategies so as to play a vital role in the newly emerging global knowledge society. It has not only brought a change in the library and information services, but also on the roles of librarians and information professionals. It has not only brought a change in the library and information services, but also on the roles of librarians and information professionals. Some of the challenges that the information professionals are required to strategically address include digital divide, knowledge society, Mobile Technology, Content Creation Management, Emerging trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services, Problems and Solutions of Libraries and LIS Professionals and User Expectation, Experience in Modern Library System and so on. They have to stay relevant in increasingly fluid and dynamic knowledge Society by incorporating strategic foresight to explore new markets, products and services and ultimately meet emerging customer needs. The challenge before us is to align library space design with the transformational character of intentional learning. The academic and user community has also welcoming the change. trust me the above fact, the theme of the conference was kept as ‘Libraries: towards Digital Paradigm’ by the Department of Library and Information Science, CSJM University, Kanpur in Collaboration with Central Library & University Placement Cell of CSJM University, Kanpur and Society for Library Professionals (SLP), New Delhi. I am extremely glad to know the response from the professionals is overwhelming. We have received good number of quality papers under various sub themes. Being a Chairman of the Conference and President, SPL, UP. I wish the National Conference a grand success and hope that the deliberations at the conference will open the new areas on the transforming Libraries’, particularly in changing Paradigm. This conference will provide the road map for building the global knowledge society. Dr. M. P. Singh Chairman, NCLTDP-2014 President, SPL, UP From the desk of In-Charge, Department of Library and Information Science CSJM University, Kanpur It gives me immense pleasure to note that the Department of Library & Information Science is organizing two days 2nd National Conference of Society for Promotion of Libraries on “Libraries: Towards Digital Paradigm” NCLTDP-2014 on April 19-20, 2014. This two days event will result in the growth of librarian’s base towards technological excellence with a vision for next generation to meet out the challenges of user’s community. In the present scenario of rapidly coming up technological advancement, there is a strong need to bring experts from all parts of the country and to provide them a forum for sharing their view and experiences and I hope this conference will provide such a platform not only to the delegates but also to the faculty members of the University and research students to learn about the latest technological developments in digital scenario. I wish the conference a great success and hope this conference will serve as the perfect platform to address the challenges across a board canvas of application. Prof. Mridula Bhadauria In-Charge, DLIS Department of Education CSJM University, Kanpur From the Desk of Organizing Secretaries We feel privileged to extend a hearty welcome to all the participants, invited speakers and eminent guests at 2nd National Conference of Society for Promotion of Libraries (SPL) on “Libraries: Towards Digital Paradigm” (NCLTDP-2014) organised by Department of Library and Information Science In collaboration with Central Library and University Placement Cell, CSJM University, Kanpur and Society for Library Professionals (SLP), New Delhi on April 19-20, 2014. Initial response to the conference information circulated on various listings was encouraging. But the kind of response we received in terms of paper submission was amazing. The volume includes good quality papers both invited as well as contributed by more than 100 authors. Despite different technical issues we have tried our best to include all possible papers being presented in Conference. The successful realization of the Conference has been made possible due to the kind support of organizing committee and executive committee members in almost all areas of the Conference. Wherever an unforeseen problem emerged, the way out was just a few of all members tasks. They come from different parts of the country and are all committed to support you and make the Conference an enjoyable and successful event. The organizing secretaries feel honoured for editing the volume and responsibly acknowledge the cooperation, guidance, patron ship and suggestions from Editorial Board, Advisory Board, Paper Review Committee, Publication Committee, especially to Executive Committee and others who have helped us directly and indirectly to bring out this proceeding. This Conference has been organized with the efforts and cooperation of many individuals and institutions. It may not be possible for me to name everyone. However, we would like to put on record the critical support received from Mr. Ashish Srivastava, Assistant Librarian, Central Library, CSJM University, Kanpur and Dr. Sidhanshu Rai, Co-ordinator, University Placement Cell, CSJM University, Kanpur. We are extremely thankful to Dr. P. K. Jain, President, Society for Library Professionals (SLP), New Delhi. We would like to express our gratitude to all invited Speakers, chairpersons and co-chair of various technical sessions, students, volunteers, reporters and the participants for their active participation to this conference. We hope this conference proceeding will be effective in providing a deeper understanding of the wide ranging relations between users and professionals that will grow stronger in the years to come. THANKS to everybody who made this Conference possible and a great experience! Dr. Pankaj Kumar Singh, Organizing Secretary, NCLTDP-2014 Mr. Adesh Kumar, Joint Organizing Secretary, NCLTDP-2014 Application of Mobile Technology in the Libraries Nitesh Kumar Verma, Assistant Librarian, IIMS&R, Integral University Email: vermanite@gmail.com Dr. Manoj Kumar Verma, Assistant Professor , DLIS, Mizoram University Email: manojdlisbhu@gmail.com Abstract: The uses of internet through mobile phones and smart phones increase rapidly day by day. So, libraries have to make an effort to provide their services through mobile phones also. It will help libraries in the direction of building good relationship and providing better services to their existing remote users. This paper deals with the use and application of mobile technology in the libraries, their benefits, creation of mobile website, mobile applications and library services through mobile technology. Keyword: Mobile Technology, Mobile Applications. SMS Notification Services, Mobile Document Supply, E-Resources 1. Introduction: As we all know that libraries are growing organism. The Information and Communication Technology has changed our life style in all respect. It also gives a lot of impact in library and information services. With the initiation of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in library, creation, storing and dissemination of information have changed in significantly. The ICT has forced the libraries to rethink and remodel their sources and services with the recent trends of technologies along with the changing needs of their users. Now a day's Libraries digitalized their collection to provide multiple and wide range of access through web. Presently libraries are always ready to adopt new technologies such as: Wi-Fi, Bar code system RFID systems, mobile communication technology, etc. to cope user needs. The mobile technology has made communication and information sharing very effortlessly and timely. Now days, Mobile Phones have more advanced features and capabilities than ever before such as music players, text, audio, video and image messaging, streaming videos, mail synchronise, third generation network connectivity (3G), Video Calling, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. The dependency on computers are decreasing and interest of people shifting towards mobile technology because they are more handy, easily data handling, speed of access multi use, etc. As reported in The Hindu news paper that [1] India has bypass Japan to become world third largest users of internet after China and US. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) pegged that the number of internet subscribers in India at 164.81 million as of March 31, 2013, with seven out of eight accessing the internet from their mobile phones. According to IBN live Page | 32 news channel [2] India has 55.48 crore mobile users as per our India Mobile Landscape (IML) 2013 study. With the growing popularities and opportunities of mobile phones in India, libraries and other information institutions used it as a tool to provide better library services to their users and easily reach to the mass users. People mostly use mobile phones for internet surfing, watching television, reading books, novels and interact with their friends, so after few years mobile phones become an integral part of every people life to access and share information. Libraries are serving for society and acts as bridge between human generated knowledge and their users. Many of the library users owning smart phones, it is a good time for libraries and librarians to tackle the advantage of mobile technology. The librarians and other information professional's needs to be in touch with these technological changes and adopt these changes to stay connected with their users instantly and provide next generation facilities. The Darwin theory of survival of the fittest is now suitably applicable to the Libraries. If they change themselves according to present changing environment of the ICT then only they can survive. Otherwise the Libraries will remain only as mere warehouses of books and this empty place will be taken by other computer professionals. 2. Library services through Mobile Technology: Library is a service centre where librarians provide services to satisfied library users information needs. To fulfil the fourth law of library science, librarians introduced many ICT based library services in the library so that they can save the time of users. In continuation to this attempt, the following library services may be providing through mobile technology: 1. Alert or Notification services: Library can provide alert services to their users regarding latest arrivals, due date, renewals, outstanding fines, issue return notifications and regarding other things related to the libraries and their host institutions in the form of quick SMS and MMS. Such notifications can be generated with the help of integrated library management software. 2. Learning services: Mobile phones are best for e-learning concept. Academic libraries can easily provide e-resources through mobile technology to promote e-learning, distance learning and many other research activities. 3. Browsing services: Libraries provide range of e-resources to their users, with the help of their smart phones they can easily search the library database and get their needed information. Users can easily search library OPAC to know the status of available resources. 4. Personal space: In the personal space users can make their profile, manage their online resources, categorise their resources, check loaned Page | 33 items on their account, due dates, overdue charges, send requests, manage their friends, send and receive e-mails or notifications, etc. 5. Access to e-resources: Many publishers are creating e-books, emagazines, etc which are compatible with the mobile devices so that users can easily access and read them. 6. Library guide: Users can access library guides and library tutorials from their smart phones. 7. Document supply: Users can get non-print materials and other multimedia contents from their smart phones. 8. Reference services: The library can easily provide reference services through mobile phones in the form of SMS, MMS, e-mails, etc. 9. QR codes: QR stands for Quick Response codes in the form of two dimensional bar codes which contains any alpha numeric information and mainly known as mobile tagging. 3. Most Popular Mobile Technologies: Communication involves the transmission of ideas between two or more entities. The use of ICTs has brought out structural, cultural and behavioural changes in the way people access organize and communicate information. These technologies have eliminated the constraints of space and time and transform the world into a global village and we can find solutions of all problems on internet through mobile phone. The majority of the users having mobile phone, therefore, provision of library services through mobile phone has more prospects among university and collage students. In the market different type of mobile phone are available and different users are using different type of mobile phones like: 1. PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant) 2. Smart Phones 3. Cell Phones 4. iPods and MP3 players 5. Tablets 4. Things needed for mobile based library services: As we know, the technological developments have influenced the users’ information needs and perception of libraries. Now users want easy and instant access to right information without much effort and application of mobile phones to provide library services will prove to be a boon to users. It will facilitate the users to use library any time, any where. Text alerts, SMS reference, library website for mobile and mobile OPAC are the major services which easily may provide to library users. To provide these mobile services, following basic things are needed: 1. Digital Library: Digital libraries are the libraries which have digital collections in the form of text, audio, video and graphics etc. It requires high speed internet Page | 34 connectivity and provides online facilities to their users. Through the digital libraries, users can access from their mobile phones the digital resources of the library round the clock from any part of the globe. 2. Integrated Library automation and management software with mobile technology interface: The integrated library automation and management software are that automation software which computerizes all the library works such as acquisition, classification, cataloguing, circulation, etc. These systems have inbuilt services such as SMS notification, check in check out notification, overdue notification, payment notification, registration notification, etc. The integrated library management software directly sends notification to the selected user. 3. Website with mobile view interface: Basically the library websites are designed for the laptops and desktop view. If any user opens it on their mobile phone they are not opening properly due to their resolution and design. So it is necessary to design websites which are compatible with mobile devices. 4. Trained staff: The trained and expert staffs were needed to provide such kind of facilities. 5. Sources for creating Website & Mobile Applications for Mobile phones: There are many online websites which offers to create online mobile websites. With the help of these websites library professionals can easily create and manage library websites with mobile interface. Some important websites are: Websites  mobdis  URL http://www.mobdis.com/ mofuse http://mofuse.com/ YoMobi http://www.yomobi.com/  MobiSiteGalore http://www.mobisitegalore.com/ Wix http://www.wix.com/  Google Sites https://sites.google.com/?hl=en Wirenode http://www.wirenode.com/    There are many websites offers design and development of mobile applications based on different platforms such as iOS, Android, HTML5 and OS X. The library and information science professionals easily create mobile application for their library services. For example- libraries can create an application for their library which includes facilities like OPAC, reservations, feedback, notifications, access to digital library, online fine payments, etc. There are many websites available on internet which offers to create mobile applications. Some of them are: Websites  URL Appery.io http://appery.io/ Page | 35       Mobile Roadie http://mobileroadie.com/ TheAppBuilder http://www.theappbuilder.com/ Good Barber http://www.goodbarber.com/ Appy Pie http://www.appypie.com/ AppMachine http://www.appmachine.com/ AppMakr http://www.appmakr.com/ 6. Advantages of Mobile Technology: The use of mobile technology has grown over in last decade and its uses are going up in very fast because it is cheaper than computer and easy to handy and it influenced the daily life of a common man to a great extent. The mobile phone provides internet access to people who may not able to afford computers. Thus, the rapid growth in use of mobile technology is based on factors such as simplicity of use technology, cost and portability. Application of mobile phones to provide library services offers new avenues for libraries and they can improve the efficiency of library services by communication of information and fast delivery of services to several users at the same time even then they are on move. In all over the world, many collage and university libraries are successfully providing library services through mobile phones. There are a lot of advantages of application of mobile technology in libraries like: 1. User Friendly: Most of the library users use mobile phones and they easily access web based information provided by their library. 2. Personalized service: In the mobile services users may be categorised in many sections and according to their needs library provides services to them. 3. Saves Time: It saves users time, users need not required to come library, from their mobile phones they can easily access library OPAC to know the status of available resources, reserve their resources, etc. 4. No Geographical restrictions: From any part of the globe they can access the library. Things only needed are an active internet connection, access to library website and a smart mobile phone. 5. Mass Access: A single resource of the library can be accessible from many mobile phones. 6. Active user participation: Through designing of mobile based website, library makes it more interactive by adding chat rooms, blogs, social interface, etc. 7. Access management: Through access management library can easily manage to accessibility of library collection. 8. Quick feedback: Through mobile technology users can give quick feedback related to library service and get quick response related to their queries. Page | 36 7. Limitations or Barriers: Application of mobile technology in libraries has facilitate librarians and libraries to provide very fast information services to the users and there are a lot of benefits of this application but there are some limitation of this technology which are discussed as: 1. Less bandwidth speed: In India internet speed on mobiles phones are the major problems. Due to slow downloading and uploading speed users have difficulties in accessing these services from their mobile phones. 2. Initial cost: The initial cost for the installation of these services is quite high and as we all know that libraries depend upon their host institutions. 3. Content ownership, licensing and digital rights management: In the digital era and continue increase in the numbers of users it's very difficult for the libraries to maintain ownership and copyrights of the digital contents. There are many changes in the technology but it's very difficult to control the flow of information. 4. Privacy & Security: It's very difficult for the libraries to maintain their privacy and security of their resources. Due to mass use of these e-resources the mishandling and miss-use of e-resources such as violation of copyright laws, wrong distribution, modifying, etc are the common things. It is necessary for the libraries to develop tools and techniques to stop such kind of practices. 5. Lack of trained staff: In the field of library and information science there is lack of technically known and skilled staff that can manage and take care of all these things. 6. User education: Users are less aware of how to access and use library resources. They need some kind of user education programme so that they can effectively and efficiently use library services. 8. Conclusion: In the present age of information, the use of internet increases rapidly. The future of internet depends upon the mobile technology because of the rapid increase of mobile users. It is the golden opportunity for the libraries and other information institutions to rethink and remodel their existing services by adopting mobile technology facilities. There are many tools and techniques through which libraries can easily provide services through mobile technology and there are many individual and institutions that are engage in developing, monitoring and using mobile technologies in higher education. Development of websites for Indian libraries for mobile phones leads to prompt information services to the maximum number of users. Reference: 1. The Hindu. (2013, August 24). The Hindu. Retrieved april 4, 2014, from The Hindu: http://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/technology/internet/india-is-now-worlds-thirdlargest-internet-user-after-us-china/article5053115.ece Page | 37 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. IBN live. (2013, september 8). IBN live. 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