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Feminist sociologists Sabine Hark and Paula-Irene Villa open Chapter 1 of The Future of Difference with an apt question that echoes across the rest of the book: “Can’t you see what’s before you?" Before long, they make the complexity of... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyFeminist Ethics
Feminist City is a very readable and engaging text. It succeeds as a primer to the most important contributions of feminists to the discipline of geography and offers an intimate and compelling intersectional overview of women’s diverse... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist GeographyBook ReviewsFeminist City Research/Urban Studies
This chapter appears in “Homophobia Goes Global: States, Movements and the Diffusion of Oppresion. Edited by Meredith L. Weiss and Michael J. Bosia. University of Illinois Press, 2012. Observers tend to see homophobia, as it relates to... more
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      Iranian StudiesState FormationHomophobiaHomosexuality
In this work I interpret Polish political field as a field of memory. I make three claims. First, I claim that programmatic identities of Polish political parties are weak. Despite this weakness political competition remains fierce,... more
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      Collective MemoryPolandPolitical Identity
This is an interview with Kate Korycki on the reparations for the native population in Canada for what the Canadian government defined as " cultural genocide. " Kate Korycki was born in Warsaw and has lived in Toronto for 25 years. Until... more
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      Transitional JusticeCollective MemoryIndigenous Peoples
Punktem wyjścia rozmowy jest pogłębiona analiza dwóch autobiograficznych książek: Retur- ning to Reims Didiera Eribona (2013) oraz The end of Eddy Éduarda Louisa (2017). Dyskusja dotyczy krzyżowego wykluczenia: ze względu na... more
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      Pierre BourdieuDidier EribonÉdouard Louis
The conversation starts with an in-depth analysis of two autobiographical works, Returning to Reims by Didier Eribon (2013) and The end of Eddy by Éduard Louis (2017). The discussion concerns, among other things, the double exclusion due... more
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      ClassPierre BourdieuGaynessDidier Eribon
In this article, I trace how political and intellectual elites in post-1989-transition Poland weave the stories of the recent past, paying particular attention to the way they narrate Polish Jewish relations and their imbrications with... more
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      Political PartiesHolocaust StudiesCollective MemoryNarratives
Scholars of memory take it as a given that collective memory is not static, or even a thing-in-the world, but rather a process and an obligation. It is a process, in that it involves the telling of stories in text, image, or stone;... more
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      Tourism StudiesPhotographyHeritage StudiesHolocaust Studies
Race is an enduring principle organizing the American society. Its particular logic, or modality of operation, and effects changed over timefrom slavery, to Jim Crow segregation, to mass migration and discrimination, to legal emancipation... more
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      African American PhilosophyMemory StudiesAfrican American Studies
In 2016, right-wing media in Germany erupted with alarming revelations about an alleged epidemic of Middle Eastern refugees raping German women. The most salacious reports described "ISIS Sex Jihadists" on the loose. Eventually it became... more
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Weaponizing the Past explains why and how political elites in post-regime transition spaces narrate the past for political gain and what effects are produced by their preoccupation with collective remembering. First presenting a theory of... more
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      Collective MemoryPost-Communist Studies
This chapter appears in De-Commemoration: Removing Statues and Renaming Places, edited by Sarah Gensburger and Jenny Wüstenberg, published by Berghahn Press in 2023. In the chapter, I explore Canada and its recent mnemonic heating up –... more
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      Collective MemorySettler Colonial StudiesCanadaMonuments
This chapter appears in Dé-commémoration: Quand le monde déboulonne des statues et renomme des rues, edited by Sarah Gensburger and Jenny Wüstenberg and published by Fayard in 2023. Le Canada connaît depuis quelque temps ce que l’on... more
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      Collective MemorySettler Colonial StudiesFirst Nations of CanadaCanada
This chapter appears in Rutledge Handbook of Memory Activism, edited by Yifat Gutman and Jenny Wüstenberg. Rutledge 2023 When the leaders of the then outlawed Solidarity movement agreed to negotiate with the Polish United Workers’ Party... more
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      Political PartiesCollective MemoryPolandSouth Africa
This paper investigates the emotional import of literary devices deployed in fiction. Reflecting on the often-favored approach in the analytic tradition that locates fictional characters, events, and narratives as sources of readers'... more
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      EmotionPhilosophyAestheticsArt Theory
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      Queer PhenomenologyQueer Health
This work of creative non-fiction makes use of auto-theory and personal journaling to unpack my experience of living with idiopathic hypersomnia in a hyperproductive capitalist context. My discussions are undergirded by my frustration... more
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      Creative NonfictionQueer TheoryAffect TheoryQueer temporality
This paper explores how the creative nonfiction writer, T Fleischmann, exemplifies a "queer sense of belonging" throughout the author's description of encountering a work of art and how it transmits this feeling to the reader. This sense... more
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      Affect TheoryQueer temporalityQueer Aestheticsautotheory
Using Elizabeth Freeman's notion of chrononormativity, I show that a capitalist and heteronormative society can manifest in queer embodiment through the extra work required by queer subjects in order to adhere to these expectations.... more
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      Queer temporalityLive PerformanceDIY cultureQueercore