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eds.) Apartheid Israel: The Politics of an Analogy (Chicago: Haymarket, 2015) When I was invited to write about the documentary film I created with Mark J. Kaplan, The Village Under The Forest (2013), I was going to explore what it means... more
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      Poetics of SilenceMemory and Eye Witness TestimonyTruth and Reconciliation CommissionsNationbuilding
Over the past two decades truth commissions have become increasingly accepted and implemented state tools of " transitional justice " for countries that come through long periods of administrative oppression and atrocity, particularly... more
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      Political EconomyHistorical memoryPolitical MemoryTransitonal Justice
Memory politics are often regarded as the “soft” issues contested in the aftermath of political and social upheaval. Yet critical public debates on memory, justice, impunity and reconciliation in South Africa prompted by the Truth and... more
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    • Education as Change
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Published as “Zwischen Nakba, Shoah und Apartheid: Nachdenken über Komplizität und Erinnern”, trans. Reinhart Kossler, Peripherie, Nr. 159/160, 40, 2020, pp. 391 – 408.
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16 I am not sure that I share this assessment since many scholars have emphasised the interconnection of memory to place in the topographical remaking of Israel's landscape involving legal, cartographic, architectural, and discursive... more
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HEIDI GRUNEBAUM On returning to my grandmother's land (notes for a film) At the end of the small hours, the rising wind of the past, of broken faith, of an undefined duty slipping away … and those other small hours, the early morning of... more
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This thesis traces the making of a social world of the musicking Cape through sound, which it calls sonic anticipation. Sonic anticipation is threaded through a Cape-based musicking milieu called goema in the Nineteenth century, and... more
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This thesis considers aspects of jazz and dance band performance in Cape Town between the 1930s and the 1960s, with special reference to the post-1945 period. It examines ways in which local dance and jazz musicians and audiences... more
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      Economic HistoryArtDanceJazz
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      Critical TheoryPostcolonial TheoryAesthetics and Politics
An electronic version of this book is freely available, thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched. KU is a collaborative initiative designed to make high quality books Open Access for the public good. The Open... more
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Texturing Difference: Indigeneity, Tactility, and the Text of "black consciousness philosophy" intervenes into contemporary debates around the postcolonial critique of apartheid through offering a new sense of an 'undisclosed event' in... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyPostcolonial Theory
In the Constance Farrington translation of this well-known passage, invention appears elsewhere: 'The human condition, plans for mankind and collaboration between men in those tasks which increase the sum total of humanity are new... more
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    • Kronos