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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 23, 2018

A second-order weak approximation of SDEs using a Markov chain without Lévy area simulation

  • Toshihiro Yamada EMAIL logo and Kenta Yamamoto


This paper proposes a new Markov chain approach to second-order weak approximations of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by d-dimensional Brownian motion. The scheme is explicitly constructed by polynomials of Brownian motions up to second order, and any discrete moment-matched random variables or the Lévy area simulation method are not used. The required number of random variables is still d in one-step simulation of the implementation of the scheme. In the Markov chain, a correction term with Lie bracket of vector fields associated with SDEs appears as the cost of not using moment-matched random variables.

Award Identifier / Grant number: 16K13773

Funding statement: This work is supported by JSPS KAKENHI (Grant Number 16K13773) from MEXT, Japan and a research fund from Tokio Marine Kagami Memorial Foundation.

A Appendix

Before we show the proofs of Lemma 2.1, Proposition 2.2, Theorem 2.4 and Corollary 2.6, we prepare some notations and results on stochastic calculus.

A.1 Stochastic calculus

We summarize the analysis of Wiener functionals, which will be a key tool for the proofs. Please see [17, 13] for the details. Let 𝒮 be the set of random variables of type


where hiL2([0,T];d), i=1,,n, n1, and f:m is an infinitely continuously differentiable function such that f and its derivatives have polynomial growth. The derivative for F𝒮 is defined as the d-valued stochastic process {DtF}t0 given by




The iterated derivatives can be defined as Dt1,,tkkF=Dt1DtkF, k. We can regard DkF as a square-integrable stochastic process indexed by [0,T]k. For any p1, Dk is closable on 𝒮. Let 𝔻k,p, k, p1, be the closure of 𝒮 with respect to the norm


For F𝔻k,p, DjF is called the Malliavin derivative of order j, 1jk. Let


The adjoint operator δ:2L2(Ω) of D is densely defined through the duality formula


In particular, for F=(F1,,Fm)(𝔻1,2)m, a square-integrable adapted process u:[0,T]×Ω and φCb(m), we have


Here we note that the stochastic integral on the right-hand side is the Itô integral, and also


holds by the chain rule of the Malliavin derivative.

Define the space of smooth Wiener functionals 𝔻=k,p𝔻k,p. We call F𝔻 the nondegenerate functional if the matrix


is invertible a.s. and det(σF)-1p< for all p>1. For φCb(m) and a nondegenerate functional F=(F1,,Fm)(𝔻)m, we have




Here, (γi,jF)1i,jm is the inverse matrix of (σi,jF)1i,jm.

Recall that the space of Watanabe distributions 𝔻- is given as the dual of the space 𝔻. Then the generalized expectation F,G𝔻𝔻- for F𝔻- and G𝔻 is defined as coupling. Moreover, we denote by 𝒮(m) and 𝒮(m) the space of rapidly decreasing Schwartz functions on m and its dual, the space of Schwartz-tempered distributions, respectively. Then the composition δy(F) of the Dirac delta function δy𝒮(m) mass at ym and nondegenerate F(𝔻)m is well-defined as an element of 𝔻-, and one has




In particular, let F=Wt for t>0. Then we have


See, for example, [8, 14, 15, 19, 21, 20] for the details on computations for Wiener functionals and applications.

A.2 Key lemma

In the proofs of Lemma 2.1, Proposition 2.2 and Theorem 2.4, the following two lemmas will play an important role.

Lemma A.1.

Let h be a bounded adapted process. Then, for p2, there exists C>0 such that


for all t(0,1].

See [2, 3] for the proof.

Lemma A.2.

Let k=3,4,5 and J=(j1,,jk) with J=#{l;jl0}+2#{l;jl=0}5. Let h be a bounded adapted process and gCb(RN). Then there exists C>0 such that


for all t(0,1].


Let t(0,1] and xN. We will mainly use the integration by parts (A.1) to get the assertion. If jk0, we can see that


Also, if jk=0, we have


Define the multi-index J-1:=(j1,jk-1), and apply the above computations for jk-1=0 or 0. Also, define J-p:=(j1,jk-p), p=1,,k, and iterate this procedure p times until p=n(J)=6-J. Then there exists a multi-index α=(α1,,αk){0,1,,d}k with α=6 such that


where jlr0 and αlr=0 for lr{k-n(J),,n(J)} satisfying lq1lq2, 1q1,q2n(J). Since we can see that


it holds


Therefore we have


for some C>0 independent of t(0,1]. ∎

Lemma A.2 is a slight generalization of [20, Lemma 1]. In the following, we typically take the function h as h(s)=V^j1V^jk-1Vjki(Xs(x)) or h(s)=V^j1V^jk-1Vjki(x).

A.3 Proof of Lemma 2.1

  1. Let t(0,1] and xN. In the following, the generic constant C>0 might depend on Vi, i=0,1,,d, and is independent of t(0,1] whose value might change from line to line. Using the Itô–Taylor expansion, Xt(x) is expanded as


    where (t,x)=(1(t,x),,N(t,x)) is the residual of the expansion given by


    We expand E[φ(Xt(x))] around E[φ(X¯tEM(x))] as




    We immediately obtain


    since, for p2, 1i1,i2N, 0j1,,j6d and t(0,1], we have


    Here, we used Lemma A.1, in particular, for p2, 1j1,j2,j3d and 1iN,


    To obtain supxN|rφ(t,x)|Cl=14lφt3 for t(0,1], it suffices to prove


    for t(0,1].

    Using Lemma A.2, for t(0,1], we have


    Then we get supxN|rφ,1(t,x)|Cl=14lφt3 for t(0,1]. Next, we deal with the term rφ,2(t,x). By an easy computation with the Itô formula, for 0j1,,j5d, we have


    We use Lemma A.2 again to attain supxN|rφ,2(t,x)|Cl=14lφt3. Therefore we get


    We also remark that the product of iterated Itô integrals in the third term on the right-hand side of (A.6) is represented through the Itô formula as


    for 0j1,,j4d. Then, from Lemma A.2, for i1,i2=1,,N, we can see that


    where r^φ(t,x) satisfies supxN|r^φ(t,x)|Cl=24lφt3. Therefore we have


    where Rφ(t,x) is given by Rφ(t,x)=rφ(t,x)+r^φ(t,x), which satisfies supxN|Rφ(t,x)|Cl=14lφt3.

    We finally compute the second and third term on the right-hand side of (A.8). Using equation (A.3), for i=1,,N, j1,j2=0,1,,d,


    By the integration by parts for Watanabe distributions (A.4), with the computation (A.5), we have


    and get


    We obviously have


    Therefore, we obtain the assertion. ∎

A.4 Proof of Proposition 2.2

  1. Let t(0,1] and xN. In the proof, the generic constant C>0 depends on Vi, i=0,1,,d, and is independent of t(0,1]. First, we define


    and expand E[φ(X^t(x))] around E[φ(X¯tEM(x))].

    Then we get


    where rφ~(t,x) is the residual given by


    Then we can immediately observe that supxN|rφ~(t,x)|C3φt3 holds. We note that one has


    Applying formula (A.7) and Lemma A.2 to (A.10), we have the following expansion for the third term on the right-hand side of (A.9):


    where rφ¯(t,x) satisfies supxN|rφ¯(t,x)|Cl=24lφt3.

    Then we have


    where Rφ~(t,x) is the residual given by Rφ~(t,x)=rφ~(t,x)+rφ¯(t,x) such that


    To obtain the same expansion in Lemma 2.1, we need to adjust the third and the fourth terms on the right-hand side of (A.11) by adding some correction terms to X^t(x). We then introduce a new process


    Here, the Malliavin weights H(i)(X¯tEM(x),1), i=1,,N, are explicitly given by


    We will use the relation


    in the following. The expectation E[φ(X¯t(x))] can be expanded around E[φ(X¯tEM(x))] as


    where R¯φ(t,x) is given by




    From the definition (A.12) of X¯t(x) with the representation (A.13), we easily see that


    Then we have supxN|R¯φ,1(t,x)|Ct3.

    Also, since


    holds by (A.13), we have


    Then we obtain supxN|R¯φ,2(t,x)|Ct3.

    In order to show the bound of R¯φ,3(t,x), we need to estimate the terms of types


    considering (A.13). Note that it holds


    By applying Lemma A.2, we have


    Also, for 1i1,i2N, 0j1d,


    Then we obtain


    and therefore the error R¯φ(t,x)=R¯φ,1(t,x)+R¯φ,2(t,x)+R¯φ,3(t,x)+rφ¯(t,x) satisfies


    The final and crucial step is as follows. We apply the integration by parts (A.2) to the third term on the right-hand side of (A.14) as


    to get the following representation for E[φ(X¯t(x))]-R¯φ(t,x):


A.5 Proof of Theorem 2.4

  1. The one-step small time approximation in Theorem 2.3 is summarized as follows: there is a C>0 such that


    In the proof, the generic constant C>0 might depend on Vi, i=0,1,,d, and T but is independent of n1, whose value might change from line to line. The difference PTf(x)-Qs1Qs2Qsnf(x), xN, can be decomposed as


    We easily see that Qs1φφ for the bounded function φ on N. Then we have


    In order to get the global approximation, it suffices to show the bound of PsPT-tf-QsPT-tf for all s(0,1] and t(0,T]. The following estimate (A.16) holds for the higher-order differentiation of PT-tf only using the first-order differentiation bound of f, i.e. f:


    by Kusuoka and Stroock [6]. By (A.15) and (A.16), we have


    For γ>m-1j, m=5, j=3,4,5, we have


    using a similar argument as in [4, 19]. When γ>4/3,


    We finally show the bound of Psnf-Qsnf. Observe that


    Then the following small time approximations around E[f(X¯tEM(x))] hold using the bound f:


    for (t,x)(0,1]×N. Thus one has Psnf-QsnfCfsn. By choosing γ2, we can raise the accuracy near the terminal as Psnf-Qsnf=O(n-2) since the final time interval is given by sn=tn-tn-1=T(1n)γ. Therefore, for γ2, we have


A.6 Proof of Corollary 2.6

  1. When N=d, we can use the Bismut type formula


    where g,hiCb(d), i=1,,d. Then we introduce


    for t>0 and xd. We obtain the following local approximation: there is a constant C>0 such that


    for all φCb(d) and t(0,1], and immediately have the weak approximation with error O(1/n2). The proof is essentially the same as the arguments in Appendix A.4 and A.5, and therefore we omit it. ∎


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Received: 2018-04-28
Revised: 2018-09-25
Accepted: 2018-09-28
Published Online: 2018-10-23
Published in Print: 2018-12-01

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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