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Abstrak Manusia secara sederhana dibagi menjadi empat kelompok tabiat dasar, yaitu kholeris, sanguinis, plegmatis dan melankholis. Keempat tabiat/karakter tersebut membawa konsekuensi logis terhadap sikap, perilaku dan tindakan manusia.... more
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Pengakuan dunia internasional terhadap konsepsi negara kepulauan merupakan salah satu peluang bagi implementasi pembangunan nasional Indonesia, karena Indonesia merupakan Negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia. Pembangunan Negara kepulauan... more
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Consumer protection law in Indonesia, especially for the consumer in financial services sector experiences significant growth after the issuance of Act No. 21 of 2011 on the Financial Services Authority. The Commitment for consumer... more
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    • Business Law
The development of information and communication technology has also caused world relations to become borderless and cause significant social, economic and cultural change to take place so quickly. Such rapid advances in information... more
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Legal protection for the majority shareholders is sufficiently guaranteed, especially through the mechanism of the RUPS, but this is not the case for minority shareholders, thus creating an injustice problem for minority shareholders. The... more
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Maraknya praktek penipuan online dengan modus investasi di DKI Jakarta dipengaruhi 2 (dua) faktor yaitu faktor ketidaktahuan masyarakat perihal investasi melalui platform online. Faktor lainnya belum optimalnya penegak hukum untuk... more
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Islamic People's Financing Bank (BPRS) is a bank that conducts business activities based on sharia principles which in its activities do not provide services in payment traffic. The development trend of BPRS since the enactment of... more
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There are two main factors that have triggered a low level of Consumer Empowerment Index (IKK) in Indonesia, namely the lack of public knowledge about regulations and institutions related to consumer protection, and complaints that are... more
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ABSTRAK Peraturan Mahkamah Agung (Perma) adalah salah satu bentuk peraturan perundang-undangan. Dalam hubungan dengan Perma, masalah hukum yang hendak diteliti adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, di mana tempat kedudukan Perma dalam... more
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    • Political Science
ABSTRACTThe rise of online fraud practices with investment mode in DKI Jakarta is influenced by 2 (two) factors, namely the community's ignorance about investment through the online platform. Other factors are not yet optimal for law... more
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      LawPolitical Science