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Upaya pemahaman materi zaman prasejarah mengalami kendala utama, yaitu rentangan waktu yang panjang antara zaman prasejarah dengan masa sekarang. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya penyelesaian bagaimana upaya peningkatan pemahaman... more
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    • Museum, Pembelajaran Sejarah, Prasejarah
Islamization cannot be separated from the role of the people who had been instrumental in spreading Islam. However, the writing of our history is still less in giving ample scope to the role of women in Islamization. This paper briefly... more
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      Islamisasisejarah IndonesiaIslamisasi JawaSejarah Wanita
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      HistoriografiaKuasaKontroversi SejarahSejarah Kritis
This paper describes relevancies between critical pedagogy and history learning. By treasuring of any literatures and history learning policy papers, this paper analyzes similarities toward history learning and critical pedagogy as well... more
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      Critical PedagogyTeaching History
This paper analyzes the relevance of history education and environmental issues. Based on literature study, there are relevance between history and environmental issues. Since 1970s, new study in history has developed namely environmental... more
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      Environmental HistoryTeaching History
Melalui kajian terhadap wacana kampanye dari berbagai dokumen, penelitian ini mencoba meng-uraikan konstelasi politik dan wacana kampanye di Jawa Tengah menjelang pemilu 1955. Dalam rangka meningkatkan perolehan suara rakyat,... more
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    • sejarah Indonesia
Aspek kemaritiman saat ini tengah menjadi isu nasional. Akan tetapi penerapannya dalam ranah pendidikan, khususnya pembelajaran sejarah masih terkendala. Oleh karena itu, tulisan fokus pada upaya untuk (1) menganalisis urgensi dan... more
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      PENDIDIKAN SEJARAHPembelajaran Sejarah
Historiografi yang berkembang di era keterbukaan seperti yang terjadi saat ini telah membuka lebar peluang versi-versi yang berbeda tentang suatu peristiwa sejarah. Hal ini berpotensi menimbulkan beberapa kemungkinan dalam masyarakat.... more
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Tulisan ini mengulas tentang bagaimana sejarah kontroversial menjadi rentan bersifat kontroversial
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      sejarah IndonesiaPENDIDIKAN SEJARAH
Sejarah Haji orang Indonesia
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The emergence of NGOs in various fields of life is proof that civil society is essential in building a democratic society. NGOs can educate citizens and communities on their fundamental rights to create a democratic state and world order... more
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      History of ReligionPolitical HistoryGlobal HistoryHistory of Islamic Civilization
The fourth industrial revolution involves automation technology presenting new challenges to all sectors in the country that require them to make changes in line with the digital transformation to remain competitive. The higher education... more
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    • History of Education
From the colonial period until present day, Muhammadiyah has slowly emerged as one of the largest da'wah organizations in Indonesia. The failure of colonial politics and the rise of religious revivalism provided a firm foundation for... more
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Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Sejak abad ke-19, Semarang mengalami kemajuan pesat di bidang perdagangan dan perindustrian yang mengundang para pendatang untuk memasuki kota Semarang dan turut... more
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Abstrak __________________________________________________________________ Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui fokus pembelajaran sejarah lokal, wujud peran guru sejarah, kendala dan upaya yang dilakukan guru sejarah untuk... more
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This study discusses the growth and development of religious movements and their effects on social life of religious communities during the period 1890s-1940s Semarang. The main problems of this study are the growth and development of... more
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      HistorySocial HistoryHistory of Religious StudiesIslamic History and Muslim Civilization
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    • Dutch colonial history in Indonesia
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      HistoryCultural HistoryLocal HistorySocial History