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      AnthropologyContemporary PsychologyAmerican Anthropologist
Co-evolution can give rise to the “Red Queen effect”, where interacting populations alter each other's fitness landscapes. The Red Queen effect significantly complicates any measurement of co-evolutionary progress, introducing fitness... more
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    • Simulation Methods
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      Cognitive ScienceComplex SystemsNeural NetworkGenetic Algorithm
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    • The origins of music
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMate ChoiceSexual Selection
Genetic influences on personality differences are ubiquitous, but their nature is not well understood. A theoretical framework might help, and can be provided by evolutionary genetics. We assess three evolutionary genetic mechanisms that... more
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      GeneticsPsychologyEvolutionary PsychologyIntelligence
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    • Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extensions
Evolutionary psychology has revolutionized research on human mate choice and sexual attraction in recent years, combining a rigorous Darwinian framework based on sexual selection theory with a loosely cognitivist orientation to task... more
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      GeneticsEvolutionary PsychologyMate ChoiceSocial Cognition
Friedrich Nietzsche, male, aged 27, published his first book The birth of tragedy in January 1872, barely a year after Charles Darwin published The descent of man, and Selection in relation to sex. Both books viewed human culture as a... more
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Conspicuous displays of consumption and benevolence might serve as “costly signals” of desirable mate qualities. If so, they should vary strategically with manipulations of mating-related motives. The authors examined this possibility... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceEconomics
Schizophrenia remains an evolutionary paradox. Its delusions, hallucinations and other symptoms begin in adolescence or early adulthood and so devastate sexual relationships and reproductive success that selection should have eliminated... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsSchizophreniaMate Choice
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Just as body symmetry reveals developmental stability at the morphological level, general intelligence may reveal developmental stability at the level of brain development and cognitive functioning. These two forms of developmental... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEvolutionary PsychologyIntelligence