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      PhoeniciansCarthage (Archaeology)Phoenician Punic ArchaeologyCarthage (History)
In the paper are presented the preliminary results of excavation seasons of 2013 and 2014 in the city of Utica (Tunisia) in two areas named zones I and II. In the last one have been localized in the sondages 20 and 21 a building of 9th... more
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      Roman North Africa (Archaeology)Phoenician Punic Archaeology
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Phoenician Punic Archaeology
RESUMEN: El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar la evolución de la estrategia económica seguida por la ciudad fenicia occidental de Baria a lo largo de sus distintas fases de ocupación fenicia a través de los cambios que se... more
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    • Phoenician Punic Archaeology
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      ReligionPhoenician Punic Archaeology
En el presente trabajo analizamos la relación entre la guerra y el comercio por medio del estudio de las relaciones de intercambio de bienes del Imperio Cartaginés durante el último tercio del siglo III a.C. Para ello, en primer lugar,... more
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    • Phoenician Punic Archaeology
RESUMEN El interés de la literatura clásica por el conflicto que enfrentó a Roma contra Cartago nos permite estu-diar aspectos de la historia de esta antigua colonia tiria que nos son prácticamente desconocidos para otros periodos... more
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    • Phoenician and Punic Studies
RESUMEN: Baria es uno de los casos en Hispania en que se conservan los restos de una ciudad a lo largo de casi 1500 años de historia, en sus emplazamientos fenicio, romano y tardorromano, con sus correspondientes necrópolis. En el... more
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    • Phoenician and Punic Studies
Se presentan los primeros resultados del proyecto de investigación tunecino-español en Utica (Túnez). En concreto se estudia un complejo formado por un pozo de agua vinculado a un edificio excavado en parte. El pozo posiblemente fue... more
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    • Phoenician and Punic Studies
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    • Phoenician and Punic Studies
The campaign of 2015 in Utica has had limited aims but interesting results. The excavation of the well 20017 in the square 20 was concluded, confirming its character of closed finding of the 9th century B.C. In the square 21 the surface... more
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    • Phoenician Punic Archaeology
Während der letzten Grabungskampagnen des tunesisch-spanischen Teams wurde in Utica (Tunesien) ein phönizischer architektonischer Komplex entdeckt. Dieser ist mit einem teilweise ausgegrabenen phönizischen Gebäude verbunden. Südlich... more
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    • Elfenbein
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      ArchaeologyGeologyInterdisciplinarityLandscape Archaeology
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      InterdisciplinarityLandscape Archaeology
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      Classical ArchaeologyIconographyArt HistoryMuseum learning
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyLandscape HistoryHuman Development
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      Military HistoryArchaeologyGreat WarConflict Archaeology
Cultural Virtual Reality (CVR) and landscape visualisation are in a process of rapid development. Digital models possess numerous advantages for research and are a powerful tool to communicate scientific results to the public as can be... more
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      Digital HumanitiesSerious GamesLandscape ArchaeologyDigital Archaeology
The paper assesses the role and potential of Cultural Virtual Reality (CVR) for the modelling of archaeological landscapes. As digital visualisations are spreading rapidly as a tool for research and as a medium of communication in... more
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      CommunicationCultural HeritageSerious GamesLandscape Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyTheoretical Archaeology