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Hack's law is reviewed, emphasizing its implications for the elongation of river basins as well as its connections with their fractal characteristics. The relation between Hack's law and the internal structure of river basins is... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWater resourcesApplied Economics
The principle of reparametrization invariance is used to derive a dynamical equation for the erosion of the landscape of the drainage basin of river networks. The stationary solutions of the equation are found to have scaling behavior... more
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      GeophysicsPhysicsStatistical Physics Of Complex SystemsFractals
Two distinct models for self-similar and self-affine river basins are numerically investigated. They yield fractal aggregation patterns following non-trivial power laws in experimentally relevant distributions. Previous numerical... more
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      Statistical MechanicsStatistical PhysicsCritical phenomenaMathematical Sciences
We discuss a numerical scheme to solve the continuum Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in generic spatial dimensions. It is based on a momentum-space discretization of the continuum equation and on a pseudospectral approximation of the... more
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      EngineeringStochastic analysisMathematical SciencesThin Film
A simple scheme for the evolution of a fluvial landscape in heterogeneous environments is critically examined to capture the essential mechanism responsible for the recurrent scale-free landforms in the river basin. It is shown that,... more
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      Landscape EvolutionScale-Free NetworksRiver BasinInitial Condition
The existence and stability of the universality class associated to local minimal energy landscapes is investigated. Using extensive numerical simulations, we first study the dependence on a parameter γ of a partial differential equation... more
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      Critical phenomenaNumerical SimulationPARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONInitial Condition
Critical exponents of the infinitely slowly driven Zhang model of self-organized criticality are computed for d = 2, 3 with particular emphasis devoted to the various roughening exponents. Besides confirming recent estimates of some... more
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      Renormalization GroupThree DimensionalDynamic Properties
In this work an improved methodology for studying interactions of proteins in solution by small-angle scattering is presented. Unlike the most common approach, where the protein-protein correlation functions g ij (r) are approximated by... more
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      BiophysicsThermodynamicsSmall angle X-ray and neutron scatteringSmall Angle X Ray Scattering
The main goal of this paper is to assess the limits of validity, in the regime of low concentration and strong Coulomb coupling (high molecular charges), for a simple perturbative approximation to the radial distribution functions (RDF),... more
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      EngineeringProtein FoldingProtein Structure PredictionSmall angle X-ray and neutron scattering
A novel exact dynamical real space renormalization group for a Langevin equation derivable from a Euclidean Gaussian action is presented. It is demonstrated rigorously that an algebraic temporal law holds for the Green function on... more
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      Statistical PhysicsMathematical SciencesFixed Point TheoryPhysical sciences
We study the thermodynamic and structural properties of a simple, one-patch fluid model using the reference hypernetted-chain (RHNC) integral equation and specialized Monte Carlo simulations. In this model, the interacting particles are... more
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      EngineeringThermodynamicsMonte Carlo SimulationChemical
We perform numerical simulations of a simple model of one-patch colloidal particles to investigate: (i) the behavior of the gas-liquid phase diagram on moving from a spherical attractive potential to a Janus potential and (ii) the... more
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      Numerical SimulationPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
We introduce a model of attractive penetrable spheres by adding a short range attractive square well outside a penetrable core, and we provide a detailed analysis of structural and thermodynamical properties in one dimension using the... more
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      EngineeringThermodynamicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
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      Three DimensionalScaling LawNormal DistributionCorrelation function
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      Lattice TheoryLow FrequencyProbability Distribution & ApplicationsCritical Point
A relation between two exponents characterizing the scaling behavior of random agglomeration models with particle injection is proposed and verified by numerical simulations. This relation, and a link between diffusion-limited... more
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      Numerical SimulationPhysical sciencesPhysicalExact solution methods
FLAC is a program to calculate the small-angle neutron scattering intensity of highly packed polydisperse systems of neutral or charged hard spheres within the Percus-Yevick and the Mean Spherical Approximation closures, respectively. The... more
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      Data AnalysisSmall angle X-ray and neutron scatteringMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We study structural and thermophysical properties of a one-dimensional classical fluid made of penetrable spheres interacting via an attractive square-well potential. Penetrability of the spheres is enforced by reducing from infinite to... more
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      EngineeringMonte Carlo SimulationChemical PhysicsComputer Simulation
The one-dimensional penetrable-square-well fluid is studied using both analytical tools and specialized Monte Carlo simulations. The model consists of a penetrable core characterized by a finite repulsive energy combined with a... more
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      EngineeringChemical PhysicsComputer SimulationPhysical sciences
We consider an anisotropic version of Baxter's model of 'sticky hard spheres', where a nonuniform adhesion is implemented by adding, to an isotropic surface attraction, an appropriate 'dipolar sticky' correction (positive or negative,... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences