Chemical Physics
Recent papers in Chemical Physics
The water-hydroxyl radical complex was prepared by irradiating peroxy radicals in hydrogen-doped argon matrices. The low water content of the matrices made it possible to observe the fundamental bands of the complexed water molecule. The... more
The vapor pressure isotope effect between samples of isotopically substituted ammonia, NH 3 , ND 3 and 15 NH 3 , and their mixtures was measured as a function of temperature ͑225ϽT/KϽ259͒ and mixture composition. The p(x,T) results were... more
The direct l-type resonance spectrum of CF 3 CCH has been measured in the v 10 Z3 vibrational state by means of waveguide microwave Fourier transform spectroscopy in the range 8-26 GHz. Three types of direct l-type resonance transitions... more
Ab inifio calculations are used to provide bond lengths, harmonic frequencies, and dissociation energies of low-lying electronic states for LiX, LiX+, and LiX-(with X = Li through F and Na through Cl). Most of these species represent... more
For decades the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation has dominated the description of dynamics of the non-Arrhenius behavior in glass forming systems. Recently, this dominance has been questioned. Hecksher et al. [Nat. Phys. 4, 737 (2008)],... more
We present a method for estimating the hopping rate for Zwanzig's model of self-diffusion in liquids ͓R. Zwanzig, J. Chem. Phys. 79, 4507 ͑1983͔͒. To obtain this estimate, we introduce the cage correlation function which measures the rate... more
Knopp et al. ͓J. Raman Spectrosc. 31, 51 ͑2000͔͒ have recently used resonant femtosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy ͑CARS͒ to prepare and probe highly excited vibrational wave packets on the ground electronic potential... more
Density functional theory computations for a realistic model of the HIV-1 integrase active-site/substrate complex support a single-step reaction for the hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds, which involves a highly structured S N 2-like... more
Adiabatic singlet-triplet gap of the oxyallyl diradical has been studied by multireference Brillouin-Wigner and Mukherjee's coupled cluster methods (BWCC and MkCC). The results demonstrate the necessity to include connected triples... more
The fourth line of Eq. ͑2.2͒ should read ϭ K sbb 2&␥ 2 I 1/2 as should Eq. ͑A1͒. Equation ͑A2͒ should read ϭ K sbb 2&␥ 2 ͑nI͒ 1/2 .
A novel method, based on genetic algorithms, has been developed and applied to the solution of di erential equations. The new approach is based on the use of real numbers to form the candidate solutions which are improved iteratively by a... more
Various configurations were investigated to find the most stable structures of glycine-(water) 3 complex. Five different optimized conformers of glycine-(water) 3 complex are obtained from density functional theory calculations using... more
For chemical systems obeying the mass-action law a method is presented, that enables the computation of the active intermediates lifetime distributions. The possibilities of experimental determination of these functions are also examined.
et articulaire La paralysie cérébrale (PC) est un trouble du mouvement et de la posture due à une lésion cérébrale précoce. La comparaison clinique des données AQM, représentatives de la désorganisation motrice, avec une population saine... more
Screening of a macroion such as a charged solid particle, a charged membrane, double helix DNA or actin by multivalent counterions is considered. Small colloidal particles, charged micelles, short or long polyelectrolytes can play the... more
We calculate by molecular dynamics the optical functions of MgO in the far infrared region 100-1000 cm −1 , for pressures up to 40 GPa and temperatures up to 4000 K. An ab initio parametrized many-body force field is used to generate the... more
Potential energy hypersurfaces ͑PES͒ have been constructed for the ground electronic state of H 2 S utilizing results from state-of-the-art ab initio quantum chemical methods, most notably higher-order coupled cluster theory employing... more
The coexistence curve of the 2-butanol+water system has been measured at Pz 1 bar, with a higher precision and a more detailed description of the pinch-off region than in previous experimental studies. The data points in the vicinity of... more
Using small angle x-ray scattering, we find that the correlation length of bulk liquid water shows a steep increase as temperature decreases at subzero temperatures (supercooling) and that it can, similar to the thermodynamic response... more
This work represents the first step of a theoretical study aiming at explicitly including solvation in the CS INDO CI calculations of ground and excited state properties of organic dyes. The reported theoretical treatment falls within the... more
Pronounced electron-phonon coupling is observed for the 2 F 7/2 ↔ 2 F 5/2 4 f transitions of Yb 3ϩ doped into CsCdBr 3 . A comparison of the Raman spectrum and the luminescence excitation sideband accompanying the 2 F 7/2 (0)→ 2 F 5/2... more
Ab initio calculated coordinate and internal valence coordinate coefficients for each of the four spin-spin coupling surfaces of the acetylene molecule-1 J͑C, H͒, 1 J͑C, C͒, 2 J͑C, H͒, and 3 J͑H, H͒ are presented. Calculations were... more
This article introduces the finite state projection ͑FSP͒ method for use in the stochastic analysis of chemically reacting systems. One can describe the chemical populations of such systems with probability density vectors that evolve... more
We study the liquid structure and solvation forces of dense monovalent electrolytes (LiCl, NaCl, CsCl, and NaI) in a nanometer slab-confinement by explicit-water molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, implicit-water Monte Carlo (MC)... more
A dichloro derivative of lucigenin has been synthesized and found to exhibit almost no fluorescence. Calculations using the graphical unitary group approach (GUGA), as implemented in the GAMESS program suite and using the full Brett-Pauli... more
Aluminium, gallium and indium dihydrides have been synthesized by reaction of molecular hydrogen with excited *S and 'D metal atoms (M) isolated in solid argon. Narrow band excitations show that insertion occurs efficiently from the 'S... more
Calculations of the molecular structure and normal vibration frequencies have been performed using ADF (Amsterdam Density Functional) program package for initial structural data of 1-aminopyridinium iodide, (1-NH 2 C 5 H 5 N) + I À , low... more
The 351 nm photoelectron spectra of Mo Ϫ and MoO Ϫ have been measured. The electron affinity of atomic molybdenum is 0.748͑2͒ eV and that of molybdenum monoxide is 1.290͑6͒ eV. The term energies of several MoO electronic states not... more
We report results from high-resolution studies of D 5 + cluster ion collisions with low-energy electrons performed in a heavy ion storage ring. Absolute dissociative recombination (DR) and dissociative excitation (DE) cross sections were... more
-cd 11 January 1985 . : ~. -Using common f&c basis sets we have axnpartd the'cquation of motion and the polarization prupagator method. bo:-h through second order. Calculations are perfomxed of excitation energIts and oscillator strengths... more
The dynamics of molecular isomerizations that involve major charge redistributions are studied using picosecond lasers. The usual assumptions that the isomerization barrier is independent of temperature and constant within a solvent... more
We present a fully Hamiltonian and computationally efficient scheme to include the electrostatic effects due to the classical environment in a Car-Parrinello mixed quantum Mechanics/molecular mechanics ͑QM/MM͒ method. The polarization due... more
Single dye molecules at cryogenic temperatures display many spectroscopic phenomena known from free atoms and are thus promising candidates for fundamental quantum optical studies. However, the existing techniques for the detection of... more
The 'whispering gallery' effect has been known since ancient times for sound waves in air 1,2 , later in water and more recently for a broad range of electromagnetic waves: radio, optics, Roentgen and so on 3-6. It consists of wave... more
Scanning tunneling microscopy is used to study low temperature grown (LTG) InGaAs, with and without Be doping. The Be-doped material is observed to contain significantly fewer AsGa antisite defects than the undoped material, with no... more
Dissociation fraction of CO 2 molecules was measured in an early afterglow of microwave plasma by catalytic probes. The experiments were performed using the MESOX facility at the focus of the 5 kW solar furnace of PROMES-CNRS. Plasma was... more
Crystal structures of three derivatives of phenylpropionic acid, 2, 3 and 4 with hydroxyl, methyl and methoxy substitutions at the 2, 4 positions have been determined from X-ray powder diffraction data and their electronic structures were... more
Precise energy eigenvalues of doubly excited 1;3 D o states originating from 2pnd ðn ¼ 3-8Þ configuration of two-electron atoms ðZ ¼ 3-7Þ have been calculated by using Ritz variational method in Hylleraas coordinates. Except for a few,... more
La 1Àx Ca x MnO 3 (LCMO) nanowires were prepared using a simple sol-gel process and nano-channel alumina (NCA). X-ray diffraction (XRD) and selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) indicate that the nanowires are of monoclinic perovskite... more
A method was developed to chemically functionalize graphene sheets by silylation. The graphene oxide sheets were silanized with N-(trimethoxysilylpropyl) ethylenediamine triacetic acid. Then the silanized graphene oxide sheets were... more
Most lanthanide porphyrin derivatives exhibit 'normal' absorption spectra with Q and B bands. The rare earth ions have little effect on the absorption spectra, which are much like those of other closed-shell metalloporphyrins. However,... more
Analytic potentials are built for all four 2S+1Πu/g states of Li2 dissociating to Li(2S) + Li(3P): 3b(33Πu), 3B(31Πu), 3C(31Πg), and 3d(33Πg). These potentials include the effect of spin-orbit coupling for large internuclear distances,... more