Books by Clemens Eisenmann

SpiritualitÀt als soziale Praxis. Zur Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit im Yoga, 2022
Was ist SpiritualitĂ€t? Ăblicherweise wird sie als etwas höchst Innerliches und Subjektives versta... more Was ist SpiritualitĂ€t? Ăblicherweise wird sie als etwas höchst Innerliches und Subjektives verstanden, das zugleich auf etwas Ăberindividuelles (einen Transzendenzbereich) verweist und sich insofern der Beschreib- und Beobachtbarkeit entzieht. Dagegen schlĂ€gt dieses Buch eine alternative Betrachtungsweise vor: SpiritualitĂ€t wird als eine soziale Praxis begriffen und gefragt, wie SpiritualitĂ€t gemacht wird. Am Beispiel des Yoga wird untersucht, wie SpiritualitĂ€t fĂŒr Praktizierende im gemeinsamen beobachtbaren Tun â z. B. in GesprĂ€chen, (Alltags-)Ritualen, YogaphilosophievortrĂ€gen und beim Erlernen der körperlichen YogaĂŒbungen â praktisch erklĂ€rbar und verstehbar wird.
In dieser Ethnografie folgt der Autor den Handelnden buchstĂ€blich auf die Yogamatte, nimmt an einer Yogalehrerausbildung im Aschram und an einem Yogafestival in Berlin teil und dechiffriert die ganz eigene Welt und Wirklichkeit des Yoga. Die Analyse folgt dem, was zwischen Menschen geschieht: auf andere bezogene, von anderen erlernte, wechselseitig beobachtete, zum Teil besprochene und gemeinsam vollzogene TĂ€tigkeiten. Das Ziel ist eine Beschreibung der sozialen Praxis der spirituellen Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit, die konventionelle Trennungen â von Körper und Geist, Psychischem und Sozialem, Theorie und Praxis â neu verortet und zeigt, wie die soziale Mitwelt an grundlegenden (Selbst-)Wahrnehmungen, dem körperlichen In-der-Welt-Sein sowie innerlichen Erfahrungen beteiligt ist.
Das Buch leistet einen empirischen und theoretischen Beitrag zur Körper-, Religions- und Interaktionssoziologie, zur qualitativen Methodenentwicklung und Ethnomethodologie sowie zu grundlegenden Fragen der Sozialtheorie. Zudem bietet es als Hybridstudie auch fĂŒr Praktizierende und Yogalehrende eine praktische Reflexion der Yogapraxis.
Papers by Clemens Eisenmann
Qualitative Research, Nov 25, 2023
Routledge eBooks, Oct 10, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 15, 2021
Psychosozial, Feb 1, 2020
Der Beitrag beschÀftigt sich aus einer ethnomethodologischen Perspektive mit der Vermittlung und ... more Der Beitrag beschÀftigt sich aus einer ethnomethodologischen Perspektive mit der Vermittlung und Aneignung von Achtsamkeit in spirituellen und psychotherapeutischen Kontexten. Wir schlagen vor, Achtsamkeit weder als einen innerpsychischen Vorgang noch als diskursives Konzept zu begreifen, sondern als soziale Praxis. In diesem Sinne beschreiben wir anhand ethnografischer Daten achtsamkeitsbasierte Kompetenzen und die Kultivierung des Selbst als kontextsensitive und zu vollziehende verkörperte TÀtigkeiten.

AI & Society, 2023
This paper examines Harold Garfinkel's work with ELIZA and a related program LYRIC from 1967 to 1... more This paper examines Harold Garfinkel's work with ELIZA and a related program LYRIC from 1967 to 1969. AI researchers have tended to treat successful human-machine interaction as if it relied primarily on non-human machine characteristics, and thus the often-reported attribution of human-like qualities to communication with computers has been criticized as a misperception-and humans who make such reports referred to as "deluded." By contrast Garfinkel, building on two decades of prior research on information and communication, argued that the ELIZA and the LYRIC "chatbots" were achieving interactions that felt human to many users by exploiting human sense-making practices. In keeping with his long-term practice of using "trouble" as a way of discovering the taken-for-granted practices of human sense-making, Garfinkel designed scripts for ELIZA and LYRIC that he could disrupt in order to reveal how their success depended on human social practices. Hence, the announcement "Machine Down" by the chatbot was a desired result of Garfinkel's interactions with it. This early (but largely unknown) research has implications not only for understanding contemporary AI chatbots, but also opens possibilities for respecifying current information systems design and computational practices to provide for the design of more flexible information objects.

Ethnography and Ethnomethodology, 2023
The Special Issue on Ethnomethodology and Ethnography was developed out of a series of panels at ... more The Special Issue on Ethnomethodology and Ethnography was developed out of a series of panels at the 2019 conference on 'Practices' of the 'International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis' held in Mannheim (Germany), from 2 to 5 July. These aimed at reconsidering, empirically as well as theoretically, the important and foundational relationships between Ethnography and Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (EMCA) that often have been problematized and sometimes even considered antagonistic. This theme not only generated many more submissions than could be accepted, but it also drew a big audience and much interest, especially among EMCA scholars working ethnographically. It further stirred ongoing in-depth discussions that contributed to this volume. Considering contemporary developments within the diverse field of Ethnography, on the one hand,that partly grew out of specific concerns such as sensory, digital, feminist, and post-colonial researchand current studies in EMCA, for example, on media, technology, and social inequalities, on the other hand, it seems that mutual overlaps and their potentials have partly been overlooked, underconceptualized, and at times perhaps even obscured or misunderstood. The timeliness of these discussions and their underlying theoretical issues are at the heart of this volume. Combining the efforts of the initially independent panels (by Yaël Kreplak and Alex Dennis; and by Christian Meier zu Verl and Clemens Eisenmann) has proven very productive. In view of the wide interest, we decided to publish two special issues, the first of which was published with Ethnographic Studies in late 2020 (Meier zu Verl et al., 2020) and we are very pleased to finally make the second volume available here with Qualitative Research. The collected papers in this volume explore in-depth the relationships, entanglements, and subtle, but important differences between Ethnography and EMCA in their theoretical, methodological, and empirical grounds. The individual contributions show in different and complementary ways, how these relations address foundational problems and concerns of qualitative methodologies more generally as well as their particular solutions to issues in the ongoing discussions of contemporary qualitative research. Many of the issues raised, such as questions on situatedness, reflexivity or positionality, can be traced back to earlier debates, starting from the 'value judgment controversy' (Werturteilsstreit) in the 1900s, the 'positivism dispute' (Positivismusstreit) in the 1960s, the 'Crisis of Representation' in Ethnography in the 1980s, or the debates on Editorial Qualitative Research
Instructed and Instructive Actions, 2023
The Anthem Companion to Harold Garfinkel, 2023

Medien der Kooperation, 2023
The "varieties of cooperation" empirically investigated in this volume shed lig... more The "varieties of cooperation" empirically investigated in this volume shed light on historical formations, essential foundations, stabilisations and consequences of mutual accomplishments in cooperative practices. Considering the histories of technological artefacts and infrastructures, such as the passport or the pneumatic tube system, as well as the current use of widespread everyday media practices, such as video conferences, air travel or domestic IT applications, we understand cooperation in a broad and yet very specific sense: as any form of mutual makings, in which common goals, means or procedures have to be achieved in concrete practices of concerted activities (SchĂŒttpelz, 2017). From this analytic perspective "practice takes precedence over all other (social or technical) explanatory variables" (SchĂŒttpelz & Meyer, 2017, p. 156; own transl.). This radical praxeology allows us to investigate media, technologies and infrastructures with regard to two central and foundational dimensions. Firstly, it makes it possible

Qualitative Research
Based on the authorsâ ethnographies in the fields of taiji, ballet, and yoga, this article outlin... more Based on the authorsâ ethnographies in the fields of taiji, ballet, and yoga, this article outlines and reflects the theoretical and empirical scope of what we mean by âethnomethodological ethnography.â Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (EM/CA) have been juxtaposed and pit against various forms of ethnography and vice versaâfor example, by criticizing various theoretical underpinnings of ethnographies, viewing EM/CA as a very limited micro-sociological research method, or by critiquing (auto-)ethnography as egocentric, self-absorbed, and ill-equipped to account for the detail and sequential organization of natural occurring actions and circumstances. Contrary to such deliberations, we highlight their common interest in putting empirical social phenomena first. In getting access to and describing what social phenomena consist of, membersâ competencies and detailed analysis of recorded data mutually elaborate each other. In this sense, they are potentially not only mutually i...

Philosophia scientiae, Nov 3, 2022
Dans les conférences et les écrits des décennies qui ont suivi la publication de Studies in Ethno... more Dans les conférences et les écrits des décennies qui ont suivi la publication de Studies in Ethnomethodology [1967], Harold Garfinkel, le fondateur de l'ethnométhodologie, a développé ce qu'il a appelé une « mauvaise lecture » des écrits phénoménologiques d'Aron Gurwitsch, de Maurice Merleau-Ponty et d'autres. La « mauvaise lecture » de Garfinkel comprenait un traitement sélectif et créatif des thÚmes que Gurwitsch avait tirés de la psychologie gestaltiste, tels que la figure et le fond, la contexture gestaltiste et le champ phénoménal. PlutÎt que d'identifier ces thÚmes à la perception visuelle démontrée par des puzzles d'images (par exemple, des animaux cachés dans du feuillage) et des dessins au trait de figures réversibles, Garfinkel les a utilisés pour démontrer des phénomÚnes praxéologiques et interactionnels : des organisations d'activité incarnée qui constituent des champs d'action collective. Pour Garfinkel, les champs phénoménaux sont formés par un travail corporel effectué de concert avec les actions des autres. Bien que Harvey Sacks, le fondateur de l'analyse de la conversation, n'ait pas mentionné explicitement Gurwitsch, la phénoménologie ou la psychologie gestaltiste dans ses écrits et ses conférences transcrites, certains de ses écrits sur l'organisation séquentielle de la conversation semblaient informés, ne serait-ce qu'indirectement par sa relation avec Garfinkel, par le traitement des phénomÚnes visuels et auditifs

Human Studies, 2021
This article is the editorsâ introduction to the transcript of a lecture that Harold Garfinkel de... more This article is the editorsâ introduction to the transcript of a lecture that Harold Garfinkel delivered to a seminar in 1993. Garfinkel extensively discusses the relevance of Aron Gurwitschâs phenomenological treatment of Gestalt theory for ethnomethodology. Garfinkel uses the term âmisreadingâ to signal a respecification of Gurwitschâs phenomenological investigations, and particularly his conceptions of contextures, functional significations, and phenomenal fields, so that they become compatible with detailed observations and descriptions of social actions and interactions performed in situ. Garfinkel begins with Gurwitschâs demonstrations with line drawings and other abstract examples, and suggests how they can be used to suggest original procedures for investigating the vicissitudes of embodied practical actions in the lifeworld. This introduction to the lecture aims to provide some background on the scope of Gurwitschâs phenomenological critique and elaboration of Gestalt theory and Garfinkelâs âmisreadingâ of it in terms of his own conceptions of indexicality and accountability, and ethnomethodological investigations of the production
of social order.
Digitale Kindheiten, 2020
Familiale IntimitĂ€t in der frĂŒhen Kindheit wird ĂŒblicherweise als etwas Unmittelbares und ĂŒberaus... more Familiale IntimitĂ€t in der frĂŒhen Kindheit wird ĂŒblicherweise als etwas Unmittelbares und ĂŒberaus Körperliches verstanden. Sie kann quasi als âPrototyp' körperlich prĂ€senter Interaktionen gesehen werden. Dieser Beitrag fragt allerdings nach der Relevanz von IntimitĂ€t bei der Videotelefonie und somit in technisch und medial vermittelten Situationen. Inwiefern gelingt oder scheitert die Beziehungspflege bspw. im Austausch von KĂŒssen zwischen GroĂeltern und Enkeln face-toscreen und wie wird die, fĂŒr (intime) Interaktionen notwendige, wechselseitige Orientierung und Wahrnehmung in technisch vermittelten Situationen sozial organisiert und hergestellt?

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013
Ayurveda is playing a growing part in Europe. Questions regarding the role of religion and spirit... more Ayurveda is playing a growing part in Europe. Questions regarding the role of religion and spirituality within Ayurveda are discussed widely. Yet, there is little data on the influence of religious and spiritual aspects on its European diffusion. Methods. A survey was conducted with a new questionnaire. It was analysed by calculating frequency variables and testing differences in distributions with the 2-Test. Principal Component Analyses with Varimax Rotation were performed. Results. 140 questionnaires were analysed. Researchers found that individual religious and spiritual backgrounds influence attitudes and expectations towards Ayurveda. Statistical relationships were found between religious/spiritual backgrounds and decisions to offer/access Ayurveda. Accessing Ayurveda did not exclude the simultaneous use of modern medicine and CAM. From the majority's perspective Ayurveda is simultaneously a science, medicine, and a spiritual approach. Conclusion. Ayurveda seems to be able to satisfy the individual needs of therapists and patients, despite worldview differences. Ayurvedic concepts are based on anthropologic assumptions including different levels of existence in healing approaches. Thereby, Ayurveda can be seen in accordance with the prerequisites for a Whole Medical System. As a result of this, intimate and individual therapist-patient relationships can emerge. Larger surveys involving bigger participant numbers with fully validated questionnaires are warranted to support these results.

New media have become an integral part of everyday life. In our research , we explore how media p... more New media have become an integral part of everyday life. In our research , we explore how media practices are employed in the mutual accomplishment of families and in the way young children grow up. This article considers the particularities of doing ethnography in this context: How can ethnographic research be conducted in a private setting and to what extent are family media practices related to practices of observing researchers? Revisiting our research process, we discuss challenges of establishing the field and maintaining relationships. Further, we focus on our media use in the field as well as briefly after fieldwork. We show how everyday family life involves ethnographers in various ways and how media practices in the field and in research interrelate and are cooperatively achieved. Rather than ignoring or correcting for these forms of involvement, our position is that they allow a better understanding of both everyday family life and media ethnography.
Ethnographic Studies, 2020
This special issue is devoted to two central topics of Ethnographic Studies: ethnomethodology and... more This special issue is devoted to two central topics of Ethnographic Studies: ethnomethodology and ethnography. Both are addressed conceptually, reframed in different ways, and insightfully discussed. In particular, conceptual and methodological considerations are elaborated on the grounds of empirical studies from different fields.
Books by Clemens Eisenmann
In dieser Ethnografie folgt der Autor den Handelnden buchstĂ€blich auf die Yogamatte, nimmt an einer Yogalehrerausbildung im Aschram und an einem Yogafestival in Berlin teil und dechiffriert die ganz eigene Welt und Wirklichkeit des Yoga. Die Analyse folgt dem, was zwischen Menschen geschieht: auf andere bezogene, von anderen erlernte, wechselseitig beobachtete, zum Teil besprochene und gemeinsam vollzogene TĂ€tigkeiten. Das Ziel ist eine Beschreibung der sozialen Praxis der spirituellen Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit, die konventionelle Trennungen â von Körper und Geist, Psychischem und Sozialem, Theorie und Praxis â neu verortet und zeigt, wie die soziale Mitwelt an grundlegenden (Selbst-)Wahrnehmungen, dem körperlichen In-der-Welt-Sein sowie innerlichen Erfahrungen beteiligt ist.
Das Buch leistet einen empirischen und theoretischen Beitrag zur Körper-, Religions- und Interaktionssoziologie, zur qualitativen Methodenentwicklung und Ethnomethodologie sowie zu grundlegenden Fragen der Sozialtheorie. Zudem bietet es als Hybridstudie auch fĂŒr Praktizierende und Yogalehrende eine praktische Reflexion der Yogapraxis.
Papers by Clemens Eisenmann
of social order.
In dieser Ethnografie folgt der Autor den Handelnden buchstĂ€blich auf die Yogamatte, nimmt an einer Yogalehrerausbildung im Aschram und an einem Yogafestival in Berlin teil und dechiffriert die ganz eigene Welt und Wirklichkeit des Yoga. Die Analyse folgt dem, was zwischen Menschen geschieht: auf andere bezogene, von anderen erlernte, wechselseitig beobachtete, zum Teil besprochene und gemeinsam vollzogene TĂ€tigkeiten. Das Ziel ist eine Beschreibung der sozialen Praxis der spirituellen Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit, die konventionelle Trennungen â von Körper und Geist, Psychischem und Sozialem, Theorie und Praxis â neu verortet und zeigt, wie die soziale Mitwelt an grundlegenden (Selbst-)Wahrnehmungen, dem körperlichen In-der-Welt-Sein sowie innerlichen Erfahrungen beteiligt ist.
Das Buch leistet einen empirischen und theoretischen Beitrag zur Körper-, Religions- und Interaktionssoziologie, zur qualitativen Methodenentwicklung und Ethnomethodologie sowie zu grundlegenden Fragen der Sozialtheorie. Zudem bietet es als Hybridstudie auch fĂŒr Praktizierende und Yogalehrende eine praktische Reflexion der Yogapraxis.
of social order.
You can download the book at:
Thus, our talk utilizes its authorsâ research practice in these fields in the context of their âsociologicalâ projects. Our focus will be upon methods of (self-)instruction in the respective cases by taking selected moments into especial consideration in which (self-)correction in terms of tĂ ijĂ, yoga, and sociology is being made accountable. We will ask for whom, where and what is being made accountable that is the in situ and in vivo bodily work of âdoing tĂ ijĂ/yogaâ as well as âdoing ethnomethodologyâ and also sketch what the work is of (failing at) transitioning and bridging the gap between these cases. It is the âmaterialityâ of the researchersâ more or less skillful bodily practices that becomes central while experiencing teachersâ corrections, closing oneâs eyes in solitary practice looking, e. g., for chi/prana or attentively staring for hours at the video data of these activities. Although we are undoubtedly âobliged to doâ (Garfinkel 2002: 168) these investigations, the question remains: what do we actually see?
In conclusion, we will discuss how the âmaterialityâ of self-instruction and accountability hang together with the subtle practices in our research, revealing âgoodâ reasons for the âelusiveâ nature of their concepts and thereby calling into question the omnipresence of accountability. Further, we will take up an aspect already noted by Neil Jenkings (2009: 778) with regard to Kenneth Libermanâs (2007) seminal work Husserlâs Criticism of Reason: the seeming similarity between Buddhist philosophical concepts and ethnomethodological antifoundationalism, which is also apparent in our investigations with regard to Daoism and Yoga Philosophy, and, more precisely, in their concrete practice. We will discuss the relevance of such similarities in, for, as, or even perhaps against ethnomethodological inquiry.
Garfinkel, Harold (2002). Ethnomethodologyâs Program. Working Out Durkheimâs Aphorism. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Edited and Introduced by AnneWarfield Rawls.
Jenkings, K. Neil (2009). âStudies in and as Ethnomethodology: Garfinkel and his Ethnomethodological âBastardsâ Part Two.â In: Sociology, 43:775â781.
Liberman, Kenneth (ed.) (2007). Husserlâs Criticism of Reason: With Ethnomethodological Specifications. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Sudnow, David (1978). Ways of the Hand. The Organization of Improvised Conduct. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Tolmie, Peter and Rouncefield, Mark (eds.) (2013). Ethnomethodology at Play. Surrey: Ashgate.
Nach unserem VerstĂ€ndnis ist die methodologische Reflexion des VerhĂ€ltnisses von Körpern und Methoden nur sinnvoll in einer Trias mit dem empirischen Gegenstand zu betreiben. So werden wir anhand von Daten unserer Projekte auf Sequenzen aus Unterrichtsituationen eingehen, die sich eigenkörperlich, methodisch oder in beider Hinsicht als besonders herausfordernd erwiesen, und unseren methodischen Umgang damit beschreiben. Hierbei möchten wir einerseits zeigen, wie der Einsatz unseres Körpers erst nötiges Orientierungswissen ermöglichte und wie Passungen bestimmter Methoden mit den FĂ€llen vorliegen. Andererseits werden wir auch auf Probleme, Grenzen und Konsequenzen hinweisen. So kommt bspw. die forscherische TĂ€tigkeit, Daten zu registrieren und âfestzuhaltenâ, bei der Teilnahme an Praktiken, die meditative ZustĂ€nde voraussetzen und bei denen ein âLoslassenâ im Vordergrund steht, in Konflikte. Zudem zielen beide FĂ€lle letztlich auf âganzheitlicheâ VerĂ€nderung der Praktizierenden, die in Auseinandersetzung mit unterschiedlichen biographischen und soziologischen âKörpernâ â neben Versuchungen und Scheitern â die Forschenden nicht unberĂŒhrt lĂ€sst. Aufgrund unserer Forschungserfahrung möchten wir auch mit Blick auf die Frage nach Möglichkeiten methodischer Schulung leiblich-körperlicher Forschungskompetenzen erste Ideen dahingehend vorstellen, dass fĂŒr die Erforschung mit dem Körper neue Forschungsformen der gegenseitigen (leibkörperlichen) UnterstĂŒtzung hilfreich wĂ€ren.
With regard to yoga, Marcel Mauss already assumed a âsocio-psycho-biologicalâ connection between âmystical statesâ and âtechniques of the bodyâ, and thereby suggested it as an intriguing case for analysis. However, looking from a sociological point of view at a group of people standing on their heads is analytically and methodologically challenging. The sociology of spirituality has mainly focused on macro phenomena like secularisation, individualisation, or subjectivisation. Drawing on recent endeavours in practice theory and sociology of the body, I sketch an approach, which considers the actual yoga practices and the role of the body in their relation to the construction of spirituality.
Based on my ethnographic fieldwork and video recordings, I will show how the body becomes relevant on various levels ranging from the âdiscursive bodyâ, over bodily interactions, indication, mediation, representation, to the actual lived body experience. I will argue that by taking the lived body experience into account, practice theory needs to be complemented by phenomenological considerations, which also calls for further methodological reflection to recognize the multiple dimensions of embodiment in yoga practice.
Modernes Yoga entwickelt sich ausgehend vom Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts im kulturellen Austausch von Orient und Okzident, im Spannungsfeld von Religion und SĂ€kularisierung, von Tradition und Moderne. In meinem Beitrag möchte ich auf Adaptions- und Legitimationsprozesse von Yoga im VerhĂ€ltnis zur westlichen Moderne eingehen. Es lĂ€sst sich ein Spannungsfeld zeichnen, das von funktionaler Anpassung â bspw. in Form sĂ€kularer Kommodifizierung â bis hin zu einer ganzheitlich kulturellen Gegenbewegung reicht. Dabei stellt die Auseinandersetzung von Yoga mit der Wissenschaft eine zentrale Dimension dar, bspw. im SelbstverstĂ€ndnis einer universellen Wissenschaft. Betrachtet man hingegen die Forschung zu alternativer SpiritualitĂ€t und Yoga, lĂ€sst sich zeigen wie â neben anderen Rationalisierungsprozessen â das zuvor beschriebene Spannungsfeld reproduziert, bzw. (mit-) erzeugt wird."
Yoga, Tai Chi, Zen and Magic is seen by some as indicator of a societal spiritual revolution, while others do not include those phenomena within the field of religion or deny their empirical significance. Part of this divergence is due to different conceptualisations of spirituality and religion, as well as due to a lack of good empirical research of alternative practices. Firstly, I like to discuss that a central key in understanding the controversy â as well as understanding the phenomena â lies in the conceptualisation of the relationship of spirituality and modernity (and contemporary society). This can be shown in (1) the ongoing debate about secularisation, (2) the question of individualistic transformation of religion, as well as in (3) the discourse on spiritual compensation and âcounter-culturalâ movements. To highlight just one of the arguments: The conception that there is a growing need for spirituality at turbulent times of capitalist economic downturn seems to be in line with central themes of the secularisation thesis, which in turn are criticised at the same time.
I will, secondly, show the relevance of the relationship of spirituality and modernity at the example of Yoga. Contemporary âModern Yogaâ emerged in the end of the 19th century, and has since situated itself in the area of conflict between tradition and modernity, religion and secularity, as well as orient and occident. In this perspective the processes of adaption, legitimisation and authentication of Yoga in relation to modern societal developments come into focus. Further I propose an area of conflict reaching from functional adaption to an alternative countercultural movement, which encapsulates several challenges for the conceptualisation of spirituality as well as modernity itself."