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Investigations of the hydrological processes operating in a small experimental catchment representative of the dehesa ecosystem were carried out. The dehesa constitutes a system of agro-silvo-pastoral landuse, which is characterized by a... more
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    • Desertification and Land degradation
The /// dehesas and //// montados of Spain and Portugal cover about 6 million ha and form open savannah-type woodland comprising cork (Quercus suber) and holm (Q. rotundifolia and Q. ilex) oaks. Following their decline until the 1960s,... more
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    • Geomorphology
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An assessment of the sensitivity to land degradation have been carried out for the region of Extremadura, SW Spain, by means of the modelling approach developed in the European Commission funded MEDALUS project (Mediterranean... more
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      DesertificationLand DegradationCongreso
A preliminary study on water resources for livestock rearing in SW Spain is presented. The objectives of this work were to assess the availability of water for domestic animals in farms and to explain whether water shortages are... more
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    • Congreso
Water erosion and its relation to livestock grazing in semi-arid to dry subhumid Mediterranean rangelands with a disperse tree cover is analyzed, based on a variety of studies carried out since 1990 in Extremadura, Spain. The dominant... more
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    • Congreso
Información del artículo Procesos, factores y consecuencias de la erosión por cárcavas; trabajos desarrollados en la península ibérica.
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Congresos, Congreso Internacional sobre Desertificación. ...
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    • Congreso
Gully erosion represents an important soil degradation process in rangelands. In order to take preventive or control measures and to reduce its environmental damages and economical costs it is useful to localize the points in the... more
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      ModelingMultidisciplinaryEcological ModellingModels
The capability of Artificial Neural Network models to forecast near-surface soil moisture at fine spatial scale resolution has been tested for a 99.5 ha watershed located in SW Spain using several easy to achieve digital models of... more
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In this paper, five topsoil properties (clay, silt, sand, organic matter and bulk density) have been modeled using accessible environmental information in order to improve pedological cartography in the Extremadura region (Spain).... more
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      Data MiningGully ErosionSoil moistureLand Use
The paper presents a pilot research on the determination of historical soil erosion rates in rangelands with disperse tree cover using two different methodologies: 137 Cs and exposed tree roots. The study was carried out along a hillslope... more
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Iberian dehesas and montados are considered as highly valuable systems and examples of sustainable farmland practices. However, tree aging and the lack of tree recruitment are being mentioned as threads to its long-term conservation. At... more
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Rangelands in SW Iberian Peninsula occupy approximately 95,000 km2 of land grazed by millions of domestic animals. They are characterised by grasslands with varying tree density, interspersed in some areas with shrubs. The herbaceous... more
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Gully erosion plays an important role in degradation processes of Mediterranean environments. Relatively little is known about relationships between gully erosion rates and rainfall or discharge in these areas. The aims of this work are:... more
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      SeasonalityGully ErosionLand UseIberian Peninsula
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