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Unidad didactica ingles de prueba
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La sociedad de la información y del conocimiento ha crecido a pasos agigantados en la docencia a partir del auge de la educación a distancia y la inclusión de las TIC. Esto implica que los docentes deben ser, y sentirse digitalmente... more
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      PhilosophyCommunicationHumanitiesEducational Technology
índice 1.-Learning of audacity for the edition and production of digital didactic contents // El aprendizaje de Audacity para la edición y producción de contenidos didácticos digitales J.
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      HumanitiesDistance EducationPolitical ScienceICT in Education
The Metric Decimal System (MDS) is a considered an important subject either in the teaching of mathematics and in the rest of sciences. The current article is about the MDS, with the purpose of studying the Cognitive Networks in their... more
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      ArtPolitical SciencePathfinder
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This paper describes a didactic experience with secondary and high school students, in which it is proposed the elaboration of a research article as a resource to generate positive attitudes towards science and awaken scientific... more
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    • Humanities
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Entre los días 27 al 29 de marzo de 2019 se celebrará en Yecla la IX Reunión Internacional sobre Escultura Romana en Hispania, como continuación de las ediciones precedentes (en particular la de Murcia del año 2005), organizada por... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsClassical philologyArchaeology of Roman Hispania
People with disabilities encounter numerous barriers when dealing with the simplest and most usual things in their daily lives. This is even more remarkable when they are faced with archaeological heritage buildings or environments.... more
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    • Remote Sensing
People with disabilities encounter numerous barriers when dealing with the simplest and most usual things in their daily lives. This is even more remarkable when they are faced with archaeological heritage buildings or environments.... more
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    • Remote Sensing
Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that heritage buildings and structures unearthed during the construction of new infrastructures cannot be adequately conserved once dug out. Before the eternal doubt, keeping or covering them, the... more
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When it concerns dissemination, the relationship between cultural heritage and technology has not always been easy. On the one hand, the emotions involved in knowing, enjoying, and feeling a real heritage remain should not be eclipsed by... more
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    • Applied Sciences
En este trabajo se presenta un procedimiento de segmentación de datos 3D pertenecientes a obras del patrimonio cultural. El objetivo es, en primer lugar, que el algoritmo sea capaz de separar las zonas ornamentales de las no ornamentales... more
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    • Physics
This chapter presents a new line of research that addresses the treatment of data acquired through different sensors to capture reality in order to obtain useful information that can be applied to the generation of knowledge in the field... more
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      ArchaeologyComputer ScienceComputer VisionCultural Heritage
The traditional approach for physical reproduction in Cultural Heritage requires the production of moulds on the very surface of the original artwork in an invasive, manual and usually time-consuming process that is intensely influenced... more
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      HistoryComputer ScienceCultural HeritageDigital Fabrication
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    • Sociology
Riemann zero mean curvature examples in the Lorentz-Minkowski space are surfaces with zero mean curvature foliated by circles contained in parallel planes. In contrast to the Euclidean case, this family of surfaces presents new and rich... more
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      HistoryPsychologyGamification in Education
The building sector plays a key role in the global economic, social, and environment development. The energy consumed during construction and operation processes accounts for around 40% of the global energy use. China is the largest... more
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      Serious GamesInformation Communication TechnologyNew Technologies