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Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 adalah hormon polipeptida 70 aa dengan efek endokrin, parakrin, dan autokrin. Hormon ini >60% homolog dengan IGF-2 dan 50% homolog dengan struktur proinsulin. Hormon polipeptida ini diproduksi terutama oleh... more
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BACKGROUND: Fournier gangrene (FG) is an urological emergency in the form of progressive necrotizing fascitis caused by polymicrobial infection which affects the perineum and external genitalia. FG that is not diagnosed and treated... more
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      NeuroscienceStrategic Management
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The human corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1 (hCRF-R1) functional transcript is mainly expressed in the anterior pituitary corticotrophs, a tissue usually not available for clinical investigation. Splice variants translated... more
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      Biological SciencesDNASequencingHumans
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the preparation of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/CuS composite nanofibres, and the effects of solution and process parameters on the resulting nanofibres. Design/methodology/approach – A facile... more
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      Self AssemblyDesign MethodologyFundamental ParametersPolyvinyl alcohol
ABSTRACT Introduction Le resveratrol (trans-3,4’,5-trihydroxystilbene) est un polyphénol naturel capable d’induire la dégradation du peptide beta-amyloïde (Abeta), le constituant majeur des plaques séniles formées au cours de la maladie... more
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      Cognitive ScienceClinical Sciences
To evaluate the human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) proviral DNA load in patients with HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) and asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers, a SYBR Green-based real-time quantitative... more
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      GeneticsMedical MicrobiologyPeruHumans
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      MedicinePregnancyClinical NeurophysiologyStatus Epilepticus