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Este trabalho se propos a investigar as contribuicoes da musica e dos sons para o enriquecimento narrativo do ciclo filmico Decalogo, de Krzysztof Kieslowski. O recorte de alguns sons da banda sonora, selecionados por suas reincidencias,... more
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    • Art
Analysis of the concept of Love (anda their degrees to God) in the mystic contemplation of Bernard of Clairvaux, especially based on the Letter 11 by your Epistolary, but also in his sermons on the Canticle of Canticles and in the work De... more
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In this essay I intend to highlight the theological character of Greek philosophy, particularly in Plato, Aristotle and Seneca, to conclude to, in its transcendental aspect, medieval philosophy did nothing more than enhance and deepen... more
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The work analyses the historic possibilities by utilization of literary texts. For that, approaches the novel of chivalry from the fifteenth century Curial e Güelfa, prose considered one of the jewels by Catalan Humanism.
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Being part of a post-doctoral research undertaken at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Barcelona), kindly sponsored by a grant from the Generalitat de Catalunya, this article analyses the definitions and classifications... more
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Analysis of the political thought of Ramon Llull about tyranny based on Imperial Tree.
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What exactly is the profession of the historian? How reliable is what we produce? After all, what is History? The purpose of this article is to defend History as art, and that our historical comprehension should be based on analysis of... more
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Analysis of the end of the Ancient World and the formation of social, cultural and economic conditions that gave rise to the medieval society.
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The article briefly presents the thought of Thomas Aquinas about the legitimacy of military life and the concept of just war, and its theological justification in the context of the Crusades, to the military orders. For that, initially... more
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Study on Medieval Astrology.
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This article analyses the theme of medieval education by the view of his contemporaries. We have selected three philosophers - Al-Farabi and Ramon Llull - witch in their writings dealt with education as a human basic instrument to achieve... more
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In this work of History of Law, we present two views about the medieval lawyers. One of the Cistercian tradition, represented by St. Bernard of Clairvaux; another, by the philosopher Ramon Llull. Both of them have an idea in common: the... more
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Introduction to the Book of Wonders by Ramon Llull.
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The paper analyzes the concept of science in the Middle Ages, particularly in Isidore of Seville, Hugh of St. Victor, Bernard of Clairvaux, Thomas Aquinas and Ramon Llull.
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    • Sinais
Daughter of the classical rhetoric and one of the seven liberal arts, the medieval Rhetoric incorporated in its categories a series of new concepts, strangers to classical authors, thanks to the Christian philosophical thought. Since... more
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The meaning and function of History.
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The divinity of the De sex dierum operibus of Theodoric of Chartres (†c.1155).
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Analysis of the concept of Eternity in the Ramon Llull’s philosophy from the works Fèlix o Llibre de meravelles (1288-1289), Arbor scientiae (1295-1296), Liber qui debet homo de Deo credere (1302), Ars breuis (1308), Liber correlatiuorum... more
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Analysis of the Crusade’s propose, conversion and the Theory of Two Swords in the philosophy of conversion of Ramon Llull, based on the poems Lo desconhort (1295), Del consili (1311) and the works Llibre de contemplació en Déu... more
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The Somnium Scipionis of Marcus Tullius Cicero: translation and analysis.
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