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Since the end of the nineteenth century, changes in the organization of the workplace have had a major impact on both the ethnic division of labor and on residential segregation in American cities. New labor-market structures and hiring... more
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      Human GeographyHistorical GeographyDivision of labor
The industry has maintained a strong presence in the region for as long as manufacturing statistics have been kept. In 1860,-40% of medicines, extracts and drugs were manufactured in Philadelphia and New York (Department of Commerce,... more
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      Applied EconomicsPharmaceutical industryBusiness and ManagementManufacturing Industry
This essay suggests a new analytical framework for the study of residential segregation in the early twentieth century. Labor segmentation under corporate capitalism forms the basis for understanding the division of labor in the workplace... more
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      Human GeographyPolitical ScienceDivision of labor
The declining role of the state in world economic affairs and the increasing reach of transnational corporations to various parts of the world pose a serious challenge to the effectiveness and success of international environmental... more
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      SociologyEconomic DevelopmentCarbon EmissionsEnvironmental Impact
Wilmington, Delaware, has undergone economic transformation in the past decade. Although the city has no formal growth policy, zoning inherently operates to promote or limit growth. This paper explores how community attitudes toward... more
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      Human GeographyUrban And Regional PlanningLand UseUrban Affairs
Using Dutch emigrant records, agricultural records, industrial employment records, population registers, and tax records, a cohort of Dutch Catholic emigrants (1847-1871) from the province of Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands was analysed... more
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      Human GeographyHistorical GeographyDemographySocial Sciences
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      American HistoryHuman GeographyHistorical GeographyEconomics
The declining role of the state in world economic affairs and the increasing reach of transnational corporations to various parts of the world pose a serious challenge to the effectiveness and success of international environmental... more
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    •   5  
      SociologyEconomic DevelopmentCarbon EmissionsEnvironmental Impact
The industry has maintained a strong presence in the region for as long as manufacturing statistics have been kept. In 1860,-40% of medicines, extracts and drugs were manufactured in Philadelphia and New York (Department of Commerce,... more
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    •   4  
      Applied EconomicsPharmaceutical industryBusiness and ManagementManufacturing Industry
Wilmington, Delaware, has undergone economic transformation in the past decade. Although the city has no formal growth policy, zoning inherently operates to promote or limit growth. This paper explores how community attitudes toward... more
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    •   4  
      Human GeographyUrban And Regional PlanningLand UseUrban Affairs
This essay suggests a new analytical framework for the study of residential segregation in the early twentieth century. Labor segmentation under corporate capitalism forms the basis for understanding the division of labor in the workplace... more
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      Human GeographyPolitical ScienceDivision of labor
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A rapidly globalizing food system raises important questions of environmental sustainability, food security, public health, and nutrition. The local food movement has been arguing for localization and regionalization of the food system as... more
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    • Geography
As established in the Mission Statement, "The University of Oregon strives to enrich the public that sustains it through the acceptance of the challenge of an evolving social, political and technological environment by inviting and... more
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Communities throughout the United States are implementing strategies, formulated on principles of sustainable development, in order to improve quality of life. Many are evaluating how to respond to patterns of development and the... more
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      EngineeringUnited States
Science, Engineering & Technology Services Program, supported by the Delaware General Assembly and the University of Delaware
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    • Engineering
By 1650, Brazil was the largest producer of sugar in the Atlantic and Caribbean region and an offspring of the plantation-slave system of sugar production introduced by the Portuguese on Madeira and Sao Tome. The Brazilian sugar... more
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Science, Engineering and Technology Services Program, supported by the Delaware General Assembly and the University of Delaware
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      EngineeringUnited States
In this chapter, the author presents evidence from freight records researched at the City Archives of Amsterdam which illustrate that after trade and navigation restrictions were imposed, Dutch and Sephardic merchant trade diverged.... more
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    • Political Science
This report examines the efforts of 12 pioneer communities around the country in order to learn about the possibilities for, and the processes necessary to, build sustainable local futures (see Table ES-1.). In addition to the experiences... more
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