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There is still lack of clarity about the best manner in which to handle numeric attributes when applying Bayesian network classifiers. Discretization methods entail an unavoidable loss of information. Nonetheless, a number of studies have... more
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Abstract AODE (Aggregating One-Dependence Estimators) is considered one of the most interesting representatives of the Bayesian classifiers, taking into account not only the low error rate it provides but also its efficiency. Until now,... more
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Resumen—Son varios los motivos por los que es deseable llevar a cabo una reducción de la dimensionalidad y del número de instancias de la base de datos de interés en tareas de clasificación. Especial interés despierta el clasificador... more
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RÉSUMÉ. L'AODE est consideré comme l'un des algorithmes representatifs les plus intéressants parmi les classifieurs bayésienes, si l'on considère non seulement son taux d'erreur peu élevé mais aussi son efficacité. Jusqu'à présent, pour... more
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    • Intelligent User Interface Agents
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    •   6  
      User InterfaceUser Interface DesignInteractive SystemsModel Based Design
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    •   8  
      Artificial IntelligenceUsabilityUser InterfaceMulti Agent System
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    •   5  
      User InterfaceMobile DeviceInteractive SystemsDevelopment Process
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Abstract Task modeling has become one of the cornerstones of model-based user inter-face design. In this paper, a task-based approach to user interfaces design is in-troduced. This approach is supported by a tool, namely IDEALXML, that... more
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    •   5  
      Interaction DesignUser InterfaceUser Interface DesignModel Based Design
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    •   9  
      User InterfaceMulti Agent SystemGraph TransformationUser Interface Adaptation
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    •   6  
      Virtual WorldsHCILevel Of Detail (LOD)System Architecture
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    •   8  
      Software EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceUser InterfaceHeterogeneity
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    •   10  
      EngineeringSoftware EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentUser Interface
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      User InterfaceUser Interface AdaptationUser profileIntelligent User Interfaces
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    • Human Computer Interaction