Martin Ebner
Research Gate Profil: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Martin_Ebner2
Adjunct Prof. (Priv.-Doz. Dr.) in Media Informatics (Bildungsinformatik)
Adjunct Prof. (Priv.-Doz. Dr.) in Media Informatics (Bildungsinformatik)
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Papers by Martin Ebner
experimental group, which studied with the mathematics trainers. The other class was set as the control group. This class operated with traditional exercise sheets. A pre‐test and post‐test control‐group study indicated that the use of mathematics trainers does not decrease learning outcomes, but it points out other benefits during the whole learning arrangement. These advantages include error analysis, time saving in comparing the homework and enjoying the work with the trainers.
In recent years, the use of technology has become increasingly integrated into classroom settings. By utilizing new innovations, students can be provided with a deeper learning experience.
Digital Tools for Seamless Learning is a pivotal reference source for the latest scholarly material on the implementation of technology in modern classrooms and provides a thorough overview of how such applications assist in the learning process. Highlighting pedagogical approaches, theoretical foundations, and curriculum development strategies, this book is ideally designed for teachers, researchers, professionals, upper-level students, and practitioners actively involved in the education field.
Eine Reihe von Fragen werden dem Arbeitspapier vorangestellt, so u.a. nach Beispielen für Lehr- und Lernformate an Hochschulen die eine Vorreiterrolle einnehmen oder nach Angeboten zur Kompetenzentwicklung an Hochschulen
Dieser Band versammelt die Beiträge der Jahrestagung 2016 unter dem Titel „Digitale Medien: Zusammenarbeit in der Bildung“. Zentrales Thema sind dabei die Schnittstellen zwischen Institutionen, Lernenden, Lehrenden, wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und Technologien, wobei insbesondere technologiegestützte Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit in der Gestaltung von Bildungsangeboten betrachtet werden.
Mit Beiträgen von Ralf Appelt, Matthias Andrasch, Silvana Aureli, Dominik Bartel, Gerhard Brandhofer, Henrike Boy, Guido Brombach, Martin Ebner, Gerald Geier, Steffen Griesinger, Tobias Hübner, Julia Kleeberger, Gregor Lütolf, Victoria Mader, Kurt Meister, Werner Moser, Kristin Narr, Zwetana Penova, Markus Peißl, Hans-Bodo Pohla, Ingrid Reip, Eike Rösch, Bettina Scheurer, Martin Schön, Sandra Schön, Björn Schreiber, Christine Schwarz, Daniel Seitz, Friederike Siller, Markus Sindermann, Michael Spitzer, Michael Tillmann, Karin Winkel, Mathias Wunderlich, Isabel Zorn und Yvonne Zylka.
JRIT&L invites high-quality submissions based on a variety of research topics focusing on transformative innovations and emerging trends in education.
The first issue will be published this March. Submissions for the 2nd issue to be published in September of 2017 are accepted until April 15, 2017 via our website at http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/services/publishing/jrit/index.htm. Look for the news on special issues.
Please consider to send us a scientific contribution on 28th April 2014 at latest