Via Jacky.
This is a fun concept! Almost like live blogging as a team, MST3K but for feeds instead of movies.
I feel like something like this unintentionally happens when I’m with a group of people in person but we’re all on our computers, and as we’re chatting about something, all independently pull up the wikipedia page on the subject we’re talking about and start quoting our favorite bits.
3 replies on “Co-browsing”
Replied to The Memex Method – Cory Doctorow – Medium by Cory Doctorow (Medium)
I much prefer following people to publications, and curating for myself what’s interesting out of what those people have curated for themselves. There’s a good bit of noise, but there’s also a lot of serendipity — neat things I would never have encountered on my own, that I wouldn’t have thought to investigate.
While news publications focus on appearing neutral, people (bloggers and newsletterers) have opinions and share context often missing from news articles. I *want* others’ opinions, especially from people who are better informed than I am. I’m interested in news and information as it relates to people, not as discrete incidents. I care more about the trends and the roots of an event, which are all too often left out of the news. Individuals are publishing from a rich, deep, broad perspective in a way publications cannot have, the same way corporations and brands are not people (no matter how they exploit their social media managers).
See also:
Article pairing: stop reading the news
Overlapping Communities, “Curated” Discovery between Real People
Finding Personal Websites
Algorithmic recommendations create “curiosity ruts”
(More from the same Doctorow piece.)
Active processing tools: worksheets, notebooks, index cards, writing in different formats
Escape the feed and decide what to intake. Prompt yourself with new and different material.
Forms of curation
looking for recommendations from people I know or follow
browsing curated lists
considering what would be useful to learn now
choosing what to intake and ordering material
going deeper into a subject
investigating primary documents
deciding what to ignore
creating clusters to consume in tandem
Forms of exploration
explicitly trying new music, new artists, and new authors
looking at visual arts in books or online image databases (seeking inspiration beyond social media)
browsing, accepting serendipity
following curiosity paths
thinking about what sounds fun or exciting now
exploring online with friends
Build new routines or systems with intentional time to read, watch, and listen to what you’ve chosen.
Forms of intake
reading articles
reading books
looking up new words and concepts
listening to music
listening to podcasts
watching videos
Give yourself time and space to think about what you’ve consumed. Translate what you’ve learned into a useful or memorable format.
Forms of Passive processing
Allowing space to think about what I’ve taken in recently and soak in the vibes by not occupying my mind with some other form of intake while:
lounging around
Forms of Active processing
Considering what I’ve taken in through active engagement with it:
creating notes
organizing info in excel
brainstorming / braindumping / making lists
exercises / worksheets
talking ideas through with friends
Forms of review
looking back at notes to reinforce them
telling friends about what I’ve read
writing book reviews
noticing what caught my attention or surprised me
foraging for insights
Integration and Transformation
Find synergies, make connections, and document incremental changes in your thinking. Create new works informed or inspired by what you consumed.
Forms of synthesis
adding cross-references between past notes and ideas
identifying connections between ideas and extrapolating further
applying ideas to my current projects
applying thoughts and lessons to my Big Questions
Forms of Creation
crafting a longer, more comprehensive blog post in response to things I’ve recently learned and thoughts I’ve had, adding analysis and enriching with depth, turning synthesis into something sharable and additive
writing prose (fiction or non-fiction)
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