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Very good game all around. Got a little frustrated at times but that's my fault entirely.

i love the character, xD the card mechanic took me a second especially when 2 were introduced but i got it, i think if you continue, maybe a little more help in if there was more then one card how to place them in the spots, also on how to exit the card menu, i hit f again but only out of "frustration" in trying to see how. really fun game though!

there is a lot of mechanic showcase with the cards, its a fun way to give a puzzle layer to to action platform,  very well implemented and the assets look great

thank you so much!

Amazing submission! Really liked the approach to transmuting by cards and the little puzzle side of trying to think the order to use them.
I agree that the only downside is that is a bit cumbersome to equip cards, but once you get accustomed to it it's not that big of a deal.

If you have the time I'd really appreciate if you give a try to my submission to the Jam! https://morrigames.itch.io/nature-dash

All the best!

thank you for the feedback! i'll check out your game sure thanks for playing

The gravity and mechanics felt good and were well-balanced. I did not find the game hard, but it was a little too time-consuming to equip a card every time I needed to use a skill, especially since the card on the left overlaps the last card I've used and I cannot use it again, only if I restart the level. The animations were amazing to see. Loved to see the little guy falling while holding a block, very beautiful! The level design has a great difficulty progression as well! Great itch.io store customizations :D

Congratulations on participating in the Jam!

If you have time, check out our submission to this jam! We would love to know your impressions: https://mechtomato.itch.io/azar

thank you so much for the feedback! i'll check out your game too. congrats to you for participating as well!

This game is awesome! Great job

The greatest game since ET on the Atari