local man would rather call on the power of the moon to enter berserker mode than go to couples therapy
bonus, he's back like a day later, they just had to be dramatic about it:
@oblivionaddict / oblivionaddict.tumblr.com
local man would rather call on the power of the moon to enter berserker mode than go to couples therapy
bonus, he's back like a day later, they just had to be dramatic about it:
You're doing great, sweetie. Keep it up.
Death will not free you of your duties, Jason Grace
Reblog and put in the tags how often you “clean” your tumblr account, deleting old posts.
Tumblr actually has an auto clean function! Where the search function immediately forgets tags and posts making them un-findable
So Sora’s Heart Station in 3 is the same as it has been in KH 1 and KH 2. (Minus the stained glass walls to support it, which is strange)
Yet, in DDD, its different
The color scheme is slightly off. The design of the island is different.
The DDD Heart Station is actually based on Sora’s from BBS!
The horizon on the classic station seems to be from the perspective of the play island
But the horizon on the BBS/DDD stations is actually from the main island
Sora and Riku used to watch the stars from the main island shore when they were little
You can also see the other (non-curved) paupo fruits on the main island (look behind Sora)
Also the black crowns could be connected to Oblivion, which symbolizes Riku
Another thing to note is how similar Sora and Riku being in the Dark Margin is to this practice they had as kids
They would look at the night sky together as kids and decided to do the same at the end of 2.
This routine they had as kids connected them to the Island, their home, but most importantly to each other. In a way they were content to stay on the Dark Margin, because they had decided to make it their new home (“We’ll be the darkness”)
If the Dark Margin is their new home, it would be like a “new land” for them
“In you and I, there’s a new land
My sanctuary, my sancturary…
Where fears and lies, melt away”
Connecting the routine they had as kids, the Dark Margin scene, and Sancturary’s lyrics all together, it would seem not only did Sora and Riku find a new home in the RoD, but in each other
This whole discussion also made me reconsider the KH 3 DttH scene
We know this is a call back to the opening of KH 1 and it’s been said how the light in this scene is Riku (again referring to the Sleeping Realm theory). However, I now think there is another connection to Riku in this scene
Before Sora notices the light and the waves submerge him, he looks up and notices a nighttime sky filled with stars.
The Underwold Saga. Parte 3
Tiresias: "Sisi, te va a pasar tragedia tras otra, pero mira que bonito vals me sé." ✨
Saix with a goofy smile requested by @officialtokyosan
You know i had to
I love that Luke’s introduction to DND But Everyone Has Ammesia Again was essentially:
You wake up -FULLY CLOTHED- in a bed with three other -CLOTHED- people that you don’t know -THEY ARE ALL FULLY COVERED IN CLOTHES-. you don’t remember anything, -BUT YOU DO KNOW THAT YOUR CLOTHES STAYED ON FOR ALL OF IT- you’re also covered in blood -AND CLOTHES-. You are fully clothed.
trans solidarity!!!
Isa is back to stop Lea from crying ♥
Larxene, walking into the Grey Area where Saïx, Marluxia, and Demyx are: So, you three have penises right?
Saïx: I can’t speak for these two but yes.
Marluxia: Why?
Larxene: Y’all just...walk around? With your penis in one leg of your pants? How do you choose? Does it get uncomfortable? Can you switch penis sleeves in public?
silly muscle men posing by the sea salt trio 💪🏼