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224 * Tank

@officialtokyosan / officialtokyosan.tumblr.com

I'm Tokyo-san, T-san for short. 25 years old
And I'm really into: Metal Gear, Type-Moon, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil, Ace Combat, Mortal Kombat, WipEout, Thunderbolt Fantasy, and anime. This blog is not spoiler free.
DO NOT repost my art.

cop donut stereotype is bad because being fat and eating many donuts : hot. but police officers: not hot. the humble donut, one of the most sexual foods, the reliable donut. we should take this practice and give it to a different more sexy profession, such as electrician, or professor of linguistics


anyone remember what these things are called like little cartoony expressive doohickies i think they have a real name but i can’t remember

im not fucking crazy.

if i have one more person say sparkles on this post im gonna blow i swear to god

They're squeans I'm pretty sure! If they pop like that anyway. But the term for this kind of "symbol to refer to the general vibe of something in art" is called "Emanata" because it emanates from a person or object.


i tried to make a venn diagram but my migraine is ironically too bad for me to have the brain power to take the time to fix the proportions and then i locked one of the text layers and got pissed off and gave up. but i kind of like it all fucked up like this


An entity found alone in the Far Plane. The entity seems to do nothing in its environment except exist. Its relationship with the plant-like organisms that grow around it is currently unknown.


if i were a white dude i would dress like sniper literally every day

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