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Optimus Primal (BW)

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The name or term "Optimus Primal" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Optimus Primal (disambiguation).
Optimus Primal is a Maximal from the Beast Era portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Next one of you says "trukk not munky" gets it in the FACE.

Young and untested, Optimus Primal was a mere captain of an exploration ship when he and his crew were diverted off-course to pursue a stolen Predacon ship under the leadership of some crook named Megatron. The rest, they say, is (literally) history.

Though he does have a penchant for stuffy speeches, Optimus Primal is much more down-to-Cybertron than his legendary namesake. He is committed to the Maximal codes of honor and moral judgment, but he does view them with some irreverence, and is not above finding loopholes or administering unorthodox solutions if necessary. ("Sometimes, crazy works", he says.) He is eternally loyal to his friends and respectful to his enemies. He is brave and selfless in battle. However, he is so committed to helping others that he can withdraw into a deep depression when he feels he has let them down. This is the only time he is self-absorbed.

Optimus Primal is extraordinary for not only being able to distinguish himself, despite living in the shadow of Optimus Prime, but he may even have surpassed the greatest of the Autobots, seeing as he saved the life of his namesake and ushered in a new technorganic Cybertron. It is possible Optimus Primal is the greatest Cybertronian hero who has ever lived.

Oh well, come on, let's have it. The usual destiny and honor speech.Megatron
Speech this!Optimus, as he punches Megatron in the face, "Nemesis Part 2"



Toy bios

Tigatron was appointed by Primal to be reconnaissance for the northern polar sector. Tigatron He also tried to lighten up Bonecrusher's violent demeanor, if only to keep the poor guy from overheating. Bonecrusher Optimus Primal was "changed into a mighty, metal gorilla by the planetary destruction device," and "has a built-in, rocket-powered hoverboard that lets him hang ten on the air-waves of the Beast Wars world!" Transmetal Optimus Primal toy bio

Optimus Primal's transformation into Optimal Optimus was due to exposure to a "nebulous entity". Optimal Optimus toy bio He considered Bantor his first choice for recon or demolition missions. Bantor

Wave 1

The pack-in fiction of the first wave of Beast Wars toys predates the development of the Beast Wars cartoon and its backstory. Instead, it presents the setting as a direct continuation of the previous Autobot/Decepticon conflict, with Optimus Primal and Megatron cast as new forms for their Generation 1 counterparts and their battles taking place on present day human-inhabited Earth rather than in the distant past. Once the cartoon launched the toyline adjusted itself to match, relegating this to a micro-continuity separate from the rest of Beast Era fiction.

Beast Wars cartoon continuity

King Kong took a weird turn.

Optimus Primal was a minor Maximal officer of little note who commanded the Axalon. When he received an alert about a fugitive Predacon ship, the Darksyde, he had the Axalon pursue it through a transwarp portal, eventually ending up on a primitive planet. There, he and his Maximal crew scanned beast modes and battled Megatron's criminal band of Predacons in what the Maximal dubbed the "Beast Wars". The two forces soon became embroiled in an "experiment" by the mysterious Vok, and Primal gave his life to stop the destruction of the Maximals by the aliens' Planet Buster. The planet was revealed to be Earth in the past, putting the conflict in a vital context. Optimus Primal was soon reborn in a Transmetal body and was later granted a more powerful body after taking Optimus Prime's spark into his body to foil Megatron's plans to change history. Despite his nemesis's numerous machinations, the Predacons were defeated and Megatron brought back to Cybertron.

However, Megatron prematurely freed himself, and he arrived at Cybertron before the Maximals. When they arrived, they found the planet to be desolate and conquered by Megatron. They soon met the Oracle, who reformatted the Maximals into technorganic forms and entrusted Optimus Primal with the task of defeating Megatron and bringing about an evolution of the planet and the species into the technorganic. Despite some missteps, Optimus Primal was able to free Cybertron from Megatron's reign and bring about a new age for Cybertron, albeit with the cost of his life.

When Unicron instigated the Universe War with his abductions of Transformers from across the multiverse, Primus resurrected Optimus Primal to act as the leader of the Children of Primus. Well into the war efforts, Unicron disappeared and Optimus Primal's fate was left unknown.

A different quantum branch of this Optimus Primal became one of the Alternity's dimension-hopping agents and met with the ancient Transformer Vector Prime.

In a divergent timeline, Optimus Primal, a possessor of an Energon Matrix, joined forces with various Autobot and Maximal leaders, such as the legendary Optimus Prime himself, the Optimus Prime of a different universal cluster, Lio Convoy, and Star Saber.

Beast Wars II toy catalog

"And what's that, Lio Convoy? Your toy is now out in all major retailers and buying it will make children be seen as cool by their peers? Boy, who wouldn't want to buy your toy?"

On Cybertron, Optimus Primal observed a warrior named Lio Convoy advance through the ranks of the Maximal Space Patrol. Respecting him for his strength and courage (though feeling he was a bit too straightforward), Primal dynamically named him as his successor. Shaking hands, Lio Convoy swore not to let Primal down. The next stage of battle advances to the Second War... Beast Wars, Transform!

Bom Bom manga continuity

Beast Wars II manga

Many years ago, before Lio Convoy became "Lio Convoy", Optimus Primal was a sitting member of the Convoy Council and personally awarded him his Energon Matrix and Convoy rank.

Years following that, during a battle with Galvatron on planet Gaia, Lio Convoy's Energon Matrix was damaged by his foe and corrupted with Angolmois Energy. The chaotic energy caused Lio Convoy to grow to enormous size and go berserk. To stop him from destroying everyone and everything, Apache and Scuba used an ancient Gaian computer to summon Optimus Primal across time and space.

Primal observed the danger and immediately recognized the problem. Stretching out his glowing hand, Primal pressed his palm against Lio Convoy's Energon Matrix, repairing it. This act disspelled the Angolmois Energy's corruption, returning Lio Convoy to normal size and sanity. The deed done, Primal faded away, returning to wherever he had come from. Free the Captured Matrix!

Before Lio Convoy and his team set out to the artificial planet Nemesis, Optimus Primal showed up in the Maximals' base on Gaia via holographic communication. He warned Lio Convoy would die due to overexposure to the Angolmois Energy if he went to the planet. All Hands, Make a Special Attack on the Evil Planet!

Beast Wars Metals manga

It's on like a reanimated cyborg Donkey Kong!

Following the Quantum surge, Primal was left dead. Within Transwarp space, he found himself being dragged into the afterlife by a horde of monsters. Suddenly, Rhinox arrived and attempted to return him to life. Primal at first refused, saying he wished to move on. Rhinox then smacked some sense into him, reminding him of his duty to his Maximals. Brought back to his senses, Primal left Transwarp space, his spark being blasted from a laser cannon of Rhinox's design.

Over at the Predacon base, Hindenburg, Megatron had recovered Primal's sparkless, rampaging body and imprisoned it in shackles. Using a voodoo ceremony of Tarantulas's design, Megatron intended to turn Primal's body into a Predacon slave. Before he could apply his mutant blood and finish the ceremony, Primal's spark reunited with his body and upgraded into a Transmetal.

None too pleased, Primal proceeded to make short work of Tarantulas, Terrorsaur and Megatron's army of drones. He then defeated Megatron and escaped Hindenburg, rescuing an injured Airazor in the process. Beast Wars Metals #1

Later, while investigating the remains of the Axalon, Primal was attacked by Rampage. Primal had his robot head bitten off in the attack and lost both his arms (it was brutal). Ultimately, using undersea volcanos and his own hoverboard, Primal launched Rampage into space, trapping him in orbit. Beast Wars Metals #2

When Jaguar attacked a anthropoid village and killed Dinobot, Primal journeyed there to avenge his friend. Their battle raged into a cave, where Jaguar blew a hole through Primal's torso. Primal managed to tear Jaguar's arms off and then shoot him before letting the villain stumble into a pit. Dinobot was avenged. Beast Wars Metals #3

Optimus Primal once again arrived too late to save a friend, as Tigatron, mind-controlled by Tarantulas, killed Airazor. Primal proceeded to stomp the spider to death and tear his body into a thousand pieces. He was much more courteous to Blackarachnia, however, having seen her attempt to help Airazor, and let her leave in peace.Beast Wars Metals #4

When Optimus learned that Megatron had discovered the Ark, he raced to get there in time, only to be besieged by zombie Predacons. With Tigatron's help, he made it through them, but ONCE AGAIN arrived too late, as Megatron (now merged with the spark of his namesake) blasted Optimus Prime to bits. Beast Wars Metals #5

To save Prime's spark, Optimus Primal ate it and became Optimal Optimus. In their final confrontation, Optimus ripped Megatron's spark out of his body and crushed it, killing his foe. After all was said and done, Primal lamented that repairing Optimus Prime and restoring the time stream would be a tall order. Beast Wars Metals #6

Universe CD-ROM

"Pardon me, just passing through."

On some alternate Cybertron, that universe's Optimus Primal was leading the Autobots Snarl, Silverbolt, and Striker against Reptillion, Obsidian, Tankor, Razorclaw, and Blackarachnia in the most intense day of fighting that year. Just as the combatants were really starting to beat the slag out of each other, they were interrupted by a mysterious spaceship that swooped down, sucked the Decepticons up on beams of light, and flew away. Primal and his troops were left dumbfounded, unaware that the ship had been a tool of Unicron in his quest to build an army for a grand war. Universe CD-ROM

Fire in the Dark continuity

When human archaeologists uncovered a cave filled with primitive language, Mini-Con Laserbeak translated it for them. The markings told of a time when the Maximals and Predacons crash-landed on prehistoric Earth, though the stranded Transformers were seen by the Natiltec tribe as gods. One of the pictographs depicted one of these "gods" in the form of a gorilla. Fire in the Dark

In Aurex 1104.30-JH Zeta, Megatron's Predacons fought Optimus Primal's Maximals in the war for the Mini-Cons, which the Maximals emerged victorious, though Optimus did have to sacrifice his life to thwart the rogue Tarantulas's scheme to gather a cache of Super Energon. Since Vector Prime recounted Optimus as leading the charge that ended the war, he apparently got better. Ask Vector Prime

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

He's looking into your other browser tabs RIGHT NOW.

When Serpent O.R. plugged himself into Soundwave's deactivated head to download information on the history of Cybertron, he skimmed past some facts on Optimus Primal. The Art of War #1

Q-Robo Transformer

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Q-Robo Transformer

Mini Mayhem!

In a celebration of the Transformers brand, Optimus Primal showed up as a representative for the "Beast Wars" era of the franchise. Mini Mayhem!


During the United battle, Optimus Primal entered into battle against the new threat of Ark Unicron. During the fight, Primal's ship, the Axalon, mysteriously gained a spark and became a Transformer. The Axalon was then the Autobot's greatest hope of defeating Unicron. United Axalon bio

Beast Wars: Uprising

On a Cybertron where the Autobots and Decepticons had grown too decrepit to carry on the Great War, they constructed proxy armies in the form of the Maximals and Predacons. Increasingly questioning the orders of her Autobot masters, the breaking point with Blackarachnia came with the death of her colleagues Silverbolt and Rhinox. She conspired with Nightscream and together they killed their commander, Optimus Primal, who refused to turn against the Autobots. "TransTech" Blackarachnia's profile in Club magazine #25

Legends World

Optimus Primal was the president of Axalon Trading Company, and took new employee Rattrap drinking after his first workday. As Rattrap was explaining Beast Wars to him, Primal assumed by his mention of CGI-animated transforming robots that he meant the recent Transformers movies. The Generation Gap Primal believed that your robot mode was your "serious adult" mode and that you should use it while working, and was annoyed that Rattrap remained in beast mode throughout the day and transformed to have fun afterwards. The Transformation Gap During a meeting with Lio Convoy from another company, Primal had Airazor serve their guest tea. The Gender Gap Part 2 He later found Rattrap, Rhinox and Silverbolt with their stomachs growling, and wondered what they'd been up to. TF4 Toy Party

While visiting Tokyo Toy Show 2014 with his son, Optimus Minor, Primal was shocked to run into some of his own employees and reprimanded them for caring about toys at their age. During the event, he talked to Minor about Animated characters and helped him transform an Optimus Prime toy he'd won. Tokyo Toy Show 2014 Report Later at work, he was exasperated by Cheetor enthusiastically refusing to work overtime. The Bathroom Gap While heading out one day, he told his employees not to touch his bananas, but turned back when he realized he'd forgotten to bring some with him. He returned to find that the others had immediately started eating all his bananas in a great big banana-themed party, and was not pleased. Even Though I Told You Not To... He also had his hands full with Cheetor, who at different points was so tired at work he forgot how to transform, Head of Partying, Cheetor asked Primal to cover his travel expenses after he'd fallen asleep on the train, Cheetor at Night and claimed to have overslept even when he arrived late fully energetic and refreshed. Cheetor in the Morning

As punishment for the banana incident, Primal assigned Dinobot to be Rattrap's trainer, ignoring the rat's protests that his new trainer clearly wanted to eat him. When Rattrap managed to work even while stuck in Dinobot's mouth, Primal commented that the two worked well together after all. The Two's Recent Encounter Rattrap later arrived at worked in the body of a real Transformer, to which Primal responded by having him go see Doctor Bump, who explained that the cause was Rattrap's obsession with Transformers. Primal ordered his employee to get rid of his toy collection, but was ignored. Bonus Edition Vol. 1 Not long afterwards, the same thing happened to Optimus Primal himself! His initial worries about what his son would think proved unfounded when Minor was overjoyed to have a cool Transformer as a dad, but things still ended badly when his suspicious appearance caught the interest of the police. His accidentally deployed a bunch of hidden weapons while trying to explain himself, worsening the situation until Rattrap showed up and transformed him back into gorilla mode. Seeing Bump again, Primal was told that the transformation had been caused by his overeating of bananas, but like Rattrap, he refused to change his lifestyle. Bonus Edition Vol. 2

Optimus Primal's body was later transformed again, this time becoming flat as a pancake. LG03 Tankor Prologue His boss's cool new robot mode was a source of jealousy for Rhinox until he too was transformed, becoming Tankor. Primal watched an ensuing battle between Rattrap and Tankor with confusion. Bonus Edition Vol. 3 He'd reverted to his old form again in time for Christmas, during which he went for a walk with Minor. Merry X'mas!! He later bore witness to Tankor's final defeat at the hands of Jetfire, after which he too reverted into Rhinox. Bonus Edition Vol. 7 The large statures of Primal and the others at Axalon Co. bothered Rattrap, who regretted his small size. Bonus Edition Vol. 8 Primal was a bit bothered when Arcee showed up at Axalon to cook lunch for the employees on company time, Bonus Edition Vol. 10 and later watched in bewilderment when Windblade attempted to destroy their universe. Bonus Edition Vol. 12

During a partnership between Axalon Trading Company and the rivaling Tera-Kura Co., President Primal and Rattrap were invited by President Megatron to a Q-Transformers event. He enjoyed himself trying out food and drinks, but didn't really understand why Rattrap wanted Beast Wars Q-Transformers so badly. Deckss × Q-Transformers Primal was visiting Tokyo Toy Show 2015 with Minor when Black Convoy showed up and kidnapped his son! Fortunately Sky-Byte was around to get him back. Bonus Edition Vol. EX As the battle with Windblade had led to the destruction of Axalon's offices under Metroplex's girth, Primal declared Metroplex's city mode to be their new office building. The Mysterious Knowledgeable Grandpa Chapter At one point, Rattrap and Tigatron arrived late for work and tried to explain to an angry Primal that they'd been trapped in a dream, but of course he didn't believe it. Go! Adventure

When all the heroic warriors of the Legends World got together to protect their world from Slipstream, Optimus Primal joined in by turning into his Transformer form again. Bonus Edition Vol. 16 He and Rattrap were later approached by the Autobot Fortress, who asked for their help in using the Legends World's energies to build transtectors for him and his troops. Primal responded that business is business and they needed compensation, so Fortress offered his company access to Autobot technology, which led to a full-blown Autobot Axalon Trading Company partnership. Bonus Edition Vol. 21 He later wondered what was up when Fortress was being chewed out by his brother Grand. LG24 Shockwave & Cancer Prologue Annoyed by the volume of one of his new employees, Blaster, Primal kicked him out of the room and told him to get back to work. Bonus Edition Vol. 27 He and Rhinox were later given Master-Brace blueprints by Rewind, allowing their company to produce some. Bonus Edition Vol. 28 After selling Metroplex to Tera-Kura in order to fund their new HQ, Maximus, Primal lamented the sacrifice they'd been forced to make. Bonus Edition Vol. 31

Optimus Primal yelled at Chromedome for flying around the office on Moguru. Bonus Edition Vol. 32 Then his Transformers sickness kicked in again and he was turned into an orange robotic ape. His new appearance caught the attention of Nightscream, who hired him to play Ape X Arms in his new film, Transformers: Convobat Amazon Showdown. He ended up having to combine with Megatron twice, first as part of a scene and again to subdue the rampaging transtector meant to represent Convobat's. Bonus Edition Vol. EX Primal was later among the passengers on Astrotrain's commuter train, Bonus Edition Vol. 40 was around when Dark Ai came to Axalon looking for help, Bonus Edition Vol. EX and got eaten whole by Trypticon. Bonus Edition Vol. 43 He then watched his house be destroyed during Blowpipe's plasma energy rampage. Bonus Edition Vol. 49 Primal was given Beastformer armor by White Leo when he tried to recruit the Legends natives into his army, Bonus Edition Vol. 51 and was present at Axalon when Goldbug came knocking. Bonus Edition Vol. 54

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Prime had speculated that the Dark Spark might have been the essence of a Megatron from an alternate timeline where Optimus Primal and his Maximals failed to stop his plot to absorb all of the sparks on Cybertron, among other explanations. Ask Vector Prime

Prime Wars Trilogy continuity

Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material

POTP vote Optimus Primal.jpg
True strength is having the courage to trust that sometimes crazy works.

Optimus Primal was a potential bearer of the Matrix of Leadership. As a force for chaos, this King of Eukaris planned to herald a new age of beasts, even if it produced a Cybertron where only the strong would survive. Power of the Primes fan poll Primal was deemed worthy, and granted the power of the Matrix, as well as the Throne of the Primes, the Halo of Primus, and the Scepter of Sparks. Throne of the Primes toy bio

Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons

Voice actor: Ron Perlman (English)

Optimus Primal was the latest in a long line of noble Cybertronians tasked by the gods with guarding the Requiem Blaster. For as long as he could remember, he was sealed with it inside a dome in Primal Swamp to watch over it. This continued until Megatron eventually found and entered the vault, hoping to retrieve the Blaster in order to keep it out of Megatronus's clutches. Primal appeared before him and fought to defend the Blaster, but Megatron told him that Cybertron was facing extinction and that he was prepared to give his life to save the planet. Sensing the truth in his words, Primal relinquished the Blaster to Megatron, who left the vault with it. As the former Decepticon and his team discussed their next move, Primal followed him outside and properly introduced himself, suggesting they head for the Athenaeum Sanctorum. Primal

The group traveled to Cataclysm Tundra, where they unearthed the Sanctorum's hidden entrance. Finding a data terminal inside, they learned of Primal's origins as an agent of the gods, but were interrupted when Overlord and Rodimus Cron attacked. Athenaeum Sanctorum In the ensuing fight, Rodimus briefly trapped him beneath some rubble. When he emerged, he saw the Requiem Blaster left unguarded and attempted to flee with it. When Windblade called him out, he claimed that letting the Blaster out of Primal Swamp was a mistake, but accusations of cowardice by Windblade promted a change of heart. Instead of leaving, Primal moved himself into the shadows on the higher levels of the Sanctorum before tossing the Blaster to Megatron so he could finish Overlord. Countdown In the aftermath, Primal thanked Windblade for stopping him from running. As Megatronus appeared to take the Blaster, Primal attempted to defend it, but proved no match. Following Megatronus's escape, Primal sided himself with the others in support of Megatron as they marched toward the Well of Sparks to finish things. Consequences

"Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing, and before there was nothing, there were monsters."

Noting the peculiarity of the Labyrinth of Tunnels, he mused to himself about how much of Cybertron and the surrounding universe he had yet to discover due to his isolation. Though his spark was weakened by Megatronus's doomsday device, Primal and the others forced their way into the Well. After saving Windblade from a potentially lethal blast, he and Grimlock worked to restrain Megatronus. However, Megatronus proved too powerful and severely burned Primal and the others. Collision Course The flames surrounding him died down while Megatronus fought Rodimus, now completely possessed by Unicron, and Primal resumed attacking Megatronus's device. Despite interference from Megatronus, Primal did his best to pull the Matrix free from the device. He eventually succeeded and began interfacing with the Matrix unexpectedly, creating a protective shield around him. When Perceptor revealed the Matrix had chosen him, he placed the relic into his chest and was transformed into a new form. Dubbed Optimal Optimus by the Matrix and proclaimed as the protector of all sentient beings, he began to battle Unicron, now seemingly a match for him. Megatronus Unleashed Optimal eventually overtook his foe and managed to remove the Matrix of Conquest from his chest, restoring him back to his former self as Hot Rod. When Unicron attempted to use the Matrix to take control of Megatron, Optimal agreed to use the Requiem Blaster to destroy them both, hailing Megatron as a true hero. In the aftermath, thanks to the Matrix's choice of him as the new Prime, Optimal was named the leader of Cybertron. Though Optimal was unsure if he was worthy of the role, the newly revived Optimus Prime taught him the ways of Cybertron and promised to support him as Optimal declared he would lead Cybertron into a new age of prosperity. Saga's End

2005 IDW continuity

And you thought Beast Machines took him to dark places.

Twelve million years ago, Optimus Primal was a Maximal under the command of Liege Maximo. Endless Forever When Megatronus and his Darklander army conquered the Forgotten Plains, Maximo and his army were forced into exile, and eventually came into the employ of "Onyx Prime" in reality, an alias assumed by a time-travelling Shockwave. Origin Myths As part of his grand plan to engineer Cybertronian history, "Onyx" took control of Liege Maximo's forces and incorporated them into his "Menagerie" of bestial warriors, Endless Forever and Optimus was one of the warriors who accompanied his new master to the Crystal City. There, they joined forces with Alpha Trion's council to battle the Darklanders. Origin Myths


Two million years later—after the ascension of the Thirteen and the subsequent First Cybertronian Civil War that saw their alliance undone—Primal was now a member of Onyx Prime's innermost retinue, and joined the Prime when he left Cybertron aboard the Titan Nemesis to advance his plans. Unstopped and Unstoppable The Maximals made camp on Antilla, a planet that the Cybertronians had once attempted to colonize years before, now the site of a weapon that Onyx dubbed the "Talisman." Our Finest After many millions of years, Onyx sent the Talisman away aboard the starship Axalon, Strange Visitors with Primal and the other Maximals remaining on Antilla. At some point afterwards, the Matriarch of Incaendium, Praesidia, and Magrada traveled there to investigate a Cybertronian signal, and Primal was one of the Maximals who watched as Onyx slew Magrada. Surfeit of Primes Some time later, Primal was among the Maximals who travelled to Caminus, the Cybertronian colony from whence the intruders had came, and clashed with the Torchbearers over a supply of Ore-4. Ghost Stories

In the modern day, Primal and the other Maximals travelled to Cybertron with Onyx and Liege Maximo as Shockwave put the final stages of his plan into play; as Cybertron collapsed into chaos thanks to his machinations, Primal joined Liege Maximo to attack the crew of the fallen Metrotitan. Primal was nearly impaled by Arcee's sword before Maximo caught the blade, allowing Primal and Beast Megatron to restrain the Autobot. Endless Forever Though Shockwave and Liege Maximo were both defeated—fatally, in the case of the latter—Primal and the other Maximals fled Cybertron aboard the Nemesis Unforgivable to rendezvous with Shockwave's ultimate weapon: Unicron. Unstopped and Unstoppable

The first Maximal auditions for the live-action movies left something to be desired.

Shockwave believed that the Maximals had done so at his behest, helping Unicron devour each colony world before destroying Cybertron, at which point the Talisman would kill Unicron and allow the Transformers to establish a new Transformer empire on Earth. He was unaware of their true intentions; despite pledging fealty to Shockwave, the manipulative ex-Decepticon had shattered their faith as well, and their decision to truly join forces with Unicron was an act of revenge, aiming to bring down the entire galaxy in defiance of Shockwave's carefully-curated plan. Ceremony

Okay, that's better...

After meeting up with Unicron as the planet-eater consumed Devisiun, Unstopped and Unstoppable the Maximal swarm traveled with him to Caminus and attacked the surface, allowing Unicron to consume them as he devoured Caminus. Last Stand This was not the end of the Maximals, however; as Unicron had already consumed Eukaris and its supplies of Ore-11, the Maximals were exposed to the mutagenic ore in Unicron's systems. It was in this state that Unicron regurgitated them to deal with the Decepticon Vengeance Division, and thanks to the powers of Ore-11 Primal and the other Maximals were able to manifest a monstrous new robot mode. D.V.D. commander Bludgeon, already a Unicron loyalist, had double-crossed the fleet under his command, and allowed the Maximals to board the Worldsweeper flagship so as to pass on their mutation to the Decepticons sent to impede Unicron's progress. Stranger Eons

Concealing his new form beneath his old bestial guise, Primal and several other Maximals made their way to Earth in advance of Unicron's arrival and landed in Toronto as Shockwave teleported in. With Cybertron gone, Shockwave believed that his plan had worked, and that Unicron had perished in the act; at his command, Primal, Beast Megatron, and Rhinox began razing the city to make way for the birth of Shockwave's new Cybertronian empire. Road's End As the Maximals wreaked havoc, Beast Megatron was attacked and crippled by G.I. Joe, bringing Primal and Rhinox running. Primal found himself facing off against Stardrive and the Red Shadows in combat, being able to hold his own despite their Dire Wraith powers. Assembly Though he was able to keep Stardrive at bay, Primal was dogpiled by the ninjas and tag-teamed by Storm Shadow and Snake-Eyes, their combined attacks slicing him to bits. Ceremony

War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material


The Maximals traveled across time to find the AllSpark and change the fate of Cybertron. While battling the Predacons on pre-Ice Age Earth, both sides were joined by the Autobots and Decepticons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies forever.

Optimus Primal's function was leader of the Maximals, and he trans-scanned into a gorilla. His gorilla beast strength and scimitar mastery were his powers and weapons, and his core traits were his honor, commission, and loyalty. Optimus Primal's message from the future was that someone from the past has the power to reshape his future. Kingdom webpage[1]

In a possible destiny recorded on the Voyager Golden Disk, Optimus Primal bore witness to Autobot leader Optimus Prime leading Cybertron to a new golden age. Kingdom Golden Disk cards

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

Voice actor: Justin Pierce (English), Takehito Koyasu (Japanese), Bernd-Siegfried Egger (German), Frantz Confiac (French), Alexandre Maguolo (Portuguese), Luis Bajo (Castilian Spanish), Dan Osorio (Latin-American Spanish), Anil Datt (Hindi), Stefano Alessandroni (Italian)
Gorilla Greetings!

Optimus Primal was a Maximal born out of an uninhabitable Cybertron Kingdom episode 1 under the constant threat of Unicron, Galvatron, and Nemesis Prime, Kingdom episode 6 and was a crew member of the Axalon. He grew bitter towards Nemesis's past self, Autobot leader Optimus Prime, for taking the AllSpark off-world and abandoning his people, ruining everything. When Predacon Megatron stole the Golden Disk to time travel and change the past, the Axalon chased the Predacons to Earth. Stranded on the planet, Optimus Primal led the Maximals in a cycles-long conflict with Megatron and the Predacons, Kingdom episode 1 with both sides suffering devastating casualties to their ranks Kingdom episode 2 until the Ark and Nemesis crashed on Earth.

Optimus Primal led an attack against the Autobots and defeated Optimus Prime himself, believing he was Nemesis Prime. The Maximal leader demanded to see Prime's Matrix of Leadership to prove he is not Nemesis, though Optimus succumbed to his injuries and fell unconscious. Primal and Maximal Rhinox investigated the Ark energon supply to repair the Axalon, but are interrupted by Autobot Bumblebee and the repaired Optimus Prime. The two Optimuses argued until Prime revealed the Allspark is on Earth and Tigatron announced Airazor located both Megatrons. Optimus Primal finally revealed to the Autobots that he was the leader of the Maximals and from the future. Untrustworthy to each other, the two factions discussed amongst themselves if they should help each other. Kingdom episode 1


I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

2021 IDW Beast Wars comic


Optimus Primal was once a member of the Maximal Security Forces but was removed from his post and eventually promoted to become captain of the Axalon, a job he bemoaned as meant to keep him in line with its monotony. En route to H'nkshanaar-4 to "deliver scientific experiments", the crew of the Axalon were ordered by Ironhide to pursue a band of Predacons who stole an artifact and a transwarp-capable ship. Elated by the prospect of some adventure, Optimus Primal and his crew followed the other ship into a transwarp portal, ending up in orbit of a mysterious planet. The following battle caused both ships to fall to the planet, disabling both crews. The computer of the Axalon detected dangerous levels of energon radiation and outfitted the comatose Maximals with new techno-organic beast modes. Primal awoke to the form of a native gorilla. Savage Landing Part 1


As repairs progressed, Primal received a status report from Nyx before he sent her out to do an aerial recon of the land. When Cheetor groused that Primal had just cost him tiny servos that could fit into access panels, Primal told him to go ask Rattrap. Savage Landing Part 2 When night fell and Nyx did not return, Primal ordered Cheetor to stay on the ship when the younger Maximal suggested they organize a search effort. Savage Landing Part 3

When Nyx was still overdue to return, Primal repurposed a data collection shell to connect with the orbiting stasis pods to expand their search radius and find Nyx. When the reworked array came online, Primal cursed himself for not ordering rescue sooner when he saw how slow Nyx was moving. When Nyx approached the Axalon, Primal led his crew outside to keep watch, being greeted by the Predacon Dinobot carrying the prone pilot and formally requesting to defect to the Maximals. Savage Landing Part 4


After Dinobot had been locked in a holding area for malfunctioning protoforms, Optimus briefly interrogated him before a repaired Nyx asked to speak to the prisoner. Soon afterwards, the rest of the Predacons marched on the Axalon, whose defences had yet to be repaired. Ordering Rattrap to stay behind and repair them, Optimus led his crew into battle, facing off against Megatron. As the battle continued, Megatron steadily began to overpower Primal, Savage Landing Part 5 and attempted to crush him with his beast mode head only for Optimus to break the hold, being saved from a blast when Nyx threw Terrorsaur into its path. As Optimus and Dinobot prepared to take on Megatron together, Rattrap finished repairs on the defences, the force field coming online and ejecting all Predacons from the perimeter, including Dinobot. When the Predacons began beating the turncoat to death, Primal fired the point defence cannons to scare them off.

Days later, Optimus confessed to Rhinox some of his doubts about his leadership capabilities only for his friend to warm him against second-guessing himself before a wounded, but operational, Dinobot thanked Optimus for the repairs and announced his intent to leave the Maximals. Seeing potential in the defector, Primal reminded him of the heritage of the Dinobots and invited him to stay. Savage Landing Part 6

Confident that the ship's fully operational force fields would keep the Predacons out and allow the Maximals to dictate the terms of conflict until a transwarp beacon could be constructed, Maximals Strike Back, Part 1 Primal spared with Dinobot in the gymnasium to get a feel of the Predacon's fighting style and how he was healing. That evening, the Maximals engaged in card game while Dinobot described the Predacon ranks. When Cheetor had a weird feeling, he went off to poke around the ship, later shooting off a garbled message to Primal. Pod Part 1 When Cheetor didn't answer Primal's hails, the Maximals raced to his location, finding him bound by webbing. Recalling that Tarantulas had broken into Thetha Lab during the battle, Rattrap noted that the intruder was likely a corrupted protoform. Though Primal ordered the ship placed on lockdown, Blackarachnia managed to escape the Axalon while having managed to corrupt 51% of the stasis pods while calling all of them down. Cursing himself for his complacency and overcautious attitude, Primal ordered the Maximals to prepare for an attack on the Darksyde. Pod Part 2

As the Maximals prepared for battle, Skold appeared outside the Axalon, bringing them the wounded Razorbeast. After confirming Skold's intentions, Primal brought the Maximal into the ship for medical care. Thicker Skin


After Dinobot explained the origins of the Golden Disk, Primal led his crew to a retrofitted escape shuttle. While in flight, Primal designated Nyx and Rattrap to destroy the Darksyde's transwarp drive and steal the Golden Disk respectively while the rest of them would engage the Predacons in battle, ordering Razorbeast to try and talk down Skold. After Dinobot announced their arrival via a missile barrage, Primal landed on the battlefield. Maximals Strike Back, Part 1 With Megatron absent from the battlefield, Primal first fought Waspinator before he fought Skold whereupon Razorbeast intervened, trying to talk down his friend only for Terrorsaur to swoop in and kill the red Maximal. Noticing Megatron about to kill Dinobot, Optimus lunged at the Predacon leader. Maximals Strike Back, Part 2 As Optimus kept Megatron's attention, he was informed by Nyx that Rattrap was trapped behind an impregnable door. Impaling Megatron's beast mode head, Optimus managed to disable the Predacon long enough to rescue his comrade only to be caught unawares by a security force field. Confronted by Megatron, Primal demanded to be released, offering the safe return of the Golden Disk. If not released, he bluffed to destroy the Disk, highlighting that the disabled Darksyde and the booby-trapped Axalon would make the Predacons unable to steal another version of it. After a furious Megatron agreed, Primal revealed to the bluff to his crew while Megatron swore to claim Primal's spark. Maximals Strike Back, Part 3

Following a battle at a field of energon crystals, Cheetor remained unresponsive in the medical bay despite his perfect health and overactive processor. When Cheetor awoke, he warned Primal of the Vok before an outside force triggered a hard reboot on Cheetor that left him with no memory of the Vok. The Speedway of Central Consciousness

When installing new sensors, Optimus and Dinobot were attacked by Tarantulas and Blackarachnia who infected Primal with a hyper-aggression virus. After a loaded suggestion from Dinobot, Primal broke out of the Axalon and made his way to the Darksyde. As he leapt through the jungle, Primal was ambushed by Polar Claw whose superior strength easily overpowered Primal's blind rage. Primal Rage

Awakening face-to-face with Megatron, Primal leapt at his foe only to bounce off a force field, the backlash burning the virus from his system. As Primal tested out the strength of the field and grilled Megatron for information, their captors made themselves known. Introducing themselves as the "Children of the Vok", the five wayward protoforms informed the two captains that the Vok had grown tired of Cybertronian interference on the planet. As a defiant Megatron raged, Primal observed the field block the discharge of his weapon but not the dust and their captors reverting to beast mode to exit the cave. Gambling that the force fields were only designed to work on robot modes, Primal proved his theory and offered Megatron an alliance to survive. No sooner had the two exited the cave did the Children attack again, Optimus engaging Tigatron and Airazor in battle. After Megatron had killed Polar Claw and Saberback, the Vok finally arrived, Pakak using Polar Claw's corpse as a medium. As Optimus spoke to the alien, Megatron blasted the corpse, prompting the trio of angered Vok to show their true forms and begin killing the Predacon leader. Coming to his foe's defence, Primal offered the Vok the chance for a new experiment: seeing how the Maximals and Predacons would work together when confronted with a larger threat. Agreeing, the Vok gave the Cybertronians seven unobserved cycles to prepare. Children of the Vok

Upon being returned to their ships, Primal and Megatron agreed to an officer exchange to better develop strategies. Optimus deposited Rhinox and Dinobot at the Darksyde and brought Waspinator, Skold and Blackarachnia to the Axalon, outfitting them with restraining bolts. Optimus was later summoned by Skold and Nyx who theorized that the Vok, based on earlier readings that matched the energy clinging to Primal, were from unspace. Cheetor then entered, warning that the Darksyde was under attack. The Beginning of the End

Leaving Rattrap and Waspinator behind to complete the repairs, Primal led the others to the Darksyde, finding it under attack by the totality of the Children of the Vok. Optimus engaged Tigatron once again, having another philosophical discussion as they fought before the Vok arrived. Deciding that Cybertronians were too disruptive, the Vok immobilized all as they prepared to fire their reversion device only to be fired on by the Axalon, now firing unspace blasts that dissipated the alien entirely. After Optimus failed to convince Tigatron to join them, Megatron lunged at the Maximal leader only to be struck by the unspace beam, sending him forward in time. In the aftermath, Optimus offered to extend the truce with the Predacons, promising to put in a good word for them if they helped capture Tarantulas and Megatron only for the Predacons to refuse. Wearily, Optimus led his crew back into the Axalon, though warning Blackarachnia that the Maximals would not be so understanding when next they met. The End

Scorching Heat Showdown

Optimus Primal possessed an Avatar in the form of Convobat. After Armordillo was gunned down by Predacons and Convobat swooped in to fight, Megatron himself joined the battle. He was soon met by Optimus Primal, who vanquished Megatron after a tussle. Megatron's death triggered an eruption of an unstable energon volcano, which Optimus Primal and Convobat were able to escape. Optimus regretted not being able to save Armordillo, not realizing that he was attempting to inform him of the crashed Ark being being killed. Scorching Heat Showdown

Transformers Go! Go!


As Optimus Prime and Bumblebee wished their readers a happy New Year, Optimus Primal burst through the page to advertise his new movie, much to the confusion of the two Autobots. Go! Go! #19

When Megatron stole his bananas, Primal was powerless to stop the evil Predacon, until Rattrap was able to snatch one of the bananas and feed it to the Maximal leader. With the extra surge of power, Primal handily defeated Megatron, but accidentally slipped on the loose peel. Believe in the Bananas!! Primal once ordered a plate of energon-covered bananas from Cheetor, who'd started a food delivery service, but was angry when he learned that Cheetor was also delivering food to the Predacons. Flowers, Delivery, and Inattention

At one point, Primal ordered Rattrap to go on patrol with the intimidating Dinobot. A Hunch of a Good Duo! Primal later sent Airazor to check on Tigatron after a period of radio silence. A Natural Couple

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Go! Go! issue 26 Gleaming Fan Book 2023 Go! Go! issue 28 Go! Go! issue 29 Extra Volume Go! Go! issue 38 Search Quiz

Commercial appearances

  • Optimus Primal fluttered about in his bat mode, descending over a river swarming with crocodiles. After one of the beasts nearly snapped him out of the air, Optimus transformed to robot mode to scare it off. But the crocodile transformed as well, revealing itself to be Megatron! Though Optimus took a blast to the side, he was able to relieve Megatron of his gun before the two adversaries continued exchanging blows. Beast Wars Wave 1 Deluxe toys commercial


Beast Wars: Transformers video game continuity

Beast Wars: Transformers video game advertising comic

Upon arriving on "Planet Energon", the dangers of Energon radiation forced the six surviving Maximals and their Predacon adversaries to take on beast alternate forms. Beast Wars: Transformers video game advertising comic

Beast Wars: Transformers video game

Voice actor: ??? (English), ??? (Japanese)

Many of the Beast Wars combatants had managed to built personal bases, customized to their personal tastes, due to the extended duration of the war. Optimus Primal himself remained stationed at the Axalon. Optimus Primal joined his fellow Maximals in battling not only an entrenched Predacon threat, but the interdimensional monsters known as the Skriix.

Maximal campaign
Optimus Primal is a playable character for both rescue missions and normal gameplay.

Optimus and Airazor had the task to rescue any of their comrades that were captured whenever a mission against the Predacons failed.

Upon having eliminated the Predacon threat, Optimus Primal declared the galaxy to be at peace thanks to the Maximals.

Due to the nature of this game, a player may select various individual characters to perform the feats required in every level, and complete the game's narrative. Thus, any playable Maximal can fill the role of protagonist in Maximal Mode. To view the various feats Optimus Primal can accomplish throughout gameplay in Maximal Mode, it is told on the Beast Wars video game page, wherein Optimus Primal fills the role of the nameless Maximal.
Predacon campaign

Retaliating after Dinobot had been assassinated by the Predacons, Optimus launched an offensive directly against the Predacon's ship. His drone troops were unsuccessful in destroying the Predacons, who launched a counter-offensive while Optimus troops were still in disarray after the failed attack. The Maximal leader was ultimately assassinated, securing the Predacons their victory in the Beast Wars. Beast Wars: Transformers

Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars

Optimus Primal and Cheetor chased Megatron through a portal, emerging on Gaia in the ruin where the super-powerful Energon Quartz had been discovered. He partook in a series of one-on-one battles, his goal to become the last warrior standing, allowing him to take possession of the crystal.

Optimus could also partake in various other tasks, such as a mission to break a boulder to reveal an energon crystal hidden within before sundown, using a block in a mission to defend himself against various incoming projectiles, and missions to run across a pit-riddled field, sometimes involving hideously large bacteria he had to fend off.

Megatron was the final bot opposing him at the end of his quest. Overcoming his Predacon foe, he used the power of the Quartz to finally defeat the Predacons, saving the universe! Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars

Each character possessed an alternate ending, displayed if Single Battle was beaten with said character. Each character has only their own ending listed on their pages; see the other characters' pages for Optimus Primal's fate in those outcomes.

Move list

This move list presumes the player is facing right; when facing left, reverse the left and right inputs.
Robot Mode Beast Mode
Cyber Blade →↓→B Hammer Knuckle ↓→B
Plasma Cannon ↓→B Counter Hammer ↓←A (counter)
Giga Attack ←↓→A Megaton Hammer →↓→B
Convoy Driver ←↓→B Megaton Slam ←↓→B (grapple)
Zetsu Convoy Driver (super) ↓→↓← B (grapple) Gigaton Bomb (super) ↓→↓← B (grapple)
God Ascension (desperation) ↓←↓→ A God Ascension (desperation) ↓←↓→ A

Transformers Battle Universe

At the edge of time, when the Matrix needed a new host, Optimus Primal was among several warriors (and Optimuses) summoned from the multiverse to battle for control of the prize. Transformers Battle Universe

Transformers Legends


During a tectonic upshift, a huge amount of Energon was exposed. Optimus Primal and the other Maximals found themselves the victims of a Predacon ambush as they tried to secure the Energon themselves, and the cache ultimately fell into Predacon hands. Beast Wars On their return to Cybertron, the Maximals discovered that Megatron had conquered the planet, and they were forced to face his Vehicon generals. Beast Machines

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Optimus Primal participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He appeared in multiple different bodies:

  • Optimus Primal—This Super Rare character was available as a reward in the "Beast Wars: Episode 1" event.
  • Optimus Primal Bat—This Epic character was available as a reward in the "Beast Wars: Episode 3" event.
  • Optimus Primal Transmetal—This Epic character first appeared in the "Transmetals: Beast Wars: Episode 1" event, and could be recruited by collecting 500 units of Transmetal, 250 units of Cybermetal, 100 event cores, and 50 cores of this character.

Transformers: Battle Tactics

Because I'm Batman!

Transformers: Earth Wars

Battle Munky!

In an unknown time and place, the Beast Wars came to an end. Optimus Primal planned on going home to a new command, while Megatron went into incarceration. Primal Instinct As the shuttle was traveling through chronospace, Optimus and Megatron found that they both reverted from their Transmetal forms to their original beast modes. A Stitch in Time They were soon ripped from his place in space-time; Primal tried telling Rattrap to disengage their transwarp engines and abort their travel, to no avail. Mixed Signals

They ended up at 21st century Earth, just as the Dinobots and Predacons were closing in to secure their new recruits. Optimus Primal decided to ally himself with the Autobots and figure out who brought him here and why. He was shoved aside by Megatron, assumed Megatron was the future version of himself. After that mistake, Grimlock ordered the Dinobots to secure the... monkey. Blast from the Past Quantum Beast Leap

Optimus Primal soon figured out he was back on Earth and in the Earth Wars, to his disappointment. Optimus Prime came and questioned Perceptor on the ongoing battle between the Dinobots and the Predacons, and the new primate. Perceptor explained that the primate was a Prime and the idea was Grimlock's. Optimus Prime replied, "Well, that's just prime", and the annoyed Primal told him to get his own catchphrase.

  • Class: Special
  • Lowest star rating: 2 stars
  • Weapons: Primal in his beast mode first uses his shoulder cannons on a target far away. (15 second cooldown) He thens leaps into the air and lands on a target dealing Area of Effect damage. (10 second cooldown) He then proceeds to pound the target.
  • Ability: Battle Orders - Target their defenses! Friendly bots are given a health shield and prioritize all defenses for a time.
    • Cost: 6 ability points, +2 for reuses.
This ability was fan-voted as a community favorite on the Transformers: Earth Wars BAND page. It has been redesigned from restoring health to bonus health.

Optimus Primal at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars
Optimal Optimus
New Funky Mode
  • Class: Special
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 stars
  • Ability: Flying Inferno - For 10 seconds you set nearby enemies on fire dealing damage per second.
    • Cost: 7 ability points, +2 for reuses.

Optimal Optimus at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers: Forged to Fight


As a Brawler, Optimus Primal has Armor that resists all critical damage, which he can convert into Melee Buffs by ground-pounding shockwave heavy attacks. He's Just Prime as damage debuffs expire faster the more Armor he has, and heals from Bleeds.

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.


There's a lot more where these came from!



  • The design of Optimus Primal's bat form is an homage to Batman, an action figure license also held at the time by Kenner.[2]
  • Optimus was given the rank of "Maximal General" on his punch-out card for McDonald's original Beast Wars promotion.
  • According to the control art of Optimus Primal's toy, his chest originally seemed to be a kind of launcher instead of being an homage to the Matrix.[3]
  • Primal's gorilla mode, paired against Megatron's T. rex mode, was inspired by the showdown in King Kong.[4]
It's an evolution revolution! It's two modes of the same character designed by two different artists!
  • Indeed, gorilla Primal's original tech specs (which belong to the micro-continuity that takes place on modern-day Earth) seems to strongly imply that Primal is a building-scaling ape of Kong-like stature. As speculated in the Beast Wars volume of the Cybertronian action figure guide, this may have been intended to explain why he is in the same scale as Megatron, a Tyrannosaurus rex. This would also make somewhat greater sense in the context of the toyline itself, wherein the leader characters were of a much larger "Ultra" size-class than their minions, unlike their eventually much smaller depictions in the CG cartoon.
  • In the Beast Wars II chapter "All Hands, Make a Special Attack on the Evil Planet!", Tasmania Kid calls Optimus Primal "Mr. Gori" (ゴリさん Gori-san). Optimus likes the nickname.
  • "Powered Convoy", Optimal Optimus's Japanese name, is Ultra Magnus's pre-Transformers name in the Diaclone toyline.
  • Early concept artwork for the Beast Machines toyline depict Optimus's new body as having a white/silver, black, and red color scheme.
  • According to his 2001 Robots in Disguise toyline bio, Optimus Primal is from "the future", suggesting the events of Robots in Disguise are somehow part of the Beast Era's past. Though this could have been an element of Car Robots , RID's original counterpart being part of the Generation One continuity family in Japan and as shown in a 2007 timeline the same continuity as their version of Beast Wars in 2015 the Facebook version of Ask Vector Prime fleshed out a form of this, portraying a dimensionally-displaced Optimus Primal fighting a similarly displaced Megatron in the future of a Robots in Disguise universe before traveling to that universe's past to aid Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime.
  • The Beast Machines incarnation of Optimus Primal seems to have inspired the Go-Bots character Gorillabot (later redubbed Beast-Bot).
  • In the 2021 Beast Wars comic, Optimus Primal's Cybertronian body takes design cues from his 10th Anniversary figure. Most prominently, he possesses that toy's characteristic grey feet and antennae, mechanical segments on his abdomen, red knees, and blue chest highlights.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Convoy (コンボイ Konboi), Beast Convoy (ビーストコンボイ Bīsuto Konboi), Convobat (bat, コンボバット Konbobatto), Optimus Primal (オプティマスプライマル Oputimasu Puraimaru)
  • Cantonese: Odim (奧狄武 Oudikmou)
  • Italian: Black Jack
  • Korean: Optimus Primal (옵티머스 프리멀 Optimeoseu Peurimeol)
  • Mandarin: Jīngāng Wáng (Taiwan, 金剛王, "King Kong King"), Hēixīngxīng Duìzhǎng(China Beast Wars, 黑猩猩队长, "Captain Chimpanzee"), Xīngxīng Jiāngjūn (China Beast Machines, 猩猩将军, "General Gorilla"), Qíng Tiān Shèng (comics, 擎天圣, "Sage that Supports the Sky")
  • Polish: Optimus Naczelny ("Optimus Primal")
  • Portuguese: Primata Optimus (Beast Machines, "Optimus Primal")
  • Russian: King Kong (first Beast Wars dub), Optimus Commandeer (second Beast Wars dub, "Optimus the Commander"), Optimus Perviy (Beast Machines, "Optimus First")
  • Spanish: Optimus Primal (Spain), Optimus Primitivo (America, "Optimus Primal")


  • Japanese: Metals Convoy (メタルスコンボイ Metarusu Konboi)
  • Italian: Metal Gorilla (toy)

Optimal Optimus

  • Japanese: Powered Convoy (パワードコンボイ Pawādo Konboi), Optimal Optimus (オプティマルオプティマス Oputimaru Oputimasu)
  • Italian: Optimus Primal (toy)


  1. Kingdom webpage
  2. Page 78, Toy database section in Beast Wars Universe
  3. Page 50, Toy database section in Beast Wars Universe
  4. Botcon 2004 Interview with Vinnie D'Alleva, p2
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