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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Gorilla-Bot, Preditron.
Beast-Bot is a Go-Bot from the Go-Bots portion of the Go-Bots continuity family.
All of Beast Wars in one convenient package!

Beast-Bot is what you would call a nature-boy. He's capable of communing with any living thing, and his wisdom and patience help him guide the Go-Bots team. He's capable of changing into a wide variety of animal-bots to handle any wild situation he finds himself in.

Unfortunately, these skills were put to ill use when an accident turned him into his villainous alter-ego Preditron. Far more a danger than the rambunctious and careless young 'bots the Go-Bots are used to dealing with, he's a force (of nature) to be reckoned with!



Go-Bots cartoon

Voice actor: Paul Dobson
Now with a fresh lavender scent!

Beast-Bot was the wildest of the Go-Bots in Botropolis, and therefore(?!) selected as one of the Go-Bot Protectors assigned to protect Earth. When Silver-Bot visited the planet, Beast-Bot and Buzzer-Bot monitored events from the Go-Pod. Typhoon Twister Beast-Bot got to go on his first mission when Mototron damaged an oil pipeline in the snowy north. He used his gorilla form to gather up the fallen pipes, and also to rescue Kid-Bot and Gas-Bot, who'd stowed away in Speed-Bot's trunk. Once Aero-Bot dragged an oil tanker up the mountain, Beast-Bot redirected the leaking oil into it. Arctic Oil Spill

Reptron's arrival in a jungle area meant that Beast-Bot and Buzzer-Bot were prime choices to deal with him. Beast-Bot prevented a rock dislodged by the renegade Go-Bot from hitting some human explorers. Reptron went on to challenge Beast-Bot to a race. Beast-Bot accepted on the condition that if he won, Reptron would agree to leave Earth. The pair dashed through an ancient temple, dodging trap after trap, but Reptron ended up falling short before they reached the other side. After rescuing Reptron from a net, Beast-Bot finished the race, and his rival agreed to return to Botropolis. Reptron's Rampage

The Botropolis High Council sent Beast-Bot on a top-secret month-long mission. He was therefore absent when the rest of the Protectors were awarded Go-Shields. Racer-Bot Road Rally

Toy bios

He has the ability to take on the animal forms of his local environment, and has the power to communicate with all living things. Beast-Bot Mission: Earth

Originally called Gorillabot, he defended Earth from evil-doers with his amazing strength and intelligence, and his jet-engine backpack allowed him to travel at warp speed! Gorillabot Later changing his name to Beast-Bot, he took on a panther alt mode so he could give himself an extra burst of speed to hunt down trouble. Beast-Bot II He later took ape form again, and then later dinosaur form.

Unfortunately, an accident turned him into the evil wolf Preditron! Smart and operating across the galaxy, he was the Go-Bots' greatest menace! Strong-Bot, Buzzer-Bot, and Speed-Bot took up the challenge of returning Preditron to normal, with Aero-Bot leading the mission and the team.


Glow Rock Rescue Game

When the Earth was bombarded by Glow Rocks, Beastbot was absorbed within one of them. Thankfully, Aerobot rescued him. Glow Rock Rescue


Playskool Big Adventures: Transformers

  • Gorillabot (Basic Go-Bot, 2002)
Part of the very first assortment of "Playskool Big Adventures", "Gorillabot" transforms in a blue, purple and gray robo-gorilla in a single-ish step.
This mold was redecoed into Max in Japan, then as just plain "Beast-Bot", and finally as Gorilla-Bot (who is almost certainly a different character—see Notes).

Transformers: Go-Bots (2003)

PGB-toy BeastBot cat.jpg
  • Beast-Bot II (Basic Go-Bot, 2002)
A blue, grey, and purple redeco of Big Adventures Cheetor, the bot now known as Beast-Bot now turns into what is presumably a panther of some kind.
This mold was also used to make Tigertron, Takara's Rescue Hero Go-Bots Chuck and George, and retooled to make Beast-Bot's alter-ego Preditron (see below).


  • Beast-Bot (Mission: Earth, 2003)
A redeco of Gorillabot, presumably done because this is the form he usually used in the cartoon. The toys look almost identical at a glance, but there are numerous minor differences in the paint applications, with the obvious change being a blue (instead of red) gorilla head.

  • Beast-Bot (Secret Shield, 2004)
Another blue, grey, and purple redeco, this time of "Invisibilty Force" Reptron (who was in turn slightly retooled from the original Reptron mold).
This mold was also used to make Dino-Bot and Greg.

Transformers: Go-Bots (2004)

PGB-toy Preditron.jpg
  • Preditron (Invisibility Force, 2004)
The first true Go-Bots villain, and he doesn't even get to be a new character! Beast-Bot's "unruly" alter-ego is a heavy retooling of Big Adventures Cheetor, as a clear-blue, black, and orange wolf. Mold modifications include new beast and robot heads, new tail, and slight alterations to the pins holding his torso together.


  • Given the stance of his gorilla form, proximate release to Cheetor, and a bio that describes his robot mode's "jet-engine backpack", the original Gorillabot seems to have been based on the Beast Machines incarnation of Optimus Primal.
  • It seems safe to say that the original Gorillabot is indeed the same character as Beast-Bot: given that the Beast-Bot II toy was released long before any toy named simply "Beast-Bot", one can assume that Hasbro considered Gorillabot to be the first Beast-Bot toy. Oh yeah, and there's the fact that Beast-Bot's cartoon model uses the color scheme from the Gorillabot toy. "Gorilla-Bot", on the other hand, is likely a completely different guy, given his more mischievous bio card characterization.

External links

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