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Huffer (G1)

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The name or term "Huffer" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Huffer (disambiguation).
Huffer is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
"Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they want me to fight a war on some backwater redneck dirt planet. You call that job satisfaction? 'Cause I don't."

To say that Huffer is cranky is an understatement. Huffer's the poster boy for whiny pessimism. He complains and grumbles his way through every day, especially since he's been shipwrecked on Earth. If he thought his existence was unbearable before, it's intolerable now, and he'll certainly let you know. There is no light in his dark hours... which is all the time.

Despite what a joy he is to be around, he's very effective at his job. A construction engineer, he can whip up anything of any complexity. Unfortunately, he'll be kicking and screaming the whole way.

Oh, I say we leave right now and forget about traipsing after the stupid Decepticons.

—Huffer's first line, "The Transformers"



Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

Among several selected by Optimus Prime to clear a path for their planet, Cybertron, through an asteroid field, Huffer lay dormant on Earth after a Decepticon attack which forced both sides to crash land. Four million years later, he and the others were awoken, and Huffer was rebuilt to transform into an Earth-style truck cab. He immediately wanted to go home. Sadly, his solicited assessment of the Ark's condition was bleak, and he feared he'd be "stranded on this scrapball forever." The Transformers


Their new human comrade, Sparkplug Witwicky, was captured by the Decepticons to convert Earth fuel into something Transformers could use, but after he was rescued, it was learned that Sparkplug had given the Decepticons what they had wanted. Before further explanation could be made, Huffer demanded the "traitor" be punished. While Huffer and Ironhide bickered, Sparkplug made his short-lived escape; Jazz tried to stop him with a wall of flame, but the aged human suffered a heart attack. The Last Stand These events were observed by the time travelling Dicet Alpha-zero. The Quest!

When Brawn suffered a circuit glitch, Huffer was incredulous at reports that he actually tried to destroy Sideswipe while in a rage. The Enemy Within! Huffer was one of the Autobots who "fell before the might" of Laserbeak during a surprise attack on the Ark by Megatron and his Decepticons. After Megatron and Optimus Prime accidentally awakened the Ark's central computer system, Aunty, Huffer—as well as nearly everyone else on board—was suddenly magnetically sealed to its walls. After some teamwork between the only two bots unaffected, Ravage and Windcharger, everyone was set free, and the Decepticons were ejected from the Ark. Raiders of the Last Ark

Huffer caught Optimus Prime's attention to relay a message for Ratchet. In the memory banks of the Ark's computers, Ratchet had discovered evidence of a battle between Shockwave and the Dinobots in the Savage Land four million years ago. However, with Autobot fuel reserves being so low, Optimus determined that the fates of Shockwave and the Dinobots mattered little at that moment. No, that wouldn't come back to bite him at all.

Low on fuel, the Autobots used the Tubes of Transference to donate what energy the group had to its five mightiest warriors. Huffer was one of the five selected for this "last stand," and though he suffered a strafing from Thundercracker, he survived through the bitter end to victory. ...for five seconds, before Shockwave arrived and blew them all away. Thanks, Optimus. Thanks a lot. The Last Stand

Afterwards, Huffer's body spent a while strung up from the Ark's ceiling. Typical. The New Order

Complaining is Job One.

After Ratchet retook the Ark and repaired everyone, he had Huffer and the others run laps to ensure that all of their systems were back in peak condition. DIS-Integrated Circuits! Huffer complained of being homesick for his homeworld of Cybertron and was obsessed with returning home to the point of distraction from his real duties. Prowl, giving a tour to the human industrialist G.B. Blackrock, was annoyed to find Huffer not rebuilding their communication center's ultra-frequency monitoring, but tinkering instead with the transdimensional radiowave scrambler in hopes of contacting Cybertron. Prowl thought getting him out of the Ark would do him some good, so he sent Huffer on a mission to disrupt a Decepticon operation. En route, Huffer met with a trucker, Bomber Bill, who was also homesick, due to the Decepticons nabbing his truck. The Decepticons, ironically, were up to building a transdimensional radiowave scrambler of their own, and Huffer was forced to choose between destroying the communications device, thus severing contact with his homeworld, or allowing the Decepticons to contact their brethren on Cybertron, ensuring enemy reinforcements would spill over onto Earth and thus spelling certain doom. Huffer ultimately made the right choice, but he hated it. Loudly. The Next Best Thing to Being There!

Using an eavesdropping system Huffer and Blackrock had set up previously, the Autobots learned of Shockwave's intent of disposing of Optimus's head. Huffer accompanied a convoy to rescue the Autobot leader, Brainstorm! out to a swamp where Prime's head had been dumped. Huffer was charged with towing Prime's body to the location. However, the head was actually a decoy head, which, when attached to the body, caused it to go on a murderous rampage. And then the Decepticons showed up! It took entirely too long for the real head to show up, allowing Prime to save from certain doom the few who remained functional. Prime Time!


When Buster Witwicky introduced the human custom of Christmas to the Autobots, Huffer got into the swing of things. He and Brawn constructed a Cybertronian version of a Christmas tree in the Ark, and his hover platform allowed Buster to supervise the festivities.Christmas Breaker! Later on, Huffer and Ironhide detected a speeding object approaching the Ark, which turned out to be the missing Dinobot, Swoop. Under outside control, Swoop attacked his fellow Autobots. Hound and Huffer teamed up for the ol' one-two: a flash from Hound dazzled the Dinobot long enough for Huffer to punch him to the ground. The Icarus Theory

During the Dinobot Hunt, Huffer was sent with Sideswipe and Bluestreak to Doonstown to capture the berserk Grimlock. What they found instead was Grimlock and Sludge locked in battle. Bluestreak was deactivated before the team could react, and when Huffer tried to wrangle the two crazed Dinobots, he was caught between them and rendered non-functional too. Just for trying to help, sheesh! Dinobot Hunt!

Rendered inoperative due to his injuries, Huffer convalesced in Ratchet's repair bay for some time, due to the lack of proper replacement parts. Rock and Roll-Out! Huffer was not seen in action for some time after this, until he appeared among the Earth-bound Autobots who witnessed the battle between Grimlock and Blaster for Autobot leadership on Earth's moon. Totaled!


Classics continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

Fifteen years after the Autobot/Decepticon war ended on Klo, Huffer was part of Grimlock's crew on the Graviton. His attitude towards Earth had not improved with age. While pursuing Bug Bite's Decepticons, ultimately finding them back on Earth, "Little Prime" ordered Huffer to stay on board the Graviton and keep an eye on both Bug Bite's ship (with orders to blow it out of the sky if it moved) and on Tyrannitron (with orders to keep him from "eating something important") while the rest of the Autobots went planetside. Just great. A brilliant engineer having to sit and petsit Snarl's gun. Games of Deception

Huffer and his team managed to survive the destruction of their universe and ended up in Axiom Nexus. Epilogue

Transformers '84

Huffer was among those selected to board the Ark by Optimus Prime, little knowing that Prime intended to sacrifice its crew to put an end to Megatron. '84 #0 Huffer was thrown by an explosion when the Decepticons attacked the Ark in flight. Secrets & Lies issue 2

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
"Bot of few words"... uh okay, mister Huffer, sir...

Sometime around 2007, Huffer was amongst those suffering ill effects from the infusion of Nucleon into their systems. He was being held at the Nursery in a containment field and possibly some kind of Cybertronian shrink-wrap Natural Selection, Part One because his touch alone could precipitate a molecular meltdown in other Transformers. Thanks to technology brought to Cybertron from Nebulos by the resurrected Decepticon leader Scorponok, Huffer was given a new Nucleon-free body alongside Blaster, Silverbolt and Inferno at the Garage. Frustrated at their orders to remain inactive until their new bodies had been fully tested, Blaster patched into the Decepticons' communications network, alerting Soundwave who promptly dispatched the Mayhem Attack Squad to eliminate him. In the ensuing battle Huffer acquitted himself admirably, taking down Snarler with a single devastating punch and disarming Roadblock with ease. Destiny, Part Two

Following the invasion of Cybertron by Bludgeon's Blitz Engines, Huffer found himself on the front line alongside Hound, Siren, Chromedome and Mirage. The fight went badly for the Autobots. Destiny, Part Four He survived however, and later helped dig Rodimus Prime out of a pile of rubble, following a less-than-diplomatic meeting with the Cybertronian leader Jhiaxus at Nova Point. The War to End All Wars, Part 2

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: John Stephenson (English), Masashi Ebara (Japanese), Yutaka Shimaka (Japanese), Toshiro Ishii (Japanese, "The Autobot Run"), Zhang Bin (Chinese), Roberto Alexander (Latin American), Frank Muth (German, Generation 2 dub of "More Than Meets The Eye, Part 2"), Edgar Givry (European French), Georges Atlas (European French, "Dinobot Island" episodes, "Make Tracks" and "Quest for Survival"), Albert Augier (European French, "The Autobot Run" and "A Prime Problem"), Henry Djanik (European French, "Countown to Extinction"), Serge Bourrier (European French, "Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2"), François Leccia (European French, "Blaster Blues"), Massimo Corizza (Italian, 40th Anniversary Event dub), Mário Monjardim (Portuguese), Dario de Castro (Portuguese, "S.O.S. Dinobots"), Ayrton Cardoso (Portuguese, "Heavy Metal War"), Paulo Flores (Portuguese, "Dinobot Island, Part 1 & 2"), Ricardo Schnetzer (Portuguese, "Microbots"), Francisco José (Portuguese, "Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1")
Great choice in cheerleaders, Prime.

Huffer was part of the original crew of Ark-based Autobots who crashed on Earth four million years ago. In 1984, he awoke and was reformatted into a mini semi truck cab. An engineer and not a warrior, Huffer loathed combat and hated being stationed on Earth, as he longed to return to Cybertron. Optimus Prime would often have to motivate Huffer, reminding him to remain courageous in the long fight. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1 During one of the first engagements on Earth, in which the Autobots attempted to stop the Decepticons from attacking an off-shore oil rig, Huffer was trapped in the debris. Brawn came to his rescue, cutting Huffer loose from the wreckage.

Huffer was also part of the disastrous attempt to stop the Decepticons from raiding Sherman Dam, and was on the mission to the ruby crystal mines of Burma. More than Meets the Eye, Part 2 Damaged in a fall from the top of the mines, Optimus Prime was encouraged by Huffer, Cliffjumper, and Gears as he painfully tried to transform back into robot mode. Huffer and the rest of the Autobots later rolled out in a last-ditch attempt to prevent the Decepticons launching their new space cruiser. More than Meets the Eye, Part 3

Ironhide learned a pre-emptive alternative to "Shut up, Rattrap".

After Optimus Prime was severely damaged in a Decepticon attack, Huffer didn't rate their leader's chances very highly. Laserbeak damaged Prime further, and it turned out that the replacement part they needed was on Cybertron, prompting yet another pessimistic comment from Huffer, which was stifled by Ironhide. He got his chance to complete the sentiment later, when they discovered that the full Decepticon force was about to attack, and Prime was still down. Spike Witwicky's subsequent show of determination inspired Huffer, and he led the other Autobots in defending the base, decking Thundercracker with a single punch. Divide and Conquer

When Optimus Prime authorized Wheeljack and Ratchet to build robot dinosaurs, Huffer insisted that this was a waste of time. After the Dinobots were completed and unveiled, Huffer remarked, "Dinobots? I thought you were supposed to make Dinosaurs!" and laughed. This was followed by an awkward silence. S.O.S. Dinobots Despite the problems they had with the first three, Huffer took part in the building of two more—Snarl and Swoop. War of the Dinobots

After Spike repelled a Decepticon attack on Autobot Headquarters by dousing the invaders in fire-retardant foam, Huffer and Brawn were stuck mopping up the mess. The Ultimate Doom, Part 1 The volcano in which Headquarters rested became active as a result of Cybertron being brought into Earth's orbit, and Huffer, Windcharger and Ratchet were expelled from it in a fiery eruption. They were saved by the timely intervention of Skyfire, who caught them on his jet mode. The Ultimate Doom, Part 2 Following Cybertron's departure, Huffer took part in cleanup efforts, but wasn't too busy that he couldn't razz Gears. Countdown to Extinction

"Thirty-eight years and never missed a shipment. But I guess this is one delivery old Red won't be making."
"Oh, yes he will. And on time, too."

Like the rest of the Autobots, Huffer turned out to watch Optimus fight Megatron. After Prime's shock loss and with their leader struggling to transform, Huffer was helpful enough to tow Prime's trailer back to the base. Prime told Huffer that he was a true friend. But then, Prime considers all the Autobots his friends, so that might not have been saying much. Heavy Metal War Huffer rolled out to rescue Spike after the boy had his mind transferred into Autobot X's frame and was manipulated by Megatron. Autobot Spike Huffer rolled out a couple more times—to save some gold miners, and to thwart Megatron's Solar Needle plan. Changing Gears During the first attempt to demonstrate the Immobilizer, he hit the deck with the rest of the Autobots when Ironhide started shooting wildly at Hound's holographic Laserbeak. The Immobilizer

Later, Huffer denounced Spike and Chip's idea for the Autobots to participate in a charity race and stayed at the base with Wheeljack, Ratchet, and Brawn. His bad feelings turned out to be well founded when Megatron used the Transfixatron to lock the Autobots in vehicle mode. Huffer's dour attitude was so annoying that Brawn nearly bear-hugged him to death. He still took part in the rescue mission to save the rest of the Autobots. The Autobot Run Huffer helped install Wheeljack's new detection plates in the Autobot base. Enter the Nightbird

Huffer was one of the Autobots confronted with the conundrum that they had two Optimus Primes. After a series of tests, the Autobots were no closer to working out which was the real Prime, and at any rate had more urgent problems, as they'd detected strange energy readings from a crevice. During a battle with the Decepticons at the crevice, one of the Primes destroyed Starscream, and Huffer pronounced him the real deal. As Optimus led them towards the crevice, they encountered Windcharger, who had discovered it was full of deadly korlonium crystals. That and his disregard for Spike's safety betrayed the false Prime, and the Autobots blasted him. A Prime Problem

"Now remember, kids—If at first you don't succeed... I told you so."

After Bumblebee returned to Autobot HQ with Powerguide from a newly discovered island, Huffer was among the Autobots who listened to his report. A debate ensued about the abilities of the Dinobots versus real dinosaurs. Huffer taunted Wheeljack when the Autobot scientist claimed that the Dinobots had been practicing their powers, declaring them complete dino-klutzes. The Dinotbots immediately demonstrated their attempt at “finesse” and proved Huffer right. Dinobot Island, Part 1

Later, Huffer wondered why Spike was still interested in dinosaurs after his numerous near-death experiences on Dinobot Island, when Teletraan I sounded an alarm. Huffer complained that the alarm must mean bad news. He went with the team to investigate a time disturbance in the nearby city and was proven right.

He is stronger than Pudzian...

Huffer and Optimus Prime were the first on the scene and discovered that city traffic was clogged for an unknown reason. Hound detected Bumblebee's signal under a pile of rubble, and Huffer hurriedly moved in to clear the rubble away. He had to duck out of the way of flying debris when Sideswipe used his pile driver hands to speed up the job. When confronted by the time-displaced barbarians riding woolly mammoths, Huffer wondered if they were new Earth forms the Autobots hadn't seen yet.

Optimus ordered the Autobots to stop the random destruction caused by the mammoths and Huffer responded by wrestling one into submission, while declaring himself one of the strongest Autobots. He, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Hound and Ironhide herded the mammoths into Prime's trailer, and then into the closing time portal. When the portal closed, Huffer breathed a sigh of relief, remarking that he thought they’d never leave. Dinobot Island, Part 2

Microbots Huffer charges.jpg

The Autobots went to South America and were confronted by Megatron rendered ultra-powerful by the Heart of Cybertron. Huffer desperately tried to charge Megatron in a moment of uncharacteristic optimism, only to be blasted. He and the other Autobots limped back to Headquarters. Microbots

Huffer took part in the Autobot Day parade and was in the Mayor's office when Megatron's faked video was played, incriminating the Autobots in energy theft. The Autobots were subsequently found guilty by a court of law, and Huffer found himself sitting between Gears and Brawn on a spacecraft headed away from Earth. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1 When Ironhide started complaining about their situation, Huffer joined gamely in. Unfortunately, though Prime did agree he'd made a mistake, they were unable to change their flight plan, as the ship was locked on course for the Sun. It took Cosmos and the use of Trailbreaker's force field to get them back to Earth. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2

It's bigger on the inside!

When Megatron used the Voltronic Galaxer to block radio signals worldwide, Huffer was among the Autobots who rolled out to help the humans. Blaster Blues He also took part in sting operations in New York City in an attempt to catch car thieves. He and Hoist observed that Tracks seemed to prefer the company of humans. Later, Hoist was driving Huffer when they encountered a traffic jam and helped clear it. Huffer also fought Decepticon drones downtown alongside Ironhide and Windcharger, and was part of the assault on the Decepticons' drone manufacturing facility. Make Tracks

After a number of the Autobots and Decepticons were lost in a space bridge incident, Huffer watched Chip Chase unsuccessfully try to use Teletraan I to locate them. Child's Play He was part of an equally unsuccessful mission to try to fight the Insecticon clone army. While he was being repaired, Cosmos, Bumblebee and Spike were bringing robotic insecticide back from Floron III. Unfortunately, they also brought back Morphobots, and Huffer was on the mission to rescue Cosmos from under the alien vegetation, though as usual, he didn't do much other than complain. Quest for Survival

”I want plenty of shading on the heart to make the arrow really pop!”

When Megatron sent Kremzeek to the Autobot base, Sparkplug Witwicky discovered that an insulating compound would protect the Autobots. However, by this point, Huffer had already fallen victim to the little electronic pest. Kremzeek! After Tracks and Bumblebee were kidnapped by big game hunter Lord Chumley, Huffer was one of the Autobots who scoured the city for them. Prime's call to return to Headquarters came just in time for him to avoid unsuspectingly being trapped himself. Prime Target Huffer didn't provide any input when the Autobots came up with a plan to disguise themselves as Stunticons in order to uncover Megatron's latest plan, though he ended up having to go pull their fat out of the fryer when they were inevitably discovered. Masquerade

In 2005, Huffer helped Bluestreak and Kup build a roadblock when Hot Rod plowed through and ruined all of their hard work. The Transformers: The Movie Huffer was killed during the subsequent battle, and his remains were placed aboard an interstellar Autobot Mausoleum, where they were later found by Daniel Witwicky. Shortly afterward, due to a Quintesson plot, what was left of Huffer was plunged into a red sun with the rest of the mausoleum. Dark Awakening

Huffer’s involvement in the battle, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the comic mini-series Transformers: The Animated Movie.

Japanese cartoon continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story pages

Huffer was a participant in a battle in New York City, early in the Autobot/Decepticon war taking place on Earth. The Autobots were victorious that day. Broadcasting on TV! Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

Legends comic

Huffer took on Megatron in the wake of a failed Decepticon attack on the Autobot base, but was defeated. Slugslinger's Ambition

The Battle of the Star Gate

In the 1990s, Huffer was among the Autobots who engaged in a massive space battle with Starscream, who had merged himself with the huge space station, the Trigger. The Battle of the Star Gate

Full Throttle Scramble Power!

When the Decepticons unleashed their new weapon, the Omega Wave Cannon, upon the world, Huffer absolutely freaked out about it, teleconferencing with the other Autobots in Metroplex to do some anime wild takes. He got himself together in time to storm the Decepticons' base alongside the amassed Autobot forces. Full Throttle Scramble Power!

Madman The Transformers comic

In the year 2001, the Decepticons had managed to conquer Cybertron completely. The Autobots were forced to evacuate the planet, and Huffer boarded a ship to this end alongside Springer and Wheeljack while Optimus covered their escape. The Transformers

Wings Universe

The best Autobots Optimus Prime could find, and Huffer.
Wings Universe is based on the Generation 1 cartoon, but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

Four million years ago, when the energies of Cybertron were in short supply, an Autobot exploration team including Huffer was formed to crew the Ark, which soon departed. Battle Lines, Part 6

By 2012, memorial statues of Huffer, Windcharger, Red Alert, and Wheeljack had been built at Autobot City. A Flash Forward, Part 2

Tornado knew of Huffer and considered Rockhopper to be a little like Huffer, only not a whiny complainer. Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur, 2014/05/03


Prior to his departure on the Ark, Huffer was witness to the incursion into their spacetime by another Optimus Prime and Megatron from Cloud World. He got knocked around as the foreign Megatron unleashed the power of SARA. Rampage TFC-A01

Sticker Adventures books

This is the photo Huffer references as he plays Johnny B Goode thirty years in the past.

Huffer helped fend off a Decepticon attack. As the Decepticons retreated, he stated with certainty that the Decepticons would soon return. He and the other Autobots then enjoyed an unusual lull in Decepticon activities for the next several days, only to find out they had been lulled into a false sense of security; the Decepticons had stolen the Autobots’ entire supply of fuel during this quiet time. Huffer and the other Autobots nonetheless attempted to fend off the Decepticons when they attacked once more. Thankfully, Optimus returned just in time with a new shipment of fuel.Re-energized, the Autobots forced the Decepticons to flee once again. Revenge of the Decepticons

Marvel Storybooks continuity

Huffer was amongst the Autobots gathered to hear Blaster convey a message from Megatron to Optimus; Sunstreaker had been taken hostage, and was being held ransom for the Autobots' surrender. He was among the wounded in the subsequent mission to retrieve him. The Autobots' Secret Weapon

Marvel coloring books

Oh, the things Huffer could accomplish, violence-wise, if he didn't have an entire semi cab on his back.

Optimus devised a trap for the Decepticons, and ordered Huffer to dig a really big hole over which Mirage would project the image of an Autobot factory to lure the Decepticons in. Though the trap fell through, the Autobots managed to defeat the Decepticons nonetheless, and Huffer held both Starscream and Thundercracker in his powerful grip, threatening to crush them. Both Decepticons surrendered. Decepticon Patrol

Huffer was part of the Autobot convoy that followed Optimus Prime into battle when the Autobots discovered that the Decepticons were using a molecular transfer device to steal fuel from all around the globe. He attempted to fight Starscream, but found the airborne Decepticon to be too fast for him... until Windcharger stepped in to help him out and used his magnetic powers to drag Starscream down into Huffer's range. Ironhide Huffer then punched a hole in the Decepticons' stronghold, allowing the Autobots to storm it. Once the Decepticons were defeated, Huffer helped redistribute the stolen fuel to its rightful owners. Summertime Coloring Book

In a battle with the Decepticons, Huffer held both Starscream and Thundercracker in his powerful grip, threatening to crush them...uh, again. A Message From Outer Space Huffer observed as Sideswipe and Bluestreak had a race, recording their times. When Bumblebee asked to join in, Sideswipe and Bluestreak just made fun of him. Huffer called after Bumblebee and volunteered to check his time, but the depressed Bumblebee just left the Autobot camp. Huffer was around when Bumblebee returned, warning of an imminent Decepticon attack. Bumblebee's Dangerous Mission

When the Autobots on Earth received word from Cosmos that the Decepticons were razing a human village to build a fuel plant in its place, they assumed their vehicle forms to sneak upon their enemies as they were working. Once they were in close enough proximity to the Decepticons, the Autobots transformed and launched a surprise attack. With the help of the Dinobots, whom they had concealed within their vehicle modes upon their approach, the Autobots beat up the Decepticons, shoved them down a pit, and covered them with quick-drying cement to keep them out of further trouble. The Autobot Spy in the Sky

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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The Big Book of Coloring Fun

Big Looker storybooks continuity

And Dick Dastardly's "London Bridge" plan falls down!

Huffer was one of the Autobots that boarded a ship to clear a path for Cybertron through an asteroid belt. The ship and its crew came under attack from the Decepticons, however, and crash-landed on Earth, where both Autobots and Decepticons lay deactivated for four million years. A volcanic eruption awoke the Decepticons and a few Autobots, one of whom found the humans Sparkplug Witwicky and Spike Witwicky and brought them to the crash site to repair the other Autobots. Up and running once more, Huffer participated in a plan of Optimus Prime's to lure the Decepticons into an ambush when they returned to destroy the Autobots. The plan worked. Battle for Cybertron Some time later, the Autobots participated in a car rally for a shot at the grand prize, consisting of a free supply of gas and oil for an entire year. Because they anticipated that the Decepticons would try to thwart their efforts, they had those who weren't going to race set up around the course to deal with sabotage attempts. Huffer was among those. When it was Hound's turn to drive a mountainous part of the course, Rumble destroyed the bridge right after a curve, planning for Hound to fall to his death. Huffer noticed this and repaired the bridge well before the racers arrived. The Great Car Rally Following a particularly harsh battle that left most of the soldiers on both factions badly injured, Huffer teamed up with Ratchet to repair their comrades. Soon after, the Autobots discovered a Decepticon plan to steal oil and went to stop them, except for Ratchet and Huffer, who were better occupied fixing the remaining patients. They prioritized Swoop, who ended up saving the day. Decepticon Hijack

Ladybird Books continuity

Voice actor: Blain Fairman (English)

Huffer balked at Optimus Prime's suggestion that the Autobots could somehow harness the power of lightning as a source of energy, but nevertheless went to work constructing a device that allow them to do just that. With some equipment borrowed from Ratchet, a little heavy-lifting help from fellow complainer Gears, and a solid week of work, Huffer succeeded in creating a huge lightning rod atop a nearby mountain, connected to an energy converter in a cavern below. The other Autobots were decidedly skeptical, but Huffer's device was an unqualified success... especially at disabling the Decepticons who had snuck into the cavern to try and steal it! Autobots' Lightning Strike

Day to day, Huffer continued to work on repairing the Autobots' spacecraft, hoping he could get back to his beloved Cybertron. Megatron's Fight for Power After the Autobots had been stranded on Earth for a while, and Optimus Prime had been replaced as leader by Ultra Magnus, Huffer was called upon to help Wheeljack build a transmitter that would scramble radio communications between the Decepticons' new orbiting space stations. Galvatron's Air Attack Later still, when a partly-demolished human factory that the Decepticons had co-opted for use as a temporary base was destroyed in battle, Huffer was tasked with rebuilding it. Unfortunately, the overzealous Huffer wound up rebuilding the factory completely, necessitating that part of his work be undone! Decepticon Hideout

Listen 'n Fun audiobooks continuity

Optimus Prime ordered Bumblebee and Huffer to plant false information indicating that the Autobots had located a new source of energy in order to mislead the Decepticons. Unfortunately the Autobots were still left with the problem that they actually needed to locate a new source of energy. Sun Raid (Listen 'n Fun)

The Battle for Planet Earth

Voice actor: Peter Marinker (English)

Huffer was among the Autobots who went on a mission to South America to search for energy sources, and carried John and Tim Gordon in his cab. He was the one to spot Mount Sheelah. After the humans explained the significance of the strange hollow mountain, the Autobots investigated further, but encountered the Decepticons. Luckily they retreated before the volcano erupted. Terror of Mount Sheelah After a hard day repairing the Ark, Huffer and the other Autobots relaxed by watching television, however a news report alerted them to the fact that the Decepticons were kidnapping humans. Bumblebee to the Rescue When the Decepticons invaded Stanley Lake, Huffer was among the Autobots who traveled there to foil their plan. Menace at the Dam Asked for his opinion on Starscream's possible defection, Huffer said the Decepticon was a cold-blooded villain. Espionage!!!!!

Dinobots Strike Back

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

In the path where Mirage used a hologram of Optimus Prime to lure the four cerebro-shell-controlled Dinobots over the edge of Bandit's Bluff and into the ocean, Huffer was one of the Autobots crewing Seaspray's destroyer mode. He helped haul the unconscious quartet aboard for safe transport back to the Ark.

In an alternate path, Windcharger was able to remove the cerebro-shells from 100 feet away with his magnetic powers, prompting a victory party that night. There, a frustrated Grimlock told Huffer that there was something important he couldn't quite remember. Huffer asked if it was something Bombshell said while controlling them, jogging the Dinobot's memory about there being a larger Decepticon plan afoot. Dinobots Strike Back

Dreamwave Generation One continuity


When Optimus Prime ordered an evacuation of Cybertron in the early days of the war, Huffer was seen loading boxes onto spacecraft at the Central Spaceport. The War Within #2 He was later present at Iacon when Shockwave and his troops assaulted the city. The War Within #3 As the war raged on, Optimus Prime disappeared in a space bridge accident, leading to the Autobots splitting into several splinter groups. Huffer remained in the "main" faction of Autobots, now under the command of Prowl. Fragmentation

Huffer was a part of the crew aboard the Ark when it crashed into Earth four million years ago while clearing an asteroid in the path of Cybertron. After the Autobots defeated the Decepticons on Earth, they attempted to return home on the Ark II, but the craft exploded, sending Huffer and the others into stasis lock.


He was one of many Transformers captured and reprogrammed by arms dealer Adam "Lazarus" Rook for lease to terrorist organizations and shady governments requiring brutal military might. Fortunately, Autobots under the command of Optimus Prime repaired and re-reprogrammed Huffer and the remaining captive Autobots. Immediately, they were put to work on fighting Megatron's metallic virus, which had spread deep into Canadian territory. Huffer was seen to be very gung-ho about starting the blasting process when Wheeljack cautioned the group that the anti-virus required converting their own internal energy, and he needed complete commitment from them if his plan was to succeed. Prime Directive #5

Soon, the Canadian military arrived. Unfortunately, due to the recent attacks by both enslaved Autobots and Decepticons under the command of Rook, the Canadians attempted to stop the Autobots doing what they perceived to be an attack on their soil. When Wheeljack tried to explain what they were doing (in a rather aggressive manner), the Canadians soldiers panicked and fired upon the Autobots. Huffer was blasted by a tank shell while trying to aid the fallen Wheeljack. Prime Directive #6

Huffer was one of the Autobots who accompanied Optimus Prime to Alaska to investigate a mysterious summons from a crashed Autobot ship. Ambushed by Decepticons, the tide of the battle turned against the Autobots, then back when Optimus overcame Megatron. Then things turned stranger by the emergence of Scourge from the Autobot ship, who declared the Cybertronian civil war over. The sudden appearance of Shockwave and his troops from Cybertron threw everyone for a loop, especially Megatron, who ended up under Shockwave's heel. In the ensuing battle between the Autobots and Shockwave's group, Huffer was shot and set ablaze. Ratchet came to his rescue. New World Order


Huffer was with Prime's group when he and most of the Autobots surrendered to Ultra Magnus and returned to Cybertron under lock and key as war criminals. Brothers' Burden After being sprung from prison, Huffer joined up with the insurgency groups under Smokescreen and Hot Rod, who then united under Optimus Prime's leadership. During the assault on Shockwave's stronghold in Iacon, Huffer found himself directly in the path of Decepticon missiles. The Autobot leader took a missile to the torso that was intended for Huffer, causing him pain and damage that later contributed to his defeat at the hands of Shockwave. Countdown to Extinction With some help from Ultra Magnus and Grimlock, Prime finally overthrew Shockwave. Revelation

After the revolution, Huffer and the rest of the Ark's crew were approached by Prowl about returning to Earth. He had conceived of a new Autobot City constructed on the organic world as their new base of operations, in order to better protect it from ever-arising threats. Original Sin Huffer was requisitioned to contribute his construction engineering skills to the city's design. Huffer "huffed" about it, claiming the whole meeting was a waste of Energon, but eventually gave in to Prowl's request. Atonement Prowl made a point of reaching out to Huffer and acknowledging his sacrifice after the launch, as Cybertron slowly faded from sight. Lost and Found

The Beast Within

Huffer participated in a savage battle against the Decepticons. The Beast Within

Hearts of Steel


Huffer was among the Autobots who ended up on Earth in the distant past, where they took on spiky organic modes and battled the Decepticons until an ice age threatened to destroy both factions. In order to continue their war at a later date, the Autobots went underground and powered down for a few million years. Hearts of Steel #1 When Bumblebee was reactivated in the mid-19th century and learned about Decepticon activity, he woke several other Autobots up as well, including Huffer. Hearts of Steel #2

"Strange Visitors" established that events identical to those of Hearts of Steel and Infestation 2 occurred in the 2005 IDW continuity; however, they happened to Maximal explorers brainwashed by Shockwave into believing they were the Autobots and Decepticons of the Great War.

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Megatron Origin #2
Huffer is such a downer that even Kup and Broadside shut up.

Forged before the war, Twenty Plus One Huffer was one of the manual laborers seen disputing the Senate's attempts to automate their trade with drones. Megatron Origin #2 Despite his laborer origins, Huffer has no known connection to the Decepticon movement, even in its earlier, less-violent days. When Zeta Prime was killed and the Decepticons assumed power, Huffer was at Maccadam's when he heard Optimus Prime's call to arms. He rallied with many others under the Autobot banner to retake the capital. Broadcast During the struggle, Huffer met the new Autobot leader personally and assured him they'd fight alongside him even though they weren't soldiers. Endgame

Huffer was among the Autobots who battled Trypticon in the early days of the war. Annihilation Millennia later, after the Battle of Thunderhead Pass, Huffer was one of many Autobots engaged in trench warfare over what remained of their destabilized home planet. He was with Getaway, Kup and Broadside awaiting a broadcast from Blaster when the Decepticons made their big push against the Autobots. Spotlight: Blaster

It's designs like these that make me depressed.

After several more centuries of fighting and the Decepticons' galaxy-wide assault on Autobot interests, Huffer found himself stationed on Earth. He told Sideswipe to shush during one of Ultra Magnus's speeches. A Rude Awakening A few days later, Magnus requisitioned some energon from Huffer. Enemies of the System

Several months later, the Autobots and their Skywatch allies were victims of a Decepticon attack and forced to flee across the desert. Their caravan was then attacked by humans, and Huffer stayed true to his nature by complaining loudly and at length when Ultra Magnus chose to continue fleeing rather than fight back. He shut up once Megatron appeared and shot him. Woken Furies The injured Autobots were dumped in a schoolyard in Albuquerque, where they were held hostage by two humans carrying powerful Megatron-based handguns and were influenced by Megatron's own thoughts. Unable to fight back or defend themselves without risking human lives, Huffer and the others could only sit tight until they were saved by Jazz, who killed one of the humans. Burning Chrome During their escape, Huffer helped the shell-shocked Jazz. Full Fathom Five

Alongside the majority of Autobots, Huffer left Earth to return to a restored Cybertron. On board Omega Supreme's rocket mode, he and several others hoped to listen in on Optimus Prime's interrogation of Megatron. Chaos Theory #1 Once they arrived, the Autobots fought to defeat Galvatron and his Sweep army. Numbers Huffer was among those who fled when Devastator joined the battle. Kings

When Prowl was faced with some heavy lifting back on Earth, he wished that Huffer hadn't left. Only Forward

oh god please not another 'goggles do nothing' quote

After the Chaos War ended, Huffer joined Rodimus and the crew of the Lost Light in their search for the Knights of Cybertron. Hangers On The Chaos of Warm Things Like most of the crew, he was at one point frozen in place by one of Brainstorm's malfunctioning weapons. The Reluctant Specialist When the Lost Light ran into a mysterious portal in space, Huffer and many others gathered on the observation deck to have a look at it. The Fecund Moon When the Legislators suddenly materialized within their ship, Huffer, alongside Gears and Hound, battled them. House of Ambus

The Lost Light later returned to Cybertron where Huffer was reunited with the other Autobots. The Becoming After Shockwave attempted to destroy the universe, Huffer attended the trial of a captured Megatron. Towards Peace Six months later, Huffer evacuated the Lost Light in the Rodpod. With Autobots disappearing in the shuttle, Huffer opted to lock both Megatron and Cyclonus in the engine room. He would soon disappear as well. Twenty Plus One An alternative version of him was slaughtered by the D.J.D. along with the rest of the crew. slaughterhouse He was eventually restored with all the other disappeared Autobots. The Road Not Taken

Huffer was one of the many Autobots who got news of Thunderclash's pre-wake. The Sensuous Frame He later attended Swerve's "Earth Dance". The Frail Gaze

Huffer was among the crew members who battled Rust Giants on Miliarium. How Bright Their Frail Deeds

After accepting Getaway as their new captain, Huffer and the crew were unwillingly subjected to mnemosurgery by Sunder. Their memories were altered to believe Rodimus and the others left the Lost Light of their own accord, abandoning the rest of the crew. Filling in the Blanks Huffer was socializing at "Visages" when First Aid and the Protectobots caught up with the Lost Light. He helped fill in First Aid on what the crew believed had happened in their absence. Full Circle

Huffer later joined the rest of the crew for one last drink at Swerve's before the Lost Light was disassembled. How To Say Goodbye And Mean It: Part 2

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #17
Optimus Whine.

Huffer was an engineer who worked on the Winged Moon under Wheeljack's supervision, although he had little patience for the constant mishaps of Wheeljack's mentee Gears. While investigating possible Rise sabotage on the moon, Huffer, Lancer, Cosmos, Gears and Wheeljack witnessed a battle between Lodestar and Vigilem, which ended with Vigilem severing the Tether that connected the Winged Moon to Cybertron. The Change In Your Nature Part Five

While the other workers evacuated, Huffer begrudgingly stayed behind with Wheeljack to find a way to alter the moon's trajectory before its unstable solar orbit sent it into Cybertron's sun, although his pessimism regarding the situation did not endear him to his teammates. After helping to stabilize the moon's internal ductwork during Wheeljack's first plan, Huffer investigated the moon's damaged jets just before they passed through the Croaton Cloud, which forced him, Gears and Wheeljack to take shelter inside the moon. Huffer and the others then interrogated Enemy when Lancer discovered that the Decepticon had stowed away aboard the last shuttle, but the experience only made a frustrated Wheeljack that much angrier. Indeed, as the team prepared for their third attempt, Huffer made a pointed comment about Gears, which caused Wheeljack to snap that the young 'bot was doing more to help than Huffer had. Huffer stood guard over Enemy while his teammates enacted their final plan; when they'd saved the moon, Huffer told Gears that he'd done well and introduced him to the marvels of K-Juice, moments before they intercepted a transmission from Flamewar. Wheeljack: Orbital Decay


With Team Stream attempting to take over the Winged Moon, Wheeljack headed back to Cybertron for help, leaving Huffer and the others to hold out against the invaders. Huffer barricaded his compatriots inside the moon's control facility, but was wary of the Decepticons' capabilities and had the others constantly checking for potential breaches. A team led by Shadow Striker found their way in and Huffer's group eventually found themselves cornered in the main control room. Lancer came up with a plan to overload the artificial gravity generator and basically fire a mini black hole at their attackers. Despite their reservations, Huffer and the others agreed to enact Lancer's plan and it ultimately rendered the Winged Moon useless to the Decepticons, who retreated. Huffer's team was then evacuated off the moon by Sky Lynx, save Cosmos, who remained behind. Moon

After returning to Cybertron, Huffer joined Optimus Prime's new team of Autobots, adopted a new body, and helped brand other recruits with the Autobot insignia. Sea of Rust I Huffer left Cybertron aboard the Ark with the rest of the Autobots and listened to a speech given by Optimus Prime on approach to their new home, the Winged Moon. Fate of Cybertron

Transformers vs. the Terminator

Huffer was one of the many dormant Autobots aboard the Ark in 1984. When the recently-awoken Megatron blasted the ship's flight deck, the shot blew Huffer's body in half and killed him. Enemy of My Enemy Part Two

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material


Closer than ever to reaching the AllSpark, the Autobots awakened after crash-landing on pre-Ice Age Earth. While battling the Decepticons, both sides were joined by the Maximals and Predacons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies. Kingdom webpage[1]

Huffer was a Ground Command Engineering Private, Kingdom toy packaging whose function was a construction engineer, and trans-scanned into an Earth mini-truck. His heat resistance and superior intelligence were his powers and weapons, and his core traits were his crankiness, cynicalness, and reliability. Huffer's message from the future was that he must learn to be more positive. Kingdom webpage

After the quantum surge caused a time vortex in an alternate timeline, Huffer and Pipes were fused into Puffer, and alongside GoBot Road Ranger, were pulled to a prehistoric Earth. Golden Disk Collection Chapter 1 After Puffer was sent away in a pod with the Nemesis transwarp drive, and Maximal Tigatron crashed the ship into the quantum surge in the past, the time vortex was undone, preventing Huffer and Pipes from becoming Puffer. Golden Disk Collection Chapter 4

My Little Pony/Transformers


Huffer was one of the many Cybertronians brainwashed by the evil King Sombra. During the final battle, he and Warpath attacked Bumblebee, but with Spike's assistance the yellow Autobot was able to break Sombra's spell by focusing on his good memories with the pair. Finale

Energon Universe

TF2023 no. 7 – Battle on Cybertron.jpg

On Cybertron, Huffer, along with Elita One, Kup, and Warpath, were caught in an ambush while making an offensive on a Decepticon installation to try and rescue Ultra Magnus. Huffer's shield was whittled down to 7% capacity, but he still used it to cover the four Autobots as they made their way there. Eventually the shield gave out, and Huffer was blasted to pieces by Decepticon gunfire. Transformers #7

This section covers fiction that is ongoing. It will be added to as the story progresses. If it isn't current, you can help by updating it.

Commercial appearances

Huffer and Cliffjumper once allowed a Mini-spy access to the Autobot base, only for the little rascal to start mucking around with Teletraan I. The two Autobots then rushed in to check the Mini-spy's true allegiance, discovering it to be a Decepticon. The spy fled, with the two Autobots in pursuit. Mini-spies commercial


Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons

Huffer was amongst the Autobots held prisoner by the Decepticons. In order to rescue his troops, Optimus Prime partook in a mission to infiltrate the Decepticon's maze-like base, where Huffer and his Autobot compatriots were held captive. Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons packaging blurb and game

Transformers Legends

Bumblebee recruited Huffer to join the Bee Team, a secret strike force. The Bee Team Huffer was sent out with Grapple and Hoist to repair the stricken Powerglide. The three engineers ran into the Constructicons, but instead of fighting instead bonded over their love of building. The truce was short-lived, as Shockwave and Deluge turned up to remind Scrapper which side he was on, but the Autobot trio still managed to rescue Powerglide. The Master Builders


Transformers: Battle Tactics

Huffer participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Common character that could be recruited by collecting 28 units of Cybermetal. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Earth Wars


Huffer is one of the most elite Autobots that arrived on Earth. He also helps out Wheeljack and Perceptor in the lab if he needs to be there. Earth Wars Huffer bio

When Perceptor was being pursed by Lockdown on Cybertron, Huffer tried to recall him with the Space Bridge, only for Sharkticons to appear instead. Feeding Frenzy He worked around the clock for days to flush them out, but felt underappreciated when Perceptor told him to hurry up and lock onto his signal. He promptly left, nearly dropping a turret on Bumblebee's foot on his way out, leaving the task up to Ratchet. Working the Sharks Out But he came back and tracked Perceptor when he was at the Decepticons' base and initiated a two-way matter transfer protocol to bring him back. Target Locked!

  • Class: Special
  • Lowest Star rating: 3 stars
  • Weapons: Huffer uses a rapid fire pistol to shoot his targets. Than he closes in and smashes it with his fists.
  • Ability: Mini-Laser Place a miniature beam laser to attack targets for you! Lasts for 25 – 30 seconds.
    • Cost: 3 ability points. +2 for reuses.

Huffer at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Huffer was a skeptical Autobot. Field Guide to Action and Adventure


The Transformers

Oh, they gave me a mouthplate. I don't have a mouthplate.
  • Huffer (Minicar/Mini Vehicle, 1984/1985)
The Transformers Huffer was part of the original 1984 assortment of Autobot Minicars, transforming into a truck cab which is either a terminal tractor (also called a "yard truck," a "mule", and several other things) or a single-axle semi truck of indeterminate, probably made-up model (though it strongly resembles a Volvo F88).
In 1984, Huffer and the other Mini Vehicles came packaged in vehicle mode; in 1985, they were switched to come in robot mode, a change preceded by the addition of a picture of their vehicle modes to the front of their cards. The same year, the Autobot insignia on Huffer's roof was replaced with a heat-activated rubsign. Later in 1985, the re-released first-year Mini Vehicles came packaged with Mini-spies; Huffer (and Windcharger) would only come with blue Mini-spies in four different forms.
When he was released in Japan in 1985, "Drag" came in a small box rather than a card. He only came with the rubsign on his hood rather than the foil faction symbol.
The mold was first released in 1983 as part of Takara's Micro Change line (identified only as an "American truck"), but evidence exists to suggest it was originally designed by defunct American toy company Knickerbocker for the cancelled toyline, Mysterians. This mold was also used to make Pipes (for the Hasbro line it was extensively retooled, while the Mexican version released by IGA was a straight redeco) and Road Ranger.
The Transformers mold: Huffer

Version 1 (Huffer):

  • TakaraFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers 14 Drag
  • The Transformers Collection 12 Drag
  • LynsaTransformers Huffer (peach & blue)

  • Huffer (peach & yellow)
  • Huffer (blue & yellow)

  • Huffer (red & yellow)

Version 2 (Pipes):

  • HasbroThe Transformers Pipes
  • TakaraFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers C-60 Pipes
  • TakaraTomyEncore 10 Pipes

Hideaki Yoke

  • Huffer (Mini Vehicle, 1985)
The Venezuelan release of Huffer by Rubiplas is radically different from not only the Hasbro/Takara coloration, but the rest of the Rubiplas line. While the other Mini Vehicles released share the base colors (or at least close enough) of the originals (sometimes missing paint or chrome), Rubiplas Huffer comes in red with bright yellow robot parts, including unchromed yellow pipes/arms. The exact shade of yellow varies between samples, typically either a bright, near-neon yellow, or a more subdued tone.

  • Huffer (Mini Vehicle, 1986)
Manufactured by Argentinean company Lynsa but sold in Peru, Huffer was once again released without any chrome, and this time in multiple color schemes. So far, four different colorations have been confirmed: peachy-and-blue, peach-and-yellow, blue-and-yellow, and red-and-yellow (very similar to the darker-yellow Rubiplas version above). It is claimed that there may be six different versions of Peruvian Huffer all told, with the two others being unique to that market, but no-one has been able to find and confirm the others so far.
Peruvian company BASA (which eventually changed to HUDE) apparently also (briefly) sold Transformers in Peru, but these were straight imports of Hasbro Mini Vehicles with a company sticker applied to the packaging.

The Transformers Collection

  • Minibot Team (Multi-pack, 2004)
  • ID number: 12
In January of 2004, "Drag" was reissued in a The Transformers Collection six-pack with Bumble, Adams, Gears, Powerglide, and Warpath. There are no notable differences between the Takara-release original and reissue versions of Drag.
This entire set was redecoed to make the "G1 GoBots" set; Huffer was used to make Road Ranger.
The Transformers mold: Huffer

Version 1 (Huffer):

  • TakaraFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers 14 Drag
  • The Transformers Collection 12 Drag
  • LynsaTransformers Huffer (peach & blue)

  • Huffer (peach & yellow)
  • Huffer (blue & yellow)

  • Huffer (red & yellow)

Version 2 (Pipes):

  • HasbroThe Transformers Pipes
  • TakaraFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers C-60 Pipes
  • TakaraTomyEncore 10 Pipes

Hideaki Yoke


Hey kids, it's me! Timmy the Tow Truck! Hyuck hyuck! Wuh-oh, looks like somebody's feeling a little grumpy today!
  • Springer / Huffer (Souvenir set, 2007)
  • Accessories: Crane boom/rifle, Earth-type Cyber Key
  • Known designers: Joe Moore (concept artist)[2]
Sold together in a bag with Springer and their instructions and bio cards, Timelines Huffer is a Classics-themed BotCon 2007 attendee exclusive. An orange and blue redeco of the Cybertron Armorhide toy, Huffer transforms into a first-generation Volvo FH Globetrotter semi tractor-trailer cab with the badges and serial numbers filed off, and with a hook-crane attachment on the fifth wheel. Plugging a Cyber Key into the back of his cab flips his grill down, exposing a rack of eight (non-firing) missiles. This feature is also available in his robot mode. Huffer can store a Cyber Key using tabs on his hook-crane/rifle, and came with a silver-bordered, translucent orange Earth Key.
This mold was also used to make the live-action-movie-verse Armorhide, which was then repurposed into Shattered Glass Huffer.


Huffer's truck paint faded in the wash.
  • Huffer (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2013)
  • Collection: 3
  • Bag number: *****54
  • Accessories: Logo brick, 2 small pistols
  • Known designers: Ed Masiello (Hasbro)
As part of the third wave of blindpacked Kre-O Micro-Changers, Huffer is a Kreon that can be rebuilt into a teeny little semi truck. His robot mode even has the head-canopy!
He reuses Ironhide's helmet.

We don't understand the turbine on his arm either.
  • Kreon Class of 1984 (Kreon figure set, 2014)
  • Set number: B0090
  • Voted: Biggest Rust Bucket
  • Accessories: Clip-on turbine
This version of Huffer, part of the Kreon Class of 1984, has much more toy-based tampographs than his prior version, including a mask-and-visor face, plus a deeper orange plastic. He uses the Constructicon-style helmet.
He was only available in a pack of thirty Kreons dubbed "Class of 1984". This set was made for sale at San Diego Comic-Con 2014. Remaining stock was to be sold at Hasbro Toy Shop online, but the set actually sold out at the show.

  • Huffer (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2017)
  • Collection: Collection 3
  • Accessories: Logo plate, 2 small pistols
In 2017, the Collection 3 Micro-Changers were re-released in a whole new production run, first appearing at Walgreens stores in the US, but expanding to other outlets like Dollar General. These releases use the almost-entirely-retooled 2015 Kreon (making most parts incompatible with older Kreons), with slightly-differently-hued plastics than the originals. Huffer's tampographs are slightly altered, adding metallic silver to his faction symbol and "belt"... and dropping the "windshield" tampo from his truck-cab block. Oops.
Sadly, this release has no individual-identification code on the bag, requiring you to use the feel-through-the-bag method or just buy blind and hope.

Combiner Wars

The only ones more whiny than Huffer are the fans.
  • Huffer (Legends Class, 2015)
  • Accessories: Rifle
  • Known designers: John Warden (Hasbro)
Released in the second wave of Combiner Wars Legends toys, Huffer is a retool of Generations Thrilling 30 Legends Class Optimus Prime with a new head, transforming from robot to generic cab-over truck. He features 5 mm-compatible hands, and a similar hole on his roof to mount accessories.
Oddly, his package art (also used on the included collector card) depicts Huffer as a retool of the entirely different Reveal the Shield Legends Class Optimus Prime toy.
This mold was redecoed into Pipes.
Generations mold: Optimus Prime (Legends Class)
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:

War for Cybertron: Kingdom

A, B, cronk, doug, euhhh, fnuhh, gumpy... huff my duff...
  • Huffer (Deluxe Class, 2021)
  • Hasbro ID number: WFC-K16
  • TakaraTomy ID number: KD EX-05
  • TakaraTomy release date: June 26, 2021
  • Accessories: Truck bed/shield, 2 "Energon blaster" halves
  • Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro), Ittoku Kuwazu (TakaraTomy), Emiliano Santalucia (concept artist)
War for Cybertron: Kingdom Huffer transforms from a cab-over truck based on his original toy into a robot mode heavily modeled after his cartoon appearance, though with more angular shaping. Similar to Earthrise Cliffjumper, Huffer is sold as a Deluxe-size figure, but to accurately reflect the short stature of the character in the original series, he's not quite as tall as most other figures in the range, making up the difference in height with extra accessories. His torso transformation joint can work as an ab-crunch. As an extra feature, Huffer can tow Earthrise Optimus Prime's trailer (or any of its redecoes), recreating the scene from "Heavy Metal War" where he does that to help an injured Optimus.
Huffer comes with a shield and a gun that can form a truck bed in vehicle mode. Bizarrely, his blaster seems to have been directly based on concept art for the Spartan Laser from the Halo video game series.
Like most of this toyline, Huffer comes with one of four possible holographic Golden Disk cards for his wave, which reveals a possible destiny of a key character.
Huffer was redecoed and retooled to make Road Ranger, and retooled into Pipes, with that usage getting redecoed (again, with a new head) to Puffer.


  • Cybertron Hero Collection 22 (Decoy multi-pack, 1985)
In Japan, a red rubber mini-figure of "Drag" was available in part of a massive multi-pack of similar mini-figurines. The number etched into his back is the sum total of his Tech Spec ratings, as these figurines were used as game pieces for a variety of Transformers board games in which this number had some meaning to how the game was played or something. Huffer mixes the cartoon model with elements from the original toy (most notably tires on his shoulders and claws instead of hands).

  • Huffer (Decoy, 1987)
    • Decoy number: 27
The Hasbro Decoy release of the Huffer game piece is almost identical to the Japanese version, except the number on his back is a simple "checklist" number. Like all Autobot Decoys, he was a randomly-chosen pack-in available with the carded Throttlebots, Aerialbots, Protectobots, and Technobots.


He will complain about this until the end of time.
  • The bio card for Fun Publications' BotCon 2007 exclusive toy lists the name as "Huffer®". Unfortunately, Hasbro hadn't actually attempted at the time to register the name, which technically made the claim illegal. SHAME ON YOU, FunPub. Obviously Hasbro has rectified this.
  • A strange variation on Huffer's character model features a semi-circular hood behind his head instead of the normal rectangular shape. It appeared in Huffer's The Transformers Universe bio entry, and in the comic story "Totaled!".
  • Huffer's shoulders in his character model suffer the same fate that his original toy does, sitting at about midway on his torso.
  • A proposed design for a Masterpiece Huffer toy is found in Transformers Generations 2011 Volume 2.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Drag (ドラッグ Doraggu), Huffer (ハッファー Haffā)
  • French: Grognon (Canada, "Grouch")
  • Greek: Gígantas (Γίγαντας, "Giant")
  • Hungarian: Fortyogó ("Ebullier")
  • Italian: Turbo, Piedone (Divide and Conquer and Heavy Metal War, "Big Foot")
  • Mandarin: Huffer (Taiwan, 哈佛 Hāfó), Lǔmǎng (鲁莽 "Reckless")
  • Portuguese: Valentão (Portugal comics), Rabugento (Brazil comics, "Grumpy")
  • Russian: Nytik (Нытик, "Whiner")


  1. Kingdom webpage
  2. "Another one that made it to release was Huffer. Cybertron Armorhide was such a spot on pick for this exclusive. The colors were tweaked a bit before release. My colors were more a mix of the toon and comic, while they wanted something akin to the G1 toy."—Joe Moore, Twitter, 2021/03/12
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