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      Cultural HeritageBaltic archaeologyPostmedieval ArchaeologyIngria / Ingermanland / Inkeri
Culture of Long Barrows in South-East Estonia: common features and regional differences Archaeologists have studied the Culture of Long Barrows (Fig. 1) for over a hundred years, and south-east Estonia can be regarded as one of the most... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyOld Rus'Baltic archaeology
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      Material Culture StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
The article presents findings of the excavated early Middle Age site at Kotorsk IX, which is part of the assemblage of sites of Kotorsk grave ground in Pljuss Rajon of Pskov Oblast'. The assemblage includes a cape fortified site with a... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology
В статье дается обзор работ Лаборатории археологии, исторической социологии и культурного наследия им. Г.С.Лебедева СПбГУ на территории г. Санкт-Петербурга в 2012-2013 гг.
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      St PetersburgPost Medieval ArchaeologyPost-Medieval ArchaeologyHistory of St. Petersburg
Reference Early Medieval archaeological sites in the north-west part of Eastern Europe: problems of definition and an attempt of construction. The article discusses the experience of construction of the united stratigraphical scheme as... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyBaltic archaeologyarcheology of the north-western Russia
The article presents materials from the excavations of Early Medieval local centre of Kotorsky Pogost in the Novgorod Land. The Early Medieval complex incuded a temporarily used hill fort and a large unfortified settlement. Materials from... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyBaltic archaeologyarcheology of the north-western Russia
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      История Санкт ПетерСанкт-Петербург
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    • Early Medieval Archaeology
In the archaeological literature for the early Middle Ages compiled a list of criteria of so-called elitist (privileged, princely) complexes. The article examines the possibility of applying these criteria to the Old-Russian rural sites... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyOld Russian archaeologyarcheology of the north-western Russia
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    • Crimean Archaeology
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyBaltic archaeologyarcheology of the north-western Russia
Бюллетень ИИМК РАН. Охранная археология. 2015. № 5. – С. 107–122.
Обзор работ 2012-2014 гг. (в названии - опечатка!)
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      Cultural HeritageEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyBaltic archaeology
(in Russian) The present paper analyzes the history of the antiquities of Western Ingria (area of the Izhora Plateau with the contiguous maritime aтd riverine lowlands) over the 1st Millennium AD. This study is based predominantly on... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyBaltic archaeologyIngria / Ingermanland / Inkeriarcheology of the north-western Russia
Rider and Horse Equipment of Pskov Long Barrow Culture The article describes the fi nds of rider and horse equipment from sites of Pskov long barrow culture: typology, chronology, composition of the complexes. Pskov long barrows yielded... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyBaltic archaeologyarcheology of the north-western Russia
Materials from excavations of the Kotorsk XII Burial-ground in the North of the present-day Pskov Region are published in this article. This burial-ground, consisting of 11 burial-mounds, was completely excavated in 1990. The... more
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    • Early Medieval Archaeology
Чернозерский монастырь находился на севере современной Псковской области и был одной из многочисленных мелких сельских обителей Северо-Западной России. В письменных источниках сохранились отрывочные данные о нем, датируемые XVI-XVII вв.... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyHistory of ArchaeologyMedieval NovgorodArchaeology of Ancient Russia, the Viking Age, Medieval Archaeology of Novgorod
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyBaltic archaeology
In recent years, the area to the southeast of the Gulf of Finland (on the Izhora plateau and in the lower reaches of the River Luga) has opened up a number of archaeological sites dating from the first to the tenth century AD. There are... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyBaltic archaeologyarcheology of the north-western Russia
Early medieval sites with funeral cremations in the Northwest of Eastern Europe: the main cultural traditions and their interaction Despite the already long history of archaeological research, the early Middle Ages in the Northwest of... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology