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Svetuka kuchirochemo


Kubva Wikipedia
(runangakatsva kubva kuHunde)

Muti idzinde rinokura richiita matavi, maruva nemuchero. Michero ingava inodyiwa kana isingadyiwe. Mukati memuchero ndimo munowanikwa mbeu. Miti inokura ichiita mapazi anobata pahunde yemuti.

  • Bumbuti kana dumbuti zvinoreva kukura kwemuti pagutsa rakambotemwa. Vamwe vanoda kusvvura makavi pamabumbuti emupfuti.
  • Guunga (Mimosa thorn forest).
  • Runye (grain or other vegetation coming up very closely together).
  • Bumburudzi (cluster of fruits, clump of trees, group of people) kana kuti chichese.

Kurerutsa Mutauro

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]
  • Muti uyo wakaita dengezeze: that tree's branches have a wide spread.
  • Asi nhai inobva kunzinde dzake umwe unozotora pandau yake: But another branch from the same roots as hers will appear in her father’s place. (Daniel 11:7 Bhaibheri reChiNdau).
  • Muriwo wandakadyara pasi pemuwunga wakavhungwa nemumvuri.
  • Kuvhunga (to choke with growth, to overgrow).
  • Demo rakapakama mumuti. The axe is caught (held up by branch) in the tree.
  • Kungorama kana kupakama zvinoreva kupaikira. Demo rakangorama mumuti.
  • Matanda masairirwa, unosiya nerino muchenje.(Standing) logs are tested; you leave the one eaten by white ants.

Mitauro yeBantu

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]
  • VaNyoro vanoti muti (tree; piece of wood) vachireva muti. VaNyungwe vanoti tsinde (tree trunk) kureva hunde. Maconde vanoti lutavi (n. branch).
  • VaKongo vanoti ntayi (the branches of a tree) kureva matavi emuti. Herero vanoti orutavi kana ondavi (branch) kureva bazi.
  • VaHaya vanoti omuti (tree) kureva muti. VaWabo vanoti muri kana miri (tree) vachireva muti. Tumbuka vanoti umugogo (log) kureva danda.
  • Babungo vanoti (n. tree) kureva muti. Mamwe mazwi: (n. height). VaTege vanoti odza (n. root) kureva mudzi. Mandinka vanoti yiri kureva muti.
  • Giryama vanoti tsandzu (branch - part of tree that grows from trunk or bough) kureva bazi.
  • VaGiryama vanoti lutai (bough - main branch, firm branch of a tree) kureva davi.
  • Lubwisi vanoti kiti (n. Tree) kureva muti. Sangho vanoti luti (v. to stand; to stand up) kureva kumira.