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Research in Agricultural Engineering, 2022 (vol. 68), issue 2
Theme: The application of electroporation for treatment of food and agricultural products

Applications of pulsed electric fields for processing potatoes: Examples and equipment designReview

Oleksii Parniakov, Nikolai Lebovka, Artur Wiktor, Martina Comiotto Alles, Kevin Hill, Stefan Toepfl

Res. Agr. Eng., 2022, 68(2):47-62 | DOI: 10.17221/90/2021-RAE  

In the last two decades, pulsed electric fields (PEF) have successfully been introduced into the food industry, as one of the most promising and "game changing" technologies. This review is devoted to the recent applications of pulsed electric fields used in processing potatoes. The potato processing market size was estimated to be ca. USD 24.83 billion (2018) and with an annual growth rate of 5.2%. The physicochemical characteristics of potatoes and the specificity of potato processing lines makes a pulsed electric field very versatile and flexible allowing one to achieve different technological aims by its implementation into technological lines....

Processing of sugar beets assisted by pulsed electric fieldsReview

Eugene Vorobiev, Nikolai Lebovka

Res. Agr. Eng., 2022, 68(2):63-79 | DOI: 10.17221/91/2021-RAE  

Pulsed electric fields (PEFs) are becoming more and more popular in different applications in processing agricultural products. The PEF technology is based on the application of high voltage short pulses that allow electroporation in the cell membranes. This review outlines the PEF applications used in processing sugar beets. New perspective technologies of the cold or warm aqueous extraction of sugar, cold pressing of sugar beet cossettes, and combined pressing-diffusion process are discussed. Electroporation devices for pilot and industrial applications in the sugar beet industry are also presented.

Pulsed electric field treatment for the stimulation of microorganisms: Applications in food productionReview

Sally El Kantar, Mohamed Koubaa

Res. Agr. Eng., 2022, 68(2):80-92 | DOI: 10.17221/78/2021-RAE  

The pulsed electric field (PEF) technology is a non-thermal processing technique usually used for microbial inactivation in food industries. The application of this technology at sub-lethal levels prior to or during the fermentation processes enhances the mass transfer and cell permeability. It could also cause changes in the genetic, metabolic, and physiological responses of microbial strains leading to an improvement in the fermentation process. Several studies reported the benefits of PEF on microorganisms including growth stimulation, an increase in the fermentation rates and product yields, and improvement in the metabolite extraction. All of...

Application of pulsed electric field prior to vacuum drying: Effect on drying time and quality of apple tissueOriginal Paper

Aleksandra Matys, Dorota Witrowa-Rajchert, Oleksii Parniakov, Artur Wiktor

Res. Agr. Eng., 2022, 68(2):93-101 | DOI: 10.17221/93/2021-RAE  

The study aimed to determine the influence of a pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment on vacuum drying (VD) of apples and their selected quality parameters. The apples were treated with a PEF at 1 kV.cm-1 (with a variable amount of the specific energy input: 1, 3.5, and 6 kJ.kg-1) before VD at 4 kPa (with a variable drying temperature: 40 °C, 55 °C, and 70 °C). The drying time, microstructure, retention of total phenolics (TPC) as well as the antioxidant activity of the obtained dried materials were studied. As a result of opening the cell structure of the apple tissues, the PEF significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the drying time - depending...

Kitchen cooking by electroporationOriginal Paper

František Kumhála, Jakub Lev, Pavel Kouřím, Jiří Blahovec

Res. Agr. Eng., 2022, 68(2):102-107 | DOI: 10.17221/96/2021-RAE  

Recently, modern non-heating-based food processing alternatives have emerged. The pulsed electric field (PEF) technology is an example, which does not require high temperatures and, in principle, preserves both the nutritional and functional characteristics of the food while possibly improving the taste. Nevertheless, using this technology in kitchen conditions is still a challenge. Thus, the main aim of this work was the development of a kitchen cooking device that uses pure pulse electroporation (without thermal effects). A device powered by a common electrical network was designed. The voltage applied to the electrodes is approximately 150 V. At...

Sensory evaluation test of electroporated carrotsShort Communication

Pavel Kouřím, Lenka Kouřimská, Izabela Kovaříková, Jiří Blahovec

Res. Agr. Eng., 2022, 68(2):108-111 | DOI: 10.17221/84/2021-RAE  

Two types of samples were prepared from fresh carrot roots. The first type represented samples of untreated carrots. The second type was treated with a pulsed electric field. Nine specific sensory properties characterising the carrot root tissue were evaluated by means of a sensory profile method to determine the differences between the untreated and treated carrot samples. For the resilience and elasticity, which were evaluated by the fingers, and the juiciness, which was evaluated in the mouth, significant differences were found between the two types of samples.