Plant, Soil and Environment, 2025 (vol. 71), issue 2
Influences of plants and soil microbes on antibiotics in the rhizosphere: a reviewReview
Jingfang Li, Liang Chen, Song Jin, Linxian Huang, Huihua Chen
Plant Soil Environ., 2025, 71(2):67-92 | DOI: 10.17221/350/2024-PSE
The rhizosphere plays an important role in both farmland and urban areas, affecting water quantity and quality during surface water infiltration by increasing the heterogeneity of the aeration zone. The extensive application of antibiotics, their recalcitrance to degradation, and the resultant accumulation of antibiotics in soil-microbe-plant systems represent significant threats to the rhizosphere system, thereby threatening ecological stability and environmental and human health. This review synthesises recent findings on the migration and transformation of typical and common antibiotics within the rhizosphere. The main findings include that the...
Effect of gypsum and potassium fertilisation on the nutritive value of legume-grass mixtureOriginal Paper
Waldemar Zielewicz, Barbara Wróbel
Plant Soil Environ., 2025, 71(2):93-108 | DOI: 10.17221/274/2024-PSE
The four-year field trial was conducted at the Rolnicze Gospodarstwo Doświadczalne Brody (Brody Experimental Farm), Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland. This study aimed to assess how different doses of gypsum and potassium (K) fertilisers influenced the nutritive value of the alfalfa-grass mixture. The following two experimental factors were duplicated: gypsum fertilisation – two levels (0 and 500 kg/ha) and K fertilisation – four levels (0, 30, 60, and 120 kg/ha). The sward was harvested three times at the full budding phase of alfalfa. The content of nutritive components: crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), crude ash (CA) and...
On-site composting of waste hop biomass: the impact of covering piles on leachate quantity and compost qualityOriginal Paper
Barbara Čeh, Julija Polanšek, Žan Trošt, Ana Karničnik Klančnik
Plant Soil Environ., 2025, 71(2):109-122 | DOI: 10.17221/197/2024-PSE
Covering hop waste composting piles with semipermeable membrane after the thermophilic phase until spring, when the compost was ready to use, reduced the volume of leachate and leached nutrients amounts significantly; there was a negligible amount of leachate and low amount of leached nutrients during winter and spring at all treatments. At treatments with additives (biochar, preparation effective microorganisms) and larger percent of particles of 2–5 cm, it was indicated that composting pile should probably also be covered in the first months of composting and be opened only when turning/mixing it; on the other hand, the amount of leachate was...
Identification of salt-tolerant cultivars and plant traits in wheat during germination and seedling emergence stagesOriginal Paper
Lin Zhao, Simeng Li, Xuemei He, Hanyu Liu, Yiran Cheng, Yi Wang, Houyang Kang, Jian Zeng
Plant Soil Environ., 2025, 71(2):123-135 | DOI: 10.17221/449/2024-PSE
In this study, we assessed the salt tolerance of 38 wheat cultivars from primary wheat cultivation regions in China using a membership function value (MFV) during the germination and seedling emergence stages. Based on salt tolerance assessment, three contrasting groups were classified, with 10 tolerant, 23 moderately tolerant and 5 sensitive cultivars under low salt stress, and 4 tolerant, 25 moderately tolerant and 9 sensitive cultivars under high salt stress and in addition to Na+ and K+ homeostasis regulation, nitrogen efficient transfer from seed to plant tissues denoted the significant positive correlation with salt tolerance,...
Spermidine mitigates wheat copper toxicity by modulating ascorbate and glutathione metabolism, copper accumulation and photosynthetic performanceOriginal Paper
Limin Wu, Qiumei Zhang, Ninghai Lu
Plant Soil Environ., 2025, 71(2):136-147 | DOI: 10.17221/309/2024-PSE
The influence of spermidine (Spd) on wheat ascorbate and glutathione metabolism, copper (Cu) accumulation and photosynthetic performance under Cu stress was studied. The findings displayed that Cu stress boosted reduced ascorbate (AsA) and reduced glutathione (GSH) contents by improving ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR), dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR), monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR), L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase (GalLDH) and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-ECS) activities. Nevertheless, Cu stress promoted malondialdehyde (MDA) accumulation and electrolyte leakage (EL) level, and lowered AsA/dehydroascorbic...
Influence of straw, compost, and biochar on soil carbon and aggregates in ChernozemOriginal Paper
Yuhan Yuan, Chang Zhang, Yao Liang, Jingchao Yuan, Jianzhao Liu, Hongguang Cai, Jinjing Zhang
Plant Soil Environ., 2025, 71(2):148-160 | DOI: 10.17221/580/2024-PSE
Crop residue management is a major concern in agricultural ecosystems. These residues can be recycled into biochar and compost to efficiently promote soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in farmlands. However, the influences of straw and its derived materials on SOC (especially on humus fractions) in soil aggregates of varying sizes are largely unknown. To understand these effects, a nine-year field experiment was conducted on calcareous black soil, including five treatments: CK – no fertiliser; NPK – mineral nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertiliser; NPKS – NPK + straw; NPKC – NPK + compost, and NPKB – NPK + biochar....