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The subject of my article is the soviet heroic monument and memory of Szabadság square which includes the monitoring of the symbolic square and the analysis of the monument and the square through theoretical frame of memory study. The aim... more
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The article’s aim is to analyze how parts of the gastronomy renewal movement in Hungary are connected to nationalist politics of identity in Hungary. Based on insights from the study of everyday ethnicity, banal nationalism and... more
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      SzRomániamagyar irodalom
Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae CLASSIS I vol. 1 The manuscript contains faithful transliterations of 206 largely unpublished historical documents from the period between the 13th and 17th centuries found in a wide variety of the fonds... more
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      European CatholicismPapacy (Medieval Church History)History of HungaryEarly Modern Catholic Studies
GABRIELLA ERDÉLYI (ed.), The Register of a Convent Controversy (1517–1518). Pope Leo X, Cardinal Bakócz, the Augustinians and the observant Franciscans in contest (CVH II/1), Budapest–Rome 2006. pp. ix–lxxxvii + 230 + 12 suppl. (pictures,... more
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      European CatholicismMedieval Ecclesiastical HistoryHistory of HungaryHungarian Studies
Il volume presenta i temi più importanti della riforma cattolica nell’Ungheria – la riforma della formazione sacerdotale e della vita consacrata, il fenomeno delle missioni interne, la nascita della chiesa cattolica di rito bizantino, la... more
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      European CatholicismHistory of HungaryEarly Modern Catholic StudiesEarly Modern Church History
FERENC GALLA, Pontifical provisions, faculties and commissions in Transylvania, Habsburg and Ottoman Hungary (1550–1711) (CVH II/3), edited by PÉTER TUSOR–KRISZTINA TÓTH, Budapest–Rome 2010. pp. xxii + 202 +1 suppl. (1 picture) This... more
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      European CatholicismHistory of HungaryEarly Modern Catholic StudiesHungarian Studies
PÉTER TUSOR, The Papal Consistories and Hungary in the 15th–16th centuries, To the history of the Hungarian Royal Patronage and Supremacy (CVH II/4), Budapest–Rome, 2012. (pp. 186 + map and facsimiles) The volume that was written in... more
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      European CatholicismPapacy (Medieval Church History)History of HungaryEarly Modern Catholic Studies
Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae CLASSIS I vol . 1 exc. The introduction of Vol. 1 published as an independent volume under an independent title reviews Hungarian researches in the archives of the Holy See from the end of the 16th... more
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      European CatholicismHistory of HungaryEarly Modern Catholic StudiesEarly Modern Church History
Ferenc Galla: Franciscan Missionaries in Hungary: in the Kingdom and in Transylvania during the 17th and 18th Centuries (CVH I/2), Budapest–Rome 2005. pp. xx + 408 + 6 suppl. (pictures, map) This data-abundant mission-historical... more
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      European CatholicismHistory of HungaryEarly Modern Catholic StudiesEarly Modern Church History
PÉTER TUSOR, Purpura Pannonica. The "Cardinalitial See" of Strigonium and its Antecedents in the 17th Century (CVH I/3), Budapest–Rome 2005. pp. 334 + 17 suppl. (pictures, facsimiles, map) This work written by the founding editor of... more
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      European CatholicismHistory of HungaryEarly Modern Catholic StudiesEarly Modern Church History
Gli archivi della Santa Sede e il regno d’Ungheria (secc. 15–20). In memoriam di Lajos Pásztor, a cura di GAETANO PLATANIA–MATTEO SANFILIPPO–PÉTER TUSOR, Budapest–Roma 2008. pp. xviii + 322 and 16 suppl. (4 maps, 12 pictures). With the... more
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      European CatholicismHistory of HungaryEarly Modern Catholic StudiesHungarian Studies
Tamás Kruppa (ed.), Transilvania and the Papacy in the Age of the Báthorys. Documents II (1595–1613), Budapest–Rome–Szeged 2009, pp. xxxi + 303 and 3 suppl. (1 map, 2 pictures) ( = Data to the History of Intellectual Trends in Early... more
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      European CatholicismHistory of HungaryEarly Modern Catholic StudiesHungarian Studies
TAMÁS TÓTH, «Si nullus incipiat, nullus finiet». La rinascita della Chiesa d’Ungheria dopo la conquista turca nell’attività di Gábor Patachich e di Ádám Patachich, Arcivescovi di Kalocsa-Bács (1733–1784) (CVH I/6), Budapest–Roma 2011. pp.... more
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      European CatholicismHistory of HungaryEarly Modern Catholic StudiesEarly Modern Church History
PÉTER TUSOR–GÁBOR NEMES (ed.), Documents of Papal Consistories about the Lands of the Holy Crown of Hungary (1426 – 1605) (CVH I/7), Budapest – Rome 2011. (pp. lxviii + 304, with 2 pict., 1 map) The volume publishes Hungaricums from... more
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      European CatholicismPapacy (Medieval Church History)History of HungaryEarly Modern Catholic Studies
Hungary and the Holy See of Rome (Sources and Perspectives). Studies in Honour of Cardinal Erdő (CVH I/8), ed. by PÉTER TUSOR, Budapest–Roma 2012. pp. 466 + 3 suppl. (pictures, map) This collection of studies that was published on the... more
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      European CatholicismCentral European historyArchivesPapacy (Medieval Church History)
Cameralia Documenta Pontificia de Regnis Sacrae Coronae Hungariae (1297–1536). I: Obligationes, Solutiones, edited by † JÓZSEF LUKCSICS–TAMÁS FEDELES–PÉTER TUSOR, cooperator GÁBOR NEMES, contributors András Koltai, Noémi Kalotai, Gergely... more
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      European CatholicismPapacy (Medieval Church History)History of HungaryMedieval Hungary