Papers by Anna Obara

Res Historica, 2024
The aim of this article is to analyse records in the Annals or Chronicles of the Famous Kingdom o... more The aim of this article is to analyse records in the Annals or Chronicles of the Famous Kingdom of Poland by Jan Długosz about two perjuries which were supposedly perpetrated by King Władysław III of Poland at the time of fi ghts against Turks in 1443-1444. The fi rst perjury was related to the abrogation of the Treaty of Szeged sworn by the ruler, which was meant to end the war with Turkey. This topic, confi rmed in other sources, has been the subject of historians' studies for a long time. The second falsehood, so far treated by scholars rather marginally as a kind of addition to the narrative on a sinful life of the young ruler, was to be based on breaking a promise made to God about rectifying his immoral behaviour. However, a careful analysis of the description of the events in 1444 allows to state that Długosz referred to the issues of the King's violation of the peace

Studia Bobolanum, 2024
W dniu 1 kwietnia 1922 r. biskup lubelski Marian Leon Fulman wystosował do księdza Jana Kureczki,... more W dniu 1 kwietnia 1922 r. biskup lubelski Marian Leon Fulman wystosował do księdza Jana Kureczki, proboszcza w podlubelskiej Konopnicy, pismo, w którym wzywał go do podania projektu granic organizującej się parafii w Motyczu. Wieś ta wchodziła do tej pory w skład konopnickiego okręgu parafialnego. W odpowiedzi ksiądz Kureczko nie tylko określił granice nowej jednostki kościelnej, ale także przedstawił okoliczności, które skłoniły część jego parafian do podjęcia starań i działań zmierzających do realizacji tego przedsięwzięcia. Po utrzymaniu stosownych wyjaśnień, dnia 12 kwietnia 1922 r. biskup Fulman powołał administratora kościoła filialnego w Motyczu oraz zapowiedział rychłe erygowanie tamtejszej parafii. Udostępnienie ich szerszemu gronu odbiorców jest istotne dla badań poświęconych zagadnieniu zakładania nowych parafii w ziemi lubelskiej w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego oraz dla badań nad historią regionalną.
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych, 2022
in marium libidinem proclivus" -Długosz's narrative on Władysław Warneńczyk's sinful life T he ai... more in marium libidinem proclivus" -Długosz's narrative on Władysław Warneńczyk's sinful life T he aim of the article is to analyse a narrative by Jan Długosz on sinful pro- clivities of Władysław, King of Poland and Hungary, which were to result in the defeat of the Christian army at the battle of Varna in November 1444. First and foremost, an attempt was made to explain words used by the chronicler to describe sexual practices attributed to the young ruler. Then, the remaining components and construction of the entire analysed fragment of the Annals were examined. In order to understand Długosz's account, references were made to biblical and Christian symbolism, and to other, similar passages in the work by the Cracow's canon.

Res Historica, 2021
The article presents Jan Długosz's views on sexual inclinations and practices of the Polish medie... more The article presents Jan Długosz's views on sexual inclinations and practices of the Polish medieval monarchs, seen in terms of sinful behaviours. Juxtaposing the chronicler's statements on the intimate sphere's pathologies of the representatives of the Piast and Jagiellon dynasties is the starting point of conducted argumentations. Then, on the basis of the gathered material, the chronicler's att itude towards these off ences-i.e. debauchery, adultery, rapes, and sodomy/peccatum contra naturam-was examined. Thus understood sexuality of the rulers was studied in specifi c contexts, in which it was referred to in the Annals. This approach results from the nature of the work, which is not a fully credible source of knowledge on the topic of sexual activity in factual sense. As a historiographic work, the Annals-the author of which aimed at giving a moralising and didactic dimension-are, in turn, an excellent foundation for recognising the patt ern of monarchical customs, postulated by the representative of the 15th-century Polish clergy. The conducted analysis also allowed to comment on the signifi cance which the author assigned to information on the rulers’ certain inclinations in order to justify historiosophic vision presented in the work.
The aim of this article is to trace the means of presenting the Battle of Varna in the Polish his... more The aim of this article is to trace the means of presenting the Battle of Varna in the Polish historiographic sources until the end of the 16 th century. Particular attention was given to such narrative elements as: issue of oath-breaking by the Christian side, information on Poles participating in the battle, formation of king Władysław's remembrance or establishment of the Jagiellonian Dynasty as the defender of Christendom (which was associated with the conviction of Poland's unique role in Europe as the Bulwark of Christendom). The article also indicates functions which the recollection of the memory of the Battle of Varna could have played throughout the period of more than a hundred years, particularly in the context of cultural memory.
Dzieje Motycza na przestrzeni wieków, 2017

Res Historica, 2021
The article presents Jan Długosz's views on sexual inclinations and practices of the Polish medie... more The article presents Jan Długosz's views on sexual inclinations and practices of the Polish medieval monarchs, seen in terms of sinful behaviours. Juxtaposing the chronicler's statements on the intimate sphere's pathologies of the representatives of the Piast and Jagiellon dynasties is the starting point of conducted argumentations. Then, on the basis of the gathered material, the chronicler's att itude towards these off ences-i.e. debauchery, adultery, rapes, and sodomy/peccatum contra naturam-was examined. Thus understood sexuality of the rulers was studied in specifi c contexts, in which it was referred to in the Annals. This approach results from the nature of the work, which is not a fully credible source of knowledge on the topic of sexual activity in factual sense. As a historiographic work, the Annals-the author of which aimed at giving a moralising and didactic dimension-are, in turn, an excellent foundation for recognising the patt ern of monarchical customs, postulated by the representative of the 15th-century Polish clergy. The conducted analysis also allowed to comment on the signifi cance which the author PUBLICATION INFO
Średniowiecze Polskie i Powszechne, 2019
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych, 2009

The Image of Vlachs in the Works by Jan Długosz. Starting from the 14th century the the common bo... more The Image of Vlachs in the Works by Jan Długosz. Starting from the 14th century the the common border between Poland and Wallachia had a twofold dimension. On the one hand, after the annexation of the Ruthenian lands by Casimir the Great, Poland was directly bordering on Moldova, inhabited by the Vlachs, which together with the nearby Wallachia was becoming the subject of increasingly active diplomatic interventions of the Kingdom of Poland. On the other hand, however, the mountainous regions of southern Poland were a place where the groups of Vlachs settled, intermingled and, and co-existed with the Polish and Ruthenian population. As can be guessed, these circumstances resulted in an increased interest in the Wallachian people and a search for the basic information about this ethnic group by the representatives of the Polish political and intellectual elites. The purpose of the paper is to describe the opinions on Vlachs which can be found in the works of Jan Długosz, one of the most prominent chroniclers of the 15th century. The paper presents the opinions of this historian on such issues as: the origin of the Wallachian population, the circumstances of their emergence in the Slavic lands, religious relations, activities and typical Wallachian professions , and finally, the qualities which distinguished this nation. STRESZCZENIE. Począwszy od XIV stulecia sąsiedztwo polsko-wołoskie miało podwójny wymiar. Z jednej strony, po przyłączeniu przez Kazimierza Wielkiego ziem ruskich, Polska bezpośrednio graniczyła z zamiesz-kaną przez Wołochów Mołdawią, która wraz z nieodległą Wołoszczyzną, stawała się przedmiotem coraz aktyw-niejszych zabiegów dyplomatycznych Królestwa Polskiego. Z drugiej zaś strony, górskie obszary Polski połu-dniowej były miejscem przenikania i osiedlania się grup Wołochów, współegzystujących od tej pory z ludnością polską lub ruską. Jak można się domyślać okoliczności te powodowały wzrost zainteresowania ludnością woło-ską przedstawicieli polskiej elity polityczno-intelektualnej, a co za tym idzie zapotrzebowanie na podstawowe wiadomości o tym etnosie. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie opinii na temat Wołochów, jakie można odnaleźć w dziełach Jana Długosza, jednego z najwybitniejszych kronikarzy XV stulecia. Przedstawione zostaną poglą-dy historyka na temat takich zagadnień jak: pochodzenia ludności wołoskiej, okoliczności jej pojawienia się na ziemiach słowiańskich, stosunki wyznaniowe, uznawane za typowe dla Wołochów zajęcia i profesje czy wresz-cie cechy jakie miały wyróżniać tę nację. Słowa kluczowe: Wołosi, Jan Długosz, kroniki polskie, obcy etnicznie, średniowiecze, XV wiek.
Books by Anna Obara
Polityka gospodarcza Władysława Łokietka, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lubl... more Polityka gospodarcza Władysława Łokietka, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2014, ss. 441.
Drafts by Anna Obara
The Image of Peasant Communities in European Written Sources, Culture, and Art from Antiquity to ... more The Image of Peasant Communities in European Written Sources, Culture, and Art from Antiquity to the 20th Century
Conference Presentations by Anna Obara
call for papers
We kindly invite you to the International Conference The Image of Peasant Communities in European... more We kindly invite you to the International Conference The Image of Peasant Communities in European Written Sources, Culture, and Art from Antiquity to the 20th century.
Book Reviews by Anna Obara
Conferences by Anna Obara

This EAA session will explore the concept of place and the spatial relationships between archaeol... more This EAA session will explore the concept of place and the spatial relationships between archaeological objects, material culture, domestic and ritual structures. It will consider the ways in which these relationships create processes that have a specific impact on the shaping and reshaping of communities and their identities. The processes of cultural and historical change from Antiquity to the High Middle Ages will be addressed. The aim is to examine how these processes marginalised and/or disregarded the material culture typical of specific groups/communities, while simultaneously transforming the cultural, political and social space, as well as the natural landscape of the affected areas. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the approach, the following lines have been proposed: The formation of group identities as a result of the interconnectivity or clashing of various ethnic, religious and political communities. The analysis of new places, locations and sites of memory, whether the result of violent events in the past or of peaceful communication processes. The study of landscapes, urban and rural areas that have been (re)created as a result of new identities being assumed, whether forced or voluntary, in the context of acculturation and assimilation. Submission Organisers

This EAA session will explore the concept of place and the spatial relationships between archaeol... more This EAA session will explore the concept of place and the spatial relationships between archaeological objects, material culture, domestic and ritual structures. It will consider the ways in which these relationships create processes that have a specific impact on the shaping and reshaping of communities and their identities.
The processes of cultural and historical change from Antiquity to the High Middle Ages will be addressed. The aim is to examine how these processes marginalised and/or disregarded the material culture typical of specific groups/communities, while simultaneously transforming the cultural, political and social space, as well as the natural landscape of the affected areas. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the approach, the following lines have been proposed:
The formation of group identities as a result of the interconnectivity or clashing of various ethnic, religious and political communities. The analysis of new places, locations and sites of memory, whether the result of violent events in the past or of peaceful communication processes. The study of landscapes, urban and rural areas that have been (re)created as a result of new identities being assumed, whether forced or voluntary, in the context of acculturation and assimilation.
Papers by Anna Obara
Books by Anna Obara
Drafts by Anna Obara
Conference Presentations by Anna Obara
Book Reviews by Anna Obara
Conferences by Anna Obara
The processes of cultural and historical change from Antiquity to the High Middle Ages will be addressed. The aim is to examine how these processes marginalised and/or disregarded the material culture typical of specific groups/communities, while simultaneously transforming the cultural, political and social space, as well as the natural landscape of the affected areas. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the approach, the following lines have been proposed:
The formation of group identities as a result of the interconnectivity or clashing of various ethnic, religious and political communities. The analysis of new places, locations and sites of memory, whether the result of violent events in the past or of peaceful communication processes. The study of landscapes, urban and rural areas that have been (re)created as a result of new identities being assumed, whether forced or voluntary, in the context of acculturation and assimilation.
The processes of cultural and historical change from Antiquity to the High Middle Ages will be addressed. The aim is to examine how these processes marginalised and/or disregarded the material culture typical of specific groups/communities, while simultaneously transforming the cultural, political and social space, as well as the natural landscape of the affected areas. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the approach, the following lines have been proposed:
The formation of group identities as a result of the interconnectivity or clashing of various ethnic, religious and political communities. The analysis of new places, locations and sites of memory, whether the result of violent events in the past or of peaceful communication processes. The study of landscapes, urban and rural areas that have been (re)created as a result of new identities being assumed, whether forced or voluntary, in the context of acculturation and assimilation.