M249117 Π) 捌、新型說明 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作涉及一種提供企業的工作資訊給求職申請者, 以及提供求職申請者個人資訊給想要僱用員工的企業的工 作搜尋資訊供給裝置。 【先前技術】 企業一般將工作機會的資訊放在求職指南以及各公司 的網站上,來提供給求職者。 另一方面,求職者個人資訊一般經由人力銀行、直接 郵寄申請、及親自拜訪該公司來提供給想要僱用員工的企 然而’這其中並沒有一種有效率的撮合裝置能夠利用 工作搜尋資訊供給裝置,來雙方面地撮合想找工作的求職 申請者個人資訊以及想要僱用員工的企業的資訊,進而提 供企業就業機會的資訊給謀職者,以及提供求職申請者個 人資訊給想要僱用員工的企業。 當求職者在選擇企業時,有太多由網路以及雜誌所提 供的資訊’並且雖然人們有著預期的工作及生活方式,但 是許多人無法從這些過多的資訊來選擇它們所想要的資訊 〇 特別是’不能明確的決定工作性質的申請者,在許多 情形下’無法對企業採取一個具體的行動。 医I此’如果能夠允許這種謀職者利用網路來獲得工作 -4 - (2) (2)M249117 搜尋資訊,允許謀職者來檢視工作的適任性,來讓他們了 解他們的性向或是否適任,以及提供這種資訊給想要僱用 員工的企業,甚至於對工作本身的性質並沒有太多要求的 人也都能夠選擇更多適合的企業。 【新型內容】 因此,本創作的一項目的,是要提供一種工作搜尋資 訊供給裝置,使得想要僱用員工的企業能夠在眾多申請者 中,從中判斷他們的適用性及性向,以及使得求職申請者 了解他們的性向及適任性,來對這些想要僱用員工的企業 採取行動。 本創作的另一項目的,是要提供一種工作搜尋資訊供 給裝置,能夠通知謀職者,其所寄出的資訊條件符合哪一 家想要僱用員工的企業,或者即使所選出的企業並不符合 申請者要求的條件,但仍選擇並獲得符合各種不同條件之 企業的資訊。 本創作的另一項目的,是要提供一種工作搜尋資訊供 給裝置,能夠通知想要僱用員工的企業已經找到符合具有 才能的人才,或者即使所選出的人並不符合想要僱用員工 的企業要求的條件,但仍選擇並獲得符合各種不同條件的 具有才能的人才。 本創作的另一項目的,是要提供一種工作搜尋資訊供 糸&裝置’允e午想要偏用貝工的企莱寄出一種問卷或建議的 調查,像是在面談前讓謀職者了解公司的要求,以及讓謀 (3) M249117 所提出的希望及建議的 項目的,是要提供一種 者了解他(她)的適任 業採取行動。 第一項觀點,一種工作 業的資訊給謀職者,及 業,其中謀職者是允許 力的資訊,關於教育程 作種類想要的資訊,預 工作的地理位置,並重 適任性。 第二項觀點,一種工作 業的資訊給謀職者,及 業,其中一個登記個人 合服務的服務螢幕、以 給謀·職者,而與註冊登 訊是提供在撮合服務上 尋服務,因而提供滿足 第三項觀點,一種工作 業的資訊給謀職者,及 業,其中一個登記企業 合服務的服務螢幕、以 給想要僱用員工的企業 職者知道公司對其 本創作的另~ 給裝置,允許謀職 想要僱用員工的企 根據本創作的 置是被用來提供企 想要僱用員工的企 、或是個人技能能 成就,關於預期工 企業的規模,預期 於問卷上來檢視其 根據本創作的 置是被用來提供企 想要僱用員工的企 螢幕、一個具有撮 服務等式顯示出來 資料相符的企業資 輸入到企業資訊搜 資訊。 根據本創作的 置是被用來提供企 想要僱用員工的企 螢幕、一個具有撮 服務等式顯示出來 評估。 工作搜尋資訊供 性及性向,並對 搜尋資訊供給裝 提供個人資料給 來輸入關於證照 度或專業背景的 期工作的種類, 新登出這些資訊 搜尋資訊供給裝 提供個人資料給 資料的登記註冊 及搜尋企業資訊 記的謀職者個人 ,而搜尋條件是 搜尋條件的企業 搜尋資訊供給裝 提供個人資料給 資訊的登記註冊 及搜尋企業資訊 ,而與註冊登記 -6 - (4) (4)M249117 的想要僱用員工的企業相符的個人資料是提供在撮合服務 上’而搜尋條件是輸入到個人資料搜尋服務,因而提供滿 足搜尋條件的個人資料。 根據本創作的第四項觀點,一種工作搜尋資訊供給裝 置是被用來提供符合企業資訊的個人資料或滿足想要僱用 員工的企業搜尋條件的個人資料,其中個人資料是被提供 給想要僱用員工的企業,包括個人相關的資訊,像是專長 、何種成就、或者對企業預期的資訊;個人的資訊是當作 匿名的資訊,並不具有詳細的資訊,像是名字、地址或聯 絡處’想要僱用員工的企業是允許來輸入與此匿名資訊有 關的意見,此由想要僱用員工的企業輸入之意見的資訊被 儲存起來,再以不具名的方式送回給謀職者,或回函告訴 該謀職者已寄出意見的資訊。 根據本創作的第五項觀點,一種工作搜尋資訊供給裝 置是被用來提供符合企業資訊的個人資料或滿足想要僱用 員工的企業搜尋條件的個人資料,其中個人資料是被提供 給想要僱用員工的企業,包括個人相關的資訊,像是專長 、何種成就、或者對企業預期的資訊;個人的資訊是當作 匿名的資訊,並不具有詳細的資訊,像是名字、地址或聯 絡處’想要僱用員工的企業是允許來輸入與此匿名資訊有 關的意見,此由想要僱用員工的企業輸入之意見的資訊被 儲存起來,要求以不具名方式的謀職者是允許來讀此儲存 的意見資訊。 根據本創作的第六項觀點,一種工作搜尋資訊供給裝 (5) (5)M249117 置是被用來提供企業的資訊給謀職者,及提供個人資料給 想要僱用員工的企業,其中謀職申請者是允許來輸入重新 顯不的資訊於問卷上來檢視其適任性,此輸入回覆的資訊 先被分析’分析的結果再提供給想要僱用員工的企業。 根據本創作的第七項觀點,一種工作搜尋資訊供給裝 置是被用來提供企業的資訊給謀職者,及提供個人資料給 想要僱用貝工的企秦’其中g某職申請者是允許來輸入重新 顯示的資訊於問卷上來檢視其適任性,此輸入回覆的資訊 先被分析,分析的結果再提供給謀職者。 根據本創作的第八項觀點,在工作搜尋資訊供給裝置 中,根據第一項、第六項、第七項中的任何一個觀點,適 任性的判斷就是在工作上之適任性的判斷,其包括職責的 性質或是工作種類的適任性及性向。 根據本創作的第九項觀點,在工作搜尋資訊供給裝置 中,根據第一項、第六項、第七項中的任何一個觀點,適 任性的判斷就是自我的分析,其包括人格、能力或對工作 的價値觀。 根據本創作的第十項觀點,在工作搜尋資訊供給裝置 中,根據第一項、第六項、第七項中的任何一個觀點,適 任性的判斷包括對於謀職者的回答是不是能把握住它的一 致性及合理性的問題,是不是說謊或空口說白話,或喜歡 賣弄’而分析的結果是提供給想要僱用員工的企業或謀職 者。 根據本創作的第十一項觀點,一種資訊供給裝置是被 (6) (6)M249117 提供來對個體提供服務資訊,並提供個人資料給服務供應 者,其中此個體是允許來輸入重新顯示的資訊於問卷上來 檢視其適任性,此輸入重新顯示的資訊被分析,然後再提 供給服務供應者。 根據本創作的第十二項觀點,一種資訊供給裝置是被 提供來對個體提供服務資訊,並提供個人資料給服務供應 者’其中此個體是允許來輸入重新顯示的資訊於問卷上來 檢視其適任性,此輸入重新顯示的資訊被分析,然後再提 供給此個人。 根據本創作的第十三項觀點,在資訊供給裝置中,根 據第十一項或第十二項的觀點,適任性的判斷包括人生規 劃的判斷,證照測驗適住性的判斷及生活規劃的分析。 根據本創作的第十四項觀點,在資訊供給裝置中,根 據第十一項或第十二項的觀點,服務的資訊包括雇員一期 約的資訊,科系、課程、講員及其他課程的資訊,像是教 育的組織或團體,運動倶樂部或文化學校的介紹,裝置資 訊則關係到保健及福利,各種證照測驗的資訊,金融產品 的資訊’像是股票及基金。 根據本創作的第十五項觀點,在資訊供給裝置中,根 據第十一項或第十二項的觀點,適任性的判斷是以週期性 的方式或不規則的期間來完成,而到適任性的判斷的重新 顯示的資訊是被更新的。 根據本創作的第十六項觀點,一種資訊供給裝置是被 提供的’其中使用者是允許來輸入重新顯示的資訊於問卷 (7) M249117 上’來檢視其適任性,此輸入重新顯示的資訊被分析 後輸出。 根據本創作的第十七項觀點,在資訊供給裝置中 據第一項到第七項的任何一個觀點,累積好幾年的個 料或公司的資訊每一年都被分析,然後分析的結果被 〇 根據本創作的第十八項觀點,一種適任性的判斷 是被提供來在螢幕的問卷上來顯示其適任性的判斷, 者是允許來對顯示出來的問題,輸入重新顯示的資訊 中此方法包含改變顯示的問題之順序的工具,結合問 碼及順序的工具,結合重新顯示的資訊到問題號碼的 ’而其中適任性的判斷的問題之順序是被改變並顯示 幕的。 在本創作的第一項觀點的工作搜尋資訊供給裝置 謀職者是允許來輸入關於證照或專業技能的能力資訊 於教育上的成就或專業的成就的資訊,關於預期工作 想要的資訊,預期工作的種類,企業的規模,預期工 地理位置,並重新登出這些資訊於問卷上來檢視其適 。因此,謀職者不僅僅是允許來輸入能力、成就、及 的資訊,而且也可以輸入對適任性的判斷重新顯示的 ,所以,適任性的結果可以被提供給想要僱用員工的 或謀職者。因此,其可能可以使得想要僱用員工的企 夠正確地判斷許多謀職者的適任性,並且使得謀職者 解他們的適任性及性向,然後對想要僱用員工的企業 ,然 ,根 人資 輸出 方法 使用 ,其 題號 工具 在螢 中, ,關 種類 作的 任性 預期 資訊 企業 業能 來了 採取 -10- (8) M249117 行動。 在本創作的第二項觀點的工作搜尋資訊供給裝 一個登記個人資料的登記註冊螢幕、一個具有撮合 服務螢幕、以及搜尋企業資訊服務等式顯示出來給 ,而與註冊登記的謀職者個人資料相符的企業資訊 在撮合服務上,而搜尋條件是輸入到企業資訊搜尋 因而提供滿足搜尋條件的企業資訊。因此,謀職者 不用親自拜訪想要僱用員工的企業,便能夠知道此 用員工的企業與其寄出的申請條件相符合,同時也 ,即使所選出的企業並不符合,但仍選擇並獲得符 不同條件之企業的資訊。 在本創作的第三項觀點的工作搜尋資訊供給裝 一個登記企業資訊的登記註冊螢幕、一個具有撮合 服務螢幕、以及搜尋企業資訊服務等式顯示出來給 用員工的企業,而與註冊登記的想要僱用員工的企 的個人資料是提供在撮合服務上,而搜尋條件是輸 人資料搜尋服務,因而提供滿足搜尋條件的個人資 此,有可能在尙未安排面試之前,就可以通知想要 工的企業已經有符合公司條件的人’或者即使所選 並不符合想要僱用員工的企業要求的條件’但仍選 得符合各種不同條件的具有才能的人才。 在本創作的第四項觀點的工作搜尋資訊供給裝 個人資料是被提供給想要僱用員工的企業’包括個 的資訊,像是專長、何種成就、或者對企業預期的 置中, 服務的 謀職者 是提供 服務, 能夠在 想要僱 有可能 合各種 置中, 服務的 想要僱 業相符 入到個 料。因 僱用員 出的人 擇並獲 置中, 人相關 資訊; -11 - M249117 Ο) 個人的資訊是當作匿名的資訊,並不具有詳細的資訊,像 是名字、地址或聯絡處,想要僱用員工的企業是允許來輸 入與此匿名資訊有關的意見,此由想要僱用員工的企業輸 入之怠見的資訊被儲存起來’再以不具名的方式送回給謀 職者’或回函告訴該謀職者已收到意見的資訊。因此,有 可能可以允許想要僱用員工的企業於面試前寄出一種問卷 或意見的調查,使得謀職者了解公司的要求,以及讓謀職 者知道公司對其所提出的希望及建議的評估。此意見的資 訊是寄出給謀職者,或者通知謀職者以寄出此意見的資訊 ’因此’謀職者能夠即時地知道關於意見的資訊。 在本創作的第五項觀點的工作搜尋資訊供給裝置中, 個人資料是被提供給想要僱用員工的企業,包括個人相關 的資訊,像是專長、何種成就、或者對企業預期的資訊; 個人的資訊是當作匿名的資訊,並不具有詳細的資訊,像 是名字、地址或聯絡處,想要僱用員工的企業是允許來輸 入與此匿名資訊有關的意見,此由想要僱用員工的企業輸 入之意見的資訊被儲存起來,要求以不具名方式的謀職者 是允許來讀此儲存的意見資訊。因此,有可能可以允許想 要僱用員工的企業於面試前寄出一種問卷或意見的調查, 使得謀職者了解公司的要求,以及讓謀職者知道公司對其 所提出的希望及建議的評估。由於謀職者可以在其方便下 ’讀到他或她的意見的資訊,所以謀職者能夠充分利用此 意見的資訊,在工作搜尋的活動上。 在本創作的第六項觀點的工作搜尋資訊供給裝置中, -12· (10) (10)M249117 謀職申請者是允許來輸入重新顯示的資訊於問卷上來檢視 其適任性,此輸入回覆的資訊先被分析,分析的結果再提 供給想要僱用員工的企業。因此,想要僱用員工的企業能 夠正確的判斷眾多申請者的適任性。 在本創作的第七項觀點的工作搜尋資訊供給裝置中, 謀職申請者是允許來輸入重新顯示的資訊於問卷上來檢視 其適任性,此輸入回覆的資訊先被分析,分析的結果再提 供給謀職者。因此,謀職者能夠了解他或她本身的適任性 及性向,而對想要僱用員工的企業採取行動。 在本創作的第八項觀點的工作搜尋資訊供給裝置中, 在工作搜尋資訊供給裝置中,根據第一項、第六項、第七 項中的任何一個觀點,適任性的判斷就是在工作上之適任 性的判斷,其包括職責的性質或是工作種類的適任性及性 向。因此,想要僱用員工的企業能夠正確的判斷眾多申請 者的適任性,謀職者能夠了解他或她本身的適任性及性向 ,而對想要僱用員工的企業採取行動。 在本創作的第九項觀點的工作搜尋資訊供給裝置中, 在工作搜尋資訊供給裝置中,根據第一項、第六項、第七 項中的任何一個觀點,適任性的判斷就是自我的分析,其 包括人格、能力或對工作的價値觀。因此,想要僱用員工 的企業能夠正確的判斷眾多申請者的人格、能力或對工作 的價値觀,並且謀職者能夠了解他或她本身的人格、能力 或對工作的價値觀,而對想要僱用員工的企業採取行動。 在本創作的第十項觀點的工作搜尋資訊供給裝置中, -13· (11) (11)M249117 在工作搜尋資訊供給裝置中,根據第一項、第六項、第七 項中的任何一個觀點,適任性的判斷包括對於謀職者的回 答,是不是能把握住它的一致性及合理性的問題,是不是 說謊或空口說白話,或喜歡賣弄,而分析的結果是提供給 想要僱用員工的企業或謀職者。結果是,想要僱用員工的 企業可能可以知道是不是求職者只回答了一半的問題,是 不是求職者故意想要討好主導面試者,而說出與求職者觀 念或意志不一致的答案,或者是不是意識上、或觀念上試 著想要表現出他或她,比問題所反映出來的還要好。因此 ,想要僱用員工的企業能夠正確的判斷眾多申請者,可能 可以對回答的問題有一個較誠實及嚴肅的認知,並且可以 提高分析的準確性。 在本創作的第Η--項觀點的資訊供給裝置中,個人是 允許來輸入重新顯示的資訊於問卷上來檢視其適任性,此 輸入重新顯示的資訊被分析,然後再提供給服務供應者。 因此,想要服務供應者能夠正確的判斷眾多申請者的適任 性,並且可以判斷每一個申請者的適任性,而提供適當的 服務。 在本創作的第十二項觀點的資訊供給裝置中,此個體 是允許來輸入重新顯示的資訊於問卷上來檢視其適任性, 此輸入重新顯示的資訊被分析,然後再提供給此個人。因 此,一個收到適任性判斷的個體能夠掌握它或她的適任性 及性向,並選擇所提供的服務。 在本創作的第十三項觀點’在資訊供給裝置中,根據 -14 - (12) (12)M249117 第Η—項或第十二項的觀點,適任性的判斷包括人生規劃 的分析,證照測驗適任性的判斷及生活規劃的分析。因此 ,可能可以依照分析的內容來提供或接受服務的資訊。 在本創作的第十四項觀點,在資訊供給裝置中,根據 第Η—項或第十二項的觀點,服務的資訊包括雇員-租約 的資訊,科系 '課程、講員及其他課程的資訊,像是教育 的組織或團體,運動倶樂部或文化學校的介紹,裝置資訊 則關係到保健及福利,各種證照測驗的資訊,金融產品的 貝日只’像疋:股票及基金。因此’可能可以提供或接受相關 的服務的資訊。 在本創作的第十五項觀點,在資訊供給裝置中,根據 第項或第十二項的觀點,適任性的判斷是以週期性的 方式或不規則的期間來完成,而到適任性的判斷的重新顯 示的資訊是被更新的。藉由更新此回覆的資訊,藉由在本 方法中的適任性的判斷,它可能可以藉由利用累積的適任 性判斷的結果,在遇到強制退休或重組時,支援爲解雇者 的新職介紹。 在本創作的第十六項觀點,使用者是允許來輸入重新 顯示的資訊於問卷上來檢視其適任性,此輸入重新顯示的 資訊被分析’然後輸出。經由收到適任性的判斷,可能可 以提供利用重新顯示的資訊的服務資訊,並可能可以在強 制退休後’支援爲解雇者的第二生命的新職介紹。 在本創作的第十七項觀點,在資訊供給裝置中,根據 第一項到第七項的任何一個觀點,累積好幾年的個人資料 -15- (13) (13)M249117 或公司的資訊每一年都被分析,然後分析的結果被輸出。 藉由長期地利用此資訊,可能可以得到更有利的資訊,像 是每一年的特性、變化、趨勢或大致上的狀況。 在本創作的第十八項觀點,此方法包含改變顯示的問 題之順序的工具,結合問題號碼及順序的工具,結合重新 顯示的資訊到問題號碼的工具,而其中適任性的判斷的問 題之順序是被改變並顯示在螢幕的。因此,即使同樣的申 請者收到許多次的分析,因爲申請者無法容易地得知問題 ’此適任性的判斷能夠正確地被實行,並且可能可以防止 與目的有關的答案。 【實施方式】 較佳實施例的描述 根據本創作的一個實施例的一種工作搜尋資訊供給裝 置將解釋如下。 圖一是一個用來解釋一個根據本創作的一個實施例之 工作搜尋資訊供給裝置簡要的結構的一個槪要的圖形。 如圖一所示,工作搜尋資訊供給裝置1 〇由一個公用 的全球資訊網(WWW )伺服器1 1、一個郵件伺服器1 2、 一個分析伺服器I 3、一個撮合伺服器1 4、一個個人資料 庫伺服器1 5、一個公司資料庫伺服器1 6所組成。此工作 搜尋資訊供給裝置1 0連接到一個像是網際網路的通訊線 路上。 公用的全球資訊網伺服器1 1包括,對一個將被新加 -16- (14) (14)M249117 入及收到會員服務的謀職者,或想要僱用員工的企業來說 是必要的一個網頁的首頁。郵件伺服器1 2從個人的會員 或是公司的會員送出或接收郵件。分析伺服器1 3執行工 作適任性判斷的重新顯示之資料的分析。撮合伺服器! 4 將介於個人對企業的期望、工作適任性判斷的結果、公司 的文化、或會員公司裝置或招募的要求的所有資料配對。 個人資料庫伺服器1 5聚集謀職者個人的資訊。公司資料 庫伺服器1 6聚集想要僱用員工的企業個企業資訊。 個人電腦2 1、2 2、2 3是由謀職者所操作的電腦,電 腦3 1、3 2是由想要僱用員工的企業的招募人員所使用的 電腦。每一台個人電腦21、22、23、31、或32包括一台 當作顯不裝置的電腦螢幕,以及鍵盤、滑鼠等輸入裝置, 並連接到網路上。如果有必要的話,每一台個人電腦包括 印表機的輸出裝置。 謀職者可以經由個人電腦2 ]、2 2、2 3進入公用的全 球資訊網伺服器’並且可以要求新加入會員,工作適 任性判斷,以及會員服務等。謀職者可以經由個人電腦 2 1、22、23轉移工作適任性判斷的重新顯示的檔案到郵 件伺服器]2,並經由個人電腦2 ]、2 2、或2 3接收由郵件 伺服器]2而來的分析結果。謀職者可以經由公用的全球 資訊網伺服器1 1,搜尋累積在公司資料庫伺服器〗6的公 司資訊’並經由公用的全球資訊網伺服器Π ,藉由撮合 伺服器1 4得到撮合成功的公司資訊。 想要僱用員工的企業可以經由個人電腦3 ]或3 2進入 -17- (15) M249117 公用的全球資訊網伺服器n,並且可以要求新加 會貝及公司會員服務。想要僱用員工的企業可以直 腦3 1或3 2 ’送出一個郵件到郵件伺服器1 2給一 ε想要僱用員工的企業,能夠由電腦3 1或3 2,搜 在個人資料庫伺服器]5中一部份的個人資訊(除 一個個體私人的資訊外),並獲得藉由撮合伺服器 ㈣資料得到的個人的資訊(除了辨識一個個體私人 外)。 接下來,一種利用本實施例之工作搜尋資訊供 的方法,將利用圖二到圖九來解釋。 首先’一個新的會員註冊程序,及藉由謀職者 任性判斷的過程,以及藉由想要僱用員工的企業的 聘人員所做的新的會員公司註冊的程序將利用圖二 〇 在一個新的會員註冊程序中,謀職者經由個 2]、22、或23進入公用的全球資訊網伺服器1 1, 求新加入會員註冊登記(S 1 0 1 )。有了這個請求, 會員註冊登記螢幕經由公用的全球資訊網伺服器1 。謀職者利用這個新加入會員註冊登記螢幕(S】02 需要的註冊資訊。 此註冊資訊包括基本的資訊及配對的資訊。 基本的資訊包括姓名、性別、出生年月日、地 絡方式、電子郵件地址、電話號碼、畢業學校、證 業的技能等。基本的資訊最好還包括自我評量。 入公司 接從電 位學生 尋累積 了辨識 14配 的資訊 給裝置 工作適 一個招 來解釋 人電腦 並且要 新加入 1轉移 )輸入 址、聯 照或專 -18_ (16) (16)M249117 配對的資訊包括預期工作的種類、想要的工作的性質 '公司規模大小的預期、希望公司的地點、希望有的優先 權。 圖三表示在本實施例與希望有更高的優先權相關的一 個資訊輸入螢幕。此資訊是與謀職者藉由每一欄的集合中 ’從公司特性、公司的文化、公司對教育及訓練裝置的態 度、人事、薪資、健保、福利以及想要工作的性質等,選 擇一個先前預定項目的號碼(此範例中爲5或更小的數字 )相關之希望具有一個較高的優先權的資訊。於這種方式 下’謀職者選出最優先的選擇事件,因而明確地指出希望 有的更高的優先權。圖三表示每一欄的一個範例。 當謀職者輸入註冊登記的資訊,並且之後要求此註冊 時,此註冊登記的資訊被送到郵件伺服器1 2 ( S 1 03 )。 當新的個人會員註冊登記後,一個識別(ID )及密碼從郵 件伺服器]2送給申請者。 爲了要收到工作適任性的判斷,謀職者經由個人電腦 21、22、或23進入公用的全球資訊網伺服器1 1,並且要 求工作適任性判斷(S20 1 )。再重新顯示此要求中,一個 工作適任性判斷利用螢幕從全球資訊網伺服器1 1送出。 謀職者可以選擇是否此步驟應藉由連線實行或利用工作適 任性判斷利用螢幕(S202 )離線實行。如果要求連線步驟 ,工作適任性判斷問題螢幕是從全球資訊網伺服器1 1送 給謀職者。申請者輸入問題的回答(S 203 ) ’並要求註冊 登記(S 2 0 4 )。如果要求離線註冊’判斷程式由全球資訊 -19- (17) M249117 網伺服器1 1送出。判斷程式由全球資訊網4 給申請者。申請者不存檔,並且執行判斷程 回答問題,然後送出答覆到郵件伺服器】2 ( 此回覆的檔案是藉由分析伺服器I 3來 的結果是從郵件伺服器1 2送出。 工作適任性判斷將會在下面解釋。 圖四表示一個在步驟205判斷程式的起 本實施例的工作適任性判斷包含關於工 的問題,包括關於工作的種類或對工作的適 關於包括一個人的人格自我診斷、關於對工 値觀的問題,以及關於欺騙的程度的問題。 類或對工作的適任性,是指介於一個人要完 有的特質,與他或他本身的特質,有某種程 因此,工作的種類或對工作的適任性較高的 以在工作時,有效地運用其特質。關於工作 作的性向則指出對工作的種類及工作本身某 〇 欺騙的程度的問題是要找出在問題回答 騙、與虛榮之處。 對於理解謊言一致性及合理性的程度是 謀職者問答間一致性的問題,或者是不是申 回答了一半。例如,像這種問題、你是否相 成? 〃以及〜你是否認爲某些事即使盡全力 〃如果在面談過程中提出讓申請者回答,便 司服器1 1送出 式(S205 )並 S2 07 ) ° 做分析,判斷 始螢幕。 作適任性判斷 任性及性向, 作的能力及價 關於工作的種 成工作所需要 度的相匹配。 話,他或她可 的種類或對工 種程度的興趣 中之矛盾、欺 一種能夠捉住 請者對問題指 信有志者事竟 也無法解決? 可得到其前後 •20- (18) (18)M249117 回答的一致性。 對於理解說謊或空口說白話的程度,是一種能夠捉住 是不是求職者故意想要討好主導面試者,而說出與求職者 觀念或意志不一致的答案的問題,即,是否求職者在說謊 ,或者他的回答是另有目的。例如,可以藉由像γ你從來 沒說過謊〃,或者 ''你從來沒有不喜歡過一個人〃的問題 ,來察覺這個人是不是在說謊。 對於理解喜歡虛飾、賣弄的程度,是一種能夠捉住是 不是是不是意識上、或觀念上試著想要表現出他或她,比 問題所反映出來的還要好的問題。例如,可以藉由包括像 是在問題中 ''不存在的項目〃,讓求職者檢查他所知道電 腦的項目來得知他是否喜歡虛飾、賣弄。 藉由測謊的問題在問題中,可能可以提昇一個陌生人 的個人的資訊的真實性,進而能夠提供一個有效的資訊供 給裝置。 如圖四所示,執行在離線狀態的判斷程式中,謀職者 輸入他或她的電子郵件地址、姓名、組織碼、區域碼及地 址,並回答每一個問題。謀職者利用滑鼠或鍵盤(從1到 5的數字鍵)輸入其對問題的回答。問題是出現在一個一 對一的問題欄中,並且如果謀職者輸入回答後,便出現另 一個問題。如果謀職者回答了最後一個問題,便產生一個 工作回覆檔案並儲存起來。如果回覆檔案已經產生,一個 傳輸的指令便顯示在螢幕上,並且如果謀職者按下傳輸指 令,回覆檔案便轉移到郵件伺服器1 2。 -21 - (19) (19)M249117 在圖四中顯示在問題欄上的問題之順序,通常一直在 改變並顯示出來。也就是說,當此判斷程式沒有建檔時, 問題的順序是以一個由程式隨機的方式來改變。藉由以一 個隨機的方式來改變問題的順序,可能可以避免討好性的 回答。連線工作適任性判斷問題螢幕同時是被設定的,以 至於當螢幕傳出時,問題的順序是以一個隨機的方式來改 變 〇 以一個隨機的方式來改變顯示的問題之實現的方法將 在下面解釋。 爲了要改變適任性判斷問題及顯示的順序,實現的方 法包括改變問題順序的方法,連接問題顯示的順序與題號 的方法’以及連接與各個問題有關的答案資訊與題號的方 法。 首先,題號是分別地分配到問題中。例如,隨機號碼 是藉由隨機號碼產生程式所產生的。在這個時候,當一個 隨機號碼、5 〃分配到問題1時,問題丨則被輸入到顯示 表的第五欄上。當一個隨機號碼、8 〃分配到問題2時, 問題2則被輸入到顯示表的第八欄上。在這種方式下,題 號是以一個隨機的方式儲存在表中,而決定了顯示的順序 。如果謀職者輸入一個答案到顯示的問題上,答案的資訊 是根據題目順序的安排在顯示順序中儲存起來。當答案的 資訊被分析或輸出時,這些題目再一次以問題的順序安排 。也就是說,此對應於題號之個別的答案資訊,可以以題 號的順序彳隻得。錯由改變在螢幕上適任性判斷問題的順序 -22- (20) (20)M249117 以及顯示的問題的順序,即使同樣的申請者收到許多次的 分析,因爲申請者無法容易地得知問題’此適任性的判斷 能夠正確地被實行,並且可能可以防止與目的有關的答案 c 如圖二所示,爲了註冊新的會員公司,想要僱用員工 的企業的招聘人員經由個人電腦3 1或3 2進入公用的全球 資訊網伺服器]1,並要求一個新的會員登記(S 3 0 I )。 有了這個要求,一個新的公司會員登記螢幕是由公用的全 球資訊網伺服器1 1送出。想要僱用員工的企業利用此新 的公司會員登記螢幕(S302),輸入需要的註冊資訊。 此註冊的資訊包括基本的資訊,以及關於與謀職者匹 配相符合資訊有關的公司文化與裝置的資訊。 此基本的資訊包括公司名稱、地點、通訊處、電子郵 件的地址、電話號碼、成立日期、資產額、營業額、員工 人數、平均年齡、及負責人。此外,此基本的資訊包括起 薪、福利、調薪、紅利、假期、健保、採用的資訊像是工 作時數、工作場所、被轉移到其他地點的可能性、申請者 條件、工作種類、工作的本質、將僱用的人數、部門對申 請者要求的條件、從眾多已聘的雇員中,哪一個學校出來 的學生最多,以及挑選的方式。最好基本資訊還包括申請 者的訊息。 圖五表示一個符合申請者資訊之公司的文化、裝置以 及其他種種的輸入螢幕。如圖五所示,一個公司挑選公司 眾多主題中想要來強調的事情,並且藉由從在每一欄的集 -23- (21) (21)M249117 合中選擇一個預先決定的數量,擺明公司想要著重的是在 &些優先的條件在公司的特性、企業的文化,公司的重點 是在教育及培訓裝置,個人的特點、薪資、健保、福利及 了貝期工作的種類。每一項說明都是與如同說明中的那些由 謀職者所選擇的匹配的資訊相同。如果一個特別的百分級 數點跟其他的百分級數點不同,而且招聘人員是允許可以 來檢視一個預先決定的項目,則可能可以撮合公司所擺出 特別的條件的姿態與謀職者的希望相匹配。 當招聘人員輸入登記的資訊,並且之後要求此註冊登 記’此登記的資訊被送到郵件伺服器1 2 ( S 3 03 )。當新 的公司會員登記後,一個識別及密碼從郵件伺服器1 2傳 送給申請者。 接下來,藉由一個謀職者的個人會員服務程序將利用 圖六來做解釋。 爲了接收個人會員服務,一個謀職者經由個人電腦 21、22、或23進入公用的全球資訊網伺服器丨],並且利 用當新的個人會員登記(S 4 0 1 )所得到的識別及密碼要求 會員服務。在重新顯示此要求中,一個會員服務螢幕是從 公用的全球資訊網伺服器】1傳送出。此會員服務包括一 個撮合服務、一個總體的搜尋服務、以及登記資訊改變服 務。 撮合服務提供關於推薦會員關於與興趣及性向相符公 司的資訊。符合程度的判斷是基於關於推薦的公司的資訊 ,包括預期職業的性質、工作的種類、公司的規模、預期 -24, (22) (22)M249117 公司的地點、藉由申請者所註明希望有的較高優先權、起 薪、福利、調薪、紅利、假期、健保、採用的資訊像是工 作時數、工作場所、被轉移到其他地點的可能性、申請者 條件、工作種類、工作的本質、將僱用的人數、部門對申 請者要求的條件、從眾多已聘的雇員中,哪一個學校出來 的學生最多、招聘人員挑選的方式、與謀職者相符之匹配 的公司文化及裝置。所有的或部份上述的資訊都納入考量 ,並且一個預先決定公司的數目,由上而下的陳列出來, 作爲是匹配的結果、或預期職業的性質、工作的種類、公 司的規模、預期公司的地點、希望有的較高優先權,並且 只有在選出公司的數量相當多時,公司才會以優先考量的 方式選出。藉由指出匹配的程度,可能可以提供謀職者具 有更精確的資訊。至於匹配的程度,是對每一個主要的項 目來指出,所以謀職者能夠再一次檢試哪一項應該有較高 的優先權。 如果謀職者從會員服務螢幕(S 4 0 2 )選擇撮合服務, 從個人資料庫伺服器1 5的資訊,以及從公司資料庫伺服 器1 6的資訊在撮合伺服器1 4匹配後的公司資訊,是以一 個受推薦公司螢幕’從公用的全球資訊網伺服器1 1傳送 出去。在受推薦公司螢幕中,匹配公司的名稱、職業的性 質、工作的種類是以一種表的形式被指示出來。如果一個 謀職者要求關於列出公司更多、更詳盡的公司資料,例如 ’謀職者按下在範例步驟4 0 3的公司名稱,關於指定公司 的詳盡的公司資料便傳送出。謀職者參考傳送的公司螢幕 -25- (23) M249117 貝料(S 4 Ο 4 ) ’判斷是否一個文字的申請是必要的 申請的話’它被傳送到郵件伺服器1 2 ( S 4 0 5 )。 是被形成的以致於它能夠被判斷是不是要進入該公 頁(S4〇6 )。如果是必要的,該公司的首頁可以藉 方式讀出。 另一方面,當謀職者從會員服務螢幕(S4〇7) 集體的搜尋服務時,公司搜尋螢幕從公用的全球資 服器傳送出去。在這裡,在公司搜尋螢幕中的 之集體的搜尋服務,最開始是從公司名稱搜尋、再 業的種類、工作地點、工作種類、公司文化、裝置 在這個集體的搜尋服務,第二期及第三期的搜尋能 行與搜尋結果相關。在這裡,從公司文化、裝置相 尋是利用如同在圖三及圖五文中所解釋的搜尋。當 檢查在公司搜尋螢幕的搜尋項目,並提供指令給搜 S4〇8 )’對應的公司資訊從公司資料庫伺服器1 6 中被擷取出來’並且這個資訊是以公司搜尋結果螢 公用的全球資訊網伺服器1 1傳送出去。當謀職者 多關於顯示在公司搜尋結果螢幕的公司詳細資料時 驟4 09中,關於指定公司詳細的公司資料,是藉由 示出來的公司名稱而送出。謀職者參考傳送的公司 料(S4 1 0 ),判斷是否一個文字的申請是必要的。 請的話’它被傳送到郵件伺服器1 2 ( S4 1 1 )。此 被形成的以致於它能夠被判斷是不是要進入該公司 (S 4〗2 )。如果是必要的,該公司的首頁可以藉由 。如果 此程式 司的首 由這個 ,選擇 訊網伺 可搜尋 搜尋企 等等。 夠被實 關的搜 謀職者 尋時( 的資訊 幕,從 要求更 ,於步 按下顯 螢幕資 如果申 程式是 的首頁 這個方 -26- (24) (24)M249117 式讀出。 同時’當謀職者從會員服務螢幕選擇登記資訊改變服 務’登記資訊改變螢幕是從公用的全球資訊網伺服器j】 (S 4 1 3 )傳送出去。謀職者輸入應被修訂的內容(s 4丨4 ) ’並且如果謀職者要求註冊登記修改,登記的內容可以被 改變(S 4 I 5 )。 接下來’藉由想要僱用員工的企業的招聘人員的公司 會員服務程序將利用圖七來做解釋。 在公司會員服務程序中,想要僱用員工的企業的招聘 人員可以經由個人電腦3 1或3 2,進入公用的全球資訊網 伺服器1 1 ’並且可以利用新加入公司會員及公司會員服 務註冊登記(S 5 0 1 )所得到的識別及密碼,要求會員服務 。在重新顯示這個要求中,會員服務螢幕是從公用的全球 資訊網伺服器〗1傳送出去。會員服務包括撮合服務、集 體的搜尋服務、以及登記資訊改變服務。 撮合服務是能讓一家公司得到關於推薦的學生(謀職 者)’符合.公司的需求及條件的一種服務。關於推薦的學 員資訊符合程度的判斷是基於關於推薦的公司的資訊,包 括預期職業的性質、工作的種類、公司的規模、預期公司 的地點、藉由申請者所註明希望有的較高優先權、起薪、 福利、調薪、紅利、假期、健保、採用的資訊像是工作時 數、工作場所、被轉移到其他地點的可能性、申請者條件 、工作種類、工作的本質、將僱用的人數、部門對申請者 要求的條件、從眾多已聘的雇員中,哪一個學校出來的學 -27- (25) M249117 生最多、招聘人員挑選的方式、與謀職者相符 司文化及裝置。所有的或部份上述的資訊都納 且一個預先決定匿名的資訊,由上而下的陳列 是匹配的結果、或預期職業的性質、工作的種 規模、預期公司的地點、希望有的較高優先權 在選出公司的數量相當多時,公司才會以優先 選出。藉由指出匹配的程度,可能可以提供謀 精確的資訊。至於匹配的程度,是對每一個主 指出’所以招聘人員能夠再一次檢試哪一項應 優先權。 如果招聘人員從會員服務螢幕(S5 02 )選 ,從個人資料庫伺服器1 5的資訊,以及從公 服器1 6的資訊在撮合伺服器1 4匹配後的公司 一個受推薦學員螢幕,從公用的全球資訊網伺 送出去。 圖八表示一個受推薦學員螢幕。 如圖八所示,學員號碼(在此裝置中,識 給每一個人)、性別、本籍、學校名稱、科系 我評量等式顯示在推薦學員的名單上。如果想 的企業需要更多關於謀職者詳細的個人資料, 詳細的個人資料(學員傳略)將藉由檢查在步 的選擇欄被傳送出去。 圖九表示送出的謀職者的傳略螢幕。 如圖九所示,它提供像是學員號碼、性別 之匹配的公 入考量,並 出來,作爲 類、公司的 ,並且只有 考量的方式 職者具有更 要的項目來 該有較高的 擇撮合服務 司資料庫伺 資訊,是以 服器I 1傳 別號碼分配 或科目、自 要僱用員工 關於謀職者 驟5 03說明 、本籍、學 - 28- (26) (26)M249117 校名稱、科系或科目、自我評量能力的資訊、成就或是對 工作希望的資訊、證照、預期職業的性質、工作的種類、 像自我評量能力的資訊、關於謀職者成就或是對工作希望 的資訊等參考資訊。能夠具體說明個人的資訊,像是姓名 、地址、聯絡方式等,並不包括在內。 想要僱用員工的企業參考送出的個人傳略並判斷是否 需要送出一份郵件給某一個特定的人(S 5 04 )。如果想要 僱用員工的企業想要寄出郵件,想要僱用員工的企業輸入 郵件的內容到對應的欄中(S 5 05 ),再寄出,則此郵件被 送到郵件伺服器1 2 ( S 5 0 6 )。 如果想要僱用員工的企業從會員螢幕(S 5 07 )選擇集 體搜尋服務,學員(謀職者)搜尋螢幕從公用的全球資訊 網(WWW )伺服器1 1被傳送出去。在這裡,可選擇的集 體搜尋服務是一種由本籍、學歷(硏究所、公立、私立、 專科、醫學院、學院、國外大學)、證照、預期職業的性 質、工作的種類、公司文化及裝置種種的搜尋。在這個集 體搜尋服務中,第二或第三期的搜尋,能夠在第一期的搜 尋完畢之後實行並得到搜尋結果。在這裡,從公司文化及 裝置種種的搜尋,是利用圖三及圖五內容的項目的一種搜 尋。當想要僱用員工的企業檢視再學員搜尋螢幕中的項目 並下令搜尋時(S 5 08 ),對應的個人資訊從個人資料庫伺 服器1 5被攫取出來,並且這個資訊是以學員搜尋結果螢 幕,從公用的全球資訊網(WWW )伺服器1 ]傳送出去。 學員搜尋結果螢幕是如同圖八中以同樣的方式顯示。如果 -29- (27) (27)M249117 想要僱用貝工的企業,要求要獲得關於在學員搜尋結果螢 幕顯示的一個特別學員詳細的資訊,想要僱用員工的企業 檢視在步驟5 0 9的選擇欄,以至於關於指定的人員的學員 傳略能被送出。以這種方法送出的謀職者的傳略螢幕,是 與在圖九中的內容相似。想要僱用員工的企業判斷是否有 必要在爹考送出的個人傳略螢幕後(S 5 1 0 ),再送出一個 郵件給這個特定的謀職者。如果想要僱用員工的企業想要 寄出郵件’公司只要輸入句子到相對應的欄中(s 5 Η ), 並送出郵件’則郵件送到郵件伺服器1 2 ( S 5 ] 2 )。 如果想要僱用員工的企業從會員服務螢幕選擇登記資 訊改變服務(S 5 1 3 ),登記資訊改變螢幕從公用的全球資 訊網(WWW )伺服器1 1傳送出去。想要僱用員工的企業 輸入要改變的內容(S 5 1 4 ),並下令登記改變的要求,則 登記的內容將被改變(S 5 1 5 )。 工作搜尋資訊裝置的結構及其他是顯示在圖一中,公 用的全球資訊網(WWW )伺服器1 1、郵件伺服器1 2、一 個分析伺服器1 3、撮合伺服器1 4、個人資料庫伺服器1 5 、公司資料庫伺服器1 6是以分開的元件之描述,來解釋 個別的功能。然而,這些功能可能可以以一個伺服器達成 ,或者伺服器不見得要有所有的功能。 至於由謀職者送出的郵件(在圖六中之S405,S411 ),在郵件送到郵件伺服器1 2之後,被要求送出文件的 個人資料庫伺服器1 5,或公司資料庫伺服器1 6的資訊, 如果必要的話將被累積起來,郵件將被轉移到相對應的公 -30- (28) (28)M249117 司’或允許來取讀此郵件的公司。在這種情形下,提供者 的名稱將被公開,或此郵件將被匿名^ 至於由想要僱用員工的企業送出的郵件(在圖七中之 S5 0 6,S512 ) ’在郵件送到郵件伺服器12之後,被要求 送出文件的個人資料庫伺服器〗5,或公司資料庫伺服器 1 6的資訊’如果必要的話將被累積起來,郵件將被轉移 到相對應的謀職者,或允許來取讀此郵件的申請人。在這 種情形下,提供者的名稱將被公開,或此郵件將被匿名。 包括對回答關於工作適任性判斷的問題、一致性及合 理性的程度的問題、欺騙的程度的問題、理解說謊或空口 說白話的程度的問題分析的結果,最好能夠提供給謀職者 。藉由傳述這些資訊給謀職者,可能可以對回答的問題有 一個較誠實及嚴肅的認知,並且可以提高分析的準確性。 另外,包括對回答關於工作適任性判斷的問題、一致 性及合理性的程度的問題、欺騙的程度的問題、理解說謊 或空口說白話的程度的問題分析的結果,可以顯示在學員 (謀職者)螢幕、學員(謀職者)傳略螢幕、或學員(謀 職者)搜尋結果螢幕。藉由傳述這些資訊給想要僱用員工 的企業,可能可以精確地判斷謀職者。 當一個人被僱用或是在被僱用之後,登記在個人資料 庫伺服器的個人資訓能夠被利用來當作個人資料。 例如,在一個人被僱用之後’其基本資訊只要改變的 一部份,而無須再登記一次,便可利用。 當工作被分配到一個被聘用的工作者之後,工作者被 -31 - (29) (29)M249117 登記來當作匹配的資訊之資訊以及工作適任性的判斷結果 ’能夠被用來當作匹配的資訊,這些被登記的資訊便被當 作它們應該賦予的資訊。在這種情形下,包括工作地點及 預期工作的種類的匹配資訊,能夠被用來當作是招聘人員 想要的資訊。包括工作種類及工作的性向、招聘者的特質 、能力及價値觀等種種的工作適任性的判斷結果,能夠被 用來了解是否被聘用的工作者是適時適所。 在這種方式下,被登記來當作匹配的資訊之資訊以及 工作適任性的判斷結果,不只能夠被用來分派工作及之後 的人員更換’還可以在工作者加入公司之後,增進其技能 〇 本實施例是用來解釋在雇員時,介於謀職者及想要僱 用員工的企業的撮合裝置,但是本實施例也可以被用來當 作公司招聘的測驗。也就是說,本實施例是一種提供資訊 給每一方的裝置,但它基本上可能減少被僱用員工的數目 ,以至於這個數目與在公司中,從匹配的資訊以及工作適 任性的判斷結果,在每一個僱用計劃工作種類的人員分佈 之比例相同。它同時也可能可以減少在公司中僱用計劃工 作種類的人員的人數,但最好這個撮合裝置是利用來當作 基本的選擇,而且剩下的人選藉由像是面試之類的僱用考 試後,來決定最後僱用的人員。 另外,本創作可以利用在雇員-期約的撮合裝置。在 這種情況下,當一個以期約來受僱的人做登記時,此人是 受到適任性判斷的支配,並且當需要雇員-期約時’需要 -32- (30) (30)M249117 員工公司的要求是以與在本實施例上相同的方法來做登記 ,匹配是在已經完成登記的雇員-期約的公司的需求及個 人的資訊之間來做匹配,而且一個適當的人選可以因此被 選擇並簽約。 此外’本實施例是以工作搜尋資訊供給裝置來做解釋 ’但特別是經由利用適任性的判斷,可能可以有效地實現 介於科系、課程、講員及其他課程的資訊,像是教育的組 織或團體,像是高中、大學、特殊學校、及一個學員、科 系、課程、講員及其他課程教育方向的決定。 此外,在本實施例中,可能可以藉由人生規劃的判斷 '證照測驗適任性的判斷及生活規劃的分析的實行,提供 各種的資訊供給裝置或各種的撮合裝置。 在這裡,人生規劃的分析可以診斷出成就的等級,或 是身體及精神良好等級的差異程度,並且可以被用來當作 健保及福利的一部份,匹配人生規劃的分析與勞動聯盟以 及人事裝置種種等,或是來匹配人生規劃的分析與運動倶 樂部或是文化的學校。 證照測驗適任性的判斷由目的、動機、或潛意識(想 要的學位等級、必須有的學位等級、準備的學位等級), 以及具有高適任性工作的種類,可以診斷出高適應程度的 高級證照測驗,並且能夠被利用來做爲了獲得各種證照, 所需要的課程、學院及相關課程的匹配。 生活規劃的分析對關於一個人從過去的知識對投資的 經營’以及投資者的經驗,及潛在的個性(性向、興趣、 -33- (31) (31)M249117 價値觀等’)判斷初期適任性等,並且可以被利用來對象是 股票及基金之金融產品做匹配。 如上所述’本創作可以被利用來提供介於資訊服務供 應者及接受者的資訊。這些資訊包括雇員-租約的資訊, 科系、課程、講員及其他課程的資訊,像是教育的組織或 團體,運動倶樂部或文化學校的介紹,裝置資訊則關係到 保健及福利,各種證照測驗的資訊,金融產品的資訊,像 是股票及基金。 另外,藉由週期性的實行適任性的分析,例如,每一 年或每五年,可以知道一個被分析的人的改變。這種改進 的程度,甚至於可以藉由更新回覆的資訊到數個適任性判 斷的方法察覺出來,而不需要週期性的分析。例如,在本 方法中藉由適任性的分析更新回覆的資訊,可能可以藉由 利用累積的適任性判斷的結果,在遇到強制退休或重組時 ,支援爲解雇者的新職介紹。 此外,藉由分析於好幾年所累積的個人的資料或公司 的資訊,並輸出分析的結果,可能可以得到像是每一年的 特性、變化、趨勢種種更有利的資訊。 利用問卷之適任性的分析不見得會與像是能力 '背景 、期望的基本的資訊同一個時間實行。即使適任性的分析 並沒有累計,如果當必要的時候適任性的分析實行時’可 能可以在強制退休後,支援爲解雇者的第二生命的新職介 紹。 此外,適任性的分析能夠格外單獨地實現’但是如果1 -34- (32) (32)M249117 好幾個分析合倂時,可能可以了解到與更有利的自我衡量 ,資訊供給及資訊服務的匹配。 很顯然地從上述實施例的說明中,根據本創作,可能 可以提供一種工作搜尋資訊供給裝置,能夠允許想要僱用 員工的企業,正確地判斷眾多謀職者的適任性,,能夠允 許謀職者了解他們的適任性及性向,並對想要僱用員工的 企業採取必要的行動。 此外,根據本創作’可能可以能夠通知謀職者,其寄 出的資訊條件符合哪一家想要僱用員工的企業,或者即使 所選出的企業並不符合申請者要求的條件,但仍選擇並獲 得符合各種不同條件之企業的資訊。 此外’根據本創作,可能可以通知想要僱用員工的企 業已經找到符合具有才能的人才,或者即使所選出的人並 不符合想要僱用員工的企業要求的條件,但仍選擇並獲得 符合各種不同條件的具有才能的人才。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖一是一個用來解釋一個根據本創作的一個實施例之 工作ίχ辱貝5只供給裝置簡要的結構的一個槪要的圖形; 圖二表示一個新的會員註冊程序,及藉由謀職者工作 適任性判斷的過程,以及藉由想要僱用員工的企業的一個 招聘人員所做的新的會員公司註冊的程序,根據本創作所 完成的流程圖; 圖三表示在本實施例與希望有更高等級優先權相關的 -35 - (33) (33)M249117 一個資訊輸入螢幕; 圖四表示本實施例的一個分析的程式的啓動螢幕; 圖五表示一個根據本實施例,符合申請者資訊之公司 的文化、裝置以及其他種種的輸入螢幕; 圖六是表示本實施例的完成工作申請的一個個人會員 服務程序之流程圖; 圖七是表示本實施例藉由想要僱用員工的企業的一個 招聘人員所完成的公司會員服務程序之流程圖; 圖八是一個本實施例推薦的學員螢幕; 圖九表示本實施例謀職者的一個大致上槪況的螢幕。 主要元件對照表 10 工 作 搜 尋 資 訊 供 給裝置 11 公 用 的 全 球 資 訊 網伺服器 12 郵 件 伺 服 器 13 分 析 伺 服 器 1 4 撮 合 伺 服 器 15 個 人 資 料 庫 伺 服 器 16 公 司 資 料 庫 伺 服 器 2 1 個 人 電 腦 22 個 人 電 腦 23 個 人 電 腦 3 1 個 人 電 腦 32 個 人 電 腦 •36-M249117 Π) 捌, New type description [Technical field to which the new type belongs] This creation relates to providing job information of an enterprise to a job applicant, It also provides job search information supply devices that provide personal information of job applicants to companies that want to hire employees. [Previous technology] Companies generally put information about job opportunities on job search guides and the websites of various companies. To provide to job seekers. on the other hand, Personal information of job seekers is generally provided through human bank, Direct mail application, And personally visited the company to provide it to companies that want to hire employees. However, there is no efficient matching device that can use the job search information supply device, To match the personal information of applicants who want to find a job and the information of companies that want to hire employees, To provide job seekers with information on employment opportunities, And provide personal information of job applicants to companies that want to hire employees. When a candidate is choosing a business, There is too much information from the internet and magazines ’and although people have the expected work and lifestyle, But many people ca n’t choose the information they want from this too much information. Especially, ‘applicants who ca n’t clearly determine the nature of work, In many cases, a specific action cannot be taken against a business. Physicians, if this allows job seekers to use the Internet to get jobs -4-(2) (2) M249117 search for information, Allow job seekers to review the competence of the job, To let them know their sexuality or fitness, And to provide this information to companies that want to hire employees, Even people who don't have much demand for the nature of the job can choose more suitable businesses. [New content] So, One purpose of this creation, Is to provide a job search information provider, Enables companies that want to hire employees to Judging their applicability and sexual orientation, And make job applicants aware of their sexuality and competence, To take action on these companies that want to hire employees. For another project of this creation, Is to provide a device for job search information, Able to inform job seekers, The information it sends meets the criteria for a company that wants to hire employees. Or even if the selected company does not meet the requirements of the applicant, However, we still select and obtain information on companies that meet various conditions. For another project of this creation, Is to provide a device for job search information, Be able to notify companies that want to hire employees that they have found the right talent, Or even if the person selected does not meet the requirements of the business that wants to hire employees, But still select and get talented people who meet a variety of conditions. For another project of this creation, Is to provide a job search information for 糸 & The device ’allows e-mail to send a questionnaire or suggested survey to a company that prefers to use shellfish, Like letting job seekers understand the company ’s requirements before the interview, As well as projects that seek (3) M249117's hopes and suggestions, It is about providing someone who understands his or her eligibility to take action. The first point, A job search for job seekers, And industry, The job seeker is information that allows Information about the types of educational programs you want, Pre-working location, Emphasis on willpower. The second point, A job search for job seekers, And industry, One of the service screens for registering personal services, To give job seekers, And registration with registration is to provide services in matching services, To provide a third point of view, A job search for job seekers, And industry, One of the service screens for registering businesses and services, In order to give companies who want to hire employees, the company knows about the company ’s other creations, Companies that want to hire employees who want to hire employees according to this creation are used to provide companies that want to hire employees, Or personal skills can make it happen, Regarding the size of the expected industry, Expect to see on the questionnaire the settings based on this creation that are used to provide companies with screens that want to hire employees, A company's information with matching service equations is displayed. Enter the company information search information. The device based on this creation is used to provide corporate screens, An equation with a set of services is shown for evaluation. Job search information supply and sexual orientation, And provide personal information to the search information provider to enter the type of work related to the degree of certification or professional background, Newly logged out of this information, search information supply device, personal information for the registration of information and search for personal information of individuals seeking employment, And the search condition is the search condition of the enterprise. The search information supply device provides personal information to the registration of information and the search for enterprise information. And the personal data corresponding to the registration -6-(4) (4) M249117 company that wants to hire employees is provided on the matching service ’and the search condition is entered into the personal data search service, Personal data is therefore provided that meets the search criteria. According to the fourth point of this creation, A job search information supply device is used to provide personal data that meets corporate information or personal data that meets the search criteria of a business that wants to hire employees. Where personal data is provided to businesses that want to hire employees, Including personal information, Like expertise, What achievements, Or information expected of the business; Personal information is treated as anonymous information. Does not have detailed information, Like name, Address or contact ’businesses that want to hire employees are allowed to enter comments about this anonymous information, Information about this input from companies that want to hire employees is stored, And return it to the job seeker anonymously, Or write back to tell the job seeker that information has been sent. According to the fifth point of this creation, A job search information supply device is used to provide personal data that meets corporate information or personal data that meets the search criteria of a business that wants to hire employees. Where personal data is provided to businesses that want to hire employees, Including personal information, Like expertise, What achievements, Or information expected of the business; Personal information is treated as anonymous information. Does not have detailed information, Like name, Address or contact ’businesses that want to hire employees are allowed to enter comments about this anonymous information, Information about this input from companies that want to hire employees is stored, Job seekers who request anonymity are allowed to read this stored opinion information. According to the sixth point of this creation, A job search information supply device (5) (5) M249117 device is used to provide corporate information to job seekers, And provide personal information to companies that want to hire employees, Among them, job applicants are allowed to enter re-displayed information on the questionnaire to check their competence, The information of this input response is first analyzed and the results of the analysis are provided to the company that wants to hire employees. According to the seventh point of this creation, A job search information supply device is used to provide business information to job seekers, And provide personal information to the company Qin who wants to hire a shell worker ’, where the applicant for a job is allowed to enter the re-displayed information on the questionnaire to check its eligibility, This input response is analyzed first. The results of the analysis are then provided to job seekers. According to the eighth point of this creation, In Job Search Feeder, According to the first item, Item 6, Any of the points in item 7, Judgement of competence is judgement of competence at work, This includes the nature of the duties or the competence and orientation of the type of work. According to the ninth point of this creation, In Job Search Feeder, According to the first item, Item 6, Any of the points in item 7, Self-discipline is self-analysis, It includes personality, Ability or value for work. According to the tenth point of this creation, In Job Search Feeder, According to the first item, Item 6, Any of the points in item 7, Judgement of fitness includes questions about whether the answer to the job seeker can grasp its consistency and rationality, Is it a lie or an empty talk? Or like to show off ’and the result of the analysis is provided to companies or job seekers who want to hire employees. According to the eleventh point of this creation, An information supply device is provided by (6) (6) M249117 to provide service information to individuals, And provide personal data to service providers, Among them, this individual is allowed to enter the re-displayed information on the questionnaire to view its eligibility, The information redisplayed by this input is analyzed. Then provide it to the service provider. According to the twelfth perspective of this creation, An information supply device is provided to provide service information to individuals, And provide personal information to the service provider ’where the individual is allowed to enter re-displayed information on the questionnaire to view its competence, The information redisplayed by this input is analyzed. Then provide it to this individual. According to the thirteenth point of this creation, In the feed device, From the perspective of item 11 or 12, Competence judgment includes judgment of life plan, Judgment of livelihoods and analysis of life planning. According to the fourteenth point of this creation, In the feed device, From the perspective of item 11 or 12, Information about the service includes information about the employee's first appointment, department, course, Lecturer and other course information, Like an educational organization or group, An introduction to a sports club or cultural school, Device information is related to health and welfare. Information on various quizzes, Financial product information ’is like stocks and funds. According to the fifteenth point of this creation, In the feed device, From the perspective of item 11 or 12, Judgement of fitness is done periodically or irregularly, And the information redisplayed to the judgment of competence is updated. According to the sixteenth point of this creation, An information supply device is provided ‘where the user is allowed to enter re-displayed information on the questionnaire (7) M249117’ to view its competence, The information redisplayed by this input is analyzed and output. According to the seventeenth point of this creation, In the information supply device, according to any one of the first to seventh points, Each year's accumulated information of the company or company is analyzed every year. The result of the analysis is then 〇 According to the eighteenth viewpoint of this creation, A kind of judgment of competence is provided to display its judgment of competence on a screen questionnaire, The problem is allowed to come to the show, Enter redisplayed information This method includes tools to change the order of the displayed questions, A tool that combines question codes and sequences, Combining the re-displayed information with the question number ', and the order of the questions in which the judgment of competence is changed is displayed. Job search information supply device in the first aspect of this creation. A job seeker is allowed to enter information about the ability of a license or professional skills, educational achievements or professional achievements, Information about what you want to do, Type of job expected, The size of the business, Expected location And re-log out this information on the questionnaire to check its suitability. therefore, Job seekers are not just allowed to enter abilities, achievement, And And you can also input the re-display of the judgment of fitness, and so, Capability results can be provided to those who want to hire employees or job seekers. therefore, It may enable companies that want to hire employees to correctly judge the suitability of many job seekers, And make job seekers understand their competence and sexuality, Then for companies that want to hire employees, Of course, The root human resources output method uses Its title tool is in Firefly, , The kind of wayward expectations of the relevant types of information companies can come to take action -10- (8) M249117. In the job search information feed of the second aspect of this creation, a registration screen to register personal data, A screen with matching services, And search for corporate information services equations, And corporate information that matches the profile of the registered job seeker, The search conditions are entered into the corporate information search and thus provide corporate information that meets the search conditions. therefore, Job seekers do n’t have to visit companies that want to hire employees in person, We can know that the company that employs this employee meets the application requirements it sends, Meanwhile also , Even if the selected business does not match, But still select and get information on companies that meet different conditions. In the job search information supply of the third aspect of this creation, a registration screen for registering corporate information, A screen with matching services, And search for corporate information services equations that show up to employees ’businesses, The personal data of registered companies that want to hire employees is provided on matching services, The search criteria is an input data search service. Therefore provide personal resources that meet the search criteria It is possible that before the interview is scheduled, It can be notified that the company that wants to work already has people who meet the company's requirements, or even if the selected company does not meet the requirements of the company that wants to hire employees, it still selects talented people who meet various conditions. In the fourth aspect of this creative work search information feed, personal information is provided to companies that want to hire employees ’, Like expertise, What achievements, Or centering on the company ’s expectations, The service seeker is the service provider, To be in a variety of settings The service wants to match the employment to the material. Selected and hired by hired staff, Person-related information -11-M249117 Ο) Personal information is treated as anonymous, Does not have detailed information, Like the name, Address or liaison office, Companies that want to hire employees are allowed to enter opinions about this anonymous information, This unscrupulous information entered by a company that wants to hire employees is stored ‘and then returned to the job seeker anonymously’ or a letter telling the job seeker that the opinion has been received. therefore, It is possible to allow companies that want to hire employees to send a questionnaire or survey of opinions before the interview, Make job seekers aware of company requirements, And let job seekers know how the company evaluates their hopes and recommendations. Information on this opinion was sent to job seekers. Or notify the job seeker to send this opinion information ‘so’ the job seeker knows the information about the opinion instantly. In the fifth aspect of this creative work search feed, Personal data is provided to businesses that want to hire employees, Including personal information, Like expertise, What achievements, Or information expected of the business; Personal information is treated as anonymous information. Does not have detailed information, Like the name, Address or liaison office, Companies that want to hire employees are allowed to enter opinions about this anonymous information, Information about this input from companies that want to hire employees is stored, Job seekers who requested anonymity are allowed to read this stored opinion information. therefore, It is possible to allow companies that want to hire employees to send a questionnaire or survey before the interview, Make job seekers aware of company requirements, And let job seekers know the company's assessment of their hopes and recommendations. Since a job seeker can ‘read his or her opinion’ at his convenience, So job seekers can take advantage of the information in this opinion, On job search activities. In the sixth aspect of this creative work search feed, -12 · (10) (10) M249117 Job applicants are allowed to enter the re-displayed information on the questionnaire to check their eligibility, This input response is analyzed first. The results of the analysis are provided to companies that want to hire employees. therefore, Companies that want to hire employees can correctly judge the eligibility of many applicants. In the work search feed device for the seventh aspect of this creation, Job applicants are allowed to enter re-displayed information on the questionnaire to check their competencies, This input response is analyzed first. The results of the analysis are provided to job seekers. therefore, The job seeker understands his or her own competence and sexuality, Take action against companies that want to hire employees. In the eighth aspect of this creative work search feed, On the job search feed, According to the first item, Item 6, Any of the points in item 7, Judgement of competence is judgement of competence at work, This includes the nature of the duties or the competence and orientation of the type of work. therefore, Companies that want to hire employees can correctly judge the eligibility of many applicants, The job seeker understands his or her own competence and sexuality, Take action against companies that want to hire employees. In the ninth aspect of this creative work search feed, On the job search feed, According to the first item, Item 6, Any of the points in item 7, Self-willing judgment is self-analysis, It includes personality, Ability or value for work. therefore, Companies that want to hire employees can correctly judge the personality of many applicants, Ability or value to work, And the job seeker can understand his or her own personality, Ability or value for work, Take action against companies that want to hire employees. In the tenth aspect of this creative work search feed, -13 · (11) (11) M249117 In the job search information supply device, According to the first item, Item 6, Any of the points in item 7, Competency judgments include responses to job seekers, Is it possible to grasp its consistency and rationality, Is it a lie or an empty talk? Or like to show off, The results of the analysis are provided to companies or job seekers who want to hire employees. The results are, Companies that want to hire employees may know if job seekers answered only half of the questions, Does the job seeker deliberately want to please the lead interviewer, And say answers that are inconsistent with the job applicant's mindset or will, Or is it consciously, Or conceptually trying to show him or her, Better than the problem reflects. Therefore, Companies that want to hire employees can correctly judge many applicants, May have a more honest and serious understanding of the questions answered, And can improve the accuracy of the analysis. In the information supply device of the second aspect of this creation, Individuals are allowed to enter re-displayed information on the questionnaire to view their competence, The information redisplayed by this input is analyzed, Then provide it to the service provider. therefore, Want service providers to be able to correctly judge the eligibility of many applicants, And can judge the eligibility of each applicant, Provide appropriate services. In the information supply device of the twelfth aspect of this creation, This individual is allowed to enter the re-displayed information on the questionnaire to view its competencies, The information redisplayed by this input is analyzed. Then make it available to this individual. Therefore, An individual receiving competence judgment can grasp its or her competence and sexuality, And select the service provided. In the thirteenth point of this creation ’in the information supply device, According to -14-(12) (12) M249117 point Η—or twelfth, Competence judgment includes analysis of life planning, Judgement of competence and analysis of life planning. Therefore, It may be possible to provide or receive service information based on the analysis. In the fourteenth point of this creation, In the feed device, According to point Η—or twelfth, Information about services includes employee-lease information, Department 'Course, Lecturer and other course information, Like an educational organization or group, An introduction to a sports club or cultural school, Device information is related to health and welfare. Information on various quizzes, The beri only of financial products ’looks like: Stocks and funds. So it ’s possible to provide or receive information about related services. In the fifteenth point of this creation, In the feed device, From the perspective of item or twelfth, Judgement of fitness is done periodically or irregularly, And the information redisplayed to the judgment of competence is updated. By updating the information in this reply, With the judgment of competence in this method, It may be possible to make use of the results of cumulative fitness judgments, In the event of forced retirement or reorganization, Support for new job introductions for dismissals. In the sixteenth point of this creation, The user is allowed to enter the re-displayed information on the questionnaire to view its competence, The information redisplayed by this input is analyzed ’and then output. Upon receiving a judgment of fitness, It may be possible to provide service information that utilizes redisplayed information, And it may be possible to support new job introductions for the second life of the sacker after forcing retirement. In the seventeenth point of this creation, In the feed device, According to any of the first to seventh points, Personal data accumulated over several years -15- (13) (13) M249117 or company information is analyzed every year, The results of the analysis are then output. By using this information on a long-term basis, May be more useful information, Like the characteristics of each year, Variety, Trend or general condition. In the eighteenth point of this creation, This method includes tools to change the order of the questions displayed, A tool that combines question numbers and sequences, A tool that combines the redisplayed information with the problem number, The order of the questions of willfulness is changed and displayed on the screen. therefore, Even though the same applicant received many analyses, Because the applicant cannot easily know the problem ‘this judgment of competence can be correctly implemented, And may prevent purpose-related answers. [Embodiment] Description of the preferred embodiment A job search information supply device according to an embodiment of the present invention will be explained as follows. Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram for explaining the brief structure of a job search information supply apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention. As shown in Figure 1, Job search information supply device 1 10 is provided by a public World Wide Web (WWW) server 1 1. A mail server 1 2, An analysis server I 3. A matching server 1 4. A personal database server 1 5. A company database server is composed of 16. This task searches for the information supply device 10 connected to a communication line like the Internet. The public World Wide Web server 1 1 includes, For a job seeker who will be added to -16- (14) (14) M249117 and receive membership services, Or the homepage of a webpage that is necessary for businesses that want to hire employees. The mail server 12 sends or receives mail from individual members or company members. The analysis server 1 3 performs analysis of the redisplayed data of the work fitness judgment. Matching server! 4 Will fall between personal expectations of the business, The results of work fitness judgments, Company culture, Or all the information required by a member company device or recruitment request. The personal database server 15 gathers personal information of job seekers. The company database server 16 gathers information about companies that want to hire employees. Personal computer 2 1. twenty two, 23 are computers operated by job seekers, Computer 3 1. 32 is a computer used by recruiters at companies that want to hire employees. Every personal computer 21, twenty two, twenty three, 31, Or 32 includes a computer screen that acts as a display device, As well as the keyboard, Mouse and other input devices, And connect to the Internet. If necessary, Each personal computer includes the output device of the printer. Job seekers can use personal computers2], twenty two, 2 3 Enter the public global information network server ’and can request new members, Job suitability judgement, And member services. Job seekers can use a personal computer 2 1. twenty two, 23 Transfer the redisplayed file of job fitness to the mail server] 2, And via personal computer 2], twenty two, Or 2 3 Receive the analysis result from the mail server] 2. Job seekers can access the public World Wide Web server 1 1 Search for company information accumulated in the company database server [6] ’and via the public World Wide Web server UI, The matching server 14 obtains the company information of the matching success. Companies wishing to hire employees can access -17- (15) M249117, a public World Wide Web server n, via a personal computer 3] or 3 2 And you can request Singapore Club and company member services. A company that wants to hire employees can send an email directly to the mail server 12 to a company that wants to hire employees, Can be controlled by computer 3 1 or 3 2, Search in the personal database server] 5 part of the personal information (except for an individual's personal information), And obtain personal information (in addition to identifying an individual private) obtained by matching data from the server. Next, A method for searching for information by using the job of this embodiment, This will be explained using Figures 2 to 9. First ’a new membership registration process, And by the willful judgment of the job seeker, And the new member company registration process with hires from companies that want to hire employees will use Figure 20. In a new member registration process, Job seekers via 2], twenty two, Or 23 into the public World Wide Web server 1 1 Seeking new members to register (S 1 0 1). With this request, Member registration screens go through a public World Wide Web server1. Job seekers use this new member registration screen (S) 02 registration information required. This registration information includes basic information and matching information. Basic information includes name, gender, Date of birth, Ground mode, Email address, telephone number, Graduated school, The skills of the securities industry. Basic information preferably also includes self-assessment. Enter the company, pick up the information from the electronic students, and find the information that identifies the 14 matches. Give the device a suitable job to explain the computer and add a new transfer. 1) Enter the address, Group photo or special -18_ (16) (16) M249117 The matching information includes the type of job expected, The nature of the job you want 'Expectations of company size, Hope for the location of the company, Hope for priority. Fig. 3 shows an information input screen related to the desire for higher priority in this embodiment. This information is used by job seekers through the collection of each column ’from company characteristics, Company culture, Company attitudes towards education and training devices, personnel, Salary, Health insurance, Benefits, and the nature of the job you want, Select a previously scheduled number (a number of 5 or less in this example) related to the information that you want to have a higher priority. In this way, the job seeker chooses the highest priority, It is therefore clear that higher priorities are desired. Figure 3 shows an example of each column. When a job seeker enters registration information, And when this registration is required later, This registered information is sent to the mail server 1 2 (S 1 03). When a new individual member is registered, An identification (ID) and password are sent from the mail server] 2 to the applicant. In order to receive judgement of work eligibility, Job seekers via personal computer 21, twenty two, Or 23 into the public World Wide Web server 1 1 It also requires judgment of work fitness (S20 1). Re-displaying this request, A job fitness judgment is sent from the World Wide Web server 11 using a screen. The job seeker can choose whether this step should be performed online or offline using the screen (S202). If a wiring step is required, The job fitness judgment screen is sent from the World Wide Web server 11 to the job seeker. The applicant enters the answer to the question (S 203) 'and requests registration (S 2 0 4). If offline registration is required, the judgment program is sent by Global Information -19- (17) M249117 web server 1 1. The judgment program is provided to the applicant by the World Wide Web 4. The applicant is not filed, And execute the judgment process to answer questions, Then send the reply to the mail server] 2 (The file of this reply is sent by the analysis server I 3 and the result is sent from the mail server 1 2. Job fitness judgment will be explained below. FIG. 4 shows the start of a judgment program in step 205. The job adequacy judgment of this embodiment includes questions about work, Including the type of work or the suitability of the work, including self-diagnosis of one's personality, Regarding the issue of industrial outlook, And questions about the extent of deception. Class or workability, Refers to the qualities that a person has to fulfill, With his or his own qualities, There is a way, therefore, The type of work or the high level of competence for the work Use its qualities effectively. Regarding the nature of work, the question of the type of work and the degree of deception is to find out the answer to the question. With vanity. For understanding the degree of consistency and reasonableness of lies is a question of consistency between job seekers' questions and answers, Or did Shen answer half of the answer. E.g, Questions like this, Are you compatible? 〃 And ~ Do you think something even if you do your best 〃 If you ask the applicant to answer during the interview, Punch server 1 1 delivery type (S205) and S2 07) ° for analysis, Judging the start screen. Make willfulness judgments willfulness and sexual orientation, Competence and cost of work Match the degree of work required to produce the work. words, Conflicts in his or her type or interest in the type of work, Deceive people who can catch the people who are interested in the problem and can't solve it? Consistency can be obtained before and after • 20- (18) (18) M249117 answers. To understand the extent of lying or speaking in vernacular, Is it a way to catch if the job seeker intentionally wants to please the leading interviewer, Asking questions that do n’t agree with the job seeker ’s mind or will, which is, Is the job applicant lying? Or his answer was for another purpose. E.g, Can be like, you ’ve never lied, Or `` You have never disliked the problem of being alone, Come and see if this person is lying. For understanding like disguise, Degree of showiness, Is a way to catch it, is it conscious, Or conceptually trying to show him or her, Problems that are better than they reflect. E.g, You can do this by including something like `` Non-existent items '' in the question, Ask the job applicant to check what he knows about the computer to find out if he likes to fake, Show off. With the question of polygraphs in question, May improve the authenticity of a stranger ’s personal information, This can provide an effective information supply device. As shown in Figure 4, Runs in an offline judgment program. Job seeker Enter his or her email address, Name, Organization code, Area code and address, And answer every question. Job seekers use their mouse or keyboard (numerical keys from 1 to 5) to enter their answers to questions. The problem is in a one-to-one question bar, And if the job seeker enters the answer, Then another problem arose. If the job seeker answers the last question, A job response file is generated and saved. If a reply file has been generated, A transmitted command appears on the screen. And if the job seeker presses the transmission order, The reply file is transferred to the mail server 1 2. -21-(19) (19) M249117 The order of the questions shown on the question bar in Figure 4, It is always changing and displayed. In other words, When this judgement program is not filed, The order of the questions is changed in a random fashion. By changing the order of the questions in a random way, It may be possible to avoid flattering answers. The Connectivity Competency Screen is also set. So when the screen comes out, The order of the questions is changed in a random way. The method of changing the displayed questions in a random way is explained below. In order to change the order of competence judgment questions and display, The methods of implementation include methods to change the order of questions, How to connect the order of question display with the question number ’and how to link the answer information and question number related to each question. First of all, Question numbers are assigned to questions separately. E.g, Random numbers are generated by a random number generator. at this time, When a random number, 5 〃When assigned to Question 1, The question is entered in the fifth column of the display. When a random number, 8 〃When assigned to Question 2, Question 2 is entered in the eighth column of the display list. In this way, Question numbers are stored in the table in a random way, It determines the order of display. If the job seeker enters an answer to the question displayed, The answer information is stored in the display order according to the order of the questions. When the answer information is analyzed or output, These questions are again arranged in the order of the questions. In other words, This corresponds to the individual answer information for the question number, You can only get them in the order of the question numbers. The wrong reason is to change the order of the questions on the screen for self-adaptation judgment -22- (20) (20) M249117 and the order of the questions displayed Even though the same applicant received many analyses, Because the applicant cannot easily know the problem ’This adequacy judgment can be correctly implemented, And may prevent the answer c related to the purpose. To register a new member company, Recruiters of companies wanting to hire employees access public World Wide Web servers via personal computers 3 1 or 3 2] 1, And request a new member registration (S 3 0 I). With this requirement, A new corporate member registration screen is sent from the public Global Information Network server 11. Companies that want to hire employees take advantage of this new company member registration screen (S302), Enter the required registration information. This registration information includes basic information, And information about company culture and devices that match the information that matches the job seeker. This basic information includes the company name, location, Communications Service, Email address, telephone number, Date of establishment, Assets, Turnover, number of workers, average age, And the person in charge. In addition, This basic information includes starting salary, welfare, Salary adjustment, dividend, Holiday, Health insurance, The information used is like working hours, workplace, The possibility of being moved to another location, Applicant conditions, job categories, The nature of work, The number of people to be hired, The conditions required by the department for the applicant, From the many hired employees, Which school has the most students, And how to choose. Ideally, basic information also includes information about the applicant. Figure 5 shows the culture, Devices and other input screens. As shown in Figure 5, A company picks something that companies want to emphasize in many themes, And by choosing a predetermined number from the set -23- (21) (21) M249117 in each column, It is clear that what the company wants to focus on is & These priority conditions are in the characteristics of the company, Corporate culture, The company ’s focus is on education and training devices, Personal characteristics, Salary, Health insurance, Benefits and types of shell work. Each description is the same as the matching information selected by the job seeker in the description. If a particular percentage point is different from other percentage points, And recruiters are allowed to view a predetermined project, It may be possible to match the company's special conditions with the job seeker's wishes. When recruiters enter registration information, Then, the registration request is requested, and the information of this registration is sent to the mail server 1 2 (S 3 03). When a new company member is registered, An identification and password are transmitted from the mail server 12 to the applicant. Next, An individual member service procedure with a job seeker will be explained using Figure 6. In order to receive personal membership services, A job seeker via a personal computer 21, twenty two, Or 23 into a public World Wide Web server 丨], And use the identification and password obtained when the new individual member registration (S 401) to request member services. In redisplaying this request, A member service screen is transmitted from a public World Wide Web server]. This membership service includes a matchmaking service, An overall search service, And registration information change service. Matchmaking services provide information on referrals to companies that match interests and sexual orientation. Judgement of compliance is based on information about recommended companies, Including the nature of the intended occupation, Type of work, Company size, Expected -24, (22) (22) M249117 company's location, With the higher priority indicated by the applicant, Starting salary, welfare, Salary adjustment, dividend, Holiday, Health insurance, The information used is like working hours, workplace, The possibility of being moved to another location, Applicant conditions, job categories, The nature of work, The number of people to be hired, The conditions required by the department for the applicant, From the many hired employees, Which school has the most students, How recruiters choose, A company culture and installation that matches the job seeker. All or part of the above information is taken into account. And a predetermined number of companies, Displayed from top to bottom, As a result of matching, Or the nature of the intended occupation, Type of work, Company size, Expected company location, Hope for higher priority, And only if the number of companies selected is significant, Companies are selected on a priority basis. By indicating the degree of match, May provide more accurate information for job seekers. As for the degree of matching, It is pointed out for each major project, So job seekers can once again test which item should have higher priority. If the job seeker selects the matching service from the member service screen (S 4 0 2), 5 information from the profile database server, And company information from company database server 16 after matching server 1 4 matches, It is transmitted from the public World Wide Web server 1 1 with a screen of a recommended company. On the recommended company screen, Match company name, Professional nature, The type of work is indicated in the form of a table. If a job seeker asks more about listing companies, More detailed company information, For example, 'The job seeker clicks on the company name in the example step 403, Detailed company information about the designated company is transmitted. Job seeker's reference to the company screen-25- (23) M249117 Behr (S 4 〇 4) 'Judge if a text application is necessary' It is sent to the mail server 1 2 (S 4 0 5) . It is formed so that it can be judged whether it is to enter the public page (S406). If necessary, The company's homepage can be read out by means. on the other hand, When job seekers collectively search for services from the member service screen (S407), The company search screen is transmitted from a public global server. it's here, Collective search services in the company search screen, It started with a company name search, Types of reproduction, work place, job categories, Company Culture, Device in this collective search service, The search results of the second and third issues are related to the search results. it's here, From company culture, The device search uses the search as explained in Figures 3 and 5. When checking the search terms on the company search screen, And provide instructions to search S408) The corresponding company information is retrieved from the company database server 16 'and this information is transmitted by the company's search results publicly available World Wide Web Server 11 When the job seeker has more company details displayed on the company search results screen, step 4 09, Regarding the detailed company information of the designated company, It is sent by the company name shown. The job seeker refers to the company data (S4 1 0), Determine if a text application is necessary. If so, it ’s sent to the mail server 1 2 (S4 1 1). This is formed so that it can be judged whether it is going to enter the company (S 4〗 2). If necessary, The company's homepage can be accessed via. If this program is led by this, Select News Network Server to search for search companies and so on. A real-life job seeker From request more, In step, press the display screen. If the application is on the homepage, this method is -26- (24) (24) M249117. At the same time, the "job seeker selects the registration information change service from the member service screen", and the registration information change screen is transmitted from the public World Wide Web server j] (S 4 13). The job seeker enters what should be amended (s 4 丨 4) ’and if the job seeker requests registration for modification, The registered content can be changed (S 4 I 5). Next, the company's membership service process with recruiters from companies that want to hire employees will be explained using Figure 7. In the company membership service program, Recruiters of companies that want to hire employees can do so via personal computers 3 1 or 3 2 Enter the public World Wide Web server 1 1 ’and use the identification and password obtained by new members and company member service registration (S 5 0 1), Request Member Services. In re-displaying this request, Member service screens are transmitted from a public World Wide Web server. Member services include matching services, Collective search services, And registration information change service. Matching service is to enable a company to get recommended (seekers) ’matches. A service of company needs and conditions. The judgement of the conformity of the recommended student information is based on the information about the recommended company, including the nature of the expected occupation, the type of work, the size of the company, the expected location of the company, and the higher priority indicated by the applicant. , Starting salary, benefits, salary adjustments, bonuses, holidays, health insurance, information used such as hours worked, workplace, possibility of being transferred to another location, applicant conditions, type of work, nature of work, The number of people, the department's requirements for applicants, which school from among many hired employees, 27-27 (25) M249117 have the most students, the way of recruiting staff selection, and the culture and installations consistent with the job seeker. All or part of the above information is included and a pre-determined anonymous information. The top-down display is the result of matching, or the nature of the expected occupation, the size of the job, the expected location of the company, the higher expected Priority will only be given to companies when there is a considerable number of companies selected. By indicating the degree of matching, it may be possible to provide precise information. As for the degree of matching, it is pointed out to each host, so the recruiter can once again test which item should take precedence. If the recruiter selects from the member service screen (S5 02), the information from the personal database server 15 and the information from the public server 16 match the matching server 14 after a matching student screen, from Public World Wide Web. Figure 8 shows a screen of a recommended student. As shown in Figure 8, the student number (identified to everyone in this device), gender, nationality, school name, and departmental evaluation equations are displayed on the list of recommended students. If the desired company needs more detailed personal information about the job seeker, detailed personal information (student's profile) will be transmitted by checking the selection box in step. Figure 9 shows a summary screen of the job seekers sent. As shown in Figure 9, it provides public considerations such as student number and gender match, and it comes out as a class, company, and only the way of consideration. Jobs have more important items to have a higher choice. The database of the service department serves information, which is assigned by the server I 1 pass number or subject, self-employed employees about job seekers 5 03 instructions, nationality, school-28- (26) (26) M249117 school name, department Or subjects, information about self-assessment ability, achievement or information about job hope, certification, nature of expected occupation, type of job, information like self-assessment ability, information about job seeker achievement or job hope, etc. Reference information. Personal information, such as name, address, and contact details, is not included. Companies that want to hire employees refer to the personal profile and determine whether they need to send an email to a specific person (S 5 04). If the company that wants to hire an employee wants to send an email, the company that wants to hire an employee enters the content of the email into the corresponding field (S 5 05), and then sends it out, then this email is sent to the mail server 1 2 ( S 5 0 6). If a company that wants to hire employees selects a collective search service from the member screen (S 507), the student (job seeker) search screen is transmitted from the public World Wide Web (WWW) server 1 1. Here, the optional collective search service is a combination of national origin, academic qualifications (institute, public, private, junior college, medical school, college, foreign university), license, nature of expected occupation, type of job, company culture, and Install various searches. In this collective search service, the second or third period of search can be performed after the first period of search is completed and the search results are obtained. Here, various searches from company culture and installations are a kind of search using the items in Figures 3 and 5. When a company that wants to hire employees views the items in the student search screen and orders a search (S 5 08), the corresponding personal information is retrieved from the personal database server 15 and the information is based on the student search result screen From the public World Wide Web (WWW) server 1]. The student search results screen is displayed in the same way as in Figure 8. If -29- (27) (27) M249117 wants to hire a shellfish company, ask for detailed information about a particular student displayed on the student search results screen, and the company that wants to hire an employee view the step 5 0 9 Select the column so that student briefings about the designated person can be sent. The summary screen of the job seeker sent in this way is similar to that shown in Figure 9. The company that wants to hire employees determines whether it is necessary to send an email to this particular job seeker after the personal biographical screen (S 5 10) sent by Dako. If the company that wants to hire employees wants to send mail, the company just enters a sentence into the corresponding field (s 5 Η), and sends the mail, and the mail is sent to the mail server 1 2 (S 5] 2). If a company that wants to hire employees selects the registration information change service (S 5 1 3) from the member service screen, the registration information change screen is transmitted from the public World Wide Web (WWW) server 1 1. A company that wants to hire employees enters the content to be changed (S 5 1 4), and orders a request to register the change, and the registered content will be changed (S 5 1 5). The structure of the job search information device and others are shown in Figure 1. The public World Wide Web (WWW) server 1 1. Mail server 1. 2. An analysis server 1. 3. Matching server 1. 4. Personal database. The server 15 and the company database server 16 use separate components to explain the individual functions. However, these functions may be achieved by one server, or the server may not have all the functions. As for the mail sent by the job seeker (S405, S411 in Figure 6), after the mail is sent to the mail server 12, the personal database server 15 or the company database server 16 is required to send the document The information will be accumulated if necessary, and the mail will be transferred to the corresponding company -30- (28) (28) M249117 company 'or the company allowed to read this mail. In this case, the name of the provider will be made public, or this message will be anonymous ^ As for the mail sent by the company that wants to hire employees (S5 06, S512 in Figure 7) After the server 12, the personal database server 5 required to send documents or the company database server 16's information will be accumulated if necessary, the mail will be transferred to the corresponding job seeker, or allowed Applicants who come to read this email. In this case, the name of the provider will be made public, or the message will be anonymous. The results of the analysis of the questions concerning the question of job fitness, the degree of consistency and rationality, the question of the degree of deception, and the understanding of the level of lying or empty speaking, should preferably be provided to job seekers. By narrating this information to the job seeker, it is possible to have a more honest and serious understanding of the questions answered and improve the accuracy of the analysis. In addition, the results of analysis of questions including answers to questions about job fitness judgment, questions about the degree of consistency and reasonableness, questions about the degree of deception, and understanding the degree of lying or empty-talking can be displayed among the students (job seekers ) Screen, student (job seeker) biography screen, or student (job seeker) search results screen. By telling this information to companies that want to hire employees, it may be possible to accurately determine job seekers. When a person is hired or after being hired, personal training registered on the personal database server can be used as personal data. For example, after a person has been hired ', their basic information can be used as long as it changes a part without having to register again. When a job is assigned to a hired worker, the worker is registered by -31-(29) (29) M249117 as matching information, and the result of the job's competence judgment can be used as a match The registered information is regarded as the information they should be given. In this case, matching information including the location of work and the type of job expected can be used as the information the recruiter wants. The results of various job eligibility judgments, including job types and job orientations, recruiter characteristics, abilities, and valuations, can be used to understand whether the hired workers are timely and appropriate. In this way, the information that is registered as matching information and the results of job eligibility judgments can not only be used to assign work and subsequent personnel changes', but also to improve the skills of workers after they join the company. This embodiment is used to explain a matching device between a job seeker and a company that wants to hire an employee at the time of an employee, but this embodiment can also be used as a company recruitment test. That is, this embodiment is a device for providing information to each party, but it may basically reduce the number of hired employees, so that this number matches the company ’s judgment results from matching information and job eligibility, The proportion of personnel is equally distributed in each employment plan. It may also reduce the number of people hiring a planned job in the company, but it is best to use the matching device as a basic choice, and after the remaining candidates pass an employment test such as an interview, To decide who will be hired last. In addition, this creation can make use of an employee-term contract matching device. In this case, when a person hired on a contract is registered, that person is subject to competence judgment, and when an employee-term contract is needed, '32-(30) (30) M249117 employees are required The company's requirement is to do the registration in the same way as in this embodiment. The matching is to match the needs of the employee-term contract company and the personal information that have been registered, and an appropriate candidate can therefore Be selected and signed. In addition, 'this embodiment is explained using a job search information supply device', but in particular, by using a judgment of eligibility, it may be possible to effectively implement information between departments, courses, lecturers, and other courses, such as education An organization or group, such as a high school, university, special school, and a student, department, course, lecturer, and other course of education. In addition, in this embodiment, it may be possible to provide various information supply devices or various matching devices through judgment of life planning 'judgment of eligibility for certification and test and analysis of life planning. Here, the analysis of life planning can diagnose the level of achievement, or the difference in the level of physical and mental well-being, and can be used as part of health care and welfare, matching the analysis of life planning with labor alliances and personnel Various installations, etc., or schools that match the analysis of life planning and sports clubs or culture. The fitness test is judged by purpose, motivation, or subconsciousness (desired degree level, required degree level, prepared degree level), and the type of work with high level of competence, which can be diagnosed as a high level of advanced certification. Quiz, and can be used to match the required courses, colleges and related courses in order to obtain various certifications. The analysis of life planning judges the initial eligibility of a person from past knowledge about the management of investment ', the investor's experience, and the potential personality (sexual orientation, interest, -33- (31) (31) M249117 price outlook, etc.) Etc., and can be used to match financial products with stocks and funds. As mentioned above, 'this creation can be used to provide information between information service providers and recipients. This information includes employee-lease information, information about departments, courses, lecturers, and other courses, such as education organizations or groups, sports clubs or cultural schools. Device information is related to health and welfare. Various certificates. Test information, financial product information, such as stocks and funds. In addition, by performing a willful analysis periodically, for example, every year or every five years, changes in the person being analyzed can be known. The extent of this improvement can even be detected by updating the response information to several methods of competence judgment, without the need for periodic analysis. For example, in this method, the response information is updated through the analysis of competence, and it may be possible to support the introduction of a new job for the sacked person when using forced retirement or restructuring by using the results of accumulated competence judgment. In addition, by analyzing personal data or company information accumulated over several years and outputting the analysis results, it may be possible to obtain more favorable information such as characteristics, changes, and trends of each year. The analysis using the questionnaire's will will not necessarily be performed at the same time as basic information such as ability, background and expectations. Even if the fitness analysis is not accumulated, if the fitness analysis is carried out when necessary, it may be possible to support a new job introduction for the second life of the dismissed person after mandatory retirement. In addition, willful analysis can be achieved separately. But if 1 -34- (32) (32) M249117 combines several analyses, it may be possible to understand the matching with more favorable self-measurement, information supply and information services. . Obviously, from the description of the above embodiment, according to the present creation, it may be possible to provide a job search information supply device that can allow companies that want to hire employees to correctly judge the suitability of many job seekers and allow job seekers to understand They are competent and oriented, and take the necessary actions for companies that want to hire employees. In addition, according to this creation, it may be possible to inform job seekers that the information sent by the company meets which company wants to hire employees, or even if the selected company does not meet the requirements of the applicant, it still selects and obtains Information on companies with various conditions. In addition, according to this creation, it may be possible to notify companies that want to hire employees that they have found talents that match their talents, or that even if the selected people do not meet the conditions required by the companies that want to hire employees, they still choose and obtain Conditional talent. [Brief Description of the Drawings] Figure 1 is an essential figure for explaining the brief structure of a 5 supply device according to the work of an embodiment of the present invention; Figure 2 shows a new member registration procedure, And the process of judging job suitability of job seekers, and the process of registering a new member company by a recruiter of a company that wants to hire employees, according to the flowchart completed by this creation; Figure 3 shows the The embodiment is related to -35-(33) (33) M249117 which hopes to have higher priority. An information input screen; FIG. 4 shows a startup screen of an analysis program of this embodiment; FIG. 5 shows a start screen of an analysis program according to this embodiment; , Company culture, device, and other various input screens that match the applicant's information; Figure 6 is a flowchart showing a personal member service procedure for completing a job application in this embodiment; Figure 7 is a flowchart showing A flowchart of the company member service process completed by a recruiter of the company that hires the employees; Figure 8 is a recommended study of this embodiment Screen; Figure IX represents a substantially Coming to a screen condition according to the present embodiment job seekers. Comparison Table of Main Components 10 Job Search Information Supply Device 11 Public World Wide Web Server 12 Mail Server 13 Analysis Server 1 4 Matching Server 15 Personal Database Server 16 Company Database Server 2 1 Personal Computer 22 Personal Computer 23 PC 3 1 PC 32 PC 36-