1303236 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係提供一種手、電動之電梯異常脫困裝置,尤指其技 術上提供一種電梯異常時,人員利用手動或電動驅動煞車控制器 及線圈阻尼,使馬達安全的緩速運轉到站自救脫困。 【先前技術】 電梯之運用對於高樓層者已是必須,然而電梯在故障後之自 籲救脫困上仍相當缺乏,造成電梯内部受困人員傷亡事件時有所 聞,且現今之電梯故障排除,仍然仰賴專業之技術人員,但專業 之技術人員數量有限,而電梯之數量則大幅的增加之中,其間之 問題會因二者之不成比例而更加嚴重,如何能夠在電梯故障受困 當下,可以立即採取自救脫困,一直是電梯業者努力想要解決的 問題,也是造福電梯使用者,不幸受困電梯内時得以減少受困時 間,讓危險情況減至最低,但此一問題尚未能獲得突破性之發展, φ 使得救援仍停留在仰賴專業技術人員。 疋以針對上述習知結構所存在之問題點,如何開發一種更 /、理心實用性之創新結構,實消費者所殷切企盼,亦係相關業者 須努力研發突破之目標及方向。 μ #鑑於此’發日狀本於多年從事相品之製造開發與設計 n針對上述之目標’詳加設計與審慎評估後,終得—確具實 用性之本發明。 【發明内容】 5 1303236 欲解決之技術問題點:電梯已廣泛使用於各大樓,也與人們 毯切相關’但電梯之使用也難免會有故障之情形,電梯故障必會 使人貝又困兴甲,而造攻一定的危險,且該等危險會隨時間之延 長而增加,所以能夠迅速解除人員受困情形,是避免人員發生危 險的最佳狀態,但現今域於仰賴專業人㈣除故障,所以救援 速度一直無法提升。 解决問題之技術特點:提供一種手、電動之電梯異常脫困裝 •置’包括短路控制器、檢知器、刹車連鎖控制器、變頻器及手動 間接觸動’電源正常供應而電梯異常時,短路控制器接點經檢知 器連鎖啟動會自動磁吸導通形成短路,進而使煞車控制器開放刹 車並使馬達_產纽尼,而讓馬達緩速運侧站自救脫困,而 電源也異㈣,可藉由手動間接觸動,使短路控制器短路及煞車 控制器開放刹車,而形成刹、放、刹、放及緩速阻尼運轉,使電 梯車料降_自救顧,所赠了鱗安全不使馬達失速下墜 外,更可達到自救脫困的目的,不用再等到專業人員救援,時間 可以縮短,人員可能的危險自然降低。 對照先前技術之功效·· 一、先雜術財-魏職置,但妨實用略成無法普 本發月藉由短路控制器配合刹車連鎖控制器及手動間接 ,得以在電源正料電·常時,異⑼可自救之立 轉刹車’並使馬達產生線圈阻尼避免失逮,而使電梯緩逮到 6 1303236 站自救脫困,係為相當實用之設計者。 二、 本發明無論是電源正常或電源異常均可使用,讓所有可 能發料情轉能㈣有贿決,以.轉人歧職梯之安全性。 三、 本發明更可藉由馬達之回生電壓,該電梯車廂内之l e D燈發亮照明,更利於自救脫困之行動者。 有關本發騎採狀技術、手段及其魏,跡—較佳實施 例並配合®式詳細制於后,相信本_上述之目的、構造及特 徵,當可由之得一深入而具體的瞭解。 【實施方式】 本發明係提供-種手、電動之電梯異常脫困裝置設計者。 為使貴審查委員對本發明之目的、特徵及功效能夠有更進 步之瞭解與認識’兹請配合圖式簡單說明詳述如後: >閱第目所示,係該本發明之其—實施例電路配置示意 圖,其係包含有: ”一市電或備用電力所供應之電源(1〇)(如第二圖示), 電源(1 0 )接至電源接點(1 〇 !)、—麟絲關(^丄)、 -電磁接觸器(12)、一變頻器(13)、一檢知器(14)、 -第-短路控制n ( i 5)、_馬達接點(i 6)、—馬達(丄 7 )、-手動間接觸動(;L 8 )及—剎車連鎖控制器(丄9 ); 其中’電源接點(1〇1)接至無炼絲開關(i丄),無溶 、糸開關(1 1 )接至電磁接觸器(丄2 ),電磁接觸器(丄2 ) 1303236 ΐ接變頻連接馬達接點(16)及 :達(17) ’變頻器(13)並連接檢知器 j 1 3 )連接馬達她(1 6 )之線路上錢接有第_ 二 =(1 5 ),第—短路控制器(1 5 )並分別連接電磁接觸哭二 :二直變頻器⑴)、檢知……手動間‘ 及剎車連鎖控制器(1 g)。 1 8) 錢第…二騎示種手、電動之電梯異常脫困 攀其毛梯正常狀態下,電源( 置 接觸器(⑵、咖===)、電磁 堂㈣nr“土 丄01;及檢知器(1 4)後,驅動正 馬達(17)運轉’以使電梯正常的昇降。 如電源(10)正常而電梯異常時,第一短路控制 接點經檢知器(14)連鎖啟動會自動磁吸導通 ^./ ) ==:(1 5 )接點短路導通,是將馬達線圈作短路:時 纽尼,以確麵達(1 7 )緩速運轉不致失速.同 :=器;19)内建時間控制,使刹車器_車 路時間的長短。其動作為電梯異常° 5)接點短 (1 0 2)在供庫正常产开/ 〜 )或備用電力 社代愿正—形下,第—短路控制 敌動煞車連鎮控制器(19),使制車器開 7而 刹、放,並使馬達(17)之線圏阻尼(171= 2本_卜放、 7)安全的緩速運轉,進而到站脫困。 馬達(1 1303236 另一方面,如果電梯異常加上電源(i =接觸動⑴)在車一咖觸動第二= 、解連鎖控繼(19)及财器之解剎咖,使直 〜W第-短路控 (1 5)及剎車时 - 而形成剎、放、剎、放,及馬達緩速、__ 171,) 運轉’使電梯車練速升降到站脫困。馬達(丄7)受 =广之遍猶’ _所產生物轉錢阻尼軸 回生毛壓,可朝於車軸L E D燈發亮照明,以利脫因。 參閱第三圖所示,係該本發明之另一實施例電 圖’其係包含有: ^ 、-市電或備用電力所供應之電源(2〇)(如第四圖示), 電原(2 0)接至電源接點(2 〇 1 )、一無熔絲開關(2 、 一電磁接觸器(22)、-變頻器(23)、一檢知器(24) 一第一短路控制器(M)、-馬達接點(26)、—馬達(2 7)、一手動間接觸動(28)及-剎車連鎖控制器(29); 其中’電源接點(2 01)接至無炫絲開關(21),無熔 絲開關(2 1)接至電磁接觸n (22),電磁接觸器(2;、) 連接變頻器(2 3) ’變頻器(2 3)連接馬達接點(2 6)及 馬達(2 7),變頻器(2 3)並連接檢知器(2 4),變頻器 ^ 2 3)連接馬達接點(2 6)之線路上並連接有第一短路控制 器(2 5 ) ’第一短路控制器(2 5 )並分別連接檢知器(2 * )、 1303236 手動間接觸動(2 8)及劍車連鎖控制器(2 9)。 參閱第三、四圖所示’―種手、電動之電梯異常脫困裝置, 其電梯正常狀態下,電源(2〇)經無溶絲開關(2ι)、兩磁 :觸器(22)、變頻器(23)及檢知器(24)後,驅:正 吊狀態下之馬達(2 7)運轉,以使電梯正常的昇降。 如電源(2 0)正常而電梯異常時,第一短路控制% 接點經檢知器(2 4)連鎖啟動會自動磁吸導通形成短路;第一 =路控( 2 5)接點短路導通,是將馬達線圈作短路,同時 =成線圈產生阻尼’以確保馬達(2 7)緩速運轉不致 連鎖_ ( 2 9 )内_控制,使刹車器開放刹車, 同時也控制第一短路控制以^ 作為電梯異常,原電源(2〇)或備用電力 啟動教直*〜正常情形下,第—鱗控制器(2 5)短路而 :放=(29)’使_開放刹車,為刹、放、 ”安全=藉之線圈阻尼(271),使馬達(2 王的緩速運轉,進而到站脫困。 手動Γ電梯異常加上電源(2 0)異常,則可藉由 (2 5)⑽在車庙内以繩索間接觸動第—短路控制器 同步導通二路:控制器(2 9 )及刹車器之解刹開關,使其 而形:Γ放制器(25)轉器作短路及解刹動作, 放、小放,及馬達(27)緩速線圈阻尼(271) 1303236 運轉,使電梯車緩速升降到站脫困。馬達(2 7)受手動間接 觸動(2 8 ) 丁動控制時,短路所產生馬達運轉並受阻尼形成 回生私壓’可獅於車廂内L ED燈發亮照明,以利脫困。 多閱第五圖所示,係該本發明之又一實施例電路配置示专 圖,其係包含有: 一市電或備用電力所供應之電源(3〇)(如第六圖示), 電源(3〇)接至電源接點(301)、一無熔絲開關(3χ)、 -電磁接觸器(3 2)、-變頻器(3 3)、-檢知器(3 4)、 一第一短路控制器(3 5)、一馬達接點(3 Θ )、一馬達(3 7)、一手動間接觸動(38)及一剎車連鎖控制器(3g); 其中,電源接點(301)接至無熔絲開關(31),無熔 絲開關(31)接至電磁接觸器(3 2),電磁接觸器(3 2) 連接變頻器(3 3),變頻器(3 3)連接馬達接點(3 6)及 馬達(37),變頻器(33)並連接檢知器(34),變頻器 (3 3)連接馬達接點(3 6)之線路上並連接有第一短路控制 器(3 5 ),第一短路控制器(3 5 )並分別連接檢知器(3 4 )、 手動間接觸動(3 8)及剎車連鎖控制器(3 9)。 參閱第五、六圖所示,一種手、電動之電梯異常脫困裝置, 其電梯正常狀態下,電源(3 0 )經無熔絲開關(31)、電磁 接觸器(3 2)、變頻器(3 3)及檢知器(3 4)後,往正常 之第一短路控制器(3 5),驅動正常狀態下之馬達(3 7)運 1303236 轉,以使電梯正常的昇降。 如電源(3 〇)正常而電梯異常時,第一短路控制哭 按點羥额!§ ( 3 4) _啟料 , 短路控制器(3 5 )及#通形成短路;第— 迕成魂n ^ 是將馬達、_倾路,同時 w成線圈產纽尼,以確保馬達(3 Jf 時在剎車連鎖控_ Μ …不致失速;同 為刹、放、刊1 9)内建時間控制’使刹車咖 (3 0 2 ^ 為電梯異常,原電源(3 0)錢用電力 2)在供應正常情形下,第一短路控哭 啟動煞車連鎖控制$(39) - 35)短路而 刹、H 車器開放刹車,為剎、放、 亚使馬達(37)之線圈阻尼(371),使馬達^ )安全的緩速運轉,進而到站脫困。 —達(3 另—方面’如果電梯異常加上電源( :::r(38)在一索間接二= 咖,使: 而形成Λ r _作短路及解刹動作, 運鳇 及馬達(37)緩速線圈阻尼(371) 觸動馬達(37)受手動間接 回生電壓了軍㈣時,短路所產生馬達運轉並受阻尼形成 ,可·於車助L Ε D燈發亮照明,以利脫固。 >閱第七圖所示’係該本發明之再—實施例電路配置示意 12 1303236 圖,其係包含有: 一市電或備用電力所供應之電源(40)(如第八圖示), 電源(4 0)接至電源接點(4 01)、一無熔絲開關(41)、 一電磁接觸器(4 2)、一變頻器(4 3)、一檢知器(44)、 一第一短路控制器(4 5)、一第二短路控制器(4 5 1 )、一 馬達接點(4 6)、一馬達(4 7 )、一手動間接觸動(4 8 ) 及一剎車連鎖控制器(4 9 ); • 其中,電源接點(401)接至無熔絲開關(41),無熔 絲開關(41)接至電磁接觸器(42),電磁接觸器(42) 連接變頻器(4 3),變頻器(4 3)連接馬達接點(4 6)及 馬達(4 7),變頻器(4 3)並連接檢知器(4 4),變頻器 (4 3)連接馬達接點(4 6)之線路上並連接有第一短路控制 器(4 5)及分接有第二短路控制器(4 51),第二短路控制 裔(4 51)並分別連接檢知器(4 4)、手動間接觸動(4 8) • 及剎車連鎖控制器(49 )。 參閱第七、八圖所示,一種手、電動之電梯異常脫困裝置, 其電梯正常狀態下,電源(4 0)經無熔絲開關(41)、電磁 . 接觸器(4 2)、變頻器(4 3)及檢知器(4 4)後,往正常 之第一短路控制器(4 5),驅動正常狀態下之馬達(4 7)運 轉,以使電梯正常的昇降。 如電源(4 0)正常而電梯異常時,第二短路控制器(4 5 13 1303236 1)接點經檢知器(4 4)連鎖啟動會自動磁吸導通形成短路; 第二短路控制器(4 5 1 )接點短路導通,是將馬達線圈作短路, 同時造成線圈產生阻尼,以確保馬達(4 7 )缓速運轉不致失速; 同時在剎車連鎖控制器(49)内建時間控制,使剎車器開放剎 車,為剎、放、剎、放,同時也控制第二短路控制器(4 51) 接點短路時間的長短。其動作為電梯異常,原電源(4 0)或備 用電力(4 0 2 )在供應正常情形下,第二短路控制器(4 51 ) _ 短路而啟動煞車連鎖控制器(4 9 ),使剎車器開放剎車,為剎、 放、剎、放,並使馬達(4 7)之線圈阻尼(4 71 ),使馬達 (4 7)安全的緩速運轉,進而到站脫困。 另一方面,如果電梯異常加上電源(4 0)異常,則可藉由 手動間接觸動(4 8)在車廂内以繩索間接觸動第二短路控制器 (4 51)、剎車連鎖控制器(4 9)及剎車器之解剎開關,使 其同步導通第二短路控制器(4 51)及剎車器作短路及解剎動 • 作,而形成剎、放、剎、放,及馬達(4 7)緩速線圈阻尼(4 71)運轉,使電梯車廂緩速升降到站脫困。馬達(4 7)受手 動間接觸動(4 8)之手動控制時,短路所產生馬達運轉並受阻 尼形成回生電壓,可運用於車廂内L E D燈發亮照明,以利脫困 〇 由其上述可知,本發明之手、電動之電梯異常脫困裝置,確 為業界首見而符合發明專利之新穎性要件者,而其全面性之創新 14 1303236 設計’符合發明專利之進步性要件,而其手、電動之電梯異常自 救脫困,符合較佳之產業利用性者。 ” 前文係針對本發明之較佳實施例為本發明之技術特徵進行具 體之糾,惟’熟悉此項技術之人士當可在不脫離本發明之精神 與原則下對本發明進行變更與修改,職特更與肢,皆應涵 蓋於如下申請專利範圍所界定之範疇中。 练上所述,本發明係提供一種手、電動之電梯異常脫困裝置, 其確已達到本發明之所有目的,另其組合結構之空間型態未見於 同類產απ,亦未曾公開於申請前,已符合專利法之規定,爰依法 ^出申請。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖·係本發明之其一實施例電路配置示意圖。 第一圖:係本發明之其一實施例動作流程圖。 第二圖:係本發明之另一實施例電路配置示意圖。 第四圖:係本發明之另一實施例動作流程圖。 第五圖·係本發明之又一實施例電路配置示意圖。 第圖·係本發明之又一實施例動作流程圖。 第七圖·係本發明之再一實施例電路配置示意圖。 第八圖·係本發明之再一實施例動作流程圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 (10)電源 (1 0 1 )電源接點 15 1303236 (10 2)備用電力 (12)電磁接觸器 k 1 4:)檢知器 (16)馬達接點 (171)線圈阻尼 (19)剎車連鎖控制 (2 01)電源接點 _ (21)無熔絲開關 (2 3)變頻器 (2 5)第一短路控制 (2 7)馬達 (2 8)手動間接觸動 (3 0)電源 (3 0 2)備用電力 • (32)電磁接觸器 (3 4)檢知器 (3 6)馬達接點 (3 71)線圈阻尼 (3 9)剎車連鎖控制 (4 01)電源接點 (41)無熔絲開關 (11)無熔絲開關 (13)變頻器 (15)第一短路控制器 (1 7)馬達 (1 8)手動間接觸動 器 (2 0 )電源 (202)備用電力 (2 2)電磁接觸器 (2 4)檢知器 器(2 6)馬達接點 (2 71)線圈阻尼 (2 9)剎車連鎖控制器 (3 01)電源接點 (31)無溶絲開關 (3 3)變頻器 (3 5)第一短路控制器 (3 7)馬達 (3 8)手動間接觸動 器 (4 0)電源 (4 0 2)備用電力 (4 2)電磁接觸器 1303236 (43)變頻器 (4 5)第一短路控制器 (4 6)馬達接點 (4 71)線圈阻尼 (4 9)剎車連鎖控制器 (44)檢知器 (451)第二短路控制器 (4 7)馬達 (48)手動間接觸動1303236 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field of the invention] The present invention provides an abnormal escape device for a hand or electric elevator, especially when the utility model provides an elevator abnormality, the person uses a manual or electric drive brake controller and coil damping In order to make the motor safely run slowly to the station to rescue themselves. [Prior Art] The use of the elevator is necessary for the high-floor people. However, the elevator is still quite lacking in the self-recovery and rescue of the elevator after the fault, causing the casualties of the trapped inside the elevator to be heard, and the elevator failure is eliminated today. Still relying on professional technicians, but the number of professional technicians is limited, and the number of elevators is greatly increased. The problems between them will be more serious because of the disproportion of the two. How can it be trapped in the elevator failure? Taking self-rescue and getting rid of difficulties immediately has always been a problem that elevator operators are trying to solve. It is also a benefit for elevator users. Unfortunately, when trapped in the elevator, it can reduce the time of trapping and minimize the dangerous situation. However, this problem has not yet been achieved. The development of sex, φ makes the rescue still rely on professional and technical personnel. In view of the problems existing in the above-mentioned conventional structure, how to develop a more innovative structure that is more rational and practical, is expected by consumers, and it is also the goal and direction of relevant industry players to work hard to develop breakthroughs. μ # In view of this, the company has been engaged in the manufacture and design of the products for many years. n The above-mentioned objectives have been carefully designed and evaluated with prudence to achieve the practical invention. [Summary of the Invention] 5 1303236 Technical problem to be solved: Elevators have been widely used in various buildings, and are also related to people's carpet cutting. 'But the use of elevators will inevitably lead to failures. Elevator failures will make people happy. A, and the danger of making a certain attack, and these dangers will increase with the extension of time, so the ability to quickly disarm the person is the best way to avoid the danger of the person, but nowadays the domain depends on the professional (4) in addition to the failure , so the speed of rescue has not been able to improve. Technical features to solve the problem: provide a hand and electric elevator abnormally out of the trap • Set 'including short-circuit controller, detector, brake interlock controller, inverter and manual contact contact' power supply normal supply and elevator abnormality, short circuit control The contact of the detector through the detector will automatically lead to a short circuit, which will cause the brake controller to open the brakes and make the motor to produce Niuni, and let the motor slow-moving side station to rescue itself, and the power supply is different (four), By manual contact, the short-circuit controller is short-circuited and the brake controller is opened to brake, and the brake, release, brake, release and slow-speed damping operation are formed, so that the elevator car material is lowered _ self-rescue, the scale is safe and the motor is not given. In addition to the stall, the goal of self-rescue can be achieved. You don't have to wait for professional rescue, the time can be shortened, and the possible danger of personnel is naturally reduced. Compared with the efficacy of the prior art ·· First, the first miscellaneous wealth - Wei position, but it is practical to be slightly unable to pass the short-circuit controller with the brake interlock controller and manual indirect, in the power supply and constant time , (9) can be self-rescue to turn the brakes 'and make the motor to generate coil damping to avoid the loss, and make the elevator slowly catch up to 6 1303236 station to rescue themselves, is a very practical designer. 2. The invention can be used regardless of whether the power source is normal or the power source is abnormal, so that all possible materials can be transferred (4) to have a bribe, and the safety of the transfer ladder can be transferred. Third, the invention can further illuminate the illumination of the motor by the regenerative voltage of the motor, which is more conducive to the self-rescue occupants. With regard to the technology, means and methods of the present riding, and the preferred embodiment and the detailed formula, it is believed that the above-mentioned purpose, structure and features can be obtained from an in-depth and specific understanding. [Embodiment] The present invention provides a designer of an abnormal lift device for a hand or electric elevator. In order to enable your review committee to have a better understanding and understanding of the purpose, features and effects of the present invention, please refer to the following for a brief description of the following: > Example circuit configuration diagram, which includes: "a power supply (1 〇) supplied by a mains or backup power (as shown in the second figure), the power supply (10) is connected to the power contact (1 〇!), - Lin Wire off (^丄), - electromagnetic contactor (12), a frequency converter (13), a detector (14), - first-short control n (i 5), _ motor contact (i 6), - motor (丄7), - manual contact (L 8) and - brake interlock controller (丄9); where 'power contact (1〇1) is connected to no wire switch (i丄), no dissolution , 糸 switch (1 1 ) is connected to electromagnetic contactor (丄 2 ), electromagnetic contactor (丄 2 ) 1303236 ΐ connected to variable frequency connection motor contact (16) and: up to (17) 'inverter (13) and connected for inspection Know the device j 1 3) Connect the motor to her (1 6) on the line with money _ 2 = (1 5), the first - short-circuit controller (1 5) and respectively connect the electromagnetic contact cry 2: two direct inverter (1) ), check ... manual between 'and brake interlock controller (1 g). 1 8) Qian Di... two rides show the hands, the electric elevator is abnormally out of trouble to climb its hairy ladder under normal conditions, the power supply (set contactor ( (2), coffee ===), electromagnetic hall (four) nr "soil 01; and the detector (1 4), drive the positive motor (17) to operate 'to make the elevator rise and fall normally. If the power supply (10) is normal and the elevator is abnormal When the first short-circuit control contact is activated by the detector (14), the magnetic induction is automatically turned on. ^./) ==: (1 5) The short-circuit of the contact is short-circuited, the motor coil is short-circuited: It is true that (1 7) slow speed operation will not stall. The same: =; 19) built-in time control, so that the brakes _ road time length. The action is elevator abnormality. 5) The contact is short (1 0 2) in the normal production of the library / ~) or the standby power company is willing to be positive-shaped, the first-short-circuit control enemy vehicle controller (19) The brakes are opened and braked, and the motor (17) is damped (171 = 2 _ _, 7) safely and slowly, and then the station is relieved. Motor (1 1303236 On the other hand, if the elevator is abnormally coupled with the power supply (i = contact (1)) in the car, the second one is touched, the solution is controlled by the chain (19), and the device is activated. - Short-circuit control (1 5) and braking - to form the brake, release, brake, release, and motor slow speed, __ 171,) Operation 'Elevator lift speed to the station to get out of sleep. The motor (丄7) is subjected to a wide range of yokes. _ The resulting material is transferred to the damper shaft. The regenerative hair pressure can be illuminated toward the axle L E D lamp to facilitate the cause. Referring to the third embodiment, an electrogram of another embodiment of the present invention includes: ^, - a power supply (2 〇) supplied by a commercial or backup power (as shown in the fourth figure), an electric source ( 2 0) Connect to the power contact (2 〇 1), a fuseless switch (2, an electromagnetic contactor (22), - inverter (23), a detector (24), a first short-circuit controller (M), - motor contact (26), - motor (2 7), a manual contact (28) and - brake interlock controller (29); where 'power contact (2 01) is connected to no flash Switch (21), no fuse switch (2 1) is connected to electromagnetic contact n (22), electromagnetic contactor (2;,) is connected to inverter (2 3) 'Inverter (2 3) is connected to motor contact (2 6) and the motor (2 7), the inverter (2 3) is connected to the detector (2 4), the inverter ^ 2 3) is connected to the motor contact (26) and is connected to the first short-circuit controller. (2 5 ) 'The first short-circuit controller (2 5 ) is connected to the detector (2 * ), 1303236 manual contact (2 8) and the sword car interlock controller (2 9). Refer to the third and fourth pictures of the '-hand, electric elevator abnormal escape device, the elevator under normal state, the power supply (2 〇) through the non-solvent switch (2ι), two magnetic: contactor (22), frequency conversion After the device (23) and the detector (24), the drive (2 7) in the positive suspension state is operated to cause the elevator to rise and fall normally. If the power supply (20) is normal and the elevator is abnormal, the first short-circuit control% contact is automatically activated by the detector (2 4) interlocking to form a short circuit; the first = road control (25) contact short-circuit conduction Is to short-circuit the motor coil and = dampen the coil to ensure that the motor (2 7) is slow to run without interlocking _ ( 2 9 ) _ control, so that the brakes open the brakes, and also control the first short-circuit control ^ As an elevator abnormality, the original power supply (2〇) or standby power starts to teach straight*~ Under normal circumstances, the first scale controller (2 5) is short-circuited: put = (29) 'make _ open brake, brake, put , "Safety = borrowed coil damping (271), so that the motor (2 king's slow speed operation, and then get out of the station. Manually Γ elevator abnormality plus power (20) abnormality, can be used by (2 5) (10) In the temple, the contact between the ropes is used. The short-circuit controller synchronizes the two-way: the controller (2 9 ) and the brakes of the brakes, so that the shape is: the blower (25) is short-circuited and the brake is released. Action, release, small release, and motor (27) slow coil damping (271) 1303236 operation, so that the elevator car slowly lifts to the station to get out of sleep. When the motor (2 7) is controlled by manual contact (2 8 ), the motor generated by the short circuit is operated and damped to form a regenerative pressure. The lion can illuminate the L ED lamp in the compartment to facilitate the escape. 5 is a circuit configuration diagram of still another embodiment of the present invention, which includes: a power supply (3 〇) supplied by a commercial or backup power (as shown in the sixth figure), and a power supply (3 〇) Connect to power contact (301), a fuseless switch (3χ), - electromagnetic contactor (3 2), - inverter (3 3), - detector (3 4), a first short circuit control (3 5), a motor contact (3 Θ), a motor (37), a manual contact (38) and a brake interlock controller (3g); wherein the power contact (301) is connected to none The fuse switch (31), the non-fuse switch (31) is connected to the electromagnetic contactor (3 2), the electromagnetic contactor (3 2) is connected to the inverter (3 3), and the inverter (3 3) is connected to the motor contact ( 3 6) and the motor (37), the inverter (33) is connected to the detector (34), and the inverter (3 3) is connected to the line of the motor contact (36) and connected with the first short-circuit controller (3) 5), the first short The road controller (3 5 ) is respectively connected to the detector (3 4 ), the manual contact (3 8) and the brake interlock controller (3 9). Referring to the fifth and sixth figures, a hand and electric elevator Abnormal release device, the elevator is in normal state, the power supply (30) passes through the no-fuse switch (31), the electromagnetic contactor (3 2), the inverter (3 3) and the detector (3 4), and then goes to normal. The first short-circuit controller (3 5) drives the motor (3 7) under normal conditions to carry 1303236 turns to make the elevator rise and fall normally. If the power supply (3 〇) is normal and the elevator is abnormal, the first short circuit control is crying. § ( 3 4) _ start material, short circuit controller (3 5 ) and # pass to form a short circuit; the first - 迕成魂 n ^ is the motor, _ tilting, and w into the coil to produce Nuni, to ensure the motor (3 Jf in the brake chain control _ Μ ... not stall; the same for the brakes, release, publication 1 9) built-in time control 'to make the brakes (3 0 2 ^ for the elevator abnormal, the original power (3 0) money with electricity 2) Under normal supply conditions, the first short-circuit control starts the brake chain control $(39) - 35) short-circuit and the brakes of the H-car open, and the coil damping (371) for the brake, release, and sub-motor (37), Make the motor ^) safely and slowly run, and then get out of the station. - (3 other - aspects 'If the elevator is abnormal plus power ( ::: r (38) in a cable indirect two = coffee, so: and form Λ r _ for short circuit and brake action, transport and motor (37 ) Slow coil damping (371) When the touch motor (37) is manually indirectly regenerated by the voltage (4), the motor generated by the short circuit is operated and damped, and the L Ε D lamp is illuminated to facilitate the de-solidification. >> Figure 7 is a schematic diagram of the circuit configuration shown in Figure 7 of the present invention, which includes: a power supply (40) supplied by a commercial or backup power (as shown in the eighth figure). , the power supply (40) is connected to the power contact (4 01), a fuseless switch (41), an electromagnetic contactor (42), a frequency converter (43), a detector (44), a first short circuit controller (45), a second short circuit controller (4 5 1 ), a motor contact (46), a motor (47), a manual contact (4 8) and a brake Chain controller (4 9 ); • Where the power contact (401) is connected to the no-fuse switch (41), the non-fuse switch (41) is connected to the electromagnetic contactor (42), and the electromagnetic contactor (42) Connect the inverter (4 3), the inverter (4 3) is connected to the motor contact (4 6) and the motor (4 7), the inverter (4 3) is connected to the detector (4 4), and the inverter (4 3) ) connected to the motor contact (4 6) and connected to the first short-circuit controller (4 5) and the second short-circuit controller (4 51), the second short-circuit control (4 51) and connected separately The detector (4 4), the manual contact (4 8) • and the brake interlock controller (49). Referring to the seventh and eighth figures, a hand and electric elevator abnormally unblocking device, the elevator is in a normal state, After the power supply (40) passes through the no-fuse switch (41), the electromagnetic contactor (4 2), the inverter (43), and the detector (4 4), the normal first short-circuit controller (4 5) ), the motor (4 7) under normal driving is driven to make the elevator rise and fall normally. If the power supply (40) is normal and the elevator is abnormal, the second short-circuit controller (4 5 13 1303236 1) contacts are detected. The (4 4) interlocking start will automatically lead to a short circuit; the second short circuit controller (4 5 1 ) will short-circuit the contact, which will short the motor coil and cause the coil to be generated. In order to ensure that the motor (4 7) runs slowly, it will not stall; at the same time, the brake interlock controller (49) has built-in time control to make the brake open to brake, brake, release, brake, release, and also control the second short circuit. Controller (4 51) The length of the contact short-circuit time. Its action is elevator abnormality, the original power supply (40) or standby power (4 0 2) under normal supply conditions, the second short-circuit controller (4 51 ) _ short circuit And start the brake chain controller (4 9), so that the brakes open the brakes, brake, release, brake, release, and the motor (4 7) coil damping (4 71), so that the motor (4 7) is safe and slow Speed up, and then get out of the station. On the other hand, if the elevator is abnormal and the power supply (40) is abnormal, the second short-circuit controller (4 51) and the brake interlock controller (4 51) can be contacted between the ropes in the vehicle compartment by manual contact (4 8). 9) and the brake release brake switch, so that the second short-circuit controller (4 51) and the brakes are short-circuited and braked to form a brake, release, brake, release, and motor (4 7 The slow coil damping (4 71) is operated to make the elevator car slowly move up and down to the station. When the motor (4 7) is manually controlled by manual contact (4 8), the motor generated by the short circuit is operated and damped to form a regenerative voltage, which can be used to illuminate the LED light in the compartment to facilitate the escape. The hand and electric elevator abnormal release device of the invention is indeed the first in the industry and meets the novel requirements of the invention patent, and its comprehensive innovation 14 1303236 design meets the progressive requirements of the invention patent, and its hand and electric The elevator is exceptionally self-rescuing and is in line with better industrial utilization. The foregoing description of the preferred embodiments of the present invention is intended to be a part of the details of the invention, and the invention may be modified and modified without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. The invention and the limbs are all included in the scope defined by the following patent application scope. As described above, the present invention provides a hand and electric elevator abnormal release device, which has indeed achieved all the purposes of the present invention, and The spatial pattern of the combined structure is not found in the same kind of απ, nor has it been disclosed before the application, and has complied with the provisions of the Patent Law, and has been applied according to law. [Simplified illustration] The first figure is an embodiment of the present invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a flow chart showing an operation of another embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram showing a circuit configuration of another embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 5 is a schematic view showing a circuit configuration of still another embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 1 is a flowchart showing an operation of still another embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 8 is a flow chart of an operation of still another embodiment of the present invention. [Explanation of main component symbols] (10) Power supply (1 0 1 ) Power contact 15 1303236 (10 2) Backup power (12) ) Electromagnetic contactor k 1 4:) Detector (16) Motor contact (171) Coil damping (19) Brake interlock control (2 01) Power contact _ (21) No-fuse switch (2 3) Inverter (2 5) First short circuit control (2 7) Motor (2 8) Manual contact (3 0) Power supply (3 0 2) Standby power • (32) Magnetic contactor (3 4) Detector (3 6) Motor contact (3 71) coil damping (3 9) brake interlock control (4 01) power contact (41) no fuse switch (11) no fuse switch (13) inverter (15) first short circuit controller (1 7) Motor (1 8) Manual contactor (2 0 ) Power supply (202) Backup power (2 2) Magnetic contactor (2 4) Detector (2 6) Motor contact (2 71) coil Damping (2 9) Brake interlock controller (3 01) Power contact (31) No-dissolver switch (3 3) Inverter (3 5) First short-circuit controller (3 7) Motor (3 8) Manual contact (4 0) power supply (4 0 2) standby power (4 2) electromagnetic contactor 1303236 (43) change Frequency (4 5) First short-circuit controller (4 6) Motor contact (4 71) Coil damping (4 9) Brake interlock controller (44) Detector (451) Second short-circuit controller (4 7) Motor (48) manual contact