JP3998782B2 - Rapid measurement method of microbial count and filtration membrane used for it - Google Patents
Rapid measurement method of microbial count and filtration membrane used for it Download PDFInfo
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しかしながら、これらの方法は、微生物数が少ない検体液の場合(例えば103 〜104 個/ml以下)では抽出されるATP量が少なくルミノメーターの測定限界以下のため検出が不可能であり、かかる場合には例えば検体液の微生物をろ過捕捉したろ過膜をその微生物の増殖に適した栄養成分を含む培地で培養を行い、微生物数を検出限界以上に増加させてから総光量を測定し微生物数算出を行わなければならないという高度な技術を必要とする等問題点があり、より一層の改善が求められていた。
この問題を解決するために、本発明者等はPCT公開WO92/14838号において、親水性のろ過膜(親水性ポリテトラフルオロエチレン、親水性ポリビニリデンジフルオライド、親水性ポリカーボネート、親水性ポリスルフォン、親水性ポリアミド等のプラスチック系材料やアセチルセルローズ、ニトロセルローズ又はそれらの混合物等のセルローズ系等の材料からなる例えば孔径約0.1〜1μmのろ過膜)を格子状の疎水性区画壁(ポリフルオルエチレン、ポリビニリデンジフルオライド、ポリカーボネート、ポリエチレン、ポリプロピレン等からなる区画壁でその高さはろ過膜面上例えば約0.01〜0.05mm、その巾は例えば約0.1〜2mmの区画壁)で区画して区画壁により完全または実質的に隔離された多数の出来るだけ小面積(例えば2mm2 以下)の親水性区画を形成してなる、ろ過膜要素を作製し、検体液を大気下にろ過した後該検体液中に含まれている微生物を上記区画内に捕捉し、乾燥を行った後、各区画の堰を越すことなくろ過膜を湿らせる程度の抽出試薬、発光試薬の必要最小限度の量、すなわち、捕捉された微生物からの抽出成分および発光成分が他区画へ拡散流出を防止することなく、且つ区画内で希釈拡散を最小限にする程度の量で、微粒子状のスプレーを行い、得られた標本を高感度の生物発光画像解析システムを適用して処理することにより、微生物数由来の発光点のみを撮像し、当該課題を解決する方法を見出したことを特徴とする検体中の微生物数測定方法を提供した。
更に、検体液中に存在する微生物数が少ない場合により簡便に且つ正確に微生物数を検出、計数するためには、発光成分を更に局在化する必要がある。そこで本発明者等は先願発明(特開平5−328995号、平成4年4月1日出願)において、上記WO92/14838号に記載されたろ過膜要素を用いて、微生物数が102 個以下/ろ過膜要素、好ましくは50個以下/ろ過膜要素を含む検体液のろ過を行った後、ろ過膜上に分散捕捉された微生物に対して特にATPの良抽出剤として沸点が120℃以下の揮発性大気下、抽出剤を微粒子状に噴霧した後、大気下、抽出剤を速やかに揮散させ、次いでルシフェリン−ルシフェラーゼ系の発光試薬を高濃度で且つ微粒子状に噴霧する方法により発光反応速度を増加させ結果的に発光点毎の発光量を増加させることができた。
例えば食品工業において、中間品あるいは製品であるビールあるいは酒中に含まれる微生物の内、1個当りATP含量の大きい酵母の場合は計数上問題は少ないが、酵母に対してATP含量が1/10〜1/100程度である細菌類を検出し、計数する場合には問題が少なくない。その理由は細菌がろ過捕捉されている分離膜自身からのノイズ発光や、実液中に含まれるノイズ発光が強いため、微生物(細菌)からのみ由来する発光点をバックグラウンド(ノイズ発光)と明確に識別できない場合がある。その場合は実液をろ過した後その微生物の増殖に適した栄養寒天培地あるいは栄養培地を滲み込ませたバット上に置き、25−60℃で2−20時間培養を行って微生物を増殖させた後ろ過膜で捕捉された細菌の捕捉極近傍内でATP抽出とこれにつづく発光を行って微生物由来の発光を出来るだけ強くして、ノイズ発光との差を大きくしてから、発光画像解析システムを用いて細菌数の検出・計数を行う必要がある。最近、ノイズ発光を抑制しようとする試みがなされ、例えばBoeringer 社のかかるキット取り扱い説明書によれば、発光試薬に、ATP消去剤を加えてバックグラウンドノイズを抑制する方法が提案され、Lumac 社においても同様の提案がなされている。しかしこれらの方法では本来的に検出すべき微生物由来のATPの発光をも抑制するため、微量の微生物を対象に迅速に計数をすることには適用しがたい。
次に、ろ過膜を例えば0.1−10U(Apyrase 、0.085〜8.5mg protein /10ml、sigma 社製)のATP分解酵素液に浸漬し、室温〜35℃、10分間以上保温した後、取りだしノイズ発光成分の二次汚染の無いように十分に注意して乾燥して、ろ過に使用する。(乾燥は60℃、10〜30分で加熱乾燥するのが望ましい。)
ろ過時、ろ過膜に捕捉される検体液中の微生物数は検出精度を高めるために102 個/膜以下、更には50個/膜以下が望ましい。
グルコース・ペプトン培地(日本製薬製)5mlを含む中試験管に1白金耳のサッカロミセス セルビシエ(Saccharomyces cerevisiae IFO 0209 )を接種して30℃、1夜培養した後、無菌水で約100CFUになるように希釈し、その0.2mlを検体液とした。格子付き特殊ろ過膜(RMHV)をアピラーゼ液(IU/pH7、Hepes緩衝液10ml)に30℃、1時間浸漬し、風乾し60℃、30分加熱した後、ろ過器に装着する。無菌水20mlを加えた上に、上述の検体液0.2mlを加えてから吸引ろ過した。更に、無菌水20mlでろ過洗浄した後、ろ過膜を取り外し標本ホルダーにのせ風乾する。中空のプラスチック製カバーでその上を覆い、超音波式噴霧器を用いて抽出試薬を20秒間噴霧し、5分間以上風乾してから、同噴霧器を用いて発光試薬を7秒間噴霧して発光させる。直ちに標本を測定機のカメラ上において2分間フォトンカウンティングを行ない、テレビモニター上に撮像される発光点を測定して表2の結果を得た。
ソイビーンカゼインダイジェスト培地(日本製薬製)5mlを含む中試験管に1白金耳のエシェリシエア コリ(Esherichia coli IFO 3301)を接種し、30℃で1夜培養した後、無菌水で約100CFU/mlになるように希釈し、その0.2mlを検体液とした。ポリカーボネート膜(HTTP)をアピラーゼ液(2U/pH7、Hepes 緩衝液10ml)に30℃、2時間浸漬し、風乾した後、ろ過器に装着する。無菌水で十分洗浄ろ過し、無菌水20mlを加えた上に、上述の検体液0.2mlを加えてから吸引ろ過した。更に、無菌水20mlで洗浄ろ過した後、ろ過器からろ過膜を取り外し、ソイビーンカゼインダイジェスト寒天培地上において30℃、4時間培養した。ろ過膜を取り出し、標本ホルダーに載せ風乾する。中空のプラスチック製カバーでその上を覆い、超音波式噴霧器を用いて抽出試薬を20秒間噴霧し、5分間以上風乾してから、更に、同噴霧器を用いて高濃度発光試薬(通常の3倍濃度)を7秒間噴霧して発光させる。直ちに、標本を測定器のカメラ上に置いて2分間フォトンカウンティングを行ない、テレビモニター上に撮像される発光点を測定して表3の結果を得た。
アピラーゼ液(1U/pH7、Hepes 緩衝液10ml)に30℃、1時間浸漬し、風乾したポリカーボネート膜(HTTP、48mmφ、日本ミリポア(株)製)60℃30分加熱しろ過器に装着する。缶ビール(350ml)とトマトジュース培地( Difco製)5mlを含む中試験管に1白金耳のラクトバチルス ブレビス(Lactobatillus brevis IFO 3345) を植菌し30℃、1夜培養して無菌水で約100CFU/mlになるように希釈した菌液を0.2ml加えて吸引ろ過する。無菌水20mlで洗浄ろ過した後、ろ過膜を取り外しトマトジュース寒天培地上に置いて30℃、16時間培養した。培養終了後、ろ過膜を取り出し標本ホルダーに載せ風乾する。中空のプラスチック製カバーでその上を覆い、超音波式噴霧器を用いて抽出試薬を20秒間噴霧し、5分間以上風乾してから、同噴霧器を用いて高濃度発光試薬(常用の3倍濃度)を7秒間噴霧して発光させる。直ちに、標本を測定機のカメラ上に置いて2分間フォトンカウンティングを行ない、テレビモニター上に撮像される発光点を測定して表4の結果を得た。
5 試薬で処理した後のろ過膜(標本)
6 全反射板
7 テーパーファイバー
9 ホルダー
10 光増幅部及び撮像管からなる超高感度テレビカメラ
11 カメラコントローラー
12 イメージプロセッサ
13 データー解析装置
14 テレビモニター[0001]
The present invention relates to a method for rapidly, simply and sensitively measuring the number of microorganisms present in water, raw materials, intermediates or products used in the fields of food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, electronics industry and the like.
[Prior art]
As is well known in the fields of food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc., it is extremely important to manage the microorganisms in water, raw materials, intermediates or products used. Also, water quality management used in the electronics industry is important, and it is necessary to always know the number of microorganisms in the water. Therefore, measurement of the number of microorganisms is essential in those industrial fields.
In order to measure the number of these microorganisms, a so-called standard agar plate method has been generally used based on a food hygiene inspection guideline in which microorganisms present in a specimen are cultured on an agar plate medium and colonies are generated and detected. ing. However, this method is time-consuming and takes a long time to make a determination, and the determination of the presence or absence of microorganisms or the determination of test results such as the number of microorganisms is delayed. However, it is a large loss in terms of time and economy. Therefore, development of a simpler method has been desired.
In response to this demand, various rapid detection methods have been proposed. For example, when the number of microorganisms in the sample liquid is sufficiently large, a small amount is collected in a small test tube, or the number of microorganisms is slightly small. Filter and capture using a filter, concentrate, remove the filter membrane, immerse the filter in a very small amount of sterile water to suspend the microorganisms, extract a portion of it into a small test tube and extract it There is known a biomilescence method in which a reagent and a luminescent reagent are added, the amount of adenosine triphosphate (hereinafter abbreviated as ATP) in a microorganism is measured using a luminometer, the total light quantity is measured, and the number of microorganisms is calculated from this. (JP-A-2-57197, JP-A2-163098, etc., Misao Haruta et al., “Simplification, Automation, and Acceleration of Food Microbial Testing”, page 58, Science Forum (1985) Japan).
However, in these methods, in the case of a sample solution having a small number of microorganisms (for example, 10 3 to 10 4 cells / ml or less), the amount of ATP extracted is small and the detection limit is not possible because it is below the measurement limit of the luminometer, In such a case, for example, the filter membrane obtained by filtering and capturing the microorganisms in the sample liquid is cultured in a medium containing nutrient components suitable for the growth of the microorganisms, and the total amount of light is measured after increasing the number of microorganisms beyond the detection limit. There are problems such as the need for advanced technology that the number must be calculated, and further improvement has been demanded.
In order to solve this problem, the present inventors disclosed in PCT publication WO 92/14838, hydrophilic filtration membranes (hydrophilic polytetrafluoroethylene, hydrophilic polyvinylidene difluoride, hydrophilic polycarbonate, hydrophilic polysulfone). A hydrophobic partition wall (polyfluid) made of a plastic material such as hydrophilic polyamide, or a cellulose material such as acetylcellulose, nitrocellulose or a mixture thereof having a pore diameter of about 0.1 to 1 μm. A partition wall made of orethylene, polyvinylidene difluoride, polycarbonate, polyethylene, polypropylene, etc., the height of which is about 0.01 to 0.05 mm on the surface of the filtration membrane, for example, and the width is about 0.1 to 2 mm. A large number of products separated by a wall and completely or substantially isolated by the wall Only by forming a hydrophilic compartments of a small area (e.g., 2 mm 2 or less), to form a filtration membrane element, the specimen liquid microorganisms contained in the該検body fluid after filtration under atmosphere within said compartment After capture and drying, the extraction reagent and the minimum amount of luminescent reagent that moisten the filter membrane without passing through the weirs of each compartment, that is, the extracted components and luminescent components from the captured microorganisms Spray fine particles in an amount that does not prevent diffusion outflow to other compartments and minimizes dilution diffusion in the compartments, and apply a highly sensitive bioluminescence image analysis system to the obtained specimens. Thus, the present invention provides a method for measuring the number of microorganisms in a specimen, characterized in that only a light emitting point derived from the number of microorganisms is imaged and a method for solving the problem is found.
According to this fine particle spray method, the ATP component (luminescent component) extracted from the microorganism is prevented from overflowing, so that the emission level of the luminescent point is increased and the detection efficiency is increased. Rapid counting of the number of microorganisms was possible, requiring no culture at all or only a short time of culture.
Furthermore, in order to detect and count the number of microorganisms more easily and accurately when the number of microorganisms present in the sample liquid is small, it is necessary to further localize the luminescent component. Accordingly, the inventors of the prior invention (JP-A-5-328995, filed on April 1, 1992) use the filtration membrane element described in the above-mentioned WO 92/14838 and have a count of 10 2 microorganisms. Below / filter membrane element, preferably 50 or less / After filtering the sample liquid containing the filter membrane element, the boiling point is 120 ° C. or less particularly as a good extractant for ATP against microorganisms dispersed and captured on the filter membrane Luminous reaction rate by spraying the extractant in the form of fine particles in the volatile atmosphere of the gas, then volatilizing the extractant quickly in the atmosphere, and then spraying the luciferin-luciferase luminescent reagent in a high concentration and in the form of fine particles. As a result, it was possible to increase the light emission amount at each light emission point.
By carrying out such a method, ATP extraction and luminescence reaction occur in the vicinity of the location where the microorganisms trapped on the filtration membrane are located in an extremely small amount of the extractant, the luminescent reagent, and the microorganisms. Since light is emitted in the vicinity of the light, imaging, image processing, and analysis of the light emission point using the above-described bioluminescence image analysis system apparatus can be performed more effectively.
However, as described above, a filtration membrane element having a hydrophilic partition and a hydrophobic partition is used, and in the atmosphere, the ATP extract and the luminescent solution are sprayed in the order of a mist, or further the extract is volatilized. A small number of microorganisms present in the sample liquid (actual liquid) collected from pure water, raw materials, intermediate products or products actually used in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics or electronics industries. In the case of detecting / counting, there are still some problems.
For example, in the food industry, among microorganisms contained in beer or liquor that are intermediate products or products, yeast having a high ATP content per one has few problems in counting, but the ATP content is 1/10 of yeast. There are many problems when detecting and counting bacteria that are about 1/100. The reason for this is that the emission of noise from the separation membrane itself, in which bacteria are filtered and trapped, and the emission of noise contained in the actual solution are strong, so the emission point derived only from microorganisms (bacteria) is clearly defined as the background (noise emission). May not be identified. In that case, after filtering the actual liquid, it was placed on a nutrient agar medium suitable for the growth of the microorganism or a vat soaked with the nutrient medium, and cultured at 25-60 ° C. for 2-20 hours to grow the microorganism. Emission image analysis system after ATP extraction and subsequent luminescence in the vicinity of the trapped bacteria captured by the post-filtration membrane to increase the luminescence derived from microorganisms as much as possible and increase the difference from noise luminescence It is necessary to detect and count the number of bacteria using Recently, attempts have been made to suppress noise luminescence. For example, according to such a kit instruction manual of Boeringer, a method for suppressing background noise by adding an ATP quencher to a luminescent reagent has been proposed. A similar proposal has been made. However, since these methods also suppress the luminescence of ATP derived from microorganisms that should be originally detected, it is difficult to apply to rapid counting of a small amount of microorganisms.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
Based on the above background, the present invention eliminates noise without affecting the luminescence derived from microorganisms in counting the microorganisms captured on the filtration membrane, and more accurately and simply detects or counts the number of microorganisms. It is an object to provide a filtration membrane for use in it.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present inventors disclosed in the above application (PCT Publication WO92 / 14838, JP-A-6-237793) a method of pretreating a filter membrane element, that is, a filter membrane immersed in an ATP-degrading enzyme solution. As a result, the present inventors have found that this method is extremely excellent, and have come up with the present invention. That is, the present invention uses a filtration membrane that is immersed in an ATP-degrading enzyme solution and dried, filters the liquid containing microorganisms, captures it on the filtration membrane, and incubates for a short time if necessary. The inventors have found a method for detecting only a light emission point derived from a target microorganism without a noise light emission point by spraying a reagent in a fine mist and bringing it into contact with the microorganism and its vicinity.
In addition, if necessary, the ATP-degrading enzyme solution is sprayed or applied to only one side of the filtration membrane for capturing microorganisms, dried, and then subjected to the step of filtering the liquid as described above. May be detected.
The present invention also provides a filtration membrane itself exhibiting the above excellent characteristics as a filtration membrane for use in a rapid measurement method for these microorganisms. That is, the filtration membrane of the present invention is a filtration membrane from which ATP on the surface where microorganisms are to be captured is removed or absent. Such a filtration membrane was obtained by immersing in a solution containing an ATP-degrading enzyme, or at least applying or spraying a solution containing an ATP-degrading enzyme on the surface where microorganisms are to be captured, and then applying a drying treatment. Is.
The principle of the present invention is as follows. Using a filter membrane dipped in an ATP-degrading enzyme solution of a predetermined concentration or more and dried, the microorganisms in the specimen are attached by suction filtration or the like, sufficiently washed, filtered, and dried. Next, a luminescent component such as ATP is extracted with an extraction reagent. The extraction reagent may or may not be volatile, for example methanol or ethanol. By spraying the extracted ATP with a luminescent reagent comprising luciferin-luciferase to emit light, detection accuracy is remarkably increased. Furthermore, by detecting and counting the number of microorganisms using a highly precise luminescent image analysis system, it is possible to more accurately detect and count a very small amount of luminescent component.
By adopting the present invention, the noise emission point from the filtration membrane itself cannot be completely erased, and the detection accuracy can be remarkably improved compared to the conventional method that cannot be distinguished from the emission point derived from microorganisms. Has become extremely accurate and reliable.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in more detail. In the present invention, a special filtration membrane formed by surrounding a hydrophilic compartment with a lattice-like hydrophobic compartment, or a hydrophobic filtration membrane such as PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride), PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), PE (polyethylene). ), PC (polycarbonate), PP (polypropylene), PA (polyamide), PS (polysulfone), etc., any filtration membrane conventionally used for this purpose can be used.
Next, the filter membrane is immersed in an ATP-degrading enzyme solution of 0.1-10 U (Apyrase, 0.085-8.5 mg protein / 10 ml, manufactured by sigma), for example, and kept at room temperature to 35 ° C. for 10 minutes or more. Take out and dry carefully so that there is no secondary contamination of noise emission components, and use it for filtration. (It is desirable to dry by heating at 60 ° C. for 10 to 30 minutes.)
At the time of filtration, the number of microorganisms in the sample liquid captured by the filtration membrane is desirably 10 2 / membrane or less, more preferably 50 / membrane or less, in order to increase detection accuracy.
Next, as liquid extraction reagents for ATP, alcohols, ethers, esters, halogen derivatives such as methane, ethane, methylene or ethylene, acetonitrile, triethylamine, and the like can be used. Particularly suitable are those that readily evaporate after being sprayed with an extractant having a boiling point of 120 ° C. or lower. If it remains, the luminescent enzyme will be inhibited and must be removed with caution.
Next, a liquid luminescence reagent (for example, Kikkoman Corporation, Lucifer LU) is sprayed to emit light.
These liquid reagents are sprayed in the form of a mist of fine particles having a diameter of 20 μm or less, preferably 5 to 10 μm.
As the spraying means, an ultrasonic fine particle sprayer, particularly an automatic ultrasonic fine particle sprayer may be used.
In the actual process, first, the above-mentioned filtration membrane is attached to a cup-shaped filtration container or the like such as “Microfil, Sterifil (trade name)” manufactured by Nihon Millipore Ltd. To capture.
Next, remove the filtration membrane from the filter, dry it, place it on the specimen holder, and spray (spray) the ATP extraction reagent on the filtration membrane using an ultrasonic atomizer (such as Matsushita Electric) from above the filtration membrane. . Further, a luciferin-luciferase luminescence reagent is added by spraying with the above-mentioned nebulizer to cause luminescence. Subsequently, the luminescent filter membrane (hereinafter abbreviated as “specimen”) is set in the camera field of view, and the luminescence is accumulated using a bioluminescence image analysis system device (for example, RMDS, manufactured by Nihon Millipore Corporation (trade name)). After that, image processing is performed to measure the remaining light emission points after eliminating the light emission regarded as noise, and the number of microorganisms is measured.
The bioluminescence image analysis system used here can detect even weak light emission with high sensitivity and process light significantly, compared to conventional measurement devices, and it is quick and easy to process and analyze data. Furthermore, in combination with the spray effect using the special filtration membrane of the present invention and the reagent nebulizer, it is a novel and epoch-making one that can detect even one microbial cell. It contributes to realization.
The outline of the system is as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, and this system is placed under a specimen holder 9 for supporting a filtration membrane (specimen) 5 after being treated with the extraction reagent and the luminescent reagent. Ultra-high sensitivity TV camera 10 including a total reflection plate 6, a
In the measurement, the sample holder 9 holding the sample (filter membrane holding microorganisms) subjected to the luminescence treatment is placed in close contact with the tapered fiber surface, and two-dimensionally using an ultra-sensitive TV camera, camera controller and image processor. Photons are accumulated for 30 to 180 seconds, for example, 120 seconds, and light emission from microorganisms is imaged, image processing is performed by a data analysis device, light emission noise is eliminated, and only strong light emission from microorganisms is left and displayed on a television monitor. Since this process eliminates luminescence other than that derived from microorganisms as noise, the measured number of light emission points substantially matches the number of microorganisms.
The bioluminescence image analysis system used here can detect even weak light emission with high sensitivity and process light significantly, compared to conventional measurement devices, and it is quick and easy to process and analyze data. Furthermore, in combination with the spray effect using the special filtration membrane of the present invention and the reagent nebulizer, it is a novel and epoch-making one that can detect even one microbial cell. It contributes to realization.
In the present invention, microorganisms are captured using a filtration membrane immersed in an ATP-degrading enzyme solution, and then an extraction reagent solution (especially an ATP extraction reagent solution) and a luminescent reagent (especially a luciferin-luciferase reagent) in an appropriate amount of fine particle state As a result, the noise component derived from the filtration membrane can be eliminated, and an extremely small amount of the bacterial cell component can be easily and accurately measured.
In the method of the present invention, the ATP-degrading enzyme treatment of the filtration membrane prevents the generation of noise from the filtration membrane itself without any influence on the luminescence of microorganisms, so that the noise emission is remarkably reduced, so that a clear emission point exceeding the conventional method can be obtained. Since the S / N ratio increases and the detection becomes easy, even if culture is necessary, the measurement can be performed quickly in a short time.
Example 1
Hydrophilic PVDF membrane having a hydrophobic lattice (RMHV, 47 mmφ, manufactured by Nihon Millipore) and polycarbonate membrane (HTTP, 47 mmφ, manufactured by Nihon Millipore) in an apyrase solution (2 U /
[Table 1]
Example 2
Inoculate 1 medium ear Saccharomyces cerevisiae IFO 0209 into a medium test tube containing 5 ml of glucose / peptone medium (Nippon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and incubate overnight at 30 ° C. to about 100 CFU in sterile water. Dilution was performed, and 0.2 ml thereof was used as a sample solution. A special filter membrane with a lattice (RMHV) is immersed in an apyrase solution (IU /
[Table 2]
Example 3
Inoculate 1 platinum ear Escherichia coli IFO 3301 into a medium test tube containing 5 ml of soy bean casein digest medium (Nippon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and incubate overnight at 30 ° C to approximately 100 CFU / ml with sterile water The sample solution was 0.2 ml. A polycarbonate membrane (HTTP) is immersed in an apyrase solution (2 U /
[Table 3]
Example 4
It is immersed in an apyrase solution (1 U /
[Table 4]
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, the following effects can be obtained.
(1) The filtration membrane and method of the present invention enable the generation of noise from the filtration membrane itself by the ATP-degrading enzyme treatment of the filtration membrane (Example 1).
(2) According to the filtration membrane and method of the present invention, since the emission of noise is significantly reduced without affecting the emission of microorganisms, a clear emission point exceeding the conventional method can be obtained, and a minute amount of microorganisms can be detected ( Examples 2, 3, 4).
(3) According to the filtration membrane and method of the present invention, the S / N ratio is increased, and detection is easier than in the conventional method. (Examples 2, 3, and 4).
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of an apparatus that can be used in the method of the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a partially enlarged view of FIG.
[Explanation of symbols]
5 Filtration membrane (specimen) after treatment with reagents
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JP31779297A JP3998782B2 (en) | 1997-11-05 | 1997-11-05 | Rapid measurement method of microbial count and filtration membrane used for it |
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