JP3562051B2 - Electronic program guide display control apparatus and method - Google Patents
Electronic program guide display control apparatus and method Download PDFInfo
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このようなシステムにおいては、多くの番組の中から所望の番組を確実に選択することができるようにするため、電子番組ガイド(EPG:Electrical Program Guide)を伝送し、受信側においてこれを受信して表示し、この電子番組ガイドから所望の番組を選択することが提案されている。
このようにして、衛星を介して、各家庭に配置された受信装置(図20のIRD2)に向けて行われるデジタルビデオ放送の欧州規格が、欧州の放送事業者やメーカなどを中心に約150社が参加するプロジェクトDVB(DigitalVideo Broadcasting)によりまとめられたが、受信側においては、この規格に準じて、このようにして伝送されるEPGデータから電子番組ガイドの画面を生成し、モニタ装置に表示させることができる。
スーパーインポーザ333−1は、このビデオデータに、EPGデータ生成装置309より入力されるデータをスーパーインポーズする。図3の表示例においては、左上に表示されている項目名としての「プロモーションチャンネル1 NHK」の文字、項目内容としての「番組紹介」の文字、および、この番組を実際に放送している放送局(ステーション)のロゴ(この実施例の場合、「NHK」)を重畳する(但し、ステーションロゴは、IRD2側に記憶されている場合は、重畳されない)。
次に、EPGデータの詳細についてさらに説明する。EPGデータは、他の付随データと共に、サービス情報SI(Service Information)の一種として、DVBシステムにおいて伝送されるのであるが、このEPGデータから電子番組表を作成するのに必要なデータは、図13に示すデータである。
サービス(放送チャンネル)を供給する供給者を特定するサービス供給者、サービスの名称を表すサービス名、サービスのタイプを表すサービス型(サービスタイプ)は、それぞれEPGデータ中のSDT(Service Description Table)に記述されている。このサービスタイプには、例えば、単独画面(promotion_service)であるか否かの区別を表す記述が行われる。
番組名を表すタイトルは、EIT(Event Inforation Tabl)のShort Event Desciptorのevent_nameとして規定される。サブタイトル(型)は、EITのComponent Descriptorに記述される。
現在日時は、TDT(Time and Date Table)にUTC_timeとして規定される。
さらに、例えば、所定の年齢以上の者のみの視聴を許容するような場合において、その年齢を規定するパレンタル(ペアレンタル)レート(ParentalRate)は、EITのParental Rating Descriptorに記述される。
映像モードは、EITのComponent Descriptorに記述され、提供言語は、PMTのISO639 language Descriptorに記述される。また、提供音声モードは、EITのComponent Descriptorに記述される。
カテゴリは、EITのContent Descriptorに記述される。
また、例えば図7で示した出演者や、図8、図9で示した全体番組表、チャンネル番組表などの番組概略説明は、EITのShort Event Descriptorに記述され、図7の内容説明文や、図10の番組詳細説明などの番組詳細説明は、EITのExtended Event Descriptorに記述される。
さらに、図3を参照して説明した項目名(プロモーションチャンネル1 NHK)、項目内容(番組紹介)、およびステーションロゴ(NHK)(伝送する場合)などのプロモーション情報は、SDTのPromotion Descriptorに記述される。
その先頭の10バイトは、ヘッダとされ、共通構造1(3)、トランスポートストリームID(transport_stream_id(2))、共通構造2(3)、およびオリジナルネットワークID(original_network_id(2))から構成されている。トランスポートストリームIDは、SDTが情報を与えるところのトランスポートストリーム(transport stream)を、同じデリバリシステム内で多重化されているその他のトランスポートストリームから識別するためのラベルを提供する。
ヘッダの次には、サービスデスクリプタループ(service descriptors loop)[0]乃至service descriptorsloop[N]が配置され、最後に、誤り訂正用のCRC_32(4)が配置されている。
EIT_schedule_flagは、自らのトランスポートストリーム内のEIT_schedule informationの有無を示す。
EIT_present/following_flagは、自らのトランスポートストリーム内のEIT_present/following informationの有無を示す。
free_CA_modeは、サービスが無料でアクセスできるのか、それともコンディショナルアクセス(conditional access)システムにより制御されているのかを表す。
次には、descriptorsが配置され、ここに上述したpromotion descriptorなどが含まれる。
その次には、original_network_id(2)が配置され、次に、last_table_id(1)が配置されている。このlast_table_id(1)は、最終(=最大)table_idを識別する。1つのテーブルのみが用いられている場合においては、そのテーブルのtable_idが設定される。table_idが連続値を取るとき、情報も日付順に保たれる。以下、event descriptors loop[0]乃至eventdescriptors loop[N]が配置され、最後に、CRC_32(4)が配置される。
各event descriptorsには、記述するイベントの識別番号を提供するevent_id(2)が配置され、その次に、イベントの開始時刻をUTCとMJD表示するstart_time(5)が配置されている。このフィールドは、16ビットでMJDの16LSBを与え、続く24ビットで4−BITのBCDによる6桁分を表す。例えば、93/10/12 12:45:00は、0XC078124500と符号化される。
次のExtended_event_descriptor[i](11+α)は、上述したShort event descriptorで提供されているものよりさらに詳細なイベント記述(番組内容)を提供する。
以上のテーブルの他、SIには、次の図18のPAT(Program Association Table)と、図19に示すPMT(Program Map Table)が含まれている。
network_PIDは、NIT(Network Information Table)を含むtransport streamパケットのPIDを規定する。network_PIDの値は、ユーザ定義(DVPでは0x0010)されるが、他の目的のために予約されている値を取ることはできない。network_PIDの有無は、オプションである。
program_map_PIDは、program_numberにより規定されるプログラムに対して有効なPMTを含むtransport streamパケットのPIDを規定する。1以上のprogram_map_PID割当のあるprogram_numberはない。program_map_PIDの値は、ユーザにより定義されるが、他の目的のために予約されている値を取ることはできない。
PMTには、図19に示すように、共通構造1(3)、program_number(2)、共通構造2(3)、PCR_PID(1.375)からなる10バイトのヘッダが先頭に配置されている。PCR_PIDは、program_numberで規定されるプログラムに対して有効なPCRフィールドを含むtransport streamパケットのPIDを示す。privade streamに対して、プログラム定義と関連付けられたPCRがない場合には、このフィールドは、0x1FFFの値を取る。
その次のprogram info descriptorsは、CA_descriptor,Copyright_descriptor,Max_bitrate_descriptorなどが記述される。
その次には、stream type loop[0](5+α)乃至stream type loop[N](5+α)と、CRC_32(4)が配置される。
各stream type loopは、stream_type(1)、elementary_PID(2)を有している。stream_typeは、elementary_PIDで規定された値を取るPIDをもつパケットで運ばれるelementary stream、またはペイロードの型を規定する。stream_typeの値は、MPEG2にて規定されている。
elementary_stream−PIDは、関連するelementary streamや、データを運ぶtransport streamパケットのPIDを規定する。
その次には、ES_info_lenght(1.5)が配置され、これは12ビットフィールドで、最初の2ビットは00であり、このフィールドの直後に続く関連するelementary streamのdescriptorのバイト数を規定する。
その次に、ES info descriptors[N]が規定される。ここには、CA_descriptor、その他のdescriptorが記述される。
図20は、本発明を応用したAV(Audio Video)システムの構成例を示している。この実施例の場合、AVシステム1は、図1の送信装置より伝送された電波を、パラボラアンテナ3で図示せぬ衛星(放送衛星または通信衛星)を介して受信した信号を復調するIRD(Integrated Receiver/Decoder)2、VCR(Video Cassette Recorder)6、およびモニタ装置4により構成されている。モニタ装置4、VCR6、IRD2は、AVライン11とコントロールライン12により、シリーズに接続されている。
図21は、図1のAVシステム1の電気的接続状態を表している。パラボラアンテナ3は、LNB(Low Noise Block downconverter)3aを有し、衛星からの信号を所定の周波数の信号に変換し、IRD2に供給している。IRD2は、その出力を、例えば、コンポジットビデオ信号線、オーディオL信号線、オーディオR信号線の3本の線により構成されるAVライン11を介してVCR6とモニタ装置4に供給している。
さらに、IRD2はAV機器制御信号送受信部2Aを、モニタ装置4はAV機器制御信号送受信部4Aを、VCR6はAV機器制御信号送受信部6Aを、それぞれ有している。これらは、ワイヤードSIRCS(Wired Sony Infrared Remote Control System)よりなるコントロールライン12により、相互に接続されている。
図22は、IRD2の正面の構成例を表している。IRD2の左側には、電源ボタンスイッチ111が設けられている。この電源ボタンスイッチ111は、電源をオンまたはオフするとき操作される。電源がオンされたときLED112が点灯するようになされている。LED112の右側のLED113は、TV/DSS切換ボタンスイッチ123の操作により、DSSモードが設定されたとき点灯し、TVモードが設定されたとき消灯する。ここでDSS(Digital Satellite System)モードとは、上述した方式で衛星を介して伝送されてくる電波を受信するモードであり、TVモードとは、通常の地上波のテレビジョン放送を受信するモードである。
CPU、ROMおよびRAM等からなるICカードにより構成されているCAM(Conditional Access Module)33には、暗号を解読するのに必要なキーが、解読プログラムとともに格納されている。衛星を介して送信される信号が暗号化されている場合、この暗号を解読するにはキーと解読処理が必要となる。そこで、カードリーダインタフェース32を介してCAM33からこのキーが読み出され、デマルチプレクサ24に供給される。デマルチプレクサ24は、このキーを利用して、暗号化された信号を解読する。
デマルチプレクサ24は、フロントエンド20のエラー訂正回路23の出力する信号の入力を受け、これをデータバッファメモリ(DRAM(DynamicRandom Access Memory)またはSRAM(StaticRandom Access Memory))35に一旦記憶させる。そして、適宜これを読み出し、解読したビデオ信号をMPEGビデオデコーダ25に供給し、解読したオーディオ信号をMPEGオーディオデコーダ26に供給する。
なお、このMPEGビデオデコーダ25としては、SGS−Thomson Microelectronics社のMPEG2復号化LSI(STi3500)を用いることができる。その概略は、例えば、日経BP社「日経エレクトロニクス」1994.3.14(no.603)第101頁乃至110頁に、Martin Bolton氏により紹介されている。
CPU(Central Processing Unit)29は、ROM37に記憶されているプログラムに従って各種の処理を実行する。例えば、チューナ21、QPSK復調回路22、エラー訂正回路23などを制御する。また、AV機器制御信号送受信部2Aを制御し、コントロールライン12を介して、他のAV機器(この実施例の場合、モニタ装置4)に所定のコントロール信号を出力し、また、他のAV機器からのコントロール信号を受信する。
EEPROM(Electrically Erasable Programable Read Only Memory)38には、電源オフ後も保持しておきたいデータ(例えばチューナ21の4週間分の受信履歴、電源オフの直前に受信していたチャンネル番号(ラストチャンネル))などが適宜記憶される。そして、例えば、電源がオンされたとき、ラストチャンネルと同一のチャンネルを再び受信させる。ラストチャンネルが記憶されていない場合においては、ROM37にデフォルトとして記憶されているチャンネルが受信される。
さらに、CPU29は、所定のOSD(On−Screen Display)データを発生したいとき、MPEGビデオデコーダ25を制御する。MPEGビデオデコーダ25は、この制御に対応して所定のOSDデータを生成して、DRAM25aのOSDエリア25aA(図28)に書き込み、さらに読み出して、出力する。これにより、所定の文字、図形、画像など(例えば図3乃至図10において、通常の画面に重畳されている文字、ステーションロゴ、ジャンルアイコン、番組ウインドウの静止画)などを適宜モニタ装置4に出力し、表示させることができる。
上述したように各パケットにはヘッダが付加されており、デマルチプレクサ24は、このヘッダを参照してMPEGビデオデータをMPEGビデオデコーダ25に供給し、MPEGオーディオデータをMPEGオーディオデコーダ26に転送する。またそのヘッダに含まれるPID(Packet ID)が、SDT,EITである場合においては、これらのEPGデータ(SIデータ)は、レジスタ24aに設定されているEPGエリア35Aの所定のアドレスに記憶される。
さらにLogo(ロゴ)データを伝送しない場合、ROM37には、Logo(ロゴ)を表示するためのLogoデータ(カテゴリロゴ、ステーションロゴを含む各種のロゴデータ)が記憶されているとともに、Logo IDと、そのIDに対応するLogoデータ(ビットマップデータ)を呼び出すためのアドレスの変換テーブルが記憶されている。Logo IDが判ったとき、そのIDに対応するアドレスに記憶されているLogoデータを読み出し、OSDエリア25aAに書き込むことにより、各番組のカテゴリを表すLogoなどをモニタ装置4に表示することができるようになされている。すなわち、ロゴデータは伝送されてくる場合は、図2のスーパーインポーザ333−1乃至333−4によりスーパーインポーズされ、送信側から伝送されてくるが、伝送されてこないようにした場合は、そのIDが伝送され、IDに対応するビットマップデータをROM37から読み出すようにする。
1 AVシステム
3 パラボラアンテナ
4 モニタ装置
5 リモートコマンダ
21 チューナ
23 エラー訂正回路
24 デマルチプレクサ
25 MPEGビデオデコーダ
25a DRAM
26 MPEGオーディオデコーダ
26a DRAM
29 CPU
35 データバッファメモリ
35A EPGエリア
37 ROM
39 IR受信部
131 セレクトボタンスイッチ
144 番組表ボタンスイッチ
145 インフォボタンスイッチ[0001]
[Prior art]
Recently, systems for digitizing and transmitting television signals via satellites such as broadcasting satellites and communication satellites and receiving the signals at homes have become widespread. In this system, for example, nearly 80 channels can be secured, so that an extremely large number of programs can be broadcast.
In such a system, an electronic program guide (EPG: Electronic Program Guide) is transmitted and received on a receiving side to ensure that a desired program can be selected from many programs. It is proposed to display a desired program from the electronic program guide.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
In such an EPG system, programs to be broadcast in the future, such as 30 minutes and 1 hour later, are introduced as well as the current programs. Then, when the user selects a program that is currently being broadcast, the program is automatically received and displayed on a monitor.
However, when a program to be broadcasted in the future is selected, there is a problem that operability is poor only by displaying an error.
The present invention has been made in view of such a situation, and improves operability so that a desired program can be selected more quickly and more reliably. Is to be able to obtain. It is also intended to make it possible to reserve a desired program simply and reliably.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
An electronic program guide display control device according to
Electronic program guide display control method according to
FIG. 1 shows a configuration example of a transmission device to which the present invention is applied. The transmitting apparatus includes a
Alternatively, a digital video signal and an audio signal reproduced by a digital video tape recorder (DVTR) (not shown) are input to the
Further, the
Further, a predetermined video signal output from the
The promotion channel generating
The promotion
The promotion
The MPEG video / audio encoder blocks 303-1 to 303-7 encode five channels (five units) of MPEG so as to encode video signals and audio signals of five broadcast channels each input from the
Further, other EPG data (EPG2) generated by the EPG
The multiplexers 304-2 to 304-8 and the multiplexer 304-1 receive these EPG1 to EPG3 or EPG1 and EPG2 from the MPEG video / audio encoder blocks 303-1 to 303-7 or the promotion
The combining
FIG. 2 illustrates a configuration example of the promotion
Similarly, the data for the remaining one broadcast channel output from the
The audio data for each channel taken into the single screen generation devices 332-1 and 332-2 are encoded by the MPEG video / audio encoders 334-1 and 334-2, respectively.
The data output from the MPEG video / audio encoder blocks 334-1 and 334-2 are multiplexed by the
In this way, the European standard of digital video broadcasting performed to the receiving device (IRD2 in FIG. 20) located in each home via a satellite is set to about 150, mainly by European broadcasters and manufacturers. It was compiled by a project DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) in which the company participates. On the receiving side, a screen of an electronic program guide is generated from the EPG data transmitted in this way according to this standard and displayed on a monitor device. Can be done.
Next, the operation of the embodiment shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 will be described. The
The data of one channel output from the
The superimposer 333-1 superimposes the data input from the
Then, the output of the superimposer 333-1 is input to the MPEG video / audio encoder block 334-1 and encoded by the MPEG2 system.
Similar processing is performed on the signal of the other remaining one channel selected by the
The multiplexer 304-1 multiplexes the EPG data EPG1 to EPG3 input from the EPG
On the other hand, the MPEG video / audio encoder block 303-1 encodes video data and audio data for five broadcast channels input from the
In the same manner, the multiplexers 304-3 to 304-8 similarly transmit the data of the other five broadcast channels encoded by the MPEG video / audio encoder blocks 303-2 to 303-7 and the EPG data EPG1, EPG2 is packetized and multiplexed, and input to corresponding digital modulation circuits 305-3 to 305-8. The digital modulation circuits 305-3 to 305-8 digitally modulate the input data. The data signals modulated by the digital modulation circuits 305-3 to 305-8 are assigned to the remaining six normal transponders (
The combining
Here, the EPG data EPG1 to EPG3 will be described. In this embodiment, as will be described later, when the program guide button switch 144 (FIG. 24) of the
In the title bar, as shown in FIG. 5, a genre icon that symbolically represents the genre of the program is displayed on the leftmost side. Next to the genre icon, a station logo is displayed as a symbol of a broadcasting station broadcasting the program. Then, the title of the program is displayed next to the station logo.
Further, as shown in FIG. 6, in the case of this embodiment, the program window is composed of still images obtained by reducing representative screens of five broadcast channels. On each reduced screen, a genre icon representing the genre to which the program belongs is displayed.
When the info button switch 145 (FIG. 24) of the
In the lower left of the title bar, a reduced screen of the still image of the representative screen is displayed, and on the upper and lower right sides, the broadcast date and time of this program and the names of the performers (persons) of this program are displayed. Further, below the content, a content description describing the content of the program is displayed.
Among them, EPG1 is still image data constituting the program window shown in FIG. 6, EPG2 and EPG3 are data such as a program title, broadcast date and time, performers, description, and the like. EPG3 is for programs that will be broadcast in the distant future than the program represented by EPG2. These EPG1 to EPG3 are displayed as OSD.
FIGS. 8 to 10 show an electronic program displayed on a receiving device (IRD2 in FIG. 29) capable of processing only characters (characters) and displaying (cannot process still images) as an OSD. 7 shows a display example of a guide.
FIG. 8 shows an electronic program guide (entire program guide) for all channels, in which the vertical axis represents the name of a broadcasting station, the horizontal axis represents time, and the position is defined by the two axes. At the broadcast station, the title of the program broadcast at that time is displayed.
FIG. 9 shows a display example of an electronic program guide (channel program guide) of one broadcasting station. In this example, the title and the broadcast start time of the program being broadcast on the broadcast channel are displayed from top to bottom.
The entire program table shown in FIG. 8 and the channel program table shown in FIG. 9 are the minimum information (program outline description) required to select a desired program. On the other hand, as shown in FIG. 10, information (detailed program description) that describes the contents of a predetermined program (or a predetermined broadcast station (broadcast channel)) is not always necessary for selecting a program. This information is not used, but is helpful in selecting a program. Therefore, the detailed program description is also transmitted as EPG data.
If both the program guide (program description) and the program contents (program description) are transmitted from each transponder for a long time, the transmission rates of video data and audio data that should be transmitted are correspondingly increased. It will get worse. Therefore, as shown in FIG. 11A, the EPG
This prevents each transponder from deteriorating the transmission rate of the video signal and audio data to be transmitted.
On the other hand, the transmission channel (the transmission channel corresponding to the digital modulation circuit 305-1) of the promotion
Therefore, in this promotion channel, the EPG
Therefore, as shown in FIG. 12, the guide transponder (transponder 1) transmits program guide data of 150 hours of each broadcast channel of 80 broadcast channels and program content data of 70 hours of 80 broadcast channels. You.
On the other hand, in a normal transponder (
Note that, as shown in FIG. 11, still image data (data stream) is indispensable for program selection, and therefore, like a program guide (program outline description), a normal transponder requires 24 hours ( EPG1-2) is transmitted, and 150 hours (EPG1-2 and EPG1-3) are transmitted in the guide transponder.
Next, details of the EPG data will be further described. The EPG data is transmitted together with other accompanying data as a kind of service information SI (Service Information) in the DVB system. Data necessary for creating an electronic program guide from the EPG data is shown in FIG. The data shown in FIG.
A service provider that specifies a provider that supplies a service (broadcast channel), a service name that indicates a service name, and a service type that indicates a service type (service type) are respectively described in an SDT (Service Description Table) in the EPG data. It has been described. In this service type, for example, a description indicating whether it is a single screen (promotion_service) or not is provided.
The title indicating the program name is defined as an event_name of the Short Event Descriptor of the EIT (Event Information Tabl). The subtitle (type) is described in the EIT's Component Descriptor.
The current date and time is defined as UTC_time in a TDT (Time and Date Table).
The program start time is described as start_time of the EIT. The program time length is described as an EIT duration.
Further, for example, in a case where viewing by only a person of a predetermined age or more is permitted, a parental (parental) rate (ParentalRate) defining the age is described in a Parent Rating Descriptor of the EIT.
The video mode is described in EIT's Component Descriptor, and the provided language is described in PMT's ISO639 language Descriptor. Further, the provided audio mode is described in the EIT's Component Descriptor.
The category is described in the Content Descriptor of the EIT.
Further, for example, the performer shown in FIG. 7 and the outline of the program such as the entire program table and the channel program table shown in FIGS. 8 and 9 are described in the Short Event Descriptor of the EIT. The detailed program description such as the detailed program description of FIG. 10 is described in the Extended Event Descriptor of the EIT.
Further, the promotion information such as the item name (
FIG. 14 shows a configuration of the SDT. The SDT includes data describing a service in the system such as a service name and a service provider. In the figure, the numbers in parentheses indicate the number of bytes.
The first 10 bytes are used as a header and include a common structure 1 (3), a transport stream ID (transport_stream_id (2)), a common structure 2 (3), and an original network ID (original_network_id (2)). I have. The transport stream ID provides a label to identify the transport stream from which the SDT provides information from other transport streams multiplexed in the same delivery system.
The original network ID is a label that identifies the network ID that is the source of the delivery system.
After the header, service descriptor loops [0] to service descriptors loop [N] are arranged, and finally, a CRC_32 (4) for error correction is arranged.
In each service descriptor loop, service_id (2), EIT_schedule_flag, EIT_pre / fol_flag, running_status, and free_CA_mode are arranged.
service_id provides a label to identify the service from other services in the same transport stream. The service_id is the same as the program number (program_number) in the corresponding program map section (program_map_section).
EIT_schedule_flag indicates whether or not EIT_schedule information is present in its own transport stream.
EIT_present / following_flag indicates the presence / absence of EIT_present / following information in its own transport stream.
The running_status indicates whether the service has not yet started, will start a few minutes later (to prepare for VCR recording), has already started, has already started, or is currently suspended, and so on. Show.
free_CA_mode indicates whether the service can be accessed free of charge or controlled by a conditional access system.
Next to this, descriptor_loop_length is arranged. This indicates the total length of the following descriptors.
The next service_descriptor [i] supplies the service_provider (service provider) name and the service name in text format along with the service_type.
The next country_availability_descriptor [i] indicates a permitted country list and a non-permitted country list, and can be inserted up to twice.
Next, "descriptors" are arranged, and include the above-mentioned promotion descriptors and the like.
FIG. 15 shows a configuration of the EIT. A common structure 1 (3), service_id (2), common structure 2 (3), and transport_stream_id (2) are arranged in the header of the first 10 bytes.
Next, original_network_id (2) is arranged, and next, last_table_id (1) is arranged. This last_table_id (1) identifies the final (= maximum) table_id. When only one table is used, table_id of the table is set. When table_id takes a continuous value, the information is also kept in chronological order. Hereinafter, event descriptors loop [0] to event descriptors loop [N] are arranged, and finally, CRC_32 (4) is arranged.
In each event descriptors, an event_id (2) for providing an identification number of an event to be described is arranged, followed by a start_time (5) for displaying the start time of the event in UTC and MJD. This field gives 16 LSBs of MJD in 16 bits, and the next 24 bits represent 6 digits of 4-bit BCD. For example, 93/10/12 12:45:00 is encoded as 0XC078124500.
The next duration (3) represents the duration of the event (program) in hours, minutes, and seconds.
Next, running_status is arranged, and further, free_CA_mode is arranged.
Next, descriptor_loop_length (1.5) is arranged, followed by Short_event_descriptor [i] (7 + α). It provides the event name and a short description of the event (program listing) in text format.
The following Extended_event_descriptor [i] (11 + α) provides a more detailed event description (program content) than that provided by the above-mentioned Short event descriptor.
Furthermore, audio_component_descriptor [i] (6), video_component_descriptor [i] (3), and subtitle_component_descriptor [i] (6) are described.
The next CA_identifier_descriptor [i] (4) describes whether or not scrambling is performed and whether conditional access such as charging is conditioned.
Further below that, other descriptors are described. In the descriptors, an event_still_image_descriptor [i] for recording data (still image data) of the program window shown in FIG. 6 is arranged.
FIG. 16 shows the format of this event_still_image_descriptor [i] (still image format). As shown in the figure, an 8-bit descriptor_tag indicating that the type of information is still image data is arranged at the head of the information, followed by 8 indicating the entire length represented by this format. Descriptor_length of bits is arranged.
An 8-bit descriptor_number is arranged after the descriptor_length, and an 8-bit last_descriptor_number is arranged next to the descriptor_length. These represent the number of this descriptor and the number of the last (maximum) descriptor, respectively.
Finally, image_structure as substantial image data of a still image is arranged. This image_structure is composed of 8-bit format_identifier, 32-bit image_size and image_data.
The format_identifier indicates the ID of the image_data. When the format_identifier is 0x10, the image_data is monochrome binary image data. If the format_identifier is 0x11, the image_data is monochrome 256-gradation image data. If the format_identifier is 0x12, the image data is RGB 8-bit image data. If the format_identifier is 0x20, the image data is JPEG-compressed image data. Therefore, in the case of the embodiment shown in FIG. 1, since the reduced screen constituting the program window is an image compressed by the JPEG method, the format_identifier is set to 0x20.
When image_data is binary black and white image data, the value may not be divisible by 8 bits. In this case, the dummy data is stuffed.
“image_size” indicates the size of “image_data”.
FIG. 17 shows a configuration of the TDT. As shown in the figure, the TDT includes a common structure 1 (3) and UTC_time (5).
In addition to the above tables, the SI includes a PAT (Program Association Table) shown in FIG. 18 and a PMT (Program Map Table) shown in FIG.
As shown in FIG. 18, the PAT includes a common structure 1 (3), a transport_stream_id (2), a common structure 2 (3), and program_map_id_loop [0] (4) to program_map_id_loop [N] (4). Finally, CRC_32 (4) is arranged.
Each program_map_id_loop [i] (4) is composed of program_number [i] (2) and program_map_PID [i] (2) (or network_PID).
The program_number indicates a program for which the corresponding program_map_PID is valid. If this is set to 0x0000, the next referenced PID will be the network_PID. In all other cases, the value of this field is user defined. This field never takes the same value more than once in one version of PAT. For example, program_number is used as a broadcast channel designation.
The network_PID defines a PID of a transport stream packet including a NIT (Network Information Table). The value of network_PID is user defined (0x0010 in DVP), but cannot take a value reserved for other purposes. The presence or absence of network_PID is optional.
The program_map_PID specifies a PID of a transport stream packet including a PMT valid for a program specified by the program_number. No program_number has one or more program_map_PID assignments. The value of program_map_PID is defined by the user, but cannot take a value reserved for other purposes.
In the PMT, as shown in FIG. 19, a 10-byte header including a common structure 1 (3), a program_number (2), a common structure 2 (3), and a PCR_PID (1.375) is arranged at the top. The PCR_PID indicates a PID of a transport stream packet including a PCR field valid for a program specified by the program_number. If there is no PCR associated with the program definition for the private stream, this field takes the value of 0x1FFF.
Next, program_info_length (1.5) is arranged. This defines the number of bytes of the descriptor immediately following this field.
The next program info descriptors describes CA_descriptor, Copyright_descriptor, Max_bitrate_descriptor, and the like.
Then, stream type loop [0] (5 + α) to stream type loop [N] (5 + α) and CRC_32 (4) are arranged.
Each stream type loop has a stream_type (1) and an elementary_PID (2). The stream_type specifies an elementary stream carried by a packet having a PID having a value specified by elementary_PID or a type of a payload. The value of stream_type is defined by MPEG2.
The elementary_stream-PID defines the associated elementary stream and the PID of a transport stream packet carrying data.
Next, ES_info_length (1.5) is placed, which is a 12-bit field, the first two bits of which are 00, defining the number of bytes in the descriptor of the associated elementary stream immediately following this field.
Next, ES info descriptors [N] are defined. Here, CA_descriptor and other descriptors are described.
FIG. 20 shows a configuration example of an AV (Audio Video) system to which the present invention is applied. In the case of this embodiment, the
FIG. 21 shows an electrical connection state of the
Further, the
FIG. 22 illustrates a configuration example of the front of the
The menu button switch 121 is operated when a menu is displayed on the
An up button switch 117, a down button switch 118, a left button switch 119, and a right button switch 120 are arranged on the upper, lower, left, and right sides of the select button switch 116, respectively. These up button switch 117, down button switch 118, left button switch 119, and right button switch 120 are operated when the cursor is moved in the up, down, left, and right directions. The select button switch 116 is operated when finalizing the selection (when selecting).
FIG. 23 shows an example of the internal configuration of the
In a CAM (Conditional Access Module) 33 composed of an IC card including a CPU, a ROM, a RAM, and the like, a key necessary for decrypting a code is stored together with a decryption program. If the signal transmitted via the satellite is encrypted, a key and a decryption process are required to decrypt the code. Then, the key is read from the
Note that, as the
Further, MPEG2-Transportstream is described in “Latest MPEG Textbook”, pp. 231 to 253, published by ASCII Corporation on August 1, 1994.
In the case of this embodiment, these video signals and audio signals are supplied to the
A CPU (Central Processing Unit) 29 executes various processes according to a program stored in the
A predetermined command can be directly input to the
Further, the
In an EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) 38, data to be retained even after the power is turned off (for example, the reception history of the
When the sleep mode is set, the
Further, the
FIG. 24 illustrates a configuration example of a button switch of the
The channel up / down
The numeric button (numerical key)
The input
FIG. 25 shows another example of the arrangement of the button switches. In this embodiment, the
FIG. 26 illustrates an example of the internal configuration of the
When outputting the infrared signal, the
FIG. 27 schematically shows how video data, audio data, and SI data (including EPG data) are packetized, transmitted, and then demodulated by IRD2. As shown in FIG. 27, the transmission-side encoder packetizes the SI data, video data, and audio data and transmits them to a high-power transponder for the BSS band of 12.25 GHz to 12.75 GHz mounted on a satellite. I do. In this case, a packet of a predetermined frequency assigned to each transponder is multiplexed with packets of a plurality of (up to 10) channels and transmitted. That is, each transponder transmits signals of a plurality of broadcast channels on one carrier (transmission channel). Therefore, for example, if the number of transponders is 23, data of a maximum of 230 (= 10 × 23) broadcast channels can be transmitted.
In the
Each transponder performs scheduling so that the transfer rates are the same. The transmission rate per carrier assigned to each transponder is 30 Mbits / sec.
For fast-moving images, such as sports programs, MPEG video data occupies many packets. Therefore, when such programs increase, the number of programs that can be transmitted by one transponder decreases.
On the other hand, MPEG video data of an image with little motion, such as a scene of a news program announcement, can be transmitted with a small number of packets. Therefore, when there are many such programs, the number of programs that can be transmitted by one transponder increases.
FIG. 28 schematically illustrates data processing until the screen of the program guide is displayed on the
As described above, the header is added to each packet, and the
Note that the header becomes unnecessary when this transfer is completed, and is therefore discarded.
In this way, for example, when receiving a radio wave from a normal transponder (a transponder other than the guide transponder for the promotion channel), the reduced still image data from the current time of the 80 (37) broadcast channel to 24 hours after the current time , The program outline explanation data (program table), and the program details explanation (program contents) of the current program and the next program are taken into the
On the other hand, when the radio wave from the guide transponder is received (when the promotion channel is received), the reduced still image data from the current time of 80 (37) channels to 150 hours later, the outline of the program Data and detailed program description data up to 70 hours later are captured.
When characters or the like are displayed as OSD data, since the character data stored in the
Further, when the logo (logo) data is not transmitted, the
As described above, when the program
When the user further operates the
On the other hand, as shown in FIG. 4, when the
When the user operates the
The above is the operation in the case where the
When the cursor is moved to a predetermined current program and the
In the description of the embodiment, the various logos shown are for convenience of explanation and are not used in actual broadcasting.
FIG. 30 shows a processing example when various button switches of the
If it is determined in step S1 that the
If it is determined in step S2 that the program
If it is determined in step S3 that the
If it is determined in step S4 that one of the up
If it is determined in step S5 that the
If it is determined in step S6 that the promo
If it is determined in step S7 that another button switch has been operated, the process proceeds to step S14, and processing corresponding to the operated button switch is executed.
Next, details of the program guide processing in step S9 will be described with reference to FIG.
First, in step S21, processing for displaying an EPG screen is executed. That is, since the program
Therefore, in step S22, the process waits until a predetermined program is selected, and when it is determined that the predetermined program is selected (when the operation of the
If it is determined in step S23 that the selected program is a program that is currently being broadcast, the process proceeds to step S24 (control means), and processing for tuning to the selected program is executed. That is, the
If it is determined in step S23 that the selected program is not the program currently being broadcast (if it is determined that it is a program to be broadcast in the future), the process proceeds to step S25 (control means), and the information screen of the selected program is displayed. Is executed.
For example, as shown in FIG. 4, when the cursor is positioned on a predetermined reduced screen in the data stream, the
Then, the process proceeds to step S26, and waits until the program
As described above, according to this embodiment, when a program currently being broadcast is selected, that program is automatically selected and displayed. However, when a program to be broadcast in the future is selected, , And its detailed information is displayed. Therefore, the user can obtain detailed information on the program and does not perform useless operation, so that the operability is improved. Further, since the program is not automatically selected in spite of the operation of the
FIG. 32 shows another embodiment of the program guide processing. The processing of steps S41 to S45 in this embodiment is the same as the processing of steps S21 to S25 in FIG.
That is, when the program
Then, in this embodiment, in a state where such an information screen is displayed, it is determined in step S46 whether or not the program is a program for which recording reservation has been made. If the program is not a recording-reserved program, the process proceeds to step S47, and the characters "recording reservation?" Are displayed.
In other words, the
Therefore, in step S48, the
On the other hand, when it is determined in step S48 that the
Next, the process proceeds to step S52, and waits until any button switch is operated. When the button switch is operated, the process proceeds to step S50 to terminate the info screen and return to a normal television screen.
When a program for which recording reservation has been made in this way is selected from the data stream, it is determined in step S46 that the program has been reserved for recording, and the flow proceeds to step S53. In step S53, as shown in FIG. 34, the characters "recording reserved" are superimposed on the info screen. That is, in this case, since the recording reservation has already been made, the character "recording reservation?" Is not displayed, and the character "recording reserved" is immediately displayed.
Then, the process proceeds to step S54, and waits until any button switch is operated. When any button switch is operated, the process proceeds to step S50 to end the information screen.
As described above, in this embodiment, when a program to be broadcasted in the future is selected, an information screen showing details thereof is displayed, and not only can the detailed information be obtained, but also the select button switch can be selected from the information screen. The recording reservation can be made only by operating the key 131. Therefore, operability is improved.
FIG. 35 shows still another embodiment of the program guide processing. That is, in this embodiment, a program reservation is made instead of the recording reservation in FIG. That is, the processing of steps S61 to S70 is basically the same as the processing of steps S41 to S50 in FIG. 32. However, in step S66, instead of determining whether or not the program is a recording-reserved program, It is determined whether the program is reserved (program reserved). Then, in step S67, a process of displaying the character of “reservation?” Instead of the character of “recording reservation?” Is performed. In steps S71 and S73, the process of displaying the character of “recording reservation completed” is performed. A process of displaying the character "reserved" is performed. Thereby, an image as shown in FIG. 36 is displayed in step S67, and an information screen as shown in FIG. 37 is displayed in steps S71 and S73.
Therefore, in step S71 (reservation means), the
In the above embodiment, the recording reservation or the program reservation is made, but both may be made at the same time.
As described above, the case where the present invention is applied to the
【The invention's effect】
As described above, according to the electronic program guide display control apparatus according to the first aspect and the electronic program guide display control method according to the fifth aspect, whether the program designated by the cursor is a program currently being broadcast or not in the future If the program specified by the cursor is a program currently being broadcast and the program specified by the cursor is received, and the program specified by the cursor is When the program is broadcast, the display related to the specified program is controlled so as to display more detailed information of the program. Can be quickly and reliably selected, and detailed information of a desired program can be reliably obtained.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating a configuration example of a transmission device to which the present invention has been applied.
FIG. 2 is a block diagram showing a configuration example of a promotion
FIG. 3 is a diagram showing a display example of a promotion channel.
FIG. 4 is a diagram illustrating a display example of a data stream.
FIG. 5 is a diagram showing a configuration of a title bar.
FIG. 6 is a diagram showing a configuration of a program window.
FIG. 7 is a diagram showing a display example of an information screen.
FIG. 8 is a diagram showing a display example of an entire program table.
FIG. 9 is a diagram showing a display example of a channel program guide.
FIG. 10 is a diagram showing a display example of a detailed program description (program contents).
FIG. 11 is a diagram illustrating a program table and a range of program contents.
FIG. 12 is a diagram illustrating transmission of EPG information in a transponder.
FIG. 13 is a diagram illustrating EGP data.
FIG. 14 is a diagram illustrating the configuration of an SDT.
FIG. 15 is a diagram illustrating the configuration of an EIT.
FIG. 16 is a diagram showing a format of a still image.
FIG. 17 is a diagram illustrating the configuration of a TDT.
FIG. 18 is a diagram illustrating a configuration of a PAT.
FIG. 19 is a diagram illustrating a configuration of a PMT.
FIG. 20 is a perspective view showing a configuration example of an AV system to which the present invention is applied.
FIG. 21 is a block diagram showing an electrical connection state of the AV system of FIG. 20;
FIG. 22 is a front view showing a configuration example of the front of the
FIG. 23 is a block diagram showing an example of the internal configuration of an
24 is a plan view showing a configuration example of the upper surface of the
FIG. 25 is a diagram showing another arrangement state of the button switches of the
FIG. 26 is a block diagram showing an example of the internal configuration of the
FIG. 27 is a diagram schematically illustrating a process in an encoder on a transmission side and a process of an
FIG. 28 is a diagram illustrating EPG data stored in an
FIG. 29 is a block diagram illustrating another configuration example of the IRD2.
FIG. 30 is a flowchart illustrating a processing example of a remote commander.
FIG. 31 is a flowchart showing details of a program table process in step S9 of FIG. 30.
FIG. 32 is a flowchart showing another example of the program guide processing in step S9 of FIG. 30.
FIG. 33 is a diagram showing a display example in step S47 of FIG. 32;
FIG. 34 is a diagram showing a display example of steps S51 and S53 in FIG. 32;
FIG. 35 is a flowchart showing yet another example of the program guide processing in step S9 in FIG. 30;
36 is a diagram showing a display example in step S67 of FIG. 35. FIG.
FIG. 37 is a diagram showing a display example of steps S71 and S73 in FIG. 35;
[Explanation of symbols]
29 CPU
37 ROM
Claims (5)
ことを特徴とする電子番組ガイド表示制御装置。An electronic program guide for selecting a program , wherein the electronic program guide display control device controls display of the electronic program guide including an image representing the program.
Image display control means for displaying a plurality of the images arranged in a band, and
Designation means for designating a predetermined program from the electronic program guide with a cursor ;
Determining means for determining whether the program specified by the cursor is a currently broadcasted program or a program to be broadcasted in the future;
In response to the determination result of the determination means, the program designated by the cursor, when it is the program currently being broadcast, to receive the program, the program designated by the cursor, is broadcast in the future When the program, the control means for controlling the display of the program specified by the cursor , so as to display more detailed information of the program ,
The image display control means further causes a title display unit to display a title of the program specified by the cursor
An electronic program guide display control device , characterized in that:
ことを特徴とする請求項1に記載の電子番組ガイド表示制御装置。2. The electronic program guide display control device according to claim 1, further comprising a reservation unit for making a reservation for receiving or recording the program when more detailed information of the program to be broadcasted in the future is displayed. .
ことを特徴とする請求項2に記載の電子番組ガイド表示制御装置。The method according to claim 1, wherein the control unit displays, when displaying the detailed information of the program reserved by the reservation unit, that the reception reservation or the recording reservation is performed. 3. The electronic program guide display control device according to 2.
ことを特徴とする請求項1に記載の電子番組ガイド表示制御装置。2. The electronic program guide display control device according to claim 1, further comprising an operation unit operated when directly displaying the detailed information of the program.
ことを特徴とする電子番組ガイド表示制御方法。An electronic program guide for selecting a program , wherein the electronic program guide display control method for controlling display of the electronic program guide including an image representing the program includes:
A plurality of the images are arranged in a band and displayed,
Designate a predetermined program from the electronic program guide with a cursor ,
Determine whether the program specified by the cursor is a program currently being broadcast or a program to be broadcast in the future,
When in response to the judgment result, the program specified by the cursor, when it is the program currently being broadcast, to receive the program, the program specified by the cursor, a program to be broadcast in the future, Controlling display of the program specified by the cursor, so as to display more detailed information of the program ;
An electronic program guide display control method, wherein a title of the program specified by the cursor is displayed on a title display unit.
Priority Applications (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
JP20775995A JP3562051B2 (en) | 1995-07-21 | 1995-07-21 | Electronic program guide display control apparatus and method |
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JP20775995A JP3562051B2 (en) | 1995-07-21 | 1995-07-21 | Electronic program guide display control apparatus and method |
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CN1245801C (en) * | 2000-07-18 | 2006-03-15 | 株式会社Ntt都科摩 | Program providing system |
CN100466697C (en) | 2003-04-03 | 2009-03-04 | 松下电器产业株式会社 | Active picture display device |
JP4703217B2 (en) * | 2005-02-28 | 2011-06-15 | 三菱電機株式会社 | Digital broadcast receiving method and apparatus |
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