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onsides: (Supernatural ⇒ Pink Dean)
Title: how am i supposed to live without you?
Fandom: Supernatural
Word count: 889
Characters/Pairing: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Rating: Adult
Tags: Episode: s05e02 Good God Y'all! (Supernatural), Hurt/Comfort, Crying, Slow Dancing, Songfic, One Shot, Protective Dean Winchester, Established Relationship, Dean Winchester can sing, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Angst, Sad Sam Winchester, yes the michael bolton song (hence the crack tag), Kissing, Sibling Incest

The lock on the motel's door clunks loudly in the early hours of morning. They were bone weary from demon tussling and grave digging. Emotions frayed from one too many close calls and the sorrowful conversation in the Impala that followed.

“Maybe it's best we just...go our separate ways.”

“Well, I think you're right.”

“…I was expecting a fight.”

Dean pulls out all the stops to get Sam to stay.

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[x-posted on ao3]
onsides: (Supernatural ⇒ Anna)
The way I've been absolutely OBSESSED with Supernatual these past two weeks. I don't know what lead to it but Emma and I watched two random episodes from season 10 while we were hanging out and then BOOM I'm suddenly on season 5 and fully lost in the sauce lol. I really wish I had given the show a bit more of a chance during the height of it all because teenage me would have loooved it (also having another fandom other than Harry Potter would have been great too lol)

So like I said, the sauce. I'm in it. The podcasts. The gifs. The fics. I'm thriving. (btw theres something soo special about fics from a fandom whose media has finished - the sandbox is soooo deep and full of treats and secrets!)

SPEAKING OF FICS! I have two new favorites that are as diametically opposed as you can get. First, I read (oh by the way I have a lot of ships for this show already but samdean is my main sooo fair warning. it's fiction.) Care and Keeping by fools_game on LJ. In this one, Sam gets turned into a cat!! And it is soo wonderfully sweet and heartwarming because Dean goes above and beyond to take care of cat!Sam on top of being so worried he'll never switch back. I really love how much personality the author gave Sam and the ending is so sweet as well!

Second and most devestating is Hate and Heartbreak by ItsJustResearch on ao3.
Lemme just give you the summary:

Dean finds out that Sam is in love with him. Dean is angry and disgusted. Sam is hurt and depressed. where does that leave the Winchesters? Sam POV.
“You know I would never do anything to you, right? I’m still the same Sam, Dean. The same little brother” Dean flinched. “...I was yesterday. I would never touch you or hurt you. Please just tell me you know that” he begged, his voice breaking, desparate.

....yeah. Absolutely. DEVESTATING. I've just spent the last two days with my eyes glued to my kindle, crying. The author did a fantastic job is really diving in the turmoil of this situation from both sides. It really lives up to it's title but don't worry, the ending it really lovely. It just such a wonderfully written story about some realities and the heartbreak and healing of them.

Welp, the mines (ao3) are a-calling! I'm ready to clock back in!


onsides: screencap credit - www.homeofthenutty.com (Default)

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