Displaying 1-3 of 3 results found.
Numbers n such that n through n+4 are divisible by the same number of distinct primes.
54, 91, 92, 115, 141, 142, 143, 144, 158, 205, 212, 213, 214, 215, 295, 301, 323, 324, 325, 391, 535, 685, 721, 799, 1135, 1345, 1465, 1535, 1711, 1941, 1981, 2101, 2215, 2302, 2303, 2304, 2425, 2641, 2664, 2714, 3865, 3912, 4411, 5450, 5461, 6354, 6505
SequencePosition[PrimeNu[Range[7000]], {x_, x_, x_, x_, x_}][[All, 1]] (* Harvey P. Dale, Jun 13 2022 *)
Numbers n such that n through n+6 are divisible by the same number of distinct primes.
141, 142, 212, 213, 323, 2302, 10280, 16682, 19052, 20212, 21195, 25779, 33332, 35118, 35164, 35202, 39693, 39694, 40269, 41390, 41780, 42342, 42410, 44360, 44361, 44362, 48919, 48920, 48921, 48922, 53734, 54349, 54350, 56014, 56015
Numbers n such that each of the 6 consecutive numbers n through n+5 has exactly two distinct prime factors.
91, 141, 142, 143, 212, 213, 214, 323, 324, 2302, 2303
Initial segment of A045934 is identical to this sequence but in A045934 the 12th term is divisible by 3 prime factors. Is the present sequence complete?
We're looking for at least 6 consecutive positive integers that each have exactly two distinct prime divisors. I.e. 6 consecutive positive integers m with omega(m) = 2. Now of exactly 6 consecutive integers, exactly one of them is divisible by 6, i.e. m is of the form 2*3*k. However m has exactly 2 distinct prime divisors, so k can only have prime divisors 2 or 3. Now, suppose m ends in 6 or higher. Then one of the consecutive integers is divisible by 10 = 2*5. I.e. it's of the form 2*5*t. Then t can only have prime divisors 2 and 5. (End)
This sequence has no run of four consecutive integers, since Eggleton and MacDougall prove that there are no more than 9 consecutive integers with A001221(k) = 2. They conjecture that A007774 contains no runs of 9 consecutive integers, and has only two runs of size 8 (at 141 and 212) and two maximal runs of size 7 (at 323 and 2302); they add that the maximal run of size 6 at 91 might be the only such run, so A088983 might be complete. - Roger Eggleton via Jason Kimberley, Jul 12 2017
Select[Range[3000], AllTrue[# + Range[0, 5], Length@FactorInteger[#] == 2 &] &] (* Giovanni Resta, May 09 2017 *)
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